#death ment in tags ->
tamayokny · 1 year
thoroughly convinced that 2023 is a terrible year and that it needs to end
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not-another-robin · 1 year
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I think Bruce was a chip off the ol block
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hearthoof · 10 months
A "quick, clean, painless death" is not possible for a slaughtered animal. The death is messy, extremely painful, and it drags on. If you've seen any slaughterhouse footage, then you'd know this.
But it isn't just the traumatizing death that concerns me. It's the loss of life. The stealing of another being's existence.
As a hypothetical, say I went to someone and shot them in the head while they were asleep. Some would say their death was "quick and painless".. maybe not the clean part. But the way the person died isn't the only thing people would be upset about. It is the loss of their life. Even if I said I was using that person's body for products or food for myself, it wouldn't be okay. We all understand that taking a life is horrible because it deprived that person from their right to live.
I apply this same idea to animals. It's not hard to understand
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transmasccofee · 1 year
[ TW for implied/referenced suicide, dehumanization, and temporary character death ]
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this is why you dont talk to kusuke
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ulceredmouth · 2 years
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syn4k · 11 months
"what happens to you after you die" well you get remembered, obviously
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saccharine-suffering · 2 months
Can I get uhhhhhhhh rookie whumper?
They don't have the poised and graceful intimidation of an experienced whumper. You can see their hands shaking with excitement and nerves. They try to sound tough, but they can't contain their eager smile.
Whumpee would almost prefer someone who knew what they were doing. At least then they could know what to expect. At least then they could take some comfort knowing that they won't be accidentally killed because their torturer was just a bit too trigger happy and inexperienced.
Whumpee would really rather not be the guinea pig for testing which torments scratch Whumper's sadistic itch. They really don't want to be the unfortunate soul who years and years of fantasizing would finally be let out on.
Not to mention how sloppy this whumper can be. They have no idea how much force it takes to break a bone or yank a fingernail. It'll probably take them a couple tries to get what they were going for. A couple of tries that whumpee has to sit through.
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utdr-stimming · 9 months
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Asriel Dreemurr (God of Hyperdeath) stim board!!!
x x x
x :) x
x x x
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graegrape · 2 months
hunter. come here to memy son. i have been defeated. we have been defeated. my sweet child. swallow this pill with daddeh. it’ll be over soon. i love you. i love this nation. god bless these great united states. good buh buh
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 5 months
Hunting Season
The following is a set of recovered journal entries found near the forest outside Whitepine, Ontario. The writer of said entries is yet to be found by authorities.
Notes: A little writing thing I was inspired to make, being a little. I guess teaser? For Whispers of Willows that isn't a part of the main storyline!
August 23rd, 1987
Today, the hunt begins. I have heard of an elk being spotted outside the woods right outside the city; one described as the biggest people near here have seen, with antlers that would be a fantastic centerpiece for any room. I plan to head out tonight and bypass the fence. Hopefully no one will see.
I have to get to that elk before anyone else takes it from me.
August 24th, 1987
I set up camp somewhere near the outskirts of the woods. I’m too tired to go hunting today. I will rest until the morning, and start looking as soon as I wake up.
August 25th, 1987
I’ve only seen a couple squirrels since I came here. It's near barren in terms of animal life, but it’s bountiful in fauna. I shot one of the squirrels for dinner. It didn’t taste great.
Staying near the outskirts isn’t getting me anywhere. Tomorrow I'll pack up and move further into the woods. Maybe then I'll get an idea of where the elk might be.
August 27th, 1987
The trees are taller than I remember them being; Pines stretching up into the sky, their tops barely visible from the forest floor. I nearly tripped on their roots multiple times as well. It feels as though they’re watching me. Judging me for being here. 
I found a doe today. It ran off before I could get to it. 
September 1st, 1987
No sign of the elk. I’ve been feeding off snacks I packed and a deer I managed to shoot yesterday. I hear its calls when I'm trying to sleep so I figured writing this would get my mind off of things. If I don’t find the elk tomorrow, I'll head in deeper. I’m starting to get impatient, but a good hunter knows to wait. I just have to wait.
September 2nd, 1987
The birds stopped singing today.
September 3rd, 1987
I found a good camping spot near a stream. It’s relaxing, hearing the water rushing by. I’m starting to wish I packed more blankets, as it's getting colder, near freezing at night. My campfire is helping, but it only does so much. At least it gives light. The shadows from the trees are making it difficult to navigate without a light.
September, 1987
I woke up this morning to see it's still dark. The sun isn’t shining through the trees, and the trees themselves feel as though they go up forever. I’m out of food. I need to go out to hunt today. 
September, 1987
I found a deer today. I was happy at first, thinking my prayers had been answered, but I noticed it had five legs. Its eyes looked at me like a human would. It made a horrible scream when I shot it.
I still ate it. It tasted rotten, but I was too hungry to care. I’m sorry, little one.
September, 1987
I heard elk calls. It's nearby, I know it. Its calls feel as though it's begging me to go deeper into the woods. Beckoning me. I will find it. 
My sleeping bag isn’t enough to keep me warm. The campfire is the only source of warmth here now. I hope God is looking upon me with fortune.
I hear its calls every time I drift off to sleep. My creaking bones object but I must move forward. I’m so close to it. I’m nearly out of bullets. I only need one. 
The wind sings to me. Trees watch in disdain. The animals have fled. 
I don’t believe God is hearing me.
I haven’t seen the sun in a month. Has it been that long? I can’t count the days anymore. It could have been years since I started this hunt, but I can’t tell. It all feels the same. My equipment doesn’t work anymore. My watch’s hands haven’t moved.
I need to get it. It will be mine. I will display its corpse in my home. I will show everyone my achievement. 
These woods will be my grave. The trees will feast on my corpse when I'm gone, and the insects will take whatever is left of me. I am no better than the soil on which I stand. 
1 9 87
I found it. My prize. It stood on the h ill. I t star ed at me from its perc h. I h eard it c all out in v ai n whe n it di ed. It s eye s w eeren’t tho se of Elk. t hey were my own eyes s taring back at me.
I hea r a voice th at isnt m y own. God is with me. 
I re turn to the ear th.
I rejoice.
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daenerystemper · 2 years
i seriously think people go through extra lengths to justify the use of blood magic used against targaryens because they genuinely think the targaryen women deserve to have bad things done to them as a result of them supposedly being “blood purists” or that “well, of course it happened!!  they’re all incest babies!” when there’s actually documented reasoning for several of the ““deformed”“ stillbirths that have happened.
the most prominent case is daenerys’s son rhaego, who we know was born during a blood magic ritual. mirri maz duur describes rhaego as draconic (“He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with the stub of a tail and small leather wings like the wings of a bat. When I touched him, the flesh sloughed off the bone, and inside he was full of graveworms and the stink of corruption.” AGOT Daenerys IX) which comes after mirri maz duur as performed blood magic to save khal drogo’s life. the premise is simple: only death could pay for a life. it’s easy to assume that the horse would have been enough for mirri maz duur to heal khal drogo as was originally implied, but it’s heavily implied that rhaego’s death is a result of her as well since she handles daenerys’s birth. in the book, it’s left a little more for interpretation but in the television series, mirri maz duur outright admits to killing rhaego.
it’s worth noting the other cases have viable proof of blood magic interference as well. maegor i targaryen notably struggled to produce heirs and one of his wives, tyanna of the tower, confessed to poisoning alys harroways who had birthed a child (Maegor came to see the stillbirth, he was horrified to find the boy a monster, with twisted limbs, a huge head, and no eyes. Fire and Blood: The Sons of the Dragon.) the same would go for maegor’s bride jeyne westerling (Three moons before she was due, Queen Jeyne was brought to bed by a sudden onset of labor pains, and was delivered of a stillborn child as monstrous as the one Alys Harroway had birthed.  Fire and Blood: The Sons of the Dragon.) and elinor costayne (Queen Elinor too was delivered of a malformed and stillborn child, an eyeless boy born with rudimentary wings.  Fire and Blood: The Sons of the Dragon)
the only two instances where it could be debatable whether or not blood magic was used against a child are laena velaryon who died after complications while giving birth to a twisted and malformed son and rhaenyra targaryen who lost her daughter visenya after going into premature labor. rhaenyra seems to place the blame on the greens (“She was my only daughter, and they killed her. They stole my crown and murdered my daughter, and they shall answer for it.”  Fire and Blood: The Dying of the Dragons) which is likely due to the announcement of king viserys’s death and the crowning of aegon the usurper, and part of her grief. i’ve seen some people say that rhaenyra cast black magic herself during this because she “cursed” her half-siblings but this seems a bit like victim blaming and like its just on redd//it.
these are only counting births that were noted to be “twisted” or “malformed” in some way and does not include other targaryen stillbirths since they’re not recorded to have ““monstrous”“ appearances and i think acting like stillbirths = deformation is cruel and archaic. i just think some of you twitt//er and redd//it green/stark stans can’t read!
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
Warning ahead of time for talking about aquatic animal death (non-mammal), trying not to talk about food preparation (I think I did good not mentioning specific things), and non-aquatic animal death.
I like watching food videos, which is great and all until it's seafood. It's either going to be palatable to watch or activate discomfort and rage.
The only way I can watch them is if the meat is already prepared, as they should be. Except shellfish (I feel so dumb asking, but that's shrimp as well, yeah? I think yeah).
But, like, there are! So many! Videos! Preparing the seafood Too Much! One was even taking a fish straight from a river and preparing it for eating! You get what I mean? I don't want to say too much.
And because of your efforts in spreading the truth of fish (and other aquatic non-mammals) having feelings and personalities and such, I start thinking... Would there be casual videos of food preparation like this for chickens? Cows? No, no there wouldn't. Because we respect them to some kind of degree, their full preparation would be greatly distressing to watch, wouldn't it? Why is it okay with seafood? You get me?
Not to worry anon, I will tag this appropriately with animal death trigger warning tags. Though I will also have to warn anyone still reading, I will also talk about the killing of animals. A bit of an essay about fish mistreatment and the possible reasons why incoming ^^''
I feel you! I have noticed this worrying trend in society myself, so have many other much wiser fish enthusiasts and activists before me. Publicly showing the preparing of fish from the live animal to the finished dish is... creepily normalised. Especially when this would never be done to mammals! Like that pufferfish meme that was popular some years back, the one where the pufferfish eats a carrot and then moans? That clip is a part of a fuller video where said pufferfish is prepared, fully on screen, into a dish. Even the actual meme, the pufferfish biting into the carrot and moaning is saddening and disturbing to me; the pufferfish is gasping for oxygen and the chef sticks a carrot in its mouth just to show how sharp its beak is, prolonging its fear and suffering.
Something that I think explains this phenomenon, and what I've heard activists talk about, is that what most dictates how we view an animal is how we first come into contact with said animal. We tend to see animals like mammals, birds, beautiful pollinators in everyday life in contexts that tend to value them just for existing as they are, like dogs and cats being pets, songbirds singing and butterflies and bees flying from flower to flower looking pretty. (As a big arthropod fan I acknowledge that invertebrates are often overlooked and underestimated as well! And I also acknowledge that not all mammals and birds are loved equally as they should. But that's a whole other story.)
But fish? Besides aquariums, I don't think people have very many experiences with fish just existing. Many people's first real memory of seeing and interacting with fish might just be going fishing with a relative or a friend. Your first meaningful encounter with a fish and it's said fish being caught with a hook in the lip, out of the water, possibly suffocating or promptly killed to be prepared into a dish? That kind of interaction immediately normalises that fish are more of a service than a group of animals that can be appreciated just as they are. It also normalises catching and preparing of fish unlike any other animal! I'm not saying fishing is inherently horrible, but see how most people don't ever get to see a cow or a chicken being slaughtered? Yet a good chunk of people must have gone fishing at some point or another. This immediately and subconsciously tells us that it's fine to see fish being killed in front of us, because it's normal.
I think what also helps us disregard the emotions and experiences of fish when we see them be killed in front of our eyes is the fact that, as humans, we can have a hard time relating to animals that don't look or emote like we do. Of course fish feel emotions, they feel joy, sadness, anger, love, and they definitely feel terrified to be out of the water and in the hands of a predator! But they don't emote it through facial expressions, they can't scream or wail, they can't wave their limbs like a terrestrial animal in distress would, they can only squirm. The emotions they feel are real, we just don't read them as strongly as we do on other animals. (And even then humans are mighty good at anthropomorphising animals when they shouldn't. Did you know that to other primates smiling is often a threat display, but some humans have gotten hurt by primates for assuming that it's a happy smile and smiling back?) So, once again we can ignore the feelings of fish much easier when they aren't screaming in fear, or crying, or clawing to get out — out of sight, out of mind. This is most likely why some folk think of fish as living decorations, also. It's easy to overlook their personalities when you don't see them displaying their emotions loud and clear.
These two reasons are why I think it's extraordinarily important to teach people about the lives of fish! Sure, fishing will always be a thing and our tendency to look for humanlike expressions is in our DNA. But how easy will it be to disregard fish once you know that cichlids form complex social circles where everyone knows who's who and their exact relationships? How manta rays and cleaner wrasse recognise their own self in a mirror and even in pictures? How catfish talk to each other with drumming sounds? How bettas have unique personalities and enjoy playing? How some sharks like to be pet? I don't think it'll come just as naturally as before. Even one visit to an aquarium or a near body of water can be a lifechanging experience. :)
Thank you anon for presenting such an interesting ask, look how it got me talking! This is all food for thought, for me and to anyone who has gotten this far. I don't think I can ever express how much I love fish. I love their little personalities so much and they all deserve to live their lives to the fullest. I hope that perhaps some people who didn't see it before will be able to see what I see, because life is so much more fun and meaningful when you appreciate all the living things around you! Not just the meowing and barking ones.
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a-sketchy · 10 months
akechi’s corpseisms are so enthralling to me
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dove-tears · 1 year
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isaac's pets
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wibblewomble · 1 year
Ranking Ajins by Death Toll
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Oh but count them I did.
Have you ever wanted a comprehensive list of Ajin deaths? Well, here is one anyways!
The list is based on manga events as I actually haven't seen the anime 😬
The ranking only includes Ajins (AKA revivable characters) because otherwise the list would be…even longer than it is and 90% of it would be no-name characters. They also MUST make an appearance (so ruling out mentioned Ajins, like the Chinese Ajin with 2,000+ deaths).
...under the cut (I’m sorry, it is very long)...
🚨CW for Ajin typical shenanigans (death, mutilation, suicide, the like)🚨
Ranking by onscreen/shown deaths
Satou (44 deaths)
Kei Nagai (35 deaths)
Kou Nakano (15 deaths)
Koji Tanaka (9 deaths) TIE
Izumi Shimomura (9 deaths) TIE
Takahashi (6 deaths)
Masumi Okuyama (4 deaths)
Shinya Nakamura (2 deaths)
Reiji Akiyama (firefighter) (1 death) TIE
Himeko Tachibana (diet member passing the Ajin bill) (1 death) TIE
Satou detractor (with the cross-body bag) (1 death) TIE
Satou collaborator (with the two IBMs) (1 death) TIE
Ranking by estimations
Koji Tanaka (5,892 deaths)
Satou (692 deaths)
Kei Nagai (347 deaths)
Kou Nakano (215 deaths)
Izumi Shimomura (9 deaths)
Takahashi (7 deaths)
Masumi Okuyama (5 deaths)
Shinya Nakamura (2 deaths)TIE
Reiji Akiyama (firefighter) (2 deaths) TIE
Satou detractor (with the cross-body bag) (2 deaths) TIE
Satou collaborator (with the two IBMs) (2 deaths) TIE
Himeko Tachibana (diet member passing the Ajin bill) (1 death)
Everyone gets +1 to account for their first death in the estimation rankings (except Satou, Kei, Kou, Izumi, Shinya, and Ms. Tachibana because their first deaths were shown and already counted in the initial ranking)
Ajin’s with too little information to estimate (at least one death)
Takeshi Kotobuki
Jun Suzuki
Dr. Smith
Satou detractor (with the glasses)
Satou collaborator (with the glasses)
✨Honorable mention✨
Kai (by technicality)
Let’s go into some more detail about each death and estimation calculations.
Deaths are listed chronologically by manga appearance. “S” means it was self-inflicted with intention. They have to be the ones to cause the fatal blow (aside from one exception, being Izumi throwing herself in front of a car). Assisted suicide, like Tanaka stabbing Satou as a demonstration, does not count as self-inflicted.
Koji Tanaka
Gunshot to head (chpt 1)
Crushed by hydraulic press (chpt 2)
Stabbed with rods (chpt 3)
Neurological experiments (assumed) (chpt 3)
Dismemberment by lab researchers (assumed) (chpt 3)
Collision trauma (used as a crash test dummy) (chpt 14)
Gunshot to head by Gen (chpt 33)
Gunshot to head by Satou (chpt 37)
Assumed reset (shoulder wound from Satou is gone) (chpt 43) S
+1 for first death (implied in chpt 13).
+1 assumed reset after being accidentally shot by Satou in chapter 41. His shoulder wound is gone and he (or the rest of the gang for that matter) probably wouldn’t wait for it to heal.
+1 assumed reset at some point after chapter 56. His leg wound—where he got stabbed by the minister's goons—disappears. Could have been forgotten about, could be he’s still walking around with it, but I think they would want to be in top shape when fighting Satou, so I’m counting it as a reset.
+5,880 for deaths while in captivity. Some were already included, but it pales in comparison to the total count. Tanaka was probably subject to experiments everyday. Let’s assume 3 deaths per hour (accounting for setup time and various death methods), 8 hours in a working day, and 245 working days in a year (Japanese work duration from Google). Which means in 10 years that’s 5,880 deaths. This is a very VERY general approximation, not taking into account probable overtime, lengthier experiments resulting in slower deaths, or extremely fast causes of death like getting shot. Regardless, with 10 years of captivity, Tanaka’s death toll is certainly the highest.
Tanaka’s total estimated deaths: 9 + 5,883 = 5,892
1 suicide, 2 estimated suicides
Stabbed by Tanaka (chpt 6)
Gunshot to head (chpt 9) S
Shot multiple times by Kei (chpt 10)
Stabbed and tossed around by Kei's IBM (chpt 11)
Shot by Tanaka (accidentally) (chpt 15)
Plane crash (chpt 19) S
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 21)
Shot by SAT (chpt 21)
Shot by SAT (chpt 21)
Shotgun to the chest (chpt 21) S
Diced by wood-chipper (chpt 35) S
Caught in explosion (chpt 36) S
Gunshot to head (chpt38) S
Gunshot to head by Kuroki (chpt 38)
Gunshot to head by Kuroki and Suzumura (chpt 38)
Gunshot to head by Kuroki and Suzumura (chpt 38)
Gunshot to head (chpt 38) S
Gunshot to head (chpt 40) S
Impaled by own IBM (chpt 40) S
Gunshot to head (after severing arm) (chpt 42) S
Jumped off Forge Safety building (chpt 42) S
Gunshot to head by gang members (chpt 47) FIRST DEATH
Decapitation by Takahashi's IBM (chpt 52)
Gunshot to head (assumed) (chpt 54) S
Shot by soldiers (chpt 54)
Shot by soldiers (chpt 54)
Gunshot to head (chpt 54) S
Blown up by C4 (chpt 54) S
Shot by soldiers (after intended suicide detonation) (chpt 55)
Gunshot to head (chpt 57) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (chpt 60) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (chpt 61) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (assumed, offscreen) (chpt 62) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (chpt 65) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (assumed, offscreen) (chpt 65) S
Bomb vest (chpt 71) S
Gunshot to head (after severing arm, assumed) (chpt 71) S
Head trauma/snapped neck from falling from heli after being shot by Manabe (chpt 76)
+40 for deaths from organ harvesting. Satou trades 10 livers, 10 kidneys, and 10 hearts for guns in chapter 8 so that’s at least 10 deaths. I don't think he would ask Tanaka to help given him being freshly released from lab experiments. Nekozawa calls him “a valued client”, it’s implied he’s done this before. Satou needed guns to save Tanaka, but aside from that we don’t know how many times he’s done this. Let’s just add another 30 deaths on top of the 10.
+540 for deaths from repeat killings by SAT. I imagine the SAT encounter until Satou’s recovery was quite fast and lasted at most 5 minutes. Killing Satou at a rate of 2 shots per second means 600 deaths in 5 minutes. Let’s subtract 60 (half a minute of deaths) to account for moments when SAT was distracted by Takahashi’s sniping.
+15 for deaths from fighting with SAT offscreen. Satou is a power house. He takes out at least 5 people for every death of his own. Slapping on an estimated extra 15 deaths from this fight since he was still tuckered out by the end.
+3 for deaths from fighting gang members (chapter 47). Though unarmed against a group of 100+ men, Satou would probably make quick work of these guys since they seem mostly untrained. Slapping on an estimated extra 3 deaths.
+50 for deaths from fighting Iruma Air Base soldiers (chapter 55-57). I’ve had enough of this dude. Let’s just add 50 more for his fight against the army base soldiers since they are highly trained, killing him without restraint, and there are a lot of them. Satou is also visibly weary by the end of it.
Satou total estimated deaths: 44 + 648 = 693
22 suicides, at least 40 estimated suicides
Kei Nagai
Hit by a truck (severed in half yikes) (chpt 1)
Strangled (chpt 2)
Slit throat (chpt 3) S
Bike crash (chpt 6) S
Stab to chest (after torture and dismemberment) (chpt 7)
Dismemberment by lab researchers (assumed) (chpt 8)
Drowned (chpt 12)
Stabbed in the throat (chpt 17) S
Shotgun to the chest (chpt 22)
Assumed reset (head wound from car crash is gone) (chpt 22) S
Shot by Satou via attack helicopter (dream sequence, yeah buckos i'm counting these) (chpt 31)
Assumed reset (hand wound is gone) (chpt  33) S
Caught in explosion caused by Satou (chpt 36)
Gunshot to head by Kou (chpt 39)
Gunshot to head (chpt 39) S
Gunshot to head by Satou (chpt 40)
Gunshot to head by Hirasawa (chpt 41)
Gunshot to head by Hirasawa/Kou (after severing both arms) (chpt 42)
Gunshot to head by Hirasawa (chpt 42)
Fell off Forge Safety building (after being shot) (chpt 43)
Hypoxia (chpt 49) FIRST DEATH
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (assumed, to heal fingers) (chpt 57) S
Gunshot to head (after poped eardrums) (chpt 60) S
Gunshot to head by Anti-Demis (chpt 61)
Plane crash and explosion caused by Satou (chpt 70)
Gunshot to head by Satou (chpt 72)
Impaled by own hostile IBM (chpt 72)
Gunshot to head (chpt 77) S
Gunshot to head (missing an arm and impaled on a rod) (chpt  78) S
+240 for deaths while in captivity. Using the same metrics as Tanaka, in 10 days Kei died 240 times. Again, this is a very general approximation.
+72 for drowning deaths while adrift for a week (chapter 14). The stages of drowning take between 10-12 minutes. But let's be generous and say Kei either lucked out with calmer waters or manages to stay afloat for longer. So he drowns at a rate of 1 death per hour. Let’s also say Kei was confused and his estimation of being adrift for a week was off (downing consecutively will do that to a man), and he was only in the water for 3 days. I also don’t think he would be floating around for a week, especially if he didn’t make it out of Tokyo Bay.
Kei total estimated deaths: 35 + 312 = 347
15 suicides
Kou Nakano
Jumped out a window (chpt 15) S
Electrocution (chpt 16) S
Bled out (after falling from aparment building, stabbed in the stomach, run over by Tosaki) (chpt 16) S...ish...I’m counting as 0.5
Impaled by Kei's IBM (chpt 16)
Jumped off a cliff (chpt 17) S
Assumed reset (leg wounds from Kei are gone) (chpt 17)
Impaled by Kei's IBM (chpt 25)
Hanging (chpt 26) S
Shot by Satou via attack helicopter (dream sequence) (chpt 31)
Caught in explosion caused by Satou (chpt 36)
Impaled by Tanaka's IBM (chpt 37)
Gunshot to head by Kei (chpt 39)
Gunshot to head by Kei/Hirasawa (assumed) (chpt 41)
Fell off Forge Safety building (semi-accidental) (chpt 42) S, another 0.5
Head trauma (could also be eventual starvation/dehydration) (chpt 43) FIRST DEATH
+200 for deaths from hanging. We are doing a lot of assuming, so let’s continue that trend. Let’s say Kou would only hang himself for 5 hours a day after training and before bed. Let’s also say they had approximately two weeks of training. To account for extra training, rest time, and Kou generally not feeling up for dying on repeat, we’ll assume out of the two weeks, Kou only used 10 days. Where am I getting these numbers? My gut tells me so (source: trust me bro).
Short drop hanging takes 10-20 minutes for complete brain death. Let's take the middle road and say 15 minutes. So on average, 4 deaths per hour. 4 x 5 x 10 = 200 deaths.
Kou total estimated deaths: 15 + 200 = 215
5 suicides, 200 estimated suicides
Kou and Satou were really hard to estimate for, but we powered through lads.
Izumi Shimomura
Impaled by Tanaka's IBM (chpt 4)
Head trauma (chpt 27)
Untreated illness/STD (chpt 27) FIRST DEATH
Fell off a building with Satou's IBM (dream sequence) (chpt 31)
Bled out (after losing an arm fighting Tanaka) (chpt 39)
Gunshot to head by Tosaki (assumed) (chpt 41)
Hit by car (chpt 56) S
Shot in the throat (chpt 56)
Gunshot to head by Satou (chpt 78)
I’m assuming Izumi didn’t die after Tosaki hired her since she wasn’t being researched nor was it likely she needed to die for Tosaki as a bodyguard.
Izumi total estimated deaths: 9
1 suicide
Sniper shot to the head (chpt 21)
Sniper shot to the head (chpt 21)
Sniper shot to the head (chpt 21)
Gunshot to head by Gen (chpt 33)
Assumed reset (shot by Satou) (chpt 37)
Gunshot to head by Anti-Demis (chpt 66)
Takahashi total estimated deaths: 6 + 1 = 7
Masumi Okuyama
Carbon dioxide poisoning (chpt 32) S
Electrocution (chpt 32) S
Assumed reset (shot by Satou) (chpt 37)
Improvised explosive device (chpt 58) S
Okuyama total estimated deaths: 4 + 1 = 5
3 suicides
Shinya Nakamura
Motorcycle crash (accidental beheading) (chpt 9.5) FIRST DEATH
Gunshot to head (chpt 9.5)
Shinya total estimated deaths: 2
Reiji Akiyama
Bled out (after being harpooned and fighting Tanaka's IBM) (chpt 15)
Akiyama total estimated deaths: 1 + 1 = 2
Satou detractor (with the cross-body bag)
Bled out (shot in spleen by Tanaka) (chpt 15)
Total estimated deaths: 1 + 1 = 2
Satou collaborator (with the two IBMs)
Sliced in half after pushed off building by Izumi (chpt 63)
Total estimated deaths: 1 + 1 = 2
Himeko Tachibana
Satou's plane crash (chpt 65) FIRST DEATH
Total estimated deaths: 1
Gunshot through throat by Satou (chpt 72)
Total estimated deaths: 1
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solidwater05 · 11 months
Which epprbcu character would you take in a fight if you had to?
I think I'd die no matter who I pick. I know I would NOT want to fight V! or Weather or Artemis. That's for sure
Uhh since you said 'if I had to' I'm assuming that the character would be the one who starts the fight and most characters are utterly terrifying when they're angry. or all the time. A lot of them are scary all the time
I was gonna say Fan because she's currently sick but Ken would kill me. probably painfully
Shady can freeze me
... Two? Wait no One would murder me
So I guess the answer is 'whoever kills me the fastest'
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