deadghosy · 2 months
Artists of tumblr, what option are you picking or does your oc have one of this?
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@the-rainbow-painter <- decolor them
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lichenaday · 6 months
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Phaeophyscia decolor 
Starburst shadow lichen
I highly recommend looking at lichens after a rain storm. Many like P. decolor here really change their hue when the photobiont cells inside become hydrated and active. This foliose lichen grows in wreath-like patches up to 4 cm in diameter, with linear lobes radiating from a center of sparse to numerous lobules which erode away with age. The upper surface is gray to gray-brown when dry and olive-green when wet, whereas the lover surface is black with simple black rhizines. It produces sessile (sitting atop of the surface) apothecia which have a prominent (sometimes lobulate or rhizinate) margin and a flat, black disc. P. decolor grows on rock and moss in North America, Europe, and eastern Asia. If you don't get a lot of rain where you live, you can also just, you know, spray the lichens with some water. They probably won't know the difference.
images: source | source
info: source
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 3 months
The Decoloration (a THSC Headcanon)
Note: this is something I wanted to talk since I first showed Alan Fletcher, this is very important for further in my Au so PLEASE pay attention to this.
The Decoloration is a strange strain with a unknown origin that can affect anyone (except, for Robots and Androids) who has been through a really traumatic experience or event that ruined it's life, nobody knows the origin of this strange phenomenon and to this day scientist don't or can't give a certain answer about it, although this strain is separated in 4 different stages.
Stage 1- Denial
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At the beginning of The Decoloration, the victim refuses to believe that the traumatic experience or even that had just went through is real, that maybe it's all about a bad dream and it'll wake up at any moment.
Stage 2- Insanity
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After around 2-4 hours, the victim starts to get completely crazy while still believing it's traumatic situation it's all only about a dream, this drives them to the absolute insanity.
Stage 3- Depression
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In this stage the victim no longer smiles, it shows no signs of happiness, it's smile has faded away, and it's been replaced with a sad/depressed look... While it's colors were starting to banish, replacing them with gray tonalities.
Stage 4 (final)- Gray Acceptance
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This is the final stage of The Decoloration, the victim has finally accepted the cruel fate of being the outcast of it's family, it also now hates everything related to it's family and past life before the traumatic event, and with a BIG update... The victim's colors had banished... And a part of it's old self also banished with it's colors (it can be anything, a favorite passion, personality, or even the forgiveness of the people that made them suffer in the past)... And they'll never return...
Note #2: Now that you all know about The Decoloration, I would like to mention that this strain is original from my Au but if you guys wanna use it for your own Au then feel free to do it, BUT make sure to tag me and give credits, I don't want this thing get stolen by someone else.
Note #3: Also in case you're all wondering, when Alan Fletcher reached the state 4 (the final one) of The Decoloration... His singing voice also banished with his old colors... He hasn't sung a single song in 21 years (he was 15 years old when he got affected with The Decoloration.
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ruthirlcartoon · 11 months
Did it on 3 fucking days if I don't see anyone else dressed 4 Halloween tomorrow in class I'm gonna kms
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anarchomitsumi · 21 days
not that you all se my face much but appreciate the brown hair ! cause it's the last time you'll be seeing it 👍
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pokenoire · 7 days
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This still gives me goosebumps every time I see it.
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lookthetart · 1 month
Rewatching Game of Thrones and this iconic tweet of years ago came back to my mind
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muxas-world · 5 months
6 mont ago i was really living my best valentino rossi fantasy whit my blue hair
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sheeyla · 2 years
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
thinking abt kanoshin and how kano would steal all of shintaro’s clothes but not in a cute boyfriend way he steals all his hoodies and cuts them into crop tops or tie dyes them
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We tend to treat bright tropical sunlight as an actinic agent that deteriorates and damages structures. And indeed it does. Everything from medicine tablets and liquids, to beach-chairs, wine and of course us, wrinkling under the Sun, are damaged by it.
But on occasion sunlight can create poetry - and purity - as witness the remnants of this crustacean carapace bleached into a beautiful eburnean white by the relentless sun, giving the dead beast a second resurrection as it were, it exhibiting far greater alabaster beauty in death than it did in life, beautifully coloured though it was even in life.
Northern bank of the Gosthani river confluence. May 10, 2010, Bheemili, Andhra Pradesh..
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why do you do this?
There is not enough appreciation for monochromaticity
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pokebiologisthal · 1 year
Cove Island
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(Photo from Bulbapedia. As it’s an unnamed island that only briefly appears in the anime, all of the info about Cove Island is my own headcanon. This is where Hal lives and works.)
Home of the Ocean Life Research Institute in the Decolore Islands, Cove Island got its oh-so-creative name from the secluded cove on the island’s west side. Like many of archipelago’s other islands, Cove Island and its surrounding waters are a nature preserve. Cove Island falls under the jurisdiction of the Unovan government, though official ownership of the Decolore Islands as a whole is split between Kanto, Oblivia, and Unova. The closest mainland city to Cove Island is Castelia City; the closest other island to Cove is Harbor Island.
Cove Island’s east side is inhabited. The four docks on this side are the island’s only official entry and exit points. There is a small Pokémart, a port, a pharmacy, a boat mechanic’s, grocery store, and a Visitor’s Center. The east side is where the Ocean Life Research Institute laboratories, offices, and resident/visiting researcher apartments are located. There’s also a small Ranger Depot on this side of the island, though only one ranger lives on the island full-time. Seriously injured Pokémon or people have to be transported via Staraptor Airlift to the Pokémon Center or hospital on Harbor Island. From there, if specialized care is required, the patient is transferred to Castelia City Hospital.
The Decolore Archipelago ferries stop at the Island four times every other day, excluding Sundays and holidays, with the last ferry out leaving half an hour before sunset. Cove Island gets a small but steady stream of visitors, especially during the summer months. A supply ferry carrying food, medicine, and other necessities stops by the east side each Wednesday.
The rest of the island is inhabited solely by the island’s native flora and fauna, who flourish in the island’s temperate climate and dry, warm summers. The island’s forest is made up of broadleaf trees, providing shelter for Grass-, Bug-, Ground-, and Normal-types, while the steep cliffs are home to Flying-types like Pelipper and Comorant. The cove for which the island is name is home to numerous species of aquatic and amphibious Pokémon including the East Sea Gastrodon line, the Finneon line, the Kingler line, the Crawdaunt line, and Corsola. Additionally, the cove is home to a unique variant of the Ludicolo line that uses kelp-like markings and appendages for camouflage.
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notme-rainbowfart · 2 years
Thoughts about NEVER LET ME GO ep 5
I hope Ben isn't going to be the antagonist cause that's not the arc the crew would aim for chimon and I think his redeemable moment would be saving the leads from chopper's future plans..
Ben's father is everything that's bad with the society
Who's doing this to nueng? Chopper ? The random guy that befriended nueng to betray him later?
What did that kiss mean?... Comfort? Solace but also to resolve whatever they both felt in palm's dorm? I still remember that hair tuck palm did and the triple check nueng did while palm was dressing up.
Also the number of times palm looks at nuengs lips like that boi devoured nueng
palm is gone he just went in after one honest apology.
Am I the only one who thought if he wasn't assigned to protect nueng he would initiate the kiss earlier
Also nueng losing both his parents as a support system and palm never having his own to take care of him.
I don't think nuengs mom would die she could just be in coma or paralyzed as they hit her spine.
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Gif @juliahart
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ruthirlcartoon · 10 months
Decolored my hair white, dyed it green for Halloween with temporary dye, now it's growing back brown......
I'm a fucking leek
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