#dem graphics
ofthirtynine · 4 months
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It's a good day for a meltdown.
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1ightningsvibecorner · 3 months
Cat woman won UwU
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The new and improved Tsuki
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noosphe-re · 1 year
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frogshunnedshadows · 1 year
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It's not too late to send your Easter Greetings via Western Union Telegram!
This is an Easter themed blank telegram order form from 1938, with art by Norman Rockwell. It offers a variety of pre-written messages at a lower price. Recipients would receive their telegram on a similarly decorated blank form & envelope.
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roseband · 2 months
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US folks living in New York, Wisconsin, Connecticut, or Rhode Island:
today (April 2, 2024) is the Democratic primary election! please please go vote against genocide!
the Vote Uncommitted campaign is sending Biden a message that voters demand a permanent ceasefire now! How it works is people vote uncommitted or undecided or other in large numbers, which will show the democrats that they WILL NOT win the general election in the Fall and Trump will become president unless Biden and the rest of the Dems immediately change their policy on Israel and Gaza. Michigan already turned out over 100,000 people voting uncommitted, which is MORE than the margin Biden won MI by last election and more than the margin Trump won MI by in 2016. Voting Uncommitted matters! So if you’re a US citizen who’s able to vote, make sure you do!!
each state has a different ballot option so please refer to this graphic to see how you should vote in your state!
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life-of-an-asexual · 1 year
Asexual Non-Fiction
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Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex by Angela Chen
An engaging exploration of what it means to be asexual in a world that's obsessed with sexual attraction, and what we can all learn about desire and identity by using an ace lens to see the world. Through interviews, cultural criticism, and memoir, ACE invites all readers to consider big-picture issues through the lens of asexuality, because every place that sexuality touches our world, asexuality does too.
The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality by Julie Sondra Decker
In The Invisible Orientation, Julie Sondra Decker outlines what asexuality is, counters misconceptions, provides resources, and puts asexual people's experiences in context as they move through a very sexualized world. It includes information for asexual people to help understand their orientation and what it means for their relationships, as well as tips and facts for those who want to understand their asexual friends and loved ones.
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How to Be Ace: A Memoir of Growing Up Asexual by Rebecca Burgess
In this brave, hilarious and empowering graphic memoir, we follow Rebecca as they navigate a culture obsessed with sex—from being bullied at school and trying to fit in with friends, to forcing themself into relationships and experiencing anxiety and OCD—before coming to understand and embrace their asexual identity.
A Quick & Easy Guide to Asexuality by Molly Mulldoon and Will Hernandez
Writer Molly Muldoon and cartoonist Will Hernandez, both in the ace community, are here to shed light on society’s misconceptions of asexuality and what being ace is really like. This book is for anyone who wants to learn about asexuality, and for Ace people themselves, to validate their experiences. Asexuality is a real identity and it’s time the world recognizes it. Here’s to being invisible no more! 
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Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives edited by Karli June Cerankowski and Megan Milks
As the first book-length collection of critical essays ever produced on the topic of asexuality, this book serves as a foundational text in a growing field of study. It also aims to reshape the directions of feminist and queer studies, and to radically alter popular conceptions of sex and desire. Including units addressing theories of asexual orientation; the politics of asexuality; asexuality in media culture; masculinity and asexuality; health, disability, and medicalization; and asexual literary theory, Asexualities will be of interest to scholars and students in sexuality, gender, sociology, cultural studies, disability studies, and media culture.
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown
In this exploration of what it means to be Black and asexual in America today, Sherronda J. Brown offers new perspectives on asexuality. She takes an incisive look at how anti-Blackness, white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, and capitalism enact harm against asexual people, contextualizing acephobia within a racial framework in the first book of its kind. A necessary and unapologetic reclamation, Refusing Compulsory Sexuality is smart, timely, and an essential read for asexuals, aromantics, queer readers, and anyone looking to better understand sexual politics in America.
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I Am Ace: Advice on Living Your Best Asexual Life by Cody Daigle-Orians
Within these pages lie all the advice you need as a questioning ace teen. Tackling everything from what asexuality is, the asexual spectrum and tips on coming out, to intimacy, relationships, acephobia and finding joy, this guide will help you better understand your asexual identity alongside deeply relatable anecdotes drawn from Cody's personal experience. Whether you are ace, demi, gray-ace or not sure yet, this book will give you the courage and confidence to embrace your authentic self and live your best ace life.
Ace Voices: What it Means to Be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace by Eris Young
Drawing upon interviews with a wide range of people across the asexual spectrum, Eris Young is here to take you on an empowering, enriching journey through the rich multitudes of asexual life. With chapters spanning everything from dating, relationships and sex, to mental and emotional health, family, community and joy, the inspirational stories and personal experiences within these pages speak to aces living and loving in unique ways. Find support amongst the diverse narratives of aces sex-repulsed and sex-favourable, alongside voices exploring what it means to be black and ace, to be queer and ace, or ace and multi-partnered - and use it as a springboard for your own ace growth.
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Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality by Ela Przybylo
Through a wide-ranging analysis of pivotal queer, feminist, and anti-racist movements; television and film; art and photography; and fiction, nonfiction, and theoretical texts, each chapter explores asexual erotics and demonstrates how asexuality has been vital to the formulation of intimate ways of knowing and being. Asexual Erotics assembles a compendium of asexual possibilities that speaks against the centralization of sex and sexuality, asking that we consider the ways in which compulsory sexuality is detrimental not only to asexual and nonsexual people but to all.
Ace Notes by Michele Kirichanskaya
As an ace or questioning person in an oh-so-allo world, you're probably in desperate need of a cheat sheet. Covering everything from coming out, explaining asexuality and understanding different types of attraction, to marriage, relationships, sex, consent, gatekeeping, religion, ace culture and more, this is the ultimate arsenal for whatever the allo world throws at you.
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Ace and Aro Journeys: A Guide to Embracing Your Asexual or Aromantic Identity by The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project
Join the The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project (TAAAP) for a deep dive into the process of discovering and embracing your ace and aro identities. Empower yourself to explore the nuances of your identity, find and develop support networks, explore different kinds of partnership, come out to your communities and find real joy within. Combining a rigorous exploration of identity and sexuality models with hundreds of candid and poignant testimonials - this companion vouches for your personal truth, wherever you lie on the aspec spectrum.
Sounds Fake But Okay: An Asexual and Aromantic Perspective on Love, Relationships, Sex, and Pretty Much Anything Else by Sarah Costello and Kayla Kaszyca
Drawing on Sarah and Kayla's personal stories, and those of aspec friends all over the world, prepare to explore your microlabels, investigate different models of partnership, delve into the intersection of gender norms and compulsory sexuality and reconsider the meaning of sex - when allosexual attraction is out of the equation.
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
While perhaps it's too early to call it a "masterstroke", Joe Biden stepping aside for Kamala Harris will probably turn out much better than any Democrat would have predicted a month ago.
Kamala Harris will likely be the next president of the United States – and that’s overall good news if you care about democracy, justice and equality. Joe Biden’s decision on Sunday to bow out of the presidential race clears the path for the country to elect its first woman and first woman of color as president.
For people who need a historical reminder...
[M]ost people in this country typically choose the Democratic nominee for president over the Republican nominee time and time again. With the sole exception of 2004, in every presidential election since 1992, the Democratic nominee has won the popular vote (Biden bested Donald Trump by 7m votes in 2020).
Now for more recent events.
If, in fact, support for Democrats among people of color is the principal problem, then putting Harris at the top of the ticket is a master stroke. The enthusiasm for electing the first woman of color as president will likely be a thunderclap across the country that consolidates the support of voters of color, and, equally important, motivates them to turn out in large numbers at the polls, much as they did for Barack Obama in 2008. The challenge the party will face in November is holding the support of Democratic-leaning and other “gettable” whites, especially given the electorate’s tortured history in embracing supremely qualified female candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams. (The primary difference between Abrams, who lost in Georgia, and Senator Raphael Warnock, who won, is gender.) Sexism, misogyny and sexist attitudes about who should be the leader of the free world are real and Democrats will have to work hard to address that challenge. One critical step to solidifying the Democratic base is for all political leaders to quickly and forcefully endorse and embrace Harris’s candidacy. Mathematically, it is likely – and certainly possible, if massive investments are made in getting out the vote of people of color and young people as soon as possible – that the gains for Democrats will offset any losses among whites worried about a woman (and one of color, no less) occupying the Oval Office and becoming our nation’s commander in chief.
We shouldn't forget that the VP's mom was born in India. A number of people in the growing South Asian community in the US who may not be especially interested in politics will be tempted to pause their disinterest and vote for Kamala. India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have all had female prime ministers – so there's not exactly a taboo about women in power.
One way to measure enthusiasm for Kamala is to look at how much money is being raised by ActBlue. Not all the money ActBlue raises goes to the national ticket. I donated to a US Senate campaign in June via ActBlue. BUT the timing of recent donations leaves little doubt what the cause of the recent spike is.
For context, first some recent weekly totals (source)...
Week of June 30 through July 6 — $65,220,920
Week of July 7 through July 13 — $48,669,913
Week of July 14 through July 20 — $61,349,601
As of Noon today (CDT): Week of July 21 through July 27th — $150,042,360 and the third day of the week is just a little over half over. In the previous hour alone, roughly $2.44 million was raised.
These are small donations, not like the $45 million per month promised by multi-billionaire Elon Putz to Trump. So grassroots Dems are stoked and are out for a win.
ActBlue is fairly no-nonsense, it's not exactly Amazon in layout. So people are not drawn there by flashy graphics.
Kamala Harris — Donate via ActBlue
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kritzelpixel · 9 days
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ES IST EIN WUNDER GESCHEHEN! Ich habe meine Highfantasy Buchreihe ERNEUT bei einem Verlag untergebracht. Ihr könnt „Das Reich des Todesdrachen“ vorbestellen. Ich hab das Buch neu geschrieben und es beinhaltet auch 52 Seiten Graphic Novel. AHHHHH!
Das Buch
Die Drachen brachten die Magie und teilten sie mit den Menschen. Doch nicht alle waren der Meinung, dass die Menschen sich dieser Macht würdig zeigten. Tausende Jahre später ist die Welt All’Ein durch die zurückliegenden Kriege um die Vorherrschaft wie zerbrochen. Eine tiefe Kluft spaltet nicht nur den Kontinent, sondern auch die Beziehungen zwischen den Drachen und Menschen.
Auf dem jungen Zauberer Jasov lastet eine schreckliche Schuld und seine einzige Chance, Buße zu tun, ist, sich dem Reich zu verschwören und einem Altdrachen zu dienen. Er hofft, dort zu lernen, wie er mit den unbändigen Zauberkräften, die ihm innewohnen, umgehen kann. Doch Jasovs bloßes Talent ist der letzte Beweis, den der Drachenherrscher Dragul noch gebraucht hat: Erst gestörte Magie an den Grenzen, dann verschwundene Spione und nun ein Zauberer, der zu viel Macht besitzt. Die Balance der Magie hat sich verändert. Die Reiche sind den Waffenstillstand leid. Das Wettrüsten hat längst begonnen. Dragul muss handeln. Und das führt auch Jasov mitten hinein in den Konflikt zwischen Menschen und Drachen, Intrigen, Verrat und Liebe. Welche Seite wird sein Herrscher wählen? Und wird Jasov sich ihm anschließen oder den Lehren seiner neuen Mentorin vertrauen, die ihren ganz eigenen Vorstellungen von Balance folgt?
Ein junger Zauberer mit dem Wunsch, Buße zu leisten.
Ein Altdrache, der sich für oder gegen das Leben entscheiden muss.
Eine Drachenfrau, die nicht länger vor ihrem Schicksal davonlaufen kann.
Content & Tropes: High Fantasy, Drachen, Magie mit Bewusstsein, Heldenreise, komplexes Worldbuilding, Schlachten und Kriege, Found Family, From 0 to Hero, Enemies to Lovers, Broken World.
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vcnenum · 4 months
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ❝What is it that you feel?❞ ― ❝Maniacal rage.❞ 
#vcnenum ― FANDOMLESS, SEMI ACTIVE & SELECTIVE PORTRAYAL of Kassian Kaz Ashford, the hunted who became the hunter. A study in: suppressed magic; witch hunt; manipulation; poisoning of the mind; inner conflict; loss and distortion of memories. ( mdni, open for plotting, german highly preferred, 1/4 texts answered )
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Tropf, tropf, tropf, …
Es machte mich wahnsinnig und gleichzeitig war es das einzige, das mich bei Verstand hielt. Das stetige Tropfgeräusch erinnerte mich daran, dass ich mich in der Realität befand – irgendwo gefangen zwischen Himmel und Hölle. Tropf, tropf, tropf, … Himmel oder Hölle? Freiheit oder Gefangenschaft? Eigener Wille oder Manipulation? Tropf, tropf, tropf, …
Realität oder reine Fantasie? Keine Ahnung, wie viele Tage ich hier unten schon verrottete. Oder waren es Wochen? Monate? … Jahre?
Tropf, tropf, tropf, …
Ich zählte die Tropfen. Zählte, wie oft das Wasser auf dem Steinboden aufklatschte und die Zelle, in der ich zitternd kauerte, feucht hielt. So feucht, dass ich an manchen Tagen das Gefühl hatte zu ertrinken.
Tropf, tropf, tropf, …
Himmel oder Hölle? Freiheit oder Gefangenschaft?
Tropf, tropf, tropf, …
Eigener Wille oder Manipulation?
Eigener Wille oder… Manipulation?
Eigener Wille…?
Tropf, tropf, tropf, …
Umgebracht. Leichen über Leichen. Stinkende, verwesende Körper. Blutüberströmte Gesichter. Eigener Wille…? Jäger oder Gejagter?
Tropf, tropf, tropf, …
Ich ertrank. Und was ich für Manipulation hielt, wurde für mich zu einer Realität, der ich nicht mehr entfliehen konnte. Oder … wollte.
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( OOC: the character and blog are a work in progress, which is why there may be changes to the profile/carrd. dni if: mun and/or muse are under 25, you are easily triggered by themes like manipulation, foul words, murder, graphic deciption of violence, toxic behaviour, mentions of blood ― list may change regulary )
― carrd (I kindly ask you to check out my rules before interacting with me, thank you! )
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palestinegenocide · 2 months
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The exquisite choreography of hosting a war criminal at the White House
The grisly farce that is the Biden administration’s support for Israeli war crimes became even more grotesque this week.
Netanyahu is coming to Washington in a few days. Democrats believe overwhelmingly that Netanyahu is carrying out a genocide– nearly 39,000 Palestinians deaths with thousands more under the rubble. So some Dems will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to the Congress, but the Democratic Party leadership is rolling out the welcome mat.
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Netanyahu is to meet at the White House with the president who has provided Israel with endless munitions to carry out the war. And though many expect Biden to drop out of the presidential race,the New York Times says Biden won’t do so before he meets with Netanyahu, because Biden does not want to give the far-right-wing prime minister who has repeatedly bossed Democratic presidents the “satisfaction” of seeing Biden when he’s a lame duck.
Though if you think Kamala Harris will stand up for human rights and U.S. interests if she becomes president—think again, she is going to meet Netanyahu too, the White House assured the press.
Why meet with this war criminal at all? To answer that, consider who are the most important voters in the Biden debate right now: the donors who are the last shoe to drop on Biden’s reelection hopes, pulling their money to pressure the president to get out of the race.
Many of these donors now in rebellion are big Israel supporters. Michael Moritz the latest billionaire to put it to Biden has been in solidarity with Israel. Reid Hoffman who organized a concerned donors call with Kamala Harris calls Israeli forces a model.
While another group of 75 donors almost all of whom want Biden out is reported by CNBC to include as leaders Ari Emanuel and his brother Zeke. Ari Emanuel said that Israel’s war is “justified” in May 2024, and has said that he loves the country. Of course, there are Dem donors who don’t care about Israel. But the power map is clear.
It’s not like Trump is any different. The top Republican donor is thought to be Miriam Adelson, the Israeli doctor, and she is reportedly spending millions to stake Trump to a promise to allow Israeli annexation of the West Bank.
Just as Adelson’s late husband Sheldon, once the biggest Republican donor, asked Trump to move the embassy to Jerusalem and trash the Iran deal, and Trump followed through, in utter contempt for the Palestinian people and world leaders.
So our Middle East policy is up for bid by billionaire zealots. This is what a liberal democracy looks like.
In any just order, the U.S. would have nothing to do with Israel. The country is committing flagrant war crimes in Gaza, killing journalists and athletes and other civilians with complete impunity.
And the International Court of Justice last week issued (yet another) ruling saying that the settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank are violations of international law.
Back in December 2016 the Obama administration after 8 years of being walked over by Netanyahu allowed the U.N. Security Council to issue the same determination, in a resolution on which Obama abstained, that condemned the occupation. President-elect Trump called the Russians to try and stop the resolution but it went through. And of course nothing came of it. The Biden administration has never followed through on the landgrab, and the ethnic cleansing.
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Al Jazeera graphic showing Israeli land seizures at a 25 year high in West Bank.
The Knesset passed a resolution this week saying there must never be a Palestinian state; that would be an “existential threat” to Israel.
Netanyahu repeated the claim of Jewish supremacy in his response to the International Court of Justice.
The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land, including in our eternal capital Jerusalem nor in Judea and Samaria, our historical homeland. No absurd opinion in the Hague can deny this historical truth or the legal right of Israelis to live in their own communities in our ancestoral home.
The Biden administration is incapable of condemning these racists. “It’s like pulling teeth to get you to say something on this,” a reporter complained in the State Department this week after the Knesset’s attack on a Palestinian state.
Antony Blinken was unable to say a critical word about Netanyahu during a fawning interview in Aspen (by NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly) in which he used a football metaphor to claim the U.S. was doing something to stop the genocide. “I believe we’re inside the 10-yard line and driving toward the goal line in getting an agreement that would produce a ceasefire, get the hostages home, and put us on a better track to trying to build lasting peace and stability.”
And keep the bombs flowing, as Israel bombs hospitals and refugee camps…
Netanyahu should be persona non grata in Washington. But he will be welcomed with open arms.
As a former Biden official Tariq Habash said on a webinar this week, our policy is “rooted in anti-Palestinian racism”– in the dehumanization and erasure of Palestinians.
Habash quit the Biden administration in January. Let’s hope that his courage and honesty are infectious.
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iceclew · 2 months
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Wirst die falschen Freunde haben Die die Wahrheit Dir nicht sagen! Und am Ende ganz allein So furchtbar anders sein!
Anders Sein kann auch bedeuten Sich nicht jedes Mal zu häuten Wenn der Wind sich einmal dreht Schmerzhaft ins Gesicht Dir weht!
Nach dem eig'nen Weg zu suchen Auch einmal für and're bluten! Nicht die Augen zu verschließen Und den Gegenwind genießen!
Listened to this song in bed at the very convenient hour of 4am (listen I'm having some days of, and my sleep scedule gave up like on the first day, ok) and suddenly I had a real urge to draw Kafka's Kaiju form… Then this morning the postman woke me up to bring me the new tips for my graphics tablet pen, so I basically had to do it, right? (૮ ˙ ﻌ˙ ა no more scratching on the surface! yay! )
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the-fallen-stones · 3 months
I am bad at hiding. If you are my friend, you might recognize me. For that, I apologize.
You may call me anything you like. I enjoy and encourage nicknames. But if you need a name, Mica works.
If you would like me to write something for you, you can request it, and I will if I can. It may not be immediately. But I will try.
A warning, my descriptions can sometimes be graphic, or a little violent. It is usually metaphorical, though, don't worry.
I like both storm and calm. Chaos and comfort. I enjoy things that invoke thought, or creativity. I love hugs, snuggles, animals (especially dragons and cats), tea, fiction, and poetry.
Please do not bring up politics here. It's not that I don't care. But I've anguished myself enough over them and honestly, I need a break.
Never assume hostility! It was probably an accident. My tone comes across weird sometimes.
#storm's eye - things that strike me, and I'd like to come back to.
#mica speaks - anything original, by me.
#mica reblogs - empty reblogs.
#mica elaborates - reblogs that are not empty.
#mica rambles - I have rambled.
#mica rhymes - my poetry.
#mika doodles - my art.
#mika's music - my favorite songs.
#mica recites - my favorite poems or stories.
#mika inquires - I ask questions.
#mika responds - I answer questions.
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Credit for the image goes to @poetryforall.
My wonderful mutuals:
@kimu-dem - Keeper of comfort.
@thatrando13 - The wanderer.
@carrotsinnovember - A gentle friend.
@hersurvival - Blanket fort against thunder and snowstorms.
@caustic-splines - Writer of old love letters.
@randomshowerpoems - The wise wordsmith.
@literaryvein - The bright storm outside.
These titles can always change, as I know you better. If you'd like me to use a different one I certainly can.
Some of my favorite songs are;
One Day You Will Fly Too, by Aimee Carty,
Come Along, Does the Swallow Dream of Flying?, Egg and Soldiers, Pelicans We, Half Past Three, Run, and Linger Longer, by Cosmo Sheldrake,
Glow in the Dark by Vian Izak,
Rush of Life, My Neighbor's Car Alarm, Desire, and Rain, by Tony Ann. (Classical.)
Experience, Fly, and Eros, by Ludovico Einaudi. (Classical.)
Ilomilo by Billie Eilish,
Two, Sun, Eight, and Light by Sleeping at Last,
Big Black Car and San Luis by Gregory Alan Isakov,
Passing Through by Kaden MacKay,
The Mountain Song, Be Nobody, and Better is the End, by TopHouse,
Changing Days, Irish Eyes, I Can Never Give my Heart, and Rocket, by Rose Betts,
The Sound of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel,
Walking in the Air, Time, Orinoco Flow, and Carol of the Bells, by Libera,
And many more.
Some of my favorite poems are;
Tug'o'War of Heartstrings, The Night Sky, Together, With a Window Between, A Heavy Wait/Weight, A Veil Not Yet There, Sharks in a Zoo, A Faustian Deal, Denial, The Voice of a Loved One, Explosions, Tribute to the Ocean, The Vast Expanse of the Ocean, Nurturing, Stalagmites in my Brain, and How Can I Put Those Boxes Away? by The Shower Poet,
Fire and Ice, and Walking by Woods on a Snowy Evening, by Robert Frost,
The Sunshine Kid, Paper People, and 59, by Harry Baker,
The Spider, by Robert P. Tristam Coffin,
Run With You, by Atlas,
A Litany, by Gregory Orr,
Landscape with a Blur of Conquerors, and Details of the Woods, by Richard Silken.
And many more.
Some of my favorite books are;
The Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis,
Breadcrumbs, by Anne Ursu,
Ella Minnow Pea, by Mark Dunn,
Holes, Wayside School, Small Steps, and There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom, by Lois Sachar.
Hoot, Scat, Flush, and Chomp, by Carl Hiaasen.
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Starry River of the Sky, and When the Sea Turned to Silver, by Grace Lin.
And oh, so very many more.
Poems I have written;
Teach Me, Silent Serenade, Space Can Die, Weak Resolve, Boundaries Drawn, The Candle, Vacuum, One Pace, Adventure With Me, Stagnant, Workaholic, Sirens Can Cry, Dreamt of Loss, The Chalkboard, Shush, and many more to come.
Once was a girl, who would talk to herself. Stories, tales, thoughts in passing, of the past, future, of the sky and leaves, wind and breeze, of storm and calm. She longed to speak in a cadence. One to soothe. To heal. Doesn't everyone want that, to heal? To be somebody to someone, to have a voice like an anchor, eyes like a vice, that soften, that go warm like a bird's shelter?
Storm seeks calm. Calm seeks storm. They find a balance. But never, never do they stay still. She couldn't stay still. Her mind was a hurricane. And sometimes a breeze, sometimes a song to put you at ease, and sometimes, tight, coiled like a spring.
The calm wasn't who she was. Nor was she as much of the storm as she thought she was. Dear, she was a fire. She'd dim, and grow brighter. Her voice would get high when excited, she'd smile. Her embers couldn't rest. She'd smoulder. Then big stewing pots would bubble over. She'd speak in paragraphs, eyes like beacons, stumbling over words and not always making sense...
But it was beautiful. She loved, she loved deeply. She wanted to be loved, too. And she was. But when the smoke gets high, water and frost meeting that bright smile all too many times, it blurs out the hands, hearts, the words reaching, seeking...
She was silenced. Of course, the embers still burned. But the very things she stifled were the things she was beloved for. And she couldn't hear them.
But slowly, wet wood dries, my dear. You can't always cry. Time passes by. Wounds heal, scars fade, even when clouds pass over the stars. She was stronger than that.
She learned again to love. And though she had times she couldn't muster the songs, the words, the strength to hold on so tight, she began to heal.
Please, my dear, have patience. She is still healing.
Burnout is a dangerous thing. If you are stuck it never eases, never ceases. And things that brought you peace are no less, then, but grievous. It feels like Sisyphus himself is in charge of pulling you out of that rut. My dear, he can't.
The world moves so fast... I can't help but be dizzy. The facts and the future, like stones, whizzing, past my head, I bustle, I catch them, I'm busy...
The earth turns fast but not as fast as my head. Live, die. Fireflies. On my deathbed. I crave a rest, but I get anger instead. For injustice, for fury, the memories I shed...
Give my hands to the stars, fire for every digit. They fall from the sky when in darkness I fidget. Tear through the clouds, but then cry when I can't fix it. My brain is a void and...
I just.
Bridge it.
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all-risejd · 1 year
A New Judgement Chapter 13: Braiding Challah and Some Morning Snuggles (Poly Judgment Day Fic)
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Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.  Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. Part 12.5.
Warnings: Smut below, not too graphic but there are hand necklaces and biting involved as well as talk of the loss of a loved one.
Nessa pulls up to Rhea's house after finally getting the groceries she promised. She turns off the car and sits there a moment trying to process what happened in the last hour or so. Nessa bites her lip deciding to not bring up the weird coffee shop experience and sends a message to the group text calling everyone out to help her bring in the groceries. One by one they all jog out of the house. Damien is out first and goes to hug Nessa, the rest of them surrounding her, hugging her in relief.
“We were so worried Nessa, we couldn’t get a hold of you and thought something happened.” Damian is the first to speak.
“I’m sorry,” Nessa says her voice muffled by Damian's chest and she wiggles trying to get some space and air. Everyone thankfully notices and takes a step back still surrounding Nessa.
“I’m so sorry guys, a storm came out of nowhere and I couldn’t see to safely drive so I parked and ran into the nearest building which was a coffee shop and there was like no service for some reason and I waited out the storm and then I forgot where I parked for a bit.” Nessa blushes, embarrassed at the admission.
“Then please next time ask someone to use their phone or even the business phone to just let us know you are ok and what is going on. Like Luis said we were worried sick!” Rhea gently pushes Nessa on her shoulder, the rest of them making sounds of agreement.
“Ok, I will I promise.” Nessa holds her hands up in surrender before gesturing towards the car.
“Can you guys please help me get the groceries in before they spoil? There is cold stuff in there and I want to get to starting dinner.” Damian kisses Nessa's forehead and hugs her one more time and Nessa can feel that he is relieved she is safe and can see the tension still in his body, in all their bodies they were so worried for her and she fills with guilt. Rhea grabs Nessa’s hand to stop her from going to help the boys carry in the groceries. Nessa looks at Rhea who shakes her head and kisses Nessa’s hand.
“Let them carry it in, I need some Nessa time. You promised to let me help you cook so let's go set up the kitchen while they bring everything in.” Rhea asks and Nessa nods and heads into the house pulling Nessa with her. The boys following behind grumbling.
“Hey, I thought you only went to the store for a few things,” Dominik complains loudly. Nessa looks over her shoulder as Rhea still continues to pull her along.
“We are here for a few days so I got a few day's worth of food for 3 grown ass men one of which doesn’t eat carbs, one that eats super healthy and constantly to keep up with his workouts, and you know how you eat; so I planned for those few days so everyone's dietary needs are met,” Nessa answers back yelping as Rhea pulls a little too hard on her arm bringing her through the doorway. Rhea looks guilty at hearing Nessa yelp.
“I’m sorry Bunny, I didn't mean to pull that hard!” Rhea apologizes and releases Nessa’s arm.
“It’s fine Dems, I know you didn’t mean to.” Nessa accepts the apology immediately and grabs Rhea's hand again and together they walk to the kitchen and the boys set all the bags on the counter. They all turn to walk away and Rhea clears her throat.
“Can you help us put this stuff up while we get started?” Rhea cocks her head and the boys grumble but they do as asked while Nessa sets aside the ingredients she needs.
“Ok, thank you.” Nessa grabs Dominik's hand and pulls him into a hug before placing a kiss on his lips and doing the same for Damian.
“Come here Luv?” Finn holds out his arms and Nessa steps into them wrapping her own around his waist. He tightens his arms around her, pulling her closer and whispering in her ear. “We are glad you are ok. I am glad you are ok,” He pats the back of her head before breaking the hold he has on her.
“Thank you Finny, If you guys are ok with it can you leave me alone with Dems for a while? I’ll bring you plates when it is done.” Nessa asks and informs them.
“No Nes call us we will get our own plates, you are cooking for all of us the least we can do is get our own plates.” Dominik shakes his head and the others make noises of agreement.
Nessa starts waving them away, “Fine but get out of my kitchen,” she continues to shoo them, not noticing the smile they were sharing with each other. Nessa waits until the boys are clear out of the kitchen before turning to Rhea.
“Ok, Dems start the oven then zest and juice the orange and then soak the raisins in the orange juice, I’ll start the noodles.” Nessa gently instructs as she starts to make the dough for Challah and sets it on top of the stove to proof while the Kugel bakes. Nessa grabs a few Lunchables from the fridge that she bought and sits down on the floor leaning against the counters facing the oven and pats the ground next to her for Rhea to join her.
“Come on Mami, we have about an hour or so before we braid the Challah and put it in when the Kugel is out. We will put the Kugel in the warmer while the bread bakes. I’ll have you braid it.” Nessa smiles and offers a Lunchable to Rhea who returns the smile and joins her on the floor grabbing the Lunchable.
“When we lose someone we love or anyone in general we say to each other and to family may their memory be for a blessing. We sit low on cushions or on the ground to signify how low our grief takes us and we eat stuff like cheese and fruit and talk about the memory of the one we lost. For immediate family we are supposed to stay home for a week after the funeral.” Nessa explains grabbing Rhea's hand and leaning her head on Rhea's shoulder. Nessa feels Rhea's body start to shake in silent sobs and Nessa runs her other hand up and down Rhea's arm in a calming gesture just letting her cry. After a few minutes, Rhea calms down and sniffles, laying her head on top of Nessa’s. “Tell me more about your Nonna sweetheart,” Nessa asks, squeezing Rhea's hand gently which Rhea returns by lifting their hands to her mouth and placing a kiss on the back of Nessa’s hand.
“She… She… She used to let me help her in the kitchen. Especially after I had a rough day with my self-worth and mean comments. Much like this actually.” Rhea starts off weak, her voice getting stronger.
“I’m glad I could do something to keep her memory alive. Tell me more if you would like?” Nessa prompts.
“How about we both share memories of people we lost… please,” Rhea asks and Nessa nods Rhea's head still laying on hers.
“Ok, when I lost my brother in January I was gutted. I went no contact because he couldn’t stay clean from drugs and was stealing from Mom. But I loved him, that was my brother and I had to mourn what we could have had as well as the life that was lost. When I was 16 he tried to sneak me out to a seedy tattoo place for us to get matching tattoos. We got busted and mom got so mad.” Nessa smiles at the memory, wiping away the stray tear that slid down her cheek.
“How old was he?” Rhea asked, picking her head back up and taking a good look at Nessa.
“24, so he knew bette,r” Nessa chuckles and meets Rhea's gaze. Nessa gently wipes away the tears on Rhea's face.
“My Nonna wasn’t surprised when I came home with my first tattoo and she actually was supportive of me getting it and calmed my parents down…” Rhea lets out a little giggle at the memory, resting her forehead on Nessa’s. Rhea closes her eyes like watching another memory and Nessa grabs her hand again.
“I remember my first year in NXT. She surprised me on my birthday by sending me a care box of my favorite sweets from home. She was always so thoughtful and I am going to spend the rest of my life missing her.” More tears fall down Rhea's face. Nessa moves to pull Rhea down and rests Rhea's head on her shoulder and wraps her arms around her.
“I know, sweet girl, but her memory lives on in you. Every time you breathe, think of her, in the inspiration you are for others like she was to you. She is still alive in that memory. It is up to those they leave behind to keep the memories alive and you do that with everything you do. I don’t know her but I do know how proud she must be of you for achieving your dreams and inspiring others to be themselves.” Nessa kisses the top of Rhea's head mirroring the comfort the woman in her arms has given her. Rhea sniffles and shuffles deeper into Nessa’s arms.
“This…this helps, thank you, Nessa,” Rhea scoots down in Nessa’s arms to rest her head on Nessa’s lap. Nessa runs her fingers through Rhea's hair, gently scratching her scalp. They stay like that for the rest of the hour trading stories of their lost loved ones until the timer goes off.
“Ok sweets let's get up and I’ll show you how to braid the Challah after I put the Kugel in the warmer to keep it ready.” Nessa gently slides Rhea's head off her lap, laughing when Rhea lets it thunk on the ground.
“Everything ok in there?” Comes Damiens worried voice.
“Yeah all good, Rhea decided to test the hardness of the floor with her head.” Nessa answers back while getting up, laughter coming from the living room as she helps Rhea up. Rhea gently grabs Nessa, both hands on either cheek and kisses her lips tenderly, and pecks her nose before letting her go. Blood rushes to Nessa’s face with affection.
“Are we going to talk after dinner Bunny?” Rhea asks softly as Nessa takes the dish out of the oven and puts it in the warming drawer. Nessa turns around still blushing and goes to stand next to Rhea at the counter.
“Yeah, I suppose it is time to give you all my decision. It is unfair to you all to not have an answer, especially because I’m the reason y'all haven’t had sex for what over a week?” Nessa shrugs, feeling guilty and embarrassed. Rhea shakes her head and just pulls Nessa towards her trapping her between the counter and herself. Nessa’s back against Rhea’s chest and Rhea leans down to whisper in her ear.
“That is not a problem and is not a bad thing or your fault Nes. Don’t give us an answer just because you feel bad or because you feel pressured for sex.” Rhea tells her seriously and squeezes her arms around Nessa’s waist.
“It's not because of that, I want to because…” Nessa stops when she hears Rhea take a sharp breath and nuzzle into her neck.
“I knew it.” Rhea quietly gloats, smiling into Nessa’s neck.
“Just keep it quiet till after dinner, there are still some things I need to discuss ok?” Nessa asks and Rhea nods and places a string of kisses on Nessa's neck making her breath catch in her throat. Nessa swallows a few times to gather herself and clears her throat. “Ok so let's get the Challah done, it'll take another hour and I’m getting hungry!” Nessa tries to move out of Rhea's arms only for Rhea to grunt, “Nuh uh”. Nessa sighs and shakes her head. “Menaces the lot of you…” Nessa can’t help but smile glad her back is to Rhea.
“So what do I do?” Rhea asks, reaching around Nessa. Nessa rolls her eyes and directs her on what to do, sometimes guiding her hands and helping as they cut and braid the Challah and add the egg wash. Rhea grabs the tray and turns around putting it in the oven, Nessa can’t help it, but she smacks Rhea's ass as she is bent over, a blush rushing to her face again as Rhea snaps back into a standing position and turns around her eyebrow raised. Rhea slowly steps towards Nessa who is already backed up against the counter. Rhea closes the gap between them and places her hands on either side of Nessa trapping her back against the counter.
“Now little girl, what was that?” Rhea’s voice drops and Nessa’s face gets even redder as she bites her lip.
“I mean it looked so inviting and delicious I couldn’t help myself…” Nessa squeaks out looking up at Rhea with wide eyes. Rhea smirks devilishly down at Nessa, grabbing her by the ass and lifting her onto the counter, Nessa instinctually wrapping her arms around Rhea's neck.
“I know you like rough play but you don’t know the game you are playing yet little girl. You don’t know how much I want you, how much we want you, and have come close to crossing that boundary. You’ve been such a good girl taking care of me and the boys this week,” Rhea gets even closer as she talks, her face close to Nessas, her voice sending shivers up Nessa’s spine.
Rhea scoots Nessa closer to the edge of the counter closer to her and Nessa wraps her legs around Rhea. Nessa leans closer and puts her lips to Rheas, feeling her soft lips move with hers, Nessa’s hand tangling in Rhea’s short hair making the woman moan and pull back.
“Oh no Bunny, if there is hair pulling I’ll be pulling yours.” Rhea rasps out knotting her hands in Nessa's hair and pulling her head back exposing her neck. Rhea wastes no time biting and sucking on Nessa’s neck, Nessa whimpers quickly becoming putty in Rhea’s hands.
There is a thunder of footsteps and Damian and Dominik run into the kitchen making Rhea separate from Nessa, a proud smirk on her face seeing the marks lining Nessa’s neck.
“Oh come on, that's not fair!” Dominik whines and Damian smirks and crosses his arms.
“What happened here Mariposa? I hear a thunk then all of a sudden you guys are making out?” Damian whines.
“She smacked my ass!” Rhea answers and Damian chuckles while Dom makes the oooh face.
“Yeah, that’ll do it.” Damian chuckles and walks over gently grabbing Nessa’s chin and gently moving her head to look at the marks on her neck.
“I'll have to add to this, it is unfair that Rhea gets all the fun.” Damian says, the promise heavy in his voice and Nessa takes a shaky breath looking up at him. Damian meets her gaze and leans down about to kiss Nessa only for Rhea to pull him back and Nessa pouts.
“You can kiss later, it's my time right now and we are cooking dinner, so like she said get out of my kitchen.” Rhea playfully shoves a pouty Damian out of the kitchen, Dominik laughing and following him out. Once she is sure the boys are gone and hopefully out of earshot Rhea steps back to where Nessa is still sitting on the counter and stands between her legs again, hands gently resting on Nessa’s hips. “Are you ok Bunny?” Rhea asks, studying Nessa’s expression trying to read any potential discomfort. Nessa blushes and nods her head, wrapping her arms around Rhea's neck again.
Remembering Rhea asks for verbal confirmation Nessa answers, “Yes... Can you kiss me again?” Nessa asks, rubbing her nose on Rhea’s. Rhea lets out a noise between a huff and a chuckle at how much more innocent Nessa seems, clearly, she is a little, more bits and pieces falling into place making sense. More gently this time Rhea slides her hand up Nessa’s side, continuing until it is on the back of her neck, and pulls her close, melding their lips together, Nessa’s lips parting slightly allowing Rhea to maintain dominance. Nessa’s hands gripping Rhea's shirt at her shoulders, feeling Rhea’s tongue on her own, Nessa’s heart pounding in her chest. Rhea breaks the kiss first, resting her forehead on Nessa’s, both of them taking shallow breaths, their chests heaving with the effort.
“I uh… I think we should stop there for now, Bunny.” Rhea nearly whispers, swallowing trying to put some control back in her voice. Nessa whines, batting her eyelashes at Rhea silently asking for more. “Nessa, you haven’t told the others and I am afraid we won't stop if we continue, so, we stop there for now. We have plenty of time to continue.” Rhea kisses Nessa’s forehead and takes a step back, helping Nessa off the counter.
“Ok I guess that is fair…” Nessa can’t help but pout as Rhea starts cleaning up the kitchen and Nessa does the same, almost glad to busy herself to distract from the throbbing between her thighs. They clean the kitchen together, moving in sync with each other, no feeling of awkwardness between them, instead, it is the sexual tension from earlier, their actions playing on repeat in Nessa’s mind. They are nearly done when the timer for the bread goes off.
“I’ll get it Bunny, you’ve done most of the work.” Rhea kisses the top of Nessa’s head and turns, getting the bread out of the oven.
“Let it sit for about 10 minutes and we can plate everything up. I have a salad with chicken in the fridge for Finn, just give him a little scoop of the Kugel so he can try it since it is high in carbs. There are some other food options if you guys don’t like it. Kugel isn’t for everyone…” Nessa shrugs shyly, nervous about how they will like the food.
Rhea shakes her head and goes over to Nessa pulling her close and resting her chin on top of Nessa’s head. “It smells delicious and I am sure we will all love it. You need to have more confidence in yourself and your abilities.” Rhea orders gently swaying them back and forth.
“How much longer, I’m starving!” Dominik whines from the other room.
“A few more minutes Dom Dom be patient. I’ll bring it out when it is ready.” Nessa answers back.
“You mean you’ll call us when it is ready.” Finn hollers back.
It makes Nessa roll her eyes, “Uh… yeah sure” Nessa responds, jumping away from Rhea who tickled her side. Nessa swats away Rhea’s hands and goes over to the oven and slices up the bread and pulls out the tray of Kugel, Rhea grabs the plates and utensils. Nessa plates up the food and sets it on the counter before calling out for everyone to come and get it.
The boys all run in and see plates already ready all with different things on them. Nessa grabs the first plate and hands it to Finn. “I know you eat a low or no-carb diet so I only gave you a little of the Kugel and bread and the rest is a healthy chicken salad.” She smiles shyly as Finn takes the plate with a grateful smile.
“That is so sweet of you to do that, you didn’t have to.” He steps forward and kisses her forehead surprised she went through the trouble to prepare them all separate plates for their dietary needs. He smiles and turns away as Nessa blushes and heads back to the living room.
Damian grabs the plate Nessa holds out to him and steps forward placing a gentle kiss on her lips. “Thank you Mariposa, you didn’t have to go through all the effort to make us all special plates we would have eaten whatever you made.” Damian gently strokes Nessa’s face for a moment before turning and joining Finn in the living room.
Dom smiles widely at Nessa and grabs the plate which was admittedly less healthy than his counterparts, playing on his sweet tooth though it was well portioned. “Thank you Mi Vida, I always love your cooking, you know that!” Dom steps forward and kisses Nessa much the same as Damian previously.
“I know that’s why I gave you a little more than the others, though not enough to wreck your diet, now go sit while Demi and I bring in our food.” Nessa shoos him away and smiles as he goes in for a second kiss before scurrying out the room avoiding Nessa swinging lovingly at him with the wooden spoon she picked up. Nessa shakes her head and sets it down, handing Rhea her plate and grabbing her own. Rhea follows Nessa and sits down on the floor in front of the couch where the boys are, Nessa in front of Damian's legs and Rhea in front of Dominiks.
“Why are you guys sitting down there, there is plenty of room on the chair or you can sit on our laps.” Damian offers wiggling his eyebrows.
“I think I am good down here guys, Nessa taught me this is a way to grieve and it kinda helps.” Rhea shrugs and takes a bite of the Kugel and closes her eyes letting out a moan, “You didn’t tell me it was going to be sweet.” Rhea takes another bite and does a little happy wiggle enjoying the taste of the food on her plate.
“This is really good Luv, thank you!” Finn takes another bite and smiles, the others making noises of agreement as they eat.
“This bread is delicious, you made this from scratch?” Damian asks, his mouth full and holding up a piece of the bread.
Nessa swallows her mouthful before answering and leans back on Damian's legs, laying her head back on his knees to look up at him upside down, “Yeah it is really easy and doesn’t have to proof for too long.” Nessa smiles up at Damian who uses his free hand to momentarily stroke Nessa’s cheek.
Damian notices that Nessa’s expression has changed to a look of worry. “What’s wrong Mariposa?” Damian strokes her cheek again.
Nessa’s eyes focus back and she picks her head back up and shakes it. “Nothing Luis, I just want to talk after dinner. There are some things I want to say to you all…” Nessa takes a nervous bite of her bread trying and failing to hide her shiver as Damian runs his fingers through her hair.
“There is no need to be nervous, Corazon, we accept your decision no matter what you say. Just eat Princesa, you’ve spent so much time cooking and taking care of us you need to eat now,” Dominik reassures her while trying to make sure she takes care of herself. She does as she is told, the rest of them eating their dinner in comfortable silence with the tv on for background noise. Once everyone is done eating, Nessa tries to get up to collect the dishes only for Damian to stop her by placing his hand on her shoulder before getting up and grabbing the plates, Dominik helping him. They come back in after a few minutes and join Nessa and Rhea on the floor, Finn doing the same, all of them sitting in a circle facing each other.
“The floor is yours Mariposa.” Damian smiles at his pun making the rest of the room groan. Nessa swallows nervously and taps on her knee.
“I … I have… I would like…” Nessa stutters her nerves making it impossible to say what she wants, the group looking at her patiently, Rhea reaching out to grab Nessa’s hand. Nessa pauses and takes a deep breath and tries again, “Uh… I want to be with you all, I… I’m all in.” Nessa says so quietly it is a whisper and they didn’t hear her. Trying to lean closer, Damian asks her to repeat what she said. “I’m in, I’m all in with you all with everything,” Nessa says a little louder, her face cherry red. Everyone sits back the way they were a moment ago, Finn looking happy, Dominik smiling from ear to ear and Damian looking smug.
“That is so good to hear Mariposa, are there any additional boundaries you wanted to discuss oh and we will need to have the kink discussion soon…” Damian claps then rubs his hands as Rhea pulls Nessa onto her lap. Nessa grabs Rhea’s hand for courage and plays with her fingers.
“If it would help I could, we could fill out a kink chart. And you can ask Dom, he knows a fair chunk of what I like and that could start that conversation.” Nessa offers to try and feel more comfortable with the conversation.
“And you mentioned you don’t know exactly what you need for aftercare. That is fine, we can figure it out together…” Damian promises with a smile, the rest nodding in agreement. Dominik scoots over and leans against Rhea and Nessa almost crying in relief that she is his again, that she is now properly theirs and he needs the physical contact. The others see this and converge all leaning or laying on one another as the conversation continues.
“It's not an additional boundary I want to discuss but more of an ask. I know for the last few weeks you all have not been able to be intimate with each other, at least where Rhea was concerned while we roomed together. I don't know what you did behind closed doors… Anyway if there is ever a time you want that with each other and I am not… I don’t want…” Nessa sighs trying to gather her train of thought before continuing, “If you want to have sex and I don’t want to please just let me know I won’t be upset and will give you the time you need…” Rhea's arms squeeze harder around Nessa’s waist, Dominik squeezes her thigh and Damian sighs in mock annoyance.
“It isn’t a problem the last two weeks Mariposa, you were, are learning us just as we are learning you. We aren’t going to ask you to leave just so we can have sex that isn’t fair to you, that is something we can figure out organically. So don’t go and feel bad about that.” Damian explains.
“Yeah, we aren't always having sex either, a lot of times it is just nice to relax and cuddle like this,” Finn adds on and for emphasis throws himself on Damian's lap. Nessa relaxes more and laughs at Finn's antics.
“So Mamita, since you have agreed to join us does that mean that sex is back on the table?” Damian halfway jokes wiggling his eyebrows and blood rushes to Nessa’s face remembering what happened the previous week. The group erupts in laughter, Nessa laughing along because the genuine happiness they are exuding is contagious. ____________________________________________________________________________
Nessa and Rhea are in the middle laying down on the couch cushions they pulled off the couch and laid it out so as to be enough pillows for all of them. Damian is lying next to Nessa, Dominik on Rhea's other side. Finn shimmies in between Nessa and Rhea forcing them apart and making Rhea spoon him and he flips Nessa over so he can spoon her, “Hold me asshats,” Finn grumbles and Damian scoots closer and throws his arm over the both of them his face close to hers. The two of them smiling softly at each other.
“Hi.” She mouths to him.
He smiles wider, answering back, just as silently, “Hi Hermosa,” he lays his head on his free arm using it as a pillow. Nessa reaches out grabbing Damian’s shirt to pull him closer and closes her eyes, getting more comfortable and falling asleep to the sounds of her various partners already snoring, Dominiks being the most pronounced.
The next morning Nessa wakes up under a pile of limbs feeling the most refreshed she has in a long time having actually slept through the night. She opens her eyes and cranes her neck seeing Finn’s beard that tickles her face she scrunches it up and tries to wiggle back only to back into Damian and making both men groan, Finn pulling her back to his chest and Damian practically rolling on top of them smooshing Nessa between them.
“It’s too early to be up, go back to sleep Mariposa…” Damian's deep voice still thick with sleep orders and Finn hums in agreement.
Rhea picks up her head and looks at the clock on the wall and groans plopping her head back down, “It’s 10 am we haven’t slept this late in a long time.” Rhea groans and squeezes Dom’s hand to make sure he wakes up too.
“So we have the week off, basically we can afford to sleep in.” Damian responds, his eyes still closed. Nessa wiggles trying to create some room but her breath catches feeling their hard cocks on either side of her. Finn realizes first and places a gentle kiss on Nessa’s head.
“Sorry Luv,” He apologizes before being the first to leave the cuddle pile. With Finn’s spot vacant Rhea reaches out and pulls Nessa to her chest Damian scoots along resuming their closeness, Rhea’s arm around Nessa’s waist. Damian pulls her head to his, their lips meeting sweetly in little pecks progressively getting more sensual, Nessa gently tugging on Damian's hair making him growl in response, and he pulls Nessa's leg over his hip so his erection is now pressing against her, her sleep shorts and his underwear the only barrier between them.
Rhea runs her hands up and down Nessa’s body biting and sucking more marks onto her neck and shoulder making her moan as Rhea slides her hand under Nessa’s shirt gently playing with her breasts and making Nessa moan into Damian's mouth, parting hers to give him entrance. His own hands roam her body, ending up on her ass and hiking her further onto his hip.
Dominik is kissing Rhea much the way Rhea is kissing Nessa and he pauses, “Mami can I have a taste, please” Dominik begs, wanting to feel his lips against any part of Nessa. Rhea hums against Nessa’s shoulders, biting down and leaving another mark making Nessa break the kiss with Damian to moan, throwing her head back onto Rhea.
“Bunny can Dominik have a turn kissing you, I think he has been a good boy,” Rhea asks, peppering kisses on Nessa's soft plump lips. Nessa nods and Rhea scoots back allowing Dominik to climb over her, Nessa rolling over to face Dominik, Damian taking the opportunity to slide off Nessa’s shirt and kiss up her back as Dominik captures Nessa's lips, his shaky hand raising up to rest on Nessa’s face. He places kisses down Nessa’s jaw and the other side of her neck which has yet to be marked by any of them.
He barely gets a mark on her neck before Rhea pulls him away from Nessa, "Now, please Mami while I get Bunny ready for Papi." Rhea orders Dominik and maneuvers her body to give Dominik access while she continues to kiss and mark up Nessa, sliding her fingers into Nessa's cunt, Rhea gasping in pleasure as Dominik uses his own mouth and fingers to do as he was told.
“Is this ok Mariposa?” Damian asks, as he rolls her onto her back so Rhea still has access to her cunt, and he can resume marking up her chest and playing with her nipples enjoying the noises spilling from her lips. She only manages to nod her head but the silence makes them all pause, Rhea pulling her finger away from Nessa. “Words Mariposa, we need words.” Damian growls, a reminder.
“Yes, please don’t stop,” Nessa whimpers. Rhea and Damian share a look and smile at each other, an unspoken agreement forming.
“Dom, lay on your back let me take my pleasure from you while Papi pleases our Bunny.” Rhea grabs Dominik by the hair and pulls him back up, kissing him, tasting herself on his lips before shoving him on his back, and quickly getting undressed and straddling him, guiding his cock inside her the both of them moaning as Rhea moves her hips and rides him while next to them Damian is getting similar sounds out of Nessa.
Damian kisses down Nessa’s body, biting and sucking, Nessa arching her back as he does so on her thigh making her spread her legs for him. Damian wastes no time burying his face between her thighs licking at her clit and using his fingers to help get her ready. Nessa moans and writhes, grabbing a fist full of his hair which he takes as encouragement adding another finger making Nessa moan again, her breathing getting more shallow.
Damian feels her clench around his fingers and he stops licking her for a moment, “Good girl Mariposa, cum for me.” He tells her and returns to pleasing her with his tongue. Nessa whines as she cums around his fingers. Her own fingers were still tangled in his hair. Damian licks up at the increased wetness savoring her taste.
Damian starts to lick and bite back up Nessa’s body as she glances over to see Rhea still riding Dom, their faces scrunched up in pleasure, one of Rhea's hands pinning Dom's hands above his head the other pressing on his chest for leverage. They disappear from Nessa’s view as Damian turns her head to access the part of her neck not marked up and proceeds to add his own marks before returning to Nessa’s lips. His hand travels back down to her cunt and slides his fingers back in, Nessa arching her back, her chest momentarily rubbing against Damian's. It is at that moment the conversation from the coffee shop pops into her head.
“Papi. please.” Nessa begs bucking up against his hand.
“Please what Mariposa?” He answers back gently biting at her neck, his cock grazing across her thigh as he moves his fingers in and out of her wet cunt.
“Please just fuck me…” She begs her breath catching in her throat. Damien groans into her neck, using every bit of his strength to control himself so as to not hurt her, not knowing what she needs yet. He lines himself up and gently pushes in, careful to let her adjust to his size and pressing his lips to hers tenderly. Even when his full length is inside her he moves slowly and carefully, while it feels good it annoys Nessa, she wants more and decides to do something about it. She slightly turns her face away from his kiss and pulls on his hair making him expose his neck. She leans up and bites down, hard, making Damian shudder and groan. Nessa moves her mouth to his collarbone and bites down hard again this time a coppery taste touches her tongue. She lays her head back down on the pillow satisfied with the marks she made. Damien looks at her shocked, his pupils blown with lust. He leans down by her ear, his thrusts speeding up and getting more forceful.
“If that's how you want to play it, Mariposa, so be it.” He growls in her ear before capturing her lips in a possessive, bruising kiss while rutting into her, one hand loosely wrapped around her throat, bracing himself on that elbow, his other hand goes back to rubbing her clit as he fucks her. He keeps up the pace for several minutes until he feels her cunt begin to spasm around his cock, her orgasm rushing through her, her skin flushing red all over her body. He continues his pace prolonging her orgasm and chasing his own until he shudders and bites down on Nessa’s shoulder like she did his, as he finishes inside her.
Damian stays there for a moment collecting himself and watching Nessa’s expression. Her chest heaves with the effort to breathe but she is smiling which ensures Damian that she is ok. He sweetly kisses her forehead before rolling off from on top of her and pulling her to his chest and holding her. “Are you ok Mariposa? Was that too much? What do you need?” Damian asks rapidly, wanting to make sure she is ok as he holds her to his chest, Nessa’s hand resting on his chest next to her head. Nessa nods her head and swallows trying to find strength to talk and collect her thoughts, her body trembling slightly still.
“I’m ok, that was, that was wonderful and just hold me please.” She quietly answers, partly muffled by Damian's chest. They do hear her however and all scoot over surrounding her in the cuddle pile again. “Did you guys just lay there when you were done waiting for us to finish?” Nessa asks, a little more strength in her voice and she feels Rhea laugh against her.
“Yes, this does happen fairly often, and that's what we do so we can all give each other what we need afterward.” Rhea answers. Nessa feels someone play with her hair.
They lay like that for a while before Damian clears his throat, “This probably should have been discussed before but we got carried away, are you on birth control? I’m sorry to ask like this but we did discuss that in the boundaries…” He kisses Nessa’s head as she jumps hearing thumps from the kitchen.
“Relax Mi Vida, Finn is making us breakfast. He does that when he doesn’t participate if we have sex in the morning.” Dominik soothes Nessa reaching over and squeezing her shoulder.
“Yeah, I have an IUD, it’s still good, I am due to have it replaced in a few months.” Nessa explains craning her neck to look up at Damian. She starts to fidget and wiggle and Damian shakes his head and breaks the embrace and slides into a sitting position.
“Go to the bathroom, Nes you clearly need to and we don’t want you to get a UTI, the same goes for you, Rhea.” He orders gently running his fingers through Nessa’s hair when she pouts at the loss of contact but stays laying down because Rhea pulled her to her chest spooning her.
“But comfy…” Rhea mutters into Nessa’s hair, Dominik hums in agreement.
“I know Nessa is comfortable but your health comes first, now, let her go and both of you go to the bathroom.” Damian orders. Nessa wiggles out of Rhea's grasp for Rhea to whine at the loss of heat. Nessa leans over and kisses Rhea, then Dom, then she straddles Damian momentarily and kisses him again before jumping up and going to the bathroom.
Rhea giggles watching Nessa run naked through her house to the bathroom.
"Well that was unexpected," Rhea comments, getting up herself wrapping the blanket around her and continues, "Tonight I'll see if she will fill out the kink chart so we know for sure what is ok and not." Rhea struts away from them Dom still laying on the floor and Damian leaning against the couch sitting up. Damian opens his arms for Dominik who crawls over and sits on his lap.
“She let me kiss her and would have let me do more if Mami would let me,” Dominik pouts, laying his head on Damian's shoulder. Damian wraps his arms around Dom's waist.
“Yes she would have, but we don’t want to do too much too fast, she is still hurt from what happened Dom. We didn’t stop you out of being stingy but to protect both of you. I think it was almost too much for her; she nearly went nonverbal.” Damien explains rubbing up and down Dom’s arm.
“If she is moving and nodding and whimpering it’s ok, it's when she nods but no sound at all is when she shuts down.” Dom explains.
“Where did the biting come from? Did she do that with you?” Damien asks trying to understand how the girl who blushes when he flirts suggestively, she just bites down, did she know that is one of his kinks?
“No not really, she did bite me a bit but never like that,” Dominik answers, kissing the bruises on Damian's neck and making him moan again.
“Oy no more fucking, breakfast is almost done go get dressed the girls are already in here helping me!” Finn hollers out from the kitchen. Damian sighs and pats Dominik’s thigh who gets up, Damian does the same and stretches the two of them going to get ready for the day.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) shared graphic footage Friday of alleged Hamas members beating up hungry Gazan civilians.
The IDF alleged that while Israel made “great efforts to ensure the entry of aid” to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, Hamas steals this aid and hides “it from Gazan civilians” in a tweet. (RELATED: Anti-Israel Protesters Hit Capitol On July 4, Allegedly Vandalize Dem Office)
Gazan civilians alleged that the masked men seen beating and detaining them in the video were Hamas members, according to the IDF’s tweet. The alleged crime that these civilians allegedly committed was attempting “to enter a warehouse where humanitarian aid was stored,” the Israeli military said.
The video starts with a masked man spray painting the word “thief” in Arabic on the backs of blindfolded individuals. In the background, masked men could be seen beating a spray-painted blindfolded man with rods. The blindfolded man could be heard screaming in pain. A second man can be seen beaten in a similar fashion.
“They [Hamas] are thieves of humanity, they are the thieves and the corrupt, and they are destined only to disappear, because the truth is written and terrorism is inevitably fleeting,” the IDF Arabic Spokesman Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee tweeted alongside the same graphic video.
Hamas officials have previously been caught on camera beating and shooting those Gazan civilians they accuse of engaging in looting, the BBC reported. Hamas executed dozens of Gazans in order to settle political feuds in places that the IDF has withdrawn from, according to what one local source told the outlet. Discontent with the terror organization has become more pronounced in the streets of the Gaza Strip.  “People say things like, ‘Hamas has destroyed us’ or even call on God to take their lives,” a man told the BBC.
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voller-ehrgeiz · 4 months
Snake appreciation month [XIX]:
Okay, we all know for a fact that TV adaptation totally did Cedric and Vathek dirty by making them enemies right from the start. In the original comics, they had those brief but glorious moments working together, and the dynamics (like many have already noticed) could have been absolute gold. Sure, Cedric was still kinda haughty and patronizing, but there was this weirdly friendly and chill vibe you wouldn't expect considering their positions. These two definitely have known eachother for a long time, and Vathek really seems like the closest thing Cedric has to a friend; he even seemed genuinely hurt and distraught when Vathek switched sides and turned against him.
By the way, a side story with them exploring Earth while preparing for their mission would be cool. It’s a world Cedric knows pretty well and Vathek hasn't seen before, just imagine the shenanigans as the poor man tries to understand modern culture and technology! And I've always had a weird feeling that Vathek would be fond of those early 2000s mobile games; too bad his physique means he'd probably break Cedric's ridiculuos pink slide phone (complete with an obscene amount of charms and definitely not stolen from some little girl by a random Passling). Oh, and speaking of games, does anyone else remember that Game Boy Advance thing? Here’s a doodle of these two idiots loosely inspired by its general vibe.
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