#ddadds game
extravagrant · 2 years
Fight me I dare you
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cassius-the-kitten · 7 months
General Headcanons (DDADDS x Reader)
warnings: just a lot of x reader fluff, also swearing in some sections, also some alcohol mentions
Pairings: Brian Harding x Reader, Hugo Vega x Reader, Robert Small x Reader, Mat Sella x Reader
Brian Harding
Brian loves to cook, even if he’s better at grilling. he will cook you bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes every morning. it’s honestly a miracle that nothing ends up burnt, because he does it all at once like some sort of multitasking magician.
he may be a general contractor, but he’s got Very clumsy hands. nothing in his house is glass or ceramic because he WILL drop it. it’s all plastic cups from here on out.
thankfully he is very, very careful and extra mindful when he cooks. to the point where you shouldn’t have a conversation with him during his cooking because he will have a hard time keeping up with you due to the 5 million other things he is doing.
his dadbook profile isn’t wrong. he thinks a lot about how much smarter Daisy is than him.
but in Daisy’s defense, Brian is a himbo, through and through.
he cannot get any social cues ever and is absolutely clueless when someone obviously has a crush on him. he’s the type of guy to think you’re just being nice to him when you’re flirting.
he genuinely just likes having friendly competition, he has no clue why the dadsona seems to hate him and is getting so frustrated with losing.
and Brian’s autistic, which actually makes a lot of sense because of him missing every social cue ever.
over half of his wardrobe is button-up shirts and cargo shorts of various colors. he actually wearing socks and sandals… and even crocs. thankfully he sometimes has the decency to wear normal sneakers or even boots outside.
if you get him a button-up shirt, he will love you forever. he basically collects them.
believe it or not, but Brian was born in Florida. his parents just decided to move up to Massachusetts when he was little. his parents have since then moved back down to Florida for retirement. he and Daisy visit them sometimes for the winter holidays. one time they made the mistake of visiting during summer, and have never visited Florida in summertime since then due to the heat.
he is a very warm man. not just when he’s sleeping. he is a furnace. if you hug him for long enough, you will be sweaty by the time you come out of it.
his love language is physical affection. he just loves to pick up people and hug them and cuddle them whenever it’s socially acceptable to do so.
he’s like a dog sometimes. if you have a job and you get home after he does, he will be ECSTATIC and like Maxwell, will immediately come up to the door to greet you with kisses and hugs.
and like a grizzly bear, he’s pretty fond of fish. Brian just prefers whitefish like cod or haddock to salmon, but he’ll eat pretty much anything you put in front of him.
unless it’s spicy. Brian cannot handle any spice hotter than black pepper. on good days he can eat some semi-spicy chicken wings and enjoy himself, but only if he has a lot of water and coleslaw on hand to eat with it.
Brian actually likes piña coladas. it’s his favorite alcoholic drink besides beer, and it’s usually his second choice if he’s got a sweet tooth that day. but he doesn’t drink that often, actually.
honestly, he’s probably gone to Margaritaville with Joseph at one point. Joseph kinda meant it as a date but Brian had no clue and was so oblivious that Joseph thought that it was on-purpose in a passive-aggressive manner.
Hugo Vega
Hugo is autistic and his special interests are wrestling and literature. Ernest is also autistic. i will die on this hill
sometimes he writes a bit of poetry in his spare time, though he’s quite insecure about it so he has never shown it to anyone. a lot of them have allusions to other pieces of literature or wrestling.
the poetry writing is funny because i imagine that when he was first put into a poetry course in highschool he probably Hated it because he just couldn’t pick up much on the metaphors and the tone of the piece (just like me fr). but later in his life Hugo definitely gained an appreciation for poetry and started to write a bit of it after the divorce just to deal with his feelings.
he’s always willing to give constructive criticism. to anyone. sometimes he comes off as judgemental when he does that and he doesn’t realize it
Hugo speaks Spanish fluently, and knows a little bit of French. he actually grew up speaking Spanish and English in a bilingual household because his parents immigrated from Mexico.
he also celebrates Día de los Muertos and has since he was a child. it is his favorite holiday due to the symbolism, even if he ends up just celebrating it from home with Ernest. it’s actually one of the few things they still bond over — just decorating, making food, and Hugo going over some family history with Ernest.
this man works hard to keep his house as clean as possible. and he works hard to try and get Ernest to clean his room, which works maybe half the time. sometimes Hugo caves in and can’t help but to go in there and clean it himself if it gets bad and Ernest is out. he makes sure to try and put everything back where he found it, unless it was on the floor. then he puts it on Ernest’s bed.
Hugo isn’t much of a movie or TV show type of guy, unless they are an adaptation of a book. then he reads the book and then watches the movie\TV show. then he writes a review of it to get his thoughts and feelings out, and he Will send it to you if he trusts you enough. but only if you’ve watched it. Hugo believes heavily in the sanctity of not giving out unwanted spoilers.
he’s got a guilty pleasure of watching bad horror movies. this is canon. go replay Hugo’s second date and you will find this piece of dialogue which i hold near to my heart.
he can’t really handle good horror movies. horror movies that are good at scaring people, anyway.
he could probably crush a watermelon between his thighs. or his arms. if you ask him if he could crush a watermelon, he would be Very confused because he doesn’t know the trend(? was it a trend or did i imagine that???)
“…what? Why would I want to crush a watermelon between my thighs? I don’t like watermelon. Neither does Ernest. Honestly, I don’t know the last time he’s ever willingly eaten a vegetable or fruit.”
but then he’d be very surprised if you showed him videos of people doing it. he’d just stare with interest, impressed by the muscles.
if you manage to do it, he’ll actually start blushing so hard that he has to try and hide his face.
speaking of, he actually does try to hide his face a lot when he realizes he’s blushing. it’s very cute because he also can’t hold back a very embarrassed smile when he does so.
Mat Sella
Mat’s kind of a punk, alternative, and rock music guy, but he also really likes R&B, indie, and even some of those catchy pop songs.
his handwriting is very, very neat and pretty. he writes in cursive a lot, but only because he thinks it’s pretty and he’s just used to writing in it a lot.
he takes very, very good care of his hair. he also is the one mainly taking care of Carmensita’s hair, since she has a general disregard for taking the leaves and twigs out of it after she plays outside. so Mat is the one doing hair clean-up duty all the time.
he also cleans Carmensita’s glasses after she comes inside after playing. because she refuses to clean her glasses.
thankfully, Mat is good at cleaning and likes to clean. obviously he bakes almost every other day for both the Coffee Spoon and himself. music is playing on the record player while he’s baking or cleaning, unless he’s doing some late-night cleaning when Carmensita is asleep; that’s one of the few times he wears headphones in the house
he takes headphones with him everywhere he goes, though. he has a little bowl next to the front door with his keys and headphones in it so he doesn’t forget them
he loves coffee, to say the least. he brews a cup every morning, it’s almost like a ritual to him at this point. he just enjoys the process and relishes in it every day. it’s almost like it’s own type of therapy for him.
if it turns out that you don’t like coffee, however — he will act like a normal person and say “oh, okay” and just not make you drink coffee. he’s a little disappointed that he won’t be able to share his morning coffee time with both of you having a cup.
but if you at all try to join him on his coffee time with your own drink, just sitting in the morning and soaking up the sunlight and happy silence, he’ll be over the moon sharing that time.
we all know that he has the tendency to talk too much when he’s anxious, so moments like these where you’re just sitting together, mostly silent, is his favorite.
Mat just isn’t much of a talker when he’s super comfortable. so cuddling will be pretty quiet, too.
Mat grew up with cats, and absolutely adores them to the point where he is so tempted to turn the Coffee Spoon into a cat cafe. the only reason he hasn’t adopted any cats is because each time he is confronted with the idea he is incapable of making any decision and gets anxious.
but if you like cats, you’re totally getting a cat together. especially if you give him any kind of confidence when you’re around, like Rosa used to.
Mat isn’t an alcohol kind of guy. not since Carmensita was born, anyway. he also just doesn’t really like the taste of beer and other alcoholic drinks. he prefers the bitter coffee taste (couldn’t be me).
Mat does drink tea sometimes, but not often. maybe once a month he treats himself to a cup of tea.
Rosa actually really liked tea, so part of the reason Mat doesn’t drink it that often is because it reminds him of Rosa.
Robert Small
the man is Big. 6’3” and pretty chunky, so yeah. he’s pretty intimidating, and not just because of his RBF (resting bitch face).
speaking of RBF, he looks constantly mildly ticked off when in reality he is thinking about what he’s having for dinner. sure, he has plenty of other expressions, but they’re not quite as common as his “looks like he’s thinking of committing multiple crimes” look.
this man wakes up with some serious bedhead — hair sticking up in all sorts of directions, not because of the way he sleeps but because of Betsy. sometimes she gets up and sleeps right next to his head. and sometimes she gives Robert’s hair a bit of a nibble.
he really gives the whole “raccoon at the dumpster” type of look.
sometimes he volunteers at the animal shelter but only really late in the day when nobody except Mary is there. he usually brings a flask of whiskey with him to share with her, but Mary isn’t super keen on drinking around the animals.
he’s more like a cat than he is a dog. he likes to just sit in the general vicinity those he likes without saying anything while they talk for hours on end and he gives acknowledging feedback. usually just a blink and a nod.
but sometimes, very rarely, if he loves likes you enough, he’ll smile as he stares right at you, saying nothing.
if you end up dating him and move in with him, you could be doing literally anything and then turn around to find him staring at you with a smile that he tries to hide. sometimes he can’t believe that he’s in a healthy relationship after all the heartache he’s suffered.
but it’s also unnerving when you do something kinda embarrassing, like struggling to find a midnight snack, and then you just turn around and this big old man is just staring at you like my a cat waiting for you to go back to your bedroom.
remember how i said he’s more cat than dog? scratch that. if you have a job or god forbid, leave home without him, he will wait for you to come home. he will check the front door any time he hears even a little noise, very excited to see you, until he realizes you’re not home yet.
he counts down the hours and minutes until you get home from work. if it was socially acceptable for him to drive you to work and sit in your work’s parking lot the entire time and spend it waiting for you, he would do it.
if he can go with you somewhere, he will. even if it’s a 5 minute trip to the grocery store and it will take him longer to get dressed than to go with you, you better wait because he is coming with.
the second you come through that door? he is getting up off the couch that he moved to purely so he would be closer to the door and he, like Betsy, is coming directly towards you to ask you how your day was and if you brought anything back for him.
if you critique any of his whiskey then he will break out into a very passionate rant about the best kind of whiskey is the kind that makes you almost die a little bit on the inside when you take a shot.
idk why, but i feel like if he and Saul Goodman met, they’d be best friends. they’d pull off the best grifts together.
also Robert fucking loves Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. he just rewatches it over and over again as a comfort show even though it doesn’t provide any comfort whatsoever. his faves are Saul and Nacho
he will force you to watch Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. or at the very least, he explain the plotline.
Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul is the Only reason that he has a Netflix subscription. there is no other reason he’d ever need one.
also Robert fucking hates Margaritaville. Joseph took him there once — Robert got sick from the Cheeseburger in Paradise, and now Robert vows to never step foot in one of those damn restaurants ever again.
Robert doesn’t like margaritas, so maybe it was doomed from the start.
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cosmicccowboy0 · 6 months
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Obligatory Damien bat pj bottoms post
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knives-out20 · 1 year
listen to me,
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real images of me being unhinged and gay for my favorite fictional men
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Craig Cahn from Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, who is bisexual.
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ok-uyasu · 4 months
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Heyo!!! Here’s my finished dream daddy ita bag!! I was lucky enough to find a huge listing of Joesph pins on Mercari, both of my fave dads are featured in this bag ❤️ this bag is going out with me for the first time ever today for my birthday!! I think it goes well with my outfit and I’m excited to rep my daddies 🤭
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Feels crazy posting this in the year 2024 lol, dead fandom check
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ifwebefriends · 19 days
Guess who just played Dream Daddy for the first time even though it came out like 7 years ago?
And before you ask, Robert.
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Since I'm playing Dream Daddy again...
My favs will always be Damien, Craig and Hugo <333
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bandtrees · 8 months
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wasting away again in margarita HELL... searching for my lost shaker of SOULS...
iv been reminiscing on dream daddy lately. decided to do some spooky cult ending art for halloween!!!
this is a redraw of a piece from 2019! old art below the cut xP but i'm very proud of my improvement!!!
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juuheizou · 2 months
did my loveless ace self really just sink three hours of my life into a fucking dating sim?
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cassius-the-kitten · 8 months
DDADDS as Content Creators (headcanons)
I don't know why I had this idea, but here you go!
have some content-creating DDADDS :3
Brian Harding
technically Brian doesn’t have a channel. Daisy just records him and posts it to TikTok.
it is all camping, fishing, and general outdoors videos. except the lawncare videos, which are actual tutorials.
Daisy actually makes these tiktoks look really nice and high-quality, even if Brian is not that good of an actor. he’s trying his best, but it actually works. surprisingly, she never really shows up on camera. it’s all Brian here
has a lot of fans of his fishing for… aesthetic reasons. yeah, aesthetic reasons. the aesthetic reason being that he is shirtless in almost all of them. and that he is obviously very confident in his body.
his lawncare videos get the same amount of views, but for vastly different reasons. all of the lawn-caring dads enter his TikTok comment section whenever he posts and they either compliment him or start discourse on which weedwhacker is the best.
surprisingly, Brian has some of the most followers out of all of the dads. he even ends up doing some lawn equipment giveaways.
Craig Cahn
it’s all fitness all day with Craig. he has a TikTok and an Instagram.
he posts a lot about his business, softball coaching, healthy recipes, and once again fitness.
he has fallen for the “can you fitness dick in your mouth” joke at least 12 times by now. he keeps falling for it. help him please
completely avoids drama not only to keep away extra stress, but also because there’s literally nothing you can really yell at him for. unless you hate his recipes
probably has a series where he tries out a bunch of popular healthy recipes and rates them on a 5-star scale.
he has a LOT of followers for a LOT of reasons. good video quality, good recipes, he’s entertaining, a good father, and all of the softball moms\dads love him.
Damien Bloodmarch
plenty of Victorian recipes, fashion, and general taxidermy. he’s got a Youtube channel and a Tiktok, but he’s more comfortable with the YouTube format.
he edits all of his videos and he’s Really, Really good at it to the point where he offers to edit videos for other dads. so he’s both a YouTuber and a freelance editor.
probably gets the most sponsorships out of all the dads
has a very welcoming and kind community that he interacts with over Tumblr and Reddit. he has a Twitter but he just doesn’t use it
his space is 100% drama-free. unless you are arguing about historical accuracy.
he has an entire series rating the historical accuracy of anything Victorian; from clothes to books to recipes and more. it doesn’t stop. he will post these forever.
he manages to make a LOT of money off of this, to the point where he gets to quit his IT job altogether and gets to have more fun.
Damien really loves getting recognized by fans and always expresses his appreciation in his videos whenever he can.
Lucien shows up in his food videos sometimes, but only to eat the food and to mildly bully him on-camera. the comments call him low-rent Gerard Way and he does Not appreciate it.
Hugo Vega
he has a small YouTube channel that consists of book reviews and nothing else. until he eventually gains more popularity, that is.
there is very, very little editing on the earlier videos and it shows. Ernest refuses to help him. all of his students refuse to help him. dadsona cannot help him. please help him. he cannot edit
he uploads very rarely (once a month, maybe twice during summer months), but his videos are actually very well-scripted and well-performed. sometimes Ernest comes in to purposefully ruin his recording session, and it works every time.
eventually he somehow manages to bag Damien as his editor, and the video quality goes up significantly from there. Damien even buys Hugo better equipment and gives him advice.
he started out covering just older lesser-known works from the 18th century. somewhere along the way, he made a single video on poorly written YouTuber books and it Exploded in popularity. that’s when he started shifting towards being a bit more of a commentary channel, with Damien’s technological help of course.
some people have called him “the old librarian version of Kurtis Conner” and he doesn’t know what it means until he looks up Kurtis Conner. then he understands.
somehow he becomes well-versed in internet discourse and makes videos about it, with full-length video essays of a pretty high quality.
he doesn’t forget his literature roots, though — he still makes plenty of content on literature and art history, even if they make less views. he enjoys doing it and that’s what matters.
he always blushes when he gets recognized in public and he is way too polite to turn down a signature or photo. one time a wrestler he likes recognized him and he almost fainted from pure joy.
Joseph Christiansen
by far the most controversial of all. (\j its Robert)
just kidding it’s all baking. his TikTok is just a gay tradwife’s dream.
the man is just trying to be hip with the kids. he even dresses up as Ken after the Barbie movie premiere and makes a cake about it. this is actually his most popular video and it gets millions of views & likes
his community is Christian. mainly because he’s Christian. just that sometimes he attracts the mean Christians. he gets a lot of hate comments from them but he just deletes them and moves on with minimal worry or stress
besides that, his community is pretty supportive and full of a combo Christian mothers and Christian queers. most of his audience are 25+ but there is a sizeable portion that is under the age of 25, so technically he got what he wanted
the videos are of a fine quality, even though he’s not really an editor. like everyone else who can’t edit themselves, he just asks Damien very nicely to edit for him
he shows his kids in videos semi-often, but it’s really just because they either mess with him while he’s recording and he doesn’t know how to edit it out, or he has them try the food afterwards. it’s a win-win scenario for the kids
Mary refuses to show her face in any of the videos whatsoever and steers clear of the kitchen whenever Joseph is recording in there.
the kids at church all know him from his TikTok but either say nothing about it or actively make fun of him for it.
Mat Sella
posts baking and recipes to TikTok, along with promotion stuff for The Coffee Spoon. it was Carmensita’s idea and he just ran with it because it’s fun for both of them
Carmensita is the one behind the camera (or tripod) while Mat bakes, and sometimes she appears on camera when she wants to try the food. Pablo helps him edit and do other promotional videos. sometimes Pablo is seen helping in the videos too.
he always gets really anxious after posting it but the second that the positive comments and likes roll in, he’s completely relaxed.
any food he bakes on TikTok he sells at the Coffee Spoon, so it’s actually extremely useful at getting people to come and buy stuff. eventually people are mostly coming over for the food but also order a coffee because “may as well”
has a very positive comments section that consists mostly of people really wanting to go to Massachusetts just to order the food and give him a kiss on the forehead.
he has been called a babygirl at least twice and he has no clue what it means. Pablo and Carmensita refuse to tell him.
has done multiple collabs with Joseph and Damien, along with sharing tips with them. they’re all internet besties.
is recognized pretty often, and he’s always in-between being an anxious mess and being a really cool chill guy about it.
Robert Small
by far the least consistent and most unhinged out of all of them, for obvious reasons. he’s a TikToker solely because the format is easy for him, but he also just uploads all of his content straight to YouTube
he either posts 5 times a day or twice a month. there’s no in between.
it will be of the most random shit. one day you get him rating brands of whiskey, and next week there’s a 12 part series of him going cryptid hunting. all of it is unedited and of very poor audio quality if he’s outside
he probably visited the Goatman’s Bridge after the Buzzfeed Unsolved and also bullied the Goatman and took the bridge for himself. the only difference is that he’s drunkenly yelling at the Goatman and calling him a bitch.
he’s always at least a little intoxicated in all of his videos, and some cases he is fully drunk. he doesn’t really put an act on for the camera, he’s really just himself, completely unfiltered.
90% of his YouTube videos are either age-restricted, demonetized, or both. some of his TikToks get taken down but he always reuploads them because he is a very stubborn old man and he refuses to stop.
Robert probably has a maximum of 200 followers. he does not respond to his comments unless someone insults his whiskey or pineapple on pizza. he also responds to weird internet slang.
he doesn’t get any sponsorships. and he never will. and he doesn’t want them. the sponsorships also don’t want him. he has made multiple videos where he goes on rants about ads and how much he hates capitalism.
whenever someone in his TikTok comments calls him a blorbo he responds with a video of his honest reaction. he is confused. they also call him a poor little meow meow. he is confused. they also call him babygirl. he is still confused.
when he gets recognized in public he has no clue how to act. mainly because he very, very rarely gets recognized. his own neighbors are surprised when they find out he is a content creator.
eventually he will get recognized more, because his content is a comedy goldmine, albeit very unintentional. most of his fans are actually Gen Z, because his humor fits in pretty damn well. he is always slightly unsettled when teenagers recognize him because sometimes he forgets that young people do in fact watch his content. even though most of his viewers are half his age or less.
eventually Val finds his channel and dies laughing and confronts him about it (post reconnecting), because she never knew about it and she wants to be in those videos too because it’s fun. just some father & daughter fun: getting drunk and taking a walk in the forest being silly.
I actually really love doing these headcanons and i hope you do too :3
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cosmicccowboy0 · 6 months
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Damien WIPs and some Smallmarch😘
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ccircusclwn · 2 months
gahhh im starting to put the multi in multifandom again.... what....
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we-are-the-backrooms · 7 months
after seeing someone's post about this I'm suddenly really tempted to rewrite a few ddadds routes (namely Brian, Mat, and Hugo) so there's more character development because I feel like all 3 of them are lacking in that department (especially Brian).
I feel like part of what is a little baffling to them lacking development is the fact that, like, ... they are dads. in a cul-de-sac. it should be relatively easy to write more stuff for them considering they are surrounded by people that could be used to help further their development and show who they are as people. they have children, and their relationships with their kids can very easily be used to show their personalities and provide interesting dynamics.
like. we see very few of Hugo & Ernest's relationship, even though I feel like that could've been a big point of Hugo's character: his son hates authority figures, and Hugo is like a double authority figure. he's Ernest's dad and a teacher at Ernest's school. hell, I bet part of a reason of that resentment Ernest has could be a sense of embarrassment that he sees in having Hugo as his dad. his dad is an english teacher at his school. an english teacher that has to teach middle-schoolers like Colin and his friends, who are probably transferring part of what they do to Hugo onto Ernest. why couldn't we explore something like that? I can only remember 3 times we saw Hugo and Ernest in the same room; 1 at the cookout. 2 on Hugo's second date. 3 on one of Damien's dates. and on that same date with Damien, there was Lucien. and we got to see part of their relationship with one another. why couldn't Ernest and Hugo be afforded the same? their relationship isn't the same, but could be similar. I'm assuming Ernest isn't actively choosing to be mean to his dad just cause it's funny or it's somehow easier than being nice. I'm assuming there's probably some other social stuff going on there. -- I mean, it'd be quite interesting to have something against authority figures as a middle-schooler who has a dad who teaches at your school, to the point where there'd be both a kinship and a disconnect with other kids like that (Colin) because while Ernest is like them, he simultaneously has proximity to the authority they dislike (Hugo), and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Ernest was caught in the crossfire from time to time.
surprisingly, we see even less of this with Mat & Carmensita to the point where it's almost staggering. yes, it focuses mostly on Mat and how he is widowed, but why can't we see how Carmensita feels about it? that's her mom. and it's clear that Mat is working past the grief and is moving on, but what about Carmensita? maybe she is, since the game says that Mat is a supportive parent -- but we don't see it. we don't see any supportiveness, but we don't see any neglect -- we just don't see anything at all. so, we can probably assume they have a good relationship with each other, but as far as the game showing us this we don't have anything.
honestly, Brian is a whole different bag of worms on his own. not only do we not see much of his relationship with Daisy, his entire character is overshadowed by the dadsona's inner conflict. that's not necessarily a dealbreaker, it's fun to have inner conflict -- but what do we really know about Brian? we are told that he likes to fish, grill, and go camping. but we mostly see that he likes to fish and... win competitions. and that's it. we don't get to go camping with Brian, but we get to go camping with Craig. I feel like a lot of Brian's character should've gone into his relationship with his daughter -- after all, his dadbook clearly states that he spends a lot of time thinking about how much smarter she is than him. and it is extremely obvious that Daisy is autistic. and to me, I think part of what makes Brian come off as rude\egotistical is also autism, but maybe he was\is better at masking than Daisy is, or he doesn't even know he's autistic. so, there could be a disconnect of them being similar but different in ways that Brian may not be able to adapt to very well. he still wants the best for his daughter, obviously, but he doesn't know how to help.
anyway those are just my silly thoughts about hot fictional old men (again). :3
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Mat Sella from Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, who is bisexual.
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