#densimber day 8
densi-mber · 10 months
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Close Encounters
“You know, we are supposed to be a couple,” Deeks reminded Kensi, slipping his hand an inch lower on her back. She flinched, spine straightening, making her posture more appropriate for a Jane Austen style ball scene than the dance floor of a bar.
Around them, others couples were showing off their amateur dance skills while others were just using it as excuse to lightly grope each other.
All Kensi and Deeks had to do was keep a lookout for a thief while pretending to be just another couple. As far as undercover ops went, this wasn’t such a bad one.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Right now there’s so much space between us, people are either gonna think we’re cousins or in the middle of a fight,” Deeks drawled, eyes dipping briefly to the gap between their bodies.
“Well, maybe if my date looked less like a Scooby Doo character, this would be easier,” Kensi retorted. Even so, she moved in a tiny bit.
Deeks chuckled, shaking his head. “Very original.” He leaned closer so his voice would be covered by the music playing around them. “We’re supposed to blend in, look like a couple enjoying themselves on a date. Barely touching stands out.”
“Are you questioning my professionalism?” Kensi gaped at him, covering it a second later with a semi-believable smile.
“Definitely not,” he assured her easily. “Although, a seasoned professional wouldn’t let a little thing like looks get in her way.”
“Oh you want to see how good I am?” Looping her arms around his neck, Kensi lifted her chin, her look challenging. “How’s that?”
“Better, but you’re still a little stiff.” He grinned when Kensi’s eyes tightened minutely. Then she pressed her entire body against his and lowered her chin to his shoulder. It sent an unexpected jolt rough him as her warmth suddenly surrounded him.
“Ecstatic,” he said, and if his voice was a little breathier than normal, neither of them said anything. He let his hands slip down to her lower back, his fingers touching the top of her jeans. With their new position, every step had their bodies brushing again reach other. Tantalizing little bits of friction that made it distinctly hard to focus.
Kensi made a soft noice, her head falling to his chest as her fingers aimlessly curled in the hair at the nape of his neck.
Ok, maybe this was a terrible idea.
It was one thing to tease, banter, playfully flirt, but he was not supposed to enjoy slow-dancing with his partner so much. He definitely wasn’t supposed to notice the light smell of her shampoo or how perfect she felt in his arms.
“Hey, you guys ok?” Callen asked, the loud, jarring sound of his voice breaking the spell. Kensi inhaled deeply, jerking her head off his chest.
“Yeah, perfect,” Deeks said hoarsely as Kensi muttered,
“Fine,” her eyes anywhere but his. She eased back so a small space separated them again.
Maybe that was for the best, Deeks decided.
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ejzah · 2 years
First Line Tag Game
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 posted to ao3 ff.net. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Thanks for tagging me @chicgeekgirl89!
1. If I Could Change One Thing
"You gotta cut me loose."
Those words haunt her. She remembers the terror in his eyes, the little hitch in his voice as he forced the plea out, his eyes glazed with fear, and so much pain.
2. The Other Shoe - Chapter 6
The next couple weeks saw an improvement for Deeks, at least in terms of normalcy. He still had his dialysis treatments and other appointments, but he'd taken on a more active role in the team again.
3. Gone Too Far, Chapter 4
"Mom, did they hurt you?" Kensi asked Julia while Deeks wrestled with his boot. She didn't see any obvious injuries but the lighting wasn't good, and anything could be hiding beneath her mom's loose blouse.
4. Type A, from Family
"So, how was your math test?" Deeks asked, trailing Rosa into the house. She'd more quiet than usual on the drive home, which he presumed had something to do with the results of said test. Overall, she was doing amazingly well academically, but he knew Rosa would be upset with anything less than a B.
5. One Minute to Midnight, from Densimber Drabbles
"Wait a second, why is there a mannequin?" Callen asked, frowning at the TV screen in Kensi and Deeks' darkened living room.
6. Never Let You Go, from Densimber Drabbles
"Hey, I was thinking we could go skating after dinner," Kensi suggested as they finished up a meal of leftover Christmas ham and sides on Thursday evening. "They're supposed have free hot chocolate and live music."
7. The Bruises That Never Fade, from How Far We’ve Come
"You look like you could use this," Kensi said, coming up behind Deeks on the back patio. A cookie appeared in his field of vision, and he chuckled, accepting the offering.
"Thanks." He turned it slowly between his fingers instead of taking a bite. Kensi looped her arms around his upper chest, kissing the back of his neck.
8. Thankful Indeed, from Family
Thanksgiving 2022 looks a little different this year. Kensi and Deeks decided to keep things simpler this year, in part because of the general chaos of the last several months.
9. A Friendly Competition, from Densimber Drabbles
"Ah, the returning hero!" Sam said grandly, standing like he was announcing the entrance of royalty.
Deeks accepted the teasing with good grace, pausing in the middle of the bullpen with Kensi by his side while the rest of the team applauded. It was his first, official day back from FLETC.
Grinning, Sam gave him a firm hug, squeezing his shoulder.
10. Looking out for a Friend, from How Far We’ve Come
After Deeks signed off, Sam immediately grabbed his cell, and tapped Rountree's square in his contacts.
"Hey, Sam what's up?" Rountree answered after two rings.
"Devin, what's Deeks doing in OPS?" Sam demanded, crossing one arm over his chest as he glared at the now dark computer screen where Deeks had been a minute ago.
Tagging whoever wants to play!
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bluenet13 · 3 years
Thanks @ejzah @chicgeekgirl89 for the tag!
1. Why did you choose your url?
'Bluenet' was originally a username I used for my sport related accounts. 13 is my lucky number and the one I wore when I played. All my teams wear blue and it's also my favorite color, and net made sense since it's both something used in sports and symbolizes the internet. Or so I thought, I was like 12 when I first used it. But it became my thing and now I can't change it.
2. And side blogs?
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I created this account in 2016 but didn't really used it until I discovered NCISLA in 2017.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
5. Why did you start this blog in the first place?
To follow news and stuff related to writing, and my favorite author. But I didn't do much with it until I began following NCISLA blogs and fanfic writers.
6. Why did you choose your icon?
I love water, its always my happy place, and this is one of my favorite pics I've taken.
7. Why did you choose your header?
For the longest time I mostly used this blog for NCISLA stuff and the occasional personal comment and I wanted my header to represent that, so I chose a pic I took of the NCISLA Lego team I made.
8. How many mutuals do you have?
No idea.
9. How many followers?
10. How many do you follow?
11. Have you ever made sh*tpost?
12. How often do you use Tumblr every day?
Way more than I should.
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Don't like feeling pressured into doing things or being told what to do.
15. Do you like tag games?
I do.
16. Do you like ask games?
Also, yes.
17. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Don't know for sure, but I'd say @ejzah for her fics, or @mashmaiden for her DensiPops. And both for Densimber.
Not sure who's done this already, so just tagging anyone that wants to play!
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densi-mber · 2 years
Back in Business
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A/N: This is for “767” and that lovely first scene with Kensi and Deeks. As such, this is decidedly M rated.
Deeks woke up to Kensi stroking his back, never anticipating that in thirty seconds, she’d be hovering over him, her thighs bracketing his hips, and kissing him like it was the only thing that mattered.
They’d had a few more intimate moments since she left the hospital, but nothing like this. She’d been too fragile, both in body and mind to even attempt sex before this.
His mind hazed, senses completely overwhelmed with the feel, scent, and taste of Kensi. God, it had been so long, Deeks was hard in an embarrassing few seconds. He kept his hands tucked behind his head, content to let Kensi lead.
Her kisses grew more insistent against his lips, fingers skimming his jaw.
“Baby, you know how much I want to do this. Are you sure you’re ready?” he asked, before they got too carried away.
“Yeah,” Kensi whispered back without hesitation, her lips brushing his with every word. She sealed her mouth against his again, and this time he returned it, reflexively reaching to grasp her hips, to pull her down against him.
“Deeks,” Kensi groaned, shifting against him, her lower body slowly dragging over his erection. Deeks rolled his hips in response, eliciting an almost pained hiss from both of them.
Sitting up suddenly, Kensi stripped her shirt off, and flung it away. Deeks distantly heard something fall to the floor with a heavy thud, but he ignored it, running his hands down the length of Kensi’s bare back. He savored the feeling of her smooth skin under his fingers.
Kensi braced her hands on his shoulders, eyes glittering with mischief and desire. Still holding his gaze, she shook her hair back, giving him the perfect view of her breasts.
“Oh dear lord,” he sighed, stretching his head back as Kensi leaned over him again, and licked a stripe up the length of his neck.
Neither of them heard her phone buzzing on the floor.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed!
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densi-mber · 10 months
Densimber Day 8 Creative Prompt
Kensi and Deeks denying their feelings in the early days.
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densi-mber · 9 months
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It’s Not Just Words on a Paper
Set while Kensi is still in a coma in season 8.
Deeks jerked awake, a frequent occurrence since the helicopter crash. His hypervigilant response had returned with a vengeance. He blinked rapidly, finding Julia standing over him. He blinked again, and rubbed his hands over his face, trying to get his bearings.
“Julia. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” he said, guiltily glancing at Kensi.
Julia gently laid a hand over his shoulder. “There’s no need to apologize for resting,” she insisted softly. She looked him over slowly, her eyes traveling past him to the small bedside table, covered with the remnants of a hastily grabbed dinner, drinks, and the books he brought to read to Kensi. “How long have you been here?”
“Uh, just since I got off work. The case wrapped up earlier than expected, and Sam and Callen are picking up some of the paperwork for me,” he explained.
“And you were here this morning before work again.” It wasn’t a question, and Deeks shrugged in response.
He was by Kensi’s side every moment possible; if it weren’t for work, he’d spend all day with her.
“Honey, you need to take care of yourself too,” Julia continued, with what Deeks belatedly realized was concern. “When was the last time you showered or slept or ate at home? It can’t be good for you to sleep sitting up every night or live off of the closest take out.”
“It doesn’t do any good,” Deeks responded, pausing to rub his hands over his face in a futile attempt to force down the nearly constant exhaustion that plagued him. “I can’t sleep when when I go home. Besides, I don’t want to be anywhere else.”
He glanced back at Kensi, automatically checking for any signs, good or bad. When he turned to Julia again, her lips were pressed tightly together, her resemblance to Kensi so similar it almost hurt.
“Kensi was so lucky the day she met you,” Julia whispered, her voice going hoarse as her eye filled with tears. She cupped his cheek, and Deeks felt his own throat tighten.
“I don’t know about that,” he managed. He wanted to go for a joke to gain some level of control over his quickly spiraling emotions, but he didn’t have the energy.
“She is. Look at everything you do for her. You’re here, by her side every single day, talking and reading to her, trying everything the doctors suggest. Not everyone would do that.”
“Well, I promised in sickness and health,” Deeks answered with a bitter laugh. “Doesn’t matter how bad it gets. I’m not going anywhere.”
Julia let out a quiet sob, and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly. “Thank you. Thank you for loving my little girl so much, and taking care of her,” she whispered.
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densi-mber · 2 years
8 Years and Counting
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“Deeks, this is ridiculous. I’m going to trip!” Kensi said as Deeks led her through the house, a silky scarf secured over her eyes. She stumbled over the threshold between the kitchen and dining room, giggling when Deeks caught her, steadying her against his chest.
“Like I would ever let my Ladybird fall. It’s only a few more feet,” Deeks assured her. When they were in the dining room, he kissed her cheek and untied the scarf with a flourish. “Happy All-In Day.”
“Oh my god,” Kensi whispered, taking in the table set with a dark blue tablecloth, their best dishes, and candles. “When did you have time to do all this?”
“I asked Callen to keep you busy for an extra hour and rushed home.”
“So you arranged extra work for me on our all-in anniversary?”
“You love using your Portuguese,” he said, adding, “And I think dinner will definitely make it worthwhile.” He lifted a covered dish, wafting out a rich aroma.
“Is that posole?” Kensi asked, eyes widening with surprise and delight.
“Yep. And that’s just the first course.”
“Oh, then you’re definitely forgiven,” she teased, looping her arms around his torso. “This is all amazing, but how did you manage it in an hour?”
“I might have had some, a lot, of assistance from our resident chef, Miss Rosalie,” Deeks explained. As usual when it involved cooking, Rosa was beyond excited when he mentioned creating a Mexican feast.
“That was really sweet of her. Where is she, by the way?” Kensi glanced around like Rosa might be hiding behind the couch.
“She’s getting mani-pedis with my mom and then they’re going back to her house. Apparently she plans to introduce Rosa to the best that 80s cinema has to offer.”
“Wait, so that means that we have the whole house to ourselves?” Kensi checked. Her hand shifting lower on his back, somehow instantly suggestive. Deeks nodded, and she grinned deviously, untangling her arms, and taking his hand.
“The soup will get cold,” Deeks said, not that he did anything to stop Kensi.
“We can reheat it.” Walking backwards, she led him back towards their bedroom, eyeing him playfully while she unbuttoned her shirt with her free hand.
A/N: Here’s to 8 official years of Densi, and many more!
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densi-mber · 2 years
Densimber Day 8 Creative Prompt:
Rewrite a Kensi, Deeks, or Densi scene. This could be a scene you really hated, wished was longer, or whatever suits your fancy.
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densi-mber · 3 years
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A/N: Hey, it’s the annual Densi Christmas party! For today’s prompt. This might have gotten slightly weird. But hopefully in a good way.
“How’s everything going?” Deeks asked, kissing the side of her head. She was refilling a tray with bite sized sandwiches. Another tray had already been reloaded with mini cheesecakes.
“Good. Your mom is regaling everyone with tales of her wild youth, Nell and Eric are passing out gifts, and Arkady is sleeping in the spare bedroom,” she reported. “They seem to be enjoying themselves.”
“Awesome.” Deeks quirked an eyebrow. “Although I’m not sure how I feel about Arkady sleeping in one of our beds.”
“Better than other activities he could be doing in that bed. Or any other part of the house.”
“Fair point,” he said, grimacing. “Remind me to keep Mama distracted for the rest of the night.”
“Got it,” Kensi agreed, holding out one of the trays. “Here, take this back with you.” Deeks accepted the tray, sneaking a piece of cheesecake before Kensi could bat his hand away.
“You know, when I was your age, I could drink my weight in egg nog,” Roberta was sharing when they walked into the den, a cup of something much darker than egg nog in her hand.
“I could also do the limbo like nobody’s business.” She directed this in Sam’s direction, raising her eyebrows significantly as she caught Anna’s eye. “Very limber, if you know what I mean.”
“Mom, once again please stop hitting on Sam,” Deeks requested lightly in passing as he set the tray nearby and grabbed a couple of empty beer bottles.
“Hey, I’m just sharing the wealth of my experience,” she defended herself with a shrug. “If you know what I mean.”
Shaking his head, Deeks grabbed a beer for himself and sat down next to Nell, who was idly petting Monty’s head. He looked like he was in heaven.
Eric sat on the other side, a Santa hat perched on his head and very much at odds with the tailored suit he wore. Nell had gone for a more subtle tree skirt and sweater featuring a collection of ugly reindeer.
“I forgot how much fun your mom is,” Nell told Deeks, watching Roberta say something to Sam and squeeze his arm. “She’s hilarious.”
“Yeah, somehow I don’t think Sam’s exactly enjoying my mom charms,” Deeks said dryly. Callen was standing a few feet away and stepped closer, chuckling.
“He might not be, but I am,” he said, grinning at his partner and Roberta in obvious delight.
“Be nice,” Anna admonished him, though Deeks noticed she didn’t attempt to intervene either. As they watched, Sam politely removed Roberta’s hand, gently patting it.
“Hm, it’s probably a good thing that Arkady’s asleep,” Kensi commented, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Deeks. She rested her chin in his shoulder.
“Oh, definitely,” Anna agreed. “He would not approve.”
“Look Sam, mistletoe,” Roberta said loudly, pointing above them. “You know what that means.”
“Crap, I knew I should have moved that.”
“Mrs. Deeks, I don’t think-” Sam started to object with a pleading smile in their direction.
“Oh come on, Sam. You’re not going to break a long-established tradition, are you?” Callen interjected.
With a roll of his eyes, Sam leaned down and kissed Roberta on the cheek.
“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Deeks.”
“And Merry Christmas, to you too,” she said, fanning herself dramatically. Then she clapped her hands together. “Alright, who’s next? Anna, Callen, you look like you could use it.”
Not moving from the spot, Callen gave Anna a peck on the lips.
“You can do better than that,” Sam objected, gesturing between the two of them.
“I agree. That was a little…lacking,” Anna commented. Instead of seeming offended, Callen just looped his arm around her waist, tugging her into his side a little.
“Well, I guess it’s up to us to show these kids how it’s done,” Deeks declared. He set his beer to the side and reached for Kensi’s hand, guiding her beneath the sprig of fake leaves. Kensi rose up on her toes to meet his lips, sliding one hand into his hair, to pull her closer. Bracing his hand on her mid back, he dipped Kensi back, sweeping her low to the ground as they kissed.
Nell whistled as they straightened up again. Kensi’s cheeks were a little flushed and she clung to him, leaning into his shoulder.
“Show off,” she muttered fondly, brushing his hair back from his ear.
“Alright, get away from the mistletoe before you get carried away,” Sam said. He gave Deeks a light shove and admonishing look. “We’ve all seen enough of that.”
“That wasn’t bad, but if you want to see some real kissing, you should see me an Ary together,” Roberta commented. Anna flashed them a horrified look as Roberta made a move towards the door.
“Hang on, I think I just heard the timer go off, which means dinner’s ready,” Kensi interceded quickly and a little desperately. “So, the kissing will, unfortunately, have to wait until later.”
“Perfect timing,” he heard Sam mutter, hastily crossing the room.
“Nice save,” Deeks told Kensi in an undertone as everyone migrated towards the dining room. He noticed Eric and Nell trying to discreetly hold hands.
“Thanks.” Kensi sighed a little, leaning into his shoulder. “I just hope the food is actually ready.”
“Well, if it’s not,” Deeks said with a shrug. “We can just serve more sandwiches and egg nog at them. With all the rum and other liquor Nell used, nobody will care in an hour or two.”
“Sounds like a solid plan,” Kensi decided. She glanced back at the doorway, her expression turning mischievous. This time she grabbed his hand, pulling him with her. Deeks looked up when she stopped directly beneath the mistletoe again.
She cupped his jaw, pressing her lips to his in a long, slow kiss, ending it by placing her cheek on his shoulder.
“Merry Christmas, baby.”
“Merry Christmas.”
It was several minutes later when Nell finally came looking for them, intending to report that something was definitely smoking in the kitchen, and found them still cuddling in the same spot.
A/N: I like the idea of Eric having a thing for hats and suits since leaving NCIS and Nell continuing to enjoy wearing absurd outfits for holidays.
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densi-mber · 3 years
Densimber Day 8 Creative Prompt:
Kensi and Deeks attend or host a team Christmas party.
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densi-mber · 4 years
It Happened One Night
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A/N: So this one takes place maybe season 4 or 5, but could be totally AU. For today’s prompt: “I remember kissing you, why do I remember kissing you?”
“Ugh,” Deeks groaned, rubbing his eyes as he slowly lifted his head. He immediately regretted the action and buried his head in his pillow again. Belatedly, he realized his phone alarm was ringing. He blindly swapped at it and it clattered to the floor. “Crap!”
“Quit making so much noise!” He froze at the sound of Kensi’s groggy voice coming from beside him. That couldn’t be. Turning onto his side, he peered through blurry eyes to find that Kensi Marie Blye was indeed In his bed. She was laying on her stomach with her face firmly planted in a pillow.
“Kensi?” She moaned, covering her ears. “Kens, what, uh, what are you doing here?”
“I don’t know,” she said with a sigh. “Didn’t we go out for drinks?” Bits and pieces of the night were slowly coming back to him.
It didn’t occur to either of them that they normally didn’t share a bed. Even in a completely platonic way.
“Then I guess we came back here,” he added, a vague memory of Kensi pulling him onto a dance floor after a couple beers flitting through his mind.
“Yeah, cause they ran out of cheese sticks and I was hungry,” Kensi continued. She sat up, brushing back her hair which now was in all its curly, untamed glory. “So we came back here and had a couple more beers. And...some tequila?”
“I remember kissing you, why do I remember kissing you?” Deeks asked suddenly, his mind filling with a very vivid memory of Kensi sitting in top of him as they made out on his couch.
“Oh my god,” Kensi whispered, clearly recalling the same moment, and turned to him with a horrified expression.
“And you’re wearing my shirt.” He gestured to the black v-neck he’d worn the day before. It looked much, much better on her, he thought idly. Without thinking, his eyes dropped to the V again.
He saw her gaze flick to his chest, her cheeks flushing a deep red he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen from her before. He lifted his hand, intending to take hers, but she jerked back, stumbling out of bed.
“I need to get home,” she said abruptly, looking around the room a little hysterically. He tried very hard not to stare at her perfectly tanned legs extending from beneath his shirt as she bent to pick up her jeans and one shoe.
“Kens, we should probably talk-“
“No.” She jabbed her finger at him, cutting him off. “No, this- she paused to shove her jeans on. “This never happened.” Deeks scratched at his jaw, frowning as he watched her scoop up the rest of her clothes.
“That seems like a terrible way to deal with this, but ok,” he said dryly. Kensi sighed and turned to face him.
“Deeks, I am hung over and confused and really mortified,” she told him. “I can’t deal with this right now.” He nodded, wondering when she would ever be ready to deal with it.
“Ok.” Her expression softened a little and she started to reach for towards him, but abruptly smoothed some hair behind her ear instead.
“I’ll see you at work.” As she quickly left the room, he leaned forward and shouted,
“Hey, I want that shirt back! It’s one of my favorites.” His front door slamming closed was her only answer. “Crap,” he repeated, falling back onto the bed.
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densi-mber · 4 years
Densimber Day 8: Writing Prompt
“I remember kissing you, why do I remember kissing you?” Taken
Taken from this list: https://redclaire999.tumblr.com/post/635862894476738560/prompt-list
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