#demisexual writing touchy feely stuff
So...I'm uh writing a thing. It's all touchy feeling and shiz
Oh and it's got Dreamling in it...
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
I have a request for poly!ghost face with an s/o who is chubby but very intent on wearing short and tight clothes. What do you think they’ll say and do about that??
Ooooh sure I'll tackle that for ya. Sorry this took so long! I wasn't sure what to write since I'm not plus-sized myself, I really really hope this is good for ya!
TW: Female Reader. Couple of NSFW lines near the end.
Poly!Ghostface! x Chubby!Reader Who Wears Short/Tight Clothing
Well, firstly, Billy and Stu wouldn't date anyone they aren't physically attracted too. So if they're with you it's safe to say they think you're pretty damn hot.
Bc Billy is demisexual, his attraction to you isn't instant, so it may seem like he isn't into you at first. But that's just because his sexual attraction works in direct correlation with how much he's into you as a person.
So once he gets to know you then, if he vibes with you, you don't have to worry about him not being attracted to you physically. Bc if he dates you it means he likes what he sees, a lot.
Stu is bi so if he's dating you that meant he had most likely insta attraction. I'm talking damn they thicc insta-nut kinda reaction.
Your insistence on wearing tight clothes isn't something they'll really react to. It's just like, if that's your default setting then, yeah, they like what they see.
Billy's misogyny issues won't go away just cause you're thicc tho, so you can expect him to make some slut-shame-y comments. This can mellow out if you put effort into telling him why it's wrong, but it'll take work.
Stu will back you up tho. He loooves his S/O to look good and show them off.
Billy's confident in himself, but just like with Stu he gets jealous if someone is giving you too much attention for his liking due to your clothing choices. If he feels like he has to, he'll mark up your skin in areas you tend to show off the most to send a message to you and everyone else.
Stu gropes you a loooot at parties. He's a p touchy feely guy in general, but this is double so if you have stuff to squeeze and grab. Billy's a skinny-slim fucker, so having his other S/O contrast that is like *chef's kiss* to him.
Billy won't grope you in public, but in private hoo boy get ready. Boy's got yaoi hands, they're fucking huge (srsly can't get over that hallway scene with him lol) so you can expect tons of grabbing over various parts of your body.
Billy loooves you sitting in his lap, because unlike Stu's boney ass, you feel comfortable and warm. He can get particularly cuddly because of how nice it feels to have you sitting on him.
Stu likes you sitting on him cause then he gets to feel your skimpily clad thicc ass rest on his dicc :^).
Thigh fucking thigh fucking thigh fucking. Titfucking titfucking titfucking. They'll make as much use as they can of your plusher parts for sure.
Please wear thigh highs god PLEASE wear thigh highs. It drives them nuts.
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Hello :) I’m the same anon as before, I was hoping you could do a request with possibly Katsuki and hawks where she kinda struggles to tell them that she’s actually demi-sexual and isn’t really ready for anything rated R for awhile 😂 Thank you for your words from before they make me very comfy ☺️ please take your time writing and let your hand heal :)
NOTE: Icons made by yours truly, do not steal.  
Demisexual: a person that doesn’t experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. 
Katsuki Bakugou 
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You were still just hero students and everyone had told you it was a bad idea when you first starting dating Bakugou of all people. But despite his anger, he could be sweet when he wanted. Affectionate and appreciative even, but you hadn’t prepared yourself for the hints he was about to drop. 
While you did feel something for Bakugou, things started getting strange when he began to insist on watching certain movies that had...less than appropriate scenes in them. You’d always squeak and cover your face, “Aw, come on! It’s not even that bad it’s just...” Bakugou growled in frustration, “Sheesh, nevermind. You can look now, dumbass. The scene is over.” he’d grumble and cross his arms over his chest. 
It seemed Bakugou was still determined to get what he wanted, he’d start to let his hands wander whenever he pulled you close and despite your warnings, he didn’t seem to listen. “Just relax, will ya!?” he’d say, and while you’d always try to confess to him that you were demisexual. There was that constant doubt he wouldn’t understand. 
The final straw was when Bakugou presented you with a condom and insisted that this relationship had been going on for a while, at least enough to try and do something sexual. “I mean what, is there something wrong with me!? You don’t like me!?” he’d exclaim and though you were nervous you ended up blurting out the secret you had been keeping from him. It surprised him nonetheless. 
“So...mm...I uh, well I didn’t know that existed I...” he stumbled over his words and you could see the faint blush coming to his cheeks, it was almost amusing. Though at least you had finally told him. “Uh...look we...we don’t have to anything now if you don’t want just um, let me know when you’re ready and stuff...” if there was thing Bakugou hated it was being embarrassed. 
Keigo Takami 
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Dating Keigo was a little crazy, between the overall hero life he led, the media chasing him and the villains that continued to pop up. It had taken some getting used to, that is getting used to the time you had alone by yourself. But in a way, you almost liked it. Though you did feel a little guilty and afraid to tell him your sexuality, knowing that he more than likely thought you were nothing but straight. Not exactly the case. 
But the days Keigo was around or had a rare day off, he was nothing less than a swearing bundle of touchy-feely joy. “Come on babe, don’t be so fucking nervous. It’s me, your loving boyfriend. That has to count for something right?” though you were happy with Keigo. The fact that he enjoyed touching you so much was a little disturbing. 
One day when he had gotten drunk and came stumbling into the room. You happened to be sitting on the couch and he plopped down on the couch, wrapping his arm around you. “Hey there, my little bird. How about a kiss?” he questioned before leaning in, despite the alcohol on his breath. You pushed through and kissed him. “How about we have a little fucking fun?” he questioned before squeezing your chest and you pushed him away without a second thought. 
The next day, he seemed to remember the drunken event that took place and was as decisive as ever. “Hm, so is there a reason why you don't want to fuck?” he questioned, catching you off guard. “I mean surely there has to be a reason why someone wouldn’t want to fuck Hawks...come on sweetcheeks, I’m a Pro Hero. That’s desirable isn’t it?” you shook your head and avoided answering as you walked out of the room. 
You found yourself shying away from Keigo after all, too afraid to tell him the truth but he could be pushy when he wanted “Why don’t you just tell me you’re not fucking attracted to me.” he stated bluntly and you panicked. Trying to reassure him that you were, but...well. You muttered the words, “I’m demisexual.” and Hawks while caught off guard by it, also seemed a little confused. But after you explained, he seemed to be more or less understanding. “Oh...I get it now. Well about your sexuality, though I’m not very fucking romantic. I’ll try my hardest to be a good bird for you and we’ll see where it goes from there. Deal?” 
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sazandorable · 4 years
things I wanna see in ace fanworks!
It’s Ace Week!
And there’s huge variety among the aspec community (spectrum! that’s what it means!), so here’s a post about a variety of things I’d love to see more in fanworks involving asexual characters!
(I’m especially thinking of Jon from The Magnus Archives and Zolf from Rusty Quill Gaming, but this should easily apply across fandoms!)
I’ll try not to repeat it every line but: blanket disclaimer that this is very much a “what I feel, what I want, me, personally” post. Others (including other asexual people) might feel differently, and that’s perfectly okay. That’s kind of the point of this post! This is absolutely not a “here’s the one correct way to write all ace characters that all ace people will enjoy and agree with” Rules post — on the contrary, this is partly in reaction to seeing other people say that they dislike seeing, or don’t dare create, things that I, personally… desperately want to see, actually.
CW: this post will contain references to many common sources of trauma for asexual people, such as aphobia, partner abuse and rape, as well as sex (in general and sometimes in specifics) and asexual people having sex.
So! I, personally, love and would love to see more...
Fanworks by all sorts of asexual creators
No matter what your specific experience is, it is important, and your getting to create and share art about it is important, and you deserve to get that, and there are people interested in seeing it. And the same is true for all the other aces with different experiences, too.
Variety! Room for all of us! Share your experience happily, and let other aces happily share theirs!
Fanworks by allosexual creators
I’m so happy you’re interested in asexuality and in depicting it! I do want my experience to be normalised and seen as a normal thing that anyone can find interesting and relatable, even allosexual people. If you don’t mean to be an asshole about it, if you’re generally interested in exploring asexuality and you’re doing it from the heart, thinking of asexual people as people — then I want to see it, and I want you to be able to give a try to creating or consuming whatever you want, and I do not want you to be attacked for doing it.
Of course, you might still unwittingly fuck up, and people might still get hurt, and truly hurtful things should still be pointed out in order to be improved on; but I want us as a community to help creators up instead of shouting down, and I hope you continue putting thought into creating fanworks involving ace characters.
Keep reading for some tips and suggestions of things to think about, to keep in mind and to look into to improve your representing of us and our experience of it!
Extremely specific, different, kinda weird, niche, Problematic™ content, from creators of any identity (including questioning!), who are wary about sharing it because they think that there’s no audience for it, or that they’re not allowed, or that it’s a bad and evil way to represent asexuality
I want to see that, I’d be thrilled if you did it, I hope you do it, and I want a fandom environment in which you can do that safely because you deserve to. Of course, make sure to provide good tagging and CW!
Awareness that asexuality is a wide varying spectrum of experiences and there is no One Correct or More Valid Way to depict it
Awareness that even people with the same identity, label and life experiences might want to create or consume different things
Permission for everyone to create whatever they like, so long as it’s just done earnestly
No shaming, gatekeeping, accusations of fetishising, etc.
There are newbie writers who will never learn if they’re scared away from trying; there are people who haven’t yet figured out that they are in fact ace and never will if they’re not allowed to explore it safely; there are ace people who consume ace content to feel good about themselves; there are ace people who create ace fic in order to explore complicated, hard, unpleasant experiences and feelings; there are ace people whose experiences do not match stereotypical narratives I’ve most seen brandished around, and those people are just as ace and just as allowed to create and consume whatever they want; I do not want to foster a fandom environment in which people must out themselves and offer up their experience to scrutiny in order to be “allowed” to write certain topics; etc., etc.
Over the past two years, I’ve regularly seen a lot of yelling along the lines of “this work includes x and not x because this character is ace!” or “this fic I just read is the only valid ace fic” or “oh my god everyone look at this, this is the perfect ace fic”. A lot of it comes from a place of defensiveness and/or pride, ace people happy and proud to share something that was, finally, pinning down their experience. That’s awesome! ... For them. There are plenty of other asexual people who don’t relate to or enjoy those narratives — in fact, all the ones I’m thinking of squicked me hard, despite being made by ace creators and accurate to (an) ace experience, and I would be really unhappy if all ace fanworks was like those. Meanwhile, plenty of stuff I enjoy gets accusations of being fetishising.
So it would do a world of wonder for me and my experience of ace fanworks if those things could be internalised by the fandom as a whole!
Clear distinction between “being asexual” and “not interested in sex”, ”sex-repulsed” or “not having sex”
Those can and often do overlap, but the word “asexual” just means “experiencing little or no sexual attraction”!
In fanworks about an ace character, the two are generally linked and the reason a character doesn’t want to have sex tends to be that they’re ace, but the shorthand and immediate assumption that “being ace” automatically and always means “never having sex” or “hating the concept of sex” always feels a little weird to me.
This goes both ways — even if your aspec character is very sexually active and enjoys it, or if they’re demisexual and currently experiencing attraction to their partner, etc. — they’re still a person who experiences little to no sexual attraction in their daily life, they’re still aspec in a way that can be depicted and that I can be made to feel.
On AO3, widespread use of the tag “Canon Asexual Character”…
There are different views on the “correct” way to use that tag, in part because… what's the point of it? Should we use it in every single fic in which the Archivist appears, because he happens to be ace in the canon, even if it doesn’t come up in the fic?
IMO, it is helpful — it indicates to me that the author wrote their story with that character’s asexuality in mind, and it informed their writing of that character. Personally, I use it on fics where it feels “relevant” even if it doesn’t come up, such as a fic from Martin’s POV about Jon not being very touchy-feely (even though it doesn’t specify that that is because Jon is ace), but not a fic from Jon’s POV in which they’re happily living together but it’s not about the physical specifics of their relationship (even though in my head that relationship is non-sexual, but I could have written this specific fic the exact same way if Jon wasn’t ace).
The use or non-use of the tag can also simply help distinguish fanworks that were created and posted before that revelation, and did not depict that character as ace because the creator genuinely wasn’t aware of it.
… but also more detail than that, for instance: tagging the “shade of ace” the character is written as
A few examples:
#aroace Jon
#demisexual biromantic Jon
#greysexual nonbinary Jon
#sexually active kinky asexual Jon
#sex-positive low-libido Jon
#touch-averse Jon
#sex-uninterested ace demiromo Jon in happy QPR with Martin
#sex-repulsed sub Jon gets creative
#aspec Jon experiences sexual attraction for the first time and it’s for freaking Elias of all people oh God oh no
etc., etc.
Those are VERY different things! There’s some I’d be delighted to read, some I’m not interested in, and some that would actively squick me personally for personal reasons but I can think of some friends of mine that would be super happy to see it.
If you don’t know or aren’t sure of the exact terms, or if you wrote a relatively broad scenario and want to let people project any labels on it, you can also just describe what the situation is or how you depicted your character relating to things. That’s still very helpful. For instance:
#Jon doesn’t like kissing but cuddles good
#the struggle of NOT liking touching but craving intimacy
#Jon and Tim pointing at each other like spiderman meme, same hat?? how??
#Daisy and Basira have no idea how to explain their relationship and it’s none of your business
#Zolf is just tired and wants people to stop prying into his love life
etc., etc.
More awareness that there’s plenty of stuff about the ace experience that, while very common, can be squicky or even traumatic, and more tagging/warning about that
Here’s some other things that are common to the ace experience and commonly depicted in fanworks involving ace characters, and that can be genuinely upsetting and potentially triggering and traumatic, whether or not an ace person has encountered it in their own life (lots of CWs in this list, obviously):
encountering aphobia, even clueless and well-meaning
having internalised aphobia, aphobic thoughts, self-hatred, feeling broken or strange
social pressure to have sex or relationships, people being invasive or judgy about others’ love life, feeling disconnected from allo people
trying things out just to see
having sex
enjoying sex
forcing themself to have sex
referring to past sexual experiences as something that they didn’t enjoy
being emotionally pressured into having sex
wanting to please their partner despite not desiring sex
feeling an obligation to satisfy their partner
the prospect of romantic rejection for their asexuality
the idea that they must earn love
the idea that getting their boundaries respected is something exceptional and rare and an incredible sacrifice from their partner
being sexualised by someone else or the object of someone’s fantasies
wanting sex or experiencing sexual attraction for the first time
etc., etc.
Two concepts here that are both simultaneously true: 1) those are indeed very common to the real life experience of ace people, 2) it is possible to depict the ace experience without tackling any of that.
Of course, you can have all that! You can create content about that! That’s very relatable for a lot of people, and that last one, for instance, can in fact be an accurate and important depiction of demisexuality. But it’s also not a given that a fictional work about asexuality will/should depict it, and not a given that all ace people looking for ace content will want to see any item from that list. So please, give content warnings for all that, too.
It would be a tremendous help in curating and improving my experience if this could become a widespread habit — I have lost count of the amount of fics tagged as fluffy that I had to backbutton out because they suddenly threw in something really depressing that I, personally, didn’t want to see happen to a character I project on (while other readers found catharsis, validation and kinship in seeing their experience represented accurately!).
If it does come up, tags about what comes up
Beyond the content warnings for clearly traumatic stuff, is there “#Discussion of asexuality”? Is it “#Coming out as asexual”, or “#Jon discovers the existence of asexuality”? Is there “#Acephobia” (“#Accidental”? “#Casual”? “#Internalised”?)? Is there “#Explanation of asexuality to a clueless partner”, or “#Jon’s partner tells him about asexuality”? Is there “#Relationship negotiation”?
Since, again, not all aces have the same experience, odds are that some people will JUMP happily on content depicting a specific experience which they relate to... and inversely: again, there’s some of that which I personally do not relate to and actively do not want to read.
Detailed tagging is a huge help for me to figure out if a fic about asexuality is going to squick me and make me sad for the evening because ah I am weird after all even amongst my brethren, or if it’s going to be, finally, my heart’s desire, what I’ve been craving for, and make my entire week. (Sidenote, thanks to good tagging I did find the perfect QPR fic I’d been yearning to read last week and I’m still thinking about it right now and so, so, so happy.)
Making it clear when an ace character is going to be having sex — beyond just the ship tag and rating
Reminder that a fic rating alone does not necessarily mean sex! A fic tagged just “#JonMartin” and rated Explicit could have them in a relationship and then an explicitly detailed scene in which Jon dies a excruciatingly gruesome death, or a graphic scene of Martin having some solo fun, or even another character, or a sex scene between another tagged ship.
With smut involving an ace character as with everything else, there are lots of us that do want to see it (for a wide variety of reasons), and obviously there are lots of us that desperately want to avoid it (but might be in the Explicit tag looking for smut involving other ships, or horror or whump content, etc.) — please help us know whether to click or not click!
The normalisation of not expecting/forcing anyone to do things they don’t actively want to do
There’s a relatively common thing in heartwarming ace fic where the ace character is surprised that their allo partner is fine with dating without having sex and the partner goes, “I love you, of course I’m fine with that” and the ace character is all oh, oh, oh I am loved and respected, did not expect that. Or an allo character saying “That’s fine, I don’t make you do anything you don’t want to do,” or “I don’t want to do anything unless you’re into it!”
And I see how it sounds nice and romantic. It probably is to many people. But it can also be extremely sinister and anxiety-inducing in its implications: what if the partner didn’t love the ace character quite that much? What did the ace character expect? If this is amazing and rare, then what was the baseline expectation? If this ace character has dated before, what were their past relationships like, for this to be surprising?
I end up running into it more in fluffy fanworks about asexuality than in fanworks that aren’t. Again — you can absolutely do that, but please tag/warn for it; even if it’s just in passing, in fluff fic it’s really not something I expect from the genre. Even though I might sometimes be specifically in the mood to read an exploration of that, in dark fic or in hurt/comfort fic!
And now for more specific stuff I wanna see in stories:
This last bit is intended as both an encouragement for people who want to create these things and think there’s no audience (there is!!), and as a box of ideas for people who have no idea how to depict the asexuality of characters but want to :3 Again, this is not in any way a statement that these are The Only Correct Way, or even things that all aspec people want to see, nor is it a diss at people who create, consume or want the exact opposite of these things — for that matter, some of the items on this list are mutually exclusive. It’s just my own tastes and literally just stuff I personally would love to see (more).
Ace character being single, happy to be single, and happily ace
Asexuality being written in but a complete non-issue, not discussed, not brought up, not even to reassure the ace character that It Is Fine
Ace character being flippant and snarky about their asexuality, making jokes and memes about it
Ace character not caring about other people’s perception of them at all
Ace character feeling only pride and happiness and comfort about that label
More than one ace character! Extra love for them having some similarities and also some differences!
Intersectionality: ace character being also aro, trans, nonbinary, bi or pan, polyamorous, kinky, a drag queen, a dom or sub, neurodivergent, disabled, non-white, … ; asexuality being just one part of their identity
Asexuality being queer and belonging to the LGBT+ community in itself; a character being cis, aro or heteroromantic, and ace, and “counting” as “queer enough”
Flirty ace character
Confident, self-comfortable ace character
Ace character considering their specific experience to be perfectly normal and not unique, if not typical
Ace character enjoying something that is commonly considered to be sexy or sexual, but it isn’t for them — such as wearing makeup or lingerie, going clubbing, pole-dancing, massages…
Ace character happily dating someone who is not aspec
I like the thought that it’s possible! I personally like this more than I like fanworks about two aspec people dating. I like it when the ace character is happy to adapt to their allo partner’s requirements and I like it when the allo character is happy to adapt to their ace partner’s requirements and I like it when there are things that just do not match perfectly and that doesn’t put an end to the relationship.
Ace character having a lot of experience dating
Partner(s) already knowing about asexuality and not needing to have it explained to them
Partners just being like “*shrug* okay”, without making it a big deal that they’re “giving up” sexual intercourse
Ace character crushing and getting flustered over physical but non-sexual aspects of their love interest’s looks
Big strong hands, nice jaw, strong nose, long eyelashes, lovely profile, silky hair, lovely eye-colour, delicate wrists, muscles, long legs, collar bone, shoulder blades, squishy stomach, peek of bellybutton, freckles, moles, scars, …
Ace character daydreaming about their love interest in ways that involve zero physical attraction, thoughts about how pretty or handsome they are, or desire to touch them
Jon pining for Martin and just wanting to talk with him, have tea with him, hang out with him… not seeing how Tim is good-looking but being attracted to his humour and nerdiness… missing his relationship with Georgie because it felt nice to cook together and share clothes and watch the telly together… Zolf missing Hamid’s fiery passion or Wilde’s awful puns… being attracted to Cel’s liveliness and inventiveness… being charmed by Azu’s emotional intelligence or her unwavering certainty in her faith…
Smut involving an ace character
No shaming of fellow real living people about that
Not going to go into it again because plenty of us have been talking about that in this fandom for two years now — bottom line is there do exist plenty of asexual people that 1) do have sex IRL, 2) do want to consume smut, can we please, as a community, move past the “this is not smut because this character is ace!” passive-aggressive attacks already. (“I depict this character as not having sex because he’s ace and I’m ace and it makes me happy” is fine! Just don’t imply that that’s the only way to be ace and that other people are wrong to want something else.)
Ace character enjoying sex
Ace character being completely neutral about having or not having sex
Ace character disliking sex in the same way they dislike, idk, coffee. No, absolutely not, thank you, no concession, not for me, but also it’s nothing traumatic or moral or uncomfortable.
Sex being just a thing, not a big deal, having or not having it not being all that important
Ace character enjoying the concept of sex, abstractly. Ace character consuming porn, writing porn, being fine discussing sex with friends, having a dirty mind — just not wanting to be involved in it
Ace character having fantasies that disturb them
Ace character feeling arousal and being just *shrug* about it, not particularly disgusted, just uninterested
Arousal, libido, or masturbation as something different and separate from sexual attraction and desire to sleep with someone or to be touched
Ace character being kinky af
Ace character having multiple partners and different sorts of relationships with each!
Open relationships
Non-sexual romantic relationships
Queerplatonic relationships
Non-sexual physical intimacy
Hand-holding! Playing footsie! Cuddles! Hugging! Kissing! Super heavy making out and getting aroused but no sex! Sharing a bed! Lying on top of each other! Bathing or showering together! Giving each other a haircut or a shave! Massages! Non-sexual nudity!
Non-physical intimacy
Committed couple having separate beds/rooms! Getting married! Being in love and not kissing or touching! Loving long-distance relationships! QPR! Affection and closeness expressed through speech, gifts, services, time, shared activities — wearing each other’s clothes, cooking together, long emotional conversations, trust and secrets, love letters, post-it notes, “thought of you” gifts, celebrating anniversaries with a candle-lit dinner, co-parenting...!
Sexual situations with no touching
(CW bit detailed:)
Sexting, cybersex, phone sex, dirty talking, reading or watching porn (alone or together), consensual voyeurism like watching their partner masturbate or have sex with someone else, kink using toys and accessories or scenes but with no actual touching, …
Romanticised consent and boundaries
An asexual character being super firm about what they do not want and their allo partner being thrilled about that trust and communication!! An allosexual partner trusting their asexual partner about what they want without infantilising them or doubting their capacity to establish their boundaries! “Wait, you always say you don’t like [x]?” “Yes, but I feel like it right now, as I assumed would be pretty clear from the fact that I am doing [x] right now :w” “Hey, just checking, sue me :w” “Yes, thank you :w”
Specific boundaries
Cheek kisses but no lip kisses, no PDA, not having sex where they’re also going to sleep, needing a shower immediately after sex, lights off only, …
(CW more detailed:)
… not caring about feeling or seeing their partner’s hard-on but not wanting to do anything about it, penetration but no oral, bottoming but not topping, giving a blowjob but not having their head held, being fine with extreme acts but not liking fluids, pet names but no dirty talk, dirty talk but no pet names, happy to pleasure their partner but not wanting to be touched, not wanting to come, being only into sex as part of extreme kink but not interested in vanilla sex, …
Shifting boundaries and consent
Ace character likes kissing or cuddles but only on their terms — they will come give their partner a kiss sometimes but bristle at being touched. Today is not a kissing day. Today this ace character is a bit down and would like a lot of physical affection and cuddling. Certain areas are off-limits for touching because this ace character is sensitive on their thighs, ticklish in their ribs, self-conscious about their scars. This ace character considers their chest non-sexual so that’s fine but do not pat their butt.
Today, exceptionally, this ace character is horny and feels like banging. Ace character feels like banging sometimes but is not in the mood right now, bye. Ace character feels like banging from eight to nine pm every second Thursday of the month, catch it or miss it. Couple shares a shower every morning and it’s never meant to be a sexual thing, but today the ace one is getting aroused and hey, you know what, they’d like to get off right now. This massage is fantastic but it’s getting overwhelming, so they ask to stop (but it was great!). Ace character is intrigued about this particular scenario/position/kink and wants to try it out, they do, it’s perfectly nice, but hmm, once was enough, they’re not interested in doing it again. Ace character sexts their partner all day but by the time their partner has got home, undressed and prepared and pulled out the strap, they’ve lost interest.
♠♥ Thank you for reading all this! Hope this inspires people so I get more stuff that makes me happy! ♥♠
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the-ship-maker-2 · 3 years
Heya! Could I get a matchup if you wanna try?
Um im demisexual omniromantic, im nonbinary (vae/vaer/xe/xem/They/them pronouns) im pretty tall (5 feet 9 inches) and extremely pale like almost translucent skin on my arms and extremely skinny (im barely over 100lbs most of the time) ive got naturally red hair thats pretty thick wavy and frizzy... its also in a sorta mullet style my eyes are kinda blue green grey color my style is usually just button downs, flannels, hoodies, tank tops, vests, big jackets, hats, usually bennies and jeans or skirts, ive been told that i dress like a pirate or a witch alot too i tend to need reminders to take my meds and eat, generally basic hygiene and health stuff i also have a hard time showing affection (platonic and romantic) and i tend to be nonverbal at times and hate talking infront of or to people i don't know im also not big on physical contact unless its asked first or i initiate it i tend to hide my emotions and bottle them up until something small happens when im alone and ill just crash and either have a panic attack or everything just stops working ive been told that i have a bit of a "resting bitch face" and i suck at showing empathy i have pretty bad adhd, anxiety and insomnia im not good with kids or people and animals really i like to read, write draw and generally creative stuff like that, umm i like music along as its not country or christian, i overwork myself without doing anything i tend to cling on to people i like and wear there clothes i also have some motor tics
(please don't match me with Jeff Ben or Toby i- i love them but no)
Uhh hope this is enough info?
-AA💙 Anon
I relate to you all too well my friend.
Also this is my first so constructive criticism is appreciated.
Based on the information that you gave me I pair you with:
-you two are perfect for each other
-it takes himself awhile to develop feelings so he completely gets wanting to warm up to each other first
-he loves you just the way you are looks, personality and all. The whole 9 yards.
-as long as he knows that you love him in any way hes good with you not showing affection
-its also okay if you don't want to talk and go non verbal. He doesn't like people who talk to much.
-the man is not touchy feely himself so it's not a big deal to him if you don't like to be held at that time. Although he won't be opposed to giving you cuddles when you initiate it.
-hes not good with kids and animals either hes way too awkward around them.
-he loves your fashion sense. Especially when you're wearing plaid. You two could be the plaid couple
-hes more patient since dealing with Toby. So hes constantly reminding you to take care of yourself and he helps you out if you need it
-my man over here ain't good at showing and communicating emotions so hes right there with you. He gets it.
-he always asks what you're working on and admires your creative skills
-he listens to 80's, classic rock or 90s pop. So you're stuck listening to that. Although hes willing to listen to your music if you have any suggestions
-he also has a resting bitch face so does hoodie
-he knows how to calm you down during an anxiety and/or panic attack
-he has insomnia himself so he'll drive you around until you feel tired.
-if you feel overworked he'll make you take breaks
-he doesn't mind you clinging to him as long as hes not working. He finds it adorable you wearing his clothes. They look so big on you
-hes used to dealing with Toby and his tics. So hes generally patient with you with them.
That's it! I hope you like this and feel free to ask again!
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