#definitely not my brain who wasn't cooperating with me yet again
18 for the Pride Asks? And 7, 8 for the OC of your choice?
Thank you @raven-of-domain-kwaad / @the-raven-of-highever!
18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
If I don't know their identity, then I'm keeping them unspecified, and then as I figure it out I give them labels. And yes, sometimes their labels change bc they turn out to be different from what I originally thought. It just recently happened with Xaele and Jett.
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
I couldn't choose a single character for this question, so I'll answer in general.
I imagine some of my a-spec characters starting to question their identity because of some conversation they had with an allo friend about being attracted and finding it difficult to relate. For example, back when they were teens, Jett was confused when Raen was saying something like "oh this girl is so hot" or "I cannot think straight because of that guy". Or Lorri saying that she doesn't understand why people crave sexual or romantic relationships so much when there are a lot of other wonderful things to do, when Vort was talking about his struggle to find a long-term partner.
As for the rest of my characters, it's either having feelings for a person that were unfamiliar to them before that, or just having experiences that challenge the way they viewed themselves.
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
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I want to talk about Kerstes because she came to my mind the first when trying to answer this question.
First, I want to share my headcanon on expectations and views on marriage in the Sith Empire, specifically for pureblood Sith (it's very similar to this post).
Marriage mostly serves two purposes - transaction and reproduction, and while these are a bit more loose for average citizens and military, for pureblood Sith these are very important (because they are not exactly common during the time of SWTOR era, from what I understand). So heterosexual marriage is heavily encouraged and expected from the majority of Sith (with some exceptions).
Because of these expectations Kerstes struggled with her identity. At first, she had trouble with even accepting the fact that she likes women (you know, the "oh yeah, hetero marriage is good for the population because otherwise we'd all want to marry women, right?" moment). Took her quite some time to come to terms with it, and even then she wasn't eager to share this discovery with her parents. Kerstes tried to avoid it whenever the topic of marriage came up, and when it became impossible to ignore, she came out, and, as expected, it didn't go well. Fortunately for Kerstes, soon after this she was sent to Korriban for Sith training, so that conflict became the least of her worries for the duration of Sith Warrior story.
Interesting that after the class story Kerstes had a heart-to-heart conversation with her mother about a lot of things, her identity included. Interesting because prior to her trials she favored her father (because he pretty much gave her everything she wanted, and by that spoiled her) and ignored and despised her mother most of the time. I mentioned that Kerstes starts as a spoiled brat who loves ordering people around, and as the events of Sith Warrior story go, she grows to be less bossy or rude, and more respectful to those below her status (in short. there's a lot more to her character development). And as she goes through this development, she realizes that the most of what she learns are things that her mother tried to teach her. So Kerstes starts seeing her parents in a different light, and that's why she has this heart-to-heart with mother.
In the end, her mother is more accepting of the fact that Kerstes is a lesbian and doesn't have to marry someone against her will (but she still asks for biological grandchildren lol). More importantly, Kertses is more comfortable with her identity and will have a romantic relationship.
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NEVER apologize for all caps and excitement!!!! in this house we lose our minds over found family dynamics TOGETHER and we are NOT calm about it lmao
under the read more because spoilers and also i got long winded (shocker)
ugh but literally. i need to do a rewatch because fallout is definitely one of those "watch once to get your brain blasted, watch a second time to catch all the little hints you missed the first time around" kind of shows, and also i just. NEED to watch this again with the full knowledge that cooper's been hunting down his family this whole time. yeah we knew cooper was a dad from the beginning but for us, at first, the logical assumption is that his wife and daughter must be long gone by now! it's been 219 years! it's not until the last episode or two that we start realizing that a lot of people from Before are still kicking around, and that cooper KNOWS that, and that the one thing keeping him going for longer than anyone else is the fact that he wants to see his wife and daughter again. the angst potential of this has me foaming at the mouth, by the way, and that's without even considering lucy yet
like, what's his plan? find janey and barb and... pick up where they left off? maybe two centuries of nuclear fallout will patch up his relationship with his ex-wife? how does he even know they weren't both unfrozen and lived their whole lives without him and died already? (i'll argue that he has not even considered that possibility, and will not, because that'll break him.) and say he does find them, and they're alive. maybe they haven't even been unfrozen yet and he can be the one to wake them up. ideal scenario, right? but will they even recognize him anymore? not just by his physical appearance, either! he is not the same person he was before the bombs fell, not by a longshot! janey's dad wasn't a ruthless mercenary bounty hunter who does what he has to do to survive and makes jerky out of human meat and sells random women to organ harvesters to get drugs! he was a guy who loved his dog and loved his family and who was so morally upright that he didn't even want to fake shoot a guy in a movie, because he believes that's not who his character is. and don't even get me STARTED on the fact that The Ghoul is a character to begin with, it's an act, because he's an actor who fell into this role because i guess it was easiest to survive that way, which means that at heart The Ghoul is also not someone who should be shooting guys. the kindheartedness is there under about 219 years of irradiated, decaying skin. but it's there
and then we get lucy, who's very deliberately written as his echo, a kindhearted morally upright person who doesn't want to let the wasteland change her, and i'll bet MONEY that as the series progresses cooper's gonna have to watch as it really doesn't change her. sure, she'll bite a guy's finger off in self defense, and yeah, she'll mercy kill a ghoul that's way past saving. but through it all she's going to try so hard to do the right thing, every single time, and i'm TELLING you, it's not so much that cooper's gonna get dragged back kicking and screaming into being a good person again, but it's more like he's gonna just start being better. it'll be kickstarted by lucy's influence and the fact that he cannot suppress the dad instincts to save his life, but the reason it'll really stick is because that's his natural setting! whether he wants to admit it or not!
anyway. uh. i ranted about this more than i meant to LOL but please always feel free to shout at me about grumpy morally gray old men allowing fatherhood to gently tug them closer and closer to the neutral good square on a dnd alignment chart. gets me every time
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guildtree · 1 year
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Anyways, this is meant to be an opportunity for writers to do a "behind the scenes" look at one of their fanfics, something I've wanted to do for a while. I'm choosing Left Behind, my story about Taimi and Marjory becoming friends while recovering from Balthazar, because not only is it my first posted fanfic and one I still love, but because GOOD LORD does it have a story behind it.
So here's the tale: I wrote this thing in October of 2022, shortly after essentially dropping out of college. COVID had knocked me flat on my ass both mentally and physically, so I was still recovering from a pretty severe health crisis/depressive episode and had very little to do with my life. I'd started writing fiction again after a few years of not doing it at all. And then my uncle calls me up and says, "Hey, I'm going to Europe for three weeks, I know you're not busy, would you like to catsit my two kittens while I'm gone? I'll pay you." Obviously, I jumped at the chance to cuddle cute fluffy animals and earn money for it. Easy, right?
WRONG. First off, these kittens were not tiny fluffballs, they were five-month-old former-stray terrors that hadn't been fixed yet and still had tons of nervous energy. They caused chaos whenever I wasn't watching. Second, it took all of half a week for them both to somehow get sick with gonorrhea (honestly, they'd probably had it before and the symptoms just hadn't shown up yet). If you've never had to deal with two hyperactive, aggressively cuddly kittens with diarrhea ... be thankful. It was a disaster. Between taking them to the vet, giving them medicine regularly, cleaning up after them, and making sure they didn't break anything important, I wound up over at my uncle's house way more than I'd expected. Eventually, I just started dragging my laptop along so I could sit on the couch and write for hours while keeping the little fuzzy troublemakers in the corner of my eye.
I'd had the idea for Left Behind for a while - ever since I'd heard that little achievement line where Taimi mentions that Marjory's been calling her a lot and, "it seems like she's kinda lonely." (Which like, Marjory? Lonely? What? But then it clicked for me that she's not only alone, she's alone and injured, and she's probably feeling frustrated about not being able to do anything, much like Taimi has felt over several arcs, and ohhhhh... I can make them friends.) But I'd also be deluding myself if I said that nothing about my situation while writing bled into my work. I mean, I certainly had a good perspective on how much medicine sucks, and how hard being a caretaker can be, especially when the people (or cats) you're taking care of aren't cooperating! There are references to Taimi and Marjory being up at ungodly hours because I was up at ungodly hours trying to find the very small, pitch-black kitten who was hiding in the house somewhere because she really did not want to take her medicine. Some of the more out-there comedy is definitely influenced by that sleep deprivation as well.
But on a more serious note: I think the reason why my first posted story is at it's core about recovery and finding camaraderie in that recovery is because those were the things I needed at the time too. I mentioned that in October I was just starting to come out of a nasty depressive episode? I do mean just starting. I didn't feel good, I merely felt not terrible, which was a significant improvement but still didn't feel like enough. I think, consciously or not, I put a lot of my own hopes, wants, and frustrations into these characters. Hidden in Marjory's rage at feeling useless are a lot of my own frustrations about how my depressed brain simply wouldn't let me do things sometimes. In Taimi's fear of being forgotten are my own anxieties about how in taking a break from college I'd ruined my whole future. And their entire story of healing, growing closer, and finally moving on was what I wanted for myself most at that moment: a way out, a new start, and people who could understand and help me through all of that.
I wrote that entire fic over the three weeks I was catsitting, fending off kittens who wanted to step on my keyboard and chew my laptop wires the whole time. I finished a few days before my uncle was due to come home from Europe, and I was so exhausted and annoyed at that point, I was just like, "You know what, FINE, this is pretty good, why don't I post it." So I did, and then I went to go give the cats their meds and fall asleep, and when I woke up the next day there were 11 comments waiting for me, and I learned that people actually might like my writing and what I had to say. And now here we are 8 months later, I'm in a much better place, I've got a little community of friends and people who like my stuff, and writing has been a valuable hobby that brings me accomplishment and happiness. All because of my uncle's sick kittens xD
This got long, but it was a story I've wanted to tell for a while, so as always: thank you for reading.
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cyanoscarlet · 1 year
Already half a year after residency,
but no, I still haven't graduated. Like I said.
I'm just finishing my research paper - already applied for ethics review and am hoping to hear from them soon so I can already start collecting data. I honestly took way too long to get to this point because my brain refuses to cooperate with me, with my many episodes of slumps and breakdowns in between. (Had a major one in February after our department accreditation. My obligations as chief resident having ended, my junior took over the post and I felt like a useless stump. That came way out of left field, I had to see my psychiatrist and they added another medication. So far so good I guess?)
One thing I noticed now that I turned 30 is that my productivity these days only comes in bursts of few hours at most and needs a highly specific type of environment to work. I hate having to go out and spend money at coffee shops just to get work done, but it's been the best way so far. I wasn't this bad during medical school—back then, I was able to concentrate on reviewing at home 1 month before the licensure exam. I really miss the days when I could study/work for long hours / late at night / at home / with moderate distractions / any combination thereof or all of the above. Basically I was more efficient then. Gotta live with what I currently have, though. (sighs)
At the very least I hope to be able to receive my diploma and final clearance from residency this year. Never mind the specialty board exam already, I probably won't make this year's cutoff. But I WILL start to study this year. Also get more regular clinic gigs—I'm not getting any younger yet I've barely saved anything because No, Medicine Isn't As Lucrative A Career As You Think. (Or maybe it's only like this in the PH. I dunno. But I suspect everyone who works in the health industry shares this sentiment to some degree because who in the high places actually cares about us, really?)
In other (happier) news I've been able to write a little again! Super grateful I got back into Juuni Kokki (Twelve Kingdoms) last May/June, then FF16 this July! My brainworms are starting to live again and I'm somewhat energized by the fan stuff I'm reading. Also was able to churn out some short fics so that's also a win. Am hoping to hit a more stable stride on this front once I'm done-ish with research so I can go back to finish some older works and find time to submit to anthologies/publications again. (The literary kind. I'm not hoping on anything on the academic/research front but it'd be a nice bonus, but I'm totally happy without it.)
Turns out 2023's still a year of uncertainty, but definitely less pressuring than residency. Being away from the hospital really helped. Having the time to decompress, to take my time on things, to slow down a little. Honestly it's selfish of me to wish this would last forever, but it can't. I have to move on to a more stable position in life, in my career after this. I guess we'll see what happens by then.
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nightshadeshadow123 · 4 years
Teasing: Part 2 (Ratched)
Here is part two for those that wanted it. I hope ya'll enjoy. I'm gonna change the story line a bit as I see fit because I don't want to turn this into a whole unwanted story book if I fit the whole original story line in at a slow pace and time line. 
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Gwendolyn followed behind Mildred, easily catching up to her as Mildred spared her a side glance, eyes softening for a moment.
"Can I help you Ms Briggs?" She asked, trying to keep her tone of voice emotionless and authoritative as ever.
Gwendolyn shot her a warm smile stopping next to her as Mildred came to a stop at a door before turning to her.
"Maybe, yes. I just wanted to ask if you'd like to go out with me and (Y/N) to a restaurant tonight?" Gwendolyn asked, trying to play off her nerves and hoping for the best.
Mildred raised a dark eyebrow at the blonde. "Why would I do that?"
Gwendolyn rolled her blue eyes before giving her another smile. "Oh come on, it will be a adventure. Just for tonight after work." She urged.
She was really hoping that the red haired woman would say yes. She's just as interested in her as much as you are after meeting her for the first time. She was intrigued when you've started talking about the red haired nurse when the two of you were out somewhere or at home and she definitely knew why you were so intrigued by her after meeting her.
Mildred slug her shoulder for a moment, eyes focused on the older blonde woman.
"Okay fine, I'll go on that supposed adventure with the two of you." She agreed reluctantly, fighting of a blush trying to spread across her cheeks.
Gwendolyn gave her a closed eyed smile. "Wonderful, (Y/N) and I will pick you up later. Just tell me where."
"Sealight Inn." Mildred informed her before taking a hold of the cold door knob and unlocking it with the key she had in her other hand.
"Pick you up at 7." Gwendolyn confirmed with her before turning around and walking down the hallway.
Mildred listen to her footfalls until it's just distant before shaking her head and walking into the room.
-*Timeskip brought to ya by Ratched's juicy peaches.-*
"Hurry up back there love. It's almost time to go!" Gwendolyn said excitedly, popping her head around the corner into your room and seeing you messing around with a strap on your dark grey dress.
"Just a minute. This stupid strap won't cooperate with me tonight." You huffed out in annoyance. "I hate dresses."
Gwendolyn let out a laugh and strides over to you and assisting you with the dress strap and giving you a peck on the lips before pulling away, making you send her a pout.
Gwendolyn laughed again at you. "Oh hush, there will be plenty of kissing later. Now let's go pick up that nurse before she gives us a labotomy for being late." She pulled you out of your apartment, almost growing impatient as you locked the door first.
"Oh hell to the fuck naw woman don't even mention that. Doctor Hanover was a pain in the side with that whole thing. God his whole idea of turning people straight is ridiculous but yeah I have to refrain myself from knocking him into oblivion." You grumbled and got into the the passenger seat of Gwendolyn's car.
She got in as well and shot you smile before starting the car and reversing out of the parking. "Honey I know, he have a weird way but yeah that's just how some people are. But at least he haven't caught onto us yet."
You hummed in agreement and interlocked your fingere with her other one hands fingers that is not on the steering wheel as she drove down the mostly empty street.
Gwendolyn shot you another smile, blue eyes sparing you a loving brief look before focusing back on the road ahead again and tightening her hold on your hand comfortably.
After a few minutes of driving you decide to break the comfortable silence.
"I still can't believe you've managed to get Mildred to go out with us on one of your fun 'adventures'."
The blonde woman laughed under her breath at you, hold once again tightening on your hand as you used your other hands black painted finger nails to trail against her soft skin in a unknown pattern, goosebumps rising on her skin as you smirked to yourself.
"Hey my 'adventures' is always fun. You love it even if you try to hide it. And ofcourse she would, who can resist not to come on one of my adventures?"
"Apparently no one. You've nagged me day and night to go on one when we've first met and you wouldn't stop until I've finally agreed." You chuckled.
Gwendolyn snorted at this. "Hell, getting you to go out on a date with me was one heck of task, you and Mildred are both as stubborn as a mule."
"Pfft, I'm just hard to be impressed and my dad wasn't so amused at you turning up at random times and he threatened to blow your brains out and honestly that wasn't something I'd like to see happen to you. And Mildred be like that but it makes it all the more fun to tease her." You mused out, keeping up the pattern on her soft skin, taking joy in the way it makes goosebumps rise to her skin as she tries to keep her cool.
"Well, I gotta agree with you there on the last part. God that father of yours was a pain but it was so worth it in the end because now I have you and he's a whole lot nicer now."
You kept up your small talk for another half hour before Gwendolyn turned into the drive way of the Motel where Mildred is staying at.
Mildred stood with her gloved hands folded together as she watched Gwendolyn's car pull up next to her, a unreadable look on her fair face.
You eyed her head from toe from inside the car. She was wearing a red and black attire and black gloves and with her hair in its usual updo with a small black hat resting comfortably upon her red hair.
Mildred looked behind her at the motel for a brief few moments before focusing her dark eyes back on the car again and began to approach the vehicle.
She got in the back seat of the car and softly closed the door behind her before looking at you and Gwendolyn as you both turn to greet her.
"Hey Mildred." You greeted, a warm smile grazing your red painted lips as you eyed the red haired woman.
"Hello (Y/N) and Gwendolyn." She greeted back, a hint of a smile ghosting across her lips as she eyed you both, hands crossing together again in a way to steel herself from the bit of nervousness creeping up on her after seeing the two of you.
Gwendolyn shot her a friendly smile too and greeted her excitedly before starting the car up again and driving once again after getting on the road again.
-*Another Timeskip brought to you by ya less than impressed goth mother-*
It didn't take long for you to find a table after arriving at the restaurant, sitting down at a table near the windows that had a nice out view of the sea outside.
Mildred sat in front of you while Gwendolyn sat next to you, her soft hand subtly on your clothed thigh in a caring matter, occasionally rubbing it slightly as you flip through the menu while Mildred, as subtly as possible scanned the dark grey dress you are wearing that have a low neckline that just give enough tease of your breasts and a fang necklice that's dangling between your breasts, her dark eyes focused on the small glimpse of skin for a longer while until Gwendolyn playfully nudged her lower leg with her heeled foot, giving her a smirk and teasing wink.
Mildred could feel a blush creeping up at both being caught out and the teasing wink and quickly averted her eyes, gloved hand going to her red painted lips and pretending to cough into it.
"Can I get your lovely ladies orders?" A rather slim looking waiter asked after stopping at your table, a nervous smile on his face and pen and notebook in hand.
All three of your focus snapped to the blond waiter.
"One large platter of oysters and lemon please." Gwendolyn ordered before looking at you as you slid your menu away.
"I'll just have some cooked salom with a side of potato slices with creamy sauce please." You orered and gave the nervous waiter a polite smile.
He quickly jotted that down before looking up again. "Will that be all?"
"Yes, thank you." Gwendolyn dismissed him with a flick of her hand and watch as he speed walked away.
The blonde chuckled and put her hand on your upper leg again and gave you a warm smile as you looked at the older woman with adoration as you put your hand on top of hers, and using the other hand to swipe a lock of your hair behind your ear.
Mildred watched the two of you with a small smile, finding it cute at the way the two of you look at each other with adoration. This whole thing was new to her and made her a bit on edge but deep down she knew she was having fun and couldn't help herself from smiling and getting that strange flutter feeling in her stomach that made her feel tingles all over, wondering if that's how the two of you always feel when looking at each other.
The three of you chatter in small talk until the food arrived.
Mildred eyed the oysters nervously and you bite back a amused smile at the red haired woman, sifting in your seat until you are more comfortable before picking up your fork and knife.
"Uh...I've never eaten oysters before. I-I'm not sure how to...do this." Mildred sputtered out embarrassed, skeptically eyes the oysters.
Gwendolyn let out a laugh before giving her a reassuring smile.
"Oh, don't worry. (Y/N) over here didn't either until I taught her but then again she's not one for many type of seafood as you can see. She pretty much hate oysters and would only eat one every once in awhile if I beg her and feed her one." The older woman chuckled and nudged you with her side playfully as you gave her a playful death glare. (Sorry ya'll seafood lovers but damn that shit is enough to send me throwing tf up)
Mildred looked at you and let's out a soft laugh as you smile at her before cutting into your piece of salom.
Gwendolyn then proceeded to explain and ' demonstrate' how to eat it to red haired woman while you watched the older two women in both adoration and amusement.
As Gwendolyn leaned over the table slightly to feed a oyster to Mildred you sneaked your heel cladded foot out and ever so slowly brush it against Mildred's tight causing her to jump slightly and almost choke on the oyster.
Mildred looked at you in surprise, not having expected that but you only gave her a smug smirk, leg still brushing up against her smooth leg while you continued eating as Gwendolyn caught onto what happened and smile to herself.
The red haired woman fought back another blush, trying to ignore the goosebumps appearing on her skin as your soft leg brushed against hers in a sly way that have her getting wet.
"So?..."Mildred started, trying to keep her nervousness and arousal at bay.
"How and when did you two met?" She asked both genuinely curious but also to distract herself from the feeling of your leg against hers.
Gwendolyn looked at you and putted a hand on your upper leg again, squeezing it slightly, enjoying how you clearly enjoyed that and the way you are getting the nurse worked up with your other leg.
"We met at once at a bar, I tried getting to know her better but she wasn't too keen on that but I just knew I had to keep on trying. After she left I thought I never see her again but we did end up meeting again when her father had a business meeting with The Governor two months later, she was helping her father out as a assistant at the time." Gwendolyn began to explain excitedly while you continued to mess with the stoic nurse and getting amusement from her clear struggle to keep up her exterior.
"Her father didn't like me at first, he hated me in fact because as he like to put it, I was making googly heart eyes at his daughter and wanted to steal her and he was being protective." Gwendolyn chuckled um used lying at the memory of that day he said that.
You decided to join in on the conversation. "Yeah. He was ready to kill you after you've sneaked me out a few times and also get us in trouble or when you'd show up knocking at his door at two in the morning and your continued persistent urge to see me."
Mildred was listening with intrest now, a smile spread across her lips as she decide to be bold and sneaked her hand down and grabbed onto your lower leg that is brushing against hers causing you to pause as she eyed you, her fingers digging into your soft skin before tracing patterns on it as you gave her another teasing look, your hand dropping to Gwendolyn's hand on your tight.
"I know, but at least he likes me now. It took two years but I regret nothing and neither does he I think." Gwendolyn finished, looking at you again with a loving look you mirrored mixed with lust as she sneaked her hand to ghost dangerously close to your already throbbing center, the tips of her fingers skimming against it over your dress.
Mildred bite her lower lip subtly as she saw the look that the two in front of her is sharing, having a great idea at what they must silently convey with each other without uttering a word.
You slowly licked over your lower lip, (e/c) eyes darkening as Gwendolyn's blue lust filled eyes flicked down to your lips at the motion until she squeezed your thight again and your eyes met again until you gave a silent nod to the blonde.
Gwendolyn called the waiter over and told the nervous waiter to bring the bill and then focus to look at Mildred that is still watching you, her grip firm on your lower leg by now.
"Would you like to come back to our house?" The older woman dared to ask, having clearly noticed the way she have watched the two of you with her dark eyes, clearly aroused after the teasing you've done and they look the two of you had shared.
Mildred snapped her eyes back to Gwendolyn before clearing her throat, her tights rubbing together after she released your leg.
"Uh...Sure. I think so." She agreed reluctantly, not sure if she should.
Gwendolyn smiled at the waiter as he brought the bill and quickly paying for it and sending him off before grabbing her car keys and getting up with you.
You linked one arm with Gwendolyn and held a hand out to Mildred, waiting patiently for her to take it.
She looked down at your hand for a moment before taking it firmly and allow you to drag her along as Gwendolyn led you out of the restaurant and right towards her car, relishing your arm to open the passenger door for you and the back door for Mildred, not even bothering to hide her excitement as she watched the two of you get in.
"Thanks for this night out. It was fun." Mildred said in her raspy voice, one of her hands sneaking over the seat and resting on your shoulder and the other one on Gwendolyn's shoulder after Gwendolyn pulled out of the parking lot and started driving.
You both shot her a smile before Gwendolyn spoke up.
"It was a pleasure having you with us. Thank you for agreeing to come out."
Mildred smiled at this.
"But I bet we'll have even more fun at home." Gwendolyn eyed the red haired woman through the mirror of the car, smirking when seeying the other woman blush slightly and feeling the grip on her shoulder tightening.
"You don't say. Well then I can't wait."
You looked between them and put a hand on Gwendolyn's upper leg, notching how the older woman tense up for a moment as you sneaked your hand to her clothed center in a agonising slow pace.
Mildred smirked at this and as the two of you made eye contact you gave her a wink she just seemed to understand and decided to play along with your game by slipping her hand lower on Gwendolyn's shoulder slowly too, sneaking in beneath her light grey dress as the older woman tensed more at the unexpected moves from you both.
Mildred teasingly sneaked her fingers through the top of Gwendolyn's dark bra, her cold fingers groping her left breast  while your hand disappear between the blondes legs, cupping her aching center firmly as she try to hold back a tiny moan.
"Don't...distract me." The blonde tried to be stern but she only let out a broken moan as Mildred leaned more over the seat and began to kiss a trail up her shoulder up towards her neck while you decide to sneak your hands into her panties and rub at her now wet clit.
"Fuck!" Gwendolyn hissed out under her breath, her grip on the steering wheel tightening until her knuckles turned white when you slipped a finger between her slick folds.
A low register chuckle fell from Mildred's lips at this, taking great pleasure in hearing the blonde woman getting so worked up by the touch of you and her.
"What the matter? Can't handle a little teasing Gwen?" She husked into the older woman's ear, dark lust filled eyes trailing over the goosebumps appearing on the other woman's skin.
You chuckled too, sharing another look with the red haired nurse before you lower yourself and leaned over to Gwendolyn's lap, pulling her panties down her legs, forehead leaning against her upper leg as you inhaled and then exhaled a warm breath against her upper leg right where her center begin making the woman glare down at you.
"Don't you dare do that now while I'm driv-" the blonde tried to warn sternly but was cut of by whimpering when you licked her clit teasingly, a finger gingerly rubbing between her soaked folds as you looked up at her with a smug smirk.
"Holy shit. Just don't hunt me if we crash." Gwendolyn's glared daggers but couldn't help but take joy in your and Mildred's minestrations, leaning her head back against the Mildred's as the red haired woman kiss up against her neck once again while you slip a finger inside of her.
All she knew was that she can't wait to get back to your shared home and get the two of you back for this teasing.
-End or to be continued(if enough people desire a smutty threesome part)😏
Hey ya'll, I'm not making the readers father a homophobic in this part but my father and whole family is homophobic in real life so pretty much I just want to write one that Isn't. Sorry for this shitty part but honestly I'm not good at writing. Lol I didn't exactly plan on making this part as smut teasing as this but eh shit happens and I couldn't control myself. Eh and let's pretend reader and Gwendolyn owns a house where they go to.
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Darling, You're the One I Want
Songfic Writing Challenge Day 9
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Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
A/n: we're back, babes! Oof, post vacation has me needing another vacation just to recover
She saw Jughead's wince out of the corner of her eye as she unwrapped a brilliant pair of white diamond earrings gifted to her by Veronica. It was so tiny that only someone who spent every day with him and knew him better than he knew himself would have caught it.
“Only the best for my B!” Veronica clapped happily from her perch on Archie's lap. Betty thanked her profusely, getting up to give her a hug, her smile genuine with gratitude to one of her favorite people, but still worrying about Jughead in the back of her mind.
Betty was surrounded by her friends in celebration of her 25th birthday and she felt truly blessed to have all these people in her life.
Toni was sitting with her legs lapped over Cheryl's, the newly engaged - as of last month - Veronica and Archie in their little bubble of joy, Fangs and Kevin curled up next to each other deciding that they are definitely “on” again, and Sweet Pea and Reggie sitting at the kitchen table, being very much Bros and having an arm wrestling contest...again.
And then there was Jughead Jones the third, the love of her life since they were only 15. He was her saving grace as much as she was his. He had recently signed a publishing deal on his book about Jason's murder and the out fall that it caused, a long fought battle that he'd finally won out.
She was so beyond proud of him. She knew all of their friends were, but she had seen him through every long night, every midnight cup of coffee, every frustrated rejection. She had seen the full ten years of this book in the making, and seeing him finally achieve everything he had wanted since he was a little kid writing stories in Archie's treehouse, she knew how much he'd deserved this.
As she opened the next gift Cheryl, a beautiful, white Michael Kors purse, she saw Jughead’s mouth tick as he forced a smile as he abruptly stood, quietly saying that he'd “be right back” and rushed out of the room.
After she hugged her cousin, telling her how much she loved it, and gave it to Veronica to ogle, she followed after her love to their bedroom.
She stood in the doorway, watching him pace back and forth in agitation, biting his thumb nail and running his hand through his hair. She bit her lip in worry.
“Juggie?” His eyes snapped up to her, widening and looking like a cornered animal. “Are you ok, sweetheart? You're worrying me.”
He visibly deflated, reaching out and pulling her towards him, wrapping his much larger frame around her smaller one. Shoving his nose into the strands of her hair, he breathed deeply, letting the smell of her calm and comfort him.
“Jug?” she asked again, her hand stroking up and down his back in assurance that she was there.
He let out a deep sigh, shifting his face so that his cheek rested on the crown of her head.
“Yeah, I'm ok Betts.” She stayed silent, his tone lingering at the end, letting her know that he had more to say. “It's just hard sometimes, ya know? Seeing all the nice things that Veronica and Cheryl can get for you, and you deserve it! Don't get me wrong, you deserve the world and then some, but knowing it's not me that can give it to you? At least, not yet, even with the signing bonus. It's just...it's just so hard and-and I know I'm not handling it with the most grace, but I-I don't know,” he broke off abruptly as if realizing he was rambling.
His arms were tight around her, as if scared she might disappear. She was the very best thing to ever happen to him, his absolute favorite person in the whole world.
“I guess I'm just scared that one day you'll actually wake up and realize that there is someone who can give you all those things, more than I'll ever be able to no matter how many books I publish, and you'll leave me behind.” Betty snorted. “I know, it's crazy, but-”
“Not only is it crazy, it's probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say, and I've heard you and Archie play video games.”
“I know, I know. But it's just… I want to marry you Betts. I want to give you this big rock so everyone within a mile can see that you're mine, because it's what you deserve. But it sucks because I want to marry you now and I don't have the ridiculous amount of money for something like that.” Betty pushed him back so he could meet her eyes.
She framed his face between her palms, gently stroking his cheekbones with her thumbs. “Forsythe Pendelton Jones the Third, you listen to me, and you listen good, ok?” He nodded.
“Cheryl and Veronica have a skewed sense of the world and spend money just to spend money, that's what happens when you're an heiress. They don't really have an appreciation for anything less. And yeah, the things they get me are nice and lovely and I like them a lot, but I know that the price of those things barely affects their bank accounts. Knowing how much you toil away and save to get me anything nice is just more to me, especially from you because you're my whole world, Jug.
“And I don't want or need a big rock, good Lord it would be obnoxious.” He laughed at how her nose crinkled at the thought. “Honestly, sweetheart, you could ask me to marry you with a Ring Pop or a paper ring, like the ones we used to make when we were 5, you remember?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “You always made the prettiest ones.”
She smiled, “My point being, you can ask me without spending a dime and I would say yes every time, Juggie. I love you and I want to marry you no matter what, ok?” Her green eyes stared into his blue intently.
His gaze held hers, discerning that she was telling him the truth, not that she would ever lie to him. Betty never did with him, their relationship was based 100% honesty. Letting out another sigh, this time of relief, he nodded before pulling her into a passionate kiss.
There was a knocking from the doorway that brought them back to attention that they still had an apartment full of friends and that know wasn't the time to get lost in each other.
“Hey lovebirds, everything ok in here?” Archie inquired, forehead creased in concern for his two best friends.
“Yup!” Betty chimed with a genuine, trademark, Betty Cooper megawatt smile, her hand squeezing Jughead's tightly in continuous reassurance.
“That's great,” he grinned back. “You just have Jug’s present left to open Betty.”
She felt Jug squeeze her hand back, a little too much for just a moment, before relaxing once more into a comforting grip.
She practically skipped out of the room, both boys following in her wake, chuckling at her enthusiasm.
Once back in the living room, Jughead scooped up his present from the coffee table where all the gifts had been gathered, handing it to her with a flourish.
She grinned up at him and wasted no time ripping through the wrapping paper. She got through the tape securing the flaps of the cardboard box together with minor difficulty, only to be met with an explosion of tinsel hiding whatever was in the box from her gaze.
“Really, Juggie?” She gave him a sidelong glace of faked annoyance as their friends laughed. He smirked in response, nodding at her to continue.
“This is going to be a bitch to clean up,” she quipped, throwing handfuls of the glittery strands onto the floor, searching for whatever it is he had hidden in the depths of cardboard.
Her hand wrapped around a small velvet box and she froze, the room going quiet as her eyes grew wide. She couldn't move her hand from still inside the cardboard box, her mind racing, realizing what it was.
“Betts?” Jughead's voice wobbled in slight concern. Her eyes snapped up, reaching his equally as wide eyes, taking in his stance in front of her - one knee on the ground, the other bent.
His hand reached into where hers still was frozen, taking the box from her grasp and pulling it out so all their friends could see. Her eyes never left his as she still was trying to figure out how to breathe.
“Elizabeth Cooper, baby, Betty, Betts. You're my everything. Everything good in my life is because of you, because you fought for me and made it that way. You make me the best possible version of myself, I couldn’t be me without you. I-”
Her brain and her breathing had finally caught up to where she needed them to be, comprehending just what was happening before she launched herself at him, cutting off the rest of his speech as she tackled him to the ground.
“Oof, Betts, I-”
“Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes, a million, billion, trillion times yes!” She pressed her lips his hurriedly, her tongue seeking entrance into his mouth, only vaguely registering all their friends cheering, wolf whistling, and squealing (which distinctly sounded like it came from Reggie).
“You didn't even let me finish!” Jughead laughed, pulling back from her.
“I don't care!” She was sure her face could power Manhattan from how brightly she was smiling. “You can finish it later, I'm just… Oh my god, I'm engaged! I love you so much,” she pressed her lips to his once more, trying to deepen it before he gently pushed her back.
He chuckled at her furrowed brow at his rejection. “Don't you want to see your ring, sweetheart?” He popped the lid of the velvet black box that had stayed securely in his grasp through the altercation, displaying a beautiful thin gold band, with a single brilliant white diamond. Simple, delicate, elegant - Betty in every way.
“I know it's no paper ring,” he ribbed.
“You know I usually hate the word, but it's perfect, Juggie. Even I couldn't make a paper ring this good,” she laughed as he slipped the cool metal onto her left ring finger.
She gazed at it lovingly, watching the facets catch the light, before pulling her fiance in for another kiss, loving just how right the weight felt on her hand.
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