#dc destiny yells about tv
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I do like you.
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I am afraid to write
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the stronger word."
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lilfellasblog · 3 years
I tried to choose a question but, I'm pretty interested in answers to all those tbh
You. I like you.
Talk about the first ship you ever had. - Tiencha (Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha), which is why I'm very sympathetic to those also suffering in rarepair hell.
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. Destiel, Tiencha, Analogical
What’s your current OTP? Oof, I think I gotta go Prinxiety! So much potential for angst with hurt/comfort.
What’s your current NOTP? You know, I honestly can't think of any tbh.
Do you have any poly ships? For my OTP question, I originally answered LAMP/CALM, so definitely that!
How do you feel about love triangles? I think they can be intriguing if done well. If there's cheating involved, it would be pretty difficult for me to feel sympathy for the cheater.
How do you feel about RPF? It's fine, do whatever you want. Fanfic has always been for fans, not for creators. Purity culture and entitlement needs to stop. It's like seeing a sign that says "Snapping Turtles", jumping in the pond anyways, then yelling at the people who put up the sign after you lose a couple pounds of flesh.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? Tbh, the closest I've gotten is wanting different characters to adopt me and take me from my home. But I don't think I've ever romantically shipped myself with someone.
Do you have many ships that never got together at all? *cries in All Of Them*
Do you ship any characters that have never met? Huh. I don't think so tbh.
Talk about your favorite first kiss. Well in college there was- Oh! You mean fictional characters! :3 I think Virgil's first kiss with Roman in Healing Broken Wings is my favorite.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? *cries in It's Never Happened*
Has a ship ever broken your heart? In fanfic? Yeah, I've read some sad endings before and that's usually not my jam.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they? I'm fine with it so long as it ends in "Yes they will!"
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Analogical, actually!
Talk about a ship you initially disliked. I think when Remus first appeared, I had a hard time imagining him with anyone because of what a gremlin he is. I've come around to the trash rat tho.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. Destiel.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. Season 6 of Supernatural. Destiel. >:(
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself? Kind of? I've done spite fics with spite ships.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. Tiencha, or Tien Shinhan/ Yamcha. They'd be so cute together!
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? Any ships that are part of fandoms I'm not in. I guess maybe Tony Stark/ Steve Rogers? They have such different values and ethics. They literally need a threat to the entire universe to come together.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Oh Analogical, easily. Royality too I think.
Which of your ships deserve better writing? Tiencha :(
Do you mostly ship canon pairings? Lmao no.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Yes I have! Crowley/ Aziraphale.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Not really, it's kind of all over the map.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? Tiencha.
Does shipping come easily to you? Yes, I am trash.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? Definitely not. I was a Potterhead, and I still don't really ship anything there.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Harry Potter, Marvel, DC Comics. I'm not in those fandoms tho.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. Roman is playfully protective of Virgil, and Virgil teases him by dramatically swooning.
Share five must-read fics. "Unexpected Destinies" was my first fic that I got into. Destiel fic, very complex and interesting AU. I think it got deleted during a LiveJournal purge tho. I got really into the "Battle Scars" series for a hot minute. Disabled Goku/ disabled Yamcha. "Perfect Attendance" by Periwren is great hurt/comfort starring Roman and Logan. "Welcome to the Neighborhood" by LeFay_Strent is absolutely hysterical. Shenanigans with Remy and Virgil, background Prinxiety, baffled Logan, it's a good time. And "War is Hell (but crushing is way more awkward)" by Jasper01 is incredible in so many ways! Funny, tragic, accurate, romantic, sweet, heartbreaking, all the things!
Name your favorite fanartist(s). So many fanartists have moved away from Sanders Sides, so I'm having a hard time thinking of many. To make sure I cover everyone, if there are any recs please let me know and I'll signal boost!
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. *Googles fanmix* It would appear I have none.
Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. Gosh, so many of the shipping blogs I follow have become inactive in the Sides fandom. So! If any of you shipping blogs would like a shout-out, lmk and I'll signal boost!
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Fic. So much fic.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? I mean I'm partial to Healing Broken Wings AU. As for trope, I'm a sucker for angst with hurt/comfort.
Do you like and use ship names? Definitely! Much faster to type.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? I'm taking the word "fictional" literally here, because there is someone I'm in unrequited love with that I'm working on dealing with and I would really love a relationship with this person even though I know any hope is fiction.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? Prinxiety, and that Roman would get some goshdang therapy!
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peppersandcats · 6 years
Well okay.
So I have just finished the Elseworlds crossover, and while there is a lot to say, I feel like geeking about stuff from a very specific perspective. It is the perspective of someone whose knowledge of DC comics is extremely patchy--as I may have mentioned before, I think I spent around twenty years knowing that J’onn J’onzz was a Martian, the last survivor of an ancient race, somewhat religious, and fond of Oreos.
(If you can figure out where I learned that information and only that information, congrats! It will come up again later.)
A decade-ish later, I learned he could shapeshift.
The whole “telepath who can credibly punch a Kryptonian” thing didn’t come up until sometime in the last couple of years.
Also: spoilers ahead.
So this is not a critical analysis; this is me squee-ing over things I think I have seen that remind me of other things. And I mean... maybe this is all totally obvious and everyone who’s been looking at the script and the character names knows it? Or maybe this is as purely a product of my own personal geekery/history as my inability to not read comics!Commander Cold as a Judge Dredd homage? I don’t know. But I’m happy.
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Mostly this is about the second and third episodes of Elseworlds, although in the first episode I did notice that they defeated Amazo by uploading a virus (at arrowpoint) through his eye, and in comics!Flashpoint he was deactivated by Plastic Man going in through his eye and plucking out his operating system (namely Ray Palmer). Is that a standard Amazo-coping tactic?
((also: holy crap comics!Flashpoint was grim.))
The Shakespeare head in Kate Kane’s office was a reference to the old Batman TV show, right? The Adam West one? They’d... pull on the head and the grandfather clock would slide sideways and they’d go down the Batpole and be in costume when they got to the Batcave, I think? (I laughed.)
I liked that Mark Guggenheim showed up as an inmate. Or his name did; I couldn’t pick him out of a lineup to tell you if he was in any of the shots.
I squeaked so hard when other!Barry (old-TV!Barry? who knows?) looked at John and was surprised he didn’t have a ring. John Diggle as a Green Lantern makes me happy. He would knock that out of the park. I like Diggle.
Also: Alex Danvers, badass on any Earth. I love Alex Danvers being a badass. I love that in the first season, you can see her going hand-to-hand with a Kryptonian, and a bunch of other DEA agents are just running past like “yep, it’s Agent Danvers, she’s got that, she’s fine”.
Was so pleased to see that the Book of Destiny was written in the Speed Force language. Of course it makes sense.
One thing I didn’t think was a reference, but that I loved about the third episode; all our main characters are in black-and-white. Mostly black. Just seeing those characters who are usually so damn bright in such utterly colourless outfits was a kind of lovely note about the setting. (Also, one thing I didn’t catch but that the LOML pointed out to me as we were watching: black-and-white Superman is Justice Lords Superman. (My understanding of Justice Lords comes secondhand from @demiurgent and can best be summed up as “those fascist versions of the Justice League that Billy Batson was absolutely not like”.))
Loved no-powers everyone's-a-criminal Barry and Ollie, too. Looking forward to fics. (Also, was I the only one looking at Barry and thinking he always looks like kind of a doof when he's dressed up as a criminal?)
I honestly wasn’t sure Barry wasn’t going to die. Partly that was the suspension of disbelief kicking in enough to make me ignore that we’ve got mumble more episodes this season and it’d probably be hard to miss Tumblr flipping out over the actor not being on contract or something. Partly that was... well, this season has been about Nora coping with Barry disappearing, and the skies were red which is a callback to That Headline from the time vault, and That Headline references the Crisis, and I have managed not to miss the fact that ?Monitor + Crisis + Barry running until he starts to fall apart can mean he dies. Like, there’s precedent. I didn’t think they’d kill both him and Kara, and wouldn’t kill just him on someone else’s show, but you know...
It was nice, to be unsure. It made them surviving even more awesome.
Also: props to you, Oliver Queen, for yelling loud enough that the Monitor actually decided to talk to you. I have suspicions about what you two talked about, and they are heavily related to your very bad habit of not telling people shit, but props.
But the big thing, for me, was Deegan.
(This ties back to where I first learnt about J’onn J’onzz.)
So. In the first ep, Deegan is a poorly-presented kind of dude who’s got unspecified but weird ideas about how to help his patients. Okay. That could be a “good intent, bad execution” kind of guy. He was going on about his patients feeling inferior, and about how to make people feel super without them actually being super. I legit thought he might have swapped Barry and Ollie because he wanted to see if letting someone be super would be safe, and thought that giving a hero superhero powers might be a small way to test it.
(Yeah, I’m a gentle optimist sometimes.)
But the second episode, man.
He’s from Arkham and has a history of being horrible to his patients. He’s wielding an object of Destiny to reshape reality. In fact, he’s wielding an object that might or might not be something the Monitor uses (hell if I know, I only vaguely figured there was a Monitor because I’d heard there was an Anti-Monitor), but that is called the Book of Destiny and is definitely looking like Destiny’s book in which all things are written.
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I’m sure there are other gigantic tomes in the DC universe, but that one is mine.
And I begin to hope that instead of John Deegan, I’m seeing Dr. John Dee. Doctor Destiny. I mean, we’ve got an Arkham inhabitant who got his hands on a reality-rewriting artifact belonging to one of the Endless and is making himself a god and making things horrible-- that’s him, right?
And then he gets affected at the end of the third episode, and... yeah, I’m going with that being him.
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Dr. John Dee is (for me) from the first Sandman graphic novel, which I loved very much; the issue “24 Hours” was probably the high point of my introduction to horror comics that were not of the EC genre or gloppy adaptations of public-domain short-stories. (Not that there’s anything wrong with EC. (I... I’m now envisioning Dr. John Dee as drawn by Ghastly Graham Ingels, and I may need to lie down a moment. That’s approaching Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark levels of creep factor.))
(My introduction to J’onn J’onzz was also from the first Sandman graphic novel. Like two pages in which I saw him interact with Dream and Scott Free.)
But yeah. For the longest time, the only DC I read was some Batman and some Vertigo, and Sandman was the reason I read Vertigo. And I haven’t read a lot of it in years and I still remember it, and I got to see part of it on the small screen.
And 2019: I’m holding out for the Eye Guy. Don’t disappoint me.
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callunavulgari · 5 years
Scrapbook 2019 | Pt III
I can’t fucking edit my post because this website is crap, so we get a part three even though there’s only two more months to 2019. But whatever, I’m not bitter or anything.
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read one hundred books this year (finished!), finish five video games (finished!), write something novel-length (not so much, does it count if I wrote a novel’s worth of short stories in October?) and write something original (technically done? don’t know if I want to count a snippet that didn’t even hit 1k). These last two goals CAN be combined (I might try NaNo this year, so we will see).
Part I: January-July Part II: August-October
The King
(V For Vendetta)
(Avengers: Endgame)
(Beauty and the Beast: Enchanted Christmas)
Frozen 2
(Winnie the Pooh)
Journey to the Sun
(Aladdin: Return of Jafar)
Hotel Artemis
(The Santa Claus)
(Star Wars: A New Hope)
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
(Love Actually)
The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi [Fin]
Words of Radiance | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
Oathbringer | Brandon Sanderson
The Hating Game | Sally Thorne [Fin]
Again, But Better | Christine Riccio [Fin]
The Queen of Nothing | Holly Black [Fin]
North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell
Oathbringer | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
Snow, Glass, Apples | Neil Gaiman, Colleen Doran [Fin]
North and South | Elizabeth Gaskell [Fin]
The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern [Fin]
There There | Tommy Orange [Fin]
The Secret Commonwealth | Philip Pullman
The Library of the Unwritten | A.J. Hackwith [Fin]
The Penumbra Podcast s3, Eps 2-3
The Magnus Archives Eps 160
King Falls AM Eps 11-30
Adventure Zone Moonlighting Pt 1
(Zero Hours: When the Beat Drops)
The Magnus Archives Q&A
Outliers s1, ep 1
King Falls AM Eps 31-34
Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural, s6
His Dark Materials, s1
She-Ra, s4
(Gargoyles, s1)
South Park
Rick & Morty, s4
Star vs the Forces of Evil s1, s2
The Flash, s4
The Dragon Prince, s4
The Mandalorian
Star Wars: Rebels, s1
His Dark Materials, s1
The Mandalorian
The Dragon Prince, s4
The Untamed
The Good Place, s3
The Witcher, s1***
The Great British Bake Off, s7
Assassin’s Creed: Origins (10 hours)
Death Stranding (10 hours)
Pokemon: Shield (20 hours)
Pokemon: Shield (20 hours)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2 hours)
The Sun Dog by ambiguously | Star Wars | Finn/Ren/Rey | 5k | Finn and Rey, with their semi-prisoner Kylo Ren, attempt to meet up with the Resistance on a planet that has been taken over by monsters.
Seeing Ghosts by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 4.5k | Ryan blames the entire thing on temporary insanity.
silver in our lungs by taywen | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk Lord | 3.6k | The marks had been with Miryem for as long as she could remember. 
sing all your questions to sleep by Wildehack (tyleet) | The Magnus Archives | Martin/Jon | 1.5k | Jon, Martin, and Basira take a breath.
as ordinary things often do by lymricks | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 4k | Max is yelling out the window, “She means like, two weeks--” before they’re turning around the corner and--And Steve is standing on the front steps of Billy Hargrove’s house, keys jingling in his palm, thinking what the fuck?
on hairpins by Lirazel | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Gen | 3k | When the citizens of Attolia complain that the Thief of Eddis is a terrible influence on their queen, they have no way of knowing the truth of their own words.
the umbrella by Wildehack (tyleet) | The Magnus Archives | Martin/Jon | 4.6k | "And to think—all of Jonah Magnus’ carefully laid plans, the centuries of scheming, the murders, the sacrifices, all of that work could have been completely undone if Martin Blackwood had gone back for an umbrella"
you got me begging, begging, i'm on my knees by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 5k | (or, that struggle when you're a guard who's in love with your rulers and it turns out you would kind of like it if they bossed you around a little)
rumour has it by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 1.5k | “Costis, what in the name of the gods happened? I have heard from five separate people that you have a secret sweetheart who you went to meet on your day off.”
Home Was A Dream by impertinence | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 3k | Lunch, a mysterious fruit, revelations, and sex. In that order.
Well Loved by SerenadeStrong (ninja_orange) | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 3.5k | Gen finally convinces Costis to sleep with his wife.
and so begins by romanoff | Marvel | Steve/Tony | 8k | After Tony's death, Steve is adrift. He carries Tony's body, and thinks: I never said thank you.
something more alive than silence by pageleaf | The Queen’s Thief | Costis/Attolia/Eugenides | 21k | It was a good thing that six months after the king had promised to halve the guard, he still hadn’t done it, because since then, there had been two attempts on the king’s life.
Covenant by liesmyth | Stormlight Archive | Kaladin/Adolin | 9k | Adolin had never imagined he’d meet his match like this, on the dusty streets of Sadeas’s warcamp - or that it would be a bridgeman of all people, defiance clear in his dark brown eyes.
How Do You Catch a Storm and Pull It Down? by liadan14 | Stormlight Archive | Kaladin/Adolin/Shallan | 4k | It takes Shallan approximately two months after the wedding to realize that she is an idiot.
Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby | Shades of Magic | 9k | Holland travels with Lila and Kell. Somewhere along the way, they reach an equilibrium.
waiting for the sunlight by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved | 18k | Sara had always known, growing up as both an only child and a princess, that she would likely not marry for love. 
Fifty Shades of Gold by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 21k | That’s his official position: he’s over Ricky Goldsworth.Shane’s unofficial position, regrettably, is that he’d rather be under Ricky Goldsworth.
(these things take time by sonhoedesrazao | Les Mis | Enjolras/Grantaire | 63k | He’s always wary of making assumptions; even more so when Grantaire is concerned. He knows he’s not the easiest person to deal with. People either like him or can’t stand him, and it’s easy to respond to those reactions, but Grantaire—Grantaire is hostile and mocking, Grantaire scorns his beliefs, and Grantaire stays.)
Begin the Begin, Over and Over by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 33k | Shane only agrees to be handcuffed to Ryan for a video because he can put up with anything for twenty-four hours. That’s the funny thing about time loops, though—they don’t always adhere to the parameters set by clickbait videos.
When I Fall to Rise by lc2l | Thor | Loki/Thor | 41k | Loki wakes up to ship alarms blaring, the air full of ash and Valkyrie saying she brought him back because she needs his help. She's captaining a small emergency vessel containing the last handful of Asgardians desperately looking for a place to call home. And she's having to do it sober.
From Orbit by astolat | Star Wars | Leia/Han/Luke | 4k | “You’ve got to quit doing this,” Han said.
Charioteer by petrichoral | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 14k | Captured in battle and stuck in the Mede capital, Costis has given up all hope of seeing his country again. But Eugenides has a habit of turning up where he's least expected.
ready if it happens with you by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 4k | It’s not a thing. Ryan’s just a little… touch-starved. Intimacy-starved.
I fancied you’d return the way you said by ambiguously | Star Wars | Reylo | 3k | No one else can see him. Rey is used to that.
i kill giants by diasterisms | Star Wars | Reylo | WIP | 7k | "Rey Skywalker?" There's a vaguely sardonic twist to the corner of his mouth. "Does that make you my cousin now?"
MARVEL/DC - Runnin
(GoT) Daenerys Targaryen | Meant To Fall
Game of Thrones | Never Wanted to Leave
young god.. (multifandom)
Poison & Wine | Ben and Rey
Multifandom ][ Glitter & Gold
rules of nature [multifandom amv]
what's up danger [Death Stranding]
Kylo Ren || Destiny
star wars || blue monday
K[L]AUS | High Enough
2019 Movie Trailer Mashup
Reylo | My Love Will Never Die [tros spoilers] Rey & Ben
Reylo | Dusk Till Dawn [+TROS Spoilers]
Multifandom Mashup 2019
Frozen 2 Soundtrack
Les Mis Soundtrack
Spotify Unwrapped 2019
Reylo Playlist
open the walls, play with your dolls | Coraline | Coraline/Wybie | 2,886 words | Halloween at the Pink Palace is a lot like any other time of year.
yule gift #2 - 4,639 words [fin]
yule gift #1 - 1,267 words [unfinished]
yule gift #2 - 4,639 words [fin]
Somebody to Die For - a Reylo playlist
0 notes
sensitivefern · 8 years
Juvenile delinquency: there is now quite a gang that, when the boys have motorcycles, travels from own to town. I found them all congregated one night on the corner and on my lawn... they slipped in the back door and stole the remnants of a pint of whisky. Later on, I found three boys drinking beer and drunk on the front porch. I appeared to them with the old gun that the Civil War collector in Boonville had offered to buy as a relic, and they immediately took to their heels... They have done a good deal of robbing and wrecking – have been breaking the windows in old ladies’ houses... Of course, in a place like T’ville, there is little for the young people to do, no place for them to go and amuse themselves. But it is no different in the bigger towns and the cities... Early in the summer, one of Walter Edmond’s cows was shot... The poor cow was running around the field, bleeding, and died. Sullivan’s poster was torn down, but it was done by these kids – no political significance whatever.
[Edmund Wilson]
The publication of Wilson’s notebooks, The Twenties, from which the Anna sections of Hecate County are taken almost verbatim, show his sexual scorecards mingled as if naïvely with landscape descriptions and intellectual ruminations and the anecdotes of his rather silly upper-class friends... America seemed incorrigibly alien to Wilson, though fascinating, and intrinsic to his destiny. Like Dante, he is a tourist engagé... America has always tolerated sex as a joke, as a night’s prank in the burlesque theatre or fairground tent; but not as a solemn item in life’s working inventory. It was Wilson’s deadly earnest, his unwinking naturalistic refusal to release us into farce, the made Hecate County in all its dignity and high intent the target of a (successful!) prosecution for obscenity.
[John Updike]
Pentas ‘Butterflies are irresistibly drawn to pentas flowers, flying from one cluster to another, poking them excitedly with their proboscises’... long hot summers are a blessing to Pentie; it can take the droughts without whining... propagate by seed and cuttings... pinch to keep them compact...
shiso | Perilla All varieties make excellent container plants; they are easy on the eyes, and even the ‘dead skeletons’ provide post-frost interest... the fancy ‘coleus’-like varieties tend to be genetically unstable – and sterile for the most part...
‘Today’s petunias deserve a top spot on anyone’s list of favorite container plants... Whether in a hanging basket of combopot, they keep on comin’’... the plants with the comeliest flowers are the ones that are right for ‘you’... ‘Cultural tip: observe the Big Three for petunias, namely sun, water, and fertilizer. Older, stringier plants can be rejuvenated by cutting them back and providing the Big Three. Don’t be surprised if your petunias hold on through the first frosts of fall or if volunteer seedlings come up next year’.
[Encyclopedia of Container Plants]
❚Remembering the Obamas’ Food Legacy
Gambian leader, who once vowed to rule 1 billion years, flees into exile BANJUL, Gambia -- Gambia’s defeated leader Yahya Jammeh and his family headed into political exile Saturday night, ending a 22-year reign of fear and a post-election political standoff that threatened to provoke a regional military intervention when he clung to power.
Why are we feeding cows Skittles? A headline about a traffic accident reveals a surprising trend. ...I get a bit dizzy trying to connect the dots, but this is the complicated thought going through my mind: Candy is cheaper than corn to feed to cattle. However, a main ingredient in a lot of sugary candy is corn syrup (or high fructose corn syrup), which is made from corn — the ingredient that's too expensive to feed to cattle. Corn is the one of government's most subsidized crops — farmers are paid to grow it — yet for a cattle farmer, the price is so high they forgo corn for candy, made from corn. It's a big dizzying circle, isn't it? It's just an example of our complicated food system that makes my mind reel. Today it's reeling because a truck accidentally lost a shipment of Skittles on its way to becoming cattle feed. And it's not a joke.
Corgi hops in excitement over chicken toy Sad corgi puppy after toy falls down stairs. Corgi takes a bath
Mark Gastineau’s stunning admission that he has been diagnosed with multiple brain diseases is the latest cautionary tale for parents intro...
Maggie Roche, Who Led a Harmonic Trio of Singing Sisters, Dies at 65 The singer and songwriter released albums from the 1970s into the 2000s, but she was best known for her melodic work with siblings Terre and Suzzy.
BAM! Watch This Smug Donald Trump-Loving Neo-Nazi Get Punched In The Face On Inauguration Day!
French translators have had a tough time translating Donald Trump’s speeches into the language of Molière.
TV Ratings For Donald Trump's Inauguration Were Tiny! Low Energy President! No Viewers — Sad!
Forget Trump and his inauguration. Someone has stolen wild cabbages from a nature reserve. That's right folks, the REAL news always happens in Kent
White House Press Secretary Lies and Yells at Media. It’s Day 2 of the Trump Presidency.
Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared uninterested in the pomp and circumstance in Washington, DC, on Friday. The German leader opted to take in the Monets at a new museum opening in Potsdam just outside Berlin rather than watch the inauguration of President Donald Trump. With the characteristic aloofness with which she has approached Trump since his election victory, Merkel made no statement regarding the day's events. Instead, her spokesman Steffen Seibert said merely that her team would "study with interest" the president's inaugural address.
0 notes
To everyone who is upset at Aziraphale for acting the way he did when Crowley kissed him, for forgiving him, I say to you:
Do you think he did that because he wanted to?
Listen to Aziraphale say “I need you!” and tell me this angel isn’t hopelessly and desperately in love with this demon. Look at Aziraphale’s hands during the kiss. He wanted nothing more than to take Crowley in his arms and kiss him back. But that would have gotten them both in a lot of trouble.
Crowley is already risking serious trouble, but there’s something Aziraphale can do to prevent that, even if it breaks his heart.
He has to acknowledge that what Crowley did was Not Allowed.
So by “I forgive you,” Aziraphale was saying “I forgive you, because according to both of our sides, you did something wrong, and I don’t want you to get in trouble because I love you.”
And by “Don’t bother,” Crowley was saying “Do not forgive me because I have done nothing wrong, I am not sorry and I would do it again because I love you.”
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Every Day: On Aziraphale
Obviously MAJOR spoilers ahead! Click keep reading at your own risk.
Let's get the elephant in the room out of the way first. I am not angry at Aziraphale for his decision. I don't agree with it, obviously, but I understand why he made the choice he did.
In Aziraphale's mind, there could not be a better course of events than them both returning to Heaven as angels. It would solve pretty much every problem and worry (Aziraphale feels) they had ever had. They would both have their jobs back, both be working for the Good Guys, he would be able to use his new position of power to fix the flaws in Heaven, and, most importantly, they would be together, without any of the fear that had been looming over them for the past six thousand years.
Aziraphale is perfectly aware that they are also being offered safety. With Aziraphale as Supreme Archangel and Crowley as his second in command, they could be freely and openly together and in love for the first time in their entire relationship. Which is why he tries so desperately to convince him to go with him, being the most upfront and honest about his feelings for him than he has ever been before. "We can be together!" "I need you!" He believed so much that he could change Crowley's mind for the sake of them being together that he wouldn't accept that Crowley's answer was "no" until Crowley was out the door, until it was too late.
Additionally, we now know that Crowley and Aziraphale did know each other before Crowley Fell, and this adds a whole new layer to Aziraphale's decision. He remembers the angel Crowley used to be, the angel full of joy and smiles, who loved creating beautiful things, who absolutely adored being an angel. Aziraphale loves Crowley, and he would love to see him that happy again. That coupled with the fact that Aziraphale can probably, like us, tell that Crowley misses being an angel leads him to believe that going back to Heaven would be a no-brainer for Crowley. So he is not prepared in the least for Crowley to want absolutely nothing to do with the idea. He can't fathom why anyone would willingly stay on the "bad" side when they had a choice. The question Aziraphale asks of Crowley is "Why would you choose to be Evil when you could be Good?" But what Aziraphale doesn't understand is that that's not the choice Crowley is making here. He's not choosing Evil over Good. He's choosing himself over the whole system, the system that Aziraphale still has hope can be fixed.
And that's where the Metatron comes in. I fully believe that the Metatron manipulated Aziraphale to get him to agree to come with him. We don't get to see all of his conversation with Aziraphale, but we can see that he brings Aziraphale a coffee (trying to get his foot in the door), reassures him that "I've ingested things in my time," that his humanly habit of consuming Earthly food and drink is nothing to be ashamed of (again trying to get his foot in the door by keeping Aziraphale comfortable around him as well as likening himself to him), and pays him compliments that are frankly out of character considering Heaven has regarded Aziraphale as a traitor since the averted Armageddon. But, most damning of all, in my opinion, is the Metatron telling Aziraphale that he could restore Crowley to angelic status. Before this point, Aziraphale was not keen on the idea, even saying point-blank that he doesn't want to go back to Heaven. But the Metatron (like pretty much everybody at this point) knows that Aziraphale is in love with Crowley. He knows Crowley is his perfect leverage, especially since, I believe, he knows that Crowley would never agree to come back to Heaven and he would never have suggested it if he didn't know that Crowley would reject it. His glare at Crowley on his way out the door is enough for us to see his contempt for him, his asking Aziraphale "how did he take it?" seems like strange wording to me (Not "what did he say?" or "what does he think?" Normally you "take" something you don't want to hear, implying the Metatron anticipated Crowley's reaction), and his remark after Crowley leaves that he was "always asking damn fool questions" shows us more of that contempt as well as an attempt to convince Aziraphale that "screw him he's stupid anyway you don't need him." So there you go. The Metatron uses Crowley to get Aziraphale to agree to come back to Heaven, sits back and watches as they both break each other's hearts, swoops back in to pick up the pieces, and now has an angel feeling very vulnerable and alone ready to be escorted back up to Heaven.
I would honestly compare Aziraphale to a cult victim. He's essentially been brainwashed. For countless millennia he has been conditioned to see Heaven as the one and only Good Side, and the angels as the end-all-be-all Good Guys. After everything that's happened over the last six thousand years (the last few years especially), Aziraphale now obviously knows that's not entirely true, but even so, he still has the mindset of two sides, Heaven Good and Hell Evil. And so to be welcomed back to the Good Side with open arms when he's at such a low, to be entrusted with power and recognition by the Voice of God undoubtedly feels reassuring, even though I am positive something small deep inside him is whispering to him that something about this is not right.
More than anything, Aziraphale believes in Goodness. It's quite literally the very core of his being. He wholeheartedly believes that the system is capable of being fixed and that he can be the one to fix it. And not only that he can, that, if he has the chance to, he has to. It's his duty as a being of Good.
Brokenhearted Aziraphale is too stubborn convicted in his values to turn down the chance to change Heaven for the better, and with the bookshop being entrusted to Muriel and, most importantly, without Crowley, he doesn't have much keeping him on Earth anymore.
In the end, it's a combination of Aziraphale's steadfast values and principles, his genuine and unwavering desire to do Good, and Heaven's indoctrination and manipulation of him that leads Aziraphale to leave Earth and Crowley behind and return to Heaven.
Exactly to what end the Metatron wants Aziraphale as Supreme Archangel, I don't know. That's for Season Three to tell us. We'll just have to wait and see.
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I really hate the Metatron’s use of the term “de facto” when describing Aziraphale and Crowley’s partnership
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He’s basically saying “well we all know you don’t actually have a real relationship with him you just work with him to the end result of Getting Things Done and that’s the only reason why it looks like you have a relationship”
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“Tell me you said no.”
“Tell me you said no.”
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I love Mary Bonnet’s reaction to when Stede says “His name is Ed” because her facial expression is a combination of “I’m very happy for you” and “Yeah, that explains a lot”
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So my wonderful @uncapedcru5ader pointed out something interesting that I had never noticed before while we were watching Good Omens together:
For the entirety of episode 5 and about half of 6, Crowley stops calling Aziraphale "angel" and starts referring to him only by his actual name.
The first time (chronologically) that Crowley calls Aziraphale "angel" (at least as far as we can know) is during the French Revolution.
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So since at least 1793, Crowley has always called Aziraphale "angel". (Except for one time, a very serious time, when he calls him to talk about the beginning of the end of the world.)
And then - they have a fight. And he stops.
Episode 4: Saturday Morning Funtime.
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"I'm going home, angel. I'm getting my stuff and I'm leaving. And when I'm off in the stars, I won't even THINK about you."
That was the last time (for a while) that Crowley called Aziraphale "angel."
In the bookshop fire, he calls him Aziraphale.
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When he sees him again after thinking he was gone forever, he calls him Aziraphale.
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Every time he refers to him, its not "angel", it's "Aziraphale."
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Crowley doesn't call him "angel" again until it's (mostly) over, after Armageddon’t.
This is unusual behavior for someone who has been calling his lover friend the same pet name nickname for over 200 years. So why the change?
It's not that he doesn’t want to call him "angel" in front of other people. He's done that loads of times before, and, frankly, they have more important things to worry about then.
It’s not that he’s too mad at Aziraphale to call him a pet name nickname. As seen above and in 1862, he calls him “angel” even during their fights.
No, Crowley’s worried that they aren’t there anymore. He’s worried that Aziraphale really meant it when he said “it’s over”, that he isn’t his angel anymore and is just Aziraphale now.
I am sure that while Crowley was drowning his sorrows after the fire, the last thing he said to Aziraphale kept playing over and over in his mind. Crowley has a temper. He says things he doesn’t mean when he gets angry. He knows that that was a complete lie.
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But Aziraphale doesn’t.
Even after the discorporated Aziraphale shows up, Crowley has got to be thinking: “Damn it, I really screwed it up this time. I’ve hurt my best friend and he’s probably still mad at me. Probably the only reason he’s still associating with me is because he needs my help to save the world.”
If you ask me, Aziraphale showing up was the only reason Crowley left that bar to go save it. If Aziraphale needed his help to save the world, than by god satan, Crowley was going to pull himself together and help him save it, whether Aziraphale was mad at him or not. Because, to him, a world with Aziraphale in it was a world worth fighting to save.
But I digress.
So Crowley pulls himself together. He’s not exactly sure where he stands with Aziraphale, but they work together to try to save the world. And the entire time, Crowley doesn’t call him “angel”, because, as far as he knows, Aziraphale is still mad at him.
And then - they win. They stand against horsemen, their respective bosses, and even Satan himself, and they win. That night, after they’ve saved the world together, Crowley and Aziraphale sit at a bus stop. It’s dark and quiet and it’s just the two of them. And Crowley tests the waters.
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He gently, ever so gently tries to nudge Aziraphale and himself back to where they were. He doesn’t growl “We’re on our side”, like at the bandstand, he doesn’t plead with Aziraphale to go off with him. He softly remarks that they have their own side now, and offers to let him stay with him, if Aziraphale wants.
For once in his life, Crowley is moving slowly.
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And Aziraphale appreciates it and accepts him.
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I guess this is the first Hannibal headcanon I've ever come up with, so here it is. I got to thinking about Hannibal's and Chilton's offices, and comparing and contrasting them, and here's what I think.
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I think Chilton either hired a decorator to decorate his office or found all of his various paintings and ornamental objects at estate sales or antique stores and picked them up because he thought they looked nice and would make his office look more professional and elegant.
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Whereas Hannibal's office, I believe, is more understated and deliberate. Every object in the room, every painting, every decorative sculpture, probably every book, has a story behind it, and Hannibal remembers them all; how, where, and from whom Hannibal procured them, and why he keeps them where he does.
Basically, Chilton's office gives off a bit of the appearance of a tryhard, where Hannibal's seems more intentional and effortlessly refined.
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Asdfhjksl I just
Edward "I Don't Deserve Nice Things" Teach
Stede "I'll Never Be Good Enough No Matter How Hard I Try" Bonnet
They deserve each other
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Okay let's talk about LDSK for a second here
And how freaking smart Aaron Hotchner is
Situation: two disarmed FBI agents: Aaron Hotchner and Dr. Spencer Reid, several hostages, SWAT about to burst in, and one unsub: Philip Dowd, with a gun and a plan to go out in a hail of bullets, taking as many down with him as he can.
As Gideon says, Hotch is an extremely experienced profiler, and an accurate profile is a better weapon than a gun. So this is what Hotch does. This entire plan hinges on the profile and his communication with his teammate, Reid.
He knows Dowd is arrogant with a god complex and blames his shortcomings on those around him instead of taking responsibility for his own actions. So he gains his trust and respect by feeding his ego, saying things like "you're the smartest guy in every room you've ever been in and no one's ever known it. People feel threatened by you and try to sabotage you every chance they get." Which exactly reaffirms Dowd's perception of himself, causing him to like Hotch more and take what he has to say seriously.
Then, to further this, he lets him think that he is just like him by showing annoyance with Reid and blaming him for the situation he's in ("They sent me in here with an unarmed kid who can't shoot his way out of a wet paper bag." "He failed his qualification. Twice a year I gotta hear him whine about requalifying so I tutor him and he fails again.") Dowd understands the (perceived) feeling of being constantly bogged down by incompetent people around him, so when Hotch asks to be allowed to "kick the snot out of this kid," Dowd agrees, (as Hotch knew he would) because he knows that he would want to do the same thing.
The next phase of Hotch's plan all depends on Reid. Hotch intends to pass him the gun holstered on his ankle (that Dowd didn't know he has), having already moved the hostages by the doors and out of the line of fire, and have Reid shoot Dowd before SWAT bursts in and likely gets a lot of people killed in the crossfire.
Reid lets on later that he figured out Hotch's plan the minute he moved the hostages out of his line of fire. So Hotch could probably feel him trying to get the gun right away. This is what he says then, with a filter of frustration and anger over it:
"It's front sight, trigger press, follow through."
Exactly what he told Reid when he was tutoring him for his firearms qualification.
He was reminding him of what to do to get that perfect shot.
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And it worked.
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Something Interesting I Noticed in "The Great Game"
Sherlock (despite the infuriating queerbaiting) is undoubtedly a very good show with very good writing. And I've recently noticed something very clever towards the end of Series 1, Episode 3: "The Great Game".
Spoilers ahead (duh)
In the pool scene, right after John reveals himself wired up with bombs and Moriarty telling him what to say through an earpiece, John, or rather Moriarty, says something quite odd.
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"Gottle o' gear, gottle o' gear, gottle o' gear."
When I first watched the episode, I had no idea what that meant. But, just recently, I randomly learned a fun fact that made me understand.
It's a ventriloquy joke.
See, the "b" sound is one of the most difficult to make without moving your lips, since they pretty much have to touch to make the sound. So it's a common thing for beginner ventriloquists to replace the "b" sound with the "g" sound. "Gottle o' gear" is a known joke making fun of the way an unskilled ventriloquist would say "bottle of beer".
Moriarty was calling John his ventriloquist's dummy and rubbing it in Sherlock's face.
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And it was working.
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