#delgado fanfic
fangbangerghoul · 9 months
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Comrade Coe's Spouses Discord
I host a Sam Coe Discord that is a lovely hub for creatives in the Starfield fandom! It consists of mostly Coemancers but we do have our little spot for the Crimson Fleet lovers as well!
21+, full of nerds, and we host lovely fandom events!
There are tons of game shots, fanfics, fanart, and shared head cannons that are within the server created by lovely, friendly members!
We help each other brainstorm and create along with sharing our passion with the game and our own creative passions!
If you are interested in joining comment below! Must be 21+, have a discord account, and adhere to the server rules!
Gif and banner made by members in the server!
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toxiclizardwrites · 9 months
Snippet Sunday
This is from Part 2 of The Key - a fic that was supposed to be a one-off. AO3 link to Part 1.
We passed the cigarette back and forth until it burned down to nothing. Delgado tossed it onto the floor and smudged it out with the heel of his foot.
“Doesn't that hurt?” I asked, looking at the black ash left behind on his foot. He laughed.
“Not one bit.” He laid back on the bed, his head hitting the pillow. He lifted his arms and put his palms behind his head. His black and grey chest hair glistened in the dull light from sweat. I followed the trail of hair with my eyes down to his stomach, then beyond. He caught me looking.
“Admiring the view?” He shifted his hips slightly. I quickly moved my eyes to his face, resting on his satisfied grin and his dark eyes.
“It's a view I never thought I'd have,” I moved a hand to rest on his chest, my fingers grasping at his bicep.
He turned his head to look at me, his grin widening. “So tell me what you see that you like,”
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bearlytolerant · 11 months
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Fandom: Starfield
Rating: E
Pairing: Delgado x OC
Chapter 2 Excerpt
Delgado needs the Legacy like he needs air. When he indulges himself in the pirate captain Verity Blanche’s loathsome little game of give and take, he finds that it might just be worth it if he can achieve his dream through her.
“Better put that scarf over your mouth,” Verity says as she pulls her own out, covering everything but her silver snake eyes.
He selects four of his crew mates to take with him. Ripley, who makes up for his lack of personality with a hell of a sniping skill. Murdock, a stealth scoundrel who is quirky but loyal. Ness, who is a little trigger happy but avoids the friendly fire, and on the occasion that she doesn’t, it’s usually the weakest link anyway. Last but not least is Maeble. A bounty hunter turned pirate. They can crush just about anything with their fists but their knack for tracking always sets Delgado’s mind at ease in case anyone were to get lost.
They suit up and follow his lead, leaving the other half of the crew to man the ship in his absence.
The landing ramp lowers and dust swirls, wind skinning and scraping their face with heat and sand. Verity stretches out her gloved hand and Del instinctively grasps it. She’s not going to leave him behind in this fucking storm. But he doesn’t take the hands of his crew. They are on their own.
The visibility is terrible. Even while holding Verity’s hand, he can barely make out the edge of her boot.
“How far?” He shouts at Verity.
“Not far!”
They trudge through the sand and storm, the monotony of pushing against the elements starting to wear on him. Of all the locations on this planet for her to settle down, she picked the fucking desert. Though, he supposes, the options on Strix I are limited. Either freeze your cajones off in the mountains or roast them down in the desert.
“Ey, boss! We got something on the scanners!”
Del exchanges Verity’s hand for his gun. “Alright everybody, stay close! Eyes sharp! Be ready for anything!”
He hopes his crew can hear him over the roar of the rising winds. The storm is picking up quick and they need to pick up the pace. A strange hiss and smack filters through the din of the storm and Delgado whips his head to the left, eyes scrutinizing the layered haze.
“Fuck, watch out for the arachnoflies. They come up on you fast! And their bite stings like a bitch!” Verity shouts as she backs up against him.
The others gather in a similar fashion, pairing up back to back.
The insects swarm them from all sides. Ranging from large to massive. Not a single one is squishable like the occasional heatleech that slips onto his ship.
He loads a round of bullets into the first set. One crawls right up on him, its iridescent fly eyes inches from his face. He yanks the knife from his belt. With a heavy handed jab, the arachnofly shrieks, its spider-like legs flailing as it reels up. Stabbing and twisting his blade into it again and again, it stills. But the next one crawls over its body, larger and baring its fangs.
“Del, look out!” Verity tugs him out of the way as the arachnofly snaps at the air.
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dreamsinmoonlight · 3 months
From Eden
(This. Would. Not. Go. Away. I had this pop up in my head while on a bus and then it kept bugging me until I wrote it so here it is.
It is a very weird fanfic I feel but it's for us Master fans and we're weird and they're weird so makes sense. It is not for one Master in particular; it is for the seven most notable ones, as noted in the notes. I apologize if you wanted more of one particular Master, I do want to make proper ones later but this needed to be the whole group of them.
This whole thing is set to "From Eden" by Hoizer, specifically the Mahogany Session version; I recommend listening to that song while reading this
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Master (Delgado, Crispy, Ainley, Jacobi/War, Simm, Missy, Dhawan), Reader (Time Lord)
Pairing: Master x Reader
Genre: Romance
Summary: It's a dance, through time, through space, through victories and through defeats. There is so few constants in the universe but you are his.)
It started at one.
He smiled at you in that charming, hypnotic way of his and you felt as if you could trust him to the ends of the universe. You knew deep in your bones that you would and as he offered his hand to you, you took it without a second of hesitation. Those burning eyes of his were upon you and only you; the music played around you and the Tardis hummed along but he seemed only interested in you.
You were his companion, the one and only. There were many for that other bleeding heart, the one who stood against him, the one who kept getting in the way, but you were a singular point and impossible to imitate, if your favorite danger was to be believed. You'd met him more than once, both monster and savior, and you found the man with the suave way of trying to bring upon domination far more interesting.
His smile, his voice, the way he held your hands in his as he danced with you, feeling his touch despite his gloves; his movements were playful but in every step graceful and calculated. There was control to it, to everything he did, and you could not help but trust him to take control, to be in command. Though you knew that the end result could only be trouble. At least you'd face it together.
It went to two.
He was broken, burnt, hurting. And there was a desperation that oozed from each and every pore of a dying body. Regeneration, revenge, survival, destruction, you understood and you followed along still.
But even death had time for a dance. His movements were far more sluggish and stiff, a body that could not move as well, as fast, as easily. But you saw still in his eyes the soul of the man you loved, the spirit of one who could not, would not, be held back by anything, not by imprisonment, not by defeat and surely not by something by as silly and unimportant as death.
The world around you was silent and hurting but you knew all the best ways to make music nevertheless. Though neither of you truly needed it when you were the ones doing it; his body might not be willing to do much but you didn't for a second doubt that he could handle any of this. There was nothing that a monster in the dark couldn't do if he truly tried, if he believed, if he persevered. And this monster certainly would continue on. A new life was not so far away you were sure and though some part of you felt sorry for the one who would be losing out, you really only cared as long as it meant that he would be able to smile and be who he always had been before.
The third lasted.
There was something wild in his eyes and you were uncertain whether to blame the planet you both barely survived escaping. There had always been something in his eyes, an edge of madness, a portion of danger that made your hearts beat all the faster because how you could not be allured by the subtleness in his smile.
But feral was never something you attributed to him before and it made this dance all the stranger and exciting. His hands held you like vices, he pulled you close and in that smile were sharp fangs ready to tear flesh and eat you alive. Yet not a drop of fear beat through your body and you held onto him as he led the dangerous movements of this dance, still controlled and elegant in some far more aggressive way.
He may never be the same, you thought to yourself as you noted the gold to his eyes, and he would never be himself again. He'd been changed in dangerous ways and it was a question not a guarantee that regeneration was coming if he faced it.
But death was ever just a small thing and temporary to him. In those bones that knew that you'd always trusted him, too was the knowledge that it didn't much better to you what changes came.
You smiled and followed him through every step of the dance, holding ever tight to him without fear.
Four came with tragedy.
The universe was burning and it wasn't his fault. The universe was dying and he wasn't the cause. These were strange things to think, to feel, and pain and fear finally found it's way not just into you but into him as well. And it colored those eyes in ways you never imagined.
This could be your last dance together and you both knew it so you were going to make it a good one. The song was the same as it had been at every other junction but it burned into your skin as he held you with a desperation that made you hurt so much.
None of this was your fault; if anyone it was theirs, those monsters who called him a monster, those beasts of stagnation that saw the universe as their toys and as worthless all at the same time. It was that bleeding heart who couldn't bring himself to do what was necessary even if it saved them a lot of heartache.
And now you'd lose your favorite and he'd lose you. But not a word of this passed either lips, held back by the taboo of weakness but you needed no audible words, not when you knew each other as well as you did.
He tried for elegance, as he had done for countless lives, but the wish not to let this actually end turned a waltz into something endless. Every time it could come to the last second he winced and forced the song to start again and you resisted the urge to rest your head against his chest. Because you already could hear his hearts breaking perfectly fine as you were, knowing this couldn't go on. It would end.
It revived in five.
An eternity came and went, in it's wake pain and loss. But fate couldn't keep you apart and you remembered the way the strange desperation in his eyes turned to relief as he forced his way into the hideway on the edge of nowhere you'd locked yourself away in. And though you had not recognized him at first, the way he pressed the pocket watch into your hands and made you open it, the way you felt everything you were meant to be return and the way you immediately realized who he was, who he had always been and always be.
Your mad feral monster and when you spoke his name he smiled with everything he had before doing as you always did, always would. He scooped you up and danced with you, he laughed and told you of what you missed, of the bleeding hearts' acts and his own and what chaos and death and suffering he had wrought. Of the pretty blonde woman he had seduced but oh, never fret, never fear, though he'd truly felt something deep in those broken hearts of his, you were still the one and only true companion to the monster. Proven right by betrayal, by pain and suffering, and he'd nearly burnt himself to death again but he'd won and he'd stolen what he needed from those who hurt him, had always hurt him. And then he came for you. Because you, you were the one good constant in his chaotic vicious cruel existence, and he wanted nothing more than to have you dancing with him once more, loving him despite every act he wrought upon the universe. And this made you feel so loved you forgot about eternity.
Six changed the dance.
She was beautiful, like a rose covered in thorns, like a drop of honey full of poison, like death itself. She smiled and she laughed and she danced about, the skirts of her dress twirling as she did so, her hair a controlled mess upon her head, her eyes glittering with the essence of true madness. And you wanted so bad to press your lips to hers because how could you, the monster's companion, ever, ever resist such a beautiful sight.
Her hand reached out to take yours and you held tight, drawing close and smiling warm as the sun to her ad you joined her. The world was in a tizzy, it always was though whenever she choose to make herself known, and the bleeding hearts would find his way there in no time but there was always time enough for a dance. You two had learned that so long ago that it was less a thought as it was an existence.
Yet something in your hearts told you that things were different, because she didn't seem as keen on the destruction as she was on seeing that troublemaker who always got in her way. Because there was a gentleness you couldn't explain or expect but who were you to ever deny your beloved monster the shards of goodness still left embedded in hearts broken over and over more?
She died. He woke up. And it seemed like everything had returned to the norm. But there was a childishness and playfulness and giddiness that you knew meant only trouble for the rest of the universe. The bleeding hearts had proven not enough, or maybe the monster had been lacking, but you were biased and you knew this to your core.
He took you by the hand and the song continued to be the same as it had been when he'd been elegant and when he'd been broken.
When he'd been feral and when he'd been afraid.
When he found you again and when she had been almost good.
And in this dance you found all of them, mixed and swirling, and in every way him and every way not. His eyes still burned but they burned in ways different than ever before; he laughed and it was cracks and edges. He schemed and he hoped and he acted and he hurt and killed and destroyed and this time it was his fault, every step of the way. He was the same, he was different, he was himself, he was not.
But still you smiled back at him and you reflected back all the ways you'd changed too, every day you'd spent with him, every time you'd found each other, lost each other, fought the bleeding hearts and every other force against you. And every time you danced.
Still you found, as the music continued, as he held you close, as he smiled and he whispered all his plans, as he tickled your ear with his voice, that one thing had not changed:
You still trusted him to the ends of the universe.
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how-masterful · 1 year
Missy X Reader, Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: It's a late night after an eventful day, and in your exhaustion you muse about the Master and his chaos. But the chaos is seemingly just beginning. Notes: Here we are! The fourth annual birthday fic in a row for @plethora-of-imagines! And my first fic in a while! It's been both fun and frustrating getting back into writing, but i'm pretty happy with how this turned out- and where i'm planning for it to go! Don't worry plethora, you'll get your joust soon! Enjoy! (Also reader note, there's mention of Delgado!Master X Reader in here too, just in case that's not your thing!)
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To finally rest your head upon a pillow was bliss. The aches and pains of the day that held tight within your bones seemed to melt into the plush duvet, dispersing from your body and leaving you nothing more than an exhausted husk. Today, as ever, had been far more eventful than any plan the Master's brain (or brains? You still weren't so sure about that one) could create. 
It seemed these days, even the simplest of visits would end in a universe threatening scenario- whether it was indeed the Master threatening the universe himself was often a flip of a coin. Chaos trailed behind the Master like a shadow, a tangible shred in the fabric of the universe. No matter his reason for visiting, whatever planet he dared to step his foot onto could never be left in the same state. His compulsion for chaos prevented it. He left destruction like footprints in the sand.
You adored it. You adored him. But some days the chaos felt just that- chaos. A heavy weight that made you crave nothing more than a good night's rest.
You sighed deep into your pillow, turning onto your side as you let out a hefty sigh. Even today, what had started as a simple visit to a museum had ended with utter destruction and you being banished from a whole subsection of space. The Master had, perhaps overnight, developed a strong passion for the correct and morally appropriate relocation of artifacts to their home planets, instead of keeping them in museums on the opposite side of space. From memory, you recalled musing about how strange this new desire was, how… benevolent. The shelves in his own office were crammed and sagging in the middle from the weight of all his stolen keepsakes. Since when was he so bothered about things being where they belonged?
Then you noticed the dangerous twinkle in his eye, his hand stretching outwards to grasp hold of your own, his electrifying touch leading you down the exhibition hall and towards the large glass cabinet housing a weapon of, when put bluntly, targeted mass destruction on a single planetary scale. 
The Master's moral mission to return the artifact had been nothing more than a vehicle for destruction-the weapon was specially designed to implode the planet the moment it made contact with its unique outer crust, which was why the museum across the stars kept it in the first place. To prevent destruction. To show the universe such chaos must be prevented. Be contained. But with the shatter of glass, and a dastardly smile, the Master had taken it into his hands to wipe that planet from the map. 
“That's what they get for working with the Grand Serpent.”
He’d grinned, watching the fire from the safety of his TARDIS, one hand upon your thigh, another bringing his teacup to his lips. He’d never been fond of that slimy old copycat. You’d smiled and sipped from your own cup in return, the curl of smoke in your nostrils a familiar and oddly comforting smell. 
Your eyes fluttered shut, the darkness of your own head far more comforting than the darkness of the room. Sleep had begun to sink deep within your limbs, a welcomed relaxation as opposed to your mental debate.
The chaos, as he’d once said, was a wonderful thing. It was routine yet also unique, that strange unicorn of a lifestyle that tinged the edges of everything you knew. Chaos brewed itself in the smallest of fashions and grandest of scales. Cushions that didn’t match, eclectic mugs that filled up the cabinets, mountains of books yanked from the library and piled in precarious structures, minefields of abandoned and temperamental experimental devices that could go off at any moment scattered around the various labs in the TARDIS.
But it shone deep from within the Master's eyes, his deep browns a perilous vortex you could find yourself falling into at a moment's notice, never wishing to crawl free of him. He was a harbinger of chaos, a walking weapon of catastrophe, anarchy at his fingertips. He could send your body and soul into a frenzy as easy as destroying a dynasty. You could never want him any less.
Sometimes, however, it all became too much to handle. You needed much more rest than the Timelord could bring himself to want, need or take with the amount of adrenaline running through his system. With a kiss to your forehead, a promise to return, and a request to take full advantage of the luxuriously comfy hotel bed, the Master had returned to the labyrinth you’d lovingly called ‘The Timeline Club’- once more meeting with his former self to discuss new business. Business it was essential they’d both be able to remember.
The other Master had started to become a more prevalent part of your existence, arriving to join your plans on occasion, arriving to join your more personal excursions even more. The Master, your Master, with his wide smile and eyes that could soften to a dangerously innocent doe eyed look, had taken such pride in how willing you were to get to know his former self… intimately. A boost to the ego that could never be matched: No matter what body he was in, it seemed you were destined to find it ridiculously attractive- and you weren’t inclined to argue with his hypothesis, considering the other Masters' visits often ended in you providing damning evidence.
The long curtains that hung beside the wide window began to softly sway, caught in a gentle breeze as your brain began to slow, allowing your thoughts to soften. You’d once suggested to your Master, well, Masters now, that you'd felt an ‘off’ button to your brain would be far more effective in getting the amount of sleep you needed when running on such a tight schedule. Your younger Master (definitely younger, despite looking like he should have been the older Master- much like the brains, it was awfully confusing) had a penchant for that sort of thing, his words were able to guide you to such a wonderful rest in less than a minute. Hard as you tried, no sleep you could muster on your own had yet compared to his.
Making a space for him had been almost as easy as breathing. He was so different to your Master, so refined and stoic, yet the hold he had upon you was exactly the same. Your apprehension upon your first meeting had disappeared with the same ease that your mind had now disappeared into a needed slumber. 
That was, until, you heard it. Your eyes barely cracked open at the familiar groan. The groan of the TARDIS, wheezing and phasing into existence. The breeze upon the curtains had swelled into a storm, the fabric billowing as the furniture began to lightly rattle, the cool wind snatching away the warmth of sleep you’d worked so hard to find. 
You sat up slowly in bed, pushing the covers back with balled fists as the TARDIS finally materialized upon the far wall of the hotel room, taking the shape of an elaborate wardrobe, swirling carvings of hissing snakes deep within the mahogany wood.
“Master,” you groaned, rubbing your eyes. “You said you’d be hours, I've only just got in bed.”
The door to the wardrobe swung open, light piercing through the gap and bathing the room in a fierce purple glow. You squinted hard, your eyebrows furrowing. The Master's tardis had a red console unit light.
“Did you change the console room again?” You mumbled, rolling your shoulders. The ache from earlier in the day had finally returned to your joints.
There came no reply from within. Except for the slow click of high heels upon metal inching closer and closer.
“Not quite.”
A figure emerged, bathed in shadow, breaking the glow of the TARDIS with her silhouette. Her voice, a Scottish lilt, made your eyes snap wide open.
“But you’re not far off.”
The other wardrobe door opened, and the figure stepped out of the TARDIS and into the light. Her long brown hair was fashioned into a messy updo of curls, her piercing eyes precisely lined with deep black liner. A pale broach sat perfectly within her white collar upon her throat, her long purple skirt covered by a matching purple jacket, the tops of her sleeves puffing out like a victorian. She smiled darkly with her red rouged lips, brandishing a slender black umbrella in one hand, its metal tip digging into the carpet.
“My my, what big eyes you have.” She teased, stepping closer in her black leather heels.
“All the better to gawk and say ‘what the hell is going on?’ without actually saying anything.”
You inched back slowly, hand carefully creeping towards your phone on the nightstand. The intruder's gaze caught you immediately. She tutted lightly, before raising the umbrella in her grasp and aiming it at your phone. With a loud hiss, the phone jumped from the table and clattered to the floor, an involuntary yelp escaping you.
“That’ll do you no good, dearie.” She teased, shaking her head.
“There's no use calling him, there's no danger. He wouldn’t be so self sabotaging. I should know.”
“Who are you?” You snapped.
The intruder giggled, raising her free hand teasingly to her lips.
“Oh, he hasn’t told you? Typical men, always wanting to keep their shiny things to themselves. Such a boys club, isn’t it?”
“Answer the question.”
“I am!” The intruder replied, gesturing exasperatedly.
“No, you’re really not.”
“Uh, I really am. I’m providing indirect answers through context clues masked with sarcastic commentary! C’mon poppet, you’re letting the side down here.”
You pressed your lips together in a tight line, narrowing your gaze towards the strange woman.
The intruder sighed dramatically, placing her hands on her hips.
“Wow. He really didn’t tell you who I am? I’m offended. Seriously, totally offended. You’d think after promising to let you meet me A YEAR AGO he’d fill you in on the deetz- but no, you’ve been running around making whoopee with the silver fox for months, far too distracted to come and visit little old me!”
You opened your mouth to ask more questions, when memory got to you first. It was a partial haze, the image muddied by alcohol and exhilaration, yet you could still make out the shapes. One year ago you’d visited the Timeline Club for the first time- a year ago, you’d met your other Master for the first time. After your… antics… the Master, your Master, had carried you out and mentioned something about-
“Workshopping…” You said aloud. The intruder tilted her head like a curious cat.
“He’d said he’d be workshopping it… he said I needed to meet…”
The intruder stepped forward, reaching the edge of the bed and smirking expectantly. You looked up, awe slowly spreading across your features. You gasped softly, the tension falling from your shoulders.
“You’re… Missy?”
The Timelady hummed in approval, her hand reaching to cup your chin with her fingertips, lifting your face to meet her gaze.
“That’s Mistress to you right now, pet. We’re still getting to know each other.”
You gaped up at her, unable to pull your eyes away. You could see it within her eyes, that familiar twinkle of danger. It was the same one you saw in your Master's eyes.
“Now come along, we’ve much bonding to do, so little time.”
Missy preened, bringing her face closer to your own, leaning across the edge of the bed.
“I’ve been so looking forward to getting my hands on you, poppet. Those boys have been keeping too short a leash on you.”
The Mistress chuckled, booping the end of your nose with her fingertip.
“Now it’s my turn to have some fun.”
Missy grinned down at you. And in that smile, you saw the familiar storm of chaos.
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atonalginger · 1 day
I'm Your Huckleberry
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Howdy y'all! Today the first two (2) chapters of I'm Your Huckleberry went live on ao3! This is that story revolving around the big west west party I've been working on off and on since April. It would have been done sooner but we can all thank heath issues for that.
The story is rated Mature and will be 14 chapters. Contains explicit language and themes of past abuse and neglect for several adult characters.
As The Liberated's survey of Cassiopeia I draws to a close focus shifts to planning young Sophie's 7th birthday party. The birthday girl's request is a big one but nothing Delgado and the team can't handle. Everything feels smooth sailing with Doc Melody's help until specters start casting shadows on the Ranch. Will Del and Doc be able to shake off the weight of their pasts before the party? Or will trouble rain of the joyous day?
The first two chapters are on ao3 and you can quickly get there by clicking HERE!
And as always, a snippet from the first chapter under a read more:
“How did you…” he stopped next to her and joined in looking around, his voice more calm, “Did you find any better spots?”
“Yeah, three or four,” she sighed, “I still can’t believe I let you two talk me into this.”
“Oh, come on, the arrangement is perfect for you,” Del clapped her back and ignored the unseen glare under her helmet, “enemy of my enemy and all that shit. Plus how many old Earth artifacts have the Liberated gifted to Constellation since we started.”
“Just get moving, the girls and Rafa await your return.”
He turned and watched as Rokov, Jazz, and the others hustled off the beach, A few bags and small cases left up on the rocks in order to travel light. He gave Jay’s shoulder another couple pats and said in a softer tone, “thank you for the assist.”
“I’m sure you did have it covered,” she looked down her barrel and took a shot off to the north, the explosion causing several walking flowers to scatter, “but better safe than sorry.”
“And you wearing your getup?” he asked as they started moving for the ships.
“Aw, come on,” she playfully pushed him, “you telling me you never wanted to work with a superhero before?”
Delgado heard Jazz snort a laugh before turning on her heel and backpedaling with the group, “I’m still curious to see the superhero in action. The way Cora has talked you up I half expect you to fly off into the sunset with a green cape billowing in the wind.”
“She has a…vivid imagination,” Jay said with the shake of her head.
Something about the good doctor’s tone made Del perk up. She was holding something back there. But that was silly, Jay was just an adventurous anthropologist who got a lucky score with finding that abandoned lair. Yet she was also deceptively strong and both her and her twin were eerily perceptive in a firefight. He’d seen them call shots impossible to see and twice now his crew reported seeing her survive grenade blasts that would have ripped anyone else apart. “It was like her suit was made of fucking stone,” Seumas had said about it after their run-in with spacers on the northern pole.
“Vivid nothing,” Seumas chimed in now, “I’ve seen that suit of your shimmer.”
“Trick of the light,” Jay waved off with a chuckle, “the firefight had knocked up snow and the lights around that landing pad bounced off the ice particles.”
“Bullshit,” Seumas pointed at her, “I don’t know did do it but I know that’s bullshit.”
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greenmoons · 3 months
Power rangers writing prompts
I decided to do a post to ideas and prompts I have or recieved of Power Rangers, so people might decide to write them. Feel free to use them. It would be nice to get credit or message if you do use them but it's not necessary. If you have other ideas write me in the comments or in a message and I might add them to this list.
Some of the ideas are solid and some are very general.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:
Tommy Oliver struggling in school (can also be written as ADHD or learning disability character)
Autisic Billy Cranston
Civilians figuring out the rangers identities because they always stay to fight against the putties even without morphing.
2X08, the tape recorded the rangers morph and their identities revealed (by the news company or because Bulk and Skull screen it to everyone before the rangers were able to stop them)
2X09: Rocky, Adam and Aisha are coming to Angel Grove to the Broomball Tournament.
Sylvia, Kelly, Jeremy, Curtis finding out their cousins are power rangers.
There are many episodes with a child who hang out with the rangers so write fanfics from their point of view about the rangers, maybe what would have happened if they figured out their identities or what happened to them in the future because they appeared only once (Maria, Willy, Sylvia, Kelly, Jeremy, Cameron, Roger, Hallie)
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy:
Cassie became the pink ranger after Kendrix's death
Power Rangers Dino Thunder:
Rewrite of the season with Kat as Tommy's wife/girlfriend and the pink dino thunder ranger
Power Rangers SPD:
Sky, Bridge and Syd as red, blue and green, and starting as a team of three.
Cruger thoughts on why not giving Sky the red suit.
Z growing up in the streets.
Jack and Z first meeting.
Autistic Bridge Carson. Fic 1.
Cruger finding someone to take care of Z, Jack and Sam instead of letting them be alone in the streets.
Jack and Z experiences in the streets.
The rangers are doing Jack a birthday party since he never had one before.
E14: Bridge tries to read S.O.P.I.E's aura and figuring out she is a cyborg.
E17: Bridge reads Sky's aura and find out the alien switched bodies with him.
Sky handles differently with the whole Mirloc situation.
E30: Bridge thoughts after he got kidnapped.
E31: SPD calls Tommy Oliver of the future for help after the Dino Thunder rangers appeared.
Post series: Jack Landors/Ally Samuels
The other rangers team come to help defeat gruumm.
Z and Syd also got promotion in the colors.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury:
RJ journey to find in himself the wolf spirit and how he became a master.
Why RJ openned a pizza parlour.
Dominic journey when he was alone.
Power Rangers Samurai:
Lauren is the leader of the team instead of Jayden
Serena a ranger instead of Emily
Terry a ranger instead of Mia
General (comics related stuff, crossovers and dynamics between characters from different seasons):
The morphin grid bless the rangers and help them to succeed in life after they finished being rangers
One of the rangers get hurt badly.
The rangers deals with chronic pains from injuries they got in duties.
Power Rangers Mighty Morphin X Power Rangers SPD:
Billy Cranston and Bridge Carson meet and being autistic together. (Ideas for the meeting: Bridge will go to a mission in Aquitar and meet Billy there. Billy is on earth and SPD asking him for help in some tech. Billy meet younger Bridge before he is a ranger because he came to an internship in his company.)
Power rangers overdrive X Mighty Morphin the return:
Thrax and Selena meet
Thrax and Selena grow up as siblings
Kira and Adam talks more about Tommy
Power Rangers SPD X Soul of the Dragon:
Conner, Ethan and Kira meeting Dr. Oliver in the future
Conner, Ethan and Kira meeting JJ Oliver
JJ Oliver is part of the plot of the season (maybe in D-squad or E-squad)
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lostbutterflyutau · 3 months
Matters of Care (Part 1/9)
Fandom: Elena of Avalor
Ships: Gabe/Carla with background Elena/Mateo
Characters: Carla, Mateo, Rafa, Gabe, Elena, Naomi
Rating: T
Genre: Mostly gen/sickfic with bits of romance
Summary: When BOTH Carla and Mateo fall ill during the preparations for a diplomatic visit (and while the rest of the royal family is gone!), Elena calls in Mateo's mother to help. Unfortunately for Rafa, Carla isn't an easy patient. But with time, persistence and her motherly instincts, Rafa is sure she can get Carla to come around.
Notes: After a lot of thinking, I've decided to give posting this a go! Note that because this was a story started nearly three years ago, it does have a touch of Gabe/Carla romance. This does not mean I will go back to writing them. Or that I even like them together anymore. It just means I didn't feel like re-writing the whole story to cut these elements out. Also, BIG thank you to @dittomander for being the first audience member for this fic and the one who encouraged me to finish it after three years.
Link: AO3
*The fic is finished and I plan to update weekly. Unless I don't receive any feedback within the week.**
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SPD OT5 playlist!
This one's a little different: because there's not just one one-shot for them and instead a sort of miniseries within the big series, I decided to just put together all the songs for their fics in one place. It ended up being not that much longer than the other playlists because I can't find my notes for the original SPD fic, so I just have the songs I literally indicated in the fics themselves, plus one or two additions that fit the VibesTM.
Anyway, say hi to the SPD OT5, who just like Jayden/Antonio, you cannot convince me wasn't canon in the original story. Like, have you SEEN the SWAT arc? The sleepovers? The fact that the entire series' backbone is their growing relationship with each other? S.P.D. more than any other series feels like a story about the relationship of the team, the underdogs against the world, and clearly that bled into my inspiration at the time as S.P.D. got like eleven fics and 42k+ words total? INCLUDING a couple of spin-offs involving their daughter and Dani Rocca (Chip/Xander/Vida's daughter) joining the team?
Anyway, I'm going to link the miniseries here instead of the one-shot fic for those exact reasons.
@skyland2703 @madhare0512 @khruschevshoe @liveinalovelyway @disastardly @augment-techs @our-raven-strife-universe @infinitysgrace @estel-eruantien
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silurisanguine · 6 months
Sunday Snippet
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Tagging the Coemancer Crew as always, @vorchagirl @despicablediet plus anyone else who'd like to share a snippet from their latest WIP. No pressure! This is a rough from a future chapter of Chasing Your Star Until I Reach Home.
As they hurried back to the Cora's Revenge, Seren almost skidded to a halt when she caught sight of two people she'd hoped to avoid when coming to this place. Delgado and Naeva talking to each other casually, obviously waiting for Sam to return to his ship. Seren bristled under her armour but stayed silent, hoping Sam would be able to talk his way off the station without causing a scene. Though it was very clear to her he wasn't happy either, the fact he still had his rifle unholstered was testament to that. She doubted he would openly attack Delgado...Naeva on the other hand... Delgado was the first to notice them both and made eye contact with Sam, crossing his arms and glaring.
”I thought I told you it was best you stay off the station for the time being?” Delgado looked the same as he did in Seren’s universe, though if anything the circles under his eyes were more obvious. Seemed the weight of leading a strange rebellion with less than enthusiastic soldiers was wearing at him.
"Just picking up some supplies Del, then I'll be out of your hair.” Sam sounded cheerful, but he still hadn't holstered his rifle from before when he stood in front of them both. Mainly because Naeva hadn't taken her eyes off Seren and was staring daggers at her, whilst twirling a very real dagger in her hands. Delgado's second stepped forward jabbing the dagger like a finger at Seren, who remained calm even as she clenched her fist ready to use one of her powers.
"That's her Del. You bitch! You trapped us on Vectera. Took Lin two hours to get us out of that hab.” Naeva spat the words out, her sneer even worse now there was a harsh scar pulling at her top lip.
"I’d have done the same honestly.” Sam chuckled as Delgado placed a hand in front of Naeva to stop her lunging forward. The pirate woman spat at Seren’s feet, her displeasure at being held back obvious.
"So she’s with you now Coe? Guess her services are more than just mercenary.”
Naeva tried making a show of looking Seren up and down, but the nervousness that came off the woman was so obvious for Seren to feel, so she made a point of keeping her helm opaque so as not to let the woman see her face. She knew how intimidating her armour could be, even with the robes that now covered the strange metal. She saw Sam shake his head and place all his weight on one hip, still acting casual at a glance, but Seren knew he was wired to act on a second if needed.
"I wouldn’t make her an enemy Naeva. She's an enemy of the UC and an ally to us, plus you threatened her when you first found her. What the fuck did you think she'd do? Just be glad she let you live." He stepped slightly in front of Seren which made her grin behind her helm, he was protecting her again?
"I can speak for myself Sam.” She said, her voice echoing so it made her sound sinister within the confines of the station. Raising her hand to let it bristle with ice cold sunless space energy, she looked directly at the pirate woman who took a step back when she saw the ice ball forming in her hand.
"Ms Mora.  You may test your assumptions at your convenience.”
"Enough!” Delgado brought his hand to his temple and rubbed it, obviously staving off a headache. “Coe, I dont care who you ally with if it helps us. But…do you have an update for me regarding what you are meant to be doing? Is Victis planning an attack here?”
Seren moved her head imperceptibly from Naeva to Sam, her worry hidden by her helmet. That’s what he was doing? Sarah had to know, she was no fool.
"Cant say…boss. The General is tight lipped at the Lodge and she has her robot guarding her office day and night.” Sam lent on one hip again, seemingly not bothered by the way Naeva was still looking daggers at them both. The obvious disdain in the way he said boss was not lost on Seren either, so she kept her guard up. “What I have heard let slip through her lapdog Barrett is Victis is getting bored of playing nice. He cant use his ideal weapon on us here and knows it, but I have a feeling he plans to cut us off from our supplies by targeting them. Here’s all the evidence I was able to get, including a possible planned attack on Neon.“ He handed a slate to Delgado who took it and showed Naeva. She took her eyes off the pair to read it and almost growled before standing up straight, tucking the dagger back into her thigh holster.
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fangbangerghoul · 11 months
Fleeting Pleasures: Chapter 6
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photo credit: @bearlytolerant
Tags: violence, interrogation, knife play, degradation, smut stuff, dom/sub role inferred, i am sure there is more just know its VERY explicit This story was made possible with the help of: @spookyspecterino, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @bearlytolerant. Without their valuable input I would have been too lost in the sauce to finish it!
Fleeting Pleasures on Ao3
Chapter 6: Quien eres tu? Our main character is at her wits end and soon the jig is going to be up. This might be her end on The Key.
Chapter 6: Quien eres tu?
            The bar was chaotic to say the least as bottles and bodies flew in every direction around the room. There was the sound of music, shouting, and grunts that echoed off of the four walls causing an overwhelming sound wave to blast out into the halls outside of the bar. Inside the bar there was a combination of scents ranging from blood, sweat, alcohol, and various foods. 
The brawl was intense and it all started from a bottle being smashed over a pirate’s head. Ghoul leaned back on a grimy wall in a dark corner watching the amusing chaos that she caused and gave herself a silent pat on the back. There was a devilish grin on her face and her yellow eyes were glossed over from the amount of aurora and alcohol she had been partaking in since she arrived at The Last Nova. The pirates all around were enjoying the mayhem they helped perpetuate within the bar and even the bartender, Bog decided to join in with a bat and a few bottles of his Bog’s Grog. The bottles were being shot towards the various brawlers. Glass pieces and beer sprayed everywhere causing a sticky and bloody mess around the whole bar area.
Ghoul caught the view of two captains with their clothes half torn off and bodies exposed in a corner. The two bodies were entwined and fingering each other with a fierceness that almost made her blush. One of the women caught her staring from across the room and as she licked her own fingers clean from their current sexual partners slick, she then motioned her finger for Ghoul to join. Ghoul didn’t bother to think twice about the proposal as she drooled a bit from the thought and as her foot was about to step forward, she was interrupted with a body crash landing into her, and she felt herself slam against the wall. The impact forced the air out of her lungs, and she felt a little dizzy as a consequence. 
She pulled herself together from the mixture of irritation and confusion and went to grab the collar of the pirate that was on the floor in front of her. They were bloodied and losing consciousness but still stood to try to start a fight with her but instead of succeeding she threw them away from her. Her attention was focused on trying to remove the one imbecile that she didn’t realize the main culprit of this distraction was charging at her with a broken bottle. It was an instinctual reaction to redirect the assailant's arm that held the weapon and to spin smoothly around them with a twist of her right foot. Intoxicated or not Ghoul’s body was ingrained to react quickly, and it was the only thing she ever appreciated about her upbringing. She still hated Ryujin industries with a passion and was more than glad to never have to come in contact with Imada ever again. However, in this instance she was grateful that instead of wasting away on those streets of Neon City she actually acquired this useful skill.
Ghoul was behind the pirate that charged her and kicked the back of their knees to force them to lose their balance. A grunt came out of them with the pressure Ghoul applied against them and she took slight satisfaction from how easy it was going to be to toy with this loser. The pirate tried to over-correct themselves to turn around and swing at Ghoul, but she managed to use the force of her elbow to tip them over enough to initiate their downfall. Before they could get back up Ghoul grabbed their dark brown hair and slammed their face into the floor with a force that had the pirate’s head bounce back into her hand. She was breathing a bit heavier but there was a rush and a tingle that flooded her body from the events. Ghoul could feel the energy of the room start to affect her as well as if she was in one of the cage matches. There was slight movement underneath her crouched position over the body and to make certain Ghoul would no longer have to deal with this person, she repeated the gruesome blow till she was certain they were left unconscious. There was a small pool of blood that started to expand from around the head of the foe she just knocked out and there was a moment of uncertainty and even apathy of whether she killed this captain or not.
Ghoul rose from her position and her eyes immediately scanned the room to see if those lovely women were still willing to offer her that invitation. Her entire being was itching to have a good time. The intense closeness her body felt with Delgado the previous night had fanned a flame that had her body aching for that immense release. None of these drugs or fights were going to provide her with the satisfying feeling her body was in search for now. She considered the offer he had given her previously but feared allowing her guard down with Delgado. She knew it would lead her to an unsavory spot in her current fucked situation. 
There was a sense of unbridled ambition about him that lured her into him and if Ghoul was not careful, she would get lost within him for infinity. 
When their mouths connected something inside of her wanted to fall into him so effortlessly that it was like she was a different being in space and time. It was smarter for her to ease her current need with a casual fling with those beautiful ladies to sate her appetite. It would at least put her in the clear headspace she needed for whatever came next on The Key. Delgado did promise her that their conversation was not over and it was only a matter of time before she had to carefully explain herself. A smile crept on her face at the thought of telling Delgado that the knife was just a guilty kink of hers to convince him that she was not actually trying to murder him.
There was a loud presence that pierced the room and it interrupted Ghoul’s search for the two lovely captains. Her thoughts about what would happen to her next ended quickly and her focus was on the new focus in the room. Naeva pushed through the brawling crowd looking infuriated beyond belief, perhaps homicidal herself. Her braids seem to stand up on her own head and she immediately was trying to break up a few of the fights that were around her. Slowly the people who were around her started to notice the second in command’s presence but it wasn’t enough for Naeva. She lifted her gun into the air and fired off several shots that began to quiet the entirety of The Last Nova.
“Now I know you all aren’t acting like fucking fools and destroying the one bar we have on The Key!” She howled into the crowd and the various bloodied and bruised pirates’ attention turned to her. Once she was certain she had just about everyone’s attention she started to spew out commands to people around her.
“If you don’t want to end up dead by the end of the night then you mother fuckers better start cleaning up this mess and lick your wounds.”
Ghoul watched as everyone started to delegate the tasks with one another and she thought that perhaps it would be a great time to slip out before she was seen. She wiped her hands off onto the shirt she was loaned by Delgado and noticed how torn and bloodied she had gotten from the few scuffles she already had. The thought crossed her mind that she was overdue for a shower and since the majority of The Key was in here with their tails between their legs it would be a perfect time to go and have a minute to herself. She still needed to clear her head and release the burning ache within her body.  
“Now who started this fucking mess?” Naeva demanded from everyone at the bar and no one seemed to have any answers. That was the final sign Ghoul needed to get the hell out of the room before she was snitched on. Plus, there were more important things for her to deal with. She began to move her way towards the back entry of the bar and she grabbed two shot glasses that were left unbothered and threw back the harsh liquor. The shots slid their way down her throat with haste, burning her esophagus and sending a chill down her spine. The shots put a pep in her step she could feel she needed after the last few days. Ghoul managed to slither through the back door and as she spun around to move ahead her eyes were met with a familiar honey brown eyes that had a scar on the right one.
“Going somewhere?” The husky piqued voice asked curiously, and he gave her that foxlike cunning grin of his. Delgado was standing in front of Ghoul and accompanied with him were two of his armed men and of all people, Mathis. She forced a smile as casual as his deceptive grin was before she answered. * * * *
The rest can be read on Ao3 due to the explicit nature of the story. Thank you for your continued support.
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toxiclizardwrites · 5 months
Thanks to @fangbangerghoul for the tag!
It's been a while, friends, but I have a small snippet to share from one of my WIPs called "Parallels". It starts off being a Mathis fic and then transitions into the below. Enjoy!
Warning, Spicy 🔥🥵 content below -------------
You knock on the door to Delgado’s bedroom. You hear an annoyed grunt and rustling. “Who is it?” He sounds annoyed. “It’s me,” you respond, taking a step back. The door opens and Delgado is standing there in his boxers. His face softens when he sees you. “How was the mission with Mathis?” He asks, leaning against the door frame.
You scoff. “Surprisingly didn't act like a complete jackass the entire time,” you say, closing the space between you and Delgado. He gives you a quick kiss on the neck. “So it was successful, then?”
You pull your shirt off and throw it to the floor. “Yes, we even managed to convince them to give us extra to compensate for the long journey.” You kick off your boots and start working on your pants.
Delgado backs up to his bed, watching you undress. “Good, I guess he isn't as useless as I thought.” The back of his knees hit the bed and he almost stumbles. He’s too focused on watching you to watch where he’s going.
You smile and push him onto the bed, and are met with no resistance. He falls backward and catches himself on his elbows. You climb on top of him and he hums in approval when you press your lips against his. You break the kiss for a moment. “I decided to give him a little reward for not being completely useless.” You lean forward to go in for another kiss, but Delgado moves away. “Oh?” His eyebrows are raised in curiosity, “what kind of reward?”
You're sure he already knows but is just fishing for details. You decide to humour him. “Well, let's just say by the end he was begging me to finish him off.” Delgado grins and pushes you off of him. Your head hits the pillow and he's on top of you, his hardness pressing into your center.
“Interesting,” he starts grinding against you, moving his lips to your ear, “Begging, huh?”
“Yes, he could barely hold on. I don't think anyone’s touched him like that before.”
Delgado grins slightly before playfully biting your earlobe. “Well that gives me an idea,”
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bearlytolerant · 11 months
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Tagged by @fangbangerghoul (thank you) and I’m tagging anyone that has something to share and comes across this.
“How far?” He shouts.
“Not far!” She calls back to him.
They trudge through the sand and storm, the monotony of pushing against the elements starting to wear on him. Of all the locations on this planet for her to settle down, she picked the fucking desert. Though, he supposes, the options are limited. Either freeze your cajones off in the mountains or roast them down in the desert.
“Ey, boss! We got something on the scanners!”
Del exchanges Verity’s hand for his gun. “Alright, everybody, stay close! Eyes sharp! Be ready for anything!” He hopes his crew can hear him over the rising roar of the winds.
The storm is picking up. And it’s picking up quick.
And they need to pick up the pace.
“Fuck, watch out for the arachnoflies. They come up on you fast! And their bite stings like a bitch!” Verity shouts as she backs up against Del.
The others gather in a similar fashion, pairing up back to back.
The insects swarm them from all sides. Ranging from large to massive. Definitely not squishable size.
He loads a round of bullets into the first set. One crawls right up to him, it’s eyes mirroring his, inches from his face. He yanks the knife from his belt. With a heavy handed jab, the arachnofly shrieks and falls to the ground. The next one crawls over its body, larger and baring its fangs.
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skyland2703 · 10 months
ok this is really random but I’m curious, have you ever made fan art for a fanfic you liked? And if so, can we see it?
sorry if this is a weird ask lol
I believe I have!!! I love fics that absolutely WRECK me. or first kisses. I’m such a sucker for first kisses—
Let’s see, what we’ve got 😁🫶🏻
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This one was for “the high ground situation” by @augment-techs I remember being hyperfixated on this one while drawing this one— I was obsessed I LOVE THEM HURTING AND COMFORTING EACH OTHER Q_Q (x)
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This one is for “Walked Through Hell” by @jenscotts i legit cried when I read this T_T (x)
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WRECK ME MORE— suicidal Amelia. “A Place Where I Can Belong” by @naraozu (x)
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This one was a Valentines Fic— FIRST KISS >.< — by @topofthewinx “Be My Valentine” (x)
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This one was for a really really old Spd Sky/Z college AU I’d gotten obsessed with, as a fifteen year old— “Helpless When She Smiles” by Shizinga
And there was a Sky/Z Pirate AU by @lastmafagafo shared with me, which got me obsessedddddd that I drew— and I can share it’s art if my friendo permits :3
It takes A LOT to wreck me, for a ship— and it’s crazy how almost half of those are Javelia. I have old sketches/pencil drawings for other olden SkyZ fics too, but I think they’re kinda cringy >\\\< so maybe if I ever revisit them, I’ll post them!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for this ask!!! I’m pretty sure there’s a few I’m missing, but yeeessssss I love fanfics SO MUCH
Ps: there ARE a couple of fics I’d want to do art for, too, usually multichaps i get obsessed with— and maybe I will someday!! Compiling this was fun and now i… maybe wanna do more :3
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notyourramona · 11 months
Chapter 3: The Key pt 1
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It has now been a couple of months since our main character has last seen or contacted her friends. What has life on the Key had in store for them?
Tw: cannon violence, blood, drug and alcohol use, sexual suggestions Minors DNI (with any of my work honestly)
Word Count: 5,222
Thank you to everyone who suggested their ideas and concepts it really helped with putting this chapter together! I promise to soon post a list of the suggested ideas! I hope this chapter is well received!
Ao3 Index: Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter 3: The Key pt 1
            The sounds of stomping, shouting, aggressive slurs and insults filled the room were accompanied by smells of sweat, dirt, blood, and alcohol. The room was dark except for the center where a tall metal fence in the shape of a circle was illuminated. It was encompassed by feral and vigorous pirates that all came to The Key for nights like this. There were two people already inside, striped of armor, covered in blood, and each only having one blade or a set of brass knuckles. They had a score board off to the side that was really just a big piece of metal they repeatedly spray painted on to keep track of the winners from each caged fight and bets on who would survive the rounds. Ghoul watched the events of the current fight go down viciously as the members within the cage fought for their lives and everyone who surrounded them cheered on the blood sport. It was the fourth match and only one combatant was ever allowed to leave the cage at the end of each match, leaving a pool of blood that burned the smell of wet metal in their nostrils. Another killing blow and a blood-curdling scream triggered more laughter from the group of pirates as another one of their members had succumbed to their demise.
            “Are you going to throw your lot in Rook?” A Crimson Fleet Captain chided at her as they threw back the lager filled cup in their hands. Ghoul’s eyes vehemently pierced into the challenger causing them to falter.
            “Do you want to meet me in the ring then?” She goaded the captain with a twisted smirk on her face. When she was first brought to the Key she was awoken in the middle of the night and thrown into the ring as a ‘prank’ by a couple of the more seasoned Crimson Fleet members. She had nothing but a tank top on and a short blade that was thrown into the ring with her. Ghoul was in shock for the first half of the sudden duel she had to endure and she barely made it out alive. Her opponent was twice her size and their hands were practically the size of her head. Ghoul knew she barely survived that night but she was granted a small bit of luck when her opponent got distracted by something Delgado had shouted into the ring. He had taken part in this ‘prank’ and was there to watch how his new recruit would handle the brutality of the fights because at that time he was still wanted to test her loyalties. She never figured out if it was coincidence that he had distracted the opponent or if it was a subtle maneuver to see how she would use the opportunity. Whichever it was, it gave her the opening she needed to throw her blade into the fighter’s jaw and pierce the insides of their skull. When she watched the life leave her opponents face, she didn’t want to admit to herself how much adrenaline it gave her. The stench of the blood that soaked her had clung to hair and skin for two weeks after she had slayed through three more opponents.          
            “You dare challenge me, Rook? No one survives the cage with me.” The captain mocked Ghoul with a hand gesture of them slitting their own throat. She could see the tattoos on their neck that indicated this member of the fleet has been a seasoned member for 8 years prior to this day and who knows how many fights that would equate too. Ghoul stretched their arms out and cracked their knucks as a response, purposely being cocky to rile them up. She found the more she played along the more she enjoyed these ruthless games herself. It was all the captain needed as both fleet members started to take off the armor they wore. Ghoul used a long and thin pin to put her faded green hair into a bun and she was left with her grey ragged tank top, black cargo pants and combat boots. Her blade was tucked into the belt of her pants and one of her recently earned tattoos stood out and brightly decorated her right shoulder. It was a depiction of an Ashta on its hind legs with a bloodied skull by its feet. She was given it as a badge of honor for mauling the opponents at her the first night she was trapped in the cage.
            “The Rook has a death wish!” Ghoul’s new challenger yelled out into the crowd and all the rowdiness from anticipation of the next match eased and eyes fell on them. This captain was slightly larger in build and leaner in the muscle category but Ghoul marked the fact that their wide shoulders could be an advantage for her later. In unison Crimson Fleet members started stomping their feet in a rhythmic beat as they did before the start of every match. It was tool used by the room to ramp up the emotions of the players and possibly give cold feet to those who are not prepared to be locked in a cage till their death. Ghoul could feel the energy in the room rile her up as it intended and the reaction was mirrored in her opponent. The makeshift door to the cage was opened by the one and only Naeva and she had the biggest smile on her face.
            “Let’s see if the Rook can keep their current track record or if I’ll just have another dead fluke.” Naeva purred then she grabbed Ghoul’s shoulder and tossed her with all her body weight into the cage. The force made Ghoul fall forward but she had expected it and used the momentum of her body to roll back onto her feet, blade in hand and pointed it directly at her new enemy who walked in behind her. The onlookers were rattling the fence, making vulgar faces and shouting obscene threats like fucking Ghoul’s skull when the captain killed her. She didn’t allow any of the noise or attempts to egg her on affect her composure she was used to that type of treatment from being a lower ranking member. Being a rook occasionally had its disadvantages but one common advantage was the others always underestimated how far Ghoul was willing to go. There was a bottle thrown over the fence and it landed by her feet as an offering and without a second thought she broke off the top of the bottle with the back handle of her blade. The glass shattered around her feet, but the drink was barely spilled from the bottle and with a wicked smile on her face Ghoul placed the broken neck to her lips. She opened her throat to allow the vodka to pour down it like a waterfall. The edges of the broken glass left little cuts on her lips and around her mouth so when she finished chugging half of the bottle there were little streaks of blood mixed with liquor that ran down her chin. This excited the crowd even more as they roared and stomped to let it be known they wanted the match to begin now.
            “Hopefully you enjoyed your last taste of liquor.” The captain said with confidence radiating their voice. They made a point to adjust the brass knuckles they had on their hands to intimidate. Ghoul felt the liquor start to burn her stomach, but that fire soon spread throughout her body and loosened her muscles enough for her to not feel so rigid anymore. Instinctually she ran towards her opponent head on to sike them out and as they were about to throw their hands in defense to her onward attack, she dropped her body to her knees and thrusted her blade in the captain’s thigh. The movement was extremely precise and she took pride in how easy that maneuver was for her. The enemy growled in pain but it did not stop them from being able to grab Ghoul by the shoulder and have their heavy fist impact the right side of her face. The sensation was like a rock was bashed into her head and she was left with painful cuts left from the metal they had wrapped around their knuckles. Ghoul still had her hand wrapped around the blade and she tore it out her opponent’s leg right before they were able to land a third blow. She could feel the blood oozing in her mouth but she ignored the burning of her face muscles to throw the blade into the captain again. This attempt was blocked with the hand that originally held her and it was what Ghoul wanted so she could escape the hold and regroup. She dodged the enemy’s second attempt to grab a hold of her and she used her free hand to wipe her face of the blood that leaked from it. Her enemy was the one who charged at her this time and Ghoul used the motion of the charge to her advantage by waiting till the last second to step aside and punch the back of their neck with the handle of her blade. The opponent started to falter but used the fence behind them to lessen the fall. Ghoul was in motion to swing at them but lost her own balance as the captain kicked her ankle. The temporary falter gave her enemy the edge they needed to pin her down to the blood-soaked floor. When their body had jumped on top of her, she felt the wind get knocked out of her and the crimson pool of liquid soak the back of her clothes and hair.
This fight was for survival and it was never entertaining for the crowd to hold back so immediately after pinning Ghoul down the captain started launching their punches into her again. The swings made her neck jerk with the impacts and it was becoming extremely difficult to focus or get out from under the captain. The pain manifested as a howling wind in her ears. The crowd made thunderous cheers and screams thinking that Ghoul was about to receive her final blow. They all lavished in the pain, the violence, the alcohol, the aurora, and even the pleasures of the body on these nights and these fights charged the excitement of the crowd. The pain in her face rocked her to her core and she could feel all the deep cuts and bruises these brass knuckles were leaving on her face. Moments like this were the only times she ever allowed herself to think of the people she missed dearly. The connections she had with Sam and Andreja reminded her she had something waiting outside for her off this space station as soon as she was allowed to free roam again. It was one of the few things she thought of so she wouldn’t let her life be lost here in the whirlpool of chaos and destruction. As the time went on with her being on The Key, she would occasionally feel herself on the edge of who she was and when she was close to letting herself lose everything, she used the memories as momentum to ground herself. The captain was breathing heavily as she sat on top of Ghoul thinking they had victoriously knocked her down and this was the long-awaited opening she was waiting for. With all of her might Ghoul managed to free her arms and grab the head of the person on top of her. She used her fingers to dig deep within their skin to hold them in place and then slam her own head into their nose with the force of a wild beast. There was a loud gasp from the crowd and the opponent screamed in writhing pain from their nose being busted into many pieces. Ghoul pushed through the dizziness from the attack to switch the position of their bodies to place Ghoul on top of her opponent. She did not allow herself to hesitate a single breath of a moment and raised her blade above her. The light that illuminated the cage gleamed on the blade brightly and with all of her might she threw her arms down and let the blade land in the captain’s throat. There was a small scream that was soon replaced with blood gargling in her opponent’s throat signally that their death was coming. Any sane person would have ended it there but Ghoul never let herself be a sane person within these metal fenced walls. She lifted her blade bearing it down with her soul while some of the blood sprayed with the motion of the blade, decorating her clothes. Ghoul repeated this over and over and the crowd went wild with crazed excitement as they watched her get covered in the bodily liquids and matter of the ex-crimson fleet captain. There was nothing but rage that filled Ghoul’s body, spirit, and mind and it was reflected in her golden eyes and blood covered body. She had won again and she would continue to win and rise up the ranks and take the respect she deserved from all of these fuckers. No matter how many people she would have to slay.
“The Rook!” Naeva screamed on the top of her lungs in pride as she abruptly grabbed Ghoul’s arm and held it up in the air. The watchful crowd of pirates cheered on the victory. Ghoul sat there on the body with her arm in the air panting from the amount of physical force ramming her blade into the body took. The gory sight was enough to entertain the crowd and after a few more cheers she was allowed to exit the cage. When she stepped out of the mini arena, Ghoul was surrounded with other members of the fleet who went to congratulate her and thank her for winning them their credits. She wasn’t looking at anybody’s face in particular while the room buzzed around her and the sounds of the people around her dulled in the back of her mind. She could feel her pulse was still racing from the adrenaline and someone had offered her a bottle of aurora. Ghoul didn’t hesitate as she ingested it with finesse hoping the drug would ease the loud buzzing and overwhelming panic that occasionally tried to take over after a fight. The room for a moment had extra color distortions and the thoughts of guilt and fear washed away like they never existed. When she felt her body again it was then she noticed an arm hold out a dirty blood-stained cloth in front of her. She took it no questions asked and begun to wipe off the brain matter, blood, and sweat off of her face and torso. Ghoul continued and took the pin out of her hair to let it fall down her shoulders as she leaned her head back to get the rest of the filth.
“You cease to surprise me, Rook. I expected to see your brains on the floor of the cage instead of Gijon’s.” It was the accented voice of the arm who handed her the towel that had spoken and when Ghoul looked up, she realized it was nobody other than their leader, Delgado. It was then in her slight intoxicated state explained why so many of the members had started to move on with their own celebrating. Most victories were accompanied with more drinks, being lifted into the air, or being pinned to a wall and congratulated with tongue. Delgado was watching her like an amused cat playing with a mouse and the gesture prompted her to lock her own eyes on him in challenge.
“Would you like to do the honors?” She invited him to a caged match with a playful smile. The drugs in her always made her feel 10x more fearless. Ghoul knew it was dangerous to even suggest such a thing but if she could kill him right here and right now. She no longer would have to be undercover anymore, assuming she could leave the space station alive afterwards.  
“Ah, do you think an invitation like that is wise? I could have my men hold you down while I rip out your insides.” The way he laughed at her was as if they were old friends but his blade was on her throat without a hesitation. She did not allow her body to flinch at his quick motion nor break the lock of their gazes because she refused to show that type of weakness in front of him.
“I never claimed to be wise.” Ghoul said sarcastically to him without fear. She leaned into his blade to tempt him to slit her throat and in doing it dug lightly into her skin allowing a trickle of blood to fall down to her collarbone. His movements were smooth like a cat as his shoulders relaxed and he slowly reached out with his other hand to gently pull the bloody cloth he had loaned her out of her hand. Delgado had a musky scent of alcohol and dirt. Ghoul’s intoxicated mind fixated on his series of moments, her chest pounding, and her eyes keen on him.
“Come with me, then.” He dropped the blade from her throat to motion for her to follow him and as he turned the crowd parted in front of him. Delgado led the way through the crowd with his head held high and the room responded to him as if it was his natural given birth right to hold command over these fools. His armor was highly decorated and parts of his skin were covered in a variety of symbolled ink from all of his victorious battles. Ghoul followed him with a tension in her body that made her each of her steps feel hesitant but she pressed forward to obey his command. The drugs and alcohol that filled her blood stream only subsided some of her fear. She knew it was not wise to allow her guard down around Delgado no matter how much she felt herself become more like them. As they were walking out of the room that contained the metal cage, Ghoul picked up a shot glass that had a type of brown liquor in it and she tossed it back into her throat before throwing the glass off into the void. Her diet was consisted of alcohol, aurora, and the occasional package of Chunks they would receive the past two months so there was a quota she had to hold within her system to not feel the changes within her that were happening.
They walked through The Key and the rest of the space station was relatively silent since everyone was either at their bar, The Last Nova, or still where the caged fights were taking place. The whistles from pipes fluctuating in pressure and the clanks of the metal contracting on the ship were the accompanying sounds that echoed with their boots. Ghoul finally realized that they were heading back to Delgado’s private lounge area and that thought gave her relief that there was now a smaller possibility she would have to engage in any more physical combat for the night. She had to train herself to continuously ignore when her body was feeling pain, hunger or when exhaustion threatened her. Because it was better to not to think about the lack of sleep from the last few days of aurora binging and how the fighting was wearing her body down even as it gave her more strength. Ghoul could feel the bags had been forming under her eyes and the last time she saw her reflection she noticed significant weight loss. Whenever she had thoughts of her companions outside of the fight ring, she would bury them deep within her memory to continue the mask she wore even if that mask was slowly fusing into her being. She was more curt, less forgiving, more willing to just take both what she wanted and the lives of others who stood in her way. The moments when she felt her mask slip were becoming farer in between each time and that led to making easier unpleasant and volatile decisions. Delgado had stopped in front of her and she jerked herself out of her thoughts as she paused a few paces behind him. He was at the door to the private lounge and two of his men stood to guard it but when they saw him, they opened the door without a verbal command as if they had been trained all their life.
The door revealed to a two-story room with an opening in the center of the room and it had older equipment littered about from when the UC used the space station. A lot of the older equipment was transformed into tables, lounging chairs, weapon cases, and whatever else their Pirate King deemed necessary. In the center of the open space of the room there was that familiar table with cards, chips, weapons, and credits lying about as a few of Delgado’s preferred company circled around the table. One of them was another rook just like herself who had been assigned with her when they completed their first test to earn their ranks in membership. Mathis saw Ghoul walk in behind Delgado and gave her a sneer as a greeting. He was rook who suggested early on to take Delgado out themselves but Ghoul was unwilling to lose her undercover status so soon. Mathis never knew about her real intention when she joined along side him but he stayed weary of her from the beginning.
“You look like you a fucking corpse, Ghoul.” Mathis shouted out at her which he tried to mask as jest but Ghoul wasn’t fooled.
“And you look like you’ve been eating shit for breakfast, loud bastard.” She kept a smile on her face so no one would know the wiser of the insult. Mathis threw his card’s down to fold as they ended another round and Delgado wrapped his arm around Ghoul’s shoulder and leaned in.
“This lucky bitch took down one of our long-standing champions Gijon! Her reward is to celebrate with us tonight!” Delgado praised her and his crowded table lifted their bottles up to toast her a drink for her victory. His grip on her shoulder did not loosen as his eyes lit in excitement and with a tantalizing smile he added. “Any pleasures you seek to take tonight are yours to have, indulge yourself.”
            The smoke filled the room from the countless number of cigars, cigarettes, and aurora that was smoked between the members at the table. The music that loudly played reflected the grimy and rowdy energy that Delgado and his inner circle of members were exuding as they all played their rounds of different card games. Ghoul was invited to sit on the side of the table that Delgado, Naeva, and Jasmine had sat at while the other side had Mathis and a few long-standing pirates that were high in the ranks. There was plenty of laughter, threats, and alcohol to go around to continue the party well into the night. She had no issues fitting in with the rugged crew and even dared some to drink her under the table or play a round of five-finger-filet with her. Ghoul was loose and intoxicated but her dexterity never dulled. Mathis dared to challenge to the game and he almost lost his thumb from trying to keep up with how quickly she was able to stab the knife around her fingers. Unbeknownst to him, Ghoul had a trick up her sleeve each time and all she had to do was stab the outer layer of skin of her fingers so you wouldn’t actually bleed. Just like everything else he took his loss personally and vowed under his breath to make her pay one day which she laughed off to further the blow to his pride.
            “Drink” Delgado would command her as he continuously poured both of their drinks. There were moments where she felt part of his arm or shoulder press against hers from close contact and she would have to catch herself from wanting to rest on it. No matter how intoxicated Ghoul would do her best to sit straight and keep her ruthless exterior up for the room to see. There were loud sighs of frustration let lose around the table as the final hands of each of the card players were revealed to see the winning hand. Delgado won the hand and everyone had to relinquish their credits to him once again. The Crimson Fleet leader was undefeated for the last three games.
            “You got to be fucking kidding me, Del.” Naeva hissed at her commander. “There is no way in hell you keep getting lucky like this.”
            “Are you calling me a cheater Naeva?” His question was both laced with sarcasm and threat.
            “Are you admitting that you are?” Naeva quipped back and the table grew a little quieter from the rise in tension.
            “Who are we to question our leader’s honor?” Mathis chimed in to kiss ass like he normally could be found doing in situations like this. It was normally his way to compensate for his backstabbing nature.
            “Shut the fuck up, rook.” Naeva threatened with her pistol pointed at Mathis’ head. “Just because you were invited to the adult’s table this time doesn’t mean you get to participate in the adult conversations.” Ghoul leaned back in her chair as she watched the events start to unfold, a part of her was curious if this would lead to the demise of her ‘leader’. She felt a warm presence on her thigh as she lounged there and it was Delgado’s hand that gently traveled down to her knee and back up her thigh. He made no attempt to acknowledge that she knew or even make a point of it, he carried on with the situation that unfolded.
            “Naeva, no need to blow his brains out tonight. He has a point; you shouldn’t question your leader.” His accent emphasized on the word shouldn’t was an indication that was going to be the last warning he was planning to give. Naeva lowered her pistol and tossed her credit stick to him while Jasmine sought to sooth her companion’s temper. Ghoul still did not move or flinch as Delgado’s hand crawled around on her thigh. She started to wonder in that moment if the threat was meant for more than just his second in command.
            “I’m done with looking at your faces. Take your credits, leave now.” Delgado ordered to he make it a point that his kindness only extended so far with the rest of the fleet. Every one wasted no time to grab their things and begin to exit the room, except Mathis who tried to linger. Delgado did not bother to say it again and instead snapped his fingers and the men who guarded the door grabbed Mathis. They threw him out of the room before he could even get a word in edge wise. The guards started to make their way to Ghoul so she stood and threw her hands up to signal she was in fact leaving. Her body felt like it was wading through water from the drinks she had consumed as she took a few steps forward she felt something pull her back unexpectedly.
            “You are going to stay, mi asesina.” There wasn’t command in his voice but he still said it from his chest as absolute fact. When his hand pulled her back, she lost some of her footing and it caused her to lean into him. His arm was wrapped around her waist and he looked at his men and with his eyes he signaled them to exit the room to leave it to just the two of them. They both smelled of sweat, smoke and alcohol and Ghoul wasn’t particularly finding it within her to pull free from his firm hold. Delgado leaned his face into her neck and breathed her in deeply before his fingers combed her loose hair back.
            “Mi asesina?” She asked him sounding as if she lost her breath while his lips started to roughly travel up her neck. Delgado, the King of the Crimson Fleet was taking unquestioned liberties with her body with his hands and his mouth.
            “My slayer, you have proven yourself to be a very valuable force to be reckoned with.” He growled into her ear before his teeth clenched on her lobe. She let out a small sharp sound from the pleasurable sensation it gave her. “My eyes have been on you for quite some time but after the ruthlessness displayed tonight in that cage. I knew then you were to be mine.”
            His words echoed within her hazed mind and she felt a wave of mixed emotions from pleasure, fear, to guilt. They were alone and he was demanding something from her she normally would have given without thought as she had with others on the Key on lonely nights. However, his words allured to a commitment and she knew she would not be able to uphold such a psychotic proposal if she gave in to her body’s desire this time. The thoughts in her mind were jumbled and it did not help when he pushed her onto the table and ripped off his shirt. His shoulders and arms were broad and his chest was covered in dark small curly hairs that led a trail down to the zipper of his pants. The way his bright brown eyes stared at her in hunger like a lion who was about to pounce made her core heat with intensity. His body begun to tower over hers on the table so he could get more of his fill of her and right when his lips were to come into contact with hers, he was forced to pause.
            Ghoul had her knife’s tip pressed into the middle of his throat and it was the first time she had let her mask down and felt her uncertainty show so deliberately on her face. Delgado stilled himself while his face was only a few inches away from her lips and his eyes analyzed her reaction with carefulness. She knew she had him vulnerable here and she could force it through his throat to end this whole assignment; but something strange and twisted inside of her made her hesitant.
            “You shouldn’t start something you do not intend to follow through.” He taunted her with a purr and he pushed his hips onto hers to tease her body. Ghoul felt her skin heat up to his touch and her hand trembled slightly as she held the knife in place. She didn’t know if she had it in her to slaughter as many people as it would take to get to a ship after ramming this blade into his throat. Delgado seemed to sense her doubt because her grabbed her wrist that held the blade and pressed it further into his throat with a smug grin on his face. “What are you waiting for?”
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atonalginger · 2 months
Follow Me Deeper Into the Unknown
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Follow Me Deeper Into the Unknown is Lyssa's first story in the series The Glorious Thorn and chapter 1: This is the End of the World That You Know is now live on ao3. The fic is rated Explicit for graphic depictions of violence (in a coming chapter.)
Lyssa Shrike was just trying to start over. Again. She was content to break rocks on remote planets if it meant her past couldn't find her. But Fortune's smile never shined on her for long. After the Crimson Fleet shrike her crew on Vectera, Lyssa finds herself teaming up with a smooth talking adventurer from the renowned explorers guild, Constellation, to shrike back before anyone else gets hurt.
You can find the fist chapter by clicking here!
and as always a peek at the first chapter below the cut:
“Looks like a party out here,” a man said in a jovial smooth baritone, “expecting other company?”
Lyssa looked up to see two men in white spacesuits, various patches on their shoulders, standing next to her cart. She glanced up the ramp to see an old model-A robot parked at the base of the loading bay ramp of their ship. It had its optics trained on one of its red hands, watching as it slowly rotated. She turned back to the buyers, “pirates inbound. If you can fight I imagine my boss would appreciate the assistance, otherwise you might want to retreat to your ship until it’s clear.”
“I told you not to bring the Frontier,” the second man nudged the first’s shoulder.
“I could have sworn I shook them,” the first man shook his head.
“Wait, that’s the Frontier?” Lyssa looked back at the aged ship and the fresh scorch marks on the hull. She sighed and mumbled under her breath, “fucking hell, this day just keeps getting better and better.”
“It is,” the first man smiled big, “you’ve heard of the old girl?”
A lot of different answers all surfaced in Lyssa’s mind. None of them appropriate for the current situation. Instead she sighed and looked back toward the camp, Heller at the stairs motioning for the miners to join him while Lin approached the ramp, “Heard Fortune’s smile blesses that ship and her captain, if old jack-a-bones are to be believed.”
“You sound like a friend of ours,” the second man said with a laugh. His voice had a rougher edge than the first man and an accent that Lyssa placed somewhere in the Freestar Collective. 
“Liiin!” the first man seemed to sing as the boss walked up the ramp with the weird metal object clutched in what Lyssa had no doubt was a white knuckle grip, “Good to see you!”
“Don’t you Lin me, Barrett,” Lin sounded done with the man, Lyssa’s old training causing her to half turn, her new pistol primed at her side. Lin glanced over and let out a small chuckle, “stand down, Shrike. He annoys me to no end but isn’t worth the paperwork.”
“Your Shrike here mentioned pirates were inbound?” the second man mentioned while motioning in Lyssa’s direction. He wore a vulpine grin under his meticulously manicured mustache, “and you might need some extra guns?”
“No might about it,” Lin huffed as the emergency alarm sounded, signaling the incoming threat, “you better have the credits, Barrett. This thing has caused too many problems today for you to come up short.”
“We’re good for it,” Barrett held up his hands in surrender, “sorry about bringing the pirates your way.”
“You?” Lin raised her eyebrows as she stuffed the weird object into her boostpack storage, “you brought them?”
“Thought I shook them,” Barrett shrugged.
Lin’s eyes locked onto Lyssa, “your friend mention this?”
“Funny you should ask,” Lyssa was scrolling her messages in her heads up display, “just messaged me with an update. They are in fact after multiple targets now.”
“Great, just great,” Lin took a deep breath and exhaled slow.
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