merakkonusu · 4 months
Torna Tezgahı Mod: Yarım sabit punta nasıl yapılır?
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
i think maybe the weakest parts of s5/s6 is that they don’t seem to have any coherent idea about what they want to say. you get a dozen different thesis statements about who the doctor is, which side of him we’re exploring this time, but then nothing gets more than a shallow glance.
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mintmatcha · 1 year
shoto sleeps in the deadcenter of the bed so you can flip flop between his hot and cold side at night
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icecreampiano · 5 months
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ben OR sam
i do have a carrd if you'd like to read that, i'm always open to making mutuals! i mostly reblog stuff though, just don't be a weirdo.
avid enjoyer of many things
my rp blogs: agntsistr, fbcdarling, hibikirockstar, deadcenters
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lecameleontv · 2 years
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Le 09 juin 2022 l’acteur Ryan Merriman a participé au 22ème Festival du Film deadCenter annuel. où était projeté le film Out of Exile, sorti au cinéma U.S. le 20 janvier 2023 et disponible à la demande sur les plateformes de diffusion.
sources : kylekauwikaharris et compte instagram de l’acteur
Alias Jarod enfant/adolescent dans la série Le Caméléon
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emzeciorrr · 2 months
Eyes and Horns from Fabian&Fred on Vimeo.
Film by Chaerin Im
Inspired by Picasso’s ‘Vollard Suite’, the transformation of the over masculine Minotaur leads to the destruction of boundaries of sexes.
Festivals (selection) Ann Arbor Film Festival VIS Vienna Shorts Animafest Zagreb Frameline San Francisco LQBTQ+ Film Festival Annecy Animation Festival DokuFest Odense Film Festival Linoleum Animation Festival Cyprus Short Film Festival, Limassol Drama International Short Film Festival Festival Mix Milano – LGBTQ+ Guanajuato Film Festival Ottawa Animation Festival Animation Volda VAF Viborg Animation Festival StopTrik Oslo/Fusion Film Festival BIAF Bucheon Animation Festival Uppsala Short Film Festival SPARK Animation Festival Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival Indianapolis LGBT Film Festival Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival PÖFF Shorts – Black Nights Cartoons Underground Chéries Chéris LGBT Festival Paris Tous Courts, Aix en Provence International queer Film Festival Merlinka Anima Brussels Tricky Women MONSTRA Animation Festival Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche Roanne Animation Festival Kaboom Animation Festival Florida Film Festival GLAS Animation Festival Atlanta Film Festival Busan Short Film Festival deadCenter Film Festival Fest Anca Anibar Insomnia Animation Festival Animist Tallinn Nancy Film Festival Supernova Animation Festival Animasyros Animation Festival Fringe Queer Film & Arts Fest GAZE LGBTQ+ Film Festival Nashville Film Festival Festival of Animation Berlin Primanima Tacoma Film Festival TLVFest - Tel Aviv LGBT Film Festival Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival Queer Film Festival Playa del Carmen Pinx Queer Film Festival Seattle Asian American Film Festival
©2021 Fabian&Fred, Chaerin Im
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ikstvinfo · 3 months
Российский фантастический сериал "Грузчики" получил шестой приз за рубежом
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Об этом стало известно интернет-порталу «ИКС ТВ». Сериал “Грузчики” получил уже шестой приз за победу на международном кинофестивале. На этот раз – в Оклахоме, США. Жюри фестиваля DeadCenter film festival присудило победу российской фантастической трагикомедии “Грузчики” в номинации “Лучший сериал”. Фантастическая трагикомедия о карме и перерождении придумана братьями Александром и…
Подробнее — по ссылке ниже
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semi-sketchy · 9 months
Actually I can state several episodes where Robotnik is treated for slapstick just off the top of my head. In an episode about a race (maybe it was called winner fakes all), Robotnik is shown as fooled by an obviously disguised Dingo and there's a big scene of him bouncing like a rubber ball, than falling off a building and crashing into the ground like he's Wile E. Coyote,
In an episode about a wedding, there's a big ass goofy scene of Robotnik gettin Sleet and Dingo to help wear a corset with predictable wacky results.
In a big story arc episode, a scene has Robotnik flattened into a pancake shape by a Kaiju with no permanent damage even though realistically it would've killed him.
An episode about the Ice caps has Robotnik break and shatter as a slapstick scene.
Similarly multiple episodes have Robotnik be deadcenter in explosions, like one episode has Sonic blow up the building Robotnik is in and after the explosion, Robotnik yells "Hedgehogs" like he's Mr. Wilson and the Sonic triplets are Dennis the Menace.
In one of the last episodes, the story ends with a magical elf, at Sonic's request, creating a monster with Robotnik's face to go into Robotnik's bedroom at night and troll him in a Bugs Bunny fashion (somehow they don't decide to kill him). I'm well aware of moments like Robotnik is treated seriously like when he says "I"ll tell sanctuary into cemetery", but that just makes the tonal of the story inconsistent in my opinion.
Underground wants to be like AoSTH and SatAM, but can't commit to either making it hard to take seriously or hard to laugh at. Robotnik's characterization shows this inconsistency very well IMO. He's not as funny as AoSTH Robotnik, but not as scary as SatAM Robotnik.
Also to add to the other ask on Robotnik being slapstick prone in underground. One episode even has Sonic himself without a disguise, personally talk Robotnik into walking into obvious trap, and earlier in that episode, Sonic tricked Robotnik into doing what he wanted with childish tactics like reverse psychology. There's another episode where Sonic hypnotizes Robotnik into doing whatever he wants....and just uses this to make Robotnik forget the episode instead of ending the show. SatAM was far from perfect, but its Robotnik was never humiliated that bad, whilst still meant to be taken seriously as a threat.
You mean a cartoon about anthropomorphic animals and scientist who turns them into machines isn't realistic? Wow.
I briefly skimmed that hypnotism episode and I think that's devaluing the context. From what I gathered without fully watching it, Eggman has a robot that basically hypnotizes people into telling the full, unvarnished truth. The aristocrats admit shit-talking Eggman behind his back and even Sonia gave away the rebel base location. This robot isn't a combat robot, it's for hair-styling and surveillance, so the kids destroying the tapes and using it to get Eggman off people's backs is pretty on brand for the show. Like this is their general MO:
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There is literally nothing stopping Sonic from zooming into Eggman's room with a glock, but that ain't their goal here. Keep in mind, the prophecy is to reunite with their mother and form the Council of Four that will defeat Robotnik. Eggman is an obstacle; their mother is the goal.
That's also missing the same thing I was talking about with Sleet and Dingo: they aren't going to kill the main characters, especially in such an anti-climatic way. The show has to go on and you simply can't remove the biggest threat in the middle. SatAM did the fakeout stuff and I hated it, there was no suspension of disbelief.
I think we've established Eggman is used for SOME jokes, but I don't believe that devalues him as a villain. Sonic Colors is a prime example for this. The script is riddled with jokes, plenty around Eggman, but he still stole all those Wisps and drains their life force to fuel his projects. Nothing in the writing makes him less of an antagonist. (I realize this might be an unpopular opinion, but I will be Colors' biggest defender.)
It is funny you bring up tone because that's actually something I'm really liking about Underground.
AoSTH was fun, but it was just fun. SatAM was so edgy even Infinite would cringe (the jokes also being how much Sonic wants to smooch were not funny, they were just...ick) and Underground I think strikes a good middle ground. There's stakes and actual danger, but also the show isn't trying to be grim dark.
I think everything you've described perfectly fits the show and is the type of tone I like. It's why I prefer the story of Xenoblade 2 over 3. 3 just loves wallowing in how serious and deep it is while 2 has a silly maid robot that also has an existential crisis.
Point is characters can be a little goofy occasionally and still taken seriously because people aren't just one thing all the time.
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aristocratslog · 2 years
Hand (2021) from Tsz-wing HO on Vimeo.
Project details: wing12381.myportfolio.com/hand
My website: wing12381.myportfolio.com/
Hand (2021) The weird hand creatures undergo different transformations in synchrony with the music.
Duration: 05'15" Technique: 2D hand-drawn (Photoshop & After Effects), Rotoscoping Director and Animator: Tsz-wing Ho Music: "Sekktortjek Ft. Tone" by Mads Lindgren Special thanks: Max Hattler and my family & friends
Awards 2022 - Winner of the Open Call Contest, Kinomural 2022 - Merit, 3x3 International Illustration Show No.19 Student Show, 2022 - Winner, Communication Arts Illustration Competition 2022
2021 - Best Abstract Animation Award, London International Animation Festival 2021 - Grand Prize for Student Shorts, Supernova Digital Animation Festival 2021 - Applied Arts Student Awards 2021
Screening 2022 - Animatou 2022 - Kinomural 2022 - OFF - Odense International Film Festival 2022 - Imaginaria 2022 - Animist Tallinn 2022 - La Guarimba Film Festival 2022 - 15th International Animated Film Festival Animator - 2022 deadCenter Film Festival - Sydney Film Festival 2022 - Animafest Zagreb 2022 - 19th IN THE PALACE Short Film Festival - Cardiff Animation Festival 2022 - 34th Filmfest Dresden 2022 - 49th Athens International Film and Video Festival 2022 - 60th Ann Arbor Film Festival - Tricky Women / Tricky Realities Animation Festival 2022 - 14th PIAFF Festival International de Films d'Animation 2022
2021 - 2021 London International Animation Festival (LIAF 2021) - GIRAF17 Independent Animation Festival - 59th Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival - Relentless melt No 24: Hong Kong Experimental Animation - 2021 Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival - CINANIMA 2021 - Manchester Animation Festival 2021 - 2021 Cucalorus Film Festival - 2021 TIAF - Tbilisi International Animation Festival - 2021 Animest – Bucharest International Animation Film Festival - The International Short Film Festival of Cyprus 2021 - SICAF 2021 International Animated Film Festival - 2021 Supernova Digital Animation Festival - 2021 IV ANIMAFILM International Animation Festival - 2021 Encounters Film Festival - 2021 Ottawa International Animation Festival - Short to the Point ISFF AWARDS June 2021
0 notes
edgarinsky · 2 years
Hand (2021) from Tsz-wing HO on Vimeo.
Project details: wing12381.myportfolio.com/hand
My website: wing12381.myportfolio.com/
Hand (2021) The weird hand creatures undergo different transformations in synchrony with the music.
Duration: 05'15" Technique: 2D hand-drawn (Photoshop & After Effects), Rotoscoping Director and Animator: Tsz-wing Ho Music: "Sekktortjek Ft. Tone" by Mads Lindgren Special thanks: Max Hattler and my family & friends
Awards 2022 - Winner of the Open Call Contest, Kinomural 2022 - Merit, 3x3 International Illustration Show No.19 Student Show, 2022 - Winner, Communication Arts Illustration Competition 2022
2021 - Best Abstract Animation Award, London International Animation Festival 2021 - Grand Prize for Student Shorts, Supernova Digital Animation Festival 2021 - Applied Arts Student Awards 2021
Screening 2022 - Animatou 2022 - Kinomural 2022 - OFF - Odense International Film Festival 2022 - Imaginaria 2022 - Animist Tallinn 2022 - La Guarimba Film Festival 2022 - 15th International Animated Film Festival Animator - 2022 deadCenter Film Festival - Sydney Film Festival 2022 - Animafest Zagreb 2022 - 19th IN THE PALACE Short Film Festival - Cardiff Animation Festival 2022 - 34th Filmfest Dresden 2022 - 49th Athens International Film and Video Festival 2022 - 60th Ann Arbor Film Festival - Tricky Women / Tricky Realities Animation Festival 2022 - 14th PIAFF Festival International de Films d'Animation 2022
2021 - 2021 London International Animation Festival (LIAF 2021) - GIRAF17 Independent Animation Festival - 59th Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival - Relentless melt No 24: Hong Kong Experimental Animation - 2021 Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival - CINANIMA 2021 - Manchester Animation Festival 2021 - 2021 Cucalorus Film Festival - 2021 TIAF - Tbilisi International Animation Festival - 2021 Animest – Bucharest International Animation Film Festival - The International Short Film Festival of Cyprus 2021 - SICAF 2021 International Animated Film Festival - 2021 Supernova Digital Animation Festival - 2021 IV ANIMAFILM International Animation Festival - 2021 Encounters Film Festival - 2021 Ottawa International Animation Festival - Short to the Point ISFF AWARDS June 2021
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artwalktv · 2 years
Project details: https://bit.ly/3fQLNWH My website: https://bit.ly/2J5CT7M Hand (2021) The weird hand creatures undergo different transformations in synchrony with the music. Duration: 05'15" Technique: 2D hand-drawn (Photoshop & After Effects), Rotoscoping Director and Animator: Tsz-wing Ho Music: "Sekktortjek Ft. Tone" by Mads Lindgren Special thanks: Max Hattler and my family & friends Awards 2022 - Winner of the Open Call Contest, Kinomural 2022 - Merit, 3x3 International Illustration Show No.19 Student Show, 2022 - Winner, Communication Arts Illustration Competition 2022 2021 - Best Abstract Animation Award, London International Animation Festival 2021 - Grand Prize for Student Shorts, Supernova Digital Animation Festival 2021 - Applied Arts Student Awards 2021 Screening 2022 - Animatou 2022 - Kinomural 2022 - OFF - Odense International Film Festival 2022 - Imaginaria 2022 - Animist Tallinn 2022 - La Guarimba Film Festival 2022 - 15th International Animated Film Festival Animator - 2022 deadCenter Film Festival - Sydney Film Festival 2022 - Animafest Zagreb 2022 - 19th IN THE PALACE Short Film Festival - Cardiff Animation Festival 2022 - 34th Filmfest Dresden 2022 - 49th Athens International Film and Video Festival 2022 - 60th Ann Arbor Film Festival - Tricky Women / Tricky Realities Animation Festival 2022 - 14th PIAFF Festival International de Films d'Animation 2022 2021 - 2021 London International Animation Festival (LIAF 2021) - GIRAF17 Independent Animation Festival - 59th Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival - Relentless melt No 24: Hong Kong Experimental Animation - 2021 Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival - CINANIMA 2021 - Manchester Animation Festival 2021 - 2021 Cucalorus Film Festival - 2021 TIAF - Tbilisi International Animation Festival - 2021 Animest – Bucharest International Animation Film Festival - The International Short Film Festival of Cyprus 2021 - SICAF 2021 International Animated Film Festival - 2021 Supernova Digital Animation Festival - 2021 IV ANIMAFILM International Animation Festival - 2021 Encounters Film Festival - 2021 Ottawa International Animation Festival - Short to the Point ISFF AWARDS June 2021
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stararenagame · 3 years
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#STARARENA_ERRORS < From The #BackPrint You Can Tell Which #PrintStation Is The Most Skilled, Since It Needs To Be #DeadCenter!! Stay-Tooned > ---------- Visit-Gallery @StarArena.Art Cards-Only @StarArenaGame Game-Studio @the.GameSmith Toys-Only @Atomic.Baby.Clones Minis-Only @StarArenaGame.Minis Chess-Only @Arcade.Chess.Games ---------- Your Daily Doze of the #StarArena #CyberFiction #ToyBabyHero #MegaWarGame: https://StarArena.net/Print_And_Play ---------- Follow #StarArenaGame and see various #MegaWar game expansions in the making. For Lore & More: https://StarArenaGames.com/About/ ---------- Contact & Info: https://StarArenaGame.bio.link/ ---------- Whois the #GunShin? #軍神? #StarArenaToys #StarArenaMinis #StarArenaGames #StarArenaBattleGame #BattleGame #StarArenaCardGame #CardGame #StarArenaBoardGame #BoardGame #CyFiWarGame #CyFi #StarArenaMetaVerse #CollectibleCardGame #PrintAndPlay https://www.instagram.com/p/CTG66yVMbv-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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killarneytraynor · 4 years
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You wouldn't know it from my Barbie-pink hoodie and little-kiddie grin, but I'm dangerous! (Photo cred: @kateeppers - Ax Play in Hudson, NH) #axplay #bullseye #axes #deadcenter #watchout (at Hudson, New Hampshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMxl7PGjc9u/?igshid=jjp6zf8ui7fc
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indy-muscle · 5 years
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Posted @withrepost • @drbrianwatters Thanks @kennywallach and @bodyworx_by_karina for working with me on posing and adding another #ifbb pro to the ranks! • You two have been working with me a while and have helped me@more than you could ever know. For that I am truly grateful! #posingcoach #deadcenter #deadcenteruniversity #ifbb #ifbbpro #npc #mrusa #usa #usachampionships #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #fitness #pose #strikeapose (at Life Time Fitness - Castle Creek) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1MGK1fgo3v/?igshid=1qgf03eapolkp
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louisjones65 · 5 years
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Out here in the streets 🛣 • • • • • #perspective #leadinglines #lines #perspectivelines #deadcenter #straightlines #verticalstrips #strips #cheesin #alleyways #backofthebuilding #meanstreets (at Covina, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0KrQstAc7L/?igshid=me5lbymlo7f1
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okiecampaigns · 5 years
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Having GOOD 🍕Pizza🍕 for dinner, unlike the crap I had for lunch #deadCenter 📽🎬🎞🎥 (at Film Exchange Row) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByeGYU4Bhso/?igshid=xyib17qh8hgn
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