#deacury fan fiction
queen-fandom-calendar · 5 months
Okay! I am so so sorry to keep bugging you but I have the dates for Jimercury (21st-24 June), Deacury (16-19th August), Joger (6th - 9th December). I will be announcing the prompts for Jimercury next weekend!!
This is wonderful! I will gladly add those dates to the calendar, and I look forward to both events! This is very exciting!
Thank you!
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Birthday Boy Seeking Party Guests” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Summary: Tired of spending birthday’s alone, John posts an ad on Craigslist hoping to spice things up.  Set in the 2000′s.  
Rating E for Everyone be aware here be smut.  
Pairing: Poly
Word count: 7,556
Also on Ao3
John erased what he’d written for what seemed like the tenth time, squinting at the screen on his laptop. He cracked his knuckles, taking another sip of wine.  The bottle was more than half gone, but he couldn’t be bothered to care.  It was the weekend, and he was spending it, like every other weekend, alone in his flat browsing the internet.  
The wine settled in his bones, making him feel warm and heavy and a bit giddy.  He opened up the Word document where the Craigslist Personal’s ad he’d been fumbling over for the past half hour sat half written.
“I am a single male seeking three men for a one night stand at my flat.  I have no other preferences other than that you be reasonably good looking and clean.  I will send a headshot and directions when you send one.”  
Wait.  The fuck?  That sounded really off and vain.  No way should he be writing this while drunk.  Or, he thought miserably, writing this period.  But anyway.  
“I am a single male seeking three men for a one night stand at my flat. I am fit and disease free; please be the same.  Details to be follow.”  
Was that better, he wondered?  Worse?
“I’ve never done this before; I’m not weird or even kinky…just a normal guy wanting to have a good time for once on his birthday.”  
There, he thought. That sounded nice and normal, not scary like some of the other ads (seriously, the one asking for the fart buddy was a little out there…).  He copied the ad and, before he could chicken out, pasted it into the text box.  
He titled the ad “Birthday Boy Seeking Party Guests” and hit submit before he could talk himself out of it.
John checked his Myspace briefly before closing the laptop.  His cat, Gwyneth, coiled around his legs.  He reached down to stroke her ginger fur.  “Again, lovely?  You’ve already had your dinner,” he cooed fondly.  He reached for a bit of chicken from the fridge, leftovers from his own meal. “Just a snack, now.”  The cat was an absolute unit, and he couldn’t afford her getting any fatter.  
He put the wine glass in the sink, nodding off slightly as the water ran.  Gwyneth waddled off to her cat bed, sniffing it delicately before she sank into the pillowy softness.  John smiled at her as he switched off the light and shuffled off to his bedroom.
As he lay down beneath the covers, he thought of his little Craigslist ad, and smiled.  
Freddie woke up early for once, silencing his alarm on his phone and stumbling to the teapot.  He put the kettle on and grabbed a lemon strudel before settling on the couch and opening his laptop.  
Craigslist was still open from the night before where he had entertained himself with reading the personal ads.  It was one of his favorite past times late at night…sitting with a bag of crisps with his legs crossed reading some of those wacky adds.  As his kettle hummed, he decided to scroll further down the page.
He landed on John’s ad, and something made him smile.  “I’m not weird or even kinky…” Freddie laughed at that.  Why yes you are darling, you’re asking for a foursome for your birthday!  Still, his smile never faltered.  He clicked on the user name and opened up his email program.
“Hi John, I’m Freddie.  I AM weird and VERY kinky, and would love to come to your birthday party ;). I have attached a headshot. Cheers.”
He hit send and closed the laptop. His kettle was boiling by now and he poured himself a cuppa. He thought about the email he’d just sent and sighed.  It wasn’t likely he was going to get a reply, and if he did, he was up for it. He hooked up regularly with no problems.  This time was likely to be any different.
Brian cursed to himself. He was late and the computer labs at the university were always nearly full around lunch.  He had a paper due in two hours.  Maybe he could swing it.  
He found one open kiosk in the corner and settled in front of it, plugging in his flashdrive.  After an hour of typing, Brian closed the document and submitted it to his professor.  One more paper, one more assignment closer to his PhD.  He took a moment to relax and opened up his Hotmail.
After a few moments of aimless clicking and deleting, he opened one of his Craigslist notifications. Unfortunately, the amp he had wanted for his guitar was already sold.  He clicked the link anyway, the website opening in a new window.  He browsed the website a bit, eventually landing on the Personals section.  
He entertained himself for a while, admittedly enjoying the sexier ads.  And then he read John’s.  
Something about it struck him as honest, and Brian could respect that.  Brian considered the prospect of fucking three other guys, a little thrill running through him.  What would that even be like?  
He decided, like a good doctoral researcher, that he needed more information.  He emailed John.  
Roger was drunk (and maybe something else).  His limbs were loose, and he couldn’t feel his lips.  An easy euphoria fell over him, throbbing in his skull in time with the pulsing music and the girl riding his lap.  The friends he’d come over with were somewhere else, but there were others here.  So many people just walking around him as this girl fucked him right here on the sofa.
“Lay back baby,” She said as she rode him, steadily lifting herself off of him, the wet squelch of her tight heat lost to the music and the chaos of the open room. She was pretty in an odd way, Roger thought.  His body felt like it was on fire, and he felt the involuntary response of his orgasm winding its way to completion.  
He gasped, coming inside the condom as she giggled and contracted around him.  He was panting hard, his heart racing.  Whatever he had taken was too much, he thought, too much this time.  He felt sick. He pawed at the girl as she chased her own climax, pushing her off just as she came, nibbling at his sweat-slick skin.
“Thanks for the fuck,” she said as she slid off him.  She pulled up her panties under her skirt and wobbled away.  
He sagged back against the couch where no one seemed to pay attention to him, feeling used.  Tears stung his eyes, and then someone called his name.  
“Hey Roger, you done fucking around?  Come play this game with us.”
He raised his head, the whole room swimming.  Gingerly, he made his way over to the small gathering.  There were shots set up in front of a laptop.  Greg, the leader of the group, pushed Roger down in a chair.
“It’s youngest against oldest, and Rog, you’re the youngest.  Whoever does the least amount of shots has to answer one of these Craigslist Personals ads.  I’ve put them all in a random name generator so it’s totally fair.”
Roger felt sick.  He knew he’d had too much to drink already, and there was no way he would win.  He stared the other man down anyway.  
Greg counted them out. “On your mark, get set, go!”
Roger started downing shots until he declared he’d had enough.  He was nearly blackout drunk when they pulled the virtual lever on the random name generator.  The ad title that came up was “Birthday Boy Seeking Party Guests.”
Roger was passed out on the couch when Greg sent the email to John along with a fetching photo of Roger smiling with friends while wearing his favorite sunglasses.  Greg was sure to add, “you can’t tell, but my eyes are blue ;).”
John forgot about his little ad until the following evening, when he was coming home from the repair shop and remembered that he should probably check his email.  He picked up dinner, fed Gwyneth and did just that, deleting the spam and adverts and noticing, to his surprise, several emails from Craigslist users.  
He omitted some right away…not on a superficial bases, but just based on how they sounded.  Bossy, arrogant, or their emails gave out a creepy vibe.  The next one he clicked on was a bloke named Freddie.  
“I AM weird AND kinky…”  John laughed at that.  That was mild compared to some of the other things he’d been told.  It was rather endearing, actually.  As the pic took forever to load, he thought Freddie might be interesting to get to know.  
Then the pic finally opened and John’s mouth flew open.
Black, lustrous, shoulder-length hair framing the most stunning face…tan skin stretched over sharp cheekbones and jawline and those piercing brown kohl-lined eyes.  He was easily the most exotic person John had ever laid eyes on.  He was immediately attracted to him.  
John hit reply and began typing.  “I love your headshot.  This may be a little forward, but would you like to come celebrate my birthday with me?  You would be my first guest :).”  
He gave him the time and place, included a headshot, and hit send, hoping for the best.  
The next email was a bit longer and more thoughtful but just as intriguing.  
“Hi there.  My name is Brian.  I am a college student getting my PhD.  I saw your ad on Craigslist and I must say I am intrigued.  I have never done anything like this, either.  I would be interested in helping you celebrate your birthday if you provide a safe, clean environment in which to do so.  Please provide photos of your flat.”  Thanks –Bri”
John smiled.  How considerate to think of a safe environment. Bri was definitely getting an email. He replied to Brian and included photos of his living room, kitchen, and bedroom (he left the bathroom out for reasons). Thankfully he had just tidied up. He also included a headshot.  
The next email that caught his eye was from Roger.  When the pic loaded, he was stunned to find a beautiful blond man with a winning smile standing in a group of friends.  
“Hi! My name is Roger.  I saw your ad on Craigslist.  You can count me in!  Just send me the time and place.  Also, you can’t tell, but my eyes are blue ;).”
John smiled at his enthusiasm.  He attached a headshot, gave him the details and hoped he would hear a little more from him.
John switched over to his Myspace and made a post for the first time in a long time.  “Happy for new adventures,” it said with a sticker. And for the first time in a long time, he was.
Freddie was late, and he had just enough time for tea and maybe to check his email before he was needed at Splash, the high-end fashion boutique where he worked.  He scrolled through his messages on his phone, reading a few replies, when one from Craigslist user John caught his eye.    
“I love your headshot.  This may be a little forward…”  
Freddie smiled at that.
The pic finally loaded, and Freddie’s mouth watered at the sweet sight.  A young man, early twenties, long brown hair, lovely green eyes, and the sweetest smile stared back at him.  There were secrets in that smile, he thought, and Freddie wanted to find them out.  
So Freddie had a date with not one but three other gents.  He better get to work so he could find himself something new to wear.  
“I want a double mocha latte, no whip, no drizzle, but soy sub on the milk,” the customer spouted off dryly, and Brian just nodded.  He’d been working as a barista at Starbucks to help pay his way through college, and while things could get a little crazy, he mostly liked it.  “No problem,” he said as he tried to smile.  “Name please?”  
The teenage girl grinned. “Princess of the Universe.” Brian’s face fell.  “Alright miss I’ll try to fit that on the cup,” he muttered as he turned to make her coffee.  
At his next break, he sat in the back and played Angry Birds on his phone until his email notifications pinged.  John from Craigslist had written him back.  
“Hi Bri! This is John. I really enjoyed your email and appreciate you thinking to ask about a safe environment.  That is really important and is honestly something I would do. I have included the requested pictures of my flat.  Thankfully I had just tidied up (haha).
The flat was neat and clean. Very homey.  There was a fat orange cat nestled on the couch in one of the pics, and it made Brian smile.  The headshot John had sent was of John in profile, looking out a window. His green eyes were luminous in the sunlight, and his long brown hair was pulled back over his shoulder.  There was a slight smile on his face.  
Brian hummed as he looked at it, eyes going over the smooth skin of the young man’s neck and where that skin stretched over the juncture of his jaw and cheek.  He was lovely.  
“Brian!  You’ve got customers!”  
Brian muttered a curse to himself.  
“I’d very much like to attend,” Brian found himself typing. “Send me the details.”
His head was pounding, and the afternoon light of his bedroom hurt his eyes.  Those were Roger’s first cognizant thoughts as he gradually returned to wakefulness after coming home last night and passing out on top of his sheets.  
He doesn’t remember coming home, really, or how he got home.  But he assumed Greg and his friends dumped him off here after he woke up on their couch.  
It didn’t matter, not really.  He stumbled home like this a few times a week and he invariably always recovered.  
Roger peeled himself off the mattress, dragging himself into the bathroom to splash some water on his face. He endured the light so he wouldn’t miss the toilet, and when he passed the mirror, he paused.  
There were dark circles under his bloodshot eyes.  His face was puffy, his hair in disarray.  He looked older somehow, and he swore under his breath.  Shit had to get better than this.  
He peeled off last night’s clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the hot spray wash off the filth and sketchy memories.  Stepping out of the shower, he toweled off and put on a pair of sweats.  He had a few hours before he had to be at his bartending job at a local nightclub, so he decided to forego the tea and head straight for the coffee.  
He settled into the couch, letting the weariness leech from his boned into the cushions.  Sipping his coffee, he checked his email, frowning when he got a notification from Craigslist.  
“What the hell,” he muttered to himself, opening the email to find the top half of a picture loading.
It was a young man with soft green eyes crinkled at the edges, a wide smile and long brown hair. Something caught in his chest, something warm and fluttery, as he looked at it.  
The email was underneath.
“Hello Roger!  I’m John. I’m excited that you want to attend my birthday party.  You’re my third guest, so that makes four of us, lol ;).  I’m sending you the date and time below along with directions to my flat. I can’t wait to meet you in person. :).”
What the actual FUCK.
And suddenly it all came flooding back.  The shot game, the lost bet.  Roger’s heart sped up.  Was he going to a foursome?  Were they all dudes?  His mouth went dry.  While Roger had always been attracted to men, he had never actually slept with one.  He swallowed.  Could he actually do this?  
There was no Emily Post etiquette guide for hosting a foursome, so John decided to wing it.
As he stared down into the homemade pasta sauce, he reasoned that food was a good move.  Food brought people together, and togetherness brought sex. John smiled, satisfied with his ingenious if rather simplistic reasoning.  He stirred the sauce, pausing before adding the browned ground beef. What were the odds that one of them was a vegetarian?  He shrugged and dumped it in.  Not too high.
The doorbell rang and John nearly jumped out of his skin.  It was 6:05, and his guests weren’t due until 6:30.  He frowned, turning the burner on low and moving to the peephole.  
There, on the other side, was the same face he’d viewed in the email, only in living color.  The sharp cheek bones, the elegant nose, the kohl lined eyes.  John couldn’t get the door open fast enough.  
“Freddie,” he almost breathed.  His heart was beating fast and he self-consciously smoothed the hair around his face.  
Freddie’s eyes flicked down to his chest, then back up to his face before he smiled, stepped into his space and smoothly kissed him, steadying his chin with the tips of his fingers.  
John returned the kiss before breaking away, sputtering a little before getting his bearings.  “Do you…do you always greet strangers like that?”
Freddie laughed smoothly. “No, silly.”  He looked down, then back up at him, one neatly trimmed eyebrow cocked slightly.  “But I’m excellent at following instructions.”
John flushed, remembering his ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron, and ushered him inside.  “Um, can I get you something to drink?”  
“I dunno, can you?” Freddie said smoothly as he walked through the living room of John’s flat, taking in every detail.  He was impeccably dressed, John thought as he tracked him through the space.  He stirred the sauce, leaving it to simmer and reached for a bottle of red wine, pouring Freddie a glass.
He handed it to the man who took it gratefully.  “Something smells yummy.  You didn’t have to cook, darling.”  
John smiled, flushing at the epithet.  “It’s just pasta.  It’s nothing.”
Freddie settled on the couch, balancing the wine glass on his knee.  “I hope you don’t mind that I arrived a little early.  I always arrive early to these sorts of things.  It keeps me safe.”  
John nodded.  “That’s smart actually.  I don’t mind at all.  I’m just glad you came.”  
Freddie waggled his eyebrows over his wine glass.  “I always come.”  
John’s blush deepened, and Freddie laughed.  
“I can’t help myself, darling, you’re just so damn cute when you do that.”
John lowered his glass. “Do what?”
“Blush like that. It’s precious.”  
The two of them sat there for a few moments when Gwyneth took that opportunity to rub against Freddie’s leg.  
“What a baby!”  
John laughed as Gwyneth stretched and meowed, looking up at Freddie with affection.  “I think she likes you.”  
Freddie cooed and scratched her head.  “I think I’m in love.”  
When Brian arrived, John was busy straining the pasta, so Freddie got the door.  
“Hello, darling,” he said brightly.
Brian looked at Freddie blankly.  “You’re not John.”  
“Come on in!” John called from the kitchen, and Brian side-stepped the man at the door a little nervously to meet the man in the kitchen.  
“Um, sorry darling, but as I was about to say, “I’m Freddie.”  
Brian looked down at the enigmatic man who had a delicate hand stuck out for him to shake.  He took it.  
Brian pressed his lips together.  “Sorry about that earlier.  I uh…I was just expecting John.”  
Freddie patted his arm. “It’s alright love.  We’re all a little jumpy.  Just meeting and all that.  But John is lovely. He even cooked.”  
John appeared behind Brian, a dish towel over his shoulder.  “Hello,” he said.  “I’m John.”
Brian shook his hand, noticing the calloused fingers.  The young man was trim in figure-hugging jeans and a crisp blue shirt that brought out the green in his eyes.  Brian swallowed hard.  
“Brian,” he said a little thinly.  
John smiled, and it went straight to his gut.  “I hope you like pasta Brian.”  He walked to the counter and poured him a glass of wine.
Brian took it from him. “I do actually.  Just no meat sauce.  I’m a vegetarian.”
John looked horrified. “Fuckity fuck,” John he said allowed. “How about a salad?”  
Freddie howled with laughter, the outburst so loud it scared Gwyneth under the couch.  Brian just smiled softly, laying a hand on John’s shoulder.  “That actually sounds lovely John.”
Brian made his way to the couch, followed closely by Freddie.  The other man was observing him very keenly, taking in the softly curling hair and the sharp nose framing the delicate face.  Brian was dressed very casually compared to Freddie, but he was no slouch.  His neat jeans and tan blazer suited his slim physique very well.  
John stared at the clock. It was crowding seven now, and Roger was nowhere to be found.  A little pang of worry stabbed at his heart.  It was possible that he might not show, and that was fine, but he was certainly looking forward to meeting him.  He thought of the blue eyes the photo had hidden that he would never get to see.  
Instead of worrying, he busied himself with plating the pasta and salads.  Brian met him in the kitchen, setting his wine glass down. “Let me give you a hand, John.” His smile was genuine and warm, and John found that he liked it very much.  
With two working it took half the time, and everyone had their food.  Freddie looked around at the empty place setting and frowned. “Where’s number four?”  
John worried his lip. “I don’t really know,” he said honestly. “I’m sure he’ll make it.”  
Freddie smiled sympathetically.  “Sometimes they don’t love.  Nerves and all.”  
Almost on cue, there came a tentative knock at the door.  John stood a little too fast before settling himself down enough to answer it.  He knew before looking through the peephole who it was.  
Roger was dressed in a fashionable leather jacket and matching pants that hugged his figure. His trademark sunglasses were in the collar of his frayed t-shirt, no doubt purchased that way.  His hair was messy-chic.  John couldn’t stop staring at him until those blue eyes popped up to meet his.  “You’re John?”  
“Y-yeah,” he stammered out. “Nice to meet you Roger.”  Roger shook it rather limply as he breezed into the living room, not giving John more than a glance.  He stiffened when he heard voices from the kitchen.  
“There you are!” Freddie called out to him.  “Thought this was going to be a threesome.  And while that’s still lovely, I do hate it when plans change,” he pouted.
Roger turned rather haltingly to face the other two men who had been eating and chatting, getting to know one another.  Brian pointed to the open seat at the table, and Roger took it.  
“Mind if I smoke John?”
John liked his voice…soft but still masculine.  It made his stomach flutter.  And while he smoked, he usually didn’t smoke inside because of Gwyneth. But he supposed—
“That’s fine,” John finally said.  He watched as the fire from the lighter illuminated his fine features; he was certainly very beautiful, this Roger.  
“I made dinner,” John offered, hoping to start a conversation with the man who had said very little since he arrived.  
“Not hungry mate. Thanks though.”  
John frowned a little, and Freddie cleared his throat.  
“Well I’m Freddie, and this is Brian,” the ever talkative Freddie began with the introductions.
“Roger,” the newcomer mumbled around his cigarette.
They resumed eating and things grew quiet and bit awkward as Roger sat there smoking while everyone ate. He was very closed off, like he didn’t want to be there.  John would need to get to the bottom of it if things progressed.  
“Now that we’re all here, I’m a true bottom,” Freddie said matter-of-factly, “so I hope there are some tops among us.”  
John nearly choked on his penne, and Brian had to pat him on the back, a fond smile on his face.  “It doesn’t matter to me either way,” Brian said, his face growing hot.  
“Me neither,” John said quietly.
Roger took a bored drag on his cigarette.  “Top,” he muttered.  
Freddie’s eyes grew wide. “Really…”
Roger snapped his gaze Freddie’s way.  “Yeah, that’s right.  Is that so hard to believe, you wanker?”
Freddie put his hands up in defense.  “No reason to be nasty, love.  Just took me by surprise is all.  You just give off…bottomy vibes.”
Roger stubbed out his cigarette in his empty plate.  “What the FUCK is that supposed to mean?”  
Freddie rolled his eyes. “Nothing darling.  Forget it.”  
Roger had stood, fists balled at his hips, and he was gyrating with anger.  John and Brian were looking on, wide-eyed, wondering where all of this would go.  
Until Freddie stood and hugged the man.  
Roger relaxed into his grip, his head dropping to his shoulder.  He sighed, arms relaxing at his sides.  
“Darling, it’s alright,” Freddie soothed against him.  “It’s all alright now.”  
And when Freddie pulled away, he kissed him softly on the lips.  
Roger hummed in surprise before relenting into the kiss, letting his mouth go pliant against the other man’s and enjoying the faint hint of tomato sauce and chapstick on his tongue. When Freddie released him, he sighed.
“Why—why did you do that?”
Freddie reached up to thumb at his chin.  “Darling, you looked like you needed it.  When’s the last time someone hugged you?”
Roger’s eyes stung with oncoming tears, but he willed them back down.  His lack of an answer was enough for Freddie.  
“Let us take care of you tonight,” he said sweetly.  “Show you true affection.  Make you feel good.”  
“Yeah,” Roger found himself saying.  It sounded so nice, after all, to be truly wanted and cared for, if only for the night.
Brian and John were beside them now, and John leaned in and lay a hand on Roger’s arm.  “Are we ok?”  
Roger nodded, feeling much more at ease.  “Yeah, everything is fine.”  
John smiled.  “Let’s clean up, yeah?  Then maybe we can move this into the bedroom.”  
“You uh…You mind if I just watch for a while?”
Roger had gotten his shirt off, and then nerves had taken over.  Freddie was on all fours, moaning into John’s talented fingers as he opened him up, his heavy cock straining with need.  
John shot him a smile. “Sure love.  Do what you’re comfortable with,” he said as he punched another moan out of Freddie, twisting those fingers inside of his tight walls.
Roger eased off the bed before a hand grabbed him.  “Hey,” Brian said, hazel eyes soft with lust.  
Roger swallowed, the tall man’s kind smile making him feel instantly at ease.  
He smiled, his heartrate going down a bit.
“Where are you off to?” Brian answered innocently. He was crowding his space, the bare skin of his chest now flush with his as he bent his head to nose at his hair.  
“That chair in the corner,” Roger said softly.  “I was gonna watch.”
Brian placed a little kiss to his hair.  “Not gonna play?”
Roger’s throat was dry, and he was straining in his trousers.  “Not right now,” he trailed off.
Brian kissed further down the side of his face.  “Pity,” he said as his hands traveled over Rogers bum.
“You ever had a really good blowjob, Roger?  One that makes you feel like you’re exploding into a billion stars?”  Brian finally reached his mouth and locked lips with him, his tongue curling around his, kissing him so deeply it stole Roger’s breath.
Roger moaned in spite of himself, leaning into Brian’s touch.  Brian released him, never breaking eye-contact.  “Well, have you?”  
He answered him truthfully. “I guess not,” he said a little breathlessly.  
Brian smiled.  “That’s what I was hoping you would say.”
“Can you take a fourth finger baby?”  Freddie just moaned, gripping the sheets as he tossed his head back.  John slid it in, delighting in the way Freddie just fluttered around him, drawing him in like he was born to take it.  He worked his fingers in and out of him, hitting his prostate to make him moan.  The sound of Brian going down on Roger was in his ears and it home to John that this foursome dream of his was really happening, this little birthday fantasy of his was real.  
John pressed kisses into Freddie’s neck, making sure his fingers kept up a steady pressure. Freddie just moaned—he was so vocal—and thrust his hips up to meet his fingers.  
“Need your cock,” he finally breathed.  “Give it to me John.”  
Roger shivered as Brian circled the head of his cock with his tongue, licking the slit before descending on him again.  Brian took him all the way to the base, his nose buried in the dark blond hair there, Roger’s hot length stretching his throat with every bob of his head.  
Above him, Roger was coming undone.  He was making little keening sounds as Brian played with his balls while sucking him off, moaning and sputtering that he wouldn’t last long.  It didn’t matter to Brian.  He loved this.  
The man grabbed a handful of his hair just before coming hot and full down his throat, his back arching prettily.  Brian swallowed him down, finally pulling off him when he was sure he was finished.  
Brian dabbed at his mouth as Roger looked at him with a little bit of awe.  
“You good?” he asked Roger as he sat back on his knees, smiling up at him.  
“Incredible,” Roger sighed. “That was better than X.”  
Brian frowned.  “X?”
“Ecstasy? The party drug?” Roger looked perplexed that the man had never heard of it.  
He dug in his pocket and produced a little baggie and handed it to Brian, who pushed it away.  
“Sorry mate, but I’m not down for that.  Brian looked nervously over his shoulder.  John doesn’t look the type either, so I’d put that away if I were you.”
Roger stuffed the baggie of pills back into his pocket.  “Do I look like the type?” he said as he zipped up his fly.  
Brian just sat there, thinking.
Freddie had one hand on his leaking cock, stroking it in rhythm to John’s thrusts.  His head was pressed into the mattress, and he was having the time of his life.  
“Harder John.  Fuck me harder babe.  Like you mean it!”
John loved how vocal Freddie had been to begin with, but now he was being outright bratty.  John hitched Freddie’s hips higher, angling them so he could aim directly at his prostate.  Freddie’s body was slicked with sweat as was his own, so maneuvering them was no easy feat.  He pulled out of Freddie and then slammed back down again.  
“God yes that’s it lover,” Freddie mumbled into the sheets as he set up a blistering pace, wet flesh slapping against each other as he John chased his release.  Freddie was furiously stroking himself, so it wouldn’t be long for him.  Through Freddie’s plaintive, sharp moans, he could feel the crest of his orgasm stop right at the edge.  He tightened his grip on Freddie, emptying into the condom as wave after wave of pleasure gripped him.  Somewhere through the fog he heard Freddie come right after.  
Brian followed Roger into living room, where he was trying to collect his things.  “You’re leaving?”
Roger turned on Brian, his hands on his hips.  “I don’t have much choice, now do I?”
Brian shrugged.  “You always have a choice.”
“I don’t belong here,” Roger said, shaking his head.  “I’m not even gay.”
Brian’s eyes widened. “Are you sure about that?”
Roger shook his head, withdrawing the little baggie of pills.  “Ah fuck it,” he said as he poured a few in his hand.  
Brian approached him slowly. “I can’t let you do that, Roger. Take those pills.  Not on my watch.”
Roger clutched the pills in his hand tightly to his chest.  “What the fuck do you care, Brian?   You’re just some guy who blew me off.  You don’t know me?”  He was vibrating with rage, his eyes wide.  “You don’t own me!”
Brian shook his head. “Listen to yourself.  You sound like a child.  We’re talking about drugs, here, Roger.  You could seriously hurt yourself.”  
“Yeah well, I hope I do,” He spat.  
Brian had no choice. “John!  Freddie!  I need you in here!”
The two of them came rushing in, John in a robe and Freddie struggling into pants.  “Brian, what’s wrong?”  
“Roger has drugs,” Brian got out quickly.  “Ecstasy. He’s about to take some.”  
Freddie stepped forward between them.  “Oh darling that shit is hell on you.  You don’t want to do that.  Tell me what’s up.”  
Roger relaxed a little. “Nothing,” he whispered. The pills were sweating and melting in his hand.  “I just needed to get out of my head for a little while.”
John was watching the proceedings, trying not to panic.  No way did he want drugs in his house, but he also didn’t want to see Roger hurt.  
Freddie nodded.  “I so understand that love.  That’s why I hook up a lot.  Sex helps me forget some nasty things in my past and some things that are going on in my daily you know?  It’s a nice escape.  Plus it’s legal and it doesn’t hurt me as long as I’m safe.”  
Roger’s hand relaxed a little on the pills.  “Yeah that makes sense,” he conceded.  “I’m glad you have that.”  
Freddie nodded again, getting close enough to Roger to smooth some of the hair that hung around his face behind his ear.  Roger seemed to lean into his touch.  “Did you enjoy your time with Brian, him?  Freddie couldn’t keep the wicked smile from his face.  “Sure sounded liked you did.”  
Roger smiled then. “Yeah it was really nice.”
“I bet.  Might have to see how nice it is, huh Brian?” Freddie said as he threw a wink over his shoulder at Brian who just laughed at him, shaking his head.  
Freddie grabbed Roger’s hand.  “Give me these darling…they’re all melted now, anyway.  Come have some fun with us instead.”  
Roger’s lips were dry as Freddie pried the pills from his grip.  “I’ve never…I’ve never been with a man,” he admitted.  
“A virgin?!” Freddie gasped, “Oh our boy’s a virgin…we’ll have to take extra special care of him won’t we boys?”  
Freddie discreetly handed off the baggie of pills and the few tablets to John who promptly went into the bathroom to flush them.  
“Yes,” he said as he stroked his face.  “We’ll take extra good care of you love.  You won’t have to worry about a thing.”  
Brian stroked the young man’s face as John worked on the fly of his dark jeans, easing them down his hips. His cock sprung free…no pants underneath, and John smiled, stroking him lightly.  Freddie hummed, squeezing Brian’s buttocks as he wrapped an arm around his waist.
“You sure you’re ok with this Roger?”  John’s voice was husky with want, his eyes flicking up briefly from the young man’s cock to his blue eyes where they looked down at him expectantly.  
“Yes,” Roger said, leaning into Brian’s hand on his face, his eyes fluttering closed.  “I want this.”
Freddie smiled, tightening his arms around Brian.  They walked Roger back until his legs touched the bed.  He sat down, easing onto the soft comforter while they helped him scoot back.  Brian was between his legs in an instant, easing between his thighs to skate his hands along his chest and arms while Freddie cradled his head in his lap.  Roger’s eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted in a pretty bow, and John bent to kiss them, unable to help himself.  
Roger sighed, giving himself over to the kiss, letting his tongue dart out to meet John’s as his arms strained against Freddie hands.  At some point, the dark-haired man had pressed his arms down into the mattress.
Roger panicked for a split second, then the thrill of the restraint sank into his bones, and he truly felt free.  
“That’s it baby,” Freddie soothed, “Just let go and let us take over.”  Roger stared up into the man’s soft brown eyes, feeling a strange sense of peace.
Brian was making slow circles on his hip, thumbing the sensitive skin there.  “Roger,” he said softly.  “Do you want to top?”  His hazel eyes bore into his.  “It’s your first time.  It’s easier that way.”
Roger worried his lip. “No,” he said firmly.  “I want to do it like Freddie did.”  
Freddie smirked a little, still stroking his hair.  “I knew it. He’s a natural bottom.”  
John giggled a little, tossing Brian the lube.  “Open him up nice and slow Brian.  Your fingers are slender.”  
John crawled over to Freddie, pulling his head up and kissing him firmly.  Freddie groaned into John’s mouth, letting his hand slide up his chest.  “Up for round two love?”  
John just hummed.  “Maybe.  Maybe not. On your knees, True Bottom.”  John pushed Freddie down on his knees, smacking his bum on the way down.  Freddie fell forward, grunting as he hit the mattress, landing on all fours.  
He shivered as John climbed up behind him. He could feel his warm breath on the back of his thigh, whispering over his bum as John’s hands settled there.  He parted his cheeks, and Freddie hardly had time to catch his breath before John had licked a hot strip up the cleft of his buttocks.  
“Fuck!” Freddie cried out, his whole body jerking under John’s mouth.  John smiled against him, and Freddie felt the wry grin against his skin.
Brian eased a pillow beneath Roger’s hips, watching Roger for any sign of discomfort.  He betrayed none; he seemed as relaxed as he did when Freddie was cradling his head.  Indeed, Freddie had now clasped the blond’s hand while being eaten out, a look of sheet bliss on his face, and Roger gripped it tightly.
“We’re going to do this very slowly, Roger.  It will feel different at first, but then it will feel good, ok?”  
Roger nodded his head, taking in a breath.  
Brian tutted.  “Don’t hold your breath love.  Blow it out for me.  Just try to relax, ok?  I’m not going to hurt you.”  
Brian smiled at him, and Roger returned it.  Brian had the sweetest, most genuine smile, and while he didn’t really know the man, he knew instinctively that he could trust him.  
He warmed the lube in is fingers before circling Roger’s entrance with smooth, calculated movements, relaxing the tight muscle.  He pushed one in, and Roger jumped a little.  
“How does that feel Roger? Talk to me.”  
“Different,” he breathed. “Not bad.”  
Brian smiled.  He began working the finger in and out of Roger rhythmically until he felt Roger relax around him, then he added a second.
Roger jerked, a little half-moan escaping his lips.  Brian cocked an eyebrow.  “Is that better?”  
“Y-yeah,” Roger stammered. “It’s ok.”  
Brian aimed for his prostate, finding the little bundle of nerves in moments, and Roger nearly folded in half.  “Just ok?”
Roger was panting, a fine sweat on his brow, and he unconsciously thrust onto Brian’s fingers. “So good,” he said, his grip on Freddie’s hand tightening.  
Freddie preened.  “Look at you baby boy—ahh—taking those fingers so well.  I knew you could do it.”
Freddie looked ruined, very near coming, and the sounds coming from John were bordering on obscene. Roger couldn’t see him, but whatever he was doing to Freddie it sounded like he was enjoying it.
Brian twisted the fingers against him, making him writhe and squirm, until he added a third.  
Roger winced at the sting, the stretch of a third finger, but Brian was gentle in coaxing him open. He was leaned over him, planting little kisses on his collarbone, his throat, and finally smothering his moans with his own mouth.  It all felt so intimate, not at all like his drug-fueled shags.  Tears began to spring in his eyes.  
Brian noticed immediately. “Roger, am I hurting you?  He lost the fingers immediately.  “Talk to me, Roger.”  
“No,” Roger choked out. “Give me more please.”  
John laughed as he was helping Freddie clean up.  “You’ve got him begging Brian.   So beautiful for us.”  
The fingers returned, a little rougher this time, a little more insistent.  Roger’s legs were open wide and he was almost swallowing Brian’s hand.
“You’re ready, gorgeous. I think my work here is done.” Brian withdrew his hand, wiping it on his thigh, and met John in the middle of the bed.  He kissed him deeply.  “You have him nice and open for me?” Brian murmured softly.
John nodded.  “He’s all yours.  I bet you can get him to come again.”  
Brian squeezed John’s arm, locking eyes with him.  “Be gentle with Roger.”
John blinked up at him. “Of course Bri,” he said, using his sign off from his email.  “I wouldn’t dream of hurting him.”  
Brian smiled.  “I know.”
John crawled over to Roger, who was still red-faced, his chest heaving.  He leaned over him, giving him a tender kiss.  “Hello love.  Don’t you look ravishing like this?”
John cradled his face in his hand, then trailed it down his chest to tease at a nipple.  “I’m going to take good care of you, yeah?”
Roger only nodded, his eyes half-lidded, lips kiss-swollen and irresistible.  
John slid on a condom, coating it with lube.  He pressed against Roger’s open entrance, letting his cockhead push at the rim.  He looked up at Roger.  “We don’t have to do this.  It’s up to you.”  
Roger shook his head. “I want it,” he said throwing his back into the pillow.  “Give it to me.”  
John pushed gently inside, watching Roger’s intake of breath, is fluttering eyelids at the sudden onslaught of being filled.  He gave him a moment to adjust, the vice-like grip of him around him, hot and incredibly tight driving him mad with the need to move.  
“I’m ok,” Roger said finally.  “Go ahead.”
He had one arm over his face and his lip between his teeth, but for his first time he was taking cock so well.  John basically made love to him…slow, measured strokes, his face buried in his shoulder and his hips undulating over his.  He had one hand on Roger’s cock, slowly stroking it in time with his thrusts.  
Then Roger started kissing him…hungry, desperate kisses that made the fire rise in his blood.  That, coupled with the feeling of how bloody close they were, their bodies nearly fused together, made John want to give it to him just a little harder.  
“Hitch your legs around me baby.  Come on, that’s it.”  John increased his pace, and little whines started coming from the back of Roger’s throat.
“You doing ok?”  
Roger nodded furiously. “Gonna come,” he managed.  
Freddie and Brian rolled over close to the couple, Freddie taking over for John by working Roger’s cock, and Brian sweeping the hair back from John’s neck and placing an encouraging kiss there.  
John could feel his own orgasm building, a tightly packed explosion of euphoria ready to burst at any moment. It was finally punched out of him when Roger looked up at him with those blue eyes and said “Just let go…” He had been the one who had been so careful with him, but it finally took permission from Roger for him to get release.  
With Freddie’s help, Roger came right after.  
The four of them lay beautifully spent, bodies sweating and coming down from their highs.  Roger lit a cigarette and shared it with Freddie.  
“We never cut the birthday cake,” John mused.  
Brian laughed.  “What time is it?”  
Someone looked at their phone.  “10:20.”
Roger smiled.  “Well, it’s still your birthday.”  
John laughed.  “Indeed it is.  Who’s up for some post-coital cake?”
Freddie grimaced.  “That does not sound right.”
They all tumbled out of bed toward the kitchen where John dished up the plates and began serving cake.
John flushed.  “Um, before you go, you’re free to use the shower. Freshen up a bit if you like.  Or, you could stay over…”  
Something flashed in their eyes, and they all shared a look.  
“I’m actually off tomorrow,” Freddie said.
“I don’t work until nighttime,” Roger added.
“My shift at the coffee shop doesn’t start until ten,” Brian replied.
John brightened.  “Well, that’s great!  I mean, I wouldn’t want you traveling so late and all.  Let’s take our cake back to bed, shall we?”  
John gathered up the plates and began to traipse back to the bedroom, but as soon as he got out of sight, Freddie grabbed a piece of paper and put his phone number on it, then gave it to Brian and then Roger and let them do the same.  At the bottom, he wrote “Happy Birthday” with a heart and stuck it on the fridge for John to find later.  Then, all three of them followed John back into the bedroom to finish their cake.
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Hello everyone! Might be cutting it a bit close, but I wanted to see if there would be any interest for an event this November, or if y'all would prefer something without signups like a prompt event! Lmk!
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20 + Deacury for the banter prompts 💗
Thanks love 😘
From the prompt: "You're so--" given to me be @roger-s-maracas
The day they were to perform on Saturday Night Live, Freddie came in looking as though he had been up all night. To the side, Roger informed John that Freddie had—in fact—been up all night, but not partying as John had assumed. Instead, he’d been fighting with his latest love interest.
John kept out of that part of Freddie’s life, simply because he had no idea how to relate to his relationships. It was not even the fact that they were with men, but more so because John could not understand the appeal of getting high and partying every single night until the wee hours.
When Freddie spoke, though, John felt more than a little anxious. Whatever he had done the night before had positively wrecked Freddie’s voice. He could barely even speak, let alone sing. Before John could even ask what exactly had happened, Freddie’s personal assistant, Peter Freestone, whisked him away to try and recuperate his voice in the short hours they had before filming.
John could only imagine the amount of warm lemon water and lozenges Freddie would have to suck down before the show. Because it was live, there was really no way to get out of the set, either—not that Freddie would have gone for it. Maybe they could simply play a recorded song and Freddie could lip sync. Even as he thought it, John knew that was not a viable option, either. Saturday Night Live was exactly that: live.
“So they must have screamed at each other pretty good, huh?” John laughed, joining Roger at a snack table in the dressing room.
Roger turned and shot John a worried look.
“There was more than just screaming. Peter said Bill tore the room apart. He was throwing glass bottles around, and knocked holes in the walls. He said Vic had to come and toss Bill out at four in the morning. Said Freddie was really shaken up.”
John’s heart sank. He had been so flippant about the whole thing, thinking it was just some silly quarrel instead of a serious fight.
“Was Freddie injured?”
Roger shrugged and sighed. “He wouldn’t tell us if he were. He did a number on his vocal cords, though.”
John nodded, and his mind wandered towards imagining Freddie trembling in his hotel room while Bill lashed out. John set his jaw angrily, imagining the brute throwing things around and destroying the room.
“I’m going to check on him,” John said absently as he walked away.
The crew had Freddie holed up in a bathroom, where they had the hot tap flowing to produce a steamy atmosphere. Peter opened the door and ushered John in quickly, so as not to let out any of the steam. It smelled of mint and eucalyptus in the small room, and Freddie sat on the toilet seat sipping a cup of something hot.
Freddie nodded hello to John. He’d likely been instructed to speak as little as possible.
“I’ll go and put another kettle on,” Peter said with a glance at John. The good thing about Peter was that he had an innate ability to know when to stay and when to go.
“Freddie, you all right, mate?” John asked, leaning against the wall.
Freddie looked up and gave a half-hearted smile before nodding.
“Just a silly row is all. I never back down from a good argument,” Freddie said in a hoarse whisper.
John furrowed his brow and shook his head. “It didn’t sound like a silly row to me. Sounded pretty serious.”
He did not make it a habit to pry into Freddie’s affairs. In fact, they had never talked about anything of the sort. They shared the good things, but they stayed mostly connected through the music. Now, though, John could not help but mention the situation. He was genuinely worried for Freddie. He could not help but remember the predatorial gleam in Bill’s eyes the one and only time he had ever met the bastard.
“No, don’t you worry about me. I’ll do all right by the time we go on.”
“It’s not the bloody set I’m worried about, Fred,” John replied, his voice raising just a little. “It’s you.”
John was surprised at his own candid words, and he could tell Freddie was, too, because his eyes widened noticeably.
Then, just as quickly, Freddie rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively.
“Don’t make a fuss, darling. All's well that ends well.”
Fredde’s eyes implored him to drop the subject, even though a million things went through John’s head. For once, he was not going to nod reluctantly and leave it all in his mind.
“No, Freddie,” John said, squatting down in front of him. “What if it hadn’t ended well? Why do you think you deserve that?”
Freddie’s face was unreadable, and his eyes searched John’s before he shook his head and scoffed.
“I’m not an angel myself, dear,” Freddie rasped. “I can dish it out just as well as I can take it.”
John shook his head. “I know, but there are people out there who wouldn’t make you take it, Freddie.”
John took Freddie’s hand that was not holding the mug and grasped it in his own. He leaned closer, and spoke softly.
“Believe me, there is someone out there who won’t make you fight for his love.”
Freddie leaned almost imperceptibly closer and bit his bottom lip, as if he were hanging on John’s words.
“Freddie, you’re so—”
At that, Peter shuffled into the room carrying a tray and John hopped up from the floor and scooted out of his way. He brushed off his pants and awkwardly crossed his arms as Peter set the tray on the counter and glanced over.
“I’ll just… leave you all to it,” he said, backing out of the room.
“I think I’d better go too,” John said with a lightness that belied his feelings. “I’ll see you out there.”
“Wait, John—” Freddie called, but John had already shut the door behind him.
He stood there for a few seconds, his eyes closed, fighting against himself to go back inside. In the end, John walked away, wiping a tear from his eye as he went.
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binkyisonline · 5 years
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- My Baby Does Me -
Finally I can publish the translation made by @painkiller80 of my os Deacury with fem!Fred. Hope you like it!
Pairing: Melina Mercury x John Deacon
John has to make up for a lot of things, first of all, the way he ran away in the middle of the new album’s recording session, leaving the band with a simple note on his bass guitar in the recording studio.
This is why Melina finds herself, for two days now, enjoying his company, in a wonderful private villa with the best view in Bali.
John showed up days ago at London’s studios, back from his escapade, with a simple white envelope and two first-class flight tickets. Melina was the only one there, ready to let out one of her best outburst he had ever seen, but after seeing him again, so beautiful and relaxed, desperately seeking an apology, all she could do was to accept to spend few days together.
To hell with Brian and Roger.
She knows exactly why she cannot be seriously angry with the man, among the four of them, John is the one who, the most, needs his personal space and even if he chose to show it childishly, she can’t blame him.
Her pride still strongly raging inside her, she’s the leader and a strong woman despite all, but she finds impossible to resist him, she loves him too much.
Once discarded her own façade, Melina decides to treat herself with this impromptu holiday. She deserves it as anyone else, she deserves to be pampered in one of the best resort on the island, and she deserved all the attention of her own bass-player.
The sunset hides behind the palm-trees while a light sea breeze moves their branches, its light follows the outline of the reef that contains a little private beach; the fine white sand slowly turning cold giving a sweet soft feeling under her feet. She wore her best bikini, a black high-cut little number with a tight top that covers the bare minimum, her purpose is clear; she wants to be absolutely suggestive and flirty but just for John’s eyes.
Her deep black hair is styled in soft curls, still slightly damp from the recent showers, like the rest of her sun-kissed body.
She wears a bit of makeup, kajal to emphasize her cat-like eyes, plump lips with just a touch of gloss to make them shiny and needy and a little gold necklace, long enough to sit at the top of her plunging neckline, just like a little and innocent bait.
Melina walks slowly, swinging her hips, to the center of their beach where a king-size canopy bed is. She literally throws herself in the middle of it and adjust herself slowly, just like a cat that waits for her master, sinking her head between the fresh clean pillows; clearly aware on how to pose in the exact moment she heard footstep behind her, eyeing John’s profile on her right when he appears a few moments later.
He’s breathtaking,
His skin lightly tanned it glows in the afternoon sun and makes him so much inviting even if he wears a simple short-sleeves shirt and pale shorts; Melina regrets his choice to cut his beautiful curls though
The echo of his perm slightly remains on the short hair. He seems more mature, a man although still younger than her, she finds him dominant but in a sweetly gentle way.
John has a quite charming gaze that already makes her feel like a helpless prey while carrying a welcomed surprise, two whiskey glasses and the best Tequila around, just fresh from the fridge because Melina could clearly see few little drops of moisture on the bottom.
He smiles at her, a sincere and childish smile, one of his bests and eyes her.
- Hello, kitten – he says stepping up on the wooden platform first and then on the bed, approaching her on his knees. She offers him a lingering smile, enjoying those little chest hair that appears from the slightly unbuttoned shirt.
- I should be still very angry with you, you know? – she murmurs, feigning offence, turning her head away from him but letting the other continue to enjoy the view of her body. Soon a pair of fingers graze her chin, making her face him, his sweet eyes eats her up slowly. He lightly strokes one of her cheek with his fingertip still saying anything; just watching her like it was the most valuable treasure he ever found, totally in awe of her beauty.
John kisses her slowly, caressing her lips with his, she extends her neck a bit to deepen the contact, open her mouth to let, even for a bit, him slip his tongue inside. It feels fresh, suddenly that light touch cause a hot shiver that goes straight in her lower abdomen.
When they break apart, john’s eyes burning with such an intense passion that she could feel her blood boil. She smiles and places her hand to caress the portion of bare chest and John inhale deeply at that.
- Now I understand why you ran away..- She said while looking briefly at the landscape before her – it’s a dream. The perfect dream-
Melina closes her eyes for a moment when John’s hand creeps into her hair, lightly scratching the skin.
- Never as much as this bikini, God! Mel ..you’re..- He stops himself trying to find the right words. So she decides to take advantage of the situation stretching and lifting her arms above her head holding the pillow, making her breast brushing against John’s body. He sighs deeply and a light growl escapes from his throat, the hand that was in her hair now rest on her hip.
- I am…what?- she murmurs letting him enjoy the view, bringing her face close to his neck just to leave a quick wet peck near his Adam’s apple and watches him swallow nervously, she giggles, proud to make such effect on him.
When she returns flat back on the mattress, the bassist’s hand tightens his grip a little on her hip absently sliding under her bikini bottom.
- Stunning – he whispers with a grin, stepping away just to take the two glasses.
Melina purrs like a cat while lifting herself up and leaning on her elbows, taking one of the glasses filled now with tequila.
When she swallows the first sip, she squints and curl her nose, making the other giggle.
She didn’t have to ask for another round since the glass is promptly refilled, and she raises an eyebrow amused.
She has a quite fun idea in her head now and John notice that.
He tilts his head on the side, settling better next to her, so he can almost intertwine his legs with hers.
Melina let a light chuckle, searching for cuddles that soon follows. She bares her neck to him letting his hand drove slowly on the hot skin and down to the side of her left breast.
- What’s on your mind, little kitty? – He asks, while she still smiles seductively at him, firmly holding the glass in her hand.
- Oh..you know..- She starts, biting her own lower lip – there are better ways to drink such an expensive tequila… - deliberately hanging on her words - like this one…-
John frowns a little, and she finds it adorable when he does that, watching him thinking and failing to understand what she’s talking about.
- A hint… – he asks then – maybe? – watching her expectantly.
The singer then points at her décolletage with a nod of her chin whilst allusively looking at him. She playfully rolls her eyes when he still doesn’t get it, so she points again the same spot but now with her own glass.
The bassist seems to finally understand and accidentally sucking in a breath, then parting a little his mouth in a smirk.
- Seriously? – he giggles, suddenly stopping and let out a little whimper when he sees Melina pouring all of her glass content on his breast.
On the other end, she shivers a little when the cold hits her hot skin making her nipples instantly hardening against her top. Putting on a little show, she closes her eyes, moaning softly and biting on her lower lip.
When she looks back at him, she has her best smile on, white teeth stand out between her plump lips.
- Seriously – Melina answers in a low voice, looking directly at John still speechless by her bold move. A lustful gaze in her eyes.
But soon she finds herself cheerful chuckling when her beloved’s mouth is on her chest, following all the little drops, licking, sucking and biting slowly her golden skin.
She lewdly sighs when he starts to squeeze one of her boobs in his hand, taking the soaked pendant between his teeth; she moans louder at the sight, his lips slightly parted and shiny. When he let go of it he goes back to explore her skin inch by inch, promptly shutting her up when he moves up to devour her lips, leaving her a trembling mess when he presses his body closer to hers. When they break apart with a wet pop, John focuses on her chest again, biting slowly on her neck.
- Squeeze your boobs together, love.– he sternly orders, blowing cold air on a fresh hickey; she didn’t need to be told twice and forcibly grab her breast pushing it towards the center forming a little cup, making her necklace disappear. John takes advantage of the situation, grab the liquor and pour a generous amount on her, careful to soak completely her bikini top too.
Melina lay her head against the pillow when John crashes his mouth on her chest to lavishly drink all that amber juice, moving quickly to the little swollen nipples pressed against the fabric, biting and sucking over the thin layer.
- D-Deaky – she stutters, now at the mercy of pleasurable shivers, feeling them flow between her legs, her bikini bottoms already ruined. John, on the other hand, keeps on teasing relentlessly on that exact spot, burying his nose in that soft, firm and perfect flesh of her breast. When he stops his sweet torture on the left one, Melina could see a tiny string of saliva that hangs off John’s lower lip, he immediately focuses on the needy other.
- Johnny – she whines, starting to rub her thighs together – c’mon..John – she moans louder, clearly turned on when she feels more tequila poured on her, this time on her abdomen, she could feel the liquid run down and slowly ooze on the sides of her narrow waist.
John slips towards her navel starting to lick it down, making her giggle at first. However, that dies down in the very instant when he slowly spread her legs putting himself in the middle of them. She’s so damn wet and it’s all his fault.
When he looks up to her, Melina’s breath hitches, and she doesn’t dare to speak, she’s just waiting for the next move; the bassist barely smirk while he tugs on her panties, sliding them down on her sides and off completely. She has no shame on obediently open her legs more while stares at him fiercely she realizes that she still squeezing her breasts involuntarily pinching on her nipples. She feels so warm it’s almost unbearable; John still stare at her, probably thinking on what to do next, but let her watch meanwhile his shirt flies on the floor next to her bottoms and can hear her holding her breath.
- You’re so…beautiful – she sighs, making him slightly blush in an instant, in contrast with appearance, now much more masculine than when they met.
He still is and always be her little Deaky.
That brief moment of tenderness dies down when John drinks the last sip of tequila in his glass, without swallowing it. Melina tries to say something, anything but words dies in her throat when she feels the bassist’s mouth against her pussy and the cool of the alcohol hit her clit.
She throws her head back, opening her legs more, if possible and enjoying every single lick and bite on her wet cunt, going crazy for that sweet torture. John mutters against hers, his nose deep in the thick dark hairs and his tongue rhythmically works on her outer labia.
She’s losing her mind, pushing her heels on the mattress and slowly lifting her hips towards that wonderful mouth more, but the bassist’s hands forcefully keeping her down at the mercy of his attack.
- J-John..God!..John..ah! – She cries desperately in need for more contact, moaning loudly when John working deep in her and a finger goes on her clit.
When both mouths clash on a new and hungry kiss, Melina can taste herself on his tongue, the faint taste of the Tequila mixed with the sweet taste of her juices make her collapse completely.
- Am I forgiven? – John quickly asks, still breathless, caressing her face lightly damp with sweat, pushing her hair away from her neck to leave a small bite; Melina arches a bit, pressing her breast against his, feeling the hint of chest hairs, and she rolls her eyes in pleasure.
- Oh…y-you should ..try more…for that – she affirms, trying to regain control over her body, failing miserably, her muscles still trembling and her voice weak. But she manages to slide a hand between their bodies and grand his crotch, his erection painfully hard, ready to be freed – You have to work harder than that to have my forgiveness –
John grins before lightly biting her on her chin, it doesn’t take long before they are completely naked against each other, Melina’s skimpy bikini bra now rests next to the bassist’s shirt and pants on the floor.
- You know I love you, Mel, more than my life.. – He whispers almost without breath against the singer’s neck when he slowly sinks inside her.
- I know stupid,..i..- she says weakly -..know –
She clings with both hands on his shoulders, feeling his muscles vigorously move under her fingertips.
- Forgive me, love - He rasps, making her smiles uncontrollably while she closes her eyes.
He doesn’t wait for an answer, now fully sheathed into her, and start to quicken his pace, gripping on her hips while his forehead rests on hers.
- Mel...fuck...i missed you- He whines, propping himself on his knees and taking one of her legs on his shoulder; the position allows him to go deeper.
- John...oh...- She mumbles, almost unable to speak, letting herself go completely at the mercy of her sweet boy who, now, worship her body like she is some kind of pagan goddess.
She had missed him too.
They continue to make love and to make up on the lost time while the sun dies behind the shore, and the light breeze of the night caress their sweaty bodies.
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
Freddie as yoga-fitness muse
Happy Freddie Friday! I so admire Freddie’s strength, endurance, grace and flexibility. I find I hold my planks longer, stretch taller, squat deeper and backbend farther when I picture him in those poses. Here are some of my fave photos. Maybe they’ll inspire you too!
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fourageingqueens · 6 years
YIKES SO i WROTE a really filthy poly fic for our boys so if anyone wants to read it here ya go.  LMK if you hate it. 
John’s fingers didn’t normally blister, but the encore was going long and, with Rog really laying in on the drums and Fred whipping the crowd into a frenzy, they were definitely going to be sore.  They’d played two rounds of “Jailhouse Rock” and were going in for “Tutti Frutti” when Roger gave him a wink from the drumset.  John smiled back at him, wincing as he bore down on the frets.  Roger nodded enthusiastically in reply, tongue out, pummeling the drumset, as the smooth bass licks encouraged Freddie to gyrate along.  He was dripping sweat, shirtless, one suspender off his shoulder, and beaming at him. 
After the show Freddie bumped into him in the small tunnel off stage.  “Fabulous darling…utterly fabulous.”  He grinned mischievously, eyeing John up and down.  “I’ve been hard ever since that bass line.”
John sputtered, laughing into the back of his hand, when Freddie abruptly caught his wrist. 
“Lovie, did you hurt your fingers?  They’re all red!” 
John swallowed, attempting to brush it off.  “They got a little sore tonight.  It’s fine Fred.” 
Freddie tsked quietly.  “No no no that won’t do!” Fred began pulling him deeper backstage.  “Boys! Did you know our Deaky hurt himself tonight!” 
With a flourish, Fred drew back a curtain from a partitioned part of backstage, only to find Roger and Brian on a couch in bathrobes, lying in each other’s arms. 
Freddie didn’t seem to mind in the slightest, but John, having never seen them this way, averted his eyes. 
“You did?!,” Roger exclaimed, still lying beneath Brian.  “What happened?”
“It’s just a bit of sore fingers.  It’s nothing,” John protested shyly.
Roger frowned.  “Blimey.  I feel bad for egging you on then.” 
“No, it’s alright Rog,” John said.
“You damn right it’s alright,” Freddie interjected, “Because I’m going to kiss them better.”
He took John’s hand from where he still held it and drew a finger to his lips, pressing a soft kiss there.  John’s eyes fluttered closed, then he remembered they were still in front of Roger and Brian.  He opened them to find the two sharing knowing smiles. 
“You know it’s ok John.  You can do that here, in front of us.  With us, if you like.”
John’s eyes grew wide.  “With you?”
Brian nodded and gave him a soft smile.  “Sure.  With all of us.” 
“Yeah!” Roger piped up. 
John looked at Freddie with alarm.  “Would you be ok with that?”
Freddie twirled John’s hair.  “Of course darling.  I get to share too.  We all share.  As long as you remember you’re mine,” he whispered in his ear. 
John answered him with a deep kiss. 
He pulled away and turned to Roger and Brian, who had stood to welcome him.  He stood in front of Brian, then put his arms around him for a tentative hug.  “I need a shower,” he said with a laugh.  “I don’t care,” the tall man said.  He drew him close and sighed.  Roger grabbed him before Brian had let him go, squeezing him tightly.  “Top or bottom,” he whispered with a giggle, causing John to playfully push him off and head for the showers. 
When he came out, no one was around.  He didn’t know what to expect from an orgy, but it wasn’t this.  When he did find someone, it was Brian, and he was on the couch having coffee.  John sat down in his bathrobe; it didn’t escape him that Brian was fully clothed.
“I had to get out of that itchy robe,” Brian remarked.  “Coffee?”
“Please,” John replied, wondering if everything was off now. 
Brian sat back on the couch, seemingly more relaxed now than ever. 
“Where are Freddie and Roger?” John asked.
“Oh!  They’ve gone for food.”
Brian languidly sipped at his coffee and then poured John a cup.  “Are you still nervous?”
The question caught him so off guard he almost spit out his coffee.  “About what?”
“John, you’re deflecting.”
“You’re the one who’s sitting here fully clothed.” 
“I would have you over this couch right now if it were entirely up to me.” 
“It’s not?”
“Fred would be angry.”
“This is not Fred’s body.”
“But you know Freddie.”
Yes, he did. 
Brian put down his cup and slid over to sit beside him.  “That doesn’t mean, however, I can’t get a preview of the main attraction,” he said sultrily, letting his fingertip graze the edge of the robe, just touching John’s chest.  “You are so…beautiful, John.  So beautiful.”
The fingertip tracked its way up his chest, across his neck and to the line of his cheek, stopping to stroke there just so. 
“Look at me John.”  John dutifully turned his head, meeting Brian’s soft brown eyes.  Brian’s lips grazed his with the slightest breath before meeting completely, startling both of them with a jolt. 
Kissing Brian was altogether different from kissing Freddie.  Freddie was 0-60 every time, but Brian…Brian’s kisses were like being boiled alive.  The little nibbles on his bottom lip, the playful edging of his tongue, the way he moved his arms around to fully embrace him…yes…this was a slow burn, but he was happily aflame. 
When they finally parted, those formerly soft eyes were black with desire, and Brian’s cheeks were flushed.  Similarly, there were blotches on John’s chest, and he was panting. 
“Pardon me for being prosaic, but I just wanna fuck you.”
John licked his lips, his breathing uneven.  “How,” he croaked. 
“Your mouth, to start out with.  How would you like that?”
John feebly nodded his head.
“That’s good,” Brian said as he unzipped his fly.  “That’s very good.”
John dropped to his knees, no longer worried now if Freddie and Roger walked in on them.  It shouldn’t matter after all, should it?  No, it shouldn’t matter at all. 
He took Brian into his hands, swiping a thumb right under the head.  Brian shivered.  He was big; not as big as Freddie, but big. 
He took him in as much as he could, wrapping his hands around the rest at the base.  He relaxed his throat as Brian wound his hands around his long hair. 
“You take me so well,” Brian grunted.  “You just slide back against this couch and I’ll do the rest.”
John nodded, whimpering, drool spilling from around Brian's pulsing cock.  Brian began his strokes…a short punchy rhythm that reminding John of plucking guitar strings—fucking his head up against the couch until it was nearly moving across the floor.
John held onto his hips as Brian neared his climax, his thrusts becoming erratic and uneven.  Just as he was nearing his completion, the door opened, and in walked Freddie and Roger.
“Oh lookie lookie!” cooed Roger in peals of laughter.  “We can’t leave them alone for one minute!”  Freddie just sighed, setting the containers of takeout on the low table.  He walked by the couple in the process, slapping Brian’s ass hard enough to derail his orgasm. 
“That’s what you get for starting without me!”
A half an hour later, the four of them were in bed eating Chinese takeout.  Roger and Brian were feeding each other with chopsticks, while Freddie, having coaxed John to lie down, had dished himself a portion of Chow Mein onto John’s abdomen and, between fits of giggles, was attempting to feed them both. 
“God, you are positively delicious,” he said around a mouthful of noodles.
John squinted up at him. “Don’t you mean ‘it’s delicious’?”
He chewed around a wide grin, teasing the chopsticks over John’s flat stomach.  “Nope.” 
Brian laughed at the two of them, causing John to look up at him.  “So are you,” he said, his face reddening slightly. 
Brian reached over and grabbed a noodle off of John, sucking it into his mouth and chewing thoughtfully.  “We never finished what we started love,” he said quietly, his hand going out to stroke his thigh. 
Freddie placed his hand on top of his, joining it there, and stared lovingly at Brian.  Then, Brian kissed Freddie deeply, moving his hand from John’s thigh up to cup Freddie’s cheek. 
“Hey!” Roger protested from behind them, “What am I, chopped liver?”
“Yes!” Freddie teased, “And we’re going to throw you in with these noodles and I’m going to eat you on top of John!” 
They burst into peals of laughter, Brian rolling atop Roger and Freddie rolling atop John, the noodles forgotten.  When they had finished, they didn’t know whose leg or hand was where.
Freddie was the first one to speak.  “John, darling.  Go play with Brian for awhile.  I want to play with Roger.”  
“Ah, goodie!” Roger said delightedly, making a slow show of crawling over to Freddie, wiggling his ass and dipping his shoulders like a predatory cat. 
“Get over here you tart, before I make you pay for it.”  
His eyes widened.  “Ooh, what will you do daddy?”
Freddie’s nose wrinkled.  “Stop that shit,” he said and slapped him playfully on the ass. “I’m not Brian.” 
Roger threw his head back and laughed, sticking his rear in the air.  “Slap it again Freddie!” 
Freddie obliged him, causing Roger to squeal.  “You stick your ass up like that again, you’re going to get fucked,” he said in a mock serious tone.  Roger feigned shock, ignoring him, while Freddie lubed up. 
He grabbed his hips, entering him with a satisfying groan that brought the attention of their other two bedmates who had mostly been watching the proceedings with soft smiles on their faces. 
“Aren’t they pretty, Brian said.  John nodded his agreement, transfixed by the sight of his partner having sex with one of his best friends.  He’d never even watched porn. 
Brian garnered his attention with a touch to his shoulder.  “What do you like John?” he inquired softly. 
“In bed.  What pleases you?”
John swallowed, looking at the sheets.  “Oh.  Um…”
“You don’t have that much experience, do you?”
Before he could say anything, Brian squeezed his arm. 
“It’s ok,” he said, smiling.  “We’ll take things slow.  Ok?” 
John shook his head.  The way they had gotten off was not slow.  Why was he so nervous now?  He looked at Freddie and Roger.  Freddie rarely gave it to him like he was giving it to Roger…rough and fast like that.  John was rock hard just watching them.  Roger’s face was down, he was grunting and moaning and he was gripping the headboard.  And just then, as if he knew John was watching, Roger turned and gave him a winning albeit very satisfied smile. 
“You want to watch them finish, or can we get started?”  Brian’s laugh was easy, his tone light as he pushed back the hair from John’s shoulders.  “What have you got under here, anyway?” he said as he teased back the edge of John’s terrycloth bathrobe.  He looked down at John’s sticky abdomen in disapproval.  “Ah, Freddie’s made a mess of you with his fooling about,” he said as he playfully swiped his hand over where the noodles had been.  He then drew his palm to his mouth and took a long lick of it, pulling it away clean. 
“Mmm.  Now let me unwrap the rest of my present,” Brian soothed as he untied John’s robe.  When John’s generous erection sprang free, Brian’s eyes lit. 
“My my Deaky…what have you been hiding behind that bass of yours,” he said with a wicked grin.  “And those boys have you so worked up, poor thing.  I’ll have to do something about that.” 
John blushed considerably under his inspection and the growing cries from the couple next to them.  He suddenly shrugged out of his robe, burying his hands in Brian’s hair before kissing him. 
Brian rocked a little under the force of John’s assault, but quickly recovered to return the kiss, grabbing both sides of John’s face and pulling his lower lip between his teeth.  A little “oof” escaped John as Brian pushed him back onto the bed, never separating them. 
Brian’s hands were everywhere: his face, skating across his shoulders, roaming over his chest.  “So smooth,” he whispered.  “Our little band baby.” 
“Are you my baby Deaky,” Roger asked him rather wistfully.  He was spooned up with Freddie, and the two of them had rolled rather closely to Brian and John where they watched them both.  Freddie was behind Roger, his arm around the man’s chest, his face nearly flush with his.  “He’s our baby Roger,” he said as he kissed Roger’s cheek sweetly.  “Like Brian said.”
Brian smiled, placing a kiss to the soft downy hair on John’s chest.  “He’s mine now boys,” he said smoothly.  “Roger, you’ll have to wait your turn.” 
Roger whimpered in return, causing Brian to glance at Roger sympathetically.  “Now Roger, you want me to be happy, don’t you?” 
Roger brightened.  “Of course daddy.”
Freddie rolled his eyes.  “You two are really daft, you know that right?”  Roger only giggled in response, turning to press his face into Freddie’s neck, kissing him softly. 
Brian had worked his way down to John’s cock, proudly erect and fully engorged, jutting from a soft mound of light brown curls. 
“Fucking beautiful,” Brian mused.  He ran one of his long fingers along the length of him, causing John to shiver.  “I just want to taste you…is that ok?”
John gripped the sheets, nodding his head dumbly.  Brian’s hot mouth was on him before he’d had time to prepare, and his head was thrown back, hair splayed against the pillow and an “ahh” from his lips.
Brian May visited ecstasy upon him.  That’s all he could think to call it.  With the flat of his tongue right under the head, he lapped him eagerly, and then he relaxed his throat and took him in as deep as he dared, alternately hallowing his cheeks and relaxing them so his mouth stayed deliciously wet.
And he never took his eyes off John. John, whose eyes were slammed shut, whose hips were thrusting off the bed, and little involuntary noises were coming out of him in long strings of incoherent babble.  John, whose hands were buried so far into Brian May’s cherished mane they were practically fused to his scalp. 
“I fucking love watching them like this,” Roger squeaked, his hand on himself under the covers.  “I hope Brian swallows him down,” he said with a glint in his eye.  Freddie nudged up against his backside, showing his obvious arousal.  “He won’t let him come.  Brian likes to edge.  Sadistic bastard.”  He laughed.
Sure enough, Brian released John with a wet plop.  John groaned, disappointed, and propped up on his elbows, looking at Brian with wide, glittering eyes.  “What’s wrong Bri?”
He looked so young, so perfect to Brian…his cheeks pink, pupils blown with arousal and dewy skin. Long tendrils of hair stuck to his shoulders like seaweed on a sun-bleached beach.  Brian grabbed his chin firmly, kissing his soft mouth and letting him taste himself as he hummed into it. 
“Nothing my love.  Nothing at all.  I just want to be inside you when you come.  That’s all.” 
John blushed.  He really had not thought of how that would go.  He usually topped Freddie, so this was new.  But all of this was new, so it didn’t really matter. 
Perhaps sensing his trepidation, Brian nipped at the corner of John’s mouth, pushing him down again.
“I’m going to take care of you, Deaky,” Brian whispered. 
John nodded, smiling into a kiss.  He helped remove the rest of Brian’s clothes until the willowy man was settled on top of him.  “You’re sure you don’t want me the other way,” John asked quietly. 
Brian shook his head.  “I want you just like this.  So I can see you.” 
John looked up at Brian with soft, wide eyes, his hands braced on his chest.  “I don’t usually—“
“He’s a toppah!” Roger interjected with a wide smile.  “Brian, you’re not used to those!”
Brian removed John’s hand from his chest, kissing his sore fingers.  “Are you alright with this?” 
“Yes, Bri,” he said looking up at him.  “Maybe if…” John averted his eyes, for a moment, uneasy expressing his wishes. 
“What is it John?  What do you need?” 
John finally met his eyes.  “Maybe you could tell me if I’m doing alright?” he asked shyly. 
From his spot beside them, Freddie grinned.  “He likes to be bragged on.”  John shot him an alarmed glance, and he simply smiled.  “It’s ok darling.  You’re doing beautifully so far.  I’m so proud of you.  Just watching you I want to fuck you into next week,” he said with a laugh.
John preened…it was exactly what he needed to hear. 
Brian smiled.  Different lovers had different needs, and if John required praise, he would certainly give it to him, and more. 
“Put your legs around me, John.  Can you do that for me love?”  John did so, hissing at the contact their body’s made.  Brian settled at his entrance, reaching down and teasing him with his long fingers. 
“Are you ready for me John?”
John worked his hip onto his fingers hungrily.  “I want you so much Bri.  Hurry up.”
Brian chuckled low in his chest, braced himself, and rocked into him. 
John was tight and warm, and Brian could barely keep it together for those first few strokes.  The way John’s erection bobbed against his abdomen just made him want to lose it right then and there, but he willed himself to find a rhythm.
“Oh, you’re doing so well, sweetheart,” Brian managed between thrusts.  “You fit me like a glove.”
“Thank you,” John stuttered breathlessly.  There were tears in his eyes, and a bead of sweat had formed on his brow.  Brian bent to lick it away, as salty as his dick.  He paused to place a kiss there, his hand trailing to grab a handful of his hair.  He pulled some on the egress, and John grunted. 
“I’m sorry John, but I may not last long.  You just feel so good,” Brian managed through tight lips. 
“’S ok,” John muttered.  He was meeting Brian stroke for stroke now, chasing his release.  “I’m close daddy. I can feel it.” 
That was all it took for Brian’s resolve to crumble.  He stroked John through his orgasm, not satisfied until he was spent, limp and sweating in his arms.
They lay curled up, Brian stroking his hair.  “You were amazing.  And you felt so good.” 
“Mmm,” John sighed in response, content to lie there in the afterglow for a little while, at least. 
But Freddie and Roger were not to be forgotten. 
“Blimey that was hot!” Roger exclaimed.  “You’re a little firecracker aren’t you Deaky?  And you, my lover, are a fucking stud,” he said as he kissed Brian leisurely.  “I’m hard as a diamond for fuck’s sake.”  He pouted, flashing his eyes at the both of them.   “Who’s going to take care of me?”
Brian threw him down on the bed beside them as Roger laughed, kissing him soundly.  “You’ll have your turn, spoiled brat.”
Freddie rolled on top of John, cupping his face with his hand.  “You’re just magnificent darling.  Watching you like that just made me realize what a lucky man I am.” 
John smiled, reaching up to trace Freddie’s face with his hand, letting his thumb drag over his mouth.  “I love you,” he said.  His cheeks were still pink, and his eyes were bright. 
Freddie kissed the thumb that hovered over his lips.  “And I you,” he said quietly.  “I you.”
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deacuryweek2021 · 3 years
Getting Involved: Drabbles
No matter your writing experience, we want to make sure you feel welcome to participate in Deacury Week 2021 💖
Perhaps you've never written fanfiction, maybe you have an idea for a scene you want to try out, or maybe you simply don't feel like writing something particularly long; whatever your reason, drabbles are a great way to get involved...
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What is a drabble?
In the traditional sense, a drabble is a piece of fiction that is exactly 100 words.
In case you’re finding it difficult to stick to 100 words, you can most certainly expand your word count, make it 200, 300 even a little ficlet! We’d be delighted to have your contribution!
'Deacury drabbles'
As with other fics for Deacury Week, you can post to the Ao3 collection and/or to tumblr during the event.
Still not convinced? Remember:
If you're in need of inspiration, check out our ✨ alternative prompts tag,✨ which we'll be adding to from now until the event.
In case you’re finding it difficult to choose a prompt, or need some help brainstorming, our dm’s are always open, as are our asks.
If you’re shy about letting people know it’s you who’s written a drabble/ficlet you can send it to our blog @deacuryweek2021 via asks + anon.
Some guidelines about sending content via asks:
Can I send smut?
If the anonymous content you are sending in is ‘smut’ or ‘NSFW’, we’d appreciate it if you first dm’ed the blog. We won't disclose the names of the author of the drabble elsewhere; this is just so we can verify your age.
If you used any of the prompts, do state which one(s) at the start or end of the ask – it's fun to see all the different interpretations and directions!
Multiple asks & character limits
The limit on an ask box is 500 characters, including spaces and punctuation. If you’re finding that you’re running out of space within the ask box, you can send multiple asks with whatever you’re writing. However, if you’re doing this; do send everything in one stretch so there’s no confusion.
Content warnings
Do give an appropriate trigger warning if the content you’re sending has potential trigger warnings. Here is a useful post to understand what could be potentially triggering.
Inappropriate content & what we won't publish
We will not be sharing harmful content or hateful content. This is including but not limited to: promotion of abusive behaviour and slurs, hate towards real people (e.g. Jim and Veronica etc., specific fans or blogs, marginalised groups). Drabble-asks which contain 'period typical discrimination' require appropriate trigger warnings and will be reviewed by the mods on a case-by-case basis.
Any ask which goes against the rules of the event will not be published.
Any more advice?
Here is a useful post to avoid the influence of misogyny while writing female characters into your work. This might not even be intentional, but is something we as a fandom and as authors can change in our content.
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if I may, I would definitely recommend A Night to Forget :) it's Deacury centered and I'd give a warning since it deals with r*pe description and recovery. I was very hesitant at first but it's easily one of the best fan fictions I've ever read.
I chose not to read that one when I read its warnings, but others might like it!
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johnlock, mystrade, adlock, and the rest
~*~~my reflections on fan fictions~~*~
As my finals are just around the corner, I do two things that prevent me from studying: 1. freaking out, 2. looking through my old stuff like... fan fictions. (all - obviously - in order to procrastinate)
And I was as surprised with what I found as I would be if Barack Obama called and invited me to spend the summer with him and the rest of The Obamas. Although that wouldn't surprise me that much, I think I deserve a call from him with such a proposition.
See the title of this post? Those are only a few of many ships from BBC's "Sherlock", which is probably my most favorite thing on Earth. It is so due to the fact that the writer of this series, and the one who plays Mycroft Holmes, is my absolutely. most. favorite. person. On this and every other planet. His name is Mark Gatiss (#bae). I will write a whole separate post about this beautiful ginger so stay tuned. What I want you to know, about my love towards this English gentleman, is that I want him to adopt me. That or I want him to marry me, in a nutshell.
So I found my fanfics, as you've read few lines above. Most of them from the time when I was about 14-15 (don't ask me how old I'm now). The stories I wrote were mainly about Mystrade (my absolute OTP) or my alter-ego named Josephine and Mycroft Holmes. I was very amazed by the sex knowledge the 15-year-old me had. What's probable is that she knew more positions than I do now...
What is my point? Fanfics have been a part of my life since... Ever? When I was 8 years old, I shipped Lily and Oliver from "Hannah Montana". And no one should be laughing at that because they DID become canon! Later on, my brother bought me a "Harry Potter" book and so new ships rushed into my life. When I was a teenage Queen fangirl, I shipped Deacury (John Deacon & Freddie Mercury) like crazy. And since I've been 14, I've been in love with Mystrade. And Johnlock too. Fan fictions are an amazing genre. Think about it - what harm does a little girl or boy cause when they really want two people to fall in love? And even if they know that it's not really possible, they move it to paper or at least to "headcanons".
In my book, fanfics are a way of expressing yourself and - shock! - your writing. Because, when I was scribbling something about Lily and Oliver in primary school, I was actually developing some skills in writing. And this blog probably wouldn't exist if I never had an opportunity to start with such silly stories like fan fictions.
What I'm trying to say is that many people look down on those who write fan fictions, or even ship a couple. Maybe not here, on Tumblr, but I can tell you an example from my life. I have a friend who finds it... The word she used was "disgusting". I said that I couldn't agree with her because fan fictions are just really fun. They allow people to create.
And I support anything that stands from creating. Because, if we become restricted to what is shown in an actual movie or a book, what are we left with? I'm not talking about ships only now, but we all have had some thoughts of a character's background or ideas of their childhood - if it's never said directly. A message to all people who despise those who write about their favorite characters - loosen the rubber of your pantaloons a tiny bit.One thing that I always say: "People should allow other people to do the heck those people want to do!" This saying of mine can go with many situations but in terms of something as silly as fanfics, I have no doubt that I am totally right.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“i didn’t know it could be like this”Chapter 9: Switch / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 11
Summary: Freddie makes a sexy request of John.
Rated E: Everyone be aware here be smut 
Pairing: Freddie Mercury/John Deacon (It’s Deacury Ya’ll)
Words: 1702
Also on AO3
Tagging @the-beatle-queen and @morewyckedthanyou
“Well you’re a pretty thing.”
John’s face fell when he heard the gruff voice, but he plastered on a smile and turned to face the man anyway.
He was tall and lanky, not at all what he had expected.  But not Freddie.  
Just as John was about to say something, a jeweled hand tapped the man on the shoulder.  
“This one is spoken for,” Freddie said firmly.  He might have had to look up at the man to say it, but it was obvious he wasn’t backing down.  
The man huffed.  “I didn’t see you talking to him.”  
Freddie smiled, easing into his natural charm.  “Well, you didn’t give me a chance darling!  Besides, I’ve already paid.”  He patted the man’s arm.  “Now go find someone else.”  
His kohl lined eyes narrowed on the man, his mouth set firm.  The man took another long look at John and turned on his heel and left.  
Freddie smiled, leaning into a noticeably more relaxed John.  “Gonna have to lock you in a box to keep the men away from you,” he purred into his cheek, causing John to giggle.  “Wanna go upstairs?”  
John nodded, a big grin on his face.  They linked hands and headed to the room together.  
Inside, Freddie wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.  He buried his nose in his hair, inhaling the sweet scent of the younger man. “How did I get so lucky?” he murmured.
John sighed, pulling away. “It’s Roger and me who are they lucky ones.  I can’t believe I don’t have to take clients anymore.  It’s like a dream.”  
Freddie kissed him softly. “You should have never had to do that to begin with.”  
They sat walked to the bed, sitting down.  “It wasn’t so bad in the beginning. Roger helped me.  Roger has helped me so much.”  
Freddie smiled brightly at that, pushing the hair back from John’s face and placing a small kiss to his cheek.
“Speaking of Roger.  I uh…I can’t stop thinking of you and him back at the flat…that day you two came over for tea.”
John’s face burned.  “Oh?”
“Yeah,” Freddie said.  “About how well you fucked him.  It’s on a constant loop in my mind.”  
John put his face in his hands, but Freddie pulled them away.  “You were so beautiful, topping.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”  His eyes flicked down to John’s mouth, then back up again.  “I want you to fuck, me John.”  
John’s mouth flew open, then promptly snapped shut.  “No, Freddie, I can’t.  I only do that with Roger.  Besides, I only sub here.”
Freddie smoothed a hand down John’s back, his own heart was racing, and he took a steadying breath.  “You can, though.  I mean, this isn’t like a client thing, is it?  Do I feel like a client to you John?”  
Freddie’s soft brown eyes gently bore into him, and John had to blink away unexpected tears.  “No, of course not Freddie.  You’re no client.”  
The hand settled at the base of his neck.  “Then please.”  
John leaned in for a kiss, and Freddie’s lips were pliant and warm.  He slipped his tongue in easily, the high of the moment making him momentarily dizzy.  
Freddie withdrew, his eyes pleading. “I need you John.  I need you in the worst way.”  
John toyed with Freddie’s dark hair, threading his hands through it.  “Yeah,” he said finally.  His little smile was nervous, unsure, and he worried his bottom lip as he let his hand slip down Freddie’s side.  “How do you—“
Freddie captured his lips again, his tongue tangling with his.  “Any way you want me, darling.”  Freddie’s eyes sparkled in the dim light as he linked his hands with John’s.  “You’re in charge tonight,” he said with a little grin. “I want to be at your mercy.”  
John’s mouth twitched into a little smile as he tugged at Freddie’s hand, moving him to the edge of the bed.  “Take your pants off,” John instructed in a commanding tone, and Freddie couldn’t get them off fast enough.  
John settled in a chair in the corner, hunched down, his legs spread.  “Now your shirt,” he said casually, “but slower this time.  Make a show of it.”  
Freddie could scarcely believe the change in the young man, the confidence in his voice.  He readily complied, taking his time dipping his shoulders out of his shirt and letting it skate down his arms until he was fully nude.
John’s face was flushed, but he still sat composed in the chair quite a few feet away from Freddie. “Suck on your fingers Freddie. Get them nice and wet for me. Then play with your nipples.”  
Freddie groaned, his cock twitching at the command.  He pushed two of his fingers in his mouth and sucked greedily, then pulled them out and played with his nipples one at a time, enjoying the pinch and ache as he pulled and rolled the tender buds.  He was rutting and moaning, rubbing his thighs together for friction.  
“Remove one of your hands…lick the palm and touch yourself,” came the steady voice from the corner. Freddie had his eyes closed, but he could hear how there was a rough edge to the voice now.  Freddie did as instructed, slicking his palm against the hot shaft, his back arching against the sensation.  
“Please let me come,” Freddie gasped out, one hand still tweaking his nipple as his palm worked his cock in a smooth rhythmic motion.  His whole body felt strung tight, aching for release.  
John tsked.  “Call me ‘Sir,’” he corrected quietly.  
Freddie bit his lip.  “Sir, may I come Sir?”  
John’s mouth quirked in a small smile.  “No, you may not.  Remove your hands.  Scoot back on the bed for me.”  
Freddie was shaking, tears in his eyes as he did as he was told.  A low whine came from his throat as he wormed his way back onto the bed.  
John stood and opened a dresser drawer.  He tossed Freddie a bottle of lube.  “On your knees, beautiful.  Open yourself up for me.”  
Freddie gasped at the pet name, grappling for the bottle where it landed near his thigh and flipping the cap open.  He slicked his fingers, his fingers going back to tease at his rim.  
John hummed pleasantly as Freddie slipped one finger in, then two, working them inside his tight heat.  “I loved to see you spreading yourself like this,” he said almost thoughtfully as he watched him rock back on his knees, a sharp moan on his lips.  
“Please sir,” Freddie keened as he continued working himself on his fingers, grunting as he pushed back against a third, angling his hips, searching for that spot that would make him see stars but coming up empty.  
“Tell me what you’re thinking about,” John asked him from the dark corner, and although Freddie’s wrist was beginning to cramp, he decided he could keep this up as long as John talked him through it…maybe even come.  
“Your cock,” Freddie breathed. “Filling me up so good Sir.”  
John stood, slowly removing his clothes.  He stood at the foot of the bed and grabbed Freddie’s hip with one hand.  He slipped in a finger alongside Freddie’s three.  
“Like that?  Is that too full or is that just right?”
Freddie cried out and pushed back against the fingers, the slight sting of the intrusion there only for a moment, and then he withdrew.  He whimpered at the loss.  
John rubbed small circles at his hip.  “You’re a needy thing, aren’t you?”
Freddie looked back over his shoulder, his whole body quivering.  John was beautiful, his long hair hanging over his shoulders, his skin smooth and beautiful in the light from the window.  God, he wanted him.  Needed him.  
“I’m just a needy slut Sir,” Freddie whined as he arched his back.
John’s eyes widened.  “Are you now?”  John fingered Freddie’s fluttering hole, causing him to push back against it.
“Turns out you’re right sweetheart,” John purred.  “You’re just a slut in need of a cock.”  He pushed Freddie’s face down into the mattress as he grabbed the lube.  “And that’s just what I’m going to give you.”
He thrust into him in two smooth thrusts, bottoming out and giving Freddie a moment to adjust to the feeling of being so perfectly filled.  As soon as Freddie grunted his assent, he withdrew only to slam right back down again.  
The movement stole Freddie’s breath.  This was just what he needed…what he had wanted for so long. Brian usually topped him, but he had been fantasizing about John topping him since that afternoon at the flat, and as John set up a punishing pace, the only regret Freddie had is that he wished he could see him as he rode him…see how beautiful he must be.
John angled his hips, careful to hit Freddie’s prostate with every thrust.  Freddie was moaning, his head pressed into the pillow as John had one hand on his hips for leverage as he fucked into him with vigor.  
“Touch me,” Freddie mumbled. “Touch me sir, please.  I’m so close.”  
John stroked him in time with his thrusts until Freddie was coming in his fists, all over the sheets, his body coiled tight in his release.  He rode him through his orgasm, chasing his own until he finally came moaning Freddie’s name.  
John pulled out of him and they curled up together, their sweat-slicked bodies drying on top of the blankets.  John put his arm around Freddie and pulled him close.  
“Was that ok?” he asked shyly.
Freddie laughed.  “Are you kidding me?”  He turned and gave the young man a long, lingering kiss.  “You can top me any time Sir.  No wonder Roger is so happy.”  
John blushed, but kissed him back.
“Roger and I don’t do a lot of Dom stuff.  Reminds us too much of work.”
Freddie nodded, then smiled. “Now you don’t have to worry about that, darling.”
John grinned.  “Yeah, thanks to you and Brian.”  
Freddie just held him close. “This will all be over soon, love. One day it will all just be a memory.”
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jessahmewren · 5 years
So I was thinkin that maybe they could be watching a scary movie and John gets v scared so Freddie has to cuddle him 😔
Here you go sweetie!  I really enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoy!
Movie night at Freddie’s was the highlight of John’s week.  It had been tense in the studio, with The Game in final production and Roger and Brian having frequent squabbles.  John just needed some downtime.  After they wrapped that Friday, John happily picked up a six-pack and headed over to Freddie’s flat.  
“Come in darling…thought you would never get here.”  Freddie was already on the couch, a large bowl of popcorn in his arms. He placed it on the coffee table, standing to meet John in the doorway.  “I’ve got something extra special planned for us tonight,” he said as he took the beer from John and placing it alongside the popcorn as he laced John’s fingers with his, pulling him along.  “Get settled in.  I’ll start the movie.”  
John climbed under the blankets, eyebrows lifting as the ominous music started up.  “A horror movie Freddie?  It’s springtime.  I thought we’d watch The Tale of Peter Rabbit or something.”  
A beautifully high and lilting laugh came from Freddie’s uptilted throat as he playfully lay a hand on John’s shoulder.  When he removed it, the skin where he had touched him still tingled.  
“Oh darling, you’re so adorable sometimes.”  Freddie’s eyes twinkled as he crossed his outstretched legs on the coffee table.  “It’s my turn to pick the movie love, and horror it is.”  
John sank a bit in the cushions, grumbling under his breath.  He wasn’t easily scared, not really.  It just wasn’t his favorite genre.  He found horror movies cliché and a bit boring, to be honest, and predictably banal and—
John’s interrupted his own inner monologue as a shadowy figure jumped across the screen, knife in hand.  A blood-curdling scream followed as the ominous music became even louder.  Almost imperceptibly, his folded arms began to tremor.
Freddie wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close.  “Oh, darling! It’s alright.  Shhhh…”  He tucked the bassist under his chin, rubbing his upper arms in comfort as John lay snugged up against his chest.  
“We can turn it off if you like?”  
“No,” John answered quickly. “I—I like it.”  The little scare had thrilled him, if he were to be completely honest, and being snugged up to Freddie was oh so nice.  He let himself relax, bracing for the next scare.
It came without warning, and he jumped in Freddie’s arms.  
Freddie laughed fondly, squeezing him tightly.  “Nothing’s going to hurt you my love.  Not now, not ever.  Not if I’m around to do anything about it.”  
John sighed against the warmth of Freddie’s chest, the tension of the week slowly melting away. Somehow, he believed every word.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“i didn’t know it could be like this” Chapter 3: Silk / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Chapter 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Summary:  Freddie returns to the club alone with a present for John. (It’s Deacury, ya’ll)
Rated E: Everybody be aware it’s smut
Chapter 3 of ?
Pairings: Freddie Mercury/John Deacon, Brian May/Roger Taylor, Roger Taylor/John Deacon, eventual puppy pile 
Words: 2365
Also on AO3
Tagging @another-random-girl because she asked ;).  Anyone wanting to be tagged, just drop me a message. 
Freddie walked along the racks of clothing in his favorite thrift store, hands idly rifling through shirts and trousers of all fabrics and colors.  Even though he and Brian didn’t have a legitimate band yet, they would one day [he could feel it in his bones] and they would need to be stage and camera ready. 
He was on his way out when his eyes fell on it, hanging there in plain sight, all amber and turquoise dragons and filigree swirls dyed against fine silk. 
Freddie bunched it in his hands.  The kimono was nothing…the cost of a pint at the pub.  But his cheeks caught fire when he imagined it doubled around John, his long hair flowing around his shoulders and his eyes picking up the colors. 
Freddie was so excited he nearly left without paying for it.
The walk to the club was maybe ten minutes.  Brian had the van, and it was a nice night.  Freddie could barely contain himself, such was his excitement at seeing the young man again.  It had been, he mentally calculated…two weeks?
Freddie entered the club, instinctively looking around for that sweet, familiar face.  After a thorough perusal of the room, however, John was nowhere to be seen.  He did see who he now knew as Roger sitting cross-legged on a couch, smoking a cigarette. 
He approached the blond, and Roger smiled up at him sweetly.  “Hi there handsome,” he drawled as he took another drag on his cigarette.  “You needing company?” 
Freddie blushed under his attentions, suddenly thankful for the dark room.  Roger certainly was beautiful.  There was no other word for it.  With full lips, those blue eyes, and that smooth, almost feminine jaw.  If he wasn’t here for other reasons, he might be tempted. 
“I was actually looking for John,” Freddie said politely.  “Aren’t you two close?” 
Roger stretched his arm over the back of the couch.  “You could say that,” he said coyly.  “But I’m sorry, John’s upstairs at the moment.  If you want to wait for him, he’ll be down soon.” 
Freddie’s face fell.  Of course, he knew what John’s job was and it didn’t bother him, but he had never been to the club while John was actually with a client.  It felt somehow different.
Roger started playing with Freddie’s hair, absently twirling it in his deft fingers.  “You like my John, don’t you,” he said with a smile.
Freddie’s eyes grew wide, mouth open to say something. 
“It’s ok love.  I think he likes you too.  He talked about that damn sandwich for days.” 
Freddie laughed then, and it made Roger smile. 
“Thank you for being good to him,” Roger said seriously.  “If there’s anyone in this whole world who deserves it, it’s John.”
You might deserve it too, Freddie wanted to say, but he held his tongue. 
“Did someone say my name?” John said as he snuck up behind Roger and planted a kiss to the top of his head. He was warm and fresh from the shower.
“Hello love.”  Roger locked eyes with him.  “Everything ok?” 
John gave him a tight nod in reply. 
“I was just talking to your friend here,” Roger said.  “Mr. uh—“
“Mr. Mercury,” Freddie supplied graciously.  He looked up at John, his eyes soft.  “It’s good to see you again John.” 
John smiled.  “Likewise,” he said, almost shy. 
“Well,” Roger said as he got up to stretch.  “I’m going to see if I can find myself a date.  You two gents have fun,” he said as he winked at John.
John watched him leave, stars in his eyes.  “Bye,” he said after him.
Freddie watched the sweet exchange between the two lovers, something twinging beneath his ribs.  Briefly, he longed to be a part of what they had.
“So,” John said a little shyly.  “You wanna go upstairs?” 
Freddie smiled.  He knew John had just finished with a client, and could probably use a rest.  “Could we just talk for a bit first?” 
John pressed his lips together, but gave a small nod. 
Freddie gently put a hand on his arm.  “What kind of music do you like dear?” 
John looked surprised.  “Me?” 
Freddie giggled.  “Yes you, silly!  What do you like to listen to?  Rock, jazz, classical—“
“Uhm, rock,” John finally said, relaxing a little.  “I like Hendrix and The Beatles.  And Dylan.  Roger and I love music.”
Freddie’s eyes brightened.  “Really?  I love all of those guys too!  And what do you like to do for fun?” 
Suddenly the air shifted, and Freddie could feel John’s discomfort.  John worried his lip, looking away.  “I—I would really like just like to go upstairs now, if that’s ok.”
Freddie frowned, squeezing his arm a little.  “Of course darling. It’s no problem.  We can go right now.” 
And he let John lead him up the stairs and into the familiar rooms of the dingy club. 
The door had barely opened when the usually shy John was turning to Freddie, eyes bright.  “I wanted to thank you for being so kind to me last time,” John said sweetly. He pressed a chaste kiss to Freddie’s cheek, and Freddie thought he might vibrate out of his skin.  “I was in quite a state,” John said, kissing his way down Freddie’s face and neck, “and you were so very nice to me.” 
Freddie was breathing hard, the young man sweet and soft and practically pressed against him.  “Do you often get into trouble with your drinking,” Freddie finally managed. 
Hazel eyes looked up at him under thick lashes.  “Sometimes,” he said cautiously, “but the drinking helps.” 
Freddie nodded, moving his hands over John’s slight shoulders.  “Are you drinking tonight?” 
John hummed, pecking his way over Freddie’s bicep.  “I’ve had a few, but I have my wits about me.” 
Freddie stroked his hair, gently pressing his face to his chest.  He thought of the little bag he had brought with him, sat by the door. 
“Strip off your clothes, John,” he said quietly.  “Let’s see how those marks are healing.”
John complied, stripping quickly for Freddie’s inspection.  He stood relaxed in front of the older man, his shoulders back, cock heavy and proud.  No tears this time. There was a twinkle of mischief in his eye. 
“Why darling, they’re nearly well! How did—“
John only smiled.  “Roger. Once I knew what to do, I let Roger help me.  Feels much better now.  Thanks to you.”
Freddie grinned.  “Oh you’ve been very good, John.  Very clever.  So good you deserve a present.” 
John blinked at him.  “A present?”
“Yes, of course!”  Freddie grabbed the little white shopping bag, beckoning John to join him on the bed. 
“I saw it and I just knew you had to have it,” Freddie murmured as John’s hands sank into the pool of silk fabric.  He pulled out the kimono, and his mouth fell open. 
“For me?” he almost cooed.  His hands tremble slightly as they traced patterns over the printed silk. 
“For you, darling,” Freddie reassured him, and the light in John’s eyes was enough to fill Freddie’s heart to overflowing. 
John gasped, a small intake of breath as Freddie took it from him and draped it over his shoulders.  “Let’s try it on, yeah?  I want to see you in it.”  John’s eyes were wet as Freddie pulled his arms through, the young man warm and pliant in his grasp.  Freddie tied the kimono around his waist, doubling the sash.  He stepped back, admiring his work. 
“God, you’re stunning,” Freddie said as he looked at him, his eyes full of wonder. 
John blushed deeply, cheeks dappled scarlet and face partially hidden by his long hair. 
“You don’t get told that nearly enough, do you,” Freddie said as he brushed his hair back to stroke alongside his face with the back of his hand.  John closed his eyes at the gentle motion, leaning slightly into his touch.
“May I kiss you John?” 
He smiled, finally looking at Freddie with those hazel eyes.  “You can do anything you like to me, sir.”  His voice was soft, but distant. 
Freddie frowned, moving his hand to card through John’s soft brown hair.  “I want you to stop talking like that,” Freddie said, his voice suddenly choked with emotion. 
John looked at him, his eyes large.  “Like what?” 
Freddie sighed, a tear slipping out beneath his lashes.  “Like you’re disposable, John.” 
John’s eyes searched his face for a moment before slipping down and settling on Freddie’s lips.  He pushed forward, the silk of the kimono brushing Freddie’s face as John’s hand settled behind his neck.  Their breaths mingled for a moment, something passing between.  Something unspoken.  Something understood. 
And then John kissed him.  Softly, sweetly, he slotted their lips together, and Freddie’s groan reverberated in the quiet of the room, honey sweet and low as John took him deeper, his tongue exploring the depths of his mouth until Freddie lost himself to the feeling of John’s hands on him, tentative, yet capable and sure. 
John released him, his hazel eyes dark and looking up at him with a small smile on his face. 
Freddie couldn’t take his eyes off him.  The high blush, the dark eyes, the delicate features filling out the silk kimono.  Freddie’s throat tightened. 
“On the bed,” he commanded.  “Hands and knees.” 
He saw John swallow before nodding curtly, the young man scrambling in the tumble of printed fabric to get into position.  He reached for the sash at his waist, but Freddie stopped him.
“Leave it on,” Freddie said, already slipping behind him.  “I wouldn’t dream of having you take it off.”  He ran the flat of his palm down John’s arched back, fondly stroking the patterns over John’s skin.  “How does it feel love?”
“Cool,” John said, his head between his arms, “and smooth against my skin.” 
“Good darling.  That’s the only type of feeling you should ever have there, unless you agree to otherwise.”  He tugged at the end of John’s hair.  “Do you understand?” 
“Yes sir,” came John’s breathy response.
Freddie trailed his hands back down John’s sides to skim under the hem of the kimono where he finally met John’s warm flesh. 
“You’re so good,” Freddie crooned as he smoothed his way to John’s buttocks.  He settled a palm there, thumb sweeping back and forth over John hip. “So brave,” he almost whispered.  “You definitely deserve a reward.”  
“You bought me a present,” John said quietly, a slight tremble in his voice.
“Ah, but I’m thinking of something much better than that,” Freddie said softly.  “Now spread your knees for me sweetheart.  And promise me if you want to make a sound, that you’ll make it, and not hold back.  Do you promise?”
John’s cheeks burned.  “I promise sir.”
Freddie licked a smooth stripe from John’s rim all the way to the cleft of his buttocks, making him shudder.  He paused, coating his fingers in lube, and gently probed John’s entrance. 
He teased John open, noticing the young man’s sharp intake of breath, the way he squirmed against the hand on his hip.  John was hot and tight, but greedily accepted what Freddie gave him as he gingerly worked in a second finger. 
John moaned, a low, musical sound that only stoked Freddie’s growing need.  He pulled out his cock, lazily stroking himself.  The reality of John coming apart on his fingers, basically swimming in that kimono, was better than any fantasy he could have ever conjured.
Freddie crooked his fingers, slowly moving them in and out until he found John’s prostate.  John cried out, rutting back against Freddie’s hand as his fingers clasped handfuls of sheets. 
“That’s it darling,” Freddie said a little roughly.  “You’re doing so well…so perfect for me.” 
John only moaned, twitching and writhing as Freddie scissored him open.  Then the fingers were gone, replaced with Freddie’s mouth. 
Freddie moaned, stroking himself in time with the thrusts and licks of his tongue, his face buried in John’s warmth.  John keened loudly at the new sensation, the wet heat against his walls, teasing his rim, Freddie’s head between his legs…it was all so overpowering, and far more than he had been prepared for. 
“Please sir,” John gasped, grinding back against Freddie’s mouth, “I can’t—“
Freddie pulled away, wiping his chin on the tail of the kimono.  “What can’t you do darling?” 
John just shook his head, eyes closed, unfamiliar and overwhelmed by the onslaught of his arousal.
Freddie took him in hand, stroking him firmly, yet gently.  “It’s ok baby,” Freddie soothed as he leaned over him.  He kissed his hair as he stroked him, rubbing calming circles over his shoulders with his free hand.  “You just need to come.  Let me help you.” 
Freddie stroked him in earnest, strong hands and lean fingers working John to completion.  And then he was coming, chin tucked into his chest, tears streaming down his face. 
Freddie rolled him over on his back.  “Darling, are you alright?”  John was eerily quiet, tears staining his red cheeks. 
He nodded quietly, then added a weak “yes sir.” 
Freddie rose from the bed, grabbing a towel to clean him up.  He settled alongside John, pulling him close. 
“Just alright?  Anything else on your mind?”
John sniffed.  “You didn’t come,” he said quietly.  “I’m sorry.“
Freddie gaped.  “John…John, darling.  I’m fine! I wanted to do this for you, and I LOVED it.  I don’t always have to come to enjoy myself.  It was wonderful, my love.  And it was nothing you did.  Not at all.  You are amazing.”  He pressed a gentle kiss to his temple.  “I’m so lucky to have met you.” 
John’s eyes regained a little more spark.  “I’m lucky too,” he said quietly. 
Freddie pulled the blankets up around them.  The quiet of the evening had settled softly in the room, and all they could hear was the sound of their breathing and the distant traffic on the highway.
“I’m a singer,” Freddie said in the silence.  “That’s what I like to do for fun.” 
John smiled where he lay against the pillow.  “That’s funny,” he said.  “I used to play the bass.”
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binkyisonline · 5 years
”Touch my world with your fingertips”-tag list!
Here we are with the post dedicated to the Oracle!au, that FINALLY have a proper name! YAY!
A quick recap about the whole story and what we have in store for you all!
John and Roger are two young oracles in a small village surrounded by the desert during a fight against a tribe of Tuareg. After a long siege the village loses and as a sign of submission toward their new masters, they donate to the tribe’s leader, Farrokh and to his general Brian, a barbarian adopted by the tribe itself, their most valuable treasure: the oracles.
There will be plenty of adventure, introspection, angst, sex and a bit of magic.
Pairing: Deacury/Maylor (minor Joger).
The story will be written entirely in italian by me and published on Ao3, but i have a big surprise for my lovely Tumblr followers.
Like i’ve said some time ago, for every update on Ao3 here on my Tumblr i’ll post some translated extracts by Chiara ( @painkiller80 ) + an illustration of mine inspired by the story itself.
So what this post is for? This post it’s, mostly, for us so we can start a tag-list for this series! :D The story is being written and i prefer having everything ready before i start posting.
I’ll tag a few blogs that i assume would like this kind of story but for everyone else:
-reblog this post and tag yourself (+ anyone else that would be interested)
-send a private message to me or Chiara asking to be in the tag-list.
Like always, thank you so much for your support. I do hope i can give you this story as soon as i can!
@tikiniki @emmaandorlando @mephisto92 @eileen-crys @jackolynsparrow @afangirlinthestars @caminc91
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binkyisonline · 5 years
Hiiii, would it be alright if I wrote a little fic based on that Deacury line drawing you did? I love it so much I just can’t seem to get it out of my head. ❤️
It would be an honour! 👀 tag me as soon as it's ready. I can't wait to read it!! 😍🤩
Tumblr media
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
Fanfic musing:
Ever wonder if the pleasant, quiet girl in Marketing you see at the coffee machine is the person who wrote that incredibly well written, hot Fanfic that you can’t get out of your head?
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