#decoy prophesied
Lamb OC: 'Woolhelmina' masterpost
Wilhelmina (english Guillaumine (lol))
"will helmet" or "willing to protect"
Woolhelmina's cult is one of safety and protection, the protection that her people never received.
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Current design, it's changed a lot but I've slowed down iterating it. Her character is pretty cemented at this point.
Learn more about her below!
 Woollamina is the twin sister of the canon lamb, Lambert. She was taken as a baby and raised Ratau on TOWWs command. Because she was a twin, is wasn't certain which of them was the prophesied Lamb, so TOWW ordered her to be taken and kept hidden. 'If she was not then at least she would be able to bear more lambs' was his reasoning. 
Lambert was left to their fate as decoy for the bishops to believe they'd killed the last lamb and prevented the prophecy from happening. Thus giving Woollamine time to grow and develop as TOWW's chosen vessel.
Mina's story revolves around her keeping her status as the God of Death hidden. She spent entire life serving TOWW but she never got to be a regular person. When he's "gone" she can actually start living her life. But then another thing stopped her. She's a god now, with new responsibilities and obligations.
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Some magic stave designs
Vessel of Red Crown
 Mina saw TOWW as a secondary father figure rather than a god and sought his approval constantly. The reason she wears her wool in ringlets is because it's what she thought he would like. Having that much wool is actually dangerous for irl sheep and is a fire and drowning hazard. She's risking her safety and wellbeing for a crumb of his approval.
TOWW and the dynamic with his followers is one big unhealthy family lol. Ratau is the useful disappointment
Aym and Baal are the golden children who are sorta useless but TOWW favors them because they look the most like him.
Mina is the scapegoat only daughter who bears the brunt of the responsibility for freeing TOWW but gets none of the accolades. 
TOWW is the overbearing patriarch that everyone tries to please but he's too far up his own ass to see that they actually do care about him. He has a new 'family' of sorts that actually loves him to some degree but is too emotionally unavailable to acknowledge that. His failed sibling relationship caused him to keep his new 'found family' at an emotional distance.
Woolhelmina's Wool
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The reason Woollamina grows her 'hair' and 'skirt' long is because she believed TOWW liked the way it looked on her. Specifically because he commented on it once when visiting him. It was during a particularly bad winter and Mina decided it was best to keep her wool long for extra insulation. Mina is a wensleydale sheep so her wool grew long already but she never kept it because wool is hot and heavy. TOWW rarely if ever made comments about anything not related to his goals of attaining freedom so his little remark meant alot to Mina.
 The thing is, having such long wool all the time is very dangerous for a sheep because it makes it hard for them to cool down and is a drowning hazard. Even though she can swim, her wool will weigh her down. I like to think of this as a reflection of her devotion to TOWW.
Wool Care
Because Woollamina's is a longwool breed, her wool requires special care to maintain its crimp and luster. She can't use soaps or shampoo on her wool as they would strip her skin and wool of its natural lanolin. She does use it sparingly to maintain proper hygiene, though.
Because of the extensive care that goes into her long, white wool and hairstyle, Mina is *very* hesitant to get dirty. Bathing excessively runs the risk of ruining her wool and drying completely, with all her wool takes ***days***.
She's cold and damp, and weighed down by wet wool, but she has to let it all dry or risk fungas and unwanted plant growth. ( Seeds will readily sprouts on sufficiently moist wool, whether it's attached to a sheep or not lol.)
Most of, if not all, of Mina's clothes and bedsheets are made with silk to protect her wool from friction damage. (I'm thinking about adding silk bloomers to her wardrobe and fit. They are awesome for chub rub lol)
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greensword101 · 10 months
Connor Adopted AU
Okay, this idea came to me a few weeks ago with a little idea for a one shot that has now developed into a large idea.
So, we all know what happens in "Sleep Tight" in Angel, Season 3, right? Wesley decides to not tell anyone about the prophesy involving Angel potentially committing filicide and tries to kidnap Connor for his safety. What happens as consequence is Connor getting kidnapped by Holtz, growing up in the worst hell dimension possible, and Connor returning as a teen and ultimately becoming (in my opinion) the most tragic character in the Buffyverse.
Instead of doing the good old fashioned Poor Communication Kills route here, Wesley decides that Angel has a right to know about the dreaded last line: The Father Will Kill The Son.
Angel...does not handle it well. He insists that Wesley could have mistranslated, is pulling a prank, that he was reading the wrong scroll. In the end, he is forced to accept that it is true. Connor is just a baby. He has only begun to taste life and there are so many things Angel had wanted to do, so many steps he was eagerly looking forward to.
All of it gone in an instant.
"Not quite," Wesley says with a determined light. Angel is despairing that his son will die by his hand. But Wesley has already decided that it will not happen. You don't get half a miracle.
The biggest threats to the baby's safety are Holtz, Wolfram and Hart, and all of the cults obsessed with 'The Miracle Child.' They have to take priority.
"And Connor?" Angel dreads the answer.
Wesley looks close to crying. "We can't keep him..."
No one is happy with this decision. No one. But no one is happy with Connor dying, either, and so they begin making plans to find a home for him. Wesley and Cordelia work on creating a new identity for the baby and finding a foster family. Fred buries her grief in packing up what the baby is going to take to his new forever home. Gunn and Angel channel their rage and own despair into hunting down every last threat to their son/nephew. Lorne is working with the Furies on getting the best protective spells available to hide Connor from enemies and hide him under the radar.
Holtz realizes that he can't move forward with his revenge plan as word of Angel's rampage spreads throughout the underworld. His followers slowly abandon him as their fear for their lives overpowers their lust for blood. Even Justine leaves him, seeing it as a lost cause and there's nothing to be gained from fighting a losing battle.
A family is found, Cordelia fills them in on only what is essential: the baby is in an unsafe environment, the baby's father wants him put into a safe and loving home. Lawrence and Colleen Reilly already have a daughter that is ten years old, and they're too old to try passing the kid off as their own. But all it takes is one picture of little Connor for them to fall in love instantly.
And so, the day the Fang Gang had been expecting and dreading arrives. Angel kisses his son on the forehead one last time before disappearing into the night, unable to bear watching his son be taken away.
"Sleep tight, son. Daddy will always love you..."
Cordelia makes the journey to the Reilly's home with Wesley acting as the decoy in case Wolfram and Hart try anything. She's holding back tears as she hands Connor off to his new family, wishing them well while Lorne is in the car finishing the last of the spellwork to protect Connor and the Reillys. Wesley gets his throat slit when one of Lilah's security team thinks he has the baby. She's furious at being made a fool, but still ensures that Wesley is taken to the hospital because s̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶o̶f̶t̶ ̶s̶p̶o̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ she wants to send a message to Angel.
Angel is the first to see Wesley in his hospital bed, unable to speak and unable to move from his spot. He awaits judgement several feet away.
Angel is quiet. "Did you really think I had it in me to kill Connor?"
Wesley looks at him hard, silently saying You could have become Angelus.
Angel nods. "Do you think I'm Angelus now?"
Wesley doesn't blink.
"Well, I'm not. You believe me, don't you?"
Slowly, Wesley nods.
"Good." Angel stands up and moves to the bed. His hand reaches for the pillow underneath Wesley's head...and gently fluffs it. Then, Angel readjusts his chair so it is right next to Wesley's bed.
"I'm staying here all night whether you want me to or not. That's the least I can do for you."
Wesley reaches out to Angel's hand and squeezes it tight. Gunn is waiting outside with Fred, who is sobbing into her coffee. Every last trace of Connor is out of the hotel, as if he were never there. They stay there the entire night, later joined by Cordelia and Lorne a few hours later.
While one family mourns the loss of one child, another family welcomes the introduction of another into their home. Connor Francis Reilly kept only several things from his old home: his name (including his middle name), a few teddy bears and a duck-printed blanket. Thanks to the efforts of the Furies and Lorne, no supernatural forces come near him. He grows up understanding that he was adopted, that Lawrence and Colleen are not his biological parents...and not thinking any less of them.
Of course, he wants to find his bio family. But only out of curiosity. His mom and dad (his parents) only told him that his mother (or who they think is his mom) worked hard to find a good home for him. He doesn't feel abandoned. He doesn't have any traumatic experiences (other than the one time he got lost in the store when he was five). Connor grows up relatively normal.
He watches Charmed with his big sister when he's a toddler (and connecting with the fourth sister, Paige, cause she was adopted too and loved her parents too), goes camping with his friends, is drawn to a lot of fantasy books like the Anna Rice novels. Mainly the ones that have vampires, for some reason. But never Stephanie Meyers, though. He gives up before he gets halfway through the first chapter in that series. That Bella girl is such an ungrateful brat!
His family goes out camping a lot, which was something Connor loved! He could almost imagine living off in the wild like Tarzan or Robinson Crusoe. Larence laughed at this and said. "You might just become the local menace in the woods."
He also loves to dance. Connor doesn't realize that he is just as artistic as his father and mother (well, Darla could sing well, and Angelus saw murder as an art form, but that's another story). It's mainly because he used to do boxing until he was 8 and punched a bag so hard that sand spilled out.
So, his dad suggested dancing instead. He could be like Billy Elliot and the chances of him punching someone's head clean off their shoulders would drastically decrease. Plus, dancing was fun! He didn't have to wear a tutu (thank God, his sister would never have let him live it down), and his instructors were amazed at how effortlessly he moved on the stage.
That's also how he met his future boyfriend (he's bi, his parents accepted that when he came out), Marcus. Marcus is on the football team and loves watching his boyfriend dance. He can't get over how graceful he is, it's almost inhuman.
Connor Reilly has an amazing life, and he can't think of how it could get any better than that.
About two weeks after he thinks this, the protection spells that were cast to protect him from the supernatural realm and hide him from enemies finally breaks. Connor gets hit by a car and crashes into the garage of his family's home without a scratch on him. His parents, now well into their fifties, get an anonymous tip that they might find answers with a certain investigations company.
They trekked to L.A. and get accosted by a vampire cult. Connor is too stunned to do anything as they pull him away from his parents, screaming their heads off in terror as their only son is ripped away.
Vampires are real. He thinks over and over again as he's dragged underground into what he suspects is connected to the sewers. Vampires are real and I'm going to die.
He's stripped naked save for a loincloth. The man (or vampire) that he suspects in their leader looks euphoric as he looks Connor over in his cell.
"At long last, the Miracle Child is among us once more."
Connor doesn't understand how he could be a miracle. Well, other than how it was a miracle that he wasn't killed by that car. And the other stuff in his life that he is conveniently ignoring for the sake of his own sanity.
"You shall be freed from this human prison and be worshipped among your kind."
Connor doesn't like the way the creep looks close to kissing him just then. He's a minor and already has a boyfriend, thank you very much!
Too soon, he's dragged out and tied to an alter where the Head Creep suddenly changes his face and bares his sharp teeth. Connor tries fighting, but the bindings are too strong and he's frozen with fear.
And then the Head Creep is dust. Literal dust. One of the other creeps is behind him wearing that same Scary Face, but for some reason, Connor isn't afraid of that one. The sword in his (savior?)'s hand shines in the torchlight and slash at the bindings. Before Connor can react, he's swaddled in the robe the Scary-But-Not-Scary Guy was wearing and witnesses all of the other vampires being hacked and staked until there's no one left but him and the other guy.
Then, the face goes back to normal and Connor finds it funny that the guy looks like he's brooding. Well, he would if he weren't half naked and still possibly awaiting death by fanage. Suddenly, a bundle is tossed his way and Connor realizes that it's his own clothes. His savior has the decency to look away while Connor changes, which pushes him further up the Guess You're Not Really A Bad Guy bar in Connor's book.
"Are you hurt?" His savior asks.
"No." Connor says honestly. Then, he realizes that there's a scratch on his cheek (probably from when the sword was cutting off the rope).
For some reason, this seems to get his savior upset. "Oh God, Connor, I am so sorry, I wasn't looking! I wasn't trying to hurt you and" -
Connor cuts him off before he continues to ramble. "How did you know my name?!"
Then, he sees the guy's face. It looks so much like his own, except...broodier and his hair is short. Connor lost his hair band keeping his man bun in check and he has to brush away the bangs going over his eyes.
Connor then realizes that he's meeting his biological father for the first time ever.
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zuppizup · 10 months
the leaks you’ve been giving us for this prophesied Tio fic feels like when trailers show you the wrong thing so you don’t get spoiled
like i fully expect to read the fic when it comes out and all of the breadcrumbs you’ve left will have been decoys
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unassimilatedsoul · 2 years
Shell game with a savior
The Willow series is fun and all, but it would have been so much better if the writers remembered that Willow has always been much better at sleight of hand and trickery than magic.
(spoilers for both the movie and series, i guess)
While he likes to claim that he defeated Queen Bavmorda with a great spell, everyone who’s seen the movie knows that he actually defeated her with sleight of hand, convincing her that he cast an impossible spell that whisked the baby Chosen One Elora Danan away to safety.  This distracts her to the point that she attacks him in a rage, accidentally finishing the ritual she was in the middle of and as a result banishing herself from existence.
By the start of the series, Elora Danan has been hidden, and has not been told her true name nor her true destiny.  In fact, the only people who know who shee is are Willow, Queen Sorsha, and the missing Madmartigan.  With that in mind, consider what should have happened when Elora Danan shows up at Willow’s village in the company of a band of heroes: he walks up cautiously, reverently, to the young woman destined to save the world... then walks right past her to someone else, and proclaims that this other random girl is the long-awaited Elora Danan.  That is to say, the actual Elora Danan should’ve been Jade (you know, the one who actually had curly red hair like the baby did) instead of Brunhilde.  (For bonus points, this means that the Chosen One would be a queer woman of color)
Come to think of it, every time a group of Daikini came by his village, he should’ve proclaimed one of them to be the prophesied Elora Danan, so that by the time he runs into the real one, there are dozens of decoys wandering around the realm already.  Since no one takes any of them seriously, no one’s going to notice when he actually starts training the real one.  With any luck, all his “wrong” guesses will make people forget that he’s actually a decently powerful sorcerer who’s just playing dumb.
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dibleopard-writes · 3 years
Have tried to write it up here, but it won't work so take a link.
Summary: Anakin remembers when the words Chosen One were used about him. He can't forget that they're now used about Obi-Wan. Or, Anakin comes to learn of the Council's plan to use Obi-Wan as a decoy and struggles with water showers along the way.
Part 2 of Decoy, Prophesied
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dibleopard · 4 years
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obi-worm kenobi
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singsilver · 4 years
Still not an inuyasha/Yashahime blog, but I have some theories:
Riku isn't a half demon, but something akin to a shikigami or clay incarnation (similar to resurrected kikyou), made in kirinmaru's image- for what purpose? Possibly a decoy? Still TBD.
Riku is going to play a pivotal role in the defeat of kirinmaru-tachi, triggered by Towa's love & kindness, likely by betraying Zero.
Kirinmaru got pissy about Sesshounaru giving up his great demon title because he was *jealous*. We've come to learn that Kirinmaru is a bit of a romantic, and we know that somehow he ends up in the future as Towa's teacher ("when in Rome, do as Roman's do"). I think Kirinmaru is trying to get to a time where he's not bound by demon responsibility/ politics, and hes using his leverage over sesshoumaru (i.e: rin's saftey), not to kill the yashahime group, but to achieve his goal of "freedom".
Furthermore, we see that on some level, Zero and Kirinmaru have 2 seperate intentions. Zero seems to think Kirinmaru isnt living up to some kind of potential, and Kirinmaru hardly seems interested in actually killing the people who are prophesied to end him.
When Zero gets the 7 Pearl's back, they're going to corrupt her (possibly fitting her into the "neither demon nor human" category). When she wished on the Shikon jewel to take her emotions and powers, it was technically a pure wish, rendering her 'non-demon' (remember, kikyou tried to convince Inuyasha to do the same in the OG series, theoretically purifying the jewel). However, I predict that, when she gathers the 7 pearls back (after having been used by several other demons, and also doubling back on the shikon jewels grant), the Pearl's wont turn to their master unscathed- especially now that she- likely- is using them for malicious intent.
Zero is trying to kill Kirinmaru (or rid of him, somehow) and may even try to get Riku to help ("only kill the ones I love"). Kirinmaru knows or suspects this, and kinda wants to dip on his own terms (see above point about him being a romantic).
((I gotta tell ya though, Yashahime is a terrible anime. The pacing, plot and character development sucks, and using the shikon jewel at all in this series is such a cop out to me. BUT, I will finish the series and give the writing team the benefit of the doubt.))
All other theories or adding to these theories are welcome. This is a canon sessrin post, so any harassment of any nature will result in blocking (...because we are literally talking about a cartoon that brings people JOY on some level during a global pandemic- don't be an asshole and yuck other people's yums plz 💖)
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
Star Wars Needs to Get Back to Its Roots: Taking Inspiration From Other Movies
Most of Star Wars’ core ideas are straight-up stolen from other stories. That’s not an indictment of the franchise by itself, especially considering what George Lucas was able to do with those ideas in the original and prequel trilogies. What it does suggest, however, is that Disney should have looked outside the franchise for ideas for its new trilogy rather than having relied so heavily on Star Wars nostalgia.
Take Dune, written by Frank Herbert in the 1960s as the first book in an epic science fiction series. The story is primarily set on a desert planet Arrakis (Tatooine) featuring dew collectors (moisture farms) and dangerous desert tribesmen called Fremen (Tusken Raiders) in an empire ruled by the evil Padishah Emperor (Palpatine). One of his favorite tools are his Sardaukar (Stormtroopers), Imperial troops regularly deployed to crush dissent and spread fear.
A prominent fixture of the empire is the Bene Gesserit (Jedi/Sith), an ancient monastic order of space witches whose array of powers include using The Voice (Mind Tricks) to control others. The space witches have prophesied the coming of the Kwisatz Haderach (Chosen One) who will be able to commune with a primordial force in all beings called Other Memory (the Force) that in part augments their physical, mental, and extrasensory powers. Dune's space witches not only have to have the right bloodline (midichlorians) but must undergo rigorous training called Prana-Bindu (the Ways of the Force) to mold their bodies and minds.
Our protagonist, Paul Atreides, is set into conflict with one of the Emperor's subjects, Baron Harkonnen (Darth Vader), whom he believes killed his father but it turns out that this Baron is his grandfather (Darth Vader is Luke's father). Paul's sister, Princess Alia (Princess Leia), has similar abilities to him. This goes on and on for Dune, but you get the point—a huge amount of plot points line up or are slightly altered.
George Lucas has also borrowed heavily from a variety of films. From Akira Kurosawa's 1958 samurai classic, The Hidden Fortress, he borrows the story's point of view. "The one thing that really struck me about The Hidden Fortress was the fact that the story was told from the two lowest characters," he said in a 2001 interview. "I decided that would be a nice way to tell the Star Wars story, which was to take the two lowest characters, as Kurosawa did, and tell the story from their point of view, which in the Star Wars case is the two droids."
The Hidden Fortress also takes place during a period of civil war, following a tall peasant named Tahei (C3PO) and a short one named Mataschichi (R2D2). They never shut up (*incessant droid noises*), meander through a desert after a battle, get split up, are captured and reunited. Soon they are dragged back into the civil war, helping the bearded General Tadokoro (former general Ben Kenobi, who Lucas initially wanted to be played by Tadokoro’s actor) escort Princess Yuki (Leia) to the rebel base. Tahei and Mataschichi, however, aren't helping out of the goodness of their hearts, but because they want Yuki's fortune (Han Solo and Chewbacca).
Star Wars borrows heavily from Flash Gordon not just with its serialized nature but key plot points. Flash Gordon and a prince (Luke Skywalker and Han Solo) sneak into the evil Emperor's fortress (Death Star) dressed as enemy soldiers. A space princess, a hairy biped companion, a sky city (Cloud City) run by an old friend (Lando Calrissian) that may no longer be trustworthy, physically unrealistic but entertaining space dogfights, an opening text crawl.
The prequel podrace is at one point a shot by shot remake of the chariot racing scene from Charlton Heston's Ben Hur. Jabba's concept art has him wearing the signature fez of Casablanca's Signor Ferrari, the fat crime lord that runs the eponymous city that sounds a lot like Jabba's criminal underworld. Idea after idea is borrowed and repurposed to make a new world.
All that borrowing, plagiarism, inspiration, whatever you want to call it, helped George Lucas build an incredibly rich and original universe for that first trilogy that became the bedrock for the series he envisioned. Some of Star Wars’ best moments used all this literary and cinematic plunder to make new moments, not constantly callback old ones.
Whether you hate Phantom Menace or think it was unfairly maligned, you cannot deny Roger Ebert's review of the movie as "an astonishing achievement in imaginative filmmaking." That achievement is deepened not only by continued borrowing from non-Star Wars IP, but the invocation of past installments without relying on photocopying or nostalgia. Tatooine, originally Dune’s Arrakis, gains heightened thematic significance when we learn it was where Luke’s father was raised as a slave. Not only do we meet Princess Leia’s mother, who also happens to be royalty, but Queen Amidala's plot rhymes with Princess Yuki's from Hidden Fortress: on the run from invaders, using decoys to hide herself, protected by a General (two Jedi, here). Even the conflict between Gungans and Nabooians is from another Kurosawa film, Seven Samurai, where farmers and samurai hold each other at arms distance.
Attack of the Clones is more explicit in its callbacks. Take Boba Fett’s appearance here and in The Empire Strikes Back. In Clones, Boba and his father chases Kenobi through an asteroid field but lose him when the Jedi attaches himself to an asteroid and fools their sensors. In Empire, Han Solo tries the same trick but it fails to work on the bounty hunter this time around. There's a very loud callback to John Ford's The Searchers here, when Anakin learns his mother was kidnapped by Tusken Raiders and a search party led by her husband, Cliegg Lars, fails to find her. The lyricism here shines through because while Anakin finding his dying mother sends him on a quest of revenge to murder every Tusken Raider in the camp, Luke in A New Hope finds his surrogate family dead and instead embarks on his quest to become a Jedi.
Revenge of the Sith (an objectively good film) tracks Anakin’s final descent into darkness with the sort of grandeur you’d expect to close out the second set of Lucas’ four planned trilogies. All the plagiarism thus far builds up to create new moments that both pay off on their own, but also invoke the originals without relying on nostalgia. It was tragic watching Obi-Wan and Padmé realize far too late that Anakin has fallen to the dark side—especially when we know that he will go on to kill scores more people including Kenobi, maim his own son, and then offer Luke up to the Emperor until finally coming back to the light two decades later. When we see how close Yoda comes to killing Palpatine, his depression in Empire makes more sense: he blames himself for not being strong enough and now faces a reminder of his failure, the son of the Jedi whose corruption he couldn’t stop and whose death he ordered. You watch this movie knowing deep shame, death, and tragedy awaits each of these characters and that gives the prequels a cinematic power of their own.
Search your feelings and you know all of this to be true. This is where Star Wars shines—in stealing from a plethora of sources to fashion new moments, big and small, for us to enjoy in this universe. This is what the prequels do and what we’ve all been missing from Disney’s latest trilogy, which feels content to largely find inspiration in Star Wars movies past rather than look further afield in the galaxy.
Star Wars Needs to Get Back to Its Roots: Taking Inspiration From Other Movies syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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qyrresearch-blog · 5 years
Oligonucleotide Synthesis Market Trend Share Opportunities And Forecast To 2025
The global oligonucleotide synthesis market is prophesied to benefit from late-stage clinical trials of a large number of oligos. Most of these trials are aimed at targeting different health problems including ocular disorders, muscle dystrophies, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Business expansion through partnership with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies is foreseen to help players to improve their presence in the global market. In July 2019, US biotechnology company supplying custom nucleic acids, Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) entered into a multi-year supplier agreement with Clear Labs, a US private genomics testing company. IDT will supply next-generation sequencing (NGS) oligo products for Clear Labs’ NGS-based food safety platform, as part of the agreement.
Increasing Number of Ongoing Genetic Research Studies to Boost Demand
High application of oligonucleotide synthesis in a number of ongoing genetic researches is expected to drive the growth of the global market. Growing requirement of custom synthesis of various types of oligos such as immunostimulatory, aptamers, and decoys in sync with increasing genetic research investments is anticipated to create opportunities in the global oligonucleotide synthesis market. Growth in the requirement of custom-made nucleotides for desired sequence across forensic, drug development, genetic testing, and research applications could augur well for the global market. Other factors such as reducing cost of sequencing are predicted to strengthen the global market growth.
Players to Form Collaborations to Develop Innovative Products and Technologies
Some of the top companies operating in the global oligonucleotide synthesis market are Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (part of Danaher Corporation), Merck KGaA, Eurofins Scientific, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Agilent Technologies, Inc., GE Healthcare, GeneDesign, Inc. (part of Ajinomoto Co., Inc.), ATDBio Ltd., Kaneka Eurogentec (part of Kaneka Corporation), TriLink BioTechnologies, LLC (part of Maravai LifeSciences), Bio-synthesis Inc., and LGC Biosearch Technologies. Collaboration, distribution partnership, and acquisition are some of the important strategies that players could adopt in the coming years.
Request a Sample of this report at: https://www.qyrconsulting.com/request-sample/7344
By Product
●   Equipment
●   Primer
●   Reagent
●   Probe
●   Custom
●   Linker
●   Adaptor
By Application
●   Therapeutic
●   PCR
●   Research
●   RNAi
●   DNA
By End User
●   Biotechnology
●   Academic
●   Pharmaceutical
Among products, reagent is foreseen to exhibit significant growth in the global oligonucleotide synthesis market. Rising demand for specific types of reagent in key applications such as synthesis could support the market growth of this segment. Among applications, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is foretold to become a prominent segment due to high use of PCR primers in target identification and screening during the development of drugs. Among end users, academic is forecast to secure a commanding market share because of increasing focus of academic research organizations on genomic research.
By Region
North America is projected to secure a telling share of the global oligonucleotide synthesis market due to increased penetration of key products on the back of strong presence of leading companies and innovators. Asia Pacific could grow at a quicker pace in the global market because of aggressive advancement in healthcare and genomics, leading to high adoption of PCR products, array technologies, and sequencing techniques.
 About Us:
QYR Consulting established as a research firm in 2007 and have since grown into a trusted brand amongst many industries. Over the years, we have consistently worked toward delivering high-quality customized solutions for wide range of clients ranging from ICT to healthcare industries. With over 50,000 satisfied clients, spread over 80 countries, we have sincerely strived to deliver the best analytics through exhaustive research methodologies.
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dibleopard-writes · 4 years
A Chosen One by Any Other Name
Fandom: Star Wars Prequels Characters:  Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Sheev Palpatine, Mace Windu Rating: Gen Warnings: None Word Count: 1,983 Summary: “Whether or not the child really is the Chosen One as Qui-Gon believed is irrelevant. What matters is whether or not everybody thinks he is the Chosen One." The title of Chosen One brings with it the sort of  attention you wouldn't want on a nine-year-old. Obi-Wan Kenobi is the  obvious choice to replace him in the line of fire. Part 1 of Decoy, Prophesied Also on Ao3
“Whether or not the child really is the Chosen One as Qui-Gon believed is irrelevant. What matters is whether or not everybody thinks he is the Chosen One. To have such a legend overshadowing his every move will put him at a disadvantage and will draw attention from forces we don’t yet know.”
“The Sith?”
“If they really have returned, then it is likely, but there will also be interested parties where you least expect it, with machinations we aren’t in a position to truly understand.”
Obi-Wan nodded, stopping himself from jerking at the absence of his braid shifting with the movement. His feet hurt from standing for hours at the funeral but the alcove that Master Windu had pulled him into had no seating nearby. “How do you propose we solve this issue?”
“Whispers of the Chosen One have been circulating since Qui-Gon made his claims in the Temple last week, and after his recent achievements the Council believes that it would be difficult to erase the rumours completely. Especially since Skywalker himself knows.”
Qui-Gon hadn’t been known for his subtlety, and Anakin struck him as the sort of boy who would latch onto any sense of self-importance thrown his way after a life of slavery. Obi-Wan couldn’t quite blame him – he himself held onto as many of Qui-Gon’s compliments and words of praise as his memory allowed. Nevertheless, such grand destinies were paths to egocentricity and arrogance and Obi-Wan feared himself unequipped to temper them.
Master Windu continued, “Master Yoda and I have considered the options and we have arrived at a proposal to you: you take on the title of Chosen One. Redirect the attention. As far as everyone who has any investment is concerned, your defeat of the Sith assassin was the proof we needed to confirm that you are the Jedi of prophecy, not Anakin Skywalker.”
Obi-Wan found himself at a loss for words. Him? How would anybody be convinced that he was anywhere near good enough to be the Chosen One? “And what about Anakin?” he asked.
“Skywalker simply has an unusually high midichlorian count, much like Master Yoda. Such power could only be trained by the Chosen One. That’s if you still want to take him on as your padawan.”
“Oh, ye- yes, of course, of course I do,” he murmured, trying to wrap his mind around it all. Training Anakin was not a question, but stringing along the Order, the Senate, the Galaxy in this self-aggrandising deception was so ridiculous that he wasn’t entirely sure that this wasn’t some sort of test. “But what if he is the Chosen One?”
“Then he can get on with fulfilling the prophecy without anyone trying to sway him from his path for their own gain. Having a title does not a Chosen One make. Besides, even without the prophecy he’s still one of the most Force-sensitive people on our records; he won’t exactly be starved of reputation.”
Intricate moulding decorated the wall behind Master Windu, but Obi-Wan’s eyes were drifting beyond it as he tried and failed to solidify the nebulous thoughts orbiting within his head.
“I’m not sure I’m…” he scrambled for a word that wouldn’t make his concerns sound irrational, “... capable of living up to the expectations of the title, even as a decoy.”
If this was a test, he should have passed it with his humble concern. If it wasn't, he hadn’t declined the orders of the highest ranking Jedi on the Council, simply urged them to reconsider.
Unfortunately, Master Windu already seemed resolved on the matter. “Who else can say that they’ve successfully defeated a Sith? Even Yoda can’t claim that much; you’re the first in a thousand years. Quite the qualification.”
He dropped a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, the one that his braid had once covered, “We understand that you may need time to think about it. Preferably, we’d start our rumours at the parade tomorrow so try to get your answer to us by noon. May the Force be with you, Knight Kenobi.”
“And with you, Master,” he replied as he was left alone in the dimly lit guest halls of Theed Palace.
Obi-Wan woke with the sun, which fortunately rose at a civilised time of morning at this time of year at Theed. Anakin, unused to the way interplanetary travel interfered with one’s circadian rhythm, was still asleep after Obi-Wan had showered and dressed, although perhaps it was exhaustion after his taxing week.
The boy ate his breakfast in his sleeping clothes, feet swinging under his chair, blond hair in noticeable disarray. He looked up and caught Obi-Wan staring. “Aren’t you going to have anything?”
Obi-Wan blinked. “No. Maybe later.”
“You can have some of mine,” offered Anakin, nudging his plate of toast towards Obi-Wan’s empty place at the small table. One piece had several bites missing, but that was hardly an issue for people in situations like Anakin’s – or parents used to children insisting on trying food they barely ate, as Obi-Wan had learnt on several missions during his apprenticeship. He wondered if he too would have to eliminate any aversion to sharing germs. Perhaps he was already there, because his stomach objected more to the thought of food than what had been done to it.
“I’m not hungry, Anakin, you have it. I can get some later.”
Anakin shrugged, “If you say so.”
Time passed and Obi-Wan found himself staring again, although he was seeing very little. Anakin was regarding him out of the corner of his eyes as he finished his breakfast.
“I think,” Obi-Wan began, earning himself full attention, “Once you’ve finished we should sort out your hair.”
Anakin nodded slowly, confusion written on his face.
“It’s traditional for padawans to have a certain haircut. Short,” he gestured to his own hair, “And with a padawan braid,” his hand tried to grab it but met air, resulting in an awkward miming that he aborted quickly.
“Like yours?”
He nodded mutely.
“Wizard,” said Anakin before crumpling his final half-slice of toast into his mouth in a terrifying display and asking, “Can we do it now?” through a spray of crumbs.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Obi-Wan stood and took the dishes. “Yes, yes, I suppose so. I’ll need to go and find some clippers, though.”
“Can I come with you?” Anakin was bouncing on his toes, suddenly invigorated out of the morning’s sleepiness. 
“You’re hardly dressed to venture the Palace halls, are you?”
“I might be!”
“No. I’ll get them, you stay here and take a shower.”
“But I just had one yesterday!”
Obi-Wan tugged on his boots. “And you’ll have one today; you need to be presentable. If you don’t want to use the water, there’s a sonic right next to it.”
Anakin sighed, long-sufferingly, as Obi-Wan moved out of the door.
“I shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes; I want you clean by then.”
Was this what his life was to become? A negotiation for every benign task, another mouth to feed, another life to look after? He had only got himself out of bed on autopilot, his mind weighing heavy and lethargic with grief. His life had changed irrevocably in a thousand tiny ways in the space of a week – and in a few massive ways in the space of a day. The tide of it all was too strong to ignore, it would crash down on him eventually, but for now there were things to do, and he let the distractions buoy him like driftwood.
He was barely halfway down the hall when he was intercepted by the newly-elected Chancellor Palpatine.
“Ah, Master Jedi, I was just coming to see you and young Skywalker. I do hope your accommodations were satisfactory.”
Obi-Wan plastered a diplomat’s smile on his face, “Of course, your excellency, it was more than we would dream of asking.”
“Not at all, Padawan Kenobi. Rather, it was the least the Queen and myself could offer to the heroes of Naboo.” Chancellor Palpatine’s face was friendly and his eyes smiled with the rest of him, but there was an undercurrent that Obi-Wan couldn’t place. “Tell me, is there anything you were searching for out here? You aren’t expected at the parade until this afternoon.”
“I was just looking for some hair clippers, nothing quite of your station, Chancellor.” He grinned the way one did while trying to make polite jokes at a political function and Palpatine’s smile remained even as he turned to walk beside him, hand on his shoulder.
“Well, I’m sure we can find something that will be of use to you.”
“Oh, there’s no need–”
“Nonsense, my boy. I’ll admit I’ve been wanting to talk to you and young Skywalker since yesterday, but it didn’t seem to be the time.”
“Is that so?” He noticed the way his voice had already been subdued by grief at even a vague mention of Qui-Gon’s death. It was unbecoming. He cleared his throat.
“Why, of course,” replied Palpatine, steering him into an indistinguishably ornate room, “I have much to thank you for. As well as, of course–” and here he sighed sadly while investigating the various drawers– “to enquire about your thoughts on this… assassin who hunted the Queen and infiltrated the palace without so much as an alarm to alert us of his presence”
Perhaps he should have thought the topic of the Sith to be inevitable, but it hit him in the lungs to hear it spoken about as if it was little more than an abnormal security concern. Sith was a word to be whispered. It was perfectly constructed to be hissed in low voices. They had grown complacent in the Sith’s absence, used the word loudly, as curses and insults. Obi-Wan knew that once he was back in the Temple, it would be relegated back to whispers, at least for as long as it took for people to forget this time on Naboo, so distant from their lives and yet already a fulcrum of his.
Palpatine didn’t say Sith, so neither would he.
“We know very little, unfortunately. It was a Force-user trained in lightsaber combat. It was dark. Powerful.”
A contemplative nod, then, “Do you think he was targeting the Queen specifically? Is she in danger of further attacks?”
“It’s hard to say; his motives were unclear. He was easily distracted by Jedi both times he appeared, and both times the Jedi and Queen Amidala were together. Perhaps he intended for her to die, perhaps he was after us all along and she simply happened to be with us.”
“Do you think he could have been targeting the boy?”
Obi-Wan looked up sharply, but Palpatine was still searching through drawers, clattering their contents about. “What?”
“I’ve heard young Skywalker must be rather special to be accepted into the Order at such an old age, and he is obviously rather talented to destroy the Trade Federation’s command station almost single handedly.”
“He’s certainly special,” he conceded.
“There are rumours,” Palpatine continued, “That he is to fulfil an old Jedi prophecy. ‘The Chosen One’, I believe the term was.”
Frozen, Obi-Wan realised what the undercurrent beneath Palpatine’s good-naturedness was: silence. It was hard to place, hard to define, hard to be sure of, but the sinking certainty in Obi-Wan’s throat confirmed it. There was not necessarily anything wrong with silence, but there definitely wasn’t anything right either.
“Ah, here it is,” declared Palpatine, raising some clippers into the air. He handed it to Obi-Wan, who couldn’t help but meet his eyes too intensely to be polite. Already, the words were spilling off his tongue, a night of anxious insomnia behind them, slowed to an audible speed only by a decade of practice.
“I’m afraid the rumours have been rather tangled, Chancellor.”
“How so, Padawan Kenobi?”
“Knight Kenobi,” he gritted out, “And it’s because Anakin is not the Chosen One. I am.”
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dibleopard-writes · 4 years
I want to write the Hardeen arc, but to do that I need to know where Ahsoka is. To know where Ahsoka is, I need to have at least written Mortis. To write Mortis I need to know where Anakin is. To know where Anakin is I need to know what he did to the Tuskens, and since I'm there I should probably write Geonosis since I'd also like to know where Obi-Wan and Dooku are, and whether Anakin told Obi-Wan about the Tuskens and Padme.
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dibleopard-writes · 4 years
The first place I upload anything is Ao3, so check there for the most up-to-date info.
Star Wars Oneshots
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