#debug the wordpress
wpwebinfotech · 9 months
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rumparley · 1 year
Debugging WordPress code doesn't have to be a nightmare! Get your site running smoothly with WP_DEBUG and make easy work of finding errors in your code. #WordPress #WP_DEBUG #Debugging #EasyCodeFixes
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There are many things that you can do to improve your site’s performance. You can optimize your images for size, work on your site’s responsiveness, and ensure that when you use plug-ins, they load only when needed.
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occasionalidea · 1 year
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Laps is a handy, lightweight WordPress profiling plugin you can grab from GitHub (it doesn't seem to be available from the official plugin directory).
It's unique selling point is the server-side timeline it provides, as demonstrated in this screencast. The timeline provides insights into which hooks are firing, how long they take to complete, and which callbacks are invoked. Of course, Laps is not omniscient and cannot 'see' everything that happens when a server-side response is composed (so, there are gaps in the timeline), but it does a good job of tracking what it can.
In the following screenshot, for example, we can see that the init hook took 86ms to complete and, though a whole bunch of things appear to be happening (not surprising—this is a much used core hook), there also do not appear to be any obvious resource hogs:
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It's a really nice compliment, or alternative, to some of the other commonly used WordPress profiling plugins. Consider giving it a try!
Find the latest version from the list of releases (3.3.7 at time of writing).
Expand the list of assets and grab a copy of laps.zip (not the source code zip—unless you know what you are doing, of course).
Happy profiling!
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justinbolton · 2 years
There are many things that you can do to improve your site’s performance
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Today I want to show you world that was made almost 6 years ago, and has been pretty forgotten by now. This world is called Mandora and it’s mild exotic island made by GreenPhoenix. It wasn’t fully released as an alpha, but was in the making in 2017 and was released as beta, for testing. For me it looks like finished, and since download is still publicly available, I decided to remind about this gem. This world come with a save file, so it’s populated.
To download, you need to go to *this thread* at ModTheSims, scroll down to post #18 written by GreenPhoenix, and at the end of this post you’ll see attached files of world and save file.
This world requires all expansion packs except for Supernatural. From Stuff Packs it uses Outdor Living Stuff and Town Life Stuff. No store or CC as far as I know. All other information you can find in thread linked above.
I encourage to leave original water color, at least for first time, because world looks really pretty with it.
More pictures under the cut
This is town centre and first district of houses (more towards bottom)
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It has nice cafe and arcade.
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You can also find this nice little park with playground and fishing spot.
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And alley with houses that looks kind of exotic (?) I guess. Most of them have one color as a scheme, for both interiors and outside. They’re covered in corrugated sheet.
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Interior of one of the houses, lilac one.
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Second district is more towards middle of island. It’s heavy brick and industrialized area. Though very clean and chic in that matter.
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It has apartments too!
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and cute little coffehouse. You’ll find a surprise in basement, lol.
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Driving towards other edge of island, you’ll find swamp area and farm district.
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Houses in farm area are very detailed and well made.
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They have even sloped roofs with beams and wood textures. Debug lights were used on outside to light the whole building evenly.
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On top of island there’s area with more suburban and regular style of houses. I would say the most neutral ones. Seems spacious and good for big families.
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And on this flat peninsula bellow you’ll find futuristic houses. Also rainbow colored. These seems more expensive ones.
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Recently I was also wondering, that since most colors are segregated and prescribed for certain houses, this world would be good for Not So Berry Challenge. 
There are also multiple houseboats closer to the centre. In one of them lives a lady who loves lilac color and animal prints, so some interiors despite one color or one shade, are very characteristic.
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and the creator didn’t forget about diving places either! So definitely a good choice if you’re looking for light substitute of Isla Paradiso. For sure it is less laggy.
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Around 2017, when I had first time Mandora in my game, I felt like this town lacks of certain spontaneity and crazyness, but now I see I just wasn’t paying attencion to details. Usually exotic worlds attacks you with dense jungle or orgy of colors and patterns, but this one seems more calm, orderly, and tidy. I think it’s cool we have now something made in that way.
I was lurking on MTS while this world was in making, but had problems with my account and finally didn’t write anything there. It’s specific site, and I felt unmeritoric comments wouldn’t be welcomed in world making section. Though I felt like I should at least somehow cheer, because encouragement is always nice during such a long projects. I’m sure author had a blog with process of making, maps and addresses of certain lots, but I can’t find a link now. Don’t know if it was on tumblr or other platform. I think it was blogspot or wordpress more likely. So if you find it by a chance, please post link in comments.
Thanks for reading!
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mariacallous · 15 days
Today, OpenAI released its first threat report, detailing how actors from Russia, Iran, China, and Israel have attempted to use its technology for foreign influence operations across the globe. The report named five different networks that OpenAI identified and shut down between 2023 and 2024. In the report, OpenAI reveals that established networks like Russia’s Doppleganger and China’s Spamoflauge are experimenting with how to use generative AI to automate their operations. They're also not very good at it.
And while it’s a modest relief that these actors haven’t mastered generative AI to become unstoppable forces for disinformation, it’s clear that they’re experimenting, and that alone should be worrying.
The OpenAI report reveals that influence campaigns are running up against the limits of generative AI, which doesn’t reliably produce good copy or code. It struggles with idioms—which make language sound more reliably human and personal—and also sometimes with basic grammar (so much so that OpenAI named one network “Bad Grammar.”) The Bad Grammar network was so sloppy that it once revealed its true identity: “As an AI language model, I am here to assist and provide the desired comment,” it posted.
One network used ChatGPT to debug code that would allow it to automate posts on Telegram, a chat app that has long been a favorite of extremists and influence networks. This worked well sometimes, but other times it led to the same account posting as two separate characters, giving away the game.
In other cases, ChatGPT was used to create code and content for websites and social media. Spamoflauge, for instance, used ChatGPT to debug code to create a WordPress website that published stories attacking members of the Chinese diaspora who were critical of the country’s government.
According to the report, the AI-generated content didn’t manage to break out from the influence networks themselves into the mainstream, even when shared on widely used platforms like X, Facebook, and Instagram. This was the case for campaigns run by an Israeli company seemingly working on a for-hire basis and posting content that ranged from anti-Qatar to anti-BJP, the Hindu-nationalist party currently in control of the Indian government.
Taken altogether, the report paints a picture of several relatively ineffective campaigns with crude propaganda, seemingly allaying fears that many experts have had about the potential for this new technology to spread mis- and disinformation, particularly during a crucial election year.
But influence campaigns on social media often innovate over time to avoid detection, learning the platforms and their tools, sometimes better than the employees of the platforms themselves. While these initial campaigns may be small or ineffective, they appear to be still in the experimental stage, says Jessica Walton, a researcher with the CyberPeace Institute who has studied Doppleganger’s use of generative AI.
In her research, the network would use real-seeming Facebook profiles to post articles, often around divisive political topics. “The actual articles are written by generative AI,” she says. “And mostly what they’re trying to do is see what will fly, what Meta’s algorithms will and won’t be able to catch.”
In other words, expect them only to get better from here.
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thy-kneecaps · 6 months
Rollover: An Unnecessary Micro-Thesis on Dice-Rolling
Hello! I've somehow written another "analysis" of tabletop RPG design, this time about the nature of numbers dice-rolling. Also, Monopoly is somehow involved. Take a look!
QA-Inspired thoughts on dice, RPGs, and the ways that stats work. Hello. Welcome to the blog. This is my second piece about The Dragon’s Table TTRPG – the tabletop game I’m currently QA testing. Where the first post I wrote was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing – something to break up the hours of debugging – this one has been kicking around in my head for a few weeks now, and I need to put it…
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thecodinglove · 1 year
When I spent my entire Friday debugging and it's 5pm
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swayaminfotech · 11 months
Advanced Web Development Tools For Efficient PHP Developers
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Web Development is working with frontend and backend both languages that are used by programmers and developers to build a well-functioning website or web application. Some of the most commonly used frontend languages are JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue and backend languages are Python, Java, PHP, and C#. 
PHP is the fastest and most widely used server-side scripting language that is ubiquitous in websites and web app development. It is known as a general-purpose scripting language that can be used to develop dynamic and interactive websites. It offers plenty of frameworks and supports several automation tools for application testing and deployment. 
Nowadays the market is flooded with many PHP tools, and choosing the right one from among them is a challenging task. Here, we have made a list of leading tools that your development team can utilize to build feature-rich and innovative PHP webs and applications in 2023.
PHPStorm is the most standard choice because of its nature of being lightweight, extremely fast, and smooth. It simplifies time-consuming tasks such as static code analysis, debugging, and generating functions. PHPStorm is compatible with many frameworks like Symphony, Drupal, Zend, WordPress, Magento, Laravel, etc. 
Sublime Text
One of the most customizable, as well as malleable text editors out there for PHP developers, is Sublime Text. This cross-platform source code editor natively supports multiple coding and native mark-up languages. 
AWS Cloud9
One of the main benefits of AWS Cloud9 is it is a cloud-based service, which means that it can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. AWS Cloud9 comes with a code editor, terminal, debugger, and all necessary programming language tools, such as JavaScript, Python, and PHP, etc. It is an impressive feature-filled software that facilitates real-time code collaboration.
Netbeans supports building large-scale web apps and offers a range of languages like English, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian. It is considered one of the best software for PHP development and is most commonly used for developing PHP applications. 
Aptana Studio
Aptana Studio is an open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for building dynamic web applications that use AJAX, PHP, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails as well as HTML and CSS.  It is enabling developers to develop web apps quickly and easily. Its core features include a code assist, built-in terminal, deployment wizard, and integrated debugger.
CodeLobster IDE from Codelobster software company is the most popular well-liked PHP dev tool for the developer community. It endorses most PHP frameworks like Drupal, Joomla, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Magneto, CakePHP, etc. It supports numerous plugins and a PHP debugger to validate code. It can accelerate and simplify the development process.
It has a huge community of developers who work on all sorts of plug-ins and equip Eclipse with features. Eclipse features include the Eclipse ecosystem, code assist, syntax highlighting, code templates, syntax validation, code formatting, code navigation, and PHP debugging. These features make it easier for you to write better code.
Zend Studio
Zend Studio is a complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for professional PHP Web development, debugging, deploying, and managing PHP apps. It is a suitable option for anyone who wants to develop web applications with PHP version 5.5 and above. It offers fast coding along with an intelligent code editor and integrates with Zend Debugger, X-ray, and Xdebug. 
These PHP web tools will set up configuration, complete your code intelligently, help to navigate, and check for errors. They are generally open-source and offer excellent features like syntax highlighting and debugging. They will help increase your productivity and efficiency. If you’re planning to get a web app with PHP, then you can contact Swayam Infotech and schedule a meeting for a detailed discussion. Our PHP experts will guide you with your requirements in a perfect way.
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starrwulfe · 1 year
This blog was once served with Wordpress and was a Mastodon/ActivityPub client (it still is!) thanks to Matthias Plefferlie’s AP plugin. I had a very tiny helping hand in filing a few Github issues for it, and talking to him about how it works so I could debug some stuff on my particular installation.
With all the popularity of ActivityPub raging, it seems Automattic, the codebearers for Wordpress have given the ultimate blessing to Matthias, in the form of “acquire-hire” magic": WordPress.com owner Automattic acquires an ActivityPub plugin so blogs can join the Fediverse
Congratulations Matthias! Even though this blog uses a different engine now, I owe a lot to that plugin for getting me started in thinking that my blog can also be a social media hub. And who knows. I still might wander back to Wordpress at some point I’m sure. There’s just too much that you can do in WP these days. 💫
🗣️ Comments & Reactions 💬
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debugsolution · 1 year
Are you struggling with how to fix canonical URL issues in WordPress? 🌐
Our latest article✍️🗒 provides a step-by-step guide on fixing this crucial SEO aspect. Boost your search engine rankings and prevent duplicate content with our expert tips! 💡
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There are many things that you can do to improve your site’s performance. You can optimize your images for size, work on your site’s responsiveness, and ensure that when you use plug-ins, they load only when needed.
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boxofcreepyghosts · 1 year
Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah Tiwebpro: Solusi Tepat untuk Bisnis Online Anda
Apakah Anda memiliki bisnis dan ingin memperluas kehadiran online Anda? Apakah Anda ingin mengembangkan merek Anda dan menjangkau lebih banyak pelanggan? Jika demikian, maka Anda mungkin mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan jasa pembuatan website. Dalam jasa pembuatan web tiwebpro ini, kami akan membahas tentang pentingnya memiliki website untuk bisnis Anda, tahapan pembuatan website, keuntungan menggunakan jasa pembuatan website, tips memilih jasa yang tepat, portfolio, kesimpulan, serta penutup.
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A. Apa itu jasa pembuatan website? Jasa pembuatan website adalah layanan yang disediakan oleh para profesional di bidang desain dan pengembangan web untuk membuat website sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan bisnis Anda. Mereka akan membantu Anda dalam merancang tampilan website yang menarik, mengembangkan konten yang relevan, dan mengoptimalkan fungsionalitas website agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda.
B. Pentingnya memiliki website bagi bisnis Di era digital saat ini, memiliki website adalah hal yang sangat penting bagi setiap bisnis. Website adalah representasi online dari bisnis Anda dan dapat menjadi saluran komunikasi yang efektif antara Anda dan pelanggan potensial. Melalui website, Anda dapat memperkenalkan produk atau layanan Anda, memberikan informasi tentang bisnis Anda, dan menjual produk secara online. Selain itu, website juga dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan pelanggan terhadap bisnis Anda dan meningkatkan kehadiran online Anda.
II. Tahapan Pembuatan Website Untuk membuat website yang profesional dan fungsional, ada beberapa tahapan yang perlu Anda lalui. Berikut adalah tahapan-tahapan tersebut:
A. Penentuan kebutuhan website Langkah pertama dalam pembuatan website adalah menentukan kebutuhan dan tujuan bisnis Anda. Anda perlu memikirkan jenis konten yang ingin Anda tampilkan, fitur-fitur apa yang diperlukan, dan target audiens yang ingin Anda capai.
B. Pemilihan platform dan teknologi Setelah menentukan kebutuhan, langkah berikutnya adalah memilih platform dan teknologi yang akan digunakan untuk membangun website Anda. Ada banyak platform website populer seperti WordPress, Joomla, dan Drupal. Pilihlah platform yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan teknis Anda.
C. Desain tampilan website Desain tampilan website sangat penting untuk menarik pengunjung dan mempresentasikan merek Anda dengan baik. Anda dapat bekerja sama dengan desainer web untuk merancang tampilan yang sesuai dengan identitas merek Anda.
D. Pembuatan konten Konten yang relevan dan menarik adalah salah satu kunci keberhasilan website. Buatlah konten yang informatif, mudah dipahami, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengunjung. Pastikan juga untuk mengoptimalkan konten Anda agar ramah mesin pencari (SEO).
E. Pengembangan website Setelah desain dan konten selesai, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengembangkan website sesuai dengan desain yang telah dibuat. Pengembangan website melibatkan coding, pengaturan struktur halaman, dan integrasi fitur yang diperlukan.
F. Pengujian dan debugging Setelah website selesai dikembangkan, lakukan pengujian untuk memastikan bahwa semua fitur berfungsi dengan baik. Perbaiki bug atau masalah yang ditemukan agar website dapat berjalan secara optimal.
G. Peluncuran website Setelah semua tahapan di atas selesai, saatnya untuk meluncurkan website Anda ke publik. Pastikan untuk melakukan promosi yang tepat agar website Anda dapat ditemukan oleh pelanggan potensial.
A. Profesionalisme dalam tampilan dan fungsionalitas Menggunakan jasa pembuatan website akan memberikan tampilan yang profesional dan fungsional untuk bisnis Anda. 
B. Penyediaan fitur khusus Jasa pembuatan website dapat membantu Anda dalam menyediakan fitur-fitur khusus yang sesuai dengan bisnis Anda. Misalnya, jika Anda menjalankan toko online, mereka dapat membantu Anda dalam integrasi sistem pembayaran dan fitur-fitur e-commerce lainnya.
C. Pengoptimalan SEO Penting bagi website Anda untuk muncul di hasil pencarian mesin pencari agar dapat ditemukan oleh calon pelanggan. Jasa pembuatan website yang berkualitas akan membantu Anda dalam mengoptimalkan SEO (Search Engine Optimization) website Anda agar lebih mudah ditemukan di mesin pencari seperti Google.
D. Responsif terhadap perangkat mobile Dalam era smartphone saat ini, banyak orang mengakses internet melalui perangkat mobile. Jasa pembuatan website yang baik akan memastikan bahwa website Anda responsif dan dapat diakses dengan baik melalui perangkat mobile.
A. Tinjau portofolio dan testimoni Sebelum memilih jasa pembuatan website, pastikan untuk melihat portofolio mereka dan membaca testimoni B. Evaluasi kebutuhan dan ketersediaan layanan Sebelum memilih jasa pembuatan website, pertimbangkan kebutuhan spesifik bisnis Anda. Pastikan jasa yang Anda pilih dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Selain itu, periksa juga ketersediaan layanan yang mereka tawarkan, termasuk dukungan teknis dan pemeliharaan website.
C. Pertimbangkan harga dan jangkauan kerja Tentukan anggaran yang Anda siapkan untuk pembuatan website dan cari jasa yang sesuai dengan anggaran tersebut. Bandingkan harga dan paket yang ditawarkan oleh berbagai jasa, serta pastikan untuk memahami jangkauan kerja yang termasuk dalam harga yang Anda bayar.
D. Komunikasi yang efektif Komunikasi yang baik antara Anda dan jasa pembuatan website adalah kunci kesuksesan dalam proyek tersebut. Pastikan jasa yang Anda pilih memiliki tim yang responsif dan mudah dihubungi. Kemampuan untuk saling berkomunikasi dengan baik akan memastikan proyek berjalan lancar sesuai dengan harapan Anda.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa website yang bisa Anda lihat sebagai portfolio tiwebpro.com:
NUTRIMAX.CO.ID. Merupakan website resmi PT. Suryaprana Nutrisindo yang adalah produsen suplemen kesehatan ternama di Indonesia sejak tahun 1999.
ETONNE.CO.ID. Merupakan website resmi PT. Etonne Indonesia. Perusahaan ini adalah produsen produk-produk skincare terkenal di tanah air.
NUTRIMAX.WEB.ID. Merupakan website PT. Nutrimax Asia Pacifik yang merupakan distributor resmi daro PT. Suryaprana Nutrisindo dalam menjual produk-produk suplemen dan kecantikan merek nutrimax dan etonne.
Dalam era digital ini, memiliki website yang profesional dan fungsional sangat penting bagi keberhasilan bisnis online. Jasa pembuatan website dapat membantu Anda dalam merancang, mengembangkan, dan meluncurkan website yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Dengan menggunakan jasa pembuatan website yang tepat, Anda dapat memiliki website yang menarik, berfungsi dengan baik, dan meningkatkan kehadiran online Anda.
Apakah saya perlu memiliki pengetahuan teknis untuk menggunakan jasa pembuatan website? Tidak, Anda tidak perlu memiliki pengetahuan teknis yang mendalam. Jasa pembuatan website akan membantu Anda dalam semua tahapan pembuatan website, termasuk pemilihan platform dan teknologi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda.
Berapa lama pembuatan website kelar ? Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sebuah website dapat bervariasi tergantung pada kompleksitas dan skala proyek. Namun, secara umum, proses pembuatan website dapat memakan waktu beberapa minggu hingga beberapa bulan.
Apakah saya dapat mengubah konten website setelah peluncuran? Ya, Anda dapat mengubah dan memperbarui konten website Anda setelah peluncuran. Jasa pembuatan website juga dapat membantu Anda dalam melakukan pemeliharaan dan pengembangan konten di masa mendatang.
Apakah saya perlu melakukan pemeliharaan rutin setelah website selesai dibuat? Ya, pemeliharaan rutin diperlukan untuk menjaga keamanan dan kinerja website Anda. Jasa pembuatan website biasanya menawarkan paket pemeliharaan yang mencakup pembaruan sistem, pemantauan keamanan, dan dukungan teknis.
Apakah saya dapat membangun website sendiri tanpa menggunakan jasa pembuatan website?
Anda tertarik untuk mendapatkan jasa pembuatan website yang handal dan profesional? Jangan ragu lagi! Dengan menggunakan jasa pembuatan website yang tepat, Anda dapat memiliki website yang menarik, fungsional, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Jangan biarkan bisnis Anda tertinggal dalam era digital yang semakin maju ini. Segera bangun kehadiran online Anda dan jangkau lebih banyak pelanggan potensial.
Tunggu apa lagi? Dapatkan jasa pembuatan website yang tepat untuk membantu Anda membangun kehadiran online yang menakjubkan! Jangan lupa untuk memeriksa tautan berikut: tiwebpro.com untuk informasi lebih lanjut, atau hubungi kami via whatsapp di 0817 1717 8714
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onychaos · 1 year
Pangya Reborn
Time to talk about Pangya Reborn #Pangya #blogging #wordpress #gaming
Pangya Reborn. This is the new Pangya game that came out not too long ago. And it seems that this Pangya Reborn seems to be much like Pangya Debug in the sense that you have to do some odd setup but that is to be expected. Although, I’m not sure why Pangya games after Pangya Celebrity need you to add a file to a person’s Registry but whatever. Have to ignore that. Mini nitpick. Launch day Like…
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beekeasy · 2 years
Chapter 2: One problem in education technology that needs debugging
Chapter 2: One problem in education technology that needs debugging
Access to broadband internet needs to be improved across America before any true technological revolution in education is possible. Broadband internet is expensive in America costing an average of $61 per month (BroadbandSearch). Why is internet expensive? According to Segan (2017), seventy percent of American zip codes “have either zero or one option for 25Mbps internet service.” An education…
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