unbrokenbitch · 3 years
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Salvation For the Damaged (D.W) Dean Winchester x OC - I'm Begging for You to Take my Hand Wreck My Plans (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1191771256-salvation-for-the-damaged-d-w-dean-winchester-x-oc?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=L0veMeS0meDeanW&wp_originator=R2fmUKpifQo9o5y3bkx9j09ApbcFCH%2BHnLYdE%2BiGovZz%2Fh0Xziho5L2a38KHUeum666JHI1CB1yu%2F6bvp8favZexjAl7%2FlzAPNMrIn%2B5T1cDRdm19E%2FawYjkumeVMdDy Dean Winchester x Original Character "Can we get some constancy in my life? Some balance? Let me live or let me die. Everytime I die, someone raise me from the dead. Everytime I get back, something tries to kill me."
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vicmc624 · 5 years
Memory lost
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 6737
summary: reader is attacked outside a bar and loses her memory the boys work to help her recover
warnings: sexual assault, trauma
Sam and Dean walked into the hospital, Dean had been struggling to breathe since they got the call from the sheriff. You were at a bar when you were attacked, after watching the security footage Dean felt sick to his stomach.
They could see you walking out to your car in the parking lot, when someone came up behind you with what looked like a metal pipe. After watching him hit you in the back of the head, you fell to the ground. They they watched him reach down and grab your leg, dragging you to a van parked in the very back of the lot. You started coming to about halfway there and pulled your leg from his hand. He tried to reach for you again when you punched him hard in the face, the man was stunned but quickly recovered hitting you in the side of the head with the pipe. Dean's hands were clenched in fist and he could taste blood in his mouth from biting his lip so hard. The man was dragging you again and when he reached the van he let go of your leg to open the door. You took the opportunity to stumble up and slam his face into the van as hard as you could. He backhanded you and you fell back down. After a few kicks to the ribs he lifted you and forced you into the van. The boys could no longer see you but now the could see the van rocking back and forth. Dean got up and left the room, feeling in the bile rising in his stomach. Why wasn't he there to protect you. Sam continued to watch, the sheriff fast forwarded the video for about 20 min, then he could see your limp body being shoved naked out of the side of the van before it drove off. The plates were blacked out. You laid there for another 10 min til someone walking by saw you.
As soon as they got to your room the doctor was coming out.
“Are you family members of Ms. y/l/n?” he asked.
“Yes, we are her brothers.” Sam said quickly.
“How is she doc?” Dean asked.
“Well, she is a very brave girl, a fighter for sure. She has 4 broken ribs, her wrist is broken and her nose. What has us worried is the bleeding in her brain. She had 2 different blunt force injuries and we had to drill holes in her skull to relieve the pressure. I have to warn you, we don't know what kind of damage has been done to her brain. We won't know til she wakes up, if she wakes up. She has a chest tube in for her lung that was collapsed. She is stable but not out of the woods. And I'm sorry to inform you, we weren't able to save the baby.”
“Baby?!” Dean asked in shock
“She was only about 5 weeks, she might not have known yet. There was a lot of bleeding and there's a very good chance that she will never be able to have kids. Again I'm very sorry, we did all we could but there was so much damage, the scar tissue is going to make it very difficult for her to carry a baby to full term. You can go in and see her now.”
Dean rushed passed the doctor to open the door but stopped as soon as he saw you. You were hooked up to machines, with tubes everywhere. You looked so bruised and broken, that Dean didn't know if you were going to make it. He heard Sam crying behind him as he slowly made his way to the side of your bed. The boys stayed by your side for weeks, waiting for you to wake up. The tube was taken out of your throat after 2 weeks, the doctor said it was a good sign that you were breathing on your own. They sat by your bed everyday hoping that this would be the day you would finally wake up.
You were desperately trying to open your eyes. You could hear voices close to you, but you didn't know who it was.
“This is all my fault.” Dean said trying to hold back the tears. “It was a stupid fight, I should never have let her leave the motel. What if she never wakes up? How am I suppose to live without her?”
“Don't say that, this is not your fault. And we both know y/n is a fighter. If anyone can make it through this it's her.”
“I didn't know about the baby. How can I miss something so much that I didn't even know existed.”
“I'm so sorry Dean, you and y/n would have made great parents.”
You continue to listen to their conversation, “are they talking about me” you thought.
After a few more days you finally were able to force your eyes open. You felt someone holding your hand. You struggled to turn your head to the side to see who it was. You didn't know the man but your first thought was how handsome he was. Maybe he had the wrong room. How could someone you never met before be sitting by your bed.
Dean looked up at you and gasped, “Sam she's awake! Call the doctor! We are right here y/n, you're going to be fine.”
You felt someone holding your other hand and your turned your head to look, it was another attractive man with tears in his eyes. Who are they you wondered.
“Glad to see you finally awake. I have some questions to ask you, if you don't mind.” the doctor said. “First, do you know your name?”
You stared at him for a second, trying to think, but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't remember. So you just shook your head no.
“Do you know what year it is?”
Again you tried to make your brain focus, trying desperately to remember anything. But no matter how hard you tried you couldn't remember a single detail before hearing the voices next to your bed. You shook your head no again. You could see the green eyed man break down in tears, but you couldn't understand why.
“Ok, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about what happened. You were brought into the hospital several weeks ago with severe injuries, do you remember this at all?”
“No” your voice cracked, your throat hurt so bad. “Could I have some water”
Dean rushed to get you some water right away. He lifted your head and held the cup to your lips. You had never tasted anything better.
“Ok Ms. y/l/n, do you remember your brothers at all.”
Brothers? You looked back and forth between the two men and no matter how hard you tried you couldn't remember ever seeing them before.
“I'm sorry, I don't remember you.” you told them.
“It's possible this is just a side effect from the head trauma. Sometimes it takes a while for the brain to reset. Her memory could come back without warning. But there is also a chance that it won't come back at all. We will just have to wait and see. I'm going to schedule an MRI so we can get a better look at how your brain is healing. A nurse will be in shortly to take you up to radiology.” With that the doctor left you with these two strangers.
“So” you started feeling a little awkward, “You guys are my brothers, are our parents still alive? Will they be coming by to visit?”
Sam and Dean glanced back and forth between each other, not sure what to tell you. Finally Sam spoke up, “No parents, it's just the three of us.”
You could feel tears welling in your eyes, “How did they die?” you weren't sure why you felt so sad about people you don't even remember. Seeing your eyes tearing up Dean broke down. “Sam we should just tell her everything.”
“Dean enough, we don't want to overwhelm her, she just woke up. Lets give her time to adjust before you start telling her about her whole life.”
Days passed, you saw your brothers there everyday but you still couldn't remember anything til one night you had a dream. You could feel someones arms holding you down, you could feel extreme pain between your legs. In the dream you fought, you were kicking and punching but you weren't able to stop the pain. You sat up in your hospital bed screaming. Dean was right there next to you, trying to calm you down.
“Just breath, you are safe now. We are right here. Shhh.” he was rubbing your back to calm you down. After several minutes your breathing slowed down finally.
“What was that? I remember someone hurting me, I remember thinking I had never felt so much pain.”
Dean broke down next to you. “I'm so sorry, we had a fight and you left to go to that bar, if I wasn't such an idiot you never would have left.”
Sam was trying to comfort him while you just stared at the both. Would you ever remember who you were or were you just going to live the rest of your life in the dark. After a few more weeks the doctors cleared you to leave the hospital. The brothers took you with them to their bunker and on the way they told you more about your life. You were a hunter, you killed monsters that preyed on people. They told you that they weren't you brothers. They only told the doctors that so they could see you and stay by your side. You were Sam's best friend and Dean was your boyfriend for over 2 years. They kept trying to get in touch with an angel named Castiel to heal you. They were hoping he could help you get your memory back. They showed you the room that you shared with Dean, but you couldn't let him touch you, you kept thinking of him as your brother and it felt too strange to think about being intimate with him. He moved all his stuff out of your room to make you more comfortable. Weeks went by, and you still couldn't remember anything. You were starting to believe that you would never get back the person you were. They boys told you more about hunting, but they were taking a break to take care of you. You told them that you would be fine on your own. You weren't planning on leaving the bunker and maybe some time alone would take the pressure you felt off for a while. You felt like they were constantly watching you, trying to see any spark of recognition in your eyes. You helped them with research for their next hunt, even though you don't remember how to do it. You wanted to try and do something. You picked up a book from the stack that was sitting in front of Sam.
“What language is this even in? Do I know how to even read this?” you asked.
“Definitely, you are great at Latin.” Sam said with the smile. You were slowly getting more and more comfortable being around them. You could see why Sam was your best friend. He had an energy about him that was hard to ignore. You smiled back at him and opened the book. You leafed through it a while and were surprised to find that you understand everything it said.
“Wait, how can I understand this language I don't remember, but I can't remember anything else?”
“Languages are stored in a different part of the brain.” Sam said.
After a few hours of research, they discovered what they were hunting and started packing to leave.
“Are you sure you'll be ok here by yourself?” Dean asked with a shy smile. You heart was fluttering while you looked at his eyes. You could understand why, he was incredibly hot, but he was also so sweet. You could tell that he still felt guilty for what happened to you. You got the feeling he usually blamed himself when things went wrong. You smiled back at him and told him you were sure. There was plenty of food in the kitchen and you were planning on exploring more, maybe watching something on Netflix, Sam had showed you how to use it again and pointed out some of the shows you had watched together.
“If anything comes back to me I will call you.” you told him. He pulled you in a for a hug and you stiffened at first but gradually relaxed. Something about it felt familiar, and they way he smelled almost felt like a memory that was just out of reach. He pulled back finally and they left. You made your way around the bunker, stopping at the gun range. You don't remember shooting a gun but they told you that you were good at it. You stared at it a while trying to figure out if you remember how to load it. But as soon as you picked it up it was like a reflex. You loaded it, and cocked the gun back quickly before aiming at the target and pulling the trigger. You hit the bullseye every time. You smiled to yourself. Well at least I remember how to do that. You made your way to the kitchen and decided to have a snack. All of a sudden you felt like there was someone behind you. You turned and screamed when you saw a stranger standing in the doorway.
“Y/N? Are you ok? Where are the boys?”
Cas had just showed up to the bunker. He was trapped in a cage by a prince of hell and couldn't get to you. Once he finally broke free he made his way back to the bunker. You told him about what happened and how you couldn't remember anything. Placing his finger on your head you felt some of your aches and pains disappear but you still couldn't remember anything.
A few days went by before Sam and Dean made it home. Cas told them that he healed you but you still couldn't remember.
“Cas what's going on? Why can't she remember us?” Dean asked, you could hear the desperation in his voice.
“I'm sorry Dean, her mind has built a wall to protect her against that night. I think the only way she is going to remember her life is if I help her remember that night.”
“No way, there has to be another way!” Dean yelled.
“I wish there was. I healed her already but only one thing can break that wall down.”
You sat there staring between the three men in front of you. Part of you kept thinking how bad can it be, yet the other part told you it was bad enough your mind created a wall to protect yourself, did you really want to remember?
“Do it Cas, I can't live the rest of my life not remembering who I am.”
With that Cas touched your head again and you saw everything that happened that nigh. Starting with your fight with Dean, over something stupid, he thought you were reckless on a hunt, jumping in front of a vamp to save a girl, you left to the bar to clear your head and decided that you understood the reason Dean was upset. You would be just as mad as him if he had done the same. You remember walking out to the parking lot to make your way back to the hotel, when you felt a pain in your head. You remember waking up and fighting the person dragging you before you were hit again. You remember waking up when if tried to force you into his van and fighting back as hard as you could. You remember the pain in your ribs and struggling to breathe before he forced you into his van. Once inside you remember fighting as hard as your could to keep him off you but you weren't strong enough. You remember feeling him inside you, the pain and the humiliation. You remember hitting him again before he punched you, knocking you out.
You stared screaming and couldn't stop. Cas tried to calm you down, and Dean came up to hug you. You flinched away from him and couldn't breathe. Everyone was trying to calm you down but you couldn't let anyone touch you. Even Sam tried to hug you and you flinched away. You couldn't breathe and you felt like you would never get a full breath again. Then Cas finally touched your head, and you fell unconscious.
“What was that Cas?” Dean asked with tears in his eyes.
“It was worse than I expected. The trauma was so extreme. I believe she just needs time. It may be a while before she heals.”
Dean carried you to your room setting you down and brushing the hair out of your face. In that moment he hated himself even more. Why wasn't he there to protect you.
The next morning you woke up screaming again. Dean rushed in to try and comfort you but you couldn't let him near you. You saw the broken look in his eyes when you flinched away from him again.
“I'm sorry, I know you only want to help. But I only remember bits and pieces of you from that night.”
“I know, I'll leave you alone. Just know I'm here if you need to talk at all.” He turned to leave but you grabbed his hand.
“Could you stay a while and just sit here? I don't want to be alone.”
“Of course sweetheart.” He gave you a small smile before sitting in a chair next to your bed. It was quiet for a while before you finally spoke up.
“Tell me how we met?”
“Well Sam and I were hunting a vamp nest down in Texas, there were more than we expected there to be. I was starting to think that we were going to be overtaken when we heard the sounds of fighting from the kitchen. Some of the vamps trying to attack us left to see what was going on and that gave us the advantage we needed to finish them off. We ran to the kitchen and there you were, 5 vamps on the floor around you, and I remember thinking how hot you looked holding your blade, breathing heavy and covered in vamp blood. We invited you out for a drink to thank you.”
“Eww, there is no way you thought I was hot with vamp blood all over me. That so gross. Did I at least shower before we had that drink?”
“Of course, we were all covered in vamp blood, but trust me. You were hot, you looked like a total bad ass!”
“What happened next?”
“Well since you were hunting alone I asked you to tag along with us. We made a pretty good team taking out the vamp nest. You agreed and started hunting with us.”
“I know that you are my boyfriend but when did we start dating?”
“Hitting me with the good questions, I like it. Well we were hunting together a few months, I had a major crush on you but I was too chicken to make a move. Then one night we were all at the bar and some guy was hitting on you. I knew than I never wanted to see you with someone else. So I just walked across the bar and got between you two. I leaned down and kissed you, you wrapped your arms around my neck and when we finally broke apart you looked up at me and said 'took you long enough'” he chuckled at the retelling.
“That sounds so romantic. I really thought that I would have remembered by now. I keep thinking that there has to be more that I can do. If Cas took down the wall why can't I remember.” You started crying, this time you didn't move away from Dean when he hugged you. He shifted onto the bed and held you while you cried. You eventually fell asleep in his arms. You woke up again still being held by him. To you it felt like home. You kept your eyes closed, breathing in his scent when you had a flash of a memory.
You and Dean were laying together in bed, you were both coming down from your orgasms when he looked down at you. “Y/n, I have never loved anyone the way I love you, I want you to be mine forever”. “Then I'm yours” you leaned up to kiss his lips softly before snuggling back against his chest.
You shot up for a second and Dean looked around the room scared. “Are you ok? What happened?”
“I think I remembered something.”
“What was it.”
“We were laying in bed and you told me that you had never loved anyone the way you love me. You said you wanted me to be yours forever and I told you that I'm all yours. Is that real? Did it really happen?”
“Yes! That was the first time I told you I loved you.” He said with tears in his eyes.
“I can't believe it. I'm starting to remember!!”
You jumped out of bed right away and ran down the hall.
He jumped up from the table in the library running to you. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing, I remembered something!!”
He picked you up in a tight hug spinning you around. Then you started getting another flash, of Sam hugging and spinning you the same way after you beat Dean at pool.
“Wait! I remember you hugging me like this when I beat Dean! Right?”
“Yes, I was so excited someone finally kicked his ass for a change.”
You couldn't stop smiling. He set you down and you ran back over to Dean for a hug.
“My memory is coming back.” you whispered into his neck.
“I am so happy. Take it one day at a time. Eventually you will be able to remember everything.”
Another couple of weeks, you were still getting spontaneous flashes of memories. You and the boys in a shitty motel eating pizza, chopping off a vampires head, steamy sex in the back seat of the impala, staying up watching movies with Sam, hanging out with Cas in the library. Still nothing from your childhood or your parents. You were starting to think that those would never come back. You asked the boys if they knew how you got into hunting, they knew you were raised into it by you parents. They knew that you lost them both at some point but you had never told them how. One day you were walking down the hallway when you heard Sam and Dean talking.
“You think we should tell her, I mean if she remembers and we didn't tell her she could be upset.” Sam said.
“I will eventually, but she's just starting to come back to us. If she found out I think it will break her. Let's just wait.”
“Tell me what! What are you hiding from me. Did we break up, it that why I was at the bar? Tell me! I refuse to stay here and be lied to!”
Dean lowered his eyes to the ground. You could tell that he didn't want to tell you what they were talking about. You looked to Sam and he was avoiding your eyes too.
“You know what! Screw you both. If you can't even be honest with me I can't stay here!”
You turned to leave with tears streaming down your face. You went to your room and started packing. So what if you barely knew who you were. You weren't going to sit here with people who are lying to you. What could it be about. Maybe they had something to do with that night. Maybe they planned it to get rid of you and they only stayed with you because you survived, they must be waiting for you to remember before they kill you. Panic started rising in your throat. Your mind refused to stop coming up with different things that they could have done that was so bad they had to hide it from you. Dean came in the room and interrupted your packing.
“You cant leave, please. Let's talk. I'll tell you everything.”
He took you hand and led you to the bed. You could see the tears in his eyes, trying to break free and run down his cheeks. You sat there and waiting. When he started, his voice was choked.
“The doctor was telling us about your injuries that first day....he told us....he told...” and then he started sobbing. You were so surprised you didn't know what to do. You reached out and held him while he caught his breath finally. “He told us that you were pregnant when you were attacked. He told us that they couldn't save the baby....you were only 5 weeks along. He also said that there was a lot of damage, and he thinks it would be unlikely for your to get pregnant again.”
You stared at him for a second before you felt yourself scream. “Nooooooooo”. You sank to your knees on the floor sobbing, Dean knelt next to you holding you while you cried. It felt like hours later that he finally rose to his feet reaching down to pick you up. He laid you down on the bed and covered you with the blankets. You cried all night before you finally drifted off to sleep. When you woke up Dean was still there. He was staring at you and you could tell he didn't get any sleep.
“I'm so sorry, I should have told you sooner. I just didn't want to overwhelm you more.”
“Have they found the monster who did this to me?”
“The police said they have a few leads but nothing concrete. The plates were blacked out and the quality of the camera combined with the darkness of the parking lot makes it hard to get a clear view of his face.”
“I want to go back there. I know exactly what his face looks like. I'm going to find him and kill him. He took everything from me. My memories, my baby, and my chance to ever be a mother. I'm leaving today whether you're coming with me or not.”
You got up from the bed and started packing a bag. A hard look had settled in your eyes and Dean knew that nothing would stop you now. He went to go find Sam to tell him that you were going back to where it all happened. Dean didn't know how he would be able to handle being there, much less how you would. An hour later you were all on the road. You sat in the back seat staring out the window. No body knew what to say. You drifted off at some point and felt yourself back there, feeling helpless and humiliated. You jerked awake with a small yelp rising from you throat. They both asked if you were ok but you didn't answer. When you arrived in town you told them you wanted to stay at the same motel. You even got the same room and when you walked in, you got more and more flashes of memories, you remember the hunt and the days leading up to it. You remember the fight with Dean. And you remember leaving to the bar.
“I have to go back to the bar.” you told them.
“Absolutely not! You can't go back there.” Dean said.
“I'm not asking permission.” You went to the bathroom to changed before you were getting ready to walk out of the room.
“Well you sure as hell aren't going alone.” Dean said as he and Sam followed you out.
As soon as you walked into the bar you got more and more flashes of memory. You sat down at the bar and ordered a drink. You remember a guy walking up to you and offering to buy a drink. After you turned him down he put his hand on your thigh. You shoved him back hard causing him to stumbled and fall as you threw some money down. You got up and walked out, it was him. You heard him behind you only a second before you got hit. As you started remembering everything from that night you started having trouble breathing. Dean rushed over to you as soon as he noticed the state you were in. He hugged you close while your breathing slowed. You excused yourself to the bathroom to splash some cold water on your face. When you came back out you saw him. He was just walking into the bar and you froze. You quickly texted Dean and told him and Sam to find a booth and just wait. You were going to draw him out.
You saw the anger in Dean's eyes as he looked at the door seeing the man who hurt you. But he did as you asked and he moved with Sam to a booth nearby. You took a deep breath to collect yourself before heading back to the bar. You ordered a double shot to calm yourself and before long you felt someone sit next to you. You turned to face him and your blood ran cold. You kept your game face on and turned back to your drink. You saw his face the second he recognized you, he kept waiting for you to say something but you just sipped your drink. You could tell he was nervous and he got up to leave quickly. You turned back to him before he could exit his seat, you reached for his arm and said quietly “hey, I was thinking of doing a shot but no one is here to do one with me. You want one? My treat.”
His eyebrows went up and you could tell he thought you didn't recognize him. He sat back down as your ordered two shots. He asked you what you were doing in a bar alone and you told him, “Well I have amnesia, I am here in town trying to jog my memory. I can't even remember my real name so you can call me Jane. That's what I've been going by.”
You could see a smirk on his face that made you sick but you kept your cool. He bought you another shot before asking if your wanted to get out of there. You told him why not, and that this would be your first time that you remember. He followed you out the door and didn't notice when Dean and Sam followed right after. You walked through the parking lot with him til he stopped at his van. That night started to come back in waves making it harder and harder to keep your cool. He opened the door and got in, reaching his hand out to you. You took it and climbed in after him. When he shut the door and turned around, you punched him in the face. He fell to the ground and you continued to punch him. He threw you off him and reached for a lead pipe. You were quicker when you reached for your knife in your back pocket. You stabbed in once in the neck before his hand even gripped the pipe. You stabbed him again in the chest and then the stomach. You stabbed him over and over til Sam and Dean opened the door and pulled you off him. You were drenched in blood when they pulled you out of the van. You had completely shut down. Sam went into the bar to sneak into the office. He erased the security tape while Dean took you back to the motel. He made sure no one was around when he pulled you out of the back seat. He led you into the room and straight to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and helped you get out of your blood soaked clothes. He then guided you into the shower, you still had the same blank expression on your face and you hadn't spoken a word. You just stood there while he cleaned you and washed your hair. Making sure to get ever last trace of blood off you. He dried you off and got you dressed in pajamas before leading you to the bed. You let him lay you down and cover you, but you just laid there. Starring straight ahead and not moving. Sam came in later with food and asked how you were.
“I don't know Sammy, she hasn't spoken or moved. She's just had this blank expression the whole time. I had to shower her, she wouldn't move. When I laid her down she just stayed there. She hasn't moved at all.” You could hear Dean's voice crack. Still I didn't affect you.
“She's probably in shock. Maybe we should call Cas?”
“Let's let her sleep tonight. Tom we will head back to the bunker. Maybe being home will help her. Did you delete the footage?”
“Yep, erased the entire night.”
Dean made his way over to you and took your hand. You didn't move or even acknowledge him. You just closed your eyes and laid there. The next morning you still hadn't moved. Dean helped you sit up and get dressed but that's all you would do. You wouldn't move to drink or eat at all. Dean gave Sam the keys to the Impala to drive you back to the bunker. Dean sat in back holding you. You still hadn't spoken and barely moved. When you finally arrived at the bunker, Dean carried you to your room. A little while later you heard Cas come in. He put his hand to your head for a moment, “you are right, she is still in shock. She has buried herself deep inside her psyche. She is right now in a room holding a baby and smiling. I think being there with him again brought everything back from that night. It seems like she has retreated into herself. Keep talking to her. And just give her time to find her way back on her own.”
Two days later you still hadn't moved. Sam hooked you up to an IV with saline to at least keep you hydrated. They knew the next step would be a feeding tube. Dean couldn't take it anymore.
“Sam get the African Dream root, I need to bring her out. I can't keep waiting.”
Sam knew Dean was right. He didn't want to have to try and insert a feeding tube in you just to keep you alive. He brought the drink in while Dean laid down on the bed next to you. He drank it quickly before waking up in your dream. Upon seeing it he understood why you didn't want to leave. He saw you laying on the floor next you a baby, maybe 3 months old. The baby was starring out you making all sorts of noises and you were looking at it with such love his heart broke. He slowly walked up to you.
“Y/n, I know that it seems easier in here. There's no pain here. And you have our beautiful child. But it's not real. Real is out there. I know you lost a lot, but you still have me. And I can't lose you. I love you and I need you. You make me a better man, and a better hunter. I know that I let you down by not protecting you from that monster. But I swear, I will never let you down again. I know losing our baby hurt you, I know, because it hurt me too. I didn't even know it existed and I was still heart broken when I found out. I can only imagine how you feel. But please....please, I need you to come back to me. I need you. And who cares what the doctors say, I believe in miracles. We can keep trying, we will try as long as you want. I will do everything in my power to give you everything you need in life and so much more. Please wake up and come back to us.”
You turned your head slowly to Dean. The man you loved and you felt all of is love wash over you, healing your pain as it did.
You slowly blinked your eyes open and saw Sam sitting next to your bed. You turned you head and saw Dean blinking next to you. You pulled him towards your bringing his lips to yours. Then you looked over to Sam and reached your hand towards him. He grasped your hand with a tear sliding down his cheek. You saw an IV in your arm and wanted to know what happened but you didn't ask. Because in that moment all you felt was hunger.
“Who's a girl gotta kill to get some food around here?” you asked causing Sam to giggle.
“Anything you want is yours.” Dean said.
“I could really go for a Dean burger right now. Extra bacon.”
Dean smiled and kissed your lips before leaving the room.
“So how are you really?” Sam asked.
“Been better, but I think that I'm finally starting to heal. I remember everything. As soon as I woke up I remembered my entire life. Dean brought me back. And I have never felt so lucky to have him. I know he is going to keep blaming himself, and I'm going to keep telling him it's not his fault. Thank you Sammy, for being here for me.” you glanced up at his teary eyes.
He pulled you in close for a tight hug. “You are the best sister I could ever ask for. I will never let anything happen to you again.”
Dean came back in.. “Who's ready for burgers!”
3 Years Later
You sat in the bathroom with 4 tests face down on the sink. You had been feeling exhausted and sick the last week and you were 2 weeks late. You held your breath as you turned the tests over at the same time. All came up positive. One has a plus, two with 2 lines, and one that just said 5 to 6 weeks pregnant. You couldn't control the sob that came from your throat. You gathered the tests before heading out to find Dean. He was sitting in the library with Sam and he looked up as soon as you walked in. You could see his eyes shift to concern when he saw you were crying.
“What's wrong, are you ok?” he asked.
“I'm fine. But I have to tell you something...” you held up the 4 tests for a second before comprehension filled his eyes.
“Are you serious?!!” Dean all but shouted.
“Care to fill me in?” Sam asked from the other side of the table.
“You're going to be an Uncle!!!!” you screamed.
He shot up from his seat and ran around the table. Picking you up in a tight hug and spinning you around. When he set you down he turned to Dean, tear filling both their eyes. They hugged each other in a bone crushing embrace.
“I'm so happy for you Dean,” he said with his hand still on Dean's shoulder. “I'm free to babysit anytime you need me!”
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heyassbutt1717 · 5 years
Carry On
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean walks in on you dancing around like an idiot
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You plugged your phone into the speaker, it connected with a loud beep. It was time to unwind. With Sam, Cas, and your boyfriend Dean being gone on a risky hunt, you were stressed. They weren't due back for 2 more days but you were ready to die from worry. They never let you come when it seemed to dangerous. You cranked up the speaker until you could feel the ground of the bunker vibrating. You scrolled through your playlist and chose Carry on Wayward Son. As soon as you heard the melody you started jumping around and head banging. You played your air guitar while screaming the lyrics. Your Winchester got you into this song. The messy bun you had fell out of its hair tie and swung around. This was the most fun you've had since Dean left. Every time you two are apart you both are off in way that you can't explain. You heard a crash, the bunker door closing, it took you a moment to process. You didn't think twice once you realized and grabbed the knife you had on the table. Dean held up his hands as if in surrender. "Heyyy, [Y/N], chill." Dean set down his gun. "O-okay", you hesitated, still shocked. You could feel your heart pounding through your chest. You set your knife down on the table and grabbed your phone pausing the fading out song. "You scared me", you sighed with relief. "It's okay baby", he grabbed a beer, "nice moves", he smirked. You cheeks flushed and you covered your face with your hands. He walked to you and set his beer down. He grabbed your hands, put a kiss on both, then kissed your lips. "What are you doing here. You aren't suppose to be back for a few days...", you rambled. He pressed his finger to your mouth, shutting you up. "I missed my baby, it was getting easy so I left Sam and Cas to it", he grabbed his beer and took a sip. "Now, you wanna show me some more of those moves", he smoothed down your body and rested his hands on your hips. Your face got hot again. "Shutup" you shyed away. "Ah ah ah" He tsked at you, he grabbed your phone and restarted the song. He pretended to play the drums with the beat and then pointed at you, signaling for you to go next. You played air guitar shyly. He smiled, that smile you missed so much. "Yeah, get it baby!", he encouraged. You got more intense until you were the most carefree you could be. You two were just a bunch of idiots jumping around the room. So lively and in love, it was like nothing else mattered. The song slowly faded out and you too panted and look at each other from across the room. He started laughing like a mad man and you follow suite. This is the happiest you've seen him in a long time. He walked up to you and peppered your face in kisses. "I love you, you rockstar you", he winked obnoxiously. You giggled and looked him in the eyes, "I love you more."
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Supernatural random prompt-a-thon? (Please Read)
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Because I’m stuck in quarantine and bored out of my mind, I wanted to start a writing event for the entire month of June. Basically, here’s my idea:
For 30 days starting June 1st I’ll be using a randomizer app on my phone. I’ll first of all randomize if the one-shot will be a supernatural character and the reader, or two characters from the show. If its a character and the reader, i’ll spin a wheel of names and write a prompt about them. If it’s 2 characters, I’ll spin a wheel and write about the ship I get.
Now here is where this gets fun. I’m letting you guys vote on the characters, ships, and the classic fanfic trope i’ll use (because I’m looking for some cheesy and entertaining shiz).
Below are links to a few different polls that’ll let you vote on characters, ships, and fanfic tropes based on how much you want to read about them. The higher the votes, the higher the percentage will be on the randomizer so the more likely they’ll be written about. You can also recommend additional characters and tropes at the end of the poll. For individual characters, you can pick your favorite 20. For ships, your favorite 15, and for tropes your favorite 25.
Please vote down below and check back in for the month of June if you’re interested! Also, send this to anyone interested in supernatural or reblog so more people can vote and I can see what characters you guys want me to write fanfics about!
So, here are the links! Please vote and share! Love you guys!
Click below to vote on characters: 
Click below to vote on ships:
Click below to vote on fanfic tropes:
#supernatural #writing #spn #spnwriting #supernaturalwriting #spnfanfic #supernaturalfanfic #deanwinchester #samwinchester #samanddean #winchester #castiel #rowena #bobby #crowley #fanfics #writing #writingchallenge #writingchallenge #writingprompts #spnwritingchallenge #writingchallenge #fanfic #spnfanfics #spnoneshot #spnfluff #spnangst #samangst #samfluff #samfanfic #deanangst #deanfluff #deanfanfic #castielangst #castielfanfic #castielfluff #casangst #casfluff #casfanfic #hurt!sam #protective!dean 
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the-mythical-lifes · 5 years
Daddy Cool 2
„Ihr kennt euch?“, frage ich meinen Papa. Der nickt nur steif und möchte anscheinend nicht weiter auf meine Frage eingehen. Dean verdreht fast unbemerkt die Augen und antwortet mir dann „Wir arbeiten zusammen in der Polizeistation. Dein Dad ist nicht gerade mein größter Fan.“, den letzten Teil sagt er so leise, damit nur ich ihn hören kann. Mein Dad steht abrupt auf und streift sich die Hände an seiner Hose ab. „Ja, dann muss ich jetzt aber auch mal in die Arbeit. Viel Glück noch.“ er streift an mir vorbei und schenkt Dean noch einen scharfen Blick, bevor er aus dem Zimmer geht. „Okay, was auch immer das war. Ich bin Amy. (Y/N)´s beste Freundin seit klein auf. Und wer ist das heiße Teilchen?“, Amy streckt ihm bereits die Hand hin und grinst mich schelmisch an. „Amy!“ schlage ich ihr auf den Oberarm. Dean nimmt etwas überrumpelt ihre Hand. „Dean, ich äh… wohne nebenan.“ 
Eine komisch, erdrückende Stille breitet sich aus. Als zum Glück Amy das Wort ergreift. „Ja, wollen wir jetzt noch weiter dumm rumstehen, oder schauen, dass du heute Nacht nicht auf dem Boden schlafen musst?“
Dean und ich erwachen aus unserer Schockstarre. Ich blicke zu Dean „Also steht dein Angebot noch?“
„Was für ein Angebot? Sex könnt ihr erst in dem Bett haben, wenn es steht! Also hopp hopp!“
„Amy! Könntest du vielleicht nicht über solche Themen reden. Unten spielt Deans Tochter mit Charly.“ „Oh Entschuldigung, dass wusste ich nicht.“ sie zwinkert mir zu und reicht mir den Schraubenschlüssel.
Mit Deans Hilfe konnte das Bett recht schnell zusammengebaut werden und zu 3. beginnen wir mit den nächsten Möbeln, während Emily meinen Charly im Wohnzimmer mit Streicheleinheiten verwöhnt. 
am selben Tag, abends - 
„Danke Amy für deine Hilfe! Meld dich wenn du angekommen bist!“ ich drücke meine beste Freundin ganz fest an mich und sie erwidert diese Geste. „Natürlich, dass mach ich doch immer oder? Hat mich gefreut Dean und Emily!“ wendet sie sich mit den letzten Worten zu meinen Nachbarn, bevor sie die letzten Treppenstufen meiner Veranda hinunterspringt. Mit einem letzten Winken fährt sie aus der Einfahrt und fährt der Nacht entgegen. 
Ich drehe mich zu Dean und Emily um und lächle beide an. Sie waren heute alle zwei eine große Hilfe. Emily hat Charly beschäftigt, während Dean, Amy und ich fast alle Möbel aufgebaut haben. 
„Darf ich euch noch zum Essen einladen?“ frage ich die beiden. „Nur wenn wir Charly mitnehmen!“ kommt gleich aus der kleinen Lady geschossen. „Das ist ein sehr liebes Angebot. Aber du musst uns nicht einladen (Y/N).“ 
„Natürlich muss ich das nicht, aber ich möchte es. Ihr wart mir heute eine sehr große Hilfe. Vor allem du Emily! Ohne dich wäre Charly hier überall rumgehüpft!“ Bei der Erwähnung seines Namens kommt er aus dem Haus und legt sich vor Emilys Füße. „Also los. Worauf habt ihr Lust? Pizza?“ ich lege bereits Charly sein Halsband und die Leine um. „Es würde eine Pizzaria um die Ecke geben, da sind auch Hunde erlaubt.“ informiert mich Dean. 
Ich schnappe mir meine Tasche und sperre das Haus ab, bevor wir uns zusammen auf den Weg zu der Pizzaria machen. 
„Onkel Sammy!“ ruft Emily und springt einem sehr großen Mann in die Arme! Der schließt den kleinen Körper in seine langen Arme. „Hallo Em! Was machst du denn hier?“
„(Y/N) lädt Daddy und mich auf eine Pizza ein! Und sie hat einen so süßen Hund! Charly der ist auch dabei, komm mit!“ 
Mit Sam an der Hand kommt sie zu Dean, Charly und mir herüber. Sam reicht mir seine Hand und stellt sich ganz höflich vor „Hallo (Y/N), ich bin Sam, Deans kleiner großer Bruder. Von dir hab ich schon einiges gehört.“ sagt er und blickt dabei zu Dean hinüber. Dieser wird leicht rot und dreht das Gesicht von mir weg. „Onkel Sammy, willst du mit uns essen?“
Sam tauscht einen schnellen Blick mit Dean aus. „Natürlich! ich würde gern mehr über eure zwei neuen Nachbarn erfahren.“ sagt er als er Charly etwas hinter dem Ohr krault.
Wir suchen uns einen Tisch für 4 und der Kellner stellt Charly sofort einen Napf mit Wasser hin. „Dankeschön“ 
Wir sagen ihm unsere Bestellungen und beginnen uns zu unterhalten, während Emily mit Charly spielt. Ich habe viel über die beiden Brüder erfahren. Sam arbeitet als Anwalt und hat seine eigene Firma. Er vertritt kleinere Betriebe, die von großen Ketten aufgekauft und beeinflusst werden. Er wohnt auch in der Nähe und passt immer auf Emily auf, wenn Dean die Nachtschicht auf der Polizeistation hat. 
„(Y/N) als was genau arbeitest du?“ fragt mich Sam, als ich gerade einen Schluck von meinem trockenen Weißwein nehme. 
„Oh, ja…. das ist etwas kompliziert. Ich habe früher als Konditorin gearbeitet und eigentlich würde ich gerne irgendwann einmal mein eigenes kleines Cafe haben. Aber das ist gar nicht so einfach, wie ich mir das anfangs vorgestellt habe. Ja und so lange ich das noch nicht machen kann, arbeite ich als Konditorin in der Bäckerei am Stadtplatz.“
„Ich kenne mich mit kleines Geschäften aus, wir könnten uns ja einmal zusammensetzen und vielleicht kann ich dir bei ein paar Dingen helfen oder Auskunft geben.“ bietet mir Sam sofort an, während Dean sein kleines Mädchen und Charly beobachtet. „Ja sehr gerne. Danke für das Angebot Sam. Dean alles gut?“ richte ich meine Aufmerksamkeit auf den Älteren der beiden Brüder. 
„Ich bin absolut fasziniert wie ruhig sie mit Charly spielt. Normalerweise wenn wir beim Essen sind, sagt sie jede Minute ihr ist so langweilig und sie wolle wieder heim.“
„Sie mag Hunde wirklich gerne oder?“ 
„Du kannst dir gar nicht vorstellen wie gern. Als sie noch kleiner war hat sie mir lauter verschiedene Hunde gezeigt und mir gesagt was das für eine Rasse ist. Sie liebt diese Tiere. Und Charly anscheinend ganz besonders.“ sagt Dean und blickt liebevoll zu seiner Tochter, welche gerade Charly an seiner Lieblingskraulstelle krault. 
Bevor wir dieses Thema vertiefen können kommen auch schon unsere Pizzen und wir beginnen sofort zu essen. 
Nach dem ich, unter Protest der beiden Herren, für uns 4 bezahlt habe verabschieden wir uns von Sam und gehen nach Hause. „Papa, darf ich noch mit Charly spielen?“ fragt Emily mit großen Hundeaugen ihren Papa. „Nein Emily. Ich glaub (Y/N) hat genug von uns für einen ganzen Tag.“ Emily sieht mich ganz traurig an „Okay…“ Eigentlich freue ich mich schon sehr auf mein Bett, aber wer kann schon dieser Kleinen widerstehen. „Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr noch vorbei kommt. Und Charly würde sich auch freuen.“ lache ich erst Emily an und dann Dean, welcher sein Lachen nicht verstecken kann.
Ich sperre die Türe auf und wir treten ein. Emily und Charlie schnappen sich sofort ein Seil und spielen Seilziehen. „Möchtest du etwas trinken Dean?“ 
Dean blickt kurz zu Emily und wendet sich dann an mich. „Gerne, was hast du denn da?“ frag er mich und folgt mir in meine Küche.
Ich öffne den Kühlschrank und sehe, dass er fast ganz leer ist. „Oh, ich bin ja noch gar nicht zum Einkaufen gekommen. Ich hätte nur Bier, Wein oder Wasser?“
Dean grinst „Was braucht ein Mann mehr?“ sagt er und greift zur Bierflasche. Noch bevor ich ihm einen Flaschenöffner anbieten kann, hat er die Flasche bereits mit den Zähnen geöffnet. „Dass das nicht gut ist muss ich dir nicht sagen oder?“ sage ich kopfschüttelnd und schenke mir ein Glas Weißwein ein. 
Wir setzen uns auf die Couch und schauen Emily und Charly beim spielen zu. 
„Du hörst dich an wie Emily. Jedes mal muss ich mir das anhören.“ sagt er mit einem Seufzer. 
Es herrscht eine angenehme Stille. „Danke (Y/N).“ unterbricht Dean plötzlich die Stille. Ich schaue verwirrt zu ihm. „Für was denn?“. 
„Dass wir noch mitkommen durften. Emily hätte Zuhause nicht aufgehört von Charly zu sprechen und wäre nie eingeschlafen.“ meint er mit einem leichten Seufzen in der Stimme. „Gerne Dean. Charly freut sich sehr, dass ihr noch da seid… und ich mich auch.“ sage ich und lege ihm vorsichtig meine Hand auf seine Schulter. Er lächelt mich an und schaut mir tief in die Augen. 
Ich erwidere das lächeln.
Der kurze Moment wird von einem lauten Gähnen von Emily und Charly unterbrochen. „Da sind wohl zwei müde?“ frage ich die beiden. „Ich bin gar nicht müde.“ meint Emily während sie in zweites Mal gähnen muss und ihre Augen bereits leicht zufallen. Charly legt sich auf den Teppich und legt seinen Kopf auf den Vorderpfoten ab. Emily legt sich fast unbewusst auf Charly und verfällt in einen leichten Schlummer. Dean möchte gerade aufstehen, um seine Tochter nach Hause zu tragen als ich ihn aufhalte. „Gib mir dein Handy“
Er sieht mich ganz verwirrt an. „Na los, gib es mir kurz.“ ermutige ich ihn lächelnd. Mit seinem Handy in der Hand, stehe ich vorsichtig auf, um die beiden nicht zu wecken. Schnell mache ich ein Foto von den beiden und gebe Dean sein Handy zurück. Er schenkt mir ein aufrichtiges Lachen. „Fotos sind wichtige Erinnerungen. Man sollte so viele wie möglich von ihnen machen.“ erkläre ich ihm.
„Meinst du damit man sollte viel Fotos oder Erinnerungen machen?“ fragt er mich. „Erinnerungen können verblassen und vielleicht vergessen wir viele tolle kleine Dinge die uns passiert sind. Wenn wir ein Foto von der Erinnerung haben, wird sie niemals vergessen.“ sage ich.
Dean klopft auf den Platz neben sich und grinst mich an. Ich setze mich zu ihm und werde plötzlich von seinem Arm an ihn gezogen. Er öffnet die Frontkamera und lächelt hinein. Ich tue es ihm gleich und er schießt ein Foto von uns. „Auf unsere erste gemeinsame Erinnerung“
Dean nimmt Emily in den Arm und trägt sie vorsichtig aus dem Haus. An der Türe bleibt er nocheinmal kurz stehen und dreht sich zu mir um. „Und nochmals danke (Y/N).“ er wartet einen kurzen Moment. „Bedankt dich nicht dauernd. Du hast mir heute den Hintern gerettet! Ohne dich würden wahrscheinlich die Hälfte der Möbel noch nicht aufgebaut sein.“
„Das war ja selbstverständlich. Wenn du noch mehr Hilfe brauchst, du weißt ja wo du mich findest.“ er zwinkert mir zu und verlässt mein Grundstück. Ich schau den beiden noch kurz nach, bevor ich die Türe verschließe und das Verandalicht ausmache. 
Langsam gehe ich zu Charly und streichle ihm liebevoll über sein Fell. Ein kurzes Schnauben verrät mir, dass er tief und fest schläft. Ich nehme ihn langsam hoch in meine Arme und trage ihn die Treppen ins Schlafzimmer hinauf. Dort lege ich ihn in sein Körbchen und ziehe mir meinen Schlafanzug an, um selber schlafen zu gehen. Als ich im Bett liege hüpft Charly darauf und legt sich zu mir. „Du weißt doch, dass du das eigentlich nicht darfst.“ Auch wenn ich mir sicher bin, dass er nicht Wort für Wort verstanden hat was ich sagen will, schaut er mich mit großen Hundeaugen an. Ich kuschel mich an ihn. „Okay, aber nur heute!“ Und so verfalle ich in einen tiefen, festen Schlaf. 
0 notes
deantrbbl · 8 years
Personal Trainer
Dean Imagine (Fluff/Angst)
Word Count: 2505  (warning: it’s really lame)
     “I heard from your ex-manager that you wanted to become a better singer, isn’t that right?” Hye Jin, my new manager asked me.
     I nodded, my heart beating really fast. I’ve always had the worst vocals. Ever since I was young, I would always scream and yell and I wouldn’t take care of my vocal cords, so now that I want to become a singer, I sing...not so great.
     “According to you previous manager, I heard that before him, you had two other managers that dropped you. He also told me that you might be very sensitive and emotional since you’ve been through a lot.” She said as she looked down.
     I looked up at her and seeing her sad gaze made me feel like she was a good manager. Then I looked down and reminded myself that I thought that way towards Min Jae.
     Min Jae was my 2nd manager. He was kind at first, until he heard my voice. He tried being nice about it, he really did. But after a couple weeks, I stressed him out too much. He was so nice, he still always told me that I could become a great singer.
     I walked into the company building everyday, skipping my way into my manager’s studio smiling. I always greeted him with a happy tone, until one day, he wasn’t there.
     *flashback* I was very confused. I walked around the building for half an hour and went outside looking for him. I ended up going back to his studio to find him there, his hair ruffled and his knuckles bleeding.
     “Min Jae-ah, what’s wrong. Are you okay?” I reached over to him. He turned his chair towards me, “Sit,” he said.
     I sat and stayed quiet. He sighed, ruffling his hair some more. He groaned and stood up, dropping his chair. He grabbed his equipment and threw it across the room. Then that’s when I smelled it, the alcohol.
     He turned around and grabbed me by the shoulders, pushing me to the wall. I winced, but looked up at him, noticing that he was looking at my lips. I know I shouldn't have done it, step on his foot when he was about to kiss me, but I wanted to lose my first kiss to the person I loved.
     He growled and slapped me across the face. My eyes widened as the pain started hitting me. I grabbed my cheek and rubbed it, trying to make it feel better. Of course, being the person I was, I tried being strong. I looked at him and gave him a mean look. Then, for some reason, he gave me this creepy smile that sent chills down my spine. 
     “So it’s all fun and games to you, huh?” I shook my head, this time actually scared about what he was about to do. He grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground. Well, all that violence ended after an hour and a half when my to-be at the time 3rd manager popped up and saved me. *end of flashback*
     I smiled at Hye Jin and told her that I was okay now, when I really wasn’t. Everyday I get anxiety when I walk to the company, feeling the same feeling I would get with Min Jae. But I mean, she does look like a nice new manager.
     “Well, I just wanted to get to know you for today. I already assigned you a personal trainer, his name is Kwon Hyuk. He’s very chill and he doesn’t get stressed out easily. I have a feeling that both of you will get along very well.” She said and smiled.
     Then, we heard a knock. The door opened and a male walked in, someone who looked around 3 years older than me, meaning he would’ve been 23.
     He looked at me and his eyes widened. “Is this the girl I’m training?” My eyes widened. “Yup, that’s her. I didn’t want you guys to meet this way, but yeah, this is your new personal trainer.” Then she gestured her hand towards him.
     “Feel free to call me Dean.” He said and gave me this cheeky smile. He put a straight face on and studied me. He smiled and looked at Hye Jin, “She’s cuter than what I thought she would be.” He looked back at me and grabbed my cheeks, pinching them. 
     I was looking at him as he did so and saw his very adorable smile and smiled at myself, until I realized that he was touching my face. I backed away a few inches and looked down. From the corner of my eye, I see Hye Jin giving Dean a cut it out signal and he nodded.
     “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” I stayed quiet but nodded and told him that it was okay in a voice that was barely audible.
     I walked into Dean’s studio, room 130, and saw him already in there working on some stuff. He turned his chair and looked at me, smiling. “Here, sit down and do some warm ups while I try to finish this.” 
     I heard a sigh and saw Dean staring at me. During those 13 minutes, all I did was warm up my vocals cords by singing songs from my high school choir. He smiled and nodded. “Again, my expectations were low due to the amount of warnings, but you were actually good. Yes, you have a unique voice, but in my opinion, I think your voice is great. Here, let’s sing a pop song and see how you do. You pick your selection of song.”
     I thought about it and chose a hard one, Jimin Park’s Try.
     I sang from beginning to end, cringing at myself when I had voice cracks. I would glance at Dean and see him with him eyes closed, listening tentatively. I finished and he opened his eyes. He got up from his seat and came towards me. His hand reached for me, slowly, but me being the paranoid, I jumped back and gave him a what are you doing look.
     He cleared his throat and put his hand behind his ear. “You have something in your hair and it’s been bothering me since you walked in. Sorry.”
     He walked back while I took out a leaf from my hair. I went and sat next to a now awkward Dean. “Dean...I’m sorry it’s just I need to get used to you first. I need to get to know you and I need to trust you” He didn’t turn around, but he nodded and said he understood.
*Dean and I are now really close and I got really good at singing*
     “Hey Dean, do you think I’m pretty?” I asked him while he was composing a song in his studio, meanwhile I was just looking at myself in the mirror he had.
     “Do you not remember the first time I met you? Of course I think you’re pretty, better yet, you’re beautiful.” I glanced at him and saw that he was still staring at his computer. I felt my cheeks flush and I look away. 
     Today was Saturday, and today I plan on not doing anything. I sat on my couch with a bowl of cereal, only wearing a big shirt that goes down to my thighs, on top of my bra and underwear. Don’t forget the white socks :) 
     I grabbed my remote and turned on Netflix, browsing through the dramas they had. I decided to re-watch Descendants of the Sun  since I had nothing better to do. Episode 1 came on and I was already laughing really loud while fangirling for Song Joongki. Once the episode ended, I got up and decided to make myself a very spicy ramen.
     As the water was boiling, I heard my door bell ring. Who could that possibly be at 10 in the morning? I looked through the peep hole and saw Dean holding cups of ramen with him.
     I opened the door and smiled while welcoming him in. He looked up and down, then turned his head sideways, his cheeks turning peach. I looked down at myself and gasped. He looked at me and shook his head, saying it was okay with him. “Well it’s not for me.” I told him with a straight face. I ended up laughing it off with him.
     “Why all the ramen?” “Oh. I wanted to come over and eat some with you.” he said and smiled. I grabbed a cup and walked into the kitchen, only to step onto hot water. I shrieked and jumped back, grabbing my foot and massaging it. Dean came in and asked if something had happened. He turned and saw the water on the floor and the stove on. He turned off the stove and went back to me.
     To my surprise, he carried me bridal style and took me to the couch. He was about to take my sock off when I pulled back in embarrassment. “What?” “No it’s just....I don’t like showing my feet.” “Your foot is burning, do you want it to keep burning?” My foot started pound. I shook my head and he nodded saying good choice. He went back to my kitchen and came back with some cold water in a bucket. Where the hell did he get that bucket from? I don’t know lol.
     He gently grabbed my foot and took my socks off. I kinda pulled back but he held onto my ankle too strong. He dipped my foot into the bucket, and automatically, I felt a sting of pain and relief. I sighed deeply and sat back. He went into the kitchen again while I sat there wondering what he was doing. I heard stuff moving and was about to ask him what he was doing when he came back with a cup of ice. He grabbed two ices at a time and dipped them into the bucket, making my foot feel colder by the drop.
     When he had finished dipping them all in the bucket, my foot was already starting to feel numb and very cold. 
     Dean sat down and asked me if I felt better. I laughed “I can’t feel my foot anymore but at least I can’t feel the burn anymore. He laughed his nervous shy laugh, making me not care about my foot anymore. My gaze lingered to his face. He noticed and asked if he had something on his face. I shook my head and looked away smiling.
     By now, Dean made both of us delicious ramens, that we finished in less than 10 minutes (lol), and we were watching episode 2 of Descendants of the Sun. I didn’t mind my foot because it felt better, until I finally felt my foot getting wrinkly. Dean brought me a towel from the bathroom and took my foot out slowly. He wiped my foot clean and asked if it felt better. I nodded and told him that it feels like I hadn’t gotten a burn in the first place. 
     “Hey, um....I just wanted to say that I’m sorry since it was my fault. If I hadn’t come, you would have watched over the boiling water.” He said as he looked down.
     I started laughing and lightly punched him on the shoulder and told him it wasn’t his fault and that if it was I would’ve beaten him up by now.
     He raised his eyebrow and asked me if I was even strong enough to fight him. “Sure I can. I was in karate class when I was younger, I’ll probably beat you.” I lied.
     He smiled and lunged towards me, but was too slow since I jumped down onto the floor and crawled away. I felt a hand grab my ankle from the foot that was okay and panicked. I turned to face him and saw him smiling from ear to ear. I forced a sit up and grabbed his hand, pulling him down to me. Well, that was a stupid idea.
     He fell on top of me and I groaned in pain. He gasped and picked himself up, repeating the words I’m sorry. I started laughing. He smiled and lied down facing me and on his side. 
     “Has anyone ever told you that you look the most beautiful when laughing?” I looked at Dean, laughing even more at the joke he had just made. “But.....I’m not lying.” I looked at him and ended up getting on my side, facing him as well. 
     With a smiling face I told him, “Has anyone told you that you’re the most handsome man they’ve ever met?” He laughed. “Of course I have!” I gave him a glare and laughed along.
     “I was really worried for you today. That’s why you shouldn't get hurt if you’re not close to me. I want to be the one to catch you when you fall. I want to be the one that gives you a shoulder to cry on. I want to be the reason you smile everyday. I want to be the person that makes you the most happiest when around. I want to be the one to always tell you to never give up, that I believe in you. I want to be--”
     I cut Dean off by giving him a kiss on the lips, a peck you would say. I pulled back and smiled at him. “”Dean, it’s only been a little more than a month and a half since I’ve met you, but you’ve already accomplished all of those. You’re the reason that I’m still on my feet, working hard, trying to make my dreams come true. If it weren’t for you, I would have probably killed myself by now and--”
     I was cut, this time, by Dean kissing me on the lips. This time, it wasn’t a peck, but it wasn’t a sloppy kiss either. It was a kiss that told me that he loves me. It was a kiss that made me know that I was really in love with him.
     He backs away and we stare at each other, for at least 3 minutes, not bothering the awkwardness. 
     He broke the eye contact first and walked to the kitchen, coming back with an ice pack and a towel wrapped around it. He sat next to me on the floor again and put the ice pack on my foot. He got up AGAIN and brought 3 pillows. 
     He placed them below our heads and one below my foot. We ended up watching Descendants of the Sun on the floor together.
(a/n) Guys this was terrible. I kinda hurried through the ending because I promised I would post it, when I really wanted to put more cute stuff. This story was literally just her getting treated my Dean for an injury. Man, I need to improve in my writing lol. But, I mean, I hope you guys enjoyed lol. Oh, and I didn’t revise my work, so I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes ^^ 
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unbrokenbitch · 7 years
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Salvation For the Damaged - Our Hearts Are (Not) Footloose (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/RK4bPECrQD Dean Winchester x Original Character "Seriously. One minute I was the queen of boredom, the next, everything everyone were trying to protect me from is thrown in my face without a simple "may I come in". Lucifer is more polite than life. Believe me, I know. But let's not jump start, let's explore the only thing I can right now. My memories. Holy cow. That's a deep dark hole. For now, let's go back to the very beginning." deanwinchester #fanfiction #dean #fic #fanfic
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