#delinquent Harry(not really tho)
chunkymilk96 · 2 years
What is the rumors spread by the Dursleys got back to Mrs.Figg and she then told Dumbledore. Then when Harry enters the wizardjng world everyone thinks he’s and delinquent and Dumbledore probably thinks he’s the next coming of Voldemort.
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ronsharry · 10 months
1. What is your favourite HP ship and why?
2. If you like fanfic, which HP one is your favourite?
3. Out of all the potential paternal figures for Harry, which one is our favourite and why?
(4. Do you have any ronarry fluff fics? All I can find are abandoned or not ronarry fics)
ohhh i love these questions!! tysm for asking :))
1. i’ve shipped many ships in many eras and the one i always go back to is ronarry!! they’re so special to me and i know it’s like a popular trope that people find annoying but i really love the bestfriend to lovers trope it’s so sweet :)) and not to mention that they are both in my top 3 😭
2. i definitely read fanfic (i have an ao3 acc 6amflwrr) I’ve been reading it for years 😭😭 ahh this is such a hard one but out of the hundreds of fanfics i’ve read there’s a few that i always think of or go back to:
‘honey honey by aeoneskova’ — marlene lives and takes harry from the dursleys!! harry is in muggle primary school in this and it’s soo realistic !! really sad too harry literally fainted in p.e bc he was so starved ITS SO SAD
‘Hermione Grangers Hogwarts Cranmer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi’ — i suprisingly loved one sm i went through a phase of hardcore shipping drarry and i met this gem through it!! idk if i ship them anymore but im not like against them either idk anyway this one harry doesn’t know he’s a wizard until they recruit him 💀 and sirius is alive also <3
‘An Hour of Wolves by solvskrift’ — one of the first fics i ever read so that’s probably a reason but this one’s dark and it shows harry’s ptsd really well and also check tags for this one!!
3. oooo i love this question sm i love all dynamics between harry and parental figures bc they’re so interesting but my favourite is sirius and harry by far!! they get each other so well, sirius would do absolutely anything for him and he is the only adult harry fully trusted like harry loved him sm :(( they had their flaws and while i don’t think sirius was the healthiest (something that i don’t blame him for at all i think he did amazingly given the circumstances) he definitely was the best choice and i think that makes it even sadder actually 😭
4. oh i definitely have fics!!! here are some of my favs:
‘perspective by malapropism’ — In which Ron realizes that maybe, just maybe, you aren't supposed to feel this way about your best mate. But only after a dance at the Yule Ball, months of being busy with other things, Cedric Diggory's death, the return of Voldemort, and a quiet knock at his door. (i love this one sm and gof and ootp!rarry is my fav <33)
‘Foolish hearts by iwantacoolassname & orbithastnt’ — this is set in hbp and sirius lives !!!!! the only thing is that it’s ongoing but i don’t think it’s been discontinued :)
‘sacrifice by sim54’ — i love this one sm
‘Somber Skies and Bruised Bodies by ManyGayUmbrellas’ — i love this one too it’s so sad but happy ending!! more of a character study but yeah it’s good :)
‘i’ll hold you when things go wrong by cloudlesslysky’ — Ron has always struggled with insecurity and jealousy since he was a child. However, Ron has grown up. And while he loves his mother, if she's making him choose between her and Harry...Well, Ron knows where he stands. (this is probably my favourite even tho it’s not actually ronarry but they are very close and it’s definitely worth the read and uncle harry & rose AHH)
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by IamShadow21’ — one of my favourites too!! this one got me into ronarry in the first place :)
‘merry christmas, war is over by dykesiriusblack’ — wolfstar&ronarry and i loved this one sm!! definitely recommend:))
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
Hello! I’m Kei and I’m here for two romantic matchups!
I have messy brown hair in a pixie cut, pale skin, eyebags, blue and hazel heterochromia (not sure if I spelt that right lol), a thin body, boney fingers, some acne on my cheeks and blackheads on my nose, a big-ish nose that I tend to be insecure about, quite a few moles that I also am insecure about, thin pink lips with a Cupids bow, and round circle glasses.
I tend to be very sarcastic and snarky, but I’m also very nice to people that I like, I usually have a soft spot for people I have a crush on but I’ll usually avoid them bcs I’m too scared to interact with them and I don’t want to embarrass myself lmao. I get embarrassed easily, especially if someone’s flirting with me or doing something cringey near me. Whenever I’m around people I don’t like I usually just give them a nasty side eye or a glare. I don’t really have friends, but that’s because I’m homeschooled and I live out in the country so any town I’m around is usually 45 minutes away. I’m very selfless and I always put other people’s well-being before my own and I’m not good at saying no. I usually follow the rules and never get into any trouble because I prefer to stay under the raidar. I’m alone most of the time when I’m not learning, and I’m pretty isolated as well. I’m very empathetic towards plants and animals as well as the environment, so I like to pick up any trash or anything that could possibly harm the environment. As I’ve said before: I’m very sarcastic, but I’m also quite oblivious so I can’t detect sarcasm that easily. I’m pretty bad at social cues, and I’m oblivious when it comes to people who have a crush on me or try to flirt with me, but like I said, I get very flustered when I realize someone’s flirting. I’m very shy and nervous around new people, and I usually stay close to the person I know the most when I meet them.
I LOVE history, but mostly the creepy and darker side of history. I’m super into paranormal investigating and I’d love to investigate with friends and such. I like exploring abandoned buildings but I always prefer to have someone with me. I like doing creepy challenges with friends, I also like exploring the wilderness and nature. I LOVE swimming and I have a deep connection with the ocean and water. I can be pretty weird when I’m not being sarcastic.
Gender: Gender-fluid but I prefer he/him and they/them pronouns
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Conspiracy theories, cryptids, mysteries, exploring, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, scary stories, legends, creepy history, paranormal stuff, Star Wars, marvel, anime, video games, music, dr.pepper, candy (specifically chocolate and cotton candy), witchcraft, Ninjago, Tmnt, nature, cats, foxes, rabbits, the morning dew, science, and other nerdy stuff.
I have social anxiety, autism, depression, and some PTSD
I have a pretty traumatic childhood, but I don’t remember much of it because my brain made me forget, so kudos to my brain ig
I’d be in the oracle, bard, and abomination track at hexide.
My palisman would be a cardinal (took a quiz)
And if you don’t mind, could you focus on what the characters would think of me? Please and thank you! ^^
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I match you with: Edric Blight!
-He is also pretty damn sarcastic and snarky at times. He loves it when people he likes (romantically or platonicly) are also like that. He likes being able to bounce off each other.
-He is also super nervous around his crush so when y'all talk to each other before dating it's a mess (affectionate)
-You follow the rules and don't get into trouble? Lame. Nah, just joking despite his delinquent personality he actually gets along pretty well with people who follow the rules. Just look at Amity.
-He likes animals a lot! He needs his partner to be caring towards animals tbh.
-He's horrible at taking care of plants tho- He would probably ask how to take care of plants, he wants to learn.
-All the blight kids love creepy stuff. So obviously that includes him.
-He would love to hear about creepy stuff and stories. If you tell him you explore abandoned buildings. First of all your cool as fuck for doing that, second of all please take him with that sounds so interesting.
-If he's interested in any shows or games you're into he can talk to you about it for hours.
-Also I don't know why but I feel like he would sweet food and drinks. So with your taste, he is so ready to get snacks for both of you.
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-Y'all have a pretty similar personality. Hunter is more sarcastic and snarky with specific people (*Cough* Amity *Cough*) tho.
-He also has a soft spot for people he has a crush on. But despite that, he doesn't really think you have a crush on him unless you tell him explicitly.
-Yeah he gets putting others' well-being above your own. But (despite him doing the exact same thing) he is like 'No stop it, please value yourself more.'
-He used to (I still kinda does) follow the rules but he does it to get noticed lmao.
-He thinks animals and plants are neat. So (even if it's just how to take care of them) he'd be very interested to learn more.
-As mentioned before he's also pretty oblivious. It's pretty painful for the rest of the hexsquad, and really everyone, to watch.
-He is really interested in the human realm. He experienced the creepier part of the demon realm (or the closest thing to creepiness there.) So he would exchange creepy facts with you from your respective realms.
-He would probably watch/read all the stuff you like. He trusts your judgment on whether a piece of media is good or not.
I hope you like this! Also, I'm sorry this took so long! And I'm so sorry I didn't really focus on what they thought idk I tried.
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effen-draws · 2 years
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR SWAP AU!!! i was wondering what you thought about a jean and judit personality swap? imagine. mean, chainsmoking ~DIVORCED~ satellite officer minot with manic depression who harry helps and shes SO upset about it. she has a unrequited (or is it???) workplace crush on patrol officer viquemare, a mild-mannered former delinquent who married young with two kids. honestly im already trying 2 write something based on this concept but u have such bigbrain ideas i wanted to see ur thoughts. also i LOVE LOVE LOVE the art you put out to accompany your fic!! keep up the beautiful writing and art~
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I’m glad you’re enjoying the au and art!!
Regarding the Judit and jean personality swap I’ll confess that I haven’t really given it any thought up until now. (I’m not the biggest fan of JV, Judit is chill tho) 
But it sounds interesting!! If you want my two cents on it then I think you already have the personality and dynamic down. Although I think it would be interesting if there was still a rift between Jean and Harry. Perhaps over different things in the au but nonetheless I don’t think they’d get along. Meanwhile Harry and Judit aren’t on great terms but they can at least still stand each other. A reluctant and grumpy friends sort of thing. 
I at least think that Harry is a great starting source of narrative conflict in the precinct 41 major crimes unit. (Although idk he doesn’t need to be the piece of shit that the world revolves around and all that) But, in the end, I think a lot of the au hinges on whether it’s only Judit and Jean who’s been swapped or if it’s more of a total disco swap.
But it looks like you already have plenty of ideas so hell yeah! Go write that fic!! I only began writing Rewind, Refind because I had too many thoughts on the Kim and Harry role swap anyways. (A kind of write what you want to read situation) 
But thank you for the ask and I hope you have a great time exploring Judit and Jean’s personality swap! I hope my rambling thoughts was of some use:-]
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lonepower · 3 years
the symbiote being a better detective than eddie is so fucking funny. oh my god. also they can DRAW
They Knew What They Were Doing with the repeated "back on top" thing and i know just as well that that is a Goddamn Lie
this is the condensed essence of every single fanfic i have read distilled like fucking moonshine holy shit they go bowling. the symbiote almost hurls themself into traffic in excitement when annie calls. they fix eddie's hair like i genuinely cannot stress enough how fanfiction this is.
vee desperately trying to be a better ███friend than eddie and then IMMEDIATELY throwing a tantrum when they find out annie is engaged, while eddie struggles to be slightly better than mediocre about it for once
and then annie instantly skipping right past being mad to being 100% no questions asked In Cahoots with vee.
oh that was some fucking mood whiplash huh. and yet i can still link you to the exact fic i have bookmarked that it came from-
woody harrelson occupies the same weird space as owen wilson where he’s actually, like, a pretty okay actor? but he’s also just shaped So Much like himself that i always think any role he takes is going to be stupid and like it Is but also he’s kind of good at it. this sentence got away from me a little but you take my point.
every single argument these two have had so far has a clear, objectively correct standpoint and that standpoint has been the symbiote’s every single time. eddie brock listen to your fucking spouse for once challenge
the symbiote does the Confused Head Tilt. THEY DO THE HEAD TILT HOW ARE THEY SO CUTE I’M DYING
am i really only 30 minutes in. this hour long movie is going to take me 2 days because i keep having to stop and Scream
dan is right and he hasn’t even shown up yet. if you’d just gone to counseling maybe your child wouldn’t be a DELINQUENT
..............................they do be kinda 😳 tho.....................
THE RAVE SCENE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. this is a movie made by a team that knows their Goddamn Demographic.
the monsterfucker girl deserves a bullet point of her own. you had one line queen but i’m stanning
thank you andy serkis for my LIFE
i thought it was going to be harder to get any more explicitly romantic than them making out onscreen but he took one look and said ‘hold my beer’ and i RESPECT HIM
this is just plain unedited footage of sf pride actually. like. not flippantly or anything. i am astounded at how, like, a) normal and b) Not Cringe that was. what the fuck. what the fuck. what the fuck
i would lay down my life for dan. do you hear me i would goddamn die for dan
oh they want him to beg do they ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
that was definitely at least a little bit for anne’s benefit. i choose to believe this
i want all three of them to get along but also the muffled “OUR WIFE KNOWS WHAT SHE’S DOING” is deeply endearing. mediocre evil serial killer version of he’s stupid as fuck and she pegs him. i love this.
the next time naomie harris plays this role can we please give her uhhhhhhhh a happy ending. can we get this woman a FUCKING happy ending
hm. that’s not good in like an in universe sense but from an Obvious Sequel Hook sense that is good. but also fuck that guy ):<
i am going
to lose
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lovelylogans · 4 years
Yes. Please Open The Box. I've been on hp brainrot cause I've been rewatching the movies with my mom. Please
i feel like i have a lot of opinions that are popular opinions, and fuck terfs, but nonetheless:
regulus black would have been the perfect example of a brave slytherin that albus was named after
arthur, hagrid, or remus could have served as other father figures instead of albus; tell me hagrid would not burst into tears upon hearing his child was named after him? also, arthur, for both ginny and harry!
i read the occasional drarry fic but it has to be very, very well-written; or, at least, it has to have the understanding that draco has to go through some sort of redemption, either through atoning for his own actions, or an au in which he already has—some fics make him the next-gen spy, a bit like snape
uh, draco and dudley are perfect foils, and people would simp after dudley if he was as “conventionally attractive” as tom felton
dudley had more of a canon redemption arc than draco did
fatphobia is rampant in the series—villains are the vast majority of fat rep, and even good fat characters like molly or hagrid still have faults (hagrid is “big and dumb,” a bit like dudley tbh, and molly is kind of just? a Mother? like that’s her defining character trait. nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom if that’s what you want, of course, it’s just that molly didn’t have much of a personality outside of her children until the later books.)
misogyny too—molly was so mean to hermione in the fourth book and fleur in the sixth, ginny was mean to fleur too, hermione gives off “not like other girls” energy especially concerning lavender and pavarti
poc harry and hermione—sure, jkr says she’s cool with it, but she gets a lot of credit for the bare minimum. she could have written them that way.
there’s a whole lot of white people in hp. wish there’d been better rep
same with dumbledore! it’s so clear she said he’s gay to get better credit for rep that’s barely there, but now she has the chance to expound in it in the fantastic beasts movies, she isn’t planning on addressing it. right. okay.
should i even get into the antisemitism of the goblins
most -isms jkr ticked, tbh, and described better by other people who these -isms directly affect, so i won’t get too much more into it
wish hufflepuffs had more house rep, in general, they mostly just get cedric, and i wish that “good slytherins” were expounded upon, especially concerning the whole “no slytherins stayed” for the final battle you cannot TELL ME that there wasn’t ONE slytherin who had ambitions to fight voldemort
(i’m a ravenclaw, btw)
cho, angelina, and ginny are all overhated; movie!ginny was albeit lacking a lot of the Spice of book ginny, and movie cho got shorted bc they didn’t include marietta as the betrayer of the da, but like. god. pls chill ppl
albus probably considered that sirius was innocent but decided to leave him in azkaban, even though he didn’t know for sure; albus probably also laid out the traps for the stone with eleven-year-olds in mind, just in case harry wanted to try and prove himself; albus was behind a lot of the machinations, and at the very least he left a child to be abused for years on end
i wrote a ten page essay on why snape is a garbage person for that college class i mentioned. i got a perfect score.
like seriously i could talk about how much snape sucks and why him having a crush on lily isn’t redemption, but like. we get it. c’mon. “i see no difference,” threatening to kill a student’s beloved pet, being that student’s worst fear....... come on.
harry should have been the dada professor when he grew up. like it’s right there.
tonks is genderfluid you cannot convince me otherwise
i love wolfstar as much as the next gal, but if we get a marauders tv show slash movie, you know she’d make that shit as straight as possible. no thanks.
someone on tiktok said florence pugh as helga hufflepuff tho and. yeah.
mmm jkr really should have kept her hands off a lot of the international schools; i know she messed up at the very least native american representation, even though native americans requested she not do that, and there are really big Colonization Vibes from those expanded schools. which like, i get, bc colonization was happening, but. still. so many fics have done better with those concepts.
speaking of! fic recs! these are all on ao3
the changeling: slytherin!ginny. takes her through all seven years and addresses various kinds of magic. i absolutely adore it. harry/ginny
boy with a scar series: takes various “what ifs” about the harry potter series and writes them; mostly canon ships
sunshine in my eyes: lily is raised by professor mcgonagall. jily
true, and unafraid of toil: a character study of autistic newt scamander
the dogfather: petunia turns down taking in her son, sirius escapes azkaban much earlier, and harry’s adopted by muggles. only the first year of hogwarts is written out in full, but there’s ficlets that follow through to the end of the wizarding war. wolfstar.
(the completely unwilling participants on) the bachelor: james is the first british bachelor; lily is a journalist who is sent on the show, undercover, by her shitty boss. james/lily
swung by serafim: a characterization of snape that i do not completely hate; i avoid the last two chapters, bc i do not like snarry, it squicks me out, and i didn’t see the tags for it until the very end of the work since it gets more textual in those chapters, and also it involves real life events that feels a bit strange to write about in fic, but. that’s just me. i think there’s cho/harry/cedric in there?
turn: genuinely just one of the best-written harry potter fanfics i’ve ever read. harry after the epilogue gets sent to an alternate universe where things went a little different. drarry
the debt of time: obligatory “hermione gets sent back in time to the marauders” fic; these were super popular on fanfic.net, where i started out, but i read this recently and really really enjoyed it. sirius/hermione, remus/hermione
the pure and simple truth: everyone goes out to a bar. drarry, romione
hogwarts, to welcome you home: harry as the dada professor from mcgonagall’s perspective
stealing harry: sirius never went to azkaban, but harry still went to the dursleys for a bit. it’s written up to part of the third book, but it has notes for how the rest of the series would have turned out. wolfstar
hermione granger’s hogwarts crammer for delinquents on the run: if harry was told he was a wizard at age seventeen, instead of age eleven. drarry
the reclamation of black magic: harry’s grandmother dorea was in a coma and never died. now she’s come to adopt her grandson and seek a reckoning on the wizarding world. this is unfinished and is in harry’s first year; sirius black/remus, for a bit, but also remus/female oc and sirius/male oc; probably harry/hermione, by the end of it.
if any of you have fic recs (especially fics featuring ginny, jily, or wolfstar) (i’ve been meaning to read atyd, i’m saving it) please let me know!
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thelittlefanpire · 5 years
Author Tags
tagged by @pawprinterfanfic I love this! Thanks for the tag, love!
Fandoms You Write for: The 100 is my main b*tch...or am I the 100’s b*tch? Basically Bellarke and the Delinquents have me in a chokehold. No complaints here tho! My roots are in Twilight. I’ve written some Harry Potter. One day I’ll write a Narnia fic.
Where you post: ao3 and FFnet (I prefer ao3 but i can’t quite quit ffnet)
Most popular one shot: holy or broken, there is still hallelujah. THIS IS THE FIRST THING I WROTE FOR THE 100 FANDOM after a 7-year writing hiatus. S5 Bellarke Angst and how I wanted that Clarke/Echo confrontation to go. I love how easy it was for me to write this.
Most popular Multi-Chapter: tyflo. Bellarke Ark Soulmate AU. I’m really obsessed with Soulmate AUs and this was so fun to write! Not completely happy with the ending because I feel like it was rushed but hey, people seem to like this one!
Favorite story you wrote: This is a hard one! I love my stories! The last thing I re-read was my Almost Shrek AU, once upon a time in love. And Halloween is coming up so I’ll be reading my Bellarke Hocus Pocus AU, one equal temper of heroic hearts a lot!
Story you were nervous to post: Drag Me Down (I’m a diver searching for pearls) it was my first time writing smut and I was sooooo nervous! But the response I got was so great and made me feel like I should write smut all the time! Lol
How do you choose your titles: Song Lyrics mostly. Or some kind of repeated phrase in the fic. My fics usually have a title before I even start writing. It’s just how I roll.
Do you outline: Yeah. I’m not very thorough with it though. More of a this happens and then this and someone says this. I need to do a better job with outlines and then maybe my fics wont fall apart at the end.
Complete number of stories: 19. Ah, that makes me so happy! 14 for the 100 in the last two years.
In progress: One. My Chopped fic, Killing Me Softly. A Genderbent Most Dangerous Game AU. I had prewritten the majority of it before posting and then I wanted some feedback and then summer messed me all up. It’s got two more parts to it so I hope I can get back into it soon!
Do you accept prompts: l do...but I have a pretty hefty list of fics I want to write (35+ currently) but if you send me something I’ll try to prioritize it over the others if I can.
Upcoming Story you are most excited about: All the Tropes fics! Okay, so I don’t actually have anything I’m currently working on that is anywhere near ready to be published! BUT CHOPPED CANON CHALLENGE TROPES ARE COMING! I’m really excited to write and read for those rounds! And I’m still thinking about my Bellarke Bingo Card (I’ve got a story planned that will use all 25 Tropes! Eek!)
So stay tuned! Suscribe to my ao3! ❤️
Tagging: @dylanobrienisbatman @marauders-groupie @eyessharpweaponshot @thefangirlingbarista @asroarke @chants-de-lune @baellamy @youleftme-clarke @octannibal-blake @hiddenpolkadots @captaindaddykru @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @the-most-beautiful-broom @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @anne-shirley-blythe @probably-voldemort @kinetic-elaboration and anyone else!
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cubedcoffeecake · 6 years
Dudley is Magical AU
* The Dursley’s would have refused to put Dudley in Hogwarts if they were any other family
* But they had Harry, so Hagrid chased them down, and couldn’t bear the thought of a magical child being denied the chance to go to Hogwarts
* So as Harry’s stomach dropped, Hagrid took both Harry and Dudley off to Diagon Alley.
* But Harry was quiet where Dudley was involved, and Dudley extra loud where Harry was involved
* So right from the beginning, Harry was ignored in favor of Dudley, even though Hagrid meant his best
* Because the loudest kid gets the most attention
* Dudley was difficult, and Harry was easy. Dudley complained loudly and frequently, and Harry did whatever he was told, and picked things up quickly
* Most of Hagrid’s well meaning information and speeches were inadvertently turned toward Dudley, and Harry wasn’t paying quite as much adoring attention as he might’ve
* At Madam Malkin’s Draco didn’t make attempts to befriend Harry—Dudley attempted to monopolize Draco’s attention, but Draco was very unimpressed
* Instead of being turned off by Draco’s behavior Harry was quietly snickering with him
* Draco judged Harry as likely awful for being related to Dudley, but Harry wasn’t terribly offended—he would have made the same judgment about someone associated with Dudley
* Dudley wanted the owl Hagrid was picking out for Harry’s present, and Harry didn’t want any more of Uncle Vernon’s ire than he’d already earned
* So Harry insisted he wanted Dudley to have his gift—a cleverly worded excuse that it’d be a gift to see his cousin happy
* And Hagrid was so taken with the sweet, quiet little boy’s devotion to his cousin he didn’t question it.
* Harry didn’t learn he was rich
* Assuming that Uncle Vernon’s money was being taken for his stuff as well as Dudley’s, and Hagrid didn’t think to say anything to the contrary.
* So, Harry is a tag along when the Dursley’s take Dudley to Platform 9 and 3/4
* They’re not happy about all this magic nonsense, but they’re gonna support Dudley anyway
* And Harry’s dragging his own trunk, in horrible clothes, locking his jaw and keeping his eyes on the ground
* Dudley settles down in the first empty compartment he can find and shoves Harry in too
* Starts mocking him, that he’s a waste of space in the magical world too
* And Harry is growing more and more determined to find a place in this new world WITHOUT Dudley in it
* So Ron comes in, and Dudley immediately starts lavishing attention on him
* And lovely as Ron is, he’s always wanted a friend who just sees him
* Harry grits his teeth, knowing that Dudley sees him as a minion, not a person
* But Ron has already latched on to Dudley, and you’d bet Ron’d believe him if he denounces his delinquent cousin over there
* And Hermione comes in, and Dudley sneers, and Harry slips out
* And he finds Draco, who’s looking for Harry Potter, because Harry Potter’s the same age as him and Draco just knows he’ll be on the train
* And Harry asks what’s the big deal with Harry Potter
* And Draco launches into how he defeated the Dark Lord and brought an end to the greatest Wizarding War of history! and so much more because this kid has read everything there is to know about Harry Potter and remembers everything his father had ever told him (and he’s 11 too and hasn’t quite learned to keep some cards to himself yet) (especially when he has a rapt audience)
* Because Hagrid never realized exactly what it meant that Harry didn’t know about the Wizarding World
* And Draco finishes and Harry has hope because he’s not just a waste of space
* And he lifts up his hair and shows Draco his scar and Draco realizes that this kid from Madam Malkin’s is Harry Potter
* But before he can get angry, even if he would
* Harry thanks him for explaining, and quietly, a bit sharply comments that his cousin hadn’t asked about wizarding history when they were brought to Diagon Alley
* And Draco realizes invites his childhood idol to his compartment, and Harry happily joins him
* Slowly Draco begins to piece together that something is very wrong here and Harry really knows nothing about anything and that’s kinda weird?
* So he politely asks about Harry’s cousin this time, instead of judging him on his family connections
* And Harry doesn’t tell him much, but Draco was raised a Slytherin and he can read between the lines
* Harry does not hold to those muggles at all, and he dislikes his muggle cousin more than Draco ever could
* So Draco decides that he’s gonna be Harry’s friend
* And in this world, Harry doesn’t have a problem with that.
* Draco tells Harry everything he can about everything as they head up to the castle—the ceiling, the sorting hat, random facts he read in Hogwarts a History
* And Harry’s endeared, because Draco has made it his mission to make sure no one can rag on Harry because he had the disadvantage of growing up outside the Wizarding World
* The sorting begins
* D comes fast, and after a near hatstall Dudley gets GRYFFINDOR
* (he’s heard about it all train ride—it’s the best house, it’s the right house, everyone who isn’t in Gryffindor is a pushover or nerdy or evil)
* And M comes with an instant SLYTHERIN
* So P comes, and the hall goes silent, and Dudley is confused (later he’ll be fuming)
* And Harry is told he isn’t a waste of space—he can be great
* And the way to greatness holds his new friend (his only friend)
* Harry hasn’t heard any slander against Slytherin in favor of Gryffindor
* But he’s heard Draco talk and talk and talk on the train about all of the great people who’ve come out of Slytherin and all that they’ve done
* Great potion masters who changed the way healing was done, and headmasters who are still household names, and politicians who formed the modern Wizengamot
* And he doesn’t argue with the hat against SLYTHERIN
* The hall is a bit silent for a moment
* And Draco’s too smart to clap before the rest of his table
* But when the entirety of Slytherin does bring up a bit of applause, Draco is the only one whose applaud is more than golf claps.
* The rooms are in the dungeon
* Prefects explain what will be expected of them grade-wise
* But also all of the many tools Slytherin will offer them to meet those expectations
* Tutoring, and extra resources, and office hours w their head of house
* Who dramatically entrances to give them his own speech, more focused on Slytherin’s rich history and the wonders it boasts
* Harry barely holds back a smile when he realizes that this sounds so familiar bc Draco had been reciting from it
* So Harry goes to bed happy, maybe for the first time ever, really,
* Bc he has a home. A home. These people have rules he shouldn’t break for his safety and the house’s reputation (he’s watched Aunt Petunia’s managing the social ladder his whole life; he gets that part), these people will offer him help when he needs it, and hold him up, and maybe, just maybe, some people will enjoy his company, like the nerdy rich boy he seems to have become friends w, if Draco’s rants about “Obviously I should be bedding next to him! We’re friends, if you didn’t notice” are to be believed.
* Dudley has quickly become famous in Gryffindor, too
* By the time they go to bed, it’s common knowledge that Harry Potter really is a snake, has always been an attention seeking problem child, and Dudley’s not surprised he slayed a Dark Lord, he probably wants to be one!
* Snape believes his own speeches about unity far too much to be rude to the boy while giving the unity speech
* But he’s already planning out detentions, and he’ll be having a very serious conversation w that brat if he starts pulling his godson into any trouble.
* Harry wakes up, and gets to wear new robes and they fit
* And Draco claims the green matches his eyes wonderfully
* Draco also tells him all about what they should be learning in their classes that day, and shares w him the answers to all the questions he thinks they might be asked
* And Harry doesn’t remember a half of what Draco’s saying, but he listens attentively bc he’s so touched that Draco cares that he does well his first day in class
* (Not hand-dyed uniforms and being required to fail his classes)
* Breakfast brings jeers from the whole Gryffindor table
* And Harry tenses bc he can see Dudley’s behind it
* And Draco tenses bc how DARE they disrespect HIM, a Malfoy, and Harry?!
* So he sneers and tells Harry that Gryffindors will judge anyone based on nothing
* And don’t know Harry at all
* (A day is quite a lot of time to get to know me, apparently)
* They just want a new reason to vilify their ancient, noble house
* And Harry knows that Dudley doesn’t need a reason to chase you and hit you
* So it’s not a stretch that the rest of the Gryffindors are like that
* And Harry doesn’t sneer, but he’s long perfected an icy glare meant specially for Dudley that is now given to the whole red house
* Draco and Harry sit down and calmly ignore the idiots across the hall as they enjoy breakfast and chatter about how wonderful what they’ve seen of Hogwarts is
* But Draco... he’s a little lost with the food
* He’s always had perfect meals given to him, not a buffet
* So Harry happily steps on to point out what’ll go well together
* “Just wait for potions! If you know so much about food and putting ingredients together, you’ll love it!”
* Professor Snape watches, and plots a little less—a LITTLE—bc this boy will be a menace, but at least he might be a Slytherin of a menace, not a Gryffindor one
* PETUNIA’s son seems to have THAT covered.
* In classes, Harry picks up a bit of Draco’s excitement to learn and they both listen attentively and do pretty well
* Tho how much is natural talent and how much is keeping his cool and letting Draco boss him through the practical Harry doesn’t really know—doesn’t particularly care, either. As long as Draco quiets down when he asks, Harry is happy to let his new friend talk as much as he wants to
There is actually more! I’ll post it to my Ao3 (cubedcoffeecake) at some point—or here, if y’all really want it.
This was written back in May of this year, and then I totally forgot about it. But like... this is technically my first HP fanfiction? I was really surprised by how much I like this as I read back thru it. I hope you like it too!
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mhioislife · 7 years
Tags for mobile users
If a tag is listed here but it doesn’t work, it means either I made a typo or the first post with the tag is in my queue and will be published soon. If the link doesn't work, wait a few days and check it again. If it still doesn't work, send me an ask, please! It’s the most likely with AUs and fics or comics mentioned by title tho.
Trigger info: for now I tag only a few triggers (animal death tw, blood tw, cancer tw, death tw and gore tw), if you want me to tag something specific, send me an ask! It’s not a problem, really!
Type of work
fanfics (oneshots, multichapters: as long as you’re with me you’ll be fine, covered in the colors, element of secrecy, i guess we’re idiots too, texting and parties, the cursed dragon)
comics (hope, it stings, the fhq adventure, the tale of the demon king)
text posts (headcanons, incorrect quotes)
edits (manga and anime screenshots edits (including tumblr textpost memes), character/ship boards and pics of how would characters’ social media and texting apps look like)
videos (anime edits and all this stuff)
cosplays and stage play
other (memes, shitposting and characters appreciation posts)
Ships and characters’ tags
And additional
seijou team
other series
aladdin au
avatar: the last airbender au
beauty and the beast au
boku no hero academia au
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game of thrones au
ghost adventures au
ghost busters au
hamilton au
harry potter au
in a heartbeat au
little red riding hood au
log horizon au
miraculous ladybug au
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percy jackson au
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bartender au
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famous au (actors au, idol au, model au, musician au)
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parents au
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roommates au
sport au (baseball au, boxer au, dance au, professional volleyball player(s) au, surfing au)
teacher au
travelling au
fantasy, urban fantasy, sci-fi, historical and other aus
adventurous, treasure hunters and indiana-jones-like stuff au
aliens au
animal au
dragonrider au
dystopy/apocalypse/post-apocalypse au
fantasy au
final haikyuu quest au
greek deities au
historical au
merpeople au
pirates au (space pirates au)
royal au
rulers of day and night au
secret agent/spy au
soulmates au
superheroes au
urban fantasy au
wild west au
vampire au
zombie au
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trueheda · 8 years
fandoms; the 100, penny dreadful, star wars, star trek, & harry potter
POSITIVE ‘SEND ME A FANDOM AND I’LL TELL YOU’:note:  please use this meme to be positive about all your favourite fandom things !!
THE 100
what character caught your eye when you first watched: john murphy
your first favourite character: john murphy
what is your favourite character now: bellamy blake
describe why you love your favourite character: bellamy is... unique. his character he’s incredibly complex and his history even more so. having to raise his baby sister and then taking up a leadership position not because he wanted it but in order to survive, and then being burdened by the responsibility of it. and having to grow so much, he’s a character we see grown from someone who cares not exclusively but so much more about his baby sister and himself than anyone else in early season one to the man he is today and it’s wonderful, bellamy easily has some of the best writing on the show, some of the best development on the show, and he’s a relatable and loving character to have as a favorite. i don’t see how anyone could not love bellamy blake. 
what is some development that you wish they had implemented on the show  (  keep it positive  ): honestly anything where they explain why azgeda stopped using blood in their warpaint would be great. jk jk no but i actually do wish they’d dove a little deeper with the mountain men, and with azgeda as villains in s2 and s3 respectfully. nia and ontari especially were characters that had so much potential built into them but it was cut down prematurely, ontari especially being a nightblood that was taken from her parents, she was raised by a queen but as a soldier for her a servant for azgeda in many regards, she believes so deeply in the flame and that she was meant for it. the end result excusing the means in which it takes to get there etc. idk man just maybe not having killed them off would have been such a better way to go ?
a ship that never got together but shipped: season one bellamy &. clarke, i don’t so much ship them anymore but i really liked bellarke in season one.
a ship that did get together and wanted it to be endgame: wick &. raven, it really made me sad that they wrote the character off when they fired the actor, i was really hoping he’d get recast, because wick was very good for raven she doesn’t need him and thats 100% true, but he was very supportive of her and he was good for her, and i think that it would have been nice to see them develop further.
what is your favourite season: season one.
what is your favourite episode: murphy’s law.
talk about an episode that was significant for a favourite character: day trip is incredibly important to bellamy blake as a character. i think murphy’s law however is such an important episode for EVERYONE in season one, we get to see for the first time real consequences for the actions that the delinquents do to each other on the ground, the mob mentality that can so easily form in these situations. and the dangers of not having an effective rule in even such a small group of people. i really want season four or five to have a parallel to murphy’s law at some point because it is such a good episode that highlights so much of the raw simplicity of having to survive on the ground. 
what is one of your favourite headcanons about one of the characters, it can be canon or fanon: * points at literally all my azgeda headcanons *
if your favourite character could crossover into another fandom, what would that fandom be: bellamy and octavia as the winchesters would be cool, put clarke griffin and eric jackson in grey’s anatomy please and thanks, john murphy in law & order: special victims unit as a victim. azgeda in game of thrones, the ark as part of the expanse. grounders &. mad max
if any character could date someone from another fandom, who would your otp be: ontari and ivar might like destroy the entire world but that’d be hella fun to see come to light ( would be highkey the most unhealthy bullshit ever please never let this happen ). and i already said this for spn but sam &. clarke.
what character caught your eye when you first watched: han solo
your first favourite character: luke skywalker
what is your favourite character now: luke skywalker &. cassian andor
describe why you love your favourite character: how can you not love luke skywalker. i think i liked him because he symbolized all that is good, but wa still capable of making mistakes and he didn’t let that stop him from being as amazing as he knew he could be. he was himself, that was all that mattered, and i think that counts for a lot.
what is some development that you wish they had implemented on the show  (  keep it positive  ): i think we deff needed some more anikin x obi wan information ike they kept hinting they were brotps af and never showed us shit in the prequel trilogy and i was like ??? um dudes.
a ship that never got together but shipped: im hoping for jedistormtrooper because i really fucking liked it but i’m here for stormpilot too.
a ship that did get together and wanted it to be endgame: han &. leia
what is your favourite season: the original trilogy 
what is your favourite episode: new hope or rogue one
talk about an episode that was significant for a favourite character: rogue one is the single most significant episode ever and i don’t need to explain why.
what is one of your favourite headcanons about one of the characters, it can be canon or fanon: luke having to get over the trauma of having kissed his sister and not being able to look her in the eyes afterwards for like a good year and a half when he finally realizes what happened.
if your favourite character could crossover into another fandom, what would that fandom be: please put cassian andor in the star trek movie verse.
if any character could date someone from another fandom, who would your otp be: luke skywalker x luna
what character caught your eye when you first watched: spock
your first favourite character: james t. kirk
what is your favourite character now: james t. kirk
describe why you love your favourite character: because kirk is amazing.
what is some development that you wish they had implemented on the show  (  keep it positive  ): i really want them to go into more info on like how ships get passed along bc i dont htink they explain that at all. 
a ship that never got together but shipped: i dont have any tbh 
a ship that did get together and wanted it to be endgame: n/a
what is your favourite season: i never watched the series tbh WHOOPS
what is your favourite episode: the first film of the new cast 
talk about an episode that was significant for a favourite character: BEYOND was great for spok and krik tbh.
what is one of your favourite headcanons about one of the characters, it can be canon or fanon: james likes to listen to classical music and only classical rock music ( * remember tho that like classical music for them is like 20th century music )
if your favourite character could crossover into another fandom, what would that fandom be: JAMES T. KIRK IN ALIEN PLS
if any character could date someone from another fandom, who would your otp be:  spock x lexa
what character caught your eye when you first watched: harry potter
your first favourite character: hermione granger
what is your favourite character now: draco malfoy
describe why you love your favourite character: um can i not ? these are getting long.
what is some development that you wish they had implemented on the show  (  keep it positive  ): less slytherin as evil peoples please and thnx
a ship that never got together but shipped: draco x hermione, hermione x harry
a ship that did get together and wanted it to be endgame: hermione x ron
what is your favourite season: the goblet of fire
what is your favourite episode: the chamber of secrets
talk about an episode that was significant for a favourite character: no.
what is one of your favourite headcanons about one of the characters, it can be canon or fanon: no.
if your favourite character could crossover into another fandom, what would that fandom be: draco in peaky blinders would be fun.
if any character could date someone from another fandom, who would your otp be: no.
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