#demonic and planetary forces
youremyheaven · 4 months
The Ugliness of Venus
every planet is associated with certain key themes but being under that planetary influence means to experience its very opposite. the extremes of anything is a meeting point for its opposite.
venus is the planet associated with love, beauty, harmony etc therefore it is unsurprising that venusian influence also subjects one to cruelty, ugliness, disharmony, violence and malevolence.
TW: this post will contain mentions of sexual harassment, rape, violence, murder, massacre, genocide, death, suicide among other things so please beware!!!
in my observations I have often found that Venusian natives are often cruel, callous, ugly (i mean this to refer to their actions/behaviour and not just unconventional appearance because "beauty" is a sum of appearance and traits- what we call Venusian refinement) hurtful, jealous and utterly lacking the charisma and hospitality for which Venus is known.
it is disturbing to think of how soooo many well known and notorious sex offenders have HEAVY Venusian influence in their charts. think of any celebrity who has had a sex scandal and they usually have Venusian placements. it's intriguing that no other planet shows up as much (in my personal observations).
Why is Venus so brutal, cruel and embracing of the darkness/ugliness of humanity?
All 3 Venus nakshatras, Bharani, Purvaphalguni & Purvashada are Ugra (meaning cruel or brutal, this is a 7 category classification in vedic astrology) nakshatras.
Ugra naks are known to be action-oriented go-getters and people who are very self-motivated and determined. Any quality can manifest in good or bad ways, so the shadow aspect of this determination and motivation is often ruthlessness, callousness, selfishness and arrogance.
This is also the reason why Venusian naks suffer. Venus seeks refinement, so an individual who does not filter out their own darkness but instead indulges in it, is inviting wrath. More than any other planet, Venus punishes its natives quite harshly and publicly. So many people who have been known to be horrible people, have been exposed, shamed and punished publicly have Venus influence.
Venus energy must be handled with care. Since Venus is love, it has a quality where it loves blindly, completely and without judgement but discretion and judgement are necessary in life. It is not good to be absolutely consumed by someone or something without considering the good and evil inherent in it. This makes Venus natives prone to evil simply because they don't see it as such. They think of it as the depths of their understanding of love, beauty and harmony. Beauty in its extreme however is grotesque, its ugliness, its frightening. Think of all those IG models who have the same face, there is a blandness to their cartoonish perfection to their proportions, it fails to evoke feeling, it fails to be memorable because true beauty is distinct and flawed, its intensity, depth and exaggerated proportions because Venus is not mild or lukewarm, it like to go overboard. Think of Angelina Jolie, her big forehead, large cheekbones, strong jaw, big protruding eyes, its a face that calls attention to itself, its not simple or readily accessible, its the opposite of the IG face where beauty is reduced to ordinary everyday blandness. True beauty is individuality.
Venusian natives are often preoccupied with good and evil, the holy and demonic, heaven and hell, this emanates from a deep understanding of contradictions and the need for their existence. Opposites are an illusion, everything is one. Goodness in its extreme is evil and the extremes of evil touches upon goodness.
So now I'll discuss certain specific examples:
Mao Zedong- Purvashada Rising
He was responsible for the deaths of close to 40 million people who died due to starvation, forced labour and others executed by the state due to their opposition of its policies.
Saddam Hussein- Bharani Sun, Venus in Revati (exalted)
Him and his party used violence, killing, torture, execution, arbitrary arrest, unlawful detention, enforced disappearance, and various forms of repression to control the population. Kurdish people were systematically persecuted and massacred using tear gas.
Hussein was publicly executed for committing crimes against humanity.
Hitler- Purvashada stellium (Moon, Jupiter and Ketu), Mercury and Venus in Bharani
I need not elaborate on who Hitler was and what he did bc we're all very familiar with him but yeah he was a Venusian. He died by suicide.
Stalin- Purvashada Mercury Amatyakaraka
I do not wish to elaborate on Soviet war crimes but Stalin had millions of people die, from starvation, torture, indentured labour etc
R Kelly- Purvashada Sun & Mercury
He is a pedophile and convicted sex offender
Marilyn Manson- Purvashada Sun
He's been accused of assault and rape on more than one occasion.
Idi Amin- Purvashada Sun
Idi Amin was popularly known as "The Butcher of Uganda." Amin overthrew an elected government in Uganda with a military coup, using lessons from the British colonial army. He declared himself president and ruled ruthlessly from 1971-1979. Once in power, Amin started mass executions of the Acholi and Lango tribes. In 1972 Amin forced 80,000 Asians to leave the country, which caused the economic collapse of the country since many were business owners. It’s estimated that through his rule, Amin killed at least 300,000 civilians.
Elon Musk- Purvaphalguni Moon
Sexual misconduct charges, labour law violations, treating his employees like trash and being an insufferable asshole on Twitter among other things. Nobody makes $100 billion without exploiting 100s of millions of people.
Jimmy Saville- Purvaphalguni Moon, Mars in Bharani amatyakaraka and Ketu in Purvashada
He was a pedophile who abused numerous children over the span of 50yrs
Peter Townshend- Purvaphalguni Jupiter & Rising, Ketu in Purvashada
He was found trying to access child porn sites
Chris Brown- Bharani Sun & Moon
He's abused several women, most famously, Rihanna
Here's some examples of people who have risen to prominence by playing ruthless people.
Kathy Bates- Mars in Purvaphalguni amatyakaraka
She is best remembered for playing the psychotic nurse in Misery
Anthony Hopkins- Purvashada Sun
He is best known for playing serial killer Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs
I know this is a very polarising topic and to any Venusians reading this, I sincerely do not wish to spread hate or cause harm, I am only trying to point out some of the things I have noticed. Does this mean every other Venusian you encounter is a serial killer in disguise? No Are all Venusians bad people? Also no. I thought it would be interesting to shed some light on the darker side of Venus which is seldom addressed if at all. Please do not take any of these observations too seriously and do not use astrology as a tool to propagate hatred towards yourself or others.
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amazingabellini · 5 months
Every Single Thing 621 is Called on Rubicon
Dog Augmented Human C4-621 You 621 Intruder Illegal Enemy AC Merc Corp AC Registration number Rb23 Raven Callsign: Raven Mercenary Corporate Merc Corporate Dog Interloper Military Force Hostile AC Shameless Coral scavenger Independent Mercenary Hunter Sharp A local An Independent A merc who only kills for credits A real merc G13 G13 Raven Kiddo Freelancer Maggot Fake Redgun Tagalong Sewing club member Not a total amateur Not a pro Corporate Vulture Mere pawn Scavenger Hound of Walter Competition Good for nothing Good for something Wretched vulture Unidentified AC Damn Hyena Rotten Money-grubber Corporate scum Enemy backup One of the infamous Walter's hounds Wallclimber War buddies Comrade Buddy Intruder Doser Shameless Corporate Dog Greedy Mercenary Greedy hound Daring A symbol of resolve Only Other Person That Can Keep Up With Me You Again Old Augmentation Recalcitrant Mutt Vermin Pest The Pest of Rubicon Code 15 Raven the Wallclimber Code 31C Solo Independent Mercenary Pitiful Dog Gen 4 Fine hound Another dead dog Older type of Augmented Human Tourist No ordinary tourist Smart Cookie No slouch A cut above the rest Not afraid of anything Belongs in a museum Freak My favorite little Tourist A certain someone New friend The Freelancer from the dam raid Target Walter's Hound Solo AC Independent Merc Trespasser to Rubicon Walking Advertisement Mascot AC of Unknown Affiliation Suspected Corporate Hire Single AC Code 5, Unknown AC Independent Mercenary Assembly That AC Hostile AC Priority Subject for Termination One helluva merc Hired Operative Intruding AC Grunt Famous Mercenary Fine Soldier One Loose End Corpse Quick on the uptake Not like those savages Cur Scoundrel Oathbreaker Just an AC Patchwork AC Better than the other ACs Like a bird in flight Killer Menace to Rubicon Target for Termination Unknown Intruder Intrusion Attempt Menace Volunteer The Objective Just a Gen 4 Strong Worthy of your name False Alarm Impostor Impressive Pilot Wormkiller Threat to Planetary Closure 20 Iguazus A Real Redgun Not so Special Too Dangerous to Keep Around Not Afraid to Die The Only G13 Who's Managed To Live This Long Strong A Threat Dangerous Another Threat to Rubicon Veteran The Mercenary Who Took Your Name Rat Fool The Big One Corporate pawn Rather Extraordinary Gen 4 Augmentation High Level Threat Strong Candidate One of Allmind's The One Rusty was talking about Head in the Clouds Old-Gen Alive Handler's Hound Old Colleague Subject Beast of burden Guest of Honor The Key Smartass Freelancer Wonderful People Demon Miserable Relic Trigger for the Change to come Dog without a shred of intelligence Not worthy of humanity Stray Dog Obstacle Faithful Hound Biggest Threat Legacy Augmentation The Greatest Obstacle The Liberator of Rubicon The only one The Spark of War The Fires that Haunt Rubicon The Monster who Burned the Stars One With Allmind Aberrations to The Plan Trigger for Coral Release Irregular The Old-Gen Who Could Do It All
The Freelancer Who Had It All
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not-alpharious · 1 year
The Fire Warrior novelization is wild
For anyone who doesn’t know, Fire Warrior was a game from 2003 where you play as a Tau Fire Warrior trying to rescue a kidnapped ethereal before it’s revealed that the planetary governor that kidnapped the ethereal was secretly a chaos cultist and you have to deal with that too.
What’s more unusual though is that the game actually had a novel tie in and it’s wild. It’s not perfect obviously, there’s a lot of parts where it skips from the main character, Shas’la Kais, starting to do something to after it’s been done with maybe a fight scene with the boss. But to be fair it is a novelization of the game and constant variations “He then turned the hallway and shot some guys” would get old fast.
What’s even more wild is that the book treats everything you do in game as something Kais actually does. As a result Kais becomes this freakishly hyper competent killing machine fueled almost purely by daddy issues. Like he is a genuine blood drenched cryptid and there’s practically no characters that aren’t at least slightly terrified of him. And that is not an exaggeration.
Like from everyone else’s perspective Kais is just a fresh recruit on his first ever battlefield and out of nowhere he’s gunning down hundreds of guardsmen. He takes out a tank with a hijacked imperial turret, kills an attack helicopter single handedly, saves the ethereal completely by himself from a heavily fortified prison, two shots a space marine, fights off two attempted boardings of his ship (which includes killing four more space marines completely by himself), counterboards the Imperial ship where he kills even more space marines and even more hundreds of guardsmen crippled the ship with a bomb and nearly kills the entire command crew all by himself, fights off a demonic invasion in the ship while completely lost to his blood rage, cripples the imperial ship even more, killing who knows how many CSM and demons the entire time, solos a chaos dreadnought, goes back to the planet to kill even more chaos marines and demons, fights his way through a titan to blow it up, solos a warp spawn, and a demon prince, falls to Khorne for a bit and eventually even kills a greater demon.
Within the book the entire time he’s doing all this he never has a mech or supplies, he’s constantly forced to fight God with guns and ammo he’s scavenged from the countless corpses he’s left in his wake. He rocks up to the Tau ship in orbit before he sneaks into the prison literally drenched in human blood and there’s nothing they can do about it because he’s basically the single best person at killing in their entire army at this point
These are all the things he does in the book because he does them in the game and it’s a just amazing to see the rest of the world react to this video game character played straight. Usually in other game novelizations, the sheer number of enemies your guy kills is usually brought way down and is just chalked up to the enemy numbers being inflated in the game for the sake of gameplay. But Fire Warrior decided to say fuck that, our blorbo really is just this much of a hyper competent war criminal and you should fear for your IRL life.
And honestly?
I don’t think I could respect them more for that decision.
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fayeiswriting · 1 year
Writeblr Intro! 🌷
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Hello everyone! I'm Faye (she/her). I'm a 26-year-old office worker who loves hiking, TTRPGs, cats, and writing! It's been a hot minute since I've used Tumblr, but I'm willing to give it another try since there's such a wonderful, thriving writing community here!
I've had time to start fleshing out a few of my story ideas recently, and I hope to publish both novels and serialized web novels!
My preferred genres are definitely fantasy and horror, but I'm also a fan of sci-fi. I'm also a huge sucker for found family, magic with consequences, defying fate, and bittersweet victories.
I'm totally open to ask and tag games! I'm here to meet cool people with cool projects and maybe learn a thing or two along the way, so please force me to interact! 😊
My project list is under the cut! (Some of them don't have actual titles yet because I'm bad at naming things, whoops)
a high fantasy story featuring cosmic horror space dragons, soul-devouring magic, funky little creatures, experimental potion brewing, ride-or-die friendships (after they get past the initial paranoia), and the inevitability of change.
hollow worlds
a science fantasy story featuring looking into the void and the void looking back, planetary arts and crafts, sentient magic, discovering self-worth, and fighting the government.
the eye of the abyss
a gaslamp fantasy story featuring portals to hell, spooky specters, psychic warriors, soft lesbians, gay panic, reincarnated villains, and destroying the world for the sake of love.
echoes of our dark demise
a high fantasy story featuring time travel (kind of???), surprise fatherhood, political intrigue, chosen ones and fated villains, badass siblings, angelic/demonic analogous forces, and a band of mercenaries just trying their best.
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wrathofanempireif · 2 years
Wrath of an Empire
Your home world is in ruins, a carcass being torn at by two galactic empires. Years after fleeing the planet you now return as a soldier, a leader. Explore a planet in ruins as you fight to take back your home, or risk watching it collapse all over again as one of the most dangerous enemies the galaxy has ever faced is unleashed onto the battlefield.
Wrath of an Empire is sci-fi fantasy Interactive Fiction set in the middle of a galactic war between two factions of mankind.
Play as male, female or non-binary.
Play as Gay, Straight or Bisexual as you explore several unique romance options.
Fight to retake your home, guiding a group of soldiers and refugees as the galactic war once again comes to claim your homeworld.
Explore your home world, its landscapes still stand tall before you, will they provide you with safety? A tactical advantage? Or will the secrets hidden in the snow drag you and your companions to an early grave?
Survive encounters with deadly chemical weapons, wild animals and a futuristic horror now unleashed on the battlefield.
You are a soldier of the commonwealth, trained since birth to fight the Empire that dares defile the homeland of all citizens, Earth. Now they want to take your new home. lead a group of soldiers and civilians as you attempt to get them to safety while two armies clash around you. Romance a fiery bomb maker, a cool and tempered officer or a seasoned commander as you all try and survive the futuristic battlefield. Will you hold true to honor or cast it aside to ensure your survival?
Notable Characters
Avery [M/F] “The Childhood Friend”
“I lost my home, I will be damned to hell before I lose you too.”
By your side from childhood and now into adulthood Avery is a constant in your life. Boisterous and overbearing at times Avery has decided to match those traits by specializing in explosives. Loyal to a fault Avery will always make the choice that’s better for their friends rather then themselves. Before facing the horrors of the battlefield will true feelings perhaps be admitted? Appearance: 6’3 athletic build, blazing red hair with sharp blue eyes. They have a noticeable powder burn on their left cheek.
Wren [M/F] “The Devotee/The Advisor”
“I can never repay what you did, but I will always be by your side.”
Thrust together by chance Wren is what anyone would want in a right hand officer, calm, collected and extremely organized. Wren comes off as cold to most people, but perhaps you can crack beneath their mask to peek at what lies beneath? Appearance: 5’8 thin build with short raven black hair and dark brown eyes. Always dressed in uniform with not a single wrinkle to be found.
Yi [M/F] “The Veteran”
“That fire in your eyes is all I ever need to keep going.”
Yi likes to believe the best place to get to know someone is the battlefield, where lies drag ones to their graves and truth is found in final moments. Always armed with a large smile and a glimmer in their eyes this commander is a father/mother to their men, having survived countless battles they suddenly find themselves cooperating with a far younger commander who has them second guessing some things… Appearance: 6’0 Heavier build with black and white hair and two bright hazel eyes, (accompanied by a well trimmed beard if male)
Francesco Delamar [M] “The Rebel”
“I’ve closed my eyes to greet death every night for ten years, why do you visit it upon me now demon?”
The pragmatic military leader of the planetary militia holds no delusions of being good. Instead he wages his personal war against Imperial forces with an unmatched ruthlessness. Suddenly his fellow militia leaders begin to drop dead one by one and he gets the feeling someone or something is coming for all of you...
Appearance: 5′7 average build with green eyes, a thin mustache and a notable scar on one cheek.
Ehren [M/F] “The Enemy”
“I had you right in my crosshairs, one pull of the trigger standing between me and victory... And I couldn’t do it.”
Demo Link (Updated 5/28/23)
The Operative/Wrath of an Empire Discord
The Operative Tumblr Post
Wrath of an Empire takes place in the Universe of “The Operative” 
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virginiadre · 2 years
the Mars-Pluto havoc
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Usually when we hear of Mars + Pluto, we immediately think this person is driven to the edge, no doubt skeletons in the closet too.
Particularly with the conjunction, Mars aspected by Pluto in a natal chart is truly one formidable weapon. Astrologically, it signifies unmatchable intensity, perserverance, courage and ambition. "By hook or by crook" best describes the native. Remember, the primary reputation lies in how conquest happened despite the odds set against, rough obstacles to bring one down.
Survival is usually a very big issue with this combination. Even in a small way, those with Mars–Pluto contacts can sometimes be found exhibiting a compulsive need to win. This is the person who must win the game of tennis, chess, monopoly, you name it; if they believe there's a strong chance of loosing, will choose not to play at all. The feelings of there being a strong need to survive and fight are usually the same whatever the nature of aspect, but behaviour indicative of these feelings is much more obvious with the opposition and square.
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Often people with these contacts seem anything but able to fight (overtly at any rate) as if Pluto has in some way ‘killed’ the Mars impulse or persona. Truth be told, Hades in typical underworld fashion, shrouds Ares under a cloak of either melancholy or mystery. The perfect camouflage to gel in with the crowd yet the simmering energy trapped underneath is still picked up close surrounding acquaintances.
Of course signs and wheel makeup do matter. Suppose a man having this harsh aspect but his personal planets fall in air signs, a charismatic and eloquent persona is what we get yet when push comes to shove, that same verbal banter can quickly escalate to a fierce argument filled with jabs and insults.
Another more usual manifestation with the hard aspects is the tendency to be overly forceful. As always, Pluto tends to bury the planetary principles it touches, like with Moon it casts away the emotional comfort of childhood security the mother should bring.
When coupled with Mars, the burial is of rage, energy and a kind of bestial sexuality. However, like a boil coming to a head, these qualities will surface when triggered by appropriate transits, and when they do so, it will often be with the most tremendous force. Mars–Pluto anger is not so much anger as rage, the rage of the screaming infant who, for whatever reason, was too frightened to get angry when young. And the anger that was never discharged settles and becomes concealed. In childhood, there was usually a lot of free-floating rage around, commonly with sexual roots. In any event such feelings were often unconscious or largely unexpressed.
For water signs, this leads to emotional trauma inevitably. Which then might cause resistance to confronting their own inner demons and rather so, projecting it onto others.
Life becomes much easier for these people when they can admit to feeling murderous at times and can discover that they are not alone in having these feelings. The real problems for this aspect falling in the charts of otherwise ‘soft’ and humane people, can be of owning their own violent feelings, and this is why such natives can often find it difficult to allow themselves to express anger, and also can be so ruthless with themselves.
Not owning their rage can also result in the person attracting other people or life-situations which are violent or require superhuman courage or endurance. Through encountering such situations these natives are forced to access their own ruthlessness, anger and strong survival instinct.
Due to the default survival instinct, natives with this combination are usually capable of extraordinary courage and powers of endurance. The bravery will often be emotional as opposed to physical, although this aspect is useful for those who physically push themselves to and beyond the limit: dancers, athletes, mountaineers and the like. In fixed signs especially, Mars–Pluto can put up with the kind of extreme situations that might be expected to crush any human spirit.
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The way to use this combination is for the individual to engage legitimately in something that, for them, does require superhuman effort. And whilst the exertion needn’t be physical, engaging in such activity, as in work-outs or sport, is often a good way for the person to make conscious use of this placement. Tennis and squash, for example, provide a legitimate vehicle for giving and receiving a good thrashing. Afterall, their physical energy has been pent up for so long and therefore, some sort of physical exertion is often required to shift it.
Dance is sometimes a therapeutic activity for the Mars–Pluto person, for as well as requiring a great physical expenditure of energy it can also be quite emotionally as well as sexually cathartic. Drumming is also ideal. Keeping or working with animals is also a way of contacting the bestial within oneself.
It's also not uncommon for chances of dabbling in the (you guessed it!) realms of occult. Possibly even being the topdog for underground taboo activites (drugs, bdsm) at some point for certain folks with a zest for such.
~Aspects in Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide to Interpretation, by Sue Tompkins
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bluebirdsongs16 · 10 months
Some thoughts on Alpha Centauri
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Alpha Centauri is a binary star system ~4.3 light years away from Earth. Appearing as a single bright point of light, it was first recorded by Ptolemy in his astronomical treatise The Almagest(1) in 150AD, but it wasn't discovered to be a pair of two stars orbiting each other until the late 1600's.(2)
(1) I'd bet dollars to donuts Aziraphale has a copy.
(2) Alpha Centauri was only like the second binary star system to be discovered. Given Crowley and Aziraphale made the Arrangement only a few scant decades earlier, I can't help but imagine Crowley would romanticize the idea of two bright glowing beacons bound by gravitational force to perpetually circle each other.
Between Earth and the Alpha Centauri system is the Oort Cloud, a band of millions of comets and other icy planetary debris loosely orbiting the sun.
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For the sake of creative license (and ~~romance~~), I imagine the Oort Cloud would be like being surrounded on all sides by a perpetual meteor shower. Wouldn't that be a sight to see, with the ethereal being you care for most in the universe at your side?
Past the Oort Cloud, the next stop on the way to Alpha Centauri is Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth. It's a cool, small red dwarf that orbits its bigger binary neighbors Alpha Centauri A and B. It's also a flare star, so every so often it gives off bright flashes of solar wind. It has an exoplanet closer to its surface than Mercury is to our sun, offering an angel and demon on a romantic holiday a front-row seat to its spectacular lights show.
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Stargazing from another solar system would take on completely new meaning. In the night sky from Alpha Centauri, the constellation Cassiopeia would be visible, as would the Earth's sun.
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But seeing the galaxy from such a new and drastically different vantage point would provide the opportunity to come up with new myths and constellations. What could be a more perfect activity for two ethereal-slash-occult-beings to wile away a decade or a few chatting over a picnic basket chock full of favorite treats from Earth?(3)
(3) Said favorite treats from Earth would mostly comprise of fine red wine, biscuits, and petit fours, of course.
But back on earth, if Aziraphale never agrees to go with Crowley to Alpha Centauri, well...Crowley rather doesn't see the point of taking the trip alone. Feeling rejected and heartbroken, if he wanted to go for a sulk, he could miracle himself to the opposite side of the planet from England to the South Pacific, where Alpha Centauri is visible in the night sky year-round. He could spend as long as he wanted staring up at those faraway stars bound together in eternal orbit in the constellation Centaurus and think about what could have been.
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darth-sonny · 9 days
Ooh and maybe Prime Leo 22. (Forced to Watch), I'm not sure if young Leo or Kirby era is better though...
Make sure to vote for the Prime Leo AU | @tmntstorycomp
The planet wasn't very remarkable.
It is called Ulixes, and that was all they knew about it. Baba said that any information about it wasn't too important.
Baba smiled at that. A "surprise", They answered.
Right now, they were just staring. Ulixes looked less like a planet and more like... a mothership. They're familiar with planetary-like ships – the Technodrome was one, too – but something they learned is that planet ships is that they had to be in the same shape as actual planets.
This planet ship, however, was in the shape of an upside-down cone...
"Their mothership is weird," they say. "It's not in the shape of a planet... that could be bad in the long run..."
Baba placed a clawed hand on their head.
Ĝ̵͙̞̲̆͆͘o̵̢͎̥̼̊ő̴̟̹̎̋̚͠ͅd̵̝͂͊ ̴̻̅j̴̨̃͒̾͜o̴̡͌̈́̆̒̈b̴̫̞̥̅̽̃! They say, demonic mask off and smile on.
It was enough to get their to begin to wag.
D̸̞̣͑̆o̶͕̿̓͑̈́̾ ̷̧̪͍̋y̶̝̮̅͝ő̷̤͛ù̵͈͖̖̥͂̿͗̚ ̴̫͖̲̆̔̒̈́w̷̟̱̯̞̐͊͋̓a̸̩̿n̸͙͂́̊̾̌t̷͆̉̍̕͜͝ ̶̬͙͓̻͇̀̆̿ț̴͔̓͊̾ͅo̶̖̗̫̜̥͒̅͌͝ ̶̨̏l̵̥͙͙̿̈́̾͝ĕ̵̦̉̒͘̚à̸̳̈́ȑ̴͇̯̤̆͘ṉ̴̟̰͙́̀̀ ̶̧̙̬̩͒͜͝m̴̱̀ǒ̸̥̉ṛ̶̰̻̥̫̿̈̏̔͠e̸̯̾̌̃̃͠ ̸͙̪̼̠͑â̵̙͚͈͑̄͝b̸̘̟̝̫̑̔̕o̴͇̱̹̓̈́̃ͅù̶̦̖̬̭̂͒͠t̷̛͍͊̋.̵̯̘̋̌.̴̺̫̰̜̈́̈́͝.̸̢͚̄̒ ̸͚̈́ṯ̸͎͔̱̍ͅh̸͈͕̭́͗é̴̲m̵̨͎̼̳͍͐̏̏͐?
They nodded.
Baba smiled again.
"This is Uixes," Baba begins, Their voice was different now... it happened sometimes, Their voice changing from what it always was to... this.
"This is the planetary mothership of the Triceratons," They continue. "They were the very first beings We came across during Our travels alone."
"Prideful. They had a warrior's mentality. Giant, too. Our throne is the skull of one, you know." A bitter smile grew on Baba's face. "They enslaved Us, saw Us as nothing more than a being to be experimented on, something with no sentience or consciousness... and they were right! If for a bit.
"Back then, We truly were nothing more than just a simple creature, wandering between stars and galaxies, with not a care in sight. Sometimes, We wonder what We would've been like had the Triceratons not found Us..."
Baba scoffed.
"Thinking about it, however, sends Us into a state of... rage, as one would call it. Just a simple creature, with no more consciousness than that of an animal... that would be an injustice of an indescribable magnitude. Our captors had it all, so couldn’t We?
"So for millenia, We watched them. Their ways, their manners, everything that made them who they were.
"There was something that defined them, what drove them to do what they did – it was a phrase, just some words that meant nothing to Us then, but everything to them: strength always prevails."
"What happened to them."
Baba's smile was much more genuine.
And... scary...
"Oh, they're gone now. Just a few left. All of them were too frightened to leave their ship after We... thanked them for their generous hospitality." They sigh. "But, here we are. Truly, if it weren't for them, We wouldn't be who We are. The Triceratons truly were a race of prevailing strength."
They blink in confusion.
Baba smiled one last time, before their mask hid Their face again.
A snap of their fingers, and everything turned red.
They watched, eyes wide, as the mothership quickly began to disintegrate. They felt Baba place a hand at the back of their neck...
Screams erupted from everywhere.
Screams of horror, terror, pain, rage...
They were loud. Too loud. So very, very loud...
"We escaped their enslavement, little one," they heard Baba's voice say. "We made sure to pay our thanks in full and that their slaughter was as quickly as it was merciless."
The screaming got louder and louder...
"When the time comes, We hope that when We give the order, you will commit to it the same way We did..."
Flashes of blood, viscera, bones, and flayed skin filled their head...
They could smell the corpses, the rot, the stench of vomit, and spilled blood...
"But those times are still so far way, and you are still so very young..."
"You're sick. What happened?"
Kirby looks at daddy, brown eyes filled with worry.
"I don't know..." they sniffle out.
Daddy just bites his lip, almost looking like he wanted to say something, but he stopped himself.
Instead, he picked Kirby up, held them close, and began to rock back and forth.
"Alright," Leo mumbled as Kirby fell asleep. "Just for now, I'll let it slide."
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boopiddyboop · 1 year
Kim Hongjoong Natal Chart Reading
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Right on the tails of the Bang Chan natal reading, I decided to give Hongjoong’s a go. Mostly because no one else in Stray Kids has a confirmed time, and this exercise really doesn’t work without it, though I might do an analysis of Lee Know’s potential charts one day. In the meantime, I’ll continue my fixation on rapper-leaders. 
Full Disclaimer: Most of my knowledge is by traditional astrology, which involves but is not limited to: using whole signs, excluding Uranus-Pluto for natal charts, different sign rulers, and different planetary interpretations.  Astrology is subjective by nature; I do not think my way is best, simply that this is the version of interpretation that makes the most sense to me. This is not a professional service, simply a hobby meant for entertainment purposes only.  Feel free to disagree with or question my conclusions.
이제 가자~
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Sun: Scorpio - 11th house
Moon: Gemini - 6th house
Mercury: Sagittarius - 12th house
Venus: Scorpio - 11th house
Mars: Virgo - 9th house
Jupiter: Pisces - 3rd house
Saturn: Aries - 4th house
Ascendant: Capricorn
Midheaven: Scorpio - 11th house
North Node: Leo - 8th house
I saw a Tiktok recently talking about how there were no earth (sun) signs in all of Ateez (or Xikers, apparently), which I think is an interesting catch, considering I find earth signs to be more predisposed to idol life due to the insane amounts of discipline the profession takes. That being said, we can immediately clock Hongjoong’s Capricorn rising bringing balance to the force. A Sun in Scorpio being ruled by a Mars in Virgo is also helping bring a lot more earth energy into play. Capricorn’s cardinal nature helps bring leader energy while that mutable Virgo, especially in Mars, is giving him a solid work ethic.
This makes his chart ruler his Saturn in Aries, of all things. Between that and his Scorpio Sun, there’s just a lot of intensity in his countenance. Saturn ruling the chart brings severity to one's disposition, but Aries is quite youthful in nature, helping to redirect that energy. It’s no wonder he’s in the demon line with all this Saturn/Mars energy.
Sitting lonesome in the 12th house is Hongjoong’s Mercury in Sagittarius. Fire signs in Mercury are quite fun and witty, and it’s definitely helping combat that 12th house placement, which could make him much more reticent otherwise. Its ruler being Jupiter in Pisces also helps bring artistic flair to his communication style. Speaking of Jupiter in Pisces, this is a very strong placement sitting nicely in his 3rd house of communication. Unfortunately, it is in retrograde, causing it to not work as smoothly as it could, but overall this Jupiter is bringing a lot of benefits to what could’ve been a much more restricted placement of the Mercury. Jupiter is making a trine aspect with his Scorpio in Venus as well, pointing to someone with good social graces (and perhaps expensive taste). 
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Is it any wonder that he's into fashion?
However, going back to that 11th house, Hongjoong’s sun is combust both his Venus and his midheaven, hiding them. With the 11th house being the house of goals and dreams, I take this to mean that those things will tend to overshadow his relationships and public life. The midheaven can sometimes be taken to mean one's job (since this is often our most public persona), but in the case of Hongjoong and his work as an idol, I see it as his pursuit of music continuously trumping or superseding being able to publicly be himself or establish relationships. Really, his whole chart is a case of two steps forward, one step back the more that I look at it. Just like I mentioned in an earlier post, Hongjoong’s family life also seems marred by this push and pull, a good relationship with siblings in the 3rd house versus a poor placement for home in the 4th house. 
Speaking of complications, Moon in Gemini in the 6th house. Moon in air signs are already not the best at processing their emotions (trying to be too logical about it), but with it sitting both square Jupiter, square Mars, and in a house opposite his Mercury…. How do you say…. He’s lucky his work allows self-expression because otherwise his feelings may just sit there until they die. And seeing his North Node up in the 8th house of secrets, I think that’ll be the big life lesson for him- bottling up emotions for the fear of being vulnerable may be a thing he works on his whole life. 
In conclusion: Hongjoong’s chart is a complex set of checks and balances that point towards loving and loathing expressing himself. As with most charts, one singular placement does not define someone in their entirety; so too are we all composed of dozens of complex factors. I don’t mess with predictive astrology, as I think that is more subject to personal bias and thus tends to be more subject to error, but with this predispositions he’s born with, I think Hongjoong is someone who will have a very interesting life. 
Questions, comments, or requests can all go here
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Just one more for the road >.>
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kseniyagreen · 7 months
Don't turn into Zero (Episode 5.1 Doctor Who essay )
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The beginning of Season 5 immediately hit my heart with the theme of a crack in the universe on the wall of a child's bedroom.
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The theme of fear - not of monsters and specific dangers, but of something formless, indefinable in words - has been painfully familiar to me since childhood. The fear of extinction.
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When I was 6-8 years old, I couldn’t formulate this so clearly. But I remember this feeling of “a draft from the abyss” very well. I think this experience is familiar to many children who have been alone for a long time very often.
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And just as familiar is the fantasy of a good wizard, an extravagant friend who will burst into your world with special effects, displacing the icy chaos of the void with a stormy stream of life.Doctor Who became such a good wizard for Amelia
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And although he disappeared too, but before that he repaired the crack in her wall, replacing the horror of the void with the fear of the monster, Prisoner Zero, which was much more bearable for a child.Because children's fear of monsters is always ambivalent -- they both torment and protect. They protect against feelings of loneliness, uselessness, and the routine of suffering and death. Our fantasies endow the infinite emptiness with a finite form and thus make it more bearable for consciousness.
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Prisoner Zero continues this theme of the void - starting with his name, and ending with the fact that he survives by taking on someone else's form.It’s interesting that Amy herself seems to mirror the habits of Prisoner Zero. Her job is to pretend to be someone else
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"In the corner of your eye." Over time, many fears, traumas, shocks become something that is “in the corner of the eye.” It always looms somewhere on the periphery, because it has a great influence on our lives, it is always somewhere nearby. We just never look at it directly.
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This is how repression of traumatic experience usually works. Usually a person does not forget, in the full sense of the word. It’s just that their consciousness, with the virtuosity of a circus artist, learns to always look the other way.
The theme of disappearance takes on a planetary scale with the appearance of powerful aliens ready to wipe out the entire human race along with Prisoner Zero
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And then the Doctor says a phrase that can be very relevant in the psychotherapy of fears: “It’s good to leave. Never come back is better” It's good to repel an attack of anxiety. But as long as you play by the rules of fear, you will always wait for its return
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So calling out your demons when you feel confident is a really good idea. To feel like you’re not just a pawn who can only survive as long as you follow someone else’s rules. But a person capable of standing up for themselves, even in the face of bigger forces
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We all sometimes need our inner Doctor, who will tell our fears: "Basically, run!”
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vindelllas · 2 years
Hi my love, I needed to ask of the importance of D9 Nakshatras. How much do they matter?
And some insights on Vishaka?
the significance of your d9 placements 🐚 🌊
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🌊 it is thought that you begin to embody your navamsa (d9) placements after you have experienced the dawn of maturity: your first saturn return. while some beliefs assume this period of change takes place during one’s time of marriage (around 27-31 years), this marriage approximation happens to coincide with dawn of shani (saturn) in one’s life. this is due to shani’s exaltation in libra: the karaka of marriage and contractual commitments.
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🐚 while the navamsa can bring insights to your prospective marriage and partnership, i like to explore the other, more tangible, meanings of this chart as well. because this chart serves as the ninth division of your natal chart, it holds a magnifying glass to your true self. it determines the overall strength of your grahas by evaluating the progression of your planetary placements in both the natal and navamsa. for example:
🐚 the planetary rulers of the 1st, 4th and 7th houses of the navamsa are of divine significance. they represent the qualities of generosity, power, and wealth.
🐚 the planetary rulers of the 2nd, 5th and 8th houses of the navamsa denote one’s spiritual reputation/inclination and kindness.
🐚 the planetary rulers of the 3rd, 6th and 9th houses of the navamsa are considered to be “demonic” in significance. they are deemed as such because they represent the characteristics of “rakshasas” who are cruel, violent, and selfish in nature.
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🫧 the emphasis in reading your d9 should particularly lie in house placements, rulership, and raj yogas. this is not to say that one’s d9 rashis (signs) or nakshatras are completely insignificant but they are more so considered minute in grand scheme of analysis. the navamsa is the microscopic view of one’s ninth house and is the hidden undercurrent of our fate. whereas, the natal chart is your physical existence, the circumstances you reside in, and what you are called to do. the navamsa is the hidden force, the invisible hand of destiny that decides the results of your deeds. it serves as the hand that directs and brings your natal nakshatras to fruition.
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🪷 a particular misconception that i see within this community of vedic astrology is that navamsa nakshatras are to be factored in when determining physical planetary dominance. this is absolutely false. the navamsa placement itself indicates the strength of the planet which influences the possibility of physical planetary dominance. many astrologers have read the lives and souls of plentiful individuals, and done so rather accurately, without the need of divisional charts. i stress that divisional charts are a luxury and not a necessity. they are wonderful layers to add to the complexity of astrology but do not hold a candle to the primary influences of the natal chart. this is ultimately why i implore others to think of navamsa charts as the tropical astrology equivalent of asteroids. they hold influence sure, but are not what deserves the primary source of your attention, especially if you are new to vedic astrology.
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🔱 also, i have made two previous posts on the vishakha nakshatra. the first post was a heavily detailed exploration of overall vishakha nakshatra beauty and the second post pertains to the social stratosphere and manifestations of vishakha chandra natives. as always, feel free to inquire about more topics in vedic astrology. i love to answer them with time and thought loves
xoxo, angel 💋
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kaleidoscope1967eyes · 9 months
Introduction to Iego - Overview
Canon / Legends
In the mind of the average citizen of the galaxy, the planet Iego--the legendary home of angels--is merely a spacefarer's myth told to young children as a bedtime story.
However, the planet is indeed real, albeit an incredibly difficult place to reach. It is nestled deep within the Extrictarium Nebula, a remote region of the galaxy that can only successfully be navigated by a Force-sensitive. Few people are able to make it to Iego, and even fewer are able to leave, giving way to the general consensus that it is a purely fictional location.
True to the legend, Iego is orbited by a thousand moons. Its largest, Millius Prime, is the home of the Diathim, the mysterious and beautiful species commonly referred to as "angels." They are the ones who illuminate the moons, as the planet strangely doesn't orbit a star--it gains all its light and warmth from a combination of stellar gasses and the glowing aura of all the Diathim. As a result, all of Iego exists within a state of perpetual twilight.
Like the rest of the nebula, Iego itself is incredibly rich in the Force, which in part miraculously sustains life upon the planet and its moons. As a result, however, the native flora and fauna are all... rather strange. To compensate for the lack of true sunlight, many plants are carnivorous and are known to consume the occasional unfortunate sentient being. However, they also often have invaluable medicinal properties--evidence of the dark and the light existing in tandem. The animals, having adapted to compete with and live alongside these plants, are equally as unique: many sport extra eyes and limbs, making them incredibly beautiful or incredibly frightening.
Aside from the native Maelibi--commonly referred to as "demons," they are a secretive race that reside in subterranean tunnels and caverns--Iego has a small population of a few thousand sentients, the descendants of offworlders who shipwrecked on the planet long ago. In ancient times, they had organized into multiple tribes, each one claiming a different part of Iego as their territory. While they have since fallen into obscurity, many Iegoans will attempt to trace their ancestry to individual tribes and claim to identify as them.
The city of Cliffhold is home to the majority of the planet's (non-native) sentients, but the population is also dispersed among various small villages across the planet. Iego has no true capital, let alone any organized planetary government, but the village of Meru--the oldest settlement on the planet--is regarded as the historic and cultural heart of the planet. Practitioners of the local religion will often make pilgrimages to its ornate temples built into the sides of thousand-meter tall cliffs. It is a perilous journey, but, as with every aspect of life on Iego, people endure.
OC Fic Lore Taglist: (let me know if you want to be added/removed)
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xenodile · 5 months
Having escaped the Rykad system and arrived on Footfall station, the Rogue Trader Abby von Valancius set about charting every single star system on the available map and doing every single side quest and optional encounter she could get her grubby little hands on.
Once the chores were taken care of, she dealt with the Valancious Protectorate worlds: Janus, Dargonus, and Kiava Gamma.
Janus was in the throes of rebellion, and in the course of investigating, the Rogue Trader discovered the rebels were backed by a small group of Eldar and the planetary governor was a Slaanesh worshiper. Gaining the aid of Aeldari Ranger Yrliet, the Rogue Trader killed the cultist governor, and negotiated a ceasefire between her people and the Eldar, allowing the xenos to continue living on the imperial agri world in secret.
Kiava Gamma's prime manufactorum had fallen to Chaos as the Fabricator Censor was seduced by infinite knowledge promised by the Ruinous Powers. After surviving another encounter with a Chaos Space Marine of the Word Bearers, preaching the power of Chaos Undivided, the Rogue Trader and company slew the heretical elements, and salvaged the Manufactorum to restore Kiava Gamma.
While Dargonus itself was mostly uneventful, the prison world of Vheabos VI had gone silent, and needed to be addressed before the Rogue Trader could formally take her place as head of the Protectorate and Rogue Trader. On the penal colony, the Rogue Trader encountered a group of loathsome Drukhari, or Dark Eldar, who had turned the inmates into gladiators for their amusement. While the eldar on the planet were dealt with, the encounter set in motion a game of cat and mouse as the Rogue Trader traveled hither and yon throughout her domain to stop Drukhari raids on various worlds, culminating in an encounter with the raiders leader, a man named Marazhai, on one of Rogue Trader Winterscale's border worlds.
Marazhai challenged the Rogue Trader to a final showdown, but it was a trap. While von Valancius sailed off to meet the Drukhari, Marazhai withdrew his forces to attack Dargonus in the largest attack the capital had ever seen. Though the Rogue Trader and her retinue succeeded in repelling the dark eldar forces, Marazhai escaped, promising he was not finished with our heroine.
After the dust had settled and the servants had cleaned up all the bodies, it was time for the ascension ceremony where the Rogue Trader would at last be properly recognized and take her place as lord of the Valancius Protectorate. Celebrations were lively and included feeding all the poor and needy of the capital world, and the Rogue Trader had a chance to meet the esteemed nobility of her dominion.
She also met Lord Inquisitor Xavier Calcazar, who had some choice words for the newly anointed Rogue Trader and some her more questionable decisions...letting xenos live on an imperial world, salvaging technology touched by heretics, choosing to save a handful of civilians rather than destroy a demon world in the making, keeping an alien in her retinue. While all technically within her rights as Rogue Trader, the Lord Inquisitor stressed that she should be mindful of such loose interpretations of Imperial law going forward, and be ready to cooperate with the Inquisition when called on.
The Rogue Trader and Magos Pasqal also make a startling discovery: the Rogue Trader's ship is alive. Or rather, it houses a Machine Spirit of incomparable power that displays true sapience and self-awareness, calling itself Nomos. The Rogue Trader recognizes it as "the Warrant Guardian", the voice that came to her aid against Kunrad Voigtvir, and the mysterious force that saved the ship from the destruction of Rykad Minoris. Could this entity be an ally, or something more sinister?
Finally, Yrliet met with the Rogue Trader in private to discuss news of great importance: she received coordinates to where some of her kin from the destroyed craftworld of Crudarach have taken refuge! So to the distant star system of the Atlas Reach the Rogue Trader goes, in search of new adventures!
What will happen in Chapter 3? Tune in and find out...now!
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worstloki · 1 year
Lol hi im having what is known in the medical field as a "bit of a moment". Got any brodinsons fic recs?
fluff okay okay
Throg, or The Time Loki Turned Thor Into A Frog by PhantomEngineer : The time when they were children when Loki turned Thor into a frog.
I'd follow you through hel (and fight off demons as well) by ThatOneAnnoyingFox : After a bad meeting with Odin, Thor watches the void. It’s dishonourable, but if he did it with no-one to see, who cares where he’d go?
Ichor in Violet by tirsynni : When Thor learns that Loki can travel to other realms without Heimdall seeing, of course he convinces Loki to take them both to Jotunheim to hunt Frost Giants. There an accident unravels centuries of lies and threatens to unravel Loki, too.
Soft Touch by calicojackofficial : Tony catches Thor and Loki napping together on a public couch.
We Were Eight at the Time... by Writinthestars : He’d never attacked Thor before. Their quarrels were always preluded by some sort of argument so there was warning, and they both knew they wouldn’t hurt each other too terribly.
This is the first time I used a real weapon against him. There’s no returning from that. It’s too late. I could’ve killed Thor - he’ll never forgive me.
Loki’s eyes filled with tears. This wasn’t what he wanted.
Castles in the Air by cosmic_medusa : Loki's first act as King is to collect his banished brother to aid his regency, however brief. Thor discovers that the political landscape is far from what it seemed, and that the lies of Odin have resulted in the threat of both his sons' safety and sanity.
Once I had a brother by Alwida : Loki's plans to drop Odin in a home for the elderly unfortunately get interrupted by Thor. During the ensuing fight, a magical artifact gets broken that wipes out Thor's memory of the past 300 years. 
Friend or Foe by Iamnotreal : Loki doesn't get up after being plummeted by Hulk. It changes things.
Take This Kiss Upon The Brow by xWitchAlchemistx : Toddler Loki has discovered a family of frogs living near the palace, and is eager for his big brother Thor to take him to visit them. Instead of keeping any of the frogs, Thor helps Loki to paint a frog instead. Centuries later, several months before Thor's would-be coronation, Loki finds the painting Thor made for him.
never doubt; by unintentionallyangsty : Months into their voyage on the Statesman, Thor is forced to come to the realization that he has not verbally conveyed his love for his brother as often or as recently as he had previously believed. 
Just Close Your Eyes by ADreamer67 : Ragnarok has come to pass, the Asgardians have reached a deal with the leaders of Midgard for territory of their own, Loki is allowed to stay (provided he doesn’t leave said territory), and Thor is settled on the throne. So all in all, things are going well, if you ignore the recent massacre and planetary annihilation.
Well, except for the fact that Loki is working himself into the ground. And Thor is having none of it.
Cue a not entirely legal brotherly field trip where Thor will make Loki relax, or die trying. Responsibilities? Pssh, who cares about those? (Hint - Loki. Very much so)
i could use a bad disguise; by unintentionallyangsty : In the wake of the events of Ragnarok, Loki is plagued by nightmares, unable to determine a place for himself within the development of New Asgard and Thor's settling into the role of king.
Meanwhile, Thor wants nothing more than for his brother to stay, but is unsure of how to extend this sentiment.
Cold Nostalgia by ADreamer67 : It's the last Winter Solstice before Thor is crowned. Thor wants to do something special. Inasmuch as a hunt in the middle of winter is special.
Loki just doesn't want to freeze to death.
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Songs to Dance With Dabi To
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HELLO, HELLO FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! Here is my fun Dabi playlist, as promised! Sing, scream, and/or dance with dabi to these songs in your apartment, platonically or otherwise!!! (I also think some of these would be fun to play in the background of The Scene 👀but most are just for fun!!!!!!)
1. Feelin’ Good - Michael Buble
2. Let’s Groove - Earth, Wind, & Fire
3. Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
4. Drain You - Nirvana
5. Cooler than Me - Ethan Fields
6. My Time - bo en
7. Resonance - Alex Yarmak
8. Riot - Three Days Grace
9. I Can’t Decide - Sister, Sister
10. Comics - Caravan Palace
11. Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
12. Garbage Truck - Sex Bob-Om
13. Lithium - Nirvana
14. Cemetery Drive - My Chemical Romance
15. Come As You Are - Nirvana
16. Freaks - Surf Curse
17. Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
18. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
19. Die Young - Ke$ha
20. Dead! - My Chemical Romance
21. I Feel Like Dancin’ - All Time Low
22. Planetary Go! - My Chemical Romance
23. Goth Girls on My Xbox - Boshi Boi
24. The Downfall of Us All - A Day to Remember
25. Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) - My Chemical Romance
26. Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
27. I’m Not Okay (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance
28. Bitches - Mindless Self Indulgence
29. Given Up - Linkin Park
30. Cherry Bomb - The Runaways
31. Fight For Your Right - Beastie Boys
32. Vampire Money - My Chemical Romance
33. Crimson and Clover - Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
34. Mother Mother - Tracy Bonham
35. Shit - Bo Burnham
36. Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz
37. Mother - Danzig
38. Riot - Hollywood Undead
39. Rebel Yell - Billy Idol
40. DARE - Gorillaz
41. Wannabe - Spice Girls
That last one I picture as you and the League (mostly Twice and Toga ;p)  forcing Dabi to sing along with you lol. ANYWAY HAVE FUN!
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roxannepolice · 28 days
Oh no, is Doctor Who turning into fantasy now??? What, the "Rapunzel and Gulliver save the day, Reptilians are real but not like in politics, European demons, the Minotaur and Morgana le Fay are aliens actually, nazi vampires were in WWII, and also the universe is kept in balance by two guys dressed up as chess figures" show??? God forbid!
Yeah, I'm snarky but I think this is kind of about what you understand as science fiction and what as fantasy, because the difference is NOT the aesthetics. Star Wars is more fantasy in space than science fiction, because there are things defying laws of physics (the force is basically magic) rather than pushing what we know to its technological and theoretical extremes. So far Goblins, the Bogeyman and gods-for-lack-of-a-better-word are bound by very logical simple rules... the only thing is that those are rules of social facts. Yes, storytelling, games and music aren't of a kind with chemical elements, but you can't say they don't exist?
Like, if you want to have actual reasons to worry about DW's sf alignment then look at everyone's favourite dead horse to beat that is Kill the Moon and the idea that it would be evolutionarily stable to lay eggs on planetary orbits. First off, how tf do you breathe, space dragon?
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