#dean + cas as faith
shallowseeker · 1 year
Levianthan blossoms as hearts
Leviathan blossoms as the heart of creation, ugly and born of destruction
The Leviathan blossoms ARE hearts. They're three-pronged hearts. Wrapped in husks (bodies), with blood-red centers (heart/soul). Look closely, and each Levianthan blossom sports three chambers. It's reptilian, like the Leviathan sea serpents, like the heart of an (Immortal) Snake.
WARNING: Gore (Ketch's heart getting ripped out, mainly)
Like the triparted road that has become the "heart" of our narrative, the Leviathan blossom also symbolizes what's left of Team Free Will: Sam, Dean, Cas:
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These are familial flowers, signifying the eternal message that family makes you stronger, but it also makes you vulnerable.
Hearts are delicious?
Everywhere you look in season 15, Gods and Angels are consuming hearts. Hearts are a classic food of the Gods. (Nectar, ambrosia are legendary as well, and they're after nectar for their spell.) Also, in some versions of Biblical literature, it is the body of the Leviathan that God uses both to feed his chosen ones in the Wilderness and/or create Earth & Heaven.
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(1) Ardat kills Ketch by taking his heart. She does this once his heart becomes strong and courageous--once he refuses to give up his friends. (2) The witch screams, "I'll grind your heart to dust." (3) Jack devours a heart.
Leviathan flowers + the miracle of death, decay, and rebirth
So. Sprung forth from the Leviathan body of God's oldest enemy, this is the fruit that would allow them to Cage God. It's a betrayal in every sense of the word. It's using the miracle of death, decay, and rebirth against Him.
Cas + the little heart he saved
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Even though all the other familial hearts were destroyed (reduced to ashes, in fact), Cas saved this one. He stole this little heart, and he fought for it. "Once I had the blossom, I fought." (The blossom was timed to the prayer. The blossom is, in many ways, symbolic of the prayer, too.) It's also the mixtape. He heard it.
Later in the episode, we cut to where the blossom is being prepared for the Mark Spell. And two lobules are mostly missing. One is entirely missing, and one is open and weeping, mortally wounded. It resembles a dissected aorta. Only one is intact.
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Two hearts are being crushed by this pestle, though only the blood of one party is being spilled.
Cas has saved it, but he's doomed its happiness.
Even when you win, you lose
When Sam chooses not to smash the globe, Sam isn't just losing hope. He's choosing not to break Dean and Cas's hearts. Because that's what winning will do.
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*looks between them, on the cusp of realizing something*
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"I can't. I'm sorry, I just can't." Even when you win (war), you lose so much that it no longer feels like victory.
Too bad Chuck was always going to crush them. (How's that for pacifism, eh, Sam?)
Starting with those two.
And Dean.
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Note the grace-like smoke emission of the orb, as well as the meaty gruesomeness of its guts.
Kill the story by weakening its heart.
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haircurlscas · 5 months
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hunter!castiel u are so deeply loved by me
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bloodydeanwinchester · 9 months
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4x01 lazarus rising || 1x12 faith
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guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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angelsdean · 30 days
tapping the sign that says: IF the confession / dean reciprocating is going to be something further explored in the revival then jensen / anyone involved cannot make definitive statements abt dean's feelings or destiel's reunion until it's actually shown. it would be spoiling future arcs or getting ppl's hopes up for a specific outcome that they don't have the authority to promise yet.
of course jensen is going to continue to give vague / deflecting answers. the only thing they CAN canonically speak on IS the confession because that's what's already happened. jensen can also speak on his acting choices in that scene, like how he's previous talked about where dean's headspace was at when he was sitting on the dungeon floor after.
but they literally can't be making Official Statements abt if dean reciprocates or how their reunion will play out bc we likely will be seeing that on screen and to speculate or talk abt it would potentially spoil what they're planning (since the revival at this point is pretty much a WHEN not IF scenario)
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deancasforcutie · 2 years
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Dean being 😟✊ over Cas
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just wondering, did we ever see dean make cas do any of the tests with silver/holy water/etc to prove it was him when he came back to life? you know, the ones he made everyone, even sam, do?
or was dean’s faith in the only thing he ever really believed in enough for him, every time?
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deancaspinefest · 5 months
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following the light
Author: LoversAntiquities | Artist: jollyrolls
Posting on Thursday March 14
Almost a year to the day, and Castiel is still sick. After months of blackouts and near misses, Dean has managed to find a way to quell the spells and drag Castiel back from the proverbial abyss. However, when Castiel progressively gets worse and Dean's voice is no longer enough to keep him conscious, Dean sets out to find every faith healer in the country, in the hopes that one of them might shed light on what's happening, and how to prevent it. Only, Dean and Castiel find out more than they bargained for—and that the solution, apparently, has been right under their noses the whole time.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
He takes the right, barely tapping the brakes. At the first clear patch of shoulder, Dean pulls off and slams the truck into park, shuttering the engine. He kicks the door open, rounds the engine—yanks the passenger handle so hard that he fears it might break. Hands to Castiel’s biceps, Dean helps him out of the seat and into the grass, just before Castiel turns to dead weight in his arms. Keeping him upright is a feat—getting him backed up against the side panel is a miracle.
“Hey, hey,” Dean rasps. He pats Castiel’s cheek, searching for Castiel’s eyes in the dark. “Hey, look at me, okay? Touch me, hey—” He takes Castiel by the wrist and maneuvers him, forcing Castiel to touch the warm cotton of his T-shirt. Limp, Castiel holds on. “Hey, I—I know you’re in there. You’re always in there, alright? Just hold on to me.”
Castiel’s head lists forward; Dean presses him into the quarter panel with all of his strength. “When we were,” Dean begins, a little too brittle, a little too rough. “When me and Sam were teenagers, we went to this… this canyon in Georgia. Dad said it was the Grand Canyon, but we weren’t even in the right part of the country, but we—we didn’t wanna fight him on it, ‘cause he actually took us somewhere, y’know?” He smiles, fighting back the tremble in his fingers, the ache in his heart. “All the runoff from the farms gouged out a canyon in the middle of nowhere, and it was just so…”
He stops to look down at his tennis shoes, so worn that he can almost see his toe poking through. “Sam thought it was the greatest thing ever. I—Shit, I barely remember it, but every once in a while, he’ll still talk about it, like the week before we weren’t chasing a ghoul across the entire fucking state. But I remember looking at it, and I thought…” He tightens his grip. “For once, I felt calm. Like I was… small, and like my problems didn't matter. Picture it.” He sucks in air, slow, like it might spur Castiel into breathing. “Water cutting through the clay. The green of the trees growing around the tops of the canyon walls. A river. Babbling brooks.”
Dean shakes his head, fighting a laugh. “You hear the water?”
Silence—then, a breath, and the weight piled on Dean’s shoulders threatens to bury him in the grass. Castiel blinks, his mouth forming around a word Dean can’t hear. “Hey, hey,” Dean hushes. He clasps both sides of Castiel’s neck, thumbs pressed to his Adam’s apple as he swallows. “Hey, you with me?”
“It’s loam,” Castiel croaks, and Dean lifts a brow. “Most of the soil in southern Georgia is composed of sand and clay—”
“Okay, not what I’m concerned about.” He swallows around the knot in his throat. “Seriously, you wanna give me a geology lesson, any other time. Now, are you good?”
(continue reading on Ao3 on )
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archervale · 2 days
Something about dean and cas both having faith in one another
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hells-plaid-angel · 20 days
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 Carson McCullers - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
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chicken-wayng · 3 days
All these years I've never understood why Faith was the s1 episode that haunted my brain but after rewatching it today I think I finally started to crack the nut. It's because it established Dean and his "Faith" issue. It even gives us a scene depicting how rare and special his faith is. After meeting Cas, that's who he prays to. We hardly see Dean praying to God to help or maybe even a desperate plead to save/return his loved ones, but we consistently see him doing those to and for Cas.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Dean + grief + looking around for Cas
Oh, oooow. I forgot that after Dean makes his final plea to God, he scans around looking for Cas:
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He's so fearful to look after that prayer, but he's got to look. First, he looks to his left while taking a deep breath. "Next to me?" (So hopeful.) Sees nothing.
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Nods. Steels himself. "Okay, not next to me, then. Keep looking."
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Fearfully, continues scanning around. Jaw is working against the tears. "Over here?"
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He looks. And looks. Still hopeful.
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All the way round. Past the building, nodding a little in disbelief. "Okay, okay, okay."
Past the tan car (a symbolic representation of Cas). Past the empty table + umbrella (symbolic of everyone else). Note: The hills are swathed in ghostly white mist. This is a mental fog state. (Mists form in mountain valleys, and "valley" is Dean's namesake.) Valleys represent abundance; they provide water, food, and shelter. But no one's here.
Dean looks out at the horizon, a tactic used to visualize looking towards the future, and he can't see the future. He only sees what he's lost.
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A jerky step backward, arms dangling listlessly. Straightens up and looks out at the water. The Cas car is "parked" in the valley, the lowest point (death), symbolizing that he's very far away. The tan sedan is indeed in shadow...it's even framed by ghostly fog and a scattering of gray clouds.
The water of the lake represents profound grief.
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"Not here."
Dean heaves a shuddering sigh and sags with the weight of it all.
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Dean is turned away, emotions private. Hidden from the audience. (You are allowed to witness the anger, but the devastation is not what you're supposed to be seeing on your screen. Chuck doesn't want you to see that. Suck it up, Dean.)
Denial. Bargaining. Anger. Grief can go in any order. (Grief doesn't play by rules.)
Beyond the bargaining lies the paralyzing despair, something Sam and Cas tend to be more acquainted with than Dean. (His mode of despair is usually frank bargaining or denial.)
So, Dean's grief settles on loss of hope.
("There's no solution to this. Not this time. God is the only one who can fix this, and he has forsaken me.")
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smolbean7 · 2 months
Cas is such a badass
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love-songs-for-emma · 3 months
im actually amazed i cant find this;
do any of u know where i could find a gif of dean saying the iconic quote of "You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people. And douchebags." from s9 e5 "dog dean afternoon"
i SWEAR i had it saved years ago but i cant find it. pls help. xoxo
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t00muchheart · 4 months
How do you watch the man who would be king and walk away thinking dean doesn’t care about cas?
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Faith (Part 1): A series chronicling Dean Winchester, falling in love with the angel, Castiel.
NFWMB // Foreigner's God // Jackie and Wilson // From Eden // 4.22: Lucifer Rising // It Will Come Back // 5.04: The End x Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene // No Plan // I, Carrion (Icarian) // 5.03: Free to Be You and Me x Abstract (Psychopomp)
hoziernatural 1/?
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