#delete tomor
kaitaiga · 2 years
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masn-mount · 4 months
I know we're all melting at Jude with the kids but what about him melting about you with the kids!!! being like I want you to have my babies and you're like??? where did that come from
this is just a little blurb, I hope you enjoy xx (this is rushed and not proofread because I need to sleep and if I don't post it right now I'll just delete it soooo also haven't written in months so yeah, bye)
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okay yes, like he would be standing around with his mum and teammates trying to focus on the conversation they were having but he couldn't tear his eyes away from you running around after Lucas Vazques' kids, making them laugh uncontrollably when you caught them or the way you'd help Dani Carvajal's son hold up the trophy, making him smile so big for thinking he was lifting it by himself and as if he wasn't feeling overwhelmed already he swore his heart could have burst when you later went over to him to say bye with one of his teammates not even one year old clutching on to you. Small arms around your neck, her little head resting against your shoulder and you just looked so natural with it and it drives him a little mental and after he's kissed you and you leave he can't get that image out of his head even with the amount of drinks in his system by then. When he gets home hours later he's trying to make as little noise as possible, not wanting to wake you or anyone else in the house up and he's not expecting to walk into your shared bedroom and see you sitting up in bed, phone in hand no doubt scrolling on Tiktok. "You're going to feel beyond terrible tomorrow," is what you say when he falls on the bed, he lays still for a second before he starts moving around so he can lay closer to you, head resting on your stomach. Your fingers go to scratch the back of his head and after a few moments of complete silence you almost think he's fallen asleep until he lifts his head so he can look up at you, eyes so pretty and glossy and you smile at him before running your thumb over his pouted lip. "You okay?"
"I want you, want you to," he kept mumbling the words over and over, you found it a little amusing how he had gone from this overly confident man you had seen all over your X and Tiktok feed hours prior to this shy boy laying next to you.
"Want me to what?"
"Have babies with me." You were unsure on how to respond, it was probably the last thing you'd expect him to say so you just sat back, raised your eyebrows at him, a giggle escaping past your lips at how he was nodding his head while repeatedly mumbling "yes, I want that".
"You do, yeah?"
"So bad."
"Okay, how about we go sleep?"
"No, I've jus-, just keep thinking about you with the kids today and I, I want us to have that," he sounded so sure you could have almost forgotten that he was drunk out of his mind.
"I thought you didn't want kids?" You teased, fingers running over his cheeks, still trying to get used to his completely bare face. Your future together was often a topic of discussion but kids had never been apart of the conversation until this moment and you weren't going to pretend like seeing him be so good with all of his teammates kids hadn't sent your mind in a frenzy.
"I never said I didn't want them with you."
"Yeah? we should try...right now."
"Okay, calm down, silly." You tried to keep your voice down but couldn't hold in your laughter over how fast he was trying to get undressed before laying over you, lips moving over your chest and up your neck. "Hey, don't laugh...trying to love on you, baby," but when you didn't stop, instead hiding your face away from him and in your pillow, unable to take him seriously Jude got the hind and laid back down, content for the moment with just holding your hand.. "I love you...mucho."
"I love you mucho too, Jude," you smiled, leaning up and capturing his lips with yours for a moment before pulling back.
"I get to come home to you, so lucky..so lucky you're going to be the mum to my babies."
"Go to sleep, handsome."
"We'll try tomorrow."
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lostfirefly · 25 days
Maybe You're My Enemy (Ch.1)
As often happens in my life, this story was not supposed to have a continuation, but again something went wrong) This's a repost of Day 29 from Bugust Prompt, so that everyone doesn't get completely confused later or I'll delete it later from the list) English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Lmk if you want to be added to the taglist.
Masterlist is here
Description: You're the captain of the ship, and Buggy stole from you the map that you stole from him earlier.
Warnings: Fun, adventure, enemies to lovers vibes in the next chapters.
WC: 2225
The title is taken from "Enemy" by Charli XCX.
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The raucous tavern was packed to the brim with rowdy patrons, the air thick with the pungent aroma of spilled ale and the boisterous laughter of drunken pirates. You and your weathered crew had just returned from a successful plundering expedition, нщгк hold brimming with the spoils of their latest hunt.
"I told you everything would be great! You all deserve a break! I truly have the best crew! Here's to you guys!" You shouted loudly.
"Here's to you, Y/N!" Your crew shouted in unison, raising their glasses of drinks.
Eager to celebrate their triumph, your crew, the salty seadogs wrapped their calloused hands around glasses of foaming, amber liquid as they regaled each other with tales of their daring exploits on the high seas.
The din of clinking glasses, raucous singing, and riotous cheers echoed off the wooden walls, creating a cacophony that seemed to match the celebratory mood. Tankards were slammed down on the scarred tabletops, sending frothy splashes onto the floor, while burly men with wind-chapped faces slapped each other's backs heartily.
Amidst the revelry, you and your crew revelled in the spoils of your successful hunt, your hearts swelling with pride and your spirits high as you toasted to another triumphant voyage on the open waters.
"Who's our best captain?" Your crew shouted loudly. "Y/N!!"
"Come on, guys!" You burst out laughing. "Although yes, I'm the best! And the best thing is that we sto--" Your voice was drowned out by someone else's loud laughter. "That.. Fuck! That we stole another map that should lead us to even more treasure. Tomo---. Tomor--." You turned the scroll over in your hands. "Tomorrow we will gather in my cabin and plan everyth--- out. Fuck! Who's laughing?" You looked around and noticed several men in the corner.
In the corner, a group of scruffy-looking scallywags were engaged in a raucous game of dice, their hushed curses and raucous laughter mingling with the general din. 
"Okay." You downed your beer and walked over to the table. "Hey, you… You're at the table!" You wobbled slightly as you approached the group. "Could you stop laughing like crazy? We're celebrating."
"I don't give a shit what you're celebrating." A tall man, half-turned to you, rolled the dice. "Yeah, I won!"
"Listen, me and my crew…"
"Your crew? That bunch of idiots sitting by the bar?" The man turned to you, pointing at the bar.
"Oh, my God!" You wobbled slightly as you saw the big red nose and face painted with makeup. "Oh, wait, I know you! I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town. But apparently you're so inconspicuous that I don't even remember your name."
"Hey, honey, you're talking to the future king of the pirates." The clown crossed his legs and started tapping his fingers on the table. "And I'm Buggy, by the way. Who are you?"
"Y/N. The Captain of Cherry Blossom Pirates. And I'm worth a lot of money, unlike you, Buggy from Shells Town or wherever you are."
Buggy silently scanned you from head to toe. He noticed your crisp white shirt, cinched at the waist by a worn leather belt, gave way to well-fitted trousers tucked into sturdy boots. He looked at your eyes for a second and burst into laughter.
"Fuck! I'm so scared." Buggy started to mimic you. "Captain of the Cherry Blossom, and I'm worth a lot of money. I don't care who you a--" He noticed the scroll in your pocket. "What's this?"
"Nothing." You carefully lowered the scroll deeper into your pocket.
"That's the map!" Buggy pointed at the paper. "And more over, that's my map!"
"Does it have your name on it?" You shrugged. "That's my map, I stole it from some scatterbrain at the port."
"Hey! I'm not scatterbrain. I got distracted! Listen, strawberry queen. Give me the map back!" Buggy stood up from his chair and reached for your pants.
"Cherry, actually. I told you the name of my crew two minutes ago, idiot." You narrowed your eyes and slapped his hand.
"Give me back the fucking map!" Buggy was about to touch your thigh, but you grabbed his hand. "Ugh! You took my hand. I like that!"
You quickly pulled a knife out of your boot and held it to his throat. "Don't touch me, clown. I'll cut you into pieces."
"Oh, I'd like to see that too." Buggy winked at you and saw how your team got up from the table, slowly walking towards you, drawing daggers. "Okay, you know, cherry blossom or whatever your name is, I think things are getting tense.  And I think... I'm gonna get out of here." Buggy took your hand, kissed it and snapped his fingers at his team, abruptly leaving the bar.
You shrugged and, ending the evening, you returned to your ship. You decided to take a walk along the deck before going to sleep, at the same time checking that everything was in order, and that the guard shift was in their places. As you strode across the deck of the mighty galleon, your presence commanded the attention of all who laid eyes upon you.
"A quiet night tonight, huh, captain?" One of the crew members came up to you and handed you your favorite lemon tea.
"Yes." You took a sip. "Delicious. Well, everything is fine. I'm off to bed. We'll dock at the island in a few days, where I hope to find the treasures that this map points to." You patted your pocket with your hand.
As the golden rays of the morning sun peeked over the horizon, illuminating the gently lapping waves of the tranquil island shore, you set out with a sense of eager anticipation. You split up with the team to get a better look at the island. The weathered, aged map you clutched in your hands had led you to this remote, secluded locale, its faded markings promising the potential discovery of long-lost treasure. With each step you took across the powdery white sand, your eyes scanned the lush, verdant landscape, searching intently for any sign or indication that would point you towards the elusive coordinates the map had indicated. The soft crunch of your footsteps was the only sound that broke the peaceful silence, as you made your way deeper into the island, ducking under the broad, hanging fronds of towering palm trees and pushing through the dense, tangled underbrush.
"Damn, I feel like someone's watching me." You looked around.
"What, Y/N? Your precious crew abandoned their captain?"
You heard Buggy's voice from behind you and turned to him.
"Oh, my God! What are you doing here?" You jumped in surprise, clutching the map in your hands.
"I came to take what's mine. My map and my treasure. And by the way. Thank you for bringing me here! You made my treasure hunt job easier." Buggy came closer to you. "I really had to follow you for a few days. You take so-o-o-o long to plan everything. I thought I'd get old."
"Oh, my God," You rolled your eyes, "are you so-o-o-o lazy that you can't even find your way around, and you just decided to follow a defenseless girl? Don't you have anything better to do?"
"You're defenseless? Don't make me laugh, baby!"
"Don't call me that!" You barked. "Wait. Were you following me? How did I not notice?" You whispered quietly.
"You must have been so enchanted by my beauty that you couldn't think of anything else." Buggy took two big steps and pressed himself against you. "Wait." He put his finger to your lips. "Do you hear that?"
"What?" You mumbled.
"The sound of you losing." Buggy gave you a sharp peck on the lips, grabbed the map from your hands and ran away. "I told you it was my map, and I'll give it back! Bye, strawberry queen!!!"
"IT'S A CHERRY!!!" You shouted after him. "Fucking clown!! Stop!" You ran after Buggy, and seeing part of your crew, you signalled them to run after you.
As you raced after the fleeing figure, your heart pounding with exhilaration and anticipation, you finally caught up to him near a remote, overgrown area that according to the map to conceal a hidden trove of valuable treasure. Breathless, you watched as Buggy furtively began scouring the ground. His eyes were narrowed in intense concentration, darting back and forth as he searched for any signs or clues that might lead him to the elusive prize.
"Hey, you!" You shouted at Buggy. "Didn't your mother ever teach you that stealing from girls is bad?" You pulled the knife out of your boot.
"What?" Buggy came at you like a predator at its prey. "You want a piece of me? Come on, let's see what you got."
Your face, set in a determined scowl, gripped the hilt of your knife tightly, the metal glinting in the afternoon sun. Your lithe form coiled and ready to spring into action at the slightest provocation. The air was thick with tension, the sound of the crashing waves and cawing gulls providing a wild, primal backdrop. You and Buggy began to circle each other, your footsteps leaving imprints in the pristine white sand, each one trying to anticipate the other's next move.
You swung the dagger, but Buggy grabbed your wrist, squeezing your hand with each passing second, and then suddenly hooked your leg with his own, winked, threw you down on the sand and fell on you with all his weight.
"Listen, you haven’t even taken me out to dinner yet, and you’re already practically lying on me." You chuckled. "Let me go, fucking clown!!" You tried to kick him in the knee.
"Calm down, strawberry!"
"CHERRY, for heaven's sake!"
"You know," Buggy ran his finger over your cheek, "I've read about you since our first meeting and I don't understand why we need to fight."
"What? What are you talking aboyt?" You looked at Buggy with a surprised look.
"We are both smart, famous, amazing, fabolous and scary pirates."
"What? Are you afraid of losing the battle for fucking ego and dominance to a girl? Let me go!" You tried to jerk away, but he pressed you even harder to the ground.
"No, I'm just going to take what's rightfully mine and get off this fucking island." Buggy leaned closer to you and began to whisper in your ear. "But under good circumstances I would offer cooperation, Y/N. But we are not in good circumstances."
You noticed how your team jerked from their place to begin the attack. "Don't! I'm fine, guys!" You shifted your gaze to Buggy. "Give me at least one reason to cooperate with you, clown?"
"I'm handsome and funny, isn't that enough?" Buggy shrigged, sqeezing your hand.
"You're an idiot." You rolled your eyes. "Okay, listen! Let's do it this way. I agree to cooperate, theoretically, what next?"
"Well, for example, although I don't want to suggest it, for starters, we'll split the treasure. 50\50, okay?" Buggy lost in thoughts for a second. "Then we'll go to the nearest bar and discuss our plans. We can create a strong alliance, baby."
"An alliance? Well.. Sounds good. Let's try. Just let me go." You sighed and felt him release his grip.
Buggy helped you up and you both gave orders to your teams to start digging in the area indicated on the map.
As you and Buggy stood on the sun-drenched beach, watching intently as your respective crews began furiously digging into the golden sand, you couldn't help but steal occasional glances at your notorious pirate companion out of the corner of your eye. Buggy's typically animated and mischievous demeanor had been replaced by an uncharacteristic air of confidence and self-assurance, his muscular arms crossed firmly over his broad chest as he observed the proceedings with an unwavering gaze. There was a distinct sense of certainty in his posture, a silent conviction that this treasure hunt would yield the coveted prize he sought. You couldn't help but be intrigued by this shift in Buggy's normally jovial persona - it was as if he knew something you did not, some secret that gave him an advantage over the situation at hand. The way he carried himself, with an almost regal bearing, suggested a deep-seated belief that victory was all but assured, that the chest of riches lay just beneath the sandy expanse, waiting to be unearthed and claimed as his own.
"There's nothing!" Your teams said in unison, digging a deep hole.
"What?" Your eyes widened. "No way! I definitely read the map. Here, look." You stood next to Buggy, pointing your finger at the map.
"Let me see." He picked it up. "Fuck. It's mine. Fre-e-aks." Buggy looked at his crew.
"Yes, Captian!"
"It's time to run!" Buggy chuckled.
"WHAT??" You squealed. "What do you mean, Buggy?"
"You read the map wrong! You miscalculated the coordinates." He winked at you, putting the map in his pocket. "Sorry, sometimes I like to do things right, but not today."
"What about the alliance? Did you deceive me?"
"I'm a rogue and a deceiver. But about the alliance." Buggy folded his hand, pointed his thumb at you and winked. "Maybe later, strawberry queen!" Buggy screamed, disappearing between the trees.
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sadfruittheatre · 5 months
Loss and Lots of Retcons: The Current State of Affairs and Moving Forward
So, now that things have begun to calm down, I want to talk a little bit more about various retcons and what's going to change, both in terms of this blog and the timeline. This is also a to-do list for me, because I have hella ADHD and get very overwhelmed without some kind of game plan.
So, to get the big thing out of the way, several characters are no longer going to exist and will have never existed. You're going to see the things on this list and go "woah, wait a minute! aren't all these guys like, super important to a bunch of things!?" and the answer is yes, but sometimes things happen in real life that affect the plot and that is just a potential consequence of working in collaboration with other people.
So, the casualties are:
Kuroza (Fish)
Carma and Kone
It's a lot of characters unfortunately, but we still have plenty left.
The character pages will be updated accordingly.
There will also be some new characters introduced in conjunction to the plot things that have been happening in the background, but I will not be elaborating on all that yet until I iron out this other stuff. But know that I am definitely looking forward to introducing you to these guys and their lovely creators!
But Kateh, I hear you ask, how are you going to have concurrent plot things going on when you have to retcon like, everything??? Well, you see, I'm basically doing my best to keep the overall trajectories of my OCs as close to the same as possible in broad strokes, even if there are different characters involved or some things just didn't happen anymore. Some characters are honestly completely unaffected by this (like Aneas, who wins by staying in his lane and loving his wife). Other characters, namely Bragi, and to a lesser degree, Tomor, need a lot of work done to fix the damage.
As for the art and writing I've uploaded, much of it is probably going to be taken down, because I don't feel comfortable having art up of characters I no longer have the rights to use for a continuity that no longer exists. Some things can be edited in small ways, and if I can salvage it, I will; plenty of other things will stay up, though the context for them is largely going to have to be rewritten to fit the new continuity. I'm definitely bummed that so much of this entire project has to be gutted, but I'm hoping to be able to slowly rebuild things going forward. Honestly not sure if it would be easier to delete and start over, but I'll try to fix things as they are before I do all that.
I do actually have some establishing comics in the works to get us all adjusted to the new vibes, so we can at least look forward to that!
Now, let's talk plot and characters. We've talked a lot about what's lost, but here's what remains.
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Now, while there are still a lot of minor details to work out, the broad strokes are as follows:
Bragi's still being sent to Conton City to atone for his stinky boy crimes. However, the big difference now is that for better immersion in the mortal culture, he's staying with a host family, the already overcrowded teacakes house with Dulze and Yamcha. Deeji is his new best friend. #DeejiSupremacy
He's still going to slowly get his shit together until he's forced to confront Aneas and they reconcile. Details are still hella fuzzy as to how that goes down but Aneas and Coulie (and Eugene) remain largely unchanged. Still happily married. #FlowerBudsSupremacy
A lot of the stuff with Mento probably still happened, though the context of Mirin's existence and what led up to Mento's death is gonna have to change wildly to accommodate it. Bragi's existential crisis will definitely have to be adjusted.
The Anzu shit? Didn't happen. Bragi likely remains unstabbed, unless we find another context to stab him in. With that in mind, he's probably going to revert back to his pre-vest design because like, the whole reason for that is because he got stabbed. At least his godtube channel remains alive and shitty. Coulie can still systematically dislike all of his videos.
At the most recent point in the timeline, Bragi's at least a little more willing to open up to people he trusts because Kuroza/Fish isn't there anymore to fuck it up for him by being weird about his trauma. He's still got some trust and vulnerability issues tho.
Tomor needs an overhaul at least in terms of his own trajectory. Part of this is due to the plot things I'm sitting on, part of it is because he lost his comedic foil in the form of Fish. He will definitely continue to cause problems on purpose tho, probably with New!Mento.
The Mento with Mirin goop in her brain is still very much a thing btw. She's so silly and I love her. #MentoSupremacy
Some of this stuff is still subject to change, and whatever does change likely won't be as detailed as it used to be, but we're doing what we can. It's a hot mess right now and it's gonna take a lot of time to fix it, so uh, thanks for bearing with me 👍
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
have you ever slept​ on the floor​ with someo​ne you like?​ No. do you still​ talk to the perso​n you fell the harde​st for? Nope. I haven’t seen or talked to him in 4 years. He kind of just fell off the grid one day, deleting all his social media accounts. who is your last text from?​ My dad. ​what color​ shirt​ were you weari​ng when you had your last kiss?​ I don’t remember. That was like 6 years ago. which​ movie​ did you last see in theat​ers?​ The Invisible Man. I miss going to the movies. I reallyyy miss the popcorn. I’ve heard some theaters want to start opening up again, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable going. I haven’t gone anywhere despite things opening back up. I don’t feel comfortable or safe doing so while we’re still in the thick of this thing and California has seen major spikes. I just wouldn’t be able to enjoy my time out anywhere because the fear of getting sick would be looming over my head the entire time and it would just be more stressful and anxiety inducing for me.
would​ you kiss the last perso​n you kisse​d again​?​ No. I can’t even imagine the scenario where that would even be a possibility again. have you ever slept​ in the same bed with the last perso​n you kisse​d?​ No. is there​ someo​ne who you can spend​ every​ minut​e with and be happy​?​ My doggo. who'​s think​ing about​ you right​ now? Uh, I’m sure no one is. I have no idea why anyone would be. do you like to cuddl​e?​ I don’t have much experience in the cuddling department, but sure. are you keepi​ng a secre​t right​ now? Maybe. what were you doing​ at 9:30 last night​?​ I think I was watching TV with my mom. was it a boy or a girl to text you first​ today​?​ No one has texted me today as of now. what is bothe​ring you right​ now? I’m hot and hungry. I hate when my appetite does this thing where I just feel like I’m not getting full after eating so I’m still hungry. Because of a few issues, I only eat the same few foods so it’s not like I have many options. last time you saw firew​orks?​ Last 4th of July. three​ days in a hotel​ or nfl game ticke​ts?​ Uh, three days in a hotel hands down. I love staying in hotels. Ha, I wouldn’t care if all I did was just stay at the hotel and do what I’d do at home. It’s still a vacation to me lol. I have no interest at all in sports. would​ you rathe​r watch​ footb​all or baseb​all?​ Neither. I just said I don’t care about sports. what'​s your ringt​one? One of the ones that came with the phone. what do you curre​ntly hear right​ now? My fan, myself typing, and the TV. are you easil​y scare​d by horro​r movie​s?​ Not anymore, I love ‘em. I used to be, though. do you know anyon​e who'​s been in jail?​ Yes. does someo​ne like you right​ now? Nope. when'​s the next time you'​ll see your best frien​d?​ I see her everyday, we live together. how do you calm down when you'​re extre​mely angry​?​ I just shut down and cry, usually. And go to one of my distractions like read or watch something on YouTube/listen to ASMR.  are your frien​ds with any of your ex boyfr​iends​/​girlf​riend​s?​ Not anymore. No bad feelings or anything, just drifted apart and lost touch. do you want any tatto​os?​ I’ve wanted one for several years, but I’m a big baby so I’ll likely never get it.  it’s 4 in the morni​ng,​ your phone​ rings​? It’d likely be the wrong number. The only people who call me are my parents, both of which would be here at 4 in the morning. Unless they’re calling me from their room for some reason. somet​hing you just don'​t under​stand​?​ My life, why I’m the way I am. what was your worst​ mista​ke in your life?​ Where to begin... what'​s somet​hing you reall​y want right​ now, be hones​t!​ Not feel like this. have you ever woke up next to someo​ne and were freak​ed out? No. have you ever kisse​d someo​ne whose​ name start​ed with the lette​r e? Nope. are you looki​ng forwa​rd to anyth​ing?​ No. who was the last perso​n of the oppos​ite sex you had a conve​rsati​on with?​ My brother. is there​ a reaso​n for your myspa​ce song?​ Sigh. have you ever worn the oppos​ite sex'​s cloth​ing?​ I sometimes buy my graphic tees from the men’s section. I like the fit of the guy tees better. is the last perso​n you hugge​d older​ than you? Yes. do you like to make the first​ move?​ Noooo. do you trust​ all of your frien​ds?​ I don’t have any friends. have you ever liked​ someo​ne you didn'​t expec​t to? Yes. have you ever laugh​ed so hard you cried​? Yeah. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good laugh like that, though. what'​s your first​ perio​d class​? I’m not in school anymore, thankfully. <<< have you ever cried​ durin​g a movie​?​ Yeah, but only a few have made me actually cry, though. I usually just feel sad and maybe tear up a bit. will you be up befor​e 7 am tomor​row?​ That’s about when I go to bed. :X
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eisheartoffantasy · 2 years
ENTRY #7. Insensitive
Maybe you'd think someone who keeps an online diary for venting purposes must be pretty sensitive. I am, aren't I? Sensitive? Otherwise why would I have so much to say about feeling all these emotions?
Me being sensitive isn't what this entry is about though. Just earlier I was on my phone, scrolling through my messages...oh no, don't take me wrong, I'm in no way suggesting that I'm one of those social butterflies that get enough people texting them everyday for their message apps to be filled enough that they have to actually scroll a good few times to catch up on all their new messages; most of mine are spam mail, notifications, or verification texts.
Back in June I picked up the habit of clearing text chats periodically — I used to be so very against doing this since I placed such an emphasis on cherishing every little memory with every single person, but I guess I finally reached the point where I gave up on caring. Deleting a whole message chat feels shockingly liberating and truly no-strings-attached, like I'm wiping away some unpleasant, unnecessary chunks of my memory with ease.
What's even better...when I don't want to read or reply to someone's text, I could just delete our chat without opening it. That way they won't be left on read (I think?) and it feel more backed-up when I use "your message never showed up" as an excuse if they ever confront me in person.
I know sending a text and receiving no reply can be quite upsetting to some people. Do I care? No, not enough to force myself to send a reply back just to make the sender feel good anyway.
How insensitive of me, huh? I do gladly own up to this insensitivity. You know why? Because for far too damn long I've been the overly sensitive one. I allowed text conversations to gain major control over how I feel. When I got one text from my "best friend," even if it was something as simple as an "LOL" or a silly picture without words, I felt as if my day was brightened; when any "friend" of mine came to me for advice or a listening ear (or I guess a reading eye may be more fitting here), I immediately let their business occupy my mind and prioritize hearing them out over whatever I was supposed to be doing, providing them with the most empathetic replies I could offer through text. On the other hand, waiting for a text from them was agonizing. Sometimes it took them hours or days to respond to me, during which I could feel how my mood gradually worsened; I would sit by my phone hoping for a notification to pop up in the next split second, relying on that to improve my mood.
I was so considerate of others' feelings, was I not? Always quick to respond to texts to avoid ruining their day. What I didn't think about enough, however, was the fact that...maybe their mood wasn't affected by how quickly they received my reply. How naïve of me to assume they cared about me as much as I cared about them. How naïve of me to think I mattered that much. How naïve of me to expect the same amount of sensitivity from them towards me.
Back to my message app now. One of the only — no, the only private message chat that I haven't deleted was my "best friend" and I's. For years we texted almost every single day. Now, it's been nearly a month since our last private message exchange, the longest we've gone on without texting in years. Guess why. Yes, you got it: because I haven't been sending her any text.
If I don't initiate, she won't either; she's long grown used to me starting all our conversations. To her, it became a given and taken for granted.
I bet my "best friend" doesn't wonder how much it's bothering me that we haven't texted the entire month of September. I bet she doesn't know that I'm deliberately holding myself back from sending her another conversation-initiating text. I bet she doesn't mind that we just don't text as much anymore all of a sudden. She's kind of insensitive like that.
I don't know if this whole entry conveys what I'm trying to convey at all; I'm tired and tomorrow is Monday. I think I should sleep soon.
With warmth and hopefulness,
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onewfantaesy · 7 years
Taemin can feel his grades dropping as he slouches behind the counter. He can’t believe he agreed to switch shifts with Amber the night before his midterm. He should be studying - going over notes and the Google Doc that some kid from his lecture sent everyone. But no, he’s stuck in this scratchy red shirt and absorbing the smell of day-old hot dogs still revolving in the hot box.
After he rings up the high school students who come in every Tuesday night like clockwork, the 7-Eleven is empty. It’s the boring time of the night, and no one’s going to come in for at least another couple hours. And they’ll probably be stoned out of their minds, Taemin realizes with a groan. He can’t wait to have to make them a shitty pizza and pick out their shitty hot dogs and ring up all their shitty chips. 
“I’m going in the back to take a nap, don’t bug me,” Shindong says five minutes later.
“What if someone comes in and wants cigarettes? Or a beer?” Taemin asks.
“Just ring it up for them, I don’t care,” Shindong says. “Now don’t bug me.”
“Some manager you are,” Taemin scoffs under his breath, but when the door swings shut behind Shindong, Taemin leans against the counter and takes out his phone.
Shindong is back there for literally at least two hours. Taemin swears he can hear him snoring, and he rolls his eyes as he texts Amber all about it.
i cna’t believe i’m putting up with shindong’s dumbass for u
Omg is he sleeping in the back again? Go kick his ass until he comes back out!!
he would crush my pour innocent soul i’m not going anywhere near his snoring ass
Then suck it up weenie
i’m going to pretend that u didn’t just call me a weenie when i’m literally covering for u the night before a midterm
Love you you’re the best I’ll buy you an XL slurpee next time I see you!!!
that’s only like $2 u better buy me a bag of chips to go with it
Fine now leave me alone I’m on a hot date and you’re Interrupting
bye have fun use a condom
Suck my dick Taemin
only if u put a condom on it
With his only source of entertainment now thoroughly ignoring his texts, Taemin resorts to looking at the different Snapchat filters. He sends at least three dumb videos of himself to his brother, and he’s in the middle of making a fourth video when the door opens and a ding rings throughout the store.
He shoves his onto the counter and pretends that he wasn’t just making a dumb face at it and saying something stupid in a dumb voice. The man who walks in just sends him a tight smile, and Taemin returns the gesture. 
When the man starts going to browse the drinks in the back, Taemin goes back to playing with his phone. He promptly deletes the video that only got half-way filmed, and checks his Twitter feed instead.
Minho’s watching some soccer game on TV and getting way too into live-tweeting the score, Jinki is studying in the library like the good little senior-nerd he is, Kibum is at dance club and didn’t invite Taemin how rude, and Jonghyun is crying over a candle his sister sent him in a care package. What the hell, Taemin wishes his brother would send him a care package. Maybe he should text his mom about it, she would definitely send her sweet adorable youngest child a care package while he’s a whole 30 miles away at college.
The more Taemin thinks about it, the more he realizes that Jonghyun’s sister probably sends him shit because his family lives like 200 miles away. 
Whatever, Taemin still wants a care package. He’s totally texting his mom about it in the morning.
 Taemin almost forgets that there’s a customer in the shop until a small slurpee is put down in front of him. He definitely did not flinch, definitely not.
“Is this all, sir?” Taemin asks, putting his phone in his pocket and looking up.
The man just grunts.
“O-kay,” Taemin says. “That’ll be $1.28.”
He hands Taemin a five-dollar-bill, and Taemin moves back so he doesn’t get jabbed in the stomach when the register opens.
Taemin is about to start picking out the change when a gun is held up to his chest. His mouth goes dry as he lifts his head up, and he stares at the hooded man. He lifts his hands up above his head, and he shuts his eyes while the man throws a bag on the counter.
“I’ll give you all the money, just don’t shoot me,” Taemin pleads. “Please, I have a midterm tomor- actually, maybe- no, please don’t shoot me.”
Taemin can’t believe he just almost asked a robber to shoot him to get out of a midterm. Sure, it’s something he jokes about with his friends, but he it’s not something he should actually try. God, he’s so stupid sometimes, he can’t believe himself.
The man barks for Taemin to put the money in the bag, and Taemin is quick to take all the money out of the register and shove it in the bag.
“Now the other one,” the man says, jerking his gun towards the register to Taemin’s left.
“Okay,” Taemin says in a strangled voice.
“Hurry up!”
“Oh my God, I’m hurrying,” Taemin whines. “God, don’t shoot me, man, I have dogs. They’re not gonna understand why I don’t come home.”
“You have dogs?” 
Taemin looks up and stares at the man like he’s an idiot. Is he really going to ask Taemin about his dogs while he points a gun at him.
“Yeah,” Taemin says, opening the register and shoving his hand inside.
“What are their names?”
“Adam and Eve,” Taemin says through clenched teeth.
This is fucking unbelievable. The man starts fucking laughing at him.
“That’s cute,” the man says. “Hey, don’t short change me, asshole, get it all in the bag.”
“Oh my God, I’m doing it, I’m doing it,” Taemin squeaks.
“You better not have hit any silent alarms or that bullshit.”
“That shit’s only in banks, dude.”
Taemin regrets his lack of filter when the gun gets jerked towards his chest again. Taemin backs up against the cigarette case when the man takes the safety off.
“Oh my God, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Taemin whines. “I thought we bonded over the dogs, dude, please don’t.”
Taemin ends up having to open the cigarette case and shove them inside the bag. Where the hell is Shindong while this is all happening, Jesus Christ.
Taemin thinks he’s home free when he shoves the bag back over the counter for the man to take, but a group of people come through the front door before yelling and running back outside.
“You said no silent alarms!”
The gun gets held up to Taemin’s chest again.
“Jesus Christ, there is no silent alarm!” Taemin screams. “You’ve been watching me the whole time, when could I have pressed some make-believe button?”
Taemin closes his eyes and holds his hands above his head. 
“The dogs, man, the dogs,” Taemin says.
Taemin is actually very surprised at the speed at which cops storm into the shop. He would prefer it if they weren’t so damn loud, because he swears his just flinched half his life away. They keep talking to the man about how he doesn’t want to shoot the boy behind the counter, how there’s no where for him to go, and how a murder charge is a lot more of a pain in the ass than armed robbery.
“Thanks,” Taemin spits. “I’m so glad my life comes down to whether or not it’s a pain in the ass.”
“Taemin what the hell?” 
Taemin turns his head to see Shindong staring at everyone in the shop, a line of dried drool on his chin.
“Oh, now you’re awake?” Taemin screams at him. “Goddammit! I don’t get paid enough for this shit, dammit, I want a bonus if I don’t die tonight!”
A shot goes off, and Taemin falls onto the floor hiding his head in his hands and he swears his did not just let out the girliest shriek he’s ever heard. There’s a lot of shuffling and shouting, but when Taemin peers over the counter, he sees the man being taken away in handcuffs. He falls back on the floor and leans against the counter, closing his eyes and thanking God and Jesus and Mary for the fact that he’s not currently dead.
“Taemin, get up,” Shindong says, walking behind the counter.
“You were just sleeping through a robbery, asshole, give me five fucking minutes!” Taemin shouts.
A female cop comes over and sits with Taemin, asking him questions and jotting down his answers on a notepad. She then starts telling him that he’s probably in shock, and it would be best if he called someone to come pick him up and take him home.
“He still have three hours left for his shift,” Shindong says.
“He also almost just got shot,” she says back.
Taemin likes this lady very much.
“I’m gonna,” Taemin chokes out, “I’m gonna call a friend. To come get me.”
“I have a midterm tomorrow, asshole, let me go home,” Taemin seethes at him.
The cop and her partner stay with Taemin until Jinki comes running inside.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” Jinki asks, coming over to Taemin and holding him close. “This is why you shouldn’t work here, shit.”
“Can you just take me back to my apartment?” Taemin asks, leaning his forehead against Jinki’s shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jinki says, putting an arm around Taemin’s shoulders and leading him outside.
“Taemin, you can’t just leave!” Shindog argues.
“I’m gonna tell Sooman about your naps, you jerk!” Taemin shouts back, but Jinki just keeps taking him back out to his car.
“Jjong said he and Key would come get your car,” Jinki tells him. “You can crash at mine and Jjong’s tonight if you want.”
“Please,” Taemin whispers. 
The second Jinki pulls out onto the road, Taemin feels his hands start shaking. By the time they get to Jinki and Jonghyun’s apartment, Taemin has started dry-heaving, and Jinki is hurrying him into the bathroom in case he actually starts puking.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” Kibum asks, rushing into the bathroom behind them.
“Did you get shot?” Jonghyun asks.
“Dude,” Kibum hisses, nudging Jonghyun in the ribs.
After Taemin stops choking over the toilet, he sits back on the floor and leans against the tub.
“So do you think I can get out of my midterm tomorrow for this?” Taemin asks.
Jinki taps Taemin’s shoulder, but all of them start laughing. 
When Jonghyun and Kibum come back from getting Taemin’s car, they also come back with bags of McDonald’s in their hands.
“Did you get me a large Sprite?” Taemin mumbles from where he’s lying down against Jinki on the couch.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Kibum says, holding up the drink-holder. “Jeez, you almost get shot and suddenly you’re the ruler of the world.”
“I hope you got me some nuggets and a hashbrown, too,” Taemin mumbles.
Jonghyun puts the bags on the couch and tells Taemin to pick out whatever he wants. When Taemin pulls all three of the bags to his chest, they all start telling him what a little shit he is, and he just laughs as he pulls out a box of nuggets and a thing of sauce.
“Oh fuck yes, you got the sweet ‘n sour sauce,” Taemin hisses. “You’re the best.”
Kibum just pulls the bag away from him and takes out one of the things of french fries and tells him to eat as much as he wants.
“I’m totally getting out of my midterm tomorrow,” Taemin says through a mouthful of nugget. “I’m gonna email my professor right now and everything, someone hand me my phone.”
He does, in fact, get his midterm postponed to the following week after he sends a copy of the police report.
And Amber high-five’s him next time she sees him and buys him an extra large slurpee and an entire pizza for getting Shindong fired after ratting him out to the owner.
“He deserved it,” Taemin says, his lips wrapping around the straw. “He literally slept through me almost dying.”
“I know, you were very heroic,” Amber tells him. “Now can I have a slice of the pizza that I bought?”
“Excuse you, this is my I-was-almost-shot pizza,” Taemin says. 
“And I bought it, so hand over a slice.”
“Fine,” Taemin huffs, and he moves away from where he was shielding the pizza.
“I’m never working another night shift again.”
“Sure you aren’t.”
Taemin only takes an obnoxious slurp of his slurpee and huffs as he turns to go help the customer who’s looking at the lottery scratchers.
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succulentxon-blog · 7 years
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davidchunfonance · 6 years
Flickr Starts Deleting Your Old Photos Tomorrow via Digg https://gizmodo.com/last-call-flickr-starts-deleting-your-old-photos-tomor-1832320281?utm_source=ifttt
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dragonmickie · 6 years
i have important shit at 12 pm tomor- today? whatever but bc of my fucked up sleep cycle (going to sleep around 1 pm, waking up at 7 pm) i have to stay up bc i dont trust myself to oversleep and im bad at falling asleep anyways
so im hoping i can finally get myself to play dao again (i havent been able to get passed the beginning of ostagar since i tiredly deleted my save file after discovering i could get mods to work months ago)
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