#den and angie
postalpunk · 7 months
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mossy-paws · 4 months
Juwgen weitnew? stupid idiot mothewfucking juwgein weitnew god damn foow book cowwecting dust eating wat owd bastawd shithead idiot avataw of the whowe biggest cwown in the ciwcus waughed out of town cowboy mothewfucking juwgein weitnew
stowp pinning me whewn i tawk abouwt juwgein weitenew i hate him so much why does he have so many fucked up books why did he decide tuwu fuck awound awnd find out juwst set thewm woose iws he dead iws he a bastawd man has such a viscewaw affect own me nowt even in the woom nevew seen thiws mans face awnd i know he has the wowwds shittiest beawd get away fwom me
if i wanted tuwu get intwo heaven awnd god said juwgein weitnews waiting inside i wouwd piss own gods feet fow the sowe puwpose of getting sent bawck down
if i have tuwu deaw with juwgein weitnew speaking owne wowd in pewson own voice in podcast nowt onwy wiww i cwose the tab i wiww dewete my bookmawk out of spite awnd have tuwu wewatch the entiwe sewies again fow the expewience of being abwe tuwu skip aww the times whewn he iws mentioned ow awive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he cowwects books but i am juwst mad because i am angy
he bettew have sowme fucked up backstowy tuwu expwain thiws if hes juwst sowme wich shithead whos a fan of cweepypasta awnd wanted the iww vewsion iww gow ham
bettew have had a book make him kiww a man cuz if he didnt im going tuwu make him
episodes nowt even abouwt him. vaguewy mentioned whawt iws supposed tuwu maybe be hiws wibwawy awnd i wost iwt
whewe the fuck iws juwgein weitnew if hes stiww awive im going tuwu so deepwy wish he wasnt
cwusty owd man
iww punch weitnew awnd hiws sad fwaiw owd man twig bones wiww simpwy fwake apawt undew my epic huge meat fist awnd he wiww disintegwate untiw aww thats weft iws owne finaw book he kept own him at aww times simpwy titwed now uwu fucked up
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I’m sorry I HAD too
#Yes I did make this actually#worlds most smullosk coded post ever#…..#DUM IDIOT MAMMA JÄVLA JURGEN LEITNER JÄVLA DÅRBOK SAMLA DAMM ÄTA RÅTTA GAMMAL JÄVLA SKIT HUVUD IDIOT AVATAR AV HOREN#CIRKUS STÖRSTA CLOWN SKRATTADE UT UR STAN COWBOY MAMMA JÄVLA JURGEN LEITNER#SLUTA SNÄLLA MIG NÄR JAG PRAKAAR OM JURGEN LEITNER JAG HATAR HONOM SÅ MYCKET VARFÖR HAR HAN#SÅ MÅNGA JÄVLA BÖCKER VARFÖR BESTÄMDE HAN ATT JÄVLAS OCH TA REDA PÅ DET#BARA SLÄPP DEM ÄR HAN DÖD ÄR HAN EN JÄVLIG MAN HAR EN SÅ VISCERAL PÅVERKAN PÅ MIG INTE ENS I RUMMET HAR ALDRIG SETT DENNA MANS ANSIKTE OCH#JAG VET ATT HAN HAR VÄRLDENS SKÄVIGSTE SKÄGG KOM BORT FRÅN MIG#om jag ville komma in i himlen och gud sa att jurgen leitners väntade där inne skulle jag pissa på guds#fötter i det enda syftet att bli skickad ner igen.#jag måste ta itu med att jurgein leitner pratar ett ord personligen på röst i podcast#inte bara kommer jag att stänga fliken#jag kommer att radera mitt bokmärke på otrohet och måste se om hela serien igen för upplevelsen av#att kunna hoppa över alla gånger när han nämns eller lever#Jag vet inte ens varför jag hatar honom så mycket. han samlar på böcker men jag är bara arg för att jag är angy#det är bäst att han har en jävla bakgrundshistoria för att förklara detta om han bara är en rik skithuvud som är ett#fan av creepypasta och ville ha den irl-versionen ill go ham#BÄTTRE har haft en bok att få honom att döda en man för om han inte kommer att göra honom#paypal.com/IFuckingHateJurgeinLeitner#avsnitt inte ens om honom. nämnde vagt vad som kanske skulle vara hans bibliotek och jag förlorade det#var fan är jurgein leitner om han fortfarande lever#jag kommer så djupt önska att han inte var#knaprig gubbe#ill punch leitner och hans sorgliga sköra gubbkvistben kommer helt enkelt att flaga sönder under min episka enorma köttnäve och han#kommer att sönderfalla tills allt som återstår är en sista bok som han alltid höll om honom med enbart titeln#“Now You Fucked Up” på gammal jiddisch……#Jag andas inte och hyperventilerar just nu#Jag hoppas att det finns ett datum för när jurgen dog eller#kommer att dö så att jag kan göra det till en påminnelse på min telefon
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altruistic-meme · 5 months
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angy boi (Blue was laying on the blanket)
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ink-man-sam · 6 days
Iced matcha latte zu spät beim Pilates küsschen links küsschen rechts ich trag heute was scharfes 💯💯💪💯💥💥💥🥶
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omegaremix · 3 months
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Omega Radio for June 19, 2021; #268.
Big Brave: “Half Breed”
Chelsea Wolfe & Emma Ruth Rundle: “Anhedonia”
Sharon Van Etten & Angel Olsen: “Like I Used To”
Lala Lala: “Destroyer”
Khruangbin: “So We Won’t Forget”
Tamar Aphek: “Drive”
Lower Dens: “Real Thing”
Ganser: “Told You So” (Algiers RMX)
Big Joanie: “Fall Asleep”
Tempers: “Trains”
Iceage: “Vendetta”
Rat The Magnificent: “The Inevitable”
Bloodside: “Pica”
Domiciles: “Sinking Sun”
DYGL: “Don’t You Wanna’ Dance In This Heaven”
Echodrone: “Jaded”
The Criminal World: “Landing Flare”
Soft Kill: “Pretty Face”
The Futureheads: “Jekyll”
Spice: “Murder”
Purrs: “Navy”
Bitch Falcon: “Test Trip”
All indie volume.
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new meme just dropped
original tweet for context:
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beautyofthend · 4 months
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This naffin' party's costing me a fortune and it's gonna be a bloody disaster.
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littlelesbinonny · 1 year
The Devil’s Den
Chapter 6: In Which Lines Are Crossed, And Some Broken
::This chapter contains some violence, it's not explicit, but it's there so read at your own discretion::
You can read this also on Ao3 at:
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An entire week had passed and Alcina had not sought you out again.
That was an internal battle for the books.
She was growing more and more agitated as the days crept by like glacial molasses. Doing everything possible in her control to be more in the present with her daughters and unfortunate vampire business, and yet she still couldn't shake you. Guzzling blood wine wasn't doing her any favors and even Bela, a heavy drinker herself, mentioned off-handedly how quickly their wine cellar was becoming depleted.
Alcina made mental note to write her company director in Romania to put together a double shipment next week.
She didn't know how much longer she could do this; staying away from you, not knowing what you were doing every night, if you were alright. Distance was clearly making the heart grow fonder which is exactly the opposite of what she had wanted. She hardly knew you. Had been within close proximity of you twice, but it was surely enough to entice her this heavily. Unfortunately she would just have to bite the bullet for now.
The council was coming up and her time would soon be bombarded with whatever tomfoolery was reported by the clans.
What bullshit.
It was going to be a long, long week indeed.
Alcina would rather be fighting the lycans, rogue vampires, or dragons and ogres or any other creature in mythology than doing what she was right now.
She hated these council meetings. No, loathed would be the better word.
It was always the same complaints and reports. Nothing ever changed. Nothing ever changes with these vampires.
Alcina wasn't even trying to hide the pinching of the bridge of her nose under the brim of her large hat, nor her displeased huffs as they bickered and drawled this all on far longer than ever needed to be.
The large stone table that was built into the ground seated 11 for the council; 5 on each side and Alcina, the leader, at the head of the table. To her right was her most trusted confidant; Donna Beneviento. Mother Miranda had gifted her to her council around the same time she and Karl Heisenberg, the lycan thorn in her side, had ended the war and began their newfound peace between the clans. Mother Miranda had detested the peace treaty and had more or less sent Donna to be her informant than anything else, but Donna found her loyalties quickly being replaced to Alcina. She played the game well enough and things continued seamlessly.
Donna was the only vampire Alcina trusted, and her only friend. Her wisdom, powers, and insights were irreplaceable.
Seated next to Donna was her sister, Angie, who was easily the most chaotic vampire anyone had ever met. Alcina often wondered what Angie was like as a human, all at the same time grateful she hadn't endured that headache. But she was deadly, quite useful and smart, just like her sister.
Aside her was Salvatore Moreau; another council member appointed by Mother Miranda. Alcina cared very little for him as well, finding him to be slimy and sneaky, but she put up with him. He rarely spoke and when he did he was mousey and always unsure of himself. She wasn't sure there was a statement, question, or conversation he could make that didn't involve the mention of Mother Miranda. He was easily her most loyal child. It nauseated her.
Two lycans sat beside Salvatore; Vincent Madge, and Brutus Olivore. On the other side of the table were the vampires; Charles Gagnon, the newest addition to the council, Clarice Preston and Georg Fischer. Beside them was the last of the lycan appointees; Mitch Vonn and Karl Heisenberg, next to Alcina.
It was always a circus in this room.
At the mention of a fledgling refusing to learn restraint when it came to drinking from and killing humans, she finally tilted her head up to insert herself into the meeting. As was her job.  
"If Victoria can't keep her little... man-thing on his leash, nice and tight, the consequences as set by this council will ensue and I will not repeat myself again. This is her final warning, do I make myself clear?" she uttered with sharp enunciation, eyeing every member, "I'll kill him myself. I'm exhausted by this repetitive nonsense. Everyone knows the laws. Abide by them, yes?"
"Does that also go for you, Lady Dimitrescu?" Charles piped up with a sly smile, "With the human pet on the side and all?"
The electricity in the room was palpable. The crackle in the utter silence wasn't pierced by even the slightest breath.
Not only could you hear the proverbial pin drop, you could hear the tip snap upon impact.
Everyone sat still as moss-growing stones, only their eyes dared move to look at the matriarch.
Alcina's own erupted with golden lava, the color quickly pushed to the rims by her dilated pupils of abyss black.
No one saw her move.
But suddenly the smashing of a skull on the stone table rang out through the room.
Charles wasn't able to make a sound as Alcina slammed his face into the table two more times before grabbing his neck with her free hand, and ripped his head from it in one swift tug.
Blood oozed from his limp body in the chair.
Alcina, face scrunched into a scowl that would turn the heartiest to stone, glared down at it. Charles' head remained secured in her hand by his hair, the tip tap of the blood dripping onto the floor echoing in the silent room like a leaking faucet.
Moving extremely slow, for her at least with her long legs, she returned to the head of the table, not taking her seat.
"I'm going to say this very carefully" she began, her voice low and smooth, "Donna... you may translate."
She tossed Charles's head on the table, the thunk jolting everyone as it plunked and rolled a little down the line, leaving a trail on blood behind it.
"Nu iau cu ușurință amenințările."
"I don't take lightly to threats."
"Nu iau ușor insinuarea."
"I don't take lightly to insinuation."
"Și nu iau ușor să fiu provocat în propriul meu consiliu."
"And I don't take lightly to being challenged in my own council."
"Dacă aveți nelămuriri, exprimați-le."
"If you have concerns, voice them."
"Dar dacă veți simți vreodată nevoia să mă huliți în fața acestui consiliu sau în fața oricui, aceasta va fi respingerea mea. Dacă simți nevoia să mă provoci, sper că ești la înălțime cu răspunsul meu."
"But if you ever feel the need to blaspheme me in front of this council, or to anyone, this will be my rebuttal. If you feel the need to challenge me, I hope you are up to the task of my response."
"Sunteți cu toții concediați."
"You are all dismissed."
Alcina straightened her spine, ran a hand over the front of her white dress, and left. The only sound that could be heard was the clicking of her heels on the wood floor, fading as everyone breathed again.
"Well damn!" Angie blurted, "I've always liked her, and everything she does just makes me like her more and more. What a fucking moron," she cackled looking at Charles' head.
Karl eyed Donna who was already up and out of her chair, following the matriarch through the huge towering double doors, "Well I think this concludes exhibit A on how NOT to push the supersized succubus's buttons."
"Hah! Succubus implies she'd fuck a man, Heisenberg!"
"Do you both have a death wish? She can easily hear both of you!" Mitch growled at Karl and Angie, "let's just get out of here in one piece."
Donna found Alcina in the main hall common room already filling a glass of blood wine and lighting a cigarette.
She was the only one ever brave enough to approach the matriarch when something went awry. And, truly, anyone else would have likely gotten slashed, but never Donna.
"Alcina..." her voice began soft and careful, "with all due respect, have you lost your mind?"
There was a pause as she puffed on her cabriole, a mindful tapping of her finger on her arm that was crossed under her chest while she studied the tapestry above the fireplace, "My temper got away from me," was all she offered, her face completely baren of any emotion at all.
Donna just stared at her.
"I... I don't mean to misstep - "
"Then don't, dear."
There was really nothing that could be done now, and Donna knew there wasn't much to say at this point. But, Alcina had always been reactive; it made her the cunning, unpredictable, and unchallenged ruler she was. Even if it meant never knowing what might come next, she was undeniably effective.
"Do you think, perhaps, next time you could at least try to refrain from beheading a council member? It's things like this that bring Mother Miranda's attention back to you, which I know you wish to avoid at all costs... I'm just trying to help you keep it that way."
It wasn't the strongest eyeroll Alcina had ever given her, but it was pungent.
Alcina side-eyed her, another long drag of smoke escaping her lips, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions, isn't that what they say?" flicking her ash into the fireplace Alcina reached for her glass and took a thoughtful sip. Donna really was the only one who could speak to her this way and not receive a harsh reaction. She knew Donna only ever had her best interests at heart.
"I promise nothing. And there are some lines that are not crossed. Charles skipped happily, and intentionally, over said lines today. I will tolerate that from no one."
Donna studied her friend carefully, she could sense the restlessness under the surface of her well put together facade. Council meetings were never her favorite, but this was different. She knew this involved the human. The two of them hadn't spoken yet about what was happening, but her daughters had come to her with the situation. If not now more than ever, Alcina needed her in her corner to help protect her from whatever it was going on. But did she dare bring it up right now?
No. Definitely not.
"I will speak with Mother Miranda and smooth things over. I know Salvatore will be running to her like the tattle tale he is, so heading him off at the pass might be best," she uttered, already annoyed at the sniveling man, "in the meantime, my door, as you know, is always open... use it, hm?"
Alcina graced her with full consideration now, giving her a nod and gentle crooked smile, "I shall, and thank you."
Downing the rest of her wine and clanking the goblet down hard on the fireplace mantle, she smacked her lips and hummed, "And on the subject of doors, I think I shall excuse myself for the rest of the evening. I think it would be best for all."
Donna watched her saunter off and sighed deeply. Alcina would do what Alcina was going to do, that was the whole of it. She would do everything in her power to save her from whatever she could, including herself, if at all possible.
Alcina dressed down in her usual black ensemble and quietly made her exit from the underground. Emerging from her favorite spot in Central Park, where you loved to linger no less. She stepped out into the night and planted her feet several paces from the entryway masqueraded as a utility storage.
"Aha! There you are... wondered when you'd be back."
Alcina's brows furrowed in confusion and her head slowly made a turn to where the voice had come.
There was a familiar homeless man she'd seen here many times over nestled at the base of a tree, legs flopped over each other, and a bottle of who knows what in his hand. She cocked a perfect brow.
"Yeah yeah, I know what you are, and that girl has been comin' here every night for four nights in a row, well, since yest - was it yesterday... Look, she's been here lookin' for you."
She blinked. What?
"You ain't gotta say nothin'," he slurred, "but yeah, I seen you, I seen you a lot, and I saw it, the two of you - I see stuff, I see a lot of stuff - and you're hard to fuckin' forget, lady... but maybe you should go find her... or maybe you should stop breakin' her heart."
Alcina was stumped by the entirety of this interaction.
He seemed to be happy with what he had to say, took another guzzle and leaned his head back against the bark and closed his eyes.
She shoved her hands into her jacket pockets and set off without a word.
Or maybe you should stop breaking her heart.
That stung.
It's all she nearly thought about anymore.
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jackbatchelor3 · 2 years
Billy Sets FIRE To A Bar! 🔥 EastEnders
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Second Episode of EastEnders was originally Aired 21st February 1985
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nmakii · 7 months
— charlie + angel + alastor talking about their day, completely absorbed when they look at you, completely smitten
— masc!reader (angel)
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— charlie
“and then, he kicked me out of the room! can you fucking believe him?!” charlie grumbled, ranting about her meeting with adam as you brushed her hair. “i swear… i’ll go to heaven and i’ll make them listen” she sighed determinedly.
“and… after that—“ charlie wandered off again, thoughts interrupted when she no longer felt the bristles against her hair and instead, you face on her shoulder, hugging her waist from behind.
“oh… are you tired? i..i’m sorry if i was talking too much…” she awkwardly laughed. “no, don’t apologize, babe… keep talking, i like the sound.” you sighed as you kissed her on the cheek.
charlie’s heart tightened at what you had said. you like to listen to her ranting… you’ll have no idea how much it means to her; for you to not dismiss her ramblings, but instead listen closely.
“are you sure you’re not tired though?” she asked one last time. “nuh-uh, i’m wide awake, see?” you said before tickling her at the back of her neck, her ticklish spot.
“agh! noo, i believe you!” charlie screamed out, trying to get herself free from your grip around her waist. “stop! i believe you, no more!!” she cried out as you laughed, stopping your antics.
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— angel
“today, val was a complete dickhead, i swear…” angel frowned, hugging fat nuggets in his top two arms and hugging you in his lower two. “today, he had me filming a bunch’a back shots while getting my hair pulled…” he sighed grimly, pulling you closer as your hands moved to his hair, carefully massaging it.
“are you okay?” you asked worriedly. “‘course i am, you’re here” angel grinned sappily. “afta’ that, cherri and i went drinking at that new club. i didn’t have buy any drugs today, i spent all my money on shots…”
“i’m proud of you, babe. you’re getting better.” you smiled, looking at him lovingly. “ya really think so?” he asked hopefully. “i know so. you’re already doing so well.” you ran your thumb against his cheek.
angel’s shoulders relaxed under your touch as he buried himself deeper in your touch. “love ya so much, babe.” angel smiled, eyes growing heavy.
“i love you too, angie. keep talking if you wanna, i like your pretty mouth.” you said, pulling him closer as you kissed his head.
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— alastor
“so, then i headed to the tailor’s… they fixed my coat and when i came out, eugh…” alastor groaned in disgust, telling you about today as he sat by the fireplace in the hotel den. “vox was on various of those picture boxes, singing about how i am ‘outdated’.”
“and, as per expected, his modern technology failed and caused a blackout across the city!” he chuckled to himself. “you don’t think i’m outdated, do you, love?” alastor looked up, seeing you on the sofa as you stare at him, listening to his words intently.
“dear? are you even listening?” he smugly grinned. “of course i am…” you frowned. “i’m just… admiring you, i guess.”
“oh, are you now?” he sighed at your little lovey-dovey habits. “yeah… i like your voice, it’s soothing…” you blushed. “you find my voice comforting?” he asked. “how interesting, perhaps i’ll decide to ramble to you more often.” he grinned, closing his book.
he got up from his seat and over to you as he pulled you close by your shoulder. “now, back to my question— you don’t think i am outdated, do you?” he raised an eyebrow. “of course not…” you said. “hmph, good.” he nodded as he laid your head on him.
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ienjoywritingfilth · 1 month
Night of the concert deserves a part 2! 🫶
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hope u like it and i hope i get some reviews pls. i really love reading them all an i have almost 500 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!
pairing: dbf!Joel x fem!reader
trope Best Friend's Dad! Joel Miller
summary: after a really close call Joel does his best to stay away from his daughter's seductive friend. but all goes awry when she comes to sleep over one weekend.
warnings: age gap (reader is late 20s, joel late 40s), dubcon, oral, infidelity, unprotected p in v, absolutely filthy talk, chair sex, creampie, daddy mentioned, somnophilia, other shit i might have forgotten
word count: 6.1k
part ii of 'the night of the concert'
Joel hasn't been able to stop thinking of that night. The night of the concert. The night you threw yourself at him. 
When he frantically fucks his wife it's your cunt he sees behind his eyes. When he drives to work he gets hard as he remembers the way your tits bounced as you rode him. And above all he recalls that sultry voice you put on for him. 
When was the time you fucked college pussy, Joel? 
Not since college. 
You'd been so slick and warm, so perfect around him. Your cunt had the kind of grip that makes his balls tighten just at the memory. 
So when Sarah asks one morning a month or so later if you can spend the night this weekend Joel chokes on his coffee. 
"Her parents are arguing all the time now. Her mom threatened to file for divorce," Sarah says with a frown as Joel wipes at his now stained work shirt.
"I'm not home this weekend," Angie says tapping on her phone before glancing at her husband. "You'll have to check with your dad. But I don't see why not. Right Joel?"
Sarah looks at her dad with pleading eyes. You haven't been over since everything happened and Joel knows it's been hard for Sarah. She has no idea what you did. 
"Right," Joel finally nods, digging into his eggs. "Yea no problem kiddo." 
What else could he say? He's never told his wife or daughter what happened. How could he do that without blowing his life up? 
The entire week leading up to the weekend Joel thinks he'll fuck it out of his system. He goes down on Angie every night that week leading up to her flight. He fucks her in every position and he fucking loves it. So does she, claiming that college Joel is back after one particularly satisfying session. 
But it's not enough. He's taken to sitting in his truck parked in the garage late at night when everyone else is asleep. Only then does he pull up your Instagram and begin stroking his cock vigorously. He watches your reels and pinches to zoom in on photos you took of yourself at the beach. He comes harder to static images of you than inside his own wife and that's how he knows he cannot be anywhere near the house this weekend. 
That Saturday Joel drops Angie off at the airport so she can go on her yearly trip to her sisters back in Colorado. Of all the fucking weeks for her to be away. 
"You gonna have a movie marathon while I'm gone?" His wife grinned at him. "Or just be lazy by the pool?" 
"Thought I might go fishing with Tommy."
Angie's face went grim. "I don't know that I want the girls alone in the house, Joel." 
"Why not?"
"Her friend is going through a tough time," Angie said sympathetically. "Her parents are divorcing and then suddenly we're both gone? I just feel like you should be there for her."
Joel felt his entire body break out in a flush. Angie is so damn thoughtful. It's what he loves the most about her. 
"Okay sweetheart. I'll stay home." 
When you come to the house that sunny Saturday afternoon and knock on the door, Sarah is in the bathroom. Joel hears her calling him from where he sits in the garage reading magazines. 
"Dad? Can you get it?"
Joel sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was keeping his promise to Angie, but he didn't want to be thrown into the fucking lions den. 
He feels the sweat accumulating down his back as he tugs the door open. 
You're wearing cut offs and a tight tank top that holds you perfectly. The entire outfit is molded to your body, showing Joel every curve. He can see the red strap of a swimsuit underneath. 
"Hi Joel." 
You smile at him like everything is normal. Like last month you didn't ride him and beg for him to fuck you. 
"Come in," Joel offers. 
You're carrying a yellow tote bag covered in lemons. Joel tries to fix his attention on that until Sarah comes to greet you. Southern manners insist he wait with you when everything in him tells him to hightail it the other direction. 
He wills his cock to stay flaccid, but just in case he goes to sit at the kitchen table, muttering that you can join him if you want. You do, slipping into the seat across from him. To your credit you look just as uncomfortable as Joel feels. 
"You want a lemonade?"
"No thanks."
He notices how you twirl a strand of your hair around your finger before anxiously picking at the pale blue polish on your nails. 
"I just wanted to say thank you for not saying anything to Sarah about. You know."
"Of course," Joel says with his neck bobbing as he swallows. "I know how close you two are." 
He doesn't add the other things. I can't stop thinking about it. I want you gagging on my thick cock. I want you bouncing on it again. I wanna fuck you full of my cum. 
"I'm really sorry, Joel."
You say it so sweetly and filled with so much regret that Joel feels like a perfect asshole. Here you are anguished about the entire thing and he's been getting his rocks off to it since it happened. 
Sarah's footsteps are heard on the stairs and you both look to her as she enters the kitchen. 
"Let's go swimming," she announces, grabbing you by the wrist. You giggle, following your friend out into the backyard where the glittering pool awaits. 
Joel tells himself that he just wants to tidy up the house, but it's just denial on his part. From the kitchen he can see into the backyard where the two of you jump into the pool, splashing and giggling. 
He focuses on you, watching the skimpy style of your suit cut into your ass, leaving most of it on display as you pull yourself out of the pool. Was it done intentionally? Were you hoping he'd see? 
Dirty old pervert. She thought she was coming over to see a friend. Not to entertain you. 
Still he watches as you oil yourself up, tugging down the collar of your swimsuit to get as much of your flesh as possible. You look so good from where he's standing, all sun kissed. He can still recall the silky smooth of your thighs. 
He forces himself to putter around the house, not letting himself linger at the windows. He tries to ignore the sound of you splashing. 
When his stomach begins to growl he heads for the fridge, barely able to hold in the groan when he sees you already there, your head ducked in as you search for something. You're completely soaked, your hair damp over your shoulders. The cold of the fridge and your damp suit have your nipples poking through your suit, absolutely begging for his mouth. You must notice Joel because you straighten, looking concerned. 
"Sorry," you say, your body dripping onto the ceramic tile. "Sarah said you had popsicles? She wanted one."
Joel hides the grimace at your words, his cock twitching curiously at the image of you soaking wet and licking a Popsicle. 
"We're all out," he lies. 
"I'll tell Sarah." 
Joel doesn't answer, but he watches your ass jump deliciously as you jog back outside through the sliding doors. 
He runs to the bathroom, the door barely closed as he tugs his cock out of his jeans. He spits into his palm and begins to jerks himself off. Images of your wet body in that skintight suit have him throbbing and releasing ropy strings of cum within seconds.  
He looks up into the mirror and sees the flush to his cheeks. The way his mouth is wet and rouged from biting his moans back. He’s fucking disgusting. But at least now he can get back to normal. Now he can order pizza and eat it with you both before retiring early. 
The pizza arrives just as you and Sarah come in, citing that it's getting cold. You're both wearing the towels around your bodies, but Joel can't help but notice that yours is slipping down, affording him a generous glance if you pointed nipples once more. 
"Gotta send out some quotes," he tells you both as he hands over the BBQ chicken pizza. "You two have a good night."
 He recuses himself to his home office beside the garage, thankful that he made it the entire day without one misstep. There have been too many close calls and too much tension and all of it on his end. He tries to ignore everything and focus on his work. 
"Done in the shower if you want it!" 
Your muffled voice calls out to Sarah, startling Joel from just staring at his computer. 
He hears his daughter enter into the washroom, the shower running. The gentle sound of footsteps on carpet stop outside his office door and Joel realizes he's barely breathing. He knows you’re standing on the other side.
Don't come in. 
He watches passively as the door to his office is cracked open and your head peeks in. 
"Hey, can we talk?" 
He's safe behind the desk, he figures. If he does get hard you won't be able to see it. He gives you a patient smile. 
"Of course. Come in."
He regrets it the second he says it because when you come around the door and close it behind you, he sees that you're just wrapped in a towel. You stand on the other side of his desk, all concern and nervous lip biting. 
"I just wanted you to know that when all that stuff happened last month I was in a really bad place," you explain. 
Joel hears you speaking but all he can focus on is that your toenails are peach. That your legs are kissed from the sun and bare. That your breasts swell under the towel. Then he realizes you've stopped talking. You're staring at him quizzically. Shit, did you ask him a question? His chair creaks as he leans back in it. 
"We don't have to keep going over this. I understand." 
You step closer to the desk, nodding. 
"I know. But it's important to me that you know."
Joel feels himself relax and he shuts the laptop. Maybe this evening won't be as stressful as he thought. You’re being mature about everything and he doesn’t want you to be in more pain. Your parents are splitting up, you need support.
"It's important for you to know that I didn't plan it or anything," you emphasize.  
"Not like this time." 
Joel is nodding in understanding when he suddenly freezes. 
"Wait what did you just say?" 
He sees the small curl to the corner of your mouth. You’re amused.
"Sarah mentioned Angie was gone for the weekend. So I told her I was having trouble with my parents and asked if I could stay here. It was the only way I could think of to see you again that wasn't suspicious."  
Joel’s eyes go wide. You make an exaggerated pout when he doesn’t answer.
"Joel I can't stop thinking about how it felt to ride your cock that night." 
Joel almost gasps with how hard he gets at your confession. The head beading with pre-cum, soaking his boxers. 
"I can't stop thinking about that night," you say before slowly slinking towards him when he still doesn't answer. "And I don't think you can either." 
It takes a moment for the words to completely register, but when they do Joel makes sure to lean forward, covering his throbbing erection. 
"You need to leave," he says with what he is praying sounds like authority. "We ain't doing this again." 
Please leave. Please fucking leave. I'm not strong enough. 
"I need something to cum on," you say.
"I don't care," Joel says quickly, his eyes on the floor. "Get out."
"Uh uh," you tease with a smile. "Lean back." 
"Show me."
Joel's cheeks are bright red, sending a thrill through you. With a dejected sigh he moves backward in his office chair, removing his arm from where it was resting over his lap. The thickness of his cock is straining against the zipper of his jeans and he spreads his legs wide, almost challenging. 
"I forgot how big you were Joel," you breathe, coming to stand in between his parted legs. Your hands land on his shoulders so you can lean forward, your mouth at his ear. 
"Remember how it looked fucking my pussy?" 
Joel says nothing but you see his neck bob when he swallows. He's angry and horny and frustration pours off of him in waves. 
"You've had your fun, now get out." 
 You grin to yourself before shaking your head. 
"You don't want me to leave."
Joel opens his mouth to tell you exactly that when your fingers come to the towel folded under your collarbone. Before he can say anything you've unravelled it, letting the towel drop to the floor at your feet. 
"Jesus," Joel croaks. He's never seen your fully naked body before, and now that he has he'll never forget it. All lush curves and perfect fucking tits that make his mouth go dry. Your sweet pussy glistens with arousal. 
"It's okay Joel," you whisper softly as you step towards him, drawing his big palms up with yours. He doesn't fight you on it, not even when you begin pressing them against your waist. "You can touch."
You're still damp from the shower and you smell like his wife's shampoo.
"Shouldn't," he says in a slur, even as his hands grip tightly around your naked waist, pulling you towards him.  
"You should," you coo as you lower yourself into his lap. "We both know how good it feels." 
Your knees are on either side of his thick thighs, holding yourself just above him until you take his cock out from his jeans. Joel says nothing, only watching passively. He can't control it, he can't deny you, and he was an idiot to think he could.  His cock is throbbing by the time you bring him out of his pants, the head sticky with pre-cum. 
"You want me to stop?" You ask playfully, your thumb tracing the slit as he shivers. "You want me to leave?" 
Your hand is going around the shaft and tugging when he tries to answer. Joel groans under his breath. 
"We shouldn't..." Joel says it but there's no power behind it, especially when your hand slides down the base, twisting when you reach the springy hair there dense and lush.
"We really shouldn't," you whisper, your mouth sensual as you bite your lower lip in a mockery of regret. "It would be so bad of us."  
You tease the tip of him between your pussy lips, gliding the head between the seam, tickling your clit. Joel feels his eyes roll back at the pleasurable sensation before he forces them open so he can watch. 
"You think about me when you're with her don't you?" You whisper with a Cheshshire grin. "You think about fucking this tight little cunt when you're with your wife, don't you Joel?"
Yes, he does. But he'll never admit that to you. Instead he's silent, just watching you line the head up with your dripping hole.  It looks so good, so perfect and wet. The warmth of you teases the head of his cock and he suddenly can’t take it anymore.
"Put it in," Joel instructs throatily. 
You nod excitedly, crouching and just about to lower yourself onto his length when the shower down the hall suddenly turns off. Your eyes go wide, the realization that Sarah is going to be exiting the shower any second. 
“I better go.”
But Joel is in a frenzy, the scent of you in the air and your wet cunt dripping onto his cock. 
“You wanted this cock," Joel murmurs before grabbing your thighs and spreading them widely over his lap. "Show me how much you want it."
You gasp at the intrusion of his thick cock, your hands flying to lace around his neck as he urges you to take him deeper. 
"She's she's gonna. . . Gonna be out," you groan, sinking into his lap.
He feels you hesitate before he starts rolling his hips and you welcome him deep. You don't want to fight it. 
"Just for a minute," Joel says, pulling you further down onto it. Your thighs spread and he watches your pussy swallow him. “Show me how bad you want this cock.”
"I do," you groan with your head lolling back. "But we're gonna get caught.”
Despite this your cunt twitches around him, your eyes beginning to shutter.
"Show me how you fuck a married man," Joel growls against your temple, starting to bounce you in his lap. "Remind me why I need this cunt."
Instinctively at his words you start to bounce on it. It's wrong, it's so fucking wrong but it gets you so wet. You're rolling your hips when you hear the door to the bathroom creak open. You nearly leap out of your skin. You shoot a wide eyed look of concern at Joel. He raises a forefinger to his plush lips, signalling for you to be quiet. 
You try to pull yourself off of Joel's lap but he shakes his head before burying himself deeper into you. He puts his hand over your mouth when you begin to whine. 
Your feet don't touch the ground. They just bounce in the air as he fucks up into your swollen cunt. You're drifting into a haze of pleasure when there's a knock at the door and Sarah's voice floats in. 
"Dad, have you seen---" 
You're bouncing on his lap, your tits jumping. Joel gropes them, his eyes on your body even as he speaks. 
"Your friend was in the backyard last time I checked," Joel says as he fucks up into you, watching the way your brows knit together. "Try there." 
Sarah leaves the hallway and Joel can only grin at your cock -drunk expression. You’re close, and it only takes a practised rub of his thumb on your clit to have you whining into his palm, your arousal dripping down his cock. He pulls you off of him, amused at the soft whine you utter. 
"Sarah's gonna figure out pretty quick that you're not out there," he tells you. "Head out." 
He says it with authority and for once you listen. You nod, pulling the towel back around your body and slipping out the door. Joel is still sitting here, his cock hard and soaked with you. 
It's only a matter of time before he hears the two of you giggling as you watch a movie, chattering away. He knows Sarah pretty well, she'll be asleep soon. She's never been able to stay awake during any movie they start this late. 
Your laughter peals through the house and Joel feels his tummy tighten. When he sees his cock lengthening under his sweats he's disgusted. 
What the fuck is wrong with him? The shit he said and did. That wasn't him! He's never talked like that. And yet the memory already serves to get him throbbing. He should go to bed, should do anything but sit here turned on out of his mind. He hears padding of feet and knows that you and Sarah must be heading to bed.  
“Night Dad!”
“Night babygirl.”
He waits for the door to shut, counting fifteen minutes before exiting the office. He sees no lights on under his daughter's door. Good, you're both asleep. He creeps towards the kitchen, planning on grabbing a piece of pizza and a water before retiring for the night. He's wandering in the dark home on his way when a shape on the couch stops him. 
It's you, sleeping on the couch. You're wearing a skimpy pyjama shorts and white tank top. Your breasts are rising and falling with each inhale of breath. He comes closer, standing next to the sofa and watching you sleep. 
You’re beautiful like this. All vulnerable, your face smooth. He can't stop looking at your tits through your shirt, missing them already. He can't help it; they fit so perfectly in his hands. Without further thought he tugs the shirt down, letting your breasts spill out and the nipples are already tight buds when they touch the air  You stir briefly at the sensation but remain blissfully asleep.
Joel watches your face, waiting for you to do anything but you continue to sleep. Your lips are parted as you inhale softly. Joel feels hypnotized as he pulls his heavy cock from his sweatpants, already drooling with pre-cum. 
He presses the warm, spongy tip of his cock to your soft lips, feeling like every nerve in him is on fire the second they touch. Pre-cum clings to your pouty, parted lips when he pulls back and he feels his balls tighten at the sight.
Just a little inside, he reasons. You'll never know. Your mouth is so warm and tight and he'll stop before you wake up. 
With slow precision he slips the head between your parted lips, hissing at the wet scorch of your mouth. He feeds his cock slowly into the welcoming warmth, eyes fixed on your face. You’re still placid, huffing a bit in your sleep before settling again.
It’s so wrong to take you like this but Joel can’t stop himself. He saws in and out of your mouth and his movements are frustratingly slow. The tip of his cock is coated in your saliva, but he's desperate to go deeper. He can't stop himself. He thrusts in, feeding it over your wet tongue with a grunt. 
He's hardly surprised when you suddenly blink your eyes open. You're groggy from sleep when his find him standing next to the sofa. His thick, hard cock slowly flexing into your mouth.  You go to pull back in surprise but his hand cradles the back of your skull, keeping you in place. 
"You're okay," he murmurs down at you. "Shhhh."  
He tenses and waits for you to pull back from him. He is sure he'll hear your screaming echo through the house. And he'd deserve it: he's been fucking your mouth for the last two minutes. He's surprised when instead you move your face forward, sucking him deeper. Lightning bolts shoot down from the top of his head and he holds in a moan. 
Your hand comes to stroke the base of his fat cock as your mouth forms a tighter O shape. Joel tilts back, pelvis jutting forward into your mouth. You take him down to the base, your head bobbing along him. 
He watches you take him deeper into your mouth, drooling around him with your eyes gazing up at him. He can see your free hand snake down under the blankets, rubbing furiously and he grins.
"You wanted this didn't you?" 
You nod shallowly around his girth, letting him shove his cock deeper down your throat. He fucks your face slowly, taking his time to pull out, your bottom lip cradling the head before thrusting in over your waiting tongue. 
Joel slowly removes himself from your mouth. He isn't going to be satisfied with fucking just your throat. Wordlessly he tugs the blanket off of your lower half, not even stopping to look at you when he hooks his thick fingers around the waistband of your pyjama pants. You lift up, helping him to tug them off and toss them onto the floor. 
You don't speak; unlike last time you both know you have to be quick and quiet. Sarah could wake up at any minute. That’s part of what makes it hot for you, knowing that your best friend’s dad has his thick cock out, ready to fuck you on the family couch.
Joel tugs his sweatpants all the way off, throwing them to the end of the couch before crawling over you. His large body covers you and its mere seconds before he's pressing his cock against your slippery pussy lips. 
He pulls down your tank top more, wanting your tits to be fully exposed to him. The pink nipples harden under his ravenous gaze. You murmur in surprise when he tilts you back, lifting your breast to his mouth and sucking in one achy nipple. 
You gasp at the sensation, your cunt tightening around his cock. Joel groans against your chest, his big hand hand moving to do the same with the other. Soon enough your nipples are wet with his saliva. He watches your head fall back, already so turned on about the illicitness of what's going on. Joel grins wolfishly, grabbing his throbbing cock by the base and slapping it against your clit. 
"You want this married cock?" Joel grunts down at you quietly, watching as your eyes fight to stay open on his face. 
"Yes," you slur already drunk on him and the moment. "Fuck yes I want your married cock."
 You give a little whine, your body shifting under him desperate for friction. Joel watches the needy way you move for him, trying to urge the head of his cock between your spread thighs.
"Beg for it," Joel whispers gravelly. His voice is hard and hushed in the darkness. 
"Please," you whisper without any hesitation. "I need it in me." 
Joel feels heady with power when he hears your desperate supplication. Your hips are arching to meet his. 
"Again," he hisses, slapping his cock harsher against your mound. You whimper back, tits bouncing as you take in the jolt of pleasure. 
"I'll do anything you want," you promise, rolling your hips up against him. He releases his cock, letting your hips maneuver until he's nestled at your entrance. "I'll give you anything, anything. Just fuck me with your big cock, please." 
Joel should make you keep begging for all you've put him through, but you're soaking him and he hasn't even entered you yet. If he wasn't rushed he'd take you apart piece by piece until your were a slobbering mess. But he needs to rush. 
He holds himself on his forearms, caging you underneath him and grunting as he starts to feed his cock into you. Your arms go around his shoulders before you bury your face in his neck. 
Fuck you're tight. Your pussy a velvet clench that welcomes him, moulding around him. He grunts into your hair as he buries himself deeper, holding in groans when he hears your desperate whimpers for him to go deeper. 
When your ass hits his pelvis you swallow and whimper lustily in his ear. 
"M'so full, Mr. Miller." 
Joel has to clench just teeth from moaning. You know exactly what you're doing using that name and you both know it. You make an achy groaning sound, like he’s so fuck you can barely stand it.
He thrusts into you, watching with satisfaction as your tits jiggle deliciously for him. He doesn't see the smile spreading across your features. And now for the first time in the evening you speak in that low, seductive purr.
"Fucking a college girl with your married cock," you say nibbling his ear, feeling him falter. "And you're so hard aren't you? You like doing bad things, huh?" 
Joel grits his teeth, trying to ignore you and just cum. You're just a vessel for his seed right now. Your body bows underneath him, pliant and willing. 
"Is that it, Joel? You pretend to be a good man but at the end of the day look at you," you say, letting him bounce you harshly along his cock. "Fucking a girl half your age on your couch when your wife is out of town." 
"Shut the fuck up." 
Joel gives a growl and you gasp as he maneuvers your legs up, pressing them between your bodies. He's folding you in half and before you can say anything he's entering you brutally once more.  
The slaps of his balls against your ass are no longer muffled, but neither of you notice. You're both so far gone, practically animalistic at this point. Joel is sweating, his hair falling into his eyes as he draws out and slams back into you. He enjoys the sight of your tits rippling when he does. 
"Just admit it," your murmur between slaps as you bounce under him. "Admit you wanted to do this a month ago."
"I did," Joel grunts into your neck even though it shames him to admit it. "I did okay?" 
"Yeah, you did," you say with a soft giggle that’s girlish and cruel. "You wanted this pussy." 
His hips slap against your ass more quickly, several harsh thrusts before he stops, panting. You're smiling up at him, looking more devious than normal. He grips your wrists, holding them above your head, stretching you out before he pulls out and slams back into you. 
"You gonna shoot your cum deep, Joel?" You ask with your tits bouncing in his face as he fucks you into the sofa. "Gonna watch me push it out?"
He groans gently as he slaps his hips against yours, his cock sawing in and out of you. He watches your body twitch, your hips rolling the best they can in your position. And then suddenly he feels his release imminent.
He pulls out of you, going to kneel on either side of your waist. You pout in disappointment. He grunts, jerking himself off aggressively, his teeth clenched and his wrist moving jerkily. You cup your breasts, silently presenting him his target. His cum soon splashes over your tits in milky ropes as he breathes raggedly. 
And he should be finished. He's fucked you, he's cum. You're both panting and flushed but Joel is mortified to find he's not close to being finished.
"I'm still fucking hard," Joel groans.
He's still so turned on, shocked at how good you feel even after he's cum. It's been decades since he could fuck like this. He still sits up on his knees, but now he taps your thigh.
"Ass up. Now." 
You do as he asks, presenting yourself to him without question. He grips handfuls of your ass, letting them fall together and clap for him before marvelling at your messy pussy as you arch your back for him. You're so fucking puffy and slick. Once again he slides in, pressing you into the couch underneath him. 
You both gasp at how good it feels, your hand going to clench his stationed on your hip. Joel's mouth is at your ear. 
"Just tonight and never again." 
He needs to make it clear that after tonight this is done. No more games, no more seductions. This one night is all you get. He gradually picks up speed, watching your ass jump as he pulls out and thrusts as deep as possible. You look so good from this angle, all submissive.  
"Need more," you groan over your shoulder. 
"You're gettin' more sweetheart," Joel pants against your ear before straightening, his hands coming to spread your cheeks so he can watch himself pulling out. You coat the length of his cock in cum, leaving it shiny when he pulls out to admire how it looks. You feel even better when he then feeds it back into your twitching pussy. 
"Yes, yes," you moan quietly, your hands gripping the arm of the couch in front of you. You bury your face in the pillow, not wanting your moans to be heard. You know you're drooling, your body his to use and to fuck.  
"Gonna fuck your ass next," Joel promises as he thrusts, not knowing where this beast inside him came from. He gives your ass a slap. "You want that? Want me to fuck this sweet little ass?" 
You want to nod but all your energy has left you; you just lay there and take him, feeling his fat cock filling you to the brim over and over. He forces your wrists behind your back, pinning them there at the base of your spine as he drives himself deeper. You're at his mercy and the realization makes everything in him tighten. He can do whatever he wants with you tonight.
"Joel you're so deep," you moan into the couch cushion, your body jolting with every jerk of his hips.
The blanket is forgotten on the ground, your naked bodies writhing on the couch in the very spot where you first rode him. Only now instead of being a reluctant participant Joel is in full control, his large body covering yours, flattening you against the cushions as he fucks into you from behind. 
"I fucking deserve this," Joel mutters out between thrusts, tilting back his head. "Deserve to fuck this pretty pussy all night don't I?"
"Yes," you slur. 
Your head tilts to the side, your cheek crushed against the cushion. Drool seeps out the corner of your mouth, your eyes rolled back into your head as the pleasure overtakes your body. 
Joel feels animalistic, he feels powerful looking down at your body at his mercy. For a moment he feels affection for how much you clearly want this and want him. The look on your face is pure bliss. 
"Gonna bounce for me after this," Joel tells you in an urgent whisper. "Gonna fuck you in my bed and you're gonna bounce on my cock."
"Gonna fuck you until you can't move," Joel promises, feeling lightheaded at the possibility of fucking you in that most sacred space. 
Your eyes crack open and you glance up over your shoulder to see him red-faced, shiny with sweat, his teeth bared. His eyes are bright and almost feral, like a wild animal. He's beautiful in his ferocity. 
"Finish inside me, Joel."
Joel knows that he should stop right now. He should grab a condom. He should check that you're on the pill. He should do so many things but all Joel can think of is filling you full of his seed. Of watching it drip out of your used pussy. 
"I need to feel you cum inside," you groan gently, looking at him over your shoulder. "Please fuck your cum deep in me, daddy." 
Joel holds in an eye roll.
This daddy shit again. 
He thinks about ignoring it or denying you a chance to hear him say it. But you've been so good for him, so eager and so fucking tight. He's never going to forget the velvet clutch of you, how you're perfectly moulded for him, how responsive you are. He lowers his mouth to your ear, releasing your hands. 
"Daddy's gonna fuck his cum so deep," Joel relents. "Gonna fuck you with his married cock. Gonna fuck his cum so deep you’ll be dripping for days." 
"Fuck, yes," you moan into the pillows, your ass jiggling with every thrust. "Fuck it deep, Daddy!"
He watches the frenzy you work yourself into, gripping the side of the sofa and fucking yourself on Joel's cock by moving yourself back and forth. It's only seconds before you cum hard, drowning Joel's cock in arousal once more as your eyes pinch tightly. 
"Daddy . . .  Daddy . . .  Daddy . . . "
It's a murmured chorus, a desperate plea as you ride your high, collapsing forward, only to have Joel continue pounding into you.  Joel is so close, he feels his balls tightening as he fucks into you with brutality, the sharp slaps filling the room. 
"Gonna take my cum like a good little whore," He groans, his cock almost a blur as he slides in and out of you. He pulls himself completely out before burying himself once more.  
"Fuck yea I am," you moan softly, wishing you could see his face as he pounds into you. "I'm your good little cum-whore, Daddy."
Something about that phrase in your broken, whimpering voice has him there at the edge. His hands go to yours curled over the couch arm once more. He covers them with his own, using the momentum to pound into you as deep as physically possible. You head jerks with the power of his body driving into yours, your body completely at his mercy, your ass rippling with each thrust of him.
"Take Daddy's cum now," Joel groans, pushing in as deep as he can go. "Take it and---"
Anything else Joel was about to say vanishes as the room lights up and the familiar visage of his wife Angie appears her hand on the light switch.
She looks confusedly around before her eyes rest on the scene before her. She looks to see her husband curled over you, his cock wet and free of a condom. She sees the way your eyes are rolled body and how your body is positioned, succumbing to his violent thrusts before caught, Joel attempts to stop. 
But he's too far gone, the buildup already mounting and before Joel can move you off of him or do something to salvage this, he comes violently.  
And then so do you. 
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lostkitsclangen · 4 months
TW for blood and mention of murder
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hnnnrgggh I'm gonna have another fanart tomorrow because Nettleclan is dragging me into the pit of hyperfixation and I can't escape /pos I swear.
Even MORE rambles under the cut
Anyways, this is Ambershard and Bumbletumble from @nettleclanstale. I wanted to include Bumble in yesterday's fanart but couldn't find a way for her to fit, but that ask about Bumble's conflicting feelings for murdering Hazelstar and how she did the right thing really hit me, especially the interaction between her and her dad that answered it </3
Devastating, I will never recover. I really wanted to draw it after reading that, it was so genuinely heartbreaking to see Bumble that broken, because Hazel hurt Bumble's baby, Meadowbreeze suffered because of Hazel. But even though Meadow was her baby, Hazel is someone else's baby. And if Hazel died for hurting someone's baby, then what does that mean for Bumble? What does it mean for the mother who killed another mothers baby? I will never stop thinking about this 💔
Little details! The background is the same colors as when Bumble murdered Hazel in her den at night on moon 80. Bumble's scribbly pupils are actually dual colored like how Angie usually draws Nettleclan cats eyes, with the top being black and bottom being the reddish color that Amber and Bumble share in their eyes. Ambershard has a little heart shape on his flank in his design, but it broke because of how devastated Bumble is at her own actions. Under the tears, Bumble has eye bags/wrinkles under her eyes because I don't think she slept very well after, uh, that. The white text is the only one that says "Papa" because the white is what she said, and the red is all in her head. It's all she can think about. The blood is glitching because it's not real, she's just stuck in the moment of killing Hazelstar.
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bettyfrommars · 4 months
E3, *, 🩷
Angie my love, you were the very first ask to pop in, and I'm more than happy to do this one for the blurb game.
You chose: Dark Siren Eddie, your Place is a Concert Venue, and your Thing is a Switchblade.
word count: 477
18+ONLY, a knife, blood, gender neutral reader but the pet name sweetheart is used.
Eddie didn't worry about pushing his hair forward to hide his gills as he entered Devil's Den, nor did he try to disguise the pebbled flesh on his arms or the webs between his fingers. His eyes burned gold brown behind the nictitating membrane of his lids.
With long, dark hair, a shark tooth earring, and unbuttoned shirt exposing a length of braided shell necklace, you spotted him right away. He wasn't the only land-bound Merperson there, but he was the only one you cared about that night.
The venue was packed as you made your way through the crowd of people and monsters alike, all sweaty and shouting to be heard over the sound of a thrash metal band shredding on stage. You'd taken your turn in the mosh pit and could taste the tang of blood inside your lip to prove it.
You watched him nod his head to the music a few times appreciatively before turning to sit at the end of the bar, right under the sign that read: NO HUMANS ALLOWED.
The Wolfman bartender knew Eddie by name and had his drink ready on a napkin in front of him. He'd caught a bit of that kid show Little Mermaid the other day and had to chuckle at how that redhead chick Ariel and her family wouldn't survive a minute in the world of the sea that he was familiar with.
A body pressed up against his back, but he figured it was just the crowd filling in. By the time he registered the click of a switchblade at his ear, it was too late, the weapon was already at his throat.
"Fancy meeting you here," you said, tugging his hair softly to expose more of your target.
He swallowed the liquid he'd been holding in his mouth. "What took you so long?"
You secured the weapon, which was usually no match for the tough dental dermicles that comprised his flesh. In your enthusiasm, you accidentally broke the skin, and felt bad about it when you came around to wipe the tiny sliver of blood away with your thumb.
You smiled around your thumb as you licked it clean. "Sorry about that."
"Oh, that wasn't from you," he rubbed the spot with a finger to find that it had already healed. "I cut myself shaving earlier."
You chuckled at the joke, since the only hair on your boyfriend's body was growing out of his head.
"Can I make it up to you?" You slid your nose along his.
"The moon is full, we should go for a swim," he murmured, searching your face with eyes that shone almost yellow in that moment.
"Maybe you can drag me down to the depths of the sea and keep me there with you forever," you felt his arms go around your waist.
"That's my plan, sweetheart."
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krakajici-kavka · 11 months
Kdybych se chtěl dostat do nebe a Bůh mi řekl: čeká tam na tebe Jurgen Leitner, pochcal bych Bohovi nohy jen a pouze proto, aby mě radši poslal hezky pěkně zpátky dolu.
Jestli se budu muset vypořádat s tím, že Jurgen Leitner *osobně* pronese jedno jediné slovo, na audio záznamu, v podcastu, nejenom, že zavřu stránku, z čiré zášti smažu i svou záložku a budu celý podcast poslouchat od začátku čistě proto, abych mohl přeskakovat každou chvilku, kdy je zmíněný nebo dokonce naživu.
Vlastně ani nevím, proč ho tak nesnáším. Sbírá knihy a to mě štve, protože jsem angi.
Doufám, že má nějaké hezky temné backstory, které to vše vysvětluje. Jestli je to prostě jenom zbohatlické vemeno, co má rádo strašidelné historky a chtělo si užít jejich skutečnou verzi, tak já- já- mně z toho šibne.DOUFÁM, že ho jedna z těch knih donutila zabít chlapa, protože jestli ne, donutím ho k tomu já.
Ta epizoda ani není o něm. Jen se letmo zmíní cosi, co má možná být jeho knihovnou, a ruply mi nervy.
Kde je kurňa Jurgen Leitner? Jestli je stále naživu, doporučuji mu, aby toho rychle nechal.
Dědek jeden.
Ubalím Leitnerovi takovou, že se jeho ubohé křehké kosti rozpadnou na prach pod jediným dotekem mé husťácké pěsti. Zbuším ho tak, až z něj zbyde jen jedna poslední kniha z těch, co u sebe neustále nosil. Jmenovitě ta s názvem "A teďs to dosral" ve starověkém jidiš.
Já už ani nedýchám já jen sípám
Doufám, že až Jurgen konečně zhyne, tak bude určeno konkrétní datum, abych si z toho moh' udělat připomínku na telefonu.
A poté, až ji rok co rok uvidím v kalendáři, budu celý den slavit a křepčit na hrobě toho chlápka, co nasbíral tolik kazisvětských knih.
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beautyofthend · 4 months
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He can't keep his hands to hisself, can he?
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