#dental treatment consumables
dentist-raha · 5 months
پرمصرف ترین مواد یکبار مصرف دندانپزشکی کدامند؟
مواد یکبار مصرف دندانپزشکی به وسایلی گفته می‌شود که فقط برای یک بیمار استفاده می‌شوند و پس از آن دور انداخته می‌شوند. این مواد برای جلوگیری از انتقال عفونت و محافظت از سلامت دندانپزشک، بیمار و سایر افراد حاضر در مطب ضروری هستند.
در این مقاله همراه ما باشید تا با هم پرمصرف ترین مواد یکبار مصرف دندانپزشکی را بررسی کنیم.
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پرمصرف ترین مواد یکبار مصرف در دندانپزشکی به طور کلی به دو دسته مواد مصرفی و لوازم یکبار مصرف تقسیم می‌شوند.
مواد مصرفی:
مواد بی حسی: از مواد بی حسی برای بی حس کردن ناحیه مورد نظر قبل از انجام اقدامات دندانپزشکی استفاده می‌شود. مواد بی حسی به دو دسته تزریقی و موضعی تقسیم می‌شوند.
مواد ترمیمی: از مواد ترمیمی برای پر کردن حفره‌های دندانی، ترمیم دندان‌های شکسته یا ترک خورده و بازسازی تاج دندان استفاده می‌شود. رایج‌ترین مواد ترمیمی عبارتند از آمالگام، کامپوزیت رزین، سرامیک و گلاس آیونومر.
مواد اندو: از مواد اندو برای درمان ریشه دندان استفاده می‌شود. این مواد شامل گوتا پرکا، فایل‌های روتاری، سیمان روت کنال و ضدعفونی کننده‌ها می‌شوند.
مواد پروتز: از مواد پروتز برای جایگزینی دندان‌های از دست رفته یا ترمیم دندان‌های آسیب دیده استفاده می‌شود. رایج‌ترین مواد پروتز عبارتند از ایمپلنت‌های دندانی، بریج‌ها، روکش‌ها و دندان‌های مصنوعی.
مواد ضدعفونی کننده: از مواد ضدعفونی کننده برای ضدعفونی کردن ابزار و تجهیزات دندانپزشکی و همچنین برای ضدعفونی کردن دست دندانپزشک و پرسنل استفاده می‌شود.
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لوازم یکبار مصرف:
دستکش: از دستکش برای محافظت از دست دندانپزشک و پرسنل در برابر عفونت و مواد شیمیایی استفاده می‌شود.
ماسک: از ماسک برای محافظت از دندانپزشک و پرسنل در برابر هوا و ذرات معلق در هوا استفاده می‌شود.
گان: از گان برای محافظت از لباس دندانپزشک و پرسنل در برابر آلودگی استفاده می‌شود.
عینک محافظ: از عینک محافظ برای محافظت از چشم دندانپزشک و پرسنل در برابر ذرات و مواد شیمیایی استفاده می‌شود.
ساکشن: از ساکشن برای از بین بردن بزاق، خون و سایر مایعات از دهان بیمار استفاده می‌شود.
سرنگ: از سرنگ برای تزریق مواد بی حسی و سایر داروها استفاده می‌شود.
سوزن: از سوزن برای تزریق مواد بی حسی و سایر داروها استفاده می‌شود.
آینه: از آینه برای معاینه دهان و دندان بیمار استفاده می‌شود.
پنس: از پنس برای گرفتن و دستکاری ابزار و مواد استفاده می‌شود.
گاز استریل: از گاز استریل برای خشک کردن دهان بیمار و جذب خون و سایر مایعات استفاده می‌شود.
نخ دندان: از نخ دندان برای تمیز کردن بین دندان‌ها استفاده می‌شود.
مسواک: از مسواک برای تمیز کردن دندان‌ها استفاده می‌شود.
میزان مصرف این مواد و لوازم یکبار مصرف بسته به نوع تخصص دندانپزشکی، تعداد بیماران و شیوه کار هر مطب یا کلینیک می‌تواند متفاوت باشد.
برخی از عواملی که بر میزان مصرف مواد و لوازم یکبار مصرف در دندانپزشکی تاثیر می‌گذارند عبارتند از:
نوع تخصص دندانپزشکی: به عنوان مثال، دندانپزشکان متخصص جراحی دهان و فک و صورت به طور کلی از مواد و لوازم یکبار مصرف بیشتری نسبت به دندانپزشکان متخصص اطفال استفاده می‌کنند.
تعداد بیماران: هرچه تعداد بیماران بیشتر باشد، به طبع نیاز به مواد و لوازم یکبار مصرف نیز بیشتر خواهد بود.
شیوه کار هر مطب یا کلینیک: برخی از مطب‌ها یا کلینیک‌ها ممکن است از روش‌های نوین و کم‌مصرف‌تری برای انجام اقدامات دندانپزشکی استفاده کنند که در نتیجه به مواد و لوازم یکبار مصرف کمتری نیاز دارند.
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sravanthiiarc · 2 years
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Personal: For Profit Healthcare and Me
So remember how Peacehealth drove all the independent offices in four specialties out of business, thus forcing everyone to use their clinic, then closed those clinics to force everyone to go to their central clinic two counties to the south? And remember how both the Doctors who were running that clinic made a deal to operate out of a clinic a regional medical conglomerate was opening near the hospital? so instead of me spending all day on a sixty mile each way trek for my treatment I was using the last three months of skeleton crew treatment at old clinic which ended the last Thursday in September? Remember how they said we could all follow our doctors there?
Yeah, about that.
I've been dutifully calling ever two weeks to see if they were letting people schedule appointments yet. They sent out a letter saying they were open. I stayed up Tuesday to get in sorted. it was a whole drama because the automated maze to get to the scheduler was as much of a hassle as Peacehealth's and prone to dropping calls, forcing one to start from scratch each time. so that was frustrating and tine consuming.
Apparently they have no access to our health records, so it was a start from scratch situation. Me, mentally: Shit! This is going to be HOURS. Only it wasn't for all the wrong reasons. They take Medicare, but not Medicare Advantage. So if I want it covered I have to lose most of my benefits including having Medicaid pay my big Medicare copay. O.o. Or I can pay for expensive treatments myself as uninsured.
I was upset, but I remembered superstar medical social worker lady personally calling around town to talk dentists into taking medicare dental coverage for me thus opening up my small city so that medicare patients can now get root canals and crowns instead of learning to live without chewing.
So I still thought it was salvageable. Problem is she's gone and the woman replacing her is a busy supervisor who likes to call me two hours into my sleep cycle without warning and then gets angry at me for not being charming. Previous lady asked when was best to call and would schedule calls in advance for a time when I was able to be awake and functional. it is a lot easier for me to be charming when I wasn't just ripped out of REM sleep and am now being interrogated about something.
New lady is a supervisor and super busy with supervisor things and is made of no and is snippy. I can not make her understand that not only is a 120 mile round trip over mountain passes dealing with the traffic mess along the highway in the major metropolitan area where I once got caught in a four hour traffic jam and couldn't get off to pee, is an entire exhausting day for me and that plus a treatment would not only mean i could do anything useful that day, but the next day to. She can't grasp how much pain is involved in long car trips or how much treatments take out of me. She keeps hard selling me on this and then calling me resistant and recalcitrant like I'm the one being unreasonable for considering this basically insurmountable at my level of disability.
She did not fight the in town clinic for me. She did not try to argue them around.
Her, repeating a suggestion she has made over and over since the closing announcement: You should just get your GP to do it.
Me, explaining for at least the third time because we have this conversation every time we talk: I asked my GP last spring like you asked. They can't do it. It can't be administered by a GP. They'd need to hire a specialist and build new facilities for compounding and for special storage of medication.
Her: Well just ask you GP to give you a different treatment.
Me: There are no other treatments. I have medications to manage symptoms. These treatments are the cure. There is only one cure.
Her: You are being recalcitrant!
Me: There is literally only one cure. No new ones have been invented since last February. The cure is working. I'm getting better. i will get worse again with only symptom management.
But she kept arguing with me because I was being stubborn about facts being facts. My GP can't pull an entire brand new treatment regimen out of her ass. She would not let it go or let me go and I was exhausted because it was hours past when I would normally be asleep at this point and also what was the point of her hard selling me on demanding the imaginary alternative treatment or the 120 mile trip. I ended up giving and and saying something like, "I have to go now," which I know is rude, but we spent this entire conversation with her neither listing not understanding and basically acting like I was the asshole here.
So I'm fucked and I'm frustrated and angry. I was literally at the point where I was going to get better really quickly if I kept doing treatments, but if we stop now I'll be back to square one with it all to do again if another clinic opens.
And it's all like this because Obama and Biden didn't have the balls to stick to their universal free healthy care guns and decided to adopt the capitalist give away Republican health plan in pursuit of bipartisan buy in they did not get, which anyone paying attention told them they could not get, which Mitch McConnell vowed they'd never get as part of the project to make Obama a one term president at all costs. They burned all their political capital on a bullshit give away to insurance companies when they could have taken the same or less of a hit just giving up a developed country level health care system. No fucked up website needed for sign ups. No red tape or copays or catch 22 shit like I'm dealing with now.
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
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Hello friend from the country of maples. I have come asking for headcanons for the pants man because it is almost 4am and he is living in my brain rent free.
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I would like to blame Hamilton the musical because I googled the difference between “My dearest Angelica,” and “My dearest, Angelica” and at first i thought “huh Morax would do this to wifey” and then a little throwaway like from a ZhongChi fanfic made me realize Pantalone would ALSO do this to his beloved and as the musical goes “consumed my waking days”
Oh my god Al Haitham would do this too.
Guess I’m not sleeping
Headcanons for pants? Headcanons for pants?
I love you, also go to bed pls.
Because you didn't specify what kind of headcanons I'm just gonna throw down whatever I got off the top of my head rn that I didn't include in the health headcanons. Also just fyi I flip flop between certain headcanons mostly because there isn't enough info about him at this very moment, so it's kinda like "what flavour of pants do I crave today?"
ANYWAYS pants time
For a while I headcanoned him as like 27-28 at the absolute youngest because the limited information we have about him gave me young hotshot entrepreneur "thirty under 30" vibes.
Like I can so clearly in a modern AU see his face plastered all over magazines about this young man who worked his ass off to go from rags to riches. (I'm thinking about Bruce Wayne in the opening from Arkham City. "It's billionaire, Vicki. Millionaires are so last year.")
He is unrecognizable from his youth counterpart today. He was this scrawny child, hair matted and tangled and perpetually dirty. Always had some bruises and cuts and scrapes, crooked teeth, the works. With all the money in his pocket, he's been able to afford top of the line medical care, dental treatments, expensive luxury soaps and shampoos, and only the finest of clothing. It's astounding but also horrifying to see how different the two are.
It's not necessarily his favourite food but his comfort foods are whatever super cheap fresh hot meals he could get his hands on. He still thinks back to the very first actually expensive meal he bought with his own money every now and again.
He would never admit this, of course. They'd all laugh at him if they found out he enjoyed peasant meals.
On occasion, though, he will remake one of these really cheap meals for a midnight snack.
He's not a bad cook, it's just all the meals he knows how to make are less about flavour and more about practicality/edibility. That said, though, he knows how to make a meal made from like five ingredients not only last for quite a while, but also taste really good.
Sugar daddy material, he would love nothing more than to spoil his darling rotten, HOWEVER he is not interested in someone only dating him for his money. He wants someone who will let him pamper them, but will also be there in the event everything falls apart and he once again has nothing.
Constantly has to remind everyone that the Northland Bank is SEPERATE from the Fatui. He needs everyone to know that the success of the bank is not because of the Fatui, it's because of him. Vice versa, while the bank's success may have gotten the attention of the Fatui, him becoming a harbinger is because he worked his ass off to get that position.
There is no information on his family or if he even has one, but you know how Lucio from The Arcana has that portrait of his mother all dressed up in regal attire, despite the fact he was raised in a tribe? I think Pantalone would have a bunch of portraits of his family all over his manor(s) sort of like that.
If he ever has kids, he would be so torn between spoiling them because he certainly has the money to do that, but he also cannot stand the snobby little brats of his business partners and does not want his children acting like that.
This is just really random but for some reason All Hail the Fishmen from Lisa The Painful gives me pants vibes and I cannot explain why
And... Yeah! That's it rn, unless you wanna hear about my oc/pants' knife wife Xue, or you have specific headcanons in mind.
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Grogu standing in front of Boba Fett's rancor, on the streets of Mos Espa, on Tatooine. Image from The Book of Boba Fett, Season 1, Episode 7, In the Name of Honor.
Grogu had to say, given everything he’d learned and everything he’d experienced, nothing in his training as a Jedi youngling had prepared him for a career in dentistry. But there he was. Standing in front of an angry rancor and it was absolutely clear to him that no one had taken the dental hygiene of the huge critter seriously. They just hadn’t. 
The rancor’s teeth were stained, chipped, and smelled of whatever or whoever it had consumed in the recent past. Not just that day. Nope. At least six or seven days ago. It had time to ripen into something that smelled like bad spotchka. Grogu was not impressed, but actually fairly sorrowful. This rancor would need to have a lot of work done to make sure those huge sharp teeth were returned to their former glory.  But like he said. He wasn’t a dentist.
After everything had settled down on Tatooine and particularly in Mos Espa, Grogu had brought the issue up to the Daimyo. Officially, Ranky was a possession of the Daimyo’s, so only the Daimyo could authorize an appropriate course of treatment. 
The Daimyo very wisely suggested that they consult with the rancor keeper. If anyone would know why Ranky’s teeth weren’t being given the proper daily care, he would know. Grogu agreed with that assessment and the two of them made their way down to the rancor enclosure while the Majordomo and Fennec continued to run the meeting on mutual aid with the delegates from Mos… Freetown. Grogu was still getting used to the name change. 
When they reached the rancor enclosure the trainer, Machete, came right over to them. 
“How’s he doing?” Daimyo Fett asked after they exchanged greetings.
“Doing? He’s a rancor. He’s doing fine.”
Machete looked confused. Grogu could understand that. The rancor was tearing through a huge chunk of some sort of meat and didn’t seem to have a care in the world. 
“My young friend here is concerned about the creature’s health. In particular the health of its teeth. I don’t need to tell you how critical healthy teeth are to a creature like this one, do I?”
Grogu was interested in how the Daimyo’s voice went from being kind and concerned to down right aggravated from the beginning of that sentence to its end. It was impressive. Grogu was sure it took experience he didn’t have to achieve that in such a small amount of time. 
“Well, my lord, I have been meaning to talk to you about that. Brushing a rancor’s teeth is not quite as easy as say, brushing the teeth of a Krayt dragon. If you choose to do that to a Krayt dragon it’s happy to remove you from the living because you have identified your time to meet your ancestors. No real questions about how or when. Now with a rancor, you must decide which arm you can live with out. Unfortunately that only covers one cleaning and only for as long as it chooses to let you retain that arm.”
Wow, that sounded serious. The Daimyo thought so as well.
“I wouldn’t expect to find many volunteers for that work. Why not use droids or mechs? We have plenty of them scurrying around the place. Surely one or two of them could be trained to perform the necessary work?”
Grogu grinned at his Mandalorian friend. This was exactly why Boba Fett was the Daimyo and not anyone else. He inherently understood problem solving. 
“I have considered that, my lord. I even had some of the small mechs trained to do the work. But Administrator Shand said I was not to waste valuable resources on work that the rancor should be trained to do for itself.”
Ahhh. Grogu immediately understood the caught between a rock and blaster look the trainer wore on his weary, scarred face. If Fennec told you not to do something, you didn’t do it. Easy peasy. 
“Then you have begun to teach the rancor to manage this task for itself?”
The trainer looked at the ground and shuffled his feet and looked more uncomfortable than he did the time he had to the Daimyo that Ranky had escaped his enclosure to take a sand bath. Grogu had helped them both out that day. It had been a good opportunity to test his newest Force skill, ‘attract critter’. That he’ also ended up ‘attracting’ every scorpion, poisonous millipede, biting/flying insect, bird, rodent, lizard, in a 300 meter radius hadn’t been ideal, but you have to learn somehow.
“I have been trying, but I am sorry to say that the rancor likes the flavor of the brushes I’ve been able to fashion for its use. He snatches them up, crunches them down, and then burps. I don’t have access to materials that are more durable.”
“I see.” 
The Daimyo seemed sad. Grogu could understand that. He’d probably realized the only thing a rancor couldn’t just crunch up was beskar and no way was any Mandalorian going to give up their beskar to make a tooth polisher and pick for a rancor. Grogu sighed.
“Well, young one. Do you think the Force could help? You were able to get him to sleep that way. Could you remove all that plaque and tarter?”
And that was how Grogu was forced to seriously consider how to clean a giant critter’s teeth using just the Force and the sweetness of his own personality. It couldn’t be that hard, right? Just a little scraping and mild discomfort and the possibility of being eaten in one tiny bite. Now, he just needed to know if the Daimyo had the proper insurance for the work.
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dollsonmain · 9 months
Ok, actual salon shopping list:
peroxide rubbing alcohol Oxy Clean Fels Naptha soap - I have a zote but it's citronella smelly... might be better than mold smell though. Not looking forward to grating a whole bar of soap. Again. sprayer nozzles for the alcohol and peroxide zip ties slicker brush craft syringes
That's it for consumables at the moment, I think.
Still need to behead and clean out the baby ponies before I can get started with the ozone treatment. It won't do any good if I don't have everyone clean, open, and ready.
I should have moved every other toy out of the bathroom before bringing those in.... Didn't think of that. They do have a cloud of bad smell around them. The cloud is shrinking! Hopefully it'll die off with the ozone treatment and not infect the other toys.
I think I'll also give them a spray down with peroxide to make sure everything gets killed off. Peroxide has a weird smell to it but it's very faint and fades easily. Rubbing alcohol is really smelly but that scent doesn't tend to linger on vinyl, either.
Peroxide should help get the gunk out of the hair rooting holes, too.
There's at least one pony I saw with internal air bubbles filled with gunk. I need to get those scraped out. I should probably invest in a set of dental picks at some point. I do have sculpting tools, though. Somewhere.... Oh they're literally in the pile of crap by my computer chair....
I need to tear out everything in the office and super clean it again but never have the physical energy to finish the job.
I am in so much pain the past couple days. I don't usually stand on my feet so much but I do want to get those ponies cleaned out asap. They're stinky.
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niiwa-angel · 1 year
If you wanna know just how full of bullshit the Trans Rights Movement is, just consider this. There have been actual genocides in history. There are actual genocides happening right now.
The one that comes to mind for me is the Uyghurs in China, a small cultural minority with their own practices, language, and religion (Muslim) in a violently secular country. The Chinese government has set up a surveillance state in the Xinjiang Uyghur Region in Northwestern China, and they monitor the Uyghurs comings and goings from their houses, novel hobbies such as weightlifting and working out, and expenses.
If they feel as though someone of the Uyghur community is not up to par, they will lock their bank account and forcibly imprison them in a reeducation center where they are beaten, shocked with cattle prods, and forced to eat pork and consume alcohol. They are not allowed to speak their native language, they are made to praise Xi Jinping, and aren't allowed to follow any of their cultural practices. Uyghur children are removed from their parents and placed with "proper families" and aren't allowed to see their family.
Uyghurs are suffering a genocide and are in danger of having their culture and language erased. There are currently innocent people imprisoned, having committed no crime except the crime of where they were raised and who by. There are people being hurt by government power to 'reeducate' them.
Let's compare all of this horror to the 'trans genocide' in America. Trans people have the right to self identification, even in situations where it disadvantages others, such as sports. Gender affirming treatment is covered by all insurances while other prescriptions like insulin, medicines for heart conditions, mobility aids, and even child birth and prenatal care aren't. Even in countries with free healthcare, gender affirming care is covered while dental, vision, and hearing isn't.
Trans people have successfully campaigned for biology to not be properly taught in schools because it's 'bigotry' and have successfully removed terms like women's healthcare, breast feeding, and maternal care from the medical sector. There is no wait and see method for trans youth, no looking into comorbid conditions like eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, or just confusion about their sense of self.
Lesbians and Gay men are not allowed to have their own spaces anymore, everything must be trans inclusive. Refusing sex based on genitalia is transphobia. Butch lesbians and feminine gay men who aren't considering transitioning are also transphobic. Feminists fighting for women's rights must include trans women or they can be doxxed and threatened with no consequences for their stalkers. Trans rapists and killers are housed in the prison that aligns with their gender identity regardless of the safety risks they pose to other inmates.
Comparing the two, it's obvious that there is no trans genocide. That's a lie made up to excuse the bad actions of Trans Rights Activists.
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timesproperty02 · 24 days
Benefits of Using Dental Aligners for a Perfect Smile
Achieving a perfect smile is a common aspiration for many individuals, and dental aligners have emerged as a popular and effective solution to address this goal. Unlike traditional metal braces, dental aligners offer a discreet, comfortable, and flexible approach to orthodontic treatment. If you’re considering enhancing your smile, understanding the benefits of using dental aligners can help you make an informed decision about your treatment options.
Discreet and Comfortable
One of the most significant advantages of dental aligners is their discreet nature. Made from clear, BPA-free plastic, Alvy Dental aligners are virtually invisible when worn, making them an attractive option for those who prefer a more subtle orthodontic treatment. Unlike metal braces, which can be noticeable and uncomfortable, aligners are designed to fit snugly over your teeth, providing a comfortable and nearly invisible solution to teeth straightening.
Customization for a Perfect Fit
Dental aligners are customized to fit your unique dental structure. The treatment begins with a comprehensive examination, including digital scans or impressions of your teeth. Using this information, a precise 3D model of your mouth is created, and a series of custom aligners is developed to gradually shift your teeth into their ideal positions. This personalized approach ensures that Alvy Dental aligners are tailored specifically to your orthodontic needs, resulting in more effective and efficient treatment.
Convenient and Removable
One of the standout benefits of dental aligners is their convenience. Unlike traditional braces, which are fixed in place, Alvy Dental aligners are removable. This feature allows you to eat and drink without restrictions and makes maintaining oral hygiene easier. Simply remove your aligners while eating, and brush and floss your teeth as usual before reinserting them. This removability ensures that you can continue to enjoy your favorite foods and maintain a high standard of oral hygiene throughout your treatment.
Improved Oral Health
Maintaining good oral health during orthodontic treatment is crucial. Dental aligners help facilitate this by being removable, which makes it easier to clean your teeth and gums thoroughly. Traditional braces can trap food particles and plaque, making oral hygiene more challenging. With Alvy Dental aligners, you can clean your teeth and aligners more effectively, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
Efficient Treatment Time
In many cases, dental aligners can provide faster results compared to traditional braces. The advanced technology used in the design and manufacturing of aligners sheets in the USA allows for precise adjustments and efficient movement of your teeth. While treatment time varies depending on individual needs, many people find that aligners offer a quicker path to achieving their desired smile.
Fewer Office Visits
Another advantage of dental aligners is the reduction in the frequency of office visits. Traditional braces often require regular adjustments and check-ups, which can be time-consuming. With Alvy dental aligners, you typically need fewer visits to the orthodontist, as the aligners are designed to be changed at home according to a pre-determined schedule. This convenience can make managing your orthodontic treatment more efficient and less disruptive to your daily life.
Predictable Results
The use of advanced 3D imaging technology in designing dental aligners allows for highly predictable results. Before you even start your treatment, you’ll have a clear view of how your teeth will shift and the final outcome of your smile. This level of predictability helps ensure that your treatment plan is tailored to meet your expectations and deliver the desired results.
Choosing dental aligners for your orthodontic needs offers numerous benefits, from their discreet appearance to their customizable fit and ease of use. With the convenience of removable aligners, improved oral health, and efficient treatment times, it’s no wonder that many individuals are opting for this modern approach to achieving a perfect smile. If you’re looking for a reliable and effective solution, consider Alvy Dental aligners and experience the advantages of a confident, beautiful smile.
At Alvy Dental, we are committed to providing high-quality dental aligners and exceptional care to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Explore our range of aligners and start your journey to a perfect smile today.
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"Premium Probiotics For Premium Vibrant Teeth and Gums"
(Hint - No Toothpaste or Mouthwash Involved)
Elevate your dental game with our PRO DENTIM
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1. Introduction to Dental Probiotics
Oral health is often confined to brushing, flossing, and routine dental visits. However, the advent of probiotics tailored for dental health heralds a new era in oral care. These innovative products promise to support and enhance the health of your teeth and gums through the power of beneficial bacteria.
2. The Importance of Oral Health
✮ Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health
The mouth is a gateway to the body, and its health is intrinsically linked to overall well-being. Poor oral hygiene can lead to systemic issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. Thus, maintaining a healthy oral environment is crucial.
✮ Common Dental Problems
Common dental issues include cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. These problems can cause discomfort, impact self-esteem, and lead to more serious health complications if left untreated.
3. What Are Probiotics?
✮ Definition and Benefits
Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. They are often associated with digestive health but have far-reaching effects on various bodily systems.
✮ How Probiotics Work
Probiotics work by balancing the microbiota in the body. They outcompete harmful bacteria, reduce inflammation, and enhance the body's natural defenses.
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4. Probiotics and Oral Health
✮ Mechanisms of Action in the Mouth
In the oral cavity, probiotics adhere to the surfaces of teeth and gums, creating a protective barrier. They produce substances that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and modulate the immune response.
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✮ Research Supporting Oral Probiotics
Emerging research indicates that probiotics can reduce plaque, prevent gingivitis, and diminish bad breath. Studies have shown that specific strains of probiotics are effective in maintaining oral health.
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5. Brand New Probiotics for Teeth and Gums
✮ Introduction to the Latest Products
The latest probiotics for dental health are designed to be integrated seamlessly into daily routines. These products come in various forms, including lozenges, mouthwashes, and toothpaste.
✮ Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
These cutting-edge probiotics contain strains like Lactobacillus reuteri, Streptococcus salivarius, and Bifidobacterium lactis. Each strain has unique properties that support the health of teeth and gums by reducing harmful bacteria and promoting a balanced oral microbiome.
6. How to Use Dental Probiotics
✮ Daily Routine for Optimal Results
For best results, dental probiotics should be used consistently. Incorporate them into your morning and evening routines, just as you would with brushing and flossing.
✮ Dosage and Administration
Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for dosage. Typically, one lozenge or a specified amount of mouthwash per day is sufficient to reap the benefits of dental probiotics.
7. Benefits of Dental Probiotics
✮ Prevention of Dental Issues
Regular use of dental probiotics can prevent common dental problems such as cavities and gum disease by maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the mouth.
✮ Improvement in Gum Health
Dental probiotics help reduce inflammation and bleeding in the gums, leading to improved gum health and a lower risk of periodontal disease.
✮ Enhanced Oral Hygiene
Probiotics contribute to fresher breath and cleaner teeth, enhancing overall oral hygiene. They can be a valuable addition to traditional dental care practices.
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8. Potential Side Effects and Considerations
✮ Possible Adverse Reactions
While probiotics are generally safe, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as digestive discomfort. These effects are usually temporary.
✮ Who Should Avoid Dental Probiotics?
Individuals with compromised immune systems or those undergoing certain medical treatments should consult a healthcare professional before using dental probiotics.
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9. Integrating Probiotics with Traditional Dental Care
✮ Combining Probiotics with Regular Oral Hygiene Practices
Probiotics should complement, not replace, regular oral hygiene practices. Continue to brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly while using probiotics to maximize oral health benefits.
✮ Consultation with Dental Professionals
Before starting any new oral health regimen, including probiotics, consult with your dentist. They can provide personalized advice and ensure that probiotics are appropriate for your specific needs.
10. Conclusion
The introduction of probiotics specially designed for dental health represents a significant advancement in oral care. These innovative products offer a promising solution for enhancing the health of your teeth and gums. By incorporating dental probiotics into your routine, you can achieve a healthier, more balanced oral environment and enjoy the benefits of improved oral hygiene and overall well-being.
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Elevate your dental game with our PRO DENTIM
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
Holistic Oral Hygiene Advice for a Blissfully Fresh & Healthy Mouth 🌟
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(this image comes from Nadine Artemis's book Renegade Beauty - I highly recommend anyone read it! It's a bliss babe must read💖)
This is advice that I've personally been following for years. I finally stopped seeing what I believed were natural weaknesses in my teeth, gums, and even the skin around my mouth. It also drastically simplified tooth care for me.
1. Ditch commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes. Take care that the composition of your dental products aren't influencing your saliva to become acidic. In such environments, the teeth suffer because enamel, cavities, and sensitivity to extreme temperatures develop with ease. I would even get dry, irritated skin on my mouth corners from them. They are normally formulated this way to leave a "squeaky clean" sensation, but it does more harm than good.
2. More pressure is not necessarily better. The tooth enamel can wear down from too much abrasion over time. Electric tooth brushes with softer bristles and applying minimal pressure is preferable. I let my water flosser do more of the pressure related activity.
3. Protect the oral microbiome. When the microbial balance is disrupted, things like cavities, infections, boils, and gingivitis can occur. Botanical sanitizers are better to maintain a harmonious microbial balance. Oil pulling, salt water gargles with small amounts of high quality food-safe essential oils (don't use the highly potent ones, do your research. Peppermint, spearmint, frankincense, tea tree are all fine), herbal mouthwashes, baking soda, and clay are all great options. Oral probiotics are also good to recalibrate balance if you've deeply lost harmony, especially from antibiotic treatments.
4. Pay attention to the gums as well! The gums should also be brushed/massaged. It helps keep the muscles strong (They need to hold your teeth in place. Loose teeth and receding gums are not a good sign) and helps lymph and blood circulation. Rubbing in an (ozonated) gum gel/serum is great to revitalize the cells of these areas.
5. Make your own mouthwash. Most mouthwashes have a lot of sugar in them which makes absolutely no sense if you're trying to keep your teeth healthy. Craft it from high quality ingredients that will alkalize your saliva, keep breath fresh, and support the balance of life in the world that is your mouth.
6. Do not forget about your herbs. Herbal teas are the best mouthwashes between meals. Make sure you sip some after sweets, sugary drinks, and underripe fruit. Licorice, mint, dandelion root, pine, rosemary, and parsley are some that I recommend. (Eating some leafy greens are the next best thing if no tea or mouthwash is available). Certain herbs can also be helpful for numbing/easing pains (ginger, spilanthes, cloves, valerian), tightening gums (red raspberry leaf, nettles, black or green tea, blackberry root, uva ursi), and healing mouth wounds/boils/blisters (plantain, marshmallow root, yarrow, Siberian elm).
7. Understand that your teeth are part of your living body. They naturally engage in growth and repair processes like the rest of your bones. Cavities do reverse. I've observed it in myself. And teeth are able to regenerate too (everything in the body is). It takes time, though, and a focused holistic healing protocol. Make sure you are actively encouraging a reality where those cells flourish as well!
8. Bring awareness to your pains and aches. The teeth are connected with the body. The nerves that run from them link to other areas and organs of the body. Often, in times of pain, we try to numb out the pain or distract ourselves from it. But pains are messages for us to interpret. Sitting in meditation with your pain can not only widen your awareness beyond the pain, but bring insight about what the root issue is. It can reveal things as simple as holding your jaw too tensely (letting yourself be consumed by stress) to deeper issues like stagnant lymphatic flow.
9. Flossing is certainly important for keeping all dimensions of your teeth clean. But it doesn't need to be done with strings alone. (I'm sure most people don't even floss effectively). Water irrigation tools (aka water piks), brushing at different angles, chewing barks/twigs/roots (like licorice, neem, Gouania lupuloides, miswak, calamus), and eating fresh, fibrous foods are also extraordinary in their effects.
10. What you eat matters. As always. Consciously managing what you consume sends the body a message of love. You'll notice what is not supportive for your teeth or what requires more diligent cleaning naturally when you eat with awareness. But never eat something with guilt either, just eat whatever you do consciously. It always does your body good and brings a higher degree of nourishment.
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bristoldentist25 · 7 months
Achieve a Radiant Smile with Teeth Whitening and Implants at Optima Dental Office in Bristol
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At Optima Dental Office, we understand the importance of a bright, confident smile. Whether you're preparing for a special occasion or simply aiming to boost your self-esteem, our range of cosmetic dental treatments can help you achieve your goals.
Teeth Whitening:
Years of consuming coffee, tea, wine, or tobacco can gradually stain your teeth, leading to a dull or discolored smile. Fortunately, our professional teeth whitening services can reverse the effects of staining, unveiling a whiter, brighter smile in just one visit.
Using state-of-the-art whitening techniques and safe, effective whitening agents, our experienced dental professionals customize the treatment to suit your unique needs. Say goodbye to over-the-counter whitening products and experience the superior results of professional teeth whitening at Optima Dental Office.
Dental Implants:
Missing teeth can not only affect your appearance but also impact your oral health and overall well-being. At Optima Dental Office, our implant dentistry services offer a permanent solution to restore your smile and improve your quality of life.
Our skilled implant specialists utilize advanced technology and precise techniques to seamlessly integrate dental implants into your jawbone, providing a stable foundation for replacement teeth. Whether you're missing a single tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants offer a natural-looking and long-lasting solution for a complete smile makeover.
Why Choose Optima Dental Office?
Experienced Professionals: Our team of highly trained dentists and specialists are dedicated to delivering exceptional dental care with compassion and expertise.
Personalized Treatment: We understand that every smile is unique, which is why we tailor our treatments to address your specific concerns and goals.
Advanced Technology: From digital imaging to minimally invasive procedures, we utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure optimal results and patient comfort.
Patient-Centered Care: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We strive to create a welcoming and relaxing environment where you can feel confident in your dental care.
Unlock your smile's full potential at Optima Dental Office in Bristol. Schedule your consultation and embark on a journey towards a brighter, healthier smile.
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dramatiique · 1 year
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Seo Moon-jo owns a dental practice called Yu Spring Dentist. He is well-respected in the community with eager mothers bringing their children to receive their treatment; although this is, in part, because they wish to see him so that they can later gossip about the handsome dentist.
Despite his well-paying career, Moon-jo owns a room (Room 304) in a run-down, cheap residence called Eden Studio. Many people like to avoid it because of the strange residents there but he often spends time there. However, he also owns a nicer apartment in Seoul that he sometimes goes to when he needs a break from the others at Eden.
In his professional life, Moon-jo is compassionate and kind to his clients, even if he can be a little standoffish at times. However, things aren't all what they seem and there's something far sinister that lurks beneath the surface...
Spoilers under the cut. Also dark themes so please be warned.
Moon-jo was found as a starving child by Ms. Eom (who later becomes the owner of Eden) who takes him under her wing. She raises him in the Spring Orphanage. Not much is known about Moon-jo's life before Ms. Eom found him but he has scars on his body, which suggests that he was abused by his mother before she left him to fend for himself.
Moon-jo is a psychopath killer who searches for individuals that he can manipulate into being like him. Once he finds someone he deems to be a worthy candidate, he becomes obsessed over them, stalking them and doing things that make them question their own sanity. He views these victims as his "creations" and will do whatever he can to make them his masterpieces with him being the "artist" who molds them into something greater and unlock their true potential.
The other residents of Eden are all in on the killings with Moon-jo and Ms Eom being the leaders. They get sick pleasure and entertainment out of hurting their targets and causing them to go mad. They are also cannibals who consume the flesh of their victims both because they enjoy it and to help hide bodies / cover evidence.
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rudhrastuff · 1 year
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🦷 Suffering from Tooth Problems? Find Solutions Here! 🦷
Are you experiencing tooth problems and searching for effective solutions? We understand the discomfort and inconvenience dental issues can cause, so we're here to help you find the best remedies. 💪
Here's a list of common tooth problems and their corresponding solutions:
1️⃣ Toothache: If you're experiencing tooth pain, it's crucial to schedule an appointment with your dentist for a comprehensive examination. They will identify the root cause and provide appropriate treatment, which may include fillings, root canal therapy, or extractions if necessary.
2️⃣ Sensitivity: If you feel a sharp twinge when consuming hot or cold substances, you may have tooth sensitivity. Using desensitizing toothpaste and avoiding acidic foods can help alleviate the discomfort. Regular dental check-ups will also ensure any underlying issues are promptly addressed.
3️⃣ Gum disease: Gum problems can lead to swollen, bleeding, or receding gums. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, is essential. Professional cleanings and treatments from your dentist can help prevent gum disease from progressing.
4️⃣ Tooth decay: Cavities can cause pain and affect the overall health of your teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and limiting sugar intake are vital preventive measures. If tooth decay has already occurred, your dentist may recommend fillings, crowns, or other restorative treatments.
5️⃣ Missing teeth: Dental implants, bridges, and dentures are excellent options for replacing missing teeth. Consulting with a dental professional will help determine the most suitable solution for your specific needs.
Remember, prevention is key! Regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene habits are essential steps in preventing tooth problems. 🚀
If you're looking for professional dental care and solutions, connect with our team today! Let us help you achieve a healthy and confident smile. 😁🌟
Website: www.sriramakrishnahospital.com
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smile-again · 1 year
Achieving a Radiant Smile: The Secrets of Teeth Whitening
A bright, white smile is often associated with youth, health, and beauty. However, factors such as aging, lifestyle habits, and certain foods and beverages can cause teeth to become discolored or stained over time. Fortunately, teeth whitening treatments have become increasingly popular and accessible, offering a way to transform dull teeth into dazzling pearls. In this blog, we will explore the secrets of teeth whitening, including the different methods, benefits, and debunking common myths surrounding this cosmetic dental procedure.
Understanding teeth discoloration:
Before diving into teeth whitening techniques, it's essential to understand why teeth become discolored. The two main types of tooth discoloration are extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic stains occur on the surface of the teeth and are commonly caused by consuming dark-colored foods and beverages, smoking, or poor oral hygiene. Intrinsic stains, on the other hand, occur within the tooth structure and are often a result of factors like aging, genetics, certain medications, or dental trauma.
Teeth whitening methods:
In-office professional whitening: This is the most effective and quickest way to achieve a noticeably whiter smile. During an in-office whitening procedure, a dental professional applies a bleaching agent directly to the teeth and activates it with a special light or laser. The process usually takes about an hour and can significantly lighten the teeth in just one session.
At-home whitening kits: Dentists also offer at-home whitening kits, which include custom-made trays and professional-grade bleaching gel. Patients wear the trays for a specified amount of time each day, typically for a few weeks. At-home kits provide gradual whitening results and allow for more convenience and flexibility.
Over-the-counter products: Supermarkets and drugstores offer a wide range of over-the-counter teeth whitening products, such as whitening strips, gels, toothpaste, and mouthwashes. While these options are more affordable and readily available, their effectiveness may vary, and the results may not be as dramatic as with professional treatments.
Benefits of teeth whitening:
Enhanced self-confidence: A bright smile can boost self-esteem and confidence. Teeth whitening can give you the assurance to smile freely and proudly, knowing that your teeth are radiant and beautiful.
Youthful appearance: Teeth tend to darken and yellow with age. Whitening treatments can help reverse the effects of aging on your smile, making you appear younger and more vibrant.
Improved oral hygiene habits: Many individuals who undergo teeth whitening treatments become more conscious of their oral health and hygiene. This often leads to improved brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, as they strive to maintain their newly whitened smile.
Debunking common myths about teeth whitening:
Myth: Teeth whitening damages enamel.
Fact: When performed correctly and under professional supervision, teeth whitening treatments are safe and do not harm the enamel. The bleaching agents used in whitening products have been extensively tested and approved by dental authorities.
Myth: Teeth whitening results are permanent.
Fact: While teeth whitening can produce long-lasting results, the effects are not permanent. Over time, teeth may gradually darken due to natural aging and lifestyle factors. However, periodic touch-up treatments can help maintain a bright smile.
Myth: Teeth whitening is only for celebrities or those with perfect teeth.
Fact: Teeth whitening is suitable for anyone who wishes to enhance the appearance of their smile. It is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that can benefit individuals with various types of tooth discoloration.
Teeth whitening offers a simple and effective way to transform your smile, boost your confidence, and regain a youthful appearance. With professional treatments available both in-office and at home, achieving a brighter smile is more accessible than ever. By understanding the different methods and debunking common myths, you can make informed decisions about teeth whitening and enjoy the benefits of a radiant smile that leaves a lasting impression. Remember to consult with a dental professional to determine the most suitable whitening option for your unique needs and to ensure safe and optimal results.
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obsessivetherian · 1 year
I.. don't consider my jaw problems to be a disability. even if they are debilitating, and lead to problems I do consider disabilities. hearing loss, tinnitus, chronic migraines (with complex tendencies), sleep loss.
it.. seems so normal to me. I can't get treatment for it outside of pain management. it hinders me from receiving dental care, not to mention stops me from brushing my teeth. I'm on a particular diet, which some days is near impossible to actually consume.
but.. it's normal.
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comicryan · 1 year
The Importance of Normal Dental Treatment for a Healthy Smile
Dental treatment plays a vital function in keeping overall health as well as health. It includes looking after your teeth, gum tissues, and mouth to avoid dental issues such as cavities, periodontal disease, and also foul-smelling breath. Regular oral exams and also cleanings are critical to preserving ideal oral health. Overlooking dental care can bring about severe oral issues that can affect your overall wellness. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on regular dental exams as well as preserve excellent dental hygiene behaviors at home.Good dental treatment methods consist of brushing your teeth two times a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, consuming a balanced diet, as well as avoiding tobacco items. In addition to these methods, routine dental examinations as well as cleansings can help avoid oral troubles from establishing or worsening. During a dental examination, the dentist will examine your mouth for any type of signs of dental troubles, such as tooth cavities, gum tissue disease, and also oral cancer cells. They will certainly also cleanse your teeth to remove any type of tartar and plaque build-up. By prioritizing regular dental treatment, you can preserve a healthy smile and stop significant oral issues from establishing.
Read more here click here to read
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