#deleted track
daiwild · 2 years
changing room mishap
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Kons a lil confused but he will ALWAYS get pissed at bad guys hurting his friends
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 3 months
Fuck anyone who makes jokes about a crash that literally sent a driver to hospital.
Max's crash at Silverstone is the third most severe crash we've had in F1 in the past five years (most severe being Grosjean's in Bahrain 2020, followed by Zhou's in Silverstone 2022).
Additionally, the fact he was sent to the hospital at all is significant as Silverstone has its own medical facility on the grounds. It says everything that even as a precautionary measure, Max (+ Alex & Zhou the following year) was sent to the nearest hospital instead.
Do not for a single second take a driver walking away from a severe crash for granted. Sometimes, the miracles don't happen. Sometimes, a driver doesn't walk away unscathed. You do not want to be watching when the worst-case scenario becomes a real possibility, or worse; a reality.
If the like from Lando's dad is real... I have nothing else to say, from the bottom of my heart; FUCK YOU!
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feline-evil · 8 months
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Saw this screenshot and thought of toki and pickles
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ewreckedshin · 4 months
yandere!Aventurine x obsessed reader
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Word Count: 1,143
Brief Description: Self-aware Aventurine poses as an online friend and "consensually" kidnaps you into the game, yandere x yandere type of situation
Brief-er Note: Miraculously people actually saw my last post, therefore I made the spacing slightly less atrocious but the grammar’s gonna stay shit for the balance
Just imagine… one day you get a strange friend request. You must’ve declined this person a thousand times, wanting to keep your friend list clear as you didn’t need any pesky real people in this space reserved only for your precious Aventurine. 
But fine, they were persistent enough that you cave, curious to see what they possibly wanted. The first thing you notice is that they had no profile picture at all, and named themselves “Aventurine”
“Must be one of those roleplay people,” you muse.
Then they’re messaging you daily, always checking in on you, speaking as though they were the character himself. And poor you, your delusional heart couldn’t take it anymore. You find yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with Aventurine as your HSR “friend” provides you with unlimited conversations that only serve to add more dimensionality to his character, making him feel like a real person
Slowly your life grew increasingly dull and colorless, while the sole center of your will to live became the charming blonde character with literal rose-tinted glasses and a captivating smile. 
Your online friend only encourages this behavior, claiming that you need Aventurine to feel good and everything else in this world only serves to take away from that. And of course, why wouldn’t you agree? Where’s the flaw in that logic?
At night time, you’re barely able to fall asleep due to the sheer excitement overflowing your body, pathetically wrapping an arm around yourself as if it were Aventurine holding you. 
If you only knew how he was watching you through the screen, luring you in closer and closer, waiting for the perfect moment to save you from your miserable dilemma. 
The truth was that a while back Aventurine had figured there was something off about the Trailblazer. Every day around the same time they would stop moving and stand there blankly, as if someone had shut them off from the outside.
He found the source that controlled the trailblazer and when he shut it off, he was met with a different face: yours. 
As the days passed Aventurine began to feel a strange connection with you, as though this world had a secret that only the two of you knew. There was nobody left in his world that he trusted, but you were different. 
You weren’t a part of his world… and he could tie none of its cruelty to you. You were his fresh start.
His skin crawled with impatience at hearing you speak but never getting to touch you. He would blush when you showered him with endless compliments… did you really mean everything you said? 
Aventurine becomes infatuated with all of your little mannerisms, memorizing the way you move, the fluctuations in your tone, how you had a habit of adjusting his character on the screen to mimic the height difference between you two in real life. What others would call creepily obsessed, Aventurine found adorable.
He’d hear you cry over the cruelty of your own world… and Aventurine had never felt more desperate, verging on the edge of insanity in his drive to find some method to communicate with you. He wanted you to use him to soothe any sorrows and even abandoned a business trip halfway through to find a way of communication.
Once he managed to access the messages that were in this “Honkai Star Rail” world he now knew he was a part of, he immediately sent a friend request only to be left wondering why you weren’t accepting it. Despite feeling devastatingly dejected, he persisted because he just knew he’d be the one to help you.
He tried to keep up his collected facade around his fellow IPC workers. He didn’t want them to find out anything about this, especially Topaz or Ratio.
One time a new worker almost caught him in the act. Almost. But it was enough to plant the seed of paranoia within him, that he might find out about your existence which was a secret only he was allowed to know of. The worker was never found again and Aventurine casually dismissed it as a runaway case, charming words instantly soothing their suspicions.
He was caught in a tug of war between selfish possession and the pure, unbridled need to be used by you however you pleased.
Normally Aventurine relies on mere chance… but for you, everything was precisely calculated. He would make sure that there was a 100% success rate.
When the moment is right, Aventurine messages you to close your eyes for a surprise.
He shuts off the trailblazer’s body, whispering half-sincere sorries as his heart pounded in excitement, knowing that once they were "asleep" he can bring you in. It was at this point that he realized he was too far gone, but he didn’t care about anything but you.
The first time he sees you in his world, you’re disoriented and glancing around in bewilderment. He awaits you with a calm smile and closed-off eyes, but you had spent so much time studying his appearance that you instantly saw the tremors behind his practiced expression, as though he were secretly incredibly nervous. 
He reaches out a single gloved hand, not quite touching you so as to not shatter the sweet illusion. His expression was steady but his bright pink pupils rapidly flicker all over your face. He’s waiting for you to make the first move, just so that he could immediately comply with anything you asked for.
You, on the other hand, had been repeating to yourself  “Aventurine is real” like a mantra 24/7 for the past few weeks. It didn’t take long for you to quickly accept your new situation although you felt like you could barely breathe from the intensity of your feelings at being inside of the HSR world.
Aventurine gets straight to the point and offers you a deal. “Come with me and I’ll take you to a paradise where it’s only the two of us for the rest of our lives,” he starts.
He’s sympathetic as he mentions the other choice, “I mean you could always choose to go back, but I don’t want you to live a meaningless life…” 
Aventurine truly means it when he uses the word “choice.” Although it would tear him to pieces, he knew he would gladly take the eternal pain of your rejection if that was what you wanted.
The answer was obvious to you: you felt as though you were drowning in an ocean of nothingness, and here was the one beacon of light in your life offering to save you.
You try not to look too desperate as you immediately say yes, eyes half-crazed as your hands slightly tremble from resisting the urge to hug him with all your strength. 
Luckily, he makes that choice for you the second he senses your stance and embraces your body, softly caressing your hair as he all but breathes you in. “As long as you desire it I will stay with you past anything. Feel free to use me as you wish.”
I love the idea of a yandere situation where the obsession is reciprocated
I think this is gender-neutral but if I accidentally slapped the word pussy in there don't come for me (or do :D)
Anyways have a lovely day, may your thoughts be happy and dong be long :D =D
Unless you want a short one, you can have it don’t cry no pressure ;v;
Btw i haven’t slept in 2 days but that's ok because somewhere on ao3 an author hasn't slept in 2 years I'm sure
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deathbypufferfish · 6 months
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I'm cooking up a sims challenge!
The working title is The World After challenge. Years after a flu has wiped out most of the population you make your journey out into the world to find others and rebuild a community. You've lost all your gear in the fire that took out your last settlement, along with your community. You've ended up on the Crumbling Isle in Windenburg. Now it's time to set down camp, gather supplies, find other survivors, and choose the place you will rebuild. Will you set sail for the islands of Sulani? Start a ranch in Chestnut Ridge? Or hole up for the winter in Moonwood Mill. You miss the world before, but now it's time to build an after.
I'm working out all the rules and ideas rn with my sim, Midge, but I hope to someday post it as a real challenge! This is all majorly inspired by Station Eleven (def read the book or watch the show)
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yrsonpurpose · 11 months
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Got lovestruck, went straight to my head.
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
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Living in a world as populated as it is by mortals, it is rare to come across a being who is not so. Rarer still is it to come across one who is both mortal and immortal- those who toe the line between Life and Death.
Reapers are abundant but undetected, doing their work for the spirits while hidden in a mortal body. They are bound to no Gods, serving only the lost souls of the land and answering only to the inevitability of Life and Death.
Hylian legends depict Death as a woman clothed in flowing white fabric, serene and tranquil, everlasting and inescapable. Some fear her, some hate her. Most bunch her up with the Goddesses.
She is not a Goddess.
She is… a promise.
And just as they’ve cast Death’s image onto a Goddess that doesn’t exist, they attribute Life’s gifts to Hylia, singing her praise. Hylia, the little sister of the Golden Three, tasked with protecting this world, is not Life.
Life has existed here for far longer than Hylia has. Some say that she was created with the breath of Farore, others speculate that she came before.
People think that Death exists in Life’s shadow, that they are entirely separate from one another. One brings joy, the other brings pain. This is, wholly and entirely, untrue.
For Life and Death wear matching white cloth, and they stand so closely together that they are indistinguishable from each other. One cannot exist without the other. They are… the same, in nature. They are patient. They take nothing more than what they are given; they give nothing more than what they take. It is balanced, in that way.
Everyone must face them, one way or another. Even Gods cannot deny the push and pull of Life and Death.
Although, there are occasions in which they can be swayed. In the case of a young boy who’d met his end during his quest, so beloved by the spirits, Death chose to wait. She did not claim his soul, not yet. She heeded the pleas of the spirits and allowed him to continue on- to finish what he had started. But this was not without a cost.
The boy- only twelve years old- was named Link, and he was not unique. Those who are favored by the spirits and succumb to illness or injury are often granted these second chances. They may never remember that they had died, but they are forever changed.
These people are known as Reapers. They recruited by Death to guide lost spirits to the afterlife. They have heartbeats, they breathe, they require sustenance. Reapers are mortal, normal people.
Until it becomes time to do the reaping, that is.
In order for a Reaper to find and guide spirits, they must use spirit magic. Spirit magic is as potent and variable as any other type of magic, except its power source is distinct: it is fueled by the power of an untethered soul. It comes naturally to Reapers, except in order to use it, they must free their soul.
Reapers have the ability to separate their souls from their bodies, becoming nothing more than a spirit. Once freed, they are immediately pulled to the nearest lost soul and it is their duty to aid them in their journey to the next life. The pull of a Poe is just as potent as the pull of a portal: demanding and unavoidable. Reapers feel it physically.
When their soul is outside of their body, a Reaper will appear comatose to the waking world. Unresponsive and unmoving, almost like they’re asleep. Their hearts still beat, their lungs still breathe. They still live but there’s nothing there. If their body is moved during this time, the Reaper will have a difficult time returning to it. Their survival will depend on whether or not they can find their body.
Link is one of many Reapers that serve under Death, and he is not unhappy. He sees the Threads of Fate that bind all things- the red ones of the living, the black ones of the dead, and the white ones of the immortal- and he takes pride in helping wayward Poes follow these threads home. He… has experience guiding souls, after all.
Link doesn’t remember when exactly he died, but he knows it had to have happened during his quest to rid the Demon King from Princess Zelda’s body. With her spirit by his side, he felt unstoppable. And his new job isn’t much different. He doesn’t feel sadness when he guides a Poe to their next adventure. No, he feels… at peace.
Death is extremely welcoming to him, for she knows that in time, he will return to her. Just as all things do. Link- our Spirit- admires Death. He serves under her but he is not opposed to it. He’s wholly dedicated to his job. He takes pride in it. It doesn’t interfere with his waking life too much and even as he cast on another adventure, it’s not too much to manage. Death treats him well, and he’d never denounce her.
When he’s reaping, he’s making a difference. He’s helping people. Is that not what a hero should strive for?
He’s… home.
Some notes!
• This kind of turned into a post about Reapers specifically and less about Spirit, but ehhh lore is lore
• Spirit and Wind are BEST BUDS. I’ve been referring to them as “the twins” in my head this whole time
• Spirit’s pupils glow when he is looking at the Threads of Fate. He can’t see them all the time, just when he really focuses on them, or else he’d be blinded by all the string everywhere!
• More on that- he doesn’t only see the threads that bind people to each other. He also sees the threads that bind people to objects. Everything has a memory, everything has a story.
• Something about Spirit’s presence is so inherently peaceful. He speaks quietly and clearly, he moves like a whisp, he smiles so gently. He can 100% be a little goblin in his own right, but he can be incredibly comforting when he wants to be.
• He cannot swim. Wind is APPALLED.
• He knows that Time is a God right away. His string is white. He doesn’t tell anyone, though, because it’s not his place. Everyone has their secrets, everyone should have the right to reveal themselves at their own pace.
• He and Wild sure do have a relationship. Yep. Just. The Reaper- the one who is tasked with guiding lost souls. And the literal spirit, actual ghost. Uh huh. They. Um. Yeah, they definitely have a dynamic. (This dynamic is the reason that I was convinced to add Spirit to my Cryptid Chain)
• A spirit is any soul without a body. A Poe specifically refers to a spirit that is lost. Hopeless. One who needs help. Wild is not a Poe. (Kind of)
• Spirit is like Time in the sense that he has not fully ascended, and won’t until his mortal lifespan is over. When he dies, he will continue to be a Reaper, but much more powerful as he will not be bound to a body. But that’s far, far off. He’s twelve, I won’t be cruel to him
• hehehehe
• He’s so incredibly good at playing the pan flute.
• Also this kid’s hilarious without even trying. (Spirit Tracks is the funniest Zelda game of all time)
• He has the unique ability to talk to Poes and Spirits directly, so he’s gonna be the best bet when it comes to translating for Wild. If Wild will let him come close, that is.
• “Don’t disturb me guys, I have some reaping to do,” he says, and then takes a nap. The others can’t tell.
• Or, mid battle, the decides they could really use a blast of spirit magic to aid them. So he just. Separates his soul from his body, as one does. Falls limply to the ground as the monsters they were fighting just suddenly all die. What just happened???
• Do monsters have souls? Do they become Poes? Thoughts that keep Spirit up at night.
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ssspringroll · 7 months
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DL (mediafire)
Today I bring you not cc, but a small collection of .blend files for making cc a little easier. If you've ever wanted to quickly put a braid into a custom hair without completely obliterating your poly count*, then these might be able to help.
*braids will still add a LOT of polygons to your hair, but since every single polygon is visible** on these tiling braids, at least you know they're all being put to use, whereas if you were to physically braid 3 strands of geometry, lots of those polygons would wind up inside the braid, just adding to your count without contributing anything to the look
**if some polygons end up inside of other meshes, you may want to delete them to reduce the poly count further. The boolean modifier may be able to help you, but I haven't tried
These are completely hollow, tiling braid "facades". They just look like a braid, without being anything more than a stylized tube. Available in 9 shapes (which are all pretty similar, more or less, but have different 'vibes', and one of them technically doesn't resemble a braid, but if you squint it looks close enough) and 3 polygon counts to hopefully fit in with your project.
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TOU: Same as my cc. Read it here. I obviously don't own this concept, so feel free to reverse engineer, make your own braid tiles, etc. Just don't use mine for anything commercial (using them in commissions is fine, just not paywalled final products!)
You will need to be using one of the newer versions of blender, I believe 2.8 and up. These were made in blender 3.6, so the files will not be compatible with old versions like 2.7x.
Quick start guide:
Open your hair wip's .blend
In object mode, 'Append' the 'BraidTile' object of your choice
Select 'BraidPath' and, in Edit mode, position it however you like
Additional info under the cut, because I tend to ramble, and these require a little bit of a primer before use, probably. Unless you for sure know what you're doing, in which case, feel free to just take these and run with them.
Before appending braids, you may want to open up the blender file and look at all the shapes, to decide which one you want to use.
When you first append your braid, or open the blend files, you may notice it does not look like the preview images above, and instead looks like a shiny pink slug. This is intentional! For previews and development work, I use @/simandy's base textures, but your hair will probably be using a different texture, so I have not included a texture at all.
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Simply switch the material of the 'BraidTile' to the same material your hair is using, and adjust the uv map accordingly. I'm going to assume if you are making hairs that you know how to do that, so it will not be explained here.
Once you have your braid appended, and have edited the UV Map of the 'BraidTile' piece to your liking, you can also try scaling the tile in the X, Y, and Z axes to change up the look a little. Make sure you select all of the vertices before scaling, to make sure it still tiles. This should be safe to do, and not mess up the tiling at all, but make sure you do it in Edit mode, not Object mode. (If you mistakenly do it in Object mode, you just have to press ctrl+A and select 'scale', and that should fix it)
When you have your braid adjusted, switch over to the 'BraidPath' object, and use edit mode to move the points around however you want. This is just like any other hair strand, if you're used to making hairs with paths and curves then this should already be familiar to you. All the same controls should work.
And, if you already have a curve in your hair that you'd like the braid to snap to instead, you can select the 'BraidTile' object, locate the curve modifier, and switch the curve object to any other curve in your .blend. You'll want to change the curve in the array modifier to the same one, most likely.
If you haven't used curves to make a hair before, here's a couple quick controls you might like to know:
ctrl+T will let you Twist the object around the selected point(s) alt+S will let you Scale the object around the selected point(s) selecting the first or last point of the 'BraidPath' and pressing E will Extrude a new point, making your braid longer
Remember to do all of your positioning on the 'BraidPath' object! You do not need to edit the 'BraidTile' at all once you've set up the UV map and adjusted the scale!
It should tile, twist, etc. with little issue, and should get longer or shorter according to the length of your curve with no issue. If it doesn't, make sure both the array and curve modifiers of your 'BraidTile' object are using the same curve. They should be using the 'BraidPath' object by default, but if you changed this manually, ensure that both modifiers match for best results.
Unless you know what you are doing, I do not recommend messing with any other settings in the modifiers, or adjusting the 'BraidTile' mesh in any way besides scaling the entire object at once. Otherwise you could end up with gaps and holes in your braid.
When you are done posing your braid, you can apply the modifiers to turn the whole thing into a regular mesh. I like to make a copy of my 'BraidTile' and 'BraidPath' first, just in case I want to go back and change the shape later. After converting it to a regular mesh, I'd recommend going in with proportional editing turned on and randomly scale and move a few of the pleats just a little, to make the braid look a little more organic. You can even add a couple strands to make it look messier, if you dont mind adding to your poly count even more. But this comes down to your preference and style. The braid below has had some half-assed editing done to demonstrate the concept. (Note: This is actually the low-poly version of this particular braid shape)
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Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how you want to blend the braid in with the rest of your hairstyle. I can't tell you how to do that, as it is ultimately going to come down to your own personal preference, workflow, and the hairstyle you are making.
How do I know if I should use Hi, Mid, or Lo poly?
This is largely due to personal preference, and how you're using the braids in your project. I have included the three different poly versions to try and be mindful of the overall poly count of your poor poor meshes, but even a lo-poly braid is going to add an easy couple thousand polygons to your project. Keep that in mind! If you plan on having a LOT of braids, something like this EA hairstyle, for example:
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You will probably want to follow their example and use a very simple mesh and just apply a braid texture instead of using these. EA's braids here appear to be a simple box shape painted to look like braids.
If you only plan on having one, maybe two braids in your entire project, especially if they are very large braids, then you might want to go with the hi-poly option. They're the smoothest, roundest choice.
If your braid has a very small diameter, you can probably get away with just using the lo-poly option, and save some polygons you won't need anyway.
The mid-poly version exists as a sort of happy medium. They aren't quite as pointy as some of the lo-poly shapes, and they won't inflate your poly count as much as the hi-poly models, so you may find you prefer them for your applications.
It's all very subjective.
I think that's pretty much everything I wanted to say. If you have specific questions, my inbox is open.
Keep in mind I am not very skilled in blender! There's probably some optimization that can be done if you know what you're doing, and I welcome you to tweak these meshes to your heart's content, if that's you! I made these for me, but I figure they could make someone else's life a little easier too, so here you go.
If you make anything using them you are welcome to tag me! If you don't end up making anything with these then I hope you at least have some fun playing with them!
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snickerdoodlles · 7 months
ooo kimchay au where kim starts falling behind in uni bc of idol related activities and gets paired with chay as his tutor?
oh man oh man oh man okay okay okay
the easy route here would be to make Kim and Chay the same age, but!! more fun to me is canon ages, more shenanigans SO
Kim is forcibly assigned a tutor
Kim Does Not Want A Tutor
he tries to run up the bureaucracy tree to find out who he has to bribe to get out of this. in true bureaucracy fashion, he can't get anywhere before the day of his first tutor assignment rolls around.
Kim gets to his stupid tutoring trying to find the stupid email for this stupid assignment--
Kim looks up to. the cutest boy he has ever seen in his life.
and. he still has to get to stupid tutoring. when the cutest boy he's ever seen in his LIFE is telling him how much he admires Wik and gushing about Kim's latest song.
(life is UNFAIR)
moving stuff along: Chay and Kim walk up to the tutoring office or whatever i'm making up for their school, lah lah lah, flirting flirting flirting, etc etc etc;
front desk person: your tutor is 'Porchay Pichaya'
Chay: i'm a WHAT
so there was a system fuck up and Chay and Kim got paired together instead of both of them getting assigned to the right tutors. WhoopsTM
there's several reasons for why Kim could stay at this thing with Chay (might as well since he still has to do the assignment, Chay offers to tutor him anyways then panics when he realizes he has nothing to tutor Kim on, Kim has a spine of wet tissue when it comes to denying his crush on Chay, etc)
and there's several reasons for why they can stay doing this even tho Kim is really busy and does need help with his course load (he gets a study buddy with Chay and it is actually helpful in unexpected ways, maybe tutoring Chay fills a different set of units so he can drop a course to free up some time, Kim has a spine of wet tissue when it comes to denying his crush on Chay, etc)
lots of options, I love them all, but most importantly:
Kim and Chay flirting hanging out until tutoring becomes "tutoring" and they're making out on the desks and against the bookshelves and Kim has to spend an extra semester in uni making up some units he had to drop to better balance uni, idol activities, and new boyfriend
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redroyalblues · 11 months
deleted/full red white and royal blue scenes we know exist somewhere and that have yet to be released
cornetto scene (promo images)
campfire scene (speech montage/promo images)
kensington breakfast (trailer)
kiss against the tree (speech montage)
paris morning after (bloopers)
extended paris lovemaking scene [if i had to guess, we’ll never see the whole thing, but it does exist] (test screenings)
thanksgiving/alternate ending (set pics/test screenings)
extended polo scene with bea and pez (promo images, ml confirmation)
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djsadbean · 2 months
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also! i forgot to upload these from my latest video :3c
HAVE FUN 🌈💖📖 (pls credit if you use these)
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tevintersoldier · 27 days
when one of the best and most unique fics you've read in ages is from an orphaned account😭😭 pls i just want to read all their other work i'm sure there's more😭
the fic is by the still waters, and it's a dragon age fenhawke fic. the story is that hawke stayed behind in the fade in the inquisition quest, and when fenris found out he went all the way to skyhold to find a way to get him back. inquisitor (lavellan) could and would not help, but she knew merrill from back in the day, and told him she could probably do something. so together with varric they go all the way back to kirkwall, and with merrill's help they find a way to get into the fade. they encounter solas in the fade, and their quest continues. lots of demon fighting and so much LORE. i won't spoil everything so just..... just read it, it was so good🥺
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ilostyou · 5 months
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chrollogy · 4 months
Please recommend us some fics from other authors
hi nonnie!! thanks for dropping by my ask :> not too sure if you’re after a specific fandom but since i’ve been reading from genshin & haikyuu lately, i’m more than happy to recommend fics from those fandoms!!
genshin impact
the laws regarding attraction (pas de deux) by euniveve on ao3 (neuvillette x f!reader; series, angst, slow burn, arranged marriage, one-sided pining)
notes: everything about this series is perfect!!! the angst the pining AAAAA it made me feel so so much things for neuvi :( <3 series is currently on hold but do give it a read!!!
doctor’s orders by joonie-beanie (wriothesley x f!reader; explicit smut)
wicked dragon, lay waste to me by silkjade (neuvillette x afab!reader; explicit smut)
an encore of betrayal by vivalabunbun (neuvillette x f!reader; historical au, reincarnation au, slow burn, angst, smut)
encumbrance by pantslesspanic on ao3 (kuroo, hinata, atsumu, kageyama, sakusa, bokuto, iwaizumi, oikawa, suna, daishou x f!reader; series, japanese men’s national volleyball team, tokyo 2020 summer olympics, multiple pairings, slow burn, smut)
notes: THIS was the fic making me squeal about bokuto yesterday LMAOOO it’s soooo amazing <3 it’s still on going but already has 9 chapters :>
an observer of longing by tsumoo on ao3 (iwaizumi x f!reader; friends to lovers, angst, mutual pining, smut)
notes: this one made me feel so much emotions AAAAAAA i am in love w author’s writing
tag, ur it! by hqbaby (sakusa, osamu, iwaizumi x f!reader; series, college au, slow burn, smut)
my time is important by yenonnoff (iwaizumi x gn!reader; mini smau series, college au, crack, friends to lovers, fluff)
my love mix up by boyfhees (iwaizumi x reader; school au, fluff, humour, minor angst)
kiss me maybe by mysterystarz (oikawa x gn!reader; college au, friends to lovers, fluff, angst)
second best by cr4yolaas (iwaizumi x reader; two-part series, fluff, angst, losing feelings, timeskip)
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thatdemiboymess · 9 days
Reasons that I, personally, just really dislike Taylor Swift:
She's carbon emission queen of the world and decided to send a cease-and-desist to and then even attempted to sue the student who revealed as such despite the fact that the information used to do so is public information. Truly, I could simply just call it there and not go further, but I will.
Her ideas of feminism are vapid and very white privilege centric-
Which ties heavily into her casual fatphobia and also her ableism/saneism (intentional or otherwise)-
And her continued cultural appropriation which even goes on into downright romanticization of white euro-centric colonization in some of her songs/music videos.
She also sells herself as an underdog despite the fact that she just never was one. Both of her parents were and still are well off - her father comes from three generations of bank presidents and her mother works in finance - and truly they put as much of that money as they could towards Taylor's dream. Her parents literally flew her near daily to expensive voice training and singing lessons, karaoke competitions, and more, from as young as age 10, and even bought her a new convertible Lexus for her 16th birthday. So her selling herself as an underdog just feels ingenuine and the fact that she doesn't acknowledge that she isn't an underdog and actually comes from a place of privilege irks me, greatly, and adds to the general feeling of her being an ingenuine person.
And she drags other artists down - even going so far as to release 34 versions of the same album with many regional variations in a bid to remain at the top of the charts when artist Charli XCX, with her album Brat, artist Jon Bovi, and artist Chappell Roan, with her album Midwest Princess, took the top spots on the charts. Taylor and Charli XCX may not have beef with each other but this move was still incredibly greedy and pathetic, in my opinion, and adds to my dislike of her as an artist and a person, personally.
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phier · 2 months
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Swiss Spring Scenery Studies
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