#deconstructing ep4
flowerbloom-arts · 2 months
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I suppose you could say they're a... Match made in hell........ (Design from Treehouse of Horror XXV, s26 ep4)
(Over-analysis of ChalmSkinn under the cut.)
Disclaimer: I know I'm overanalyzing silly gags and concepts from a silly animated sitcom that in its current state has what one could only describe as a rough approximation of continuity (and that the spooky anthology episodes in it are non-canon). Just let me exercise some media literacy for a bit.
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Okay so like... What is it with Skinner, Chalmers, and being a two-headed creature? What is that meant to represent?? Once is a gag made in humor and twice is a little eyebrow raising, I think.
And it's not like they're using this as a gag because they have a kind of antagonistic relationship and it'd make for easy bickering jokes, it's actually the opposite! These representations of them with a shared body happen as a representation of them getting along!
ChalmSkinn Productions is their own production company that they originally used to submit films to the Sundance festival, and that episode was one where they got along the most, by far, as the two had a shared goal in being successful in the film industry.
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(please ignore the video play bar at the bottom, thank you)
Now, the logo for the company when it got introduced as a concept was very different, it was a globe where Skinner and Chalmers' heads would spin on its surface (though, one could argue it's still their two heads attached to one thing which is roughly a similar idea to the shared body thing), but the association still applies. The company is the result of their two heads joining in an amicable way.
Demon ChalmSkinn (that's what I'm gonna call them) on the other hand is extremely fascinating to try and deconstruct into something of thematic implication.
They are... Technically not Skinner and Chalmers themselves? But they are a parallel version of them in this hell school dimension that Bart and Lisa discover and it's full of other demons that parallel characters from Springfield Elementary, so Demon ChalmSkinn might as well be Chalmers and Skinner for the purposes of this Treehouse of Horror segment.
And, given the vague idea of what Seymour Skinner and Gary Chalmers' relationship is like, you would expect the writers, when sticking their heads on the same body, to make them bicker, right? Have the Chalmers head yell at the Skinner had for some reason?
... They don't do that! They don't bicker at all! In fact, they are very much in sync in a non-hivemind sort of way, they don't interrupt eachother and they seem like very pleasant dudes in general (well, except for the part with they skinned Bart, that was a little uncool).
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It's like... What are the writers trying to say with this, specifically? It almost feels like the fact they get along well is the joke.
You expect them to not get along? Well, they do. Their relationship in the regular world is so bad that it's better in hell.
And that's weird, right? If that's the joke then it sure as hell (heh) doesn't feel like it gets acknowledged as a joke. Why avoid such an opportunity for easy jokes? It clearly has to be some deliberate representation of something about their relationship, right? Why do they get along more when they're conjoined than when they're apart?
Maybe, just maybe this is saying something about the inseparability of Gary and Seymour, that they are unable to truly break apart from eachother and are actually far more miserable for it. No matter how many times Chalmers fires Skinner or plans on firing him or just gets annoyed at him for being a spineless kiss-ass around Gary, there's just no severing them. Perhaps a commentary on the status quo nature of the show.
One of my mutuals also suggested that these two would actually be happier if they were together instead of apart, that being stuck together makes them more whole and pleasant than just the sum of their parts.
Their relationship has been characterized by this great, invisible divide of some sort, where a blurry amalgamation of admiration and desperateness clash with an apathetic no-nonsense attitude. If they could just somehow bridge that divide and come to a deeper understanding of eachother then... they'll be happier for it, and maybe they'll be... Together. And inseparable.
If the episode Road to Cincinnati is of any indication, their relationship seems to be heading for a dynamic shift, almost definitely a positive one. Now that Chalmers finally sees Skinner as more earnest than placating, maybe we'll see a Chalmers and Skinner that will evolve into something more. Something metaphorically resembling that two-headed demon they are in hell.
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sircarolyn · 1 year
wr2 thoughts. spoilers. fresh off ep4 feeling p raw about all this
MY BOY ERISSSSSSSS all those posts i was making about him all year were mainly in jest LOVE how he's grown and older and harder
pls can i manifest rayo next PLS
that ENDING WTF. wtf. fuck me. just. OUGH
LOVE clemantia felt like i was being thrown into a tree realising she and ollistra were related
narvin. fucking hell. sean carlsen also owes me for psychic damages. he gave us EVERYTHING and it hurt.....
also hello veklin???? wild card to come??
cresta. i love u. general. i love u. rasmus. came out of nowhere but i love u too
OBSESSED with the way the wr boxsets keep on deconstructing the 'savage' thing and the way leela is constantly put down
so this box was about family... rayo????
'it's not going to get easier for any of these characters' (just listened to the bts) (please. i can't take it)
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cbmchannel · 7 months
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Emtee performs his greatest hits | Deconstructed | S1 EP4 | Channel O https://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/03/emtee-performs-his-greatest-hits.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
charthanry · 2 years
BBS: Deconstructing the Entire Series (Part 4 of 13)
Welcome to my deep dive into each episode where I break down character motives, P’Aof’s delivery, and general musings of all things BBS. Basically, a scene-by-scene recap with commentary from me, your friendly neighborhood commentator. If you missed the previous installments of this post series, you’re welcome to check them out:
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3
Recapping the recap: We left EP3 with Pat manipulating his friends to help the architects rebuild the bus stop. After years of keeping it, Pat finally returns Pran’s guitar to him. Pat and Pran are now straddling that undefined space between not-enemies but not exactly friends either. Pran obviously wants more, and Pat is frustratingly oblivious to the entire thing.
Episode Four: The Rugby Match, an Old Friend, and Would You Like Me? (or AKA “Without you? It’s no fun.”)
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In the game of gay chicken, it’s a showdown of who will blink first.
We open with the two opposing squad leaders facing off suspiciously close to one another. Must you lean thisclose to hear each other? Is it my imagination or is Pat eyeing Pran’s lips here? Pran has a look that clearly says my eyes are up here, asshole. The unresolved sexual tension is so charged that I can feel the static in my hair from all the friction. Apparently, Einstein-hair is one of the side effects of shipping these boys. Another is a high tolerance for muscle tees with nonsensical slogans on them. Even the opposing friends are averting their gazes from all the sexual tension these two are emitting. I guess unlike us, they all value their perfectly coiffed hair.
After much ado about divvying up the bus stop workload, Wai annoyingly comments that if anybody can't carry their weight it’s the engineers which offends Korn and a kerfuffle nearly breaks out. Waisel- just shut your yapper, nobody even asked you and Korn- quit giving him the satisfaction of reacting. Good grief! These boys have turned me into a hall monitor. Ever the mediator, Pran stops their antics by deciding one group will take the even days and the other will take the odd.
At the bus stop site, Wai once again feels the need to whine about the untrustworthy engineers. In a surprisingly sweet move, Pran gallantly defends Pat and assures his friends that Pat is a man of dignity. Aww Pran, that’s right, defend your almost-man. And isn’t it rich of Wai to call out Pat? Somebody get this weasel a mirror. I’ve had enough of his nostril flaring. Was he a bull in a previous life?
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I'm adding pouty Pran to the list of best Prans, because look at this face y’all.
After Pran's emphatic defense of Pat's character, we cut to a hilarious scene of Pat apologizing to Pran for his friends not showing up for bus duty. Opting instead to attend a last-minute music concert. Pran rolls his eyes and asks why Pat didn’t keep them in line and Pat’s response is I was too busy dancing at said concert. Pran’s face in response is its own meme. One that rhetorically asks murdering your literal neighbor is still considered a crime, right? Even if he’s asking for it?
Pat comments that if everyone were as eager to work as they are to fight, the bus stop would already be built by now which sparks a lightbulb in Pran’s head. Together he and Pat scheme to have their friends compete in a one-upmanship with taunting notes left at the site for each other. I really must applaud Pran here, the idea is genius. And credit to Pat for giving Pran the nudge to come up with it. They're truly the best partners-in-manipulation. Foreshadowing to future events? Why, yes, the show thanks you for noticing.
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The bus stop crew meet at the site for an interview with the school paper. Pat’s gang shows up overdressed in matching slacks and ties. They look like waiters ready to pass the hors d'oeuvres at some catered event. Pran looks on mockingly, but we see you ogling Pat, bro, don’t deny it. He can’t resist commenting that Pat’s shoes are particularly shiny and Pat volleys back that Pran sure is one to talk as he reeks of cologne himself. Sir, I think that’s just his natural pheromones triggering you. I love that they’re openly flirting in public now and with their friends within earshot, too. These two are blatantly ignoring any warning sirens of danger, Will Robinson, and we’re here for the delicious play-by-play.
We're treated to a slow-mo entrance of a pretty girl running up to the group. Cue the flashback informing us that this is their former high school classmate, Ink. She’s there to photograph the bus stop for the school paper. Pran gives Pat a panicked look, which Pat immediately picks up on and scuttles Ink away from everyone. Pran’s face is a myriad of feelings, there's his obvious concern about being busted for hiding their past but also something else, something deeper. We are picking up heavily on that something else.
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Look at Pat’s body language here. This doesn’t strike me as someone who is joyfully reunited with his high school crush?
Off to the side, Pat explains to Ink that he and Pran’s faculties have deep rivalries, and nobody knows of their shared history. He asks if she can keep this information to herself. Ink is willing to play along but not before extracting a price for her silence. Poor Pat is weary of what this entails and honestly so are we.
It’s nighttime and the engineers are practicing for an upcoming rugby match against the architects. Korn teases Pat about Ink and asks if he knows her. Pat plays it off that he was just seizing his chance to talk to her alone. Korn then makes an offhand comment that has the entire fandom hyperventilating: I thought you said you liked someone in architecture. Um, excuse me??? Come again? I need to replay this. Assuming this isn’t lost in translation, it’s curious that Pat neither denies nor corrects Korn here, he merely says, you call yourself an engineering student? Why are you now defending the architects? Ugh. Pat is being frustratingly evasive. Answer the guy’s question!
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Their chitchat draws the ire of the coach and they’re punished with running drills. Seriously? That’s it?? You’re going to drop that bomb on us and then just run away? Damn you, show. Insert gif of Arthur’s clenched fist.
We cut to Pran outside using his phone’s flashlight while searching for his dropped earbud. He walks around adorably muttering to himself when he bumps into Pat fresh from rugby practice. Pran tells Pat to get lost, but Pat insists on helping him look. Even with something this simple, the two still find ways to bicker with each other. Pat doesn’t watch where he’s going and unintentionally steps on the very thing they’re looking for, because of course he does.
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Holding the busted earbud, Pat is genuinely apologetic but Pran doesn’t hold back his irritation. He reiterates his mantra that every time they’re together, nothing good happens. 
Pran is back in his dorm when there’s an insistent knock at his door. It’s Pat coming to lend Pran his own earbuds. Pran initially refuses but Pat is clever and pokes at his competitiveness by saying he’ll need it for the music contest and to not use the lack of earbuds as an excuse to lose against Pat and the engineers. Pran finally relents, but we know that Pat only used the contest to get Pran to take the earbuds and I suspect that Pran knows this as well.
Pran is so distracted by Pat’s thoughtfulness that he lets his guard down which Pat takes as an opening to barge into Pran’s room. The two go back and forth about Pat’s sweat stinking up Pran’s place. And it’s like watching the most fascinating game of table tennis, ever. The way these two banter is like a competitive sport. Pat takes it a notch further by stuffing Pran's head inside his sweaty shirt, which eww. But how much do I love that they've now graduated from verbal foreplay into physical just like that. That it’s become comfortable for them to have their hands on each other. Pat has bulldozed his way into Pran's physical and personal spaces and our Pran’s defenses are visibly weakening.
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To quote one Rory Gilmore, look at this butt-faced miscreant.
Pran has had enough and kicks him out. Also, can your voice get any higher pitched, my guy? I think that’s the most excitable I’ve ever seen you. How warm was it inside Pat's shirt? Are you feeling lightheaded? Do we need to do a temp check? He closes the door in Pat’s face but of course can’t resist another peek at the peephole. Pat stands outside his door and obnoxiously chants you knowww you want to let me in. Pran just shakes his head but not before his face blooms in a glorious smile of defeat. How does he make defeat look so sweet? He sits back on his couch and stares affectionately at the borrowed earbuds.
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The next day, Pran heads to the campus coffee shop after class and happens on Pat and Ink. It triggers a flashback where high school Pran is waiting for his milk tea order when a passing Pat pauses on his way to music club and tells Pran he’ll see him there. Pran nods in response and immediately turns around and orders a second drink for Pat. Our hearts ache for the obvious hope we can see churning in his chest. Oh, sweet Pran. Can you imagine his trek to that music room? How his steps are a little more hurried? How he carefully holds both drinks in his nervous, sweaty palms? Only to walk in on Pat and Ink goofing off and Pran’s face morphs into something akin to being run over by an oncoming freight train. 
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We’re back in the present, where history is repeating itself with Pran looking on as Pat teases Ink. The look on Pran’s face as he watches them is heartbreaking; it’s that damn freight train coming for him again. Just as his heart and bones are finally healing from the last collision three years prior. The show is telling us this is nothing new for Pran. He’s been here before, a spectating third wheel to his own life. And it hurts us something fierce because we can all relate. Unrequited love is a heavy burden, made worse when you’ve accepted it but it keeps jabbing you over and over with the reminder of what you can’t have. And it never stops hurting. It’s like picking at a barely healed scab again and again only to bleed anew, each time leaving a deeper scar than the previous.
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We learn Ink’s price for her silence is Pat agreeing to model for her photoshoot. We also learn that he again skips bus stop duty to show up for Ink. Pran doesn’t know this and thinks Pat is skirting his responsibility to play with Ink. Once again proving to Pran that Pat chooses fun and games AND Ink over his promise to him. Only we know that Pat is doing this for you, Pran. He’s paying off her silence because you’ve made it clear you don’t want anyone knowing your shared history. It’s a version of noble idiocy that you can’t fault anyone for, the kind that hurts all parties involved.
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We cut to Pran at his own rugby practice where he’s so distracted by his irritation with Pat that he tackles his opponent hard and hurts his shoulder. Pran is at Wai’s bar after practice when who should walk in for a post-photo session meal but Pat and Ink. Really? Do you guys have no other place to eat at? Did the curry spot, noodle truck, and all the other restaurants in the area suddenly get snapped by Thanos? Our Pran really can’t catch a break, can he? 
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How Nanon manages to make heartache look stunningly gorgeous is beyond me. There’ll be no reenactment of Dawson crying by the creek for this guy.
He tries in vain to make a quiet escape, but Ink catches him. The face Pran makes when Ink tells him to join them is gut-wrenching. Pat pulls out a seat for him, but Pran bypasses it to sit next to Ink instead. The layers of this scene could rival that of the earth’s atmosphere. Pat looks at the chair he pulled out for Pran and presumptive understanding dawns on his face. Pran is pissed at him. Yes, but not for the reason you’re thinking, Pat!
Ink tries to engage the trio in small talk, bless her heart. We’re not sure if she’s oblivious to the tension or picks up on it and decides not to intervene, but Pat is curiously looking at Pran and Pran is valiantly looking back at him. Say what you will of Pran’s tendency to run away, but I applaud him here for meeting Pat's questioning gaze straight on. 
An unspoken conversation passes between them where both are using different interpreters. It’s reminiscent of that kids’ telephone game where you whisper a message in one person’s ear to another and once you’ve reached the last person, the message is so distorted that it barely resembles the original. That is what’s happening here. Pat is saying, I see you. You’re upset. Let me fix this. And Pran is saying, Do you? There’s nothing to fix. Because you and I are nothing to each other. And it’s Pran’s breaking heart doing the talking for him, only Pat thinks that it’s for another reason entirely and misinterprets everything.
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It’s the smiling through the pain that breaks me. I’m breathless at how good he is at this, and it hurts me that he’s had years of practice.
This is an emotional trainwreck, one that is excruciatingly painful to watch, but also impossible to look away from. Ink asks if they’ll be facing off against each other in the upcoming rugby match; our boys’ eyes connect, and the small half smiles they give for Ink’s benefit is gutting. Ink wonders out loud which of the two of them she should root for, unintentionally pitting them against each other in a way that is wholly separate from anything that has to do with the rugby field.
Pat pushes the menu towards Pran and softly asks him what he wants to eat. He cares, Pran, he really does, we know you’re hurting but look beyond your broken heart right now and recognize that he cares about you. Please be brave one more time. But Ink chooses this exact moment to notice Pat’s P-bracelet because life is just that cruel to one Pran Parakul. Is that the sound of a train’s whistle racing forward in the distance?
As Ink marvels over Pat having kept the bracelet all this time, Pran is checked out and has a faraway look on his face. We’re shown a flashback of Pran watching Ink gift Pat the bracelet back in high school. This memory seems to be the final straw for Pran. It’s been a long day full of conflicting thoughts of Pat only to end with a tension-filled evening he didn’t ask for. Add to that, his stinging shoulder and Pran is just DONE with everything and everyone. He makes a flimsy excuse of only now realizing he has something to do and makes a hasty exit. Pat intuitively watches as Pran leaves.
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Later in his dorm, Pran answers the door to a concerned Pat who is delivering the dinner he didn’t get to eat. Pran declines the peace offering and moves to shut his door, but winces as he inadvertently pulls his injured shoulder. Pat notices and nags him to treat it with medicine. 
Cut to the two of them sitting on Pran’s couch with Pat adamant about treating Pran’s injury and the concern he’s showing here is a much softer version of Pat, one we haven't seen before. Pran gives in to Pat’s insistence and rolls up his sleeve, we see that the injury is a lot worse than we imagined. Pat applies the meds to Pran’s shoulder and the look Pran gives him says everything. He doesn’t bother holding back the clear adoration he has for him. It’s all laid as bare as the shoulder Pat is taking care of. Pat, open your eyes and SEE PRAN. He’s right there.
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How blind can Pat be? Pran is absolutely gone for him and isn’t even hiding it here. It was a taxing day and this is a moment of weakness for our Pran – where his usual facade slips.
Pat tells Pran to be more careful, that they have a game in a couple days. Pran says they’ll have an advantage then; it’ll be easier for the engineers to win. Pat responds with zero hesitation that without Pran, where’s the fun? What’s the point of even playing if Pran can’t play? And GOD, this is so telling, isn’t it? Pat, make the connection faster my guy. You’re right on the verge of figuring it out. There’s a moment where Pat finishes treating Pran’s shoulder where their eyes meet over the small space between them, and the entire fandom collectively holds our breath as we implore both to just see each other.
Pat extends their time together by asking if Pran has any makeup remover. He wants to clean off the makeup from the photoshoot. Pran comments oh the one you did with Ink? Pat is surprised that Pran already knows. Pran says Pat posted it to IG, didn’t he want the entire world to know? Yet more foreshadowing to later in the series when Pat posts about their relationship on IG. This show is dropping crumbs everywhere and we’re here gobbling it up.
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Pran hands Pat the miscellar cleanser but he’s clueless on how to use it, so Pran takes over and helps him. There is something incredibly soft and gentle about Pran cleaning Pat’s face for him. It's what you do for someone you love. Pat can’t help but tease Pran with cute dimples you’ve got there. If had your dimples, would I be as cute as you? A stunned Pran is speechless that Pat paid him a compliment so openly and easily, but credit to him for not dismissing Pat’s teasing as we’d expect him to, but instead volleys back what, these dimples? and flashes them cheekily. He then tells Pat that he’s sorry to break the news, but only he can have these super-cute dimples. He then shoos Pat away and only once the door is firmly between them does Pran reveal his totally blissed-out smile. He repeats his ritual of looking through the peephole for any last visage of Pat, smiling the entire time. Forget the meds, a dose of Pat is all he really needs.
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You can physically feel the sigh through this screenshot. Nanon is just that good.
If it would please the court, we’d like to conclude our closing argument that these two are in love, your honor. They are no longer hiding their flirtation behind insults; they are outright flirting now. One claims he’s hot and the other did not refute his claim and now there’s face cleansing and dimple poking involved. Your honor, we would like to rest our case that these two are out here proving our argument for us.
It’s the day of the rugby match and Pran is alone on the bleachers when Pat joins him. He asks if Pran is fit to play and reaches out to ruffle his hair, only for Pran to wave him off. Satisfied that his shoulder appears better, Pat asks, what, you’re afraid people are going to think I’m flirting with you? Way to go straight for the jugular, Pat. And he proceeds to tease and poke at Pran some more, but it’s all halted by Ink and Jam showing up. Now that there’s an audience, Pran dismisses Pat back to his side of the field.
The match is underway with the engineers in red and the architects in green. Pat and Pran are the stars of their respective teams. They both try to outdo each other on the field to the surprise of absolutely no one. There’s a beat where Pran scores, runs back, and flick-salutes Pat with a devilish smirk and oh GOD, it’s so boss and HOT. Pran, we been knowing there’s a sexy beast hidden beneath those dimples, you should unleash him more often. Hit Pat when he least expects it and promise you’ll let us watch.
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I’m completely convinced that P’Aof chose rugby for this script to feed us all the waist grabbing and manhandling, and oh man are we feasting. There’s another bit where Pat has the ball and Pran comes after him, hugging him from behind. Pat hands the ball off to Korn who proceeds to score, but Pran, too busy watching the action, hasn’t yet let go of Pat. And Pat, that bastard, teases him with hug me this tight and you might as well take me as your boyfriend and has the gall to WINK at him. Boy, please.
Pran takes a hard tackle and gets up rubbing his shoulder, it doesn’t escape Pat’s notice and he pulls Korn aside with a new game plan. Pat will cover Pran. Aww, Pat. We see you. Only it doesn’t go as planned. Pran has the ball, but Pat hesitates to tackle him and out of nowhere Korn comes in for the kill and Pran goes down painfully. Wai shows up, because of course he does, and menacingly stands in between Pat who is trying to check if Pran is okay. Waisel, calm your ass down. Pran is helped off the field and Pat approaches Korn demanding why he didn’t follow the plan, he said he had Pran covered. Korn is all like hell you did, I saw you hesitate, what the hell is going on with you, Pat?! Indeed, Korn surprisingly you’re asking the right questions.
Match over and without Pran, the architects are defeated by the engineers. Ink approaches Pran and consoles him that his team would have won if he were able to stay in the game. She then gifts him with his own P-bracelet, revealing that she wanted to give it to him back in 10th grade, but he transferred before she got the chance. Aww, Ink, you made them couple bracelets. You’re totally one of us! She helps him put it on and we see Pran working up the courage to ask her something. He finally does and this will forever be the bravest moment on the show for me.
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Ink is surprised and peers at Pran, maybe she sees what we all know but does Pran a solid and doesn't let on. She tells him she only sees Pat as a friend, just like how she sees him. And we can all feel Pran's visible relief at her response. Oh, Pran. Your bravery moves me because I understand what this took from you. How you've watched Pat and Ink from the sidelines all these years. Never knowing if there was more going on, but always too afraid to find out. We’ve all been here in Pran’s shoes. Having accepted that our love is unrequited, but never quite willing to seal our own fate by confirming that the object of our desire is coveted by someone else. Someone we deem more worthy of receiving our love’s affection. Someone not us. It’s a disheartening state to find yourself in, this limbo of never being able to move on yet afraid of putting the nail in your own coffin by finding out.
Pran and Ink continue to sit on the bleachers chatting away, both failing to notice that Pat is at the other end watching their interaction with an unreadable expression on his face. We aren’t sure how much he’s overheard, but we’re certain that even if he caught the entire exchange, he’d somehow draw the wrong conclusion from it.
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Later that night there is another knock on Pran’s door. We only need one guess as to who’s on the other side. Seriously, how many times has Pat sought out Pran in this episode alone? The boy simply can’t stay away. Make the connection already, dude. Isn’t it telling that you somehow always manage to end up in front of Pran’s door? Ask yourself what that’s all about.
Pran opens his door to reveal that Pat got him some meds for his shoulder. Pran turns him down saying he has his own, but Pat is insistent. He tells Pran that if he wants to return the favor, to let him crash in his dorm tonight. He forgot his key and Pa isn’t answering her phone. Pran, thinking that this is yet another Pat move, and honestly who can blame him? tells Pat to keep trying for Pa and shuts the door. 
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Later, Pran looks in his peephole to check if Pat is really locked out of his dorm and finds a desolate Pat sitting in their hallway. It takes him less than 30 seconds to decide that he can’t leave Pat out there and opens his door to him. This is huge. Earlier in the episode Pran was very against Pat being in his space, going so far as to kick him out just for sitting on his couch. But here he is granting him entry and a place to rest his head for the night. How far he’s come. He opens the door with slight trepidation because he knows himself. He recognizes that he probably won’t get a wink of sleep tonight knowing Pat is breathing the same air, existing in the same space as him.
Pran is setting up a sleep mat for Pat on the floor next to his bed when Pat enters from the bathroom – shirtless. And there are abs galore, my friends, so much abs. Ahem, what are you doing, sir? Have you no mercy for Pran (or us?) Pran stares without making it seem that he’s staring, we gotchu buddy. Pat asks if he can just sleep shirtless and Pran quickly says no, absolutely not and tosses him a t-shirt from his hamper. He says he hasn’t washed it yet. Pat does a sniff test and declares it still smells great. Because of course it does, it smells like Pran – the scent of heaven to Pat’s nose. Pran’s face in response is hilarious as if he’s thinking what the hell is wrong with you? And what the hell is wrong with me (for liking you)? Pat promises to wash it before returning it and Pran says don’t bother that he’s gonna toss it out implying that he no longer wants it now that it’s been worn by Pat and Pat is all, awesome, new shirt for me then.
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I think Pat has found his doppelganger in Pran’s emoji lamp.
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Pran is trying very hard to school his face but seeing Pat wearing his clothes has to be doing something to his insides. The shirt he’s worn on his skin is now touching Pat’s skin. I suspect the whole declaration of throwing the shirt out was just for show, this shirt is something Pran is going to cherish for the rest of time. Just like the watch. The earbuds. The guitar. And anything else related to Pat.
Pat says he can’t sleep without his comfort object, Nong Nao, and looks pleadingly at Pran. I half expected him to ask if he can join Pran in bed and use him as a Nong Nao replacement, which yes, please! But Pran is all, don’t even think about it. And in your dreams. (In ALL of our dreams, really). He instead concedes to sharing some of his blanket/comforter with him.
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Sometime later, both boys are wide awake staring at nothing in particular. The awkwardness is deafening. Pat is the first to break the silence and asks if Ink gave Pran a bracelet earlier and Pran pauses before responding that yes, she did, the same one she gave to Pat. After several beats, it’s Pran’s turn to break the silence with can I ask you something? Pat responds that he also has a question that he wants to ask Pran. They both seem to already know what the other is wanting to ask. Pran insists on Pat going first. After some hemming and hawing, Pat blurts out do you like Ink? There’s some back and forth of you answer first, no I asked you first, so you answer, they then decide to both answer at the same time on the count of three.
We know Pran’s answer is a resounding no, but we’re not expecting for Pat’s answer to be yes and neither is Pran judging by his reaction. It’s like the air is completely sucked out of his lungs upon hearing Pat’s yes. He’s drowning and can’t even outwardly react because Pat is RIGHT THERE. Pat sighs in relief and actually says the words what a relief! He thought they were rivals for the same girl. Oh Pat, you stupid, clueless idiot.
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Where Pran draws the strength to ask if Pat has confessed to Ink yet, I’ll never know. His eyes are flooding with unshed tears, and I just want to smack Pat here, and not affectionately either. Pat responds that he hasn’t yet and asks Pran if he thinks Ink would like him. Pran gives a deprecating chuckle and says how would he know? Pat gets up and leans over the side of the bed and asks If you were her, would you like me? Pran answers with all the life preservation he has left in him, someone like you? What’s there to like? As if he doesn’t already have a long running list of all the reasons why he’s already gone for Pat.
Pat says there are many things and proceeds to list them out. He was a drummer in Pran’s band, he prevented Pran from getting beaten up by Korn and the gang, he helped him get that sponsorship for the bus stop, he kept his guitar for him. And here P’Aof attempts to put us all in our deathbeds by complementing Pat’s narration with Pran’s own montage of all the things Pran already knows and loves about Pat. The Christmas concert where Pran sings but only has eyes for his drummer, the world’s one and only handsome guitar pick, Pat saving the day with the 100% eco-pitch, the bus stop role playing, and finally the return of his guitar. The list goes on and Pran’s chin wobbles as he holds back the dam that’s threatening to burst. How he holds all his emotions in check, I have no idea but this moment right here cements what we already know – that Pran Parakul is the strongest person on this show bar none. To endure this much and for this long. There is no one, absolutely no one, who can hold a candle to him.
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Let’s face it, Pran knew there was little chance of Pat reciprocating his feelings, but Pat’s actions leading up to all this said otherwise. The dimple poking? The I think you’re cute? The if you’re not playing, then where’s the fun? The constant checking and rechecking of Pran’s shoulder injury? The incessantly showing up at Pran’s door. What are you even doing, Pat? And now you’re asking if Pran were Ink, if he’d like you? I don’t blame Pran’s response here at all. As hurtful as it is, and as much as we know that it’s a lie, it’s Pran’s only life raft at this point and he’s choosing to SURVIVE behind his I... hate you. After telling this emphatic lie, he rolls over and away from Pat.
A stunned and hurt Pat pulls away and talks out loud, almost to himself, that he has many good qualities. That even he likes himself. Well, good for you sir. We’re happy for you, but can you please shut up now? He further digs Pran’s grave by saying good luck finding someone half as good as me. Oh, you ass, this is emotional torture. We implore you to stop talking. Finally done saying his piece, he lies back down.
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Noting the silence, Pran rolls back over and looks at Pat. Then P’Aof murders us by showing a close up of Pran as he looks Pat’s way. He has tears in the corners of his eyes. And there it is. Our sweet Pran has given into his pain and quietly shed his emotions no longer able to hold them at bay. He watches as Pat sleeps and the look on Pran’s face is so openly fond and endearing belying the hurtful words he said to Pat just moments earlier. I want to reach into the screen and just wrap him in a protective cocoon and tell him he’s done good. That he can rest now, that Pat is an idiot and will figure it out soon. 
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Pran continues to watch Pat to his heart’s content. All those times he wanted to stare but had to pretend that he wasn’t. All the mockery and insults that he had to hide behind is quieted as he just stares and takes in his fill. He can’t help the small smile that peeks through. Everything about this moment is Pran being honest with himself when no one is there to call him on it. He doesn’t bother to hide his longing for Pat but instead gives into it, just for this small breadth of time and it feels so private and personal that we can’t help but feel like we’re intruding. 
He finally looks away and shakes his head, wipes at his tears, and then yanks all the bed covers off of Pat. That’s right, the boy doesn’t deserve any of that warmth. Not tonight. Our Pran turns over to his side and we're left wondering how tear-soaked his pillow will be come morning. Life doles its cruelty out indiscriminately and unfairly, but damn it feels like Pran has suffered more than his share. 
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Chemistry based off of eye contact alone? These two have it in abundance.
And with that heaviness, we conclude our fourth hour with our boys. Let’s get some of the lighter points out of the way first. I think P’Aof landed at just the right amount of screen time for the friends. I didn’t find them as grating in this episode as in the previous ones maybe because their screen time was limited and therefore more tolerable. The focus of the story has shifted to Pat and Pran’s relationship, as it should. The show is telling us to buckle in, we’re no longer in the build-up phase, we’re about to enter the main story and based on this episode’s ending, I’m not sure that our hearts are prepared for what’s coming.
I like how Ink was introduced and everyone’s first inclination was to be up in arms at her sudden appearance. We’re so used to a third-party foil that we were all ready to sharpen our knives and pitchforks in defense of Pran. I absolutely love that P’Aof and his team quickly put our fears to ease by subverting all our usual expectations. Ink wasn’t introduced to be a villainous foil but more the catalyst to push our boys out of their comfort zone, especially Pran. If Ink hadn’t shown up, we can safely assume that Pran would continue loving Pat from a distance and never really doing anything about it. She also serves as the catalyst for Pat as well, but in the next episode. Ink is out here flexing her ability to push people to confront themselves simply by existing. We stan this girl.
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I love their friendship. There’s a genuine mutual fondness here. No wonder Pat was worried he was losing Pran to Ink.
And how great is Ink? She has to know or at least suspect Pran’s feelings for Pat, but she respectfully keeps it to herself. How much do I love that she treats Pran’s question with dignity, but also keeps it light with her teasing. She focuses on teasing Pran and less on the real reason why Pran is asking. She has to know the amount of courage it took for Pran to ask, and rather than laugh him off, she studies him and assures him that there’s nothing more than friendship on her end. And the couple bracelets? Have I mentioned how much we stan this girl?
The parents didn’t play a role at all this episode, and I didn’t miss their presence one bit. There’ll be plenty of time for all that later. P’Aof is showing us Pat and Pran on their turf – at university surrounded by all their friends. He’s detailing the gradual changes to Pat and Pran’s relationship and how they handle these external factors before he pulls in the parental drama. In a way, he’s giving us a reprieve though never letting us forget that there’s a much larger obstacle waiting on the horizon. He’s working at establishing Pat and Pran as a united front in preparation for when the parents enter the picture. I, for one, am going to enjoy all of this parent-free drama for as long as we can.
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Their eyes are always looking for each other even in a crowd of people.
I love that we’re shown how the boys are different when alone with each other. Without an audience to dictate their behavior, there’s less of a wall for Pat to scale to get to Pran. This is an especially noted change for Pran who is clearly concerned with people finding out that they’re more than mere faculty rivals. How far has Pran come from not even allowing Pat to sit on his couch at the beginning of this episode, to giving him a safe haven and a place to rest his head at the end? We can see that Pran’s defenses are on shaky ground as tornado Pat picks up speed and sweeps him away. Resistance is futile, kind sir. We all eventually succumb to the whirlwind that is Pat. It’s only a matter of time.
The flashbacks revealed so much this episode. We were fed a lot of background on their high school days. But keep in mind that we’re seeing all this through Pran’s perspective and he’s remembering it through the lens of loving Pat from afar. How reliable is Pran as a narrator? Is it possible that he read more into Pat and Ink’s interactions than both Pat or Ink felt themselves? I think Pran uses what he sees and remembers as an excuse to keep Pat at arm’s length. There’s less chance of getting his hopes up this way by creating that emotional barrier between himself and Pat. He’s convinced Pat can never feel for him the way he wants so having Ink there as a stand-in-between is convenient, if foolhardy. So, when Pran asks Ink if she likes Pat and learns that her answer is no that tempered hope dangerously re-ignites for Pran. And it was probably everything he was trying to avoid, but still had to know.
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I want to touch on Pat showing up at Pran’s door consistently bearing gifts. In this episode alone it began with the earbuds, then the chicken dinner delivery, and then the meds for his shoulder. Even before this, he hangs onto Pran’s guitar for years waiting for an opportunity to return it to him. And it doesn’t even have to be at Pran’s door, Pat insists on helping him look for the dropped earbud, he’s adamant about treating his injured shoulder, he pushes the bar menu at Pran and asks him what he wants to eat, he tells Korn that he’ll cover Pran in the rugby match, he delivers food after Pran leaves because he doesn’t want him to go hungry. This is a recurring theme of Pat looking out for Pran in big and small ways. He likes feeling needed and useful to those he cares about; he’s a caretaker by nature and a fixer by environment, but also, this gives him a reason and excuse to see and spend time with Pran which is really at the heart of Pat’s desire though he doesn’t recognize it yet.
If all these acts of service and making himself a ‘necessity’ to Pran isn’t a metaphor for Pat offering himself, and his heart, to him then I don’t know what we’re even doing here. Notice that Pran consistently declines whatever it is Pat is offering – his gifts, his help, and his time – why? Pran doesn’t want to owe Pat. We’ve seen that he had to psych himself up just to say a simple thank you. Pran grew up learning to be independent by way of self-efficiency, this is in part due to how he was raised but also if you don’t rely on anyone else, then no one can let you down, right? 
Pran, an only child, grew up friend-starved, he never needed to depend on anyone but himself. We see this in his friendship with Wai where Wai is the one who constantly takes and Pran is the one who gives. One might say that Pran doesn’t know any other way of being so doesn’t recognize that what he has with Wai is emotionally abusive at worst and a lopsided friendship at best. We also see it in the way Pran automatically assumes the role of leader in his friend group, taking on the bus stop rebuild when he had no obligation to do so. He doesn’t know how to be the one who leans on someone else. 
So, here comes Pat who not only wants nothing in return, other than to prolong their time spent together, but also voluntarily sets himself as a stalwart companion for Pran, someone he can look to and depend on. Our Pran doesn’t know what to do with this change to his routine and way of life. He’s perfectly fine with Pat owing him (recall the debt extracted for saving Pa), but doesn’t know what to do with himself when the roles are reversed. 
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Now let’s look at this from Pat’s side. Does he feel that he needs to make himself worthy of Pran’s friendship? Even when helping him with the bus stop, there’s a sense that Pat feels he has to prove himself useful to Pran so that Pran would find reason to keep him around. I blame Ming who shows his love and affection only when Pat brings him good tidings, that he scored well on an exam, made president of his faculty, is a star athlete, top of the food chain. He doesn’t show Pat that he loves his son just because he’s his son, no strings attached or accolades necessary. This measurement of perceived value by delivering good marks and deeds has got to be deeply ingrained in Pat after all these years. It’s something he and Pran would need to work at fixing – that Pat doesn’t need to bring gifts or show excellence to be loved. Pat needs to recognize that Pran loves him just as he is, chaotic goof and all and not because he does things for him. That Pran’s love is not a tradeoff and can’t be bought. It’s freely given because of who Pat is, not because of what Pat can offer. 
In that same vein, it’s curious that Pat lists all the reason why Pran (as Ink) should like him but fails to realize that none of the things on his list were even done for Ink? In fact, most of them happened when Ink wasn’t even around. What’s that about, Pat? Are you being willfully blind to your feelings for Pran? Or are you unconsciously testing the waters by asking Pran if what you’ve done is enough, can be enough for him to love you?
We assure you, Pat, it’s more than enough. He loves you despite all your flaws. He’s witnessed them all and still loves you anyway. You only need to open your eyes and see it. 
Thank you as always for reading and reliving EP4 with me. Next up, Pat experiences an awakening as we shift from Pran’s point of view to that of our favorite engineer. I hope you’ll stick around for it. I’ll try not to go so long in between updates this time. For those who may have been worried that I would abandon this post series, fear not, I fully intend to see this through completion. I’m afraid you're stuck with me and my ramblings for the long haul.
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ssaalexblake · 4 years
for the meme: criminal minds, doctor who, star trek (choose any!), the west wing, buffy or angel series
I literally have no idea how to rank these in preference order, wow. I’ve been staring at this for a week.  
A lot of these show i love them when i love them and hate ‘em when i hate ‘em??? 
6- Angel. This is a show i keep revisiting because i really love the cast of characters (mostly), Angel, Cordy, Gunn, Fred, Lilah and Darla first and foremost, but i have nothing against Wes, Lorne and Doyle? Lindsay was a boring villain, imo, and they missed such a chance when they decided to play him off angel more than Lilah because i think they could have made Far more interesting points by comparing them, tbh. That’s a pet peeve but i have a Huge shitlist for this show. But i really Do love the characters, and on occasion the plots Do show moments of brief, utter brilliance but then they swerve away from it Every Time and it’s So Annoying. I did not mention connor here because literally Everything to do with him is one of those ‘brief moments of brilliance that were swerved away from like they were contagious’ things. 
5- btvs... I Love this show but a lot of that is tied into childhood nostalgia??? If i watched it for the first time now it’d be hard to get through because i’d not know which parts to skip through for ease of watching, because i have very firm ideas on what episode and scenes need to be muted or skipped full stop by now and i feel like my ability to edit the show to my liking May have clouded some of my judgment on its quality on the whole lol. But my version of the show? Where i only watch the parts i like? Way higher than 5 here. 
4- TWW, would rank higher but seasons 5 and 6 are very slow. And I have to suffer through the Sorkin Self Insert Character(tm) because it’s a sorkin show. Loses more marks for creating female characters to shove Terrible feminism opinions on so it’s Socially Acceptable b/c it’s a woman saying it not him. In the shadow of two gunmen parts one and two are two of the best episodes of tv full stop, though, and honestly, season 2 on the whole is one of the stronger seasons of tv i’ve ever watched. I also really like s7, unpopular but it’s well paced and by like ep4?? it hits its stride and stays that way the whole time. Though, idk if i’m the only non american with this feeling, but on occasion some of the every day american value politics on the show is so Batshit i lose all sense of immersion? Not the Big Plots, i know those americanisms because of an awareness of rl politics and it no longer surprises me, but the small taken for granted stances that they mention offhandedly that make me go... what??????
3- Criminal Minds. Just over half this show was... at best average and at worst just straight up Bad, but damn when it was good it was good. I’m actually still mad at Patinkin for ruining the end of the Gideon arc because i may not Like the character as a man, but Damn he was such a well written and fascinating character and the story they were telling with him was fascinating and it was ruined. Also, this show will always have a place in my heart for killing him off years later out of sheer passive aggression. Honestly? i could write a 5000 word essay on my feelings on this show on the whole and i could never hope to say so briefly, but when it got it right this show Really got it right, and that actually makes up for a Great many hours of bullshit i watched in the name of it. And since it ended Tons of people have started loving Blake and i am Vindicated. 
 2- Star Trek Discovery - This show only has two seasons so it’s probably benefitting from not having ‘been on air too long-itis’ but i really do love it. And, truthfully, i could pick at it because it’s made some Choices and done some Real bullshit, but others could and have deconstructed that better than me... But also it has some great stuff in it too? i’d just end up writing an essay, again, but imo the good outweighs the bad, and this is way more my Thing in style than the older ones because?? idk, it just is. (tho.... !Picard Spoiler! what Does the trek universe have against gay latin men named Hugh??? That is weirdly specific.)
1- Doctor who - Okay, full disclosure, i won’t watch a lot of the new stuff, sometimes because i find the writing bad and sometimes because it’s written well enough to be infuriating, But like, when i love it, i really love it? I can honestly say watching s12 was the most fun i’ve had watching a season of tv in at least a decade and It was so satisfying to see all the threads everybody had picked up on in s11 come to fruition (and, also, vindicating lbr) and to see 13′s veneer fracture so completely. But then again, i’ve always enjoyed things for their character writing first and foremost and imo, chibnall’s always been good at that. The fact that the plots make sense 95% of the time too is an added bonus i would not actually expect from any era of dw. I just watched ten work a phone by putting a stethoscope to it. The fact that i don’t actually feel it needs to make sense probably helps it placing this high in this very over thought random meme i’ve spent a week on. Classic who is Also great because usually even when it’s bad it’s funny due to monsters made of carpet and papier-mâché. I even like the cybermen as villains in classic who and i am Not a fan of them in nu!who (the whole frankenstein mary shelley angle won me over b/c it was an interesting take on it with how they merged it in with classic horror, but i’m not big on them as a villain. Probably helped that they were kind of a vehicle for the main plot more than there for their own trouble making abilities? i find the whole type of narrative based around them is said better with the borg in star trek tbh). 
thank you! i did just win the over thinking prize, though. 
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kyogre-blue · 5 years
Light novel adaptations animes
From the recent seasons. Well, I didn’t actually check if they’re adaptations or not, I’m just guessing based on the titles and settings, lol... 
High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World, ep2 - Ongoing. This is so anime. I kinda... love it.... Speaking more seriously, I appreciate that this anime doesn’t really try very hard to take anything seriously. High school prodigies, sure. Crashing into another world, sure. I also like that there is a team of these isekaing people, with even something like a balance of genders. Overall, it reminds me a bit of Problem Children, which was an enjoyable show overall. 
Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?, ep4 - Dropped. Well, it’s about what you’d expect (cheap MILF pandering). For example, in ep2, the mom gets covered in slime and all her clothes dissolve. Her son repeatedly faceplants into her boobs, while she blushes and moans. I kinda expected this, so I found the bigger problem to be that the mom-child relationships are actually terrible. 
Isekai Cheat Magician, ep4 - Dropped. Exceptionally average. It actually does a lot well -- the main girl is very nice for being the slightly tsun childhood friend trope, the MC is not a raging pervert or anything like that, Lemia and Muller are cute, etc. It’s just that pacing is hugely average. Also, altho Taichi is fine, I finally feel ‘potato protag’ in my soul. Rin is so cute I want more of her instead of him and his ridiculous OPness. (get that elf flag, Rin!)
The Rising of the Shield Hero, ep1 - Dropped. I found it tedious from the start, since it’s one of those gritty deconstructions. I decided to look up some spoilers, and boy did I lose any interest in continuing. Tone-wise, I suppose it’s somewhat similar to Overlord, but swings too much in the other direction in terms of the MC’s initial stats. 
If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord, ep4 - Dropped. Nothing bad, but I personally found all the little girl sappy fluff to be rather dull. It’s cute but like... I don’t care. 
Didn't I say to make my abilities average in the next life, ep2 - Ongoing. Most notable point: how did Mile mistake the female knight for a man, with that boobplate? Second point: why does she get surprised when she’s called a kid, if she’s physically 12? Third point: I’m imagining Mile acting like this much of an airhead with her previous appearance, and it’s great. Anyway, this show has been amazingly stupid so far, but in a fairly amusing way. 
ASSASSINS PRIDE, ep2 - Dropped. Now THIS is a light novel adaptation. The contrived world setting! The protagonist monologues! The first meeting with panty shot! The sheer edginess of it all! Yeah, I didn’t really love any of the story contents (I especially rolled my eyes when Melida started monologuing at the clowns about her hair). It’s a shame that it’s drawn rather pretty. I almost feel bad dropping it. 
Ascendance of a Bookworm, ep3 - Ongoing. A transmigration anime. It’s been a while since I watched anime, actually, so I had forgotten that anime protags are Like That, aka completely obsessed about One Thing that they love so much that their entire universe revolves around whether or not they can read a book. Jokes aside, I am more or less enjoying this tho. 
To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, ep4 - Dropped. I like how the only two female monster ladies turn into “hot” monsters. And in case you think this is accidental, the make sure to wear basically underwear while out of uniform or have “everyone peeking on her” jokes made about them. And of course, the intelligence lady is wearing... that. It’s otherwise a series that takes itself so seriously, so the BOOB is very much breaking the atmosphere. This minor complaining aside, I just didn’t really find it interesting. Especially the main antagonist, who looks to be a very annoying type, and the sidekick girl. 
Wise Man's Grandchild, ep4 - Ongoing. This has to be the most standard setup possible, and yet it’s somehow cute in how dumb it is. I think I might just have a weakspot for “this dumbass is the relative of all these famous people and they love their idiot to bits.” 
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Ep6, Chapter 5 & 6 (Part 1)
So, yeah, the Steam version of Chiru’s out, but for the time being, I’m gonna stick to making my posts off of the original Witch Hunt/UmiTweak release, the main reason being that I’m already partway through Ep6. There’s also the voice acting, which I think adds a great deal to the story.
Once I get to Ep7, I’ll probably switch to the Steam release. Hopefully that doesn’t take too long, especially since I want to keep up with Rokkenjima’s Chiru Tea Parties alongside this, but... We’ll see, I guess!
Anyways. If I recall correctly, these chapters feature Erika wasting her time arguing with a 9-year-old and being even more dense than Battler used to be? Fun times inbound!
The chapter opens with Shannon talking about how she used to be “a bit of a klutz” “back then” - forgetting where she left something, or forgetting to lock a door/cabinet/whatever. It’s funny - despite how relatively insignificant this information is (especially since we’ve seen Shannon being a bit clumsy in earlier Eps), it’s good at strengthening the connection between Yasu in her story in Ep7 and what Shannon was like when she was younger.
that sentence was kind of a mess but i hope you understand what i mean
Battler asks her how she got over her forgetfulness, and Shannon explains that she got in the habit of taking notes about where she put things and such. Again, pretty minor, but it brings to mind Yasu tying a string around her keyring...
Erika interrupts, asking flat-out if she’s seen Beatrice or not. Shannon says, “I didn’t see her directly, but... umm... some very strange things did happen...”
The narrative mentions that she’s thinking of “a certain summer night,” and then jumps to the two Beatos wandering the mansion at night. “From Shannon’s perspective, it was a ghost story. From the witch’s perspective... it was just the story of a little summer’s night prank...”
Elder explains the concept of “anti-magic toxin” to Chick. She says something interesting here, and I’m not entirely sure how to parse it - “One thing we do have in our favour is the fact that our existence is still extremely weak. Because of that, the toxin does not affect us greatly.”
In magic terms, I think what she means is that it can’t cause the two of them as much pain as it’s shown to cause for, say, characters like the Stakes or Sakutarou in Ep4. In mundane terms... hmm. Maybe that, since the ghost stories about the witch haven’t really taken hold yet, people are less desperate to argue against them? I’m really not sure.
“[Chick] had thought that she wasn’t a witch because she couldn’t use magic, but apparently, she was still a witch nonetheless.”
Elder mentions that not only being seen, but “being heard or sensed can also result in contact with the toxin.” Basically, any cause for suspicion that “the witch’s actions” have a “human culprit” is damaging.
Chick wonders internally why she wasn’t burnt by Battler’s toxin. Meta gonna meta? The anti-magic toxin’s never really seemed to be “a thing” in the Meta-World - it’s more of a gameboard construct.
“Simply put, as we are now, we can only exist when humans aren’t around...”
Elder is awestruck at the idea of being able to appear openly in front of humans. “Is that what we will eventually become?”
Pretty reflective of how Yasu would’ve felt, I imagine. When she started with her little witch pranks, I doubt she could’ve imagined them growing to encompass the entire island the way they did.
“Hmmm, how inspiring. If that is our future, it means that all of our hard work will have been worth the effort.” okay that one hurts
And then Chick asks how those efforts relate to what they’re currently doing - unlocking windows behind the mansion’s servants, lol. Elder explains that the fact the window was unlocked even though “there’s no one in the hallway” is proof of their existence, and of their magic.
“Of course, it wasn’t just small pranks like opening a window. She could also smash windows and vases, or leave behind strange fires and mysterious scribbles.” YASU WHAT ARE YOU DOING
“One day, I will... no, we will become a single witch and control all of Rokkenjima... When that time comes, we will gain complete freedom and will be capable of stretching our wings as we please.”
And Chick realizes the reason she could appear in front of Battler so openly is because at this point, he fully believes in the witch’s existence and doesn’t have any anti-magic toxin to speak of. HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED
In Featherine’s study, meanwhile, Ange and Featherine discuss the Beatos’ logic. It basically comes down to the fact that they’ve - Yasu’s - created an atmosphere where anything strange happening on the island is blamed on the witch.
“The servants might have forgotten to lock [the window], or one of the family might have opened it after the servants had locked up and forgotten to shut it again, or maybe someone had played a prank. In the same way that none of those possibilities could be denied... it was also impossible to deny the possibility that a witch really had opened a window to enjoy the night breeze...”
“That’s one of the foundations of magic. Decorating... the process.”
Ange acknowledges that “good magic” really does exist. Featherine says, “The power to repel evil magic may be necessary for a child of man. However, it is the nature of love in the human world that it does not burn away and defile love-filled magic.”
Ange concludes that “Beatrice” isn’t a person’s name, but the name of a phenomenon - that anything strange that happens at night is blamed on the witch. “That all piles up until we reach 1986... This is the veil that the true culprit is hiding behind. And the person hiding behind it is, without a doubt, a human.”
Featherine contends that she can’t stick to that argument “to fight all the way through 1986,” and Ange doesn’t have a response. The narrative jumps back to the gameboard, where presumably Shannon’s just detailed the window being unlocked on that night.
...And Erika, being Erika, says that it was just because someone forgot to lock the window.
Shannon mentions that it happened many times over (which she’d know, of course), and Erika calls her an idiot. I really can’t stand her in this episode, I’m sorry...
Everyone else chimes in to support Shannon, but Erika turns to pointing the finger at the servants as a group. THE IRONY......
She concludes with, “Of course there’s no way Beatrice exists,” and “This delusion of a Golden Witch Beatrice [...] is completely impossible,” which angers Maria. here we fuckin go
Maria states that she’s met Beato (which she has), and that Beato shows her magic all the time. Erika asks her to explain in detail. Seriously, this girl...
The other cousins try calming the situation down, but Erika throws out all pretenses of being polite (again) to challenge Maria. Meta breaks in, and Maria appears in her witch outfit.
Erika invites her to reproduce the magic, and Dlanor appears to tell her, “This battle is not worth FIGHTING.” AT LEAST ONE OF YOU HAS A GOOD HEAD ON YOUR SHOULDERS
At any rate, ridiculous red/blue truth battle ensues. I really don’t have a lot to say about this and formatting the text colours is a pain, so...
During it, though, Erika says, “All truths are nothing more than claims! So, I’ll make a claim separate from yours and smash right through yours!! That is the detective’s duty, and the time we shine the mooooost!!” I think this is a good line to use to reflect on why I don’t like Erika in this episode.
In Episode 5, she has very apparent narrative functions - she’s a detective like Battler is, but ultimately, she’s very much an antithesis of him. She’s a ruthless deconstruction of the mystery/detective fiction genre in general, and she’s a guide on “what not to do” to solve the mystery. She’s also, ultimately, the metaphorical kick in the pants Battler needs to really try solving Beato’s riddle properly, and a parody of the Mary Sue character, by way of literally being Bern’s self-insert. She fulfills all of these purposes quite well, while being an entertaining character at the same time.
In Ep6, though? True, she still functions as a deconstruction of the genre, and as an example of how ignoring the heart of the story leaves you unable to solve it, but... I feel like the former’s kinda old hat at this point, and the latter isn’t done particularly well? Ryukishi (and Battler, I suppose) kinda smack us over the head with that point in this episode, with Erika just shrugging off the love duel getting so much attention and Battler flat-out asking her what her problem is.
On top of that, we’ve got the contrast between her being an absolutely horrible person like she was in Ep5 with an attempt at humanizing her by giving her some sort of tragic backstory involving a cheating boyfriend (that doesn’t really make much sense for a 14-year-old girl, but I digress). I realize the two sides of her match with Umineko’s theme of contradictory options both being true (the culprit being a witch or a human, for instance), but in this case, they don’t mesh well for me at all. Her cruelty is too dramatically overblown for me to take her seriously as anything but either Bern’s self-insert or a parody of the genre, but Ep6 tries using her as a character to convey an important point - her spiel about love making people “see things that aren’t there.”
On top of that, she’s painted as being a “rival” to Battler, when... I never really felt like that was the case? Sure, in Ep5, they do kinda feel that way, but ultimately, Beato is still his rival, and strictly speaking, Erika’s not his “main enemy,” either - Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are. Even though Erika’s given a focus, I don’t feel like that changes in Ep6, either - Bern is the one throwing a fit about losing, while Erika is just kinda going “Yes, master!” the whole time. She feels... more like a device than a character to me, sometimes, y’know?
That’s not to say that her presence is meritless, though. She provides some top quality humour and memeing, and the ending of the episode is phenomenal. Just, overall, I don’t really care for her here.
Anyways. Erika and Maria continue yelling at each other, yada yada yada.
“Let it be known that this fight has no point...” gertrude is on point
Erika does the magic, screeches about how Maria’s a moron, etc. etc.
“...Sheesh!! Just one more step and I’d have been able to take a heart as innocent as the smooth sand just after a wave has pulled back and tear it to bits. ...What a shame. This isn’t fun anymore.” She also gives the most insincere apology ever for “tearing a kid’s dreams apart.” 
Back on the board, she gives another “apology” of “I’m still just a kid.” Maybe I’m guilty of not looking at her with love, but fucking hell this girl.
Maria stops crying and starts cackling instead, proclaiming herself as Beatrice’s apprentice. Erika says, “Let’s fight in a more satisfying game next time.” Maria says sure.
The cousins and Shannon leave, heading upstairs to play cards, and then Kumasawa enters. Erika asks her about the stories of Akujikishima and the witch of the forest, offering to get her a drink as well. With that, the chapter ends.
The next chapter opens on George and Shannon in the rose garden arbour, where George comments that he “can’t seem to get along well with kids these days,” about Erika. don’t worry jooji you are not the only one
“I think kids around Erika-san’s age have a really hard time accepting themselves,” says Shannon. This is... oddly painful, considering that Shannon’s given age is 16, meaning she “would’ve been 14” when Yasu solved the epitaph...
George comments that when he was around that age, “I was a weak, deplorable man who didn’t deserve any respect.” ouch
Y’know, I think it’s fair to say that my opinion of George has changed a lot in the 2 years or so since I started this blog. I think he genuinely tries to be a good person, even if he’s passive-aggressive and self-centred - I honestly don’t think he realizes it a lot of the time. To be clear, I don’t mean his twisting of the knife when young Yasu was in tears over Battler leaving - that was intentional and pretty fucking gross on his part. I mean his behaviour in/around 1986 - his focus on what his relationship with Shannon does for him, him shrugging off her concerns and talk about magic... I don’t think there’s any “intent” there (though whether or not that makes it better or worse is debatable) - I think the effects of it just slip right under his radar.
It still makes me kind of ill to see how he responds to Shannon’s furniture complex, but, again - I don’t think it’s because he “doesn’t care” or anything like that; I think his thinking is that if it were something really, truly serious, Shannon would be up-front about it.
That’s absolutely not to put the onus on Yasu for not explaining her situation to him - considering the weight of everything she had on her shoulders, from her identity issues to her body to her blood, I don’t feel comfortable at all with blaming her for not speaking up. It’s been a while since I read the Ep8 manga scans, but I seem to recall that George and Jessica express that sentiment at one point in the Golden Land, too.
I think, ultimately, George’s chief sin is the same as Battler’s - he just doesn’t really think about how what he says or does is impacting the woman closest to him. The key differences are that 1) since we follow Meta-Battler throughout the series, we’re able to see his character develop, from angrily refusing to see things from Beato’s perspective to eventually throwing his life away for her, whereas with George, we... don’t, and 2) even on first read-through, Beato is a lot more... inscrutable, if you will, than Shannon is. Even if we don’t know the depth of what Shannon’s trouble about, it’s easy to tell that something about George’s family talk bothers her, whereas with Beato (in part because the story’s usually told from Battler’s perspective), a lot of her reactions only really make sense in hindsight, even when she’s clearly upset (e.g. Battler rejecting her presentation of Beatrice II’s story in Ep3, and her reaction to Battler’s failed confession in Ep4).
Maybe I’m just stating the obvious here, who knows! Point is, while George definitely grates on my nerves at times, I don’t really hate the guy. He’s just as human as the rest of the cast, and as one of Yasu’s main male love interests, his flaws are often quite visible.
Anyways! At Shannon’s questioning, George admits that the reason he resolved to grow up and become a “splendid adult” wasn’t just because of love for Shannon. He starts going into some of his insecurities, about how he used to be “afraid” of “interacting with women,” and how he didn’t even recognize them at the time.
Huh, Shannon’s oddly confident during this exchange again. She makes a comment about understanding how George felt when it comes to trying to get noticed by the opposite sex, and when he prods her for details, instead of clamming up and blushing like we’d expect, she smiles and says “Of course.” I’m not quite sure how to word it beyond this, but I can really feel Tohya’s love for Yasu coming through here... quite strongly, at that.
And George admits that the turning point for him was how envious he was of Battler and how close he was to Shannon. George prepares to confess...
...And Ange breaks in to throw a jab at Featherine for watching the two of them. lol
“Stories of love are truly timeless. I never tire of them... However, I do find that expression of virgin disgust on your face even more charming...” LOL
At any rate, George admits to looking down on Battler and Jessica when they were younger, and thinking that they’d never be able to find a partner because of how brash they are, as well as using that thinking to distract himself from his own inability to find a girlfriend. Featherine cuts in, commenting that Battler and Jessica “have the power to interact without worrying about their sexes.”
Ange says, “People like Onii-chan and Jessica onee-chan can get along with anyone whether that person’s a boy or a girl... I hate to say it, but I find guys who act too polite... a bit creepy. It’s like they’re virgins trying too hard or something...” ange has 0 chill
George says that at one of the family conferences, he realized that the servant girls - particularly Shannon - were getting along with Battler and Jessica a lot better than with him. “Sickening, isn’t it? ...I just assumed that you liked me, and even had some childish fantasy that we might end up dating. I felt as though my girlfriend had been stolen from me and let myself feel hurt.”
He admits to trying to emulate Battler and Jessica by "joking around and speaking rudely.” That’s... an interesting mental image, and Shannon says as much!
“The reason I had no charm was because of my cowardice. Under the pretense of respecting people and acting to fit in with the general atmosphere... I was always running away. [...] ...I made an oath. This time, I would really make you take notice of me, and I would be reflected in your eyes... Actually, that’s the first thing I felt when I fell in love with you.”
I have to give George credit here - confessing to something like that takes a lot of guts. I don’t think it’s something many people could do very easily, even in private like this. Having said that, and I hate to be critical of him now of all times, I think that this is really the core of most of his problems.
He was so dedicated to “being reborn,” and takes such pride in “succeeding,” that I don’t think he’s capable of taking a look at himself and realizing he’s still got a lot of growing to do on his own. I don’t think that’s something specific to him, either - I think just about everyone has a period like that at some point. The unfortunate thing about George, though, is that he’s surrounded by people who don’t encourage him to take a critical look at himself - Eva and Hideyoshi, I think, are too close to him and too proud of him to realize it, while Shannon, if anything, usually ends up enabling him to keep acting the way he does. The result is that he never really gets a chance to move past that.
“...Sounds pretty... complicated.” lol shannon
“On that day, my desire for revenge against the two of you who ignored me and played together... no, against you alone... suddenly transformed into true love.” Even already knowing how he really felt about Battler leaving the family six years ago, George admitting to resenting Shannon like that sends a shiver down my spine - not because of how gross of an emotion that is (I think, while it’s certainly not pretty, it’s a very human response, in a way), but because he’s able to confess to it. Again, even if he’s pretty rough around the edges at times... George really is strong, in his own way.
“However, I swear this to God. Even though that was the reason I first started to take you seriously... there are no lies in the way I feel about you now. I swear to love you for all my life. I will not lie about that for anyone or anything. And I am prepared to take you as my wife, even if it means having the entire world as my enemy.”
I can only imagine how precious hearing that must be for Yasu...
George starts to say something about how he lied about Shannon being his “first love,” and she forcefully interrupts him. “Is there some rule saying that people can’t get together just because they weren’t each other’s first love? Is it betrayal to forget the first person you fell in love with...?”
“Love... isn’t that simple. Well... it might be simple... After all, love is easy. ...Always, whatever you feel now... only the honest feelings you feel now can tell you the right answer. So, things of the past or how our relationship started aren’t important at all.”
George thanks her, saying, “I was only able to become who I am because of you.” Shannon replies likewise, and asks him to describe the “kind of future we will build together.”
He starts out talking about how he wants to succeed as a businessman, then says it right-out: “Let’s have some kids.”
Shannon’s reaction here is markedly different from any other episode - she laughs, and says, “Yes, my husband.” He paints a vivid picture of a big family, “surrounded by many children and grandchildren.”
I hate to say it, but... I really can’t parse this scene from the perspective of something that actually happened on the board. Even if Battler gave her a new lease on life like I speculated, the weight of everything Yasu was dealing with... I can’t see her responding so readily to George’s family talk like this. I mean, I guess Shannon as a character might, but any other time it’s brought up, Yasu’s terrified of what might happen when George finds out the truth.
At any rate, George gives her the ring... and says, “I swear to resolutely stand against any fate which may attempt to get in the way of our future.”
He talks about how he’s ready to leave the family if worst comes to worst, and Shannon repeats his sentiments about standing against fate. Hmmm...
And then meta breaks in again, and Erika asks Battler when the murders are going to start. He just tells her to shut up and watch. lmao
Really though, right now she’s even worse than Battler used to be in the first four Episodes. While he might’ve shrugged off a lot of Beato’s fantasy scenes in a similar manner, he was rarely this rudely dismissive of them, and he at least recognized that he’d upset Beato somehow when he was (Beatrice II’s backstory in Ep3). erika is a 0/10 detective
Erika realizes that Battler’s pitying her for whatever reason, and asks him to shut the fuck up when he calls her “sad”.
“I can’t understand you at all right now. What on Earth did you figure out? Weren’t you and Beato always insulting and trying to kill each other? ...What kind of truth could you have reached to make you change your emotions regarding her? ...Please don’t tell me that feelings of true love have sprouted from your murderous rivalry or anything like that, okay?”
As much as I still can’t stand Erika in this episode, I can’t help but read her as a standin for some readers here. Battler’s sudden shift in attitude at the end of Ep5 was incredibly baffling on first read-through, and I found myself wondering the same thing as she is here (though not as coldly as this).
Back on the board, Shannon returns to the servant room in the guesthouse. Kanon immediately notices the ring on her finger.
“...So, it’s my turn next.” ooooo
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charthanry · 2 years
i'm looking forward to reading the 4th installment of DTES,, would it be out soon? ;;; no pressure though! just thought i'd drop by and share my excitement :))
Yes! I'm currently working on it as we speak. It'll be the next thing I post, I promise. As for soon? Well, will you take a soonish?😅 
Also, can I just take a moment to cry that this post series apparently has its own acronym now? DTES? You've stirred my heart anon😭 and with it you've lit a fire under me to get going. You guys are amazing, I hope you know that.
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