#deep purple is the best color imo
munsonology · 1 year
The feminine urge to buy every case for my new phone knowing I’ll only have it for a year or so 🧚‍♀️
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wonijinjin · 4 months
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author’s note: this has been sitting in my drafts for a month now, please recommend me categories because this is so fun
word count: 1.0k | genre: humour/crack | warnings: none
seventeen as fruits:
- cheol: a cherry, i don’t think this came as a surprise to anyone, cherries shine the brighest when not alone, and they are always in the best shape, so appealing to everyone
- jeonghan: grapefruit, not everyone likes it because it can be sour and trick the person who eats it, but the ones who appreciate it get the most amazing and complex experience
- joshua: strawberry, which is known for being honey sweet and gentle on the taste buds, but often not enough in small doses to show people it is better than the other fruits
- jun: lemon, another one which is either loved or really disliked, even though it is the foundation to so many things and an essential for daily life
- hoshi: raspberry, again a common favourite, often looked over by being basic, but it still is full of surprises and goes with everything
- wonwoo: banana, a true silent energiser without really making people stop to appreciate it because they are so used to it, even though it is a life saver at times
- woozi: peaches, this type of fruit has so many variations, but always brings the expected from it, tasty, sweet and soft if left to ripen for enough time
- dk: pineapple, although its surface doesn’t seem like so, it is so sweet which makes everyone happy as soon as they get a taste from it, another fan favourite for sure
- mingyu: watermelon, honestly it is probably the most liked one since it is very refreshing, but considered to be nothing more than that, even though it is precious from the inside aswell
- minghao: kiwi, it is such a unique one, which is often misunderstood and criticised, but just like a grapefruit it is so beneficial for its consumers
- seungkwan: tangerines of course, everybody loves them, they are pretty popular, but sometimes because they are so common people forget how nutritious they are
- vernon: pear, the less known sibling of apples, and just like peaches if left to ripen for enough time so so delicious, worth the wait to get into
- dino: grapes, adorable and fun to look at, so fresh with so many pieces to them, out of which every single one hides a bit different taste than the previous
seventeen as colors
- cheol: mocha brown, it radiates the vibe of order and an organised and disciplined soul with a strong will, and he is an incredibly powerful person
- jeonghan: pearl white, it is such a perfect match since it is the color of innocence, and well how can you say that this man isn’t an angel
- joshua: beige, not harsh but rather soft and calming, a very reassuring color imo, which goes so well with so many things and makes everything look majestic and royal like he does
-jun: magenta purple, it is a mix, the best of both worlds, the perfect balance of tints, and this man’s personality is literally that perfect balance
- hoshi: tiger orange, it is quite understandable imo, a bold color with a strong aura to it, knowing its power, place and rank, like how he knows he is the best
- wonwoo: a really deep eggplant purple, it is a very intellectual color just like him, hiding so many hidden things behind, reminding me of the self-awareness he has
- woozi: ruby red, not just because of his solo but because of the fact that he is solid and has his grounded personality and nature like a good wine red
- dk: golden yellow, he is just such a sunshine this was canon, and reminds me of the sun and his warm smile whenever he is happy
- mingyu: scarlet red, again kinda canon, he owns that color, it radiates confidence, and a bold, revealing elegance which he both has at the same time
- minghao: castleton green, it is just so natural for him, like a gentle touch saying everything will be alright, deep and hypnotising
- seungkwan: sapphire blue, it is bright but in a subtle way, and can outshine so many other colors with purely its beautiful tone just like his pure raw talent
- vernon: indigo, very strong and noticeable color, but it still isn’t black, it has a bit of a playfulness with that touch of purple just like him
- dino: lavender grey, just soft and light as a feather, full of so many possibilities to deepen with different tints if needed, like how varied he is
seventeen as seasons
- spring: joshua, seungkwan, jun
these cuties are so so fresh like a breath of new air during spring when the flowers and trees are blooming and the birds are chirping even when the sun is barely above the horizon, and like a sip of fresh cool water during the afternoon in spring
- summer: hoshi, dk, mingyu, dino
these cuties shine so bright like the sun when midday hits, their pure caring kind personality is like the warm rays of sunshine and like the sand which is heated up comfortably when you put your leg into it
- autumn: minghao, vernon, wonwoo
these cuties are warm like a hug and calm and perfect like the rain and clear skies in october, comforting like a tea inside with the soft sounds of raindrops falling from the dark sky to create the circle of balnce
- winter: cheol, jeonghan, woozi
these cuties are pure and innocent like the snow that just dropped to the ground creating a thin layer of white fluffy blanket over everything to embrace it in a breathtaking coat, everything about them is unique like a snowflake
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bluestar22x · 1 month
Hi there. If you haven't answered them yet - how about 11 and 26?
Pedro Tax
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#11 - what do you consider to be romance? - Romance to me is sweet, intimate, exciting (in a simple, butterflies in stomach kind of way), and charming. To me being in a romantic relationship is like being best friends (most of the elements are the same), but with a little bit more to it - a yearning for each other.
Romance to me is not about gifts or grand gestures (they're nice, but not the point) but rather spending time together and being there for each other through thick and thin. Understanding each other like no one else could.
Also the trust. Trust is so important for what I believe a real romance should be like. You should be able to trust they would never try to hurt you in any way and would do their best to keep you from it without holding you back in life (and without lying - honesty is an important part of trust and therefore romance).
I think a lot of people confuse romance and lust. You can have lust in a romance, but there's no romance in lust, imo. Falling in love at first sight is lust.
#26 - fave colour and why? - Blue. Blue skies and blue eyes. The ocean. A blue shirt that is dark, but not navy blue. Blue in general is beautiful to me, but I do lean towards a rich deep blue being favored over light blue or a really dark blue that looks black.
Deep green is my 2nd. Grass color; evergreen tree color. I love dark colors or colors that really pop in general. Red maple leaves. A red chestnut horse on a sunny day. A deep purple flower. Magenta.
I love most colors that stand out. Not neon colors though. Colors found fairly commonly in nature.
So I'd say nature is why I love blue so much. That and how blue eyes give me a staring at the ocean feeling. Easy for me to get lost in them. I find any eye color pretty, but dang, some blue eyes are just so piercing...
Thanks for the ask :)
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 10: favorite character ever
💿 Iori Suiseki (MC name: Kashira)
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Iori crowns the reason why I love AKYR. From the very first moment I approached Paradox, he caught my attention, but it was only later, as I got to know him more thoroughly, that I came to mature the idea that, of all people, he might actually be my favorite character. Let's start with the obvious, which is the aesthetic aspect: Iori is hot af, and that's there for all to see. The thing that immediately struck me about his appearance was just how he dressed in a so extravagantly way, but at the same time contaminated with typically Asian traditional elements. The color effect, with the dark, red, golden and purple shades, also creates a great visual contrast, imo. Not to mention his hair and the red eyeliner, which only exacerbate his beauty. Finally, the muscles so well defined and the fact that virtually any outfit suits him perfectly (we always thank God Planarico for the food…may he always be praised)
Getting serious, I like Iori because he's a complete character even from the personality construction pov. He always comes across as the jovial leader, the "family man" that he's to the other AKYR members, always ready to give his whole for them…but in reality he's quite a mysterious character and behind the smile there's actually an extremely calculating mind that is difficult to interpret. In fact, the best thing about Iori, I think, is precisely that's truly difficult to fully understand his intentions. He's cunning and even dangerous, but he fools everyone by always showing himself as cheerful and eccentric. Pure bullshit. Iori knows how to make himself feared and it's best not to get in his way, because he's the most good and loyal person in the world but be careful about wronging him, because he won't let you get away so easily...
Last but not least, his voice. Iori has a voice that makes strange chords vibrate deep in my soul, especially when he takes on a low, serious, threatening tone (sample). It literally blows my mind to hear that kind of voice (and I don't know if I should be grateful for this or not, but this tone's been heard a lot lately….thanks Hancho, I think?). Most of the time, however, he always has that easygoing, cheerful tone that can't help but put you in a happy mood. The thing that sends me into ecstasy the most, though, is just that way he modulates his voice on the beginning/ending of sentences, with that typical "Naaaa~ / -yaaa~" which reminds me a bit of a purring cat/tiger…aklshgalkglkh Also, needless to say, but his rap is worthy of that of a leader, and as such he slaps hard, no need to discuss abt it.
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gachagon · 5 months
Today was my sisters birthday so we went to The Color Factory! Which is like this immersive art place where each room is a different interactive exhibit that features a color. It was pretty fun over all, and I really enjoyed myself! The first room was a confetti room which was super fun. You could lay down and throw confetti everywhere.
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I took a lot of photos of just kicking the confetti with my shoes. And there were some fake plastic flowers but I'm not sure what they added to exhibit other than just looking kind of pretty.
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We also had to enter through this long multicolored corridor which was pretty trippy I took a lot of photos of my sister and her friends. This experience while colorful was also kind of dark because a lot of the rooms are either just pitch black or incredibly dimly lit so that you can focus on one singular color.
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Side note it looks like we're walking in a bright orange haze in this photo and tbh that's what it felt like as well. After this room was one of my favorite rooms, the "Silent Dancing" room. It was also very purple and pretty cool to just hang out and take photos.
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There was a disco floor which reflected all the disco balls above us and because of the neon purple lighting it really just made a cool effect on the ground. I really liked the way my outfit looked in this room lol so I took a lot of photos of myself and my sister.
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There was a pink room but imo it was the most disappointing since you put these glasses on to make the whole room look pink (it's like looking through "rose colored glasses" essentially) but it's not the lightest pink color and is very reminiscent of shrimp or flamingos. So I didn't take a lot of photos here.
Lastly, we went into this ballpit and oh my lord I feared for my life several times while I was in that ballpit. I thought I would meet god on the bottom of a carpeted art house ball pool, but luckily my sister was there to pull me out (she was taller then me) for fear of losing my phone I didn't take it with me while I was in there. But even this image alone shows how terrifying and liminal it was. I did have a lot of phone in it however!
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All in all, a wonderful experience. If there is a color factory near you, perhaps you should also go give it a visit I enjoyed myself. My only gripe is that it's expensive to get in there, and then all of the gift shop stuff is super expensive for no reason (20 dollars for a little truck with a cupcake ontop of it and 30 for a kids t-shirt???? no thanks) I brought some snacks anyways and they gave us snacks while we explored the Color factory.
However, a lot of the snacks were just plain nasty tasting. I brought a 5 dollar soda that was supposed to taste like "coconut" that was really like drinking a bottle of perfume. They gave us Macarons at the start of the exhibit, and they were also nasty. Imagine biting into a bar of fragrant strawberry scented soap. That's what it tasted like.
The only really tasty food that the Color factory had was their chocolate bar I got the salted caramel which is true to its name. It was very delicious and even my dad kept going back for more lol. And their Saltwater taffy which had different flavors. I had chocolate, vanilla, caramel, and some other fruity flavors that were super good (i had to chew a lot though.)
And at the end of the exhibit they gave everyone a little ice cream. You could pick between two flavors "Lavender or Deep Space" (they're both coconut flavored but one has a fruity taste and the other is a chocolatey one).
The lavender ice cream was the best thing I had there. Too bad it was small and tiny and not something I could just buy a regular cone of :(
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arengnera · 1 year
Hi I’m here to ask you for your thoughts on the zonai
Oh my god someone actually did.
So despite my attempts to run a half respectable blog I actually have deep and incurable zelda brain rot. I'm going to do my best to give an overview for anyone who doesn't have that. The Zonai are a tribe/race that either predated or were contemporary to the ancient Shiekah, either collaborating to create several shrine quests or having their architecture and ruins repurposed for such. They span to every corner of the map, but are most present in the Faron region, with the Shrine of Courage, The Labyrinths, Thundera plateau, and Typhlo ruins being the most obvious and stand out examples. Their architecture and style could most easily be explained as combination of Indian and Mesoamerican. (As pictured below with a concept piece of Sarjon bridge, which is very accurate for the in game model) They often use the motif of geometric swirling patterns, as well as Stylized Dragons, Boars, and Owls to represent Courage, Power, and Wisdom respectively.
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The new trailers for tears of the kingdom shows A LOT of Zonai stuff, with the sky island architecture and and constructs more or less being confirmed as Zonai make. While I had personally considered the Zonai to be a very humanoid tribe like the Shiekah or Gerudo, it's entirely possible that they're a completely different race entirely. I fully believe that this screenshot here is an example of a Zonai.
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I don't have much evidence beyond the fact that I think Nintendo is too much of a coward to make Hylia a furry. The Zonai never depict themselves in any of their surviving in game artifacts so it's really impossible to say. But I bet they will be something similar to the Twili as a separate race and dragon people would make a lot of sense considering their veneration of dragons.
That and the bronze hair pieces look very similar to the other Zonai constructs and the swirl motifs they often use, and they are completely lacking any iconography that would link them back to Hylia (ie purple, gold, and wings) with the closed eye on the forehead and tears under the eyes being way closer to Shiekah than hylian if anything. The green stone (looks like malachite or jade imo) and bronze/brass really fit the color scheme of the Zonai, and the general dragon look meshes really well with their established aesthetics. It's shabby evidence at best, but it's more solid than evidence for them being Hylia. Anyway this is an excellent video that will explain these bitches way easier than I possibly could. Although this is all way before we had anything beyond the smallest crumbs for Tears of the Kingdom, so it's rather outdated now, considering we have a much larger wealth of information for the Zonai just from the trailers than we had in the entire game of BOTW.
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pancitmousse · 2 years
Thoughts on Holostars Tempus (New Members)
Gavis Bettel
First Impressions: honestly his design doesn’t really appeal to me. my friend said he looked like a TWST chara but honestly i can’t see it based off what I know about that game. also his name makes me think of betel nuts. that said i like the little skits he did for his pre-debut vids.
Debut: he has a very… “bro-ish” voice lol. also he’s talking really fast. idk if it’s bc of the nerves or not. pulling out the slide out of his hat was very creative ngl. betel nut man confirmed. idk what to make of his comedy, it’s good but not really to my taste. he’s really loud so i probably wont watch him much or my ears may explode. mascot is cute tho ig. purple likers based. also… this guy laughs at his own jokes? at least he loves himself so good ig? actually nvm he doesn’t RIP. fuck cockroaches tho. he plans to do drinking streams? oh god i can’t imagine how chaotic he’ll be on alcohol. also he can’t cook?! dear lord. omg that catwalk is pretty af. also his design has grown on me, bro jumped out of an otome LMAO.
Machina X Flayon
First Impressions: he looks like a tiny little apple 🍎. baby boy, baby (or is he? i didn’t follow these guys on twt so i wouldn’t know). but lmao at that edgy-ass name 🖤🥀⛓. then again one of my oshis also has a chuuni name (but its in japanese so my monolingual ass can ignore it kek) so i can’t really judge. it seems the name was chosen to fit with the design as it is more overt abt the sci-fi stuff than all the others. friend said he looked like an edgy und3rt4le oc and while i get the edgy oc part i don’t get the und3rt4le part. his skits were frankly amazing and i don’t think anyone can top them.
Debut: that intro screen is so cute oml. also the logo bounces around like a tv on standby thats really neat! music is cool too! omg he did a “behhh” i like him alr! his lore video was nice and funny too. if im not mistaken he’s the first tempus member to have a dedicated lore vid right? now that i’m hearing his natural voice it sounds really pleasant! must protecc. i may be shorter but im calling him short anyways for lols. he looks cute when he’s angry www. his layouts are pr creative i love this man. he screams loud but its okay he is babi. vegetable dislikers are based and no one can tell me otherwise. if this is him at low energy, how would he be at high energy? headpats tskr. outro is cool.
Banzoin Hakka
First Impressions: pretty boy. purple is my favorite color + most of my oshis are associated with blue so his indigo color just makes me mesmerized. and because of that it would be funny if his voice was deep as hell. my friend said he looked like a jenshin chara and while i do understand that bc jenshin is many people’s first exposure to this kind of fashion… okay yeah he kinda does look like a jenshin chara. instant roll lmao.
Debut: his intro is pretty dope, especially with the music. omg he can do metal screams?!? his voice isn’t deep as hell but its still not what i expected. weirdly enough it still fits. i really like his sense of humor the most so far. he talks at an average speed to me but ppl have said i talk fast so im probably not the best judge i retract my statement he actually does talk fast. OMG A VOCALOID FAN B A S E D. i think i can hear an accent, a pretty thick one at that. yknow what, shinri has competition when it comes to who’ll get demonetized first. my boy drawing with ms paint lmao. probably gonna become my oshi for this wave (?).
Josuji Shinri
First Impressions: the boing boings are on full display. pec nation has won. now we must prepare for the ultimate battle, the battle against demonetization. jokes aside his design is kinda generic imo but if it works it works. also he actually looks slightly older than everyone else so thats a plus. friend said he looked like a himbo and tbh i get that. but from what ik he doesn’t seem like one so far? he’s giving off more “father figure” vibes to me.
Debut: the intro bgm is chill which makes me hope he’ll be chill too. holy shit his voice is really deep, like probably the deepest out of the vtubers i’ve seen so far. i think his laugh is cute. so far the chillest of them all, which admittedly isn’t a hard bar to clear. i do appreciate the simpler debut this time, the other guys production values and ideas were good but this one will definitely age gracefully. daddy (platonic). mans has his priorities in order. the little JRPG section was neat, my friend called it when they said “jrpg vibes”. yet another league player, nobody is perfect. probably won’t watch him much if he goes ahead with the horror stuff bc its not my genre but i appreciate him carving out a little niche for himself.
I like most of them, but I’m worried the group dynamic may be a bit unbalanced this time around. We got three loud guys and one chill dude, which will be an… interesting combo. These guys seem to have lots of cool ideas and potential, so I would be interested in seeing how they could improve. 8/10 stars, mostly enjoyed the relay.
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molsons112000 · 4 months
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The best colors for Asian skin depend on the individual and their skin tone. Some say that warm colors like gold, orange, yellow, and red work well for warm undertones, while cool colors like blue, purple, pink, and green work well for cool undertones. Others say that bright and cool colors work best for Asians with fair skin and dark hair, while tanned skin has more options with warm, earthy, and bold colors. 
r/femalefashionadvice  ·  
Reddit · 10y
What colors/styles compliment asian skin? - Reddit
Dec 9, 2013 — Medium grey is a nice contrast for golden skin. A deep red (not pink) or a deep royal blue is also really eye catching on me. I would say go for more jewel colours if you have lighter skin (deep plum, red, royal blue, dark greens) but more tanned skin has a lot more options IMO with warm, earthy and bold colours.
Clothing-wise, what colors work and don't work for Asian Americans? - Quora
Dec 14, 2011
Sterling Style Academy
Flawless Style: What Colors Look Good on Tan Asian Skin Tone
Jul 15, 2023 — Bold and bright colors always make a statement. Vibrant shades like red, orange, and yellow can positively pop against tan Asian skin tones. Adding bright colors can also add a touch of youthfulness and playfulness to your outfit. Nevertheless, you should be wary of neon colors, as they can be too harsh for tan skin tones. Instead, go for an orange or red scarf, or add color to your wardrobe through accessories or shoes.
Sterling Style Academy
Best Color Analysis for Asians: From Skin Tone, Hair, Clothes ...
Aug 30, 2023 — Opt for Warm Colors. If you have a warm undertone, it's best to stick to warm colors, such as gold, orange, yellow, and red. These colors will bring out the warm tones in your skin and make your complexion look radiant. Earthy tones like brown, olive, and beige also work well for warm undertones. However, you should avoid colors with blue or purple undertones, as these colors can make you appear washed out. Go for Cool Colors. If you have a cool undertone, you should choose cooler shades such as blue, purple, pink and green as they will enhance your complexion.
Asian Fortune
Color Coordinated: How to dress for the colors naturally in your ...
Mar 19, 2015 — ( Tip: In natural light, put on a piece of silver jewelry and a piece of gold jewelry and see which one looks best on your skin. If the gold one looks better and complements your skin more, you are warm. If the silver looks best than you have cool undertones. If you can't decide which one looks better than you are probably neutral. Top: Gold vs. Silver on Cool Skin Tone. Here you can see how the gold clashes with her pink skin and makes her look even pinker, whereas the silver picks up her skin tones and creates a more blended, even look. Bottom: Gold vs. silver on warm skin tone.
Here are some colors that may work well for different skin tones:
Warm spring: Cream, peach, golden-yellow, light orange, lime green, lemon yellow, and coral
Warm autumn: Beige, gold, brown, caramel
Cool winter: White, black, navy blue, red, and bright pink
Cool summer: Light and cool colors
Fair skin and dark hair: Ultramarine, cobalt blue, navy, emerald green, crimson, reds with a blue undertone, violet, white, and blush
Golden skin: Medium grey, deep red, or deep royal blue
Tan skin: Vibrant shades like red, orange, and yellow 
Some colors to avoid include:
Dark overpowering colors
Rich muted tones
Sage green
Denim blue
Colors with blue or purple undertones
Neon colors 
#, IHOP. Schaumburg
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heatwaveorchid · 3 years
Some (Spoiler Free) Thoughts on Tokisada's Route:
Let's get this out of the way: I don't like shotas. Younger guys who do the whole oneesan thing don't do it for me except for Gretel, sorta, but I have a giant crush on Takuya Eguchi so I let that slide. Yet, Otome games love having them. Just really not my thing.
On the bright side, I tend to really adore guys associated with the color green. Shiraishi, Victor Frankenstein, Kent, Gretel I'm sorry for this one, Yang I'm not sorry about this one. So did Tokisada live up to his fellow green comrades?
Well...I suppose the honest answer is to wait until the end of my run but for now, I need to acknowledge the things I really liked and disliked about the route.
+ The romance. I was pleasantly surprised by this. I'm gonna be honest here: I greatly preferred this romantic development in this route than in Riku's. I'm a sucker for the boy meets girl, boy is into girl, girl decides to give the boy a chance by going out on cute dates, girl falls for boy trope. I found it to be surprisingly realistic and rather refreshing. A lot of their early scenes were super cute and all of those cute moments were utilized effectively for the later plot moments, which is something I like because I'm an emotional masochist. I think he and Olympia developed really good chemistry as the route went on that if felt natural.
+ I learned about some history? Yeah, that was cool. I caught Tokisada saying something something that I culturally recognized and then I learned a bunch of stuff about Catholicism in Japan of all things. Speaking of Catholicism, Olympia Soiree does the religion much better than Piofiore did. The less we talk about that, the better. I'm a history minor but my area of focus is not Asian History (although I do know a bit about Central Asian) so I learned a ton of new stuff here which is always awesome!
+ The villain of the route. I think I simped harder for the villain than Tokisada himself. So much so I want to write something about it. Also the bad endings were kind of fire, imo. Trashfire but it's still fire!
+ This route gave me an intense need and craving to try mint chocolate ice cream so I bought some talenti and it was amazing. Thank you, Tokisada, for opening my eyes. Your taste in ice cream is impeccable.
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The Neutral:
+/- Tokisada's character development. At times, I felt this was too on the nose sometimes, like yeah he wants to change and grow up, we get it. He also does some stupid stuff which I high key kind of found myself groaning at. He does grow by the end, at least and wants to keep changing. Was it as perfectly done as say... Shiraishi? No, but by the end of the route, it did feel like he had changed for the better and found a purpose and a place to belong, which is always a great thing.
-It bears repeating but I really don't like his character archetype. Shotas just aren't my thing. At least him and Olympia are close in age, I suppose?
-I loved the villain but I wish there was more time spent on it. It wasn't as bad as Riku's route, where the villain's motives felt weak, as though it'll be revealed in a grander scale on another route, but I felt more could be done. I'm still so intrigued by this person but there's so much more than could be done.
-I found the ending to be rather rushed and it kind of felt cheap. Don't want to delve too deep into that, but yeah.
I hate to say it but I liked this route more than I intended. My expectations were extremely low but I kind of came out pleasantly surprised. I feel kind of bad it's above Riku's in terms of route rankings even though I would much rather date Riku, lmao. He's not at the top of my green guys, who are at an impossibly high tier for me but he tries his best to be a good guy, which is neat.
I'll give him 7 and a half mint ice creams, but I'll be nice and give him 4 ice cream and 4 peach emojis🍦🍦🍦🍦🍑🍑🍑🍑
And a new thing I'm incorporating:
Flashback counter: 76, 79 if you wanna include the short story
I intend on taking a super small break for Deltarune because I realized the other day that I've played 10 Otome games in a row and should try something else, but I'm super excited to get on Yosuga's radar, because he sure was on mine since the moment I spotted him. Also purple is one of my favorite colors. so what it doooo 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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washi-undertale · 2 years
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Many of the physiological things are similar as there are a fair number of headcanons I have and that I stick to - including that skeleton monsters can get cold, but it usually isn’t too big of an issue. I mean, in the game Sans is wearing shorts.
If you’ve ever met people who wear shorts in the dead of winter with snow everywhere, that’s skeleton monsters, imo. They still get cold, obviously, but they have more tolerance. If they’re stuck outside for hours during a blizzard, they’re not going to be unaffected, but during the day and when they can go inside to warm up occasionally? They’re fine.
The big important physical similarities are:
Sans has a cracked/broken/damaged Soul
Sans is The Judge, which is a metaphysical “being” that chooses a host and lives inside them for their life.
The Judge comes with a number of side effects including but not limited to: use of KR/purple magic, deep pools of magic to draw on, ability to “see” others “sins”/wrongdoings, cause proportional retribution, grants the knowledge/”memory” of alternate timelines, allows shortcuts, lowers HP, causes chronic fatigue and/or narcolepsy.
Sans deals with mental illness, specifically depression and ADHD. He also has PTSD, although the extent to which it affects him is not the same (ZRQ is much more traumatized).
Magic color is linked to the monster’s health. Brightly colored magic indicates health. Pale or washed out magic indicates illness. Magic fatigue is a serious issue that can cause a monster to fall down if left untreated. At best it leaves the monster weak and frail.
ZRQ’s Sans is in much worse health than B+M’s, especially now that B+M!Sans is in a place where he’s getting enough food and sleep.
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YASSSSSSS!! Red sounds soo cool! I have dark blue mixed with lighter blue highlights rn 😜. I'd love to try out a red or a strawberry pink/red next!!
Omgggg your friend sounds so niceeee~ Bruh my mom is a banker, so she's constantly on my finances too 😅
Ooof that sounds like my YouTube watch later and Vlive bookmark lists. I don't even think it's possible to catch up on those at this point 🤭
red is my color but i’ve done a deep purple and a couple shades of blue. i want to experiment more soon if possible cause i have a lot i wanna try 🥴 but honestly? red is always a yes imo
she’s the best 😭 (if you’re reading this, love you bestie 😭❤️) and ugh parents who work with finances 😫 LET ME BREATHE I KNOW I’M BROKE 😭💀
lord ik i gave up on my original watch later on youtube made a new playlist for it 💀
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simplybakugou · 4 years
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↝ After being forced into a wedding, Bakugou whisks you away from having to partake in the ceremony.
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: fluff; swearing ⋆ WORD COUNT: 1736
A/N: yes this is a @bnhabookclub bingo piece lol. when i got this prompt for bakugou (thank to the anon who requested bakugou btw) i was originally going to write out a whole wedding ceremony before i thought that would be boring imo lmao. so i decided to go with this concept! imo i don’t really like weddings so you can sort of see that through this fic lol.
credits to @bnhahcs​ for the beautiful colored bakugou cap!
✐posted 08.23.2020✐
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Suffocation. It was like your air was being cut right from you, like you were fighting just to breathe. All you could do was inhale and exhale big deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself, attempting to slow down your racing heart beating against your chest. But it was no use; you still were as overwhelmed as you were since the day started.
“Are you ready?” Yaoyorozu asked, her tone laced with excitement as she was overjoyed for one of her closest friends on her big day.
You mustered up a smile, the corners of your lips quivering as you attempted to seem merry. But Yaoyorozu saw right through you as she frowned at your expression. “What’s wrong? You don’t look so happy?”
“It’s nothing, I’m good.” A lie; there was nothing exciting about this day for you.
Mina creeped up from the other corner, fully dressed as she was more than ready to head out into the ceremony. “Are you scared about getting married?”
You shook your head. “No, it’s nothing like that.” The girls decided to not pry any further as they did their best to help you get fully dressed as well as help your other friends.
For most people, a wedding is one of the most exciting and exhilarating days that could happen in one’s life. Although each culture does their ceremonies differently, there is still something to celebrate as a couple vows to spend the rest of their lives with one another.
But you had other views on weddings.
You met your husband to be when you were both in high school in U.A. While Bakugou was in the hero course, you were in the support course and your paths would cross as each respective course would often mingle with one another. The minute you laid eyes on Bakugou, you were immediately fascinated. His quirk was impressive and you wanted to ask him a million and one questions just to understand how his quirk worked and the repercussions his body faces as a result of overusing his quirk. 
With this fascination, you would pester him as you thought you were interested in his quirk until you slowly realized you were actually interested in him. Being as bold as you were, you decided to ask him on a date. You surprised him with your dauntless proposal so he shocked you by agreeing. Even more surprising, Bakugou actually enjoyed your company outside of the classroom and the rest was history as you had been dating ever since.
After graduating from U.A., you both broke off into your respective professions, Bakugou with pursuing professional heroism and you deciding to become an engineer and create support items for heroes. You were both idolized as the perfect duo by the media, your professions working hand in hand perfectly. And six years into your relationship, Bakugou proposed to you which you practically screamed out ‘yes.’
Like a majority of young women in committed relationships, you were ecstatic to be able to spend the rest of your life with the man you loved. But on the other hand, you and Bakugou both had mutual feelings toward wedding ceremonies: they were just a waste of time and money. Something about hosting a grand occasion to show off how in love you were just seemed like overkill and you had no intention of hosting one. You and Bakugou agreed to be registered as a married couple in Japan through the usual paperwork until both of your parents were strictly against this decision.
Your parents and Bakugou’s parents, especially his mother in particular, wanted you to have a traditional wedding. Leading up to the ceremony, you fought with your mother, voicing how you had no interest in partaking in the wedding but it was like you were speaking to a brick wall. Bakugou tried reasoning with Mitsuki as well, at least his version of reasoning, but this resulted in Mitsuki nearly bringing the house down from her rage.
So here you were, forced against your will to be officially married in front of your family and friends. 
“Are you all set?” Uraraka asked as she entered the room. She gasped at the sight of you. “You look so beautiful, Y/N!”
You smiled gratefully at her. If there was one thing that came out of this whole thing, it was that you at least got to dress up for once instead of being covered in grease and sweat from slaving away at your day job. “Thanks, Ochako.”
The door opened and your mother entered, making you want to groan internally. “Ladies, please wait outside.”
The girls nodded, waving at you as they expressed their words of encouragement as they left. Your mother’s fake smile lifted from her face the minute you were alone with her. She proceeded towards you, smoothing out a crease in the front of your uchikake. “So you’re still acting like a child about this whole thing?”
You had to prevent yourself from rolling your eyes, not wanting to hear her start complaining about that, too. “You would be acting like a kid, too, if you had to do something you didn’t want to.”
Your mother snickered, grabbing your hand to practically drag you out of the room as the ceremony was about to begin. You froze in your footsteps, coming to a halt. “Could you give me five minutes? I need a breather.”
Your mother sighed, already fed up with your antics and the day had barely begun. “Fine. I’ll be back here in exactly five minutes.”
You nodded, letting out a sigh in relief as she finally left the room. You made your way to the large mirror in the room, frowning at the sight of your perfectly painted face. You readjusted your headdress on your head, poking your cheeks as you dragged your lips upward into a smile. It was so hard to make it seem like you were happy.
As you were about to make your way out the door and join your mother, the window slammed open. You whipped your head towards the source of the sound, confused to see Bakugou casually propped onto the ledge of the windowsill as he was latched onto the outside of the wall. 
“Katsuki?!” You exclaimed, rushing over to the window without tripping over your feet. “What’re you doing? You can’t be here!”
Bakugou scoffed. “You think I was gonna let our dumbass folks make us do shit we don’t even wanna do?”
He leaned over, grabbing your arm and hoisting you up on the windowsill. “We’re getting outta here.”
Before you could express your disapproval for this idea, as not only were you going to be carried around in your boyfriend’s arms as he attempted to maneuver around with his quirk keeping you both afloat, your mothers were going to murder you once they realized the bride and the groom had left their own wedding.
“Hold on to me,” he commanded as he dropped down into the air. Your voice was caught in your throat as you gripped your arms around his neck, only his right arm around your back holding you as his left arm blasted you both through the air.
“You’re insane!” You screamed against the wind.
Bakugou smirked as he blasted through building after building. “Not as insane as you are for agreeing to marry me.”
The flight you were forced into taking was one you never wanted to experience ever again. Somewhere along the way your headdress had flown away and your perfectly pinned hair had been tousled and became a mess. You nearly puked at the thought of being lifted hundreds of feet in the air with only your fiance’s arm keeping you from falling.
“Y/N, open your eyes,” Bakugou chided.
You shook your head vigorously as your eyes were still screwed shut and your fists held onto Bakugou’s black kimono. “You’re trying to trick me, I know you are!”
“You idiot, we’re not even in the air anymore.”
You opened one eye slowly, peeking as Bakugou had landed atop of a building, both his arms  now carrying you. You gasped as you released your grip from Bakugou’s clothes and you settled down onto the ground.
The sight of the sky painted in purple and orange hues as a result of the setting sun was dazzling to see. The buildings from afar were starting to light up, showing how long you and Bakugou had been basically flying through the air, not to mention your wedding was supposed to take place later in the evening.
“It’s so pretty!” You squealed, leaning against the railing of the building’s rooftop. 
Bakugou walked beside you, looking out at the sight along with you. “Do you even know where we are?”
You turned to him. “I thought we were at some random place? Didn’t you land at the first building you found?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes playfully. “How are you the smartest woman I know but also the most fucking dense one, too.”
You narrowed your brows at him. “You don’t have to be rude about it.”
Bakugou smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist as he brought your body closer to his. “Think a little harder.”
You turned to face the view once more, your eyes roaming around to find something that could help indicate where you were. Finally you located the arch with your alma mater’s name on it and you gasped. “We’re at U.A.?!”
“It’s about damn time.” Bakugou looked down below him. “A lot of shit went down at this place but at least I met you.”
You grinned, nuzzling your face into his chest as your makeup stained the fabric of his kimono. “You’re so cute, Katsuki.”
“I’m not fucking cute. I wanted to get as far as I could from that fucking place,” Bakugou said, taking back his previous statement as he spoke about the religious center your ceremony was supposed to take place. “I’m not gonna let our old hags tell us how we’re gonna live our lives, especially when we’re finally starting a new one together.”
You nodded in agreement, chuckling a little. “Guess we’re starting out our new life together as runaways?”
Bakugou smirked, looking down at you as he planted a kiss on your forehead. “I don’t give a fuck where we go from here, as long as I’m with you.”
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sugar-petals · 4 years
What colors or themes could suit best each body type thank u❤❤❤
13 Kibbe Body Types: Color Masterpost
DRAMATICS wear clean black and white the best. the reason: this type has a striking appearance, so the contrast picks up on it. that way, you can tailor stable, large geometric shapes that match their height.
PURE DRAMATIC (sehun) can go all the way with the chroma. this is the type that can choose colors you’d wear at a wedding. less is more here, one or two colors with some stiffer fabric and you’re done.
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SOFT DRAMATIC (jin) has a wider range, as long as the color is bold and has a glamorous theme it works. they can go pastel as well, just a little bit. the draped surface effect is more important here imo.
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NATURAL type styling calls for layered, textured earth tones. the reason: naturals are ‘the sporty girl/boy next door’: easy on the eye with a leisure feel to them, as their name says: anything from mother nature works best.
FLAMBOYANT NATURAL (rm) can add darker, vibrant colors and create bigger contrasts and vertical lines. they can rock grey, too. same as with dramatics, less is more, one major color is good.
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PURE NATURAL (i.m.) has a humongous range. they can go very pastel and light or very deep and bold, as long as it suggests say an autumn landscape. rich purples are great. they can combine anything.
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SOFT NATURAL (jk) can even include some pastels, pinks, and the lightest beige. the gentler the color, the better. it almost melts into them. less dark accents, low-contrast is better.
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CLASSICS thrive with the most unobtrustive colors, any neutral is possible. the reason: their symmetry and evenness is easy to disrupt. picking muted tones instead will blend in very easily. the simpler, the more beautiful.
DRAMATIC CLASSIC (chen) needs simple but bold neutrals or pastels, it’s a tightrope walk. as a rule of thumb: sophisticated is key. no color splash effects, the color is clean and minimalistic.
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PURE CLASSIC (kyuhyun) calls for everything blending together using a monochromatic and neutral silhouette. something less intense is always better, classics are the epitome of a controlled look.
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SOFT CLASSIC (yeosang) utilizes very gentle neutrals, with everything blending together even more. suave and monochromatic makes them look great. black is too much, light pastels are key.
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GAMINES can break every rule. each color recommended on this list they will pull off, as long as they use several tones at once. the reason: their features mix yin and yang, making them the ultimate fashion killer.
FLAMBOYANT GAMINE (jhope) can carry black and white plus any strong expressive rainbow palette. as long as it doesn’t wash them out, no limits, all patterns possible. vibrant contrasts, the best.
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PURE GAMINE (suga) can go as bright and wild as they dare. in fact, if they tone it down and aren’t wearing shocking color, they dim their shine. kibbe recs multicolor. my favorite on them: mint.
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SOFT GAMINE (haechan) borrows colors from romantic and mix them with anything they like. from bright and deep to pale and contrasting, you can go all out. if the styling idea is impossible, wear it. 
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ROMANTICS — their glamor calls for watercolor, blendedness, shimmer, and all pale pastels. the reason: yin is described as small and rounded without the contrast of yang. so, it needs light, mature, and gentle colors.
PURE ROMANTIC (suho) can even use sheer or iridescent pastels. rule: anything that matches with pearls is good. the softer, the better. grape, melon, raspberry, rose, salmon, they’re perfect.
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THEATRICAL ROMANTIC (jimin) might pick more intense hues and stronger pinks, even black is something they can pull off if combined. all reflective glitz works its wonders. the theme is: sexy does it.
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advanced reading/reminder: this has some exceptions i.e. another styling system overlaps the recommendations. every person has a different seasonal color suited to them (spring - bright warm colors, summer - cool and muted, autumn - warm and deep, winter - clear, cool, contrasted), but kibbe does recommend themes for the 13 types that are universal and will usually work either way. 
his book also shows you in detail how to pick colors if your season doesn’t match your kibbe type at all. for instance, most spring and summer types can’t wear the typical dramatic colors since their best colors have less contrast in them, and no pure black and white (unless the person is a bright spring which is closer to winter). in their case, they just use brighter shades with lighter ones to create contrast that way. the method is to use whatever is closest to the main idea but still in your palette.
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I was tagged by @marley-manson - thanks for tagging me!
Favorite color palette: man i have a lot of favorites, I was told once by a teacher that I hada great sense of color combination (one of the best compliments i ever got imo), but some favorites: bright, hot red with black, bright red with bright yellow (works well, I swear) and bright red with deep green (I love red, can you tell?). I like purple + orange as well
last song: haven't listened to a lot of songs today but i think it was blinding lights by the weeknd 
Currently reading: didn’t start any books this year just yet BUT the one I want to read next is Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote
last movie: been on my Star Trek: Enterprise binge watching so I’m not watching many movies right now, the last one was Don’t Look Up last week
sweet/savory/spicy: sweet
currently working on: i’ve trying to get into some old unfinished projects but. progress is being very. slow rn
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g3tth3l00k · 4 years
In case you’re new these articles are handwritten guides on you favorite fashion icons, from my own research in the case that you’re having a fixation or just wanting to know more about the people you love <3
Starting off strong we begin with the icon that inspired me to finally create this blog. Avril Ramona Lavigne who was born in 1984, got to grow into stardom during the peak of the 90′s and early 2000′s which is the focus of fashion recently. Objectively, Avril (French for April) will always be a badass and most of her looks set the stage for the fashion of the time. 
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First let’s talk about Avril’s actual style. In general I don’t like to box in a fashion genre/ style by giving it a title, like my own I prefer to not label because its just a culmination of things that I like, but for this purpose I would describe Avril’s early style as skater girl/ tomboy then after her second album as more of a girly vamp. Overall I would mesh these two together into the famous “pop punk princess”
There are some key points to note when talking about Avril’s unique style :)
The color scheme- Black is a staple and is paired with pink, white, and red most commonly. She has also been knows to use accents of purple, blue, and even green
the baggy pants- Avril has many iconic looks and the early days of her style she mostly wore pants, either patterned or plain that created the tomboy aspect of her style. 
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Odd accessories- The most popular accessories for Avril to wear at the beginning were neckties and frequent skull motifs, and black nail polish.
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Converse- Converse high-tops in any color were a staple shoe in her closet
Plaid and punk- I don’t mean to misuse the work punk, but a lot of Avril’s outfits play into the new age punk of the 2000s, so even if she was wearing a basic or plain outfit there were always little pops that made it interesting ~Jewelry- Avril exclusively wore silver jewelry, and often times layered and wore statement pieces, and specifically I noticed quite a few different cross necklaces. Another staple were jelly bands. Stack lots of bracelets. ~Others include: lace gloves, knee high socks, lacey details on pieces such as skirts, etc.
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The obvious part of all of these looks we haven’t touched on yet is the finishing details: Makeup and hair.
As seen in these images Avril's hair is rarely in any other style than pin straight, but her part changes from middle to side depending on the source. 
That is just the look though, because the colors are constantly changing, but it is always color streaks. This is one of the best and most iconic parts of Avril’s 2000′s look imo. She has had pink streaks on the side, all over black streaks, and many more. 
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As for the makeup, she normally sports a dark smokey eye heavy on the eyeliner and not much else. It works perfectly though, and this look is easily achieved with a kohl pencil or even just a black eyeshadow. If you’re going for the messy look you don’t even really need a brush just smudge that shit with your fingers. It’s grunge is an excuse for almost everything.
A specific variation of her classic eye look is the pop of colour she sometimes out underneath the eye. It adds depth and can coordinate with your outfit. Her most used colors here were red and a deep reddish purple.
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can’t really have an Avril Fashion lookbook/ Inspo guide without mentioning she had/has a clothing brand names Abbey Dawn reportedly inspired by her childhood nickname. In the 2000′s these pieces were actually designed by her. These pieces can still be found secondhand today on websites like poshmark and mercari but they are very expensive. however if you want to cop some Abbey Dawn items, they have a running store up at https://abbeydawn.com/ :))
The finishing touches to this post I think are some additional facts/ mannerisms and quick list of pointers as a tldr :)
Avril is a Libra, and personality believed to be ISFP
Common poses in pictures are the rock on hand sign and an original crossed middle fingers
Her tattoos are a star on her L wrist, Abbey Dawn on her L forearm, XXV on her right, “fuck” on her ribcage and many more not very visible.
TL;DR of this article :) aka. Basics of how to look like Avril Lavigne <3
Most outfits are made with the formula mini top/tank + baggy pants/skirt and add accessories or maybe a jacket
Detailed touches are plaid, skulls, lace, knee socks, gloves, and ties
Her most used colors are black, pink, white, red, and sometimes purple and green
Add colored streaks in your hair !! Her most iconic are black and pink
Makeup is mostly focused on the eyes and is simple and grungy with a focus on the eyeliner sometimes adding colors underneath.
Main shoes to look for are hightop converse or combat boots preferably black
Avril almost all silver jewelry and focuses on layering and statement pieces
Finally I have some image slots so here are some of my other favorite images fo the queen.
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Thanks so much for reading  !! dms are open for style analysis requests or just in general <3<3
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rinharu-purple · 4 years
MakoHaru vs. RinHaru is like Apples vs. Pears
Ooohhh, how nice that we have a horrific pandemic hugging our from us fellow humans cruelly treated earth, so that we could stay at our homes, bake our own bread, have hundreds of zoom talks and try to learn how to knit a sweater for our dog. Everybody chooses another recreational activity to spend their time at their homes...Me? Well. I can  finally write my thoughts on Makoharu vs Rinharu ship war because that's my business and knitting has never been my forte...oooor writing gramatically perfect essays and yet here - we - are.
I think Makoharu and Rinharu are veeeery different and I will try to tell you in this post why is it that I think so...(nope, not because I'm a Rinharu shipper, why would you think that, and no there will be no Makoto shaming, he's a precious baby boy and I love him)
Lets start with the context, in which these two kinds of relationships can be found in.
Makoharu is the “We have been best friends since we were in our diapers and now we are like siamese twins, like salt and pepper, like Ernie and Birt, like avocado and lime juice” type.
Mako and Haru got to know each other while they were 6 years old when Makoto tripped on a sand castle on the playground and Haru helped himto stand up. Ever since then, it's almost always has been Makoto's mission to help Haru stand up, get up or get out of any situation, pool or bath. They are neighbour kids so they've spent their entire life together. Day by day, year by year. They've started swimming in a SC together,  went to the same school and then attended to the same university. Even when they were on school trips outside the city, they would share the same room. So unsparable they've always been. Considering the fact that they are currently in their early twenties, they must have spent almost 15 years together. In that point they no longer need to use words to communicate or Haru has to tell Makoto about his problems. Makoto can always be spot on about Haru's concerns whereas Haru can sense when something's up with Makoto, even though he's not so spot on as Makoto. Haru is not the best when it comes to seeing through the souls of people. He has a quite accurate sense of detecting suffering souls though.
Makoto is always observing and following Haru in a not creepy way. Makoto is loyal to Haru and givies Haru a safe space, where he could always go to, when in distress. Makoto is the translator to Haru's thoughts and feelings, when it's far too uncomfortable for him to express his thoughts himself or the replier to his unasked questions, when its too embarrasing for him to pose them. He gives him handkerchiefs, when he sneezes, tells him to get out of the pool because its still too early to swim outdoors. He also guides other people in their handling of Haru, so that he wouldn' be put into unsettling situations. Makoto is taking over the role of a protector for Haru. Some also see Makoto in a maternal archetype. Even though I find this a little bit far fetched, Makoto is definitiely the mother figure in the team, that's for sure. Just not in this duo.
What is then Haru's role in this relationship? What does Haru think of Makoto canonically? I really had to skip this part and give it some thought before writing anything about this, because I didn't have any straight answer at the first time. Haru cares a lot for Makoto. I mean, we all saw how he freaked out when he's nearly drown in the ocean. He also reacts frantically, when Makoto tells him about his plans to go to Tokyo.Haru is also very sensitive about Makoto's fear of the ocean and always tries to stay between Makoto and the ocean while taking walks at the beach. But Haru usually goes his own way, doing his own things, regardles of Makoto. Sometimes it's almost like he would take Makoto for granted, especially when he's lost way too much in his own problems. He doesn't see Makoto as a basic part of his swimming career and also doesn't confide in him in topics regarding Rin. For example he never told him why he'd quit swimming and he also didn't mention him about the “fence tension”. Makoto is transparent with Haru, but can we say it other way around as well? We saw Makoto struggle with his feelings towards swimming in High Speed and Haru could only catch up to this after quite some time. The same goes for Makoto's dilemma about his future plans in Eternal Summer, because Haru was dwelled way too deep on his own dilemma. What about their team relay in the first season? When he's shattered to pieces because Rin won the 100 m freestyle race, he just disappeared and discarded anyone else. This might be te only unbalanced element in the MakoHaru relationship.
Whatever the roles in that ship might be, due to their closeness and co-dependence Makoto and Haru are extremely comfortable around each other and trust each other completely. It is an established relationship which has very strong roots. It is an unbreakable bond. This is the main context of this ship. What about RinHaru?
Rinharu is the “Ever since I've met you my life hasn't been the same and I can't stand you yet you complete me trope... like yin and yang, like Mr. Darcy and Elisabeth, like two polars of a compass, same same but different” type.
Rin and Haru have always been rivals but also friends. They would compete in every single silly challenge out there, but then set the prize in rather questionable things like “the winner carries the loser bridal style”. They are responsible for the most of the emotional meltdowns of each other but then again they are also the ones to gather the broken pieces of each other and “save” one another. On the other hand, they contuniously keep taps on each other, observe one other from behind the scenes. They also are not using words to communicate like in MakoHaru, the only difference from MakoHaru ist that not only they fail to understand each without words but they also misinterpret each other and therefore have many quarrels along the way. Then again we have many intimate scenes between them, mostly at night, in a car, on a bench, in Haru's room or in the same bed abroad, in which they express their thoughts and feelings very straightforward with clear sentences. No innuendos, no sugary coats, no ego-masks. As honest as they can be. More interestingly, those feelings and thoughts usually turn out to be mutual. They think and feel the same way, they just don't confess them often. It is a relationship of two opposing ends all the time and yet they crave to be next to one another, swim together, see the world together, be like one another, cherish their moments and memories together.  They appear to be  the “opposites attract” stereotype, but they keep growing, expanding and evolving. Neither them nor us viewers know what the next scene in their relationship will be like. It's a relationship that's still in the making, they dont' have an established pattern.
As much as MakoHaru will stay being best friends RinHaru will also stay being friendly rivals, regardless- of any other direction their ship may take. Imo those are the foundations of these two ships, so how are they played out in the series? What is the tone of these relationships?
Makoharu is green and blue, you mix them and you have either a darker or a lighter shade of green
I've just described MakoHaru as an established, safe relationship. It's not only that, but its also a harmonious one. Makoto and Haru are harmoniously compatible with each other. They don't argue much, or have completely opposite opinions, wishes, desires. Even when they differ in their ways, they still manage to find a common ground and keep theit relationship on track. So that's why the producers always give MakoHaru scenes a stabile tone. They don't have drama, but they also don't have emotions on the extreme end of the spectrum. The comforting atmosphere is the basic of their interactions. When they have an argument, they work this through swiftly, and close the deal. They don't carry the burden along the way, they just leave it there.
In illustrations Makoto and Haru are mostly portrayed facing the same direction, wearing the same uniform (obviously), in the same setting, in cooperation. Their Drama CD stories are also that of two characters getting along well. Makoto pampers Haru to his good health as a firefighter and protects him from the police or they cook a meal together and Haru plays to role of a trainer to Makoto. But hey are also portrayed like a somewhat married couple in a domestic seeting. Even Nagisa mentions in the first season that hey look like a newlywed couple. Btw I really think that Nagisa is a hardcore MakoHaru shipper.
RinHaru is red and blue, you mix them than you have motherf#cking purple!
“.. like yin and yang, like Mr. Darcy and Elisabeth, like two polars of a compass, same same but different”  of course they are red and blue! Red and blue are two of the three main colors so they are not harmonious. When mixed they try first to dominate each other but when they finally blend, they make the sophisticated yet charming purple. Something that is neigther blue nor red, something brand new and that's RinHaru. When they are together they clash, they compete, they try to dominate each other but once they finally give in, it's a sight we've never seen before. The ever unforseeable atmosphere sets the tone of RinHaru, which is why both Rin and Haru are still insecure about each other and because their reactions are unpredictable to each other. They appear to be indifferent or comfortable when together and yet there is a certain lack of confidence in their  interactions. They break their heads while contemplating about each others actions and carry the burdens of the unanswered questions in their own heads for quite some time.
In the official artworks they are mostly looking at each other, provoking each other or“mirroring” each other. They are moving forward on their own paths, but in the same direction. Their Drama CD stories show Rin as a policeman, who try to arrest the trespassing merman Haru but then end up showing him his favorite sights and Haru offering him his blood to save his life. In the second one, Haru and Rin, on their way back from the high school regional tournament, at night, using the only time to spend some time together, reminiscing about their eternal summer together and making promises about the future. In another one, Rin is spending the night at Haru's and they once again reminiscence about their childhood and then it takes a misleading turn which includes teenage boys keeping books under their beds. There are always some intimate sparkles in those stories and Haru and Rin always have a romantic moment, in which either one does something romantic to the other or they share theit romantic thoughts about their relationship. RinHaru in my opinion is handled like a "beginning of the relationship" couple. They are exploring their feelings and their relationship progresses with time.
And that is an important point. MakoHaru might be portrayed like a married couple but they are not one. On the other hand, RinHaru really is an everevolving relationship. MakoHaru's setting hasn't changed ever since the first season but RinHaru is taking a different turn in every single one.
Here is a brief comparison of the first and last highlighting interactions of the both ships in each season.
First Season:
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In the first season MakuHaru starts as it always does. Makoto pulls Haru out of his bathtub so that he could go to school in time, much like in the past. And there are important scenes in which they express their appreciation for them sticking to each other. RinHaru on the contrary, starts on a bitter note due to their dispute from the middle school and keep a cold face until they both speak or in this case shout/cry out their true feelings and make up.
Second season:
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Second season also starts with Makoto pulling up Haru out of his baththub and ends in the same manner, even though they also have a fight because Makoto also tries to bring Haru to his senses about giving more serious thoughts to his future plans. RinHaru starts the second season with a new set of feelings. They set a new tournament record and reach the finish line at the same time, giving each other high five and experiencing this new “fired up face” sensation. At the end of the season we see them again at the starting block on neighboring lanes, but this time they give each other a confident, challenging and yet playful smile before diving in.
Third season:
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In the final season up to date Haru and Makoto are attending university in Tokyo and to my surprise aren’t living together. Their first scene is as usual Makoto helping Haru out of water but Haru, this time, pulls Makoto right into the pool, pointing to the fact that Haru, indeed, has become more assertive and confident in his actions. At the end of the season, we see them both still meeting as best friends and studying together. Rin and Haru set off for the final lap of the series miles apart, nonetheless we find them thinking about each other, while they’re in water. Being far awy no longer bringst fear to their relationship, since they know that they are working towards the same goal and that their paths will cross again. And exactly this is what we see in the very final scene. Haru and Rin, standing side by side, at the international stage. Wondering what the future holds for them, but one thing is for sure...They’re diving into the future as a duo.
So when we leave every other scene out of the discussion and solely focus on what are the starting and ending status of these two ships are, we can see that MakoHaru stays stable over the years and don’t show much change, whereas RinHaru evolves and progresses over time and these guys are feeling closer to each other despite spending most of their times apart.
So how do the other characters react to these ships?
Well as mentioned earlier Nagisa is definitely a MakoHaru shipper. He makes suggestive comments about their relationships amd is also very attentive to Mako’s worries about Haru which brings me to Makoto’s reactions to RinHaru. Why was Makoto jealous of Rin and wanted to race him in freestyle? I think Makoto was jealous of Rin because he’ realized that there is someone, who occupies a certain area in Haru’s life, which he cannot be involved in. This would make any best friend uncomfortable and he also confides in Rin after his fight with Haru. Rin on the other hand accepts MakoHaru as best friends and supports it and tries to cheer up Haru about his fight with Makoto by saying that Sousuke und him fight all the time. Sousuke also seems to be aware of the dynamic of RinHaru and is quite cold towards Haru while messing with Rin about his fixation on Haru. He is also quite aware about Rin’s expressions changing while tlaking about Haru, so he senses something out of the ordinary there. Rin’s homestay parents also give Haru a wink while telling him that Rin used to mention from someone whom he looks up to. Ikuya as a newly introduced character, also shows some jelaousy like behaviour towards Rin, although this behaviour is pretty mutual. but I could see Ikuya having more concerns than Rin here. Let’s also not forget about how even Kisumi’s realized that Haru appeared to be lonesome, when Rin was in Australia during middle school (which Haru silently confirms during Ikuya’s heartfelt burst out in Starting Days). People know, that there is something more then what meets the eye for RinHaru.
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In total, MakoHaru has always been a relationship, which owed its strength to its stability and therefore is a very rooted and powerful relationship. Makoto is without a doubt Haru’s best friend and he will remain being that. However I don’t think there has been more than that and also don’t see it turning into something romantic. I mean, like 19 year old college students in Tokyo, don’t you think that they would at least get into a flatting situation if they were more intimacy there? (or maybe this isn’t something common for Japan, I dunno). Since Makoto’s journey takes a different orientation than Haru’s I wouldn’t be surprised if Makoto would soon have a girlfriend. I see Makoto more of a heterosexual guy tbh.
RinHaru on the other side, is still a story in the making and their strong feelings and obsession for each other and most importantly, their paths finally meet and they will be able to finally spent more time together and get to know each other even more. Considering the passion, intimate moments and their desire to be together could turn into something in romantic. I think the romantic feelings between Rin and Haru have been there right from the beginning, but they had to live through all kinds of experiences and form their personas as professional swimmers and find their true identities, while establishing their relationship first before giving thought to what other feelings might be there. So its just a matter of time, that they become aware and act upon these feelings, so we could just hope that we got more Free! productions.
Thank you everyone, who’s made it this far. I know it’s been a long post, but there was no way for me to cover it any shorter than that. Please excuse any typo or grammatical mistakes. I checked the whole text twice, but I’m pretty sure, that I’ve oversaw many mistakes. Did you like it though? Would you add/change something in it? Let me know. I would love to hear your opinions!
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