tapidrinks · 1 year
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yukinezz · 14 days
Finished my avatar of my sona jane :]
Plan on showing more later
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melmonquartelz · 5 months
hey! im learning blender and I am guessing ur vtuber model was made with blender and the effects were made in unity? (correct me if im wrong) , since im a new beginner I wanted to ask do you have any resources or anything you can link or recommend to get good at rigging your oc into blender/modeling etc, because I notice your an artist mainly I never saw 3d models you've made before and seeing it now is so cool! did you practice a lot behind the scenes? Im just amazed how good you got so fast at the program! I want to also rig an oc of mine in vrchat but i guess i wanna find out what ur process was!
I just made her with unity yes! I'm not smart enough for blender yet..
SO, I actually use a base called deira! I've slowly learnt over the months (Since last Oct) how to mess around with VR models, sorry if it's a bit disappointing it wasn't made by scratch!! But I'd argue added assets and clothing is scratch enough LOL
Here where all the assets I've used that's on Pastel!
Leg warmers
I have had help from my friend Khai on how to do these so she was the one that mainly taught me BUT tutoriels by Snipps Avatar Box has been really helpful for me! They're short, simple and get to the point
So all I did was use the deria base, attach all the clothes to her and add 50 glowing emissions everywhere LOL The next thing I gotta learn is how to make clothing toggles
But I'm not sure if this was helpful but I hope maybe it was by 1% !!
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So uh.... for a while I've been creating this world and story for a Royal AU (one that @melodramaticmatter knows quite a bit about) and even wrote a small portion of said AU and world with A Stroll Through the Gardens
I doubt I will ever come to write it, or share much of it because... it's very indulgent and will be very long and there will be plenty of doubts that come from it but I digress. I did figure it would be a good idea to just share the world, backstory, and the simple plot setup I had created for said AU. I did spend plenty of time creating it, and I know I would not be happy with myself if I just let it sit and rot without someone else looking at it.
So, if you wish to indulge me and venture into this please continue reading onward; I know I would appreciate it greatly 💛💛💛
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The Main Kingdoms:
In the North: Kingdom of Dorthonion - home of House Todoroki
A foreboding fortress in the north, but what is to be expected when the land is covered in ice and snow, surrounded by mountains. Only the strong may survive here, those that are meant for the unstable weathers; as many an elf is. Through the unease, plenty of gifts can be found within these lands; from soft pelted furs, to strong oak and steel, to even gifts of magic from the silver hidden in their mountains - stoic and calculating it is best to stay a collaborator or face their frigid fury.
forged in fire and set in ice, our duality makes us unbreakable.
Current Regent - King Enji and Queen Rei Heir - Prince Shoto Head Knight: Iida Tenya Royal Advisor: Midoriya Izuku Archmage: Ochaco Uraraka
To the South: Kingdom of Deira, home of House Bakugou
The shining jewel of the south, where the dragon born live. Strong and fierce this kingdom is known for its brutality and explosive nature, as it protects the smaller sister kingdoms that stand behind them. With this strong loyalty and blazing demeanor, the South overflows with the abundance of jewels from their mines, spices from their fiery hearth, crystals to help heal any wound, and goods from the beasts they are named after - they have proven to be either a wealthy ally or a volatile foe.
fury in the scales and claws, we will never bow or falter. 
Current Regent - King Masaru and Queen Mitsuki Heir - Prince Bakugou Head Knight: Sero Hanta Royal Advisor: Kirishima Ejirou Archmage: Kaminari Denki
To the East: Kingdom of Edhellond, home of House Blumenthal 
A brawny empire along the coasts of the east, where people and merfolk live in harmony. Much like the salted breeze, it can either bring a traveler serenity or fear; only those that wish to bring unity are welcomed in these ports. If one does, you will be given fish to fill your belly, pottery to eat off of, oil to light your lamps, and ivory to adorn on your neck; keeping you safe from those that lurk below the surface - sing a melody among this fishermen or face a watery demise.
like waters, both shallow and deep, serene and deadly we are.
Heir - (an OC) Head Knight: Inasa Yoarashi Royal Advisor: Yaoyorozu Momo Archmage: Asui Tsuyu  Prince Monoma is heir to a smaller sister kingdom
And in the West: Kingdom of Amon Lac, home of House Van Amstel 
The welcoming realm of the west, how joyous they are to have you here. Kind and gentle the avians will be as they guide you through the vast land; handing to you flowers to wear upon your crown, fruits and vegetables to stave off your hunger, wheat and grain to fill your bags, sugar to sweeten your view, and if lucky, a potion or two brewed by witches that dwell within the dense woods; but only if your hands do not stray - give as much as you receive or face the starvation greed brings.
plentiful are our harvests, and trees of fruit, that is what tethers our roots.
Royal - <reader insert for their viewpoint and storyline> *called Dove by the main character and friend, they are the youngest and therefore not heir* Head Knight: Takami Keigo  Royal Advisor: Shigaraki Tomura Magic Wielder: Ibara Shiozaki
Towards the North West: Kingdom of Cashmerask - home of House Aguillard
A quaint domain that separates the northern elves from the western fairies. A place of reprieve of creatures both fantastical and frightening, only humble humans reside here.
And though humble, they still are craftsmen that have mastered their skills who will be eager to teach and sell you their wares. From the cloth on your back, to cotton in your bed, to wool in your socks, you will find them all made with care here; with golden thread to mark your ware as authentic -  be willing to pay for luxury or shiver in the cold.
like the thread that binds, though small, it is mighty. 
Royal - <main reader insert> *nicknamed Patchwork Princess by other nobility as a cruel joke: and yes, what started as a sweet joke between Gracie and I turned into all this* Head Knight: <unsure, another reader insert possibly?> Royal Advisor: Tamaki Amajiki Archmage: Shinsou Hitoshi
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Kingdom of Cashmerask History:
As stated, there are four main kingdoms, to the North, South, East, and West. These kingdoms not only are ruled by strong and lasting bloodlines but are important to the overall balance of the land as a whole; they are the largest and most powerful in each section. Casherask was a sister kingdom, one of the smaller ones within the land of the west that was to support and be protected by Amon Lanc - much like the many other sister kingdoms within the land. Smaller royalty with less power and money.
A few generations ago, the Aguillard family realized that they were the only ones able to maintain and produce a very large amount of textiles and decided to use that to gain more power, wealth, and respect. That if no one was willing to pay the price for their items, they would shiver in the cold without them; or go to other merchants who could create similar items but of less quality - with many finding these merchants were unable to make things as beautifully, sturdy, or able to last many seasons. 
So with that foothold, Cashmerask’s kingdom and wealth grew to that of the main four. And though they are somewhat respected for obtaining such an impossible goal, many monarchs and royal families still look down on them - they see them more as simple folk unworthy of their position of power. Despite having a seat at the table, they were never regarded or truly able to speak.
House Aguillard Backstory:
So with this burden of being looked down upon, the family had always tried to be strategic in how they operate and whom they marry; to ensure they cannot be overthrown so easily. The King and Queen had four children, all of whom had an important role to play to ensure their stability.
Eldest Son - The Tapestry: though third born, a son and first in line to the throne. Prepared accordingly with his schooling and training to take the place and wear the crown once the time is ready. He is the shining star, the grand tapestry, of Cashmerask and will continue on a strong bloodline.
Eldest Daughter - The Golden Thread: firstborn and second in line for the throne. Their duty, to which they have been prepared through extensive schooling, is to marry off to a royal in another land. To ensure a bloodline and connections that reach further out than their own. For extra security and aid, the golden thread will bind more power to the crown.
Middle Daughter - The Silver Needle: secondborn and third in line for the throne. Their duty is similar in nature to that of the first daughter, with the same extensive schooling to match theirs. They are meant to marry into a royal family of the already existing kingdoms, with the main four being the best possible outcome. They are the needle to help create beautiful works with the golden thread already laid in place.
Youngest Daughter - The Bronze Thimble: last born and last in line for the throne. Their duty and position are not seen as high or important to that of the crown to gain more power. Instead, they are the people’s princess, to bring forth a sense of community and inner strength amongst them. To give them a sense of ease and security from the sharpness the world may bring them.
Reader's Backstory and Story Beats:
Again, youngest and a girl not much was expected of her. Her schooling was not as involved or extensive of that of her siblings, as a more simple life was destined to her. With all that free time, she was encouraged to learn the craft of her people. And so she did, fulfilling her duty of being the people’s princess and becoming herself quite the artist with a needle.
At a young age, was introduced to Amon Lac’s youngest princess, and through their shared situations, a strong friendship formed that lasted throughout the years. Another formed through similar circumstances with the son of a royal advisor (Tamaki). And once more another formed, through her father’s ire, when she became close with a child of a merchant who wanted to become a knight.
When time came for her debut on her 18th birthday, things started to go awry. A war, in a nearby land, broke out and much of the kingdom's time was spent in aid and suppression of it; with her own brother going off to fight. Once the dust had settled a couple of years, and all was clear once again, the foundation that was set up and enforced had been destroyed - if not by the war than by her sibling's strong sense of manifest destiny.
Her brother went to marry a princess in the land he fought for, leaving his throne empty and a tapestry to hang on another wall. The eldest daughter married a man below her station, upsetting the other kingdoms as a man not fit for the crown would wear one instead of the few set in place to be chosen, her golden thread no longer reaching out to bind. And the middle daughter, with a needle meant to create, instead broke the skin to bleed and was labeled unsuited for any throne,
And now, that little bonze thimble was being asked to be a tapestry, and golden thread, and a needle; with no understanding how, and no one ever wanting her, to be one. She is now urged by her parents, after her 24th birthday, to be engaged to a crown prince of any of the major kingdoms before she is to reach 25. To undo and try to fix the wrongs her siblings had created. Unprepared and struggling with identity, she at least has her party she is close to guide her and her best friend to go along with her - as she is in need of a suitor herself.
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thanks for taking the time to read, perhaps I shall make something out of this
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marisoni20 · 2 years
The OCs
we've got:
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The Kanooie
Fun Fact: Ludix can play the guitar. They know the results theme from Sonic 06 because they're a nerd.
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The Engineer/Mechanic (tomboy)
Fun Fact: Lilal is very floofy.
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and the Child? Adult? Creature Of The Light
Fun Fact: She may not be able to fly anymore, but Ezabim enjoys climbing as an alternative.
I need to make the other OCs refsheets, but for now this should give yall a good idea of the stuff I like!
Credits for stuff I use in general (list may grow):
Deira base by Mari VR: https://marivr.gumroad.com/l/Deira
Deira & Maruchi Tech Pants by Mxnster: https://mxnster.gumroad.com/l/yovxl
StreetRunner Set by シPanda: https://pandaoreos.gumroad.com/l/cwxiy
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quill-of-thoth · 20 days
What would your OC's do in a Beach Episode?
Tagged by @seeingteacupsindragons Caelyss: What isn't Caelyss doing in a beach episode, honestly. Whether it's swimming races with her brother Deran or volleyball, if the sun is out she's filled with energy and she might as well use it. Gyffin: To be honest, Gyffin was likely persuaded to come by Caelyss, which means that he starts out as an ineffective part of volleyball or catch, and then finds an excuse not to take his shirt off or go in the water. He's going to end the day building sand castles with Solan. Solan: As soon as swimming or sports get too competitive, Solan will bow out gracefully and either read a book or build sand castles. If there's going to be an argument, he doesn't want to be there! If someone else feels strongly about their itinerary, it's so much nicer to go along with it. Deira: Deira spends the entire day reminding everyone else to re-apply sunscreen. She does also have fun (reluctantly) but she is also toting around half a liter each of sunscreen and aloe gel at all times. Also the bandaids.
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glamfellens · 3 years
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my d&d bard wulfrun :^) our last session ended with her being Far Too Close to a mindflayer and i am how you say. Stressed
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deirakizuna · 3 years
...would y'all like to see some sketches of my MC/Yuu?
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anastasiiataka · 4 years
MerMay x BDO
Deira vs Subira
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guidingthulite · 5 years
Pls tell me about Aiden akari and lyle pls they are SO cute
ALRIGHT thank you so much for the ask!
so to explain these three’s deal i have to explain this like, weird mechanic my story has which is like, fusion, but not really.
it’s like two people fuse but it’s permanent and depending on the people who fuse you remember more or less about the people who fused to make you, which i’ve been calling parents because really- 
but you’re your own person, at the end of the day.
so these three are that type of fusions and they live together in some kind of agency? (to be honest, everything in my story is really situational...)
akari has space and time powers, she’s like, the leader of the group (really, she’s the only one with a constant working braincell...) but she’s kinda impulsive and even though she’s really smart she goes with the first thing that comes to her mind. she values her friends above anything else, and is very good managing her own feelings, but when it comes to other’s, she’s mostly clueless. she’s cheerful, a ray of sunshine. she remembers her moms a lot! and she loves them to bits! she even lived with them for a while (because this is about alternate timelines so they can coexist- it’s weird) her moms’ name are mitsuki and evelyn! 
lyle is like. poor thing wasn’t given a decent development until recently. i’m so sorry about that, darling! but anyways. he has mind and soul powers! in terms of group roles, he’s a sidekick to both aidan and akari. he wants to be the smart guy, and he is smart, but trusts too much in his abilities so he gets really defensive when correctly. tries to act serious and refined, but he’s the giant-est dork you will ever meet. probably does the anime glasses thingy on a daily basis. falls in love super easily, is super sappy and shy around them. you can tell from miles away, really. his parents were detectives, so he wants to be one too! he remembers some stuff about his parents, but can’t remember their face or names. just some weird assortment of memories, right there his parents’ story is really long so i won’t explain it here at least jhbjeh
aidan is. he’s a mess. he’s purposely made to be angry and edgy. he’s a jerk. but he’s also a kid and has been through a lot. a soft edgelord, if you will. he has body (essentially shapeshifting) and light powers! he was sent to meet akari and lyle for an experiment, and try to defuse them, essentially erasing them from existence, but he just couldn’t because they were too nice and lovely to him- okay maybe not lyle, lyle was suspicious but they’re all friends by the end. before akari and lyle know the truth, he’s really nice, and acts really fragile and shy to catch them with their guard down, but after they know the truth he’s really sarcastic but in a soft way. like ‘haha my friends are such idiots i love them i would fight for them any day any time’ he’s the voice of reason most of the time since the others are very reckless. but please you three, chill, you’re like 13. he remembers virtually nothing about his parents, just... that they were not precisely the best...
the three of them get in all sort of weird shenanigans and they’re among the youngest of the cast, which means everyone lowkey has to babysit them
but then they gotta babysit and all powerful like-essentially 8 year old child so gUESS WHO BABYSITS NOW
tldr they’re babies and they’re probably among my fave oc’s that i have
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ask-shiotaro-and-co · 6 years
Character of the Week!
I’ve decided to start doing a feature of my characters to hopefully simplify ask options since I have so many |D
This week’s featured character of mine is Deira!
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Deira was the runt of his litter out of a breed of Wardogs from a village, slightly rigged in his size by Maisha so that the caretaker of the entire litter would have a companion. Deira turned out to be the largest of his litter by the time he was a fully grown adult, but had been imprinted on by Naeme and is deemed inseparable. He now lives as an elite shadow with Naeme for helping Nocturne fend off a few creatures of the Underdark.
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tapidrinks · 1 year
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merlinbingo · 2 years
August Round-Up
We are without frills this month, because trying to open canva crashed my browser twice. I know third time is supposed to be the charm, but I don’t wanna take the chance that it’s actually gonna be ‘third time kills your laptop forever’...
So, if we could all get on with pretending it’s closer to August than October, here’s our double load of stats!
July brought us 42 fantastic fills created by 18 wonderful participants (and one by me, though I don’t remember what it was or when I posted it...). Fics were once again top of the list with 32, but art (3) was edged into third place by fantabulous gif creators (5 fills!), and we also got a beautiful fanvid and a glorious playlist to round things off. Unsurprisingly, most fills were either Merlin/Arthur (20) or gen (12), though Merlin/Gwaine (3) and Merlin/Lancelot (2) have their own share of fans.
As for August, we got 50 fills created by 26 people. 38 fics, six artworks, two gifs, one fanvid, plus the glorious overachievers who decided to do fic and art (one person), and a moodboard and ficlet (one person, but they did it twice!).
On the subject of overachievers, the absolute machine who brought us nine fills in July brought us a further six in August - if you’re who I think you are, you’re well on your way to blacking out a second bingo card, and I am filled equally with awe at your creative output and shame at my own (yeah, those badges I promised wouldn’t be long last time? Turns out they still haven’t materialised...)
Shipwise, it’s the same old story: Merlin/Arthur with 27, gen with 10, and Merlin/Gwaine (2) still plodding along in the background, though this time they were matched by Gwaine/Percival and Merlin/Morgana... The Lancelot/Merlin fills were non-existent this month (if my keyboard did emojis, I’d be sadfacing right now), but we did get a few other rarepairs, including one Lancelot/Will fic - only the fourth work on ao3 to be tagged as such!
Aaaaanyway, enough babbling from me. Please find all of the beautiful fills hidden below the cut, and remember to heed the warnings and practice self care when clicking on those links!
Love, peach x
Gen/No ship
The One Who Will Be King by chaosgenes Rating: General audiences Warnings: background character death Major tags: Baby Arthur Pendragon, Pre-canon, Grief/Mourning Summary: The moment Arthur was born, Uther did not spare him a glance.
The Sword in the Stone by theartsylillipad Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: merlin, merlin bingo, bbc merlin, merlin fanart Summary:
First Snow by demitimelord42 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fluff Summary: Merlin takes Aithusa to see the snow for the first time
Gwen's pink dress by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Single dad AU by Ice-mint Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate universe, Uther Summary:
Introspection by Ice-mint Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Lady Morgana on Break by monoisbored Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Taliesin by thebookluvrr1816 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Who is the Monster Here? by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, OC death Major tags: pre-canon, Lamia, OCs, explaination of Lamia's origins Summary: In the Old Religion, there was power and then power, good or bad. But desperate times called for desperate measures. And so, the Lamia were born.
Of Farmers and Mercenaries by tigereyes45 Rating: Teen Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Flash Fiction, Ficlet, Angst, Final Moments, Canon compliant Summary: William of Deira became a mercenary after helping Arthur that fateful day. He wanted to serve him again. Sadly, he never gets the chance.
melting into you by kirani Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: modern AU, vacation sex, established relationship, light bondage Summary: Morgana has been buried in her latest case for weeks but it's finally wrapped up, so Gwen decides to take her on a little vacation. And if she packed some toys in their bags, well, she doesn't think Morgana will complain.
Something Different by Anonymous Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Female POV pleasure, Sexy new ideas to try, Double Penetration, Caring Lovers, Fluff and Fun Summary: Gwen has some ideas to try with her lovers, Arthur and Merlin. How would it feel if they made love to her the same way they do to each other? How it would feel to have them both inside her at the same time? The three of them give her ideas a try.
To a Better Place by devotedwaywardangel1 Rating: Mature Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Mercy Killing, Angst, Hurt Freya (Merlin), Hurt Merlin (Merlin), Blood and Injury, Summary: Set at the end of S02E09 of BBC Merlin, Freya can't heal and magic will not let her die so she asks Merlin to do the unthinkable
The Best Laid Plans (Get You Laid Old-Lady-Style) by gwen-cheers-me-up Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pranks, Humor, Sexual Content, Roleplay, Fluff Summary: Merlin transforms into a naked Dolma in Morgana’s bed as a prank. It does not go the way he expects.
Simplicity by gwen-cheers-me-up Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/non-con Major tags: Tentacles, Eggpreg, Multiple Orgasms, Aphrodisiacs Summary: Morgana has finally figured out how to get rid of Emrys for good. Unfortunately for Morgana, she isn’t immune to her own trap. But maybe that’s not so unfortunate after all…
it's what my heart just yearns to say, in ways that can't be said by Saurus Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Romance, love confession, canon era, arthur is a soppy bastard Summary: All the signs were there, right before his eyes but Arthur tried so hard to deny it. He thought it must be his imagination, it couldn't be true. He surely, couldn't possibly be in love... Right? or Arthur is a soppy lil shit for one of his Knights.
rise from above by stanzas Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: AU - Canon Divergent, Lancelot lives, Will lives Summary: The first time Lancelot heard Will's name spoken aloud, he was in Merlin's room.
Call Me Emrys When You Want It To Hurt by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Painplay, bdsm, pwp Summary: Mordred loves pain, and Merlin quickly learns he loves giving it to him.
Like Honeyed Summer Days by queerofthedagger Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Religious Imagery, Fluff Summary: The point is, Lancelot has never considered himself a religious man, but he is sitting in a clearing, late summer blooming around him, and there is a king lying with his head in Lancelot’s lap, hair spun gold and eyes closed with trust. There is a king lying in his lap, face turned into the palm of Lancelot’s hand, and the small smile quirking his lips is so content that Lancelot fears he will choke on the happiness of it all.
Will you read to me? by Laevateinn Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: moodboard, A/B/O, Fluff, Bookstore AU, slice of life Summary: Gwaine and Percival have a nice Sunday morning.
Come on, big boy, tell me what you want. by Laevateinn Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Underage Major tags: Lingerie, Handcuffs, Topping from the Bottom, College AU Summary: “Gwaine. Gwaine please” The rattle of handcuffs clinking together diverted Gwaine’s attention from where he was kneeling between Percival’s knees.
Turn Back - Merlin/Gwaine by tigereyes45 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, let's go back to the start, unwavering trust, Summary: A short video highlighting Merlin and Gwaine's relationship. I edited it from the idea that Gwaine and Merlin would like to turn back time.
Giving Me a Sugar Rush by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: PWP, friends to lovers, blowjobs, modern era Summary: Gwaine is a different type of sugar daddy, and Merlin can’t say he’s opposed to it.
Poetry by thebookluvrr1816 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
you keep watching my eyes by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pining Arthur, Getting Together, Court Sorcerer Merlin, Fluff Summary: "Come on, attack me as if you mean it." Merlin adjusts his footing into a defensive posture, expecting his taunt to rise something in Arthur. It does. Apart from his words, his eyes are heavy on Arthur’s, his lips red and smug, his hands clenching and unclenching, ready to cast. A soft breeze ruffles his hair. Arthur swings his sword.
love me, love my laundry by @ravenwilds Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern Era, Husbands, Fluff, Arthur's late, Merlin hates laundry Summary: Completely unsurprisingly, Arthur's late, Merlin's been left to do all the laundry, and they're probably going to miss their flight.
Another Roomba AU by Nivelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Roombas, Alternate Universe - Robots Summary: In which Roomba!Arthur has a sword taped onto him and is chasing Roomba!Merlin who has been equipped with a shield through the palace.
Live for the Hope of It All by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Mentioned Ygraine, Fluff Summary: August days, a stealthy plan to make sure that for once, Merlin will take a break, and the heaviness of memory that tends to come with late summer days. Arthur wouldn't change it for the world.
Forgotten Knighthood - Chapter 4 by evaelisaa Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Summary: Part 6 of the Knight Merlin series - During a trip where Merlin and Arthur are alone together, Morgana manages to get a hold of Merlin...
The Kissing Fever by Camelots_Daffodil Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Love Potions/Spells, Canon Era, Merlin is Tired, Kissing, Everybody Gets Together Summary: It's spring time in Camelot and you know what that means... love is in the air! Only Merlin thinks that there might be a little too much of it when everyone in the land seems to be unable to stop themselves from kissing whoever is closest. As usual, it's up to him to fix the magical issue before anyone can realise that there's a magical issue that needs fixing.
Nothing Left to Prove by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Gym AU, Fighter Merlin, Smitten Arthur, Protective Merlin, Getting Together Summary: Five times Arthur appreciates Merlin's skill, and one time Merlin makes good use of it.
The First Step of Many by Mischel Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pining Arthur, Fluff, Holding Hands, First Kiss Summary: Arthur is no coward -- then why is it so hard to take Merlin's hand and admit his feelings? And why is it even harder when Merlin catches him pacing and wants to know what's going on?
Almost Accidental by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fluff, dancing, kisses, clumsy Merlin Summary: The first kiss was definitely an accident. The rest of them, not so much.
Playing with fire by Laevateinn Rating: Mature Warnings: Light BDSM, bondage Major tags: Moodboard, shibari, fire play, sub Arthur, dom Merlin Summary: "“Do you trust me?” “I do.” Merlin and Arthur experiment with fire."
A Heart is made to Ache, Break and Heal by royal_spud Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence Major tags: unhinged Merlin, emotional hurt/comfort, Angst, Unrequited Love, Betrayal Summary: Merlin's always been the kindest among them, barely able to stand the sight of a dead rabbit. He despised violence and loathed hunting. And flinched at the sound of clanging metal. But when a sorcerer snatches the king and his knights from their bedchambers one calm night, and forces them all to watch him as he rampaged everything and everyone in his way as he searched of them, well kept secrets come spilling out; leaving them to wonder just how well they knew who Merlin was. If he was the same person who smiled as bright as the sun and sung to himself and made flower crowns. The person they'd known, and adored, and some had even grown to love. Or if he was someone else entirely.
Patron of the Arts by archaeologist_d Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Graphic depictions of violence Major tags: modern au-no magic, merlin as artist, angst Summary: Arthur always loved to draw but when his father refused to allow it, Arthur left it all behind. Until he met Merlin.
don't you think i look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor by Saurus Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Non-Binary Merlin, Masturbation, Lingerie, Sexual Fantasy Summary: Arthur finds an unexpected item of clothing... Who could it belong to he wonders.
Chemistry part 12 by archaeologist_d Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, arthur is a prat, modern AU with magic Summary: The scrawny kid knew more about chemistry than Arthur did. Who knew he’d fall in love with the idiot?
Doctor, can you fix me? by chaosgenes Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, Fucking Machines, Bottom Arthur Summary: Arthur thinks there's something wrong with him and visits Dr Oddlove, a recommended sex therapist, who gives him an unorthodox solution.
Floppy Dick by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Smut, Established Relationship Summary: Arthur learns that it's not wise to accept Gwaine's dares. Merlin is a good boyfriend and offers to make him feel better.
Carefully Planned Coincidences by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Sharing a Bed, First Time, Fluff and Smut Summary: After watching them pine for ages, Merlin and Arthur's friends decide it's a time for intervention.
Seeking an Alliance by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Porn, First Time, Bottom Arthur, Canon Divergence Summary: To save Camelot Arthur approaches Emrys with an offer of an alliance.
Screw Fear by chaosgenes Rating: Explicit Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Fear of Heights/Flying, Mile High Club, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering Summary: Merlin is afraid of heights but rides on a plane for work. Arthur, his boss, helps distract him.
Sex Education by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, Porn, Gangbang, Roleplay Summary: Arthur teaches his class the wonders of exploring various body orifices.
Dining Out by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Porn, Vampire!Arthur, Immortal!Merlin, Modern AU with magic, Frottage Summary: Arthur needs to feed. Merlin is more than happy to provide.
Drawing by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Porn, Modern AU, Bondage, Edging, Dom Merlin Summary: Merlin shows Arthur various pleasurable drawing styles.
Follow the Rainbow by chaosgenes Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Post-canon, Modern, Public Blowjobs Summary: On a sweltering hot day, the Once and Future King finally returns—and lands in the middle of a Pride Parade. Reunions and frisky times ensue.
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sins-art · 7 years
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Alliance Commander Ask
tagged by @callavia​(thank you!), just gonna open tag if anyone wants to do it :)
1) Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
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Tiiiiime for canon #2, aka my beautiful avocado girl Vica Nerai. Fully LS Consular Shadow(added Sage when she got a second class). Loves Theron, Crete the Manka cat, and hot chocolate.
2) What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander?
She has the patience of a saint and is nearly impossible to rile, makes her an extremely good diplomat and calming presence for an Alliance full of former enemies. 
3) What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander?
She feels obligated to solve all the galaxy’s problems (even without being asked) and has trouble taking a break and letting other people Save the Day™ so she doesn’t burn out.
4) Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander?
Equal parts bc she romanced Theron so I had to take her through SoR etc and bc I think she makes a damn good Commander.
5) Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly?
Republic all the way, baby. 😎 She did keep the Alliance independent; she’s too happy with/proud of what she’s built, and she doesn’t like how (relatively) easy it was for the Republic to fall under the sway of a de facto dictator(Saresh). Just bc Rans seems friendly and down to earth and all that doesn’t mean that danger is gone.
6) Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc.
Aside from the ones I mentioned for Tel, Attros Finn, Chance, Crysta’s daughter(CANNOT remember her name to save my life rn), Beryl Thorne, Agent Galen, a couple of the Masters from Consular Act 1(maybe Tykan and Sidonie?), Master O’a.
7) How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation?
She’s genuinely hoping it’s done, he’s beaten and not going to be a problem anymore. But they thought that after he was defeated(and supposedly killed) over Ilum*, and she’s all too familiar with the penchant powerful Sith have for coming back. There’s a small part of her, a part of her that’s very tired but still too Jedi to kill a “defenseless” prisoner that hopes if he tries anything again in the future he fights to the death. 
*she did not handle the Ilum arc, so she heard Malgus was dead but wasn’t present to see it
8) Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes, what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
Yep. Her canon also has Briyoni(Trooper, the one to handle Ilum), who is her younger sister, for sure and tentatively: Eliyis(Inquisitor), Khii Mera(Smuggler), Deira,(also smuggler) and Qhora(Knight)  
9) How does your OC feel about Odessen? 
She loves it. With the strength of her connection to the Force, she’s very in tune with the balanced state of the planet and it gives her a sense of peace aside from that one valley that was the stuff of nightmares. She also thinks it’s a beautiful place, very scenic, and enjoys being tucked away from the rest of the galaxy.
10) How does your Commander feel about being the Commander?
It’s exhausting but she thrives on being able to help, to do things to make the galaxy better, so she loves it. Even if she is constantly tired and it has brought almost as much strife as joy. She’s a workaholic who doesn’t realize she’s a workaholic half the time bc she’s wrapped in the guise of people need me. 
11) Favorite place in the Alliance base?
Her quarters, snuggled up on the couch with a hot drink, her Spy Husband, and a datapad she’ll more than likely fall asleep reading.
12) Favorite mission in KotFE?
I’m always going to love Disavowed more than anything, but Vica, as would be expected, loves ch 9 bc not only does she get reunited with Theron and officially start a relationship with him, it’s more heavily centered on the talking/personality/diplomacy things that are right up her wheelhouse. She can fight, she’s a badass(Kinetic Combat FTW), but she is a diplomat at heart, so stuff like interpersonal relationships is where she’s happiest.
13) Favorite mission in KotET?
Ch 4/5 bc it’s exploring a whole new world(even if that world is trying to kill her and all her friends, it’s still fascinating), with technology and such that they’ve never seen before.
14) Least favorite mission in either? Why?
Toss up between ch 12 and 15 in KotFE for her and ch 7 in KotET. She really hates Valkorion’s little “You’re not listening to me :(” getaway, but that Eternal Fleet ship was just awful (aside from getting to see Tai again, that’s was pretty neat). And again, with how strong she’s tied to the Force, Nathema was oppressive for her. It felt like a combination of being on the verge of throwing up and that dullness to your senses of recovering from a flashbang.
15) Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky?
In her case, honestly, I say as a biased parent talking about a favorite child, I’m pretty sure it’s all skill.
16) From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result?
People thinking she doesn’t have the galaxy’s best interests at heart. She spends years bending over backwards to help everyone she can however she can, so the whole thing in the Fractured Alliances arc with there being people who actually think she doesn’t care is awful and makes her worry there are others who feel the same way, that can’t have been all of them on Nathema.
17) AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place?
Assuming all the tentative characters stay in her canon, probably Qhora. Maybe Eliyis. I have some headcanon things for Bry where I need her to not be the Outlander for them to work.
18) Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again?
Aside from Valkorion? Kaliyo, Novo, Terrak Morhage, SCORPIO, Saresh, Atrius (the joys of being 100% LS; she didn’t kill anyone she was given the option to, no matter how awful they are, so she has a longer list of “never wanna deal with them again” than some)
19) Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET?
Oh, she still holds onto Barsen’thor. That one’s very tied to her identity as a Jedi and a defender of the good in the galaxy. She views it differently now; as an achievement and honor rather than a duty, but it’s still important.
20) Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to.
She out of all my Theronmancers panicked the most at the end of Nathema Conspiracy bc she’s the only one with Z E R O healing abilities. Jaaide’s an Operative, Sha’reii’s a Sorc, Khii’s a Scoundrel. Vica’s a Shadow, she’s a tank, a defender, not a healer. (Or, well, wasn’t. Why do you think she wanted Sage for her second combat style?) So she, who has buried her identity and worth in her ability to help, was helpless in the face of losing the man she loved, and it was not fun.
She plays the vioflute and would say she’s a tad rusty right now, but she’s still good.
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ducktalesnstuff · 3 years
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another OC- 
Fleur Avian
-26 yrs old
-Deiras best friend from France
-first grade teacher
-no kids
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