#demon slayer lower 4
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Lowermoon 4 Mukago Character Sheet
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thensocrates · 1 year
more demons
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Mukago is often made fun of for being the preppy one out of the whole Demon pack.
She still insists on eating with proper utensils when chowing down on a human, tries to keep the area (relatively) clean while she eats, and even has some bodies saved for later use if she's full, or if she already got full and wants to go eat the rest later.
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
May I have one where Giyuu saves a 4 year old girl from a demon and thus decides to adopt her? The girl is very quiet, like Tomioka quiet but also very friendly and curious. She hates loud noises due to coming from an abusive home and is often found on Giyuu? Headcanons please
demon slayer hcs: giyuu's adopted daughter
characters: fem!reader x giyuu, the hashira
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giyuu arrives at the location for his mission
it was reported that a lower class family had been turned into demons and were recking havoc on the small town they lived in
at nightfall giyuu approaches the home of the demon family and is greeted by the father and mother
as well as a human child
the two demon parents toy with the child
pushing her to the ground
pulling her hair
but when the father raises a clawed hand to her
giyuu takes the opportunity
before the strike can land on the childs face
the demons heads have already hit the ground
the child stares at the severed heads with a blank look
immediately giyuu is kneeling in front of her to block the line of sight
and he is assessing the damage done to her and asking
"do you have other family?"
the girl stays silent but shakes her head
he stands abruptly causing the child to flinch and his eyes soften
by now the sun has begun to rise and the bodies of the demons are gone
giyuu walks into the house to find anything of necessity for the child
and he is disgusted to see that even though the family had no obvious lack of money
the child was provided NOTHING of importance
feeling a small hand latch onto his haori he looks down
and with a sigh giyuu is carefully picking her up and beginning the walk back his estate
several months after the incident a meeting is called with the hashira
before leaving his estate Giyuu receives a letter
taking it from his crow and quickly reading it Giyuu walks to the backyard
sitting there amongst the flowers is the young girl he saved
he walks to her and reaches out a hand to help her up
she takes it, stands, and then motions for him to lean down
he does
and then she plops a flower crown on the top of his head
its messy and its more stems and leaves then flowers but giyuu allows it
together they leave the estate and begin the travel to the butterfly mansion for the meeting
standing outside of the mansion the child digs her heels into the ground due to her nervousness stopping giyuu in his tracks
he kneels to her height taking the makeshift crown from his head and placing it on hers
and then reaches out a hand
she takes it and then he opens the door to the mansion
as the door opens and they step into the room hand in hand all heads turn to them
a small women with purple hair and a teasing smile is the first to speak, "you're late Tomioka"
before the other slayers can add to her comment
a man with a gentle voice speaks "he is late because I had a last minute request for him"
he turns to Giyuu
"is she here?"
the other slayers murmur their confusion
Giyuu just gently tugs the hand of the girl and pulls her from behind him with a "she is"
The man introduces himself as the leader of the demon slayer corps and then asks for her to be introduced to the other people in the room before giving a gentle smile and leaving
The slayers go around the room introducing themselves
Tengen, Mitsuri, and Obanai were nice enough
Muichiro was kind but reintroduced himself 3 times because he forgot what was happening
Sanemi was intimidating and angry
Shinobu was also very nice but the girl didn't like how she interacted with her adoptive parent so rudely
and Kyojuro was a bit too loud
soon enough the girl finds herself sitting in the lap of the love hashira having her hair braided while the rest of the hashira are poking fun at Giyuu
the girl sits there silently watching until Sanemi takes it a step too far
"the poor girl probably doesn't even like you! i sure fucking don't. she's probably miserable staying with y-"
"don't be mean to him!"
its the first words she spoken since she walked through the door
running and latching onto Giyuu's leg she glares at Sanemi
"the only person I don't like is you!" before hiding her face in Giyuu's leg
no one says a word
until Tengen bursts out laughing lol
quickly Sanemi becomes the victim of teasing and Giyuu and the child are forgotten
Giyuu kneels down to her and puts a hand on her head
gives her a small smile quick enough so that no one else sees
picks her up and they head back home together
im soft for papa giyuu
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reticent-writer · 1 year
can I request a Uzui tsuguko reader seeing Uzui like a love/hate brotherly figure? And how Uzui would deal with the 25 years age limit after they take their place as a hashira and awake a mark??
sorry my english sucks 🤡
Sorry posts are taking so long a family member is very sick. I was so close to crying while writing this.
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Demon slayer masterlist
"Hey, your forms wrong... again. " Tengen commented as he sat on the engawa eating sweet potatoes that Rengoku brought over for you.
key words: For You.
"Show me then instead of being an asshole and watching. Your supposed to be teaching me aren't you?" You sassed back, dropping your sword to take a break. Looking over to him you take notice of what he's eating.
"HEY THOSE ARE MINE." You took off in a sprint to get to him.
Tengen ran into the house with you hot on his tail.
Makio stopped the both of you and scolded you like children and when she was done she made you both face the wall and sitting in the corner.
This happened often before tengen retired and you took his place.
The first mission you went on you encountered and lower moon and gained your mark. (let's say muzan didn't kill them after Rui died)
Tengen was devastated, he practically forced you to retire
So we're Hina, Suma and Makio
You were 20
They made sure your last 5 years were the best of your life
When you turned 24 Suma cried a lot, Makio fussed less and Hina... Was Hina
Tengen talked to you for as long as he could everyday
The wanted you to know that you were loved up until you final moments
The day on your 25th birthday you woke up to the 4 of them surrounding you, each with smiles on their faces.
"Happy birthday" they said in unison.
'Ok not creepy at all' you thought to yourself as you try and sit up but your body felt heavier than usual. Must be the effects of the mark.
Makio and Suma are closest to you and held you up.
"Thank you. So what's on today's agenda?"
"Nothing much seems like your not up to it anyway." Tengen could hear the way your bones ached as you moved.
The day moved by quickly, too quickly for Tengens liking.
You ate, you laughed, you cried and now it was time to go to sleep.
Walking to your room you knew you were walking to your death bed. It felt weird but with the Uzui family behind you it felt comforting.
They tuck you in to bed and just as you were about to say goodnight Suma jumped on you.
"I-i don't want you to go to sleep Y/n. Stay awake please." She pleaded into your chest.
Makio was second. She couldn't even say anything, she was crying to hard.
Hina and Tengen tried to stand firm but broke at the sight of you crying and hugging them as well.
They couldn't bare to say goodbye that night and instead got their futons to sleep in the same room.
Tengen heard your heart stop.
Alt End
The say if your 25th birthday Tengen noticed you weren't up for breakfast and went to check on you.
*knock knock*
"Y/n.... You up?" He opened the door to see you peacefully sleeping on your side with 4 notes in your hand close to your face, each dressed to the members of the house.
Tengen slowly walked to your bedside and placed a hand on your head. You were cold.
"Y/n" Tengen called in disbelief. "I thought we had 1 more day" He said barely above a whisper.
He stood there until his wife's called for him.
It's a bad a for rain.
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the-wisteria-house · 1 year
You set my heart, Ablaze (Kyojuro X Tsuguko reader)
Requested by: Becauseus. You and your master had always enjoyed training together, but as time went on, it became harder and harder to keep you cool. He was just too kind and attractive! So you began to distance yourself from the man, much to his confusion, but he could never know about your feelings. So you enlist the help of the sound Hashira to train you, this ends up backfiring, or dose it?
Warnings: miscommunications between (y/n) and Kyojuro. Tengen is a bit of a flirt, but nothing inappropriate.
You and Rengoku had met during one of his earliest missions as Hashira. Slayers had been vanishing after investigating the disappearances of wealthy estate owners in a small village located in the northern part of his district. Ubuyashiki had asked Rengoku to join the most recent group of low ranks sent to investigate in the hope that the presence of a hashira could lure out the elusive demon that had been plaguing the town for weeks.
Unfortunately, by the time Kyojuro had arrived at the village, the entire group of slayers had been ruthlessly slaughtered and messly scattered about the scene. Kyojuro felt his stomach turn in disgust. It was clear the demon was committing monstrosities for sport.
As Kyojuro looked over the bodies, he noticed that something was off. They usually send scouting parties of five, and there were only four bodies, torn to shreds, but still 4 none the less. Had the demon dragged off one of the slayers and devoured them? No, it wouldn't make sense why the demon would leave the rest and only take one? Kyojuros' contemplation was broken as he realized he heard something faint, it sounded as if a struggle was occurring in the clearing ahead.
As Kyojuro weaved through the thick brush of the woods , the sound of growling and a sword breaking wind grew more and more prominent. He silently cursed himself for not hearing the clashing sooner.
As he ran into the clearing Kyojuro could see you were the only Slayer left standing, there were bones scattered about the landscape that he couldn't help but note looked suspiciously human... The scene would have had any lower rank demon slayer quivering in fear, itching to turn around and run with their tail between their legs; but to a seasoned slayer and now Hashira like him it wasn't the first time he'd witnessed such a catastrophe. It was only something that would make it harder to sleep some nights and aid in his drive to protect the innocent in hopes to prevent such a scene from occurring again.
The thing that did surprise Kyojuro was seeing a lower ranked slayer such as yourself putting up such a brazen fight despite the pain you must have been in from your wounds; Your skill was clear, but you were growing tired with each strike you received. He knew if he didn't interfere soon, you would surely perish as did the others before you. So without a moment's hesitation he leapt into action, catching the offending demon off guard.
With the distraction his sudden entranced caused you were able to find an opening to quickly decapitate the demon, and as you stood there looking at the demon who was responsible for taking the lives of your friends, and countless others you felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins begin to wear off, and a throbbing pain began to spread across your body like wildfire, and as your limbs grew heavy and you lost grip of your sword.
Kyojuro's eyes followed the weapon as it clattered to the ground, and it was as if the world stopped for a moment- the sword was turning from its original flat silver to a striking red.
"Your sword-" Kyojuro began before pausing, noticing the fatigue and grief in your eyes. He knew now wasn't the time for celebration.
"It doesn't matter, I failed in the end. I didn't save them." Kyojuro took a step forward without second thought, and protested your claim.
"I have to disagree. If you hadn't defeated the demon, more slayers along with civilians would have surely met their ends. The demon was misclassified from the start, and what occurred because of that was not your fault! You had no clue what you were up against until it was too late to turn back. I'm sure your fallen comrades would agree that you had not abandoned them by fighting on and surviving." There was no hint of deceit in his voice. You were taken aback by the conviction and confidence he heald.
You looked from the decentagrated demon up to the stary night sky. It had no right to look as calm and unbothered as it did - as if it hadn't also witnessed the grotesque scean before you.
"Then tell me why I feel so usless right now, so weak? Innocent people die because of these monsters!" Flashes of your friends standing around the fire as you sung out key ballets that told outlandish stories of brave warriors and monsters, roasting smores and suspicious looking meat over the bright flames, and your throat constricted as you spoke, "Tell me why I couldn't do more? I became a slayer to save those who couldn't save themselves...and I failed- I failed miserably, and there's nothing I can do....It's like as soon as I make some sort of progress, something is pushing me back. How can I get anywhere if I'm this weak? I'm pathetic, and a waste of a slayer!"
Kyojuro didn't speak at that moment. He only listened as you cried, and he tried to figure out what to do at that moment, "Be my Tsugo, let's cultivate your skills together. You might feel useless now, but I know otherwise. No slayer with zero potential would be standing before me, still alive and breathing. I've only known you for a short time, but I know with the burning fire you have within you, you can achieve great things, young Mizunoe."
His words made you pause and look away from the spot the demon had been, "You want to train me?"
"Yes!" The Hashira's eye contact was unwaveringly as he nodded firmly.
That was well over a year ago, and here you were, blade in hand, sweating your ass off, and cursing yourself for losing your concentration once again. This was the fourth time you barely evaded being hit by the bokken your sensei was passionately wielding with an unmovable smile, almost as if he was enjoying your suffering. Despite now being a kinoto and usually being able to keep up with your master, you had to be off your game today, which didn't seem to go unnoticed by your young master, "Let's take a break, and enjoy some of the delicious food Senjouro packed for us!"
You couldn't help but sigh before nodding in agreement. There was no doubt in your mind that you were only taking a break due to your poor performance. Embarrassment swelled with in you and your face began to heat up.
As you ate in silence and your cheeks had returned to normal you were praying to all the gods you could think off that he wouldn't bring up how poorly you had been evading his attacks, but it seems the gods didn't hear your ple, or maybe they had and just wanted to watch you suffer.
"(Y/N), pardon me if this isn't my place, but you aren't performing at the same caliber you normally do. Is there something on your mind?" Rengoku had stopped eating, and painted on his face was a serious expression. You couldn't help the way your head swung around at that question. The truth was there was, in fact, something on your mind, something he as your master could never know.
"(Y/N), are you alright? We don't have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable, but know I'm always here if you need me." His serious tone drew you out of your thoughts, and you blush as you realize you had been gawking at his undeniably handsome features, framed by his equally beautiful and fiery locks.
"Don't worry Master, I'm alright." You lied with a small smile, hoping he wouldn't bat an eye at your bluff. The truth was you weren't alright. You were falling for your Master, and while the age difference wasn't all that extreme, only three years, the idea of a master and Tsuguko being involved with one another was unheard of, if not Taboo. You knew you had to get over this silly crush for both your and Rengokus sake.
So you begain to distance yourself from your master, much to his confusion.
First, you started by cutting lessons short, giving a different excuse each time as to why you had to leave.
"I forgot to give my cat food this morning, so I should really head back now."
"But (y/n), you're allergic to....." He stops as he realizes you had already walked away. His heart grew heavy at the lie you told. He began to wonder how best to approach the situation. You weren't usually one to slack off, so he knew something was wrong.
"(Y/n), if there is something bothering you, I'm willing to listen." Kyojuro said, looking up from his food to you, watching how you froze at the question.
"There's nothing wrong at all." You quickly respond before stuffing your face with more food, wanting to avoid further discussion. Kyojuro let's out a defeated sigh before looking back at his food, suddenly not feeling hungry despite the grumbling of his stomach. He decided he'd bring it up again later.
After trying to talk to you about what was bothering you and failing multiple times he finally decided enough was enough when you failed to show up to practice one day.
He was normally a patient man, but his anxiety filled thoughts were starting to get the best of him. Had he done something wrong? Had he overstepped your boundaries by asking you if you were alright? He only did that because he cared. Why won't you just tell him what he did wrong so he can fix it? He intended to find you and ask you outright, having grown impatient at the thought of waiting for you to reject him as your master... and friend.
"So (y/n), you decided to take me up on my offer?" You glared at Tengen, who's ego had seemed to double as you led him behind your house. You honestly were beginning to regret asking him to train you for the time being.
"Say, isn't Rengoku the one who usually trains you? Why aren't you training with him? I mean not that I'm complaining that I get to spend the afternoon with a beautiful girl such as yourself." You resisted the urge to rule your eyes as you fought off a blush at the mans flirting; more out of embarrassment than anything else.
"If I knew you were going to talk the whole time and not train me, I would have asked Mitsuri instead." You grumbled before getting in position to spar with the man.
"You wound me (Y/n), but you're right. We didn't come here to talk. We can do that after, hopefully over some sake and dinner." The man winked at you and then got into a ready position as well.
Fighting Tengen was interestingto say the least. While it was good in the sense that it was far easier to keep a level head and not turn into a blushing fumbling mess every time you made any sort of contact, compared to with Rengoku who you couldn't help but make a fool of yourself in front of.
You knew that Tengen was a flirt, so you paid little attention to his flatery remarks, mind focusing solely on training and pushing your fiery locked master to the back of your mind.
"So (Y/n), how would you feel about becoming my fourth wife?" Tengen suddenly asks mid fight, completely catching you off guard, giving him the perfect opening to attack and subdue you.
"Damnit, Uzui! Let me go, that was so uncalled for! Who asks questions like that in a spar?" You try to wiggle out of the Hashiras firm grasp, failing miserably. In your struggle, you hadn't noticed the presence that had joined you in the court yard.
As Rengoku watched you spar against his friend and fellow pillar, he could help the frown that crept onto his face.
So this is why you had stopped training with him? He felt his heart grow heavy at how you'd found a new master and didn't think to even tell him why. In that moment, he also felt something else that he couldn't quite pinpoint boil with in him as he saw Tengen say something that flusterd you. Kyojuro's fist trembled in rage. Who did Tengen think he was? He already had three wives, and he still felt the need to take the one woman Kyojuro had ever loved. Kyojuro's eyes widened at this realization. He loved you... he let out a heavy sigh, shoulders slightly dropping in defeat, "What am I doing? She's happy and he's my best friend, I can't be selfish...Who am i to get in the way?"
Kyojuro turned around and walked down the path he'd taken to your pausing and looking back the way he came. Maybe he should talk to Uzui?
"Well (y/n), I think it's time we part ways. I understand what Rengoku sees in you. I'm sure you'll make a flashy Hashira when the time comes. Oh, and if you don't end up with Rengoku, my offer still stands." The Hashira winks while getting ready to head out.
"What do you mean 'get with Rengoku' i never - when did i ever -" you stammered once again, caught off guard by the flashy Hashira who was already walking away, paying your question no mind. 'What the hell???'
As Tengen made his way down the scenic path, he couldn't help the laughter that escaped him once he saw Rengoku in the center of the path with his arms crossed in front of his chest, clearly waiting on him.
"Ah, Rengoku! I thought I heard you enter the garden! It's good to see my you! You should have joined (L/n) and I during training! You've trained her well, I think she could fairly well be a pillar in the near future." Tengen stopped in front of his fellow Hashiras as he spoke. Acting oblivious to the clear distain in the other mans gaze.
"It looked like you had the situation handled." The unusually short response from Rengoku caused Tengen to quirk a brow before an even bigger grin broke across his face, "Rengoku.... are you jealous?"
Rengoku only ignored the question, deciding to respond with one of his own, "What are your intentions with (Y/n)?"
"You are jealous! I was only helping her train. I won't lie and say she doesn't interest me slightly. She's an incredible woman,but i don't believe her interest lies with me." Tengen couldn't help but be amused by his friends perplexed look.
"I- what are you trying to say, Uzui?" Rengoku asks after a moment of hesitation, not understanding where this was going.
"What I'm saying is you should talk to her." Tengen pats his firey allies' shoulder, before brushing past him and continueing his way down the dirt trail.
Kyojuro didn't say anything as he watched his friend continue down the trail, feeling more confused than he had before their chat.
After weighing the pros and cons of following the sound Hashiras advice, he began to make his way towards your home, ignoring the erratic thumbing in his chest. Tengen was a lot of things, but Kyojuro knew he would never purposely mislead him.
As he approached your garden, he decided it was best to stop and try to figure out what he was going to say before approaching you, but his plan was soon foiled as you rounded the corner and barreled right into his chest. Why was nothing going right today? (Mwaahaha because i like making you suffer)
"I-uh,Rengoku! What can i do for you?" You stamer before you lept back, almost as if you were scalded by boiling water.
"You missed training." His voice was void of humor. It honstly seemed almost mornful.
"I did..." You knew there was no way of lying your way out of this, and honestly, you were tired of lying to your master and friend, so you told the truth.
"You were training with Uzui, do you want him to be your new master, or is there....more going on there?" You'd never seen your master so unsure of himself, but here he was voice wavering.
"It's more complicated than that, Kyojuro...I don't have a choice." Neither of you noticed your little slip up in the midst of you heightened emotions. "It shouldn't be, there's no inbetween (Y/n). You deserve someone who will love you unapologetically and wholeheartedly." Kyojuros' hand, which had somehow found its way onto your arm, lightly tightened to convey his sincerity. You then realized in that moment you both were talking about two very different things.
"Wait-wait- no, no, you misunderstand! There's absolutely nothing going on between me and Mr.Uzui." While Tengen was a good friend, you couldn't help but grimace at the thought of being his wife and having to spend the rest of your life with the flirty egotistical man bothering you constantly. He may have been pretty, but not that pretty.
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you couldn't help but note the look of relief on Rengoku's face. "That's a relief. I thought I was going to have to watch you marry Tengen." Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Would that have been a bad thing if i didn't?"
Rengokus hand slid down your arm before finally landing on your callused but soft hand, "I suppose there's no use in hiding from you... It would have been horrible if you and Tengen had gotten together because I would have to watch him live out the life with you that I could only dream of having."
"Rengoku, are you saying you -" The anamored look in the Hasias eyes stopped you in your tracks, and a grin breaks across your face, and you knew you already had your answer.
"Yes, I love you (Y/N), I want to be yours if you'll take me." His large hand seemed to engulf yours as he brought it to rest over his rapidly beating heart.
"I've felt the same for a long time, but Kyojuro I'm your Tsuguko, what will people say when they see that we're more than master and student? I don't want to sully your good name." You try to pull your hand away from the man, only for his grip to only tighten, keeping your hand firmly in place above his passionately beating heart.
"I don't care about what anyone might say about us. We know the truth! Spending a life without you by my side seems far crueler than any dirty look I may receive from a faceless stranger." He firmly refuted with unwavering confidence. In that moment, you felt your resolve begin to start to chip away, and the unwavering passion in his eyes did little to help.
"Okay, if you're willing to be with me despite the challenges that may come our way, I'd be honored to be yours." You tried to steady your rapidly beating heart as you both grew closer together, cheast brushing against each other as your breaths mingled.
"You don't know how happy that makes me dear." Kyojuro finally closed the space in between you, and as your lips caressed his. You couldn't help but feel at ease for the first time in months. Kyojuro was yours and you his, and while you knew there would be consiquentense for being together you couldn't bring yourself to care, in that moment it was only the both of you basking in eachothers presence, as it should have been.
And as you separated and looked into his vibrant orbs, you found yourself saying with a battered breath, "Kyojuro, every time I see you, you set my heart ablaze."
He only smiled and pulled you closer to him and kissed your forehead, "I don't think I could describe the passion I feel with you any better myself."
I hope you all enjoyed it! I'm sorry it took me so long to get this out, I had it completed, but I couldn't find the time to edit it as my phone broke, and I didn't have access to a computer, but now we're back on track!
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yukoii1 · 8 months
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⇨⚠︎︎ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 !¡⚠︎︎⇦ praising, eating out, gentle!sanemi, dom!sanemi, shy!reader, black!reader
𝐀𝐍. welcome to day 8 week 4 my spooky ghosts 👻, I do apologize again for the delay for the third story of the one piece week and this week for demon slayer. I wanted to share with you all that I’ve been going through some things which is making me very less motivated to complete my kinktober list, If I can I’ll try to get through the other two stories but If not I’ll just work on the final story for halloween and the Choso request. I hope you guys understand and continue enjoying my stories even If there not like how I write them! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
- 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢..𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝.
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You were a virgin. You were innocent and everyone knew that. You were so innocent to the point Tengen explains you the concept of “Sex” It started off when you came to him one day asking what It was and what It meant, you swore It seemed like he was waiting for a day to explain It to you by the way he had this grin, you came to Tengen because you wanted to try something with Sanemi..you wanted to finally take a step forward with him. Which Is why you’re here! “So. You want Sanemi to satisfy you huh?” He questioned and you nodded your head, Tengen raised a brow with a cocky smirk, “Aww our little bean (Y/N) is growing up, how cute.” He teased making you roll your eyes crossing your arms. “Tengen..take this serious!” You slightly pouted as he raised his hands in defeat, “Ok ok! calm down woman.“ He chuckled, “You said you want Sanemi to pleasure you right?, what is it you want him to do.” Hmm..you hummed looking down with a bitten lip, “Well..I heard a lot of girls along villages talk about getting “Eaten out” or whatever it’s called!” Tengen raised a brow with humming to himself, “So you wanna get eaten out?” You clenched your fists against your pants nodding your head slowly mumbling a “Yes.” You always wanted to try and do that with him but you were so..scared to do so, you felt like you would mess up..even worse embarrass yourself!!.
You stuttered at the thought of embarrassing yourself in front of him like that, Tengen noticed the stuttered you did with your body, eyes softening. You were anxious. He put a hand ontop of yours making you snap your eyes up, “Talk to him about it, I’m sure he’ll understand. I mean the bastard is practically patient with you- and he’s never patient! He’ll help you.”
He’ll help you.
He’ll help you.
There you stood, with sweaty palms and a fast heart rate as you stared at the door leading to your guys shared room. You don’t know why you’re so nervous but you just are, what If you messed up? Even worse displeasure him?! All these thoughts were running through your head as you tried to shake them off but they kept coming, come on (Y/N)! just walk in and tell him…okay. okay…here goes nothing…you sucked in a breath as you pushed the door open with small creaks leaving after, you walked slowly in feeling your heart race faster as you pushed the door all the way open to reveal your boyfriend of 4 years..sitting on the bed with nothing but pants on. Shit. You gulped down the big lump in your throat seeing him without a shirt feeling yourself go hot, you always liked seeing him shirtless..It made you feel this strange feeling in your body, where your body runs hot and a weird sensation in your lower area.
Sanemi heard footsteps and a door close perking his eyes up to spot you standing there. It looked like you were stuck in a trance, Sanemi turned his attention away from his sword fully turning his attention to you, “You okay brat?.” Brat..another thing that made you feel this strange feeling! You wanted to know what It was you were feeling, but shaking away the thought you cleared your throat, “C-Can I tell you something?” You stuttered making Sanemi raised a brow, he hummed in response. Just spit it out…just..spit it out. You breathed in and out, “Iwannahavesexwithyou!” You said fast looking down in embarrassment, gosh (Y/N)! Sanemi felt as Of the day finally came, he grinned silently to himself spreading his legs open a little adjusting himself, once again he hummed. “Come here.” He said In a tone that made your ears perk. It was so raspy and deep..
Without hesitation you easily obeyed, walking towards where he was sitting, standing in front of him feeling nervous. He smirked at your nervous state, “Get on your knees.” Again you did as he said without putting up a fight being faced with his crotch with wide eyes, he saw you eyeing his clothed cock with a shit eating grin picking up his hand rest on your cheek making your heart skip a beat, you looked up at him with big doe eyes waiting for what else he had. Fuck. He knew you were innocent and shy but the way you’re looking at him made him hard, “So obedient..” He mumbled caressing his thumb across your bottom lip, this was making your body all tingling. “Now..you said you wanna have sex with me right?” In embarrassment you nodded your head looking away. You were so cute. He hummed once more, “What is it you wanna do?. You bit your lip clenching your fists together..”I want you to eat me out...” You mumbled, unlucky for you Sanemi heard your weak mumbling. He clicked his tongue continuing to caress along your lips, “You want me to eat you out baby?” He said In that same..tone that made your lower half have that sensation again, nodding your head with a small pout unknowingly moving your thighs. You heard that moving your thighs together would help in some way and It was! It felt so..good. You accidentally let a whine slip as you continued to move your legs, Sanemi looked down to see the desperation in your lower half, he snickered. “You turned on?.” Turned on..Is that what it means? You nodded your head clenching your hands harder against your pants, Sanemi noticed how needy and more desperate you were getting.
His cock was throbbing just waiting to be released but seeing his baby in desperate needs..he had to give you what you wished for. Without hesitation he stood up bringing you with him soon feeling him push you on top of the bed, you raised a brow ready to ask questions but was instantly shifted feeling his warm lips on yours, your eyes widened but soon closed kissing him back. For a virgin like yourself you sure were a good kisser..you let a moan slip past your lips as you felt his hands on your hip rubbing them up and down. After a few seconds of making out he pulled back kissing along your jawline towards your neck biting and licking against your skin, you jolted up but groaned feeling him pin you to the bed as he continued. The kisses against your neck slightly tickled you but quickly changed to pleasure, you bit your lips biting back your sounds as you let him continue to do whatever with you.
Soon l you felt his hands trail along your stomach towards your private part. This was the part you could never get passed. You were scared before, scared of the feeling or worse scared you might end up hurt! But now. You were ready to take that leap, Sanemi stopped his hand from going any further to look up at you with soft eyes, “You sure?.” He asked with a soft tone making you suck in a breath but slowly nodded your head, “Slow..go slow.” You responded as Sanemi smiled alittle nodding his head, pecking your neck one last time before using his hand to take off your pants. You shivered from the cold air hitting your exposed thighs clenching along the blanket, you closed your eyes patiently waiting for something to happen. You waited a few seconds before you jolted feeling a nice sensation on your women hood, your eyes snapped open with confusion but fluttered feeling it again. Oh my Gosh..you moaned feeling your heart speed up, It felt good.
Sanemi watched your expression change with a grin, continuing to move his finger rubbing you through your panties. “You like this?.” He asked pecking your thigh as you whimpered an answer, It felt so good you couldn’t put it into words. He chuckled at the lack of response, pulling your panties a side leaning his head down..you almost yelped feeling a warm wet thing come connect with you, your back arched a little feeling his tongue put into work, he licked a long your clit slightly sucking on it moaning from the little taste he got from you being wet. Without knowing your hand shot up to his head pushing it down against you to get more of this pleasure you were feeling, It felt so good..Sanemi smirked in your pussy as he continued to eat you out. He licked, and sucked for awhile soon shoving his tongue into you moving it in and out, your eyes were wide but fluttered closed clenching your nails into his hair. As Sanemi was eating you out you felt this strange feeling in your stomach, It felt like you were gonna pee..you didn’t wanna pee! You started to slightly panic trying to push his head away from you but he only kept it there continuing his movements, this was your first time cumming. He chuckled practically knowing what you’re thinking, you thought you were gonna pee. He kept licking and sucking against your clit, soon having a taste in his mouth, you were hitting your orgasm. Your back arched as your toes curled moaning out his name as you released this feeling, you whined loudly continuing to release. Sanemi smirked starting to lick you clean, licking along your slit and clit groaning from the taste.
When Sanemi was done he pulled back seeing you spotless clean and hearing heavy pants of breaths leave you. He looked up to see your half lidded eyes stare off into space trying to catch your breath, that felt..oddly good? “You did so good for your first time.” He chuckled putting a knee on the bed soon hovering over you, you turned your head to face him. “First time what?.” You questioned, you wanted to know what spilled out of you, you had a glimpse of it and it wasn’t pee..it looked white. Sanemi hummed leaning down to peck along your jaw once again, “First time getting eaten out and cumming.” Cumming..Is that what It was?, “Oh.” You said and he nodded his head, “This was only the first stage out of three.” There’s three more?!2?, you groaned softly shaking your head. “And I’m already tired from this one stage..” You scoffed hearing him snicker, “Its a common thing for first timers,” He shrugged, “But for now we’ll continue on to stage two when you’re ready.”
“My pretty little virgin.”
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wisteriaw0rld · 11 months
Hello there :) please could I request headcanons of the Hantengu clones, Akaza, Douma and Kokushibo starting to develop feelings for a fellow upper moon demon who has the same abilities as nezuko, is sweet and shy normally but when angered or friends are threatened she goes berserk 💙💙💙
-ˋˏ ༻falling for you༺ ˎˊ- kny x reader
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✰synopsis: uppermoon’s 1-4 taking a liking to a fellow uppermoon with kamado nezuko’s powers
✰additional tags: gn! reader, headcanons, mentions of blood, mentions of death/killing, not proof read
✰character order: kokushibo, douma, akaza, sekido, karaku, aizetsu, urogi
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“yeah my boyfriends pretty cool, but he’s not as cool as me.” -Lana Del Rey
˚ʚuppermoon oneɞ˚
❥kokushibo isn’t one to easily think highly of others. Considering he’s the strongest demon and only second to Kibutsuji, he never pays attention to other demons’ abilities. They never piqued his interest. Then you came along as a new Upper Moon.
♡it was obvious you had potential. Soon enough you rose, gaining the title of upper moon three. It had shocked him of how quickly you rose up the ranks.
♡because of how stoic kokushibo naturally is, it’s obvious he favors you over the other upper moons. They don’t mind. They only find it shocking.
♡when he first took a small liking towards you, he assumed it was only due to your powerful aura. you’re powers catch  him buy surprise but he’ll never admit it.
♡soon after he realized it wasn’t just respect he had for you, even if you were ranked lower than him. 
♡he’d never admit it aloud but he knows he’s developed a crush on you. He’s eternally grateful he’s good at keeping his ‘little’ crush a secret.
♡however his liking to you grows stronger after getting put on a mission with you.
♡kokushibo has little care for putting effort into slaughtering demon slayers. They’re strength and skills are nothing compared to his.
♡he noticed you were the same way. But he also noticed how you would grow slightly angered whenever one of the demon slayers got too close to him.
♡curiously, he allowed a demon slayer to land a single medium-sized cut on his abdomen.
♡despite the cut not being anything for a demon, he saw how angered you got. 
♡the way you lunged forward and mercilessly killed the demon slayer was enough to prove how protective you could grow.
♡needless to say, his feelings only grow stronger.
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˚ʚuppermoon twoɞ˚
❥Douma always has a playful demeanor. And after he met you, he had only joked about your strength, not taking it seriously. His passive aggressive comments immediately disappear when you take his place as the new upper moon two, making him upper moon three. oops
♡Douma became aggravated at this. But that quickly turns into admiration as he soon learns more about you. 
♡he without a doubt prefers you over the other upper moons, and he, for one, is not afraid to show it. Not like the others care.
♡douma’s admiration can so easily and so quickly turn into love for you. With not having a complete understanding about feelings, he doesn’t even know he loves you.
♡douma’s also much more attracted to your kind persona. He’s not exactly used to others presenting that much kindness to him.
♡your shyness is easily another thing he loves. He especially enjoys teasing you about it.
♡however he’s seen how you can get when provoked. It’s shocking that when something happens to you, you don’t get angered much.
♡but when something happens to your friends, that’s a whole different story.
♡you had fought by douma’s side against a large group of Kinoe ranked demon slayers. (highest rank)
♡you don’t remember much of what happened. The two of you had been easily slaughtering the demon slayers.
♡that was until Douma carelessly let his hand get cut off, as another began aiming for his neck.
♡completely abandoning who you were fighting with, you ran over, killing the slayers in a fast motion with angered eyes.
♡if Douma wasn’t in love with you before, he definitely was now.
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˚ʚuppermoon threeɞ˚
❥Akaza always respects the other upper moons except douma even if they do annoy him on multiple occasions. Then he met you. Not only had you gotten along well with each other but he was impressed by your abilities.
♡Akaza doesn’t often meet shy demons. Then he met you. And despite being such a high rank, you remained with a kind and shy personality.
♡it impressed him that despite being so strong you still treated others with kindness. Most demons simply choose to flaunt their strength.
♡it only shocks him more when realizing the full strength hidden in you.
♡He knew you were strong considering your place in the twelve Kizuki. But he had never seen your true potential.
♡but with being so kind, who knew you’d have so much strength to you. 
♡of course he knows about your strength. But he‘s never chosen to look into it.
♡that was until he encountered you while you had been busy fending off a few demon slayers. They were lowly ranked. And it was obvious you were toying with them.
♡but you had stopped the moment you saw one of them heading for akaza, who was admiring you from afar
♡you had quickly killed all of them in a quick second before beginning to mumble about how annoying they are.
♡yeah, now he’s head over heels in love.
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˚ʚuppermoon four, angerɞ˚
❥Sekido isn’t used to kindness. More so when it comes from demons. And he’s not precisely fond of it either. Then again, he’s not fond of anything. When Sekido met you, he was quick to assume your kindness was a sign of weakness. Your shyness only adding on to this said “weakness.”
♡he also will not accept you’re kindness. It’s not that he gets embarrassed. It just makes him feel weak in a way.
♡Sekido will likely take a while to get used to you. A long while, at that. And in the beginning of knowing you, he definitely won’t like you. He’ll hate you if anything.
♡he’ll constantly make snarky remarks, saying that your probably just weak and don’t deserve the title of an upper moon.
♡oh, he is so quickly proved wrong. But he’ll never admit to anyone that he was wrong and he’ll just continue calling you weak, even when he knows about your strength.
♡the other clones obviously tease him about how wrong he was about you. But even they’re shocked at certain times.
♡sekido does at times think it’s weird that you only show your full potential when those you know are threatened, but he never questions it.
♡in fact, he sometimes thinks it’s nice. What? Who said that? Not me..
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˚ʚuppermoon four, pleasureɞ˚
❥karaku doesn’t exactly care about your strength. That is, until he see’s it himself. He already knows you’re strong since you’ve gained the title of upper moon. But he doesn’t care about how strong you exactly are. He mainly focuses are you sweetness.
♡it’s unusual and intriguing that a demon of all creatures can be so kind and so shy.
♡so in response, he wastes absolutely no time teasing you about it. He just enjoys seeing your reactions.
♡he doesn’t exactly mean to underestimate you, but the aura you give off, he just can’t imagine you as someone that’s completely capable of mercilessly killing someone.
♡karaku later learns he doesn’t need to imagine it. He see’s it first hand.
♡he had joined for a little snack. Which meant terrorizing a village nearby.
♡the two of you didn’t know a small group of demon slayers had been residing there that night.
♡karaku enjoys playing around with the slayers before he actually kills them. And in the middle of teasing a helpless slayer on the ground, he didn’t react fast enough to realize that one had been coming up from behind.
♡the sword didn’t even make it halfway through his neck as you rushed over, tackling the slayer to the floor angrily as a small amount of blood splattered on the floor.
♡he thought you were simply assisting him.
♡until he realized you only ever got so harsh when he was threatened. You hardly even acted like that when you were threaten.
♡all in all, he found a new thing to tease you about.
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˚ʚuppermoon four, sadnessɞ˚
❥aizetsu adores your kindness more than anything. You hardly ever see things like that coming from such vile creatures. And seeing it come from you easily gets him clingy towards you. He admires that despite being an upper moon, you don’t seem power-hungry. He see’s that you care about others. And he loves that.
♡he quickly notices that you’re not easily provoked. He see’s it as interesting.
♡he also finds himself interested in your strength. He can sense your strength but has never seen it for himself.
♡despite being intrigued, he’s never asked you personally. He overthinks and is quick to assume you’ll get a bit mad if he asks. Even if you have no reason to.
♡Aizetsu always manages to push his curiosity to the side and simply acknowledges how comfortable it is to be around you.
♡be never really had anybody that sympathizes with him or at least takes time to comfort him.
♡so when you came along, he found himself get attached to you.
♡it became an attachment that sooner or later turned into a crush on you.
♡he’s clinginess also means he’ll definitely follow you around whenever you have missions. It’s not like you mind it though.
♡when he eventually learns about your anger when others are harmed, he immediately finds it fascinating.
♡it showed that even when you acted harshly towards demon slayers, it was your kindness towards your friends that was acting in play.
♡he’s so in love with you.
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˚ʚuppermoon four, happinessɞ˚
❥urogi is another one that totally wastes no time teasing you for your kindness, when in reality he loves it. He understands that you’re shy so whenever you open up and show your excitement to hang out with him, he gets butterflies in his stomach.
♡all of the other demons and upper moons struggle to match his energy. All except karaku but even then, it gets a little boring sometimes.
♡urogi understands your shyness, maybe not 100%, not even 60%, but hey, at least he has a small understanding.
♡and for that he gets so excited and happy when you break out of your shell and match his energy.
♡sometimes your not the best at it, but he knows your trying.
♡but it doesn’t take long until you open up to him. He treats you nicely so of course it wouldn’t take long.
♡your sweet persona is another thing about you he loves. To him, Sekido’s always rude, Aizetsu’s always a mood killer, and Karaku is… well, Karaku.
♡so a sugar sweet personality such as yours feels like a big change. A really really good change.
♡urogi doesn’t pay much attention to the strength you hold, but it does catch his eye when your quick to become protective during battle.
♡it impresses him, actually. How all your senses heighten and your suddenly 10x stronger when something happens to him.
♡it almost seems like his skills are nothing compared to yours when the slightest threat towards him is made.
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i’m too lazy to do my little Taisho rumors/secrets💙
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 8 months
Just kidding~
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Paring: Makio x fem!reader
Synopsis: She's just wants to train you in lasting longer during your sexual times with her♡
Content: smut, Sapphic sex, fingering, orgasm denial, mean dom makio, sub reader, reader is mentioned to be a demon slayer, oral sex
Word count: 0.8
A/n: don't worry yall. Day 3 and 4 will be uploaded. My period came and I needed rest bc like... ouch😭 cramps. Anyways mean Dom Makio makes me go insane 😍
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"Makio... please!" You begged, with loud whimpers at ceiling with your hip raising and your hands gripping the sheets and your back arching. Just when your about to cum from her fingers, Makio did it again. She ruined another orgasm, smirking at your disappointed whines as she pulls her fingers out of your wet pussy.
"You're so prideful about being a strong slayer, but you can't endure this? How pathetic," Makio let out a dark chuckle, getting off to your denied orgasms. Once your body relaxed, you gave Makio a glar of annoyance. "Stop doing this... I'm getting too sesntive," you pout. "What a sour face. You can't handle a little teasing and have some patience?" She grinned. You scoffed at her words. For a hot tempered woman with no patience, you found it rich coming from her.
You crossed your arms, not having anything to say. Once Makio saw your disappointment she gave you the satisfaction of rubbing your puffy clit again and then, sliding three of her fingers in your wet starched our hole. Your arms slowly began to unfold, and you looked down at Makio's hand and grinding as much as you could on her palm as you felt your arousal coming back.
Your mouth opens up in a small 'o', letting out your soft and desperate moans as grind harder to apply much pressure as you could on her palm. "That's a better face." Makio watched as your brows knit together, and your face became flushed as she kept pumping her fingers deep inside and curling them to hit your right spots.
Makio adjusts herself between your legs to keep them open more to finger fuck you and then lowered herself for her tits to rest on yours. "Your nipples are so hard," Makio moans, making thrusts to rub her nipples against yours. "Makio.. Makio~" you chant her name as your legs wrap around her hips. "Trying to lock me in so I won't stop? How cute," Makio giggled as her fingers started to fuck your pussy faster.
"Oh fuck. Yes~" Your eyes shut, letting her fingers fuck you and hearing the sounds of your wet pussy. "Please don't stop~" you begged. Makio continued to finger fuck you but sat up, pulling her tits away from yours. She uses her other hand to push your leg away from her hips and gose down between your legs. "Wow. Just look at this puff clit" Makio moaned as her lips wrap around your clit and kissed it.
You gasped. Your hips began to buck in her face as she kisses and teases your overestimated clit with her lips and tounge. "M-Makio! Makio~" you whined from your throbbing clit being teased your hips began to unconsciously pull away from her. Makio used her other hand, pushing up your leg and then using just enough of her other arm to do the same to your other leg, pulling you in missionary as her fingers fuck you deeper "don't run from it pretty girl~" Makio chuckled and began to suck on your clit.
Your voice became a mix of groans and whines. Her fingers kept hitting just the rest spots and your clit throbbed in her mouth as she sucked on your pussy clit and folds. Your hands made there way to your tits, twisting and pulling your nipples, getting more turned on from not just the feeling but watching Makio eat your pussy and how sloppy her mouth as gotten with droll on her chin and her fingers coated in your slick.
"Oh my god~!" You cry out, your walls clenching on her fingers and your hands quickly going back to gripping the sheets, almost ripping them off. Makio pulled her mouth off and curled her fingers deeper inside. "Ah, you're getting so close, aren't you. I can feel your walls sucking me in," She licked her lips, watching your water line fill up.
"Makio.." You whined at her words "Yes baby? Wanna cum? Use your words for me." Makio's arm muscles flex as her fingers fuck you faster. "Yess~ yes, yes, I wanna c-cummhmm~" You slur your words as you look at Makio with teary eyes. "Alright, baby. I'll let you cum" Makio said, almost sounding genuine.
"I'm cumming!!!" You maoned loudly but sadly, just when you said that Makio quickly pulled her fingers out of your leaking pussy and watched as your walls throb, clenching around nothing. "M-Makio!!" You whimper loudly as your hips rest back down and your legs staying open since your clit was too sesntive for you to close them.
"Just kidding. I wasn't going to let you cum this time. Gonna have to beg a little harder, sweetheart." Makio said and looked down at your trembling body. "we still have such a long night. I can't wait to see how long you'll last with me, y/n."
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【𝓣𝓪𝓰 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽】:
@keikokashi @willowoldnest @euvwia @axesfordays @gh0stfac3-w1f3y   @hantengucloneswife @iimichie @green-tea-sp00n @bbkook @honeybubblebuttercup @desiray562 @gyomeisfavoritespermcell
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frogzzai · 1 year
Got any hc's for smooching the upper moons? 😘
Of course I do, what sort of Tumblr writer would I be if I didn't? 🫣🤭
Uppermoon kissing headcannons!
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx)
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Characters included: Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Hantengu, Sekido, Urogi, Karaku, Aizetsu, Gyokko, Gyutaro, Daki
Warnings: Suggestive content
Uppermoon 1- Kokushibo
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I feel like Kokushibo would be a very traditional man seeing as he's over 400 years old.
He's definitely not one for short pecks, even if one of you had to be somewhere.
Kokushibo would prefer slow and passionate kisses, like the gentleman he is (ignoring the murder of course🤞).
Almost always asks before he kisses you. Something along the lines of, 'May I kiss you'.
Kokushibo puts a lot of passion into his kisses, he doesn't just give them out half-heartedly, he really puts his emotions behind it (or any emotions he has left).
He doesn't like teasing, he won't tease with his kisses and he doesn't want you to either. If you did he'd probably sulk for a while.
He's a lot more gentle than some of the Uppermoons however he can be rougher if either of you are feeling extra 'needy'.
Uppermoon 2- Douma
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Unlike Kokushibo, Douma enjoys both short pecks and teasing kisses, however, occasionally Douma likes passionate ones.
If you're with him whilst he's with his followers, he does quick cheek kisses unless there's a follower that is particularly annoying, that's when he'll initiate longer kisses.
Douma is quite playful, in multiple ways, so often if the kisses are longer it'll lead to something else, unless you're in front of an annoying follower, that's when it'll have to wait. His followers aren't allowed to see you like that. Only Douma.
If you were an upper rank and you went to meetings with him, he'd often kiss you as if to 'show you off'. This only makes Muzan's hatred for Douma blossom but for the most part he won't do anything, Muzan is a lot more lenient with his Uppermoons. Just don't disturb the meeting too much.
Uppermoon 3- Akaza
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Akaza isn't necessarily 'old fashioned' as such but he's certainly very respectful with his kisses.
We all know Akaza drinks woman respect juice on the daily and so he doesn't want to overstep any boundaries you may have.
He asks before he kisses you, just incase you didn't want him to.
He doesn't mind what type of kiss it is but he mostly prefers meaningful kisses that last for a while.
He would never kiss you in a meeting. We all know his respect and loyalty for Muzan is very high. He would see that as disrespectful.
I feel like he'd prefer to keep his kisses behind closed doors as he thinks it would make him seem vunerable.
The most PDA he'd show is a arm around your waist or shoulder, maybe a hand on your lower back.
Uppermoon 4- Hantengu + Clones
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A very nervous kisser.
He's a very paranoid demon as seen in the meeting and when he appears in the village.
It takes a long time for him to kiss you in your relationship.
He gives quick pecks, never longer kisses.
There's not much to say about him, he doesn't often give kisses.
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Sekido is very angry by nature (obviously).
He prefers rough kisses, like extremely rough. I'm talking 'till your on the verge of passing out.
He doesn't care where you are or who is around you, he'll kiss you anywhere and in front of everyone.
Soft kisses don't exist with him, he is the incarnation of rage and those transfer into his kisses, that doesn't mean he doesn't love you, you won't find him fawning over anybody else.
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Urogi's kisses are definitely fun.
You'll never know when, where or how he's going to kiss you. They range from short pecks, to long and gentle kisses, to hunger-filled and fiery kisses.
He doesn't have a favourite place to kiss you, just whatever is exposed at the time. Neck, lips, cheek, collarbone, forehead... you get the idea.
Doesn't care who's watching, he'll kiss you in front of his brothers with no shame.
Will definitely take you in the air with him to kiss you.
Uses his ability to find high up spots with great views to kiss you at.
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Karaku loves teasing you with kisses, the ones that leave you wanting more.
He finds it funny when he kisses you in front of his brothers, especially Sekido. Sekido's anger makes the kisses more enjoyable he thinks.
If his brothers annoy him he'll just make them feel like Urogi as he sends them flying through the air.
Massive fan of giving hickeys. Fight me.
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His kisses are very soft and gentle, they definitely last for a while.
He isn't a fan of quick kisses, he doesn't feel they convey his full love for you, he doesn't feel any sort of kiss could convey even a fraction of his love for you.
The only time he'll do quick pecks is if you've just woken up (demon or not) even so they'll be followed shortly with a longer one, or, if you're asleep (or falling asleep), he'll press a quick one to your forehead or nose.
He doesn't tend to kiss you in public, if he gets insecure or jealous for any reason he'll quickly kiss your cheek but as soon as you're in private he won't stop kissing you, the only time he stops is if you need to take a breather. He'll just start again after though.
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Gyokko definitely leaves green kiss stains all over you, whether he's wearing lipstick or not.
He'll proudly parade you round with them. He'd be very happy if you wore lipstick and returned the favor, he calls it artwork.
Would definitely co-ordinate your kiss marks into his pot designs.
Would gladly show off the lipstick marks in Uppermoon meetings, Muzan doesn't mind too much. Gyokko's pots bring in good money, he likes Gyokko.
Gyokko likes short but repeated kisses. He likes to kiss you with one of his mouths and then quickly switches to the other over and over.
Not one for longer kisses.
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As soon as Gyutaro realises you actually like him and you aren't just making fun of him, there's no stopping his kisses.
Marks you EVERYWHERE. He's got someone he considers second most gorgeous (not as much as his sister of course) and he isn't letting anyone else even second guess if you're single or not.
Inexperienced but that won't stop him.
His kisses are a mix of everything.
He likes to go from kissing your lips, down to your jaw and then neck and then collarbone ect.
His rougher kisses are when he's jealous and his softer ones are when he's feeling insecure so you get a fair bit of both.
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Daki likes cheek kisses. Just short cheek kisses.
Not a fan of anything else really, she likes to keep things quick and simple.
Not much else to say really.
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gyuutahoe · 1 year
The Pen and Sword - Part 4
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Summary: Newly recruited to the Demon Slayer Corps, you finally meet your designated swordsmith. He may be as much of a misanthrope as others had warned, but you were nothing if not determined to bring him out of his shell.
Warnings: None
a/n: female reader, eventual smut, penpals with the feral misanthrope, both reader and Haganezuka are seventeen at the start of the story, established backstory for reader.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
The Swordsmith Village was far more scenic than you ever thought it could be. Hidden high up in the mountains of an unknown location, the endless expanse of rolling hills and towering evergreens awaited your scrutiny once you could take your blindfold off. The scent of pine had been strong throughout your journey. It was a wonderful distraction from the fact that you were being carried by a man. Kakushi or no, you were certain your mother was rolling in her grave.
Nevertheless, as soon as you were allowed to rest on your own two feet and removed the blindfold, you eagerly rubbed at your bleary eyes and took in the scenery. The village was so beautiful. The towering buildings were truly a testament to the craftsmen living here.
“If this impresses you,” the kakushi said, “Then be sure to visit our hot springs later. The entrance is on the other end of the village. You’ll see the path leading up the hill.”
A smile crept onto your weary face. All too suddenly did you feel muscle aches and pain from training and fighting, from walking endlessly through the countryside, and sleeping wherever your luck led you. No breathing technique could rival the cure of warm water and idle rest.
But you needed to meet the village chief first. The kakushi warned you of this proper etiquette before any mention of living quarters were spoken of. You listened to his reverent explanation of the legendary Tecchikawahara Tecchin, a master swordsmith of unparalleled talent who forged swords for many Pillars. A man of such caliber must certainly be an intimidating and powerful individual. Perhaps even stronger and more disciplined than the Pillars themselves.
You spent the rest of the walk imagining what this fierce swordsmith might look like, eyeing the many masked faces of the villagers and wondering if their elder wore an even more extravagant mask. Certainly it must be more impressive than Haganezuka-san’s ridiculous façade.
The narrow streets opened onto a courtyard, and beyond that stood a marvelous estate shrouded by towering trees and stone. Vagabond though you may be, an aristocrat’s etiquette proved difficult to beat out of you. Shoulders squared and chin raised high, you proceeded through the gates with as much dignity as a demon slayer was permitted to express.
The kakushi ushered you into a chamber where an old man sat between two guards. A very small, frail old man, with a mask that bore long puckered lips.
You sucked in a sharp breath, held it deep in your lungs for a moment, and swiftly exhaled as you dropped to your knees and bowed.
To think that such a tiny person carried the most respected honor of forging swords for the Pillars! It was astounding and deserved nothing short of reverence.
The mask was hilarious, though.
“I humbly thank you for allowing my stay,” you told him, keeping your head lowered as you listened to the kakushi leave.
The chief uttered a sound of approval. “A respectful young woman. Please, rise and let me get a good look at you.” You did as told, smiling politely to hide your amusement over his comically long mouthpiece. “You may call me Tecchin-sama. What brings you to my village?”
“To visit Haganezuka Hotaru.” You ignored the noticeable head tilts from the assistants. “I wanted him to examine the condition of my sword.”
“Hotaru, eh … “ Tecchin nodded slowly. “Yes, I did assign him to a recruit. You have endured quite an excessive journey for this visit, young lady.”
“As do many other Pillars who come here for the hot spring,” you retort with a tight smile. “Compared to that, I would say my reason was worth the effort.”
“Not many people would say Haganezuka-san is worth much of anything,” one of the assistants remarked, earning what you would assume to be a wry look from Tecchin as his companion huffed a laugh.
The disrespectful jibe nearly rendered you speechless. Your hand settled over the handle at your side. “This sword saved my life ten times over. I owe him everything,” you evenly replied, and your steely gaze told them that your words rung true.
Tecchin hummed. He seemed to want to say something, but was shortly interrupted by a brusque entrance behind you, with quite the commotion between the kakushi and a familiar voice.
“Ah, speak of the devil.”
You turned to look behind you. Haganezuka twisted in the kakushi’s grasp with colorful language as you eyed the debacle.
“You cannot enter without permission - “
“Eat my fucking SHIT - “
“Boys, enough!” Tecchin called out, and waved the kakushi away. With a reluctant bow and a fierce glare at Haganezuka, he returned to his post. You snickered at Haganezuka’s reproachful hand gesture.
“Hello, Haganezuka-san,” you politely greeted the agitated swordsmith.
He grunted in reply. “If you’re here, then that can only mean one thing, and trust me when I say I won’t go easy on you just because you’re a girl - “
“There is no need for that kind of talk,” Tecchin interrupted. “Her sword is well and sheathed beside her. Come, sit.”
Haganezuka remained standing, ignoring Tecchin’s firm command. You could feel his eyes borrowing through you, and it made you shift in embarrassment. “Then what are you doing here?”
“Well,” you started, willing the heat on your face to dissipate. “I thought perhaps, since I had the opportunity, I could bring my sword to you for an assessment, as a … pre-emptive measure, in a way … to keep it in good shape.”
He brusquely held out his hand. “Let me see it.”
You quickly pulled out the sword, sheath and all, and passed it over. It felt so … intimidating, being fully seated while Haganezuka stood over you. No problem facing demons, but the ire of this man was truly something.
Haganezuka carefully looked over the sheath itself, pulled the sword out, and deftly examined it. “The sword is fine. Are you always going to show up for maintenance?”
“Well, I could if - “
“Don’t. My time is precious.”
The voice of Tecchin demanded absolutely no argument. The air in the room shifted, and suddenly you were all too aware of how this small, frail old man was still in charge.
You expected Haganezuka to throw another fit, but to your surprise, he immediately sat beside you in cowed obedience. The rapid change in his demeanor shocked you. Had he met his match?
“Pass me the sword,” Tecchin commanded.
One of the men retrieved your sheathed blade for Tecchin. There was nothing inherently intense or stressful about having your sword examined by someone. But with your weapon in the hands of a master, you somehow felt as though you forged this sword, and scrutiny was falling upon you. Did you take care of it properly? Haganezuka seemed to think so.
You peeked a glance at him. Despite his obstinate attitude, you could feel the anxiety rolling off him in waves.
After a minute of silence, Tecchin concluded his inspection. “Not too terrible. Much to improve upon, though.” Haganezuka tensed beside you. “Especially the symmetry of the tsuka. We will discuss this later.”
Tecchin passed the blade back to his guard, and soon it was in your hands again. You returned it to its rightful place by your side, feeling a little sorry for Haganezuka, and wondered what you should say next. Thankfully, Tecchin did not let the awkward silence continue for long.
“This is your guest,” he said to Haganezuka as he nodded towards you. “You will proceed with whatever business she has with you, and then you will escort her to the guest quarters. Then you will return to me.”
“But I’m busy -”
The fearsome aura around Tecchin swelled and choked whatever complaints Haganezuka had. “You will do it.”
“...” Haganezuka rose with what petulance he could muster. “Fine.” He looked at you. “Let’s go.”
“A-ah!” You bowed low to Tecchin and stammered out as graciously as you could, “Thank you once again, Tecchin-sama. I am in your debt.”
The old man noticeably brightened, chipper demeanor restored once more. “Of course, dear! Enjoy your stay.”
You quickly followed Haganezuka before he could leave you in the dust.
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mangalover4321 · 8 months
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The Rengoku Family Tree from The Pendulum Keeps Swinging!
Rengoku Shinjurou - born 1873, married in 1891; current head of household; former Flame Hashira
Rengoku Ruka ( nee Kūran) - born 1873, married in 1891, died 1904; wife of Shinjurou and mother of 2 children
Rengoku Kyoujurou - born 1895; first son; current Flame Hashira
Rengoku Senjurou - born 1899; second son
Rengoku Tokujurou - born 1843, died 1891; former head of household; alcoholic; former Flame Hashira; second son of Kinjurou (see below)
Rengoku Yua - born 1845, died 1889; miko prior to marriage; wife of Tokujurou and mother of 3 children
Rengoku Tsuyojurou - born 1861, died 1899; first son of Tokujurou; former Flame Hashira; married to Kamai Akane (1859-1881) who passed away from maternal death along with their child
Rengoku Ryoujurou - born 1863, died 1889; second son of Tokujurou
Rengoku Kinjurou - born 1822, died 1860; former head of household; former Flame Hashira; second son of Yūjijurou (see below)
Rengoku Sayuri - born 1823, died 1855; was killed in the Edo earthquake of 1855; wife of Kinjurou and mother of 5 children
Rengoku Takujurou - born 1842, died 1854; presummed dead by 23 December 1854 Tōkai Tsunami; first son of Kinjurou
Rengoku Haurjurou - born 1845, died 1859; third son of Kinjurou
Rengoku Yorijurou - born 1846, died 1855; was killed in the Edo earthquake of 1855 with his mother; fourth son of Kinjurou
Rengoku Shunjurou - born 1847, died 1855; was plagued with illness and died due to it; fifth son of Kinjurou
Rengoku Yūjijurou - born 1799, died 1826; former head of household; former Hashira; former head of household; deaf in left ear and blind in right eye; third son of Tōrujurou (see below)
Rengoku Tsubame - born 1798, died 1845; wife of Yūjijurou and mother of 2 children; raised her children by herself after husband died from a Lower Moon Demon
Rengoku Rinjurou - born 1821, died 1837; was killed by the Tenpō famine; first son of Yūjijurou;
Rengoku Tōrujurou - born 1774, died 1817; former head of household; former Hashira; was gallantly killed in battle via a Demon who could change senses;
Rengoku Chie - born 1779, died 1824; wife of Tōrujurou and mother of 4 children
Rengoku Norijurou - born 1796, died 1819; married but no children; twin of Nobujurou; could never fully grasp all the forms of Flame Breathing, altering forms with twin
Rengoku Nobujurou - born 1796, died 1819; married but no children; twin of Norijurou; could never fully grasp all the forms of Flame Breathing, altering forms with twin
Rengoku Toyojurou - born 1798, died 1813; was killed in Final Selection
Direct Ancestor: Rengoku Hirojurou - the Demon Slayer who had helped out Yoriichi after his wife and unborn child died; would eventually become the first Flame Hashira
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heli-writes · 8 months
Marriage of Convenience, part 9: moving places.
Pairing: Yoriichi x you
Summary: Yoriichi's friends think that Yoriichi is too lonely and needs a wife and family to take care of him. They propose a marriage of convenience to a woman who's in need of a husband. The arrangement of the marriage is simple: both parties live their lives as before, y/n takes care of Yoriichi as a wife and Yoriichi keeps unwanted men (and demons) away. Love is not required, friendship is appreciated. However, how detached can one be when living so close to each other?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Series Masterlist
"You need to hold still, Yoriichi!", (y/n) scolds him, "I know the cream burns but it prevents scaring. You don't want to have scars on your pretty face, do you?". Yoriichi blushes when he hears (y/n) call his face pretty. He holds still and lets (y/n) do her work. (Y/n) put Yoriichi on bed rest since the incident in the village. After the first morning, (y/n) has taken care of Yoriichi's wounds. Not with one word, she scolded him for being too careless or for getting injured. However, he can see the worry on her face every time she changes the bandages on his shoulder. (Y/n) has been to the village multiple times. She supported the medics during the first day after the attacks and went over to the village daily for the first two weeks. Some people passed away due to their injuries the first days but after the first week, all survivors were stable and on their way to recovery. While (y/n) was away, Yoriichi looked after (y/s/n). Although one might argue that (y/s/n) looked after Yoriichi since he hasn't left Yoriichi's side ever since the night the demon slayers viciously knocked on their door. Yoriichi also had enough time to brood on the question of what a lower moon was doing at the village. He can come up with only one answer: Muzan must've sent the demons to scout the area. He must've caught wind of Yoriichi or (y/n) living close by. He wonders if Muzan knows that they're married. Either way, life has become more dangerous for the two. It's only a matter of time until they're found.
"Alright, all done!", (y/n) chirps cheerfully. She strokes a few hair strands out of Yoriichi's eyes and carefully cups the injured side of his face. It's a soft, intimate act and Yoriichi can feel his cheeks heating up again. "I think we can pull out the stitches of your shoulder tomorrow.", she announces cheerfully and lets go of Yoriichi's face. "I'm going to look after (y/s/n). I think he's trying to make breakfast again and I can't bear another burned slice of bread again.", (y/n) laughs and gets up. Yoriichi quickly dresses himself and joins the two of them in the kitchen. Just when they were about to start breakfast, there were loud bickering outside the door. When (y/n) went to look for the source of the ruckus, she's met with the three demon slayers that carried Yoriichi to their house after the fight with the demon. "Hello there! What are you doing here?", she asks the three of them. "Well... we just wanted to see how Yoriichi is doing.", Tahiro tells her. "You three are in luck. We were just about to have breakfast.", she says and offers them to come in. "Oh, great! I'm starving!", a demon slayer called Shouta says.
"So, how have you been Yoriichi?", Shouta asks the other man with his mouth full of scrambled eggs. "I've been fine.", the burgundy-haired man responds offhandedly. "You'll have to excuse my husband. He's a bit shy around strangers.", (y/n) tells them quickly. Yoriichi nods and keeps eating his breakfast. "So have you found out anything new about the attack on the village? It was a rather unusual event, wasn't it?", (y/n) ask. The three demon slayers exchange sinister looks. "Well, we don't know why exactly your village has been targeted, but..." Tahiro starts. "But other places in the area have been targeted in the past few weeks. We don't know what all of this means, but it seems to us as if the attack were strategic. Like... they're searching for something and combing through all nearby places.", the third demon slayer, Takumi, finished. (Y/n) looks into her tea cup worriedly and Yoriichi pushes his breakfast away, suddenly having lost all appetite. It's now what they're searching for, but who they're searching for, he thinks to himself. For the rest of the breakfast, the group spends small talking and exchanging pleasantries. When (y/n) and Yoriichi wave the three goodbye, Yoriichi tells (y/n): "We need to talk".
"What do you mean?", (y/n) asks him even though she heard him loud and clearly. Yoriich doesn't look at her. "I'm sorry.", he tells her. "We can't move!", (y/n) exclaims. "We have to.", Yoriichi states firmly. "This is ridiculous! You're being ridiculous!", (y/n) states, crossing her arms in front of her chest like a sulking toddler. Yoriichi turns to her. "Do you think these are coincidences? The attack on the village, on the places around us?", he asks her. "It could be.", (y/n) tries to argue. "They're not. You know that.", Yoriichi says. (Y/n)'s body posture goes slack in defeat. "You think they're really after us?", she whispers. The fear is evident in her voice. She sinks down on the bench in front of their garden. Yoriichi sits down beside her and takes her hand. "Yes, I do. I don't know if they're looking for you or me or both of us, but-", he starts. "But it doesn't matter.", (y/n) finished his sentence. "We belong together, so if they're after one of us, we stick together.", she says firmly. Yoriichi's face softens and he gives (y/n)'s hand a light squeeze. "I'll protect you. The both of you.", he tells her. (Y/n) rests her head against his shoulder. "Don't be silly.", she replies, "Don't you remember what we talked about before we got married?". Yoriichi thinks back to the conversation. He can still taste (y/n)'s homemade bread and jam when he thinks back to it. "Things changed.", he simply says. (Y/n) shifts her head and she look up to him. "Because you found out about me and my family? Wouldn't that even be more the reason to let me figure this out on my own?", she asks selfconsciously. Yoriichi lets go of her hand. He's staring up at the sky, thinking carefully about what he says next.
Then, he turns around to (y/n) and pulls her into his arms. One of his hands pushed her head against his chest. (Y/n) can hear his steady heartbeat. "Your situation doesn't change anything about mine. You being targeted by Muzan has nothing to do with me being targeted by him. Your presence does not put me in more danger than I already am.", he states firmly. (Y/n) eases into his embrace and grabs his clothes for support. She can already feel tears welling in her eyes. Ever since that night, she secretly was worried about Yoriichi holding a grudge against her and her dishonesty. "Things changed because back then I didn't know you. I thought keeping you an arm's length away from me meant protecting myself. I thought that by not letting you close to me, I could avoid getting hurt again by failing to protect you.", he says. (Y/n) sniffs and pulls herself up a little so that she can hide her face into his neck. "Truth is that I even failed at that. Despite my efforts, you got close to me. So close, that I couldn't bear it if something happened to you or our boy.", he confesses. (Y/n) pulls him closer, tears streaming down her face and into Yoriichi's hair.
"You silly man.", she eventually says pulling away from him. (Y/n) cups Yoriichi's face with both her hands. "I feel the same way. Your presence has become so much more valuable to me than just keeping attention away from me. That's why I don't want you to put yourself in harm's way to protect us.", she says pulling his face closer and resting his forehead onto hers. "Having you come home with that terribly wound on your shoulder made me realize I don't ever want to see you hurt like this again.", she whispers with closed eyes. Yoriichi places his hands on her lower back. He breathes out shakily. His heart feels full and broken at the same time. (Y/n) opens her eyes and they meet with his dark ones. Yoriichi pulls her closer and their lips meet softly. There's no pressure behind it, their lips just carefully brush over one another's. (Y/n) is not sure if one can call this a kiss. She lets go of Yoriichi's face and wraps her arms around him. For a while they stay like this, just embracing each other.
"I know you don't want to go, my love.", (y/n) says kneeling in front of the bedroom. (Y/s/n) locked himself into the room in an attempt to stop them from leaving the cottage. "I can just break the door.", Yoriichi points out quietly behind her. (Y/n) gives him a disapproving look. She knocks on the door again. "Sweetheart, please open the door. Let's talk about this. I promise we won't force you to leave.", (y/n) tries to plead with the boy. There's a clicking sound and the door slowly slides open, revealing only (y/s/n)'s eye. "C'mon, baby. Let us in.", (y/n) says softly. (Y/s/n)'s face disappears but the slit of the door remains open. (Y/n) takes this as an invitation to come in. (Y/n) enters the room and sees the boy sitting cross-legged in the middle of the empty room with his back turned to her. (Y/n) sits behind him and leans her back to his. Yoriichi leans in the doorframe watching the two of them wordlessly. "I'm sorry, my love. I know you like it here. I don't want to leave either.", she tells him. (Y/s/n) gets up onto his feet and pushes his mother. Not hard enough to cause any harm, but hard enough to make clear what he wants to say. Why are we leaving? I don't want to. (Y/n) looks to Yoriichi unsurely. They can't tell him that demons are after them. (Y/n) doesn't know how much (y/s/n) remembers of the night his parents died. She doesn't know how much will return to him if they confront him with it. Yoriichi and her decided to tell (y/s/n) that they had to leave because of work. However, (y/s/n) is smarter than he leads on. He knows they are not telling him something.
Yoriichi enters the room and sits down next to his wife. He leaves some space in between them and pats on the floor, an invitation to the boy to sit down next to them. (Y/s/n) refuses and only crosses his arms over his chest. "Look, it's not like we're gone forever. We just have to move away for a little while. Eventually, we can come back. We promise.", Yoriichi tries to convince the boy. "And the new place is very nice, too. It's also near a forest and there are other people living there, too!", (y/n) adds. "There are kids your age. Isn't that nicer than just living with old people like us?", (y/n) attempts to persuade him. Yoriichi notices a change in the boy's demeanor. His shoulder sinks a little and he doesn't seem as determined as before. Then, the boy throws himself into (y/n)'s arms. She manages to catch him just in time. I like living with you. I don't want to go. (Y/n) softly strokes the boy's hair. "We will all live together and look after each other. What do you say?", (y/n) softly says. (Y/s/n) shrugs but grips his mother a bit tighter. "It's a nice big house with a big garden. The children have their own area to play in. We get our own room, so if you don't want to play with the others, you can always go there.", (y/n) starts listing things. The boy shrugs again. Yoriichi scoots a bit closer. "I won't be away so much. Maybe I can also take some days off.", Yoriichi chirps in. "And I'm sure Yoriichi is happy to use that extra time to play with you.", (y/n) tries to sweeten the deal. The boy slowly lets go of his mother.
Yoriichi and (y/n) look at each other pleased. They get up and take the boy's hands. "Let's go then.", (y/n) says.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Part 5 of Female Tanjiro Reader, Reader, feeling sick and tired of seeing all the Demon Slayers dying, begs the Supreme Gods (Shiva, Zeus and Odin) for her and Nezuko to return to Earth, just for a year to help her fellow Demon Slayers, even if it’s only a little (They agree, but warn her that since she already died before, she’ll be sent to Niflhel, which she understands as dying has always been a high risk with her job)
She tells (Love) that they’ll be gone for a year, but when she comes back that’s when they’ll get married, (And for the whole entire year (Love) as been watching her every day seeing their battles against Lower Moon 5, Lower Moon 1 on a Train, losing a friend Rengoku, the battle against Upper Moon 6, going to Swordsmith Village *And got violently jealous when Genya was taking a bath with her, only to become angry when he tried to drown her* and fights Upper Moon 4 and his clones, Nezuko becomes immune to the Sun, Hashira Training and the final fight against Muzan)
(Love) has to be restrained from going down to Earth during her battle against Akaza and then Muzan, as she’s critically injured and (Love) finally escaping from his restraints and runs in when Reader was devoured by Muzan’s giant monster-like form, and got there just as Reader was declared dead by her fellow Demon Slayers as they’re all sobbing
(Love) saw how Reader was helpful and kind to everyone what was in the Demon Slayers, even if they couldn’t fight, which caused her to gain great admiration and respect, and he’s standing there in shock, until one of them yelled that Reader’s breathing, but their relief is short lived when Reader reveals to have been turned into a Demon and begins attack everything within sight (No one wanted to kill Reader, and cried for her to snap out of it, and (Love) could only feel rage at Muzan, only for Nezuko to rush in and hug Reader tightly begging her to stop, only to get bit, but to their horror, the Sun started to hit Reader, but it’s revealed she instantly became immune to the Sun)
However a Demon named Yushiro yells at (Love) to come over to him, and gives (Love) the cure Tamayo created to turn a Demon back into a Human, but warned him he only has 1 shot since that’s the only one left, and runs in to inject Reader with the antidote, and could only watch as she begins to thrash and scream in agony until she falls unconscious, slowly turning back into a human (When Reader awakens and begins to cry in joy with Nezuko and (Love) hugging Reader, along with her friends in the Demon Slayer Corp)
3 month later after Reader wakes up again, she wakes up to Nezuko and (Love) at her bedside and discover her arm is severely skeletal, wrinkly and incapable of using it along with one of her eyes completely blind, and told (Love) that she wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to marry her because of how ‘ugly’ she must be (He firmly but gently grabs her shoulders, stares into her eyes and sternly tells her that he’s never going to leave her, as swears that he’s going to love and pamper her like she deserves, causing Reader to blush) and before they leave to go back to Valhalla, Reader meets with the new Master to declare the Demon Slayer Corp is officially disbanded and thanks Reader for all that she’s done (But she refuses to take the credit and says it was thanks to everyone who sacrificed their lives), she also shows (Love) the cherry Blossom tree that she was told about that the first Flower Hashira planted as a symbol of hope (Their is NO way I’m not going to not ask for that wholesome scene)
As they finally visit the graves to pay her respect to all the lives that were lost (As she, Nezuko and (Love) go back to Valhalla, only for Reader and Nezuko to be tackled into a group hug by everyone with snot, tears and loud ugly crying from everyone as they’re happy she and Nezuko are back and alive) and (Love) tells Reader that the wedding can wait until she’s adjusted (They begin to plan for their wedding and (Love) is very happy)
Sorry if this is a lot, I read all the Demon Slayer Manga and my heart, mind, body and soul are absolutely DESTROYED from the ending (And to make up for it I want their to be a spin-off in the making but it has to be KNY Academy, it’s the only way my mental and emotional state can ever heal)
-(Love) didn’t like it, he wanted to refuse, to hold you back and keep you from leaving, but he knew he couldn’t do that, it would break your heart.
-Seeing Demon Slayers dying left and right, you begged Zeus and Odin to send you back to earth with Nezuko to fight against Muzan, to wipe out the demons and stop the senseless suffering.
-Hades agreed but warned you that since you technically already died once, if you died again, you would be sent to Nifhel, but your determination would not be swayed, “Dying is always a risk while being a Demon Slayer.”
-When you told (Love) about your decision and that it was going to be allowed, he wanted to yell and scream, not wanting to lose you, as Zeus came to him and told him that he would be bound to Valhalla, not allowed to interfere with humans, he wouldn’t be able to help you.
-Your allotted time limit was one year and one year only, as you would be immediately called back to Valhalla even if you hadn’t succeeded yet, which you agreed to.
-(Love) held you and Nezuko close, not wanting to open his arms, not wanting you to leave, but you smiled warmly up at him, “I’ll be back soon! Then we can get married!” your declaration did little to quell his grief, if anything it made it worse, but he smiled down at you, kissing you softly before pecking Nezuko’s forehead and you were off.
-(Love) was always watching over you, watching you train and push yourself, doing your best to protect others, even your fellow sword users.
-His heart ached as you held Rengoku, losing him to an Upper Rank, as he had become your mentor, your friend, (Love) wasn’t jealous as he could see the way you looked at Rengoku, it was like how you looked at Zenitsu or Inosuke, as friends only.
-Your raw power surprised everyone in Valhalla when you were in the Entertainment District, something Tengen was going to catch some hands for once he arrived in Valhalla, forcing you to disguise yourself as a courtesan, and when you helped him defeat the Upper Six, despite being terribly poisoned and injured.
-Genya was another one who was going to catch some hands, one for seeing your naked body when you joined him and Mitsuri in the bath, and while you were just trying to be friendly, he tried to drown you, claiming he didn’t want to be friends.
-When (Love) watched Nezuko kick you away from her as she burned in the sun, making the hard decision for you, and you managed to kill an Upper Rank on your own. You broke down in harsh sobs, clutching at your chest, crying out for your sister and for (Love) who wanted to come down there and comfort you, until he spotted Nezuko first, able to withstand the sun.
-You were going to get such a scolding when you arrived back in Valhalla, as you were constantly being injured! You were going to be grounded, get your sword taken away, and you weren’t going to be allowed to move a single inch without him knowing it!!
-During the final battle against Muzan, (Love) fought hard against the binds keeping him in Valhalla, watching you get injured, screaming out your name as he watched you be devoured by Muzan.
-He broke the bonds, rattling all of Valhalla, showing his love and devotion for you as he raced to your side, and not even Zeus could be made at him, as (Love) was watching the woman he loved being killed right before him.
-(Love) arrived as those around you were sobbing loudly, declaring you dead and he froze, stunned stiff, not willing to believe it. Many were curious as to who he was, but their curiosity was short lived when someone shouted that you were breathing- you were alive!!
-(Love’s) elation turned to horror as your back hunched and you turned, your eyes dark as you hissed out, horror filling everyone as they all realized you had been turned into a demon, your claws instantly growing as you lunged to attack the person closest to you.
-Nobody wanted to hurt you, many of them, like Zenitsu and Inosuke were screaming at you to wake up, to fight back, not wanting to kill you.
-Nezuko rushed in, hugging you tightly, ignoring the screams of others around her, telling her that you were dangerous, but she refused to listen, shouting up at you, “Wake up big sister! Wake up Y/N!!”
-Yushiro shouted at (Love), “Get over here!” and he did so, tears blinding him that you were now a demon until Yushiro shoved something into his hands, a syringe, “Inject that into Y/N! It’s the only dose of the cure we have! We only have this one chance!!”
-(Love’s) eyes narrowed and he charged in, “Hang on Nezuko!!” she gasped, seeing (Love) there as you were pinned down and his hand grabbed your wrist and stabbed you, injecting the cure into your body.
-You screamed in agony, the scream sounded inhuman as you thrashed, your nails clawing at your throat as (Love) grabbed Nezuko, leaping away and Muzan burned away from you from the inside out, causing you a great deal of suffering as you returned to being a human.
-Nezuko, (Love), Inosuke, and Zenitsu all hugged you tightly, everyone sobbing loudly when you woke up, smiling up at them as celebrations rang through the corps that Muzan was gone, finally defeated.
-Three months seemed to blaze by, (Love) used his power and connections to help rebuild everything that had been destroyed, pulling some strings in Valhalla with Zeus and Odin, who agreed to help as the humans had suffered enough.
-When you finally woke up, you were immediately embraced by Nezuko who was crying loudly, overwhelmed with joy, you smiled gently up at her, reaching up only to find your depth perception was off, confusing you.
-That’s when (Love) entered, hugging you close, a deep sigh of relief leaving him, “You’re grounded!” you instantly snorted with laughter which made him smile before Nezuko showed you your eye, you were completely blind in one eye, and the arm where you were injected was shriveled, completely useless.
-You were surprised, seeing all this before the tears welled in your eyes, looking at (Love), “I understand if you don’t want to marry me anymore, now that I’m ug-” he kissed you deeply, halting your words, before hugging you close, tilting your head up, “No! You’re not ugly, never call yourself that- you fought hard, you sacrificed so much- I love you for you- Y/N, not for your looks!”
-It took almost an hour to get you calmed down after you started crying, something Nezuko giggled softly at, happy to see her big sister so happy and so in love before she went and got you food.
-(Love) assured you that the wedding could wait until you were comfortable with this new arm, so you could heal, and you made his heart soar by smiling at him, “I can’t wait to marry you!”
-Once you were able to walk, with your fiancé and your sister at your side, you met with Ubuyashiki’s son, the newest and last leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, Kiriya, who bowed deeply to you, “Thank you Y/N, for everything. Muzan is defeated and with that, the Corps are no more.”
-You were humble, bowing deeply back, “It wasn’t just me, Lord Kiriya, everyone worked so hard to do this, it was a joint effort!” he smiled at you, that’s what he liked about you, you were so humble.
-Love took you to the graves of those who had fallen in the final battle, laying flowers at each of them, saying a quiet prayer for each of them, you silently hoped they were in Valhalla waiting for you, Nezuko, and (Love) to return, including Rengoku.
-Before you left for Valhalla, you took (Love) to one last place, a simple cherry blossom tree, it was in bloom and the blossoms were swirling gently in the wind.
-You held hands as you smiled up at it, “Mitsuri told me that the first Flower Hashira planted this tree, giving it the name Victory, as a sign of hope.” He bent over and pecked your forehead gently, making you smile gently up at him, “And you were victorious, you all were.”
-You said your goodbyes to your friends, (Love) holding both yours and Nezuko’s hands, as you walked away for the final time, getting far enough away from prying eyes before Zeus came down himself and gathered the three of you, returning you back to Valhalla.
-You were greeted by a massive celebration, welcoming the three of you home, and you got to celebrate after you were put on your knees and scolded by several different people for your recklessness, but you just smiled, resigning yourself to your reflection punishment.
-Once you were done being yelled at, (Love) pulled you into his lap, keeping you close, hugging you, sharing a small kiss with you, “I’m happy that you’re home, Y/N, both you and Nezuko.” You leaned your head on his chest, a smile coming to your lips, “We’re all home love, we’re right where we belong.”
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blue-aurora-nora · 2 years
Rengoku x Tsuguko!Reader|
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You may have had a good rep for being the Flame Hashira’s tsuguko, but that wasn’t all you were known for.
And no, it wasn’t your talent and amazing speed that almost matched Rengoku himself.
It was your ability to hide both wounds and pain.
You had quite the knack for pulling pokerfaces and playing off your injuries to be less horrendous than they really were.
Unfortunately, soon after becoming Rengoku’s tsuguko, he was quick to see through your facade and busted you numerous times.  He let you know immediately that hiding injuries wouldn’t get far with him.  He’d always find out one way or another.
Like that one time when you’d been play-fighting with Inosuke you’d managed to break two of your fingers and continued playing.  You were stopped by a disgusted Zenitsu who’d heard your fingers crack and were sent to Rengoku’s with your fingers splinted.
And that other time when you had come back from a mission bruised to hell from a demon stomping your stomach.  You had hidden it pretty well until Rengoku had noticed that you weren’t sleeping on your stomach when you’d laid down for the night.  When he questioned it, you played it off and stated that your stomach was slightly sore, nothing less, nothing more.
The Hashira obviously hadn’t been happy with that answer and next thing you knew, you were wrestling with your sensei, trying to keep his arms from untying your yukata to gain access to your stomach.
The ridiculousness of the situation had gotten to you and laughter began bubbling from your mouth without fail, a ghost of a wince on your face from the pain on your stomach.
Rengoku hadn’t been smiling though, soon winning the battle and glancing at your horribly bruised abdomen when he moved your top.  He’d touched just below your bandaged chest before straightening.
“(Y/N), you have swelling on your ribs.  Does it hurt to breathe?” He’d asked.
You both later found out that you’d broken 4 ribs.
Needless to say, Rengoku kept a closer eye on you after that.
Which brought you to today’s predicament.
“(Y/N)-sama, are you sure you weren’t injured?” A kakushi asked, scanning you down.  They knew very well about your little habit of hiding injuries and they didn’t want the Flame Hashira down their throats for not checking on his tsuguko properly.
You waved the kakushi off with a smile, “I’m fine.  Just a few cuts, don’t worry about me.  I think that the lower ranks are in need of care more than me.”  Unbeknownst to them, you were injured and it wasn’t a small cut either.  
The demon had slashed you good earlier, once on the back and then again on your stomach.  Thankfully, you had stopped the bleeding with your breathing, so you believed that the injuries weren’t that bad.  Sure, they hurt but it wasn’t life-threatening, so it wasn’t anything serious.
The kakushi slowly left you, eyeing you suspiciously with a look that screamed ‘you’d better not be lying’ before disappearing to take care of any other injured slayers.
You went about the rest of your day after that, successfully avoiding Rengoku since he’d been on missions back to back and didn’t get the chance to talk long enough to gain suspicion.
Unfortunately, about 2 days after, while you were playing with Inosuke, he suddenly stopped.
You shakily stood up, blinking at him dazedly.  You’d been feeling off all day and your wounds were hurting a lot more than when you’d first gotten them.
“What?” You questioned as Inosuke’s shoulders slumped with an annoyed groan.
“You’re hurt again!” He exclaimed knowingly, “Your movements aren’t as sharp as mine and you keep shaking!”  The boar man never voiced it, but it worried him when you played off your pain.  
“No, I’m not.” You willed your body to stop shaking to prove a point, “See?” A wave of nausea came over you, but you kept your face straight, showing no signs of discomfort to the pig-headed boy.
“MONJIRO! TENISTU!”  He may have seemed dumb, but Inosuke knew that Tanjiro and Zenitsu were one of the only few that could guilt-trip you into getting medical attention.
At Inosuke’s retreating body, you took that as your cue to leave and turned heel.  That movement caused even more nausea and water sounded refreshing so you took a quick trip to the stream near the butterfly mansion.  Hopefully some water could quell the nausea bubbling in your throat.
Everything was fine.  You were just a little under the wind.
You admit it.
Something is definitely wrong and you really regret not allowing the kakushi to check you.
It was late, past midnight, when you were awoken by the pain radiating from both your wounds.  You couldn’t find any comfortable way to lay down and moaned miserably into your pillow.  Every movement caused pain to shoot into your side and back and nausea to come back into your throat.
Rengoku wasn’t back from today’s mission yet, so hopefully you could get medical help without running into him and getting a scolding.
Pushing past the aches that possessed your body, you stood up slowly to keep your nausea down and gasped out when you moved too fast, a warm, wet feeling going down the front and back of your yakata.
Looking down, you saw liquid crimson slowly taking over the light blue fabric of your yukata. The nausea came back full force and you scrambled outside, painfully grasping your side and throwing up on the rocks past the engawa.
“(Y/N)?” The familiar voice of your sensei filled your ears and you pitifully glanced up at him.
Those golden eyes of his that always stared confidently were now overtaken with worry.
This was all your stupid fault.
“Rengoku!” You called out hoarsely, hands leaving your wounds to show the blood on your hands like a child revealing candy they’d stolen from the drawer, “P-Please don’t be mad…” You trailed off with a low groan, your vision going black as Rengoku launched forward.
You awoke feeling way better but still in pain. You quickly noticed that you were also in the butterfly estate and your injuries were bandaged with great proficiency.
Shinobu must've treated you herself.
"I see that you're awake."
You snapped your head to the side to see Rengoku sitting at the side of your bed, arms crossed and that usual smile on his face. Though, you couldn't help but notice that it was somehow... brighter than usual.
You didn't bother sitting up, Rengoku would just make you lie back down. "I'm so-"
Rengoku raised a hand to stop you, "No need, (Y/N). I admire how headstrong you are but we'll have to put a stop to your habit of hiding injuries."
You frowned slightly.
It's not like every injury you get automatically needs to be treated, that would be a waste of time and also take up resources that someone else needed more.
"And I've got the perfect solution to that. I had plenty of time to think while you rested up for 3 days."
"Three days?!" Recovery was going to suck. You looked back to your mentor with a nervous glance, "So... about stopping my habit?"
Rengoku smiled impossibly wider at that, "Ah, yes! From now on, if you aren't honest about every injury that you get, you will be placed on lockdown and put under watch of any hashira that is free, no matter how small the injury."
Your jaw dropped at that, "WHAT?! So if I get a scratch on my leg, I have to tell you?"
"Precisely!" He beamed, "However, if you don't want to agree to such conditions, then you can no longer be my tsukugo." He uncrossed his arms, resting them in his lap, "(Y/N), I can't have someone with a reckless habit like yours as my tsukugo. If you can show me that your willing to show some weakness and accept help, then I'll be willing to work with you. What do you say?"
It would be dumb to decline his offer.
And what you did had been a bit reckless on your part. You probably would've died if Rengoku hadn't found you right before you passed out.
You probably worried Tanjiro and his friends, too.
Tears welled in your eyes and you nodded, "Yeah, I can do it... I'm really sorry." You sniffed.
Rengoku simply reached out and gently patted your hand laying on your chest.
You would both work this out together.
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honeyedheartss · 2 years
oakland pre-show recap
- Dan said he felt like he was sullying the room with his presence (really ornate theatre)
- favorite kpop group is Shinee
-his bias is Taemin (most talented person in the entire universe)
- someone worked at a dog rescue center and needed name ideasand he said "Susan 3" and told them to keep the numbers going after
- favorite and least favorite parts of his old branding he said the Llama hats were a miss, not his favorite animal anymore but he still likes them
-went on a raccoon tangent because they ARE his favoriteanimal and he was so excited to see one in person and he thinks they're relatable
- his favorite part of his old branding was the tshirt with the eclipse on it!
-he needs to go back to YWGTTN a lot for help and has annotated his own book to help him out with contextand assistance when he is working through something
- current fave anime is Jujutsu Kaisen
>he said Demon Slayer was also very good
- he was asked where he was on 9/11 and he said "really?" in the MOST disappointed voiceand said he was 11 in primary school
- "what do you do to your hair to shape your curls" he laughed reading the question and said he wakes up like this
- Steve is his favorite stranger things character and S3 is his favorite season
-favorite piece of merch he's ever released is the WAD leather jacket and he said he doesn't feel worthy to be wearing it or to have made such a piece of art
- he thinks gay sex is disgusting, horrible, and no one should do it, an affront to the eyes of the Lord
@/vulturethera [on twitter] drew this and wrote "peepee" and he ripped up the card
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- can you rawr for us? he tore that card up too
- most awkward experience on the tour so far was when someone asked him where he was on 9/11
- someone asked how he felt knowing he wouldn't be forgotten for a long time and he asked if we thought he was going to eventually be forgotten
-favorite holiday song is "what's this" from nightmare before Christmas
- favorite star wars episode is Revenge of the Sith and everyone booed him
- favorite part of the tour was when someone asked him where he was 9/11
-when asked 'what is next for Dan' he just made jokes about dying on tour from falling down the stairs, the Australian heat, and the freezing cold
- laughed at the question "what are you hopeful for for the future" and told us to watch the show
-favorite movie he's watched on the road is Shrek and he did a show of hands for favorite Shrek movies and Shrek 2 won and Shrek 4 got a single clap in the silence
- British people DO declare emergency when they see a rainbow but only bc they're really homophobic
- was asked about the queen dying and he discussed starting the show and getting a push notification that she was being lowered into the ground in Cardiff
- zero advice for people feeling lost in their twenties. fastest Nope of the show.
>he did say that your 20s are for figuring out how to adult and as a "recently in their 20s person" you'll be lucky to be alive by the end of them
- Got Milk? he has oat milk, he's disappointed that you can only get large containers of it in the US bc in the UK u can buy tiny serving size containers. AND HE DRANK OAT MILK THAT HAD BEEN IN THE FRIDGE FOR MORE THAN 2 MONTHS
someone wrote "when the function got Hennessey" and Dan referenced This Photo
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- he simply Doesn't get over imposter syndrome when it comes to being capable of success
- someone drew him a dinosaur saying "no". he said it looked grumpy and "same"
-favorite kpop girl group is 2NE1 but right now it's LUNA
- talked about Phil killing the houseplants and dragged him for his houseplant care sponsored video
- spotify wrapped top 5:
- Polyphia
-Vince Staples
-FKA Twigs
-Ludovico Einaudi
- he is ashamed of his top genre being lo-fi hip-hop but he puts it on when he's working or doing house chores
- least favorite part of tour is WHEN PEOPLE ASK HIM STUPID FUCKING QUESTIONS (he did yell this in response to the question)
- if he had to eat dicks on pizza would he rather they were sliced like pepperoni or ground like sausage? he said that was horrible horrible question. pepperoni
-why are you British? "I'm sorry"
- someone folded him an origami heart and a crane and he ripped them up because they didn't have questions inside them
- black and orange is because they did black and red for II, black and yellow for TATINOF, and black and green is weird and the other colors are too happy, so now he's stuck having grindr themed merch
-rabbits won in rabbits vs cockatiels and he proudly told us about Phil's childhood rabbit that pooped "perfectly spherical poops"
- someone had been watching him since 4th grade and he told us thats why we're all mentally ill queers
- VPMO is the next video on his schedule and will be out "this weekend" [although we were all unsure if he knew it was Friday today]
- he is an INFJ which is the Jesus and Hitler personality type
- he watched one episode of OFMD and he and Phil agreed to not watch anymore until they can watch it together
- most cringe thing on his spotify was lo-fi beats
- he asked what hashtags he should use for the doomed pre show photo and i said 9/11 and he yelled at me <3
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