#def would love to be a cyborg
determunition · 11 months
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i took the switcheroo week as an excuse to finally try my hand at some scrybeswap designs! got a bit carried away as you can see, i love doing character design so much
decided to keep their species/major design elements fairly consistent (e.g. grimora's makeup, mag being vague and indistinct, leshy having nonhuman legs, p03 only having one arm) while still switching up their aesthetics as needed; super happy with all of these as a result!
design notes for each scrybe under the cut! def open to any further questions or curiosities, i always think way too hard about characters while designing them lmao
scrybe of the dead: i went for a possessed tv vibe; he's still mechanical but those bones do have a living soul trapped in them...also shoutout to @squid-hug for suggesting the x-ray machine, i was very tickled by that lmao
scrybe of beasts: overgrown old bot was kind of a given for this one, but i was also thinking that the plants are part of what's keeping him running somehow
scrybe of magicks: the magic eye is the core powering that top monitor, and the two side monitors display what he's seeing with that eye at any given time
scrybe of beasts: she's a witch! like a chill terry pratchett kind of witch, she works with a lot of herbs and such; also her makeup is meant to mimic blood drops
scrybe of magicks: magick grimora is more of a warlock type, her magic is a lot more sinister and she almost never opens her eyes (whereas her third eye is basically always open)
scrybe of tech: tech grimora is kind of a wacky machinist-flavored dr. frankenstein; she inscribes by writing on circuitboards!
scrybe of the dead: this leshy is a gargoyle/vampire hybrid! i thought a mirror would be fun for him bc you can get two different cultural refs; medusa (bc stone gargoyle), and the idea that vampires don't appear in mirrors!
scrybe of magicks: i decided to make him a bird guy (kinda harpy-esque) bc he's basically a more whimsical baba yaga hermit; the baba yaga thing carries over from slavic folklore obvs. also he has polycoria!
scrybe of tech: tech leshy was super fun, bc he's steampunk! rather than animal legs i gave him digitigrade robot legs, but other than that he's the most like, normal human guy here probably lmao; despite his well-adjusted appearance though i still think he's got a bit of freaky wonk in him
scrybe of the dead: this one was very ring-inspired lol, got those clump of hair you found in the shower drain vibes
scrybe of beasts: bush magnificus real! i think he'd be a bit more quirky trickster fae in this form
scrybe of tech: one of my favorites; tech mag is an emaciated cyborg draped in so many loose cords and wires that you can't tell what he looks like anymore. a lot of those cords are connected to him, and he plugs them in wherever as needed! he also has a drawing stylus, making him just an average art student tbh lmao
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
Oh no... Sad cyborg!König from your first drabble did something to me HELP!
Looks up at reader with devotion and so much longing while she goes bananas riding his hightech cock. Does she love him too? Will she ever see more in him than just his vibrating super dick that's currently deep down her pussy? The man behind all the wiring and carbon fiber skin? He'll wipe out all of humanity if that's what it takes for her to be only his... While she loses herself in ecstasy, a small cooling liquid tear escapes his eye as he watches her.
Detaches his cock when he has to go on a mission and gently hands it to her like a present. Keep it safe for him, while he goes out there and fights for you. Let him come back to you and he will fuck you with it until you see stars... And afterwards... Maby you can just hold him in your arms a bit?
I think there's a difference between robot!König and a cyborg!König and this one would def be the latter one, a Robocop type of guy who continues to live on in a body-turned-war machine 💔❤️
Lonely, touch starved and sensory deprived, he desperately wants to be loved for more than just his hightech cock. The König who always dreamed of satisfying women until they cry can do exactly that these days, but the price is high. Too high, it seems.
He dreads to come back after detaching his cock; what if his girlfriend hasn't even noticed he was gone? She had his dick with her for pleasure, after all. Why did he do it, what demon of love possessed him to give it to her? He could've just selfishly left it on so that she would have at least something to look forward to when he comes back... She's so addicted to it that he could easily deprive her of it, make her beg for it with tears in her eyes.
Half expecting to hear the familiar buzz and whirr of the vibration mode of his dick, he enters home with a heavy heart. Almost crumbles on the floor when she runs to him, screaming from joy. She jumps into his lap and dangles from his neck, covers him in kisses, even wraps her legs around him as if he was her husband. As if he was a real man. And there's no sounds or scents of sex here: she hasn't had a human when he was away. She hasn't even touched his cock. She has kept it clean, and picks it up like a treasure, holds it close to her heart but says it's not the same without the rest of him.
And then she comes close, so close, and says she's missed him.
He's not going to cry in front of her: emotions are not what he was built for. But he will carry her to bed. Let her attach the treasure back to him, she looks deep into his eyes while she does it. She says she has missed him, again, laughs shyly and asks if she told him that already... After adoring her soft gasps, the needy moans induced by his shell, after worshipping her from a distance that always seems too wide, he tries to hold her close. Excited to see his attempts at snuggling, she practically forces him to lay his head on her breasts. Plays with his hair, conveniently cut short, and tells him about her week while he's trying to keep his shell from shaking.
It's he who gets cuddled, then, after all these years, and while he can't feel all of her, while he's just a ghost of himself, he feels like a man that night. A human man, who drifts off to sleep, resting on his lover's breasts after a hard day of work. A human man, who just came home to his lovely wife, feeling all kinds of good and weary after making love to her, pleased with having made his chosen one smile and giggle and relax.
He feels like a human man, in love with a woman...
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mitsukisnekson · 3 months
The raws are out :D
Seems like Shikadai and Chocho are gonna skedaddle to the hospital ASAP to get Inojin checked out because honestly, by all accounts, Inojin should be dead. Seems like its not a 100% heal? Or at least Himawari just doesn't know. Probably not a minute has passed since he got skewered, but Inojin already fell unconcious so bro was really on his like, final two seconds of life before Himawari used the equivalent of the L4D2 Medkit.
I am definitely glad Inojin is alive, but I still hope that his injury still had consequences. Whether its emotionally or physically. Would love a bit of an introspection episode for Inojin, thinking about how close he was to death, or maybe physically, he's still unwell. My favorite crackpot theory is that Inojin still needs help and Amado offers to help and turn him into a cyborg. Would make some interesting tense moments between Amado and Sai, while also making Scientific Ninja Tools relevant again.
Anyways, I find it really wholesome that Shikadai is the one carrying Inojin. I thought Chocho would because she's physically stronger, but he decides to carry Inojin anyway, like a sack of potatoes 💀💀 I get they are on a bit of a timer, but seems kinda bad that to carry him like that when two minutes ago, there was legitimately a gaping hole in his chest. Chocho is a real one for not wanting to abandon Himawari, big sister Chocho is honestly something I didn't know I needed, but def want more of.
Okay, just putting my Kingdom Hearts hyper-analyzation tinfoil hat on for a second, I find it kinda suss that Matsuri is on the cover of this chapter? Not the one with just Hidari, the other one with Boruto vs Jura with Hidari and another guy.
Wouldn't it be crazy if Matsuri ambushes Team 10 on the way back to the village?
Probably not though. I kinda just wanna see some action that isn't just from Boruto :,)
Also where tf is Mitsuki, I haven't seen my boy in months 😭 When will this damn omnipotence malarkey be over, I want my team back together???
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tjemegames · 2 months
HSR: Character Build Archive - Hunt
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The most recent version of a character's build(s) will be listed here; older build versions can be found on their designated changelog. To avoid word/image limit issues, information on a retired build will be removed from the path archive and a link to the build's changelog will be provided in its place.
Changelogs will only be created and maintained for the characters that I actively use; they will be updated whenever significant relic upgrades/changes have been made. Characters that have multiple builds (i.e. additional builds that are non-traditional, niche, or memes) will have a dedicated changelog for each one.
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this looks better than it is because of the crit weight
desperately need to roll more break; I used to roll nothing but break before I started farming for this cyborg. once I hit 300%, I'll be satisfied with my min-maxing
need to farm theif (hands + spd boots) & talia (def sphere)
last upgraded - 7.1.24
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Dan Heng
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hello to my favorite character! it is I, your number one fan
build is very solid; the best one on my entire account. I'd love to hit a character score of 500 though so I'm still tweaking it
need to farm musketeer (hand) & glamoth (wind dmg sphere); ideally w/double crit on both
last upgraded - 7.1.24
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Dr. Ratio
unleveled: lvl 1, e0
will level him up if hoyo ever feels generous enough to give us a free copy of his sig; I'm not interested in using him without it
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unreleased (2.5)
unowned: will not be pulling because as one of the only 4-star dan heng fans I cannot abandon him. looking forward to seeing what feixiao's kit and animations are like though; hopefully they're not too op so I can feel better about skipping
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March 7th - The Hunt
acquired & beginning the building process! very much looking forward to testing out some new teams with her
has two potential build routes to take: traditional dps (crit) and break; I'll probably go 4pc musketeer + rutilant for crit & 4pc thief + talia for break. could also go pioneer + salsotto for crit & calvary + forge for break, but that sounds like a headache in the making
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unreleased (2.5)
unowned: want because he looks cool and I'd like to learn more about him. will do a couple of 10-pulls on the banner he's on and hope for the best. will not be fishing for him though; I've learned my lesson via gallagher, and I will not allow myself to fall victim to the gamba demons again
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working towards overhauling the entire build: swapped glamoth planars for rutilant, recycled the outdated 4-star quantum dmg sphere, & traded atk ropes w/serval
relevant stat change(s): +10.9 spd, -2.2% crate, +8.8% cdmg, -177 atk
score change: +34 (S+)
was not planning on messing with her anytime soon but I ended up using her to complete the 2.3.1 PF, which was quite satisfying to do, so she is officially being taken off the bench (until I pull a multi-target quantum damage dealer that I like more)
need to farm 4pc genius (crate body + atk boots); could potentially go 2pc genius, 2pc musketeer but I'd get more dmg out of a full set of genius so that's my priority
don't have any plans to pull for her sig since I don't use her all that much. would need to look into the benefits of all the hunt cones to see if it's worth having on my acct
last upgraded - 8.2.24 | changelog
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outdated build: 3/6 relics are 4-star
due to my boothill investment, I have no need to work on or use sushang anymore; a tragedy because the big chicken is one of my favorite ults
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Topaz & Numby
unowned: not interested in pulling. may change depending on the release of future synergistic follow-up units
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unleveled: lvl 1, e2
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trrickytickle · 1 year
OVERWATCH- tickle headcanons and thoughts!
This was requested by one certain @somethingticklish! His blog is NSFW (like, extremely though) so proceed w caution hehehhahaahhah. ANYWAYS IT'S OVERWATCHING TIME!!! throwback to when I would play with my friends hahahshss.
Anyways, there's so much tickle potential in this franchise bro. YAYYYYY OVERWATCHHHH
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Sombra/Olivia Colomar
-Sombra is an absolutely ruthless ler!!! Her personality and penchant for hacking and scheming make this the TRUTH- she's so freaking mean like look at her gyuys.
-As a ler, Sombra utilizes her fast typing fingers... woof, those gloves. THOSE GLOVES MAN OH MY FUCKING GOD. She relishes in her lee's laughter, and will often cackle alongside them. When teasing, she always makes cheeky comments, whether it be snide remarks about "hacking into their system" or remarking things about their reactions and her observations around them. Def cracks her knuckles, wiggles her fingers etc in preparation to tickle others.
-Her favorite lees are the ones that are hard to crack. Tough guys (....REAPER HAHHAHAHGDVHGSVHJVSJ) who show stoicism, people with an impenetrable attitude (rhymes with creeper) and Reaper. I need to stop getting carried away with this lee Reaper agenda.
-As a kid, she wasn't tickled often due to her upbringing. Her addiction to hacking made her a sort of recluse- and her manipulative personality made it hard to approach people. You'd be surprised to find that she's ticklish at all. When tickled, she has a deep, loud laugh, and she will thrash and squirm away from her lee VEHEMENTLY. She absolutely hates being tickled, but is a menace, ranging from a little troll to an absolute actual sadist when tickling others.
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Cole Cassidy
-A huge switch. Uses his Southern drawl to tease and taunt his lers, and his experience with sharp-shooting to persicely tickle.
-However, there's only a select few lees he tickles, and one of those is Ashe- their tickle fights are legendary.
-He's an adorable lee, with a hearty but giggly laugh, and many reactions, will verbally protest a lot.
-BEARD TICKLES would be legendary holy shit. When teasing uses those like, southernisms like "puddin'" and like... ler Cassidy man he'd be so much fun!!
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Genji Shimada
(shout-out to my real life friend who's an absolute FOOL for the cyborg- you know who you are!)
-After his reconstruction, he's only ticklish in some places- but his cyborg technology allowed for some weaknesses to be exposed.
-During his robotization, Mercy had accidentally tickled him a few times.
-Teases in Japanese as a ler- and as a lee, will express his displeasure and react to tickling in the language.
-Kiriko and Hanzo know where he's most ticklish, and Kiriko tended to take advantage of the fact while they were training. The only person with this knowledge (to a lesser extent) as well is Mercy. She's so ler for him dude.
-Not ticklish in the traditional sense. Only some things tickle him, like repairs (from Mercyyyyy) and tickling on his non-weaponized parts.
-Tickles to flirt with girls and teases them in a mischievous and bantering way. (In his player eraaa)
-His exposed armpit in the Blackwatch skin is giving me thoughts.
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D.VA/Hana Song
-She is a bubbly lee. Curls up to avoid attacks, has a giggle-snort laugh and is overall a super cutie, and a typical tickle target.
-However, she is a very stubborn ler. She is super headstrong when it comes to tickling and tries to show no mercy. Teases like "Give up yet?" and uses traditional baby-talk.
-Dae-hyun and her have tickled each other at some point and she has lots of fun as a ler with her childhood friend- and in general, oh my god She loves to be a ler. Like, absolutely.
-Def teases Lucio a lot as a ler oh my god will beatbox while she uses his tummy as a turntable and all that jazz and make references to his music. Also a bratty adorable lee for him (he keeps making corny ahh gaming references in return).
-Kicks her legs around as a lee absolutely. Wears cute socks (like with strawberries and paw prints and the like) which makes this 110 percent more adorbs.
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Lúcio Correia dos Santos
-He's so ticklish. When fans ask about it, he answers honestly and exactly. But when he's tickled, he actively tries to suppress his reactions and jump away. Squeals when startled.
-When tracing around his tattoo, he'll do a high pitched little hihihi omg.
-Very fun ler. Loves to tickle and laughs along with his lee dude. Also a DJ... experienced hands means good tickler (I could say this 283883 more times in the hc sheet but it's so basic at this point)
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Mei Ling Zhou
-Giggly as fuck, curls up holy shit. Will admit to accidentally being tickled. Laughter is very much a "hee-hee" lmao.
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Mercy/Angela Ziegler
-Mercy has an adorable tickle laugh. It's that happy, light giggle that makes you just wanna keep tickling... it's healing. HAHAHAHHAHAHA
-Ticklish bellybutton. And neck. And armpits. And sides. Everywhere - but these are her worst areas.
-Accidentally tickles people when healing them thoroughly lmao. One of the only people to know where Genji is ticklish - sometimes they like to tickle each other bc I said so.
-Ler in medical situations but barely. Like accidentally grazing a cut and whatnot.
-Lee as fuck otherwise. Thrashes around so much when tickled hard.
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Zarya/Aleksandra Zaryanova
-You know my favorite thing ever is a tough muscle girl who can't handle delicate touch. Well, no you don't, I just told you.
-A hearty, loud laugh. And ticklish armpits. They're exposed. And neck. And abs. Very loud laugher, and tough as well. Won't be broken under tickling, unless with those she trusts well.
//image limit :( //
Moira O'Deorain 👾
-First of all, claws. Second of all, attitude. Third of all, claws again. In conclusion, LER.
-Tickles... for SCIENCE. When experimenting on others, tickle torture was not out of the question. Knows her way around different crevices of her body, and is cold and ruthless when exploiting this weakness.
-Tickle interrogation scenarios with her though... ough
-I think if this goes on I can't post it
Kiriko Kamori 🦊
-Like her character, there are two sides to her when it comes to tickling lmao
-As a lee, she's laid back and takes it. As a ler, she's dangerous.
-Uses her Miko gift of powers and teleportation to her advantage in tickle battles with loved ones hehehe. When she was living with Genji, they tickled each other. SO. MUCH. UAUAUAUAUAU
-The castle was perfect for chasing each other around. Kiriko would probably be dissapointed that she can't really tickle him anymore though.
Reaper/Gabriel Reyes 💀
Reaper is so fineeeee I mean what I mean he's so... Anyways.... Whaaaat?
-Reaper's reputation makes him someone you wouldn't exactly want to tickle. The royal you- but that honestly doesn't include me. Tee hee hee. There's my instinct again, telling me that his bad tickle spot is his waist/sides.
-If he isn't kicking his ler in the face, he'll teleport away from them or go all Wraith form and avoid him using these smoke-and-mirrorsy attacks.
-During their time at Talon, Sombra enjoyed sabotaging (his words) their missions by teasing him with the notion that he's ticklish. She's his most frequent 'ler- he doesn't get tickled much, but she relishes in his surprising ticklishness- greatly.
-Doesn't ler- it's above him- unless provoked enough. Super ruthless.
Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe 🔫
-Ashe. Is. A. SWITCH.
-When he hadn't gained sentience, Ashe used to ask BOB to tickle her as a kid and he would comply- or try to. It's hard having clunky, mechanical hands, but he was doting and gave in. She'd laugh but fake it- it was all in good fun.
-Ashe and Cassidy both share an affinity for provoking each other with tickling. Their tickle fights are rough, scrappy and full of banter, and they absolutely love to expose each other and bicker during these occasional moments.
-She has a mean streak when it comes to tickling. Tickles her fellow Overwatch agents sometimes, and revels in it.
-Among the Deadlock Gang, tickle fights between Ashe and Cassidy would rage on- not EVERY DAY frequent, but the weakness was there to exploit.
-BOB will hold down Ashe's victims at her request.
-Very casual in her teasing and tactics but will always point out bad spots. Her skills in tickling aren't really skills. She just goes fast and is good at taunting.
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azzie-tangerine · 10 months
For Character Ask:
Susie: 7, 8, 12, 23, 25, 26 (freebie question is what would be her three closest friends out of the notable cast)
Magolor: 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23
Hooray lots of questions! This will be long.
Susie: What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I think Susie deserves to be a lil unhinged. It’s a very specific balance and one tip makes it something I dislike, but I love it when ppl make Susie a good person, just would also make lethal weapons. Would plan to torture her enemies but also go get her nails painted with the girls. Like I said, very specific balance.
Susie: What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
The answer’s p obvious. Thanks to a mistranslation a lot of people make Susie heartless, a jerk, or do things I’d rather not say on this post. I hate that a lot. Is Susie perfect? Absolutely not. She has layers to her character however.
Susie: What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I have already shared a few headcanons, like her being a cyborg or a romance fan. Those are headcanons I adore. I also think that, like Taranza, she’s a hopeless romantic. She loves the idea of falling in love. She just doesn’t have a lot of time to do so.
Susie: Favorite picture of this character?
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This one from the twitter. It's also my favorite Taranza picture.
Susie: What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I don't think I felt much for Susie when I first saw her. Most likely because my first impression of her was... certain art. That traumatized me a bit. Nowadays, I love her. She has daddy issues and definitely a kill count. But she's also sweet and makes lil robot gifts for her friends. She's great.
Susie: What would be their three closest friends out of the notable cast?
I'm a big fan of the Star Allies Wave Three trio (that being her, Magolor and Taranza) all being close. So def them, Susie would probably also be close with Ribbon. Due to a shared interest in girly things.
Magolor: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Magolor's a pretty universally loved character in this fandom. So a lot of content of Magolor I end up adoring. If I had to pick a specific thing, I think him interacting with other characters (like trying to sell Elfilin or trying to teach Kirby) are my favorites. I love character dynamics!
Magolor: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
This one doesn't irk me as much as the answer I had for Susie. I can handle this one pretty well. But still, it does annoy me when people either A. try to justify his actions and make him innocent lil blorbo, or B. Make him not learn a single thing from his mistakes.
Idk I like when characters are complex, so when fandoms simplify a character it can annoy me. This one's not as bad as Susie's though. If you see him as irredeemable or innocent I do not hate you! We can coexist and be friends.
Magolor: Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I think I said this before, but 100% Marx. They're both chaotic, they've both betrayed Kirby, and canon implies they know each other. I tend to get more attached to ships/character dynamics that have some canon backing, so I like Marx and Mags. Platonic, romantic, I don't care. I just think the grape and the cat are a fun duo.
Magolor: What's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Magolor is probably my favorite character I've written. I love when I write his shopper side. Justifying why he sold his soul for micro transactions, announcing a sale before he disappears in Stuck With The Lor. Also writing him as a cat.
Idk if I hate anything about writing Magolor. He's a fun guy to write!
Magolor: What's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
I love it when other writers give Magolor a backstory or reasoning behind wanting the Master Crown. I'm a psych major, so when past affects a character's decisions in the present?? Peak. I did this in Stuck With The Lor too. Magolor hated being powerless as a kid, so he wanted all the power. Only for that to put him in the same position he was in when younger Only a lot worse.
Magolor: Favorite picture of this character?
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I just really like the composition of this one. The colors, the hints of every phase of the final boss. I think it's one of my favorite Celebration Pictures in Star Allies (besides the Taranza one. You know which one I'm talking about)
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mintyyyshake9000 · 1 year
and then cue leo getting KILLER phantom pains, not just in his old organic arm, but also constantly missing his literal other half
I want to entertain the idea that Leo's original right arm prosthetic was Donnie's right robotic arm because Donnie was kinda not around to use it anymore, but then it breaks or malfunctions. Maybe he was using that Raph robot arm as a placeholder while someone (most likely himself, because I think he'd sooner mince up Baxter Stockboy regardless of his contributions to the Resistance if he dared to "improve" on something Donnie did) fixed up the old one, and THEN everything went to crap.
More angst because I'm on a roll apparently. Leo is SO annoyed that he cant use the Raph arm on his left side because even if it's just a placeholder, the weight is OFF. He's supposed to be heavier on the left regardless of the support the said left is giving because even if Donnie had his own foot, it was still weight. Now that weight is on the right and Leo can't do anything about it.
Ok first: I AM SO SORRY I NEVER GOT TO THIS ASK 😭 I had completely forgotten to check my submission box cause I haven't been on tumblr much until just recently!
The thought of Leo being half robotic prosthetics is kinda funny to me cause he'd basically be a cyborg at that point XD
And when Leo loses his right arm he would totally use Don's prosthetic arm. And adding Baxter in there's a nice touch lol but I highly doubt that something that Donnie made would break or malfunction BUT yes, he would def use Raph's robotic arm as a temporary replacement while he fixes Don's arm cause: since they were conjoined for so long, Leo knows quite a bit about Donnie's tech.... but then everything goes to hell in a hand basket when the movie happens and he doesn't have time to finish fixing it :')
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throneofblood-if · 1 year
I just found this game and I enjoyed it a lot! I love all the knights and my favorite keeps flip flopping, honestly ty for the poly options
How much angst am I gonna be in for though with a mostly just/kind mc who uses chronomancy, i feel like I'm gonna end up wrestling for control with the alter ego character later on 👀.
The latest chapter was my very good and Lux left a huge impression on me despite only being in two scenes. At first I was a kinda sad I didn't get to try to use magic or chronomancy to help her at first bc it seemed like something my mc would try. At the same time though I also get the impression that between being turned into a magic cyborg head and being uhhhhh eaten, she might have been too far gone for miss baby time mage to actually help because that is a lot. The second scene with her was legitimately horrifying and I feel like seeing that straight up broke my mcs brain for a bit and she lashed out just to make it stop. (I picked kill them) She's def gonna have nightmares about that one 😬
I'm happy to hear that!! Yeah I'm always missing the poly option in the games I've played so I have promised myself to give that to people if I ever make my own :x
I feel like... chronomancy route will lead to more angst... If you've used nothing but chronomancy, you can see that the repercussion is more severe during Zero's fight with FInn. If you've avoided it once or twice, you don't get affected as much but... heh
Oh yeah that part actually was a mix of her being too far gone - like if you use chronomancy you have to go WAY back to restore her full self and you just don't have that much magic. And also because your chronomancy kinda exploded on you if you chose to use it while fighting Finn with Zero.
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screampied · 4 months
vegas... vegas PLEASE are you into honkai star rail?
i havent touched the game in months but oh my god... the way boothill has me wrapped around his finger is so TIGHT and i am so obsessed with him aghfdjhghjdjfh;;; i literally love him so much, his lore had me sobbing for days during my finals week when it dropped ): i just wanna hold him okay
((also the way people have pointed out he has indigenous roots within his backstory & design touches my heart as someone with indigenous roots myself))
that rly hot cyborg cowboy is my husband and i stand by it! i would absolutely give him a family and everything more! i love him soso much i have no other way of emphasizing it AAAAAAAHHH
— 🦇
YESSSS. i’m getting more into hsr 🙂‍↕️ m more into genshin tho but i’m trying to get into each of the loresssss.
ur so right boothill ????-&3@(@ his design got me intrigued almost immediately AAAAASDG he’s so pretty. his fan arts never miss 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ no literally bc his lore is so :( SOBBINGGGG MY BABY
aw does he really ?? he’s def one of the few chars i wanna learn more ab bc i wanna play more hsr this summer since i wont be as busy aaa
HBBNBHG have u seen the edits of him tho my GAWDDDD. need him like yesterday
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yeyinde · 2 years
Bro cyberpunk is my favorite genre of anything, EVER. I’m trembling even imagining the power you’d have with writing something cyberpunk-y. You could go like OG cyberpunk, like retrofuturistic/steelpunk/formicapunk, or take it more towards cyberpunk/nanopunk and I’d still eat that shit up like a woman starved at a royal banquet. Both directions would go wonderfully with a noirpunk/cybernoir storyline or undertone. I myself am writing a cyberpunk story rn (it’s not exactly fan fiction so idk what to call it) and even just imagining a cyberpunk world through your lense of prose is making me vibrate violently. I devour anything and everything even remotely related to this genre. Obviously no pressure for you to write it, and I don’t mean to infodump in your inbox but please just know if you actually write a techno-punk flavored ANYTHING I will worship it like it’s my Bible
Noirpunk/cybernoir is honestly such a fave of mine, so I'm really leaning toward something in that direction.
I sorttttt of have a story mapped out already? (But it's mostly just random thoughts that came about from too many midnight musings after gorging myself on clips of Akira and old nostalgia hits of GitS, and the loose Cyberpunk/cassette-punk/space noir/space western genre abomination that is Cowboy Bebop.)
And no worries at all! I'm always down to talk -punk anyway (especially cyberpunk), and I welcome any and all advice about this, or suggestions because it's such a massive thing, right? Like, there's tonnes of directions it could go, it's almost overwhelming 😅
My biggest blank, atm, is the design of the characters. I haven't quite decided if it would be a reader-insert or an oc (which gives me tonnes of flexibility with upgraded parts/cyborg leanings, but. It's also an OC 😬 and I am notoriously bad at them).
I'm def writing something, though! It might not be a full dive, but I'll have a taster soon enough to lay the groundwork, and then branch out from that point!
Thank you so much!!! I rambled a lot in this, omggg!! But cyberpunk is a favourite of mine, so reading this, and all the lovely things you said, made me so happy!! 🖤
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
cyber anon here
i saw the tags
why not imagine a cyborg elsen then, def would be an adorable robot friend thing going on :)
You are so right about that, cyber anon! I would love to have a lil friend with me at all times :D But I misread your ask and thought you were talking about Cyber Elsen and, even though I wasn't sure if it should have been taken as a request or not, I drew something for once! As you can tell, I'm no artist, but I had fun drawing a little Cyberelsen anyway! I have to admit, you're pulling me into this entire cyberpunk thing! Now I reall want more of it!
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rockybloo · 2 years
I I’ve your artwork. Quick though can Pluto and bitterbat get sick or because if they makeup of being different from humans world they not get sick unlike nova and sweetheart. Love your art so much. Hope your well.
Bitterbat can def get sick as there are monstrum equivalent of human viruses. Some human illnesses could still effect him but on a much weaker level.
Pluto is immune to everything unless it's related to space as their cyborg components are made of alien technology. A handcrafted virus (technology based) would have to be VERY well made to infect them and even then the chances of it doing anything is very low because Pluto is quite literally built different.
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
I’m not done praising you
I couldn’t stop thinking about that yunho fic today it’s so damn good 😫 I normally dislike AI type of stuff (ex machina scarred me) but this was so unique and gut wrenchingly sad :( to have a cyborg that’s a copy of a loved one that you lost and you can’t exactly move on from their death (I’m assuming he died) because if you ever miss them or feel overwhelming sadness, you can just call your cyborg and there he is :( I guess it’s a good thing but also a bad thing because u can never move on and be at peace and he’ll never be the way you remembered him as much as you try to ignore that fact.
I’m sorry if it’s weird that I’m saying all this over a smut but it was so good that I forgot it’s smut 😭 I have to know, how did you come up with this idea? It’s just so unique and interesting. You don’t have to tell me tho!
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“i’m not done praising you” i’m on the floor rnnnnn sobbing ;; ohh god ex machina was so traumatizing fnr i feel that 😭 yes exactly!! it’s def comforting bc you’d be able to keep him looking and “acting” like your loved one but it’ll only lead to more pain bc it’ll never be quite right and plus you’ll never be able to move on from it and just be stuck in the same endless loop of temporary comfort and a deep sense of grief that won’t be healed until you face reality 💔
nooo it’s not weird at all!! i love discussions like this plus it was smut mixed with a really sad concept so it wasn’t like it was just filth on its own lol. so originally i wanted to write a prometheus themed story but i realized that would have to be so much more fleshed out so i’ll def be saving that for later! so instead i just went with the android thing but i was like ohhh what if the android resembles yn’s lost love?? and then i just kinda wrote it out to see where it took me :)
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wulvert · 1 year
IM VERY LATE BUT TRIPTRACK!! did terry only get. created? after the divorce or does toad just. forget he has a 2nd child. very in character 4 him if so. i want 2 explode him with my mind
ALSO UR CREATURES,,,TELL US MORE ABOUT THM,,,i lov red n tex nd i project my arospecness onto them bc their "friends but also not JUST friends but also-" is so real 2 me,,,howevr,,,do u have any untold info in ur brain u can give us abt the rest of ur lesser seen beasts like shae nd tara nd mouse n mits nd...toad...i GUESS. . i absorbed all the terry lore into my brain from the other person's ask and im so hungry 4 more info,,,
u can also give any silly paperteeth lore here too if its in ur brain!! i want 2 devour all ur characters (even toad,,,he is so well-written 2 make me hate his guts) they r so goofy (/pos!!) i need 2 rotate every single one of them in my thoughts,,,
im back with clingfilm on my head i hope i can finally just. have my normal hair again im too lazy to keep dying it anyway! yeah so toad didnt have anything to do with terry, he sucks but he would def remember terry for. reasons.
yea i think a qpr is probs the best definition for what they have!
i hate how i handled shae- triptrack is something i cannot look at for more than five seconds without going i need to rip this apart and put it back together again- shae is like. H. shes kind of just obsessed with being peak performance like best form out of the entire sentient population- but like tex is a fairly indestructable robot and yeah. shaes also autohemophobic is that a word i think its a word. ( NO T HOMOPHOBIC SHE'S AN ALLY and her pronouns r she/they yeah like shae im yeah. and shes named after shea butter but i forgot how to spell shea. which. im pretty dumb im not going to lie to you. i think theyre the only character in triptrack that im set on that for bc. it sounds like shae. and i think thats art. nothing happened to her they just like decided to become a cyborg to like beat everyone else
also webtoon nerfed her boobs i cant beleive this world is so cruel
mouse and mits ive decided r gay since my last post and in love and now sell homemade furry ish masks together
tara needs more screentime bc just like. girlboss this isnt what ur husband meant when he said he wanted kids. but like. girlboss....
i think most of the stuff abt toad and tara is spoilers rn but knowing me i'll fail to explain it on every level so like . ill probs post about it eventually.
papertee th i keep forgetting 2 add and i think i forgot to mention the seeing in the dark on the otherposts i made - avery needs reading glasses but since vampires can see better in the dark, she doesnt need them if she's reading in the dark- but to her the ambience of reading in the dark is awful so she refuses. she also refuses to wear her reading glasses if anyones watching but she obviously needs them because shes holding the book 10 miles away from her face (longsighted) nobody cares mundane but i want to draw her wearing glasses and i need to provide context before i do. the science of her not needing them in the dark is not there. it. vampires arent scientce though
AND THANK U UUU im glad im not the only one rotating them in the microwave
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sungbeam · 2 years
HI BEAM! IT'S XNONIE! i'm really sorry for the little hiatus, but just know that i never forgot abt u :D
happy (incredibly late) new year!! hopefully 2022 was fulfilling & 2023 is better for u :D i'm looking back at our last convo (which was SUPER old... so sorry abt that <//3)
have u got to watch black panther 2 with ur family yet?? if u did, i'd love to hear ur thoughts on it!
ALSO OMG??? BAT FAM AU? I KNOW A LITTLE ABT THEM,, BUT I'M WILLING TO DO MY HOMEWORK WHEN UR FIC COMES OUT!! my dc biases are basically all of the bat fam & the teen titans <3 i wanna go further into the universe, but so far, i'm just stuck on them!! i really wanna go into their stories first before anything else. but if u really wanna know: nightwing & cyborg... are so... AHH!!!
ALSO STOP! THAT WANDAVISION AU IS ALREADY BRINGING ME TO TEARS! minghao is THE perfect candidate just b/c he seems so passionate abt the ppl he loves... and the way he talks abt having a family is so pure MY HEARTTTT
well... that's all i got so far!! have a great day, beam!
XNONIE BESTIE HI HELLO !!! long time no speak omg i hope all is well :') i've missed u so much <//3 but ofc dw abt it, pls do take all the time u need !! i will happily await ur return :)) anyways yES HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! 🎉🥂 i wish u a wonderful and fulfilling 2023 as well <3
ahducbjdbf lmao i actually forgot what i said to u last answer brb T-T i DID get to watch wakanda forever w my family !! it was so SO good omg like the whole movie's theme was grief, and being someone who's experienced a lot of it, i resonated w it and it hit me really personally :') long live the king, rip chadwick boseman (´Д⊂ヽ just makes me so incredibly depressed to know he's gone yk? and yeah, the entire movie was... really cathartic for me haha wbu??
AHHH NIGHTWING AND CYBORG (ノ´∀`*) AYO DEF THO 👀 if you've seen the cyborg from that one animated justice league movie series *faints* the way DC characters are animated r just on a whole new level dude aidnkebfnd i tried to do a bit of research on the bat boys' back stories for the fic but they won't play in too much cuz i pretty much rebranded them all to fit my narrative 😅😅 i try my best to explain things as well ^_^
NO THE WAY MINGHAO TALKS ABT ONE DAY HAVING A FAMILY OF HIS OWN HURT MY SOUL OMG <///3 so sweet fr and ikr he would fit so well w the wanda trope like i have a few lines written and it's one of the most angsty things i've written ksnckenfk or it will be since the whole thing is kinda sad cries
in order to make this easy for both of us LOL i'll link my latest response to ur ask in my about me page where ur anon is listed!! have a lovely day/night xnonie and hope to talk to u again soon 😚💖
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yenyenyen19 · 4 years
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Aight so this is my boy Cyr, He lives in a very dystopian world constantly at war, a world that also treats robots/androids horribly. This guy was a Russian military weapon and there were approximately 100 more of him, but gained sentience escaped all that about 40 years ago, and is now considered obsolete.
His skin is artificial looking and very worn out from all the years with no maintenance. (His voice is also malfunctioning, like when the batteries of a toy start running out of juice) Sometimes pieces of his lashes or an eye fall off so he has to glue it back on lol. He now lives at the very top floor of one of many abandoned skyscrapers in a dying city with an onslaught of gang wars.
My guy literally just wants to live as normal of a life but the hostility of the world is inescapable.
-Just an all around well intentioned lad with some grey morals lol :’)
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