#dead girl walking (reprise)
thescarleteagle · 5 months
I love how in the beginning Dead Girl Walking and the Dead Girl Walking reprise, the beats are different from each other. Compared to most musical reprises, which are usually the same song just slower or faster, this particular duo shows Veronica’s character arc in a great way. In Dead Girl Walking, Veronica is at her low and just wants something to put her out of her misery induced by Heather C., therefore the beats are more mysterious and ominous as she walks by Jd’s house, wanting to be his “Dead Girl Walking”, but in the reprise, she is a literal dead girl walking because of him. In the reprise, the beats are driving because she has a mission and an actual purpose, she’s not a Heather anymore, or a condemned high schooler, she is simply trying to rid herself of the mess she created. By the reprise, she has grown from the easily manipulated Heather, to the smart and powerful Veronica that we know and love, and I think this small detail reflects that.
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myfairkatiecat · 1 month
Chapter 70 of Lodestar Dead Girl Walking Reprise playing
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ifthestarsarewilling · 4 months
dead girl walking reprise but jon and martin in mag 200
would have to change some bits but... yeah
"no-one here deserves to die except for me and the monster i created" if martin was veronica... omg. he convinced jon to kill the other avatars. he made jon a monster, in both their eyes.
you dont get the level my mind is on.
jon/jd doing what he thinks is best, only for morally ambiguous love interest to stop him, letting him die and dying with him
listen okay. it FITS.
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Unlike last time (which I luckily skipped because I felt sick at night and was allowed to stay at home), I don't have tests tomorrow! So yeah, here it'll be! Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) in Italian! In which most of the syllable numbers have completely gone off to fuck themselves and left me alone with this fucking mess! But, first of all, a little something I gotta say:
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(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
[VERONICA, cantato] Volevo uno che mi proteggesse Ho lasciato che mi manipolasse e li uccidesse La sua soluzion'è 'na bugia Non si morirà più per la sua pazzia Meno che per me e il mostro ch'ho creato Sì SÌ! In guardia, J.D. Sono una morta vivente
[STUDENTI] For-za Westerburg
[VERONICA] Non puoi nasconderti Sono una morta vivente
[STUDENTI] For-za Westerburg
[VERONICA] Senti la campana della morte Un'ultima danza deciderà la nostra sorte Mano per mano all'inferno con una morta vivente
[STUDENTI] Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Forza, Westerburg!
[STUDENTI] Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Forza andiam, forza andiam, ora!
[MS. FLEMMING] Veronica!? Jason Dean m'aveva detto che t'eri appena suicidata!
[VERONICA] Sì, beh, si sbaglia su molte cose.
[MS. FLEMMING] Ah, avevo messo assieme un tributo carino Specialmente considerando il poco preavviso.
[VERONICA] Prof Flemming cosa c'è sotto alla palestra?
[MS. FLEMMING] Il locale caldaia?
[VERONICA] Eccolo!
[MS. FLEMMING] Veronica che sta succedendo?
[VERONICA, cantato] Non ho tempo di parlar Sono una morta vivente!
[STUDENTI] For-za Westerburg Dimmi cos'è quel suono! Arriva Westerburg Per piantarvi sotto al suolo! Vai! Vai! Westerburg! Caccia 'n grido eterno Westerburg vi ucciderà E manderà dritti all'inferno!
[VERONICA] Allontanati dalla bomba.
[JD] Questa piccoletta? È difficilmente una bomba. Serve solo a far esplodere i pacchi di dinamite di sopra in palestra Quelli sono bombe Le persone vedranno le ceneri delle superiori Westerburg E penseranno: "Ecco una scuola che s'è autodistrutta Non perché alla società non frega niente Ma perché quella scuola era la società!" L'unico posto in cui le Heather e le Marthe possono andare d'accordo è in Paradiso!
[VERONICA] Vorrei tua madre fosse stata un po' più forte Vorrei la sua scelta non fosse stata la morte Vorrei tuo padre fosse migliore! Che tutto non fosse peggiore! Vorrei avervi incontrato anni fa e averla fermata proprio là! Vorrei venissi con me–
[JD] Vorrei avere più dinamite!
[STUDENTI] Ah-ah-ah For-za Westerburg Dimmi cos'è quel suono! Arriva Westerburg Per piantarvi sotto al suolo! Vai, vai, Westerburg! Caccia un grido eterno Westerburg vi ucciderà E manderà dritti all'infer–
[VERONICA] *Urlo* So, direct translation! (used in this to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices)
[VERONICA] I wanted one (implied to be one guy) who would protect me I let him manipulate me and kill them His solution is a lie No one will die for his madness anymore Except for me and the monster I created Yeah! Yeah! Heads up (but more literally "En garde"? On guard, be alert?), J.D. I’m a living dead (girl)!
[STUDENTS] Come on, Westerburg!
[VERONICA] You can't hide, ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
[VERONICA] I’m a living dead (girl)
[STUDENTS] Come on, Westerburg!
[VERONICA] Hear the death bell One last dance will decide our fate (GOOGLE TRANSLATE I THANK YOU FOR SUPPLYING ME WITH THE WORD FATE I LOVE YOU) Hand in hand in hell with a living dead (girl)
[STUDENTS] Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Come on, Westerburg!
[STUDENTS] Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Come on let's go, come on let's go, now!
[PAULINE FLEMING] Veronica!? Jason Dean told me you’d just committed suicide!
[VERONICA] Yeah, well ("beh"), he’s wrong about a lot of things.
[PAULINE FLEMING] Oh, I threw together a lovely tribute Especially given the short notice (I BUTCHERED THE SYLLABLES IN ITALIAN HERE I'M SORRY, TO SAY THIS YOU'LL HAVE TO BECOME EMINEM)
[VERONICA] Prof. Fleming, what’s under the gym?
[PAULINE FLEMING] The boiler room?
[VERONICA] That’s it (but more of a "He's there")!
[PAULINE FLEMING] Veronica, what’s going on?
[VERONICA] Don't have time to talk I’m a living dead (girl)!
[STUDENTS] Come on, Westerburg! Tell me what’s that sound? Here comes (but more literally arrives) Westerburg To plant you under the ground! Go! Go! Westerburg! Give an eternal yell! Westerburg will kill you And send you straight to hell!
[VERONICA] Step away (/distance yourself) from the bomb.
[J.D.] This little thing (but more literally "baby" but more of a diminutive of it)? It's hardly a bomb This is just to explode the packs of dynamite upstairs in the gym Those are bombs People are gonna see the ashes of Westerburg High School (but more literally superior school because that's what we call the after middle school part in Italy) And they'll think "There’s a school that self-destructed Not because society doesn't care But because that school was society!" The only place Heathers and Marthas can get along is in Heaven!
[VERONICA] I wish your mom had been a little stronger I wish her choice hadn't been death I wish your dad were better! That everything wasn't worse! I wish I'd met you (AS IN HE AND HIS MOM) years ago and stopped her right there! I wish you’d come with me—
[J.D.] I wish I had more dynamite!
[STUDENTS] Ah-ah-ah! Come on, Westerburg! Tell me what’s that sound? Here comes (more literally arrives) Westerberg To plant you under the ground! Go! Go! Westerburg! Give an eternal yell! Westerburg will kill you And send you straight to (hel)—
[VERONICA] *Scream* OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
[VERONICA] I wanted someone strong who could protect me I let his anger fester and infect me His solution is a lie No one here deserves to die Except for me and the monster I created Yeah! Yeah! Heads up, J.D. I’m a dead girl walkin'!
[STUDENTS] Hey, yo, Westerburg!
[VERONICA] Can’t hide from me I’m a dead girl walkin’
[STUDENTS] Hey, yo, Westerburg!
[VERONICA] And there’s your final bell It’s one more dance and then farewell Cheek to cheek in hell with a dead girl walkin’
[STUDENTS] Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Come on, Westerburg!
[STUDENTS] Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Here we go, here we go now!
[PAULINE FLEMING] Veronica!? Jason Dean told me you’d just committed suicide!
[VERONICA] Yeah, well, he’s wrong about a lot of things.
[PAULINE FLEMING] Oh, I threw together a lovely tribute Especially given the short notice
[VERONICA] Ms. Fleming, what’s under the gym?
[PAULINE FLEMING] The boiler room
[VERONICA] That’s it!
[PAULINE FLEMING] Veronica, what’s going on?
[VERONICA] Got no time to talk I’m a dead girl walking!
[STUDENTS] Hey, yo, Westerburg! Tell me what’s that sound? Here comes Westerburg Comin’ to put you in the ground! Go! Go! Westerburg! Give a great big yell! Westerburg will knock you out And send you straight to hell!
[VERONICA] Step away from the bomb.
[J.D.] This little thing? I’d hardly call this a bomb This is just to trigger the packs of thermals upstairs in the gym Those are bombs People are gonna see the ashes of Westerburg High School And they're gonna think "There’s a school that self-destructed Not because society doesn't care But because that school was society" The only place Heathers and Marthas can truly get along is in Heaven!
[VERONICA] I wish your mom had been a little stronger I wish she stayed around a little longer I wish your dad were good! I wish grown-ups understood! I wish we met before they convinced you life is war! I wish you’d come with me—
[J.D.] I wish I had more TNT!
[STUDENTS] Ah-ah-ah! Hey, yo, Westerburg! Tell me what’s that sound? Here comes Westerberg Comin’ to put you in the ground! Go! Go! Westerburg! Give a great big yell! Westerburg will knock you out And send you straight to—
[VERONICA] *Scream*
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kokan123 · 6 months
"I wish we'd met before they convinced you life is war" WHY DOES THIS REMIND ME OF DOUBLE FACE-
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sillyvisioncorner · 6 months
Quick doodle because we where robbed of even earlier dgw reprise lyrics
"This bitch is back I'm a dead girl walking Skulls will crack I'm a dead girl walking It's time to make amends And save my shallow, worthless friends My school now depends on a dead girl walking"
from on of the LA runs
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sir-buddy · 2 years
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So, I might be slightly addicted to Candy Store...
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Heathers on West End has crack in it
Like, the original is good but the changes in the songs? Top tier.
I wish your mom had been a little stronger-
I wish she stayed around a little longer-
S T O P 😔🤚🏻
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Spotify Wrapped Request Meme @obsessivedaydreamer asked 42 + Lost
Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) by Heathers The Musical World Premiere Cast + James "Sawyer" Ford
send me a number 1–100 + a fandom and I’ll make you an edit with my favourite lyrics from that song
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 years
What are you talking about it's still September 1st this still counts (April 2021)
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thescarleteagle · 9 months
Although I tend to gravitate more towards the US Heather’s, I enjoy the added lines in the West Ends version of Dead Girl Walking reprise, especially the “ I wish your mom had been a little stronger, I wish she’d stayed around a little longer,” which Jd replies with,” Don’t talk about my mom.” I think this really adds to his character because he really loved his mom, hence Veronica bringing her up was almost just as bad as being shot for him because he never trusted anyone else with that information.
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lovelesslittleloser · 19 days
Jason Todd is absolutely a theater kid, and personally, I think his dream role would be JD from Heathers, and he would do so well, too
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1wooden-antlers1 · 7 months
something something "I wish we'd met before they convinced you life is war" Cherik something
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sillyvisioncorner · 1 year
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can't hide from me, I'm a dead girl walking-
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sleepy-gee · 4 months
snowjanus is actually so heathers coded if you think about it
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