#definitely a little bloated but the second half was fun
retroautomaton · 4 months
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lailyn · 9 months
Sharing Is Scaring
A Frostshield Hurt/Comfort Christmas Fic.
“Are you alright? You are wearing an expression one can only describe as…” Loki tried to think of a kinder word but was unsuccessful. “Constipated.”
"Ouch." Steve winced. His waistband dug painfully into his gut, which was becoming more and more bloated with each passing minute. “I may have overindulged a bit.”
“I thought you had a cast-iron stomach,” Loki teased. 
“Not against Tony’s cooking, it isn’t,” Steve grunted. “I swear the guy still has a grudge against me.”
Loki rolled his eyes. “Sure. Because his special, family-recipe manicotti makes such a lethal weapon that you couldn’t help having seconds.” 
“I didn’t want to be rude,” Steve muttered. He sighed and squirmed and sighed again.
“You didn’t take your Lactaid, did you?” Loki asked knowingly.
“It slipped my mind,” Steve said sheepishly. “Guess I was too distracted tonight.”
“By what?”
“Whom,” Steve corrected. “You look amazing, by the way. You’ve got good taste.”
Loki snorted fondly as he ran a hand down the Christmas sweater he had decided to permanently borrow from Steve. "I’m sure that’s humble bragging, but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile; the soft green wool highlighted the gold flecks in Loki’s eyes, and the ruby neckline his cheeks, made ruddy by the many, many aperitifs Loki must have sneaked in before dinner. 
“Make way for your dazzling host!” Their host breezed past with an armful of snacks and drinks. “Settle down, you two. The movie’s about to start.”
Tony unburdened his load of indulgences onto the coffee table. A bottle of wine tumbled onto the floor and rolled under the couch where Loki and Steve had been comfortably ensconced for the past half hour. “Do you mind getting that for me?”
“What are we watching? Wait, let me guess.” Thor did not have to think very hard, for the choices for good Midgardian entertainment were few and far between. “Die Hard?”
“You guessed right, sweet cheeks.” Tony said.
A collective groan rose; curiously, but not surprisingly, the sound that emanated from Steve was one of discomfort, instead of dismay like the others. 
“Hey, it's either that or Baby’s Day Out!” Tony pointed at Loki and Steve. “And I don’t want those two lovebirds getting any ideas!”
Red-faced, Steve placed the bottle of wine he had painstakingly retrieved back on the table. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, Tony.” 
Loki only smiled a beatific smile, and snuggled just a little deeper into Steve’s side. “Everything comes from an idea.”
His smile faded slightly when he felt Steve stiffen. Before Loki could probe further, the clamour of protests around him grew.  
“Oh come on, there must be hundreds of movies you can choose from!” Natasha exclaimed in exasperation.
“We’re doing things the traditional way this year. That means no cable, no satellite TV, and definitely no streaming."
“Not DVDs!” Bruce groaned. “Tony, we are living in the digital world, you do know that, right?”
“Not even digital, people,” Tony said mischievously as he waved something glinting in the air. “Think older. Think analog.”
“That’s crazy.” Bruce plucked the laser disc out of Tony’s hand, unable to contain his excitement. “I haven’t seen one of these in ages!”
The good-natured protests died down eventually and everybody, as tradition would have it, made the same comments they made every year.
"Hey, ever noticed how Bruce Willis' shirt's blood-spattered one second, clean the next?"
"Continuity's not really that important, Tony."
"The hell it isn't. My fantastic brain's not good at ignoring all these gaffes - "
"Then maybe we should have watched something fun and mindless. The Holiday, Bridget Jones, Love Actually..."
"Oh, don't get me started on Love Actually."
Throughout all the chatter, Steve remained very quiet. The pain in his stomach had grown steadily worse as the night progressed, and halfway into the movie, he was positively sweating.
As if sensing his discomfort, Loki slipped a hand underneath Steve’s shirt and began to rub his stomach in slow, circular motions. 
“You are very warm,” Loki commented, eyebrows knitted in concern.
“It’s really hot in here,” was all Steve could say. Moments later, he felt the first, tell-tale tingle of Loki’s magic burn his skin.
“It’s okay, Loki.” He gently peeled Loki’s fingers off his tender abdomen. “You don’t have to do that.”
“It goes without saying that everyone wants to enjoy their Christmas presents,” Loki murmured. “And you…” He leaned in to whisper in Steve’s ear, “ - are mine.” 
Delighted at seeing Steve shudder, Loki merrily added. “I want to enjoy my Christmas, Captain. So, by hook or by crook, I will have you in tip-top shape tonight.”
“But you’ll be taking on my pain. I don’t see how that’s any fun,” Steve whispered back.
“I think I can handle a little tummy ache, Steve,” Loki said dryly. “I’ve taken on far more dire maladies than that.”
“Alright,” Steve finally relented, albeit not without heavy reluctance. “But only if you’re really sure it won’t hurt you.”
“It won’t,” Loki promised. “Now relax and let me work.”
The potency of Loki’s spells never ceased to impress, and the sharp pangs in Steve’s stomach eased within seconds.
He breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Loki said lightly. “Maybe next time you’ll remember to take your medicine. Or was it your intention all along to distract me from Alan Rickman?”
Steve laughed, and dropped a playful peck on Loki’s temple. “You caught me.”
Now that he was finally rid of all his aches and pains, Steve settled in to enjoy the movie,  but it was evident before long that Loki did not share his enthusiasm.
“Are you alright?” Steve asked after catching Loki fidgeting for the hundredth time. He did a double take when he noticed Loki’s pallor. “You look pale.”
Loki’s smile was tight and wan. “I’m always pale, or so you people keep telling me.”
Steve frowned. There was something in the tone of Loki’s voice that did not sit well with him. “Is something wrong?”
Loki may be the God of Lies but he had long lost the ability to school his expressions around Steve.
“I am in terrible pain,” Loki admitted, suddenly out of breath. “I don’t know why. How are you feeling?”
“Me? I’m fine, thanks to you.”
“Good,” Loki grunted. “That’s - that’s good.”
“Wait.” Steve’s heart began to race. “Did something go wrong with the transference spell you did earlier?” 
“I don’t know.” Beads of sweat dotted Loki’s forehead as he clutched his stomach tighter. “This has never happened before.”
“Hey, Romeo, can you and Juliet take it down a notch? We’re kinda trying to watch a movie here.”
Steve ignored the jibe. “Jarvis, lights on, please.”
“Hey, what gives?” Irritated now, Tony swivelled in his seat to look, but his annoyance quickly turned into alarm. “Games, you okay? You don’t look so good.”
“Just an upset stomach. I’m fine,” Loki gritted through his teeth.
Thor, the ever reliable Loki-speak decipherer, sighed. “He’s fibbing. I can tell by his colour. You’re looking very grey, Brother.” 
“Was it the eggnog? The turkey?” Tony gave the room a surveying sweep. “Is anyone else feeling sick?”
“I ate everything and I feel fine,” Thor said. 
“You’re an outlier and therefore cannot be the point of comparison against which other people’s digestive systems are measured,” Tony deadpanned. 
Steve was already helping Loki to his feet. “Is there anyone still working at the medical lab?”
“It’s Christmas eve, genius,” Bruce said cheerily. “Guess who you’re stuck with?”
“How are you feeling now?” Bruce asked. “Any better?”
Loki shook his head. If anything, he felt ten times worse. “It feels like I’m being stabbed over and over.”
“Strange. The painkillers don’t seem to be working,” Bruce said. He bit his lip, appearing deep in thought. “But the bloodworks and the scans appear normal.”
“Meaning?” Steve asked.
“Meaning…” Bruce took off his glasses. “This is not medical. It’s magical. And there’s only one guy I know who’s an expert in both.”
The Avengers looked at each other with dread.
“Oh, boy,” Tony sighed. “He’s going to love this.”
The expert, as Tony had predicted quite wrongly, did not love it after all.
“Doing back-to-back shifts on Christmas, covering for your colleagues just because they have kids, dealing with drunks and delinquents…” Doctor Stephen Strange grumbled as he waltzed in through the door. “I thought those days were behind me.”
“Yes, we all know how busy you are,” Tony said sweetly. “Allow our resident Trickster to apologise for pulling you away from your festivities tonight.” 
“Nothing festive about Die Hard, but apparently it’s a Sanctum tradition, so.” Stephen shrugged. “In a way, you did me a favour.”
“Let me guess. DVD.” 
“Hah. VHS.” Stephen gave Tony a triumphant smile. “Wong’s a tech dinosaur.”
“You said he can help,” Steve criticised loudly, frustration evident in his tone. “Loki’s hurting and you’re standing around chatting.”
“Calm down, lover boy,” Stephen said easily. “Tell me your symptoms.”
Steve frowned. “Loki’s the one - ”
“I’m not asking Loki. I’m asking you, since you were the one who was sick in the first place.”
Everyone turned expectantly to Steve.
“What is he talking about?” Natasha asked. “Steve?”
“Oh, no, you didn’t,” Thor groaned. “Loki, how many times must we talk about this?” He shook his head sadly. “My brother has no sense of self-preservation.”
But Stephen paid the ever-dramatic God of Thunder no heed, focusing instead on his patient, who remained deathly quiet and still.
“Captain,” he urged again. “Your symptoms, now.”
Steve recounted his experience, beginning with feeling unwell right after dinner, putting it down to his lactose intolerance.
“So the pain started out dull and more centrally located, before it became sharp and shifted to your right side? And you felt nauseous as well?" At Steve's nod, Stephen turned grim. “These are all classic symptoms of acute appendicitis.”
Steve’s jaw dropped. “But I thought it was just - are you sure?”
“What is that?” Thor asked in alarm. “Is it serious?”
“It’s only the commonest surgical emergency in us humans,” Stephen said nonchalantly. “On average, I did ten appendectomies a day back when I was a resident.”
“I don’t get it,” Thor said. “If it’s so common then why can’t Loki heal himself?”
“I said it was common,” Stephen said. “I didn’t say it wasn’t serious.”
The doctor proceeded to sit down very carefully on the edge of the bed so as to not jar his patient.
“Second-Rate,” Loki returned the perfunctory greeting with a solemn acknowledgement. “How kind of you to come.”
“Well, you are a being of diplomatic importance,” Stephen replied cattily. “And Tony’s paying me by the hour. Holiday rates apply, of course.”
“Of course.” Loki’s throat bobbed up and down. “As you can see, I seem to have found myself in a bit of a bind.”
“I can see.” Stephen gestured at Loki’s midsection, the source of all troubles. “Mind if I?”
Steve pulled the privacy curtains around the bed before leaning against the wall to wait..The others showed no sign of budging either, each absorbed in their own curiousity and varying degrees of concern.
A minute later, a hand poked through the curtains. “Doctor Banner, can I see the full body scan again?”
Bruce placed the folder into the doctor’s awaiting hand. 
“Do you want the good news or the bad news?” Stephen asked when he finally emerged from behind the curtains moments later. “You know what? Don’t bother, because they’re all kind of bad.”
Appalling bedside manner aside, the Sorcerer Supreme's demeanour had taken on a confident, no nonsense air, allowing the others a glimpse of what the doctor must have been like back in the day.
“The transference spell worked beautifully, and had Loki been equipped with all our accoutrements, the inflamed appendix would have resolved itself, and you would still be gorging on pies and cookies and what have you.” Stephen paused for dramatic effect. “Unfortunately…”
“Unfortunately?” Steve echoed fearfully.
“He doesn’t have one.” Stephen said simply. “An appendix, I mean.”
Bruce frowned. “So…”
“So the inflammation has nowhere to go. There is nothing for me to cut into, or cut out. The magic cannot close its loop.”
Steve swallowed hard. “So what can we do?”
"About that." Stephen hesitated visibly. “Theoretically, as the spell has not reached its natural conclusion, it can be reversed.”
“So what are we waiting for?” Steve drew the curtains back and grabbed Loki’s limp hand. “Loki, undo the spell.”
Loki turned his head away.
Steve's tone grew hard. “Loki, give it back.” 
Once again, his plea fell on deaf ears. 
Steve turned to the doctor. “He can give it back, can’t he?”
“Yeah…it’s not as straightforward as that, I’m afraid,” Stephen said. “The guarding, the rigidity, the severity of the pain…it’s all pointing towards a ruptured appendix. Now you may be Captain America and all, but generalised peritonitis generally has a very poor outcome, and to transfer it back to you at this stage would be a very, very stupid idea.”
“Meaning you can die,” Stephen said plainly. “Brave, I give you that, but stupid.”
“It’s not stupid if it means saving Loki’s life,” Steve growled.
“It still is if there’s another way that doesn’t involve you going through the worst agony you’ve ever felt in your life,” Stephen retorted. 
Steve’s face blanched. “Help him. Please.”
Stephen sighed. "Loki."
Loki reluctantly turned his head a fraction.
“You’re a shapeshifter. You know the insides of your body down to every last cell. Do you have a redundant organ, a vestigial piece of organic tissue you can spare?” Stephen asked.
Loki stared at him blankly.
“If you do, we can then divert the disease process into that organ, and take it out as you would a human appendix. Problem solved."
Feeling everybody’s incredulous gaze on him, Stephen felt compelled to defend his sound, professional opinion. “It’s a valid question. Doctor Who has two hearts.”
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Natasha could not resist offering her services. “I can help answer that.”
“Now that is a tough choice,” Tony said with a sympathetic grimace. 
“Guys, this is serious,” Bruce rebuked. “Can’t you see that Loki’s really sick?”
For once, Loki had to agree.
“Can all of you get out of here and let me die in peace?” he moaned.
“Brother,” Thor chastised. “No talk of death, please. I am barely recovered from your last one.”
“You know what’ll help with the pain? Vodka,” Natasha said. “Lots and lots of vodka. I sewed a hole in my stomach once and I hardly felt a thing.”
“Everybody, please!” Steve shouted. “Out. Now.”
“That’s right. Listen to the Captain, everybody," said Stephen drolly. "Everyone out but the next of kin."
Feeling the burn of Loki’s venomous eyes on the back of his head, he cleared his throat. “Correction. Everybody out, especially the next of kin. I need to have a private discussion with my patient.”
Tony tsk-tsked. “Way to go, Bambi. You’ve really ruined Christmas now.”
“Sorry,” Loki gasped.
“Don’t be,” Tony said, eyes softer than anyone had ever seen them. “We’ve watched Die Hard like, what, five years in a row? Besides, I’ve got it on hard copy, it’s ours forever. Unless I buy Netflix, of course.” 
He gave Loki’s knee a pat, awkward but gentle. “So try not to die, huh?”
Loki could only nod, the intense pain robbing him of speech and breath.
Stephen waved an impatient hand. “You too, Captain. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to him you won’t do.”
At this point, Steve was too distraught and sick with anxiety to appreciate the doctor’s dark humour. 
“I’ll be right outside, Loki.”
Loki’s eyes followed Steve and lingered on the door long after it closed behind him.
With a majestic sweep of his cloak, the Sorcerer Supreme dropped into the chair and crossed his legs expectantly. “So. What will it be?” 
When Loki remained silent, Stephen decided to stop beating around the bush. “I know you’ve got the answer. I can see it in your eyes.”
Loki licked his lips. “Stark’s right. It isn’t an easy choice.”
“It’s only a choice between aesthetic perfection and survival, Loki,” Stephen said, frowning. “We have implants, prosthetics - ”
“I am not talking about breasts or testicles, Doctor. I couldn’t care less about them,” Loki interrupted. “Only that external endowments will not do. The poison is inside me.”
Stephen waited patiently; something was coming.
“I guess it was a blessing in disguise,” Loki sniffed, cursing the threat of tears stinging his eyes. “We could have watched Baby’s Day Out and made this a lot more difficult than it needs to be.”
“Oh.” Stephen’s shoulders slumped when the truth about Loki’s dilemma sank in. “Oh, dear.”
They stayed in an uncomfortable yet somewhat companionable silence for a while, before Stephen spoke again.
“Look. I don’t know much about your anatomy, yet,” Stephen said haltingly. “But if you consent to it, I’ll see what we can do about salvaging your reproductive potential. How’s that sound?”
“You will not give me false hope,” Loki said in a hard voice. “Not you.”
“Not me,” Stephen agreed. “So here’s what we’re going to do...”
“How long does this usually take?”
“It’s a key-hole procedure, it shouldn’t take long…”
“Didn’t you tell me Strange was in an accident and it ruined his hands?’
“That was years ago, maybe he got better.”
“No, he still has the shakes. But maybe it’s one of those things that gets better with alcohol?”
“Strange is drinking and operating on my brother??”
"Settle down, kids. Uncle Tony’s got it covered. He made your Uncle Stephen a new set of hands for Christmas.”
“You did what?”
“Ever heard of biomechanically loading muscle fibres to suppress involuntary tremor, Doctor Banner?”
“Only in theory.”
“Oh, it works, I assure you. It’s medical exoskeleton technology at its best. Well. Tony’s best.”
Now he can quit his day job and go back to being a brain surgeon if he wants. Oof!”
“Damn you, Stark.”
Pat, pat. “Love you too, Rogers.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Okay, I think.” Loki listened to his body. It still pulsated with magic, his and Stephen’s combined, but where there once was fire, there was fire no more. “Yeah, I feel okay. I don't hurt anymore.”
Steve’s sigh of relief warmed his skin. Warmer still was the press of Steve’s lips on his knuckles seconds later. “You scared me.”
“I think I scared myself.” Loki smiled weakly. “And I’m not easily scared.”
“Hey, give yourself some credit. You were really sick.”
A nonchalant shrug. “Yes, well.”
“I’m serious, Loki. You nearly died.”
“Death doesn’t scare me, Captain,” Loki said gently. “At least, mine doesn’t.”
Steve was quiet. “Think I was scared enough for the both of us.”
“Sorry,” Loki apologised. “But everything’s okay now, isn’t it?”
“Is it?”
Loki tilted his head and observed Steve's stiff demeanour.
“Did the doctor tell you?” he queried tentatively. “What he did in the end?”
Steve shook his head. “He couldn’t get out of here fast enough. The minute he was sure you were going to pull through, he left.”
“Of course he did,” Loki said with a roll of his eyes. “I suppose I must visit him in that dreadful place of his and thank him properly.”
“Once you’re better,” Steve said firmly.
“I am better, Steve,” Loki said. “In all the ways that matter.”
“Yeah? Care to tell me more?”
Loki stiffened. “What makes you think there’s more?”
“There’s always more with you,” Steve exploded, his voice raw with emotions. “What did you sacrifice in the end, Loki? What did you have to give up to save my life?”
“I didn’t sacrifice. I bargained.”
“You bargained.” Steve clenched his fist, the one not still holding Loki’s hand. “Stop talking in riddles, Loki. Just tell me the truth.”
“Do you remember what I said? About how everything begins with an idea?” Loki asked softly. “Me joining you, fighting the good fight. Us, living together under one roof. The idea of you and me.”
“Yes. It was the best damn idea I’ve ever had in my life.”
Loki heard the conviction in Steve’s voice and his resolve crumbled. 
“Well I had an idea too, you see. I’ve had it for a while now. But tonight I thought - ” his voice caught in a throat thick with tears, “I thought the idea had turned into an impossibility.” 
“And what is this idea, Loki?” Steve asked, his heart pounding in his chest.
“A family,” Loki exhaled shakily. “With you.”
“You don’t mean - ?”
“My womb. I thought I had to give it up,” Loki confessed. “That’s why I hesitated. I fought the pain for as long as I could.”
Steve had turned as white as paper. His hand darted out and palmed Loki’s bandaged abdomen. “No, Loki. Tell me you didn’t.”
Loki placed his hand atop Steve’s. 
“I didn’t,” he said reassuringly. “Apparently I have - had - lots of women bits. Some I even had extras of, according to Strange.”
Steve still couldn’t speak, so Loki rambled on. “Something called ovaries? Yes, I think that’s what they’re called. He said even if one is removed, there’s a good chance we could still…well. You know.”
Increasingly perturbed by Steve’s continual silence, Loki took it upon himself to sit up -
Jolted out of his reverie, Steve quickly put a hand on Loki’s chest. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?”
It could be the close brush with death, or the lingering effects of the drugs still circulating in his veins, but Loki could feel the desire surging, the need to know what Steve Rogers was really thinking in that perfect head of his.
“Captain. My Captain,” Loki called quietly. “Does it scare you? My idea?”
Steve pulled Loki in so fast his head swam -
“You idiot,” he felt the rumble of Steve’s voice in his chest, the warmth of Steve’s kiss on his head, finally a whisper, fervent and frantic.
“The only thing that scares me is losing you.”
Everything about Steve was so warm. 
Somewhere in the mansion, a clock chimed twelve. 
After he was done kissing Loki to his heart’s content,
“Hey, since it’s officially Christmas and neither of us is dying…” Steve broke into a suggestive grin. “Wanna watch something?”
"Not Die Hard again,” Loki groaned. 
Steve shook his head. He waved a disc in the air. “Try again.”
Loki smiled at the sight of its cover. 
“Baby’s Day Out, it is.”
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Maybe either Brian or Damien (Monster Prom) pred prompts?
I will do both! Because both are good.
B.rian blinks a few times after coming to. He rubs his head slowly with a groan. It takes him a second to remember what happened, but his bulging, sloshing guts sure help with that. He'd been hanging out with S.cott and his wolfpack when...he'd gotten really hungry. And zombie hunger is no joke. Seeing all that beefy meat around him while he was like that meant things were really only going to end one way, too. S.cott had left to get him some lunch but B.rian just couldn't wait. Werewolf strength apparently doesn't mean much compared to hungry zombie strength. A nasty belch escapes B.rian, his breath stinking of old meat and wet dog. Honestly not the worst it's ever smelled, really. He rubs over his gut lazily, pressing down on someone's face. He can still taste werewolf jock meat on his breath..and it's pretty damn good. He kind of wishes he was more aware of himself when he downed the whole pack. His guts burble and churn noisily, practically drowning out the howls of the melting werewolves inside. But another delicious scent catches the zombie's attention and he looks over to see S.cott returning with some fast food. He drools watching his friend come over, but it's not burgers he has a taste for. The bag is left discarded on the ground as B.rian casually slurps down S.cott's kicking legs, sending the delicious hunk of meat down to stew with his pack. B.rian lays back in the grass again, blasting off another meaty belch. They're really thrashing around in there now. B.rian can practically feel their muscular bodies breaking down in his guts. He's sure they understand, though. Werewolf hunger can be pretty nasty from what he's seen. It just seems like zombie hunger wins out. B.rian gives the side of his gut a few dull pats and sighs contently. Werewolf is going right to the top of the menu from now on.
"That's right, squirm around for me! Feels fucking good!" D.amien grins, leaning back in his chair with his red stomach bloated out in front of him. He got stuck doing a group project he didn't care about with a bunch of guys he didn't care about. The math from there is easy--have some fun with it. And he sure is. Watching his gut slosh back and forth, bulges pushing and shoving around as his meal desperately tries to escape his gut--it's great fun! He belches thickly, a bit of fire shooting from his jaws. His gut groan and churn noisily. Demon stomachs are hotter than hell, and he gives this guy another minute tops before he's melted down into a thick sludge. "C'mon, you don't wanna die in there, do you? I'll letcha do my half of the project if you survive!" Not exactly an enticing offer, but his meal clearly wanted to live either way. That's what made this so far. His stomach boils and bubbles, a few screams echoing from his tank. A steaming belch escapes him and his stomach rounds out with a wet slosh and shrinks a couple inches. Same things that happened to the last three guys he sent down there, and now the whole group is little more than a bubbling monster stew in D.amien's guts. He pokes it a few times and grins wide. "Ah well, guess I'll just have to tell teach you guys all ditched me and wouldn't pull your weight. That'll at least get me a passing grade! And I'll be sure to 'pass' you guys, too." He pats his stomach a few times, belching up another flame. He leans back in his chair and folds his arms behind his head while he listens to his guts churn and groan. Definitely the most fun he's ever had on a group project. He'll have to do it again some time.
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Reading Agatha Christie: A Murder is Announced
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Okay, now that I have your attention...
Miss Marple is back! In a book that I liked but didn't love. We're now in the 50s, and Christie is turning the corner into her later writings where Miss Marple is going to show up a whole lot more of her books as Poirot is slowly phased out.
The books premise is a good one -- there's a newspaper announcement that a murder is going to happen and the people of a small town gather at the time and place to see if it really happens. And it does! And of course the mystery unravels from there - as Miss Marple helps figure it all out.
The set up is intriguing and back are the plethora of side plots and web of characters and it is all kind of fun as Christie uses a lot of her old tricks in a new and interesting way. I think what brings this one down a little is that it does feel a little bloated at times, therefor feeling a little draggy. But it is rewarding to people who pay close attention as there are a lot of little details that really point you in the right direction if you're paying close enough attention.
The character work is a little thinner than it has been in the previous few novels, and some of the plot elements do strain a bit of credulity, but I feel like if you go with it and enjoy Miss Marple being at her best then it is a bit of fun. And the whole second half picks up a lot of speed -- making it an easy read once you really get into it.
I think what really stood out to me more than anything was the context the book kept itself in? There's definitely some post-war related things going on, and, as Christie was getting older at the time, some lamenting at the way things use to be -- as well as general grumbling about the youth of the day (which is funny now - but I know Christie is going to get even more grumbly as we go on). It's definitely a snapshot of what an older woman in England during the early 50s would be going through.
Which brings me to the whole lesbian thing -- something this book is known for is the fact that it does feature a pair of unmmaried women with a close relationship, living together, and subtly hinting at the fact that they are, indeed, in a romantic relationship. They aren't the main characters - but it's interesting that its here -- as Christie doesn't really do LGBT characters very often, and unfortunately, they're often villainized when she does.
It's also worth noting that there's a lot of conversations about what it is to be a woman -- and the expectations and realities of being one. It's an interesting commentary that I think wasn't necessarily Christie's intention but a byproduct of Christie seemingly using these books as a way to explore the female character.
Anyway - this is one that I'd recommend. There is a bit of humor and a lot of twist and turns and I ended up liking it more than I thought I would when it started. It's a solid Miss Marple book and a good examination of what life was like at that point in time.
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remuscore · 3 years
omg if you wrote a fic that would be amazing
Okay lmao you accidentally send this twice but it works out for me bc I'm gonna use this to post the story.
Warnings: Dissociation, tiny bit of self-destruction.
Inspo: here
Remus jumped awake, suddenly aware of the rush of running water and a sting in his hands. His eyes still couldn’t seem to see what was going on though, everything was kind of a blur. Maybe his eye was acting up again? That would only explain half of the problem though, so probably not. Maybe he should try listening to whatever that guy talking to him was saying and he might be able to figure this thing out.
“What are you doing?” Roman asked in frustration. He’s probably said it a couple times now. Or not. He did get frustrated really easily.
Okay, so it was Roman who was talking to him. Remus focused on turning his head and focusing on his sash and gold clasps on his suit, trying to take in the little details. It was so much harder than he had expected, but finally he could see enough to lift his head and see Roman’s annoyed expression.
“Uh,” Remus turned back towards the running sink. He noticed how full it was and the little bubbles making the dishes disappear under the milky water. He lifted his hands and saw they were currently drowning in the water, holding onto a sponge and bowl. “Washing the dishes?”
“I… don’t know?”
Remus kept staring at the water. His hands were red and he could tell he was going to get a rash later from this. But instead of pulling his hands away, he kept washing the dishes. His head felt too bloated with thoughts he couldn’t even grab onto to question his choices at the moment.
He jumped as someone grabbed his arm and pulled it from the sink. His sleeves were dripping onto the tiles, having not pulled them up while he was cleaning. He was led away from the kitchen. He became more aware of what was happening as the dripping fell on the carpet and he finally noticed that it was Roman that had grabbed him.
“What are you doing?” Remus mumbled. His throat hurt.
Roman turned back to him, but Remus couldn’t get his mind working enough to figure out what look he was giving him. “Getting you a towel. You’re allergic to our dish soap, dude, why were you washing the dishes?”
Roman gave him another look, but didn’t say anything. He pushed him down onto the couch and disappeared out of Remus’ view. Remus just sat there, his hands and sleeves slowly soaking through his knees. He stared down at them. His fingers ran up and down his arm, over the rough ridges of the fabric. He hated all the boning (heh) and corduroy on his suit sometimes, but he loved the uncomfortable chill that ran down his spine every time he touched them. It didn’t really do anything to him right now, but it was still fun.
“Alright, I’m back,” Remus lifted his head and momentarily stopped his hand as Roman sat next to him. His brother took his hands and started drying them off with an incredibly soft towel. Normally, it would itch with the rash growing on his hands, but it wasn’t that bad. “I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do when you have a reaction like this, but we’ll just get it off of you first and worry about the rest later.”
Remus didn’t say anything. Well, maybe he did because Roman was looking at him again, but he’s pretty sure he didn’t. If he did, he doesn’t remember. While drying his hands, Roman was also patting down and squeezing water out of Remus’ sleeves, pulling them up to reveal more rashes starting to form. One of them made a sound of disgust and Roman gently patted them dry too.
Remus wasn’t sure how long it took to do all of this. His mind felt all foggy and his tongue was bothering him. It felt too big for his mouth and he thought about just letting his jaw relax and let it hang out and dangle for a bit, but he didn’t feel like putting the effort in to do it. He was really tired.
He flinched.
Roman pulled the towel away. “What?”
“Did I hurt you?”
“No?” Remus frowned. What was he talking about? “I’m just tired, I dunno.”
Roman stared at him for a long while, but Remus wasn’t really paying attention. His shoulders felt really heavy and he felt like all he could do was just stare at his hands. Everything was unfocused and blurry and he knew what that meant. Somewhere in his brain, he knew what was going on. He just didn’t feel like stopping it. He just needed something to fiddle with and stare at.
“Do you want to take a nap than?” Roman asked slowly. Remus wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t know what to do or he just thought talking slowly would make him understand it better. Their conversation has been very confusing in the past few minutes so he couldn’t blame him.
Remus shrugged one of his shoulders. “Eh.”
Roman didn’t seem to know how to take that. They merely just sat there for a minute, both still. Remus took advantage of that and picked at the towel with his nail.
“Alright, let’s just lay down, I guess,” Roman tossed the towel on the coffee table and wrapped an arm around Remus. He didn’t notice until his head hit Roman’s shoulder that he had changed him out of his normal outfit. The Duke lazily looked down at himself to see that Roman had changed him into his Beast onesie. Probably because Remus didn’t own pajamas. Did he?
He dropped his head on his shoulder again and his hand came up to fiddle with Roman’s sash. It was really silky. Remus’ felt like that cheap lace you have for tutus. This definitely felt better to touch and play with. Especially with his sensitive hands.
“Is this better?” Roman gently pulled on the sleeve of Remus’ arm again and for a second he thought he was pulling him away, but he just pulled it down real quick to look at the rash before pulling it back up and patting it. Remus didn’t respond directly, but he did settle a bit closer. Roman moved his hand to squeeze his bicep.
“You’re okay, Rem."
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sunshineseung · 3 years
Journal Finale
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 4.9k 🌸 | includes: milf!reader x babysitter!college student!jeongin, milf!reader x dilf!changbin, threesome, blowjob (giving), unprotected PIV (missionary position), breeding/impregnation/pregnancy [end of threesome], protected anal (receiving), more unannounced voyeurism, arguing :(, kissing/making out, nipple play (giving), blowjob (giving) the squeakuel, cum swallowing, slight pussyjob, unprotected PIV (cowgirl position), use of handcuffs, creampie, your usual praise and mild degradation here and there, and the ending :) enjoy~
🌊 | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Finale |
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“Jeongin, get over here.” Changbin readied himself at your entrance while Jeongin stumbled over to Changbin. “You’re gonna fuck her pretty face while I take this pussy, got it?”
“Yes, sir!” Jeongin jumped at the command and walked to the top of the bed, running the head of his cock between your lips before you smiled and took him into your mouth. His dick hit the back of your throat as Changbin filled you up, his thick cock making you whine loudly onto Jeongin. “Ah~ mommy!”
“Such a good mouth, huh?” Changbin’s hips are relentlessly thrusting into your sopping cunt while Jeongin desperately bucks into your mouth. “Tight little cunt, too.”
As much as Jeongin wants to say “yeah, I know,” he holds back to keep the peace. Jeongin watching you get fucked while sucking his cock is going to make him cum so much faster than usual, he can already feel it. You just look so gorgeous with your tits bouncing on your chest as you get pounded by Changbin and the drool running down your face from Jeongin’s cock.
“I’m gonna fill this pussy up with my cum. Get you pregnant with my kids.” Changbin groans loudly as his cock rams into you, brushing perfectly against your g-spot. You swear you can see stars when he starts playing with your clit, egging you on even more. “Fuck, you wish this was you, don’t you, Jeongin?”
“Huh?” Jeongin peeks his head up, slowing his pace in your mouth so he can edge himself (and not look like a baby for cumming so soon).
“You wish you were knocking Y/n up, don’t you?” Changbin smiles, staring Jeongin dead in the eyes as he pounds your pussy like he owns it. “Y/n’s gonna be all mine soon enough. Once she has my kids, you’ll be out of the picture.”
“No! Please!” Jeongin’s cock slips out of your mouth, the younger going to push away your other lover. “You can’t take her!”
“You’re too late, Jeongin.” You and Changbin laugh as Jeongin looks down, your belly already bloated as if you’re pregnant. Suddenly, Jeongin feels miles away from the bed, Changbin fucking you from a distance across an indescribable void. He tries to run, but you just keep getting farther. He hears your voice: “Wake up, Jeongin! Wake up!”
“Ah~ oh my god…” 
“You like that, baby? Tell me you like it.” 
“Y-yes Changbin, so good.” 
Jeongin slowly opens his eyes, rubbing them before looking at his surroundings. He’s still in the closet… what? Jeongin looks out the crack in the closet door and as if he couldn’t already hear, Changbin’s pounding you from the back. The lighting of the room is hardly bright enough to see the action, but he certainly hears every skin slap, moan, and bed creak. 
“Fuck, your ass is so tight,” Changbin groans hardly over a whisper, the deep growl in his tone making you shiver. His hands gripped your hips tight enough to control your movements, keeping your ass still while he rammed his fat cock into your tight ass, the lube making everything sound extra wet and lewd. 
You dropped your hands to your sides and let your face fall into the bed, turning your head to the side so you could still breathe. The vision of Changbin’s dimly lit body with sweat dripping down his sculpted chest made your cunt throb, as if he hadn’t just been balls deep inside that hole minutes earlier, the used condom still on the floor next to your bed. 
Without warning, you feel Changbin release inside of your ass, his cum being caught in the condom as his pelvis stops thrusting for his body to rest. He moans loudly, your name somewhere in the mix of expletives as he comes down from his second high of the night. You both feel worn out, bodies exhausted from two consecutive rounds of sex. 
Being the gentleman he is, Changbin pulls out slowly and pulls off the condom, picking up the other one from the floor to throw them both into the trash can. As you go to the bathroom, Changbin sits on the edge of your bed and waits for you to return. 
Jeongin’s sweating bullets in the closet. He feels so disgusting for peeping like this, although this was one of his secret fantasies not too long ago. He also can’t help but feel the slightest bit jealous… okay, maybe really jealous. He backs himself into the back of your closet and puts his head into his knees, curling into a ball not to cry but just to pretend he’s anywhere else. 
“Hey, this was fun, but I should get going.” Changbin puts his wrinkled clothes back on as you get out your own pajamas. “I’d be down for a second date.”
“If you’re paying, I’m down for anything.” You both laugh as you take him out to the front door to say goodbye. After a short kiss, he goes out to his car and drives into the fog of the night. Satisfied, you hobble back to your bedroom, pleasantly unaware of the laughable mess going on at your destination.
Jeongin’s face down on your bedroom floor after tripping on the way out of the closet. You hear a loud thud, so you quick check on your daughters, but nothing’s out of the ordinary. Turning the corner into your bedroom, Jeongin’s on the other side of the door, a weak attempt to hide from you.
Of course, when you close the door, you immediately see Jeongin. You jump back and clutch your chest, beyond confused as to why Jeongin’s in your bedroom right now, half naked and shaking like a scared pup.
“Jeongin, what the fuck?!” He’s never heard you so loudly angry since you were on the phone with Minho. Every word gets caught in Jeongin’s throat as he tries to explain why he’s creeping in your bedroom. “I should call the police right now...”
“No! Wait!” Somehow, he’s out of breath without even saying anything. “I can explain.”
“Then go ahead, Jeongin. I’d love to hear your reasoning for snooping around in my room right after... wait, how long have you-“
“I wanted to surprise you, but you brought home someone else, so I just... hid in your closet while you, ya know, did that.” Your jaw hangs open because you’re just unable to believe what you just heard.
“I told you to leave, and yet you felt the need to stay, but not just stay, to hide in my closet and watch me have sex?” You’re tempted to go absolutely feral and beat the shit out of Jeongin, but being the classy lady you obviously are, you hold back. “Give me one good reason why I should let you off the hook for this.”
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t just leave. Besides, I... I fell asleep.” Jeongin hangs his head, his hands tightened into fists at his sides.
“You fell asleep?” You’re shocked the little pervert managed to doze off while you were getting the life fucked out of you. “Was the sex really that boring to watch?”
“Nonono! It’s not that! I was just tired... I guess.” Jeongin looks out of your bedroom window and sees his own bedroom, his safety. God how he wishes he were there right now. “I’m sorry! Can we just pretend this didn’t happen?”
“Pre-... Yang Jeongin, this isn’t something we can just brush under the rug!” You pace back into your room, putting your hands to your head to alleviate the sudden stress. You were too focused on what you’re going to say next that you didn’t hear Jeongin’s ‘well we could try’ remark. “This is a breech of privacy!”
“And fucking another guy behind my back is a breech of trust!”
The self control it took you to not wack this boy upside the head was immeasurable. At this rate, you had as much patience as a silent monk.
“I thought I was your only man. How many other guys have you been fucking, huh?” Jeongin thought he had finally gotten you on his side, he really did. He thought he put the jealousy behind him, but now he was heated, but not as heated as you. Oh, not nearly as heated as you.
“I don’t have feelings for you, Jeongin.” You put your foot down. You just stared at the boy, crossing your arms to firmly stand your ground. “This partnership isn’t exclusive. I can fuck whoever I want. I thought I made that clear.”
Jeongin’s shattered. Destroyed. Ruined. Synonyms he can’t think of for right now. You said what he already knew, but he didn’t want to hear it come from your mouth. As explosive as this relationship was, he knew it would eventually blow, just not like this, and definitely not this soon.
“Get out of my house. I want to go to bed.” You turn around, unable to face Jeongin for your own sake. “We can talk about this tomorrow.”
When the going gets tough, Yang Jeongin runs the other way. Whenever he stands up for himself, he’s punished for it. All he can do is run. He can’t keep running away.
Jeongin gets dressed in his clothes from earlier and leaves without a word, only a sullen look on his exhausted face. Walking into his own home, no one is there to greet him so late at night. Everyone in his family is asleep, or more likely jarred awake from the random slamming of doors from their lovely Jeongin.
Looking across the way to your bedroom window, the lights are off and the curtain is shut. You’ve likely gone to bed by now after this restful and simultaneously stressful day. Jeongin’s heart aches, but he’s glad you’re getting some rest. He knows how hard it can be recovering from anal.
As usual, your babysitter arrives at 5pm sharp to watch your kids while you go to work. You wave him a sour goodbye before leaving him with your kids. For once, you’re actually worried if your kids are okay. You’ve always trusted Jeongin with your easygoing daughters, but you can’t trust him anymore. Not after that.
Upon getting home, you see your two daughters running around pretending to be knights and a tired Jeongin laying on your couch being the slain dragon of course. “Welcome home! Sorry, they wouldn’t go to bed.”
“Well, at least you tried.” You put your purse down before wrangling your kids and hustling them into bed, but not before promising to play castles with them in the morning for your day off. “G’night.”
“Goodnight, mommy!” No way was Yang Jeongin going to ruin that word for you.
“So, how was work?” As you walk back into the living room, Jeongin is acting as cool and proper as possible to keep your anger level at a low.
“Let’s talk.” Damnit, the one thing Jeongin wanted to avoid. “Why did you stay last night after I told you to go home?”
“I... I wanted to play.” His cutsie submissive voice is sweet, but very much unwelcomed right now. “I missed you!”
“Cut the shit, Jeongin. I know I should have told you about Changbin, but sneaking around my house is unacceptable.” There you go again, scolding him like a child. Even though he was totally in the wrong here, he couldn’t help but feel bitter from you treating him like a kid. Some things never change. “And you decided to just stay?”
“What the hell else was I supposed to do? You and your man were blocking all the exits!” As right as he is, you refuse to admit defeat so easily. “And I wanted to join in... a little.”
“If Changbin knew you were in that closet, he would have tossed you out of the window. Consider yourself lucky.” You sigh, tossing yourself onto the couch next to Jeongin. “I don’t want to end our relationship like this, but-“
“End? What?” Jeongin’s doe eyes are wide as he jumps up and stares at you, weak in the knees just from the thought of leaving you. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“It’s not just this incident.” You take his hands in yours, rubbing your thumbs over the backs of his hands to comfort him. “This relationship was never meant to go far. We both know that.” Just because you both knew it doesn’t mean Jeongin wanted to accept it. “You deserve better than your old neighbor, and I need to move on to be happy. You deserve a real girlfriend, and my kids deserve a real dad.”
“I can be a great father!” Oh, he’s so desperate. You’ve never seen him so tearful. Your heart stings just seeing him like this. With your hands still intertwined with his, you pull him onto your lap. “Where is all this coming from? You just said the other day that you loved me.”
“I do love you, but not like this.” You can’t look him in the eyes right now. It’ll hurt too much for you both. “We’re just sex partners. That’s all this was ever going to be. Do you honestly think I’d let you become the father of my children?”
That dream. That god damned dream. The images of Changbin and you from his dream are all he sees. Your words sting like knives but they go in one ear and out the other; felt, but not heard.
“Please don’t leave me.” Jeongin can’t hold it anymore. He starts to cry, falling into your shoulder to hide his shame. You just pat his back, clutching him to your body. You didn’t expect him to get this emotional. With how your last breakup went, the crying was your job. “I love you.”
“I know,” you say, giving him plenty of time to calm down. His eyes begin to dry, but his chest is heavy. He feels like the world is collapsing around him. “All of this because I couldn’t mind my business and keep out of your journal.”
Your attempt to lighten the mood does get a chuckles out of Jeongin, but it’s followed by a pause in his breathing and a loud sigh. He backs away from your hug, wiping his cheeks and finally looking you in the eyes. It was now you realized that you haven’t made eye contact with him since you started this conversation.
“Can we do it one more time?” Aaaaaand there goes the eye contact. You fumble over your words, mind jumbled from the unexpected proposition. “And if fucking you vanilla didn’t keep you around, can I be your little boy again?”
The light in his eyes is flickering back. His skin feels warm again. Jeongin’s coming back to you. As much as you want to say no, you couldn’t possibly turn down one last time with your favorite boy. “Of course, baby. One more time.”
“I want to break the bed.” Jeongin hops up, pulling you up by your hands before you can even process what’s going on. You’re tired, he’s tired, but you both want this. This is for the both of you. “Ruin me, mommy.”
"A little demanding, aren’t we?” You turn to lock your bedroom door shut as Jeongin sits on the edge of the bed, eager for whatever you’re willing to give him. After turning down the lights, you push Jeongin back on the bed, his legs still hanging over the edge. Although your body was still recovering from the night before, you’re ready to, as Jeongin so kindly put it, break the bed. 
You set yourself up on Jeongin’s lap, both of you still clothed, and gently grind down onto his crotch. He’s hard as ever, whining as you roll your hips over him. You bite down on your lip to hold your moans, although your partner doesn’t care how much noise he makes. Jeongin’s sure that if he gets too loud, you’ll shut him up. 
“You’re so pretty underneath me, baby.” You lean down to put your hands in his hair, combing through his short hair to cup his cheeks with both of your hands. “Can I tell you something?”
“Anything,” Jeongin huffs. 
“As much as I yell at you, I do want you to know that I enjoy my time with you,” you say with sincerity dripping from your tone. You kiss his lips sweetly, quickly turning the kiss into a heated mess of tongues. His cheeks are warm against your palms. He feels so small, so precious. All yours. When the kiss breaks, you look each other in the eyes for a moment, his eyes sparkling with innocence despite the circumstances. “My lovely little boy.”
Before Jeongin can speak, you dive in for another make out session, this time the kisses leading down from his pretty lips to his defined jawline. As much as you’d love to leave hickeys, you don’t want him to have a reminder of you for the coming days. Your hands rest on his chest over his shirt as you move down to his neck, hearing him whimper and whine above you. 
Your hands slowly move his shirt up to his collarbones, exposing his chest for you to see. When you move down to his chest to play with his nipples, Jeongin throws his head back from the sensation. Your fingers twist his nipple while your mouth keeps busy on the other, sucking at the perk bud. His mind was entirely black, his only thought being how good everything feels. Pulling away from his spit-coated chest, you look down at him like he’s prey. Seeing the look in your eyes, he can feel his dick twitch in his pants. 
“You’re so sexy, mommy.” His voice is light and sweet, his submissive persona finally taking him over. “Need to be inside you.”
“So impatient, tsk.” You stand up from his body and pull him up by his wrists. “Take your clothes off, baby. I can’t touch you if you’re clothed.”
Compliantly, Jeongin quickly strips his body of his clothes, taking his pants and underwear down in one motion after yanking his shirt over his head. Behind him, you’re doing the same, getting naked so the fun can really begin. 
“Aw, so hard for me already.” You walk up to Jeongin and take his cock in your hand, stroking it while maintaining eye contact with him. His little lip bite makes him look so endearing. “You want me to suck you off, sweetheart?”
“Yes, mommy.”
“Then beg for it.” You remove your hand from his length and step back, staring at him with your arms folded over your chest. He whines loudly before pouting out his bottom lip.
“Please suck me off, ma’am. Wanna cum down your throat...” his eyes wander to your chest before darting back up to your lips where you hold a hint of a smirk. “Please?”
“What my boy wants, he gets.” You smile as his eyes light up. “Back on the bed, boy. Let mommy take care of you.”
Jeongin hops onto the bed, spreading his legs flat for you to get between. You lay on your stomach between his legs, hands immediately going to stroke his cock and play with his balls. He stares down at you, eyes glued to your face as you stare at the head of his cock. He’s already dripping. So pathetic.
Before taking him fully into your mouth, you run your tongue along the underside of his cock, flicking your tongue against his tip. He bucks his hips up before you wrap your lips around him, bobbing your head around his tip as your hand stays hard at work on his shaft. Jeongin closes his eyes and moans a little too loud for your liking, but your mouth is too busy to scold him.
“Fuck, so nice,” Jeongin whimpers between heavy breaths. He jerks his head back as his toes curl, the pleasure from your mouth becoming too hot to handle. Hollowing out your cheeks, you’re prepared for Jeongin to cum fast. If he’s really frustrated enough to spy on you, then he isn’t lasting long with your mouth on his cock. “M-mommy...”
You pop your mouth off of him, “yes, doll?”
“Please swallow my cum, okay?” Jeongin looks so angelic with the dim light bouncing off of his sweaty skin. “I’m so close.”
Without a word, you get back to business, swirling your tongue around his cock like it’s a lollipop. You can feel him throb in your grip, and his balls start to tense. For one last effort, you remove your hand that was jerking him and take him down your throat, feeling yourself nearly gag from his length.
The sensation becomes too much, and Jeongin cums down your throat, bucking his hips into your mouth while drool escapes the corners of your mouth. Carefully, you pull your head off of him, not dripping too much out of your mouth. Jeongin watches your face with a dazed expression as you swallow his load just as he asked.
“You taste so good every time, pretty boy.” You wipe your mouth of any excess runoff while Jeongin catches his breath, laying with all his limbs extended. “My turn now, isn’t it?”
“Do whatever you want to me.” Jeongin sits up on his elbows, finally able to look at you with his mind fully present. “I’m all yours.”
“You wanted to break the bed, right?” You straddle his hips, cock starting to harden again as he feels you rub his cock through your folds. “Let’s make that a goal, shall we?”
“Oh my god, please.” Jeongin holds your hips and presses his cock up against you, thrusting through the folds of your cunt.
“Hands to yourself, baby.” You take his wrists and hold his hands above his head. “Unless you need some help restraining them.”
“Oh mommy, please handcuff me!” He’s too excited about this. Still, you reach over into your bedside drawer and pull out a pair of leather cuffs, wrapping them through the bed frame before retraining his wrists.
“Much better.” You kiss his lips before leaning back up to ride him. Now that’s he hard again, you raise your hips from his to line his cock with your entrance. “I’m not stopping unless you say something, got it?”
“Yes ma’am!” Jeongin can hardly wait to be inside you again.
You slowly lower yourself down onto his cock, letting him stretch you out and fill you up with his length. Your moans are deep and grand, while Jeongin pathetically whines like a bitch in heat. You love it. “Mmm, good boy, Innie. Such a good boy.”
Your praises make him stutter in his whimpers something vaguely resembling a “thank you”. You’ll take what you can get, surprised he can think of anything when he’s this far into his headspace.
You start to ride him, your hips lifting and lowering on his cock. The continuous clenches of your cunt around his dick makes him throb, his chest raising and lowering with every deep breath. His tip runs into your cunt as his shaft drifts against your walls. You feel so full, so good, so fucking good. The only thought on your brain is Jeongin’s cock.
When you speed up your strokes, the bed starts squeaking louder and louder. Between your shared moans and the suggestive bodily noises, you couldn’t be any louder unless you wanted to scare your children awake. Still, you didn’t get this house so well soundproofed for nothing, although that was admittedly Minho’s idea.
“Fuck, you feel so good, Jeongin.” Dropping the pet names for a moment, you let your body go as you feel your orgasm start to near. One of your hands goes down to your clit while your other holds you up, planting firmly next to Jeongin’s head. Your tits are practically in his face, and he can’t help but take a peek. “You think you can cum again for me, baby?”
“Of course, yes! Please let me cum.” Jeongin struggles against the restraints, totally forgetting they’re even there, in an attempt to wrap his arms around you. His hips buck up into you as you slowly stop your motions and let him fuck you. Hitting your g-spot so effortlessly, you tighten around him as your orgasm washes over you.
While listening to you curse through your orgasm, Jeongin relentlessly pounds into you from underneath, jutting his hips up just enough to make you lose your mind. With your cunt convulsing around his dick, Jeongin can’t hold it in anymore. As you come down, he cums up into you, fucking his release into you for as long as he can before his legs go weak and he stops, you gently lowing into him before falling into his chest, kissing the nearest skin to your lips.
Suddenly, the room feels gloomy. You both know the goodbye is coming. Neither of you are ready. Being the mature on, you stretch your arms from around him and sit up, ending this sensual moment.
“Alright, I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You lift yourself off of him, holding your legs together to keep the mess from dripping down your legs. “There’s tissues next to you if you want to clean up.”
Jeongin soberly takes a tissue and cleans off the mess between his legs, wishing this wasn’t the last time he’d have to clean himself up in your bed. One last time, he turns to his side and sniffs your pillow, an oddly nostalgic feeling washing over his senses. He’ll miss this.
You come out of the bathroom with a robe around you. Jeongin’s still lying on the bed collecting his thoughts. You look at each other. His smile is so pure. He’s happy just to see you.
“Thank you for everything, Jeongin.” You walk over to where he lays and kiss him on his forehead. His cheeks flush pink, but he stops smiling. He knows what’s coming. “You should go.”
“Does this mean I’m also fired?” You nod at his question, and now Jeongin’s double disappointed. “Did you enjoy tonight?”
“As much as I could.” You look around at the clothes scattered on the ground before picking up Jeongin’s underwear and handing them to him. “You should head home. It’s late.”
Jeongin takes his underwear out of your hand, and now he’s red with embarrassment. He gets dressed as you walk back to the living room to get his bookbag so he can walk out as easily as possible.
“Bye, Jeongin. I’ll see you around I guess.” This is so much more awkward than you intended. You’re waving goodbye as he walks down your driveway, but he isn’t even looking at you. When he turns back to his house, you see him wave his entire arm towards you.
“Bye Ms. L/n! Thank you!” His yell is so cute. You can’t help but smile before walking back into your house to finally go to bed.
Walking into his silent house, Jeongin runs up to his room to finally be at peace. He tosses his bag towards his bed before sitting against his door with his head in his hands. He isn’t crying (he already did that). He’s decompressing. That’s what he’s calling it, anyway.
Looking at his desk, that’s where it sits. That fucking journal. The thing that got him into this mess. The omen that’s been haunting him since that night. Jeongin can hardly look at the black and white marbled pattern. As nice as he thought his writing was in that book, he can’t have it anymore. The clusterfuck that his journal represented was too much to handle. It’s time to move on.
Jeongin: Hey sorry it’s late can I use your fire pit tomorrow night?
Seungmin: Wtf why?
Jeongin: Long story. I just need to burn something.
Seungmin: Should I invite the others?
Jeongin: Sure let’s make it a party
Seungmin: I expect a full explanation tomorrow, alright?
Seungmin: I don’t just light up the fire pit for anyone.
Jeongin: Thank you
Seungmin: Anything for you bro :)
Jeongin: omg don’t call me bro you’ve been hanging with Felix too much
Seungmin: Is it really that obvious?
Seungmin: Damn 😔
“Do it! Do it!” Jeongin’s friends were chanting behind him, eager to see the youngest burn his notebook. Jeongin looked down one last time at the journal before tossing it into the open flame and watching the fire burn higher and brighter. He steps back into Felix who holds him by his waist, pulling him into a back hug.
“Fuck yeah!” Jisung raises his beer in the air and turns up the music with his phone. Hyunjin and Jisung go dance on the patio while Seungmin tends to the fire. “Woo! Jeongin’s free!”
“I’m proud of you, Jeongin.” Felix turns him around, bringing him into a regular front hug. “I don’t know the whole story, but I’m glad you moved passed whatever was getting you down, man.”
“I’m not over it yet, but this sure did help.” Jeongin looks back at the fire before faintly smiling. “Let’s go drink.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice!” The Aussie in Felix is eager to grab a beer like the rest and loosen up, Jeongin joining his hand in the cooler. Seungmin smiles as he looks over his friends, all smiling and singing to a song from 2009. “Min, ya joining?”
“I’d rather not burn my house down. I can sing from over here.” They all cheer before continuing to sing their childhood classic.
For the first time in forever, Jeongin’s thinking of something other than you. He’s happy. Let him be happy.
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taglist: @binnie-m00n​​ @sparklysung​​ @starsareseen​ @sailorhyunjinz​ @gothicstay​​ @vogueinnie​ @mariannaab​ @spilledtee 
Thank you for reading this series and supporting my writing!!! This has been a really fun series to write and I’m glad so many people enjoyed it :) Again, thank you!
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horanghoe · 4 years
warm milk & honey - SKZ fic
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A/N: I just realised I forgot Han ^ I am screaming
Pairing: OT7/reader
Rating: PG friendly (with a friendly warning of poly / multiple person relationship).
Genre: POLY!SKZ / Fluff / Very slight angst & mentions of bad sleep patterns.
Word Count: 3.6k exactly, my doods
Summary: A restless night, ultimately remedied by your sweet baby man angel boys. Or alternatively: Istg if Jisung makes one more weird noise imma end this man’s whole life no cap, Binnie hold me back -
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Special Mentions <3
 @domjaehyun​ for being a yoghurt eating legend that takes a year to respond ASKDJF ILY BICH//
@seowoos​ for inspiring this whole damn thing & helping me feel more comfortable w publishing more niche content models. Even if it’s just cheesy enough for the two of us <3 //
@chocolvte​ for being another OG on this list, n just generally being a sweet bean <3 baby girl ur reactions were the second inspiration to get me INTO SKZ in the first place. ily uwu // 
and lastly, surprise @mikoto-ica-fics​ !! You were the last part of the equation that got me to write smin for these boys. I binged practically all your fics in two nights bby, keep making michellin star fics <3
Tonight wasn’t working out quite as you had expected.
To be honest, it was fucking shit.
Well, the night itself was okay. In terms of activities. An evening in with your boyfriend, Chan.
Just you two versus the world. The poor boy was so tired that honestly, it had only consisted of a walk through the park to grab snacks, and returning to the empty dorm to laze around the whole evening. A Netflix date with some *ahem* late night fun to settle you both into a deep, restful state.
It was brilliant, fantastic. Until it wasn’t.
Until you lay painfully awake in his bed and suffocated in the dark silence and space between you. It wasn’t Chan’s fault; the obnoxious whirring of electronics made your head spin, tiny flashing lights and minute feelings of unease at the cupboard door leaning open; all made it virtually impossible to sleep.
It was too cold. Too hot. You were so comfortable, melted into the mattress. But it was swallowing you and your claustrophobia was starting to make you twitch. Moving off of your angelic boy’s limbs, you shimmied to the cooler side of the bed.
He stirred a little, before settling on turning away, onto his side. Phew. At least you hadn’t woken him. It wasn’t like you were trying to be selfish, but fuck. This was insufferable.
Every time you looked at the clock you were sure it slowed down - balls, at this point it could’ve skipped back an hour and you wouldn’t have batted an eye. Mostly because if they weren’t checking the clock, they were staring dead straight up at the ceiling.
Eh. Ugh. Fuck. I can’t sleep.
That’s all your brain could think. Stuck - monotone and on a never-ending loop.
It seemed like everything you had ever thought was swimming around in your brain like some kind of primordial juice. Feelings and emotions swelling and bloating in your belly until they settled.
And then a car passed outside, and everything started to swell up again.
Chan was on his side, turned away and peacefully gaining some shut-eye. He was only lightly sleeping though, that much you could tell. His body gently lifting, then falling with breath. Like you; he often struggled to sleep deeply, usually not lasting very long when he did manage to.
You were so pissed.
How dare he sleep. And look so good doing it. Even just his bareback looked hot as shit - here you were, a messy, greasy big toe wrestling with your stupid ape brain to shut off the useless brain thoughts, next to this slice of heaven - just, ugh existing so perfectly.
“Oh my god, this is torture.” You cursed quietly into the dead space.
Maybe the frustration was all from hormones?
Nah, fuck that. Feminism and all that jazz. That’s just part of the human condition, babycakes. Happens to the best of us, unfortunately.
No, what it was, was the constant whirring coming from the TV screen and Felix’s PlayStation tower and large monitor. The tiny little flashes, whirrs, huffs from the fan and rotating lights. It was driving you abhorrently insane. FUCK.
“Chan? Channie, baby, are you awake?.” You whispered into the air. His breath faltered a little, stirred mostly by your movement to groan, gruff and flip the duvet off your hot, sticky body. Gentle though you tried to be, it was still enough to wake his fuzzy brain.
“Chan, please. I’m sorry babe but that TV is driving me fucking insane.” Your voice was too alert and frustrated for him not to stir. His heart panged a little at the distress laced in your tone.
“Please, Channie. I’m so sorry…”
He rolled on his back to look at you. Slowly, and with much effort. He groaned softly before wiping his eyes and leaving his arms above his head.
“Hey.” He whispered, warmly smiling.
“Don’t be sorry – can you not sleep again, baby girl?” Chan asked softly, watching you sit stiffly upright. His deep voice made your heart flutter, nodding as he groaned. He smiled despite any resentment you may have allowed him to feel. Resting his warm palm against your rib as he muttered a response - you excused his fumbled words for definition - so tired he was barely able to keep his eyes open.
“You can turn it off, yeah?” Chan sighed.
What he meant was ‘You know how and where to turn it off, without messing up the whole system like last time, right?’. You nodded quickly, squeezing his bicep lightly before slipping from the exposed mattress.
Dashing up to scramble behind the low TV unit and find the one wire to end it all. Your infernal pain that was.
He watched you, letting his eyes rest occasionally. Truth was, you looked so beautiful to him when you were concentrating on something. For example, pulling out the HDMI cord triumphantly. And holding in a small squeal (scream), of relief when the high pitched buzzing cut out with a slight electronic fuzz. He chuckled, not missing your little feet pattering in step with a tiny little victory pump.
“Yes. Fuck. The noise, it’s gone!” Chan chuckled softly, keeping his arm outstretched until you landed beside him. Pulling you toward him, under the covers.
“Yeah, you really got that wire Y/N. Showed it who’s the boss, huh?” His tired enthusiasm outweighed his sarcasm, owning a soft kiss to the cheek as you clambered over the bed, only to flop with a weighted sigh straight down onto his shoulder.
He giggled, smiling with a yawn as he tucked his arm against your ribs, tucking you up against his chest in a bearhug.
You fell asleep quickly; soft breaths and just the presence of Chan's being, enough to satiate the gnawing ache in the back of your brain.
And it was peaceful. Restful. Warm, and so pleasant.
Until it wasn’t.
Turns out tonight wasn’t your night. The clock read 1:28 am – and the boys were due to come home from practice any moment now. To be honest they were pretty late.
Chan had originally had the day off, hence the chance for you to be led here in his arms. But you were starting to think it really hadn’t made that much of a difference.
It wasn’t just the high pitched whirring that had aggravated you, but now the uncomfortable heat radiating from Chan's body. The small whoosh of cool air against your neck at any vehicle that passed by. Or just the evening breeze. You groaned softly, dropping your head back to Chan’s chest with a soft thud, lulling back into a light and unrestful sleep.
Ten minutes or so passed. Waking from a fuzzy dream, you were disorientated. The worst dreams always happened in short little bursts. Like little hellish fever dreams.
The clock now read 1:39 am and the time between minutes was becoming unbearable. Too long to bear . You had to move. Speak. Scream. Cry. Kick. Do something.
Peeling off Chan’s arm, and replacing yourself with a large fluffy pillow, you left your lover to rest. You dread to think that it would be able to replace you, but hey, at least it wouldn’t move like one big fat sweaty ferret, right?
Sigh. Sad times.
You abandoned Chan for the disgustingly bright hallway. Seeking new comforts, from whoever would take you. The boys were home; noises of beings floating down the hall, past Chan’s room.
By the time you had gathered the strength to rise off the bed though – blinking away the stars and excited little lines in your vision and raising enough chi to move your soul, and body upwards off of the bed – an inkling of tiredness was starting to itch into your consciousness.
You ached to be held. Loved.
You weren’t sleepy enough to get back into his bed though. Though; you missed Chan’s body as soon as you had tumbled yourself away from it.
Fetching your favourite fluffy square pillow and putting on one of Chan’s big shirts, you padded out and into the hallway. The door closed behind you with a soft putt, pillow tight against your belly.
The tired but comfortingly loud voices of your other lovers were coming from the kitchen.
You wobbled forward, groaning to yourself as your thighs began to ache. Just from being alive, you guessed. Your thighs tingled your skin into little chilly goosebumps, a shiver sparking down your spine.
Maybe the heat of Chan’s bed wasn’t so bad, you began to consider. Before a voice echoed down to where you were slowly walking from.
“Ya – hold up, I’ll grab my jumper then we can watch that stupid shit-film you were on about earlier?” You heard Jisung shout over the kitchen to the boys gathered on the sofa.
The boys muttered some form of agreement and before you could process it, the firm but soft body of Han Jisung had swung right around the corner and straight into your zombie path.
Being conscious, and not half-dead like you, he was able to stop abruptly in front of you and step back a little. The shock of a body blocking his path was quickly masked with warm love as he cooed at the sight of you.
“Y/n-ieeeeee look at youuuu~” He whispered loudly, wrapping his arms around you to squeeze you firm against his body.
His presence eased you, despite the chaotic energy he may have appeared to have. He was just one big squirrel with muscles. The perfectly-right size to pull you against him, your neck flopping so skin met skin, cheek to shoulder in that white sleeveless shirt of his.
You melted into his caring touch, groaning when he gave a squeeze and actually, not hating how firmly he held you. For a moment, he seemed to be just quietly accepting your unspoken words. Night-long grief expressed in the way you clung to him.
Eventually, he asked the inevitable questions, though.
“Baby, why aren’t you asleep? Hmm, pretty? It’s like, 2 am already!” He exclaimed softly, somewhat conscious of Chan’s sleeping presence down the hall. And your zombie-eardrums.
You couldn’t answer, instead, you let him pull you away so he could peer down at your head against his shoulder. The pillow was a soft barrier between you, though he removed it to place it softly on the floor.
“As cute as you look in Chan’s top right now, baby, this hallway is pretty cold. Gosh damn, your legs are shaking so much. How long have you been standing out here princess? Let’s get you warmed up, yeah?” He squeezed you against him once more - rubbing his warm palms against your trembling, shivering thighs.
As he stood back up you groaned again, reluctant to articulate how badly you just wanted to be softly touched. Not aggressively rubbed. Even if you appreciated the notion, it was cutely awkward. Your expression made him laugh softly, tucking hair behind your ear and placing a kiss on your cheek, head, forehead.
“You okay though? Wanna come sit with us?” You nodded quickly, body flopping into his hold as soon as his arms went to lift you. Your head rested on his shoulder, Jisung’s body dipping to lift you and wrap your knees around his hips. He was such a careful, sweet baby boy.
“Ya – come on you big baby, you. Who do you want to be delivered too for the meantime, huh? I gotta go change out of my gym stuff.”
“Hyunjin-ah... please...” You mumbled airily. Despite how unused your voice was, it was sweet as honey. He smiled, responding with a soft “Sure" before turning back to where he had come from. Heart warmed by the opportunity to care for you, even if for just a moment.
And even though he was a bit sticky – and the thought ‘yuck' registered quickly in your half-conscious brain – you didn’t mind the smell. Or the languid way he carried you.
You nuzzled against his neck, groaning once more as his entrance was announced to the room. A loud “Han Jisung's Special Delivery Service!” was projected, I.N. slipping by with a quick ruffle of your hair before moving to turn down the hall, into his room. The boys looked up at the noise and your entrance into the room, immediately softened by the sight.
You, entirely snuggled against a buoyant Jisung, that held you so carefully against his chest. Messy hair tucked under his chin; your eyes were puffy, sore, and barely open as he came into the centre of the soft-lit room.
“Nawww – cuuuutieeee~” Changbin cooed, Lee Know giggling as Seungmin stepped forward to kiss your cheek, sweetly brushing hairs away from your face. The proximity to Jisung didn’t seem to spook his intimacy.
Your eyes fluttered close from the embrace, Seungmin smiling to himself at his ability to soothe you. Even just a little.
“That’s a funny looking jumper, Ji.” Seungmin quipped, before adding a quick “Hi Y/N.” With a small squeeze of your cheek, before heading toward the kitchen.
“Hyunjin-ah you have a special request delivery here, where shall I put her?” Jisung questioned, approaching the sofa nimbly.
Hyunjin smiled, shuffling a little before holding out his arms, patting his lap.
“Right here~” you heard, before feeling gravity weigh at your back. You got off early, aided by Jisung and Hyunjin’s hands on your hips. Quietly you yawned, turning to a barefaced beautiful boy, smiling at you cutely.
Jisung pecked a kiss on your shoulder before passing, leaving to go sort himself out.
Hyunjin smiled up at you with a coo, pulling you down towards him with his long limbs. With you laying, legs tangled above him he wiggled back so you could lay comfortably on his chest.
He kissed your cheek before tucking your forehead against his chin, your eyes slowly bobbing open and shut as his calm vibe washed over you. Changbin shared some of your weight on the somewhat roomy sofa; kissing your hair softly and curling against you to keep you warm.
The television was on a late-night MC show playing. Though it registered to you as white noise. The boy’s voices over you were soothing, even if they edged a little loud occasionally.
At some point, you had started to drift off again. For the most part, Hyunjin was a gentle giant anyways. So despite his resistance to skinship, your body (and some of the boys), was never left out in terms of body-pillow-comforts.
Meaning, he treated your limbs like a very bony pillow he could encapsulate entirely.
You weren’t sure where the others were. Or what part of the sofa you were even on. You figured the end since the guys had their feet up. But you didn’t mind. It was safe. Here, in their arms. Against their bodies.
Even the bright overhead lights of the kitchen and hallway weren’t enough to stop you lulling into sleep.
At a later point, you awoke again with a startle – Jisung shushing your tired whines with a kiss as he jumped onto the sofa to your left, a little too enthusiastically. Hyunjin moaned like a brat, ultimately having a play fight underneath you until you mustered up a death stare to end all squabbles, ever. Period. Jisung settled, intertwining your fingers on Hyunjin’s belly until your breath softened. Falling into a weak slumber once more.
Once again; your sleep was great. Perfect. Until it wasn’t.
An abrupt jostle of Hyunjin jolting to stop spilling the food he held above your head, was met with an unattractive grunt of pure disgust on your part. Eyes squinted, head wrinkled and body tense, you were once again awake.
“Sorry baby! I didn’t mean to wake you!” Hyunjin whined, too loudly next to your throbbing head. Changbin noticed your tense limbs and pulled you backwards against his chest. This merely caused another squabble to ensue between them - who held the right to hold you, like a fluffy comfort blank.
Suddenly everything was bothering you again.
Their constant jostling and boyish movements were just too much. You pulled up from Changbin. Avoiding the tugging, whining, needy arms and hands from Hyunjin to stand weakly once more.
Frustrated. Tired. And all coupled with a reasonably ugly scowl weeping over your face.
They were so engrossed in their silly little arguments, little kicks, punches and teasing laughter, that they barely even noticed your sluggish movements to get up.
Until you were on your feet. Your body heat sapped from them in a bitter attempt at being sour. Hyunjins hands immediately flew out to steady you. Changbin pouting but ultimately letting you retreat once more.
“Y/Nieeee~ Come baaack, I didn’t mean it. Come lay back down, baby~” Hyunjin whined warily, the other two boys still giggling amongst themselves. You swatted against the tiredness on your face, grumbling before stumbling backwards.
You made it a few steps before you folded over on impact at hitting the kitchen table. The table thudded on impact and the boys winced, watching your face scrunch up in pain immediately.
A new pair of hands caught you this time, stuttering before lean arms caught you.
“Woah! Careful there pretty girl, nearly took the whole bloody table out. You okay?”
Felix's. Soft, caring and most importantly soft voice and calm motions of support waved over you in a way that gave you immediate comfort. You rested your head against his chest as he tugged you up, body slumping into him with an inaudible impact. He giggled, despite your weighted movements, speaking lowly with that deep, tired voice of his.
“Y/N, you silly sausage, are you alright?” He prompted quietly, leaning his head down to capture your whines and huffs of pain.
“Owww, my butt… That hurt~” You groaned, not minding his giggles but sending a puffy glare to the others snickering away on the sofa.
The table (or your idiot bulldozer body), had set a deep ache right into the cheek of your butt. Your hand kneaded it gently before Felix’s hand quickly replaced yours, rubbing and squeezing softly until your face scrunched, the pain subsiding.
“Ouch.” You whispered, peering up at him with a pout. He kissed your nose cutely with a little eruption of giggles, helping you crack a pouty smile.
“Come on, cutie.” He mumbled before grabbing your hand to guide you slowly into the kitchen. “I could kiss it better?” He prompted, ultimately softening at your lack of response. You were so morgue-ish you hadn’t even registered his words. Letting him tug you blindly as your eyes struggled to stay open.
You could barely register his hands, pressing at your waist. Weakly managing to hold on as he lifted you on top of the counter. Squinting, you could see the clock read 2:23 (am) on the cooker. Ugh. What a night.
You’d feel shit in the morning. But that was nearly impossible to think about with the way Felix was holding you right now. Like a baby. Or a puppy. A little ball of fluff.
He kept some form of contact as he moved around you – a hand to the knee or his hip between your legs. Or even lips against your hairline, using the counter space around you to do something. What he was doing, you were tired to even care.
“You know what used to help me Y/N? When I couldn’t sleep at night?” He prompted gently. You shook your head, pulling back with a weak sway
“Warm milk and honey!” He exclaimed quietly. Too cute for his own good. You smiled, and he pulled you against his chest to kiss your cheek and giggle delicately.
“You want some? Then we could try to sleep? You look like you need some shut-eye, baby. Don’t wanna miss out on that beauty sleep! If you want - we can always sleep in – just call in sick? Your boss is honestly so nice, I'm sure she won’t mind. You say you’re always working through lunch breaks anyway?”
Despite his rambling, you just nodded. Tired eyes once again resting as the hum of the radiator, the vibration of his chest eased your brain. Your head tucked so right underneath his chin. His palms folded behind your lower back.
At some point, Changbin had appeared. Sweeping a thumb over your forehead before kissing you sweetly, cheek resting on Felix’s shoulder.
“I love you, princess. Sorry for waking you.” He had whispered against your lips. “Mmm-I-love-you-too-Binnie~” You managed in one tumbling sentence. In fairness, the touch would've probably led you both somewhere (the bedroom), if you weren’t in such a zombie-like state.
“Sure thing, pretty.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your puffy cheeks before retreating. He let you both be, cold marble beneath your thighs now warmed by your constant body heat. You passed out pretty quickly against Felix’s chest. Cocooned, safe.
What you did miss in your deep, deep sleep was the way they carried you.
Felix physically, to their shared room. Changbin carrying your drinks and fetching your favourite pillow from the hall.
And what you heavenly missed in the night; they made up to you in the morning.
And the next night. And the night after that.
Because even though you occasionally suffered restless nights, you knew one of them would always be there to catch you.
And you’d do the same for them.
P.S. Fuck Chan’s wiring system. Extension cables were the bane of your nightly living. *holds up fingers in a cross and hisses*
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well would you look at that: updated 03/OCTOBER/2021
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onceuponaloonatic · 3 years
i found this old misamo draft and just felt like sharing since it's so adorable. i edited it a bit to reflect my current writing style !! sorry i've been gone, classes started again and it's been a little overwhelming. i try to work on stuff when i can and have some stuff in the works, so i'll try to get them out soon !! also my inbox is empty again so if you have any lingering ideas i'm happy to listen to them. i may not post much but i do lurk around here a lot. love you guys !!
Mina didn’t know how long she had been there.
Sana and Momo were fast asleep behind her, both of them had passed out the minute they realized they finally had a little bit of time to sleep. Mina had tried to join them at first, but despite her exhaustion, she just couldn’t sleep. Not with the tiny little bundle that had recently taken up residence in their bedroom.
Being a parent was weird, Mina was coming to realize. Before, it had just been her, Sana, and Momo. They had created their own little world, their own perfect life in France. Their careers had been fun while they lasted, even if there were times Mina hated her job more than anything. There were days it was so hard, she was surprised she was able to convince people her smile was real. Days she was surprised she was able to get out of bed. Surprised she was able to keep going, keep performing. There was a period she couldn’t even remember any of her stages, she would just be in the dressing room one minute and suddenly she was in the van pushed up against Jeongyeon or Jihyo and everyone was telling her how good their performance was. Even with all of this though, Mina was happy with her job at the end of the day. She met Sana and Momo. She got to shine as bright as had desired when she was too young to even imagine the life she would have later. She got to see the world, she got to put smiles on people’s faces, and she got to be a role model for people all over the world.
Mina had thought she would be sadder when twice ended. But she didn’t really felt sad. She didn’t really feel anything. They had all known it was coming, and it felt right. They had a good run, but it was time for them all to move on with their lives. For Mina to move on, with the loves of her life.
All their friends were sad when they moved to France, but it felt right. East Asia would always remind them of their careers, retirement couldn’t erase ten years of being the nation’s girl group. They knew if they wanted to start this next chapter of their lives, they had to go somewhere far away. All three of them had moved to another country before, and honestly, France just felt like the right place for them to start their new lives as retired people. Sana laughed when she called them that, saying thirty-three was too young to be retired. But that’s what they were, retired.
It was nice living with just Sana and Momo. Life was a lot simpler now, but Mina loved it. She didn’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing or wearing the wrong outfit or her face was bloated. All she had to worry about now was what day to go grocery shopping and if she had hung the laundry up yet. Yes, being an idol was great, but this was great too. In a completely different way.
Mina had been happy with just Sana and Momo, but she also didn’t hate the idea of having a kid. It seemed interesting, and she had always thought about what it would be like to be a mom. Sana and Momo were more outwardly excited, but Mina couldn’t help the mounting internal excitement when they found out they were going to be moms. And now that their baby was actually here, Mina couldn’t help herself from being obsessed with her.
When Momo and Sana fell asleep, Nico was fast asleep too. Sana had just fed her and Nico had fallen asleep on Momo’s chest while Momo swayed her gently. Mina knew from experience that was enough to put anyone to sleep, it was one of the comfiest places on earth. However, just like it had been in the past twenty-four hours since Nico came home, she was awake not long after falling asleep. Mina had been watching her when she woke up. Mina liked watching Nico. She liked memorizing her baby’s features. She always took notes on all the pieces of Sana she saw in Nico. All the pieces of Momo. It was weird, Nico wasn’t biologically related to Mina at all, but she also couldn’t help but see little pieces of herself in Nico too.
When Nico woke up, she didn’t cry. Maybe it’s because she knew Mina was right there, or maybe she just didn’t need anything, but she stayed quiet in her crib. She made eye contact with Mina before yawning and squirming a little. Mina expected her to cry, but she didn’t. Instead, she and Mina started a small staring contest. It wasn’t awkward though, it somehow felt right. Like Mina’s life had been leading up to this moment. It was weird, that something so simple made her feel so happy. Being a parent was weird.
She didn’t know how long they stayed like this, but eventually, her moment was interrupted by the annoying buzz of her phone in her pocket.
She didn’t want to leave Nico, so she picked her up as gently as possible and carried her to the living room. She made sure Nico was comfy against her chest before she answered her phone.
“I knew you would be awake.” Nayeon’s teasing voice came through the phone.
“I could have been asleep.” Mina nodded, drawing small shapes on the back of Nico’s back.
“You're not. You are with her, aren’t you?” Mina nodded, panning the camera down to show Nico on her chest.
“Want to meet her?” Mina smiled. They had been away from their phones all day, wanting to spend every spare second with Nico now that she was home. This meant their friends hadn’t been able to see Nico, in video chat or in photo form.
“I met her when she was born.” Nayeon giggled. “But, that was two months ago, so I’ll meet her again.”
“Okay.” Mina couldn’t wipe the smile from her face if she wanted to. She moved Nico so she was facing the camera, her body being supported by Min. “Nico-ya, this is Auntie Nayeon. She’s your godmother.” Nico made a little noise as she got some spit on her face. Mina laughed, grabbing a spit rag for Nico and kissing her hair. “I think that means she likes you.”
“Hi, sweetheart. I like you too.” Nayeon had tears in her eyes. She had always gotten emotional around babies, but especially any of the twice-member’s kids. Jeongyeon had always teased her relentlessly for it. “It’s nice to finally see you at home.”
“We are happy to have her here. Sana was going a little crazy and Momo has a talent for encouraging her. Everything is okay now though.” Mina took one of Nico’s hands and squeezed it.
“I’m sure it drove all of you crazy. You should have seen Jihyo with Eunmi. She only had a three-week stay and she drove her husband and me absolutely crazy. She vicariously lived through Hyemi to deal with her Eunmi issues. It was kind of nice at first to have someone to take care of her, but it got too much pretty fast.” Nayeon giggled. “Speaking of Hyo, she told me to tell you to text her. She and I were planning on coming out to see Nico soon.”
“Oh, it’s okay. We know you guys are busy.”
“Nah, we both need some time away, especially Hyo. Have you talked to Chae and Tzu yet?”
“They actually have some big trips coming up. But they said they do want to come to see Nico soon. They want to stay for a while.” Mina explained, adjusting Nico in her lap.
“They are both so in love with Nico. It’s sweet.” Nayeon laughed at the thought. “I know they are both pretty against having their own kids, so it’s cute they are latching onto Nico as hard as they have been.”
“Yeah, they’ve never really been like this before. But she got that from Sana, everyone loves her.” Mina had thought about this before. Sana was born to be loved. Her being an idol was like fate. Everyone loved her, and the people who didn’t were either jealous or spiteful. And even then, Sana even loved people like that back. Sana’s heart was so good, she always tried to love people before anything else. Mina had always adored that about her.
“I love her more than I love Sana.” Nayeon shrugged.
“I’ll be sure to tell her that when she wakes up.” Mina giggled. “I’m sure it will make her day.”
“Wait no please don’t do that. I used to live with Sana, I know she will leave me like ten voicemails complaining I don’t love her.” Mina couldn’t help but giggle at the whine in Nayeon’s voice.
“Nope, you said it. Can’t take it back now.” Mina continued laughing until she heard some shuffling around behind her. She turned and found Momo coming towards her with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and her eyes half-closed. “Hello.”
“Mitang.” Momo whined as a response, plopping herself down next to Mina.
“Is that Momo?” Nayeon asked.
“Hi Nayeon-Unnie.” Momo greeted before pressing her face into Mina’s shoulder. “Mitang it’s sleepy time.”
“You were asleep, why did you wake up?” Mina giggled, brushing Momo’s hair out of her face.
“Sana kicked me.” Momo whined. “And it felt too cold.”
“You had Sana and two blankets.” Mina nodded.
“Sana is too warm,” Momo muttered. “Mitang is the perfect temperature.”
“So Sana is too warm, but I’m the perfect temperature?” Mina giggled. “Anyway, We’ll be up in a minute, so go ahead and go back to bed.”
“I’ll wait.” Momo nodded, kissing Mina’s shoulder and laying a hand onto Nico’s back.
“It’s like three am over there, if you guys are tired you really should go to bed. Nico’s awake but she’s quite and honestly with newborns that’s the best your going to get.” Nayeon looked at the two with a fond smile. One that could only come about from watching a romance blossom between some of her favorite people. ‘Besides, she can’t sleep if Mina is fussing over her too much.”
“She has a point.” Momo muttered into Mina’s shoulder.
“Okay.” Mina couldn’t help her heart from fluttering at the little kisses Momo left along her shoulder. When she was younger, they might have been hot, and definitely something she wouldn't let anyone else see. But now they just felt comforting. She knew Momo loved her.
“Have a good day Unnie.” Momo greeted from her spot on Mina's shoulder.
“Nico-ya be good. I’ll see you soon my love.” Nayeon blew kisses at the camera.
“None for us?” Momo whined.
“Nope. Bye Nico!” Nayeon waved as she hung up. Mina rolled her eyes and looked down at Nico, who was already half asleep.
“Looks like someone’s ready for bed.” Mina giggled.
“Can't blame me. I was fast asleep with my Mitang.” Momo pouted.
“Not you.” Mina giggled. “Our lives don't revolve around us anymore.”
No.” Mina felt Momo’s smile without having to look at her. “And are you okay with that?”
“I’m more than okay with it.” Mina nodded. “I love it.”
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irontinystar · 3 years
“It’s not gonna hold!” a chirpy voice affirms. “We should fix the proportions!”
Tony smirks at that, his chest filled with pride, while he smiles all by himself.
Another squeaky voice confirms the first statement. “Maybe we should add three centimetres on the left?” A few seconds of silence. “Actually, the height is double time that side, so we should add three point five centimetres.”
At the suggestion Tony frowns. He’s laying face down on a beach chair, trying to get a tan on his back, so it’s not really that easy for him to see what’s going on by his side. He half opens one eye just to check everything is okay, and most importantly- who the hell has just outsmarted his very bright and very smart daughter.
He sees his little Morgan still sitting legs crossed on the sand, her pink kerchief precariously holding on her ruffled hair. She’s filling a bucket with sand and eyeing in a critic way at the construction of a castle in front of her. Tony smiles again, amused by how his babygirl is not only playing with sand like all the other kids, but is actually taking the act of building constructions very seriously.
“Or maybe we could rotate this tower right here, in this way it would be proportioned” the other small voice talks again. “We would just have to make that fort a little wider.”
Finally, Tony sits up. He has never considered himself to be the kind of parent who competes for his child to be better than other kids, but for god’s sake, his daughter is a genius, who can be the nerdy kid who’s speaking over her?
He straights up his back and cocks his head, and almost loses a beat when he rests his eyes on a slim and blonde little girl sat legs crossed too near his Morgan, studying the sand building with the same intensity he dedicates to math equations.
“Yeah, you’re right” Morgan bubbles, and Tony realises he has been staring at the kids for a little too long.
“Morgan” he calls, and the brunette head of the girl snaps on him.
“Daddy!” she exclaims grinning widely, a teeth gap visible inside her mouth. The other girl’s head turns up too, and she looks at him with curiosity.
“Who’s your new friend?” Tony asks softly, kind of regretting his previous burst of antagonism.
Morgan turns to look at her friend, still smiling. “She’s Mary!” she replies loudly. “Mary, this is my daddy.”
Mary gives him a sheepishly smile, but her eyes are bright, and Tony suddenly feels uncomfortable. “You’ve met her today?” he asks to his daughter. Sounds weird that the beach of Palm Springs hosts two little geniuses at the same time, but yeah, life is full of coincidences, so.
Morgan laughs loudly, and her friend giggles too, at which Tony feels uncomfortable again, since it is not very pleasing to be laughed at by two little girls. “Mary is a friend from school!” Morgan explains. At which Tony relaxes a little bit. Of course she’s smart too, then, considering Morgan attends a school of prodigy kids. “I saw her this morning in the hall of the hotel” she tells.
Mary nods firmly at Morgan’s story, and the girl goes on. “Haven’t you paid attention to me? I told you so as we were having breakfast!” She frowns a little annoyed, and Tony tightens his lips with guilt.
He remembers how the girl kept on talking that morning, but he was still thinking about all the appointments he had to postpone for that week. He knows this is the only time he has to spend with Morgan, since the rest of the summer she’s gonna stay with her mom, and he really wants to be free to stay with her the most, but his company is not gonna run by itself, and he’s kinda scared he’s not going to be able to balance his businessman’s duty with his father’s duty.
“I know” he mumbles. “Yeah, yeah, I remember now.”
Morgan frowns. “You’re lying!” she points out, but before Tony can find an excuse to that, she chuckles with her friend.
“Dads always lie!” Mary says squinting her eyes with laughter. “Mine does too! He thinks I do not know that, but I do.”
Tony smiles apologetically. He feels his cheeks coloring at being called out, but the girls seem to be having fun, so that’s not really a problem.
He’s still working his way out of such embarrassment when a voice makes him turn around. “Mary!” a man calls, and the giggles of the little girls cease on the spot.
Morgan’s friend groans. “Here he goes” she mumbles. “I’m here!” she then exclaims, waving her arms. The man approaches their little spot on the sand, and Tony has to remind himself it’s rude to stare at strangers, because he’s definitely been staring.
Indeed the man is tall, has broad shoulders and a slim waist. Glowing skin and golden hair, and when he exhales, relieved at having found the little girl, he shows the brightest of smiles.
“Mary! I’ve told you not to run away without saying anything” the stranger scolds, his perfectly pinched eyebrows narrowed with reproach. “You made me worry.”
Mary’s shoulders slump. “I’m sorry pop” she whines. “I just wanted to play with Morgan” she holds the other girl’s hand to make her dad see her, and the man’s frown softens.
“You just had to ask, Mary. You know I let you do what you want, but first-“
“I have to ask, yeah, I know” the girl grunts.
Tony looks at their interaction a little entranced, still stealing glances of the hot stranger in front of him, when the man finally turns and looks at him.
“I’m really sorry she bothered you. She can sound as a showoff, but I promise she means no harm” he says with a rueful expression.
Shrugging, Tony shushes his apologies away. “Don’t worry” he scoffs. “I know what it means to have a smartass kid” he assures.
“Daddy!” Morgan reproaches Tony’s usage of bad words right away.
“I’m sorry!” he raises his hands as a sign of surrender, then he turns to look at the stranger again. “See? Can be a pain in the butt, sometimes” he says, throwing a glance at his daughter when he says ‘butt’, at which Morgan nods firmly.
The man chuckles. “Yeah, it’s a little annoying when they remind you just how dumb of a child you were in comparison” he jokes tilting his head, a small embarrassed movement that Tony finds adorable.
He raises an eyebrow faking cluelessness. “Oh, I wouldn’t know” he shrugs. “I was quite of a genius myself, so-“ He’s not usually one to brag, but he saw the chance of being flirty, and took it without a second thought.
The man slightly blushes at that. “Oh, well- then I guess it was just me who’s always been average.”
Yeah, average, Tony thinks, you look everything but average. “So you telling me she took everything from her mother?” he asks, mostly to test the waters. He cannot deny this stranger is quite interesting, but he would never interfere with a marriage, so it’s better to set things right away.
The blond man’s smile dies on the spot and his face grimaces. His jaw twitches as he says “Yeah, she was a very smart woman.” His voice is full of fondness, and Tony feels like a moron.
“Oh” he indeed bubbles embarrassed. “I’m sorry” he shifts on his feet, and he gets a glimpse of the girls’ castle, detailed and most of all proportioned.
“No worries” the man says, a smile back on his handsome face. “I’m Steve, by the way. Mary’s father” he introduces himself offering one hand.
Tony stares at it for an instant, feeling a little off-balance- if because of the hot sun or the hot stranger he doesn't really know. Then he reaches out with his hand and shakes Steve’s one. “I’m Tony, Tony Stark” he says, mostly because he thinks this Steve guy must have realised by now that he’s talking to the owner of Stark’s Industries.
Steve tilts his head. “Oh,” he gapes. “We’re using full names? Then I’m Steve Rogers.”
Tony chuckles, thinking Steve is making fun of him, but when the man frowns without a clue, he decides not to dig into it. It’s not that nice to ask “What? You don’t know who I am?” as some kind of self bloated narcissist, which he is not.
“Daddy, I’m hungry” Morgan whines gripping at his leg, saving him from the embarrassment.
“Yeah, sweetheart, we’re going to dinner, don’t worry” Tony reassures her, before turning to the man another time.
Steve smiles. “Yeah, we’re going too.” He grabs Mary’s hand to help her stand up. The girl bats the sand off her knees with a groan.
“So-“ Steve says looking at him, holding his daughter’s hand.
Tony grins encouraging him to go on, but Steve scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah, have a good meal” he wishes, his cheeks faintly flushing.
The thing highly pleases Tony, and when the blond man waves his hand and turns to walk away, Tony pushes himself to be a little bolder. “Steve!” he calls, ignoring Morgan’s tugs at his leg to go eating.
Steve turns on the spot, and flashes him another bright smile. The sunlight of the golden hour hits him ruthlessly, and he looks like a damn greek god under it.
Tony curses under his breath. “Can I offer you a drink? Later?” he asks, and why is he feeling so nervous?, he’s not fifteen anymore.
Steve brights up even more. He nods. “It would be a pleasure, Tony Stark” he beams. “See, you later, then.”
Tony smiles back, his chest pounding with expectation. “See you later.”
Read the rest on ao3 -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/26157760
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hobiiwan · 5 years
the mandalorian with a pregnant s/o
⇒ pairing: the mandalorian x reader
⇒ summary: pretty self-explanatory
⇒ warnings: brief mentions of some nsfw spicy times
⇒ notes: based on this anon (thank you!) thought the gif would be fitting. this could potentially be extended into dad!Mando (although that’s already kind of shown in the show👀so let me know if yall are down for some MandoBaby bc i definitely am) also i kinda went overboard, but who am i if not extra
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you’re not quite sure how it happened
i mean, okay,,,,
you knOw
but you can’t seem to fathom how one day you were just you and now you’re you’re carrying a little person inside you
it comes as a surprise
even though the signs were all there
the other day, you’d snapped at mando for the tiniest thing
twenty minutes later you were practically on him
not to mention the morning sickness
thaT should’ve been your biggest red flag
yet you simply chalked it up to the fault of questionable cantina food
however, now with the pregnancy test in your hands with the double red lines mockinG you straight to your face
there’s no denying it
you’re pregnant
you hate that your first thought instantly jumps to doubt
how are you going to raise this baby?? your life was not one for a child
you would never want your child to grow up in a constant state of danger
and what would mando think??? what if he doesn’t want to keep the baby; what would you do then?
you haven’t even seen his face, how are you going to raise a child together
will the child be raised a mandalorian????
so many questions
but under it all, you were happy
you’ve always wanted a family of your own
not that baby yoda doesn’t count as your child bc it totaLLY DOES
although this isn’t exactly how you expected it to happen
you’re determined to let your baby grow up surrounded by love
you just hope mando is too
when you tell him, it’s not a big occasion
it’s another day, he’s checking the ship’s controls and you’re curled up on the seat next to him
he instantly knows something’s up
because for once, you’re quiet
you gnaw on your lip as your knee bounces up and down
the anxiety is radiating off of you and it’s starting to get to him
never one to beat around the bush, he asks, turning to your huddled form, straight to the point
“what’s wrong?”
taking a deep breath you force the words out your mouth
“i’m pregnant, mando.”
your throat burns as your eyes well with tears
he goes absolutely silent
even the usual rhythm of his breathing through his moderator goes cold
his helmet is turned towards you, but you feel as though he’s looking anywhere but at you
the second the first teardrop spills down your cheek, that’s when he finally moves
whatever was on hand is dropped as he goes to take your hands in his
“i—” he starts, continues with a waver, “do you want this?”
his voice is gentle, more so than you’ve ever heard it before
mando’s thoughts are soaring
he can’t believe this is real; you’re real
he takes a moment to thank the maker for gifting him with you, and now your baby
he swears all the planets align when you nod
you’re smiling now and even with the tear tracks drying on your cheeks, mando thinks he’s never seen anything more ethereal
his hands tighten around yours as he pulls you close to him
“but what about—how can we raise a child like this?”
at this moment, he sounds so vulnerable; so open with his fears that you can’t help but love him a little more
you press your forehead against mando’s helmet
closing your eyes, you know he does too
“we’ll find a way.”
it’s in the way that he allows you to place your hands just where his helmet meets his shoulders, fingers brushing against the sliver of exposed skin
the way his own hands are heavy against the small of your back, keeps you grounded in this moment of euphoria
he doesn’t have to say it; neither do you
the words hang in the air, unspoken yet heard
you know your baby will be loved
mando ups his protectiveness to the goDS
not one haiR on your pretty little head will be harmed on his watch
he won’t let anyone get close to you, and his awareness has been tuned to a whole new level
it’s to be expected; you know he’s just doing this because he cares
but,,, manz forgotten you can take care of yourself just fine
the first few weeks, he’s a little paranoid, to say the least
but once he sees you slam a slimeball who got a little too handsy into a wall, he relaxes a bit more
still, don’t expect to do anything on your own bc for the next 9+ months, mando’s signed up to be your new butler
most days, he’ll have everything you want on hand; whenever you have cravings, back pain, swollen ankles
he’s got u
on the days you have terrible all-day morning sickness, he’s right there holding your hair up and rubbing your back soothingly
when you slump against the toilet, you swat him away because you don’t want anyone to see you right now
he doesn’t give a flying damn
cuddles are a biG thing (which surprises both of you since you’re both quite reserved people)
most nights you’ll fall asleep to his hand tracing over your growing bump and not gonna lie,,,, it’s kinda great
unTIL your bump really starts to grow and you can no longer reach down to pull on your own boots or sleep on your back
that’s when it really hits you
by the time you get to your third trimester, you’re ready for this baby to be out of you
you can’t say you particularly enjoy feeling bloated 24/7 and not being able to frequent your beloved grimy cantinas
but you’re also really excited to meet your lil baby!
you wonder how he or she will look; like you or their father?
what will their name be? 
you probably should have planned these things out by now
but since when were you and mando known for planning?
eventually mando sets up a little nursery on the ship; baby yoda’s going to have a sibling very soon
you have yet to discuss the whole helmet issue with mando
hell, you don’t even know his real name
what you do know is that you want your child to know the face of their father
but you also know how important it is for him that his face is kept hidden
mando knows the conversation is bound to happen one way or another, yet he’s still a deer in the headlights when you bring it up
he sighs heavily, and tells you he’ll think about it (despite that usually being a half-assed answer from anyone else, you know his to be genuine)
you don’t bring it up for a while afterwards; you don’t want to push him
until one day,,,,,
you’re chilling with the Child (not your own) (yet), who’s happily cooing in your arms, when the father of your actual child comes stomping in
you blank, eyebrows furrowing in confusion; the Child mimics your expression with full emphasis on the eyes
“come again?”
he sighs, (a common occurrence nowadays)
reader, you’re exasperatinG (but in a good way)
“my name,” he tries again, “it’s dyn. dyn jarren.”
your eyes widen comically as it dawns on you; that is noT what you were expecting today
he would’ve chuckled at your expression but this was noT the time
“dyn,” you breathe out as a smile grows on your face
you like it, it’s suits him perfectly
that’s when he decides he likes his own name, if it means he can hear you say it again
you lean up to press your lips against where his own would be under the helmet
“thank you,” you murmur with a softness he still hasn’t gotten used to
suddenly mando feels ready to reveal his whOLE life story to you
this is a hugE step obviously, and you can’t help but still call him mando from time to time
force of habit :’))
but when you feel that first wave of sharp pain piercing your lower back, his name is the first thing that escapes your lips
after the first ‘oh shit’ ofc
he’s by your side within a span of ten seconds
you still manage to tease him about the cacophony of clanging metal as he runs through the ship
but then the next wave of contractions hit and you’re 200% sure you blackout (mando tells you later that you didn’t)
because the next thing you know, (6 hours later, mando says) there are about 4 medical droids around you
they’re telling you to push
you didn’t think you had it in you
mando didn’t think he had it either, as you crushed every single bone in his hand
you’re also mildly cursing him
that’s a lie, obviously
there’s a pause as you gasp for breath
you’re knackereD
suddenly there’s a little cry
the droids clean your baby up and they hand him to mando
it’s a,,,,,,, drumroll please
girl !!!!
his heart stops when the baby, your baby, meets his eyes, or rather, his helmet
at that moment, mando knows he’d do absolutely anything for this little person
he’d take his helmet off a thousand times if it meant he’d get to love her properly, the way a real father should
that’s exactly what he decides to do
within the next few days, you’re back home
one morning, you wake up, suspiciously well rested
that’s weirD,,,,
you realise your daughter never cried last night
you bolt upright as quickly as you can in your state, alarmed
motherhood is wiLD
you stumble outside, eyes darting for your baby when they land on something that makes your heart stop
there he is, dyn jarren, the mandalorian, holding your baby girl in his arms, bathed in all the glory of the binary sunrise
but that’s not what gets you
his back is turned to you, and you can see the back of his head, tufts of unruly dark brown curling around warm, bronzed skin
there are tears welling in your eyes as he turns to face you
your gaze meets his own, not the reflection you’re so used to
but his eyes, rounded and dark; the ones you see on your daughter
as soon as your face breaks into a grin, he knows he’s made the right decision
your breath hitches as his lips curl into a smile; it’s a little uncertain, a little nervous
but it’s one you know you’ll never get tired of in this lifetime
he’s taken it off.
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trashytummiez · 4 years
Like Peas in a Pool
@squidbiscuit struck my inspiration again with a great and funny two parter that featured Marlon and Brawly being lovable dopes.  So I made this.  X3
Marshal watched from afar while the two young blue-haired men swam in his gym along with their Pokemon.  They were celebrating an intense tie by basically doing a peace swim together.  The older, grizzled trainer shook his head.  He would swear on his life that these two were going to end up sinking like rocks if they kept pushing themselves past their limits.  And he wasn’t 100% sure he’d want to save either of them.
Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to find out.
Instead Marlon and Brawly sat back up on the edge of the pool laughing wearily and slumped back together, their bodies dripping with water.
“Dude, ya sure know how t’give a dude a run ‘fo his money!” Marlon exclaimed and nudged back at Brawly’s arm.
The slightly younger surfer smiled excitedly back at Marlon and nudged his bare arm right back.  “Dude, you weren’t kidding!  You’re like a water type yourself when you’re in the pool, brah!  Watchin’ you ride the tide like that was bodacious!”
There was no tide.  It was a pool.
The two young men kept going back and forth with praise for one another’s skills until suddenly out of nowhere, Marlon’s deeply tanned bare stomach let forth a really loud, hungry grumble.  Marlon winced and placed a hand on his stomach, laughing as he scratched his head sheepishly.  “Sorry ‘bout that, dude.  Tank’s runnin’ on fumes here.”
His wasn’t the only one because Brawly’s own stomach growled about as loudly as Marlon’s and left him in much the same position.  “I feel that, brah,” Brawly admitted, rubbing his own grumbling stomach.  “Whadduya say we grab some grub?  Marshal’s got some great eats at the table!”
“Righteous!” Marlon said, hopping up to his bare feet.  “Let’s eat, dude!”
“Way ahead of you there, my dude!” Brawly said, eagerly leading Marlon over to the table.
Listening to these two talk made Marshal suddenly need an aspirin for some reason.
At the table Brawly was talking about, there were tons of sandwiches, fish tacos, and other meaty options.  The two hungry young men were practically drooling at the spread.  Marlon grabbed a burger and immediately chomped into it.  He chewed heartily with his cheeks bulging out.  His face immediately lit up at how delicious and juicy the burger was then he gulped that hefty mouthful down his throat and smacked his lips.  “Yo, dude!  You gotta try these burgers, man!  They’re outta this world!”  Marlon exclaimed, wolfing more of his burger down.
Brawly did as Marlon suggested and bit into a burger of his own.  Right away his own face lit up.  “Omph!  Tubular, brah!” he exclaimed with his mouth still full then gulped away.
Both Marlon and Brawly eagerly chowed down on their burgers, finishing them in no time at all.  And then they went straight for the next ones.  Both guys never stopped gushing about how delicious everything tasted as they ate at a breakneck pace.  Both Marlon and Brawly were able to completely polish off whatever bit of food was in their hands in just a matter of a few bites since all that intense swimming seemed to really work up an appetite for the boys.
Marshal could feel a vein popping in his head since that spread was meant for more than two happy go-lucky blue-haired dopes.  But he was resigned to it and just hoped that any other trainers who entered his gym weren’t gonna be hungry.  Next time, he was definitely gonna have a sign for limits.
But until then, Marlon and Brawly just kept on gleefully stuffing their faces.  
And in doing so at such record speed, the impact started to show itself.  Marlon was shirtless so his lean swimmers body was always on full display.  But with how much he was eating, that lean stomach of his was beginning to push out and get a little round the more he stuffed his face.  And just like in the pool, Brawly wasn’t far behind.  That skintight surfers shirt of his stretched out against the middle from how bloated he was starting to get.  Yet neither one showed any sign of slowing down.
They just kept on eating and eating, picking the entire table clean of its contents.  Burgers, sandwiches and tacos alike all vanished down Marlon and Brawly’s throats as their tums only swelled out more and more with every bit of food they consumed.  Marlon’s belly was starting to get rounder and heavier like a proper food baby.  Brawly’s gut wasn’t quite as big but it was getting there and only barely stayed contained under his shirt.
The two eventually cleaned the place out and left no scrap of food behind on the table.  Their bellies were absolutely packed to the brim, Marlon’s especially.  He leaned back against the table and let loose an enormous burp that echoed all throughout the gym.  
Brawly laughed and gave Brawly a thumbs up.  “Nice one, brah!”  Then he thumped his chest and released a burp of his own that was almost just as loud bit a little bit longer.
Marlon sighed and gave his belly a few satisfied pats.  “Right back at’cha, dude.”  As Marlon leaned back against the table, he marveled at how bloated his belly had become and blushed as he gently rubbed it with one hand.  He looked genuinely surprised at how full he was.  “Whoooa,” he said then hiccuped loudly.  “Nph, you fightin’ guys really put out a spread for meals, huh?”  Marlon had to burp again, gripping his belly tightly as a deep one rumbled out of his mouth and left him panting.  “Ungh, I’m totally stuffed!”
“That’s what happens when two idiots eat food meant for at least a dozen or so people,” Marshal said to himself.  Fortunately neither of the bloated young men heard him when they approached the elder larger gym leader.  Brawly was still stroking his own rounded belly while Marlon huffed and grabbed his goggles.  
“No matter!  I’ll just do a quick lap around the island to work it off!” Marlon suggested obliviously.
And in an equally oblivious and excitable manner, Brawly pumped out his arms and grinned.  “Duuuude!  That’s a great idea!  I’ll come with!”
As much as Marshal might’ve loved to have been rid of these two, he had to be the adult and grab both young men by the shoulders with a resigned sigh.  “No,” he said simply.  
“Awww, why not?” both Marlon and Brawly asked like disappointed kids.
“You’re not supposed to swim until half an hour after eating.  And that’s a normal amount...”
Both Marlon and Brawly stared at one another in confusion, then stared at their deeply swollen bellies.  It eventually clicked.  
“Ahhhh, good point,” Marlon said.
“We should wait like thirty five minutes, right?” Brawly asked sincerely.
Marshal stared off into space.
Suddenly both Marlon and Brawly found themselves kicked out of his gym, looking like confused puppies.
“Huh, he usually doesn’t close his gym this early,” Brawly said in confusion.  He shrugged and grinned back at Marlon.  “So what now, brah?”
Marlon’s rounded belly gurgled intensely and made him hiccup again and then wince uncomfortably.  “Ungh, actually, ya mind if we find a place to kick back a bit, dude?”  
They found a small beach nearby just near the shore.  Marlon sighed as he sat down in the sand stretching his legs out and leaning back to give his round ballooned belly some extra room.  Brawly did the same in a bit more of a relaxed manner.  “Ahhh, that’s more like it,” Marlon sighed and contently let the warm sun bake over his bloated belly nicely.
Brawly nodded smiled as he looked off at the gentle waves hitting the shore.  “So, whadduya wanna do to pass the time til we can swim again, brah?”
Marlon’s immensely stuffed stomach emitted a deep burbling.  Seconds later, Marlon threw his head back and expelled a massive burp so loud and heavy that Brawly thought the sand underneath him shook.  Eating that much fast food all at once made the swimmer feel really gassy.  Marlon sighed with relief and gave his gut a few pats of satisfaction.
But Brawly grinned excitedly after seeing that.  “Burping contest?  Heck yeah, brah!  I’m game!”
That actually wasn’t what Marlon was suggesting, he just really needed to get that one out.  But nonetheless the two ended up engaging in a pretty fierce burping contest on the mercifully empty beach, both letting out some monstrous ear-rattlers with no clear winner in sight.  Not that it mattered to them, they were having a ton of fun and enjoying each others company.  That was good enough for them.
Sadly for Marshal, he picked the worst possible time to head outside of his gym to go home.  As he walked off, trying in vein to ignore the immensely crass contest going on between the two youngsters, he wondered to himself if the two combined had a functioning brain cell left in either of their heads.
He was all but certain that the only working brain cells were leaving with him in a hurry.
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aching-tummies · 4 years
I made milk-eggs for breakfast today before going to work. Milk-eggs--exactly what it sounds like: add milk to the eggs as you scramble them. I had a couple of pieces of cooked-ham left in a pack that I wanted to finish today so I was already planning to make scrambled eggs with ham. On a whim I asked the other house-members (who were awake) whether or not they wanted scrambled eggs and ham as well since I was making myself breakfast anyway. They said yes so I added the milk to stretch the quantity. To be fair, they love milk-eggs anyway. If it was just for me I'd have just made eggs and ham.
I'm usually alright with dairy. It'll give me some issues, but not something horrible provided it's the right time of month. It's currently the "dairy-safe" period of the month for me so I thought nothing of adding milk to the eggs. I guess I was wrong.
I could feel my intestines cramping a little upon arriving at work and I hoped that the ache would go away rather than develop into something nasty causing me to lock myself in the bathroom for part of my shift. Short shift today anyway so I hoped that I could get through it. Things have been slow at work since my part of the world is entering "the second wave" and restrictions and stuff aren't super clear. Business is hard to pin down--we're either super busy or we're completely dead. I hoped for a busy day, thinking that being busy would be a good distraction if my guts decided we didn't like dairy today.
Today ended up being a slow day...but I managed to keep myself busy--going around organizing things, taking extra care to clean things we normally don't have time for, wipe the dust/cobwebs out of the corners and stuff etc. I didn't notice the state of my stomach until close to the end of my shift. I had an hour left to go when I felt the cramping again...slightly more intense than what I felt this morning and definitely lower down.
Originally, I had plans to run errands immediately after work and to catch a later bus back home. Upon leaving work I was re-considering errands and found myself in a mental debate with my intestines. "Okay, stomach--I got errands to run and no place around has open washrooms because of the vague restrictions. If I run errands it'll be another hour, maybe hour and a half before we're back home and have access to a washroom...if I forego the errands we can catch the bus I see literally turning the corner right now and we could be home in under 20 minutes" A few more sharp, burbling cramps from way below my navel made my decision for me and I sprinted for the bus stop.
Luckily, I made that bus and was home within the twenty minutes I had promised my stomach. It's a good thing I did it at home too rather than find a public washroom 'cuz that hours-long dairy wrecked havoc. Seeing the results kind of inspired a scenario I could vibe with in fanfic or something. Having B see the products of A's sickness (i.e. a large amount of vomit or something), pat A's stomach, and be like 'whoa...all that was inside?! Yeah...no wonder it felt so sickly." Honestly, I felt that way. I was super impressed with my guts for not causing me more problems considering the resulting mess. I got a few burbling cramps south of my navel and the sides of my stomach were sore from all the cramping as I was walking to the bus stop and then from a bus stop back home. I was massaging my guts while on the bus (bags/backpacks on one's lap are a great way to do this discreetly) and I had to push against quite a few cramps and bite my cheek to avoid whimpering from some of the harsher pains. The burbles were quite alarming because they were so low in my intestines...I rarely hear anything from that part of my anatomy.
The rest of the day would have been fine...except that I had planned on doing kinky tummy stuff 'cuz I'd get the house to myself for a couple of hours with the other people being gone. My foresaken errands had originally included getting fast-food and/or milk tea from somewhere and intentionally messing with my guts. I rewrote my plans and decided doing a bloat with tea would help me clean out my system as well as give me a bit of fun--we have the means to make tea at home anyway--tealeaves and hot water. Those plans were scrapped too because my guts felt (and still feel, as I write this) uneasy after the milk-eggs were allowed to run rampant through my guts for the few hours I was at work. It was a shorter shift, but even a short shift feels like an eternity when you've got a stomach ache that comes in waves.
It didn't end there. Relatives got back home late and nobody was up for cooking. My family is super frugal so rather than order food and have it delivered we go out to get the take-away ourselves. ‘We’ because I’m the one that keeps informed about coupons, promotions, etc.--ways to get discounts on food places. So I ended up going out with them to help us get the best bang for our buck. In the end the vote was for some greasy fast-food place specializing in burgers and all things deep-fried. Don’t get me wrong, I usually love the food from this place...but tonight I could feel my guts burbling, still fairly sore and sickly from the number milk-eggs did to me being in me for half the day. I only managed to eat half my portion because my stomach started to hurt about a quarter of the way in. 
I'm always in the mood for 'belly torture' stuff, but I find that tonight I'm kind of craving the caring side of tummy kink too. Like...I don't like comfort that goes over the top or gets coddly or whatnot. For me, if I had a partner right now I feel like I could go either way...they wanna be a sadistic butt to my burbling, achey tummy (prodding into it, trying to make the chyme flow in every which way, etc.) I'd be cool with it...they wanna soothe my sickly guts with some rubs and be a little caring in a casual kinda way...I could get down with that.
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writingsimp · 4 years
twenty seconds or twenty years
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genre smut, established relationship, domestic fluff pairing yoongi + jungkook word count 4797 words warnings rimming, face-sitting, 69, barebacking, tooth rotting fluff (you’ve been warned) summary jungkook met his gaze, cheeks still sporting a pretty pink. he smiled at yoongi as he waited for an answer or an action, whatever happened first. and it was in that moment that yoongi realized that jungkook not only makes him impatient, childish, and gassy. but jungkook made him happy. he made him feel safe and excited. like no matter what, everything will be okay. read on ao3
yoongi tapped his foot up and down impatiently, habitually biting his thumbnail, anxiously waiting as he watched jungkook flip through his article. 
“it’s terrible, isn’t it?” yoongi said impatiently, frowning when jungkook lifts a hand - as to shush him. 
“i’m not finished,” jungkook said. “let me finish this and then i’ll tell you my honest thoughts.”
yoongi groaned, throwing his head over the railing of the bunk bed, tapping his foot against the wall. how could he not be finished? jungkook’s spent at least half an hour reading the article. was it terrible? yoongi worked four days on the writing, pouring his soul into the paper, researching until he ran out of places and dates. was it all worthless? did yoongi fail to put his point across? fuck, maybe he didn’t have what it takes - that was the scary part of going back to school. 
yoongi spent years avoiding university, avoiding the stress and anxiety of always doing your best. after high school, he took three years off, to travel and not have a single care in the world. it was fun. no, it was more than that. yoongi spent three years avoiding every little bit of responsibility but in the end, that reckless, careless lifestyle wasn’t for him. 
whenever he’d visit the most domesticated couple that he knew in seoul, yoongi would find himself yearning for what they had. domestication, security, and affection. they had roots and they planted them together. yoongi wanted that, craved that sense of belonging and companionship. 
so yoongi did the only logical thing he could think of. 
he dyed his hair blue and went back to university - not necessarily in that order. 
“just tell me already!” yoongi stomped his foot against the wall, quickly losing all the patience that he’d been known to have. he wasn’t sure why jungkook always riled him but he did. jungkook made him impatient, childish, and gassy. he made yoongi feel gassy. that overwhelming bloated feeling. 
he tried explaining it to jungkook once but it didn’t translate well. yoongi ended up just blurting “farts!” in the middle of the courtyard. it was so embarrassing that yoongi still doesn’t show his face from 10 am to 11:30 am. 
“you’re going to make a hole in the wall,” jungkook said, not looking up at yoongi. “i’m sure my landlord would be more than happy to approve your plans for a remodel.”
an overwhelming bloated feeling. almost as if you overate something delicious, something that you knew would push you over the edge, but ate it regardless. and now you’re stuck with that pressure and bloated feeling. overwhelming. 
“of course he’s quick to retort but takes centuries to read a simple five page article! aren’t you embarrassed? it’s okay, i forgive you. tell me what you thought!” yoongi groaned, leaning his head more over the railing, sighing when he looked around jungkook’s bedroom. he noticed the man’s room was cleaner than usual. it even smells nicer, it no longer had that nose burning stench of sweat mixed with jungkook’s favorite cologne. it smelled nice. 
jungkook sighed as he placed a hand strategically on yoongi’s knee, his thumb caressing over the pants. yoongi clenched his jaw, trying not to cave in. “i’m almost finished,” he said softly, definitely trying to calm yoongi down. 
yoongi wished jungkook’s touch calmed him down. he wished that the warmth on his thigh would ease him but it doesn’t. if anything, it makes yoongi even more anxious, more impatient, more bloated. 
he turned his head to look at jungkook, his eyes slowly moving down the man’s profile. his jaw was defined and sharp, nothing like the baby pictures his mother had shown yoongi. the baby pictures showed a young boy, round and cherubic, looking like a baby rabbit. the man in front of him was toned and manly, but he still had his baby face and bunny-like smile. 
jungkook’s mother had been so kind that day. welcoming yoongi into her house, offering him the world, and talking yoongi’s ear off about jungkook’s childhood. jungkook teased that his mother was replacing him with yoongi but yoongi knew that wasn’t true. his mother was trying to show her support for her son, proving to them both that she was okay with jungkook dating yoongi. yoongi saw it in her eyes, the conflicting emotions battling each other. but yoongi loved jungkook’s mother for trying. trying to understand, trying to know yoongi, and trying to accept. 
it’s hard to understand, know, and accept. especially when you’re raised differently. when everything you know changes, it’s hard to come to terms with reality. yoongi sometimes wonders if his own parents will ever get to the point where jungkook’s mother was. he hopes they do. he misses them a lot. 
“i’m finished,” jungkook said, his warm touch disappearing from yoongi’s knee. yoongi immediately sat up on the bed, looking at him expectedly. “it’s amazing, hyung. i really like it.”
yoongi nodded slowly, not convinced. “okay but what about the grammar? did you see any errors? shit, i should’ve given you a pen to circle them! here, let me go get one from your desk!”
jungkook laughed as he stopped yoongi from getting off. jungkook tugged yoongi’s body to him, yoongi groaning as he felt jungkook’s arms wrap around him. “alright, lover, what’s going on? you’re never this nervous when it comes to your articles,” he whispered, hugging yoongi from behind, keeping him between his legs. jungkook pressed light kisses to the back of yoongi’s neck. “you’re the most confident, sexiest, smartest journalist that the newspaper has. why are you so self-conscious?”
yoongi huffed defensively, trying not to get lost in jungkook’s touch. the warm kisses on the back of his skin, making the hairs on his body stand up. the tight warmth of jungkook’s arms and legs around him. jungkook was coddling him and yoongi hated - loved - it. “it’s human nature to feel insecure sometimes,” yoongi said, turning away from jungkook. “we can’t be confident all the time.”
jungkook chuckled as he hummed, his lips pressing against yoongi’s jaw. “i know that, you know that. but this is writing, hyung. this comes to you like second nature. what happened?”
yoongi sighed, craning his neck to look at jungkook over his shoulder. jungkook’s round eyes met his own. his dark brown eyes sparkling under the cheap bedroom lights. “your father promised to buy this issue,” yoongi whispered, as if it was a top secret, something no one outside of the room could know. just the two of them. 
“hyung,” jungkook smiled, no teasing behind it. just a sweet smile that made yoongi’s heart flutter. “you don’t have to second guess yourself over that. i’ve shown my father all of your articles. he thinks you’re a young, talented man.”
yoongi groaned as he looked away, feeling his cheeks warming from that new piece of information. jungkook showed his father. how could he do that? why would he do that? yoongi wanted to ask jungkook but he didn’t want to know the answer. what if it makes yoongi blush even harder? “jungkook,” yoongi said, feeling jungkook’s chest move behind him as he laughed at yoongi’s shyness. 
“what? i’m proud of you,” jungkook pulled yoongi closer to him, pressing a kiss to yoongi’s jawline. his lips moved down the side of his neck, his tongue sliding over before he nipped lightly with his teeth. “we’re all proud of you.”
yoongi tilted his head slightly, exposing his neck more to jungkook, who eagerly accepted the position. jungkook’s lips moved down a couple inches, sliding his tongue over his skin before nipping gently. “okay, now say that without your dick poking my back.”
jungkook laughed again, this time yoongi smiled along with the sound. he felt as jungkook pulled him even closer, kissing his shoulder before pressing his face against yoongi’s back. “my father is going to love the article, yoongi. you didn’t move away from your topic but did a genius job at bringing in different topics to tie in with your main topic. it was beautiful and it was well written.”
“and you’re not just saying that to get your dick wet?” yoongi asked, feeling as jungkook chuckled against his back. 
“of course not, lover. i’ve already told you all of this before we started dating and i’ll keep telling you this no matter what happens between us,” jungkook said without missing a beat. yoongi felt his heart fluttering. he didn’t even know that shit happened. “i believe in you, hyung. i always have and always will. forever and always.”
yoongi scoffed as his cheeks flushed even more, placing his hands over jungkook’s. he sighed, sliding his fingers up and down his arms, smiling to himself. “you cleaned your room,” yoongi said, deciding to change the subject. “it smells decent for once.”
“my room always smells decent,” jungkook replied. “i’ve just been so busy trying to balance working full time and going to school full time that i mishandled my time for a couple months.”
yoongi laughed at that, shaking his head. “just say you’re a slob, jungkook-ah. i promise to judge you.”
jungkook groaned, digging his face more into yoongi’s back, as if that would be the perfect place to hide. “i’m not! i actually have a sensitive nose. it didn’t bother me these last months because i’d just come home and pass out.”
“and you spent most of your free time at my apartment,” yoongi teased, chuckling as he drew circles over jungkook’s tattoos. he looked down at them, smiling to himself. “i’m pretty sure seokjin made you an estimate for all the utilities you used while you were there.”
jungkook hummed, the arms around yoongi starting to loosen. a sign that jungkook was starting to fall asleep. yoongi found him the cutest during this stage. he’ll answer whatever questions you asked him truthfully and cutely, changing his tone to a cutesy voice. 
“why do you care what my father thinks?” jungkook asked, his words slurring together. yoongi chuckled as his fingers continued to move up and down jungkook’s arms, digging his nails slightly into his skin. “i know he’s one of the best editors in seoul but you’ve written for more high ranking editors. why him?”
yoongi smiled to himself, knowing the answer right away. of course yoongi cares what jungkook’s father thinks. yoongi will always care what jungkook’s family thinks of him. he wants to make a good impression on them. he wants them to think highly of yoongi. “do you really have to ask?” he asked. “it’s the same reason why you cleaned your room, why you lit a candle, why you washed your sheets.”
jungkook pulled away from yoongi, startling yoongi. he turned around, finding jungkook’s shocked expression. “you want to fuck him?”
yoongi chortled before laughing, shoving jungkook’s shoulder as he moved away. “no, you idiot!” he laughed, turning to face jungkook. “i want to make a good impression on him. i want him to like me and accept me as your partner.”
jungkook’s shocked expression softened. “they already love you, hyung. what more of a good impression do you want to make? do you want them to call you son-in-law?”
yoongi scoffed loudly, too transparent for his own good. idiot, why would he say something like that? so careless, yoongi might fall in love with him. “look,” yoongi lifted a hand, trying to defend himself. “i just want them to think well of me. and it’s like you said. your father is a well respected editor, if he thinks well of my writings, it would mean a lot to me.”
jungkook smiled as he nodded. he held out his hand, yoongi taking it. jungkook pulled yoongi closer to him again, both of them laying down on the mattress, facing each other. jungkook leaned forward, pressing a kiss to yoongi’s lips. “lover, you’re too transparent for your own good,” he whispered. “they love you so don’t start writing for the pleasure of others. write because you love it, because it brings you pleasure. whatever you write, as long as it’s for you, will be as beautiful as you.”
yoongi let out a shaky sigh, that bloating feeling coming back again. especially now that jungkook was staring at him with those eyes. the patient, kind eyes that makes yoongi want to give jungkook everything. yoongi slid his hand over jungkook’s shoulder before holding the back of his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. 
jungkook kissed him back, his hands sliding over yoongi’s ass, settling around his waist. yoongi kissed him deeper, sliding his tongue into his mouth. he lifted his leg, throwing it over jungkook’s hip, giving them more room to grind their crotches together. jungkook’s hands made their way down to yoongi’s ass, pressing their fronts more against each other. 
yoongi slid his fingers into jungkook’s hair, pulling on his hair slightly, their tongues sliding over each other. their kiss echoed in the room, jungkook pulling yoongi on top of him. yoongi used this change of angle to dip his hips down against jungkook, grinding his hard-on over jungkook’s, giving them both some friction. 
“hyung,” jungkook said, pulling away from their kiss to press his lips against yoongi’s jaw. “you’re so sexy.”
yoongi blushed, despite himself. he tilted his head as jungkook kissed and licked over his skin, yoongi feeling his body warming. “you’re not too bad yourself, prince charming,” yoongi said. jungkook chuckled on his skin, making yoongi shiver at the sensation. 
jungkook’s hands slid around to the front of yoongi’s body, sliding his palm over yoongi’s pulsing erection. “do you want to stop?” jungkook asked chivalrously. yoongi closed his eyes, grinding his hips down against jungkook’s palm. jungkook moved his palm up and down yoongi’s length, applying just the right amount of pressure to make yoongi breathless. 
“no,” yoongi replied. he shook his head, letting out soft sighs as he kept grinding against jungkook’s palm, craving more. “keep going. i’m not - please keep going.”
jungkook sucked hard against yoongi’s shoulder, his tongue coming out to sooth the skin. yoongi’s hands gripped jungkook’s hair, tugging hard on it. “how do you want it, lover? whatever you want,” jungkook kissed up yoongi’s neck, his lips pressing against his air. “you got it, hyung.”
yoongi shivered at jungkook’s voice in his air, only making him more feverish. he opened his eyes, finding jungkook’s eyes on him. he wondered how long jungkook had been staring at him. “i want,” yoongi swallowed. “i want you to - i want to ride your face.”
jungkook’s eyes quirked up, his lips turning up into a smirk. “are you sure, hyung? you didn’t last long the last time we did that.”
yoongi scoffed as he tugged on jungkook’s hair, making the man smirk even wider. “that’s because you insisted on jerking me off while you ate me out. i just - i just wanted to ride you peacefully.”
“peacefully,” jungkook shook his head with a smile, leaning over to kiss yoongi’s nose. “strip for me, hyung. show me what i’ll be feasting on.”
yoongi groaned as he got up on his knees, rolling his eyes as he started unbuckling his jeans. “please never say that again,” he chuckled, slowly pulling down his jeans, giving jungkook the show he wanted. jungkook’s eyes moved up and down his body, licking over his lips as he took in yoongi’s body. yoongi only blushed more as he took off his jeans, throwing them at the end of the bed. “is this what you wanted?”
jungkook chuckled as his hands reached out, sliding his hands over yoongi’s hips, and down over his bare ass. “yeah. ten out of five, hyung,” he grinned, leaning down to kiss yoongi’s lips. “you’re so handsome, hyung. can’t wait to make you feel good.”
yoongi let his hand slide down jungkook’s chest, feeling the edges of his lips turning up into a grin. “hold on, prince. i don’t want to be the only one naked,” he said. his hand slid down jungkook’s abdomen, using his palm to slide over jungkook’s erection. “strip for me, jungkook-ah. show me what i’ll be feasting on.”
jungkook’s cheeks turned pink, making yoongi stop as he took in jungkook’s blushing state. “hyung, you’re so sexy,” jungkook gushed as he looked away shyly. “that was - wow.”
“oh, don’t tell me that line worked on you! it’s so lame and cheesy!” yoongi laughed, leaning back on his elbows to watch jungkook start unbuckling his jeans. jungkook laughed, his smile shining brighter than anything yoongi could think of. for a moment yoongi forgot everything, just staring at jungkook smile. yoongi could only think of one thing - he could love jungkook. 
“you like this?” jungkook asked, gyrating his hips, over exaggerating his movements. yoongi broke out into a giggle, his mind forgetting his last thought. jungkook smiled as he moved over for a kiss. “you ready?”
yoongi hummed, kissing jungkook before smiling at him. “i’m ready,” he whispered. “as long as you don’t fuck me like that. it looked painful.”
“what? don’t like my moves?” jungkook teased, lifting yoongi from the bed, yoongi wrapping his legs around jungkook’s waist, kissing him instead of answering him. 
jungkook smiled into the kiss, his hands squeezing yoongi’s ass, sliding his tongue into the kiss. yoongi moaned softly, feeling jungkook’s erection pressing up against his ass cheeks. 
“how do you want to do this, hyung?” jungkook asked. “whatever you want.”
yoongi nodded, pushing jungkook on his back, his hands sliding under his shirt. jungkook met his gaze, cheeks still sporting a pretty pink. he smiled at yoongi as he waited for an answer or an action, whatever happened first. and it was in that moment that yoongi realized that jungkook not only makes him impatient, childish, and gassy. but jungkook made him happy. he made him feel safe and excited. like no matter what, everything will be okay. 
he also realized that these blushing thoughts were best indulged after the cigarette. 
“like this,” yoongi said, feeling his cheeks warming as he turned around, letting his ass face jungkook. he could feel his entire warming as jungkook’s chest rumbled with a short laugh, his large hands grabbing yoongi’s hips. “and no jerking off! i want - i’m going to last this time.”
jungkook let out a shaky breath through his nose, the air hitting yoongi’s lower back. “you’re so,” jungkook said but his hardened dick finished his sentence, twitching right by yoongi’s hand. yoongi wanted to reach out and touch it. tease the man a little but he resisted. 
“i’m going to move back a little,” yoongi spoke as he moved, jungkook helped guide him to his face. yoongi’s body was warm as jungkook’s large hands grabbed his ass cheeks, spreading them slightly. “wait until -“ his words were cut off by a loud moan, falling forward as jungkook licked over his hole. 
yoongi snapped his head around, blushing in embarrassment as jungkook gave him a sheepish smile. “i’m sorry!” he said. “it was right there!”
yoongi glared at him but didn’t say anything else, his heart pounding in his ears as he turned away. he swallowed nervously, his hands sliding down jungkook’s chest, his shirt stretching over the tip of his dick. “jungkook?”
“yes?” jungkook asked. “do you want to stop?”
he could love jungkook.
“no, i’m ready,” yoongi nodded at jungkook. jungkook smiled at him before disappearing from his sight. yoongi closed his eyes, gasping slightly as he felt jungkook press open mouth kisses to his ass, his hands kneading over his cheeks. 
“hyung, you spoil me too much,” jungkook said before licking over yoongi’s rim. yoongi moaned softly, arching his back, pushing himself more into jungkook. “letting me eat you out like this, you’re too good to me.”
jungkook spread yoongi more before slipping his tongue past his rim, making yoongi moan as he threw his head back, holding onto jungkook’s hips as he slowly started to build the courage to move his own hips. 
“fuck,” yoongi moaned, digging his nails into jungkook. jungkook licked around yoongi’s hole, sliding his tongue in and out. jungkook’s dick twitched often, the tip leaking pre-cum. yoongi wanted to touch jungkook but waited. if he touched jungkook too early, he won’t be stretched properly. they tried having sex without stretching yoongi properly and it only ended up with yoongi crying. jungkook was bigger than what yoongi was used to so it took yoongi a little longer to stretch enough for it to be pleasurable. at first, yoongi feared that jungkook would avoid sex but jungkook seamed unphased by it. it wasn’t until yoongi talked to jungkook that they had a long, deep conversation with each other. yoongi talked about his feelings and jungkook did too. even told him a story about jungkook’s first time and how his partner had shamed jungkook for ejaculating early. jungkook had been so embarrassed that he did everything he could to last longer, even admitted to edging himself - which is a thought for later - but they all fell apart. jungkook was desperate and embarrassed. he worked hard - believe it or not - to build endurance. jungkook had told yoongi this story, not because it still hurts him, but because he understood where yoongi was coming from. each partner is different. each person is different. jungkook promised to be patient with yoongi as long as yoongi promised the same. and he did. he promised without hesitating. 
he could love jungkook. 
“ah, fuck! yes, just like that,” yoongi moaned louder as he felt jungkook slip his finger in, his tongue moving around as well. yoongi moved his hips, back and forth, thighs trembling as his body burned with pleasure. all of yoongi’s flashbacks and memories pausing as he fucked himself back and forth on jungkook’s fingers. “more, fuck, just like that - jungkook, more!”
jungkook bit yoongi’s cheek, smirking on the skin as he continued to slide his finger in and out of his hole. “you’re so fucking sexy,” jungkook rasped out. “you sound so pretty, hyung. begging for more, cursing for more.”
yoongi opened his eyes, noticing scratch marks on jungkook’s abdomen. he used one hand to trace over the red marks, feeling as jungkook’s muscles twitched underneath his touch. 
“lube,” yoongi’s sentence was cut off by another moan, jungkook biting and sucking marks to the back of his thighs, slapping a hand down to his cheek. “fuck, more fingers! ah, jungkook - please!”
jungkook chuckled as he slipped his fingers out of yoongi, making him groan in frustration. “don’t worry, baby, i’ll make you feel nice.” jungkook patted around the bed until he found the lube, pouring some onto his fingers, and yoongi’s hole. 
yoongi glanced up at jungkook’s dick, neglected, and wet. he licked his lips before moving his body upward, taking in the tip. he let out a loud moan as he felt jungkook slip his fingers straight into his ass, his eyes rolling slightly. 
“fuck, baby, i’m - ah, just like that - ah, your mouth,” jungkook babbled like he always did whenever he got head. yoongi usually found it endearing but his dick was throbbing on his tongue, jungkook’s fingers fucking into him fast that he couldn’t think of anything else. 
he could love jungkook. 
well, almost anything. 
“deeper, baby,” jungkook instructed, which yoongi happily obliged. he slid his tongue around jungkook’s length, closing his eyes before taking him further down his throat. jungkook let out a soft moan, his fingers slowing down before quickly picking back up. yoongi moaned louder and louder as jungkook used another finger to fuck him, inserting his tongue sometimes, stretching yoongi further and further. 
yoongi was grinding his hips at a lost rhythm, too overwhelmed by everything. his neglected dick was moving from his stomach to jungkook’s chest, hardened, and leaking pre-cum. but yoongi didn’t care. he just sucked and fucked his throat and ass on jungkook. just let himself get lost in the pleasure. he needed more. craved more. 
“fuck, baby, keep that up and i could cum like this.”
yoongi blushed as he pulled up to the tip, sucking hard before pulling off completely. jungkook groaned as yoongi started to move away, climbing off jungkook’s body. 
jungkook got up on his elbows, worried eyes meeting yoongi’s darkened gaze. jungkook’s face said enough, always an open book. yoongi smiled softly, taking the hem of his shirt, and taking it off. jungkook’s eyes immediately fell on yoongi’s body, licking his lips. yoongi reached over and took off jungkook’s shirt, keeping his gaze. 
“are you going to fuck me?” yoongi whispered, sliding his hand down jungkook’s chest, all the way to his slicked dick. yoongi slowly jerked him off, making jungkook shudder as he kept yoongi’s gaze. 
jungkook smiled as he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to yoongi’s lips. “always so impatient,” he whispered. “i was getting there.”
“said the one who almost came from a blowjob,” yoongi teased, wrapping an arm around jungkook’s neck, kissing him deeply. jungkook’s hands held his waist, swinging yoongi slowly until he was laying on the bed. the bed frame creaked, making both men smile at the familiar sound. 
“not just a blowjob,” jungkook said, holding himself over yoongi. he used his knee to spread yoongi’s legs, the man getting the clue, and wrapping them around jungkook’s waist, the anticipation building. “i was eating the juiciest peach.”
yoongi laughed, rolling his eyes, despite feeling his dick twitch. he was painfully hard but he was euphoric. he could cum just from hearing jungkook squirt more lube onto him. “you’re an idiot, i told you those lines don’t work on me,” he said. but they both knew that those cheesy lines were what got jungkook a date with yoongi. 
jungkook leaned down, kissing yoongi again before guiding himself between yoongi’s cheeks. yoongi gasped as jungkook slipped the
himself in, his legs tightening. “tell me when to move, baby,” jungkook whispered into yoongi’s ear, treating this part with gentleness ever since their impatient night. 
yoongi closed his eyes, turning his face into jungkook’s neck, smelling his cologne and favorite candy. yoongi hugged his chest, pressing a kiss onto his skin before nodding. “move,” yoongi whispered. 
jungkook let one of his hands hold yoongi’s waist before fucking into him.  yoongi gasped as he felt jungkook deep inside him, so full and so hard. yoongi moaned louder and louder, not holding back as jungkook thrust deeper and deeper into him. 
“yes, just like - ah, jungkook!” yoongi cried out, closing his eyes as he burrowed his face into jungkook’s scent, overwhelming himself with everything. 
with jungkook’s fucking, with jungkook’s smell, with jungkook’s touch - it was all building inside him, making yoongi feel warm and wanted. he was happy. he was in love. 
“fuck, hyung, you feel so good,” jungkook said as he lifted one of yoongi’s legs over his shoulder. “you always feel so good. baby, i could fuck you all day.”
yoongi laughed breathlessly because no, he wouldn’t and couldn’t. jungkook always fell asleep after the first round and if - by energy drink - they make it past the first round, they only go to the fourth round. but jungkook has a serious face that yoongi finds adorable. 
“what? don’t believe me?” jungkook laughed as lifted yoongi’s other leg, physically pulling yoongi’s body up and down the bed, thrusting deeper into him. yoongi moaned louder as the bed creaked, jungkook reaching forward and grabbing yoongi’s dick. “i’ll do it for you, baby. i’d do anything for you. as long as you feel good.”
yoongi whimpered as his dick twitched in jungkook’s hand. “close,” yoongi replied, “i’m going to cum.”
“yeah? cum for me, hyung. let me see how stunning you look.”
“fuck, jungkook,” yoongi gasped as he came all over jungkook’s hand, head thrown back. jungkook kept fucking into him, the bed hitting against the wall until he stopped. 
jungkook came inside yoongi, both men panting over each other. jungkook laughed breathlessly, yoongi opening his eyes to look at him. 
“this is why we could never study together,” jungkook said with a smile. his hands slowly moved over yoongi’s bare thighs. “you’re so beautiful, lover. you know that?”
yoongi smiled softly at him, this part always his favorite. after the buildup, after the sexy fog - this was yoongi’s favorite moment. it was just the two of them. just smiling like idiots at each other. 
“you’re just saying that because i let you eat my ass,” yoongi teased, sliding his hand up and down jungkook’s biceps. “thank you for your hard work.”
jungkook laughed as he shook his head. he leaned down to kiss yoongi, their lips melding perfectly. yoongi closed his eyes, feeling the word on the tip of his tongue. 
he could love jungkook. 
no, he did love jungkook. 
he loves jungkook. 
writer’s note thank you so much for reading! i wanted to post this one first but i couldn’t find the picture in my deleted folders and it was just a moment, really. hehe. thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed. stay safe!
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The reader is an actress and meets Sebastian at a wrap party. Fortunately, they both have something in common; they have a crush on each other. 
           You woke up to the sound of your roommate and co-star, Tom, walking into the apartment you were sharing. You’d spent most of the day moping because you’d finally wrapped all of your scenes for Far From Home, and you were missing it already. You didn’t have many scenes with him, but Jake was the definition of crazy and you could have used some of that. Tom was already your best friend, and your roommate, so you always saw enough of him. And tonight was maybe the last time you were going to see everyone together; it was the wrap party and you weren’t sure you could even fit into your dress because you were so bloated from eating ice cream all day.
           “What’s wrong with you?” Tom asked, looking you up and down. You shrugged, looking over at the pint of ice cream and bowl of popcorn you’d left sitting on the coffee table.
           “Just moping,” you responded.
           “Well, stop. Get ready for the party and we can pregame.” You scoffed. You didn’t usually drink copious amounts of alcohol, but maybe tonight was the night. “Please? I don’t want to be the drunk one.”
           “Whatever,” you responded as you sat up. You cleaned up your mess before taking a shower, doing your hair and makeup, and getting into your dress. It was a little slutty, but you had been feeling confident when you got it because you were training at that point. You looked damn good in it, too, and there was one person you had your eyes on. Sebastian Stan, the guy who played Bucky. You’d met him a few times, but only in passing. You’d never had a conversation with him, but from everything you’d heard he was sweet. You were probably sweet to him, just a kid, but if you said you didn’t like him, you’d be lying. You had a hard crush on him, and while Tom had figured it out and insisted you ask him out, you’d refused. You didn’t know him, first of all. There was no way he would go out with someone so young. That, and your best friend was Tom. He was all but a brother, and contrary to popular belief he could be intimidating to anyone who got you home too late at night.
           “Ow!” Tom marveled as you walked out. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Thank God, you look amazing.”
           “You’re supposed to tell me I’m always pretty,” you frowned.
           “You’re always pretty. Now come on, let’s go.” You grabbed your fully charged phone, your purse, and walked out of the apartment with Tom. He dragged you to two liquor stores before finding what he wanted, and then you Ubered over to Jake’s house. It was eccentric, to say the least. Like him. He was cool, though. You loved having him around.
           You drank the least out of both of them, worried about throwing up because of course Tom had to get tequila, and just sat back and laughed as they were their stupid selves. Finally the alarm on Jake’s phone sounded and another car picked you up to head over to the venue. You vaguely recognized some of the other actors, never really having met them since you weren’t in the other films. You finally saw Sebastian, standing with Anthony, and tried to come up with a reason to talk to him. You must have watched him for two or three minutes out of the corner of your eye before you saw him go up to the bar, probably to get more drinks.
           “Oh, can you get me one?” Tom asked when you muttered that you were going.
           “I’m going to shoot my shot, but maybe on the way back, big guy.” You pat his shoulder and walked toward the bar, ID in hand. You looked like a high schooler to anyone that knew you from movies, because you often played them. But with real makeup on you turned your actual age, and you could only hope that was going to serve you well tonight.
           “Oh, hey!” Sebastian said to you as you walked up to the bar, taking a seat at the counter. “You’re playing MJ, right?”
           “Yeah,” you responded with a smile. “I promise I’m old enough to drink.” He chuckled.
           “I believe you. I’m not so sure these guys will, though. I’m Sebastian, by the way. I played Bucky, with the hair.”
           “Didn’t recognize you without the fake arm and the face mask,” you said. “I, Tonya was a fucking masterpiece. By the way.”
           “That mustache never looked good on me, I don’t think. But it was such a good thing to work on, especially after doing all of these action movies. It was really fun.”
           “Oh, definitely. I’m doing an indie movie this summer and I can not wait to get a break from the action.” You continued a quick conversation until the bartender pulled you out of it, asking for your drink order. You went with a vodka cranberry, your usual, and noticed that Sebastian only got one beer for himself.
           “I’ll tell you what, I hate these things sometimes,” Sebastian said as he watched a room full of people that were only familiar to those who worked on the movie would know. “It’s like, thanks for inviting me, I know three people. Not that I’m not grateful, but…”
           “I know what you mean,” you interrupted. “I spent half the afternoon pre-gaming with Tom and Jake and I kind of just want to go to Waffle House and go to bed.” Sebastian raised an eyebrow.
           “That’s a thing? People in Atlanta actually, like, go to Waffle House?” You actually laughed out loud at that one.
           “Duh! I grew up in Florida and they’re definitely the best drunk food around. I was so sad when I moved to New York and couldn’t get any.” 
           Long story short, you and Sebastian talked most of the night. You even did shots together when Robert offered to pay for one for everyone. You spoke to Tom for a minute as he was getting another drink, but he saw you with Sebastian and excused himself back to where he was talking with Jacob and Harrison.
           “I thought they’d have more food,” Sebastian said quietly after a second of silence. “I’m half drunk and starving. This might be weird to ask, but do you want to go to Waffle House?” In ten minutes you’d both left the party and were on the way to get the best drunk food there could possibly be. You sat down in a corner booth that you and Tom often sat in on nights when you were just too excited to film the next day and couldn’t sleep.
           “I have to confess something,” Sebastian said as he was destroying a plate of hash browns a few minutes later. You looked up at him, stopping pouring the syrup all over your waffle. “I thought you were intimidating. Until I talked to you.”
           “That’s what everyone says! I don’t understand why because I literally look like a child.” He laughed.
           “No, you’re gorgeous. You just look like you could kill someone if they look at you the wrong way. And I respect that. You’re cool.”
           “Then I have something to confess.” Maybe it was the vodka and the tequila making decisions for you, but you were going to shoot your shot. If it ended up that he thought it was dumb, you could just turn it into a joke and take a bite of your waffle.
           “What might that be?” He wiped his hands on a napkin and waited. You looked away for a second, seeing a text on your phone from Tom asking where the hell you were.
           “I kind of have, like, a massive crush on you. It’s literally the dumbest thing ever, I’m twelve.” You drank a sip of water, waiting for an answer. Instead you got a grin from Sebastian. Those stupid, perfect lips were turned into a smile and his face was slightly flushed because he was still a little buzzed and he looked absolutely adorable.
           “It’s not dumb. I think I might have a crush on you, too. This doesn’t count as a first date, though, does it?”
           “It’s Waffle House, it’s basically a five star restaurant.” He sat back on the bench, thinking about something, and then responded. “Are you sure you want someone who can barely drink legally, though?”
           “You’re cool, that’s all I care about. You’re pretty and funny and I have a massive crush on you.” He turned your own words against you, and you couldn’t help but smile. “What are you doing tomorrow night?”
           “Nothing,” you responded.
           “Then, if that’s okay with you, I’d like to put this crush to the test and take you out.”
           “I’d like that.” You looked down at your food and continued eating, glad that you’d finally told him you liked him. You couldn’t have imagined your night ending that way, but it did. Once Sebastian begged you to let him pay for the food he had sobered up enough to go back to the venue and get his car.
           “I can get an Uber, you really don’t have to drive all the way across town.”
           “I want to,” he replied with a smile on his face. So you got in and he drove you home. You groaned at the sight of a light still on in the apartment, knowing that Tom was about to grill you about where you’d been and why you’d abandoned him. “I’ll walk you up. It’s dark.”
           “Thanks.” He opened your door for you and let you lead him down to the apartment, where you stopped at the lobby. “I literally don’t even have your phone number.”
           “Oh, you’re right, hold on.” In a minute he’d Airdropped you his phone number and sent you a text just to make sure it went through. “I’ll text you. God, that sounds so lame. Is that what kids these days say?”
           “Yeah, pretty much. Thanks for walking me back up. Drive safe.”
           “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You were in absolute heaven when you turned around and walked into the lobby of the apartment, and just to make sure he was okay you watched him walk back to his car. He drove away a minute later and you turned to go to the elevator.
           “Where have you been?” Tom asked loudly, as soon as you walked into the apartment. “I was freaking out! Your location just said you were at Waffle House, but you didn’t respond, so I thought your phone got stolen or you died or…” He was definitely still half-drunk, you decided, when he stumbled over his words and his voice broke.
           “I was with Sebastian,” you explained. Tom smiled.
           “So you told him about…”
           “Yep. I told him I have a crush on him and he said the same thing. We’re going out tomorrow night.”
           “That’s my girl!” Tom high-fived you and giggled his way through the rest of the night. As you turned to your phone, you saw it light up with a text from Sebastian.
           Pick you up tomorrow at 7??
A/N: I loved writing this one so I hope you like it too!!! A date with Seb would be 🥺🥺
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angstyaches · 4 years
Ok so I freaking love belly rubs and now that we’ve seen Shayne receive a belly rub I want to see it reversed 😂 Charlie has an upset stomach for some reason and realizes that he just really needs to burp but he can’t and all day long the feeling just gets worse until he’s finally home and can lay down but still nothing will come up and when Shayne shows up and he lets him through the window he immediately knows something is wrong (p 1 of 2)
(P 2 of 2) somehow Charlie convinced him to help him by rubbing his stomach which of course helps and he burps into his fist a couple of times but it’s not releasing the pressure at all, actually it’s making him feel nauseous and before he knows it he suddenly vomits all over him and Shayne ( I know this doesn’t really fit with the plot you’ve got since the ending of the last fic with Shayne but i didn’t know how to make it fit 😂 you can ignore this prompt if ya want lol)
Milo, thank you, thank you, thank you. I had so much fun writing this. Baby’s first prompt.
Sorry if this is obnoxiously long; I have no idea how to judge length yet.
CW: vomiting
In the pub
Charlie had zoned out hours ago, upon realising that the three-year age gap between him and his oldest cousins meant a lot more when he was eighteen and they were fifteen. Whatever pop culture they were chatting about held no interest for him, and whatever gossip his parents, aunts, and uncles were engaging him would likely be just as boring.
He wished he could have gone and talked to Jonathan. He hadn’t seen his half-brother in months, yet he’d barely wanted to speak two words with Charlie all day. He’d brought two friends along, which Aunt Pauline had been annoyed about at the start of the day. She had gotten over it; Charlie, however, had not. The three of them had been skulking outdoors in the smoking area for hours.
Although, if he’d been given first pick, Charlie would have been chatting to been the pretty bartender with the gold lip ring. The guy looked run off his feet, yet had a smile for every one of Charlie’s relatives who had an order to bark at him, be it a chocolate-stained little cousin or his cane-wielding grandmother. He was so cute, but Charlie was too nervous to even look him in the eye. He also felt slightly… guilty, though he could think of no rational reason why he should feel guilty. He wasn’t spoken for by anyone; not even close. And that just made him sink further into his loneliness.
So, with no conversational opportunity, Charlie had occupied himself with the bar food that came out in waves. He didn’t often eat greasy food at home, and he ate exactly like a kid let loose in a store full of chicken goujons and potato wedges. His stomach started to feel kind of sloshy at one point, but that might have been from copious amounts of fizzy orange. More food would surely soak it up and settle everything down.
After the cute waiter dropped off a tray of drinks at the “adult” table, Charlie’s dad stood up and took a glass over to where Charlie was sitting.
“There you are, designated driver,” Trevor said. His cheeks were flushed red from drinking for pretty much the whole day.
“Thanks, Dad,” Charlie said, fidgeting with the keys in his hoodie pocket. “Can we go soon? I’m getting tired.”
“Of course. Last drink and we’ll hit the road,” Trevor winked, giving Charlie’s shoulder a squeeze. “You really are a blessing, son.”
He couldn’t tell if the flutter in his chest was because of the waiter still, or because of what his dad had just said. It might also have been indigestion, though he wouldn’t think of that until a little later.
“Maybe go and say goodbye to Jonathan before we head off, yeah?”
“Alright, Dad.” A blessing, he thought as his father went back to the proper adult table and sat next to his wife. Their half-demon offspring is a blessing to them. Part of him wanted to burst out laughing, the other half wanted to weep. He hovered somewhere in between, smiling despite the tightness in his chest.
He guzzled a few mouthfuls of the fizzy drink, stealing his courage as he stood up and went to talk to Jonathan.
In the car
The drive home itself was exhausting. Charlie’s energy was already spent after a whole day of socialising. His stomach was making some awful sounds, though it felt lazy and sluggish inside him after being fed such little amounts so many times throughout the day. The flavour of the fizzy orange kept repeating on him too, and he vowed never to touch the stuff again. He glanced over to see that his dad had fallen asleep against the passenger door. In the rear-view mirror, he saw that his mum was snoring with her head thrown back.
Charlie swallowed harshly. It felt like some of the fizzy orange was sitting in his throat, blocking his airways a bit. Gripping the steering wheel tightly at ten and two, he tried to let some of the air up from his stomach, but the bubbles stayed exactly where they were, gurgling amongst the sickly combination of food in his belly.
He slid his right hand from two to twelve on the steering wheel, glancing once again to make sure his dad was still asleep; Trevor would definitely yell at him for having one hand off the wheel, but it was a straight, empty road, and Charlie was decidedly below the recommended speed.
Besides, he could probably pull up enough strength to telekinetically steer the car, if he had to. Having acceleratingly strong demonic powers had its unexpected quirks, after all.
Charlie rubbed a hand across his belly, realising that it was filling out his hoodie a lot more than it should have been. He stifled a whimper as he pushed on the swell, hoping to force up at least some of what was making his stomach feel so bad. It gurgled under his hand, the pain shifting slightly but not upwards. There was a slight rumble in his chest, a fizzing in the back of his throat, but nothing more.
He put his left hand back on the wheel and sighed, surviving on the fact that at least he’d be home and lying in bed without the hour.
Back home
“Night, Mum, night, Dad,” Charlie called dully down the hall, though they’d probably both passed out on their bed in the time it had taken him to brush his teeth. He’d hoped the minty flavour would have soothed the burning acidity, but it had just mixed sickly with the fizzy orange reflux. He could finally hunch over a bit and rub his belly with a little more force, now he was alone in his room.
He reached for his bedside lamp, when a tap on the window made him jump. He almost knocked his little brown stuffed bear from the nightstand, and he rushed to straighten him.
“Sorry, Vincent,” he whispered before approaching the window. Another tiny pebble hit the glass and Charlie groaned under his breath. Couldn’t that boy learn how to send a text?
Charlie cradled his belly as he spotted the dark-haired figure in the back yard. Usually, the sight of Shayne gave him a very light, pleasant feeling, but right now he felt the furthest from light he’d ever been. He sighed and directed his gaze towards the back door, focusing on undoing the lock before ducking back into the room.
He leaned against the windowsill, rubbing his belly desperately. It was definitely too much to ask, that all of the burps trapped inside him come up in the time it took Shayne to get inside, take off his ridiculous boots, and creep upstairs. All Charlie succeeded in bringing up were a couple of orangey splashes that burned his tongue.
“Whatever it is, I’m not in the mood,” he whispered as soon as Shayne let himself quietly into the room.
The dark-haired boy frowned as he closed the door. “Hmm?”
Charlie sighed and sat down on his bed. “I don’t care if it’s a voodoo doll or a silver stake or a monkey’s fucking paw. Can we do it another time?”
“Okay, first of all; hi,” Shayne muttered. “Second; how would any of those things be useful in exorcising or communicating with a demon? And third; where were you all?”
“My cousin’s christening,” Charlie said, slipping a hand into his hoodie pocket so he could keep some pressure on his stomach. “It went on kind of late.”
“You’re telling me?” Shayne began to pace evenly back and forth. “This place gives me shivers on a normal day. Ten times worse when it’s all dark and unoccupied.”
“Well, you could try not hanging around on other people’s property,” Charlie grumbled.
“I caught three demons in the back yard,” Shayne said. “Three demons that will never possess your parents, so you’re welcome.”
“So, you’ve got fucking warding jars on you?” Charlie whined. He knew he was feeling awful for a reason, but if those jars were close-by, they certainly wouldn’t be helping.
“’Course not, I left them at the far end of the garden,” Shayne hissed. “Okay, you’re sounding more like me than me tonight. What’s going on?”
Charlie swallowed and looked up at his friend. His belly was groaning, and he hoped he was the only one hearing it. He pulled his hand from his pocket and started holding it a bit more firmly, giving up the secrecy.
“I don’t feel so good,” he whined, sitting forward. “My tummy’s really sore.”
“Oh. Well, why haven’t you taken any of those tablets you always try to force on me?”
“Because I’ll be fine once I can burp, but so far, nothing wants to come up.” Charlie’s face burned at hearing himself give so much detail. He lowered his head as he leaned towards his knees, curling around the knot of pain.
He felt the mattress take Shayne’s weight, and then a hand prying his away from his stomach. He took a sharp breath and looked up.
“Are you going to rub my tummy?”
“You’ll never hear me say it in those words, but… yeah.” Shayne was still frowning, though Charlie recognised a slight blush in his cheeks. “Here, straighten up. Stop sitting like an idiot.”
“That’s mean,” Charlie whined, slowly released his vice-grip on his belly and straightening his back. “Why do I feel like you’re going to be really bad at – mmm.”
Shayne’s hand could almost have covered Charlie’s whole belly if it hadn’t been so bloated and tight. His stomach churned uneasily alongside the movement of Shayne’s fingers, until Charlie felt gas bubbles press up towards his chest. He felt himself groan without deciding he was going to.
Shayne held his breath, pausing the motion of his hand. “What? Am I doing it wrong?”
“No, no, don’t stop,” Charlie groaned. “Can you rub my back, too?”
As soon as Shayne pressed on Charlie’s stomach and ran a hand up his spine, Charlie felt the gas bubbles release, making a deep rumbling sound in his chest. He pressed a fist to his mouth and turned his head away from Shayne. The burp was so loud Charlie worried it would wake his parents, and lasted about four seconds.
“Holy shit,” Shayne whispered. “I think I felt the room shake.”
“Shut up,” Charlie groaned.
“Feel any better?”
“Not really.”
“I’m going to lift your jumper, okay?”
Charlie almost squeaked as Shayne slid his hand under his hoodie, rubbing at the straining skin of his belly. Charlie dug his nails into the duvet to keep himself from wriggling. His skin was starting to feel prickly and warm, but that could have just been because of what was happening. Shayne was here and touching him, and not just through his clothes. He had his hand on Charlie’s bare torso. He was in pain, but he should have been enjoying this at least a little.
A weak smile twitched across his mouth as he nudged his cheek experimentally against Shayne’s shoulder. When the dark-haired boy didn’t flinch in any major way, he let himself lean a little harder, hoping his heart wasn’t pounding as loudly as he thought it was.
“What did you do to it, anyway?” Shayne asked, and it took Charlie a second to realise he was talking about his stomach. His fingers kneaded gently across it
“I, um, just kept eating, I guess.” Charlie turned his head to let out another burp, though this one sounded like it was strangled on its way up from his stomach. “And my dad kept bringing me fizzy drinks. Designated driver, you know? Aw – fuck, Shayne.”
Charlie frowned and winced as his stomach suddenly lurched under the pressure of Shayne’s hand.
“Shit – what is it?”
“I don’t know,” Charlie murmured, his cheeks suddenly tingling. A certain kind of panic began to ring in his ears. “Oh, god, I think I’m going to –”
He retched before fully realising it was happening, before he could do any kind of aiming or get his hands in front of his mouth. His hands did fly out, one landing on Shayne’s back, the other on his own knee. The majority of the thick, orange vomit landed down the front of Shayne’s jacket and t-shirt, the rest of it flicked across Shayne’s jeans and the duvet cover.
“Oh, my god, Shayne,” Charlie gasped. His hand was shaking as he brought it up to cover his mouth. Almost immediately, his head pitched forward again, another long gush of sticky orange liquid and chunks of bar food spraying over the sleeve of his hoodie as he tried to block it, but a lot still landed in Shayne’s lap.
Shayne sighed, though he really hoped Charlie didn’t hear it. He’d definitely take it the wrong way, thinking Shayne was sighing out of frustration when really, it was the only way he could release the intense sympathy he felt as the blonde boy clung to him and vomited. Shayne continued to rub Charlie’s back, though he wasn’t sure if it was helping or making things worse.
Charlie hiccuped into his sleeve, clearly forgetting that he’d just gotten sick all over it.
“Shayne,” he croaked, slowly lifting his gaze. “I’m so sorry.”
“Feeling any better?”
“Actually, yeah, I am.”
Shayne shrugged. “Then it’s fine. Jesus, if only exorcising you was so damn easy.”
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ibijau · 4 years
Oh, I love your Worst Engagement AU. I can't wait for Xichen saving Huaisang from water ghouls in Caiyi Town from the perspective of your AU! Hihihihihi~~~~
ok so, I have like half a second of hesitation because that amazing, beautiful, ultimate Xisang scene is only in the donghua, and I wanted to keep this in novel canon. But you know what? You know what? I love that scene and fuck canon.
ok, warning for... mild infidelity, on a technical sense? I mean, it’s not like they’re really emotionally together. Definitely as far as nhs is concerned. And warning for some quick discussion of the possiblity of underage characters having sex, I guess.
Caiyi town isn't exactly the most fun place in the world, but being anywhere outside of the Cloud Recesses feels like a blessing, so Nie Huaisang doesn't complain. It's a little bothersome being forced to carry his sabre around, but that too is a small price to pay for a reprieve from rules.
They are, technically, under Lan Xichen's supervision, and they are in Caiyi town to hunt down... monsters of some kind. Nie Huaisang honestly didn't pay much attention, and even if he had, he knows it wouldn't help him much. What he does know is that Lan Xichen has briefly abandoned them to go secure some boats for their Night Hunt, which means for at least the next half hour, Nie Huaisang is free.
Mostly, he's free to hang out with Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian and complain that there's not much to do, but it's still freedom. Besides, if his plan works well, he'll create his own entertainment later.
“Why did you even agree to come?” Jiang Cheng grumbles when he gets tired of Nie Huaisang whining about the lack of interesting shops.
Nie Huaisang shrugs, but his eyes go down the street, toward the Lans boys who came along and are trailing a little behind them. One in particular happens to be looking at him, although he turns away as soon as their eyes meet, his cheeks colouring.
“No particular reason,” Nie Huaisang says, as if he isn't determined that he'll have given away his first kiss by the time this stupid Night Hunt is over. “I just thought it'd be fun to see how it feels with nicer company.”
“Night Hunts are not a game,” Jiang Cheng points out.
“But they can be fun,” Wei Wuxian quickly adds, grinning. “Maybe you'll start liking them, and we can Night Hunt together again after we're done with classes here. Do you think your brother would let you come to Yunmeng sometimes?”
“Not unless I improve my cultivation a lot,” Nie Huaisang sighs, glancing behind again.
That same Lan boy meets his eyes with more intent this time, before saying something to his companions and drifting from their group. He goes into a small alley, and Nie Huaisang struggles not to grin. He wasn't sure the other one would actually dare to follow along his very shameless plan.
“You know, I've changed my mind about that candy shop we saw earlier,” Nie Huaisang suddenly announces. “I'll go grab some. If Lan gongzi is back before me, tell him I'll be right there, okay? I'll try not to take too long.”
“Oh, grab some for me too,” Wei Wuxian asks, throwing him some money. “We'll be around. Jiang Cheng, do you think we can fine a wine seller somewhere? We'll need something to celebrate our victory with!”
The two brothers start bickering about whether it is appropriate or not to already think of the aftermath of a Night Hunt when it could bring bad luck. Nie Huaisang quickly escapes, and makes his way to that alley.
He does buy some candies in the end, because it'd be odd if he didn't. They're far too sweet for his preferences, but it matters a little less when he gets to taste them on someone else's lips and tongue. 
Nie Huaisang, as it turns out, loves kissing. He suspected he would, or he wouldn't have bothered trying, but it really is a nice sensation, even with a clumsy boy whose name he still hasn't bothered to learn.
It's a shame that he won't get much of that once he's married, he thinks after that Lan boy has left the alley first so they won't be seen together. There's little chance that Lan Xichen would want to kiss him, so he'll have to get his fill before their marriage.
He might also try sex, he decides as he, too, finally leaves the alley. He doesn't think there's any real law against him tumbling into bed with someone else before he becomes tied for life to Lan Xichen, so it should be fine, if he can just convince someone to give him a chance. It can't be a girl, there's too much risk of a scandal. It can't be a Lan, that'd create too many problems down the line. Wei Wuxian could be a tolerable option perhaps, but he only looks at girls (and on occasions at Lan Wangji) so that's not going to work. Jiang Cheng is very attractive, but he's both too stuck up and too aware of inter-sect politics to touch the future husband of a future sect leader. Someone else then, someone pretty and self-important enough that he wouldn't care about upsetting Lan Xichen. Someone like...
Just as he is thinking about him, Nie Huaisang hears the voice of Jin Zixuan coming from the canal, followed by that of Wei Wuxian.
It is a gift, a talent that Wei Wuxian had, and it never ceases to amaze Nie Huaisang how his friend, somehow, always ends up bumping into the people who most dislike him. Lan Wangji, Jin Zixuan... Wei Wuxian seems to have a sixth sense to spot them, and for someone so smart, he's really stupid when it comes to realising he could just avoid them.
With a sigh, Nie Huaisang hurries in the direction of their voices. When he realises that these two are alone, without at least Jiang Cheng to keep them in check, he jumps on a small boat and hurries to take it between theirs. Someone has to avoid a diplomatic incident, and it's not going to be these two idiots and their overblown egos.
His peacekeeping efforts are mildly starting to work, or so Nie Huaisang tells himself. It soon stops to matter when a bunch of water bloated corpses spring from the canals and start attacking them.
It all goes very fast. One moment Nie Huaisang was trying to get Jin Zixuan to just calm down for five seconds, the next there's a huge, ugly, stinky creature trying to climb onto his boat. The weight of that thing is such that the other side of the boat starts rising from the water, forcing Nie Huaisang to cling to the sides so he doesn't fall into the monster's grasp.
“Help!” he cries out. “I'm going to fall, somebody help!”
But Wei Wuxian is off saving civilians, and Jin Zixuan is under attack by several water ghouls, so neither can intervene. Nie Huaisang closes his eyes and grasps the wood tighter, wondering if he might manage to unsheathe his sabre without falling, if he can let himself fall and try to strike at the ghoul on his way down. If he were any good as a cultivator, it'd be as easy as breathing, but he's never done anything like this, never had to hit anything scarier than a practice dummy, and that ghoul is big and...
While Nie Huaisang holds on to the boat and panics over what to do, someone joins him on the boat, so light on their feet that the movement barely registers, and with one smooth slash of their sword, they dispatch the ghoul. Immediately the boat falls back on the water with a splash, but Nie Huaisang doesn't even mind that he gets sprayed.
“Thank you!” he exclaims with a grateful smile that turns into a grimace when he wipes the water from his eyes and realises who saved him. “Lan gongzi?”
Of course it'd have to be him. Lan Xichen smiles down at him as if expecting to be praised for the rescue, not a single hair out of place, not a stain on his white robes. Nie Huaisang looks away, refusing to give him that pleasure. It doesn't matter in the end because Lan Xichen quickly leaves him alone to help the others deal with the rest of the creatures while Nie Huaisang sits on his boat, utterly useless.
When the fight is over, they all regroup on the bank of the canal to decide what to do. Nie Huaisang expects Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian to be excited that they got to fight and show off already, but instead he finds them oddly serious. They seem like entirely different people all of a sudden, like real cultivators instead of the two goofy kids he's grown used to play with. It's an unpleasant reminder that with them too, there's a divide he can't ever expect to cross. Nie Huaisang is surrounded by amazing people, while he struggles with flying on his sabre for even an incense's stick duration.
He tries to remind himself that he has qualities too, that he doesn't need to play by their rules, that his friends like him even without any cultivation capacity to speak of. It brings him little comfort, especially when he hears Lan Xichen starts to explain how they will proceed from then on, and he realises that he doesn't know how to do most of the things his fiancé is speaking about.
As if guessing his thoughts, Lan Xichen suddenly turns towards him with a look of doubtful appraisal on his face.
“Huaisang, since you're not up to fight after all, just wait for us here,” he advises.
A second ago, Nie Huaisang was ready to beg to be left behind. Now that Lan Xichen is the one demanding it, he feels for the first time in his life an intense desire to really take part in a Night Hunt.
“Lan-gege has so little trust in me,” he complains with a pout. “How am I ever going to improve if I never get to try? I want to try. I'm sure my brother also would want me to, Lan-gege,” he insists, putting as much emphasis as he dares on the nickname and... yes, just as he hoped, it appears to annoy Lan Xichen.
It annoys him so much that a touch of red appears on his cheeks. Just to have gotten a reaction out of his bothersome fiancé, Nie Huaisang is ready to put up with whatever it is people even do on Night Hunts. Between the kissing and making Lan Xichen flush in anger, this is quite possibly the best day of his life.
“This situation appears more serious than I realised when I invited you along,” Lan Xichen replies. “Of course I trust Nie gongzi to do better than what others might expect, but I do not think this is appropriate for a first Night Hunt.”
It's Nie Huaisang's turn to blush in embarrassment, and he glares at Lan Xichen for saying so casually, in front of so many others, that he's never been on a Night Hunt before. It's not exactly untrue, he's never done more than the sort of very easy stuff any child will do, and it all stopped around the time of the engagement because he was so bad and had become too much of an asset to be put at risk.
Just because it's true doesn't mean it needs to be shared.
“Then I will do as Lan-gege orders, of course,” Nie Huaisang says with a short bow. “Lan-gege always knows best, doesn't he?”
“Go wait for us at the inn,” Lan Xichen orders, apparently pleased with how easily his fiancé complies. “Hopefully we'll be back before sunset. Try to have fun if you can, but don't get in trouble.”
Nie Huaisang bites the inside of his cheeks and smiles as sweetly as he can, because there's people around and he knows better than to publicly humiliate his fiancé. But he'll get revenge for this someday, and for everything else as well.
And what better revenge can there be than to make that annoyingly pure and perfect Lan boy marry someone who has already tried dual cultivation?
Besides, it's not like Lan Xichen is ever going to touch him anyway, so he'll have to get his fun where he can get it, while he can get it.
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