#dean winchestere/You
scatterbugged · 7 months
feeling sick to my stomach thinking about the love castiel is capable of. how incredibly small and insignificant billions of years must’ve felt in comparison to the 11 years he spent with teh winchesteres. sorry I mean the 16 gajillion years he has spent living with dean in their little brokeback mountain cabin. because they are 2gether 4Ever <3 time slips away so easily from us. the self-cannibalizing hoop of time. he’s poured himself into every inch of taht vessel huh. stretched the skin around his being and shifted the bones and dug his own lines into it. that flesh reimagined itself around him huh. Castiel. Castiel my beloved. burnt and tattered wings tied together with fishing line strings and empty cans. driving down the road towards happily ever after. just married. the American dream. you were My Dream. My American Dream Castiel. I desire you. I wnat to feel you differently. Than I have before. Maybe even for the first time. I need you. I need you. God I love you. Do you hear me god.are you there. God. It’s me, scatterbugged. I love you.
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michaelsworddean · 2 years
the dean winchesterism of thinking you’re just like your dad and trying to be even more like him because you take him as a role model and think he’s the best you can ever be but then realizing later that you’re more like your mother than you’ve ever thought. that’s an eldest daughter if i’ve ever seen one
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coureirsix · 11 months
and not to come here to talk abt the stupid gay fantasy vampire that im obsessed with now but the thing is he suffers from the dean winchesterism of performative sexuality and it. it knocks rocks around in my brain because it's ABOUT being a young pretty face used and abused by a figure with ultimate power over you and being locked in a box that you cant escape from and when you DO get the chance to be free you dont know what else to DO except continue performing the sexuality that you get no gratification from
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thefreakandthehair · 2 years
What do you mean ‘Winchesterized’ about Steve? Is that a bad thing?
hi anon! I could write a whole essay on the Dean Winchester x Steve Harrington parallels but I’ll spare myself the pain today, tbh. the gist of why I tagged that on that particular post is that the we saw the Winchesters, Dean especially, slowly lose all sense of self and self-preservation in favor of protecting those around him— to the point that it ultimately kills him. and that’s what I’m seeing in those moments of Steve always going last. it’s not bad, that’s part of why we’ve all fallen down the Steve Harrington rabbit hole!
but I mean, what do we know about Steve canonically outside of him protecting the kids and his friends, going to battle, fighting, getting his ass kicked, etc etc since s1? very little, truthfully. his arc mirrors Dean Winchester’s in a lot of ways— at least in my “I was in the SPN fandom for 15 years and cannot stop seeing parallels to it to save my life” brain.
so I guess it’s only a bad thing if you want Steve to make it out of s5 alive!
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Dean Winchester/Reader ❧ Sweet Apology
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Dean Winchester/Reader; Dean Winchester/OFC Word count: 4874 | Chapter 1 of 3 Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content Tags: Fluff & Smut, a smidge of Angst; Misunderstandings; Porn with Feelings; Arguing; Reader has a crush on Dean  Summary: The plan was to watch a movie in Dean's room, but without Sam to help her feel less awkward, it's no surprise that she ends up saying something stupid - and make Dean think she dislikes him, of all things, when she has a gigantic crush on the guy. They start yelling at each other, soon enough they're kissing, and then - well, Dean's bed gets put to good use. It kind of sucks, though, that as soon as they're done Dean puts his clothes back on leaves her like nothing happened. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Well, not really. He's just absolutely clueless. I swear, if these two don't open their mouths and talk...
Beta’d by @mostly-shawn and @aingealcethlenn - Thank you so much for the help <3 
Read on Ao3 | Chapter Two coming soon
❧ Chapter One 
So, to summarize: she’s eating Fruity Loops, in an underground bunker, at the same table as two certified living legends in the hunting community. The monster hunting community, may she remind you in case you lost the memo.
She is, apparently, very good at identifying and theoretically killing said monsters – although God forbid they ever ask her to join in on the action. She admires Sam and Dean for what they do, but she's fine staying behind the scenes: rummaging through old lore books and giving herself a headache is as far as she'll go. She has proven herself useful in multiple occasions, so no shame there. 
Sam confessed to her, on the one memorable occasion when he had drunk enough to be tipsy, that he was more than happy she has to interest in hunting.
"It's my life and I love it", he said, "but it sucks all the ass and you shouldn't do it. Everyone fucking dies. If you got hurt I'd be sad about it for at least six months straight. I'd grow a beard and all." "What would Dean do?", she asked in morbid curiosity.  "'Dunno, drink and throw every chair and lamp he sees on the ground, maybe? He does that a lot. Just - never hunt, okay?" "I'll do it for the sake of your poor furniture", she responded, and she never changed her mind. 
Sorry, sometimes the crazy hits her all at once, and she needs to do a recap of the situation. Where was she? Oh, right: she was looking at Dean. (What else is new?)
Dean's sprawled on the wooden chair like a bored king, dead guy's robe at least two sizes too big on his broad shoulders. It's one of those rare instances where he slept well the night before, and he looks cozy and relaxed and roughly fifteen years younger than yesterday.
She's trying so hard not to openly stare at him that her cereal got all mushy in the meantime.
"Are you sure Jody can deal with this on her own?", Dean is saying, oblivious to her thoughts. "Seems to me like she's already got her hands full, with the girls and all."
On the other side of the table, Sam sips his coffee and nods. "Yeah, hopefully, it'll be just the one werewolf. I told Jody to call us if she finds out there's more going on."
"Hopefully there's not. Oh!" Dean slaps a celebratory hand on the table and grins. "That means we've got the day off! We could take advantage of that Netflix subscription we pay for." "Garth is paying – we're just leeching off of him. And I actually wanted to go for a run. Wanna come?" "Ugh." "Yeah, I thought so. You two can start without me, though. I'll join you later."
Oh, the mental image that double-meaning evokes!  But it’s more of a private joke with herself that anything – she likes Sam, obviously, if only because she's a straight woman with functioning eyes, but she doesn't have a crush. He’s tall and kind, and objectively attractive but he’s not… 
Her eyes fall on his brother's long fingers tapping on the table, his strong wrist peeking out of the robe’s sleeve, and she feels her stomach tie in knots. 
He’s not Dean, alright?
She didn’t ask not to have eyes but for him, and yet here she is: all moon-eyed over his wrist, of all things. 
Someone shoot her; it’d be a mercy killing at this point. 
Dean turns to her, all bright-eyed in his good mood. "What do you say, movie marathon? We could stay in my room, get comfy on the bed." Well, now, that makes her legs clench tight together under the table.  She knows she’ll have to answer very quickly because in a second she’ll start overthinking and find some excuse not to join Dean. In his bedroom, on his bed. Something she has never fantasized about, no sir. "Yes? Yeah, why not!", she exclaims, just a tad too loud. Oh my God, at least try to play it cool. Sam smirks from behind his cup, and she wonders for a moment if this "morning run" of his isn't just a ploy to leave her alone with his brother. Then Dean winks at her, and all other thoughts fly out of the window.  "Awesome. Come on, I'll even let you choose the movie."
❧ ☙
"I'll let you choose, he says," she huffs to herself. Her reflection in the bathroom mirror looks back at her with mild panic in her eyes. "Like that's not agonizing or anything."
God, she just wishes Dean didn't make her so damn nervous. How long has she known the Winchesters for? A year? She's even living with them, she should be past all – she clenches her fists, trying to calm herself – this. And still, Dean makes her heady and rattled just by looking at her for too long. She needs to get a grip.
While she brushes her teeth and washes her face, she settles on Kill Bill – which a) she knows Dean hasn't seen in years and b) should hopefully keep her attention away from his closeness. On his bed. Where she will also be.
God help her.
She walks out of the bathroom up to Dean's room. He's already propping his laptop on a bunch of pillows at the foot of the bed, humming a Metallica song under his breath. His eyes shoot up to her when she arrives.  "Hey! Did you choose the movie?", he says. He's still as carefree as she's ever seen him, but there's something in his voice that was missing during breakfast. A note of –  weariness? Hope? She can't decipher it. "Don't tell Sammy I said, but I could sit through a chick–flick without bitching too much if you wanna watch one.”  And if that isn’t proof he has a martyr complex... "Actually, I was thinking Kill Bill?" He beams up. "Oh hell yeah, haven't seen that one in ages." He finds the movie and hits play, settling down against the bed frame. She notices that he got rid of the robe and is now sitting in only a t–shirt and grey sweatpants. Oh please, no, she thinks, already feeling desperate. Fucking grey sweatpants, tight and revealing in all the right places, inviting her to look down, down...come on, just take a peek- 
She gingerly sits down at the opposite end of the bed, eyes straight ahead.  Despite the distance, she can smell Dean’s cologne (and what the fuck did he put cologne on for?), fresh and manly and very attractive – so much so that she forgets to focus on the film.  She's acutely aware of his presence beside her – of the warmth radiating from him, of how little space and layers there are between their bodies. She also notices him glancing at her from time to time, even though her gaze stays fixed on the computer screen.  Is she acting weird? Is that why he's looking at her? She's literally just sitting there, but maybe there's something on her face, or she's breathing too loud…that has never happened before, but who knows–
"I don't bite, you know?"  She's almost startled by Dean's voice interrupting her manic line of thought. He's now openly watching her, the small smile on his lips a mix between tentative and reassuring. "You can come closer if you want to. You're almost off the bed." She laughs nervously – damn, way to put her on the spot. But he’s right: she’s all bunched up on the corner of the bed, shaky hands hidden under her legs. "I, uh, didn't want to make you uncomfortable, that's all."  What the fuck does that even mean? One of Dean's eyebrows shot up his forehead, and his smile turns disbelieving. "Me? You're the one that looks like she has a gun pointed at her head." Her whole face heats up in embarrassment. He knows she's timid, and anyone who even glances in her direction knows she's head over heels for him – why does he have to put attention on it? "I'm just out of my depth here, you know I'm shy–" "Shy?" he interrupts her. "We've known each other for a year! And we both know you're not like this with Sam." 
Also very true, much to her chagrin – Sam has this puppy-dog aura to himself that makes him look smaller and non-threatening, at least when he’s in the company of friends. Dean...Dean doesn’t seem to have an off-switch, he’s always very unapologetically himself. Even when he’s acting like a total dork, he fills the entire room with his presence.
The mortification of being called out like this is making her eyes water, and Dean's unfaltering eye contact is not helping. "It's different with Sam," she tries to explain. What can she say without giving too much of her feelings away?  "Why? Have I done something bad to you?" he asks. “You’re always so – so skittish with me, it’s like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
Dean has the most expressive eyes she has ever seen, and try as he might his feelings are always starkly clear on his face – like now, settling over the vibrant apple-green like an ugly shadow; disappointment and plain sadness. She really, really doesn't want to hurt him, and trips over her own thoughts in an attempt to say I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just in love and bad with feelings – but how to say it without spelling it out? 
"It's nothing you've done,” she tries, “it's just – you."
Oh, God. That came out awfully wrong.
Dean scoffs, breaking the eye contact to look at everything in the room but her. "Yeah, I figured," he snickers, "Could have just said no to watching the movie, then, sweetheart. You shouldn't have to spend time with people you dislike." Dislike? She almost can't believe the irony of the situation. "Dean, I don't dislike you, that's not what I meant." "You just said you have a problem with me as a person! Listen,” – he passes a hand over his mouth, like he does when he needs a second to find the words – “Listen, I don’t know what you heard about me, okay? Sometimes hunters pass through here, and maybe you got wind of some rumours. I’m the first one to admit I can be a douchebag from time to time, but they don’t know me. Hell, half of them I don’t even consider friends! And I thought, you.. well, whatever. You can go back where you came from if living with me is so damn unpleasant! ” Well, ouch. That one hurt. She stands from the bed, raising her voice to hide how close she is to tears.  They could have spent a nice day together, watching movies and eating popcorn from the same bowl or something, and then she had to go ahead and ruin everything.  And he's being so stubborn, God, but what else is new?  "Dean, what – rumours? You think this is about your reputation or something?” “I don’t know! You fucking tell me.” “Why do you wanna argue? You were in such a good mood two minutes ago-" "Yeah, I really was." He jumps off the bed and walks around it until he's face to face with her. "Excuse me if seeing you all – all scared of me kind of killed the mood!" "What? I'm not scared!" "Then why the fuck are you on the verge of tears right now?" "'Cause I'm sorry," she shouts to match his tone. He's standing so close; it's unfair how much it affects her. "I don’t find you scary, okay? I’m sorry I made you think that!" "Yeah, well, I’m sorry, too,” he shouts back. “Then why are we yelling?” “I have no idea!”
They both fall silent. Her mind is trying to process what the fuck just happened, why was she shouting in the first place when Dean is right there, not even five inches away –  eyes bright and fiery because of the argument, the hard line of his mouth relaxing as his expression changes. He looks down at her lips. Her breath catches in her throat. She feels paralyzed by how intensely she wants him at that moment, stuck between throwing caution to the wind or fleeing before she makes a fool of herself. But Dean hasn’t moved away, has he? If anything he’s inching closer, and he's looking at her like, like he, too…
Dean leans in and kisses her, a soft sigh leaving his nose when their lips touch.  He's so warm, is her first thought. Warm and big and solid against her, so much more substantial than in her fantasies – where he holds her just as tightly, kisses her just as deeply. Her hands tremble slightly as she goes to cup his face. God, it's happening for real. She bites on his full bottom lip with urgency, and he tugs her closer by the hips, pushing his tongue in her mouth. He’s not so much aggressive as he’s ardent, burning fast and bright on her skin like he hasn’t much time left – or like he’s waited too long, and he’s hell-bent on making himself unforgettable.
She isn’t sure she would like the pace, was he anyone else.  But oh God, he’s not anyone else, he’s Dean – and she wants, she wants, she wants him and won’t make excuses for liking this. Teeth, bruises, too-sharp nails; warm breaths mixing with hers, his fingers digging in wherever she’s softer and warmer. 
She passes a hand on the short hair at the nape of his neck, and she can feel goosebumps rise on his arms at the feeling. Dean gives her one last peck on the lips before hiding his face in the crook of her neck – he releases a shuddering sigh that makes her shiver, and nips at the skin behind her ear. His big hands settle on her legs, squeezing and palming the back of her thighs until she's raised to her tiptoes. "Hold on, baby," he says and picks her up from the ground.  Wrapped around his waist, she can feel his erection pressing on her core –  and she's never felt emptier and needier than right there with Dean, hard and panting, ready to fuck her against a wall.  "Oh God," she moans, and desperately paws at Dean's shirt to get some skin–on–skin contact.  He raises his face to watch her and chuckles at her efforts, grinding with more and more insistence against her.  "I know, I know," he hums, "I gotcha." He smiles that boyish adorable grin he sometimes does, and she's overwhelmed by both the rush of affection for him and the desire pooling low in her belly. 
She's about to say something undoubtedly stupid that would ruin everything –  she has the three words already formed on her lips, but they turn into a gasp when Dean twists around and lets her fall on the mattress. The cold sheets underneath her give some clarity back. Not that she keeps it for long, with Dean crawling between her open thighs, hair all fucked up by her hands. He gives her a long caress from her knees up to her waist and smiles again. "Always wanted you in my bed." Is this actually happening?, she thinks, incredulous. "Wh–Yeah?" "Why do you you think I proposed we watch something here?" He winks at her. "Sam wasn't home...I dunno, I felt lucky today." "...and then we ended up yelling at each other a bunch", she adds. Dean huffs a laugh and leans down to kiss her, deep and long enough she forgets what they were even talking about. "Doesn't that just count as foreplay?"  "I don't think so, no." Dean beams at her, eyes glinting with something dangerous. "No? How about this, then?", he says, and licks a hot strip on her neck before sucking a mark there. The sharp feeling of his teeth on her sensitive skin makes her back arch closer to his chest. "Or this?" One of his hands sneaks under her shirt, slow and teasing. Dean's fingers splay wide on her stomach on their way up, and she's never hated a piece of clothing more than her bra when it stops the contact. She wants everything off, wants to feel him really touch her. "Oh, fuck," she gasps. "Dean– Dean, take this off." He groans against her collarbone, voice low and rumbly, before leaning back on his knees. "Mmh, yeah. Yes, ma'am. Can you roll over?" The thought of Dean pressed long and wide along her back makes her toes curl, and she gladly turns around. 
She realizes Uma Thurman is still swinging her katana on the computer screen, so she takes a second to close the laptop. There's the swishing of fabric behind her, probably Dean shimming out of his sweatpants and shirt while she can't see him. She goes to undress as well, but two warm hands on her hips stop her. "No, wait, I wanna do it," Dean says. “‘Kay?” Oh God, this man is gonna be the death of her. "Yes, please."
Dean scoots closer, his knees on either side of hers, erection pressed on the small of her back. He briefly hugs her to his chest while he leaves a kiss on her hair, squeezing a bit before he lets her go. She swallows back a whimper at the feeling – not because it brings any real pleasure, but because of Dean's unguarded desire behind the gesture. He’s slowed down the pace, maybe for her benefit, maybe for his own.  God, she's there, with Dean. Unbelievable. She wants him so much she could cry. 
Nuzzling her neck, he helps her take off her shirt, and then – faster, cause he's seductive, yes, but also earnest and enthusiastic – he unclasps her bra, and it falls on the bed. She gets why he asked her to turn around, conscious that her shyness would, at least at first, follow her even in bed: like this, she can't see him watching, and her instinct to hide from him is stifled.  Not that she had nothing to worry about: Dean just sighs softly and cups her breasts in his hands, a smile splitting his face at how soft and hot her skin is. 
Her leggings go next, tugged down roughly by herself, 'cause suddenly she really, really needs to be naked so he can touch her everywhere.  She leans forward on the bed, face pressing on a pillow as she shimmies out of her pants.  Dean huffs a laugh behind her. "These are very sexy," he comments, hooking his fingers on the edge of her underwear. Which is ridiculous, cause she has on the most boring pair of black undies ever produced.  Goes to show with how little Dean is pleased.  Instead of taking the last piece of offending clothing off, he slides two fingers up and down her folds, pushing in a little through the fabric.  "So wet already," he says, “and I haven't even touched you yet." His voice has gone low and rumbly and that, coupled with his fingers, makes her that much wetter.  “‘Cause I want you,” she mumbles in the pillow, stating the obvious. She rocks backs on his hand, inviting. “You know, I-” “Yeah, baby?” Oh God, he called me baby, she thinks a bit hysterically. She bites back the embarrassment and tries to find somewhere the courage to finish the sentence. “You know, I - I think of you when I touch myself.”
There it is, out in the open. Just how ridiculously attracted to him she is. 
His movements stutter; when she angles her head so that she can see his face, she finds him already watching her with such intense, naked longing in his eyes, she has to feel proud. It’s getting to her head, feeling wanted like this. “What?” he asks, finally sliding off her underwear. He’s already naked, and as soon as the panties hit the mattress she pushes back until she’s flush with him – his erection is pressed in the cleft of her ass, getting smeared with her wetness when she starts undulating her hips. “What- fuck,” Dean tries again, distracted by what she’s doing. “Mmh, what do you think about?” God, she’s burning up, and she’s so damn empty without him inside of her. “I don’t know, uh - Your fingers?” Dean circles an arm around her and sneaks his hand down her belly until he can touch her clit, middle and forefinger forming slow circles in time with her hips. “Yes, yes like that, fuck,” she gasps. She decides, there and then, to tell him a secret. 
“One time, one time we were at that diner together, Sam and Cas were there as well...And you had that red shirt on, and you must have spent some time on your hair, ‘cause it was – I don’t know, Dean, you were just so beautiful. I was sitting right in front of you. You were flirting with the waitress, and I thought, I thought ‘God, what if I took my shoe off, and slid my foot all the way up his leg and then, when he looks at me, confused, pretend I’m not doing anything?’ And I kept thinking about it, ‘cause you weren’t looking at me anyway.  What if I made you hard, there in public, but you had to keep your face straight and not react? And then, what if you grasped my ankle under the table like a warning to stop, but you still pushed back to have more friction, blushing that pretty red when Sam asked you if were okay? And you know what, Dean?” She pauses a second, lost in the fantasy and the feeling of his hands on her. “I would have stopped without a word. I would have left you there, wouldn’t have even acknowledged what I was doing by glancing at you – I would have stood up, with you still hard in your jeans in that cute, family-friendly diner, and I would have said “Sorry, gotta powder my nose” or something just as stupid, to look even more annoyingly innocent –  and then I would have gone to the bathroom. And waited for you to follow me, so you could fuck me in one of the stalls, my hand on your mouth to keep you quiet, hoping against hope that no one would come in, or hear us, or interrupt us before you could cum so deep inside me I would have felt you for days-”
Dean moves away from her, one hand to keep her still. “Okay, okay, that’s- that's enough for now." His free hand is at the base of his dick, squeezing a bit as he calms down. He’s breathing fast, lips bitten red and freckles standing out against the flush on his face. He is, quite possibly, the hottest thing she has ever seen. And she did that. “You little- I think I remember that day, fuck. That’s what you were thinking? Jesus.”  He briefly rummages in the bedside drawer and comes back to the bed with a condom.  “Is like this okay?” he asks, and helps her up from where she was sprawled on the bed.  She considers whether or not her legs will hold her up in this position, and figures that after that spiel she deserves to be a bit of a pillow princess – Dean will hold her up if he needs to. With those strong, muscular arms of his. Mmh, God bless his biceps... So she hums “yes,”  and hooks her feet around his calves to feel him closer. 
She looks back at him as he goes in, and more than the feeling of Dean sliding into her, she'll never forget how his eyes flutter close in a pained frown, like it feels so good it hurts; like he’s somehow surprised by the pleasure.  And then he moves, and her eyes just close on their own at the feeling. Everything’s just burning hot – Dean inside her, his hands touching everywhere on her body, his forehead pressed between her shoulders when he leans down.  “‘Missed this,” he mumbles on her skin. “I always forget how good it is.” 
Which would be, was this a different setting, an unwelcome reminder of how many women have been under him before her. Right now, with him groaning and moaning in her ear? She couldn’t care less.
The pace picks up - and, really, Dean’s a very proportionate man, and, in that position, he goes too deep for comfort. At a particularly hard thrust, she whimpers in pain. “You okay?” he asks, worried fingers moving the hair out of her face.  “Yeah, ‘s okay. Just-” “I hurt you,” he interjects, and helps her up. “Get closer to the headboard? Alright, let’s try it like this.”  On her knees, with her arms balancing her weight on the wall, the angle changes drastically. Dean slides back into her, this time pressed on her in a long line from shoulders to knees, and hooks his chin on her shoulder. “Better?”
“Way better,” she says, and smiles at his happy sigh. 
There’s not much she could tell you about the rest, not without interrupting herself every two seconds by grinning and blushing. It just feels good. It feels amazing.  Dean’s experience is evident in his every move, and he doesn’t let her forget for a second exactly who’s she with –  in that too-hot bedroom with weapons decorating the wall, giving a memory foam mattress a run for its money.  She says his name probably too many times, and some ridiculous praise comes out of her mouth once in a while, but Dean doesn’t seem to mind; he bites her neck too hard, at one point, and it hurts but she loves it, the proof that he has lost himself completely in her body.  And Dean builds her up and up, with his voice and his fingers and his cock, until she shudders and cums around him. 
She briefly loses sense of time, feeling only Dean thrusting into her faster and deeper and with a faltering rhythm – when she comes back to herself, he’s slipping out of her with a groaned “Jesus Christ.”
She lies down on her back, panting as she watches him throw away the condom in a small bin beside the bed. All those good chemicals that come with an orgasm are making her feel more naked than a simple lack of clothes – Dean turns back to her, and she has the impression that he can see right through her skin and bones; that all the feelings that surely will scare him off are sprawled out on the bed like heavy, uncomfortable blanket. 
She feels both amazing and scrubbed raw at the same time. She really needs Dean to take her in his arm before she starts crying, which is becoming more and more probable by the second. 
Instead, his attention falls on his phone, bleeping away on the bedside table. “Twelve messages?”, he says when he picks it up. They’re from Sam, which becomes obvious when he reads them instead of chucking the phone at the end of the bed; she watches him frown as he scrolls down. “Ugh, fuck. It’s Sam; Jody apparently needs back up after all. Five werewolves? Well, shit.”
She doesn’t say anything and busies herself by sliding under the blanket. 
She doesn’t like to think of Jody in danger, but she likes even less where this is going. Dean is putting his boxers back on, and clean clothes from his drawer. Oh, wow, look at all that flannel. Does he have an endless supply or something? “I gotta go,” he explains. No shit, Sherlock. “Hey, it was awesome,” he tells her as he puts a belt on, nonchalant as if he was talking about a very good burger. “Just- awesome. Shit, I’m so late already, Sam’s gonna bitch all the way to Sioux Falls. See you in a few days?” She nods, a bit jaded by the sudden change in scenario – from one with Dean naked in bed with her to one where he’s leaving as if nothing happened –  and he smiles and winks at her. 
And then he’s gone. 
Maybe she spends the next hour on the verge of tears, hugging his pillow and watching the rest of Kill Bill as a distraction, but that’s not really any of your business.  She gets up, eventually, and puts her clothes back on even if the bunker is empty. She does what feels like a walk of shame back to her room and straight to her shower. She washes off, with her favourite lavender-scented soap, all the signs of the past few hours off of her skin. Like it was a random guy. Like it was just a one-off. 
Thank you very much, ma’am, it has been fun while it lasted. 
“I gotta go.”
Well, alright. Goodbye stranger, then. 
❧ ☙
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I cherish every comment and reblog, feedback really motivates me to keep writing <3 I especially appreciate comments on characterization, I tried to keep Dean as IC as possible :) Let me know what you think! 
Tags from @spnfanficpond‘s Tag List under the cut - apologies if I tagged someone who’s not interested in Dean/Reader’s by mistake!
If someone wants to be tagged in the next chapter, let me know <3 
@aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @deanscarlett @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess  @frenchybell  @deandoesthingstome  @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @quiddy-writes @supermoonpanda @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @evilskank-inthemegacoven @clueless-gold @bennyyh @winchestersmolder @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @winecatsandpizza @there-must-be-a-lock @cas-backwards-tie @emoryhemsworth @just-another-winchester
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sodomitecastiel · 2 years
re: the painkillers thing idk exactly how to word this but dean strikes me as the kind of person who would be unwilling to take medication to alleviate pain precisely bc of his whole push through the pain attitude. i can definitely see him as a little kid getting hurt and john being like you’re fine stop whining you just have to man up and push through it. and then adult dean internalizing that as “i have to deal with all pain on my own” and that taking pain meds/seeking medical attention = weakness. so it sorta makes sense to me that he wouldn’t have wound up becoming addicted to pain medication but i can definitely see it the other way too
completely fair!! i think this line of thinking would definitely lead him to put off dealing with his pain & keep his coping strategies secret, and then also holding a great deal of shame about what he does do. he would be horrifically ashamed. but i think where our interpretations diverge is that while i think he would outwardly repeat all those john winchesterisms — man up, push through the pain, etc — i’m not sure his private behaviors would reflect them. would dean ever ADMIT to having a pills problem? never in a million years. would he have one, though? i can really easily see it
like idk guys, dean loves to cut corners and if he can pop a pill to feel okay enough to push through to the end of a hunt he wouldn’t otherwise be able to? i can see him rationalizing that decision
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howldean · 2 years
my dean winchesterism is showing. at prom. five people on the dance floor. me losing my absolute shit to you shook me all night long by ac/dc
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thegeminisage · 4 years
HELLOOO I am LOVING your fic excerpts and I was just wondering if you had any general writing advice? For supernatural specifically or just fic writing in general?
omg THANK YOU <3 i am by no means An Expert, i am intermediate at best, so here’s a medium amount of advice:
for dean’s speech specifically, write a normal sentence and then swap at least one word or phrase out for a winchesterism
outline, outline, outline. not everybody can work this way but knowing what you’re doing next in your story will prevent a good 75% of writer’s block* and then you will write more stuff faster. i like to go one step further and block out my scenes post-outlining, so that my ACTUAL first draft is some weird outline/draft hybrid. cuts down on post-writing editing needed, too
*the trick is, i don’t actually believe in writer’s block. i believe every time you’ve stopped working on a project it can be solved with one of the three parts of the triangle method. (either that you don’t know what happens next, you’re not excited about what happens next, or you don’t have the right time/space/energy to write. the excitement factor is why i talk about what i’m working on and even post excerpts sometimes! it’s actually part of the entire process!)
every plot hole is fixable. ALL OF THEM. no logistics issue is as bad as it seems. it just takes a little problem-solving and a can-do attitude. remember that unless you pulled a cw and wrote death of the author a little TOO well, you are without exception the omnipotent god of your story. your characters are not sentient and your plot is nothing more than a series of moving parts. 
use pomodoro!!! i write in my browser in gdocs so an extension that prevents you from switching to the tumblr tab when u get bored will go a long way. set an actual egg timer if you have to - work 20 minutes, break five minutes, do that over and over. you’ll fly
no zero days. this is rich coming from me who just had two weeks of zero days in a row, but most of the time, when i’m working on a project, i like to open it up every single day. even if all you do is reread a bit of it or write one sentence or EDIT one sentence, it keeps it fresh in your brain. it’s like going home for summer vacation and then it being REEEEALY hard to get back in the grind of school. out of sight, out of mind, so if you really want to finish something, don’t keep it out of either. (extenuating circumstances notwithstanding, obviously - if shit sucks there’s no need to beat yourself up for not opening up your fanfic.)
if you like charts and etc, color-coded organization tables+keeping track of your wordcount can be a nice thing to do some productive procrastination on.
just write as much as humanly possible. i read somewhere once that it takes ten million words to make a master, and i myself have been writing for about 17 years and change and i’m still only at 4 million for my lifetime total, so, you know, you’re never gonna be finished getting better, practice makes perfect, etc
and finally, accept from the get-go that whatever you’re writing probably won’t get the kind of attention you were hoping for. comment culture is a whole big beehive of a debate i don’t feel like swinging a baseball bat at right now, but like for your own sanity you can’t hinge your enjoyment of writing a project on how much attention it gets. my 15.18 fixit that i spent three days on got hundreds of kudos/comments/etc, but @callowyn​ and i wrote on @cambionverse​ (spn next gen fic) for YEARS before it got its first longtime fans, and even now our total audience is, like, 12 people - despite it having shown up in an actual academic textbook a couple of years ago. i personally think a lot more love, time, and attention went into the latter project, and that it’s miles better than any other spn fic i’ll ever write, but the audience is so tiny that it will NEVER never get the same engagement as the deancas stuff. and that’s fine! i’m writing it because i love it, not because it’s popular. it’s always sad not to get as much attention as you wanted, but if it’s so sad that it makes you not want to write anymore, you have a problem. either you don’t actually like writing or you’re putting all your emotional eggs in the wrong basket. so don’t do that!
[fic advice masterpost]
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lesbiansamruby · 4 years
sam and dean quoting john winchesterisms at each other to justify their respective arguments. do either of you actually care what he thought. why is this part of your routine
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acklest · 6 years
@usbib974​ replied to your post: Threesome, Party of Two
I just finished reading this and I absolutely LOVED it! I especially love the female character (usually hate those because for some reason people tend to write females as either really cheesy or unrealistically tough (like “Oh my brother just got ripped to shreds in front of me? HAH! I EAT MISERY FOR BREAKFAST! Now watch me beat up 23 bad guys on my own with no weapons”). And I adore the way you danced around Sam and Dean dancing around the issue and the banter 😍😍 ½
I live for the banter. I’m in line very with this story. I also feel the need to mention the way you portrayed Sam and Dean as characters and their relationship. Perfect! I especially love Sam’s hesitancy and the way he tried to leave a bunch of times but got stopped by Dean. So overall, much love and many thanks to you for writing this! It’s a gem ❤️
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I have been re-reading these replies on-and-off night. 😍 You have made my weekend.
I know a lot of people now avoid OFCs in fic because of that tendency to only write female characters who can “go toe-to-toe with the Winchesters” and, in some cases, be “even better than the Winchesters.” They see that “OFC” and they groan and sort of move on unless they’re already familiar with the author. People forget that a woman can be strong and powerful and it doesn’t necessarily have to equal kicking ass. Granted, the Winchesters do tend to run with that crowd, or with women who can (or quickly learn how to) hold their own.
Their banter is where I have the most fun, actually. I’m so happy when someone likes it. I write dialogue heavy scenes like a script, and then fill in the beats and tags after. Dean’s is easy for me but for Sam’s I have to work a little harder. I’m writing a Wincest fic right now from Sam’s POV and I’m so worried that I’m getting him wrong (maybe I need a Sam!girl to be my Sam quality assurance person). I imagine banter for them when I’m bored, and I’ll make notes of lines or phrases to re-use later, or pop culture references Dean would have, or I’ll see something and think “Sam/Dean would LOVE/MAKE FUN OF this thing/book/movie” or “Sam & Dean would totally argue about this.” So I make note of those things. It’s probably a legitimate mental affliction at this point. Winchesteritis. No cure.
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coureirsix · 3 years
the dean winchesterism of being prepared to wholly fall at the mercy of those that you love, fully surrendering love to those who you deem worthy because that’s all you know how to do in the face of dying at their hands. you don’t blame. you don’t guilt. you love. you love unconditionally and unequivocally even when it’s the little brother you raised that’s going to beat you until your face is unrecognizable or if its the angel you’ve fallen in love with that is going to stab you in the heart. you love them. there’s arguably no better way to die.
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thegeminisage · 4 years
(it's the fic rec anon) im so sorry for that ask haha! it wasnt meant as a joke but upon reading through your tag i can see why that ask might have been funny for you hahaha... im new here (well i came back after a 3 year break from spn) and i got to your blog through the john's diary masterpost and i rlly needed to go to bed so i quickly typed that ask without rlly going through your blog sorry hahah. so yeah that satisfies my ever present need to explain myself (1/2)
(2/2) that being said. Wow. I am looking forward to reading the fic you've been putting an astounding amount of work in. All your comments about nuance are exactly why i needed to send an ask about this instead of going through that ao3 tag. The resolvement of that trauma is just something so specific and im thrilled that you've decided to be the one to do it. Reading through the tag and your excerpts made me just stop studying for my exams for an hour. I just can't express properly how exited I am for this fic!!! the nuance, the destiel, ace cas, Dean dealing with his sexuality on top of that, the winchesterisms and in general, from what I've read, your writing style... sometimes you just read a plot description and it ticks off all your boxes.... im beyond hyped
(this ask)
it’s you!! hi!!! dw, your ask gave me a good laugh, i love dramatic irony. tyvm for being excited esp about ace cas 🥺 but god you listing it out like that lol really makes me realize there is so much going on in this fic. small wonder i am having to restructure it currently!!
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