#tfw + grief
shallowseeker · 1 year
Stop grieving in front of me, Dean.
(It makes me uncomfortable.) Here, drink this:
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13x05 Advanced Thanatology
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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shallowstories · 1 year
Ficlet: (grief plays tricks on you)
Sam and Dean get roped into checking out Azura Amphitheater in Kansas City, but it’s a bust. Not a whiff of anything demonic. Sam heaves a giant sigh and whips out his phone to fire off a status update to Jody.
And then, Dean does something weird. As if he’s heard an imaginary gunshot, and he's in some kind of race to an imaginary finish line, Dean takes off.
Sam opens his mouth to shout, and then he sees Dean bouncing against bodies in the crowd, like he’s fighting giant ocean waves.
For a moment, Sam glimpses his face. It's stricken and chalk-white, and then Dean moves out of view.
Dean. What?
Sam shoves his phone into his pocket and takes off after him, having a little better luck moving through the sea of people. He quickly gets close enough to see him again.
But Dean doesn't look back.
Then, Sam sees it.
Tan overcoat. Shock of dark hair.
His own heartrate kicks it up a notch.
Cas has done it before. Showed up after--after--
It's just some guy.
Sam's own heart plummets to his feet when he gets close enough to realize. That is, close enough that he can see the stranger in profile.
And it's like he can't breathe.
He really thought--
As for the man, he looks like he's running on two hours of sleep, and then he's moving away from them. Sam sees him herding a whiny kid, prickly pre-teen, and an angry wife towards the parking lot.
To top it all off, they seem to be mid-domestic.
The argument is something about how the dad hadn't gotten there in time to see the concert with the rest of them. The prickly pre-teen wants to ride home with mom, and the whiny kid just wants to be with dad for once.
Sam dreads it, but finally, he looks over at Dean.
And Dean doesn't return his gaze.
Sam watches him break into a (forced) wobbly smile, smiling at nothing in the distance, and then he starts walking the other direction.
Sam follows.
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downtilts · 5 months
kyle and johnny during their ig live talking about “oh here’s an interesting question, does randy miss benson?” “oh that’s tricky, that’s such a tricky question” well i think randy is 24 and graduating with his associates degree from a local community college and he sees someone wearing yellow out of the corner of his eye and for a second he thinks its benson here to congratulate him to touch his neck and say good job kid and then randy catches himself because benson’s been dead for three years now, but it’s the third time this week he could’ve sworn he saw him. and i think randy is 27 and he’s out on a first date with a guy getting brunch and his date orders the western omelette and randy says excuse me and goes to the bathroom and cries and cries and texts his date saying im sorry but im not feeling well i have to go home. and i think randy is 31 and looking through some old things he left at his mom’s house and he finds benson’s Jacket in a box and he pretends to be surprised like oh i forgot this was here but he knew it was there, he put it way in the back on purpose, out of sight out of mind, but he still thinks about it every day, still wants to put it on every day, is so sad it doesn’t smell like cigarettes anymore
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kalivasquezart · 5 months
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a change in you
part 1 // part 2 // [part 3]
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1driedpersimmon · 6 months
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I’ve started Shadowbringers!
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crabbunch · 4 months
love the way the members of sees contribute to the fall. like shinji and ken are both extremely cynical and also borderline suicidal, yukari and aigis are apathetic, makoto's depression.... it's really really interesting how p3 explains that nyx is coming to end humanity because humanity wants to end, and shows us that they have been wanting an end not just through snippets of dialogue from background characters, but through the actions and emotions of the main cast! i think that's why the decision to fight nyx instead of erasing their memories and living their last month out happily is so impactful; it's the first time a lot of these people have ever made the conscious decision to live. makoto learns how to live and love living just in time to die- and he's willing to sacrifice himself for a populace that does not want to live because just a few months ago, he didn't want to live either, and if he can learn to love living, they can too.
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maegalkarven · 11 months
Family matters.
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m!(trans)Dark Urge x Enver Gortash.
Brainworms finally got to me, I caved in and wrote a oneshot on the topic of "but what if Durge and Gortash had a child prior to all that mess"
Featuring my Dark Urge Levi, pre- and post- memory loss.
There was a living, breathing infant child in his arms; and for the first time in a long while Lord Enver Gortash was in complete loss at what to do.
“What is it?” fell rather flat down, a poor excuse of a question.
Leviathan rolled his eyes.
“A meaty flesh of some newly created life,” he huffed, visibly annoyed. “Also known as a child. I assume you’ve met their kind?”
Enver felt anger rise alongside with deeply rooted annoyance. Whatever spectacle the bhaalspawn decided to partake in, now was not the time for that. Neither it was the time for his witty itty remarks.
“I am well aware it’s a child,” he argued back just as sullenly, the said child held loosely in his arms. In his arms. Why was there a child in his arms? They were not made for holding babies.
“I’m asking why is it a child and why is it here. The questions any sane person in my place would indulge in.”
There was something...off about the bhaalspawn.
Not only Enver hadn’t seen the man for almost the entity of a year, an assassin always claiming some task of utmost importance, but now he decided to pop out of the thin air with a live child in a tow and immediately push said child into his, Enver Gortash’s, not so open arms.
It was alarming, to say the least.
“Oh, that,” Levi waved him off like it was a casual annoyance and not a conversation two adults, so-conspirers - partners - had. Like Gortash imposed himself into his free time and personal space and not the other way around. “It’s yours.”
It’s what?
“Or at least I assume it’s yours,” Leviathan followed as Enver’s thoughts came to a rapid halt. “Since I haven’t touched anyone alive but you in a long time. And look where it led me,” the look of pure disdain was all the child was getting, it seemed. “A freshly made meaty cage for a new soul. Disgusting. You’d think Father would make this shit stop and would not allow a child of banite to be born, but I guess any bhaalspawn is a good little pawn under his merciful gaze. Anyway,” a wild, excusing gesture of a hand. “I don’t have any use for this...thing. Sceleritas suggested to bring it into the fold and let my men do all the work, but well, the bother. So you can take it instead,” a winning smile what would work wonders if not for the whole absurdity of the situation Gortash just found himself in. “Think of it as of a gift. A proof of my loyalty to our cause, hm?”
Sometimes the bastard was more annoying than he was charming and his presence took a toll on the man.
Sometimes Enver wanted nothing more than to break Levi’s pretty slender neck.
That was one of these times.
“And what am I supposed to do with it?”
“Oh, whatever you want,” another wide, generous gesture. This asshole truly thought of that...child as if of a gift to be given away, didn’t he?
Enver shouldn’t have been surprised, not really, he knew Leviathan’s stance on children.
“Taste good, not much of use when alive, it’s funny when they die first” – was as good of a take as one could expect from the leader of the Cult of Murder.
“You can throw it away or feed it to the dogs. You can raise it or give it to a hag or even sell it to the devil,” another smile that’s more malicious than anything else. “I don't really care, if I'm being honest.”
Unfortunately, killing a bhaalspawn when you were holding just another bhaalspawn would prove to be close to impossible.
It would have to wait, and Leviathan Anchev still had his uses, bratty as he was.
And his appeal, as deadly as that ordeal proved to be. Or how complicated.
A child, huh? Well, Enver supposed every ruler needed an heir.
“Bring me the wizard,” was the first order out of his mouth when bhaalspawn left. The child was safely given into the care of the first competent older servant, who looked just as bewildered as Gortash himself felt. “Tell him to scan the...the-“
“The boy, my lord.”
“Right, tell the mage to scan the boy’s heritage. Let’s find who his parents are, shall we?”
Trusting a psycho murderer was an awful idea even at the safest of times, and now were not those. Levi would lie just to fuck with Enver. Levi had to lie, because there was no way this infant boy was actually his, Enver’s, flesh and blood.
Leviathan Anchev did not lie.
Levi moved away to sprawl his body across the bed, the creature of leisure he was. He sniffed the air and then wrinkled his nose, closer to an animal than any other person Gortash has ever known. More appealing in that, in his beast-like fluid grace.
“You still have this thing around,” the man commented, frowning. “Why? Playing the dollhouse? How...quant.”
“This thing has a name,” Enver couldn’t not parry. “Noah.”
Leviathan groaned.
“Oh, spare me the details; I want nothing to do with that flesh meat. Having to carry it inside my body for almost a year was a bother enough. Almost cut it out myself on multiple occasions, but Sceleritas insisted the internal damage I’d deal would be too great to handle. Idiot.” A moment of a thoughtful pause.
“You know what my destiny is, right?”
A searching gaze, reaching hands, clawed fingers cupping Enver’s cheeks almost gently. Something changed between them some time ago, but what it was Lord Gortash could not pinpoint. 
Yet something...Shifted.
Levi searching his face for some kind of acknowledgement was a sign of this.
Leviathan Anchev Enver first met would not care less about his approval. Leviathan Anchev of now was Enver’s nearest and dearest and it was pretty much a mutual kind of thing.
“I know.”
To kill everyone in the world and then himself. In Bhaal’s name. A gruesome fate, and pointless. Dull, lacking of any grandiose his, Enver’s, path had.
If only he could break off this deadly conviction in his dear ally, if only there was a way to make him stray out of this path...
They could be good for each other. They could rule together as the gods of the new age; glorious, undefeatable, perfect.
The rulers Toriel truly deserved.
“Then you know I’ll have to kill this...thing,” a moment of barely noticeable hesitation. “This... Noah.”
Enver also knew he would rather see his lover bleed on the altar of his dreadful father than let it happen.
“I do.”
“I,” another uncertain pause. “I was planning to leave you for last. To kill you and myself in one final blow; a perfect tribute to Father. But,” and really, those damn pauses were starting to get on Enver’s nerves. Levi was never short of words before, so what in the nine hells had happened? “Would you rather prefer I’d do you and...Noah... together? To kill you two in one blow?”
Enver saw it for what it was, in the uncertain, searching gaze of his unlucky lover, in the carefulness with which he produced words.
Something warm flooded out the irritation from before; something warm and soft and entirely fragile.
It was mercy, the only kind of mercy the bhaalspawn could know. Leviathan Anchev, the man fully capable of destroying everyone and everything on his wake, offered him a tiny piece of his own surrender. A confirmation of his affections, almost a confession.
In some ways he did care.
“That would be very considerate of you, yes,” he agreed, bringing bhaalspawn close. His bhaalspawn, his ally, his lover. The father of his son.
If there was a way of bringing Bhaal down without bringing Levi with him, Enver would find and utilize it. Otherwise he’d have to kill the best partner in crime he has ever had.
And that would be...unfortunate.
Levi leaned into the touch, soft and gentle in a way he has never been before; almost fragile.
“Does it...know about me?” came out in a whisper, almost unbidden.
“He knows you exist,” was all the response Enver could give, enveloping his assassin into his arms, holding him closely, firmly, painfully so.
The bhaalspawn squirmed for a moment before finally settling in.
“Oh,” he breathed out. “I didn’t think you would...What you would tell him I do. Exist, I mean. I’d expect you’d spin a tale of some tragically dead wife or-“
“There is no tragically dead wife,” Enver cut off, feeling rather irritated. A mystery of complications, his dear murderer. “Only a lunatic of a murderer for a father. Not what Noah knows that, he knows we’re working together and what you’re a very busy man.”
“Hmph,” Levi’s breath brushed Enver’s neck. “I guess that is true.”
“Do you want to,” and now it was his time to be a hesitant bother. “Meet him?
At that Leviathan actually laughed.
“Oh, absolutely not, keep him and that strange dollhouse of yours as far away from me as possible. I have things to do, people to kill, empires to rule. I don’t have time for meat-things, of my own creation or not.”
And just like that, it was as if nothing has changed.
The alarm goes off the moment Karlach finishes the last of the Hands and flies into a wall by the force of the explosive detonating right into her face.
Enver doesn’t stop to register that, or to look around at the bodies of his faithful, to mourn his perfectly constructed plans – his watch, the Iron Throne, the little fireworks shop – because the alarm in Noah’s private chambers went off and it only means one thing.
He skips one step at the time climbing up the steep steps to the higher, more private level.
Could that be the remaining of Orin’s assassins?
Levi said he dispatched of them all, but surely some had to survive by the sheer luck of not being in the temple at the moment. Are those Ravengard’s forces, Florrick’s?
Is it Leviathan, finally coming to sniff out the life he himself created?
He is vaguely aware of the younger Ravengard and the pale elf taking the chase after him, of Karlach joining in.
They think he is escaping.
Enver tries not to think what he is leading the enemies right to his son; he’ll deal with them later. Right now there’s blazing alarm shrieking what something is wrong – and indeed it is, as he discovers with the first body lying dead on the floor. Then the second. Then the third.
All of them – with their throats ripped open, Leviathan’s favorite style.
Enver turns the corner and reaches for the door handle – the door is unlocked and half open: this is bad, bad, bad-
Then he hears a laughter and pauses.
He opens the door slowly and carefully instead of throwing it open as he intended at first.
And sees...
Levi is sitting cross-legged on the floor, leaning slightly forward.
Across of him, sitting in the exact same – ridiculous – pose sits the boy not older than five. He has a dark messy hair, blazing green eyes what betray his nature, and the new game Gortash brought to him just recently. He is trying to explain the rules to the tiefling in front of him, who listens attentively, nodding here and there.
“Wow,” Leviathan Anchev comments with an air of nonchalance he didn’t have before. “I did not understand a thing. But good for you, lil one, good for you.”
“It’s really not that difficult,” Noah insists. “I can teach you! We can play together.”
Enver steps closer, somehow is still not detected neither by his son nor by his...his what?
Karlach almost crashes into the doorframe after him, but somehow manages to steady herself, takes in the view in front of her – and freezes.
So do the other two of Levi’s unruly companions. Gortash especially doesn’t like the pale one; he has a habit of sticking way closer to the bhaalspawn than it is proper.
“I am not that good at these kinds of games,” Levi admits as his tail flips from side to side and nostrils flare; he has detected him. Probably smelled before sensing. “But I have a friend with a real knack for them. He is a wizard and knows a lot of fun things; I think you’d get along.”
Noah looks uncertain.
“Are you sure?” he looks down. “I don’t think...I’m not allowed outside.”
“Really? And why is that?”
“Well,” the boy fidgets with his game. “Father says people who oppose him would try to use me against him, if they knew I existed. So I am kind of...a secret? It’s for my own safety!” he immediately adds, seeing Leviathan’s face blank out. “There’s a murderer on the loose, she really doesn’t like father despite supposedly working with him. Father says she will kill me if she finds out I exist.”
“Oh,” Levi looks taken aback at that. “I don’t think you need to worry about that anymore. If you’re talking about who I think you’re talking about, then she has been dealt with already.”
“Oh!” Noah brightens. “By whom?”
“By me. But say,” the spawn looks quizzically at the child in front of him, frowning slightly. “Is it just your father and you? Where’s your mother?”
“I don’t have one,” and this is definitely the moment then Enver needs to intervene, but he is just...frozen in place, turned to stone.
Leviathan Anchev he knew hated children.
This Leviathan Anchev is talking to a child as it was his best friend.
“I have a dad though!” Noah is a sweet fool, Enver taught him much better than telling complete strangers his entire life’s story. Stop. Talking. “He is...working a lot and is too busy to visit,” the boy looks down gloomily. “But! He and father are very close; they even stole from the devil together!”
Levi blinks. Then blinks once more. Then again.
“The devil, you say?” and is it just Gortash’s imagination, but did the man’s voice just rise up an octave?
“Yes! And not just any devil, the achdevil Mephistopheles!” Noah looks so absurdly proud of that it hurts. “They snuck right into his home, stole a crown from his vault and returned here. Unspotted, unstopped. Victorious.”
“What the fuck?” Karlach lets out and both the boy and the bhaalspawn who created him turn to the door.
Noah’s face immediately brightens.
“Father!” he exclaims, hastily getting to his feet and rushing to him. Behind the boy Levi gives the man the most bewildered stare he has ever seen.
“You have a child!” young Ravengard speaks out with the accusation in his voice. Enver really isn’t sure whom the man is addressing.
Noah is unperturbed.
“Father, I met a really cool guy, his name is Levi and he must be your friend because he came here with no problem at all; and he has children at his camp, two girls named Yenna and Arabella. Arabella is a druid because she stole the idol of Sylvanus and it gave her powers, and Yenna has a cat! But the cat is anxious so I shouldn’t pet it, but I can look at it! Please, can I look at Yenna’s cat? Levi said the evil murderer is dealt with, so it’s probably safe. And Levi can guard me if needed. Also there’s a vampire spawn in his camp and-“
The pale elf coughs.
“Hello there,” he tries, pulling a not entirely convincing smile up his lips. “A vampire spawn speaking. And you would be...”
“I am Noah!” says Noah right away; and did Enver shelter him too much? Damn, he has sheltered him too much. Look at the boy, he wants to befriend a vampire spawn. “I’m the son of the Archduke! Hello.”
“Yes, hi,” the elf looks at Levi uncertainly and back. “So...”
“So,” the bhaalspawn steps forward, the bewildered look stuck to his face. He crouches down to Noah’s level and takes his hands into his calloused and clawed ones. “So Noah...Your dad is the man who helped your father to steal the crown from the devil, is that right?”
Noah nods vigorously and Enver takes his time to observe the scene; the two bhaalspawns in front of each other, Levi’s posture, his relaxed shoulders, his slightly shaking hands. The tail that seems to have a life on its own and moves agitatedly behind its owner.
Three companions of the bhaalspawn, all somewhat stuck in place, with different levels of surprise stitched up their faces. The pale elf – a step closer, almost lingering at Leviathan’s side. Annoying.
Yet somehow, no matter how hard Gortash looks at it, he doesn’t sense any danger. Doesn’t see it, even with Karlach still aflame by the doorframe.
“Yep,” Noah agrees eagerly. “I wish he’d come to meet me soon. He will come, right? Once the work is done and all,” the boy sighs. “I mean, I am his son, surely he would care to come to meet me.”
“Um,” the tiefing looks uncertain. “And what if...something happened to him? What if he, say, lost his memories?”
“How? Did something hit him in the head?”
The vampire spawn chokes on a laugh and Levi rolls his eyes at him.
“Sure,” he agrees. “Let’s call it that. So...what if he doesn’t...exactly remember having you?”
“You mean if he’s lost and doesn’t know he needs to come back?”
“Something like that.”
“Well, I guess I’d come looking for him. He is my other father. It’s important.”
The force of conviction behind these words hits harder than a thunderwave.
Leviathan blinks hard, clears his throat, and then-
“You...don’t have to. I don’t remember much about my life before...certain events, but it was made adamantly clear to me I was the one to break into the Mephistopheles’ vault with your father. And if your dad is who did that, then,” he stops. “Then I guess- Enver, are you really just going to stand here like a fucking statue? Tell me if this is what I think it is or not.”
“You swore!”
“No, the fuck, I did not. Enver-“
“Now you swore twice!”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake-“
“So,” Gortash steps forward, a lazy smile dancing on his lips. Gods only know how much this smile costs him. “You have known your son for the entirety of twenty minutes and already taught him a swear word. Really impressive.”
“Oh, listen here, you poignant prick-“
This, Enver thinks, is what family feels like.
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freshydip · 1 year
over ten thousand days.
start counting, right now. count from one to ten thousand. it'll take you about three hours. you'll get bored. you'll get tired. you'll stop after a few hundred if you're normal. you'll stop after you reach one thousand if you're stubborn. if you're really committed. i mean, fuck, can you imagine anyone wasting three hours of their life just to count to ten thousand? how ridiculous. no one would ever do that. not unless they had a really good reason to.
over ten thousand days.
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they bleed together so fast. the first thousand are crisp, painful, hard as climbing a sheer cliff face. every increment is a thorn in your side. but after a while, you get numb. it's natural. you form a callous. it's natural. you form many callouses. it's natural. this is just how one survives.
over ten thousand days.
this isn't your home. your brother lived here for about six years before he was evicted from this dimension. you're just a guest. you keep it like you found it (aside from the defacing of certain rooms for financial purposes), making only minimal alterations to the interior living spaces. he'll be back soon. you'll bring him back soon. any day now.
you reach day 2,192.
this is your home now.
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over ten thousand days.
what if he's dead? what if he's out of his mind? what if, even if you get it working again, it malfunctions? what if you never actually get it to work? what if you're wasting your time? what if this is futile? what if you're being foolish, wasting away at the foot of a machine you didn't build and can never fully understand? by day 5,031 you're just going down there out of habit. you don't have much hope left. but you can't stop now. what else do you have?
over ten thousand days.
and you've done it. fifty percent of your life, devoted to a singular cause. the majority of those nights spent sleepless. spent grieving. spent hating yourself. you've fucking done it. the best thing you've ever done with your useless life. you've righted your wrong. your salvation is standing in front of you. and your reward? a hard punch to the face. ire. scorn.
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over ten thousand days.
now what?
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freakinator · 3 months
i havent really watched anything levels smp before but now that i have i see now why jumper valued the buildings so much
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1punch · 5 months
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tfw your grief is so crippling it destroys planets and stars without even caring
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fellhellion · 1 year
oh huh. feel like i just unlocked in my brain something abt peter b. i keep thinking about what a deeply cruel to yourself thing it is to believe you would never have become a hero had your uncle not died. or rather, in your mind, that you were the kind of person who had to have him die before you would change. like oh. peter is like forty and has never forgiven himself for this has he....
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Dean + grief + looking around for Cas
Oh, oooow. I forgot that after Dean makes his final plea to God, he scans around looking for Cas:
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He's so fearful to look after that prayer, but he's got to look. First, he looks to his left while taking a deep breath. "Next to me?" (So hopeful.) Sees nothing.
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Nods. Steels himself. "Okay, not next to me, then. Keep looking."
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Fearfully, continues scanning around. Jaw is working against the tears. "Over here?"
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He looks. And looks. Still hopeful.
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All the way round. Past the building, nodding a little in disbelief. "Okay, okay, okay."
Past the tan car (a symbolic representation of Cas). Past the empty table + umbrella (symbolic of everyone else). Note: The hills are swathed in ghostly white mist. This is a mental fog state. (Mists form in mountain valleys, and "valley" is Dean's namesake.) Valleys represent abundance; they provide water, food, and shelter. But no one's here.
Dean looks out at the horizon, a tactic used to visualize looking towards the future, and he can't see the future. He only sees what he's lost.
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A jerky step backward, arms dangling listlessly. Straightens up and looks out at the water. The Cas car is "parked" in the valley, the lowest point (death), symbolizing that he's very far away. The tan sedan is indeed in shadow...it's even framed by ghostly fog and a scattering of gray clouds.
The water of the lake represents profound grief.
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"Not here."
Dean heaves a shuddering sigh and sags with the weight of it all.
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Dean is turned away, emotions private. Hidden from the audience. (You are allowed to witness the anger, but the devastation is not what you're supposed to be seeing on your screen. Chuck doesn't want you to see that. Suck it up, Dean.)
Denial. Bargaining. Anger. Grief can go in any order. (Grief doesn't play by rules.)
Beyond the bargaining lies the paralyzing despair, something Sam and Cas tend to be more acquainted with than Dean. (His mode of despair is usually frank bargaining or denial.)
So, Dean's grief settles on loss of hope.
("There's no solution to this. Not this time. God is the only one who can fix this, and he has forsaken me.")
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xycuro-illuminati · 10 months
Save me law firm trio (mattfoggykirsten)
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orcelito · 4 months
Not only was my upstairs neighbor making noise until past 2 am (making it hard for me to fall asleep), I also woke up around 5 am with a flare of my rib pain. Tried going back to sleep. Didn't really manage it by the time it was around 6 am and there was a HUGE FUCKING BANG
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Tally knocked over my Fucking Plant when trying to get on the dresser she's Not Allowed On (and so I have the way blocked with stuff... that she knocked off) bc she wanted to eat This Plant Specifically.
I did my best to save it, so we'll see how that goes. It was also past 6 am and I didn't wanna fucking clean up the dirt mess then. And also I was PISSED at Tally for this. So the cats have been locked out of my room for the past 6 or so hours. And I'm still mad at Tally. Not gonna give or accept any affection from her for a few more hours at Least. She knows she's not allowed to do what she did.
Anyways I tried to go back to sleep, managed it for a Little bit but woke up again around 8. And after a bit went back to sleep, then was back up again
I think I got like 4 cycles of sleep overall. Which is... better than nothing... but also Jesus fucking christ, I took a melatonin before trying to sleep, too. The insomnia was just acting up Bad tonight.
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fifthmoonofgunsmoke · 5 months
recently gotten into ff7 (done remake, crisis core, general knowledge of og) and like. u know how when the finale of trimax came out there were jokes about how the twins are rlly one winged angels a la sephiroth. ff7 and trigun are both literally futuristic environmentalist portrayals of a world that depends on (for lack of a better word) aliens to fuel their city/cities. sephiroth and knives both literally decide to destroy everything because they believe humanity is a corrupting force that should be wiped out to preserve Their Family. jenova and tesla. the one winged angel comparison goes deep
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halinski · 1 year
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