perotovar · 2 years
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PEDRO PASCAL in “Hope” for Style Magazine | Part 1 for @deathswaywardson
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wigglebox · 6 years
deathswaywardson replied to your post: right okay so i’m not going to put a spoiler...
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for posting these warnings. I’m really not looking forward to this ep for these very reasons. So, yeah. Thanks. :)
No problem. There is no buck to the bucklemming part so lemming just went off the deep end of torture here. it’s very frustrating. there are some good bits so far but the first five minutes were tought to watch (i’m afraid of drowning and small spaces!) 
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cuddlemonsterdean · 7 years
dwelling on mold || 13x05 coda. please check AO3 link for additional tags!
A couple miles down the road, Dean cranks up the heat. Sam shoots him a look. It's May; they don't need heating. Except, when you die, and you get send back, the cold lingers for a while. Dean's body knows he's been dead, like he's been dead a gazillion times over.
Some alpha male asshole with an overpriced Jeep is crowding too close to Baby. Dean signals, switches lanes, lets him pass. He's not driving slow exactly, but—ain't like there's anything to get back to.
His chest throbs.
Dean swallowed a painkiller dry before getting into the car, plus a little something extra to keep him awake. Sam is asleep already. At some point, Dean may hallucinate sheep again, but who the fuck cares. Sleep doesn't help. It's more cruel than anything, because it's never long enough, never deep enough, and the things he sees—and then he's got to get up again and it's just more of the same. Do the job, take care of Sam. Resist his stupid maternal urge that says take care of Jack too, while everything else in Dean screams no, not again. I can't. Stop pushing me.
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losthavenmine · 7 years
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The Lost Boys (1987) - for @deathswaywardson
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ghisborne · 8 years
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Lucas, who is he?
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
I Love You and Goodbye
Hi my friends! We are finally in episode 15x18 "Despair" or "The Truth". The episode in which Destiel went canon.
So, let's grab our napkins and let's start with this.
Remember this meta is a summary from my metas from season 15 with some new additions now that the show ended.
You can find my metas from 15x18 following these links: X, X and X.
The last Destiel mirrors
I want to start this meta summary with the last two destiel mirrors from episode 15x18. Both of them were foreshadowing the big lover separation at the end.
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Charlie always mirrored Dean, so it's very interesting to hear her talking about how her relationship with Stevie started.
She mentioned she didn't want to try that love thing again, it's a parallel of Dean's past with Cassie earlier in the show. It started as a game could be also related to Dean first attempts of flirting with Castiel in season 4 and 5.
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I'll go with you...
One of the most iconic Destiel quotes has to be recalled in this episode too. Loyalty, love and abnegation from Castiel to Dean.
Because I Love You (Romantically)
This whole description from the scene it had been taken from my meta, I want to transcript the whole analysis here just because the moment I wrote this I was still hoping Dea would rescue Castieo, and I was crying and laughing hysterically, so... I wanna share that to all of you:
This love confession was beautiful, and Castiel made it clear he was talking about ROMANTIC LOVE, because the whole prelude in his wordings were perfectly clear. There's not doubt he was confessing his romantic love for Dean. He even mention THE ONLY THING I CAN'T HAVE is the thing that will make him happy.
It's canon he was asking himself what happiness could be!!! It means CAS THOUGHT ABOUT HOW COULD IT BE TO HAVE DEAN NOT JUST AS A FRIEND!!!!
I'm gonna stop here just a little to point out why the quote "IT HAS ALWAYS BENN YOU" said by Billie takes a huge significance in here. Because Dean is not just the centric problem of a Cosmic entity, like Death, but the centric topic in Castiel's confession.
The love confession from 15x18 was a recalling of the first Destiel scene in the barn. In which Castiel saw a broken soul, a man that thought he didn't deserved to be saved, and immediately he took that challenge in his arms. The challenge was to make Dean BELIEVE HE WAS WORTHY. That he deserved to be saved AND LOVED. That's why from this moment on, Dean will change the way he sees himself.
When Castiel says he understood HAPPINESS IS NOT ABOUT TO HAVE IT, BUT IT'S ABOUT TO SAY IT (FEEL IT) immediately after saying he couldn't have that thing (Dean) is marking to all the audience that knowing HE CAN'T HAVE DEAN, HE IS HAPPY JUST FEELING THAT LOVE FOR HIM. LOVONG HIM AS HE DOES IS WHAT MAKES CAS HAPPY, AND CONFESSING THAT LOVE TO DEAN, RELEASE HIM.
Because Death gave a speech that became a summary of all the villains through this show, Castiel is the one purifying each mean word by transforming them into Dean's virtues.
While naming Dean's sacrifices and protective behavior, and showing him HE DID IT FOR LOVE, Castiel is trying to make Dean to see himself as CAS sees him.
Love yourself, because you are precious, because I LOVE YOU. You are not a monster, you are all this good things I see on you.
Gif set credit @mugiwara-lucy
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Castiel crying, loving Dean with all of his self, and Dean in shock (or silenced by the network and the writers).
All the foreshadows of Dean gagging, vomiting, swallowing, eating... all of that was for this moment here. Dean's silence. Dean eating his words, Dean being silenced.
We could try to find other explanation, or live forever inside Jackie's magnificent acting options (giving us that swallow and mouth shut, as if he was trying to speak... as if he was trying to reply to his angel...) but truth is... C*W and the writers silenced him.
And then Castiel was swallowed by black goo, again. And that was Misha's last apparition. The ultimate sacrifice for love. Again.
Castiel Love's confession word by word
I'm gonna talk about specifically of the Destiel scene. Word by word, as I wrote in the third meta on the top of this volumen, with some new additions.
“I always wondered, ever since I took that that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be, what...what my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer. Because the one thing I want...it's something I know I can't have."
It's canon now that Castiel was wondering what would it be to have Dean not just as a friend, but as a lover, and I'm.... Okay. (Internally screaming).
Pointed by @weird-dorky-little-d, the parallel here with Pamela (Dean's fem mirror in Rocky's Bar) in which she said DEAN ALWAYS WANTED WHAT HE COULDN'T HAVE. It means, both dumbasses in love thought their love were unrequited (in the worst scenario) but maybe to Castiel was the Sacred Oath? Perhaps...
"But I think i know...I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having. It's in just being. It's in just saying it.”
This is such a deep thought and it talks about Castiel's maturity of character. He understood once for all, that loving Dean Winchester, feeling what he feels for him, and expressing that to Dean, is his true happiness. Because...
METATRON: "(...) You draped yourself in the flag of Heaven, but ultimately, it was all about saving one human. Right?"
Dean: "What are you talking about, man?
This question coming from Dean shows the audience Dean didn't know what Castiel was trying to say. So this could be a clue about Dean thinking his love is unrequited.
Cas: “I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive and you're angry and you're broken. You're...you're 'Daddy's Blunt Instrument.' And you think hate and anger, that's...that's what drives you. That's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you sees it.
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Cas: You know, ever since I met you, ever since I pulled you out from Hell...
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I was hoping Dean to give us our angel back, but well. It was Jack. Hehehee.
Gif set credit @spnsmile
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I recommend to go to the third link on the top of this meta and read @mrsaquaman187 amazing body language reading of this scene!
But now, about what Castiel is saying...
If you are still alive, i just want to point how romantic is this, because he is saying that Dean changed him for good. And he is naming all their family, Sam, Jack, and humanity, the world. Dean. So practically, Cas is saying, Dean showed Cas how to take care of others. Damn...
This is a call back to Castiel's talk with Ishim in 12x10:
ISHIM: The way you let those simians talk to you... Castiel, when did you get so gooey? You know why we're meant to stay away from them humans? Hmm? It's not because we're a danger to them. They're a danger to us. Case in point.
CAS: Well, my friendship with Sam and Dean has made me stronger.
Castiel rewording again, because he knows what Dean did on him, Dean changed him for good.
DEAN (quiet, resigned) Why does this sound like a goodbye?
CASTIEL: Because it is. I love you. (he smiles)
DEAN: Don't do this, Cas.
Dean's last words to Castiel... don't do this, don't confess your love for me and then die again.
It's painfully beautiful. Castiel was the light that touched Dean's life changing him for ever. He was loved and cared by this angel, and at the same time, Dean learned how to love Castiel in silence.
To Conclude:
The most beautiful love story ever told could've ended differently, happily, the way Dean and Cas deserved. But it ended up as a tragedy.
And we are here to fix it.
Destiel is canon and Destiel is forever.
Hope you like this meta. See you in the next one that will be the last one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @dizzypinwheel @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @belacoded @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, August 28 th 2021 9:03 PM
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lost-shoe · 4 years
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to know better. I was tagged by the very lovely and talented @rainbow-motors, thank you! :)
Relationship Status: Lucky to be married to my best friend and perfect partner in life
Favorite Color: Green
Three Favorite Foods: Sushi (particularly salmon sashimi), steak and chips, marzipan
Song Stuck In My Head: Jingle Bells. It’s my son’s favourite song and he requires that I sing it with him at least twice a week, all year round lol
Last Song I Listened To: Prophet by King Princess
Last Thing I Googled: piano-related stuff, nothing exciting
Time: 4pm
Dream Trip: seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland
Anything I Really Want: more pets!
I’m tagging: @deathswaywardson, @xersei, @lostsoulincssea, @spn-idjits-guide-to-hunting, @littlefreya, @killians-fair-maiden, @clarrrkent, @thisiscloisforever, @warrenhmuck, @superrouth
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I was tagged by lovely @fierydeans and @stormsbringers -- thank you!
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // degas or seurat // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or water colour // fairy lights or candles
I tag: @deanjackles, @alastairdean, @acklest, @deathswaywardson, @jarpadandjensens, @aborddelimpala
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To Tag
Here is a list of everyone who asked to be tagged. If you just want to keep an eye on this project and watch it hopefully come to fruition you can follow this blog, the @destielwritersroom where the big group will be hanging out, or ask to be added to the tag list below.
If I’ve added you here by accident please let me know :D
Thank you for your interest! Fingers crossed!
@clemessi @naudtsk @twdoverload @anarchiana @penelopemiles @stopmakingfaces @cherubim85 @stedlouie @certifiedtrashxx @dammitsammy @trickster-archangel @destiel-221b-sabriel @thedemonicpsychoticotaku @castielmorningstar087 @beyond-the-nights-world @contemplativepancakes @knottybodyworker @deathswaywardson @friedlieb-ferdinand-runge @gabsisnotamazing @all-is-lost-hope-remains @randomnikkiebabbles @alackleholics @bryceismynewname @satans-bae-and-queen @poppyville
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perotovar · 8 months
given to fly — drabble
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pairing: joel/tess, ellie makes an appearance rating: T warnings: angst, takes place during ep 3, lots of introspection/character study, canon character death, if i missed anything else lmk! word count: 556 dividers: @saradika-graphics beta: @deathswaywardson this is a part of @iamasaddie 's ✏️ game! make sure you go read the other submissions!! moodboard is also made by @iamasaddie ♥
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Joel hadn’t really had a chance to properly… process what happened to Tess. He’s not sure he’ll ever get one. He made that little memorial for her by the riverbank, but it’s not enough. Tess meant too much for that.
It really hit him when Ellie looked through the clothes at Bill and Frank’s. “They had clothes for women?” She asked incredulously and held up one of the boxes. On the side, it said, Women’s Shirts – SM - MED. When Joel looked at the box, it didn’t register until Ellie asked, “How come? Did they trade with anyone else, or was it just you and…?” She left it hanging, because of what Joel said earlier.
“You don’t bring up Tess. Ever.”
Joel grunted to himself and turned back to the closet, looking through a box of the Men’s Shirts – L - XL.
“Jus’ pick somethin’ out and take your shower,” he mumbled under his breath.
Ellie exhaled a heavy breath and went back to look through the shirts. When she decided on one she liked she made an awkward exit, gesturing toward the bathroom in the hall with her thumb, and turned to leave.
Joel waited until he heard the water running to let out his own deep exhale, and pressed his thumb and forefinger into his eyes. He felt the tears sting behind his eyelids, and for a second he didn’t think he was going to cry, but then he let out a shaky breath and it’s like the floodgates opened. He didn’t even recognize the sounds he made. He felt his chest aching and his head pounding, but he had to stop. He had no idea how much time had passed with him like this. He can’t imagine Ellie will be much longer.
He cleared his throat and used the sleeve of his canvas jacket to wipe any stray tears away and made himself seem at least somewhat presentable. Shortly after, the sounds of the shower ceased and he coughed again, sniffling to himself. He grabbed an outfit for himself and a towel to use and waited until Ellie left. Thankfully, she didn’t come back into the bedroom with the clothes, and just made her way down the stairs.
Once Joel is under the spray, less warm now that Ellie’s used some of the hot water, he pressed his forehead against the tiles and remembered.
Flashes of Tess’ face, both smiling and not, crossed his mind. For some reason, the thing that stuck out to him the most is the smell of the shitty QZ shampoo they had to use. Tess’ hair always smelled like it because she had more hair to use it on. He focused on that for a minute and then Tess’ words rang in his ear.
“Save who you can save.”
A couple more tears ran down his cheeks as he shut his eyes and he nodded to himself. He shut off the water and dried himself as best he could. He wiped the steam away from the mirror and got a good look at himself for the first time in who knows how long. He felt tired. He felt old.
As he clasped the buttons of the green flannel he grabbed for himself, one thought permeated his head, over and over, almost like a mantra.
I can’t fail her. Not again.
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cuddlemonsterdean · 7 years
balulalow || post 13x03. 6k. please check ao3 link for tags!
It's when he walks away after—has to walk away, before the floodgates open, before he breaks down the rest of the way, because if there's one thing San can handle less than an emotional Dean it's a crying Dean, and Dean can't handle him not handling it. This is his kid brother that he raised, but somewhere along the way Dean must have done something wrong if Sam can't see what's going on here. If he thinks that volunteering Dean to take responsibility for this kid that ain't actually a kid is A okay. Or maybe not. Maybe this one thing out of a billion things that are his fault is not on him.
He rounds a corner on his way to his room, head down, heart hammering away and stumbling in his chest, and his left knee gives a painful twinge. Dean almost falters, then pushes past it—so he got knocked around some and then spend thirty plus hours in the car. He just needs his room, his bed, his headphones. Needs away from that kid he can't look at and from Sam, who won't look at Dean.
He throws his bag down at the foot of his bed, locks his door. He's going to need a shower at some point, but just—not now. Not while it's not safe to come out.
Dean shrugs out of his jacket, then sits down heavily on his bed to unlace his boots, and it happens again. This time the twinge in his knee is sharp enough to make him gasp, and he carefully straightens his leg and rides out the pain until it's died down to a dull throbbing. He rubs over his kneecap and grimaces when that doesn't help. It doesn't make sense; he can't remember taking a hit there. He remembers the last time he did though, and why it should be healed, and—no, no. Not thinking about that.
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losthavenmine · 5 years
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Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
For @deathswaywardson
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iamcashdoll · 4 years
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Only One Day 90%off @coolteamblt @heather2285 @toms-pics @deathswaywardson @wowitshailey @salan-d-er @sehkmetdestroyerofworlds @peachytwice @dragonofthesidhe @xxariaxxaxx @hiwatari-satoshi @lydia-martin @godkhamit @gusyoubeautifultropicalfish @call-plasma-jane @soygryph @beansquishy @spaceandfluff @lazerfightingmaster111 @dead-clown @onefractionofmind @4somereesonmymain @yennakim @parkerisaclown @florencebelle @dormitionis @omega-nicole @jellyfish-jellybean @blysse-and-blunder @gxrbitch @initiate-unalive
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ghisborne · 8 years
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I owe you nothing! Four years you kept me in solitary; four years of torture! Days of beatings and then weeks alone so that I’d crave the beatings just so I’d know someone else was there!
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
Happiness of Being in Love
Hi there!!! Another meta from season 15, we are getting slowly to the end of this series of Destiel analysis.
Remember this is a summary from my metas from season 15 with some new additions related to the end of the show.
If you wanna read the metas from this episode, follow these links: X, X, X, X, X, X and X.
Dumb Jokes
Episode 15x13 was a BL episode. We had the Hunter Corp with AU!Dean and AU!Sam which was funny, but there was some hints of Wincest.
Putting that to a side, it was an interesting episode because it brought back Ruby in the Empty talking with Castiel. But not just that, it was a recalling to Ruby/Sam relationship. Castiel mentioned they were lovers and in the Empty Ruby confesses to hi "She liked Sam".
This was important because Ruby/Sam was one of the early Destiel mirrors. And for the narrative, to bring it back means a reaffirmation of Destiel being a romantic thing. At least the sexual attraction in earlier seasons.
The dumb jokes between Dean and Castiel meant Dean was happy. Dean was happy because Castiel and him were okay now, and as he showed i 15x10, he feels Castiel is his mate for life.
That's why he enjoys making dumb jokes to his angel or, including, to make him jealousy as we will see in the incoming episodes with Amara.
Gif set credit @magnificent-winged-beast
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Another important Destiel scene was ghe kne in which Castiel goes inside the Empty, helped by Jack.
Castiel almost dying to get into the Empty, is a parallel to Dean almost dying to get into the veil. And idk why it was so easy... But, could work as a foreshadow too.
Why a foreshadow? Because they showed us how, through Jack, Cas, or anyone else?, Could break into the Empty, and maybe... Because Ruby called Cas, he could represent the connection, the first one in waking up the Empty, and being released from it. So maybe, this could be the way to refill Heaven with angels sleeping in the void.
This was a big spec about refilling Heaven with angels from the Empty which, we should asume, it happened.
It was also a clue about the possibility of Dean rescuing Castiel from the Empty which never happened. The one rescuing him was Jack.
When Dean finds what Jack and Castiel were doing he almost lose his mind. He was worried of lose Castiel again. And he reacts scolding his husband for it.
Gif set credit @starlightcastiel
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Again the quote: "You did a stupid things" or "You are an idiot", isn't else than a reflection of Dean being worried about his angel. Old married couple bickering. Nothing to see here.
And if you don't believe Dean and Castiel are already married, here you have their wedding:
Pic credit @weird-dorky-little-d
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Tomato Smoothie
Just a few things about episode 15x14. Yes, one one in which Mrs. Potters appears bringing more unresolved mysteries about the bunker. I hope we can see it in a future, if someone makes a reboot, but no in C*W please.
It was very symbolic the nymph gave Jack a smoothie than tasted sweet but weakened him, and she gave Dean a tomato juice to make him stronger.
And why is Dean with tomatoes? Okay, get ready for the second meaning...
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This is screaming how deep inside the closet Dean is, right? Mrs. Potters knew.
Now, about visual narrative, we had Dean pressing the reset button twice. The second time he made it using a hammer. Hammer represents justice.
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And Jack is there, so we can infer, this was a foreshadow of the end in which Jack makes Justice by reseting the world bringing everybody back.
But why twice? And why is Dean the one pressing the button?
Maybe because is not Dean but Jensen? Maybe Jensen will make some justice by rebooting Supernatural? Let's see... well he started with John and Mary which... is not what we were waiting for, but it's telling us he has the copyright of SPN, or something like that.
Domestic and Jealous Husbands
The amount of domestic Destiel and Dean being a completely dumb making his husband jealous, is why are we here now.
Beacuse this face?
Gif credit @inacatastrophicmind
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Is a husband enjoying mocking his husband. Enjoying the face his husband is making.
Because that's what a happy husband Dean in love does. He plays around with his husband Castiel mad and enjoy the results: handsome annoyed (jealous) face.
Another example of this was the scene in which Dean talks about Amara and him having a "thing".
Gif credit @inacatastrophicmind
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Sammy's face here is also a thing like WTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, DEAN? And Castiel is "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO YOUR HUSBAND, WHICH IS ME?"
And not just this scene but the one where Dean cut him off in the phone when Castiel asked him for Amara? LMAO. People, that's very, very a lover's game.
Dean is playing with Castiel because he is hopelessly in love with him and because he is flirting and happy and wants to enjoy Castiel's reactions. Because they're in love. Loudly in love.
Last thing I'm gonna say about this episode is, Dean was waiting for Castiel in this scene.
When Castiel comes back with Jack, he was about to leave and Dean stops him, by asking him where was he going. Castiel says they just came back with Jack, and he was in his room, and ghey didn't want to wake Dean up... but but, Dean was already awake, in fact, the whole buddy language is yelling... I WAS WAITING FOR YOI CAS, WITH A WHISKEY BOTTLE TO HAVE A DRINK TOGETHER.
Because Dean bows his head, avoiding Castiel's gaze, kind of flustered cutie in love who wants to spend time with his husband.
Gif credit @inacatastrophicmind
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This is because after Purgatory 2.0 they made the mating dancing I'm 15x10, they got married in episode 15x12 and now they're in the honeymoon. That's why Dean behaves so dummy. Hahahaha.
To Conclude:
These episodes showed us a happy Dean in love, making his husband mad just to enjoy it.
Poor Castiel he didn't see it coming...
I hope you liled this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @dizzypinwheel @horsez2002 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @belacoded @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from season 15, here you have the links: Vol. CXXI, CXXII, CXXIII, CXXIV, CXXV.
Buenos Aires August 15th 2021 12:53 PM
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lost-shoe · 7 years
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Dean + hurt/comfort - for @deathswaywardson
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