#deanie boy
lethargarian · 7 months
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Dean Winchester drives this Hyundai
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helloparkerrose · 7 months
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awtysm-cryptid · 1 year
so i never truly watch spn cause i never had access to majority of the seasons (which was probably good for my mental health) however i know most of the plots and other bits and bobs
...and i may or may not have found season 1-13 And Let Me Fucking Tell Ya theres nothing funnier than watching early seasons
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 months
The Husband Effect
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Summary: The reader is struck with a love curse that leaves her feeling more than a bit attached to Dean...
Pairing: Dean x reader (eventual)
Word Count: 2,200ish
Warnings: language, angst, love curse, fluff
A/N: Y’all don’t even want to know how old this fic is. Pretty sure it was written during S13. Figured it was time for it to see the light of day!
“Y/N. Y/N. Giggling woman,” you heard Dean say, clapping his hands together. “Hey! Focus.”
“She’s cursed Dean,” said Sam with a smile. “It was some harmless witchcraft. It’ll wear off soon I’m sure.”
“Is she currently trying to climb into your lap? No?” said Dean, pointing at where he was continually shoving you back from him. “Y/N, stop it.”
“I wanna sit with you,” you whined, throwing your arms over his shoulder, nuzzling your cheek against his.
“This is weird,” said Dean, trying to scoot away, Sam biting back back a laugh. “A little help, Sammy!”
“So she’s a little extra clingy. We’ll put her to bed, she’ll sleep it off and in the morning she can be completely embarrassed about this whole thing,” said Sam.
“Why would I be embarrassed about my Deanie?” you asked, squeezing him harder, Dean rising to his feet.
“Come on, Y/N. Off to bed with you. Now.”
“Good morning,” said Sam to you with a teasing smile. “Sleep well?”
“Like a baby,” you said, giving Dean a big hug when he came in the kitchen. “Good morning!”
“Oh no,” said both boys, grimacing as you smushed yourself into Dean’s chest.
“Get the jaws of life for this one,” said Dean, trying to squirm away while you clung tighter. “Y/N, please let go of me so I can eat breakfast.”
“I’m sorry,” you said releasing him, moving your hand down his arm to hold his hand. “That was silly. Your arms are huge by the way. All muscle and strong. They’re so...mmm.”
“Uh huh,” said Dean, giving Sam a death glare. “Sam, your harmless little curse don’t seem so harmless right now.”
“She should have slept it off,” said Sam, taking a seat at the table, Dean pulling you over into one, resigning himself to the fact he wasn’t getting the hand you were holding back anytime soon. “It must be a different curse.”
“No shit. Figure it out for me, would ya? It’s weird having Y/N act all...cuddly,” said Dean.
“Well, she is a girl, Dean,” said Sam.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Dean, your head resting on his shoulder.
“It means she likes hugs and you know, human affection...like a normal person,” said Sam. “You treat her like a guy sometimes.”
“Again, what does that mean?” asked Dean.
“It means when you tell her to buck up and kill the damn spider herself, she comes and asks me to do it. Or when you don’t help her with heavy stuff. She’s tough, don’t get me wrong, but I get the feeling she doesn’t think you care about her nearly half as much as she does you,” said Sam. “...Maybe that’s why she’s only sticking to you. It’s got something to do with that.”
“Y/N,” said Dean, your head lifting up with a smile. “You know I care about you, right?”
“Of course you silly boy,” you said with a smile, bopping him on the nose. “I love you different than Sammy is all.”
“See? She knows,” said Dean, giving you a smile that made your heart flutter.
“You’re so pretty,” you said, Sam rolling his eyes. 
“Hey, Y/N. Why don’t you eat breakfast and then Dean can spend the whole day with you while I figure out how to fix you, huh?” asked Sam.
“The whole day with Dean? That sounds amazing,” you said, leaning up and giving Dean a kiss on the cheek.
“Please hurry Sam.”
One Week Later
“I want Dean,” you grumbled as Sam brought your dinner by your room. “Please? I need him.”
“Dean’s researching right now, Y/N,” said Sam, locking up the door behind him, spotting your barely eaten lunch. “You need to eat, Y/N or Dean won’t be happy.”
“Why do I have to stay in my room? I’m not doing anything wrong,” you said, Sam sighing as he took a seat.
“You’re making it hard to research out there, Y/N. You...you’re kind of all over Dean,” said Sam. “He’s not used to attention like that and it’s making him uncomfortable.”
“But you love him and you get to be near him,” you said, scrunching up your face. “Tell him I’m sorry. I’ll do whatever he wants. I just want to see him. Please.”
“Sweetie, it’s the curse that’s making you all nuts for Dean, you have-”
“I always liked him and now that I came out and said it he’s scared of me. Tell him I take it back. I’ll really try to be better,” you said. 
“If you eat your dinner, I’ll talk to Dean about coming to see you, alright?” asked Sam, watching as you grabbed your fork. “Good girl.”
“Hi,” you said when you saw your door open, a pair of green eyes peeking in. Everything in you wanted to hop off the bed and run over to give him a hug but you said you’d try to keep it under control.
“Sam said you wanted to see me,” said Dean, hanging by the doorway, watching you start to fidget. “You’re shaking.”
“I’m fine. Are you okay? Can I do anything for you?” you asked, leaning forward and clenching your hands into fists.
“Just give me a hug before you have a heart attack,” said Dean with a sigh, your body responding before your brain, up and over to wrap him up in your arms. “Better?”
“No,” you said. “You don’t like it.”
“I’d rather have a hug because it’s real, not forced,” said Dean, moving your arms away. 
“It is real,” you said, cocking your head up at him. “I want to hug you.”
“No, the curse is making you think you want to hug me,” said Dean with a smile. “There’s a slight difference there, sweetheart.”
“But I love you. Everything I’ve said or done, I always want to do,” you said. “I just...don’t have a filter to say ‘don’t do that anymore.’”
“It’s a curse and we’ll solve it, alright?” said Dean. “I don’t want you to get upset about it. We’ll figure it out and get everything back to normal around here.”
“Dean,” you said, moving forward again, Dean already with a hand on the door.
“I promise, Y/N.”
“I don’t know why it didn’t work but you shouting at me doesn’t fix it!” yelled Sam, both boys in the middle of screaming at one another as you sat in the library, doing your best to stay in your seat.
“It’s been two weeks, Sam. Look at her. She’s barely keeping it together,” said Dean, waving over in your direction.
“If I was under a love curse and the other person resented me, I might start to get upset too, Dean,” said Sam. You got to your feet, forcing them to move away and for your bedroom, your movements slowing as you hit the edge of the library. “See?”
“I’m just going back to my room, Sam,” you said over your shoulder, frozen in place with the need to stay near Dean. 
“It’s got to be that spell. Figure out what you screwed up,” said Dean, his hand on your arm melting away your bubbling anxiety, replacing it with something soft and warm. Dean didn’t immediately leave when he got you back in your room, instead laying down on your bed, turning on your TV and throwing an arm behind his head.
“What are you doing?” you asked, sitting down next to him, curling into his side with a smile.
“I miss you,” he said, moving his arm around your shoulders, a rush of relief flooding you. “...I’ll take care of you. I know it hurts and yeah I’m not used to all this lovey dovey crap but I’m going to help you through it. If letting you crawl all over me makes you feel better, we’ll do that.”
“Hey, bozos,” said Sam, standing at the end of your bed, stirring you awake. “I didn’t mess it up. It’s on a time delay.”
“Well,” said Dean with a yawn. “How long until it works?”
“Judging by the look on Y/N’s face, it already did,” said Sam. You were glancing at your lap, sitting as far away from Dean as possible. “Are you...”
“I want to be alone, please,” you said, Sam nodding his head and leaving. “You too Dean.”
“It’s okay, it was just a curse,” he said, rubbing a hand up and down your back. “Nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“I told you two weeks ago, Dean,” you said, turning your head over your shoulder. “I don’t love you and Sam the same way. It was a love curse, Dean. All I was trying to do this whole damn time was to make you feel loved.“
“I do feel loved,” said Dean.
“You don’t get it. This isn’t something I can explain to you, Dean. Either you get it or you don’t and you obviously don’t so please give me some space today,” you said.
“I get it,” said Dean, grabbing your wrist and spinning you to face him. “It’s been very clear to me since this whole thing started. I don’t want you to want me though.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me. It’s my life,” you said, trying to shake him off. “Dean...”
“It’s different when’s it’s staring you right in the face and you can’t run away, right? To know that deep down that what someone is saying is true?” he asked.
“If you got hit with that curse, what are the odds that everything you’re spewing out is bull and you do want me but are too scared to say it,” you said. Dean was silent, dropping your hands as you nodded your head. “So what do you want to do about this?”
“If you want to...try, I guess I’m cool with that,” said Dean, shrugging like you were discussing dinner.
“Cool with it?” you asked.
“I ain’t turning into a Hallmark card anytime soon,” said Dean, holding up his hands. “But...your hugs aren’t so bad.”
“Ah, yes. Your definitely wooing me, Dean,” you said, shaking your head.
“Y/N, I’m trying,” said Dean.
“I know. We’ll...take it one day at a time.”
One Year Later
“Hey, you guys remember that freaky curse that made Y/N stick to you like glue?” asked Sam at lunch one day. 
“Yeah,” said Dean. “What about it?”
“Well...I translated another spell that references it,” said Sam. “It was used back in the day to help men find wives.”
“That seems like a douche move,” you said, leaning back against the wall, tossing your legs in Dean’s lap.
“No, no. Not like that. It was meant for when a guy loved somebody but was too shy or insecure to say something. If the person didn’t have a reaction, they didn’t feel the same way. If they did, then it sort of proved there was something there,” said Sam.
“It took you a year to find this out?” you asked, Sam shrugging. “Why do I feel like you’re lying Samuel...”
“You know, we never did find out who put such a strangely harmless curse on Y/N either,” said Dean, crossing his arms. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you Sammy?”
“Not a clue,” he said with a smile, glancing back at forth. “Weird, right?”
“I’ll get my fiance to kick your ass you ever pull something like that again,” said Dean.
“I’m really good at kicking ass,” you said, Sam shaking his head.
“I got no idea what you guys are talking about,” said Sam, standing up with a stretch. “I think I’m going to go for a second run while I think about who could have ever done this to you two.”
“Want to destroy him later?” asked Dean, wearing a smirk once he was out of earshot.
“Of course. Not too badly though,” you said.
“Just a touch of destruction for our devious Sammy coming right up,” said Dean with a chuckle. “While we’re at it, it’s been a year since our first date tonight.”
“You got something special planned?” you asked.
“Obviously,” he said. “Mess with Sammy first though?”
“You read my mind.”
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mxltifxnd0m · 3 months
heat wave ࿔ s. winchester
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summary: heat waves suck in the bunker
pairings: sam winchester x reader, sam winchester x fem! reader
word count: 1.7K
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warnings: no use of y/n, not beta'd, fluff, complaining about heat, nudity, suggestive content, one or two dirty jokes
a/n: i made a post about complaining about this heat wave that is happening in my area and decided to write about it. this was intended to be a blurb but it spiraled out of my control LMAO
(also i haven't posted this frequently in like... ever LOL. so please say thank you to sam winchester for being my muse)
please reblog and lmk your thoughts and opinions!! i wanna hear what you guys thought about the fic!
𝘴𝘢𝘮 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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You hated the heat. Nope. Scratch that you loathed the heat. Despite growing up in hotter climates, you never grew to like the heat. You can tolerate it, but you've always preferred the colder months, where you can layer all you want and get warm and cozy.  
But with summer, there was so much you could wear until you were almost naked.  
The bunker could only do much to keep out the heat during the summer and keep the heat in when winter rolled around. An unexpected heat wave hit Lebanon, and since the bunker didn't have any AC or windows, it was practically hell on earth in the bunker.
Sam and Dean were out on a hunt, and you were stuck in the bunker due to having a nasty run-in with a witch that left you concussed and bruised ribs. They said the hunt was a quick salt and burn a state over, so they would be back in a few days. But in the few days they were gone, the heat became almost unbearable.
You spent the past few days stripped down to a bra and the shortest PJ shorts you had. You would have strolled around the bunker naked, but you were a little paranoid that Sam and Dean would come home early, and you didn't want to give Dean a free show. The amount of water that you had drunk could be considered criminal, but you managed to sweat most of it.
You even went out and bought multiple box fans for the library, war room, kitchen, and your bedroom (To hell with your boyfriend and Dean's bedroom. They could buy a fan for themselves.) because you could barely stand the stifling heat that managed to worm its way into the bunker.
The heat had gotten to the point where you were sprawled out on your back, starfish styled on the cool tiles of the shower room. This was your only saving grace in this place (and taking cold showers right before you went to sleep). When the tiles below you would get warm and sticky, you would just shuffle (drag) your body slightly to another patch of cold tiles.
You were so focused on cooling down your hot body that you didn't hear Sam calling for you when he couldn't find you in your room. He and Dean eventually found you on the shower floor.
"What the hell are you doing?" Dean's voice echoed off of the shower room walls.
"Finding reprieve from this god-awful heat." You sat up on your elbows to see Sam and Dean standing in the doorway, uncaring of your state of undress. Being a hunter and getting injured in inconvenient places had left you topless in front of the boys plenty of times and vice versa, so it left no room for modesty.
"This bunker doesn't have any AC or windows, and this heat wave has been terrible. You guys need to fix that." You said before sliding back down and moving to a patch of cool tile.
Sam's chuckling made you smile despite the heat. "Considering this bunker was built in the 30s, they didn't exactly have to worry about heat waves or AC."
Your smile dropped as you scowled at Sam's words. "I hate global warming. Also, how are the two of you not sweating your balls off yet?" You had noticed that they were wearing their flannels.
"We just got back and spent the past 10 minutes trying to find you. Safe to say we haven't spent much time in the bunker to feel the heat."
"Well, you're about to Deanie-boy, be prepared to strip." You went to take a sip of water from the bottle you had brought with you, only to find that it was empty.
"You would love to see that wouldn't you."
"It's nothing I haven't seen before." You said before getting up from the floor with a slight groan.
"Besides, I'd prefer to see a strip tease from a different Winchester." You winked at Sam as you walked in between the boys, giving his ass a quick tap as you left the shower room and headed toward the kitchen to refill your water bottle.  
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About two and a half hours later, the heat had gotten to the boys, and they were stripped down to their boxers, trying to survive. Dean ended up stealing one of the fans you bought and stashed it in his room, but even then, the fans were just blowing around the warm air that was in the bunker.
When it came time to eat dinner, you guys quickly got dressed because none of you wanted to spend another second in the hot bunker. The cool night air was like a healing balm over the heat wave as you guys found a diner that also had outside seating. After you guys were done eating, Dean drove the three of you around for a while with the windows down in the Impala, not wanting to go back to the stifling hot bunker.
You guys got back home at eleven o'clock, and the temperature in the bunker got significantly better, but it was still uncomfortably warm. You all headed to different bathrooms to shower off the stickiness that the three of you were already feeling.
You took your time in the cold water, not wanting to leave it just yet, but you eventually left the shower once your skin acclimated to the water and started to feel warm to you. You wrapped yourself in a towel and made your way to your room.
Once you made it to your room, you turned on your fan, cranked it to the highest setting, and dropped your towel. You didn't bother with any clothes or getting under the covers because you would throw them off of yourself the second you started to sweat. You crawled on top of your covers and rested your back against your headboard. You wanted to read a bit before you went to bed, so you grabbed your Kindle off of your nightstand and began to read.
About fifteen minutes later, you got a knock on your door. "Babe?" Sam's voice was muffled by the thick door.
"You can come in." You tell him, not looking away from your Kindle.
You heard the door open, and that's when you looked up at Sam entering your room. You caught his surprised expression as he took in your nude form and quickly shut the door. You saw lust flashing through his hazel eyes as his gaze traveled up and down your body.
Sam cleared his throat as he kept his eyes trained on yours. Ever the gentleman. You thought as you smirked at his reaction.
"Did you need something?" You asked, batting your eyelashes at your boyfriend as you placed the Kindle in your lap. Your eyes also wandered up and down Sam's bare torso as he was only in his boxers. His anti-possession tattoo stood out against his tan chest and was littered with scars that had faded with time.
You saw Sam swallow thickly as his eyes flickered from your chest to your eyes. "I was wondering why you weren't in our room?"
It was technically Sam's room before you moved into it. After a couple of months of dating, you found yourself sleeping in his room more often than your own when you initially moved into the bunker.
"As much as I love you, Sammy, I cannot sleep with you during this heat wave."
Sam frowned slightly as he made his way to your bed and sat on the edge of it. "Why not?"
You scoffed. "Because you're practically a human furnace, and as nice as it is sleeping with you during the winter, I just know I'll be soaked just sharing a bed with you."
A dirty smirk wormed its way onto Sam's face as his warm palm landed on your ankle and slowly trailed up your leg. "I'm glad I have that effect on you, but I already knew that."
You narrowed your eyes at him as you wriggled your leg away from Sam's grasp. "Ha, ha, you're so funny." You deadpan. "But I'm being serious. You radiate heat, which isn't fun when we're trying to survive a heat wave."
Sam started to pout at you. "But babe-"
"Nope. Not hearing it." You cut him off and shook your head at him as you moved your Kindle to your nightstand. "You're sleeping in your bed alone until this heat wave is over."
"Now, go back to your room." You gestured to your door.
A small huff left Sam as he got up from your bed. "Fine, but at least give me a goodnight kiss."
You rolled your eyes slightly. "Get over here, you big baby." Sam moved to the side you were lying on and bent down to kiss you.
You intended the kiss to be chaste, but Sam (being the little shit he is) had other ideas. He grabbed both of your cheeks with his hands and pulled you into a passionate kiss.  
It was unexpected, but you melted into the kiss as your hands instinctively went to his chest. He tasted like mint and something that you could only describe as Sam. Sam swiped at the seam of your lips, and that is what broke you from your Sam-induced haze.
You pushed him away from you and glared at him lightly. Sam just had a cheeky grin on his face.
"Nice try, now go to bed."
Sam still had a grin on his face as he bent down again and kissed your forehead.
"Goodnight, baby," He murmured softly against your forehead before pulling away.
"Goodnight, Sammy," You said with a soft smile as he left your room.
You turned to your nightstand and turned off the lamp that illuminated your room. Your room was engulfed in darkness as you shuffled further down your bed until your head hit the pillows. You fell asleep as your fan blew cool air towards your bed.
Little did you know, Sam ended up sneaking into your room once you were asleep and woke up in the morning soaked in sweat and having a moose of a boyfriend wrapped around your sweat-slicked body.
It's safe to say that you gave Sam a very rude awakening that morning.  
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sammybeann · 21 days
Ok but possessive, manipulative Dean never letting Sam have any autonomy. Since the moment John left Dean in charge of Sam, his baby brother became property to him. A pet. 
Dean bathing Sam, always sure to push his finger inside the whining boy, slapping his little ass roughly when he would tell Dean how it ached. 
"Gotta keep you clean, Sammy. All brothers do this."
Dean feeding Sam, praising him when he'd finish a meal, locking him in the motel bathroom when he refused. 
Dean telling Sam the world was out to get him. That anyone trying to be his friend was just trying to get close to Sam so he could hurt him, hurt his family. He couldn't even trust dad. Dean was all he had, the only person who'd ever really love Sam, and if Dean died, Sam would need to kill himself. 
Dean teaching Sammy to suck his cock, telling him that if he didn't, that meant Sam didn't love him. That it would hurt his feelings and make him cry. That his heart would break and Sammy would kill him. 
Just...ugh. Psychotic lil Deanie. 🥺🩷
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ghostlyfleur · 2 months
OKAY I HAD A THOUGHT: Deany-boy not knowing his S/O has a really amazing singing voice, until one day he walks in when they don’t know he’s there and hears them?? I just think it’d be really cute. ☺️☺️
requested by @faerieroyal at my old blog
oh. i like the way you think!
maybe you’re re-organizing the bookshelves, sam’s new and improved organization systems something you’ve long stopped trying to understand, and you think you’re alone at the library, re-shelving huge encyclopedias.
dean stops short at the entrance to the war room, mesmerized by your mindless singing so much so he briefly wonders if you’re actually a siren and didn’t disclose that information in the years you’ve lived with the boys. you’re singing “my jolly sailor bold” from pirates of the caribbean, so in his mind it’d make sense.
you choke on your own voice once you spot him listening.
“now, don’t stop on my account, sweetheart” you feel like you’re choking “think you’d make an extra deadly siren, i can barely breathe right now.”
dean then jokes about how he’d let you manipulate him all you want and you start giggling, his smile widening on his face, completely enamored with his girl.
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waywardxwords · 1 year
I Always Have
Summary: Dean reluctantly agrees to visit a haunted house with you.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: Slight language, small mention of claustrophobia, fluff!
A/N: Day 3 of the #flufftober2023 (@flufftober) prompt challenge! The prompt is: "Wait, you love me?" - "I always have." Side note: if you are on my tag list, I am planning/attempting to post once a day during the month of October. I know that’s a lot of tags and mentions, so if you’d like to be removed you can do so through the Tag List linked in my bio.
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Haunted Houses weren’t really Dean’s thing…well, of course real haunted houses were. But this was different. This wasn’t haunted by real spirits or monsters; mostly just local high school and college students who needed extra money in the fall so they dressed up like ghosts and ghouls. 
Dean had always hated the idea of actually visiting a haunted house. “You’re gonna pay money to go into an old building and have idiot kids try to scare you? Seriously? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.” 
“It’s not just a haunted house, Deanie,” you had egged him on with the nickname he didn’t seem to appreciate. “It’s the pumpkins, and the apple cider, and that fun feeling of experiencing fall and Halloween as a kid.” He had just rolled his eyes. You loved getting under his skin, and as much as you would tell Sam you didn’t know why, you knew (and Sam knew, for that matter).
“Would you two just kiss already?” Sam had teased you from the kitchen of the bunker one night after you had poked and pushed on Dean so hard he had given up and retreated to his bedroom. 
“Ew,” you had forced yourself to shudder at the thought. “Don’t make me puke.”
He laughed so hard he tossed his head back as he did it. “Yeah, okay. The tension between you two is about to make me puke, so do me a favor and just keep it outta the main living areas, got it?” He wasn’t able to dodge the sponge you had been washing dishes with as you tossed it right at his head. 
So here you stood on this October night in the bunker looking at Dean blankly. You blinked twice. 
“You comin’ or not?” He drawled with mock frustration as he pulled his army green jacket over his red and black buffalo plaid flannel. He grabbed the keys off of the counter top and looked at you expectantly. 
“You’re taking me to the haunted house?” You still didn’t believe him. 
“I was plannin’ on it, but you better hurry the hell up before I change my mind,” he grumbled but couldn’t hide the tug at the corner of his lips as you practically squealed and ran by him to get your jacket. 
“Dude,” Sam eyed his brother as soon as you were out of ear shot. 
“I don’t want to hear it,” Dean held up his hand and went to wait for you in the Impala. 
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“What made you change your mind?” You finally asked as Dean pulled the Impala into a parking spot in the dirt field. There were tons of other cars—this wasn’t just a haunted house, but a haunted trail as well and you could hardly hide your excitement. 
“I was tired of hearin’ you bitch and moan,” he shot you a cheesy, over exaggerated smile with his eyes squinted. You rolled your eyes and flung the door open. “Hey, careful with my Baby!” He chirped, his face suddenly morphed into a small scowl. 
“I’m not gonna hurt your precious car, Deanie,” you teased as you met him by the front of the Impala. Each step you took almost had a skip to it, and you couldn’t help yourself as you slipped your arm through his and linked it just at his elbow. 
You weren’t sure if you imagined it, but you felt like his demeanor softened. The two of you walked like that as your boots crunched against the gravel and dirt. There were quite a few others there and a line had formed. The trail was dark but lit by yellow glowing lanterns strung from trees and solar path lights on the ground. 
“Fifteen dollars per person,” there was a teenaged boy at the front of the line with a cash box. Dean’s scowl returned. “Cash only.” He added on at the end. 
“Seriously? Fifteen bucks?” He looked at the kid who just pointed to the sign taped to the front of the table he was at. It read in printed font, ‘$15 per adult’. “Great,” Dean fumbled in his back pocket for his wallet. 
“I got it, Dean. You brought me here and I know it’s not your thing,” you reached for your cross body bag to fish out the money. 
“I got it,” Dean huffed as he retrieved a $20 and a $10 from his leather wallet. “Here.” He handed it to the kid. The kid nodded you both into the event. “What first? Trail or house?” 
“Hmm,” you pondered, your excitement had returned. “Let’s do the trail first.” Your eyes wandered for a second and a squeal left your lips again before you could reign it back in as your gaze noticed a booth just ahead. 
“Jesus Christ,” Dean mumbled, but there was a slight chuckle tucked behind it. 
“Apple cider!” You practically pulled him towards the stand. There was no line, so you were under the lights of the vendor almost immediately. “Two apple ciders, please.” This time, you were sure to pull out your wallet first. 
“That’ll be six dollars,” the woman returned with two cups of cider. You handed her the cash and handed a cup to Dean. 
“Cheers!” You beamed as you clinked your paper cup against his. You noticed a small eye roll from him, but he obliged and took a sip. 
He made a sour face. “Why do you love this stuff?” He rubbed his lips together to get the sweet sticky substance off. 
“I think the real question is, how do you not love this kinda stuff,” you threw back at him as you looped your arm back through his and slowly walked towards the trail. “Halloween is so magical, Dean! It’s literally the best time of year. I think they’ve even polled people on that and determined it is actually the majority's favorite time of the year.”
“Yeah, well, they forgot to poll me on that one,” he grumbled. “We fight this stuff every day. Not this stuff, because it’s fake. But the real deal—the kinda stuff that could kill us. How are you not jaded by that?”
You took a moment before you answered. Your feet stopped moving, so Dean’s stopped too. He turned to look at you as your arm fell out of his. 
“When I was a kid, my Dad loved Halloween. I swear, his whole mood changed when fall rolled around. He built a wooden casket and rigged it with fishing wire to open when our front door opened. We scared every kid that came to our house. And kids would literally come from all over to get spooked,” the memory brought a smile to your lips. “I didn’t even want to trick-or-treat half the time. I just wanted to be at home with my Dad scaring the local middle schoolers. My Dad could be difficult,” your smile fell for a moment as other memories tried to make their way through—memories that Dean was well versed in at this point in your friendship. “But when Halloween came around? Man, those were the best days.”
Dean was silent as his eyes watched your face. He saw the emotions ebb and flow as you spoke. He nodded once. “Okay, then,” he said simply. “Let’s go get spooked.” This time, he held his arm out for you to link yours through, causing you to smile. 
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The trail ended up being more hilarious than terrifying. But you and Dean had thoroughly enjoyed watching others jump and yell as they made their way through. 
Next up, the haunted house. This was a little bit different than the trail, as the hallways were so tightly constructed, only one person could walk ahead at a time. You shuddered slightly as you waited, but it was enough for Dean to notice.
“Oh, come on,” he teased as he glanced over his shoulder at you. “You’re not scared, are you?”
Your face scrunched at him as you gave him a slight nudge. “Not scared,” you emphasized. “Just jumpy…” sounds of other haunted house goers ahead of you erupted from just inside the corridor–it made you excited all over again. 
It was your turn to enter the main hallway next. They paused between groups to give everyone the full experience. Dean led the way with you closely behind. The house was even darker than outside, if possible, so it took your eyes a second or two to adjust. 
There were fake cobwebs and a strobe light tucked away somewhere that sent flashes of light in the hall. Screams filled your ears, and you weren’t sure if they were from other patrons or if there was an audio playing in the background—probably the latter. Your eyes danced around in sensory overload as you tried to take it all in. As Dean rounded the first corner, you missed the memo that there were holes cut out in the wall, so when the first pair of hands reached out followed by someone growling behind the plywood, you couldn’t help the way your body jumped or the scream that followed. 
Dean tossed his head back in laughter and turned briefly to look at you. Your heart beat pretty hard against your chest, but you still reached out to swat at him. He surprised you by catching your wrist with his large palm and carefully pulled your arms so they were around his middle. He held them there, and you realized he was giving you something to hold onto. 
“Alright, Kat Harvey,” he referenced your favorite Casper-loving character from the classic ghost movie. “You’re alright.” The hum of his voice vibrated through the layers of clothing on his back. Even though you didn’t feel scared anymore, you couldn’t pull your arms away. 
You inched behind Dean throughout the rest of the haunted house, laughter erupted from both of you as teenagers tried to scare you. It was refreshing to see Dean laugh—truly laugh—and it made you smile. 
As you exited the house, he released your hands he had clutched against his middle and cleared his throat. “That was…”
“I know, I know,” you rolled your eyes as you shook off the empty feeling you felt without his touch. “It was lame, you can say it.”
He hesitated for a moment as he looked back to the house and then shrugged towards you. “Nah, I was gonna say it was actually kinda fun.” A smile tugged at his lips. 
“Oh…” you grinned back. “Yeah, it was fun. Thanks for bringing me here, Dean.” You tucked a fallen strand of hair behind your ear and turned to head back to the parking lot. 
“Where are you going?” He asked. When you turned back, you noticed he hadn’t moved from his spot. 
“Uh…back to the car? That was all you had signed up for…heck, you kinda threw me a bone agreeing to do both the trail and the haunted house.”
“Nuh uh,” he shook his head. “I spent thirty bucks to get us in here. There’s a pumpkin carving booth over there. You said ‘pumpkins, apple cider and haunted houses’. We’re doin’ all three, dammit,” he said firmly but followed it up with a smile. 
Your eyes beamed at at him and you bit your bottom lip gently before striding back over to him, “God, I love you.” Your breath caught in your throat after the last word and you froze. With widened eyes, you refused to meet his gaze. 
There was a long pause that felt much longer than it probably was. But very quietly you heard his voice, “Wait, you love me?”
You paused again, but put on your big girl panties and turned to him slowly. “I always have.”
His eyes watched you closely for a moment, and then he moved to you so smoothly. His lips brushed against yours for a moment before he pulled away, but went in for another. 
“I love you, too,” he murmured gently just as your lips parted. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach before he held his arm out for you once more. “Let’s go carve some pumpkins.” He smiled at you, and this time you knew it was different. It was a smile of contentment. Like everything he had needed, had come to fruition in that moment. 
“Let’s,” you beamed back at him as you tucked your arm through his. He leaned towards you for one more kiss before you made your way to the pumpkin carving station. While you weren’t sure what this meant or how your life was about to change, it didn’t matter at that moment. You had pumpkins, apple cider, haunted houses and Dean Winchester at your fingertips. And with that, you couldn’t think of a more perfect autumn evening.
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Thanks for reading!
Tag List: @jackles010378 @ladysparkles78 @hallecarey1 @zepskies @lyarr24
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apocalypseornaw · 10 months
Real or Not (Pt 3/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
You and the boys meet up with Camila
@lacilou you wanted pain
A/N: remember before you get too mad at Dean there's 2 more chapters!!
If there was one thing you'd learnt in your life especially as a hunter was using the fake it till you make it method. Bobby always said to keep your shoulders squared and head held high, even when you were terrified because it put forth the idea that you weren't.
You'd been silent the entire two hour car ride. You didn't want to speak to Sam nor Dean. You'd even taken the backseat saying you just had a small headache and wanted a quick nap. Rather Dean believed you or not you weren't sure.
"Maybe he doesn't care" the moment the thought slipped through your mind you felt a little bit of guilt for having such little faith in the man You'd spent the last few years in the bed of and so long before that as a friend to. He cared he just didn't assume to think you would lie to him.
You actually almost dozed off about the time you felt the impala slow down and looked up to see Dean was pulling into a motel parking lot. You took a deep breath the moment you spotted Camila's mustang. You could do this, you were pretty damn professional when it came to the job, people were at risk.... kids. You could swallow anything you threw your way if it meant saving kids.
Sam glanced over his shoulder at you and you could see the unspoken question in his eyes "Sure you ok?" You gave him a small smile as Dean parked. You climbed out slowly, smoothing a hand down over your hair. You could do this.
The moment the door to room three twenty two opened you heard Donna's voice flash through your mind "No one can make you feel bad about yourself unless you let em"
Camila was well if you were being honest nothing short of gorgeous. She was five foot nine so she was leggy, dark black hair was braided back in an intricate style leaving her bright blue eyes clear. The moment she spotted Dean a smile split her face and you felt your heart drop. You could do this.
She walked over to the three of you, her attention clearly on Dean as she said "Thanks for coming. I knew I needed backup as soon as I figured out what I was dealing with" Dean nodded "Sure thing" then turned towards you "You remember Y/N don't ya?"
Camila's eyes narrowed slightly when she looked at you but schooled her features before Dean or Sam saw it "Of course! You're Vivians niece" you forced a smile onto your face "That'd be me" Dean reached out and pulled you into his side "Well since we're all caught up want to update us on the case?"
If looks could kill you'd either be in heaven or hell just from the way Camila stared you down once she realized you and Dean were indeed together and it wasn't just a rumor floating around the hunters mill.
"Of course Deany" you felt yourself bristle but held it in. Kids were at risk, you had to remind yourself that.
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The location of where the kids had to be was narrowed down to two places. You stood next to Dean, across the table from Camila and Sam. Like it or not this was her case and her lead. She smiled at you "Y/N, we both know these two work best as a team as why don't they take one location and we take the other" there was something in her eyes, a challenge. She thought you'd back down.
You returned her smile fully "Guessing we're taking your car then because mines home at the bunker" She nodded "Of course"
You were at the trunk of the impala taking one of the impromptu flamethrowers Dean held out. You were hoping your feelings weren't showing on your face but those hopes were dashed when he said "Y/N, you good?"
You nodded "Aces" he stared at you for a second then nodded "Be safe, come back to me in one piece" it probably shouldn't have bothered you but when he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead instead of your lips you felt your stomach drop. He kissed Jody, Donna and Charlie on the forehead, not you.
You refused to fight before a hunt so you smiled "You too" then walked over to where Camila stood, very much looking like she was planning to feed you to a changeling.
"Ready to go?" You nodded as you heard the boys shut the doors of the impala. The moment the engine roared to life her smile dropped "a little strange he doesn't kiss you before a hunt, he always called it a good luck charm when he was with me" you felt your mouth fall open at her comment but once again that overly friendly mask fell into place "I'm kidding of course! I know this is a little awkward"
You laughed lightly but the only thought you had was to knock her perfectly white teeth down her throat and say you were joking. Instead you climbed into her car and shut the door.
You walked through the abandoned warehouse slowly, checking every corner. The further you walked the more you were beginning to think the boys had caught the action. Camila was nearby, you could hear her footfalls echoing.
"Ya know Y/N, how long have you been with Dean?" You rolled your eyes before saying "Should we really be discussing my relationship mid hunt" she let out a bark of laughter "Oh come on sweetcheeks. It's apparent thr boys caught the fun. Why can't we talk a little"
You spun on your heel to see she was about two feet from you "I've been with Dean a few years" she nodded slowly "when did you move into the bunker" you shrugged "a few months after they found it" "so right after me and him broke up?" You shrugged again "Don't keep up with other people's relationships"
You started back walking, with intentions to head outside but stopped when she said "Funny that timeline is around the same time I told him to move on that I wasn't coming back to him" You felt your shoulders tense "What are you trying to say here Camila?"
She walked around you to be facing you before a smile slipped onto her face "Dean got with you because he couldn't have me. Want me to pull up the emails from us talking? Of him telling me how he loved me?" You knew your face had fallen even before she said "Oh honey did you think he followed up this" she motioned to herself then to you "With that?"
You'd taken enough, you swung on her felt a sense of satisfaction when it connected solidly. Instead of trying to swing back she simply cradled her jaw and smiled despite the blood dripped from her now split lip "I hit a nerve. You know I could have him back tonight. He loved me more than Lisa or Cassie. I went through thinking he wasn't what I wanted but he is, and you need to face it"
"If he still wants you why is he with me then?" You asked, mustering every ounce of false bravado you could. She took a step towards you "Did you know he was looking at rings at one point? He would've stopped hunting if I'd asked. Does that really compare to you and him? Has he even said he loves you?" You didn't reply but your face must have shown because she made a tsk tsk sound "You poor thing"
You could feel your hands shaking by that point and damn her she grinned "Oh feel free to hit me again! I can play victim then! Dean I don't know what happened she just attacked me" you motioned to the door of the warehouse "Leave now"
She motioned around "What, are you gonna walk?" You squared your shoulders and got nose to nose with her "If Dean wants a two faced bitch over an honest woman so fucking be it but I won't be disrespected" she cackled like a mad woman "You're a crazy bitch" before turning and walking out.
You waited until you heard her mustang pull over to let the tears that had been threatening to escape fall. She'd just picked at every fucking insecurity you had. Maybe she was right, if Dean loved her enough to even consider giving up hunting maybe you should take yourself out of the equation.
You walked out into the cool night air about the time your phone started ringing. It was Dean. You answered it "Hello?" The voice that hit your ears made your heart freeze over. Camila replied "Told ya" you hung up and stared at your phone before hitting Donna's number.
You climbed into Claire's car and knew she had questions from the look in her eyes but luckily she didn't say anything besides "You headed to Donna's?" You nodded slowly before turning off your phone. Dean's number kept calling but you refused to hear Camilas voice any more. She'd won, you'd lost the man you loved.
@lacilou @saranghaey @stoneyggirl2 @marimarvelfan @roseblue373 @suckitands33 @backtotheshitshow @jackles010378 @leigh70 @diagnosedpsychosis @badassbitch-21
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saltygilmores · 7 months
After a quick blowjob break out in the soon-to-be-bloodspattered Stars Hollow High football field, a certain homocidal maniac in a puke green church donation bin coat has returned, and he's ready to dish out some sass. Shane is not in tow yet, but we need to give her time to freshen up and make herself presentable for the remaining few hours of her life.
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Lane's pointless bitterness towards Jess is such a fucking waste. My "Lane hates Jess for stupid reasons when they could have been pals" rant has been reheated in the metaphorical microwave too many times already, so I won't repeat myself, but yeah. It's still about that fucking car accident.
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Getting your dick sucked on the high school football field before committing a gruesome homocide can really work up a boy's appetite.
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Baby you're such a good noticer. *kisses forehead*
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I can't think of anyone more deserving of a rock hard permanent public erection. Wait And now, for what is possibly my favorite five-word exchange in the entire series:
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The most perfectly executed dry delivery. Ugh! Sheer perfection!
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Well, at least egg salad sandwiches beat the Crack and Despair Sandwiches Liz used to pack in his lunchbox.
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Miss "My Virginity Spared Me From Becoming Football Field Fertilizer" has arrived with Also-Not-Dancing Butthead in tow. If the food is for the dancers, I better not see him eat anything. I will smack that sandwich out of his hand so fast so help me god (virgins always survive the killing spree).
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You ever think about what a monstrous hell it must be for Jess living in a place like Stars Hollow? I think about this a lot. But I like to think that off screen he gets in his car and gets the fuck out of there as much as possible. Anyway, this is another perfectly dry one liner that I absolutely love. I want to fil out adoption papers and take all of his sarcastic one liners from this episode home from the shelter. R: You have nothing better to do than sit in a gymnasum staring at a dance marathon? J:Idk, do you have nothing better to do than sit inside a gymnasium staring at a dance marathon? R:Do you think you're bugging me sitting in front of me and staring like that? J: Do you think you're bugging me dancing and staring at me like that? R: I'm not staring at you! J:How do you know I'm staring at you?
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Dean: It's been two years. Maybe you can glance at my dick for once, Rory. Has Rory ever said anything supportive of Dean that wasn't said with the same conviction as if she were a bank robbery hostage? Deany has that constipated look on his face again. Is he sad because no one was staring at him? But someone was. I'll give you a hint, it's a certain MILF who wants to turn that 34 into a 69. Lorelai is 34 years old in this episode, by the way. He's proudly displaying his love of young milfs on his literal sleeve. Listen, you could power Stars Hollow with the combined sexual frustration of these three people + Lane and Dave Ryglaski to make it extra nuclear. When nobody puts out, you get three teenagers eating egg salad and having an "I'm not staring at you!" argument in a school gymansium at 10pm.
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Ooooh. Jess is shakin in his little murder boots. J: I'm supporting my town. R: Go back to New York. Oh Rory babe, if only he could, he'd be home now with a smile on his face with a pushcart hot dog in one hand while some easy alt chick rode his dick. Well, yeah he's got that now but he's going to feed her to the swans then take an 8 month vow of celibacy for some reason.
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Got em.
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He's so LAME. Jared: Hey AmyShermanPalladino, can't Dean get any fun comebacks for once? Why does Milo get all the good sass? AmyShermanPalladino: You can pick from the reject pile. We've got "my former comment still stands" "Are you trying to act tough, you're wearing a tie" and "You're the one who's going"
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She's so horny. God help her.
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Shane Campbell stars in the newest WB Network vehicle, "My Favorite Murder Victim." He keeps picking at that sandwich like he's going to find a $100 bill in the bread.
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You want this poor girl to spend the last precious hours of her life doing math problems?
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I guess egg salad will wash the taste of dick out of her mouth.
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We heard you the first time, Ice Vagina. What is Dean even doing here, lol.
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There's something incredibly erotic about this line.
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Dean is like, what the hell is going on? Why is she touching me?
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*immediately pushes her off*
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Don't give him any more ideas, Jess.
I just want to point out that on the table behind them, fresh fruit and brownies are available for consumption. You know you guys don't have to eat those sandwiches.
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Code for "I'm gonna go find the murder implement I stowed away in the bushes earlier"
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wistfulpoltergeist · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥ Maybe something about Dean?
Sorry for such late answer, I simply HAD to remake my Dean first :D Okay, Deanie, tell us what you've got!
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He is a professional cook and baker. Making risotto, buns and puddings is his personal antidepressant. But it only works if his friends and boyfriend eat it and comment on how Italian pizza is trash in comparison. (No offense to Italian pizza, though!)
He finds Zen in repairing old cars, seeing how broken things come back to life. He believes his heart is one of those neglected engines that need a touch of a masterful hand.
He is dramatically short and hates his Hobbit's looks but has a good eye for beauty outside (like his handsome, masculine boyfriend :D). Dean never goes anywhere without his camera with which he takes all he finds divine but totally reachless. He believes he can capture it and keep it for himself forever. No wonder he has tones of Roland's photos.
Dean is afraid of Policemen. His darkest fear since he was a boy is to get imprisoned by an armed brute in uniform. He never tells this to the police officer he is dating to his own surprise, but Roland's started to suspect something.
He writes silly romantic songs and stupid angry poems and sends them to his boyfriend anonymously and will deny his authorship even if an armed brute in uniform puts him in prison for that.
Just to show you HOW short Dean is, here's him next to his boyfriend with average height and tall Arwin.
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cuntrybrat · 4 months
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deanie weanie your face is so hard to capture .. such voluptuous boy lips .. such squinty green long lashed eyeballs .... u have a real scrunchy essence which is hard to capture my love
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
Why does The Monarch hate Rusty Venture?
SPOILERS for Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart.
Is THE reason because Monarch believed Debbie left him for Rusty?
In the flashback, we see Rusty in his post-college poinytail. In this phase we know Rusty is being bodyguarded by Myra. The Monarch and tries and fails to arch him in his old costume. During this time Bobbi had come to Rusty to assist in transferring her powers to Debbie.
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However, we know that Monarch arched Rusty prior to this incident in college.
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This means...no! Debbie isn't THE reason. At least not the first reason. I figured this out this when I realized how exactly Rusty tricked Myra into believing she was the boys' mother. The post credit scene recontexualized my entire perspective on Myra.
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"So I can finally give birth to my teeny weeny Deany"
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"I let her belive she was the boys' mother. I messed her up pretty bad"
This is a valid reaction considering how many times the boys have died under Rusty's care. We don't know if it's happened yet but we do know that Rusty had started cloning them by the time Brock took the job after Myra was removed. It's kind of sad to hear her last words knowing what we do now. "I won't let you keep them"
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sammygender · 4 months
thing is, in canon deans already forced into the role of emotionally supporting and caring for john. you know that journal entry where johns like... dean tried to comfort me which means hes old enough to shoot guns now. if dean was a girl i dont think johns thoughts would jump to the whole intense raise him to be dad's perfect soldier the same. itd be more like Marys dead but at least i have my daughter... shes just like mary fr....... shes so comforting to me...... girls always are said to be more mature than boys and deans definitely an old soul......... itd be like. john going off hunting and leaving his eldest daughter at home to look after his son like a stay-at-home wife <3. john probably doesnt raise girl dean to be a soldier from quite such a young age.
BUT. he still definitely does raise her to be a solider. john respects women (? he thinks he does at least!). women can be just as capable as men, and john's going to raise a strong woman, goddamnit. dean gets these contradictory messages about how she shouldnt be TOO girly, and about how she's cool because she's tomboyish and tough and not some whiny girl, but john also wants her to be a Girl. hes a military man and he still has gender roles ingrained. hes not going to take his 6 year old daughter out to shoot a gun, even though he is going to give her her toddler brother to raise. he is however going to take his 10 year old daughter out to shoot a gun! he wants her to be tough after all. she still has to be a hunter and work to avenge her mother.
its like. i dont know. john is happy he has a Daughter and as a result hes probably less hard on her in the training respect. he like. buys her kiddie nail varnish kits to indulge the fact shes a Girl. hes sweeter with her, at least at first. and kid dean dutifully plays with them a little but also gets the sense that, actually, dad wants a son, and sam's too young to be that yet, so dean tries her best to be both as good as any son of dad's could be AND the reincarnation of her dead mother.
i also think as a result of girl dean, john is harder on sam. sam is probably in some ways more coddled (by dean) and less coddled (by john). john worries about sam becoming too girly (read weak) under dean's influence.... which fucks with dean's head so hard. now sam has to shoulder the entire weight of being His Fathers Son. which is also a weight dean is kind of sort of insanely jealous of. like how in canon johns all like 'i dont think sam has the same killer instinct as dean....' itd be that except combined with classic old-fashioned gender worries. 'sammy hates hunting, and deanie likes it too much. have i gone wrong somewhere?'
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ashley-jones · 2 years
Daughter of Fire and Blood
When Rheanrya and Daemon Targaryen return to Kings landing, they return with 3 new children, and one still laying in the womb. The oldest of the purebloods children is Deany Targaryen, only at the age of 13 years old with 2 dragons standing behind her ready to protect her with one word. Aemond takes an interest in his niece, using his ability of manipulation to force his mother to make her his betrothed, but her parents and half brothers are fond of this attempt.
Warnings: cursing, blood, dragons, sexism, incest (Targaryens pure blood lines), sexual assault, touching without permission, protective Daemon, death, fire
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"Kingslanding looks daoru. Have so described kepa." (Kingslanding looks nothing as you described father.) Deany spoke up as she stood directly by her father, right behind her mother, Jace, and Luke. "Se Lannister's emagin pryjatan ziry issa jorrāelagon." (The Lannister's have destroyed it my love..) Deamon quietly replied to his daughter.
"Deany. I want you to stay as close to your father or brothers while we are here. I do not trust Alicent's sons." her mother quietly ordered. "Of course mother." Deany simply replied. Deamon pressed lightly on her lower back having her move forward through the halls of Kingslanding. The family took in the religious relics, the silence almost deafening, making her uncomfortable in her own skin.
Soons Rheanrya and Deamon where separated from their oldest 3, despite Deany wanting to stay by her father's side, she soon gave in and followed her half brothers towards the training grounds. She just followed behind, this was her first time every being in Kingslanding, and only knew what she was told.
"Shit.. Aemond and Aegon." Jace muttered. Deany looked at her half brothers, then towards the two boys he motioned, her purple eyes watching the two Targaryens. "I believe we should go then." Luke whispered. "I think we should go to the dragon pit." Deany spoke up with a cheeky smile which made her brothers roll their eyes smiling.
They where ready to give in and follow her request, but Aemond spoke up calling out to his nephews. "Hello nephews, leaving so soon?" he called towards them. Luke pulled Deany back and by his side holding onto her arm, while they both watched Jace step forward glaring at the one eyed boy. "Jace.. I wish to go the dragon Pitt." Deany spoke up, attempting to rid of the tension.
Aemond's gaze moved away from Jace, now looking directly at the female. Her hair was as white as snow, tied back into beautiful braids, and running down her back ending just above her waist. Eyes glistening purple, skin pale and dressed in a black and red dragon scaled gown. She screamed pure blooded Targaryen, a dragons daughter, a girl with tire dragons blood and fire running through her veins.
Deany hated the way he looked at her, arm twisting from her brothers grasp and escaping his gaze by leaving the training grounds, and moving back inside the castle. She felt sick, scared, and u comfortable all at the same time. Her heels clicked as she moved away from the entrance, not really paying much attention, or well not knowing where anything was and running straight into her father. Stumbling slightly, and would have fallen if her father arm wouldn't have shot out and caught her by the waist.
"Easy jorrāelagon." (Easy love.) he softly spoke in his natural tongue. Aemond came walking back inside, his nephews following after him with angered expressions. "My you run quick niece." he spoke up. "Kepa." Deany spoke up ushing behind her father. Deamon looked directly at Aemond, expression cold and hard. "Am I not allowed to meet my niece? You've been gone for 13 years uncle, and bring a beauty back and don't introduce her." Aemond spoke cockily.
"Jimagon join aōha muñnykeā issa byka zaldrīzes." (Go join your mother my little dragon." Deamon ordered gently. He could feel her small hand leave his back and leave instantly, following his order without question. "Your father is on his last breath, least you boys can do is be respectful to his blood." Deamon coldly spoke, then turning and joining after his daughter.
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Deamon entered his brothers chambers with his daughter in front of him. He ordered the medics to leave, and had Deany wait outside the curtain til he knew his brother was okay to meet her. "Brother, it is me Deamon." Deamon softly spoke towards his brother. "D-Deamon.." Viserys whispered, looking up at him with his one eye. "Yes. I have someone else that you may want to meet." he softly spoke.
He made a come here motion with his hand to which Deany quickly obeyed walking through the curtain and walking towards her father. His arm wrapped around her waist protectively while fixing her hair with the other. "Brother. This is Deany, the oldest daughter of me and Rheanrya." Deamon spoke. "Hello grandfather." Deany softly spoke. "Deany.." Viserys whispered. He reached his hand up touching her cheek, looking at her with admiration and love. "Such a beautiful girl, just like your mother." he whispered. "Thank you grandfather, you quite handsome yourself my king." she softly replied with a kind smile.
Her compliment made the king smile, thumb still tracing her cheek. Then slowly he lowered it when Alicent walked in, coming to a stop looking at the two visitors. Deany bowed her head to the queen, while Deamon slowly ushered her from the curtain area.
"Can we go dragon riding before turning in for the night?" Deany quietly questioned. Her father looked down at her, then lifting his head laughing softly. "I don't think your mother will approve at such a late hour daughter." he teased. "Since when where you one to follow rules?" she pushed. "You've stuck around me far too much." he muttered with a deep chuckle. "So dragon riding before bed?" she whispered. "I would love to my little dragon, but that would be unfair to your brothers. Now come on, let's get you to bed." he softly spoke.
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Watching Viserys walk down the stairs and towards the iron throne had everyone silent. Otto hightower stepped from the throne, joining his daughter as Viserys slowly made his way up the stairs. He crown fell as he stumbled, Deamon quick to join him and help him to the throne, then lifting the crown placing it back on his brothers head.
Deamon walked back down the steps joining his family, bringing Deany to stand right back in front of him, and beside Rheanrya with Luke and Jace on either side of them. "I do not understand why we are having appeals! The only one that has the right to appeal is Rhaenys Targaryen of Valerian!" Viserys called out to his family. Rhaenys stepped forward announcing that her granddaughter s will be betrothed to Luke and Jace.
Vaemond didn't take this information fairly and stepped forward looking directly at the king. "You cannot stand as king and allow these two to become kings of all 7 kingdoms!" he yelled. He was outraged turning to the Targaryen family watching them, and they watched back. "Say it." Daemon spoke. "Her children are BASTARDS!" he yelled, echoing through the hall. Deany and her mother flinched at the outrage. "And she is a whore." he whispered.
Viserys stood up shakily, pulling his knife from his side gripping it. "I... Will have.. your tongue." he growled. Deamon left his daughter, hand lightly skimming through her hair pulling dark sister from her sheath, and moving behind Vaemond, and with one good strike his head was slices in half, body slumping to the floor with a this, panting the stone floor crimson.
Deany watched as the crimson blood poured from the body, staining the floor, then looking up at her father in surprise and admiration. "He can keep his tongue." he spoke with a smirk present on his features. He lifted dark sister and walking back to his daughter, pushing a loose strand of white from his face and pushing it back to perfection. He slowly turned her head from the scene, thumb lightly pressing into her cheek keeping her from looking back.
Aemond looked up from the body, staring directly at the Targaryen princess. He smirked looking over towards his mother who was already looking at him, then at the daughter of Daemon and Rheanrya, and idea flowing through her tempered mind. She stepped forward looking up at her husband. "To align our families, I believe Aemond and Deany Targaryen should marry, betrothed to one another to bring the peace back to the house of Kingslanding." she spoke up.
Deany head turned so quickly watching with eyes wide. "W-what?" she whispered. "Kepa!" she gasped. She looked up at her father pleading for him to say something, his knuckles turning pearl white as he gripping dark sister that was already craving more blood.
Deany stepped back before quickly turning and escaping the hall. "Go with sister." Rheanrya ordered her son's. Jace and Luke where quick to obey, following after their sister. "It will only be best for the family Rheanrya." Alicent softly. "For yours, or for mine?" the heir growled. "Yours is my family princess." Alicent whispered.
Deany pulled the chains loose of both of her dragons, Mexes and Soliston, each of them following after her as she stepped back and out of the dragon Pitts. She climbed aboard of Mexes, who crawled and flew up into the sky, Soliston following after, each letting out loud roars that echoed in the skies.
Deamon came rushing out looking up watching his daughter and her dragons. Mexes was nearly as large as Vhagar, even at such a young age. She grew up with both dragons, they bonded with her before she could even climb on them.
"Dracarys!" Deany yelled. Both blew fire into the sky, Mexes flying up and going straight through the flames. It didn't burn her, nor even feel hot against her skin, proving her blood pure. Deamon watched her smiling like a proud father, Jace and Luke watching in amazement of her complete control over the beasts.
Letting go of the harness she leaned back the air flowing through her hair, pushing the braids from their ties, smile pushing across her perfect features. She loved the way the flames pricked and pulled at her skin, but never once breaking it or scaring it, the way it left stains of ash on her, but showered her in protection and love. Moving from the flames Mexes made her way down circling her brothers and father then landing lowering his shoulder allowing her to step off gracefully.
Daemon watched her, then moved forward hands cupping her cheeks wiping ash from the pale skin. He hugged her tightly, her arms moving around his torso holding onto him, head pressed into his bicep. "There will be no marriage I promise." he whispered into her hair. "This kingdom will be burned to ash before that could even think to happen." he muttered. "And you will be the one who will mitter the word." she whispered. "That's right." he growled.
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Come dinner was a slight disaster, Deany was forced to sit between Aegon and Aemond requested by the queen. She felt uncomfortable, hand pressed into her lap against her black dragon scaled dress, her silver dragon wrapped necklace shined brightly in the candle light, her hair tied into a braided bun with not one loose strand.
She flinched when Aemond's hand moved onto her thigh, purple eyes lowering refusing to ruin the peaceful moment for the sake of her family. So when Aemond pulled her gown up and bunched it above his arm til his hand could shove between her thighs, she gasped grabbing at the table. Deamon's head shot up looking directly at his daughter. Her hand was shaking, her grip tight on the table, knuckles turning pure white. Jace's chair flew back before Deamon could stand, Aemond moving his hand away acting as though he did nothing wrong.
Deany felt so uncomfortable, almost felt like crying but refused to let herself do so. "Are you alright granddaughter?" Viserys softly asked. Deany was staring down at her lap, head turning looking at Aemond who was staring back at her with a slight smirk. Then she looked back at Alicent who was watched her with a cold expression. "I.. I will accept your proposal of marrying Aemond Targaryen my queen.." she spoke up. Her voice was shaky, fearful, and unsure.
"What?" her parents and brothers whispered.
"You are truly a blessing Princess, this will bring our family closer than ever before." Alicent spoke with a darkened smile. Purple eyes moved over towards her father looking at him. "I'm not doing it for your family my queen. I'm doing it for mine. You will have no power with this marriage, as the daughter of the true heir of the throne, he will be nothing but a consort for the throne." Deany spoke. "That is why you made the suggestion correct?" she questioned. Alicent quickly turned her head towards her father, panic filling her gaze.
Deany pushed her chair out and stood up bowing, then turning and walking away. "Fire and Blood." she whispered to Deamon who smirked looking at Rheanrya.
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mxltifxnd0m · 2 months
too tongue tied ఌ s. winchester
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summary: social media/modern era au with stanford! sam winchester
pairings: established sam winchester x reader, sam winchester x fem! reader
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warnings: none really, no use of 'y/n', fluff, slice of life, unofficial part two of must be love, can be read as a standalone, title is a lyric from must be love by laufey
a/n: lol i hope you guys enjoy this unofficial part two of my other smau with sam. a part two got requested quite a bit so i gave the people what they wanted 🤭
remember a comment or reblog helps out a lot and i hope you guys enjoyed this as much i did while making it 😁
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liked by yourusername, dianahhboo, and 2345 others
jessymoore me and my wife (and her bf ig 😒), 📸: @ dianhhboo
tagged: yourusername and samwinchester
view all 1009 comments
bradybunch why wasn't i invited to the beach day 😞 ↳ jessymoore we did, we banged on your door but you never answered 🙂 ↳ bradybunch oh 😦
dianhhboo today was so fun!! (even if it was supposed to be a girls day) ↳ jessymoore 100% agree ↳ yourusername guys 😭 we don't own cars and sam was the only one who does and volunteered to drive us the entire time ↳ dianhhboo @ yourusername still supposed to be a girls beach day ↳ jessymoore @ yourusername yeah, plus me and you were supposed to make out not you and sam ↳ yourusername i legit can't with you two anymore 😭
samwinchester could you send those last two photos jess? ↳ jessymoore maybe, if you break up with your gf so i can have her ↳ samwinchester im not going to do that ↳ jessymoore then youre not getting the pictures ↳ samwinchester 😐😐
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liked by bradybunch, jessymoore, and 2005 others
yourusername surprise date night to celebrate sam passing the LSATS! (thanks for gatecrashing dean 😒)
tagged: samwinchester and deansbaby67
view all 1983 comments
deansbaby67 you're welcome 😊 besides i needed to congratulate my little brother for almost becoming mr. law boy ↳ yourusername you couldn't have done it the day after? ↳ deansbaby67 ah what's the fun in that? you love seeing my face sweetheart 😉 ↳ yourusername hate to break it to deanie but im into the taller winchester
samwinchester thanks for the surprise babe even if dean ruined it ↳ deansbaby67 hey! can a guy not celebrate his little brother's accomplishments? ↳ samwinchester not when you almost break into our apartment to do it! ↳ deansbaby67 its called a surprise visit for a reason ↳ samwinchester we're going to change the locks on the door ↳ deansbaby67 bitch ↳ samwinchester jerk
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liked by deansbaby67, samwinchester, and 2153 others
yourusername level up: +1 one degree, +1 boyfriend, -∞ mental stability
tagged: samwinchester
view all 1979 comments
winchestersmary congratulations honey! you looked beautiful ☺️ ↳ yourusername thank you mary!! 😊
dianhhboo we're finally done 😭 ↳ yourusername yes we are 😭😭 ↳ jessymoore @ yourusername wdym we still have nursing school ↳ yourusername @ jessymoore FUCK DON'T REMIND ME
deansbaby67 congrats ig ↳ yourusername wow dean don't get jumping out of your seat or anything ↳ deansbaby67 im kidding im proud of you ↳ yourusername gasp! is that a genuine compliment from dean?! everyone call the press! ↳ deansbaby67 why my brother is dating you, i'll have no idea ↳ yourusername its probably bc of my dashing personality and tits 😁
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liked by jessymoore, dianhhboo, and 2467 others
yourusername one step closer to my dreams with him <3
tagged: samwinchester
view all 2003 comments
dianhhboo OMG CONGRATS BESTIE ↳ yourusername THANKS YOU IM STILL NOT REGISTERING THAT HE ACTUALLY PROPOSED 😭 ↳ samwinchester @ yourusername well better get used to it fiance 😁
jessymoore great now i have to share you with him (im joking CONGRATS LOVE!!) ↳ yourusername kinda your fault when you introduced me to him 🤷‍♀️
deansbaby67 do i dare ask what this dream is? ↳ yourusername its being a rich lawyer's trophy wife 😍 ↳ samwinchester 🤨 ↳ yourusername @ samwinchester i meant YOUR trophy wife 😘
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liked by winchestersmary, deansbaby67, and 1981 others
samwinchester can't wait to spend the rest my life with her ❤️
tagged: yourusername
view all 1867 comments
winchestersmary ahh im so happy for you two sammy! do you guys have a date set? ↳ samwinchester thanks mom <3 and not yet, don't worry, we'll text you when we figure it out
deansbaby67 FINALLY! i thought you would have chickened out on asking her ↳ samwinchester shut up dean ↳ deansbaby67 but seriously im happy for you man ↳ yourusername @ deansbaby67 thanks deanie 🥰 ↳ samwinchester @ deansbaby67 yeah thanks dude ↳ deansbaby67 ugh you guys had to turn into a chick flick moment ↳ samwinchester 🙄🙄
yourusername can't wait to be yours forever sammy 💛 ↳ samwinchester can't wait for you to be mrs. winchester ↳ yourusername that all? 🤨 ↳ samwinchester 🙄 can't wait to be yours forever either baby ↳ yourusername i love you, sassy ass and all ↳ samwinchester i love you too honey <3
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