#death note theory
an-angrygod · 2 months
Just realised that L sipping tea and eating his fancy little cakes is such a British thing to do?? Lmao L must have been teasing Light with all the obvious hints
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ladygriffith · 5 months
What if Kira was female?
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Hi I wanted to thank you guys for your discussion. I did this fan art and had no idea people were already having a reddit thread with my fan art. here is my take: I thought if Light was female, L and Kira would slowly fall in love with each other.
I don't see Light as misogynist, as he disregarded the feelings of either sex and I don't believe female Light would be misandrist. I would have kept Misa female, with Misa being one-sided romantically attracted to fem! Light. She was still kira and had killed the murderer of her parents and Misa pledged her loyalty. I don't believe Takada would be a love interest, but more her best friend from university.
She would still manipulate Misa and L would have even more conflicting feelings between justice, rivalry, psychological mind games and love. L's analytical approach and suspicions of Light might take on different nuances as he navigates the complexities of interacting with a female suspect. With Light being female in a traditional setting in Japan, I believe Kira would be a lot more unassuming as the daughter of the police officer, Soichiro Yagami, making it harder for L to prove she is guilty and the task force would doubt him more. L may grapple with internal conflicts as he navigates the possibility of accusing a young woman of being a mass murderer, adding complexity to his character development and moral dilemmas.
My ultimate goal was that L and Kira bonded more deeply and through love, built a foundation of understanding each other, navigating through the facades and lies as they had twin flame energy. during the time she erased her memory, they would end up being a couple. L would get the chance to confront her more privately and question her motifs more discreetly rather than investigating in front of the task force. they would have an emotional bond, sexual tension and she would try to seduce L. his suspicion increased to a high percent and there would be a phase where L would have to remove himself from the case since of his personal feelings were involved. and we would still have mello and near's appearance.
L would refrain from handing her over to the authorities (I think they still had death penalty in Japan) and Kira would refrain from killing him. soichiro would survive as mello wouldn't kidnap sayu under L's watch. mello would stay alive since takada wasn't involved. and near would work on the case eventually proving she was Kira, not sure if she'd kill him and mikami in the process.
L would survive, but justice would be served.
She would be sentenced, but by L's intervention not to death. L proposes an alternative life sentence:
Kira's imprisonment in an asylum. she would get the help and the mental health treatment she so desperately needed. L revealed that he had personally funded Light's stay in the asylum. over time, they decided to burn the death note, erasing her memories of it and the evil it did in the world too. no one should ever put their hands on that notebook again. after some years when the he once-feared Kira becomes slowly a public distant memory, she would be released. L would take her abroad where they lived together rather secluded but peacefully and solved cases.
all in all, i wanted to give them a chance to confess their hidden feelings and stay alive.
this was partly inspired by a fanfic of bahari 'Asylum' and 'Silence'.
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deathnoteshit · 1 year
Genuine question, how do people know about the other successors of L? I know B, N, M and M but who’s A C D E F G H I J K O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
You know. The alphabet mafia members at Wammys.
I know A was mentioned in the LA BB Murder Cases book but all it says is they k*lled themself.
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I recently watched Death Note with my 60 year old dad and these were his predictions as we watched (spoilers)
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And he has an additional theory that Near was a test tube baby and L’s soul went into him
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welivetodream · 11 months
Re-watched and Re-read Death Note so...
As someone who is preparing for a career in law this will be rather interesting.
I know Misa and Mikami are Kira supporters but their own sense of Justice is different from Light's. Mikami is way more intense in punishing criminals and Misa does not care about Justice except for the fact it punished the criminals who killed her parents; she only punishes criminals for Light's attention.
Ryuk and L are more on the neutral side as in they either do not have any interest in justice or only care about having fun and not being bored. That's why Ryuk dropped the death note out of boredom and L solves cases when it's of personal intrigue to him, he is mostly morally grey.
The rest of the characters have their own unique sense of Justice (or the lack thereof).
(Have not read LA: BB case, I have no idea what BB is like except he is like the Lawlight lovechild)
*inserts Light and L saying "I am Justice" together*
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jayjamjary · 7 months
Okay. So. I had a realization during psych class today while learning about Freud's theory of psychosexual development.
L Lawliet. Mr. Overeating Oral Fixation Man himself. Is an orphan. Like. Do you see what I mean. Death Note spoilers ig and a lot of messy explaining below the cut.
For those unfamiliar with the theory I would first like to say, take it with a massive grain of salt because it's Sigmund Freud and also do note it is not about sex it is about pleasure in general. The general theory outlines the stages of personality development through the lense of where pleasure is gain from at each age and whether or not certain needs are being met appropriately.
Forgive me if I'm wrong about this, I don't have my textbook on me and my teacher has not posted the slides for this chapter, but I think the gist was that during the 0-18 months of stages of development, young children seek their pleasure through their mouth; they put things in their mouth, chew on stuff and eat. If they are not given enough love during this stage, if they are neglected or underfed, the child can grow up to have an oral fixation: an obsession with stimulation in the mouth like from eating, smoking, chew on stuff, or alcoholism.
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For our beloved L, this would be his over eating and poking and prodding at his mouth with his hands.
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L was an orphan. His ass was probably not being fed properly before he came under Wammy's care.
I think this bit of his design was entirely intentional and based on Freud's theory and also very interesting. I'm definitely going to be on the look out for more signs of fixations in other characters of Death Note as I learn more about the different psychosexual stages.
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xindy2i · 2 years
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[Meronia] Near's affection towards Mello
(This is not my work, I only participated in translation and sharing, and I have already asked for the permission :3)
Author: 小笑大玉 from Baidu Tieba
Mostly translate by Google
For the pairing of Near and Mello, it can be seen that Mello has stubborn with Near, but Near seems doesn't really care about Mello. Even Mello's sacrifice helped Near at last, it's difficult to see Near's feelings towards Mello since of there are too many manipulation and scheme. So here's a collection of MeroNia from the official manga and anime:
1. Near and the chocolate
Near eating chocolate in chapter 108 of the manga;
There have LMN's finger puppets in Near's official peripheral perfume, also have a bar of chocolate in the middle of letter N
2. The Finger Puppets of Mello
In Chinese version of How to Read, page 180 had mentioned that the Mello puppet is delicate than other because Near may like Mello;
In page 211, only Mello and Near puppets were kept in Near's toy box, the other puppets were tragically abandoned;
In episode 34 of anime, Near has been trimming his Mello puppet while talking with the SPK members.
3. Dear Mello
There are two points:
First is the person who wrote "Dear Mello“. There was nothing behind the pic in episode 30 of anime but it appeared when Near gave Mello the pic, so we can mostly sure that is Near wrote it, but not Roger or any orphanage director wrote it for every children;
The other hand is where the pic was kept before Mello received it from Near, Near seems have kept the pic in his clothes in manga chapter 62, and Near's hand moved upward toward the chest to take the pic out when Mello and Near met in anime episode 30. Just when I was puzzled that he didn't have any pockets on his pajama, I saw him take out his notes from his body while debating with kira… Now we all know the truth about where was the pic haha
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ranyblues · 1 year
Beyond Birthday
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It’s just a rough sketch. I was trying a different art style. I tried to make him really creepy and red centric.
I think I’ll add like a flying shinigami in the distance, and make the people more like shadows, ghost like.
My favourite part at his is the sky,cause like I have never made such a pretty multi coloured blended sky.
The inspiration for this -
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This picture was from tumbler but I can’t find the post anymore. Just let me know if someone finds them.
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toco-tully · 26 days
no one ever mentions the shinigami and them returning to dust after committing a grave sin (extending a humans lifespan) as a reference to genesis 3:19 in the bible- "for dust you are and to dust you shall return"
most likely just another of the many biblical references in death note but i personally headcanon that it answers the question as to where shinigami come from since we know they don't reproduce biologically
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beyondboy · 1 year
I know I talked about this in some tags in reply to someone's question (I'll reference the post here if I can find it) but I think the mechanics that names hold in the deathnote universe are certainly not based upon things such as a legal name, rather simply being the name that somebody goes by, the canonish example we see of this is obviously being the fact that Beyond Birthday was killed by the deathnote as Beyond Birthday, which we have to assume is not his real name given that he is a Wammy's child and they don't go by their birth names rather names from their initials (with the exception of L, but his real name was actually L so like yk) so M= Mello, N=Near, there is no possible way that Beyond could've been killed by this name if it wasn't one that he went by, in the story of the LABB we can see that he has adopted his own identity as an antithesis to L, he's whole identity is based around L (so symbolically we can see that since L's real name was actually L, beyond's real name is now actually Beyond birthday, the fact that his goes by the "nickname" rather than BB shows how he is just a successor of L and that he was never going to replace him) for context I don't believe that L was actually born L Lawliet, he was an orphan for fucks sake he probably named himself or they gave him this name as Wammy's, (this symbolising how there is no separation between L the detective and L the person) so yeah I think it's quite clear to see that Beyond Birthday is a chosen name, the fact he can be killed by it shows that legal names hold no weight.
Further onto that point, we know the death note has been around for over hundreds and thousands of years (since they're there for killing humans we could safely say that they've been around as long as humans) obviously the further back we go the less law there is, people just called eachother whatever without any sort of legal binding as there was no law, yet people still died. Of course you could argue that names are predetermined just like the human natural lifespan, as you can see both through the same mechanism, it wouldn't be a reach to say they work the same, I mean I wouldn't not buy that, we could just assume that whatever name you end up going by when you die was your predetermined name all along, though this isn't a mechanic we see played out or explored in DN so this is mostly just theory and headcanon.
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
I just realized something about L's character and it may have changed my perspective on him
(DEATH NOTE SPOILERS) TW: slight mentions of death/self harm
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Admit it or not, most of us got hooked to Death Note because of L's goofiness. And some of us hated Light because of his god complex. But none of us realized that L maybe just the same as Light.
Let me explain.
We all know that L's mostly emotionless all the time. Yes, there are times that he would show or at least try to act like a decent human being like calling Light as his "first friend" and pretending that he's one of Misa's fans when he first met her just to steal her phone for evidences about the Kira case.
And if you don't know. There's a canon (oneshot?/novel I don't really remember) about his successors. A, who ended his own life because of peer pressure and BB who became a serial killer to try to beat L and make his crimes "one of the most impossible cases to solve". But as we know BB failed at this and got caught at the end.
But I thought, why did BB did all of this? Well I think it's because of his abusive childhood at Wammy's House. We all know that intelligent children were taken care under Watari's roof for their potential to be L's successor. However, I just realized that children were forced to compete one another for success (that's why Mello has always hated Near). And even after A and BB's death none of this methods were changed for a safer and healthier environment for the children. Yes, no matter how smart they are they're still little kids who has very fragile minds that can be easily manipulated. Did L showed remorse for this? Did he asked Watari to change the rules inside Wammy's House? No.
And I feel like he just really doesn't care about using people as pawns just to finish the case. It's shown that when Light "thinks that he's Kira" he's not buying it. L was also willing to lock up Soichiro with his consent (Light's dad). And he locked up Misa Amane with a tray of chemicals, threatening her if she didn't speak up. He did all of this just for the case to be solved.
And I think that the whole "first friend" was just a lie (it's canon don't argue). L used this method to get a reaction out of Light and fall his guard off and maybe try to feel a little sympathy out of him. And the rain scene was also a trap (even though L knows that he's going to die anyways). He asked Light if he ever lied (not exact quote but you get my point) which Light answered in half-honesty like a psychopath which L expected since Light also wants to be thought and viewed as innocent.
Don't get me wrong, I love L. But we tend to forget that he's not a goofy and cute cinnamon roll that is often shown in the anime. He's still a genius who's willing to take risk and use anybody just to solve the last piece of the puzzle. Did L thought that what he's doing is somewhat wrong? Possibly. Yet he still chose to risk everything even his life to solve crimes. Versus Light. Even as a narcissistic, psychopathic teenager who has the Death Note thinking he's morally right and killed all criminals and somehow made crime rates go lower.
It changed my perspective of L as a character. It kind of turned me off to be honest (as a L simp), but it made me appreciate L's intelligence more and he's not just that cute character that we seem to love. For me he and Light were no different from one another. They're willing to use others to get important information in their cat and mouse game in their battle of wits and pride.
Yeah that's my little rant. What did you thought about L? Did this post changed your perspective on the greatest detective in the world?
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matcha-goblin · 1 year
I've been trying to figure this out, and I think there's a contradiction in the cannon on whether Near has met L in person before.
In the one-shot special (aka the first section of Death Note Short Stories), Near specifically states that the only interaction he had with L was hearing him speak through a computer to the children at Whammy's House.
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However, as I've seen someone point out before, the finger puppet Near makes of L actually looks like it's based on his real appearance, implying that Near saw L face to face.
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So was he lying when he claimed not to have met L? Is the appearance of the finger puppet a coincidence? Idk, it's kinda weird in my opinion. Just a thought. :)
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deathnoteshit · 1 year
Beyond gives me ‘that one uncle’ vibes.
Some people at the family gathering love him and he’s the fun cool uncle.
Some people think he’s trying too hard to be the fun uncle.
Some people call him the crazy uncle because he’s done some crazy things. Well more like tells stories and they’re like 30%-70% true half the time.
Some people rumour he’s killed somebody but he never denies it he just laughs and jokes about it like it’s another crazy story. Few people genuinely believe he has killed somebody before.
And there’s of course the one family member that’s absolutely annoyed he came.
And last but not least that one lady that thinks he shouldn’t be near the kids.
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buffporcupine · 1 year
Death Note Theory
This is an original Death Note theory, as far as I’m aware. I have seen no record that anyone else has thought of this, so…? Please correct me if I’m wrong /gen. Below is the theory.
According to the rules of the Death Note, a user must write the name of a person while picturing the person’s face in order for the Death Note to work on them. This would presumably render any aphantasiac unable to use a Death Note. However, this may depend on the level of the severity their aphantasia is at.
Aphantasia is a condition that causes a person to be “blind in the mind’s eye” or unable to conjure mental images. I, personally, am an aphantasiac, and to a more severe degree. On a scale, a ten is considered to be hyperphantasia [the ability to create extremely vivid and intricate mental images] and a zero is considered to be total aphantasia. On that scale, I’m at a a three or four. Everything I try to picture in my mind is about 1/5 size of the real picture, and it what looks like a 30% opacity overlay of plain visual static.
Since picturing the face of the one you aim to kill is necessary in the use of the Death Note, an aphantasic may be partially or completely unable to use a Death Note. Maybe it would be that, or for someone like me, I’d have to write the person’s name multiple times, picturing a different small portion of their face each time? There are lots of possibilities…
It makes me feel special that I thought of something no other Death Note fan has… I may be wrong about this being original, though, and if I am, please lmk.
When on a certain character AI for L, I noticed that he often suspected me of being Kira, and when I used my aphantasia as my rebuttal, he seemed to accept it as plausible?? Is there something AI L knows that we don’t??
Anyway, there’s my little theory.
An aphantasiac should have difficulty using a Death Note.
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welivetodream · 2 years
Death Note happened and kept going on because Light, Ryuk and L were just bored with their lives and I respect that.
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corviiids · 5 months
tbh au where L just doesn't seem to zero in on light as kira at all and light is smug at first but then starts to get increasingly frustrated as L keeps taking swings and missing completely. gets kinda close and then announces the biggest suspect is sayu yagami. don't worry about the older one, he's just an ordinary boy. L never even makes contact. light's dropping signs and L is picking them up but completely misinterpreting them. light's like this guy's a fucking idiot lmfao?? i could get away with this forever. but then he gets bored with no one to play with and he's irritated that L keeps giving credit to every random idiot for being kira. light starts dropping more and more brazen clues trying to see if this stupid detective can take a hint and then L arrests him off the massive trail of evidence he's been leaving for months
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