stleoshi · 2 years
Top 4 Fic Recs
If I could only read four fics per fandom for the rest of my life, I would choose these.
Under the cut are recs for Danny Phantom, Daredevil, House M.D. Rurouni Kenshin, Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural, and Thor, though I may add more later.
Danny Phantom
The Disparaged Series by imekitty (gen, rated T) Long
Maddie Fenton’s obsessive quest to capture Danny Phantom brings disastrous consequences.
A recent take on the classic “dissection fic”, with Danny/Maddie’s relationship at the center of it. The first two fics in the series are complete, and the third is currently being updated monthly.  The author skirts the limits of the readers comfort in an absolutely fascinating way which would not work in a lesser authors hands. I’ve been loyally following it for a couple years now and I find that I’ve never had to reread a previous chapter in order to remember whats going on. It’s very memorable.
Masks by Cordria (Gen, rated K+) Mid-Length
Sometimes, people hide who they truly are behind masks. This is a short story about the day that Lancer decides enough is enough when it comes to Daniel Fenton. Sequel is 'Plunge'.
It feels a little blasphemous to pick this Cordria fic when they have many, far more iconic fics to choose from (*cough* PITS) but this one just holds a special place in my heart.
Phantom of Truth by HaiJu (gen, rated T) Long
Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her subject, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth... except, perhaps, herself.
Everyone and their mother recommends this fic, and that’s because it fucks severely. There’s a complete sequel now, but I find that I prefer this fic over it. The progression of Danny and Maddie’s relationship is titilating, you’re constantly on your toes wondering how he’ll make it out of this situation half-alive. 
What A Nice Surprise by DarkNymfa (gen, rated T) Long
A ghost and two ghost hunters, sitting around. Like a family. Which they were, but, well. The other two didn’t know that. --- AKA the story of how the Fentons accidentally adopt their own son.
In a fandom full of fucked up and sad fic, it’s nice to have this cute, fluffy series to come back to at the end of the day.
Lucky Devil by ChuckleVoodoos (Matt/Foggy, rated T) Mid-Length
Matt gets caught, Foggy gets a clue, and cases get won.
Emotionally intimate, loving and believable. I’ve read this fic a thousand times and can never look away once I’ve started it.
Of Monstrous Shape by RosaLui (Gen, rated M) Short
“Put me in the ring,” Matt said. His glasses were cracked like a spider’s web, and in the shifting shadows it looked as if he was raising hackles in disgust.
“The House doesn’t profit from quick deaths,” said the jailor.
This fic is dark, violent, dramatic, and insanely engrossing.  The author deftly paints the world of Daredevil and I am always in particular gripped by the climax.
Trial and Error by shyday (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
'You're a lot of scary adverbs right now, my friend. Trust me when I say that "fine" is not one of them.'
This author loves to get into Matt Murdock’s head and imagine the world the way he perceives it, and they do it very well. Each fic of theirs is a sensory trip, but this one is my favorite. Very strong dialogue between Matt and Foggy as well.
Trust: Handle With Care by ceterisparibus (Matt/Karen, rated M) Long
Matt and Foggy's new client is a mother whose son was sexually abused by a priest.
This is a fic that deals with the heavy topic of abuse in the Catholic Church, but if you are able to stomach that it is an expertly executed fic. Not many authors would be able to craft a fic like this, but you can tell that every aspect of it comes from a place of deep personal knowledge and care. Also, the author is a lawyer, which is a rare treat in that the legal case is legit.
House M.D.
Codependency by debbiel (Hilson-ish, rated PG) Short
 It was the sort of diagnosis that wouldn't rate a sad-face on his whiteboard.  And yet it could change everything.
I’m a huge sucker for the premise of this fic, but none that I’ve found have hit quite like this one. Like a soulmate au, but more poignant ;)
Down to the Water by Blackmare (Gen, rated PG-13) Short
After Amber’s death, House and Wilson try to figure out their place in eachother’s lives.
So many little moments of this fic have stuck with me over the last decade, it’s quiet and beautifully melancholy. There’s a sequel as well which you can find on blackmare’s profile.
The Open Road by Pun (Hilson, rated M) Mid-Length
Wilson goes along for the ride.
Another road trip fic! This one is how I used to imagine the show would end, and somehow in the end it.. kind of was. This is still better.
Two Solitudes by mer_duff (Gen, rated PG) Short
"You were protecting me," House snapped.  "What would you have done if he'd had a gun?  Stood there and taken the bullet?" Wilson shrugged.  "Better me than you."
A short exploration of Wilson’s tendency towards self-sacrificial protectiveness for House. I come back to this fic constantly.
Rurouni Kenshin
An Unexpected Lesson by Conspirator (Gen, rated PG-13) Long
Three years after the end of the Bakumatsu, a chance encounter with a kabuki troupe teaches Kenshin an unexpected lesson in survival.
A wandering era fic that gives us a window into what might have aided Kenshin in developing his “bumbling rurouni” act. I’ve read it a hundred times over the years, it is a great story with believable OCs and balance of humor and drama. 
Out of Time by Siriusfan13 (Gen, rated PG-13) Long
During a trip to Kyoto with his friends, Himura Kenshin winds up in deep water... thirteen years in the past. How will Kenshin deal with the Revolution again? And how will his friends deal with Battousai, who has traded places with him?
This is such an earnest and loving study of Kenshin, who is my all time favorite character. This is certainly in my top fics of all time, and shares a  similar premise to my other favorite fanfiction Bargaining, which just goes to show I have consistent taste lol.
Recovery by hakubaikou (Gen, rated T) Long
As Kenshin recovers from his wounds after his duel with Shishio, his friends sense a threat and take precautions for his safety. Complete.
Kenshins characterization rings absolutely dead on and the tone in general is like canon . This fic always feels like a warm hug to me, and I come back to it often. Hakubaikou was an amazing writer and she is missed every day, I’m so happy she shared her work with us.
Twelfth Knight by an_earl (Gen, rated T) Long
A bloody street-side massacre has been identified by Saito as the product of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. There are two suspects: Himura Kenshin and his master Hiko Seijuro the Thirteenth. Unbeknownst to them, a third user of their exalted style has time travelled to the future: Hiko Seijuro the Twelfth.
A fic about mistaken identity inspired by Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
An ongoing fic that reads like a fandom classic (and I mean that very, very affectionately). The author’s Saito/Kenshin interactions absolutely crackle.
Sherlock Holmes
Bel Canto by bendingsignpost (Johnlock, rated T) Long
After years of waiting for wealthy patrons to faint, Dr John Watson discovers a far more interesting patient in the opera house basement. (AU through a Phantom of the Opera lens.)
The Phantom of the Opera AU I hold all others to as a standard. So delightful and entertaining.
How Sherlock Holmes Was Compelled to Remember One Festive Occasion Per Year:  A Reminiscence by John H. Watson, MD  by MirithGriffin (Johnlock, rated M) Short
Known to the SH fandom as The Turkish Bathhouse Fic. Charming as hell with ACD canon flavor, reading this fic has become a Christmas tradition for me.
Particular Peculiarity by saavik13 (Johnlock, rated M) Long
“How high is your regard for me, Watson?” He asked abruptly, his eyes still trained on the fire.  “If I were to confess my darkest secret would you leave? Would you abandon me here to my melancholy?”
A case forces Holmes to reveal the truth to Watson and risks both their reputations and their liberty.  Just how understanding is John Watson?
An obviously well researched and beautifully characterized fic. It feels very Granada in Holmes’ mannerisms, though it can be read as ACD or Granada. This fic is like a warm cup of tea on a cold day to me.
The Quiet Man by ivyblossom (Johnlock, rated E) Long
"Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?"
This is a BBC fic, as opposed to the rest on my list. It’s well worth the read though, ivy’s prose is so organic. It was a fandom classic for good reason.
a turn of the earth by microcomets (Destiel, rated M) Long
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run. Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
This fic is overflowing with love, desire, longing and loneliness . It’s a time-traveling Cas fic which is something of a trope in this fandom these days, but the premise of Cas being dead by the time he meets a young Dean just lends something special to it.
I CARRY YOUR HEART (I CARRY IT IN MY HEART) by unicornpoe (Destiel, rated E)
“Take me,” Dean says. He doesn’t have to think about it. “Take me as your vessel, Cas.”
or: Cas is cursed into an endless sleep. Dean offers himself up as his vessel while they try to break it.
Compassionate, tender, and full of evocative imagery. It’s about being taken care of, and the act of caring for another.
Phantom Load by lovesrain44 (Gen, rated M) Long
Dean and Sam return to Boulder, CO, where they investigate a haunted school. The job seems simple enough to Sam, who has good, although vague, memories of living in Boulder back in 1992. Dean, however, has altogether different memories, far less pleasant and far more damaging.
Quiet, moving, and melancholy. The past-present scenes are woven together very well. Subtle where it needed to be. Just an amazing fanfic, though it deals with some possibly upsetting subject matter which is presented up front in the warning section.
So Says The Sword by komodobits (Destiel, rated E) Long
Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
Original, dazzling and creative, komodobits was an absolute force in this fandom. They took it upon themself to recreate the entire Destiel relationship timeline, and did so beautifully.
Bargaining by Proantagonist (Gen, rated T) Long
Faced with an eternity without his brother, Loki strikes a bargain to change the past. Post TDW.
This is a near-perfect fanfic, and one of the most emotionally satisfying stories I’ve ever read. Cannot stress enough how much this fic means to me, it’s possibly my favorite fanfic of all time.
Mirror, Mirror by Lise (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
While poking around in corners of the palace, Loki finds a peculiar mirror that doesn't show his reflection.
It’s clear that I love Loki’s various issues, and this fic puts an industrial spotlight on them.
Slow Poison by Mikkeneko (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
Years before the events of Thor and Avengers, Loki is working as a spymaster for his father the King. Or at least... that's what he  thinks he's doing.
I love miscommunication and fucked up family dynamics. This fic is like a friend to me.
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Hey bestie!! Top five ships?
hi!! thank you for asking <3
1. KimChay - i don't think that's gonna surprise absolutely anyone. they've got me by the throat.
2. KinnPorsche - i know i'm obsessed with kimchay first and foremost, and i always will be, but before kimchay showed up on screen?? these two owned my heart.
3. PatPran - the rooftop kiss scene!! i will never be over it. and while bad buddy wasn't the first thai bl i watched, it was the one that got me obsessed.
4. DebbieLou (Ocean's 8) - i rewatch that movie and then go through ao3 at least once every two months. i'm pretty sure they were the first couple that i actually finished writing a fic for? (it was never posted anywhere and it won't be, but i did finish it!).
5. SeanWhite - i don't think i ever recovered from the kiss in front of the sunset and i probably never will.
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444names · 2 years
american and roman emperors forenames + german towns + brythonic deities + the entire article on "line islands" from wikipedia
Abela Adjustadt Adrianny Ahausen Almyra Alvianuel Ambach Andrast Anningena Annium Annus Arcadron Areal Arnsdorf Arren Artisheim Ashawn Asione Aubin Auffen Augsberg Aumburg Aured Avetrochum Baier Baierstasio Balberin Barnich Barter Basdorf Basen Beaty Bebraunus Becample Beckarlian Beinich Belsbert Birkedelbe Bismain Blankopfins Bonndorfeld Bonnieskow Boxbert Brade Brakingen Branis Braunsburg Breite Breußenee Brieder Bruck Brücksburg Burken Calvian Canda Capita Capitedt Carolandred Castein Cathagen Cellar Cellwange Celly Charlstadt Cining Ciscille Cloppen Colonge Completh Confusios Constadt Constein Consterberg Coven Cregen Creuter Danca Danie Dannus Dasselba Debbiel Deggen Delsdorf Demma Deshauses Dinach Dingen Dippin Divian Dohlheim Donach Earlandra Ebenja Editzen Eduane Eduardegk Effurt Ellies Elshelen Elzenbürg Ennetteta Eppenbek Equatoya Erkastrom Eschingen Etten Evern Exios Fellar Folly Formain Frand Franie Frauschbor Freddiez Fredwig Freith Frieded Friesa Fromi Fromroden Fullinde Füsselburg Galberwest Gefrein Geila Geileringen Genaur Geografen Geringen Gersted Gertsberg Gingen Glück Gochofsheda Graphia Gregen Großen Grünstroy Guane Gwenstadt Hanneroy Harae Harrkiris Haven Hechtenbach Heinstein Hemaine Henburg Herna Hernicky Herode Herried Hilchen Hilde Hildens Hitney Hohenburg Hohna Honga Horother Hoyer Husen Hücker Ilmen Incorah Infurt Ingen Inlam Inlamünchen Intarnburg Islach Isselberg Janessis Jarma Javid Jeanie Jenbron Jenburg Jenningen Jorian Jüterek Kaiselburg Kaisy Kassen Kathally Kathrent Katio Kayle Kelsie Kircheßlitz Kiris Kleen Klötz Kolbe Kraking Krancy Krauß Krisk Kröpeln Kupferyl Lambisch Lankelsea Latforenced Laubing Lauditz Lauenstedt Lavelly Leonbershed Leontarach Linge Lores Lorrainberg Luden Ludenhagen Ludwing Ludwithine Luisburg Luxovis Lynneber Lörsted Lößnitter Lübbecausen Lützow Maine Mainifeld Majorists Mances Mapon Marcadrica Marita Markt Marktrebbie Marsel Marthum Martine Marus Maryannius Mative Mayenbachen Meißenthis Melagenau Meßsteicht Miser Morren Mulus Märkingen Müchen Münzenbach Nailsbiberg Naith Naomist Nassenhof Natally Nation Neberth Neckeswern Nelster Nerview Nettnau Neuen Neuklos Neumünd Neurupperta Neuwiesbach Nicollburg Nienus Nikerfor Norta Nurennefeld Oberg Oberga Oberrnheim Obert Oceanneburg Ochtinau Oesfeld Olingenburg Oppens Ostberg Ostfilda Ostockarael Ostrach Oventhia Partine Patriod Pertaburg Pfaffenberg Pfreine Phofen Pletian Plette Plönigslus Poine Prempt Printen Püttendora Raclius Radelbingen Raden Raichsen Ramstha Recognitz Reffurnis Regulachach Reina Reithal Remaggie Remschna Rendorf Rerenbach Reresach Reuenburg Reußen Rhedel Rheim Richilia Robius Rockenhame Rocki Romberg Ronalieberg Rosegory Rosen Rostingena Rottrow Roßleberg Saarl Samulloyd Sangen Sarstelyne Sassen Sateableiz Schainalie Schainata Scherspein Schim Schlens Schmar Schwangeln Schwarz Schwendy Seartlemgo Sendorf Sette Sevespaich Siegberg Singe Singmark Soling Soutlindsee Sprothen Stadtberg Stannig Steina Steinburg Stell Stever Strane Strosedo Stusburg Sucella Suzannigsen Tacey Tasius Teburg Tegena Terberta Terhaus Ternauen Tersdorf Teuberg Teupitatian Thach Theen Theim Thenley Theodorf Theodos Theodosie Therftstein Though Thryn Tommer Torstersen Trauen Tring Trosemain Tönig Tübin Uebigan Ulmenz Ummendorf Unces Unlamie Usiedelma Uslarri Vaihing Vaihinow Valen Varenburg Vechingen Vechtely Vetsriedes Vious Vivity Volcher Vosen Vöhrsdorf Waghäusen Waldegk Waldesheda Walsflen Walsles Waltlandra Wassen Watersheim Wates Wehringen Weißen Wemden Werbach Werma Werte Wetzin Willen Winge Winsheim Wintointers Wippolybrie Witte Wittentrael Wittie Wolfen Wolfingen Wolfrath Wolkamelly Würstadt Yearling Yvettnancy Yvonnie Zachann Zeilerina Zeulatt
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wikkedscorpion · 4 years
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#Repost @debbie.lou.durham (with @report.for.insta) ... Hi there and welcome to Debbie Lou’s!!! Who are we? So glad you asked 😛⠀ Debbie Lou’s is an extension of our restaurant #trueflavorsdiner and it’s named after Chef Sidney’s late mother, Debra Louise who taught him his love for all things food! ⠀ ⠀ If you know anything about True Flavors Diner, you know about our biscuits...Imagine a sandwich shop built around those fresh, made from scratch buttermilk biscuits...now imagine fun, unique and delicious fillings like fried turkey, gator, country fried steak and of course homemade sauces to finish everything off 🤤🤤🤤 ⠀ ⠀ Sounding like your kinda thing? Please follow us 👉🏾@debbie.lou.durham 👈🏾 to learn more and to catch the official opening date...⠀ ⠀ In the meantime meet our Lemon Pepper Turkey Biscuit. Seasoned fried turkey breast, topped with our spicy pepper glaze and fresh lemon juice all on that famous buttermilk biscuit we mentioned earlier 😏. Just one offering from the menu you’ll hopefully come to know and love!⠀ ⠀ #debbielous #biscuitsandwich #everythingisbetteronabiscuit #welcome #comingsoon #durhamnc #919eats #eatlocal #trueflavorsdiner (at Durham, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6N9wePpu0k/?igshid=7jqv1pto1g8f
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diana-prince-ww · 2 years
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y’all this whole blonde/brunette thing is so powerful i-
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thesupercorpse · 6 years
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the accuracy of this! (from @imannaskie on twitter)
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cauldronoflove · 5 years
To Trip at the Sound of Goodbye
Pairing: Debbie Ocean/Lou Miller (Ocean's 8)
Day: 6
Prompt: Helpless
Rating: G
Words: 2.2k
Summary: Lou's on the west coast when she gets the phone call.
It's funny - she almost ignores it.
read it on ao3 here
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wrangletangle · 6 years
Ok ladies now let’s get inform8ion
Ocean’s 8! It’s awesome! Please tag your characters so they can be found!
Debbie Ocean
Lou (Ocean’s) (not Lou Miller, that’s a character from a different fandom entirely)
Amita (Ocean’s)
Nine Ball
Constance (Ocean’s)
Rose Weil
Tammy (Ocean’s)
Daphne Kluger
Some of these haven’t been set up yet, but they will be. Make sure to get your disambigs in, or your works will not be sorted with the rest when the wranglers catch up.
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finnglas · 5 years
finally watched 8 Queer Ladies Ocean’s 8 and it was absolutely delightful
“how did you even get mixed up with a guy like him anyway?”
“lou and i were going through a rough patch.”
debbielou 5ever
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beatrixiv · 2 years
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@debbielively (at River City Marina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcqH1QHL37P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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risksit · 6 years
ok so there’s no doubt i ship debbielou bc i mean it’s CANON -- but regarding the rest of the O8 muses, I’d have to see if our muses had chemistry or not. So this is just a psa to let you know I might ship with some of you and not with all of you, but it’s nothing personal. 
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annynunez69 · 4 years
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debbielouocean · 6 years
Debbie and Lou's ship name is Lebbie cause Harold....
can’t we just call them debbielou and move on omg 
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wikkedscorpion · 5 years
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#Repost @debbie.lou.durham (with @report.for.insta) ... It’s all about the biscuits y’all!!! Please join us this Friday, 11/29, for the opening of Debbie Lou’s Biscuit Shop! ———————————— 📍2022 Chapel Hill Rd. Durham, 27707 We will be opening at 7:30am and rolling until 3:00pm. Come fuel up for your #blackfriday shopping with our scratch made biscuit sandwiches and sides. #openingsoon #newrestaurant #joinus #debbielous #bullcityeats #919eats #durm #durhamdining #eatlocal #trueflavorsdiner https://www.instagram.com/p/B5X4m6PpKep/?igshid=1f0v7vlya5g53
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ifoughtthelion · 6 years
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Inktober 2018
Day 22: Expensive
OTP alert! 🚨 Debbie and Lou from Ocean’s 8. I’m a lot more satisfied with how Lou turned out here. Idk, I guess her beautiful disaster outfits are more forgiving to my inability to shade in pen. And don’t get me started on the hair oof.... Anyway, I indulged and exaggerated the height difference because my heart told me to. (Also I forgot that Sandra Bullock is only 2 inches shorter than Cate Blanchett...in my head, Cate is like 8 feet tall so yee)
Watch out for Day 23: Muddy tomorrow!
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thesupercorpse · 6 years
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steal me and adopt me as your child
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