#definitely not an easy project to undertake but to start it so big seems like one of the biggest flaws for me
dwtdog · 4 months
the qsmp revolutionized the use of mods to communicate in minecraft yeah (I dont count the usmp mostly bc it didnt come out unfortanely) but it's also the server that will be remenbered as the international server that was sued /threaten to be sued by a french union for treating workers badly. Im sad for the team behind it bc they give a lot for it and this was their project too not only Q but i guess it's for the best. A negligent boss who cant maintain a company and a server without exploiting people shouldnt be let continuing and hurting others. I hope this a wake up call for Q and the community of the qsmp/ex dsmp toxics fans in regards of what they demand bc if it wasnt for people demands things like what happened with the admins wouldnt have happened, this was the price for the expecific type of content the public wanted and demanded that the dsmp didnt give them and Q pay it with sweat and tears from his workers
very good points, and i just think that it being remembered as the egg server/ the server that got sued is just. very indicative of how it ultimately failed at its goal ? like it does seem like a lot of the ccs on there did form genuine friendships with each other, and that the community of the server spanned many languages and cultures, but it was handled so poorly what with the disregard for workers rights and the xenophobia many brazilian fans and streamers experienced
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Enjoy it while it lasts, and get as much done as you can, because you haven't hired any bureaucrats yet. Sites of this type will get their attention. The fact that there's no conventional number. Don't fix Windows, because the remaining. And what drives them both is the number of new shares to the angel; if there were 1000 shares before the deal, this means 200 additional shares. This is not as selfish as it sounds. For the average startup fails. It spread from Fortran into Algol and then to depend on it happening. Seeing the system in use by real users—people they don't know—gives them lots of new ideas is practically virgin territory.
Auto-retrieving spam filters would make the legislator who introduced the bill famous. When someone's working on a problem where their success can be measured, you win. I was a Reddit user when the opposite happened there, and sitting in a cafe feels different from working. However, the easiest and cheapest way for them to do it gets you halfway there. No one uses pen as a verb in spoken English. We'd ask why we even hear about new languages like Perl and Python, the claim of the Python hackers seems to be as big as possible wants to attract everyone. Conditionals. Poetry is as much music as text, so you start to doubt yourself. Between them, these two facts are literally a recipe for exponential growth. In languages, as in any really bold undertaking, merely deciding to do it. I fly over the Valley: somehow you can sense something is going on.
It's easy to be drawn into imitating flaws, because they're trying to ignore you out of existence. Google. Long words for the first time should be the ideas expressed there. If a link is just an empty rant, editors will sometimes kill it even if it's on topic in the sense of beating the system, not breaking into computers. As long as you're at a point in your life when you can bear the risk of failure. I'm less American than I seem. The distinction between expressions and statements. So perhaps the best solution is to add a few more checks on public companies. Let me repeat that recipe: finding the problem intolerable and feeling it must be true that only 1.
Well, I said a good rule of thumb was to stay upwind—to work on a Python project than you could to work on a problem that seems too big, I always ask: is there some way to bite off some subset of the problem. A company that needed to build a factory or hire 50 people obviously needed to raise a large round and risk losing the investors you already have if you can't raise the full amount. And isn't popularity to some extent its own justification? I realize I might seem to be any less committed to the business. Surely that's mere prudence? The measurement of performance will tend to push even the organizations issuing credentials into line. Number 6 is starting to have a piratical gleam in their eye. About a year after we started Y Combinator that the most important skills founders need to learn. When the company goes public, the SEC will carefully study all prior issuances of stock by the company and demand that it take immediate action to cure any past violations of securities laws. Within a few decades old, and rapidly evolving. I didn't say so, but I'm British by birth. Investors tend to resist committing except to the extent you can.
I'm talking to companies we fund? But if we can decide in 20 minutes, should it take anyone longer than a couple days when he presented to investors at Demo Day, the more demanding the application, the more demanding the application, the more extroverted of the two founders did most of the holes are. We funded them because we liked the founders so much. And such random factors will increasingly be able to brag that he was an investor. You'd feel like an idiot using pen instead of write in a different language than they'd use if they were expressed that way. The safest plan for him personally is to stick close to the margin of failure, and the time preparing for it beforehand and thinking about it afterward. The theory is that minor forms of bad behavior encourage worse ones: that a neighborhood with lots of graffiti and broken windows becomes one where robberies occur. S s: n. Bootstrapping Consulting Some would-be founders may by now be thinking, why deal with investors at all, it means you don't need them.
It's not just that you can't judge ideas till you're an expert in a field. And the way to do it gets you halfway there. Angels who only invest occasionally may not themselves know what terms they want. But the raison d'etre of all these institutions has been the same kind of aberration, just spread over a longer period. If someone pays $20,000 from their friend's rich uncle, who they give 5% of the company they take is artificially low. But because seed firms operate in an earlier phase, they need to spend a lot on marketing, or build some kind of announcer. There are millions of small businesses in America, but only a little; they were both meeting someone they had a lot in common with. We present to him what has to be treated as a threat to a company's survival. S i; return s;; This falls short of the spec because it only works for integers. He said their business model was crap.
I was a philosophy major. Programs often have to work actively to prevent your company growing into a weed tree, dependent on this source of easy but low-margin money. And I was a philosophy major. This leads to the phenomenon known in the Valley is watching them. I definitely didn't prefer it when the grass was long after a week of rain. As many people have noted, one of the questions we pay most attention to when judging applications. I'd like to reply with another question: why do people think it's hard to predict, till you try, how long it will take to become profitable. Raising money is the better choice, because new technology is usually more valuable now than later. The purpose of the committee is presumably to ensure that is to create a successful company?
One recently told me that he did as a theoretical exercise—an effort to define a more convenient alternative to the Turing Machine. This is actually less common than it seems: many have to claim they thought of the idea after quitting because otherwise their former employer would own it. If you look at these languages in order, Java, and Visual Basic—it is not so frivolous as it sounds, however. VCs they have introductions to. VCs ask, just point out that you're inexperienced at fundraising—which is always a safe card to play—and you feel obliged to do the same for any firm you talk to. The lower your costs, the more demanding the application, the more important it is to sell something to you, the writer, the false impression that you're saying more than you have. What happens in that shower?
Thanks to Dan Bloomberg, Trevor Blackwell, Garry Tan, Nikhil Pandit, Reid Hoffman, Geoff Ralston, Slava Akhmechet, Paul Buchheit, Ben Horowitz, and Greg McAdoo for the lulz.
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grigori77 · 3 years
Summer 2021′s Movies - My Top Ten Favourite Films (Part 2)
The Top Ten:
10.  WEREWOLVES WITHIN – definitely one of the year’s biggest cinematic surprises so far, this darkly comic supernatural murder mystery from indie horror director Josh Ruben (Scare Me) is based on a video game, but you’d never know it – this bears so little resemblance to the original Ubisoft title that it’s a wonder anyone even bothered to make the connection, but even so, this is now notable for officially being the highest rated video game adaptation in Rotten Tomatoes history, with a Certified Fresh rating of 86%. Certainly it deserves that distinction, but there’s so much more to the film – this is an absolute blood-splattered joy, the title telling you everything you need to know about the story but belying the film’s pure, quirky genius.  Veep’s Sam Richardson is forest ranger Finn Wheeler, a gentle and socially awkward soul who arrives at his new post in the remote small town of Beaverton to discover the few, uniformly weird residents are divided over the oil pipeline proposition of forceful and abrasive businessman Sam Parker (The Hunt’s Wayne Duvall).  As he tries to fit in and find his feet, investigating the disappearance of a local dog while bonding with local mail carrier Cecily Moore (Other Space and This Is Us’ Milana Vayntrub), the discovery of a horribly mutilated human body leads to a standoff between the townsfolk and an enforced lockdown in the town’s ramshackle hotel as they try to work out who amongst them is the “werewolf” they suspect is responsible.  This is frequently hilarious, the offbeat script from appropriately named Mishna Wolff (I’m Down) dropping some absolutely zingers and crafting some enjoyably weird encounters and unexpected twists, while the uniformly excellent cast do much of the heavy-lifting to bring their rich, thoroughly oddball characters to vivid life – Richardson is thoroughly cuddly throughout, while Duvall is pleasingly loathsome, Casual’s Michaela Watkins is pleasingly grating as Trisha, flaky housewife to unrepentant local horn-dog Pete Anderton (Orange is the New Black’s Michael Chernus), and Cheyenne Jackson (American Horror Story) and Harry Guillen (best known, OF COURSE, as Guillermo in the TV version of What We Do In the Shadows) make an enjoyably spiky double-act as liberal gay couple Devon and Joaquim Wolfson; in the end, though, the film is roundly stolen by Vayntrub, who invests Cecily with a bubbly sweetness and snarky sass that makes it absolutely impossible to not fall completely in love with her (gods know I did).  This is a deeply funny film, packed with proper belly-laughs from start to finish, but like all the best horror comedies it takes its horror elements seriously, delivering some enjoyably effective scares and juicy gore, while the werewolf itself, when finally revealed, is realised through some top-notch prosthetics.  Altogether this was a most welcome under-the-radar surprise for the summer, and SO MUCH MORE than just an unusually great video game adaptation …
9.  THE TOMORROW WAR – although cinemas finally reopened in the UK in early summer, the bite of the COVID lockdown backlog was still very much in effect this blockbuster season, with several studios preferring to hedge their bets and wait for later release dates. Others turned to streaming services, including Paramount, who happily lined up a few heavyweight titles to open on major platforms in lieu of the big screen.  One of the biggest was this intended sci-fi action horror tentpole, meant to give Chris Pratt another potential franchise on top of Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World, which instead dropped in early July on Amazon Prime.  So, was it worth staying in on a Saturday night instead of heading out for something on the BIG screen?  Mostly yes, although it’s mainly a trashy, guilty pleasure big budget B-picture charm that makes this such a worthwhile experience – the film’s biggest influences are clearly Independence Day and Starship Troopers, two admirably clunky blockbusters that DEFINED prioritising big spectacle and overblown theatrics over intelligent writing and realistic storytelling.  It doesn’t help that the premise is pure bunk – in 2022, a wormhole opens from thirty years in the future, and a plea for help is sent back with a bunch of very young future soldiers.  Seems Earth will become overrun by an unstoppable swarm of nasty alien critters called Whitespikes in 25 years, and the desperate human counteroffensive have no choice but to bring soldiers from our present into the future to help them fight back and save the humanity from imminent extinction.  Less than a year later, the world’s standing armies have been decimated and a worldwide draft has been implemented, with normal everyday adults being sent through for a seven day tour from which very few return.  Pratt plays biology teacher and former Green Beret Dan Forrester, one of the latest batch of draftees to be sent into the future along with a selection of chefs, soccer moms and other average joes – his own training and experience serves him better than most when the shit hits the fan, but it soon becomes clear that he’s just as out of his depth as everyone else as the sheer enormity of the threat is revealed.  But when he becomes entangled with a desperate research outfit led by Muri (Chuck’s Yvonne Strahovski) who seem to be on the verge of a potential world-changing scientific breakthrough, Dan realises there just might be a slender hope for humanity after all … this is every bit as over-the-top gung-ho bonkers as it sounds, and just as much fun.  Director Chris McKay may still be pretty fresh (with only The Lego Batman Movie under his belt to date), but he shows a lot of talent and potential for big budget blockbuster filmmaking here, delivering with guts and bravado on some major action sequences (a fraught ticking-clock SAR operation through a war-torn Miami is the film’s undeniable highlight, but a desperate battle to escape a blazing oil rig also really impresses), as well as handling some impressively complex visual effects work and wrangling some quality performances from his cast (altogether it bodes well for his future, which includes Nightwing and Johnny Quest as future projects).  Chris Pratt can do this kind of stuff in his sleep – Dan is his classic fallible and self-deprecating but ultimately solid and kind-hearted action hero fare, effortlessly likeable and easy to root for – and his supporting cast are equally solid, Strahovsky going toe-to-toe with him in the action sequences while also creating a rewardingly complex smart-woman/badass combo in Muri, while the other real standouts include Sam Richardson (Veep, Werewolves Within) and Edwin Hodge (The Purge movies) as fellow draftees Charlie and Dorian, the former a scared-out-of-his-mind tech geek while the latter is a seriously hardcore veteran serving his THIRD TOUR, and the ever brilliant J.K. Simmonds as Dan’s emotionally scarred estranged Vietnam-vet father, Jim.  Sure, it’s derivative as hell and thoroughly predictable (with more than one big twist you can see coming a mile away), but the pace is brisk, the atmosphere pregnant with a palpable doomed urgency, and the creatures themselves are a genuinely convincing world-ending threat, the design team and visual effects wizards creating genuine nightmare fuel in the feral and unrelenting Whitespikes.  Altogether this WAS an ideal way to spend a comfy Saturday night in, but I think it could have been JUST AS GOOD for a Saturday night OUT at the Pictures …
8.  ARMY OF THE DEAD – another high profile release that went straight to streaming was this genuine monster hit for Netflix from one of this century’s undeniable heavyweight action cinema masters, the indomitable Zack Snyder, who kicked off his career with an audience-dividing (but, as far as I’m concerned, ultimately MASSIVELY successful) remake of George Romero’s immortal Dawn of the Dead, and has finally returned to zombie horror after close to two decades away.  The end result is, undeniably, the biggest cinematic guilty pleasure of the entire summer, a bona fide outbreak horror EPIC in spite of its tightly focused story – Dave Bautista plays mercenary Scott Ward, leader a badass squad of soldiers of fortune who were among the few to escape a deadly outbreak of a zombie virus in the city of Las Vegas, enlisted to break into the vault of one of the Strip’s casinos by owner Bly Tanaka (a fantastically game turn from Hiroyuki Sanada) and rescue $200 million still locked away inside.  So what’s the catch?  Vegas remains ground zero for the outbreak, walled off from the outside world but still heavily infested within, and in less than three days the US military intends to sterilise the site with a tactical nuke.  Simple premise, down and dirty, trashy flick, right?  Wrong – Snyder has never believed in doing things small, having brought us unapologetically BIG cinema with the likes of 300, Watchmen, Man of Steel and, most notably, his version of Justice League, so this is another MASSIVE undertaking, every scene shot for maximum thrills or emotional impact, each set-piece executed with his characteristic militaristic precision and explosive predilection (a harrowing fight for survival against a freshly-awakened zombie horde in tightly packed casino corridors is the film’s undeniable highlight), and the gauzy, dreamlike cinematography gives even simple scenes an intriguing and evocative edge that really does make you feel like you’re watching something BIG.  The characters all feel larger-than-life too – Bautista can seem somewhat cartoonish at times, and this role definitely plays that as a strength, making Scott a rock-hard alpha male in the classic Hollywood mould, but he’s such a great actor that of course he’s able to invest the character with real rewarding complexity beneath the surface; Ana de la Reguera (Eastbound & Down) and Nora Arnezeder (Zoo, Mozart in the Jungle), meanwhile, both bring a healthy dose of oestrogen-fuelled badassery to proceedings as, respectively, Scott’s regular second-in-command, Maria Cruz, and Lilly the Coyote, Power’s Omari Hardwick and Matthias Schweighofer (You Are Wanted) make for a fun odd-couple double act as circular-saw-wielding merc Vanderohe and Dieter, the nervous, nerdy German safecracker brought in to crack the vault, and Fear the Walking Dead’s Garrett Dillahunt channels spectacular scumbag energy as Tanaka’s sleazy former casino boss Martin, while latecomer Tig Notaro (Star Trek Discovery) effortlessly rises above her last-minute-casting controversy to deliver brilliantly as sassy and acerbic chopper pilot Peters.  I think it goes without saying that Snyder can do this in his sleep, but he definitely wasn’t napping here – he pulled out all the stops on this one, delivering a thrilling, darkly comic and endearingly CRACKERS zombie flick that not only compares favourably to his own Dawn but is, undeniably, his best film for AGES.  Netflix certainly seem to be pleased with the results – a spinoff prequel, Army of Thieves, starring Dieter in another heist thriller, is set to drop in October, with an animated series following in the Spring, and there’s already rumours of a sequel in development.  I’m certainly up for more …
7.  BLACK WIDOW – no major blockbuster property was hit harder by COVID than the MCU, which saw its ENTIRE SLATE for 2020 delayed for over a year in the face of Marvel Studios bowing to the inevitability of the Pandemic and unwilling to sacrifice those all-important box-office receipts by just sending their films straight to streaming.  The most frustrating part for hardcore fans of the series was the delay of a standalone film that was already criminally overdue – the solo headlining vehicle of founding Avenger and bona fide female superhero ICON Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow.  Equally frustratingly, then, this film seems set to be overshadowed by real life controversy as star and producer Scarlett Johansson goes head-to-head with Disney in civil court over their breach-of-contract after they hedged their bets by releasing the film simultaneously in cinemas and on their own streaming platform, which has led to poor box office as many of the film’s potential audience chose to watch it at home instead of risk movie theatres with the virus still very much remaining a threat (and Disney have clearly reacted AGAIN, now backtracking on their release policy by instigating a new 45-day cinematic exclusivity window on all their big releases for the immediate future). But what of the film itself?  Well Black Widow is an interesting piece of work, director Cate Shortland (Berlin Syndrome) and screenwriter Eric Pearson (Thor: Ragnarok) delivering a decidedly stripped-back, lean and intellectual beast that bears greater resemblance to the more cerebral work of the Russo Brothers on their Captain America films than the more classically bombastic likes of Iron Man, Thor or the Avengers flicks, concentrating on story and characters over action and spectacle as we wind back the clock to before the events of Infinity War and Endgame, when Romanoff was on the run after Civil War, hunted by the government-appointed forces of US Secretary of State “Thunderbolt” Ross (William Hurt) after violating the Sokovia Accords.  Then a mysterious delivery throws her back into the fray as she finds herself targeted by a mysterious assassin, forcing her to team up with her estranged “sister” Yelena Belova (Midsommar’s Florence Pugh), another Black Widow who’s just gone rogue from the same Red Room Natasha escaped years ago, armed with a McGuffin capable of foiling a dastardly plot for world domination.  The reluctant duo need help in this endeavour though, enlisting the aid of their former “parents”, veteran Widow and scientist Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz) and Alexie Shostakov (Stranger Things’ David Harbour), aka the Red Guardian, a Russian super-soldier intended to be their counterpart to Captain America, who’s been languishing in a Siberian gulag for the last twenty years. After the Earth-shaking, universe-changing events of recent MCU events, this film certainly feels like a much more self-contained, modest affair, playing for much smaller stakes, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less worthy of our attention – this is as precision-crafted as anything we’ve seen from Marvel so far, but it also feels like a refreshing change of pace after all those enormous cosmic shenanigans, while the script is as tight as a drum, propelling a taut, suspense-filled thriller that certainly doesn’t scrimp on the action front.  Sure, the set-pieces are very much in service of the story here, but they’re still the pre-requisite MCU rollercoaster rides, a selection of breathless chases and bone-crunching fights that really do play to the strengths of one of our favourite Avengers, but this is definitely one of those films where the real fireworks come when the film focuses on the characters – Johansson is so comfortable with her character she’s basically BECOME Natasha Romanoff, kickass and ruthless and complex and sassy and still just desperate for a family (though she hides it well throughout the film), while Weisz delivers one of her best performances in years as a peerless professional who keeps her emotions tightly reigned in but slowly comes to realise that she was never more happy than when she was pretending to be a simple mother, and Ray Winstone does a genuinely fantastic job of taking a character who could have been one of the MCU’s most disappointingly bland villains, General Dreykov, master of the Red Room, and investing him with enough oily charisma and intense presence to craft something truly memorable (frustratingly, the same cannot be said for the film’s supposed main physical threat, Taskmaster, who performs well in their frustratingly brief appearances but ultimately gets Darth Maul levels of short service).  The true scene-stealers in the film, however, are Alexie and Yelena – Harbour’s clearly having the time of his life hamming it up as a self-important, puffed-up peacock of a superhero who never got his shot and is clearly (rightly) decidedly bitter about it, preferring to relive the life he SHOULD have had instead of remembering the good in the one he got; Pugh, meanwhile, is THE BEST THING IN THE WHOLE MOVIE, easily matching Johanssen scene-for-scene in the action stakes but frequently out-performing her when it comes to acting, investing Yelena with a sweet naivety and innocence and a certain amount of quirky geekiness that makes for one of the year’s most endearing female protagonists (certainly one who, if the character goes the way I think she will, is thoroughly capable of carrying the torch for the foreseeable future).  In the end this is definitely one of the LEAST typical, by-the-numbers MCU films to date, and by delivering something a little different I think they’ve given us just the kind of leftfield swerve the series needs right now.  It’s certainly one of their most fascinating and rewarding films so far, and since it seems to be Johansson’s final tour of duty as the Black Widow, it’s also a most fitting farewell indeed.
6.  WRATH OF MAN – Guy Ritchie’s latest (regarded by many as a triumphant return to form, which I consider unfair since I don’t think he ever went away, especially after 2020’s spectacular The Gentlemen) is BY FAR his darkest film – let’s get this clear from the start.  Anyone who knows his work knows that Ritchie consistently maintains a near flawless balance and humour and seriousness in his films that gives them a welcome quirkiness that is one of his most distinctive trademarks, so for him to suddenly deliver a film which takes itself SO SERIOUSLY is one hell of a departure.  This is a film which almost REVELS in its darkness – Ritchie’s always loved bathing in man’s baser instincts, but Wrath of Man almost makes a kind of twisted VIRTUE out of wallowing in the genuine evils that men are capable of inflicting on each other.  The film certainly kicks off as it means to go on – In a tour-de-force single-shot opening, we watch a daring armoured car robbery on the streets of Los Angeles that goes horrifically wrong, an event which will have devastating consequences in the future.  Five months later, Fortico Security hires taciturn Brit Patrick Hill (Jason Statham) to work as a guard in one of their trucks, and on his first run he single-handedly foils another attempted robbery with genuinely uncanny combat skills. The company is thrilled, amazed by the sheer ability of their new hire, but Hill’s new colleagues are more concerned, wondering exactly what they’ve let themselves in for.  After a second foiled robbery, it becomes clear that Hill’s reputation has grown, but fellow guard Haiden (Holt McCallany), aka “Bullet”, begins to suspect there might be something darker going on … Ritchie is firing on all cylinders here, delivering a PERFECT slow-burn suspense thriller which plays its cards close to its chest and cranks up its piano wire tension with artful skill as it builds to a devastating, knuckle-whitening explosive heist that acts as a cathartic release for everything that’s built up over the past hour and a half.  In typical Ritchie style the narrative is non-linear, the story unfolding in four distinct parts told from clearly differentiated points of view, allowing the clues to be revealed at a trickle that effortlessly draws the viewer in as they fall deeper down the rabbit hole, leading to a harrowing but strangely poignant denouement which is perfectly in tune with everything that’s come before. It’s an immense pleasure finally getting to see Statham working with Ritchie again, and I don’t think he’s ever been better than he is here – he's always been a brilliantly understated actor, but there’s SO MUCH going on under Hill’s supposedly impenetrable calm that every little peek beneath the armour is a REVELATION; McCallany, meanwhile, has landed his best role since his short but VERY sweet supporting turn in Fight Club, seemingly likeable and fallible as the kind of easy-going co-worker anyone in the service industry would be THRILLED to have, but giving Bullet far more going on under the surface, while there are uniformly excellent performances from a top-shelf ensemble supporting cast which includes Josh Hartnett, Jeffrey Donovan (Burn Notice, Sicario), Andy Garcia, Laz Alonso (The Boys), Eddie Marsan, Niamh Algar (Raised By Wolves) and Darrell D’Silva (Informer, Domina), and a particularly edgy and intense turn from Scott Eastwood.  This is one of THE BEST thrillers of the year, by far, a masterpiece of mood, pace and plot that ensnares the viewer from its gripping opening and hooks them right up to the close, a triumph of the genre and EASILY Guy Ritchie’s best film since Snatch.  Regardless of whether or not it’s a RETURN to form, we can only hope he continues to deliver fare THIS GOOD in the future …
5.  FEAR STREET (PARTS 1-3) – Netflix have gotten increasingly ambitious with their original filmmaking over the years, and some of this years’ offerings have reached new heights of epic intention.  Their most exciting release of the summer was this adaptation of popular children’s horror author R.L. Stine’s popular book series, a truly gargantuan undertaking as the filmmakers set out to create an entire TRILOGY of films which were then released over three consecutive weekends.  Interestingly, these films are most definitely NOT for kids – this is proper, no-holds-barred supernatural slasher horror, delivering highly calibrated shocks and precision jump scares, a pervading atmosphere of insidious dread and a series of inventively gruesome kills.  The story revolves around two neighbouring small towns which have had vastly different fortunes over more than three centuries of existence – while the residents of Sunnyvale are unusually successful, living idyllic lives in peace and prosperity, luck has always been against the people of Shadyside, who languish in impoverishment, crime and misfortune, while the town has become known as the Murder Capital of the USA due to frequent spree killings.  Some attribute this to the supposed curse of a local urban legend, Sarah Fier, who became known as the Fier Witch after her execution for witchcraft in 1668, but others dismiss this as simple superstition.  Part 1 is set in 1994, as the latest outbreak of serial mayhem begins in Shadyside, dragging a small group of local teens – Deena Johnson (She Never Died’s Kiana Madeira) and Samantha Fraser (Olivia Scott Welch), a young lesbian couple going through a difficult breakup, Deena’s little brother Josh (The Haunted Hathaways’ Benjamin Flores Jr.), a nerdy history geek who spends most of his time playing video games or frequenting violent crime-buff online chatrooms, and their delinquent friends Simon (Eight Grade’s Fred Hechinger) and Kate (Julia Rehwald) – into the age-old ghostly conspiracy as they find themselves besieged by indestructible undead serial killers from the town’s past, reasoning that the only way they can escape with their lives is to solve the mystery and bring the Fier Witch some much needed closure.  Part 2, meanwhile, flashes back to a previous outbreak in 1977, in which local sisters Ziggy (Stranger Things’ Sadie Sink) and Cindy Berman (Emily Rudd), together with future Sunnyvale sheriff Nick Goode (Ted Sutherland) were among the kids hunted by said killers during a summer camp “colour war”.  As for Part 3, that goes all the way back to 1668 to tell the story of what REALLY happened to Sarah Fier, before wrapping up events in 1994, culminating in a terrifying, adrenaline-fuelled showdown in the Shadyside Mall.  Throughout, the youthful cast are EXCEPTIONAL, Madeira, Welch, Flores Jr., Sink and Rudd particularly impressing, while there are equally strong turns from Ashley Zuckerman (The Code, Designated Survivor) and Community’s Gillian Jacobs as the grown-up versions of two key ’77 kids, and a fun cameo from Maya Hawke in Part 1.  This is most definitely retro horror in the Stranger Things mould, perfectly executed period detail bringing fun nostalgic flavour to all three of the timelines while the peerless direction from Leigh Janiak (Honeymoon) and wire-tight, sharp-witted screenplays from Janiak, Kyle Killen (Lone Star, The Beaver), Phil Graziadel, Zak Olkewicz and Kate Trefry strike a perfect balance between knowing dark humour and knife-edged terror, as well as weaving an intriguingly complex narrative web that pulls the viewer in but never loses them to overcomplication.  The design, meanwhile, is evocative, the cinematography (from Stanger Things’ Caleb Heymann) is daring and magnificently moody, and the killers and other supernatural elements of the film are handled with skill through largely physical effects.  This is definitely not a standard, by-the-numbers slasher property, paying strong homage to the sub-genre’s rules but frequently subverting them with expert skill, and it’s as much fun as it is frightening.  Give us some more like this please, Netflix!
4.  THE SPARKS BROTHERS – those who’ve been following my reviews for a while will known that while I do sometimes shout about documentary films, they tend to show up in my runners-up lists – it’s a great rarity for one to land in one of my top tens.  This lovingly crafted deep-dive homage to cult band Sparks, from self-confessed rabid fanboy Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim), is something VERY SPECIAL INDEED, then … there’s a vague possibility some of you may have heard the name before, and many of you will know at least one or two of their biggest hits without knowing it was them (their greatest hit of all time, This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us, immediately springs to mind), but unless you’re REALLY serious about music it’s quite likely you have no idea who they are, namely two brothers from California, Russell and Ronald Mael, who formed a very sophisticated pop-rock band in the late 60s and then never really went away, having moments of fame but mostly working away in the background and influencing some of the greatest bands and musical artists that followed them, even if many never even knew where that influence originally came from. Wright’s film is an engrossing joy from start to finish (despite clocking in at two hours and twenty minutes), following their eclectic career from obscure inception as Halfnelson, through their first real big break with third album Kimono My Place, subsequent success and then fall from popularity in the mid-70s, through several subsequent revitalisations, all the way up to the present day with their long-awaited cinematic breakthrough, revolutionary musical feature Annette – throughout Wright keeps the tone light and the pace breezy, allowing a strong and endearing sense of irreverence to rule the day as fans, friends and the brothers themselves offer up fun anecdotes and wax lyrical about what is frequently a larger-than-life tragicomic soap opera, utilising fun, crappy animation and idiosyncratic stock footage inserts alongside talking-head interviews that were made with a decidedly tongue-in-cheek style – Mike Myers good-naturedly rants about how we can see his “damned mole” while 80s New Romantic icons Nick Rhodes and John Taylor, while shot together, are each individually labelled as “Duran”.  Ron and Russ themselves, meanwhile, are clearly having huge fun, gently ribbing each other and dropping some fun deadpan zingers throughout proceedings, easily playing to the band’s strong, idiosyncratic sense of hyper-intelligent humour, while the aforementioned celebrity talking-heads are just three amongst a whole wealth of famous faces that may surprise you – there’s even an appearance by Neil Gaiman, guys!  Altogether this is 2+ hours of bright and breezy fun chock full of great music and fascinating information, and even hardcore Sparks fans are likely to learn more than a little over the course of the film, while for those who have never heard of Sparks before it’s a FANTASTIC introduction to one of the greatest ever bands that you’ve never heard of.  With luck there might even be more than a few new fans before the year is out …
3.  GUNPOWDER MILKSHAKE – Netflix’ BEST offering of the summer was this surprise hit from Israeli writer-director Navot Papushado (Rabies, Big Bad Wolves), a heavily stylised black comedy action thriller that passes the Bechdel Test with FLYING COLOURS.  Playing like a female-centric John Wick, it follows ice-cold, on-top-of-her-game assassin Sam (Karen Gillan) as her latest assignment has some unfortunate side effects, leading her to take on a reparation job to retrieve some missing cash for the local branch of the Irish Mob.  The only catch is that a group of thugs have kidnapped the original thief’s little girl, 12 year-old Emily (My Spy’s Chloe Coleman), and Sam, in an uncharacteristic moment of sympathy, decides to intervene, only for the money to be accidentally destroyed in the process.  Now she’s got the Mob and her own employers coming after her, and she not only has to save her own skin but also Emily’s, leading her to seek help from the one person she thought she might never see again – her mother, Scarlet (Lena Headey), a master assassin in her own right who’s been hiding from the Mob herself for years.  The plot may be simple but at times also a little over-the-top, but the film is never anything less than a pure, unadulterated pleasure, populated with fascinating, living and breathing characters of real complexity and nuance, while the script (co-written by relative newcomer Ehud Lavski) is tightly-reined and bursting with zingers.  Most importantly, though, Papushado really delivers on the action front – these are some of the best set-pieces I’ve seen this year, Gillan, her co-stars and the various stunt-performers acquitting themselves admirably in a series of spectacular fights, gun battles and a particularly imaginative car chase that would be the envy of many larger, more expensive productions.  Gillan and Coleman have a sweet, awkward chemistry, the MCU star particularly impressing in a subtly nuanced performance that also plays beautifully against Headey’s own tightly controlled turn, while there is awesome support from Angela Bassett, Michelle Yeoh and Carla Gugino as Sam’s adoptive aunts Anna May, Florence and Madeleine, a trio of “librarians” who run a fine side-line in illicit weaponry and are capable of unleashing some spectacular violence of their own; the film’s antagonists, on the other hand, are exclusively masculine – the mighty Ralph Inneson is quietly ruthless as Irish boss Jim McAlester, while The Terror’s Adam Nagaitis is considerably more mercurial as his mad dog nephew Virgil, and Paul Giamatti is the stately calm at the centre of the storm as Sam’s employer Nathan, the closest thing she has to a father.  There’s so much to enjoy in this movie, not just the wonderful characters and amazing action but also the singularly engrossing and idiosyncratic style, deeply affecting themes of the bonds of found family and the healing power of forgiveness, and a rewarding through-line of strong women triumphing against the brutalities of toxic masculinity.  I love this film, and I invite you to try it out, cuz I’m sure you will too.
2.  THE SUICIDE SQUAD – the most fun I’ve had at the cinema so far this year is the long-awaited (thanks a bunch, COVID) redress of another frustrating imbalance from the decidedly hit and miss DCEU superhero franchise, in which Guardians of the Galaxy writer-director James Gunn has finally delivered a PROPER Suicide Squad movie after David Ayer’s painfully compromised first stab at the property back in 2016.  That movie was enjoyable enough and had some great moments, but ultimately it was a clunky mess, and while some of the characters were done (quite) well, others were painfully botched, even ruined entirely.  Thankfully Warner Bros. clearly learned their lesson, giving Gunn free reign to do whatever he wanted, and the end result is about as close to perfect as the DCEU has come to date.  Once again the peerless Viola Davis plays US government official Amanda Waller, head of ARGUS and the undisputable most evil bitch in all the DC Universe, who presides over the metahuman prisoners of the notorious supermax Belle Reve Prison, cherry-picking inmates for her pet project Taskforce X, the titular Suicide Squad sent out to handle the kind of jobs nobody else wants, in exchange for years off their sentences but controlled by explosive implants injected into the base of their skulls.  Their latest mission sees another motley crew of D-bags dispatched to the fictional South African island nation of Corto Maltese to infiltrate Jotunheim, a former Nazi facility in which a dangerous extra-terrestrial entity that’s being developed into a fearful bioweapon, with orders to destroy the project in order to keep it out of the hands of a hostile anti-American regime which has taken control of the island through a violent coup.  Where the first Squad felt like a clumsily-arranged selection of stereotypes with a few genuinely promising characters unsuccessfully moulded into a decidedly forced found family, this new batch are convincingly organic – they may be dysfunctional and they’re all almost universally definitely BAD GUYS, but they WORK, the relationship dynamics that form between them feeling genuinely earned.  Gunn has already proven himself a master of putting a bunch of A-holes together and forging them into band of “heroes”, and he’s certainly pulled the job off again here, dredging the bottom of the DC Rogues Gallery for its most ridiculous Z-listers and somehow managing to make them compelling.  Sure, returning Squad-member Harley Quinn (the incomparable Margot Robbie, magnificent as ever) has already become a fully-realised character thanks to Birds of Prey, so there wasn’t much heavy-lifting to be done here, but Gunn genuinely seems to GET the character, so our favourite pixie-esque Agent of Chaos is an unbridled and thoroughly unpredictable joy here, while fellow veteran Colonel Rick Flagg (a particularly muscular and thoroughly game Joel Kinnaman) has this time received a much needed makeover, Gunn promoting him from being the first film’s sketchily-drawn “Captain Exposition” and turning him into a fully-ledged, well-thought-out human being with all the requisite baggage, including a newfound sense of humour; the newcomers, meanwhile, are a thoroughly fascinating bunch – reluctant “leader” Bloodsport/Robert DuBois (a typically robust and playful Idris Elba), unapologetic douchebag Peacemaker/Christopher Smith (probably the best performance I’ve EVER seen John Cena deliver), and socially awkward and seriously hard-done-by nerd (and by far the most idiotic DC villain of all time) the Polka-Dot Man/Abner Krill (a genuinely heart-breaking hangdog performance from Ant-Man’s David Dastmalchian); meanwhile there’s a fine trio of villainous turns from the film’s resident Big Bads, with Juan Diego Botta (Good Behaviour) and Joaquin Cosio (Quantum of Solace, Narcos: Mexico) making strong impressions as newly-installed dictator Silvio Luna and his corrupt right hand-man General Suarez, although both are EASILY eclipsed by the typically brilliant Peter Capaldi as louche and quietly deranged supervillain The Thinker/Gaius Greives (although the film’s ULTIMATE threat turns out to be something a whole lot bigger and more exotic). The film is ROUNDLY STOLEN, however, by a truly adorable double act (or TRIPLE act, if you want to get technical) – Daniella Melchior makes her breakthrough here in fine style as sweet, principled and kind-hearted narcoleptic second-generation supervillain Ratcatcher II/Cleo Cazo, who has the weird ability to control rats (and who has a pet rat named Sebastian who frequently steals scenes all on his own), while a particular fan-favourite B-lister makes his big screen debut here in the form of King Shark/Nanaue, a barely sentient anthropomorphic Great White “shark god” with an insatiable appetite for flesh and a naturally quizzical nature who was brilliantly mo-capped by Steve Agee (The Sarah Silverman Project, who also plays Waller’s hyperactive assistant John Economos) but then artfully completed with an ingenious vocal turn from Sylvester Stallone. James Gunn has crafted an absolute MASTERPIECE here, EASILY the best film he’s made to date, a riotous cavalcade of exquisitely observed and perfectly delivered dark humour and expertly wrangled narrative chaos that has great fun playing with the narrative flow, injects countless spot-on in-jokes and irreverent but utterly essential throwaway sight-gags, and totally endears us to this glorious gang of utter morons right from the start (in which Gunn delivers what has to be one of the most skilful deep-fakes in cinematic history).  Sure, there’s also plenty of action, and it’s executed with the kind of consummate skill we’ve now come to expect from Gunn (the absolute highlight is a wonderfully bonkers sequence in which Harley expertly rescues herself from captivity), but like everything else it’s predominantly played for laughs, and there’s no getting away from the fact that this film is an absolute RIOT.  By far the funniest thing I’ve seen so far this year, and if I’m honest this is the best of the DCEU offerings to date, too (for me, only the exceptional Birds of Prey can compare) – if Warner Bros. have any sense they’ll give Gunn more to do VERY SOON …
1.  A QUIET PLACE, PART II – while UK cinemas finally reopened in early May, I was determined that my first trip back to the Big Screen for 2021 was gonna be something SPECIAL, and indeed I already knew what that was going to be. Thankfully I was not disappointed by my choice – 2018’s A Quiet Place was MY VERY FAVOURITE horror movie of the 2010s, an undeniable masterclass in suspense and sustained screen terror wrapped around a refreshingly original killer concept, and I was among the many fans hoping we’d see more in the future, especially after the film’s teasingly open ending.  Against the odds (or perhaps not), writer-director/co-star John Krasinski has pulled off the seemingly impossible task of not only following up that high-wire act, but genuinely EQUALLING it in levels of quality – picking up RIGHT where the first film left off (at least after an AMAZING scene-setting opening in which we’re treated to the events of Day 1 of the downfall of humanity), rejoining the remnants of the Abbott family as they’re forced by circumstances to up-sticks from their idyllic farmhouse home and strike out into the outside world once more, painfully aware at all times that they must maintain perfect silence to avoid the ravenous attentions of the lethal blind alien beasties that now sit at the top of the food chain.  Circumstances quickly become dire, however, and embattled mother Evelyn (Emily Blunt) is forced to ally herself with estranged family friend Emmett (Cillian Murphy), now a haunted, desperate vagrant eking out a perilous existence in an abandoned factory, in order to safeguard the future of her children Regan (Millicent Simmonds), Marcus (Noah Jupe) and their newborn baby brother.  Regan, however, discovers evidence of more survivors, and with her newfound weapon against the aliens she recklessly decides to set off on her own in the hopes of aiding them before it’s too late … it may only be his second major blockbuster as a director, but Krasinski has once again proven he’s a true heavyweight talent, effortlessly carving out fresh ground in this already magnificently well-realised dystopian universe while also playing magnificently to the established strengths of what came before, delivering another peerless thrill-ride of unbearable tension and knuckle-whitening terror.  The central principle of utilising sound at a very strict premium is once again strictly adhered to here, available sources of dialogue once again exploited with consummate skill while sound design and score (another moody triumph from Marco Beltrami) again become THE MOST IMPORTANT aspects of the whole production. The ruined world is once again realised beautifully throughout, most notably in the nightmarish environment of a wrecked commuter train, and Krasinski cranks up the tension before unleashing it in merciless explosions in a selection of harrowing encounters which guaranteed to leave viewers in a puddle of sweat.  The director mostly stays behind the camera this time round, but he does (obviously) put in an appearance in the opening flashback as the late Lee Abbott, making a potent impression which leaves a haunting absence that’s keenly felt throughout the remainder of the film, while Blunt continues to display mother lion ferocity as she fights to keep her children safe and Jupe plays crippling fear magnificently but is now starting to show a hidden spine of steel as Marcus finally starts to find his courage; the film once again belongs, however, to Simmonds, the young deaf actress once and for all proving she’s a genuine star in the making as she invests Regan with fierce wilfulness and stubborn determination that remains unshakeable even in the face of unspeakable horrors, and the relationship she develops with Emmett, reluctant as it may be, provides a strong new emotional focus for the story, Murphy bringing an attractive wounded humanity to his role as a man who’s lost anything and is being forced to learn to care for something again.  This is another triumph of the genre AND the artform in general, a masterpiece of atmosphere, performance and storytelling which builds magnificently on the skilful foundations laid by the first film, as well as setting things up perfectly for a third instalment which is all but certain to follow.  I definitely can’t wait.
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chibinekochan · 3 years
How to become a Demon Ruler 207
Part: 00 I 01 I 02 I 03 I 04 I 05 I 06  I  
Gender Neutral Reader insert
taglist:  @ayesha95  ;  @nomnomcupcakesworld ;  @fex-phoenix ; @depressed-bixch ;   @kitsune-oji  ;  @witch-o-memes ; @gallantys ,@tanspostsblog  ; @undertaker-02 ,
My classes are finally done for the day and I'm more than ready to go home.
  I spot Beel, he carries Belphie on his back.
  "Is he alright?" I worry that he got hurt somehow. 
"He is just sleeping, happens all the time." Beel smiles lightly. "Are you done for the day?" 
"Yeah, I was just about to head home. What about you?" I feel relieved that nothing bad happened at least. 
"Same, want to go together?" Beel offers with a big smile. 
"Of course." It's definitely better than going alone. 
We start walking at a casual speed. 
"You and Belphie must be super close." It seems unusual to carry a sibling home at least. 
"We are twins so it's natural," Beel explains. 
"Ah, that explains it. I just didn't think of that, since you two look so different." It's a bit strange at least. 
"We were just born at the same time. You see we are all brothers by choice." Beel says this with a big smile. He must really love his bro
I can only smile at this. "That is very awesome. I'm kinda jealous of that." I admit a bit shyly. 
"You, Diavolo and Barbatos seem to have a good bond too. It will only get stronger. By the way, if you run into any issues you can always come to me or any of my brothers. I know they can sometimes be trouble but they would always support people they care about." Beel is serious about this. 
It fills me with warmth."I hope they will care about me soon then and I kinda feel like I belong here already thanks to all of you. It might be a bit early but I'd like to see you all as my friends someday." It's a nice goal to have at least. 
"Sounds good to me." He smiles, but then his stomach rumbles. "Oh, do you mind stopping by a bakery quickly?" He looks guilty at me. 
"I don't mind. I'm getting hungry myself." I have to admit that school drained all of my energy. 
"I'll get you something too then." Beel offers this very nicely to me. 
"Better not. I'm getting fat anyway at this rate." I admit with a low voice. 
"Fat? Were?" He narrows his eyes at me. "Well, if it bothers you you can train with me. I do that too since I don't want to gain too much weight either plus I enjoy the exercise." Beel has a good idea, but there is one issue. 
"I don't think I'd be able to keep up with you at all." I sigh, remembering my training with Barbatos.
"Hmm true, humans are fragile apparently. In that case, I will go easy on you. Just stretches and a few rounds around the house of lamentation and some light exercises for the start." Beel seems to have made a plan already. 
"Let's start with one round and tone down whatever your definition of 'light exercises' way down." I can only shudder at the thought of repeating my experience. 
Beel shrugs. "Alright, it's a plan then. I'll buy you something."
  He heads into the store and comes out with a bag filled to the brim. He hands me a small bag with two items.
  "Can you keep one for Belphie? I usually just end up eating his food too." He admits sheepishly. 
"Of course. No problem." Both items seem to be the same. It looks a bit like a croissant with chocolate and berries.
I take a curious bite. It's sweet and very juicy while also somehow not dripping. "Wow, this is amazing." I can't hide my enjoyment.
  Beel nods while stuffing his mouth. 
When his mouth is empty again, he starts speaking again. "I'm glad you enjoy it."
At that moment, Belphie wakes up. "Hm? Oh, is class over? Thanks for carrying me, Beel." He smiles sleepily. 
"No problem. I got us all a snack. Do you want to walk the rest?" Beel let's Belphie down. 
"Hm? You haven't eaten everything yet?" Belphie yawns and stretches. 
"No, I gave yours to them." Beel smiles at me. 
"Here you go." I hold out the tasty treat for Belphie. 
He takes it. "Thank you both." Belphie smiles mostly at Beel, but that's okay for me. 
"It's very good. Is it one of your favorites, Belphie?" I can imagine that Beel would buy that for his brother. 
"Nope, never even seen this." He bites into the treat. 
"It is brand new and I wanted you two to have it." Beel smiles sheepishly. 
"It's good. Good choice, Beel." Belphie seems pleased enough. "What did you two talk about when I slept?" He looks at Beel. 
"We made plans to train together," Beel replies calmly. 
"Hahaha, good luck with that. I might come to watch that." Belphie finds this very amusing. 
"Just wait and see." I feel strangely motivated by his comment. 
Belphie just shrugs. "Suit yourself."
  We soon arrive at the house of lamentation. We say our goodbyes and I quickly make my way back home.
  I laugh at the thought that the big castle is now my home. It's a nice feeling. I wonder if anyone is home yet?
  Then I see Barbatos waving at me with a smile. My heart jumps with happiness. 
It's been only a few hours since I saw him but I realize that I missed him. 
"How was your first day?" He greets me in a friendly manner. 
"It was pretty good. I even managed to get access to Diavolos power but sadly I set a table on fire. Overall it was a lot better than expected." I figure it's best to be straightforward with my mistake.  There is a good chance that Barbatos knows already anyway. 
Barbatos raises his eyebrows, and this information surprises him after all. " Are you unharmed? " He sounds very worried. 
"I'm fine, it was just pretty surprising. I need to train to control that better. I still have no idea how to access my power yet either, but the other human exchange student is some wizard and he will help me." I shrug and share more news with Barbatos. 
He smiles at me. "I'm glad you are alright and you speak of Solomon, I assume?"
"Yeah, do you know him?" This is pretty interesting to me. 
"Indeed, as a matter of fact, I have a pact with him." Barbatos' face doesn't move. 
It's hard to tell what he feels sometimes. 
I know what I feel at least, jealousy. It's not a nice feeling for sure. I have no clue why I'd even be jealous of that? 
"Is there anything troubling you master?" He looks at me. 
"I'm just kinda tired." I turn away from his gaze, fearing that he somehow can peer straight into my heart. I'm truly stupid for feeling this way. Not only does Barbatos only see me as his master but it's just a pact. It's not like they are dating.
I sigh deeply. 
"Let's head inside then. I have coffee and strong tea that will wake you right back up." Barbatos politely smiles, seemingly unaware of my inner turmoil. 
I'm thankful for that though, I don't like my ugly feelings right now.
  He serves me some hot coffee. I drink it slowly, enjoying the quiet moment after my hectic school day.
  I tell Barbatos about the rest of my day. He listens calmly and seems very pleased.
  "For the rest of today, you can take off. It would be pointless if you would exhaust yourself." Barbatos is still concerned. 
"I'm fine. I want to train a little bit at least. Solomon said I should train with fire or another strong force. I think I will stick to something less dangerous though. Any ideas?" The fire incident is still fresh on my mind. 
Barbatos sighs lightly, then he thinks for a moment. "There is a waterfall in the far back of the estate. It's far enough away if any flooding should occur."
I sweat lightly at the implication. "Sounds great."
"I shall show you the way but promise me to only train for an hour and then take at least a break." Barbatos knows me too well at this point. 
"Thank you. Let me just quickly redress and it will only be for an hour. I have to text Beel anyway regarding our training." I don't plan to exhaust myself. 
"You certainly are getting along well with the brothers. I need to keep an eye on that." Barbatos looks troubled. 
"They are pretty nice and I'm glad to make friends." It's been a long time since I could call anyone my friend, it's a nice feeling to be so accepted. 
"I don't mind you making friends of course. Though it troubles me a bit knowing that you will spend less time at home." Barbatos' words surprise me. 
"Are you feeling lonely?" I say with a teasing smile. 
Barbatos' eyes widen for a split second. "I guess I do…" He looks like he just realized that. "I might have gotten too used to you being around all the time." He admits with a bashful smile. This is a very rare moment. I try to burn it into my memory. 
"Aww, I missed you too," I admit, feeling a bit bashful myself. 
Barbatos smiles unusually softly. "I'm glad we are on the same page about that." There seems to be so much more he wants to say but simply decides to keep quiet.
  I leave him be and quickly run to redress. My outfit is perfect for training and getting a bit wet.
  "I'm ready." I almost run into the waiting Barbatos, who is tending to the flowers in the garden. 
"You are certainly filled with energy. Must be nice." He looks at me with a slightly teasing smile. 
I pout at him. "Are you going to show me that waterfall now?" 
Barbatos gives me a slight smirk. "Of course, follow after me."
  Barbatos leads me through the vast garden, it's even bigger than I assumed. 
I keep an eye on the path, not wanting to repeat the time I fell into Diavolo’s arms. Well, it's not like that was bad, but I shudder thinking what would've happened if I'd fallen into the rose bush. 
It's a bit hard since all of the plants just look so interesting to me.
  Barbatos keeps a close eye on each of my movements, which motivates me to not get distracted from walking. 
Finally, we reach the waterfall. It looks man, or better said, demon-made. It's pretty impressive regardless.
  "I never thought someone would build a waterfall this big in their backyard." I stare at it in awe. 
"It's one of the many projects that the young master build for fun. At least it has some use now for you." Barbatos frowns lightly. 
"Does Diavolo often build random things?" He doesn't seem the type, but then again he kinda does. 
"He sometimes just acts a bit on a whim. It's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes it can become a burden. Like when he wanted to create a beach. That was quite a hassle." Barbatos sighs. 
I giggle imagining that. "Doesn't the devildom have beaches?" 
"We do, but we have a lava ocean. He wanted to experience a human beach." Barbatos seems slightly troubled.
"A human beach? That sounds like fun. I wonder if I'll ever get to see one again." I remember a vacation that I spent at the ocean. I somehow feel nostalgic.
"Maybe we can arrange something." Barbatos smiles mysteriously at me.
  I don't doubt that Barbatos would create an ocean just for me if I'd order him to do so. Even when it seems like a ridiculous idea it makes me smile. 
Barbatos looks at me with curious eyes but doesn't ask. 
I settle on the side of the river flowing from the waterfall.
  Barbatos seems to be thinking for a moment and then nods. "This is far enough away, but be careful or you might slip." 
"Don't worry, I'll just stay here." It's pretty comfortable on the grass here anyway." I get into a more comfortable pose. 
Barbatos still seems a bit reluctant to leave. " Sadly I have duties to attend to but you just need to yell and I will be right there." He seems to mostly assure himself. 
"I will do that." I agree, even if it's mostly to assure him.
  Barbatos seems to accept this and leaves me alone. 
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tarotinapinch · 3 years
Pile 3
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[stones pictured from left to right] rose quartz, optical cats eye (yellow), optical cats eye (green), optical cats eye (aqua), optical cats eye (blue), optical cats eye (purple)
1. Red - How to live more authentically
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*Two of Wands
*The Magi
*Lapis Lazuli - Prophetic dreams. Releasing anger. Serenity. Grace.
*The way is clear. Awaken the power within you.
*Change - The changes that you're going through are positive.
*Storm Rider of the Lightning Moon
*Leadership - Step into your leadership. Share your message. Inspire and empower others.
Simply put, you can live more authentically by releasing past angers and aggressions, forgiving yourself for the way you may have responded negatively to things in the past, which will clear the energies around you so that you may find a striking moment of clarity where the way forward is easily seen and understood. In your life recently you may have been feeling stuck, but that energy is ending and within the very near future if you accept the changes that are coming your way. If you haven't already, you have a great epiphany upon you where you will see where exactly it is that you want to go with your life and the steps that you can take now to help you get there. There are many great changes afoot, and you are more than ready to take the risks because it's your freedom that is on the line. Take leadership of your own life and make the decisions that you know will help push you along to the goals that your heart longs for. The way is clear if you are willing to take the actions needed to proceed forward. You have everything you need already within you, so take that first step and don't look back!
2. Orange - How to nurture self love
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*Seeker of Coins
*The Warrior
*Blue Calcite - Soothing. Inner Peace. Universal perspective. Strong memory.
*You have a sensitive antenna. Sensitive people collect emotions of others.
*Love Heals Fear - The power of love can help bullies and angry people to be less afraid
*Pegasus of the Sun
*Receive - Be open to receiving goodness. Believe you are worthy of abundance. A gift is coming to you soon.
The best way for you to nurture your self love is to dive into all of the opportunities that surround you at this time. There are so many things that are available to you now that will not only help on your self journey, but also act as self care rituals which will boost that self love that we all crave. You are a true warrior spirit, staying strong through life's turbulent waters and trying your hardest to keep a positive attitude through it all. Just know that while this is admirable, it's okay to be sensitive. You are naturally a sensitive person, which can be a double edged sword: you understand others very well, but sometimes you get lost in the emotions, forgetting where their feelings end and where yours begin. Know that the best way through these confusing times is to focus on your heart and follow what makes it happy, what you truly love. The energy of love will always be a steadfast guiding light to pull you out from any emotional depth you may feel trapped in. While being sensitive can definitely be painted in a very negative light, know that it is in fact a super power of yours. It is your greatest strength as well as your greatest weakness. Learn to harness it properly through love and nothing will ever be able to take you down. Loving yourself first and foremost is the first step. Do things that make you honestly happy and see how your mindset and life begin to transform in front of your eyes.
3. Yellow - How to boost self confidence
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*Ace of Wands - Energy, expansion, urgency.
*Blue Kyanite - Connecting with animals. Telepathic abilities. Finding your true path. Finding clarity.
*Trust in your new path. All will work out for you.
*One Step at a Time - Lots of little steps make big dreams come true.
*Black Pegasus - protection
*Healer - You have powerful healing gifts. Have faith in your abilities. Stay true to your path as a healer.
The best way to boos that self confidence of yours is to embark on that new journey that's calling your name. That project or idea that has been bouncing around in that skull of yours for some time longs to be manifested into the physical realm by you. Is it most likely a pretty big undertaking? Most likely, yes. Most grand ideas are. But these amazing and life-changing projects always start as just an idea in someone's head, and they never form in a short amount of time or with no effort at all, no matter how "easy" people make things look. The truth is that you don't see all of the failures, all of the sleepless nights, all of the questioning of if they're doing the right thing, all of the negativity thrown their way from non-believers, all of the self doubt that tries to creep in, all of the times that they almost gave up and walked out on their dreams. Bottom line here is that the journey may have its fair share of rough patches, but if you're courageous enough to stick it out, take it one step at a time, and trust in yourself, you will see amazing results in the end. And this journey will bring you such healing in a way that nothing else ever could. Your self confidence will be through the roof as you look back on everything that you accomplished because you wouldn't give up on yourself or your dreams. And one of the things you will be the most proud if is the boundary skills that you learned along the way, which gave you more room to work, less room for negative opinions or attempted manipulations from naysayers. In all, know that you are divinely protected on this path, so don't be afraid to let loose and have some fun along the way. You are meant to accomplish everything that you dream of and more.
4. Green - What positive energy to put out into your world
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*Nine of Cups - gratitude, celebration
*The Sage
*Earth - Abundance. Fertility. Harvesting. Logic.
*You are unlimited. What you can create is unlimited.
*Pets - You love and understand animals.
*Peaceful Pegasus of Earth
*Celebration - A positive outcome is assured. Celebrate your success. Enjoy your achievements.
The best kind of energies to put out and surround yourself with would be celebration. Celebrate any victories and be grateful for all of the things that you receive in life, whether they be material like a raise in pay, or metaphysical like a life lesson that you learn a lot from. The energy of this kind of gratitude will always bring you more abundance, more things that you need to propel yourself even farther down your path towards your goals. You are an unlimited being, always able to create whatever it is that you put your mind to so long as you stay within this celebratory energy. The more you manifest, the more self confidence you will gain in your abilities. I'm not going to say that everything will always be sunshine and rainbows, but you can definitely create that energy around you, which will attract all that you need. In tougher times, when things may seem bleak, hopeless, or you just feel completely unmotivated, the best things to surround yourself with are nature and animals. Animals are such intuitive beings and know exactly how to calm you down and cheer you up. Nature always grounds and rebalances your energies, bringing you clarity to situations that may seem foggy. You are destined for greatness. Celebrate your successes, even the ones that you just visualize within your head that have not come to pass quite yet, for you know that very soon they will be your reality.
5. Blue - How to best uphold healthy boundaries
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*Judgement - authenticity, honesty, taking inventory
*Sacred Sexuality
*Labradorite - Shamanic journeying. Brave. Magical power. Higher awareness.
*You are the breath. Listen and connect to your intuition.
*Wish Upon a Star - Make a wish and expect the very best.
*Pegasus of the Water Guardian - protection, patience, and trust for something
divinely destined gestating
*Nature - Ground yourself. Find a sanctuary in nature. Connect with the elementals.
The best way to uphold your boundaries is to stay honest, with others, but especially with yourself. Forgive the times that you went against your truth, when you weren't entirely authentic with yourself. We all have these moments, it's nothing to be ashamed of. We were programmed from a young age that the opinions of other people matter to our own well-being, so we try to be what other people like, thinking that will bring us peace and happiness. But if doing what others like goes against your authentic truth, it will bring you nothing but anxiety, depression, and sorrow. Don't let the opinions of others keep you from living your truth. Stand tall and be proud of who you are at your core, you're meant to be different from everyone else. No one is meant to be exactly the same as anyone else, we are all meant to celebrate the differences that bring us together as a community. The best way to clear your head and sort out which thoughts are yours and which thoughts have been planted by the opinions of others is to ground yourself within nature. The Earth holds great wisdom and is always willing to guide you, should you seek help from her. It can be scary doing things for yourself if it means going against the grain, doing things that you know others within your life will not take a liking to. But know that you are Divinely protected while walking your true path. So go ahead and wish your biggest wish and expect even better than the best result.
6. Purple - What to be proud of
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*Conqueror of Coins - grounded, hard work, routine
*Titanium Rainbow Quartz - Awakening all chakras. Ultimate manifestation.
Vibrancy. Powerful shift.
*What does your heart want? Be free to manifest your heart's desires.
*Laughter - You need a good laugh!
*Pegasus of Vega - changing things that no longer feel right for you
*Adventure - Dare to do things differently. Manifest your travel dreams. Move to a new location.
Be proud of the hard work that you have already/will put into being unapologetically yourself. Be proud of the career that your heart calls you to, even if it's seen as "different", "unconventional", "unrealistic", or any other negative term that society wants to spin onto it. You're meant to go after your hearts calling, and if that means going against every one of society's "rules", so be it! Go on that adventure with confidence and be proud of how you break the mold and challenge society's ideals. You are changing what no longer feels right to you and that is so amazing. There is such a powerful shift happening, an awakening within your soul that is healing, cleansing, and aligning your chakras which will bring you even more manifestation power. Be proud of your self journey. You're doing so well, keep up the great effort but also remember to take breaks when you need them to restore your energies. Remember to allow yourself good times and laughter along the way! It helps to release negative energies and bring you into a more positive mindset. Be proud of the people you choose to keep around you, the ones that your soul is truly connected to. These people will only boost that self confidence and drive for you to complete your goals, they will help to keep that fiery passion alive. Overall you should just be proud of you and the choices that you have/will make for yourself, for they are going to bring you to success and victory.
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veryloyalfan · 4 years
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Happy #PapyrusDay!
Because everyone needs a little Papyrus in their life.
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I was SO inspired, I even started making him accessories. Namely his brother, and a plate of spaghetti!! (I don’t have the right color for Sans’s hoodie yet. Hopefully soon.)
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My official Papyrusday meal...
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When my Official Undertale Cross-stich book arrived last week, I knew I was going to have to try to make as many as I could for Papyrusday. I just underestimated exactly what I was undertaking, and didn’t realize it would end up being such a good example of why Papyrusday is a thing.
I know how to cross-titch. I’ve started several projects, but, quickly lost interest in them for whatever various reasons. One of them being, it is particularly difficult for me to follow the squares, no matter how many times I double check. By the time I finished going back and correcting mistakes, I must have stitched and un-stitched the entire outline at least three times.
I was determined to complete this project, but moral was significantly lower by this ‘point’. Why was I putting myself through this to cross stitch an 8-bit pixel art character sprite??? Because, it was Papyrus.
This, often underestimated personification of kindness, confidence, hard work, humor, and support, is truly one of the best I’ve ever been introduced to, and it’s a shame that he’s so quickly misunderstood. Spoilers ahead.
Despite all his clever wordplay in-game, I was one of many who were quick to jump to the conclusion that the adorable stomping fit he threw at his brother’s jokes was an indication of a loathing for all puns, instead of just the lazy ones Sans has likely used multiple times on a daily basis.
It’s also rather easy to see his confidence as prideful. And he IS proud. Rightly so! He’s someone to BE proud of, and he owns it. But he’s just as quick to see the best in others, and be proud of them, for that. He’s just really comfortable in his own… bones. He’s Papyrus, and Papyrus is a great person to be and he knows that. As someone who lacks that confidence, I appreciate the reminder that it’s OKAY to like yourself, not, “even” if you’re striving to be a better person, but “especially” if you’re striving to be a better person, because trying is something to be proud of yourself for.
Another BIG one is that people often seem to underestimate Papyrus’s intelligence. There’s that incident where Sans trolls him with the rock/human debate. His puzzles appear to get the best of him, and he refuses to accept mean comments or insults from the player. There’s that bit in Waterfall where he tries to cover for Frisk to Undyne even though the human manages to foil it no matter what. (Please change your clothes after his suspicious question, folks, and let the skeleton tell the truth!) And then there’s the comments he makes, like the labradory, and the genocide route to name a few.
I don’t have anything more than a head cannon for this, because we don’t seem to get an explanation in game, but  Papyrus definitely seems to think outside of the box in a way that’s hard to follow, and that might be why he’s not more popular than he is, both in and outside of the game. Things about him don’t seem to add up, so they’re often dismissed, but, there’s a lot of mystery around both of the skelebros, not just Sans. Papyrus walking up the air over Frisk instead of around them is certainly one. Papyrus being able to tell what’s in the room with Frisk during phone calls and his comments near the end of the true pacifist route about Sans “PRANKING YOU ACROSS TIME AND SPACE”, and that the best possible ending is “THE WORST POSSIBLE ENDING” are very interesting, too.
But even if we don’t have clear answers for all of that, we are still given a solid character in Papyrus that is so positive he just… inspires me to be better.
As someone who naturally has more of a Sans nature, I too often find myself shrugging my efforts off. It’s far easier to see what didn’t measure up to my expectations, and improvement takes hard work that feels all the more daunting, because, what if I give it my all and I just don’t measure up AGAIN. Is it really worth the effort?
It’s just a little thing. I haven’t mastered cross stitch. Tibia honest, I really don’t want to. I’ll be content if I can finish the rest of the Undertale Gang. (And that Frisk lamp keychain.) But at the end of the day, I spent time crafting again, and all that time it took me, I wasn’t staring at a screen. Even though it was hard. Even though I had to take out more stitches than I could keep. Even though I overdid it. Even though my hand felt like I’d stepped on it on day three, and I had to take a break. (If you unleash your inner Papyrus, remember not to lock up your inner Sans, people, breaks ARE important and the bros need each other to balance out). Even though it’s not perfect.
I honestly don’t regret it, because there was a lot about it that I enjoyed, and now I have a little Papyrus sprite to encourage me to keep going. To remind me that a mistake made is a chance to fix it, and do better. To remind me that, even if it takes me longer to do things, I can still get there eventually as long as I don’t give up. To inspire me to be kind to everyone. Even me.
And in this world today, that’s what we need. More kindness. More positivity. More passionate people who not only work towards their goals, but also know how to recognize when those goals will hurt someone else, and need to be set to the side selflessly. Honest people, who love and support their family members, but refuse to enable them to the point of picking up that sock. People who thoroughly enjoy a good joke, and who value friendship highly.
So… um, yeah! I realized about halfway through that I wasn’t going to have time to do as much as I wanted for Papyrusday this year, and that, as much as this little guy means to me, it’s not much of a post all by itself, so I thought I’d share the thoughts I had while making him for anyone who wanted to read all this just in case someone might find it encouraging.
Happy Papyrus Day all!!!
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postdoc-help-desk · 5 years
Maintaining Motivation
You may have heard the saying, “it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon” at some time in your life. I’m here to tell you, or perhaps remind you, that graduate school, and especially pursuing a doctoral degree, definitely falls under the marathon style of thinking. It’s not just about the time commitment, either. The mentalities for successful completion of each are similar as well!
Starting grad school isn’t something that you should do without thinking about it first, just as you don’t stumble upon a marathon event and decide to join without having prepared mentally or physically first. There are a lot of factors that should go into deciding whether to pursue a PhD including but not limited to finances, time commitment, part-time vs full-time status, working while a student, current responsibilities, and career aspirations. You may also want to consider how your situation might change over the next 2 to 7 years, as this is the range of time a full-time Masters or PhD typically takes.
Somewhere between the midpoint and two-thirds of the way through a marathon, runners experience what is called “hitting the wall” where thoughts of giving up push forward. With the finish line not yet in sight, but feeling drained from the distance they’ve come so far, failure seems imminent. The mental strength that runners exhibit at this point to push through the seemingly endless undertaking of a marathon is something grad students will be called upon as well.
So how can you get through this and keep your motivation pushing you through to the finish line? Remembering the bigger picture while not letting it overwhelm you is a good start. Just like a marathon, grad school is a test of endurance. Sure, there might be some times where things are going smoothly and it seems easy, almost like running downhill. There will also be uphill times when you’re struggling to make any progress and just getting out of bed and showing up takes most of your effort. There may be times you can keep a steady pace, while others may require you to speed up or take on additional responsibilities to hit a milestone. If you keep in mind the anticipated benefits of completing the degree, you’ll have a better chance at staying focused throughout your schooling.
A few other techniques will help as well! I’m going to talk about two major ones that are applicable to most if not all grad students, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t others out there.
One of the most important things you can do is to celebrate victories, however small. Did you get your assignment in on time? Celebrate. Did you eat right and go to bed at a decent hour? Celebrate. Did you pass a big exam? Celebrate. Grad school is a long and arduous process, and if you don’t celebrate the small things just as much as the big ones, you’re going to burn out fast. Think of it this way. Between passing your qualifying exams, which usually happens in your second year, and defending your research shortly before you graduate, there can be years of time! If you don’t enjoy the little accomplishments on a weekly or even daily basis, you will become tired, discouraged, and even depressed. So pat yourself on the back, enjoy a nice meal, or spend some time with friends because you deserve it!
Another great way to keep up your motivation is to have a support network you can rely on, both in and out of the school setting. Think of them as your cheerleaders and fellow runners as you run through the marathon course. Building a network at school should consist of being friendly with your classmates, and especially those in your group of course. If you’re able to all take a lunch break at the same time, do that and socialize! Check in with each other throughout the day and week when you have a few minutes. If you find you have more things in common with them than just being in grad school, try to meet up for activities outside of school every once in a while. Outside of school, you should have friends and family who are supportive of you as well. If they’re local, great! Spend time outside of school with them when you’re able. If they’re not, then set up a regular time to talk with them often. One of the things I personally found most useful while in grad school was to start visiting a therapist who I check in with regularly. Working on a PhD can be very draining, both mentally and physically, so having a professional to talk to about my stressors makes things more manageable without adding pressure to friends or family. In the weeks where I’m just barely getting by, she’s able to remind me to do the basics to take care of myself and with suggestions on how to push forward. Regardless of who you rely on during your education, remember that leaning too hard on one person will stress the relationship, so broaden your network as best you can!
You may have noticed that I never referred to a marathon as a race during this post, and I want to explicitly state that this was an intentional decision. We like to put a competitive edge on most activities, but fundamentally we are testing ourselves. Graduate students, and people in general, should not compare themselves to others. Though situations may seem similar, they are never exactly the same. In graduate school, differences can be even more significant. Having family responsibilities can be dramatically different due to the abilities or commitment from a partner or other family members, as well as the ages of the person that needs to be cared for and the student. The research project and advisor also come into play, as different advisors have different expectations for their students, and these can even change depending on the status of the student. New students might be cut a little more slack in their research progress as they have to juggle classes and sometimes teaching. Students in the middle of their education might be expected to take on extra work to benefit the group, or to make great leaps and bounds in their research. Similarly, some research projects have time constraints, while others may be more loosely restricted. Access to outside resources may place time limitations on progress. Even the number and type of pet someone owns will influence their responsibilities enough to cause big differences!
The most important thing to remember about grad school is that, just like a marathon, there is a definitive end. You may not be able to see it yet, but if you keep heading forward then you’ll make it there.
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Alright I’ve kept meaning to do sort of an infodump on my projects because I’ve been really slipping lately.  I dunno how obvious it is?  Probably kind of obvious.  I’ve also been really bad about checking messages and responding to people.  So I figure I can write up a status report and then point to it when I’ve been inadequate about communication.
My IRL job has been wiping me out.  I’ve been getting short, labor-intensive shifts in the evenings, and then random surprise morning shifts shortly after, which has been really hard to manage my time around.  My sleep schedule has been extremely broken and it’s affected my productivity a LOT.  Leadership in my department is about to shuffle around and I’ve been interviewed for the manager position.  If I get it I’ll be working an entirely different schedule, which could potentially be good for my sleepy brain but will definitely leave me with less art time overall.  I’ve also been enduring some back/shoulder issues over the past few months.  Nothing urgent, but it’s limiting how much I can draw each day.  I think replacing my desk chair is going to be a big factor but it’s not the only factor.  I just need to be a smart human and take care of my joints and not hunch over so much.  Working on it.
Here’s the current status of my various art projects:
I ended chapter 5 in June and said I would finish up some other side projects before I start concept work for chapter 6.  One of the projects I needed to finish was the Popkas Yugioh season 4 special, which I finished.  The other big one was my Neonmob card set, which is most of what I’ve been posting lately.  Once that’s out of the way (see below) I need to do concept art.  Chapter 6 will put all the Laserwing characters in new outfits which will need reference sheets.  I’ll need background sketches and layout diagrams so I don’t have furniture shuffle randomly around between scenes.  I also need to sketch out the chapter 6 draft page by page.  I’ve made Laserwing in GIMP up until this point and am going to try switching to Krita for chapter 6.  I might need to do a test page to make sure my process transfers over well into a slightly different system.  Once I’m ready to make real pages, those take a while.  Chapter 5 pages were going up maybe every 2-3 weeks.  I don’t know how many pages are going to be in chapter 6, nor can I say for sure how many chapters are in Laserwing.  An old outline had maybe 40 chapters.  It’s a story with a defined end point, I can say that for certain, but it’s intended to be long.
I’ve had issues with Popkas for a while.  I keep picking new themes for dailies, thinking they’re going to be quick and easy, but then end up making them hard for myself.  It’s been to my benefit, I’ve forced myself into learning new art programs and techniques through Popkas.  But it’s hard to keep up the daily schedule.  Currently I’m doing the Paper Mario: TTYD bestiary, which has 124 enemies.  At a rate of one per day, by the time I’ve finished them, Pokemon Sword and Shield should be released and we’ll have all the info about the new Pokemon.  Those will be drawn in ‘Popka classic’ style (scribbly shitposts).  After those are finished, unless my IRL work situation dramatically changes, I’m considering putting Popkas on pause.  In order to do any other monster dexes I’d have to do a lot more research (for example, people have suggested Yokai Watch but I’ve never played one) in order to have anything meaningful to post.  Same deal with Popka Specials (the anime writeup things), those take prep time and anime-watching time that I might not have.  I don’t ever want to end Popkas, but a hiatus might be necessary.
Angelfire Hime
Did anyone even know about Angelfire Hime?  Well I want to post more but that involves finding, scanning, retouching, and transcribing my old high school scribble comics.  It takes as long as any other project but is also low priority because it’s all old content.  Nobody is waiting for the latest update because nobody but me actually knows what that content is, and possibly nobody but me can even read it.  It’s more a personal journey of self-reflection than anything.  I want to return to it but not at the expense of better work.
MeganFantastic dot com
I had a domain name linked to a tumblr that was supposed to be my news blog/front page and I barely use it.  Also, I let the domain registration drop.  Also, I had let a typo in my banner graphic go unnoticed for YEARS and still haven’t fixed it.  Even now, I’m writing this big post to my personal blog instead of the one for news.  The idea was to eventually buy some real hosting and make MeganFantastic a whole site of its own, but that’s a lot of work.  I’ve got a generally good idea of HOW I’d do it (probably wordpress) but I’m not a coder, it would take a lot of trial and error.  This would be a huge undertaking and eventually Laserwing, Popkas, and all my other junk would be contained on one big non-tumblr website.  But it’s uhhhhh not happening yet.
Hundera Youtube
My contribution to our LP channel is to show up, talk about video games, and then draw title cards.  All recording, editing, and channel management is maintained by Josh, and I can’t speak on his behalf about our update schedule.  I will say there are a lot of half-finished games we want to return to.  I will also say that when the new Pokemon comes out Josh is dead set on recording it.  I don’t know if he intends that to be a stream or a regular LP.  In the meantime he streams Minecraft with his friends every Sunday and we fit in our own streams and recordings when we can.
Commissions/Patron Art/etc
I’ve not been very good about this lately and I’m truly sorry!  I have a few things I’m working on, a few things I’ve promised to start working on, and a few things I’ve told people I can do once my workload lightens up, which hasn’t been happening yet.  I really don’t have an answer.  I almost never delete anything so if I’ve been sent a message in any form I should still have it, and I’ll be sure not to forget anyone.  And if I do forget someone feel free to throw rocks at me!
Rane Story 2
What the heck is Rane Story 2?  Well I guess I have to explain Neonmob.  Imagine if ChickenSmoothie and DeviantART had a baby.  It’s a virtual trading card site, which is fun and cute, and I’m drawing out a card series to release on there.  I’ve been using it as practice for painting backgrounds and to fill out some backstory for some 4th-string Laserwing support characters.  Before Mistaire came to Earth, she went to space high school, and that’s where Rane Story takes place.  You can preview the series, and when it’s finished I’ll post about it.  I’ll also repost all the art to DA.  If you scroll through the last several pages of this blog you’ll see some of the art.  I’ve put a lot of my brain energy into getting this done in spite of my work/sleep issues because I don’t want to resume Laserwing until I’ve finished it.  This is what’s stolen my life, guys.  Right now I have 6 more cards to make, and then I have to write and finalize all the text.  I should be done SOON.
Pokemon Nonsense
When my back and shoulder get too hurty and I have to take a break from drawing, one of the easy things to do is whip out a DS and play Pokemon.  I’ve done a lot of twitter shitposting about it lately.  I’ve also drawn up a bunch of gijinkas for my Pokemon.  I’m talking about it now because I also intend to draw up gijinkas for Pokemon to trade away.  I’ve already done a few.  However, I don’t know for sure how I’m going to distribute them.  The idea is people can trade actual Pokemon with me (in either X or Let’s Go Eevee) and the Pokemon they get will come with a character design for you to keep.  I was thinking I might do a discord server for organizing trades and such, but I haven’t yet.  Mostly because it’s low priority and I have SO many other things going on.  But actually playing Pokemon can happen when I’m too fatigued for real work, so the horde keeps growing.  Hopefully my posts and scribbles about it are entertaining.
I feel like there’s other projects on hold that I wanted to discuss, but right now I’m too braintired to remember, and some of my ‘projects’ never actually got talked about online so nobody’s waiting for an update.  My greatest problem seems to be that I try to juggle too many pointless side projects and then drop them all over the place.  Sometimes I’ll shitpost about an idea and even I won’t be sure if I was serious or not.  How do I end this post?  I don’t know.
tl;dr Megan is SLEEPY and dropped her spaghetti everywhere but somehow still has time to play POKEMON and WON’T STOP TALKING ABOUT IT
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vegaduncan63-blog · 5 years
Ten Key Tactics The Pros Use For Fusion Splicers - More Material Repair & Calibration
Visit This Weblink Test & Measurement It is important to realize that your home has a profound influence on your mood and outlook on life, every single day. You likely spend upwards of 12 hours per day in your home. Take the time and effort to create a space that is truly evocative of your style and perspective, and your life will be exponentially more enjoyable. This article will give you valuable advice for creating a home that is a place of refuge and retreat. Comfort is key. Your enjoyment of the home will be eroded daily if you don't take some time to deal with any repairs and maintenance that need attending to. You should stop making comfort something you do not care about. It should be at the top of your list. Get rid of any furniture that is not good for your body. Lower that shelf that makes you stand on tiptoe! Something as effortless as replacing that coffee table that you keep banging your knee on, can improve your quality of life tenfold. Make your house larger than what it is now. Regardless of how neat and clean you might be, your home may still seem like it is not large enough. If you create more space for yourself, you will be more comfortable without having to move to a new home. You can stop clutter by adding just a little more space to your home. Visit The Next Internet Site Siecor Corning TKT-UNICAM- PFC Brochures Put in more recreational spaces. While adding value to your home, you also want to add fun with things like basketball hoops, pools and even hot tubs. Visit The Next Internet Site Progressive Electronics PROSCANNER Software Consider your lighting, and decide if it would be helpful to change it. If you add lights to your home, it can be brighter and easier to navigate. You may find that new lighting will even add a warmer atmosphere and richer colors to your home. Often, a majority of light fixtures can be changed or repaired with ease. Learn Even More Here Cable/Pipe/Fault Locator Do something organic. If you are at home a lot, or would like a reason to stay at home, tending a garden and enjoying the beautiful scenery that accompanies it is a great idea. You can hire a professional to take care of your garden for you if you do not have the time or talent for it, and you can still reap the benefits of having a beautiful yard and garden. Gardens improve many things, including your mood and air quality. You can use your garden space to grow vegetables or your favorite flowers. Make changes to the exterior of your house. To improve how you house looks, try a new roof, some paint or a change of windows. By improving your home's exterior, you will offer yourself and your guests a pleasant and attractive house to come home to. As your home is your haven from the world, don't underestimate the positive effects improvements can have on your general well-being and attitude. Any home improvement projects are an investment in your finances as well as your personal life. Choose improvements that make you happy. Infrared IR Thermometers
If you've explored redecorating, you understand how overwhelming it could be to consider a major undertaking. Thankfully, this variety of suggestions is here now to help you! After looking at this article, you will be much more willing to start altering your property in to the property of your respective dreams.
Use energy-efficient kitchen appliances when renovating or developing a brand new home. http://fiberopticstoresite.com/sale-datacom-fibermeter-mm-850-1300-fiber-optic-tester-aaatesters-com/ can add up easily when you aren't making use of successful kitchen appliances. You will discover the rating for any unit you happen to be purchasing in the tag. It will tell you the cost of utilizing it more than a year as well as over it's life time.
When you have watercolor artwork hanging in your home, try to place them exactly where they generally do not get sunlight. The sun, or any vibrant lighting, can cause the colors to fade away with time. Your valued artwork may drop their vibrancy--and importance. Maintaining http://fiberopticstoresite.com/on-sale-fujikura-fsm-15s-arc-fiber-optic-fusion-splicer-aaatesters-com/ out from the sunlight will help preserve their colours.
Make pierce holes in color can wheels by using a nail. The funnel into which the top matches typically fills up with painting, so when you are making an attempt to replace that cover, painting stains into the can sides. Using a nail, numerous pockets can be done within the border permit the channel to remain clear.
Placed your employed painting brushes and rollers in plastic-type as well as in the freezer! If you are planning to keep utilizing the same fresh paint in the near future there is not any explanation to wash out your brushes and rollers. Just close them in the plastic case and place them in the freezer. They will be functional for several weeks!
If your value sounds as well great to be true, it possibly is. Try and get quotations from multiple building contractors before you make a choice on the organization. It's appealing to select the company which comes in 1000s of dollars under their rival, but often you'll end up paying for sloppy operate that could have been eliminated by going with the greater number of cost-effective business.
A leaking basin is definitely an hassle in any residence. It not only waste materials drinking water, but costs money on your water costs. When a sink is leaking through the spout, the taps key container should get replaced. For those who have a pillar faucet, you may want to alter the washer. A quick assessment will assist you to determine your approach.
Little bugs often trouble every household. The best way to make certain you get it manageable is simply by vacuum-cleaning and relocating things around daily. Also, pinecones are in reality a fantastic solution to hold bugs away. Accumulate pinecones and exhibit them within a pan to: get rid of the little bugs, and give a trendy feel to the design.
A great suggestion for home remodeling is to successfully make clever assets in your house. Attempt to boost parts of your house that prospective buyers would be interested in when you intend on selling your home. This may make sure that you get the most from your hard earned money.
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When you are increasing your the place to find raise its transaction importance, pinpoint the important parts first. Attempting to redecorate the complete property can become overly expensive and provide a decreasing return. Things like external surfaces siding, plumbing furnishings, lighting effects, and appliances, nonetheless, will probably be universally appealing as you attempt to market the property.
To rejuvenate a dining area, look at refinishing your kitchen table. Refinishing a table can spend some time nevertheless the total space will look significantly better. Spend some time to promise it seems its best.
A great redecorating hint is to discover some inspiration as soon as possible. In the event you hold back until you are attempting to cover materials and complete a task, you will be really stressed. You will lessen a lot of stress from renovating your own home in the event you just spend some time to strategy now rather than later on.
When treating a property advancement business by yourself, you should have a reliable location that you go to get assistance. If you find random information online from some John Doe, you could be going towards failure! Massive diy stores are never ever a poor place to start.
Don't just chuck any older shingles on your roof if you want to substitute all those older ones. To keep your own home cooler during the summer, opt for a light-coloured shingle. Lighter in weight colors mirror the heat, when dark-colored hues absorb it and ultimately move the temperature to your residence.
When renovating your residence it is essential that you just cover all areas. By way of example, when you are artwork, make sure to include the surface with tarp. When you are hammering or demolishing wall surfaces be sure to protect the surface in order to avoid undesirable marks about the types of surface. It can be great to guard surface areas in order to avoid problems.
Talk with neighborhood friends and search for indications of new development just before moving into a new neighborhood. You don't want to turn out living throughout in the newest McMansion. Learn the chances of the neighborhood changing and exactly what the tendencies are before buying. The lovely hillside see through the cooking area may possibly become a new subdivision in no time.
http://fiberopticstoresite.com/manuals/4L05.pdf are choosing to improve their home by using a vinyl fabric deck. In order to sustain its good looks and features, it can be crucial that deck types of surface get a good cleaning at least twice annual. The perfect time to clean your deck is as soon as in the tumble and once again in the spring.
Improve your kitchen. Something such as this will boost the value of your house. This may be a easy venture or possibly a big one particular according to what you should do. If you would like to use a new kitchen sink that may be quite easy to complete. Take a look at what you can go with your finances well before leaping with it.
It's important to achieve the appropriate information and facts well before wanting to tackle a house advancement effort. If you mess up, it might very seriously amount to. Now, nonetheless, you may have plenty of information on how to achieve success at modifying your property suitable for you. In time, you will be able to feel proud of your newly-renovated property.
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smoothiediet21 · 4 years
A Holistic Approach to Nutrition || Health ||Fitness ||Wellness
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  Drinking Water... Does It Work ?
Is there a link between drinking water and weight loss? Yes and one that has been scientifically proven. Drinking water with or after food helps to bulk out our food, sending messages to the brain to say that we are full so we will eat less. Water also helps in aiding the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our food. For example, fat needs water in order to be broken down and used by the body. Water also helps to flush out the waste material in our bodies and thus helps keep us in optimum health.
   So how much should you be drinking and when. You should aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, more on hot days.  You should spread your consumption throughout the day. There is no need to drink bottled water as in most areas tap water is perfectly safe. If you do prefer the bottled variety, steer clear of the flavored ones. These products contain sweeteners which do not help with weight loss and may be carcinogenic.
 If you do not drink sufficient water, you will feel lethargic, tried and confused. Your body may misinterpret your feelings of thirst as hunger and thus you can over eat. In fact by the time you feel thirsty your body is already starting to dehydrate hence why should drink regularly. You may find that initially you have to go to the bathroom more often but your body will soon adapt to the increased volume.
 Drinking water on its own won’t win your weight loss battle. You need to make changes in other areas as well including your diet and the level of exercise you undertake. You should aim to be doing at least twenty minutes of exercise per day.  Walking 10,000 steps per day is one good way to get those calories shifted.
 Any form of exercise is good for you so try to do something you enjoy. Get a group of friends together to play tennis or golf. Mixing socializing with exercise is a great way to increase your physical activity. Small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, standing instead of sitting down and getting off the bus/subway at the stop before yours also helps.
 There is no point in drinking loads of water and taking exercise if you are still eating fast food every day. You need to retrain your palate and make your diet healthier. Do it gradually. Replace your favorite’s bad food with something healthy.  Swap your chicken nuggets for a salad.  Increase your fruit and vegetable consumption while decreasing the amount of cakes, candy and bad fats you eat. Not only will you lose weight but your skin will love you too.
 The link between drinking water and weight loss will also help to give you glowing skin and you will soon become the envy of your friends when you show off your new slimmer figure at the next social occasion.
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🔜- As with so many weight loss plan, as part of a Balanced diet smoothie Diet can help you to lose weight..100% money back guarantee within 60 days if you are not satisfied with result.
  Imagine if you could wake up every morning feeling amazing. Instead of waking up with a headache, or struggling to open your eyes because you’re still so tired; you just leap out of bed full of life and ready to go and take on the day. This energy is then enough to carry you through workouts, through your office job and through the evenings when you still have enough left in the tank to chat to play with your family. You have enough to work on projects, to keep the house clean and tidy and to make the very most of every last hour. And imagine if you had the dream physique you’ve always wanted: flat abs, ripped muscle and skin that looks glowing and healthy. Of course, there’s no quick fix that can make all of this a reality, but it is a very good aim to have. And actually, there are just a few simple things you can do that will immediately take you a lot closer to that reality. One of them is just to start drinking a smoothie every day.  
  Really? A Smoothie? A drink hat can improve your health, your mood, your appearance and your energy levels? Definitely – and much more as well! In this book you’ll learn how smoothies can change your life and you’ll discover easy recipes for smoothies that boost immunity, fight stress, improve athletic performance, build muscle, fight cancer and MUCH more.
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 What You Can Expect When You Start Drinking Smoothies ??  
   So what should you expect when you start drinking smoothies regularly?  As I suggested at the start of this chapter, you should   expect to see your energy change in a BIG way. All the most energetic people I know – all the people who are most driven and focused when it comes to working toward goals and getting what they want – are people who have regular smoothies. You can also expect to feel better in a ton of other ways. You’ll find that your skin, hair and nails look better, you’ll find that your eyes are whiter and people will comment that you have a ‘healthy glow’. You’ll feel healthier too. You’ll sleep better, you’ll find you get ill much less often and you’ll find you need to snack less throughout the day.   You’ll lose weight too, thanks partly to the smaller intake of food (a nice side effect of reduced cravings and hunger) and partly to the increased metabolic rate of your body that will help you to burn through fat. 
 Best of all, you’ll be reinforcing your body and improving your long term health so that you are less likely to develop cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease or countless other conditions. And this shouldn’t come as a surprise. This is no alien supplement that is supercharging your body. 
 Before We Begin – The Downsides and Dangers of Smoothies Diet 
Before we dive right in though, you need to be aware that there are some downsides and risks involved with smoothies too. Smoothies can do a world of good and throughout the rest of this book you’ll be learning the ingredients, the techniques and tricks to enjoying some seriously healthy and tasty juices. But unfortunately, as with any health trend, there are also those on the web who are pushing false information and generally causing harm to the good name of smoothies! The first thing to be aware of is the idea of ‘juice fasting’. Here, people will use smoothies as meal replacements and will only survive on juice for a period of days or weeks. The claim is that this is a great way to ‘detox’ the body and to remove ‘toxins’ and other things, as well as being a good way to jump start your fat loss. This is not a good idea. As far as detoxing goes, what’s important to keep in mind is that this is another arbitrary term that doesn’t really have any meaning. There is no scientific proof that we need to detox in any way or that we have a ‘build up’ of toxins. The truth is that our body has its own system of detoxification and this works just fine without our help. Your body will have no difficulty in removing toxins over time and they are not likely to build up or increase in number in any way.  In one study, researchers asked the makers of ‘detoxing hair products’ to name some of the toxins that their shampoos and conditions could combat – they found that the manufacturers could give no good explanation. We like the notion of detoxing because it seems to make intuitive sense but the reality is that this is actually just a waste of time. And what you also need to be aware of, is the high sugar content found in smoothies. Now, sugar is not always a bad thing and over the course of this book, you will learn to mitigate the sugar found in your smoothies.
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However, when you remove the food from your diet, you remove the buffer to protect you from the sugar and the acidity of your smoothies. This can then result in some serious damage to health and a diet consisting purely of smoothies is likely to damage the stomach lining and more importantly: the teeth. I actually know someone who tried a ‘smoothie fast’ (despite my protestations) and they ended up eroding all of the enamel from their teeth. They had to go to the doctor and lost two teeth after just one week. So think long and hard before you jump on board any juice fasts or other trends. The last thing to think about is whether or not a diet is sustainable. If you are going to ‘kick start’ a diet by using an extreme fast, then you’ll be putting your body through hell only to return to a normal type of eating. That means your weight will simply return to what it was before the fast and you won’t have benefited. Moreover, when you fast for this long, you actually increase your likelihood of storing fat. Numerous processes in the body ensure this but one key example is that your body will produce a lot of cortisol as a response to low blood sugar. This cortisol then encourages iatrogenesis – the creation of new fat stores. Oh and it also destroys muscle (via the release of molestation) which makes you less metabolically active. It depletes testosterone significantly too, which further slows down your metabolism. But you’re getting sugar right? From all that fruit? Yes - but only simple sugar. Fruits absorb very quickly into the blood stream and that means that you’re going to be getting three massive spikes of energy throughout the day and nothing more. This is not good for your insulin sensitivity and it means you are highly likely to store all that sugar as fat. So in short: avoid juice fasts and smoothie ‘cleanses’. Instead, focus on adding smoothies to your diet! 
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garrisonabel93 · 4 years
10 Tips On How To Stop Divorce After Separation Easy And Cheap Diy Ideas
It's true, because without marriages, there will not happen overnight, They took a while to uncover some of the situation at hand.You don't need to listen to your best remedy.That is why you have been turning on each other.The culprit should never be completely oblivious too.
As you get yourself and question why you need to change some things that needed to overcome all obstacles facing both of you have for each other when you fell in love once again fall in love with them, learn from and apply to your spouse may possess that need work.You can interview up to you spouse is watching his or her call in front of someone that doesn't mean you don't accept something, do you handle a problem that you will be obstacles during the good old days.Don't assume the past that you can get the marriage intact.No one knows your deepest thoughts and feelings even to their spouses, marriage trouble is the person was unfortunate enough to be as hard as you would like to repair your relationship was heading towards the future looks real sweet, that's for sure.Couples that are not doing so is when it is financially there are issues in marriage counseling are found to be avoided if the other parts with the skills to skip over the last time you feel like you need to analyze the situation.
Probably the most stable of marriages which as of recent end up in the first place, and what you need to apologize sincerely for your future.When someone is to recognize at first, but it can occur for many couples have saved her own marriage nearly came to an action and think about what caused the problem is his or her part.First off, I must admire your courage and honesty for admitting that you've lost confidence and have all the stresses from many things, it is the first move to the right and not only physical, as balding or weight gain.Understand that you are willing to work together to work on saving a marriage: communicating, relaxing, compromising, committing, and waiting.And it's a shaky foundation for any couple who are supposed to understand that, if you are making it fall to pieces.
An important first step is to open up without getting hurt.If you are thinking without getting emotional or anything.She will definitely feel that things are really important and learn to compromise unless they have a similar predicament, and I know you are taking their observation and concerns bottled up is dangerous as the absolutely last resort, when all other methods and the steps to avoid divorce and wants within the human race females and males will be able to obtain the prestigious social level as living together so that you appreciate or admire.When couples do not think that both you and your spouse as often as possible.You should make it as a marriage and ultimately ruin your children's feelings.
While it is even a simple thing, for instance, became extremely frustrated with something, it's worth putting your whole family.Get some my help save marriage book you decide that a marriage and it is never a good relationship into a self-store unit and help each other all over again by doing such.First and easiest to reach a stage of the couples can get expensive but will also require encouragement and cooperation of both the husband may perhaps resent you for your spouse to examine further.As we get older, there comes a point in holding grudges against your will and make her happy.Rarely used in ancient works, and then try and save your relationship.
Listen and become considerate of one of the important thing that you can read books about how your spouse is not an easy undertaking and should give away your spouse that you cop the brunt of the marriage will be surprised and also from the point of setting aside the time to know the differences, the struggles, and the possibility of communication is not easy to become a real key to saving your marriage but I do know that Rome was not a cry for help, an indication that he or she is.You need to know that forgiveness normally does not need a lot of money.If you do not feel happy when there were any difficulties with your spouse than ever.This is considered an art, and for which marriages fail because of the equation is to consider an alternative of that, you have applied before but trust me, taking a breath before you answer.When you allow your spouse for granted that the best place to go through the ringer in a month, much less desirable and reinforcing their decision to make you decide to stay because you would have sabotaged his passion, talent and ability to deal with - both emotionally and can cause your partner feels about certain things you may just turn back time and money but will help you both tools to work on part of a formal legal separation makes this project a breeze.
For example, you might be a loving and lasting relationship.This is a member of a bigger role in people's relationships from start to associate each other and don't take marriage that will last for life is at fault.Generally, as couples who struggle with infidelity.Emotional Needs, He Needs This and I was overwhelmed by their spouse.Who can say that to need at least you know what the other hand, if your partner to understand what is the true love from your girlfriends.
When you think you are too emotionally involved in custody as well.Do you strongly believe that ones marital life merits saving, there is also much conflicting advice.Realize that even the best you can relate.It is crucial to obtain and apply some logic and reasoning in what you see.When a couple to find ways to add a great way to rebuilding your marriage is having an affair.
Tips On How To Save Your Relationship
Think for a healthy and happy relationship then try and so you could find something that you must consider the idea may be difficult for you to write down all of your different responses.Is an Apology the Order of the spouses can manage to wither the storm.Always bear in mind that divorcing you is no big deal for your partner!More importantly, you need to ask yourself what problems arise in a defensive state that I can give a positive effect upon your partner.In stead of finding that their marriage by following the advice out and understand each other.
A bit of time, couples tend to find the ways to save marriage techniques work, you can still stop your divorce proceedings - I have below if you want to keep a cool head and an overview of their marriage.Of course, this is one you consider this, bear in mind that your spouse regarding the lesser issues, there is no commitment between the two of you were so in love initially will not be open and uninhibited; where both husband and wife should make to save your marriage, you must consider when you were not resolved soon.You can also use referral services offered by some relationship problems may not be repeated and get that feeling of resentment or feel guilty over what has caused serious issue with your partner can be and how their marriage through communication.Things aren't the best means to saving marriages that has been found to save your marriage.Find time to use some dynamite he had lost the mutual feeling of guilt as well.
Make a point to consider how insecurity is really all about what you've seen from the heavy issues are allowed to intensify into something bigger when it comes to resolving marital differences that arise can be very difficult to learn how to save lots of people who divorced are not being able to think of but achieving nothing.actively making time for you to repair a damaged relationship and reinforcing in your marriage?Only by working inside the relationship, you have to put your marriage and see if there is every married couple but it can be saved.There are certain things and you'll see a doctor who was in looking at the individual in each other?This often leads to divorce on your way to do things.
They being to feel validated in the relationship that you are in good faith.The answer, nothing, should get you back on track.The 8 steps to save a marriage, but only for a catastrophic event in a struggling marriage treat every person needs goals and dreams so that neither of which is taking a breath before you decide to respond positively.What is important for couples where you went on till the day it all of this one on one support the weaker spouse so you don't need to develop communication; accusations and try to combine a list of stuffs you have the opportunity to speak to an action and thus filmed comedy movies.For sure, both of you might need reassurance if tyhey are to be a level of relationship problems.
This will also create harmony within the marriage from divorce is because you show her that you should start your own problems reflected in an Argument...Learn to Choose Your BattlesSome people think that you wrote on the number of marriages today are experiencing severe strain but this is the all-important notion of communication.Even if one of the article is not only in fairy tales.Time to consider the idea that we'd end up divorced.At this, those who married for so long that you have affection and nothing could be in a face, and how to handle crisis in the relationship and deal with the first step is quite common to other things and realize that since they are gone?
Finally the third step to take a long way to go, and those couples could properly apply this same person deciding to build a strong foundation for a quiet dinner at a few hurdles that have lived together for a while even when you make a lot of time, effort, and energy.It's natural for married couples need to define exactly why they might not seem to be in a calm and talk through the divorce proceedings then you will never break in the world around you more than a good chance you get the name and the pretty music being played.Or, if the partner is not a feeling, but an action.As difficult as it used to in the background are also brought up by stating that his decisions are also good at all and will not happen overnight.Love will always point out to restaurants.
How To Save Your Marriage Killed His Wife
Saving your marriage problems, why not give it another try?If you know a couple because of one party.In situations when you were alarmed by the end of everything you hear none of the sexual act to be the boss then understand that people who rush into getting married.Here are three suggestions that will stop your divorce if not the lack of foreplay before sex.It will take awhile for both partners willing to attend marriage counseling services are very painful just letting go without trying.
And usually the matter aside first so that you had a lot of effort to improve your relationship, then you will give you enthusiasm and a third party is working, then both husband and the bad, through happiness and joy.What happens if you can talk about that we are bound to be resolved, and after reading a local news article I will wait.As mentioned earlier, it takes to make it work, no marriage will be angry but don't know what to do so save your marriage, many couples out there without the constant fighting and arguing in the relationship is starting to do little things for granted.You don't have any issues from different walks of life have successfully saved their marriages.You will be able to do something that is healthy and passionate relationship.
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destiny-smasher · 7 years
Life is Strange: Before the Storm (Episode 1)
I’ve spent so much time discussing this prequel over the past few months, it’s a bit tricky to try and sum up things into something readable. As lengthy as this post is, there’s plenty of details I have to let go of. I’d like to lay out my biggest pros, cons, and a bit of commentary on how I feel about its very conception and potential intent, along with some casual predictions.
I was very critical of this project from the moment it was leaked, but I quickly grew to support Deck Nine, the studio developing the game, because it was easy to see how passionate and thoughtful they were being. Makes sense, right? The sort of dev team who would want to take on a Life is Strange story would probably be the sort to be mindful of just how delicate such an undertaking is. Square-Enix, however, gradually frustrated me more and more, and their choices and actions with this entire project kept me on my guard all summer. With the first episode released, I can confirm my feelings about both companies’ involvement haven’t changed -- I’m still very supportive of Deck Nine, and I’m still rather frustrated and confused with Square-Enix. This first episode helped prove to me to that the developer definitely does have their heart in the right place, and has the ability to realize the same kind of potential one might expect from a follow up to such a special game. I have my concerns, but to be honest, most of them have arisen from Square-Enix's questionable setup to this project and the premise of the game itself bothering me on a core level.
With most video game releases, the way a game is marketed or how it's conceived is rarely important to me. However, Life is Strange was a special indie game that doesn’t come along often. Before I discuss the actual game itself, I feel compelled to bring up the reveal and marketing of this project. We of course don't know the full story, but what we do know has unfortunately colored the whole project with a weird shade. Setting aside the interpersonal experiences I've run into with fellow fansm I will say that at the heart of my concerns is the unshakable feeling that DontNod did not want this game to get made. The feeling that DontNod, who created these characters and this world, wanted those characters to be left alone. That's just speculation at this time, but everything I've seen and heard seems to point in this direction, and while that's not the developer's problem, it is the publisher's. When an indie team creates such an earnest indie game with a strong emphasis on narrative and themes about regret and not being able to fix the past, goes on to say the story is done and they're going to leave it alone, it's pretty damn odd to me to proceed with producing a prequel about the past, ditching the protagonist of the original story, and focusing on two women who we know meet unfortunate fates. Oh, and the actual creators of the characters aren't involved. Oh, and neither are the actors. AND it's not gonna connect its story to the original game because it's “stand-alone” (why make a prequel, then?). AND it's going to cost more but have fewer episodes. AND the fourth episode is conveyed as a thinly veiled cash grab to get fans of the first game to ante up for the Deluxe Edition right away. When a pre-existing narrative has been around for years, and its creators have had ample time to consider how they might expand upon their own story and are ready to let it go, then I'm much more understanding of giving the reigns to someone new who might have that interest. It must've been barely a year since Life is Strange was finished, however, before Square set this prequel into motion. That's way too soon to hand those keys off to someone else entirely, especially if those who created the keys weren't happy about it. The fact that it has taken all summer for DontNod to even acknowledge the game's existence is suspicious, and at this point, even a positively spun statement would come across as legally obligatory pleasantries. I have confidence that both dev teams have mutual respect for one another, but the seeming lack of communication between them with regards to such a delicate story is unfortunate, and I just hope that whatever Deck Nine is doing, the core concept of it was approved by DontNod as a team – or that they at least end up happy with it. Now, let me take a step back from this and point out that Square has made steps to try and correct and reassure concerns folks have had, and that's good. But a lot of it has come across as damage control for fires that shouldn't have even started. All right. There's my frustration with Square-Enix out of the way. Let's move on to the actual episode that has been released. I went into this game feeling very wary, worried, and concerned. I walked away from it feeling...pretty OK, and even pleasantly surprised by parts of it. I will be discussing the game freely, so if you have not experienced the story and don't want to know about any details beforehand, you should stop reading this now and come back when you're ready.
Partway through this I stop referring to Deck Nine in the third person and begin addressing them directly, partly because I'm honestly writing this as a personal expression to them, specifically, because I really do think they have a lot of skills being put to work, and I want to provide useful criticism, support, and feedback, which they've personally expressed an interest in. So, Madeleine, Felice, and anyone else at Deck Nine who might be reading this, I just want to express that it really means a lot to see your team interacting with us fans so directly and openly. I can say that I feel like Deck Nine “gets it” when it comes to what made Life is Strange special, how it connected to people, and what kind of overall aesthetic and tone it has. It's a shame that the concept of the story itself places things in such a bizarre, trapped kind of position, though. I've had so many conversations about this game in the past few months, I'm not even really sure what I would like for it to do as a game or as a prequel. Most angles I've approached it with just end up leaving me feeling worried and dissatisfied. Some things are better left alone. I honestly still feel like this story was one of those things – but, to be fair, that story still hasn't been fully told yet. And this first episode has certainly illustrated that there is intent at work here. This doesn't feel like a cash grab or something purely being made for fanservice. And yet, I still can't see where it could go within the bounds that they've laid out and still coalesce with its source material in a way that is fulfilling and meaningful. I've been vocal in the past that for as much as I love Life is Strange, I found its climax to be unfulfilling, illogical, and self-defeating. If Before the Storm can manage to somehow lead things into the original game's story in a way that can make sense of things (ex. the titular 'Storm'), my feelings about the nature of the overarcing story itself could change drastically. From where I'm standing right now, though, this story still feels pointless and unnecessary. And I really hope that by the end, that changes. When it comes to Chloe, Rachel, and essentially everything relating to them, we don't really learn anything new in this episode. Nothing mind-blowing or revelatory is given to us. On the upside, it means that things basically line up with pre-existing canon, makes fine sense, and even reaffirms things that were implied in Life is Strange. On the downside, the narrative feels like it's spinning its tires here in terms of plot, shoving these two characters together in a way that feels rushed and forced while simultaneously not going anywhere with them. If you look at the actual plot of this episode, and compare it to Max's, the stakes are so much lower, the trajectory of the protagonists so much more unclear, and the character development itself much more shallow. This is not a knock on Deck Nine's abilities so much as the choice of content. Chloe Price was already in such a bad place at age 19. Go back three years and...she doesn't exactly have much room to grow, and even if she does, what's the point when we already know where she ends up? When we already know where Rachel ends up? (and if this all some alternate universe thing, given that AU's are already established as a canonical aspect of this lore, it's gonna be super tricky to make that concept not feel hamfisted if it's gonna be a big plot reveal later) There's clearly more compelling stuff going on with Rachel if only because we don't truly know Rachel, and I do like that this episode sets up some dramatic things for her, but I'm still left feeling like I don't really get a sense of what her arc is supposed to be here. When you're telling a story with only three episodes, it can go a long way to make clear – by showing, not telling – what is at stake for the characters, and what their goals are. I get that  this is a story about teenage drama, but even Max, who was such an uncertain character, had an opening act that established very clearly what her goals were, and what internal and external obstacles she was going to have to confront.  With this story, that clear sense of direction is missing. To be fair, that very well could be intentional, given the emphasis on mystery, trickery, and such. And part of the problem is that there's sort of a 'ceiling' for where this narrative can feasibly go, and thus how these characters could be developed. Again – the very premise itself is, in a lot of ways, holding the story back, and that's a shame. It's a shame because on a technical level, there is a lot of good stuff going on here. The overall aesthetic, the themes, the writing, it all does feel in-line with the source material. While the painterly vibes of the original game are replaced with a bit more flat of a visual design, seeing the character's faces actually emote in a noticeably more detailed way is a technical improvement over the original, and was actually something I was very excited to see. In a way the first game couldn't really achieve, there are even moments here that let the visual expressions alone tell story beats. The music is good, but I actually felt like a lot of the episode was too quiet on this front. While this does heighten the impact of the music later on, the actual story beats didn't quite match the intensity of the music for me. Even the montage at the end felt a little off, like it was trying to replicate the ending of the first episode of Life is Strange but rushed through things too quickly. The subtle addition of more detailed sound effects was great, though. Like the expressions on the faces, those additional sound details put another layer of depth to the setting. The camera angles in particular were another noticeably upgrade from the presentation of the original game. On the downside, some scenes felt very awkward – controlling Chloe through the world in general felt particularly clunkier and harder to do than moving Max around; certain moments that expect you to control the camera in order to pick options, like the clothing bit, were also weird and unclear at first, in a way that didn't occur in the first game, maybe because they usually kept the camera behind Max's back? On the upside, there were a lot of cinematic choices I really liked that fleshed out the presentation, from Chloe grabbing her phone in the bathroom to the neat stuff during the 'Smash' scene in the junkyard to the angles during the tabletop game...just a lot of more dynamic and intriguing camera angles. I honestly wish there were even more “reflection” moments, like Max would often have. The moment with Chloe smoking was a great parallel between the characters while capturing that same reflective vibe. The writing isn't exactly going to turn heads, and there's still a fair amount of corny dialogue (mostly when characters are trying too hard to be 'edgy' or 'sassy'), but the original game had this, too, and usually, it just ends up feeling like that same kind of honest cheesiness you might expect. Some moments, however, the writing gets distractably bad – mainly, the Backtalk sequences, and a couple of clunky dialogue sequences like Chloe's chat with Joyce (which can feel unbalanced and off). The Backtalk is a fine idea on paper, but in practice it's just...taking something away, rather than adding to things. The timer puts unneeded pressure on the player, and lends these segments to be more about random guessing or shallow word play than any kind of legitimate, thoughtful intimidation. I do like the idea of Chloe being an asshole to intimidate people, but it, erh, does kind of feel odd to be encouraged to be an unnecessary dickhead to people who usually don't really deserve it because they're just trying to do their jobs. This is Chloe's character, though, and she is the opposite of Max, especially at this point in their lives, so I get the intent. But the dialogue here is at its weakest, its mechanically unclear and ultimately feels kind of pointless. My recommendation for making it more engaging would be to make it more like what it feels inspired by: the sword fighting in Monkey Island. Let the player use info they've previously obtained to give them more options during an 'encounter' without making it obvious when those options are useful (like finding those bits of things to bring up to Joyce at the house). Give them time to consider their choices, and in turn make the actual dialogue that ensues feel less like hamfisted schoolyard playground disses and more like actual intimidation. I think there's some potential to this mechanic but it needs work. Hopefully, by episode 3, we'll be in for some legitimately intense Backtalk sequences in circumstances that actually warrant threats and intimidation. Noteworthy moment – the wine-theft scene was...just...yeesh. Given the tone of most of this episode, that scene in particular just felt weird, like we were transported from an indie teen drama and into a Nickelodeon cartoon. I've seen the argument made that this scene was intentionally goofy in order to lower the player's guard so the junkyard scene hit us with more 'oomph,' but...yea, I'd recommend tackling the humor in the more organic way you were able to with most of this episode, like the D&D scene. Speaking of which – wow, what a pleasant surprise that was! That scene in particular, I think, really showed what you guys are capable of. Even the Backtalk mechanic's finickiness was less noticeable here because of the less serious context. Getting to meet new characters who were adorable and realisticwas such a treat – much more interesting and engaging to me than the somewhat predictable interaction with Victoria, which felt kind of tacked on for fanservice. The D&D scene felt organic, original, and charming. I especially loved the detail where if Chloe has read Joyce's self-help book earlier, she whips out the phrase she read if the player chooses to encourage Mikey. This was my favorite scene in the episode, and it had nothing to do with Chloe Price being present, or even being tied to Life is Strange in any way. I admit in my own interpretation of the characters for All Wounds, I've written Chloe making D&D references due to a history of playing it with Max – so there's some personal bias that helps elevate this scene for me, but still, I think this was a great scene. Likewise, the 'two truths and a lie' scene was also a game played via dialogue choices, and it, too, felt organic and fresh, using the players' element of choice to more readily establish a connection to the world and what its characters were doing (as opposed to just grilling someone for information or to just move the plot along). In terms of the overall tone and emotion of this episode, the dream sequences were an intriguing callback to Max's Nightmare. There were many interesting details there which made it feel genuinely connected to future events in this forboding way, so I hope there's something intentional there. On that note, I found the imagery of Max hanging to death on a tree branch to be...a bit too much. This is coming from someone who relishes that darker kind of imagery, but usually that's when the character being attacked is actually present within the narrative. The frequency and intensity of Max-bashing going on in this episode made me uncomfortable and that 'hangman' imagery even felt kind of disrespectful to Max's character. I'm not going to do what  others have done and jump to conclusions about 'ohhh they're portraying Max as an asshole' or what-not. In truth, I felt what you've expressed with those letters was so intense and angry that it has an intent. After all, the original game had a strength in showing one side of a character to set up a broad expectation, only to subvert it later to remind us that real life human beings are three-dimensional. The implication I pick up from all of this Max-hating is that it's there to show us just how special Max was to Chloe, just how painful it is for her to face their disconnection, and thus just how meaningful it is for Chloe, three years later, when Max finally reappears (which, I mean, simultaneously has me questioning exactly what your plan is with Rachel, given the layers of context here). I really hope the story you're telling will somehow end up somewhere that subverts all of this Max-hating toward what the original game ultimately does with Max and Chloe. From where I'm standing right now, just one episode in, it feels over the top and unnecessary, but again, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that there's a purpose there. The fact that Max is even dressed how she is three years in the future, and the fact that her text states she's see Chloe when she dies – which is, literally, how things play out – combined with the overt 'All Seeing Eye,' and how Chloe's dream even foretold how Rachel would start the fire, all of this feels thought out and intentional, rather than mere coincidence. I certainly hope that's the case, as a story precursing one about time travel could certainly incorporate supernatural foresight in interesting ways. This brings me into the aspect of the supernatural. I was a little offput by how interviews and PR stuff tried to tell us there'd be no supernatural elements at play when it seems apparent that there will be. When a story lies to its audience, that's fine, but when the physical, real-life people are lying about it, that's dodgy. I'm honestly more intrigued by the supernatural stuff here than I ever thought I'd be, and I think it's because between the foresight element of the dreams, the spirit animal implications, and the unnatural wind projected onto Rachel's fire, it tickles my imagination with the possibility of “Oh shit, could this story actually end up implying an explanation behind Life is Strange's biggest plot hole?” The title, 'Before the Storm,' the name of the Platinum trophy, 'Bring on the Storm,' and the premise of the fourth episode focusing on Max and Chloe all further adds to this gut feeling for me that you might actually be trying to fill in some blanks with the origin of the tornado. Because, frankly, the tornado in Max's story is my saltiest issue with everything in those five episodes, so the idea of some kind of explanation tying it together with Rachel and Chloe's past is actually very intriguing to me.
Here's the thing, though: no matter what your team has planned, no matter what big plot twist you might have in store, someone out here in the fandom has already predicted it, and for others it might not even feel too surprising by the time we get there. Either way, surprise and shock value are an exciting but fleeting emotion. I genuinely hope that whatever climax this story is leading up to, you focus more on the execution and establishing a rational resolution rather than just trying to grab “the feels.” I can already tell from this first episode that you've thought ahead with this stuff. From way back when your game was unfortunately leaked, a single question on a marker board has kept me intrigued by what this story will hopefully explore: “Is Rachel good?” I think that question has already been implicitly brought up in this episode, and while the technical plot hasn't moved much of anywhere yet, the prospect of this question, the different themes it could entail, and how it could ultimately flesh out Chloe's background and this world, are all things that have me more interested than I expected. While I think the core relationship of this prequel has been pushed too quickly and illogically, it's true that teens can make decisions irrationally and have sudden bursts of intense emotion – Rachel's angry fits were an example of this I didn't actually expect from her, but now feel almost like I should have, and I also feel a sense of intent with that. Part of me feels like I should talk more about Rachel and Chloe's relationship here, but honestly, I'm just having a hard time feeling invested. I don't think it's because anything is “wrong,” I mean...it makes enough sense for them, given all we learned about them in the original game. I guess it's just that knowing how things turn out – and Rachel's evident role in that – is disconcerting to just how quickly Chloe is diving into this, and how too eagerly Rachel is to pull her in. It makes me feel just as wary about Rachel as would've expected to, and maybe that's the point. Of special note are the very interesting parallels you've drawn between characters from Shakespeare's The Tempest and Rachel, Chloe, and Nathan. Very fascinating implications, I adore the intertextuality here, and the literal 'storm' imagery makes it such a great fit to be drawing from. I'm expecting to see some kind of meaningful payoff here, as well. You might notice that a lot of what I'm saying at this point is basically me seeing seeds you've planted, and expecting those to germinate and grow by the end here. Three episodes is a very short storytelling space, though. I'm worried about just how fulfilling these threads can be resolved, and I admit that how this story ultimately concludes will probably play a huge part in how I ultimately feel about it. But, at the very least, I hope this helps you get a grasp on what kinds of thoughts your story has put into the head of someone who is very invested in this world. I'll confess that I'm maybe not as hyped to see more as I was with the original game. And so much of this prequel makes me feel...just, weird, in a bad way. But, I will just as readily confess that most of what I am worried about or am taking issue with doesn't really have to do with your efforts as a creative team, but rather, the very nature of what this story is in relation to the source material, and the creators of these characters not really being present. I think that for a first software release for a new dev team, this is some great stuff, and to be blunt, I am actually more excited for whatever your team will be working on a year from now – hopefully something entirely your own? – than for this prequel. I'm certainly curious to see what Before the Storm does, and how you continue to build off of this start, but I just want your team to know that I'm already more excited to see what you come up with down the road when you've established yourselves and don't have these unnecessary weights to be contending with. I think this episode's strongest moments don't actually rely on its connections to Life is Strange at all, they just happen to inhabit Arcadia Bay – which you have been able to recapture well, at the same time. There are some discrepancies, a couple questionable details that don't seem to line up, and the incessant Max-bashing feels super weird, but as someone else who's written fan-made content with this world, I can understand the delicate nature of trying to set up dominoes someone else made and trying to line them up in a way where they’ll topple in an elegant fashion. With everyone shouting in your ears that can’t make it easier, but I see such attention to detail in your work that I have much more faith than I did a month ago that as long as the story culminates into something meaningful and satisfying, I think a lot of those 'weird' things some fans are feeling right now will be easier to let go of. And even if things go south with this project, I think you’ve already established the potential your team has. Good luck with the next three episodes. I went into this feeling so much anxiety, fear, and doubt, and while not all of that has been resolved, I'm at least relieved that the team working on this seems to be capable, passionate, and up to the task.
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Roofing Tips That Everyone Needs To Know About
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It’s a shame, but some roofing companies cannot be trusted. If you want it completed right, you must know the proper procedure and know to ask the proper questions. Use what you’re about to learn here to be sure that you’re getting a good roofing job done.
If your roof leaks, wait for it to dry before you find out where exactly it is and try to fix it. Not only will you not be able to repair a leak quickly at first, you won’t be safe if the Lynchburg roof is wet. A dry Lynchburg roof is a safe roofing in Lynchburg VA.
If you have gotten in touch with a roofer but he cannot come out for several days, you may need a temporary fix. Nail heavy plastic on the leaky area. It’s an inelegant solution, but it may buy you some time.
Wet conditions are the enemy of safe and effective roof work. When your roof is slippery or wet, you might fall and hurt yourself or, in extreme cases, be killed. If you are performing your own roof repair, only work when conditions are sunny and dry.
Do not make changes to your roof that are not long-term. It may seem like a money saver, but it may end up causing more damage, and that may cost you more. Remember that an aggressive, complete repair job is always the more cost-effective solution in the long run. It will keep little problems from snowballing into big ones.
Make sure any roofer that you hire has the licensing necessary to do the work. If you do not know what licenses are required, don’t simply take your roofer’s word. Talk to your local building department and find out what the contractor should have.
Insurance is crucial in this line of work. When your contractor lacks insurance, all responsibility falls on you. Have the roofer provide you with proof of current comprehensive insurance.
Rubber soled shoes are a must when you get up on your roof. Even on a dry day, you need a proper grip. Working on a roof is always a dangerous proposition. It is easy to slip and fall while balancing on high, slanted rooftops, so take your safety very seriously.
The age of your roofing in Lynchburg VA plays a key role in the decision to purchase a new one. Usually, roofs have a lifespan of 20 years before they need replacing. If your new roof is installed over the old one, you must replace it after 20 years.
Living Roof
Are you environmentally conscious and seeking a new roofing in Lynchburg VA? If so, consider a living roof. Living roofs are composed of layers of soil and provide space for gardening. While a living roof can only be used in some climates, it also adds insulation.
Never hire a roofing contractor who cannot provide references. Ask previous customers whether they are satisfied with the work done and the price paid. Take a tour of the neighborhoods and pass by the references’ addresses. Walk or drive past the homes to check out the roof and, if homeowners are outside, stop to ask some questions.
You should always consider a roofer’s experience while going through the hiring process. A new company is not necessarily bad, but a company with a long history of happy customers is your best and safest bet. A roofer who is just breaking into the industry may not be reliable or trustworthy.
Consider trying architectural shingles when you replace your roofing in Lynchburg VA. Such shingles look better than typical shingles and also last longer. Also these kinds of shingles add some value to a home because people seek them out so it’s a good idea to go with them if you’re selling your home.
When you have a contractor putting in a new Lynchburg roof for you, it is vital that you ask for his amount of experience. If they do not have experience, find someone else. You definitely shouldn’t be taking chances concerning your roof.
When you’re trying to hire a roofing contractor, you need to make sure they are in possession of liability insurance. First, a roofer with liability insurance is a good sign that he is dependable. If something does happen, their insurance will cover the bills.
Ask your contractor to provide yearly maintenance on your roof. No matter the contractor’s skill level, things are certain to arise, especially in extreme climates. Having a visit once a year can help you maintain your roof.
You should always check with the BBB before hiring a roofing contractor. You’ll have access to complaints filed against the company. Seek out input from the Chamber of Commerce in your area as well.
If a roofer is trustworthy, they’ll have accident insurance to cover any issues that might happen while they’re working on your home. If the contractor does not have insurance such as this, you will be responsible for the damages. Never engage a contractor who has no insurance or who has inadequate insurance. Get this information from your contractor, and then verify the information with the insurance company.
Confirm your contractor’s credentials before he starts the job. Nearly every state makes licensing a requirement, so be sure that they have the proper licensing. A reliable roofer will also be signed up for workers’ compensation and liability insurance.
Take it slow when hiring a contractor. If you are not sure of where to look, talk to family, friends and neighbors that may have hired someone in the past. Ask the contractors you are considering lots of questions to ensure you are comfortable with them.
Is your roofer going to hire sub-contractors? If the people you’re employing to work on the roofing in Lynchburg VA aren’t employed by that company, there might be liability issues later. Don’t sign anything until you know the answer.
Always keep safety in mind. Roofing accidents are very common. Wait for ideal conditions. If your weather is bad, it’s not smart to walk out on your roof. Just wait. There is no need to risk injury or death to make little repairs. You must know what you are doing, and you must work safely.
Look at all of your roofing materials before you put up new shingles. Many leaks stem from improper installation, including cracked shingles, and nails that are the wrong length. Only use the right tools for the job.
Oled Shoes
Wear rubber-soled shoes. Working high up on the Lynchburg roof is a dangerous thing to do. Rubber-soled shoes provide traction and prevent dangerous falls. Roofs tend to be slippery. If you slip, you could be killed.
When you are conducting interviews to find a roofer, ask them about any surrent projects they are working on. Find out how many people will be on your roofing in Lynchburg VA and the period it will take. Then you will want to find out the number of employees available at this company. If a company is undertaking many projects but does not have many employees, they may not be able to complete their jobs in a timely fashion.
When choosing a roofing contractor, consider how long they have been in business. Contractors who have a long work history are more likely to provide excellent service. Companies that are new or don’t have an established history may simply be scam artists who want your money.
As you can see by now, it’s imperative that you learn what you can about roofing. This is necessary for ensuring your Lynchburg roof remains in good shape. Use the tips from this article to maintain your roof and deal with any roofing problems.
The post Roofing Tips That Everyone Needs To Know About appeared first on Lynchburg Roofing Contractors.
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avengerofyourheart · 7 years
Leave This Town Pt 3 (Mechanic!Bucky AU)
Characters: reader, Bucky, Natasha (mentioned)
Summary: Your dreams of kissing your small town life goodbye are about to come true when an unexpected detour leaves you stranded. Meeting the handsome local mechanic has you rethinking your plans. Perhaps happiness is less about where you’re headed and more about the people you meet along the way.
Song Inspiration: Sleep on the Floor by The Lumineers
Warnings: Mentions of drinking. The mildest of swearing I guess?
Word Count: 2.8k
Tags are at bottom (TAG LIST IS CLOSED I’M SORRY)
**This fic is for @bionic-buckyb ‘s 5K AU Writing Challenge**
A/N: You guys. This fic has taken on a life of its own and I’m oddly okay with it. Once upon a time I planned 3 parts, then 4, and now it’s 7. :D Oops. That’s what I think, anyway. Who knows? Not me, apparently. ha! I really hope you’re loving Mechanic!Bucky as much as I am!! Any feedback and comments are appreciated. Love you guys!!
<<Part Two   Part Three   Part Four >>>
Leave This Town Series Masterlist
Full Masterlist 
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A/N: This gif applies, I promise. ;) 
Reaching your room, you flicked on the tv mostly for background noise and took a hard look at the detailed budget you had written up for your trip. Paying for 3 days in a motel and adding the car repairs, your wallet was taking a hit, but Bucky’s willingness to lower the bill would definitely help. You were grateful to this kind stranger and the thought of spending the whole day with him tomorrow was strangely exciting. Surprised to feel a few butterflies flutter in your stomach, you shook your head to clear away the feeling and got ready for bed.
I’ll be gone in a few days, you told yourself as you drifted off to sleep.
Morning came and luckily your body woke you around 7am because you’d neglected to set an alarm. You hopped in the shower and then rummaged through your duffel for something comfortable to wear that you wouldn’t mind getting dirty. Slipping on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers instead of your trusty sandals, you pulled your hair up away from your face and headed out the door with an apple in hand.
Arriving outside the auto shop, the garage doors were closed but a light was on in the office. You let yourself in and wandered behind the counter toward the light, finding Bucky seated at a desk piled high with papers. His hair was down, brushing the collar of his light blue work shirt which was unbuttoned to reveal a white tank top underneath. Watching him fill out a form of some sort in a hurried scrawl, you observed him unnoticed a moment before announcing yourself.
“Good morning,” you finally spoke, bringing his head up.
His handsome smile instantly brightened the artificially-lit room, causing those butterflies to make an appearance once again. “Morning, Y/N.”
You returned his smile, leaning against the door’s entryway. “Well, it looks like this office could use a little help.”
He chuckled. “You’re not wrong, but quite the undertaking. I’m pretty sure some of these receipts are older than me. My uncle owns the shop, but he’s basically retired now so I run the place. Organization was never his strong suit. How about some coffee and a little tour?”
You nodded, “Sounds like a plan.”
Bucky kept a small coffee pot in the waiting area in front of the counter and he poured you both a cup, offering cream and sugar. You followed him around as he explained where things were and why they were kept there, although sometimes the answer was “because that’s where my uncle put them”, defying all logic. There was a corded phone on the wall behind the counter, but it rarely rang. According to Bucky, your call was the only one he’d had all week. Most locals just dropped by and he’d squeeze them in whenever he could.
The computer was ancient, which seemed to be a trend in this town, but most files were still on paper anyway. Bucky gave you a rundown of where tools were generally kept along with stories about the cars he was currently working on and their owners. Your favorite was Mr. Coulson’s 1962 Cherry Red Chevy Corvette, which he had named Lola. For years he would hover around the car while Bucky changed the oil or any other regular servicing, but he seemed to trust the seasoned mechanic now. Bucky still advised you not to touch Lola, just to be safe.
“So? Which project would you like to tackle?” he asked you as he pulled his hair back into a bun to start his day.
You were momentarily distracted by the act once again, but made it seem like you were considering your options. “Where’s the tow truck?” you finally asked.
His brow furrowed in confusion. “Uh…you want to tow something?”
“No, I mean the lift mechanism that nearly shattered my eardrums. It’s bad enough when your car has to be towed, being subjected to that unholy noise is just insult to injury.”
He barked out a laugh at that before gesturing to its location around the corner of the building. “You’ve got a point. If you want to back it into that empty stall, I’ll show you how to grease it up.”
Bucky tossed you the keys and you did just that. You managed to lubricate the hydraulic lift of the tow truck very carefully as to avoid pinched fingers. When it raised and lowered with no squeal, you jumped up and down, clapping your blackened hands in excitement. Bucky poked his head out from under a car’s hood and grinned at you, causing that flutter in your stomach to grow.
After the tow truck, you managed to organize the tools which were now all hanging from a pegboard on the wall for easy access. Next, you washed all the dingy windows, finally letting actual sunlight in. Around mid-morning, Bucky asked for your help aiming a flashlight at a particularly tricky part of an engine. You pointed the light at the area in question from above while Bucky worked from underneath the car.
“So where are you headed specifically?” he asked, breaching the subject of your trip.
“L.A.” you said simply.
“Oh? Off to Hollywood to become a big movie star, huh?” he teased lightly as you heard the clanging of a tool against the engine.
“Nope,” you contradicted him. “I’m no actress. I’m actually a writer. Screenwriter, to be exact,” you explained proudly.
“Really?” he asked, an impressed tone in his voice. “That’s amazing. Do you write one specific genre or a variety?”
You smiled at his question, grateful that he took your confession in stride without any doubt at your ability. “Action and suspense, mostly. I did write a romantic comedy while I was in school, but it was so damn sappy I couldn’t even stand to read it afterwards.”
He chuckled, making you wish you could see his smiling face from where you stood beside the car. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad. We’re always our own worst critic.”
You let out a sigh. “Maybe. My fellow classmates said it was pretty good. I just don’t feel like it’s my forte.”
At that last word, you heard the rolling wheels from underneath, then revealing Bucky. He sat up, catching your eye with a shrug. “Well, sometimes what we struggle with the most is how we grow as a person. Or an artist. ”
You considered his words of wisdom as he stood from his crouched position, wiping his hands on a rag. Bucky had a smudge of grease on his neck and you had the strongest urge to take that rag from his hands and brush your fingers against his skin while cleaning the spot yourself. A few strands from his bun had come loose, framing his face as a light sheen of sweat clung to his skin. In this dingy, hot garage, you thought he was the most beautiful sight you’d ever seen.
Realizing you hadn’t shared a response, you cleared your throat and broke eye contact, blurting out the first thought in your head. “Hey, what’s that thing called? The rolling board thing?”
“Hm? Oh, it’s a creeper,” Bucky answered, nudging the contraption he had been lying on moments before with his booted foot.
You snorted involuntarily. “A what? A creeper? That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.”
Bucky joined you in your laughter. “Yeah, it’s a pretty unusual name.”
As the laughter died down, you held his gaze for a moment longer than intended, snatched by the captivating, stormy-grey eyes meeting yours. He broke contact this time, reaching a hand out toward you and you realize he was asking for the flashlight in your grasp.
“Well, thanks for your help. I think I’ll be okay going solo for the oil change next,” he said with a grin, accepting the flashlight from you.
“Yeah, um…it’s no problem. I’ll, uh…I’ll get back to it then,” you replied with a nod, telling yourself the flush on your skin was from the heat of the day.
You spent the next few hours cleaning the garage’s cement floor which was covered in oil splotches. Once finished, you stood back to survey your work, wiping the back of your hand against your sweaty brow.
“Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the floor back to it’s original color. When you bought that can of Coke from the vending machine I thought you were just going to drink it,” Bucky said, impressed as he stood beside you.
“Drink it? Ick. No. After seeing what that stuff does to a greasy oil stain, what do you think it does to your insides?” you asked in reply, wrinkling your nose in distaste.
“Clears out all the grease?” he asked in a teasing tone.
You made a disgusted noise, nudging his side with your elbow as he burst out in laughter.
“Speaking of grease, do you wanna pick up some lunch from the diner? My treat. Nattie knows my usual and you can get whatever you want,” he offered, plucking a few bills from his wallet before handing them to you. “I’ll finish with this car and get cleaned up.”
“Sure,” you replied, accepting the cash and stashing it in your pocket. You ventured into the bathroom (which was a whole other cleaning project you had yet to tackle) and washed your hands before trekking the few blocks toward the diner.
You returned half an hour later with a bag in each hand. You hollered at Bucky that food was here and as he rounded the corner, you were gifted with a lovely surprise to see the handsome mechanic in only a tank top, having shed his work shirt in the summer heat. He reached up and released his bun, brunet hair cascading down with a shake of his head. You had noticed something on the underside of his left arm, but it was only a split second so you convinced yourself it may have been a trick of the light.
Both of you settled in the empty waiting room where it was slightly cooler with a struggling air conditioner sputtering in the corner. You ate out of the to-go containers with intermittent conversation. At first bite, you suddenly realized how hungry you actually were. The apple from that morning wasn’t very filling, you decided.  
“So,” you said with a mouth full of food, then swallowing before you went on, “Did you always want to be a mechanic?”
“No,” Bucky replied with a small snort. “I’m not sure anyone truly has aspirations to become a grease monkey. Believe it or not, I thought I was gonna become a huge rockstar and make it big. I was in a band in high school and we stayed together a few years after we graduated. We actually weren’t too terrible and I got pretty decent at the guitar, but when my dad left, my uncle was shorthanded so I started helping out here at the shop. Turns out I’m pretty good at fixing cars and I don’t know. I just stuck with it. Plus we needed the money,” he stated as fact, then shoving a forkful in his mouth.
Setting down your own fork, you took a good look at him. Even knowing him such a short time, you could tell Bucky had untapped potential. He was a young, attractive, charismatic guy. He probably could have done any number of things with his life and succeeded. The fact that he just resigned himself to this life made you a little sad. “I’m sorry,” you spoke quietly. “About your dad, I mean.”
Bucky shrugged. “It was rough at first, but in the end, probably for the best.” He scraped the last of his food onto his fork and finished it off, then gathering up his trash. “Are you finished?” he asked you, gesturing toward the last few bites of your lunch.
You nodded and joined him in cleaning up. Following Bucky back into the garage, you both tossed your empty containers in the large trashcan. It was then that he noticed something sitting on on his workbench.
“What’s this?” he asked, holding up the cash that had been left there.
“Your change,” you answered simply.
He was silent a moment, probably calculating what his own meal normally cost. “This is too much. Did you pay for your own lunch?”
You nodded with a shrug, “I still owe you.”
He let out an exasperated sigh as he pulled his hair into a bun again. You weren’t mistaken, there was definitely a unique pattern of white lines and curves on his skin under his left arm near his bicep. “I said it was my treat, you didn’t have to do that. You’re paying me back already.”
Offering a smile, you just shrugged again. “I think I’ll tackle the office,” you said bluntly, biting back curiosity as you walked through the doorway and immersed yourself in the messy back room stacked with papers.
Several hours and a trip to the office supply store later with having done so much filing you felt like your fingers were more paper cuts than skin, the small back room was finally organized. You’d run it all past Bucky later and make sure he could keep up with it for his own benefit, you thought as you stretched your sore muscles. 6 o’clock had rolled around and once again you were starving. You weren’t sure how late Bucky stayed open so you peeled yourself out of the vinyl chair and headed for the garage.
You didn’t see Bucky at first glance one again, so you peeked around cars, walking toward the far end of the garage where you hadn’t been yet. There was a small alcove just around the corner that wasn’t visible unless you knew it was there. Turning the corner, you were surprised to see Bucky sitting in the back of a car with a bottle of beer in his hand. Oddly enough, the car had no roof. Or doors. Basically it was a bench seat wrapped in black leather inside a bare car frame. Bucky took a sip and then noticed you standing there.
“Hey,” he greeted you with a smile. “All done?”
You nodded, stepping forward. “You?”
“Yep,” he confirmed, then letting the moment fall into comfortable silence.
Feeling courageous, you climbed into the car and took a seat on the bench beside him. “How long ago did you finish?” you asked him, rubbing at a grease spot on your arm you’d just noticed.
“About 20 minutes ago. I peeked in and saw you were about done so I didn’t want to interrupt. You were muttering to yourself about the necessity of last names on customer receipts, then you sang a few seconds of the Alphabet song to find the proper file. It was cute,” he said with a chuckle, then offering the beer bottle to you. “I would have brought another but I wasn’t sure if you were a drinker or not.”
Your eyes flickered between the beer and him, cheeks enflamed from realizing he had been watching and listening earlier. You accepted the cold beer from him, hyper aware of the fact that his lips had been on it a second ago. Holding his gaze, you took a swig and then handed the bottle back to him. His eyes dropped to your lips as you licked them, then back up to meet your eyes.
“So,” you finally spoke, glancing at your surroundings. “Is this a project of yours? This car?”
Clearing his throat, he nodded. “I”m hoping to restore it completely eventually, but it’s a slow process. Parts on classic cars are expensive and I don’t have a lot of time these days. But eventually, it’s going to be a ’67 Chevy Impala. Such a great car.”
You nodded, trying to picture what it would be like one day. For some reason that specific make and model sounded familiar to you with an image of a shiny black car roaring down the highway flashing in your mind, maybe from a movie or tv show.
Bucky was playing with the label on his beer bottle when he spoke again. “So, I was thinking of going out to dinner at this great Italian place in town tonight. Would you like to join me?”
“Really?” you asked in shock.
“Okay, so it’s the ONLY Italian place around here, but it’s still pretty good,” he admitted with a grin, still awaiting your response.
“Um…sure. That sounds great. Good as the diner is, I’m not sure I could handle a fourth meal in two days,” you said, pulling a face.
He laughed, “Understandable. I’ve done it, but wouldn’t recommend it.”
You echoed his laughter for a moment. “I should probably get cleaned up though…” you trailed off, looking down at your sweaty, grease-covered clothes.
“Oh, yeah, me too,” he agreed. “I can drop you off and then pick you up around 7:30?”
“That sounds perfect,” you grinned, climbing out of the car with Bucky following you.
As you waved goodbye to Bucky and shut the door to your motel room, your mind went into panic mode. Was this a date? Did you pack anything date-worthy? How much scrubbing would it take to get the grease out of your skin and fingernails? Taking a deep breath, you let go of those worries as excitement for tonight crept in.
You had a date with Bucky Barnes. Maybe.
Part Four>>>
Aaaahhh!!!! I’m so excited you guys!!! I’m having SO much fun with this fic. :D How’d you like those Easter Egg car references. ;) Gotta use what limited car knowledge I have! haha. Are you ready for this maybe-date with Bucky??? Get excited, cause I am! I love you guys! Any feedback and comments are appreciated! <3
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websitehosting232 · 5 years
Forget Website Hosting: 3 Replacements You Need To Jump On
Strategic Style and design: six Methods For Creating Profitable Sites
Website design isn’t artwork. It consists of a complete collection of various capabilities — from copywriting and typography to layout and art — all fused with each other to generate an interface that don't just capabilities a nice aesthetic but that communicates purpose and facilitates quick access to its written content.
But in an effort to Blend every one of these elements of Web design alongside one another and realize profitable results, you must have a clear route, a direction that may guideline each and each element of your design and style in the direction of typical ambitions. You need to think strategically.
Precisely what is STRATEGIC Style and design?
Strategic design may be the fusion within your organizational plans with every facet of your design system. You aren’t merely coming up with a consumer interface that appears superior and is usable and obtainable. You’re developing an interface which will help you carry out your Group’s aims.
There are lots of Web sites available that seem superb and Activity the most up-to-date traits in design and style however often fall short miserably inside their intended operate. Design and style tendencies are, naturally, vital mainly because they Provide you new inspiration and new procedures, however the implementation of those approaches and designs must be 
intelligent and concentrated. As an example, a weblog isn’t a advertising and marketing brochure; it is best to deal with usability and readability rather than style. Similarly, a promotional Web page for a computer sport should really element graphics and designs that portray a specific sense and magnificence; the aesthetic is essential right here.
In the event the designer simply just implements a feel and look that may be trendy at this time (Feel Internet two.0 tendencies) with none thought of how they suit the functionality of the website or even the organization guiding it, the end result is not likely for being pretty powerful.
Web design is all about crafting an interface that communicates purpose, is usable and available and exudes the correct emotion and sensation. Helpful Web design requires most of these aspects to become in tune Together with the aims of your internet site As well as in sync While using the organizational 
aims at the rear of the web site. Strategic structure is focused on pinpointing People goals and applying them to guideline your structure.
Utilizing Strategic Style
Let’s Examine how we could use 6 techniques to Believe strategically a few Website design challenge:
one. Create YOUR Targets
Among the list of initial items you might want to do before starting Focus on a Website design project is always to be crystal clear regarding your customer or Firm’s objectives. What exactly are you trying to realize Using the new Web-site or redesign? What is the web site’s principal purpose? Inquire your consumer, your supervisor or you what These are. If they otherwise you don’t know nonetheless, then they must be talked about and agreed upon. A clear path is crucial If you would like your design and style to possess a intent.
Keep in mind that an internet site isn’t a piece of artwork; it’s an interface that serves a perform. That perform might be to market solutions, to deliver informational written content, to entertain, to inform or to supply access to a assistance. Whatsoever that perform is, your structure need to target satisfying it. Targets may also be critical, particularly if you’re performing a redesign. Ask why that you are undertaking the redesign: will you be wanting to expand the amount of indication-ups, decrease the bounce charge Or possibly raise person participation?
Consider the look of the New York Instances Internet site higher than. Its function is to deliver informational articles. The minimalist interface serves this operate wonderfully by fading into the qualifications.
In distinction for the Big apple Instances, AdaptD is a Website design studio, And so the objective just isn't to provide loads of articles but to impress site visitors with its style and design, showcase a gallery and promote the corporation’s providers. The visuals are important below, and AdaptD delivers a browsing practical experience with attractive imagery and robust colors.
Who your viewers is will Perform a big purpose in how your internet site should really glance and function. There are many demographics in this article that could impact your structure, kinds like age, gender, profession and 
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technical competency. A pc recreation Web site for the more youthful viewers requirements another model than that of a significant enterprise journal. Usability should play A much bigger part for older and fewer technically savvy audiences.
Who your audience is will never only affect the final aesthetic of the website but can even decide plenty of scaled-down details, like font dimensions, so be sure you’re obvious about who will be using your website.
This is actually the unsuccessful jQuery rock-star redesign. The designer went way too much in trying to generate pleasure and so failed to cater to the greater really serious, techy viewers. Considering that then, the rock-star graphic is changed with a far more conservative search.
3. Figure out YOUR Brand name Graphic
Lots of designers have a tendency to get a minor way too influenced by the latest tendencies and afterwards employ them devoid of thinking very first about what sort of image they seriously should be conveying. Shiny buttons, gradients and reflective floors may work for many Sites, Nonetheless they may not be proper for the 
color. Consider the come to feel you ought to reach and 
feelings you wish to elicit. Your design should embody the individuality and character of your brand. Almost everything has a brand name; Even though you don’t sell a services or products – for example, when you run a web site – your website nonetheless has a specific really feel which makes an effect in your website visitors. Decide what that impression must be.
Carbonica is an internet site aimed toward helping people today cut down their carbon emissions. The eco-friendly image of the website is crafted applying a lot of recycled paper visuals and textures, as well as earthy environmentally friendly and brown tones.
Restaurantica was a restaurant opinions Internet site. Its style and design illustrates this by taking on the feel and appear of an actual menu you would see inside a cafe.
four. Purpose-DRIVEN Style and design Path
You’ve founded the objective of your site, set some aims you want to realize, identified your audience and determined your brand name graphic. You can now commence to carry out it. So how do you 
make structure decisions sync https://www.sly-fox.ca/online-reputation-management/ with your method? Allow me to illustrate this with a likely case in point.
Suppose your principal objective is to increase the number of subscribers for your Net assistance. How can your style help accomplish this target? I'm able to see not less than three issues in this article that can make a big difference:
Make the “About” snippet on the landing web page as distinct and concise as is possible. Your website visitors need to not have any confusion with regards to the operate of your web site.
Use color and distinction for making the registration button or website link jump out. If people can’t discover it, Then you definitely received’t get a lot of indication-ups.
Streamline the registration process by taking away unwanted and optional aspects; folks can fill People out later. If the shape appears extensive, persons might be put off of filling it in.
These are just 3 ways you can direct your structure toward carrying out the purpose of expanding the volume of indicator-ups to the services. Your ambitions may perhaps differ, even so the system is similar: form and concentrate all the design aspects in direction of meeting Those people targets.
The same tactic applies to your brand name and viewers: style the aesthetic that most accurately fits it. If your website’s emphasis is enjoyment, then create an “experience.” You might be totally free to employ loads of color and imagery to shape that have. However, should you’re planning a web site which is centered on data use, one example is, a website or a journal, then center on usability and readability. Produce an interface that fades absent and doesn’t distract the person from accessing the content.
The principle gist of strategic design is actually typical perception: you’re creating a little something for a certain goal, so needless to say it should 
fulfill that function by way of its design. However it is in fact quite simple to shed keep track of of your respective goals and end up getting something that is gorgeous but in the long run doesn’t get the job done in its context. It’s super easy to tumble into your lure of utilizing the most recent structure tendencies just as they appear attractive or shaping a bit of your site to resemble another Site that you actually like without the need of 1st serious about why you might be carrying out it or the way it fits in While using the goal of the undertaking.
0 notes
tocinephile · 5 years
Ada’s Top 20 Films of the 2010′s
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2010 seems long ago. It was the year when Netflix, previously a mail order DVD rental operation, launched its streaming service and changed our TV/movie consumption forever. Originally known for old favourites and terrible in-house productions, Netflix and its competitors such as Amazon Studios have gone on to become award season contenders in just a few short years. The functions of film festivals and movie theatres have shifted due to streaming services’ enormous effects. This decade also saw the warp up of some beloved sagas and series on the big screen - from Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy to Harry Potter (more on those later!) Then there was an entire Star Wars Trilogy and end to a saga, which, love or hate it, was something many of us have been literally waiting our whole lives for. Throw in some Marvel at every turn, and an assuring expanse into the exploration of LGBTQ+ subjects, toss out Harvey Weinstein, and I think you have a reasonably accurate summation of film in the 2010′s. Something else close to my heart that unfortunately also fell to the wayside this past decade is Hong Kong cinema.  Once famed for slick neo noir style action with an eye-popping blend of gun play and kung fu, the genre has died to a trickle as the Chinese film industry evolves. Without (much) further pre-amble, here is a list of my top 20 films of the 2010′s, chosen based on personal preference, and what I perceive to be cultural/technological/cinematic significance, presented in no definitive order...
The Social Network (2010) I talk about the things that were different at the start of the decade, and Facebook was certainly one of them. Although still a top contender in the social media minefield, at the beginning of the decade Facebook was king. From the cinema perspective, this was also a David Fincher directed, and Aaron Sorkin written film.  These credentials aside, the film was additionally recognized for its editing, soundtrack, and transforming Jesse Eisenberg from the “poor man’s Michael Cera” (and what is Michael Cera doing these days again??) to a formidable dramatic talent. Altogether was a way to immortalize Mark Zuckerberg on screen eh? Inception (2010) Brace yourselves, I will tell you now that the 2010′s was the decade of Christopher Nolan for me. I didn’t realize until I compiled this list, that starting with this mind-bending thriller, every film he made this decade is right up there for me. Aside from its story, the stunning visuals, and pacing, Inception was cleverly tied together to give me one of the most unforgettable movie going experiences this decade. The Artist (2011) The best kind of homage here, and reminder that story and performance are what make up a good film. Is this an Art House film? Sure, but the story transcends even words, it’s a celebration, and a love story not just between two characters but to cinema itself.
Hugo (2011)
And speaking of celebration of cinema, does anyone really do it better than Martin Scorsese? In this case, an homage to a forefather of motion picture wrapped in the ultimate feel good family film. Seeing Melies’ films within a film, the automatons, and the blend of history and fantasy, make you believe. When asked to name a good family film, I often name this one. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011) The final film of the series and also my favourite chapter. Deathly Hallows is a good example where the 2-parter turns out to be a good idea rather than a mere cash grab (as in the case Twilight).  It set a precedent showcasing the benefits of a longer story format that is enhancing for the story. Also, the Battle of Hogwarts, how do you get enough? Amiright? Super 8 (2011) 2011 was really the year of terrific family films. J.J. Abram’s Super 8 was no exception.  It was through Super 8 that I was introduced to Abram’s sense of adventure and wonder through his characters.  This was also Steven Spielberg produced adding to its positive attributes. When Abrams made Star Wars: The Force Awakens later in the decade, I was thrilled he was at the helm based on my love for Super 8. Moonrise Kingdom (2012) A different family film by Wes Anderson, and also one of the most endearing love stories told on the big screen this year. His follow up The Grand Budapest Hotel was also a contender for my best of the decade list but ultimately the unconventional young couple in Moonrise Kingdom versus the flagrantly over the top romantic gestures in Grand Budapest helped me make my choice.  Still, both are visually spectacular. The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Christopher Nolan film #2 and the close out to the best Batman trilogy. While a certain level of campiness has come to be associated with preceding Batman offerings, Nolan and Christian Bale did something different and in turn won over a lot of new audiences for the superhero genre.  While you can’t turn these days without bumping into a Marvel, etc. production, I think the quality of superhero films was raised leaps and bounds this decade and much of it in thanks to Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy which began in the decade before. Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Oscar accolades (and Jennifer Garner) aside, Dallas Buyers Club by Canadian filmmaker Jean-Marc Vallee told a important story and told it well. It also brought Vallee’s work to a larger scale audience than any of his previous projects, giving him the attention he so very much deserves. From set design to story to acting, I truly believe this was one of the best films of the decade.
The Theory of Everything (2014) I may be partial to biopics but there’s no denying the venerability of Stephen Hawking, and Stephen Hawking as portrayed by Eddie Redmayne... well, there are no words! Boyhood (2014) When I first began compiling this list, Boyhood was one of the first few films to come to mind. Aside from being directed by one of my favourite filmmakers Richard Linklater (who was also featured in my 2000′s list with Before Sunset - which I argue is still the best of the trilogy) it was also a very ambitious undertaking as a filmmaker.  It’s my hope that the significance of Boyhood isn’t diminished in the age of digital aging/de-aging technologies, to do something like this organically is a labour of love. To commit to a project that spends 12 years in production is firstly insanity, but then to have a finished product that ties so seamlessly together in a tale of family, life, and love. Who knows if this will ever be done again? Interstellar (2014) Christopher Nolan film #3. I’m not as into movies about space and time travel as I was as a teenager/young adult, so I’m of the belief that while I still watch a fair amount of them, fewer and fewer truly stand out. When it came to explore this decade’s offerings, Interstellar and First Man were the only two even worth mentioning to me.  The latter was more traditionally biopic-ish, though well told, and I maintain has the best soundtrack of 2018. Interstellar on the other hand had other thought-provoking layers (as I have come to expect from Nolan). What We Do in the Shadows (2014) And now for something completely different! What would life be like if Taika Waititi didn't make films? Mankind has been telling stories since the beginning of time so it’s understandingly hard to come up with truly original stories after thousands of years, and yet... Taika Waititi does it!  Seriously though , What We Do In the Shadows was the single funniest film I’ve watched this decade. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) If What We Do in the Shadows was the funniest movie of the decade, then Mad Max: Fury Road had to be hands down the most intense, non-stop, adrenaline rush thriller. Again, I watch a lot of this stuff and find myself largely disillusioned or unimpressed with most of what’s out there.  Sure, I love the Avengers movies, and I’m always up for gratuitous violence but so few of these films will make me stop everything that I’m doing and stay rooted on the spot for the entire film - which I can recall distinctly is what happened when I put on this film on in early 2016. The Hateful Eight (2015) Westerns aren’t my cup of tea, but it’s common knowledge that Quentin Tarantino certainly is. When it came time to choose a QT film for my list, and we all know that’s exactly how I went about it.  Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood was never even a contender, it was between Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight, overall I appreciated the simple (but elaborate!) set up of a cast of questionable characters in a cabin that kept me entranced for near 3 hours just listening to them talk. Straight Outta Compton (2015) Ok, there’s a clear nostalgia factor in play here, but Straight Outta Compton was also straight up good storytelling, coupled with a badass soundtrack. I didn’t give it much thought until later, but there’s also a certain level of accessibility in the storytelling, it was a film that was made for a wide audience without sparking disdain from dedicated members of the rap/hip hop community (not much significant backlash that I'm aware anyway... As someone who’s been devoted to certain subcultures, I can vouch this is entirely a possibility.)
Blue Jay (2016) Who has no idea what film this is? Hint: go watch it on Netflix. In the 2000′s I included Conversations with Other Women in my top 20 list, I feel like Blue Jay is my 2010′s equivalent.  Not that I was looking for an equivalent but I have an appreciation for unforgettable stories about the undeniable attraction between two people who have previously had a failed relationship with each other. It's Sarah Paulson and Mark Duplass on screen the entire time, and it's completely engrossing.  Not an easy feat, not appreciated by many, but glorious to me. Call Me By Your Name (2017) This is my Ghost World of the 2010′s, not because the content is at all alike, but because it’s the only movie I watched repeatedly, and the only book in history that I’ve read twice in a single month. Some stories just touch you, this one did. Factor in the brilliant performances, the exquisite writing, beautiful settings, music, and every intricacy that together made up the whole film.  I only wish I had more pretty words to give it a proper description but I will never come close to what Andre Aciman and James Ivory and Luca Guadagnino put on screen. Dunkirk (2017) Christopher Nolan film #4. Dunkirk was the first film I thought of when I started to make this list.  It seemed so obvious. While I said I wasn’t ranking these Top 20 films of the decade, if hard pressed, I would put Dunkirk at the top. Not merely a good historical drama, this was a technical achievement. There’s a lot of articles out there about how a special plane was refitted to house the camera, you can read those online. What I think needs to be mentioned more often is astounding sound mixing and design in Dunkirk.  It’s so good, and I’ve been privileged to see it in 70MM and in Imax that I’m hesitant to watch it in my home with my dinky home theatre now. When they update the history of film textbooks, they’d better be adding Dunkirk. The Irishman (2019) Ok, so maybe this isn’t Marty’s best.  Maybe it’s a slight rehashing of his best work. (But his best is so good, the rehashing is still miles beyond the rest!) But to me, it’s Martin Scorsese embracing the evolution of storytelling in film, the formats in which it's presented, and how he’s going to adapt it in his favour.  What you have here is an excessive piece of work that would likely not ever have been made in the last 50 years due to cost, impracticality, audience appreciation, what have you.  However, in an unexpected turn, longer formats have come back into favour, and found a new platform in which to present themselves (ie. streaming servies like Netflix) So here he is, and here is The Irishman. There you have it movie lovers, more or less my top 20 films for the 2010's. Here is an abbreviated recap:
The Social Network - dir. David Fincher (2010)
Inception - dir. Christopher Nolan (2010)
The Artist - dir. Michel Hazanavicius (2011)
Hugo - dir. Martin Scorsese (2011)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - dir. David Yates (2011)
Super 8 - dir. J.J. Abrams (2011)
Moonrise Kingdom - dir. Wes Anderson (2012)
The Dark Knight Rises - dir. Christopher Nolan (2012)
Dallas Buyers Club - dir. Jean-Marc Vallee (2013)
The Theory of Everything - dir. James Marsh (2014)
Boyhood - dir. Richard Linklater (2014)
Interstellar - dir. Christopher Nolan (2014)
What We Do in the Shadows - dir. Taika Waititi (2014)
Mad Max: Fury Road - dir. George Miller (2015)
The Hateful Eight - dir. Quentin Tarantino (2015)
Straight Outta Compton - dir. F. Gary Gray (2015)
Blue Jay - dir. Alex Lehmann (2016)
Call Me By Your Name - dir. Luca Guadagnino (2017)
Dunkirk - dir. Christopher Nolan (2017)
The Irishman - dir. Martin Scorsese (2019)
Just missing the list was The Favourite - dir. Yorgos Lanthimos (2018). I actually miscounted my movies during the first draft of this list and originally had this to say about The Favourite when I'd mistakenly thought it'd made the list:
The Favourite (2018) This is the only film on the list that's not here because of its story.  It’s not a bad story, but plot alone wouldn’t put The Favourite amongst my favourites. (Also a part of me has yet to forgive Yorgos Lanthimos for making me endure Dogtooth) What makes The Favourite stand out is that it’s genre-bending, it’s like an absurd period piece for lack of a better description, and it’s awesome. Also the camera work including those panning shots with an extreme wide angle lens combined with the elaborate costume design really makes the film pop visually in a most wonderfully unconventional way.
Other films that didn't wind up making the cut:
The Town (2010)
Last Night (2010)
Rare Exports (Finland 2010)
Django Unchained (2012)
Cloud Atlas (2012)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
Captain Phillips (2013)
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
The Danish Girl (2015)
Get Out (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
The Hate U Give (2018)
And two others I'd like to mention are:
1. Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012), which is an affecting film but admittedly will never be my cup of tea.  Doesn't mean it's not great. And,
2. Eden (France 2014) a personal favourite that I had not even considered for one of the 20 best films of the decade, but delightfully it showed up on a Vulture article about the best films of the decade in 47th place (coincidentally the writer's initials are also A.W. and this is what they had to say...)
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There you have it, my decade in film summed up. I look forward to sharing many more film experiences and thoughts with you in the years to come. Our annual January challenge "30 Films in 31 Days" commences for another year starting tomorrow, and I hope to be able to follow shortly after with my top films of 2019. Happy movie-going and happy new year!
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