#first grandpa and now a man who is like an uncle to me?
tamayokny · 1 year
thoroughly convinced that 2023 is a terrible year and that it needs to end
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
not so different
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt ‘graduation’
rated t | 994 words | cw: mention of past character death, mention of alcohol, language | tags: childhood friends, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, good uncle Wayne Munson
Steve Harrington didn’t cry, not even when he fell off the slide at the playground and his knee bled for 15 minutes and his nanny had to call his mom.
But this was a special instance where he was allowed to be sad. His nanny even said so. He watched all the kids in his kindergarten class taking pictures with their moms and dads, uncles and aunts, grandpas and grandmas, and wondered why he didn’t have anyone here for him.
He found an empty classroom in the big kid hall as soon as the ceremony was done, sat behind the teacher’s desk, and cried into his knees.
“Did your daddy not show up either?” A voice asked from in front of him.
He lifted his head, vision blurry and face wet, to see Eddie.
Eddie had already done kindergarten once, but he had trouble with his phonics, so they kept him behind. He was the first kid to talk to Steve in class, but within a few days, Tommy and Carol and Heather had scared him away from Steve entirely.
“Um, no.”
“What about your mama?”
“She’s with my dad.”
“My mama is with God. Or that’s what a lot of people say. I dunno if she was friends with him or not, though. I think she just got buried in the ground and people are scared to tell me,” Eddie was sitting next to Steve now, his leg knocking against Steve’s.
Eddie didn’t sit still very well, and the teacher always said he had ants in his pants. Steve hoped he didn’t have them in there now; he didn’t want any ants on him.
“Where’s your dad?”
“He’s probably getting ‘rested again. He showed up being silly and my Uncle Wayne had to take him outside,” Eddie shrugged.
“Is he tired?” Steve asked, sniffling and leaning more against Eddie.
“No. Uncle Wayne says sometimes he has too much of the drinks in the bottles I’m not allowed to touch and it makes him act like he don’t got a brain,” Eddie didn’t sound that sad, but Steve still wanted to hug him. “So your daddy isn’t here?”
“No. I think he forgot.”
“Sorry he forgot. My Uncle Wayne never forgets. He even came to the lunch room for my birthday. He brought me a piece of pizza!” Eddie always sounded more excited than anyone else. Most of the kids in the class thought it was stupid, but Steve kind of liked the way his eyes got wide and his smile got so big it took up most of his face. “Maybe he can bring you a piece for your birthday next year.”
“He doesn’t even know me.”
“You can come meet him!”
The classroom door opened just as Eddie started to stand and reach for Steve’s hands to pull him up.
“There ya are, Ed! Been lookin’ everywhere. You want some ice cream?” An older man stood by the door, button up plaid shirt only half-tucked into his jeans.
“Can we bring Steve? He’s my friend.”
Steve’s head turned, shocked that Eddie would say that.
“We gotta ask his parents first, Ed.”
“His parents didn’t come.”
“Oh.” The man looked Steve up and down before seemingly settling on something. He gave a small smile and gestured for him to come closer. “What’s your favorite flavor, then?”
“I dunno. Never had anything except vanilla,” Steve admitted, afraid to look at the man who had to be Eddie’s Uncle Wayne.
“Well, that just won’t do, will it? Let’s go try every flavor at the diner. Benny just added a few new ones. Think there’s even a bubblegum one.”
Eddie clapped his hands and dragged Steve out the door by his arm.
“I bet you’ll like mint chip,” he said as Wayne followed behind them, fond smile on his face.
Steve Harrington had only cried a few times in his life, but this was the second time it was happening in front of Eddie.
Eddie wasn’t conscious this time, though.
“If you wake up, I’ll take you to the diner and we can have ice cream. They’ve got a new raspberry white chocolate flavor that you’d like. I could use some mint chip right now,” Steve said around the tears.
Wayne had left the hospital an hour ago to freshen up and grab one of his crossword puzzle books. Steve had been crying for most of that hour, holding Eddie’s hand and quietly begging him to wake up.
Two days without hearing his voice or watching his smile light up the room was too long, especially after having it for the last 13 years.
“How’re you gonna walk at graduation if you’re still asleep here, huh?” Steve closed his eyes and wiped at his cheeks.
“You can walk with me.”
Steve’s head shot up at Eddie’s quiet, but surprisingly strong voice.
“Hey, Stevie. Heard you’re takin’ me for ice cream,” Eddie’s smile was crooked, the bandage on his cheek covering one of his dimples.
It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for Eddie being awake, being alive, being okay.
“Yeah, Eds. Every day if you want,” Steve wanted to crawl into the bed with him, hold him close and feel him breathing and listen to his heartbeat, be sure he was there.
“Gonna hold you to that.”
“Soon as you can leave, that’ll be our first stop. Promise.”
Eddie closed his eyes, but the smile remained on his face. “You slept?”
“A bit.”
“So no.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “A bit.”
“Honey, you’re hurt-“
“Come here.”
Steve got in bed slowly, making sure he kept space between himself and Eddie’s injuries.
“Think I’ll graduate?”
Steve snorted. “They’d be stupid to hold you back after you saved everyone.”
“Yeah. ‘M a hero. Fuck Hawkins High.”
Steve could feel more tears trickle down his cheeks, but these were different.
These were relieved tears, happy tears.
“Yeah, honey. Fuck them.”
“Love you, though.”
“Love you so much.”
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flamingpudding · 6 months
I'm back with a part 4 if you want to do it it's kind of more of a crack write I just need Klarion trying to explain the family tree
But not explaining how he was made at all So Young Justice and the Justice League are now convinced that a the Ghost King was a teenage parent who is now 27 years old and just passed college with a degree in astronomy and machinery
Klarion's other parent is a a crazy fruit loop 64 year old millionaire who went to college with Klarion's Mom parents who had an emotionally unhealthy obsession with his mom's mother and then it passed on to his mom.
And he has an older sister who is technicality a clone of his mom but also has the bastards DNA so fundamentally making Ellie Vlad Master and Mom's first born kid but there's six other siblings that Klarion had that died back a while back but Mom got granddad who's apparently the time lord AKA Cronos which is a whole another long story to go back in time and save those kids get them fixed up and now Klarion technicality has seven older siblings which all do their own things
And then he starts mentioning his uncle who is a 9 ft yeti his technicality auntie who is a medieval ghost princess who can turn into a dragon his auntie Pandora and his his grandfather cronos
My names for the six other clone children are Donald (he/him), Cecelia (they/she), Bartholomew(Them/They), Kyle AKA Bite(He/It), Brutus(He/They), and then there's Danna (She/Her) who actually really like the name Dan and asked Klarion if could have it when Klarion changed his name
Sorry if this is a little bit too much I've just really been thinking about au for this after the last part you made I hope this helps you with your writing or at least makes you laugh but I really love the idea of Danny's AKA somewhat clone children and finding their own personalities and and fighting themselves out of just being failed clone of their mom also I love the idea of Danny going back in time to save the rest of the clone kids cuz now he's a mature adult who wants to save their lives and wants them to grow into their own people.
I probably did way to much research into all the fandoms I am in to see what I could tie into this... And yet this feels shorter than it should but I also currently lack the time to add more. But for now I hope this will be satisfactorily.
Also this family tree idea especially the part of saving the melted clones. LOVE IT!
So even though it took me a while! here is Part 4 you inspired! Thanks so much for the ask!
"Dude, you are making us only curious!" Impulse spoke up as he sat down next to Klarion who had his head in his hands. "Like you and your mom can't just drop your family lore like that!"
The witch boy on the other hand looked up with narrowed eyes at the speedster. "What lore?"
"Let's see, the part that apparently a Vlad tried to kill your Grandpa to make friends several time. That your mom is 'ghost' adopted by the lord of time Cronos and Pandora, which makes us family too by the way, and that you have a sister that apparently is even crazier than what we got to know of your family so far." Wonder Girl counted off her fingers next to him grinning as she mentioned the part of probably being a part of his 'crazy' family too. Which hell yea, that sounded like a lot of fun to be explored she would have to talk with Wonder Woman about that as soon as possible.
"Also..." Red Robin added as he flipped through the photo album that apparently no one remembered he had. He was turning it around and pointed at a particular photo with a wild bunch of people in it that varied between more human and well... less humanoid people. One of them definitely was a Yeti and there was also what looked like living armor as well as Teekly (they knew that demon cat at least), a giant green dog and for some reasons there was a green aggressive looking Octopus in the background too. "...how are you related to a Yeti?"
"Hey that man there and those other teens in the picture actually have some resembles with you! Do you have older brothers too?" Superboy additionally asked as he moved around Red Robin to see the photo better pointing at a man that appeared to be in this late twenties, blue eyed, black haired and a little on the buffer side. If he didn't know any better and the fact that he should keep his mouth shut about their actual identities he would have jokingly asked Red Robin if his family would like to add more kids considering Klarions family apparently had a bunch of black haired blue eyed members too, judging by the photo at least.
"What are you talking about. That man is my mom and yes the others are actually my older brothers and that Yeti is uncle Frostbite who also happens to be the best medic in the Infinite Realms" The four teen heroes looked stunned at the picture and then back at the Ghost King that was smiling at them, still seated by the dinner table with their mentors. Who by the way were now perking up at the change of topic and the information they could gain with it, well Wonder Woman was more interested in the apparently extended family she had.
"Oh I remember we took this photo last year, it was such a hassle to get everyone into one place with them all being busy doing their own things." Danny mused for a moment, remembering fondly how he had to literally drag some of the kids home through a portal.
"It was more annoying than anything too since I was declared to be the youngest...." Klarion muttered also remembering that day not as fondly as his mother.
"Wait, wait, wait! That is a picture of your family? I need an explanation buddy!" Impulse cut in without shame, quickly removing the picture from the photo album to get a better look at it before holding it out to Klarion so he could explain all the individuals. "Plus why does your mom look soooo.... human?"
The witch boy on the other hand stared at him for a couple of seconds before looking over towards his mother as if waiting for something. After a moment the teen heroes as well as their mentors saw Danny nod with a little smile. "This dimension doesn't have the GIW so its fine, the Justice League Dark won't be a problem either, right?." Constantine flinched at the smile the Ghost King was giving him, muttering something under his breath as he had hoped his presence had been forgotten.
"Since mom is giving his okay...." Klarion mutter sitting crosslegged on the ground as he snatched the photo album from Red Robin and flipped through it. "Lets start with the easiest stuff to explain."
Danny chuckled noticing that not only the teen heroes but their mentors as well showed an interest. He choose to stay quiet letting the adults listen in on the kids, and if things went bad he would just ask Clockwork if they could revert time back to this moment and he would change his nod of permission to a shake of denial.
"Okay first of, this is my mom and his sister Jasmine, this is Danielle my older sister and that hulk with flaming white hair and blueish skin is me. That was before I got deaged because of destabilising." Klarion explained flipping to a photo of him, Danny, Jazz and Danielle. "Mom was around fifteen, Aunt Jazz about seventeen and Ellie should have been about a year old but she was aged up to twelve. They look human in this one because well they are. Mom was originally human and became what you call in this dimension a Meta through an accident."
"Wait... that would mean your mom... How could he have two kids at that age of fourteen? You look like an adult and your sister was aged up?" Wonder Girl couldn't help but ask as she looked from the photo and back to Danny at the dinner table again.
"That's cause Vlad was a fu-"
"Language Klarion!"
"Vlad was a fruitloop. That photo was taken shortly after Vlad and I sort of redeemed our selfs. Plus, mom didn't really have my sister and me willingly.... we were kind of forced upon him in a way." Klarion explained shrugging. "Old Man Vlad had an obsession with his mom that then turned on mom, which resulted in my oldest sister Danielle first. Actually, a lot of my elder siblings resulted from that, but they didn't survive it the first time, Mom got Old Man Clocks help to save them once he got used to being the Ghost King. I got added to the mix shortly after my sister, but... i wasn't in the best state of mind at first, kind of went through a redemption phase in which mom had to fix the timeline of our original home dimension, too."
Danny chuckled again at the disturbed looks the teens were giving his son as well as the looks their mentors sent him. He probably should correct Klarion's wording... but being one of the gremlins of his family he just smiled on, not commenting. He really understands now why Pops Clockwork liked watching the chaos he used to cause as teen, and still sometimes causes as adult.
"Klarion... how old is this Old Man Vlad?" Red Robin asked grimacing as his eyes under the mask flicked up to the Ghost King and then back to the witch boy both seemingly unbothered by the disturbing information they were sharing.
"In human years... probably around 67? You stop counting age at some point if your a halfa." Klarion shrugged, not noticing the grimaces of the teens around him. "Anyway, Ellie is sort of the first born. I came in after that, with my core being a mix of Mom and Vlad. Not DNA wise though since I came to be because of their ghost cores. That's why I look like that in this photo. Though human DNA wise I am probably now mostly Moms, we never bothered to ask the old man."
Danny muffled another chuckle, coughing as Superman sent him an incredulous look of shook while he felt Batmans burning gaze on him.
"You... mentioned more siblings?" Red Robin asked carefully sharing a look with his team, feeling like there was a whole lot of trauma in Klarions family he wasn't sure they should address or not. So asking after his siblings was probably, hopefully the safest option. They didn't know that while there was trauma in the witch boy's family it was not the kind they were imagining.
"Yea I got a bunch more brothers, Vlad was a evil crazy fuitloop, before he redeemed himself. They all kind of melted in one timeline but mom and Grandpa Clock found a way to save them." Klarion nodded flipping to another photo containing him, as he looked now, and all his siblings.
"So, Ellie you know about already. The one with the sunglasses and died hair is Bartholomew, second oldest. They made themselves a home in other dimension, barely at home cause he has to much fun messing with something called a 'Starstream' by being a 'Constellation' and throwing gold coins at 'Incarnations'. Don't ask me what that means, I barely pay attention when he gushes about his favorit 'Incarnation'. They spent like all their money and pocket money there. Aunt Jazz thinks he might develop a gambling addiction if we don't stop his spendings." The teen heroes eyed the teen that looked like a young adult grinning in the photo as the witch boy pointed at the one next to them. "The one with the vile is my elder brother Bite, most responsible one of this bunch. Mom even allowed him to take care of a couple of dimensions by taking the role of being their God of Death. I think he messed them up more than helped but he is doing a somewhat good job, even if he is sort of obsessed with making some red head his saint or something..."
"One of your sibs is a God?" Impulse gabbed and Klarion just blinked at him with a shrug. "My Grandfather is the ruler of Time, your point is? Wonder Girl is also related to a God of your dimension."
"Never mind him, moving on." A yelp resounded as Superboy pushed Impulse head down leaning in more to see the photo better. "You got one emo looking brother there!"
"Oh that's Yamikumo, he is like a year or two older than me right now, in human years. He barely got any of mom's powers so he choose to try to life a somewhat normal life but weirdly enough he choose a dimension that is ruled by people who have powers and abilities, you know like the Meta Humans of this dimension. Now that I think about it, he is also the only one who actually is studying on how to be a Hero."
"Do you end up fighting with him if he studies to be a hero?" Wonder Girl whisper asked him with a quick glance towards their mentors, to which Klarion shook his head. "As long as we leave the dimensions one of us choose to live in alone we usually don't fight about stuff like that, aside from the usual sibling fights that is. Then again I do have some siblings that like to make bets like who is better at ruling as demon lord, or who can safe a dying timeline quicker."
Danny chuckled again as he watched the kids, Klarion had definitely caused some misunderstandings with his wording. Then again it wasn't like Klarion said anything that wasn't true, but then again his son loved chaos. So there was a suspicion that Klarion intentionally choose the way he worded the explanation about how he and Ellie came to be as well as the rest of siblings.
"So....." Superman slowly started wondering how he should bring up the topic. "...you became a mom at 14?"
"Say Danny is there a way for me to meet this Vlad? You know since we are family." Wonder Woman also asked smiling in a certain way that reminded Danny of Valerie when she was mad but didn't want to show right away how mad she was, to which the Ghost King on reflex could do nothing but gulp for a moment. Not noticing that a green post it note appeared on the table before him.
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hypewinter · 7 months
A continuation of this
It was amazing how interesting the hors d'oeuvre table became when one was avoiding social interaction. Danny pouted as he filled yet another plate with the tiny little snack foods. He should have listened to Mom. She had warned him he wouldn't like the party but he insisted on coming too. But how could he resist? When he heard all the fun stories his uncles told, he wanted to see for himself. And his grandpa had been so happy that he wanted to come too. Danny thought he would be in for a night of excitement especially since he'd be able to stay up past his bedtime yet instead he was currently bored out of his mind. He was also incredibly uncomfortable.
Danny didn't like how all these older people kept coming up to him and asking him weird questions or squeezing his cheeks. His mom and uncles tried to intercept as many people as possible but some people had gotten to him and. Danny didn't complain though as he's the one who wanted to come anywhere and he didn't want to seem like a brat. Plus he was still holding out hope that one of his uncles would do something interesting and if he complained, he might be taken home early.
That's why Danny had taken to avoiding his mom. She was very good at reading him and was even teaching him how to read others. If she saw him it would take 0.2 seconds for her to realize he didn't want to be here anymore. Mom was really nice so she would probably take him back home when she noticed. But Danny was a big boy and big boys suck it up for uncomfortable parties that they begged to attend. Though he still wished Sam were here. Sam? Who's Sam? He couldn't remember. There were a lot of things Danny couldn't remember. Even when he tried really hard to.
"Ah so this is the newest Wayne brat!"
Danny was pulled from his thoughts and looked up to see a man staring down at him. The man's blonde hair was very shiny. Must be full of a lot of that gel Uncle Damian liked to use. But he had put on too much and now his head looked all flat and shiny. But maybe the man liked being shiny since he had a lot of gold jewelry on too.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare?" the man said harshly, his lazy brown eyes boring into Danny. His body language was practically screaming How dare you? Better than you. This man seemed to sway quite a lot too. Was he drunk? Mom had warned him to stay away from drunk people but it would be rude to just walk away wouldn't it?
Instead Danny put down his plate and signed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. You just have really pretty jewelry sir."
The man's glare only intensified. "Huh? Whazzat? Talk damnit!" He began to project annoyance.
Danny furrowed his brows slightly. The man had said a bad word. You're not supposed to say bad words around children. At least that's what Grandpa Alfred had taught him when Uncle Jason got in trouble for saying one near him. It was also frustrating that this man didn't know any sign language.
Nevertheless, Danny pulled out his phone and opened the notes app. He clicked on the first page which read, "I'm sorry, I have limited speech and use sign language to communicate. However I can use this notepad instead." He held it up for the man to read.
Yet again the man didn't seem to be satisfied as he retorted, "You can speak but you choose not to? You're an arrogant little brat aren't you?" Angry. How dare you think you're above me? Uh oh.
Danny quickly scrolled down to a blank space so that he could explain it wasn't like that but he never got the chance. The man snatched the phone from Danny's hands.
"Listen you little turd," the man hissed, leaning in close. It took all the self control in Danny's body not to gag at his breath. "You may think you're all high and mighty just because you got lucky but make no mistake. You're just gutter trash. Just like all the other pests Wayne brought into his household and just like your mother."
Tears pricked at Danny's eyes. That wasn't true. Neither his uncles nor his mother were trash. They were good people. The nicest people ever. They saved Danny from that terrible terrible place and gave him lots of hugs and sweets and warmth. This man didn't know what he was talking about.
The man continued, "You'll do well to respect me as unlike you and your little pretend family, I actually come from a distinguished background. I'm not some orphan from an unknown background whose parents probably sold him for drug money. Do you hear me?" Hostile. Don't mess with me!
"If I tell you to speak to me, you speak to me. Is that clear?" You're beneath me. Know your place.
Danny didn't know how much longer he could keep the tears at bay. Luckily he didn't have to.
"Is there a problem?" There she was. Mom! In all of her glory. Her hair done up in a little bun and dressed in a suit matching his. He had actually picked it out for her.
Danny rushed over to her and clung to her leg. Not trash he projected. My family. Meanwhile, the man's attitude did a complete 180. "Ah Ms. Cassandra it's so nice to see you again! I was just complimenting your little one on how cute his suit looked on him!"
Mom ignored him and looked to Danny instead.
What happened?
Insulted you. Insulted my family. Mean man. Bad man.
Cass gently patted Danny's head. He loved when she did that. Okay now. Don't worry.
Mom turned back to the man. "For someone so much better than everyone, you really like hanging out in the Bowery," she said. I know your secret.
The man stiffened. Does she know? How does she know? "I'm really not sure what you're referring to Ms. Wayne." Nervous. Agitated.
Mom didn't say anything. Just leveled a stare at the man. His smile began slipping in the awkward silence. Panicked. Must leave.
"Well I should probably be going now. I feel like I've had too much to drink. Perhaps I'll go sit down," the man said quickly, excusing himself and disappearing into the crowd.
Once he was out of sight, Cass turned back to Danny. Okay? Danny buried his face into her leg. Wanna go home. In the next moment, Danny felt himself being picked up and cradled in his mother's arms. Let's go home, she portrayed with a smile. Danny desperately clung to her suit as his bottom lip wobbled.
"Sorry," he whispered. He wanted her to know he really meant it. That he was truly sorry.
He felt a kiss be planted on his forehead. "Don't be," Mom replied. Danny wrapped his arms around her neck and closed his eyes, finally letting the tears he'd been holding at bay fall. He took in the warmth and love his mother showered over him. His family wasn't trash. They were his saviors.
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luimagines · 14 days
Can I request a thing for Kid!Hero Reader where, before their journey starts, they meet the chain in the marketplace while walking around with the ghost!chain? Kinda like the thing i sent where the chain catch a glimpse of the triforce on their hand?
Imma have to dig deep to remember all of this mushroom. But let's see what I can do. :D
Content under the cut!
You weren't entirely what to expect but the uncles and grandpa's that followed you around today where a little more quiet than usual. More tense. Which is strange because that's never happened before.
They were always talking. If not one, then another.
But they all seemed to be waiting on baited breath for something to happen.
You tried to ignore the feeling that they were intensely watching everything you did. You wanted to go back to bed and forget the feeling of uneasy but you needed more eggs. And you need more butter.
Deciding that it's better to get it over with, you hike up your big kid pants and go to the market to go get the groceries.
"...Do you remember who they met first?"
"Not a clue. Stop talking."
"Please talk to me." You whisper to the voices beside your ear. "Where did you all go?"
"We're here." The oldest of them speaks calmly, a whisp of a touch over your head. "But today is important. We can't change what's about to happen."
"Will it hurt?" You ask to the wind.
Another whisp of a breath over your cheek. "No. We will protect you as we always have."
"Ok, Grandpa. I'm trusting you." You gulp and continue to walk. With the feeling of the heroes behind you, you take a deep breath and continue on with what you head planned to do.
"Over here!!" A voice calls out.
It almost gives you whiplash. You know that voice.
But it wasn't distorted or faint. You heard it.
A group of boys crosses in front of you. They were all of various ages but recognized a few of them.
"Captain." You say without thinking. He was always wearing that ridiculous scarf.
The young man in question stops and turns to you with such startling speed that you gasp and take a step back. He's so... young.
"Great work, Captain Obvious. You scared them."
"That's not how I remember it."
"Shut up all of you."
You somehow find it in yourself to wave.
He smiles and waves back, getting down on his knee to meet your eyes better. "Hello there. What's your name?"
You tell him your name, staring at him non-to-subtly.
"Where are your parents?" He asks you, catching the attention of the other boys in the group.
You gasp, seeing the bigger guy. He has a scar and paint on his face. You know him too. He's less grumpy. "Grandpa?"
The younger Captain raises and eyebrow and turns to look at those whos attention you've caught.
Oh... You think you can see it now. These are your uncles and grandpas. But they're... here... and Alive? And young. So young. One of them can't be that much older than you but you know him too. He was a pirate when he was a boy. He told you that.
"Relax." The wolf man whispers to your ear. Fur brushes past your other cheek. "We've always protected you. Always have, Always will."
A golden glow shines on your hand.
With a gasp you try to try to hide the calling card for trouble.
Their eyes narrow at once. Of course, they'd recognize it.
Feeling awkward from all their stares, you waves again- with your other not glowing hand. "...I was shopping for lunch. You can come to my house. We can all eat?"
"Oh poor thing. I'm so sorry we scared you so much."
"They're tough. We made sure of it."
"Don't worry Little Buddy. You're doing great."
"We'll be honored." The young captain smiles and it's warm. You smile back. He was always charming but it's different this time.
You don't know how to explain it to them. To tell them just how much they all mean to you... But you don't have to.
They already know.
"We're still here. Right beside you. Every step of the way."
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leclerc-s · 3 months
karma - part eight
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a very special guest here at imola 🐾🐶 baby leo meeting auntie lily and auntie kika for the first time 📸 - francesca.cgomes
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liked by natalia_leclerc, sukiwaterhouse, bensantos_ruiz and others
redbullracing pre-race vs post race at imola (charles' version)
tagged: charles_leclerc
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sukiwaterhouse it was a slip of the finger lechair charles_leclerc 🫵 caught lacking in 4k!!!
maxverstappen1 where's my version??
redbullracing slow your bulls mr. verstappen, it's coming charles_leclerc you just can't compete with my pretty face. maxverstappen1 they're using you for likes klootzak redbullracing what can we say, the italians love charles leclerc charles_leclerc WOW!! I'M TELLING KIMI! redbullracing boss-man said, 'i don't care. stop bothering me.'
user1 they way the stands were decked in ferrari red but they were chanting and screaming for charles will forever be engraved in my brain
user2 as an italian myself, we may not support red bull but we will 100% throw hands for charles user3 amen sister
user4 the italians once again proven that they will never not be normal about charles leclerc.
olliebearman to quote arthur, 'he's on that king shit’ ❤︎ by redbullracing, natalia_leclerc, sebastianvettel and other
user5 not seb liking that 😂 user6 that's his surrogate son. he'll support when he can.
landonorris i think this might be the first time i've stood on the italian podium and they've cheered so loud for a non-ferrari driver
georgerussell63 haven't you heard? he's their princess diana. alex_albon the italians are feral for charles leclerc charles_leclerc what can i say, i'm just that likeable. carlossainz55 that's debatable landonorris no, please don't do this. i can't be involved in this. natalia_leclerc I KNOW YOUR JOBLESS ASS ISN'T TALKING BITCH!! sukiwaterhouse only i can bully charles! bensantos_ruiz so now that you've lost your seat this is the tactic you're going to use? very mature carlos. carlossainz55 when your brother-in-law can stop hiding behind your 'father' and his little guard dog, i'll be mature. bensantos_ruiz i know the man who constantly hides behind his father and family name isn't fucking talking. it would just be a shame if someone (me) spilled all the gossip on your family, like that pr girlfriend of yours. i know you also didn't insinuate my sister was a bitch, when you're the biggest one of them all.
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natalia leclerc added four people
natalia leclerc welcome my children
natalia leclerc + charles
oscar piastri-leclerc oh so he was serious about the adoption thing?
ollie bearman-leclerc they never joke about anything. i told them i didn't want to stay in my hotel for the monaco grand prix weekend and suddenly i'm staying the week with them. charles leclerc you said, 'the bed is going to fuck up my back. it sucks.' charles leclerc and so like the responsible parents we are, we invited you to stay with us.
logan sargeant-leclerc oscar picked the most unserious couple to be his grid parents.
natalia leclerc you're apart of this too florida boy
logan sargeant-leclerc i have grid parents now?? what about jenson??
ollie bearman-leclerc this also means you've gained grid grandpas (nat's dad and a secret second one iykyk) and grid uncles (nat's brother, enzo, and arthur) charles leclerc jenson doesn't count because he's not on the grid anymore. he's like your adopted dad.
ollie bearman-leclerc like seb is with you?
charles leclerc OLIVER!
natalia leclerc no, no, let him speak!! he's right, even my dad think so too!!
oscar piastri-leclerc yeah, even logan and i know that charles
logan sargeant-leclerc this is like oscar denying that mark is his grid dad, or does that not count because mark's not on the grid?
ollie bearman-leclerc see, oscar can't even deny that, we ALL know it's true. ollie bearman-leclerc we've been over this logan, mark is his adopted dad. like jenson is with you. duh.
charles leclerc sebastian is not my grid dad
natalia leclerc charlie, you do not want to start this argument
charles leclerc NAME ONE TIME!!
ollie bearman-leclerc yesterday when sebastian reminded you to have breakfast because you ALWAYS forget natalia leclerc today when sebastian came over with lunch because we didn't have any groceries. natalia leclerc which, for the record we did, but you told me, 'no amour, stay in bed. we can cuddle and order in food.' oscar piastri-leclerc during bahrain when you complained how thirsty you were and seb handed you like three water bottles. logan sargeant-leclerc in australia when you said in an interview that you could go for some tim-tams after the race and seb came back with like 5 packages. oscar piastri-leclerc SEBASTIAN WAS THE ONE WHO STOLE MY TIM-TAMS? FOR CHARLES?
natalia leclerc shall we continue??
charles leclerc non, i get your point.
logan sargeant-leclerc next time make sure we don't have receipts.
oscar piastri-leclerc your other grid parent is lewis, no i will not elaborate.
ollie bearman-leclerc i will. i saw the tweets. kimi giggled when people said he was the brocedes divorce child. so technically you have a half-brother charles leclerc ollie, what on earth are you going on about now?
natalia leclerc obviously the f1 family tree? that we helped start after suki started the rumor that we had a secret child aka oscar
oscar piastri-leclerc so why the heck was i not adopted sooner? i was already being called your child charles leclerc that's because nat kept talking about you to suki and riley when you two met back in 2020.
logan sargeant-leclerc so by association edward cullen knows who oscar is?
ollie bearman-leclerc oh my god, that is so not fair
oscar piastri-leclerc i can't believe you guys care so much about twilight
natalia leclerc it's peak cinema oscar!!
oscar piastri-leclerc that's debatable ollie bearman-leclerc it is not! name another movie soundtrack that hits like crack just like twilight does
charles leclerc were you even born when the first twilight movie came out?
ollie bearman-leclerc i was 3 but that doesn't matter charles! logan sargeant-leclerc i just googled it, and i would've been a month away from turning 8. so how the fuck do you know the release date off the top of your head oliver? ollie bearman-leclerc that's not important logan!
natalia leclerc i will not stand for this twilight slander oscar. i'm calling a movie night. and we're watching twilight
oscar piastri-leclerc can't we watch harry potter instead? i prefer that over twilight.
charles leclerc ME TOO!!
ollie bearman-leclerc this is why suki hates you charles... and nothing will ever top the twilight soundtrack
logan sargeant-leclerc dare i say the hunger games?
ollie bearman-leclerc OH MY GOD! HOW COULD I FORGET??
natalia leclerc and now he's going to talk about how gale should've died instead of finnick for the next 45 minutes. sam had the riveting experience of through a ollie yap session about the hunger games.
logan sargeant-leclerc he's not wrong!! charles leclerc what??
ollie bearman-leclerc FATHER HASN'T SEEN THE HUNGER GAMES??
ollie bearman-leclerc this is embarrassing, we can no longer be related.
natalia leclerc booo 🍅🍅!!!
oscar piastri-leclerc something tells me charles lives in a harry potter bubble
natalia leclerc you'd be correct. he was OBSESSED growing up.
charles leclerc lies. i was not obsessed.
logan sargeant-leclerc based on the fact that i can google you and harry potter and find multiple videos of you talking about harry potter and multiple pictures of you in harry potter costumes or poses. i would say, yes, you were obsessed.
natalia leclerc does george still have the picture??
charles leclerc DO NOT SPEAK OF THAT PICTURE!!
ollie bearman-leclerc well no the curiosity is killing me, what is this picture we are speaking of?
charles leclerc mon cœur, please don't do this. natalia leclerc ollie it's the greatest picture ever. i swear you'll love it. i just have to convince george to send it to me. oscar piastri-leclerc i, too, am now curious as to what this picture even is logan sargeant-leclerc my curiosity has also been peaked.
charles leclerc i've been betrayed by my own wife and kids
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liam lawson changed ollie bearman's name to ollie bearman-leclerc
ollie bearman-leclerc IJBOL!!!
sebastian vettel what the heck do those letters even mean?
liam lawson laughing my ass off and i just bust out laughing
sebastian vettel kids these days will be the death of me.
max verstappen leo is making me proud.
charles leclerc you're just mad that the admins love me more than you.
daniel ricciardo that's because one of you loves media and the other doesn't.
natalia leclerc i don't even know why leo even bit charles.
arthur leclerc ah, this reminds me of the time charles threatened to bite nat's ex-boyfriend.
charles leclerc literally shut up?
yuki tsunoda like father like son
ollie bearman-leclerc i would never bite someone yuki!
ollie bearman-leclerc my brothers logan and oscar would also never do this. i think.
max verstappen you were serious about that?!
charles leclerc of course, they are my sons.
natalia leclerc congrats seb, you're a grandpa of 4!
ollie bearman-leclerc and step-dad of 1 if we count kimi!
ollie bearman-leclerc antonelli not our team principle.
sebastian vettel i really don't want to know
daniel ricciardo trust me, as someone who went down the f1 twitter rabbit hole, you really don't want to know.
liam lawson don't worry seb, we'll ask george to make a presentation so you can understand.
sebastian vettel please don't.
ollie bearman-leclerc too late grandpa.
kimi räikkönen HA!
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natalia leclerc added 5+ people
natalia leclerc welcome people. i'm pregnant. goodbye.
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mark webber why the hell am i here? and how did she get my number?
oscar piastri-leclerc jeez i wonder who could've possibly given her your number.
ben santos-ruiz please tell me charles already knew and this isn't how he found out.
max verstappen based on the way he looks i'm going to say no.
ollie bearman-leclerc I'M GOING TO BE A BROTHER?!
mark webber who's going to tell him? santiago ruiz don't you fucking dare webber. sebastian vettel leave him alone mark.
jenson button congrats?? i'm so confused.
charles leclerc WHERE IS MY WIFE??
oscar piastri-leclerc depends do i get to pass you into turn one tomorrow?? charles leclerc OSCAR JACK PIASTRI-LECLERC!! WHERE IS MY WIFE?
jenson button oh my god. this is the most drama i've been involved in recent years. i love this
ollie bearman-leclerc that's a lie because according to twitter you hate danica patrick. jenson button hate is such a strong word, it's more like dispise.
oscar piastri-leclerc i, hypothetically, saw her run past mclaren and into the mercedes garage.
charles leclerc LEWIS!
lewis hamilton i'm not a snitch.
max verstappen we are now down a driver. i repeat we are down a driver. he just disappeared.
oscar piastri-leclerc maybe i can win tomorrow now.
charles leclerc i hope carlos rams into you tomorrow logan sargeant-leclerc that's not very live, laugh, love of you charles. ollie bearman-leclerc 😧😧
jenson button wait, did she just find out that's she's pregnant?
natalia leclerc well, leo bit charles the other day which i was telling pascale, suki, and riley about and then i started talking about how i was really craving some stroopwafels and my plans to sneak into max's drivers room to steal some, which is weird.
mark webber why is that weird? santiago ruiz she hates stroopwafels... max verstappen which i think is blasphemy, but whatever.
natalia leclerc THEN! i started talking about how emotional i've been lately and how i hate the way fish smells, which is a bummer because i love eating fish.
charles leclerc WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?
natalia leclerc AND! according to suki, who just had a baby a few months ago, i was experiencing pregnancy symptoms, so we sent someone out to get a couple pregnancy tests, i took them, and voila!
logan sargeant-leclerc as apart of my mission of dethroning leo as the favorite child, i come to report she is with lily in alex's driver room, carmen is also with them.
benjamin santos-ruiz natalia, i swear to god if you move from where you're at
natalia leclerc 🫡 staying put, got it.
santiago ruiz i swear i did a better job at raising them.
sebastian vettel we know, they just met charles and went off the walls.
charles leclerc THIS ISN'T MY FAULT.
lewis hamilton kill me now.
ollie bearman no can do grandpa
lewis hamilton i don't think i like you very much bearman. ollie bearman 😧😧
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liked by natalia_leclerc, logansargeant, olliebearman and others
redbullracing people of the internet, we present to you, your 2024 monaco grand prix winner. CHARLES LECLERC DOES IT!! oh, and did we mention it was a leclerc double podium?
tagged: charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri
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bensantos_ruiz before someone, the sainz family, says that my dad hates charles or something, please let it be known that my dad hasn't stopped crying since charles won.
maxverstappen1 favoritism, yet again.
redbullracing listen sir, you've got multiple wins in monaco charles_leclerc yeah max, let me shine! maxverstappen1 no ❤️ people will accuse me of going soft. oscarpiastri this coming from the man who cried last night when he realized charles was going to win monaco? liamlawson40 i can't defend you anymore max. danielricciardo YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE TO MAKE FUN OF HIM!!! liamlawson40 eh potato, potahto!
sukiwaterhouse i guess i'm proud of you or whatever
natalia_leclerc you literally cried with me. charles_leclerc admit it, you actually like me! sukiwaterhouse you're growing on me like mold charles_leclerc i'll take it!!
fernandoalo_oficial felicitaciones charles!!
user7 and i guess this is all the conformation we needed to know fernando was team charles and not team carlos user8 please, this old man has been on charles side since he said, 'it is frustrating to give your everything to a team only for you to get nothing in return.' user9 fernando was a lecfosi confirmed.
natalia_leclerc words don't even begin to describe how proud i am of you 💙
charles_leclerc je t'aime tellement 💙💙 bensantos_ruiz believe me, he's well aware. the fact that he kissed you with tears running down your face and snot on your nose amazes me. natalia_leclerc the snot part is not fucking true! oscarpiastri slander on mother will not be tolerated olliebearman dishonor on you! dishonor on your cow! logansargeant what they said! bensantos_ruiz oh my god
mrsamclaflin congrats charles!
charles_leclerc thank you sam! olliebearman JUSTICE FOR FINNICK! logansargeant ollie no!
user12 s*inz family found screaming in a ditch somewhere. ♥ by ben_santosruiz, natalia_leclerc, olliebearman and others
user13 the family that likes shady comments stays together user12 currently screaming because they liked my comment but also so true bestie.
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natalia_leclerc, bensantos_ruiz, and olliebearman posted new stories
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post monaco win duties ❣️ mon amour is a monaco grand prix winner brother is going to regret this tomorrow so much 😂 enjoy it charlie, you only win monaco for the first time once this is not appropriate behavior to have in front of your children!
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i actually don’t know what i’m doing with this story but i’m having so much fun with it either way. the plot of the fic was lost long ago. fun fact: originally i was going to go with a post monaco pregnancy but that was too corny so i decided, what if she just finds out on quali day instead to add to the humor. logan, oscar, and pato are my pookies and i will find a way to include them in any story.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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juanbodyswapstfs · 1 year
Being my Uncle John.
Every year, On the 1st day of the six month, 2 males in Jacks family switch bodies for a month. Unfortunate for Jack, he is a male. But fortunate enough for him, he has never been switched, but this year would be different.
1 day before.
“Aw cmon bud its not that bad.” “You have never been switched before anyways.” said my Dad. “I know but what if this year is different?” I said. “Like I said, Its not that bad.” “Unless your luck runs out and you get switched for many years in a row like your Uncle mark.” “But that’ll never happen ha.” said my dad with a unsure tone. “Yeah I guess your right.” “How have you switched with before dad?” I said. “Oh I switched many times haha, With your uncle Mark, your uncle Tom, and even your grandpa Joe! hahaha.” “But for some reason your uncle John has never switched, lucky son of a bastard.” Im really hoping I don’t get switced but something inside of me wants me too. Just the thought of being a real man, just feels so right. Now its time to go to Bed and wake up as myself or even one of my uncles, I really hope I switch with one of my Uncles it just feels right.
The next day,
As I woke up, I knew something wasn’t right, it felt like my cock and everything else has doubled in size, I mean WOW, this cock is really huge! I mean i like girls and all but im way more attracted to men. I stood up on the side of the bed and just admired the manly body im in, as i looked closer I realized im in the body of my uncle John, which has also never been switched.
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I was having fun being in this big body, but then I realized im gonna have to be John, he has a life, job, and even husband! good thing his husband is on a business trip and gets back on the day we switch back. I decided to call my “nephew”. “Yo how ya doing bud?” I said with a grin. “Im doing great Uncle John!” “How do you like being a man?” said Uncle John. “Amazing, how do you like being a teenager again?” I said. “Ha you are exactly how I was when I was a teenager.” Uncle John said. “Ok now lets get serious, how do I become you?” I said. “Ok first thing off, I have a job at the gym as a trainer, they should know what to do just hype them up.” “My husband is on a business trip so he shouldn’t be a problem, pretty easy right?” Uncle John said. “Yeah not so bad after all.” I then tell Uncle John how to pass as me and we eventually hang up. I now got dressed and jerked off before I headed to the Gym. It was amazing how much this body can come and how big my balls are now.
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At the Gym I got greeted by some muscular men, which I tried to hide my boner from. Turns out I was pretty good as a trainer, It was like I’ve been doing this my whole life! After my shift, I decided to go take a sneak peek at the locker room, I mean just a peak right? Then I saw a guy with his package out and couldn’t help get cum a little. I mean, if John didn’t have a husband I would totally help him out. I then headed home and took a hot warm bath and played with my cock. I then went to bed. It’s pretty fun being uncle John I wish I could be him forever.
The next day,
Its now the next day and I woke up with a huge morning wood. It was the weekend which means I didn’t have to go to work and had the whole day to myself! But then I got a call from my husband, “Hey John, im coming back early in the afternoon can we have some.. alone time?” said my husband Joseph. “Of course my love, anything for you.” I said. “How is your families swap going? Do you know who switched?” Joseph said. “Uh no actually.” I said. “Okay well get ready for when I come back!” “definitely” I said then hanged up. I know how bad it seems lying but I just wanna feel how this body would be during sex.
In the afternoon,
As I was getting ready for uncle Johns husband to come back I got a call from uncle John, “Hey “Uncle John” is Joseph coming from home from his trip early?” Said Uncle john. “No he hasn’t called me or anything why?” I said lying. “Just wondering, If he is, please don’t do anything with him please.” Uncle John said. “Gotcha nephew.” I said and then hanged up. I felt bad lying to Uncle John but I just wanna experience getting fucked in this big manly body. An hour later Joseph knocked on the door and greeted me. “Hey babe, I’ve missed you and your big manly ass.” Joseph said. “I missed you too and that big monster.” I said. I knew it was wrong what I was doing but it was natural for some reason. Joseph then proceeds to take of his shoes and puts his feet on the coffee table. “Babe you know what to do.”Joseph said in a stern voice. “Oh yes master.” I said obeying his orders. I get down on my knees and lick his big manly feet.
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He then proceeded to Unbuckle his pants.
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“Now suck my cock boy.” “Yes sir.” I started sucking my “husbands” cock and loved the feeling. I loved being commanded by a big man and obeying him, I could do this forever.
“Now roll over and let me fuck your ass.” He then fucked my ass and I could feel the hot cum. “Good boy, Now continue to lick my feet and my armpits.”
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We continued for about 18 minutes, I really did love him and could live happily with him forever. If only I could stay in this body forever. Joseph then left the store and Uncle John called me. “Hey uncle the switch is almost over, and be honest, did you jerk off or have sex in my body its important beca-” “I jerked off in your body and had sex with your husband im sorry I didn’t mean to.” I said regretting everything I have done. “YOU DID WHAT. NOW WE CANT SWITCH BACK.” Said my nephew angrily. But then I realized that this means my “uncle” is now my nephew, so I had more authority over him and he should obey me. “I don’t know who your talking to young man, but that is not a way to talk to your uncle John.” “The closest thing you get to this body is me fucking your teenager ass.” I said with a stern voice. I then hanged up and jerked off to the fact that im now John. I admired every inch of my body until Joseph came back. When he comes back im not gonna be the servant, Im gonna fuck his ass and command him to suck my dick.
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hannieehaee · 11 months
18+ / mdi
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content: bickering, some modern family references (just names n stuff), smut, penetrative sex, f reader, riding, tit play (??) idk he just likes ur tits, etc.
a/n: this is kinda meant to be a modern family au based on haley and andy's first meeting so theres some references to the show (just fyi) except this ends as smut 🫡 can also be read as nanny!seokmin and richbrat!you tho
wc: 1370
modern family au where you, ditzy and careless granddaughter of rich business owner, incidentally meet your family's new manny!seokmin while sneaking into your grandfather's house for some alone time by the pool. you grab a few beers, knowing your grandfather and his wife probably wont be back for a while when you hear someone clear their throat behind you. startled, you drop the glass bottles on the floor and turn around to see who the hell is in your supposedly-empty grandfather's house.
you're taken aback as soon as you meet his eyes. pretty boy your age in what's supposed to be a place only your family had access to ? you wont complain, but you're still pretty bummed about the wasted beer.
the first words out of his mouth are to scold you. great. yet another person to get in your way just when you're re trying to relax away from your overbearing family. but wait, you think, you still have no idea who this man is.
"who are you?", you question as he leans over to clean up the bottles you had broken (the bottles he broke, if anyone asked you).
"no. who are you?", he gives as rebuttal. "mr pritchet didnt say anyone would be here today. are you alex or __?" he says, cutely tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy, making your heart melt role your eyes.
"im alex," you lie, knowing your sister wouldnt get in trouble for this anyways. "now my question."
"i'm your grandfather's new manny," he replies with a boyish smile, stretching his free hand towards you.
"you're not manny. i know manny and you look nothing like him," you say frowning, knowing this is totally not your uncle manny.
"oh, you're __. i'm seokmin. the new male nanny," he says in a tone that makes you think he mightve meant it as an insult .. you choose to ignore it, instead looking at his arms as he continues to wipe the broken glass. why hadnt you noticed his arms earlier ?
"i'm sorry, but im gonna have to tell your grandfather that you broke glass near the pool," he interrupts your thoughts as he finishes picking up the broken glass.
fuck. you just got out of being grounded, you cant have your mom know you snuck into your grandpa's house again, specially for day-drinking (you're over 21 now, whats the big issue?!).
you panic, so you go for the first thing that comes to mind.
"do you really have to do that, seokmin?", you flutter your lashes at him, untying the top of your bathing suit cover and pushing up your barely-covered tits for him to see.
he looks down, momentarily forgetting what he was talking about, but quickly looks back up. "thats not gonna work, your grandparents warned me about you," he says as he looks away from your chest.
he already bit the hook. there's really nothing to lose now.
you take slow steps towards him, making sure to sway your hips as you do so, placing your hands on his shoulders as soon as you're close enough. "listen. this can stay between us, right? you've already cleaned everything up. there's no reason we need to waste our time in telling him how you caught me off guard and made me drop the glass, is there?", you rub your hands up and down his chest, slowly unbuttoning his shirt while he stands still, letting you continue your actions.
"m-me?! y-YOU broke it! you're not even supposed to be h-" he cuts himself off when you get tired of his talking and decide to just rip the rest of the buttons off.
"listen to me, seokmin. we can waste the next hour arguing about who did what while we wait for my grandpa to get here," you start pressing your mouth to his ear, almost giving him the attention he really wants, but not fully. "or we could go to the guest room and i could give you a little something in return for your silence. wouldn't that be more fun?"
with one more look from him, you find yourself moments later sitting atop him in one of the mansion's guest rooms, bouncing on top of him with your back facing his chest. his eyes were glued to your ass, with his hands groping your hips tightly as he furrowed his eyebrows in pleasure. never would he have expected that the airheaded girl his new employers warned him about would be this pretty and feel this good wrapped around him.
"fuck," he exhales, rubbing his hands up and down your back, ultimately landing on your ass, melding his hands unto the soft skin. "b-baby fuck. slow down."
"but minnie .. my grandparents could be back any second. besides, you're doing me a favour. it'd be mean of me to not make it up to you, wouldnt it?", you put on a sweet voice for him as you bounce faster, also wanting to reach your high as the pretty boy impaled you.
frustrated at not being able to see you, he uses those beefy arms you were eyeing earlier to lift you up and turn you around on top of him, now looking into your eyes as you held onto his shoulders for support. looking at his pretty eyes staring up at you with softness despite the lewdness of the act made you feel crazy. feeling addicted to the way he looked at you, you decided to give him a show.
"fuck, minnie. feel so fucking good," you moaned, dragging your hands up to your tits to play with them, rubbing your nipples in a way that had you rolling your eyes back. "dont you wanna help me, minnie? be a good boy and put your hands on me."
he whined at your words, sitting up a bit and replacing your hands with his. pinching at your nipples, he made you cry out loud and rub yourself even harder, now catching an angle that allowed your clit to rub against him. feeling drunk on your enthusiasm, he moved one of his hands to your hip in order to guide you, moving his mouth to bite and lick at your nipples, making you roll your eyes back.
both your ends approached, now with you maniacally bouncing on him while his mouth stayed stuck to your chest, alternating breasts to suck and whine into. feeling completely cock drunk, you increased the intensity of your movements, leading yourself into a mind-blowing orgasm with him following soon after, his moans muffled by your chest.
you spent the next five minutes softly cleaning each other up and getting rid of the evidence (dirty sheets, condom, etc) before anyone arrived home, all while shyly exchanging glances at each other. it was unlike you to feel shy when interacting with a guy (i mean, you did just seduce your grandparents new nanny within minutes of knowing him), but there was something about his good-boy attitude and soft demeanor towards you that just drew you to him. that, and how easy on the eyes he was.
your thoughts were promptly interrupted by him quietly speaking up "listen, i know i'm probably overstepping and just embarrassing myself by saying this but, i kind of uh. i kind of felt a connection there. i think you mightve even felt it too? would you like to maybe see where this goes? i could take you out, or if not we could start off as friends too, you know? or maybe this again? wait, no. i'm not suggesting that you should uh- but if you want to! i mean, whatever you want! it's just tha-" he continues to ramble, clearly losing track of what his original question was.
just like him, you interrupt his monologue by grabbing onto his face, making him stop mid sentence and look at you. "yes," you giggle. "we can go out seokmin. i'll know where to find you," and with that, you leave him with a peck and a wink as you exit the room, successfully leaving the house before anyone arrived, knowing you'd be coming back whenever possible to get some alone time with your grandparents' pretty manny you were now planning to make yours.
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AITA for saying my family shows favoritism towards my baby cousin?
(This is copied from my Reddit drafts because my partner told me tumblr would be better for this and I trust them)
Okay this is a long one so I’m just gonna throw out fake names for everyone and everyone is white middle class Americans
I, Op, 20M, I’m a trans man not accepted by my family. This is relevant
Renee, 20F, my twin sister
Bea, 16F, my younger sister
Lee, 35F, my aunt on my father’s side
Lucas, 2M, my cousin, son of Lee
Suzie, 5F, my cousin, daughter of Lee
My father, 44M, the patriarch of our whole family
My mother, 45F
Grandpa, 76M, paternal grandpa, previous patriarch
Grandma, 74F, paternal grandma
So I’m sending this in on Christmas Day of 2023. For some context, I still live at home, but it’s more of a roommate situation now that I’m an adult. Renee lives on her out-of-state college campus but visits for holidays, and Bea is still a high schooler. Lee, her children, and her husband who isn’t relevant to this (I love my uncle, we just literally never talk) live across the country. My father is losing the battle with cancer and can’t travel, so we had two separate christmases this year, one with my immediate family and one with Lee. Grandma and Grandpa went to Lee’s, which was awesome for me because that meant I got to avoid them this year!
As the character list above states, I’m (one of) the oldest of the five grandkids with my cousins being born a lot later than me and my sisters. My family is a traditional WASP family and staunchly conservative with Aunt Lee actively being a cop right now while my parents and Grandpa served in the military. Growing up undeniably queer was hilarious, I know. But the family dynamic wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, my family did a good job of trying to hide the fact that Renee was the favorite child lol, but that was more on the basis of her having the same traditional values that they do until Aunt Lee had Suzie, then she obviously became the favorite. Fine by me, she’s an adorable girl and I love spoiling her. Also, ACAB does apply for Aunt Lee for being complacent in this system, it’s not just the most relevant part of the story besides explaining how she fits into the family dynamic
But then Lee had Lucas a few years later and the focus in the family shifted to him. At first, it was baby fever making everyone dote over him (and I’m guilty of this too) but after a while, I realized that the fever hasn’t died down. If we had family reunions, everyone would flock to Lucas and I would be the one watching Suzie. For a toddler, she’s a great conversationalist, but it was still sad to see all her aunts and uncles and cousins showering her baby brother with attention and not her. And then the comments started. That my father would only refer to Lucas as “my nephew” even when talking directly to Lee (unhinged to witness in person). That Grandpa was so happy to finally have a grandson (felt great). The lady-killer comments and guessing what profession he’s gonna go into based on how chubby of a baby he is (the money’s on Linebacker, little dude is built like a truck). Stuff like that
None of these comments were ever made about Suzie when she was born, and I really don’t want to admit that it’s because Lucas is a boy, but thats the only answer I can think of when trying to understand the favoritism. Lucas is showered in gifts and love and while I know newborns need that, Suzie received nowhere near this much attention. Lee’s husband doesn’t go to family functions because he works full time, but I heard Suzie mumble at Thanksgiving last month that she wanted to go home to daddy. It broke my fucking heart, so I called him and she got to FaceTime with my uncle until my phone died
At this point, I’m not even upset that the family ignores my obvious trans-ness as I’m over a year on T (paid for by myself too) in favor of my boy cousin. I’m upset that Suzie is getting left out of the fawning while she’s still super young and she could grow up resenting Lucas because of it.
Anyways, so this morning we opened gifts as an immediate family and I got to FaceTime my significant other as they unboxed their gift from me and we were having a good time until my dad FaceTimes Grandpa. Grandpa answers and Dad immediately asks how his nephew is. Lucas is pushed in front of the phone and all I can hear is asking about how Lucas is, is Lucas talking yet, is Lucas reading yet. I manage to squeeze my head in and ask about Suzie and Lee’s voice off camera says that “oh she’s fine, just snobbish.” Snobbish? A five year old?
And here’s where I’m probably the Asshole. Honestly, I’m looking between ESH and JAH here, but would perfectly understandable if tumblr decides YTA. My response to Lee’s comment was: “well maybe she wouldn’t be if everyone didn’t pick Lucas as the family favorite.”
My dad smacked me upside the head, Renee and Bea got really pissed off, and the FaceTime went quiet until it was cut off and Grandpa called back to talk to Dad privately. Bea called me an asshole and while my Mom got onto her for her language, Mom agreed that I was.
My dad came back from the phone and did the silent point towards his bedroom, y’all with shitty parents know the one. Because I’m twenty fucking years old and pay RENT here, I shook my head, grabbed my keys, and went to go hang out with my significant partner and work friends. We had a great time and I’m currently in the car with my significant other while typing this. I’m gonna spend the night at their place and go back in the morning to see how bad the damage is. My significant other says I was justified in what I said, but two of my work friends (one who’s a Cishet guy who grew up in a similar household and another who’s a new dad with his own son) say that what I said was uncalled for and rude. They explained that I had no right to weaponize Lucas and Suzie like that and I understand that. I’m just tired of Suzie being neglected and, selfishly I know, I’m tired of how my identity is ignored as well
So, tumblr, AITA?
TL;DR, My two year old cousin is the “only” grandson in the family. The family ignores my male identity and my baby cousin’s five year old sister to fawn over the two year old. Am I The Asshole for pointing this out point blank in front of the whole family on Christmas morning?
What are these acronyms?
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Can we get the aftermath of Y/N giving birth of them and Benimaru's child? Where the executives are celebrating and Rimuru gets to be the honorary uncle to his right hand man's child? Please?
“I hear by call this meeting of the official naming ceremony to order.” You let out a sigh as Shion tapped her gavel on the table. Rocking your new born infant in your arms.
The baby was doing well. All plump and pink now, with a tuff of flaming red hair that refused to stay down. It had been a few weeks since you had given birth and everyone had given you & Benimaru space to bond with the baby. Coming over occasionally to sit and coo, but in uncharacteristically calm order.
Then, today, out of the blue, you got a note that you and the baby were summoned to a meeting of what seemed like every person you had ever known. “I still don’t know what’s going on….”
“It’s time we all came to an agreement on what [B/N] is going to call us.” Shion explained. “We all can’t be called the same thing. That would be confusing, and unfair.”
“They can’t even talk.” You remind her again. The first time you reminded her was when she was at the house and trying to get them to say ‘Shion’ as their first word. “Besides, can’t they just call you Aunt or Uncle what’s-your-name?”
The unanimous shouting startled the baby, who began to cry, but you quickly calmed them down.
“Now, I will start us off.”
“Why do you get to start us off?” Milim squawked.
“Because I have the gavel.” Shion snarked back. The two women glared at each other for a considerable moment before they broke off in a huff, and Shion continued. “Now, I’ve thought long and hard about this and I would like to be called…Aunt Shion.”
‘Didn’t I just suggest that?’ You thought to yourself.
“Excuse me, Shion.” The sickly sweet voice of Shuna spoke up. The sickly sweet voice that usually meant danger was near. “I believe, as Benimaru’s true blood sister, it should be I that [B/N]-chan calls Aunt.”
“We can both be ‘aunt’.”
“Didn’t you just say that it would be ‘confusing and unfair’ to share names?”
Shion huffed and folded her arms. Bested by her own words. “Fine! Come back to me. Souei, what do you want your name to be?”
“You can’t just be called Souei. Besides, the name is too hard for a baby to say.”
Shion sighed. “Hakurou-san, what’s your name?”
“I think I would like to be called ‘Jiji’.”
“You want to be called ‘grandpa’?” You asked. Just to clarify.
“I’m much older than any of you.” He said. “ ‘Uncle’ just doesn’t seem to fit with a man my age. Plus, I must admit, the feeling of the word ‘grandpa’ warms my soul.” He even let out an old man ‘ho ho ho’ at the thought.
“I wanna be called Onee-chan!” Milim announced.
“That won’t do.” Shuna told her. “What happens when Onii-chan and [Y/N] have another baby? You’ll have to change it all over again.”
“Another baby?” Did you not just have this one?
“We can cross that bridge when we come to it.” Shion said. Making an executive decision and hitting her gavel. “Now, I have come up with my name and it shall be….Auntie Shion.”
The room clapped as if Shion had made some brilliant discovery, while the secretary beamed at her brilliance. “You guys are weird.”
The doors then opened and Rimuru-sama and Benimaru walked in. “What’s going on?”
“Apparently everyone decided they needed a meeting to figure out what our infant child will call them.” You explain.
“Oh. Can the baby call me Muru-kun?” Rimuru-sama asked, and the room erupted in another fit of excitement. Waking the subject of the meeting again from their nap.
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anonymityisfunwriter · 6 months
Timeless - Part 5: "We Really Were Timeless"
"I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray. We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made, and you'll say, 'Oh my, we really were timeless'..."
Summary: It's the kind of love you find once in a lifetime, the kind of love you don't put down, and somehow, you know you would've found each other in every life.
'Timeless' Chapter List | The Grumpy Sunshine Series
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You smile down at the cardboard box that sits in your lap. You hold up a yellowing photograph, "Oh, I remember this! This was one of our very first assignments with the three of us. It was a complete disaster."
"Why? What happened?"
"Oh, what didn't happen!" you giggle. "We were after some bad guy - an arms dealer, I think. They almost got away. We had an entire building evacuated because we accidentally started a fire, which they still blame me for. We bickered the whole time." You look down at the photograph, at you, Bucky, and Sam, at the whole box filled with photos of the life you made. "And it was the most fun I ever had."
"I can't believe it," Sam awes from the other side of your porch. 
"It feels like yesterday," you agree. 
"No, I still can't believe that after all this time, you still won't admit that you started that fire."
"I didn't!" you insist. "We've been through this time and time again, Sam. I didn't start that fire."
"What about-"
The question is cut off by the slam of the screen door and a begrudging sigh, "You're supposed to be helping them with their project, not doing it for them, Mom."
You dismissively wave off your oldest child, Thomas, "I'm just telling stories."
Your oldest grandchild holds up a picture from decades ago. One of you and Nick Fury. Side by side, you wear a beaming grin that looks even more bright compared to his stoic frown and crossed arms. It was taken on the day you celebrated his birthday against his will. "Who's that?"
"He is the man that saved my life. We named your Uncle Nick after him."
"So how did you and grandpa meet?"
"Your Uncle Sam introduced us."
"That's right, you're all here because of me!" Sam boasts from the porch swing across the deck.
You chuckle and roll your eyes, "We all worked together. We would've met either way."
"That doesn't mean he would've talked to you if it weren't for me."
"Don't listen to him, kids. He's full of sh- He's full of it. I said it!" Bucky announces, refusing to put another dollar in the family swear jar.
"Nice save." You pat Bucky's leg with a soft chuckle. "It's true, though. He didn't like me very much when we first met."
He settles beside you with a gruff muttering, "That's not true."
"What?" Your oldest grandchild pouts, "Why didn't Grandpa like you?"
"I don't know." You shrug, turning to Bucky with a teasing grin. "James? Why didn't you like me when we first met?"
"Trick question, I always liked you."
"What'd you like about him?"
"It was those eyes," you reply. "The same beautiful blue eyes you have."
"What about these? Is that you?"
You smile, remembering that antique shop from a lifetime ago, "It was us in another life."
"Can I see that?" Bucky asks, jutting his chin toward the box in your lap. You slide the box over to him.
The years came and went. You knew that. But as you look around your porch, at the proof of a love that would last much, much longer than a lifetime, you're left wonderstruck.
The family you found. The family you built. The life you that never ceased to amaze you.
You look at Sam, the smile lines now permanently etched into his face. You look at Bucky, his dark hair now grayed with time. But those blue eyes, the same eyes you fell in love with on that very first day, those were still the same.  
Time broke down your bodies, but it never touched your soul. It was an age old classic. It was your age old classic. The story started long ago, at that very first hello. 
"Oh my..." It's not very often Bucky gets struck by overwhelming waves of emotion. He flips through the box to find much more than a lifetime's worth of memories. "We really were timeless."
The clanging of the grandfather clock startles you, tearing your eyes away from the photo. "Sorry, I think I got lost in thought there."
The shopkeeper chuckles at you, waving her hand at you, "It's no problem, dear."
You chuckle, "That's the second time that grandfather clock scares me."
The shopkeeper quirks her head at you, "What grandfather clock?"
"The -" You point in the direction of the clanging. Your brows furrow when you turn to see nothing but more stacks of books there. "Uh, never mind....Thank you for showing me around. You have a lovely store. I should be getting back now."
"It was my pleasure, I'm sure you and Bucky will have lifetimes worth of happiness."
"Thank you." You offer a smile in return. It takes you a moment to realize that you never told her Bucky's name. "Wait, how did you-"
But as you turn back around, she's gone. The store is as empty and silent as it was when you first walked in. 
Though there's a strangeness you can't ignore, there's a something else more important that you need to do. You walk out of the storefront, and immediately dial the only person on your mind. You know he probably won't answer, not with how chaotic his mission turned out, but still, you just need to hear his voice.
"Doll? Is everything okay?"
You sigh in relief, a lightness filling your chest and lungs. Tears unexpectedly spring to your eyes, overwhelmed by the stories of love and triumph. It felt so real. It felt like it was you and him. A love as timeless as they come. You shake your head, clearing the knot building in your throat, "Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice."
He groans dramatically. You swear you can almost see the grimace he wears. "God, I miss you."
"I miss you, too," you softly exhale, wiping away the stray tear that slips down your cheek. "So, so much."
"I have something to tell you, by the way."
You finally perk up. "Yeah?"
"Turn around."
You softly gasp, whirling around to see him. His smile is brilliant. The faint orange of the setting sun only makes his eyes shine even brighter. He's here. Standing before you. You bound into him, throwing your arms around his neck.
"I missed you so much," you mutter into his shoulder. 
"Me too."
You're not sure how long you stand there holding onto each other in the middle of the cobblestone streets, but you do know you're going to be fine. You were going to be more than fine.
As long as you were his and he was yours, it would all be fine. 
You were going to be timeless. 
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Inspired By Taylor Swift Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes@beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064
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shaking at a frequency that could shatter glass I know I've been here not too long ago, but. please.
h—headcanons..,, maybe...?? f-for.
Peepaw/Dad!Leo with an adopted child!reader...,, please...,... i-i need some Dad fluff with this tortuga. this overgrown hard-shell melon. this- this. (gestures vaguely) y'get me?
he's so Dad shaped. he's so fond and just radiates safety and warmth and affection and ugghhhghhh i just KNOW he'd be the best dad EVER. nay, he IS the best dad. (pseudo) sibling Casey attests to it.
(⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠) i think i'm actually going to lose my mind . the Clan as uncles/godparents/aunties. grandpa splinter. sweet brother Casey. it takes a village to raise a kid, they say.
do you see my vision here mate? as always, only if you want to ☜⁠ ⁠(⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) & if you do? just .. go ham. if anything strikes you, PUT IT IN THERE. I NEED TO HEAR IT FROM OTHER PEOPLE TOO . (/lh)
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This seems appropriate to celebrate me finishing the Rise movie (I am still emotionally unwell this is me coping) I shall grant you headcanons my dearest darling /p
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Let me start this off by saying that this man-
This man is best dad.
He finds a lost child?
'Tis his child now.
You are his child now.
He's ecstatic.
Especially since you're younger than him,
(Not by much, maybe afew months)
Casey makes it his life mission to protect you at all costs.
His favorite thing to do is hold your hand and lead you around.
Leo is so so good at being a dad.
I mean look as CJ,
He's got this ok?
Feeling clingy?
He'll hold you until you want him to put you down.
That's ok kiddo, come curl up next to Papa, he'll keep all those monsters away.
When you get older, you are not going anywhere without him, Casey, or anyone else.
It's not safe, and the same rule applies to CJ.
So you guys go on lots of scouting missions together.
You two may as well be twins, you never go anywhere without the other.
Sometimes, you and Casey will be sent to scout really last minute,
And Leo won't be notified until you two are gone.
Whenever this happens he gets super pissed off and worried because those are his kids,
He should be the one to give them clearence to leave,
Not some random officer who decided to send you two out.
If one of you ever comes back hurt,
God speed to whomever sent the two of you out.
Leo is mad.
Like, mad-mad.
So are April, Mikey, and Donnie.
Leo would literally fall apart if he lost you or Casey.
He swore to Cass that he'd protect Casey, and he promised himself he would keep you safe.
If he lost either of you he just might completely fall apart.
Leo's busy, he's running a resistance afterall,
So he can't keep eyes on you all the time.
That's why the Hamato's take turns.
Leo's in a meeting?
Let's meditate with Master Michelangelo.
Oh he's busy too?
Time to visit Uncle Tello's lab.
Can't find him?
Well where's Commander O'neil?
Can't find her either?
Welp, enjoy the meeting, cause you're stuck there now.
Play rock paper scissors or somethin idk.
If you're around before Splinter passes, he spends alot of time around you.
He's always wanted grandchildren, and he's going to cherish you,
Especially with the world in anarchy.
When you start losing people, it get's hard.
First it was Grandpa Splints,
Then it was Uncle Tello,
Then Auntie April...
Through it all Leo made sure you were ok.
You're just a kid, and you have to grow up in this hellscape?
You've never seen the blue sky, or normal rain,
And everyone you hold close is being ripped away.
That's not fair.
So he does everything he can to make sure you grow up safe and happy.
One of his favorite things to do was tell you and Casey stories of what the world used to be like.
Your favorite is when he describes the stars.
It sounds so amazingly beautiful, shimming lights like glitter sitting up in a blackish blue abyss.
After the events of the movie, (you knew it was coming goddammit)
Your first request is to see the stars.
Which is pretty hard since New York is really bright like all the time.
So they took you and Casey to the docks where you would be able to see them best.
You looked up at the sky in absolute awe,
Papa's words would never do the stars justice.
After a minute, you broke down in tears.
It hurt, he promised to be the one to point out the constellations and his younger self doing it just wasn't the same.
Griefing is going to be a really big thing post movie.
In the future, you never really had the chance.
Everything happened so quickly and anytime wasted on griefing could have been a death sentence.
But now, you don't have to watch every corner, you don't have to wake up in fear you'll be alone.
So you grief.
You grief your family, and Casey does too.
Sure, technically they're right outside your room.
But it's not them.
They didn't raise you.
When Leo sends you and Casey back in time,
You took it much worse than Casey, who was focused on completeing the mission.
Sure, you wanted to stop the Kraang too,
But you missed your dad...
So when you find your family's past selves,
And Leo is being so...
You're angry.
Really angry.
Never in your life had your father acted this way, and Casey needlessly boosting his ego 30 seconds into knowing him wasn't helping.
Through out the movie, Casey needs to remind himself that this Leo isn't your Leo.
You have absolutely no trouble with that.
You come across as cold and angry, which worries your brother since you've never been like this before.
The others just assume you're always that way.
But you're not,
And acting like this makes you hate yourself.
You're grappling with the loss of your dad, and the fact that you might fail to do what you were sent here to in the first place.
Casey pulls you aside and gives you a talk.
He understands that your hurting,
He is too,
But this isn't about the two of you.
This is about saving the world and stopping the Kraang.
After that, you can hurt all you want.
That talk ended with you sobbing into Casey's shoulder, practically collapsing to the ground while you clinged to him and begged him not to leave you too.
Aight imma hit ya with the sandwich technique.
Fluff, angst, fluff.
When you were a kid,
You had a habit of collecting anything shiny.
Old coins, jewelry, even just shiny rocks.
If it glimmered, you wanted it.
So whenever Leo had to leave the base, he always came back with something shiny for you to add to your hoarde.
He liked to compare you to a crow, and you asked what a crow was.
Right, raised in the apocolypse.
Sure there were plenty of birds around,
But they weren't.... normal.
So Leo explained what a crow was, and that they liked to collect shiny things.
You understood, but you wanted to know what one looked like,
So you went to Uncle Tello and asked if he could show you what a crow looks like.
He showed you, and immediatly you took to the comparison proudly.
You were like a crow!
Mikey liked to put on little shows for you and all the other children that lived in the base.
Making animals and such out of his ninpo.
Your favorite were the birds, the rabbits too.
But the best was the butterflies, which he also used to help you and Casey fall asleep.
They'd flutter around you room kinda like a nightlight.
I also like to imagine that when you and Casey start scouting, you get in trouble for fucking around.
Mostly making stupid bets for your shiny things.
Casey would collect shiny things just to make these bets.
Usually it was simple stuff, like who can throw a rock the farthest,
But even stuff like that could get both of you killed.
Neither of you really listened until one day,
You're making your bet like usual,
And the building you were scouting out wasn't as empty as you thought.
The two of you nearly fell to your deaths, luckily Casey managed to grapple the two of you to safety.
But after that, you had a major fear of heights, and Leo didn't let the two of you out of his sight for a while.
He made sure to scold the two of you when you returned that day,
Before hugging you and telling you how scared he was for a second.
Leo has no problem with you and Casey being included in meetings,
Honestly he prefers it.
If you two are gonna go running around scouting, you should know what's going on.
You'll have the occasional adult who thinks you and Casey are incompitent because of your age,
And that you shouldn't participate in meetings.
But Leo puts that to rest pretty quickly.
"If they can go out, and risk their lives on missions, they can attend the meetings." He'd say.
Leo loves you with his heart and soul.
If anything happened to you, he'd fall apart.
Sometimes he just needs you to have little sleepovers with him, that way he knows you're safe and sound.
He just wants to protect you.
You're his kid,
And he loves you
I wrote this while listening to anarchy by egg, and damn that song fits.
This one is LONG that's my bad, I got alittle carried away :^
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howlingday · 13 days
jaune is spiderman au) in which jaune is everyone's favorite webslinger, going by the name Huntsman (after the huntsman spider) downside he lacks the tech other spidermen have, upside he's already got tons of superstength and durability before he unlocks his aura! however his story is a little different than most spidermen, since everyone around him is a bad ass his grandpa (who's this story's uncle ben) doesn't die. instead when a white fang operative tries to rob him grandpa arc draws a revolver shoots his enemy dead and holsters without breaking stride. people at the scene describe him saying to himself "it's a hell of a thing killing a man" while walking away. take us through the life of a spiderman that the universe doesn't hate
A universe that DOESN'T hate Spider-Man? Oof... Tall order there, friend. But, sure, I'll see what I can do. Before we begin, might I regale you with my research? If not, skip to the read more. When I was playing Shattered Dimension for the PlayStation, there was a bumper in the loading screen explaining that there was a Parker of York Spider-Man who was a knight cursed with the blessings of a spider. I thought to look into this for inspiration, but I came up with bupkis on that. Instead, I found three different inspirations that used the name of Spider Knight. The first is Spyder-Knight from Disney's Ultimate Spider-Man. Not really anything too interesting. Just a knight in Spider-Man armor. Then there's the Prince of Arachne, who was a Peter Parker who worked for the noble Osborn family. He left after Princess Gwendolyn died in his place when Norman Osborn tried to kill him with a chandelier. Peter became knight and served as the Prince of the kingdom, sadly leaving a heartbroken Mary Jane to weep for his return. Then there's the SpiderKnight, who is a fusion of Spider-Man and Moon Knight, which is Peter Parker with D.I.D., including him, the witty voice of The Spider, the serious voice of The Knight, the confident voice of The CEO, and the techy voice of The Science. And then there's SpideyMoon, which... is a thing, apparently? A CANON THING, TOO! Like, apparently, they dated, but it's never brought up again after one mention in one panel? Actually, now that I think about it, I think that was just a joke Spider-Man made. But, yeah, that's what I found. Anyway, here's your Huntsman Spider AU~!
Chapter 1 - Somethin' Sensational~!
There is an old saying, often told to those who begin questioning their lot in life...
"There are those who are born great. There are those who achieve greatness. And there are those who have greatness thrust upon them."
For one such young man, named Jaune Arc, he wasn't quite sure where he fit into these categories. One could argue he was born great as his ancestors were all heroes and imbued upon him the genetics of a great warrior. However, it could also be argued that greatness was thrust upon him when he awoke one morning with unusual abilities that allowed him to sense danger and climb up walls.
The third category, however, Jaune was certain he wouldn't fit into. His chances of "achieving greatness" were slim to none. Even if he'd somehow managed to stumble his way into Beacon Academy, a school for Huntsmen and Huntresses from all over Remnant, he still a poor fit as both a leader and a hero.
That said, he still did what he could to help out anyone he could. Like his grandfather taught him. "If you can do it, then just do it." His work schedule as a midnight superhero was a bit of a mess, but it's not like he could just stand by and do nothing. Especially not when his world was tearing itself apart.
"I'm screwed..." Jaune groaned into his textbook.
"Is that so?" Ren, his roommate, asked as he read from his own book.
"Doctor Oobleck is going to eat me alive tomorrow. I've been so busy dealing with the Torchwick gang that I wasn't paying attention to anything he's said this past week."
"You could always ask for a remedial class." Ren turned the page.
"And when would I have time for that? When you've already graduated while I'm still trying to figure out what color underwear Gura Belladonna wore when the White Fang disbanded?"
"Ghira Belladonna." Ren corrected. "And you don't have to worry about the underwear color. Just the cloak color. Which was..."
"I'm screwed, aren't I?"
As Jaune slammed his face into his book again, he scroll suddenly buzzed. It was an emergency alert from the school...
"All students are required to remain away from Vale downtown due to a robbery in progress."
"Ren?" Jaune shut his textbook and ran to the closet. He snagged his backpack, complete with his superhero suit, and ran for the window.
"I'll tell any girls asking about you that you just missed them." Not looking up from his own studying. Jaune's leaving had become something of a routine at this point.
"Yeah, right." Jaune opened the window. "Like any girl would ever ask about me." Leaping out, he ran up the wall to the roof. Easier to change from there.
"3... 2..." A knock came from the door. Ren stood and opened it, finding his best friend and her roommate standing with their own textbooks. "Hello, girls."
"Hi, Ren~!" Nora cheerfully greeted.
"Hello, Ren," Pyrrha also greeted, albeit more demurely, "is Jaune here?"
"You just missed him." Ren said with a smirk.
"There's trouble downtown."
"Do you think it's the White Fang?"
"Could be."
"This used to be such a nice city."
"If only the police would do their jobs."
Jaune made his way from the school to downtown as fast as his legs could carry him. It was times like these, which happened every time there was a crime to be stopped, that he wished he'd brought his bike with him to Beacon. At the time, he didn't think he'd leave the academy very often, and even now he argued that it would only make it more obvious who this masked vigilante stepping in to stop crimes that huntsmen were either too busy, or too corrupt, to stop was.
Thankfully, he'd developed a routine by now and figured out the fastest way to downtown was by train. He didn't have a ticket, so he'd have to hitch a ride. Last time he tried to jump on it while the train was still in the station, the conductor's refused to move until he jumped off. For some reason, people didn't trust masked vigilantes when they said, "I'm trying to stop a crime from happening!"
Jaune was now downtown-bound with his eyes on The Gilded Crown, the biggest bank in Vale. Keeping low to the roof he quietly prayed that whoever was tough enough to make such an attempt was also nice enough to give up without a fight. Sadly, they were more the former and less the latter.
The train began to slow and Jaune leapt off the train and made a running start for the building closest to the station; the Vale CCTV News station where Lisa Lavender gave her unbiased view on him. And when Jaune says unbiased, he means that he doesn't like what she says but replies, "to be fair to her", to each of her arguments. After all, The Huntsman Spider is, was, and, for the foreseeable future, will always be a vigilante, not a huntsman or a police officer who work by codes, regulations, rules, laws, and everything else that stops a person from doing the right thing.
An extensive and drawn-out hop, skip, and a jump later, Jaune was watching the scene play out. Police, huntsmen, and huntresses were engaged in a firefight with bank robbers wearing black fedoras, black suits, red ties and red glasses. The Torchwick Gang. Jaune was weighing his options when he spotted someone breaking into the side of the building, through a top floor window.
"Hm," Jaune hummed, "either this vigilante thing is catching on, or there's something else going on here." Looking down to the brave boys and girls in blue and green, he decided they had enough on their plate without him 'getting in their way', as they like to say. "Think it's time I give them a break."
"So, Ren~?" Nora leaned in, cooing with a sweetness in her voice. "Any idea when Jaune will be back~?"
"I don't think he'll be back until late." Ren answered, not looking up from his textbook.
"Seriously?" Nora gave a long sigh and fell back onto his bed. "Isn't he failing history?"
"He's been studying. I'm sure he'll be fine on tomorrow's exam."
"Well, that may be so," Nora jumped from her back to her knees, "but there's a lot more important things to worry about than studying!" She glanced over to Pyrrha. "Like maybe getting closer to your friends~?" She waggled her brows.
"Nora..." Pyrrha gave a small pout. It was true she held an affection for Jaune, but it wasn't something she needed to focus on. She was attending Beacon to become a huntress, not to find a boyfriend. Getting a date for the weekend wasn't important right now, even if it's something she really wanted.
"Jaune and I are plenty close, Nora." Ren replied, not looking up from his book.
The two girls shared a look.
The inside of the bank was dark. Torchwick's gang must have shut off the power to make this heist a little easier for them. Jaune looked down from the rafters above as the black-cloaked goons of Vale's most dangerous criminal continued to unload bullet after bullet against the "protectors of the innocent".
Jaune understood it was a hard job to be a police officer and a huntsman. That's what his grandpa used to do, after all. However, according to the man himself, things have gotten way to lax and hard in the wrong places. When he threatened to go to the council, couple of dirty cops pinned Jaune's grandpa with a crime he didn't commit. No charges were pressed, but he was stripped of his badge and had his good name muddied.
From what Jaune had seen, this wasn't the case for all of the police, but still too many to just blindly trust all of them with everything. So he decided to let things play out down below while chasing the shadowy figure moving ahead of him. He kept his distance, following the obvious trail they left. Open doors and open windows practically screamed-
"This way!' Jaune looked down and watched as the goons started running deeper into the bank. Huntsmen and police wouldn't be too far behind. Jaune had to work fast.
Jaune's head throbbed, and his back slammed against the wall by a doorway on instinct. Bullets sprayed from the other side, meaning stealth was no longer an option. Holding up his arms, keeping his target in view, he charged forward as bullets ricocheted off his armor plating. When he got close enough, he ducked low and pushed himself forward into the figure.
That didn't work, though, and he what he jumped into fell away like solid smoke. His head throbbed and he rolled away as soon as he hit the ground, narrowly avoiding the swipe of a blade. As his rolling came to a stop, he watched the figure flee around a corner, beginning the chase again. He was about to indulge when he heard shouting from the other direction.
Following this noise, he found another large room, though this one wasn't riddled with bullets like before. Instead, there a group of hostages, all tied up and gagged, with the largest of them being yanked to his feet by Torchwick's thugs. Jaune could play cat and mouse with his lead, but not when there was somebody in trouble. Jumping down from the second floor, he landed on the balls of his feet and hopped forward. The gang members gave shouts as they aimed their weapons at him. He ran to the side, keeping clear of the hostages, and chased after the running gang members.
They dragged the large hostage down the corridor leading to the back exit. Jaune barreled through and knocked aside any criminal that got in his way. When they got up to try and chase down their assailant, they were captured by the pursuing huntsmen. Jaune made it to the back alley where the hostage was being shoved into a long car. Jaune made for a running jump and landed just as the car was peeling out.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jaune shouted as the car swerved around, trying to shake him off. For better or worse, Jaune wasn't flying off with his hands sticking to the roof of the car. His head throbbed and he rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding a blade stabbing through the roof. His head throbbed again, instigating him to roll aside once more. By the time the third stab came, he rolled himself into position over the window. Giving a little hop, he smashed through the window, and everything started to slow down around Jaune.
The guy with the blade, shocked at the sudden intrusion, fumbled with his weapon before trying to stab Jaune with it. The thrust was avoided as Jaune slid into the vehicle with both hands now removed from the roof. Curling into himself, Jaune punched one goon while grabbing hold of the blade from the not sharp side. He then kicked the blade goon as Jaune tugged on the blade. One goon pulled his gun on Jaune, but the hostage jumped into him, giving Jaune the chance to avoid being shot and knocking the goon out.
"You okay?" Jaune asked, untying the hostage. "You usually hear about these kinds of things happening on trains."
"Aside from the glass in my suit," the man grumbled, scowling at Jaune as he removed the gag from his mouth, "I'll live." He took the gun and made his way to the front, where he tapped on the glass. The window opened and he shoved the gun through. "Pull over!"
"Whoa, whoa! Careful!" Jaune shouted. "No need to get violent!"
"Really?" The man asked sarcastically. "After kicking the hell out three asses, shoving a gun into a fourth is where you draw the line?" The car slowed to a stop.
"Wouldn't you?" Jaune asked, trying to ease the tension.
Without looking at his savior, the man replied. "You sound just like him." His arm twitched. "And you. Try anything funny and you'll wish you killed me back there."
Jaune, not sensing any danger, exited the limo with the large man. The man took the lead and brought Jaune into an alley where he could escape. Before he left, Jaune and the man had a talk.
"Look, kid, I get that your heart's in the right place," the man said, "but a lot of people got hurt today. If you want to help people, be a huntsman, or a cop. Don't make things worse by putting on a mask and being a hero."
"I have to, though." Jaune said. "If something bad happens and I could have stopped it, then it's no different than if I did the bad thing." Jaune's voice was a bit shaky, since this was a much larger man he was speaking to, but it was the honest truth.
"You really are just like Ghira." The man chuckled.
"You know Ghira Bellafauna?"
"Belladonna, and yeah. I used to work for him before..." Sirens wailing in the distance started getting louder. "You better go kid."
"Sure." Jaune jumped onto the wall and was about to climb up. "Oh, uh, one more question, if you don't mind..."
"Well done, Mr. Arc!" Doctor Oobleck called as he handed Jaune his test. "...is what I would say if your score were just a little higher. You may have passed the exam, but I expect much better from you in the future. Keep studying and you just might get an actual 'Well done'."
"Er, thanks, Doctor Oobleck." Jaune said, sheepishly taking the exam into his hands.
"Guess you were studying without us, huh, Jaune?" Nora remarked.
"Well, something like that." Jaune chuckled. "Ren and I have been really hitting the books this past week."
"Yeah, well, some things are a lot more important than studying, you know." Nora rolled her eyes.
"Nora..." Pyrrha grumbled.
As Jaune ignored Nora, he felt like someone was staring at him. He looked around, his eyes passing over the classroom until he caught someone looking right at him a few desks away. The girl looked away, keeping her eyes glued to her exam paper. He recognized her, but more as a friend of a friend than an actual friend. Blake, wasn't it?
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molagboop · 2 months
I know nothing about the AU. Give me the rundown of the basics!
Raven Beak is extradited from ZDR after his climactic battle with Samus Aran and delivered straight into the custody of the Galactic Federation's most notorious federal penitentiary. Six months later, he's suspiciously let out on parole, wherein he immediately locates Samus' apartment and asks to be let in.
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After a lengthy discussion, she relents, he makes potato pancakes for dinner, and she has a new roommate. This was not intended to be a permanent arrangement, but as Raven Beak's next of kin and only living connection to his esteemed warrior culture, Samus is in a prime position to help him acclimate to living in polite society again and please maybe convince him to be a good little citizen and not blast us all to bits please and thank you.
Thus, Samus has the enviable task of watching a retired Chozo Warlord half-heartedly bumble his way through the streets of the Federation capital on planet Daiban, and reigning him in when he tries swindling groceries away for free from weak-hearted clerks who don't speak Chozo.
Still significantly weakened from their battle, Raven Beak is in no position to murder Federation officials and wrest control of the galaxy from unworthy hands.
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Freshly retired, our washed up Warlord must find a niche to settle into on an alien planet full of brittle non-warriors and too-short doorways. Can he survive long enough to find a suitable knitting circle and martial arts dojo in the heart of enemy territory? Will water aerobics be the recreational activity to finally soothe his indomitable spirit?!? Only time will tell.
Raven Beak isn't a complete drag to have around, though: he's a phenomenal cook, he cleans up well, and he keeps the nest when Samus has to leave the planet chasing a bounty. When she can't be around to keep an eye on the big guy, Samus calls upon her ever-reliable friends and neighbors to make sure her once estranged uncle-father isn't jacking any spacefaring vehicles to hightail it off this dump.
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The series deals mostly in comedy, with Raven Beak reacting to life on Daiban, bickering with Samus, and forging a new path all his own now that he has no flesh military nor robot army of his own to command. Will he find new purpose in this alien world, or will he slit Samus' throat in her sleep and devour the heart of the Galactic Federation like some fucked up pelican?
Samus is banking on it being the former. She really, truly hopes it'll be the former.
The most important things to keep in mind regarding this universe:
Raven Beak is sleeping on Samus' couch, acclimating to civilian life on a Federation planet.
They don't hate each other, but there is a level of distrust: they're slowly getting to know one another. The mostly one-sided "I hate you" period of their relationship ran the duration of the first week and a half of his stay, but Samus has since realized that she really did a number on him back on ZDR, and has sort of relaxed.
Raven Beak is comically tall. There are some tall aliens here, but he is stupid tall. Some doorways and most apartment bathtubs do not accommodate him. His height is not always accurately conveyed because composition is hard.
Raven Beak has not earned the privilege of the esteemed title of "father" or "papa". He is "big guy", "old [man]", and "he's uhh, kind of like an uncle or a grandpa, technically related by blood... no, he didn't raise me. Kind of like a distant relative. He's here for the summer, maybe longer. Why do you ask?"
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This is her life now, and she's accepted it. Every meal's been a banger, though: at least she has that to look forward to.
So far, we've only seen them interact at home, but he will go outside. Oh boy, will he go outside. This gargantuan warrior-poet is about to be everyone else's problem.
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happypotato48 · 2 months
Century of Love EP 3-4 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Ok ok ok we're going fast baby! need to catch up so i can start doing this weekly.
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Kanom krok! if any of ya'll ever coming to Thailand you better get this dessert. imo it's the best Thai street food. i'm not fond with the ones that has corn in them, but for real the green onions ones are heavenly.
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Best advice in bl ever grandma. yeah fuck them hoes whose only judged you for your past mistakes and social status.
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Tit-bit about thai nickname trend. people who only has two kids usually named their two kids to rhyme and/or in similar theme. for an example Nammon (holy water) Namhom (scented water.)
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This is a BL alright :)
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the three (generations) stooges. god i loved this family so much.
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This is the sexiest scene in all of the recent Thai BLs. fight me, this man brush work got me more work up than butt naked sex scenes. anyways i'm calling dibs on this man he's my future husband and non of you bitches can have him!
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Yeah as much it is ashamed for me to admit this but i can only count to ten in mandarin.
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Gramp you already had sex dreams about this boy. also the heaven don't give no shit about two men getting married. it's the dinosaurs that you have to be worry about.
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The OG Y girl Nu Wa striked agian.
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One bad choice and your life is ruined. i related to that.
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One class solidarity flashback and this man is ready down to clown, respect.
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I know this scene is suppose to be funny but like i'm trash so... berate me more Daddy!
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Dashing! so since the marriage equality bill passed i've been start thinking about my own hopefully one day will happen wedding. and yeahhhh i'm a basic bitch i probably going to wear black but after seeing this maybe red is not a bad choice. still need to find a man first tho.
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What did i said! our girl Nu Wa is the OG!
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Another bad choice to be make, that's life i guess.
And now to EP 4!
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I wish i have the audacity of this boy. it's very inspiring to be this shameless.
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Ok i love this homophobic grandpa. idk why but i don't feel bothered by a homophobic lead in this show contrast to other older Thai BLs.
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Noooo you hurts my baby old man! although bloody noise Tao is kinda turn me on.
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I don't care i support this boy very bad choice in saving his grandma. this baby and his grandma deserved the world.
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My heart! ahhhhhhh!!!!
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*incoherent noise* Gay love is indeed magical.
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I will kill you motherfucker. classist pig.
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+1 Point for show up for the wedding - 1 point for not beliving your friends outlandish BL nonsense.
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Hell yeah, this shit alway bothered me in vempire show.
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Danm this boy is jacked! i support (as long as they're not straving themselves) twink death for all BL actors.
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This show is bonker lol i loved it.
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Hi uncle Suchat.
Yesss finally some good god danm Thai BL. these two EPs is so good, i loved the silly bickering between our leads but also how the emotional stuff are very much not overshadowed by all of the sillyness. i'm very much invested in Wee's quest to save his grandma and the genuine budding romance that started to bubbly up cause of the mutual cares and empathy that the leads has for each other. i'm having a great time with this show and i can't wait for this week EPs.
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mamaestapa · 1 year
This Love Came Back To Me
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/n Hubbard, the younger sister of Cincinnati Bengals Defensive End Sam Hubbard, finds herself in a difficult situation after a steamy hookup with her brothers best friend, who just so happens to be the quarterback for the Bengals. In just nine months their lives will be changed forever. How will Y/n and Joe manage to to go through parenthood together? more so, how will Sam take the news he is going to be the uncle of his best friends baby?
•chapter summary: As you spend the morning with Joe, the two of you talk about the past couple days and look back on your first few memories with each other
•word count: 4.5k
•warnings: pregnancy, allusions to sex, language, some angst, lots of fluff, flashbacks to ohio state, i think that’s it lol
series masterlist
April 14, 2023
5 months pregnant
"But mommy probably won't let you be in the stands with the fans, hey, I won't even let you. Only because we want you to stay safe once you're out here with us buddy."
You reluctantly opened your eyes at the sound of Joe's morning voice waking you from your peaceful sleep. Joe was propped up on one of his elbows as his face was lined up with your bump, so he could talk to his son. You just laid there and stayed silent, letting Joe have a moment to talk to his baby boy.
"You're going to love game days. You'll be up in the suite with your Grandma Robin, Grandpa Jim, maybe even a few of mommy and daddy's friends, and mommy of course." Joe glanced up at you smiling softly as he gazed at your "sleeping" figure.
“You’ve got the kindest and most beautiful woman in the world as your mommy. She loves you so much. You’re pretty lucky little man…” Joe put a warm hand on your protruding belly, hoping to feel a kick. As Joe lovingly stroked your belly with his fingers, he continued to talk to the baby.
“I love her so much, and I’m going to make sure that when the day comes for us to meet you, your mommy and I will be together. You and her both deserve that relationship.”
You smiled softly at his words. Your heart swelled with joy at the thought of being with Joe. Things didn’t work out for you in the past, but you were hopeful they would now. You reached out to touch Joe, putting your hand onto his head and running your fingers through his dark blonde hair that he was starting to grow out. Your actions causing his head to snap up from your tummy, his eyes widening slightly as he looked at you. You were awake.
How long were you awake? Did you hear everything?
You smiled warmly, “Good morning.” Joe returned the smile, a slight blush on his cheeks since you caught him talking to your bump. “Good morning. How long have you been up?”He asked, a hesitant expression on his face.
“Not long,” you lied, “I just woke up.” Joe nodded and laid his head back down, pressing his cheek onto your swollen tummy as he looked up at you, admiring how you looked when you first woke up in the morning. You yawned and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as Joe worked on trying to get the baby to kick. No matter how much he poked and prodded, he had no luck.
“Baby is being stubborn this morning.” Joe pouted, poking the side of your tummy with his index finger. You chuckled and brought a hand down to the your bump, rubbing it as you spoke. “Yeah, he does that sometimes. Especially in the morning,” you sighed, “but he has no problem doing summersaults when I’m trying to sleep.”
Joe chuckled and closed his eyes in content as he kept his cheek pressed gently against your bump. You closed your eyes and hummed softly as you ran your fingers through Joe's hair. The two of you laid there on the bed, your bodies relaxed and eyes closed as you enjoyed the morning after together. You could stay like this forever...
Suddenly, your stomach let out a loud growl, making yours and Joe's eyes snap open. You chuckled and covered your face in embarrassment as Joe lifted his head from your bump. He too chuckled at the sound as he sat up in bed. He reached out and pulled your hands away from your face, holding onto them as he spoke.
“Baby sounds hungry.” He chuckled, teasing you. You shook your head as a small smile pulled at your lips, “Just a little bit.”
Joe smiled and pulled himself away from you so that he could get out of bed. You watched as he walked into his closet, searching for a pair of pants and shirt to throw on. Joe walked back out into the bedroom dressed in grey sweatpants and his LSU shirt with a tiger in the middle and the words “Death Valley” on it. He walked over to the side of the bed and smiled softly at you. Joe held his hand out for you which you gladly took, pulling yourself out of the bed. You weren't at that point in your pregnancy yet where you struggled to get up, but after the night you had last night, you wouldn't turn down Joe's help. You grimaced slightly as you noticed the ache in your when you stood up. You used muscles last night that you hadn't used in a while...
"You OK?" Joe asked, his face etching into a look of concern. You nodded, "Just a little sore."
Joe couldn't help the slight smirk that pulled at the corner of his mouth. That means it must've been a good night. He wrapped an arm around your waist as he guided you into the bathroom. You rolled your eyes at Joe acting like you couldn't walk by yourself. Yes, it was sweet of him, but you were just a little sore, not unable to walk like Joe made it seem like. He unwrapped his arm from your waist and put his hands on his hips as he looked at you.
"Maybe a bath will help?" he suggested, gesturing to the large bathtub next to him.
You smiled sweetly at his kind gesture. The thought of Joe running bath for you brought back many memories. You nodded, "I think it will." Joe gave a curt nod as he smiled at you. "Good," he said, "let me start one for you."
"Okay." You said softly, watching Joe as he started the bath for you. You were mesmerized by the way his forearm muscles flexed as he turned the bath on. His movements careful as he sat down on the edge of the tub. Joe reached out to check the temperature of the bath water before he grabbed the lavender epsom salt next to him, measuring out just the right amount to put in the water. He closed the bag of bath salt and turned the water off. He got up from the edge of the tub and turned his attention to you, a smile on his face as he looked at you.
"I read that epsom salt baths are good for pregnant women. Should help soothe that ache in your legs," a smirk pulled at his lips, "If not, I've got another remedy..."
You shook your head, a playful smile on your face as you spoke. "You are so bad." Joe's smirk turned to a grin at your words, making both of you share a little laugh. "But," you said sincerely, "I think the salt will work. Thank you for doing this for me."
"Of course."
Joe reached out and rubbed your arm gently as he walked past you. You turned around, facing him as he leaned against the doorway of his bathroom. He crossed his arms over his chest, taking a deep breath.
"Stay in as long as you want. I'm going to go downstairs and make breakfast."
"Thanks Joe." You said with a nod, a soft smile gracing your features. Joe nodded, backing out of the bathroom as he smirked, "Enjoy your bath mama."
After Joe walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him, you stripped out of your pajamas and carefully stepped into the bathtub. You let out a soft "Ah" as you sat down in the warm bathwater. You felt your body relax instantly from a mix of the warm water and the lavender from the bath salt. You submerged your body deeper into the water, letting your back rest up against the porcelain tub as you threw your head back. You let out a content sigh as you closed your eyes. Laying in the warm and relaxing bath brought back memories from when you were a Freshman and Sophomore at Ohio State...
"Ugh," you groaned as you shut the door to Joe's bedroom. The blonde took his attention away from his physics textbook, glancing up at you and your current annoyed state. You huffed out a sigh as you plopped down on his bed.
"Today is the worst day ever." You pouted, slouching down further into the mattress. Joe sighed as he leaned back in his desk chair, stretching his stiff limbs as he did so. Joe had been studying for his physics midterm for almost three hours now. To say he was exhausted was an understatement. He leaned forward and slammed his textbook shut. Joe smiled softly at you as he stood up from his desk chair, groaning slightly as he took a step.
"Hello to you too." He teased, making you give him an RBF in return. Joe plopped down on the bed next to you, sighing dramatically as he leaned his head on your shoulder. "What's going on, pretty girl?" He questioned, sounding genuinely concerned about what was wrong with you.
"I've just had an awful day. So much has gone wrong." You said quietly, a tired sigh escaping your lips after you finished your sentence. Joe frowned and brought a hand over to caress your bare thigh.
"I'm sorry Y/n."
You shrugged, "It's whatever," you craned your neck to look down at Joe, a small smile making its way onto your face as you looked at your brothers best friend, “I'm feeling better now that I'm with you."
Joe looked up at you and smiled at your confession. He was glad he made you feel better. Joe removed his head from your shoulder, getting himself up and out of his bed with a sigh. He held his hand out to you and looked at you softly, his blue eyes staring intensely into yours. You put your hand into his, making him smile.
“Come on,” he said, pulling you gently off of his bed, “I’ll go run you a bath. Maybe that’ll relax you, make you feel better.” You nodded and followed Joe into his bathroom, watching as he prepared a nice warm bath for you.
“What if Sam finds out?” You called out to Joe, your voice hesitant.
You and Joe have been hiding your little… “situationship” from your older brother for months now. You’d hate for him to find out this way (really you’d hate for him to find out at all). But you don’t need him walking in to see you naked in a bath tub while Joe sits in his room waiting for you to be done.
Joe flicked drops of water off his hands as he shook his head, shrugging his shoulders just a bit. “He’s not home. I’m not worried about it.” He crossed his arms across his chest as he walked over to where you stood in the doorway. He uncrossed his arms and reached out for your hands, holding them gently in his as he spoke.
“That’s why you’re here right now because you know Sam would freak if he saw you here without him being home.”
“I guess you’re right,” you said softly, nodding, “Thanks for doing this for me.” Joe smiled warmly and leaned down enough to place a delicate kiss on your temple. You blushed at the contact, smiling softly up at him as he pulled away from you.
Joe just stood in the doorway, watching you with a smirk on his face as you crossed your arms over your body, hooking your fingertips under your t-shirt. You pulled your shirt off your body with ease, throwing it to the ground. You were left in just your lacy bra and a pair of skinny jeans. Joe couldn’t stop himself from biting his lip as his eyes raked over your exposed torso. You shook your head at the boy, making your way back over to him. You reached out and pushed him backwards by his chest gently, making him get out of the bathroom.
“Get out you perv,” you teased, looking at him through your your lashes. Joe chuckled and put his hands up on defense, “Hey, I cant help it. You’re just so beautiful,” a smirk grew across his face, “Thought maybe you’d let me join you.”
“Absolutely not.” You chuckled, “maybe next time.” Joe smiled and reached out for the door handle. “I know,” he said, gesturing behind you to the empty bathtub, “waters going to get cold if you keep standing here though.” You glanced behind you, looking at the tub. Your body ached to get into that warm water and soak away the awful day that you were having.
Joe smiled softly, “Enjoy your bath pretty girl. I’ll be waiting out here for you.” With that, he left you alone to relax and enjoy your much needed bath.
Joe always knew how to make you feel better. That’s one of the things you loved most about him.
~end of flashback~
You opened your eyes, bringing you out of your memory from OSU. You smiled softly as you thought about it. You looked down at the bath water, noticing how your growing baby bump poked out just a little bit out of the water. You smiled contently and took a a deep breath, closing your eyes once again as the lavender aroma continued to fill your nostrils as you soaked in the warm water.
After about a good 20 minutes of just laying and relaxing in the tub, your baby boy was starting to move around a lot more and your stomach growling became more constant. Between your restless baby and your hunger, you decided to get out of the tub and dry off. You stood up and climbed over the side, careful not to slip on the bathroom tile as you did so. You drained the water and reached over to grab a towel from the cabinet next to the bathtub. After you wrapped yourself in the towel and dried yourself off a bit, you walked out of the bathroom and out into Joe’s bedroom. As soon as you exited the bathroom, the smell of bacon from the kitchen downstairs filled your nose, making your mouth water at the thought of fresh, warm, crispy bacon.
You walked over to Joe’s bed, a smile pulling at your lips as you noticed that Joe had set out clothes for you. You picked up his shirt and your spandex shorts from the bed, going back into the bathroom to get dressed. Once you were finished getting dressed, you left the bathroom and headed downstairs to greet Joe and eat your much needed breakfast. Upon walking into the kitchen, you saw Joe standing by the stove, flipping a couple pieces of french toast before transferring them over to a plate.
“Wow, something smells delicious,” you said, walking further into the kitchen. Joe turned around at the sound of your voice, lips quirking up into a smile as he looked at you.
“Good. I made french toast and bacon, and there’s some fresh strawberries in the fridge,” he gestured to the refrigerator, “hopefully this is still your favorite. You smiled at Joe, nodding softly, “Yeah, yeah it is.”
Even after all these years, Joe still remembered what your favorite breakfast was.
Joe smiled and turned the burner off, filling two plates with french toast and bacon, before grabbing the fresh strawberries from the fridge and putting a handful of the ripe berries on each plate. He grabbed the plates and walked over to the island, setting a plate down in front of you. He put the other one down next to you and sat down, sighing softly as he did so.
“Thank you for breakfast Joe.” You smiled, “I haven’t had french toast in such a long time.” Joe smiled and nodded, pointing at your plate with his fork, “Better eat up then, sweets.”
Don’t have to tell me twice…You thought to yourself as you picked up your fork, digging into the delicious breakfast that Joe prepared for you. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying your breakfast together until Joe uttered words that brought you back to your Ohio State days once again.
“I think the last time I made french toast was…” Joe popped a strawberry into his mouth, chewing carefully before he finished his thought, “During your sophomore year. You remember that?”
You nodded, a small smile making its way onto your face. “I do remember that. In your apartment with Sam and Nick?” Joe nodded, chuckling softly, “Yep. You stayed the night on the couch, well you were supposed to.”
“But I stayed with you instead.”
“You stayed with me instead,” he said, looking over at you, “and then we woke up and I attempted to make breakfast.”
“But failed,” you laughed, “Miserably.” Joe laughed, nodding his head, “Oh yeah, but, I think I did better this time.” You wiped your mouth with a napkin, nodding as you said, “Much better.”
You patted your swollen tummy, earning a kick in return from your baby boy, “Baby thinks so too.” Joe smiled warmly, “Good.” He said, bringing a hand down on your upper belly, feeling a strong kick as soon as he placed his hand down.
You opened your eyes and groaned, turning to the side to see that Joe’s alarm was going off. You reached your arm out and hit the stop button, huffing out a sigh of annoyance as you realized that means you have to wake up. You turned back around, reaching out to stroke Joe’s cheek as his tired eyes fluttered open.
“Mmm,” he hummed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his chest, “stay just a couple more minutes.” He nuzzled his nose into the back of your neck, making you smile.
“I wish I could Joey,” you said softly, “but you know Sam will kill us if he see’s I’m not on the couch and in your room instead.”
You had stayed the night at your brother’s apartment after a late night at a party. Sam didn’t want you to go back to your place by yourself, so he insisted that you stay with him and his roommates, Nick and Joe. Sam tried to give up his room for you for the night, but you insisted that you’d stay on the couch downstairs. However, you knew you wouldn’t be anywhere near the couch during your stay because you would be up in Joe’s room the whole night.
You slept with and stayed with Joe in his room for the night, the two of you staying up even later just talking about yourselves and random things before you finally fell asleep on Joe’s bed, under his blanket and tucked into his side. It was the best sleep you’d had in a long time and you wished you could stay in his embrace a little longer. But you couldn’t.
In order for you and Joe to not get caught by Sam, you set an alarm for 8, giving yourself plenty of time to get out of Joe’s room and back downstairs to make it seem like you slept on the couch the whole night once all of the guys were awake.
Joe groaned as you pulled his arm off of your waist. You turned around in the bed, leaning in to press a kiss to his nose before placing a sweet kiss on his lips.
“I’ll see you in a bit.” you said as you got out of his bed. Joe watched with a slight frown as you grabbed a blanket from the corner of his room. You folded the blanket so you could carry it downstairs. After the blanket was folded and being held in your arms, you waved to Joe, smiling sadly as you spoke quietly.
“Bye Joe, thanks for letting me stay with you last night.”
You walked out of his room and slowly shut the door, careful not to make too much noise so you wouldn’t get caught. After successfully leaving Joe’s room and making your way downstairs with minimal noise, you went over to the couch and laid down. You were able to actually fall asleep fairly quickly and get another couple hours of sleep before you woke up to the sound of chaos…
“Dude how the fuck did you do that?”
“I don’t fucking know! You told me to flip it, so I did!”
“Not like THAT!”
“God Burrow, you’re going to burn the damn apartment down!”
You sat up on the couch, suddenly wide awake at the smell and sight of the kitchen filling with smoke. The smoke alarms started to go off as you jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen.
“What in the hell…” you mumbled, walking into the kitchen. You It was absolute chaos. Joe was standing my the stove with a spatula in his hand, trying to fan away the smoke. Sam was rummaging through the cupboard for a fire extinguisher, and Nick was gagging at the clouds of smoke filling the room.
“What the hell happened!?” you asked, voice laced with shock. Sam turned around and pointed accusingly at Joe, who just smiled sheepishly.
“Joe tried to make breakfast for everyone.” Nick said, letting out another cough.
“Yeah, tried as in almost burned the whole damn place down!” Sam yelled, sighing in exasperation.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter as you watched the three men open windows, stop a small fire, and clean up the mess in the kitchen. You jumped in next to Joe, helping him open windows to let the smoke out. He smiled gratefully at you as you both reached for the same window.
You couldn’t believe Joe almost burnt the apartment down trying to make breakfast for you (and his roommates)—but you later found out the breakfast was initially meant just for you.
~end of flashback~
“I still can’t believe you started a fire.” You breathed out, putting your hands on your belly as your body shook with laughter. Joe shook his head, his laughter matching yours. “I know, I can’t believe it either.”
“Ah,” you breathed out, controlling your laughter, “those were good times.” Joe nodded, smiling as he looked at you with a soft gaze, “Yeah, yeah they were.”
They were good times for you and Joe, until he left for LSU that is. During those few years you knew Joe, your feelings for him grew more and more every day you were around him. Even now, many years later, out of college, in the NFL, and having a baby together, your feelings for Joe continue to grow more and more every day. You want answers from Sam someday about why he did what he did, but for now, you just want to be with Joe. However, you know for that to even be possible, you have to forgive him and let him explain the situation. The situation that is being with his ex-girlfriend while he was at the spring game. The situation that had you an emotional wreck for days. The situation that made you question everything about Joe and what he means to you. You know now that you were overreacting over the whole thing, but you still want to talk to him about it.
You put your fork down on your plate and looked over at Joe, smiling softly as you spoke.
“Joe,” you said, “I’m so sorry about the last couple days. I know I overreacted. Those pictures just really hurt me, and I thought you didn’t want to be with me anymore.”
Joe frowned and brought a hand over to your thigh, squeezing it gently. “I didn’t mean to hurt you Y/n,” he said, “I promise nothing happened, and of course I still want to be with you. I always have. Alexis was just at the game for the same reason I was.”
“I know that,” you nodded, “but the club and those photos…” Joe shook his head, “Tee sent me the pictures you showed him. The first one was a posed picture, someone wanted it for an article. You know I can’t say no to that.”
Joe had a point. He couldn’t say no, it would make him look bad. That’s definitely not what you or him wants.
“The second one,” he continued, “Alexis made a comment about Ja’Marr being a lightweight, it was actually pretty funny. You can ask him about it.” Joe sighed softly as he gently squeezed your thigh again, “but the hand around her waist, it only stayed there for maybe a second. We were getting a group picture taken before that fan took the picture they posted.”
You stayed silent as Joe finished talking. Oh. All of this made a lot of sense. You really did make a big deal over this situation that didn’t need to be made at all. Maybe if your pregnancy hormones weren’t raging, you would’ve realized all of the things Joe was saying to you without him actually having to tell you.
“Y/n,” Joe said softly, “Look at me.” You took your eyes off the floor, locking them with Joe’s beautiful blue. He grabbed one of your hands and put it in his own while his hand that was on your thigh migrated to the center of your belly.
“All of those pictures meant nothing, I swear. I truly did miss you and our baby boy.” You nodded, smiling softly. Joe smiled at your actions, “Will you forgive me? Can we move on from this?”
You could never stay mad at Joe for long and you could never not forgive him.
“I forgive you, Joe. Hopefully you can forgive me too…” you trailed off, voice growing quiet.
“I forgive you too, pretty girl.” Joe replied as he gently rubbed your belly.
Your smile widened at the nickname. Pretty girl. That’s what Joe always called you in college… Joe removed his hands from your body and leaned back in the barstool, “How about while I clean up in here, you go out in the living room and pick a movie. We’ll have a movie day today, just me and you.”
“OK,” you said, smiling softly, “I’d like that.” Your smile turned to a teasing smirk as you said, “I’m feeling cheesy romcoms…with maybe a side of The Hangover.”
The Hangover was yours and Sam’s go to movie in college. Joe can remember watching that movie constantly with the two of you in his old college apartment.
Joe chuckled and shook his head at your words, “Whatever you want, Y/n.” You smiled and stood from the barstool, Joe doing the same. The two of you embraced each other in a warm, comforting hug. A hug that the two of you didn’t realize you needed until you got it. Joe kissed the side of your head as he pulled away from you. You smiled sweetly up at him before you left the kitchen and went into the living room.
Joe watched you walk into the living room and get comfy on the couch under a blanket. A smile pulled at his lips as he looked at you. Joe was going to do it. Nothing or no one could hold him back anymore…
He was going to finally make you his. He just didn’t know when or how he was going to do it. Luckily for Joe though, the perfect moment was coming a lot sooner than he thought.
hi loves!!
this was kind of eh and all over the place, i apologize lol. this is also NOT deeply proofread or edited, i just fixed some parts as i skimmed. i’m sure there are errors i’m sorry. i just really wanted to write in some OSU flashbacks and i thought this was the perfect chapter for that!
these next few chapters are going to be super fluffy and full of good stuff, stuff that we’ve all been waiting for👀 so if fluff is your thing, you’ll love these next few chapters! but don’t worry…my girlies that love angst, i’ve still got some angst coming later for you😉
thank you for all of your love and support!! i always love reading all of your comments and feedback. you all are amazing and i’m so thankful for all of you. i love you all sm!🤍🤍
the next chapter will be out saturday, while friday will be a dad joe only blurb night, so some exciting things still to come this week!☺️
stay tuned!
tags: @dandelionwrites8 @joeburreauxsworld @theflawedwriter @mrsshiesty @ann288 @ijustcrypretty @theoneandonlyfanz @wickedfun9 @venus-b @hummusxx @stainednailpolishremover @a-moment-captured @alternativemadchen @erinmartin1987 @sirlewisworld @kkrenae @unhingedfangirl @sublimemusic-rebel @meameagirl @ilovejoeburroww @hallecarey1 @j-worlds-blog @blinkloverx3 @jordyn14 @kristencochefski1125 @ryiamarie @unsaidjaelinrose @sinners-98-world @ozwriterchick @evernova @fangirl-madz @fantasywritersstuff @jackharloww @emherb10
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