shiningliive · 5 years
OMG I GOT BOTH AI AND SYO ON MY FIRST TRY 😍😍😍 (the only ones I was looking at lol)
Congrats! That Syo is so great, I love all the SRs for this set, but I think that unidolised Syo is my favourite of them. His expression is super nice, I’d love to keep seeing more variation and angles in the poses like we saw in this set with the laying down and sitting poses. Very cute.
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
Happy belated Birthday!!🎉 I hope you had a wonderful day 😊
:)) I did, thank you, friend.
The birthday wishes, even when late, are appreciated. 
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peccolias · 6 years
3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18 ,19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 33, and 35. Lol you dont have to answer everything if you dont want to. ^_^
Naruto asks
3) which villainwould you most like to fight
Madara. He’d kill me bc he’s way OPed but it’d be worth it??Like, maybe instead of fight I’d rather, uh, arm wrestle him so I can stand a fraction of a chance? I’d still probably die. But I could hold his hand first 😊
4) favorite chuninexam fight
5) how would you havecheated during the chunin exams
Hmm…by having someone else dress up/henge as me andparticipate instead. I really hate sitting for tests
7) which battle wasyour favorite
I like almost all of them, it’d be easier to say which myleast favorite was, honestly. But, hmm... maybe Gaara and Lee vs. Kimimaro? I think that was when Lee did the drunken fist thing
8) favorite femaleninja’s outfit
Sakura’s Shippuden outfit is really cute!
9) favorite maleninja’s outfit
Madara’s. It’s pretty much just beat-up armor but it’s pretty cool? His so6p outfit is great, too.
11) how would youwear your headband
I feel like forehead and anywhere on the head would slipdown a lot and be inconvenient so probably as a belt or just throw the platesomewhere on my outfit where it won’t hinder me but still be visible
14) which opening isyour favorite
OP 13, Niwaka Ame Ni Mo Makezu by Nico Touches The Walls
15) which closing isyour favorite
Hmmm I don’t really stick around to listen to the end songsso I don’t really know! The first Naruto one was heart-wrenchingly emotional and sticks inmy mind a lot, though. I think it was called Wind
16) how long have youbeen into Naruto
I read it in SJ when I was like 12 but didn’t get intoit seriously until I was 16 or so and binged it because of a close friend’s interest in it. I droppedit when I was 18 and then got back into it when I was 23 and have been goingstrong since. So it’s been in my life for a while, anyway
18) favoritecharacter
Hard choice, but I’ll go with Naruto. Sunshine boy!!
19) least favoritecharacter
Hmm…once upon a time it was Sasuke but he’s redeemed himselfso I’ll throw out a lesser character like, uhh, Kabuto. He was always kind of annoying
20) do you own anynaruto merch
Not much. An art book, 2 data books, 2 manga volumes, 5 petit figures and the ANBU Kakashi scale figure
21) in the akatsukiwhat color would you paint your nails
23) have you everplayed any of the naruto video games
Yeah! Just one. Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 i think?
24) weapon of choice
26) favorite Uchiha
28) favorite fillerepisode
The one about the curry sticks in my mind, but I haven’treally watched many fillers so it’s hard to say
29) favorite arc
Rescuing Gaara/the one with Sakura vs. Sasori
33) favorite bijuu
Kurama! So cranky
35) what ninjaoccupation would you choose
Something that would keep me busy and on my feet, but notnecessarily out there putting my life on the line. Weapons construction and testing,maybe?
I think I got them all. thanks so much for asking!! these were fun to think about.
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langwrites · 6 years
Dadadaaaah! This song!
If you gave me a chance I would take itIt’s a shot in the dark but I’ll make itKnow with all of your heart, you can’t shame meWhen I am with you, there’s no place I rather be
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Happy birthday Christopher!! I hope you had an absolutely amazing day :D
I DID! Thanks so much for helping make it special for me this year. :)
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nevararaven · 9 years
hello there :), I just wanted to say that I noticed your blog when cry reblogged your post, and i just wanted to say that I like what you have here and I like it. Sorry if I sound a little awkward, have a good day :)
Geez this was honestly really nice and adorable. It wasn’t awkward in any way c:
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writer-and-artist27 · 6 years
How about 2 and 74 for the oc question asks?
:) Thanks for the ask, friend. Here’s the answers~
2. What would history remember your character for?
Well, for each member of the Hoshino Family, the history books would be mixed.
Judai will always be known as the “Unscathed Hero,” one of the many ninja that helped bring an end to the Second Shinobi War, but there would be a footnote of quiet admiration from the book’s author on how he was also one of the few ninja who advocated for healthy living beyond the advertised “dying for honor” thing that was prevalent in his generation. The fact that he still stays best friends with Sakumo in spite of the backlash would be huge.
Hikari would be the “Odd Violinist” and “Founder of Nagareboshi Cafe,” since she was one of the first civilians to really be more independent outside of the “civilian women marrying early” kind of mold. She did strike it off all on her own and told off men who tried to court her recklessly, not to mention her standing up to The Professor of Konoha himself, Hiruzen Sarutobi, and coming out alive when it came to her family.
Tomoko would be the “Civilian Pianist of Nagareboshi Cafe” and “that One Civilian Friend of Team Minato,” both for her status as a friend to many influential ninja in spite of her civilian position and the odd style of piano she always played. Not the piano itself, but the songs. Behind the scenes though, known only to a select few because no one connected the dots? The anonymous author [   ], who rightfully criticized the ninja world and in poetry, told the more political higher-ups to fuck themselves and get out of government. Her other world counterpart, Tomoya, would share these titles, plus being the First Openly Trans Woman out there.
An exception to all this is Hisako, since only a few knew of her existence to the end with her being a Nobody. But Tomoko always carried her around, and her memory, at least in my head, stays with Tomo and Kei (at least in S&S).
In the Dungeons and Dragons verse that Os has been making with the friend group? My character Hue is really going down for being a “Horse Lover” and a “Lawful Good Paladin who Keeps Sticking Her Nose Out Even When She’s Tired.” :p Because she absolutely adores her familiar and best friend Jaune (who takes the shape of a horse) and her wearing the one-of-a-kind Amulet of Earnest Good makes her stand out.
74. Are any of your characters associated with flowers?
Of course. Some of these flowers have been shown in previous art, but here we go. I mainly chose these flowers for the sake of flower language and esthetic (meanings taken from the Internet).
Tomoko: White Lily for “purity, modesty, and sweetness”
Tomoya: Japanese Blue Morning Glory for “affection and mortality”
Hikari: Pink Gladiolus for “moral strength”
Judai: Edelweiss for “courage and power”
Hisako: Chrysanthemum for “royalty, rejuvenation, and vitality”; also for “autumn”
Hue: Violet for “honesty”; even though her name means “lily” in Vietnamese, I felt like this flower fits better.
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writer-and-artist27 · 6 years
Bloop, bloop, bloop. Also how was the con? :)
Three bloops = 3 facts! 
Though, before that. To answer your question, Anime Expo was fun! The only cons were the heat that comes with being in Los Angeles during the summer and my sore legs. The high for the weekend was actually 102 degrees Fahrenheit, so waiting in line for panels was hard if not for me carrying a handfan. It went really well, though, and seeing a convention dedicated just to anime was awesome. More so when going with my boyfriend and two other friends. So many cosplayers, and everyone was nice! It was fun to make a friend out of a Deadpool because I fanned him when he was sweating too much. He gave me a free hug! My only regret is not getting a commission at Artist Alley, but maybe next year. Hehe.
Tomoko does have a fondness for chocolate. Vy never did get to eat a lot of it because of her brother having obesity and her parents not buying it much as a result. So, to compensate, she tries to buy chocolate chips and bake things with them – both to help the family business and to satisfy her craving for them. A lot of her creations, if not eaten by the family ninja (Judai, cough), end up in a display case sitting at the side of Nagareboshi Cafe’s front podium for visitors to see when coming in.
Hikari’s birthday is November 22nd, making her a Sagittarius.
One of the first gifts that Hikari ever gave Judai was a handmade red-white jacket for him to wear around Konoha when it got cold. He’s kept it ever since. 
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writer-and-artist27 · 6 years
How about red, blue, pink, brown, and clear? For the get to know the writer asks?
:) Thank you, friend. I’ve been down lately because of my period starting and college kicking my ass, so your ask is much appreciated.
Put under the cut to make it easier on anyone’s dashboards.
Red: What type of writer’s block do you experience the most?
Oh gosh…type of writer’s block, huh? =-= This feels like a small callout if not for me already feeling down. Well…
School-related writer’s block, because stress from handling midterms and other classes while juggling story ideas is ridiculous enough for me, because seriously, having an idea just when you’re in the middle of taking a test is the most frustrating thing ever because you can’t just doodle it down onto your scantron!!
Character-reactions writer’s block, because I have an idea of what the plot requires, but not the character reactions—this happens more with S&S than CP actually, since I have to hold myself back many times from messaging Lang or Os when they’re busy in order to try getting my rambly thoughts together first, more so when it comes to Kei and CYB characters that my understanding can falter with because they’re not my characters and I’m horrible at sarcasm, and
Plot-related writer’s block, where I want some characters (cough cough — Tomoko and the other civilian villagers — cough) to go in one direction, but I lack the words to properly write it at the time.
Blue: What’s more important to you: characters or plot?
Personally? Characters. The plot can easily be any-run-of-the-mill idea. Hell, CP itself has a very basic beginning when you think about it. A girl dies by hit-and-run car crash and finds herself in a world that she saw as fictional, living a new life. But it’s the girl’s decisions that start the first ripples to everything, and that itself is what makes a story great. Sure, a great plot, a great story, can bring anyone in. But what about the characters? What makes you want to root for them? What makes you want to stay? If you have bland, one-note characters, no one is going to stay.
It’s one of the fundamental reasons why Satoru from CP never shows up in S&S thus far because my writing of him at the time was very one-dimensional and horrendous. Good characters are why I stay for stories like CYB and Silver Queen’s Dreaming of Sunshine, because they keep me going even when I want to cry at whatever plot machine is looming over their heads. Characters are why I give so many fluffy, at-home moments in CP, because then they can become more than figments of your imagination and be actual people.
Pink: Which of your characters would become your best friend?
Right off the bat? Hisako or Hikari. I feel like Tomoko might be a bit wary of me because of my standing as the past self of her that got to continue the life she never got, and also be upset with me on how S&S seems to set her up for a lot of pain that comes with Kei’s black-hole social status in the future.
Hisako though, I would just collaborate with on ways to troll Tomoko while also helping her with organizing Tomoko’s mental library, just in the hopes that the little pianist can stand up without faltering more often.  
Hikari? Fashion ideas and violin music, because classical music is my thing and I hope ideas to Hikari would help influence Konoha to not put out stuff like Naruto’s potential Oiroke no Jutsu or really raunchy shinobi outfits that Boruto seems to propagate. =-= Seriously, there’s only so much skin you can show before I want to scream, “Utility, people! Simple, modest, and useful! Not just to catch looks and make sexist men feel better about themselves! And stop making kids in your magazine images!”
…Seriously, being sexualized is horrendous enough. More so when you’ve apparently been stared at for most of your life and never noticed until your first boyfriend ever started pointing it out. =_=
Brown: Do you have a set writing space? Or do you write everywhere?
I’d like to say my room, but with how ideas can come, I kinda write everywhere. Literally, almost everywhere. At the foot of my bed, in a dark corner of my desk, out at a dining table in the center of my college campus, and even at a table in the library. At one point, I’ve even sat at the foot of a tree to write on my laptop, with a cute cat walking over to cuddle with me. This was on my previous road trip to Glacier National Park, and that was some good times.
Clear: Do your characters control where the story goes or do you maintain control?
…I’d like to think that I maintain some control, but considering how recent chapters have included Hikari slapping the Third Hokage and talking him down a few pegs a la Yang in CP 52, Kakashi of all people initiating a relationship upgrade in CP 49 when I was floundering on my own from second-hand embarrassment, and Kei herself actually taking initiative and protecting Tomo in S&S 13 during the Drunk Guy Incident-Aftermath without any input from Lang…yeah, the characters are powerful in my head.
I just kinda wish my head would stop shipping KeiTomo, because thinking about that means indirectly thinking about Lang and myself hitting it off, and to be honest, that’s really awkward. =-=lll
Thanks again for the ask though, @deathnotehyperness. :) This was a great distraction.
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writer-and-artist27 · 6 years
How about 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, and 20? For the fanfic ask meme?
:DD Friend, you are wonderful. Thank you for the ask!
3. What part was most difficult?
For Civilian Pianist, what always gets to me is writing any angst scenes, just because of how my heart really empathizes with all the tension and so on. The second half of Kannabi was especially hard for me to write at the time, because the fan in me really wanted Team Minato to come out all okay, no injuries aside from the faint grazes for the sake of everyone being happy. This is also why I was so sensitive during the Satoru Arc, because some of the feedback that came back, especially after writing such an emotionally difficult arc, was so negative and upsetting to the point I ended up nearly snapping with the Announcement. 
This is why Chapter 52 of CP is taking so long, because writing Tomoko’s long-awaited confession to her loved ones about her vow of silence is hard, more so with college weighing on me as always.
The same can be said for The Sea and Stars, since the differences between Tomoko and Kei really become more obvious in later chapters and how they react to things. 
5. What do you like best about this fic?
I always love writing fluff and teenage floundering when it comes to CP, because the hugs and eventual kisses between the main couple really warm my heart when I have bad days. It just kinda shows that the ninja world has its soft side too.
For S&S though, I just enjoy being able to work with Lang and Os when brainstorming for this fic. Catch Your Breath already has so much crammed into each chapter, whether it’s character development and worldbuilding, and trying to put my own twist to it with Tomoko’s civilian perspective really is a nice challenge. Not to mention, giving the CYB cast some well-deserved love and appreciation. 
Not that Lang and the other fans have been doing so already, but still. :) I’ll always see S&S as my letter of appreciation to Lang and Os, and to fans of CYB and CP. 
7. What’s a reference you made no one has picked up on yet?
What really gets to me in general is how barely anyone really comments on the humor, fluff and other emotional twists I put in The Sea and Stars, or comments in general, aside from some nice people, sob, because there’s just so many sides of kid!Tomoko I get to show off that wasn’t shown in CP originally. Example being her large duffle bag in Chapter 16, since that was an obscure reference to K-On! and how Ui, Yui’s younger sister, tried to carry tea to the main characters despite suffering from a fever. The girls at the time naturally panicked, and I drew from that scene when writing the duffle bag, because I know Tomoko would be more than willing to do the same thing.
9.) Favorite line(s) of dialogue?
For CP, taken from Chapter 49. It’s more mental feedback than dialogue, but I think it counts:
What in all heck are you supposed to do when your best friend and apparent love interest asks to kiss you?!
Past memories don’t prepare you for the absolute real thing!
Tomoko-chan, just say it, or I’m taking control here.
Hisako, please don’t.
You’re seriously tempting me, though. Just letting you know.
Dear lord, someone save me now.
For S&S though…Chapter 9:
The civilian in front of her blinked. “…Um, did I say something wrong?”
“…No,” Kei said flatly, leaning back on her cushion with a sigh. “I’m just… surprised? Shocked? All of that?”
“Uhhhh…” Tomoko responded, lowering her hand.
“Then again, if it worked in Macross…” Kei muttered, putting a hand on her chin. “It could work…”
“Ummmm…” the civilian started turning an embarrassed pink while inclining her head. “What’s Macross, Kei?”
The ninja blinked while glancing over at her. “Mecha anime where the universe is saved through singing, I think.”
A pause followed.
Tomoko turned a bit redder as she shook her head. “W-Well, I’m not trying to save the universe, and I don’t have a mech, Kei,” — and then a lightbulb seemed to go off in her head — “Though if mechs existed in the Narutoverse, how many missiles would it take to blow up the Ten Tails statue and Madara…?”
Tomo does have a morbidly curious side. :>
13. How many drafts did the work go through? 
Hm. I don’t really count off drafts because I try to write as much as I can for a chapter, then if I hit a block, I consult someone, and then keep writing. Usually once I finish a chapter, I read it over, put it into Microsoft Word to check grammar, call up either Leo or Josh on phone, or Lang on Tumblr, as well as Os and Abalisk occasionally, and then just post it up on FFN without thinking on it too much. Usually end up going to class or sleeping after that.
16. If you used a beta, what did you agree or disagree on?
It’s interesting that you say that because to be honest, almost every close friend I’ve talked to has been a beta in my mind. I don’t have an official beta, like how Lang can count on Os, but the people I interact with help a lot. Leo, Josh, another friend who I’ll call “Ash”, since I’m not sure if she’s okay with me mentioning another name and so on, Lang, Os, and Abalisk. Those 6 people really help me out when I’m floundering. Most of the time, they give suggestions, and I end up taking them into consideration. I’ve never had full arguments for this kind of stuff.
But in terms of agreeing or disagreeing, I don’t know what I can say to that. Leo is the closest person to me that disagrees with me on things, but it’s really on the brainstorming of the Danganronpa Crossover I’ve been planning for S&S, and he’s the self-proclaimed Danganronpa/Sci-Fi expert. Said disagreements don’t last that long though, since they’re more of things to consider and not force. 
17. Did anything surprise you during the writing?
Really, the fan reception and reviews. I was not expecting CP to nearly overshadow S&S, nor how reviewers overall were really nice to me with the longer time intervals between updates. I guess the past Announcement and reception to the Satoru Arc were really the only negative things, and even then, the CP and S&S fanbases have been kind overall. That’s the nice thing. I can’t help but feel touched every single time someone says they felt happy or some other emotion from my writing, because it shows my floundering is paying off and I’m helping someone!
18. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Of CP? Look no further than The Sea and Stars! 
Aside from that… Well, there is the Danganronpa crossover I’m still brainstorming/working on. And what I mentioned in a previous ask. There was a time where I considered writing Tomoko as an actual ninja, paired with a nicer, more Leo-like version of Satoru and Josh’s own ninja going by the name of Sho, but since it required all three of us to work on it, and Leo’s own apathy to it, we never really did finish. But the ideas stayed. :)
20. What did you learn from writing this fic?
For both stories mentioned above? Emotional reactions to various situations, including those of war (including PTSD and how one might approach it); how to properly respond to feedback and criticisms (especially when it comes to mean reviewers); and how to avoid ableism. The last one I attribute specifically to Os, since writing the aftermath of CP’s Kannabi meant addressing that issue, and their advice really helped. 
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writer-and-artist27 · 6 years
Different person than the one who asked the original question, What would Tomoya's relationships to the other characters be like? Would it be any different from Tomoko's relationships or would it be relatively be the same? Would the characters themselves treat Tomoya differently since he's a boy?
I’m honestly not fully sure on how the relationships would change, since something that came up in my thought process that I confirmed with Os (@owlsofstarlight) is that Tomoya would be a trans girl. Tomoya may be male at birth, but the original mind/soul that is “Vy” still identifies as female, hence being a trans girl. She has a male body, but a female mind, hence the initial confusion on my part about this whole “genderbent!Tomoko” idea in the first place. 
Now, my original reasoning for this is that I personally identify as female and even if I was reborn as Tomoya with all my memories intact like Vy might’ve done in this AU, that wouldn’t change.
And going back onto the subject of the changes in relationships, I only know that:
Judai will certainly help Tomoya out a lot more, since she is really panicking about being a guy, so there would be a bit closer of a relationship, and
Hikari would be a lot more supportive than shown in CP (which is saying a lot, because in my writer mind, she’s Super Mom) once Tomoya comes out about being a trans girl. Since she’s been on the civilian side a lot already to the point of knowing the in and outs of society, and sees her child so confused over all this, it would certainly result in a more open of a relationship - to where I could easily see Tomoya coming out about the reincarnation status.
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writer-and-artist27 · 7 years
How about F, K, L, N, P, S, T, and Y?
Thank you, friend. :) Just thank you. Anyways…
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
Catch Your Breath by @langwrites. I can’t think of anybody else, and Lang and Beta are amazing. Simple as that. -^- (thumbs up) 
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Oh dear lord. The Sea and Stars has had me come up with so many in brainstorming future arcs alone, just because Kei is a disaster magnet and Tomoko is trying to hold everything together, only to have it worse than CP in a way! >^
But the angstiest? Tomoko somehow getting roped into a fight with Orochimaru out of the guy’s interest in her ninshu, only to be brutally killed and for Kei to find her dead body. I could never write that, despite how tempting it is, because I adore Tomoko and Kei does not deserve to see that kind of thing. Not to mention how The Sea and Stars has established one of Kei’s longtime nightmares being Tomoko’s death in Pain’s invasion. Having it at Snakebert’s hands would just make it worse! 
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
Tomoko becoming a magical girl. Basically, the What If oneshots on my FFN profile that I’m tempted to hate now, because Nanoha and Naruto do not mix and how I unintentionally made the stories ableist with how it prevented Kei from losing use of her chakra in her left arm. Ugh. -A- I want to delete them, but honestly, I don’t know anymore.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
This is just a stray thought and curiosity, but I honestly wanted to see a fic from that small KeiTomo fanbase that existed for S&S for a while, to see their take on if the pairing happened and how they would interpret the friendship-turned-relationship. I know Lang and I sank the ship a while back, but it would be interesting to hear what people thought about it and possibilities for that ship. 
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I’m honestly a mix of both, since I do try to plan things in advance, but only general details, where I have enough wiggle room to let the story unfold as I go. Hence the whole, “uncertainty on CP and S&S endings and sequels”. 
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
You Are Better Than You Think You Are as TV Tropes would say, because Tomoko’s specialty in piano therapy is letting her loved ones know how much faith she has in them. 
Also, You Are Not Alone, because loneliness can be a real problem and knowing that someone cares for you is one of the sweetest things that I can ever see and feel. 
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Yanderes. Simple as that. I honestly do not understand why anime fans could like the characters at moments, especially considering how destructive a relationship could be, and if I ever encountered a Yandere myself, I’m running the other way. -A- Seeing a Yandere get their just-desserts though, now that is satisfying.
Y: A character you want to protect. 
In both CP and S&S? Tomoko (because my unconscious heaping angst in her direction doesn’t help and I end up tearing up irl because of it). In CP alone, all of Team Minato and Guy. In S&S, Kei and Hayate.
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peccolias · 7 years
deathnotehyperness replied to your post “Otome tag”
did they ever release Utapri in english? I got into it via the anime a couple months ago and was a lil disappointed that I couldn't find the game anywhere. (although I did see it on the PSP, not that I have a working one lol)
hmmm, not sure! i only watched it and followed a few blog translations of the games :/ i mainly like it for the music and pretty/flamboyant character designs
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
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[Image Description: 5 photos of various sites taken from a road bike’s perspective. The first three are of forest and landscape foliage from downtown houses, via various street-connecting bridges. The last two photos are taken from near beaches, showing the dry land and the sand. End Description.]
The mood post-Christmas for my folks is biking, ignoring bad Fanfiction reviews that basically don’t give anything via blocking the person who gave them, bonding over tangerines and sore legs, and enjoying local scenery with masks on. Because at least bike and hiking trails aren’t closed with quarantine. Tis what comes with a simple family that doesn’t really adhere to holidays that often now.
Tagging the usual folks as always: @langwrites, @owlsofstarlight, @abalisk, @nezzuko, @withanina, @ratednfornerdy, @kyonkiki, @chiefladylightyay, @holybikinisbatman, @lovingempress, @deathnotehyperness, @maki-sonomura, @wingbladeweaver1357, @domhnall-of-zena, @fangoverdang, and others.
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
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[Image Description: Three different photos of hiking trails during the early morning. The first two are of rugged paths shaded by forest foliage, located at the Pacific Crest Trail leading to Eagle Rock in San Diego. The third and last photo is a panorama shot of the view from the Mother Miguel Mountain Trail, showing the city and cloudy blue sky from around 1,000 ft in elevation. End Description.]
It’s quiet at home and with the start of a new month, my legs are going to more places. At least the hiking sticks we have at home help in maintaining balance, because the beaten paths otherwise would be a little more scary, even with strong muscles and all the water and snacks to keep up.
Oh well. At least the naps after the exercises are worth it.
Dedicated to the following as always: @langwrites, @owlsofstarlight, @nezzuko, @abalisk, @kyonkiki, @pawaa, @withanina, @ratednfornerdy, @domhnall-of-zena, @fangoverdang, @holybikinisbatman, @nekosoralove, @wingbladeweaver1357, @chiefladylightyay, @lovingempress, @deathnotehyperness, @kuc1ng-uzumaki, and others.
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
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[Image Description: Three photos taken while out on a walk in the same urban neighborhood. All were taken with a iPhone 6s Plus. The first two are panorama shots, the first being of the wildflower field still being happy on the side of the sidewalk and the second highlighting the lack of people or cars on a home hill. The third and final photo is of a morning glory, bright thanks to the sunlight. End Description.]
Because “Vy being meh” sucks as a punchline in my head and I can’t keep worrying loved ones forever. So two flower deliveries in a day. It works. =^=
Dedicated to the following as always to keep up moral and friendly things: @langwrites, @owlsofstarlight, @nezzuko, @abalisk, @wingbladeweaver1357, @withanina, @kyonkiki, @raspberryusagi, @ratednfornerdy, @queenmajesty, @domhnall-of-zena, @fangoverdang, @holybikinisbatman, @nekosoralove, @kuc1ng-uzumaki, @chiefladylightyay, @lovingempress, @deathnotehyperness, and others.
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