#dentist bun
omoghouls · 13 days
Hhh my wisdom tooth has grown in just slightly wonky so now now whenever I chew i get a bit of my cheek 😭
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mango-ti · 11 months
can my teeth stop being fucked, that would be nice, thank you
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
i've always said that daisy would make a great dentist
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shirozen · 2 years
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Comfort first, suffer later
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dokyeomini · 1 year
getting food
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snailspng · 2 months
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Random PNGs, part 187.
(1. Felted mouse, 2. Mask-shaped powder compact from Elizabeth Arden, 3. 19th c. dentist trade sign, 4. Clown brand cigarettes from 1937, 5. Necklace of paste and silver c. 1800-1850, 6. Lion puppet by Cat Johnston, 7. "Lovely Caterpillar Felix" by Algirdas Mazgelis, 8. Bejewelled hot dog bun (?), 9. Lunch table brooch by Palnart Poc)
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1d1195 · 1 year
Protection I
Okay I did the quickest of Google searches to get some of this info, please don't hold it against me. I have no idea what I’m doing as usual.
Hope you enjoy, I'm looking forward to writing more of it.
5.2k words
“Y’could’ve jus’ asked,” he called from behind her. “S’dangerous t’walk alone this late at night.”
She rolled her eyes, not that he could see it. “No one is going to try and kidnap me for political purposes on a Wednesday night while I get a drink with friends,” she told him.
“Love, s’not what I meant,” he said gently.
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Harry was ready.
He ironed a white button-down shirt and paired it with a blue tie. He put on a grey suitcoat over it to match the slacks he picked out along with black dress shoes that he had long since broken in. In fact, he thought he could probably run a marathon in them if necessary.
He looked over his freshly shaven face, rubbing his jaw with a face lotion his sister got him for his birthday last year. He used the mirror to fix a few astray pieces of hair that refused to sit neatly but not perfectly flat on his head. Part of him wished he didn’t volunteer to do this because his stomach was flipping with anxiety. Sure, he was used to this. Used to the nerves and the first day jitters. It was a good job and was hopefully going to be a great way to see the country. While his English accent made him stick out a bit, it also helped him blend a bit into the background; no one would think that Harry was a special agent there to protect a family member of the US cabinet.
Plus, he was doing Niall a huge favor. Niall was the one that got Harry a job with the Diplomatic Security Service in the first place, so he owed it to Niall to at least try. Make his friend look good and not ruin his reputation. One of Niall’s favorite coworkers was the one that trained Harry to be an agent for the DSS, since Niall wasn’t one. But Niall was the one that had heard horror stories of the girl that wreaked havoc on many of the agents put in place to protect her. Going toe to toe with her meant a more...fulfilling job...after a couple months. At least that’s what Niall had heard and shared with Harry.
“I don’t know what her issue is Harry. But you’re all but DSS’s last hope,” he said. Niall didn’t have to take a round against her. He wasn’t an agent in the protection division. He sat behind a desk going over paperwork. Frequently the paperwork assigning and reassigning the girl’s security detail. But he knew Harry needed a job and he was happy to recommend him. He vouched for him, but Niall was certain the agency would have taken someone off the street and thrown them in the ring at this stage in the game.
Harry was on the younger side. Close to her age, so he had been told in the interview. Maybe that would help. He seemed unfazed. It was just a job. She was just a girl. They had to protect her. But through all he heard, it didn’t sound like they really wanted to protect her all that much anymore.
How much trouble could a twenty-four-year-old graduate biochemistry student get up to?
Niall wished him luck as Harry was debriefed once more about his job. Keep an eye on her, run checks on people she interacts with, make sure she doesn’t die. “Her father is Secretary of State,” they reminded Harry.
Harry nodded. “Got it.”
He took the address that was sent to him into his phone’s GPS and followed the directions to the apartment complex in the small, undercover black SUV issued to him. There was bulletproof glass protecting him from the outside world and tinted windows hiding him through the glass. His mum messaged him.
Good luck, honey bun!
He smirked. Harry may have been twenty-nine, but his Mum’s messages made him feel like a little kid. He adored her, all the way across the pond recognizing what time it was so she could make sure to send him a good luck text as she always had; first day of university, first real job, or even just a trip to the dentist (Harry hated the dentist).
The little apartment complex was inconspicuous. There wasn’t anything special about it, just a brick building with several floors—it couldn’t have been more than 8 apartments. A buzzer door and buttons along the side. The code was sent to him to let himself in.
It’s just a girl. He reminded himself.
Harry took the stairs to the top and fourth floor. It gave him time to calm his nerves and plan his approach based on the way he heard the tales from coworkers. Maybe he would try and befriend her? Harry was down to be friends with her if she wanted. Or maybe that was a bad idea. Maybe he should just try and out-stubborn her. Harry and Gemma used to have contests about who could hold their breath longest when they were young. Harry wasn’t against passing out in the name of winning.
The final steps to her apartment were silent. The current agent at the door looked at Harry with relief. He saluted him, muttered good luck, and hurried back down. Surprised by the immediate departure, Harry gently knocked on the door. The man didn’t even confirm that Harry was his relief. “DSS,” he said quietly to the door.
It took a moment, but at once the door was out of the way. She was shorter than Harry—which arguably wasn’t hard to do with his six-foot frame. Her hair was pulled back by a clip at the back of her head, some strands falling from it to frame her round face. She had a freckle on her brow line and Harry found it unbelievably cute and surprised himself that it was one of the first things he noticed. The space between her eyebrows was pinched together and Harry wanted to smooth it out because even though she was going to be a pain in his ass, she was adorable. Her eyes scanned him quickly and he hoped despite the stories he had heard that she would at least appreciate his professionalism. Her lips were pressed together—not hard, just...resting against one another. Harry was quick to realize it was the least professional thing he could think of: staring at her mouth.
Mum always re-quoted that the eyes were windows to the soul. It was always the first thing Harry noted when he pursued a girl. He loved the idea of gazing into her eyes and trying to find out more about her just through her irises. Maybe if he looked into hers, he would understand why a short little thing like her could scare an entire division of special agents with varying degrees of combat training or intelligence operations.
Her lips pursed into a mocking smile, and she spoke. “Oh, I get it. Send someone young so I relate to them. Someone that will understand my attitude,” she rolled her eyes. Harry raised his eyebrows at her in surprise. Not even a hello. No introduction. Feisty. Right away.
“I’m sorry?”
“Daddy dearest only sent you here because the last seven agents couldn’t handle the paperwork that I made them do. I escape a lot.”
Harry sighed. “Thought y’were gonna be easy,” it was a fib. He knew she was going to be difficult but maybe if he played the part she wouldn’t be as tough on him.
“Nope,” she said petulantly, like that was going to piss Harry off. He assumed it worked on the others that came before him.
Harry could play the petulant game. He was the younger sibling after all. He nodded. “Got it. Well. M’name is Harry. I won’t bother you. I’ll be here if you’d like t’get t’know me. Or when y’leave,” he pulled the door shut and stood beside it. Hands behind his back, listening to the silence inside the door.
“Is this a joke?” She asked through the wood after a full minute. He didn’t respond. The door opened.
“Going somewhere?” Harry asked without looking at her. He could see her in his peripheral.
“No,” she looked at Harry curiously. “You’re not going to...try?” She wondered.
“Try what?” He asked innocently staring at the wall opposite her door.
She shook her head and sighed. “Uh... I’m sorry,” she said awkwardly, uncomfortableness rang in her voice. Harry turned to her, honestly a bit surprised at how readily she apologized. Didn’t seem like something that would be in her repertoire. “Do you want to come in?” She asked. See? Harry thought. She could be perfectly reasonable. “I have seats... you don’t have to stand out here the whole time,” she murmured.
“Thanks, love,” he said politely and followed her through the doorway. He dropped his bag into a seat closest to the door. It just had the department issued computer inside it.
The space was homey. Again, he was surprised by the contrast of the stories he heard versus the sunny outward appearance. He expected rage which he wasn’t sure how that would translate exactly into interior design, but he thought it would be messy. The only hint of a mess was a spot on the coffee table littered with papers and notebooks and a laptop. The grey sofa was also covered with papers and a plain black backpack.
He did not anticipate it being a pretty place. It could rival a florist shop. There were prints of flowers hung on a white mat with black frames at regular spaced intervals. Vinelike garlands decorated with an array of pink flowers of all sorts draped along the slate blue (nearly grey) painted walls near the top of each of the three walls making up the big room—almost like a bordered edge. The fourth wall was the back of the kitchen and contained various appliances leaving no room for flowers, but Harry thought she probably tried when she moved in anyway.
The whole room was open: the sitting room, the dining area, and the kitchen. There were two loveseat sofas, one a modern grey facing the TV. The other perpendicular to the grey one; a solid navy blue that sat in front of three windows. Each window had a sheer grey curtain that matched the sofa, draped with more vines of flowers across all three windows of course. Between the TV and the grey sofa was a grey coffee table and besides the papers and notebooks, there was of course a little vase with pink sunflowers. A large bookshelf was to the left of her TV stand.
In the back corner beside the door was a round dining table and four mismatched dining chairs where Harry had dropped his bag. Another little vase sat in the middle of the table with more pink flowers. The kitchen smelled yummy. Like bacon. That was as much as he could see from the entryway. There was a short little hall but hidden behind a wall he couldn’t see around but assumed a bedroom and a bathroom were around there.
“S’a very nice place,” he murmured.
She was still staring at him as if he just said he liked to eat handfuls of dirt and drink from the river. “Thank you,” she said kindly after a beat of silence. Like she thought maybe it was a trick. “I...I don’t really have any plans tonight. I’ll be studying for an exam I have tomorrow...you could honestly probably leave if you wanted to,”
He thought she sounded genuine but given all the stories, he wasn’t sure. “I’d rather stay put. I can go back in the hall if that would make you more comfortable,” he suggested. “But may I see the rest of the place or would y’rather I wait till later? When you’re less busy?” He asked.
She blinked almost surprised. Harry imagined she wasn’t used to privacy but since he wanted her to like him, he thought respecting her boundaries was going to be the easiest way to do it. Most of her previous details were older. They probably had children of their own around her age or younger and thought treating her like one of their own and bossing her around would be easy. In all the meetings Harry attended and interviews and explanations of the girl before him not once did they seem to note she was an adult.
“Oh...uh...yeah,” she mumbled and gestured for him to walk down the hall. He was right: a bedroom and a bathroom, but he was surprised to find a second bedroom. It didn’t seem like the space was big enough from the outside. She opened all the doors. “This one’s the spare,” she said and showed him the room with nothing but a bed and small three drawer dresser and a chair that looked like it belonged in a college dorm in the corner. There was a door leading to a closet (he assumed). Compared to the main room, it was lackluster given there wasn’t a single flower in the room.
Along the same wall was the bathroom. The room was the same slate grey as the sitting room. The shower curtain was white, with a pattern of pink flowers. The fuzzy bathmat and hand towels matched the pink flowers. A little flowerpot was placed on a shelf hanging above the toilet, but Harry could have predicted at this point that pink flowers would be in the little pot. A chic gold brushed mirror that doubled as a medicine cabinet hung over the sink with the same gold brushed faucet fixtures. A linen closet opposite the light switch right as you walked in, no door to it so he could see her well-stocked array of bathroom necessities, extra towels, and cleaning supplies.
“My room,” she shrugged and pushed the door open. Another bookshelf was draped with green vines. Fascinating. She liked to read a lot, it seemed. A long dresser was beneath the window along the back wall. A nightstand with a biochemistry textbook and a copy of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was closest to the door near the top of her bed. A weird pair of books for late night reading, he thought. Harry would have to pick the non-textbook one up at the bookstore later. Find another way to relate to her. This room was painted a light blue—so light it was almost white. More vines and flowers. Her bed was made neatly. This time slate-blue-almost-grey color again. Once more pink flowers.
“Are y’a botanist?” He asked, turning back for the main room. He didn’t want to spend a lot of time staring at her room and make her uncomfortable.
She smirked, closing the door following behind him. “Just love color and flowers,” she shrugged. “The grey makes it pop,” she explained. “But I wanted a little bluer for my bedroom. Didn’t want it to seem all dreary.” It was the furthest from dreary.
“Well thanks,” she repeated, just as graciously as before.
She sat on the floor in front of the coffee table. “You can make yourself at home, there’s some drinks in the fridge—non-alcoholic of course, since you’re on the job, but I wouldn’t tell anyway,” she murmured and began scribbling on her papers almost instantly.
Harry felt deeply surprised. He pulled his laptop out and checked the emails. The internal messaging system alerted him that Niall had sent a message. How is she?
Fine. He responded.
Harry’s phone vibrated in his pocket immediately. It was Niall. “FINE?” He asked in shock.
Harry shrugged. “Yes.”
Niall released a breath through his lips in surprise. “I can’t believe it. Usually she has people begging for reassignment after five minutes.”
Harry looked over at the girl working at the coffee table. He looked back at his laptop. “Don’t know,” he murmured.
“You can tell whoever you’re talking to that I’m not the bitch everyone makes me out to be if you’re fucking nice to me,” she grumbled.
Harry smirked. “I like her,” he said loud enough for her to hear. But she didn’t pause at all. Nor did she stray from her position or what she was doing to notice Harry’s kind comment.
She left Harry in the main room. He would stay until midnight when some woman would take over the detail. She didn’t hate the woman. She at least allowed her privacy when she wanted it. But she was surprised how much she liked Harry and they’d hardly interacted beyond an exchange of pleasantries. Him leaving in a couple hours seemed unfair.
Harry already had her phone number and he told her he would send her a message, so she had his in case of an emergency. “Not sure what emergency exists in my bedroom,” she muttered. He smirked and shrugged.
“Protocol, love,” he said. So he was one of those. She thought.
She liked his accent. Honestly, she liked everything about Harry. He was gorgeous. It was shocking. There was a moment where she forgot she was supposed to be agitated by her security detail when he introduced himself. It was almost instinctive that her hand wanted to reach out and play with his brown locks that curved every which way around his head. His eyes were this piercing green that she felt the desire to repaint her room the same emerald color. She nearly had to crane her neck to see all six feet of him. And in a simple suit, he was just...beautiful.
But then he pulled the door shut not taking her shit for even a second. Her brain felt out of sorts as she tried to reconcile the attitude, she wanted to have against the one she felt. Not once did someone just back off her. Maybe having someone closer to her age was the trick. But she didn’t want a security detail. Right?
Harry was so utterly polite, complimenting her place, respecting her boundaries as much as possible given his position. Ugh. He was ruining all the hard work she had put in to be a bitch toward DSS.
Fortunately, her phone vibrated as she closed the door to her bedroom. It was a friend from one of her classes telling her they were having a round of drinks before their final exam in the morning. She didn’t want to go. It was ten o’clock and her brain was exhausted from the marathon studying all afternoon and evening with her only breaks introducing herself to Harry and when she ordered them pizza.
Harry insisted on paying. Another weird notion from him. She never really ordered food for her security details, but she always did offer, and she always paid. Her mother taught her to have manners and be polite, even if she was mad—it would make her more amicable. However, she thought a lot of her previous agents assumed she was trying to poison them when she ordered them food. Harry didn’t talk much to her while they ate. He asked her what she was studying and if she felt confident about the exam.
She worked her ass off to be successful in her classes. She was one of the top students, she knew it. But everyone else saw it as the Secretary of State’s doing, not her own. But yes, she was confident about the exam.
But now it was 10:04 and she wanted to be included. She didn’t want to come off as “Daddy’s little princess” and the goody-two-shoes she was accustomed to being. Biting her lip, she pressed her ear to her door. She couldn’t hear Harry at all. Harry seemed cooler than her other details, she could probably just ask him to take her and hang back as far as humanly possible. He told her he was going to read the files on the people she surrounded herself with while she went to sleep.
He would be back first thing in the morning for a full day of watching her every movement. She quietly changed into an easy, comfy outfit. Jeans, t-shirt, her most comfortable broken-in Keds. She glanced at the mirror on the back of her closet and put on a couple dabs of concealer around her eyes and a few swipes of mascara. It was one round of drinks; she would be back before Harry left his post and she wouldn’t even have to worry about locking up her apartment. She shoved her ID and her credit card into the back of her phone case and then put it in her back pocket.
Carefully, she opened the window pausing around the part that always groaned in the humidity from the outside August air. She quietly pulled the screen in and laid it on her bed. With cat-like soft feet, she got out onto the platform of the fire escape. Closing the window behind her, once more minding the swelled portion. She made her way down the fire escape. The walk to the bar was less than half a mile.
As she turned the corner of the building to walk along the streetlamp-lit roads she was pushed suddenly and almost violently against the building. She nearly lost her footing, but the person kept her upright and was surprisingly gentle with her before she slammed into the bricks. Her lungs inhaled, ready to let out a scream, but a hand was covering her mouth at the same time causing her heart rate to skyrocket. “Seriously?” Harry’s accent cut through her terrified mind.
The terror seeped out of her mind as anger coursed through her. Maybe the close in age thing wasn’t going to be a good plan after all. If this was one of her other agents, they wouldn’t have known she was gone until she had finished her drink and was walking back home. She shoved his hand from her mouth, and she glared at him. Her body was shaking with her fight or flight response and a lot rage. “What?” She snapped and started marching down the road.
“Y’could’ve jus’ asked,” he called from behind her. “S’dangerous t’walk alone this late at night.”
She rolled her eyes, not that he could see it. “No one is going to try and kidnap me for political purposes on a Wednesday night while I get a drink with friends,” she told him.
“Love, s’not what I meant,” he said gently. The kindness in his tone made her attitude waver again. But she was mad that he caught her. That never happened. She didn’t want to be sneakier. She thought she might actually like Harry. He even said he liked her to whoever he was on the phone with—that made her heart warm despite how she pretended not to hear. If Harry liked her, it would be much harder to maintain the isolated, bitchy attitude she gave all the other security agents.
“What’s there to worry about? Someone shoving me against a building and covering my mouth?” She grumbled.
“I didn’t want t’scare you; I was jus’ trying t’show you that someone could’ve snuck up,” he was keeping his distance from her, but she listened intently for the practically soundless footsteps. The only reason she could hear him was because it rained and made the little scratchy pebbles and dirt crunch under his feet ever so slightly.
“By scaring me,” she stated, still not looking at him.
He sighed. “M’sorry. I thought...” he trailed off. She didn’t make him finish his sentence. She thought too—he knew the stories of her, but he thought he would be different. They walked probably two tenths of a mile in silence. “M’sorry, love,” he repeated. “S’my first day. Didn’t want you t’get hurt.”
She sighed. He did sound remorseful. And she still kind of liked him. Mostly because as tragic as it sounded, he seemed to be more worried about her safety as a female walking dark streets and not a political official’s daughter. “It’s alright,” she mumbled. “I should have just asked,” she agreed a bit begrudgingly. “Just figured it was one drink and I’d be home before you left.”
He didn’t say anything. She stopped in her tracks. She could see the sign for the bar where her friends were down the long street before her. She turned to Harry. He looked relieved.
They gazed at each other a moment. Harry would be a worth adversary, she thought to herself. It was like he heard her thoughts because his next words almost tried to refute the idea. “I don’t like t’do paperwork,” he told her those pretty green eyes focused on her intently. He was serious. His jaw flexed tightly.
She smirked. “No promises.”
She spotted Harry at the end of the stairway, leaning against the wall as she exited the building where she had taken her exam. He had to be sweating in the suit slacks and button down—even if the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His left arm had several tattoos lining his arm while the right only had one or two. He wasn’t wearing a tie today nor a suit coat—she wanted to tell him she didn’t really give a shit what he wore, but he seemed the professional type. Being the middle of August, it was hot as could be. He didn’t seem to care, glancing every which way through a pair of black sunglasses. She couldn’t see his eyes and she suddenly realized she missed seeing the green even though she’d only gotten one good look at them.
Unfortunately, in all her ogling she missed the last two steps sending her straight into someone in front of her and she fell to the ground on the hot sidewalk, scraping her knee like a child. Fortunately, as a biochem major, she had to wear pants whenever setting foot in the lab so the yoga pants she wore—while hot for a summer day—probably saved her just a bit from a worse cut. It did cause a few tears in the fabric and her knee would surely bruise.
Harry started to rush over but the guy she bumped into helped her back to standing. “You okay there?” He asked.
Harry stood back a few feet as the guy helped. “Uh...yeah. Sorry, I missed the last step,” she said with a slight awkward laugh. She brushed the dirt from her hands that were also scraped as well as the length of her forearm since she was allowed to wear short sleeves (especially since it was exam day).
“Oh hey! You’re—” As soon as she realized he recognized her she closed her eyes and sighed.
“Yeah,” she mumbled. “Sorry,” she hurried off, limping slightly as she realized she really smacked her knee and the way it scraped definitely made it sore to bend. She didn’t want to be recognized. She wanted to be herself and not have this political precursor follow her everywhere.
They were making their way back toward the SUV Harry had parked nearby when he had dropped her off this morning so she wouldn’t be late. Good luck he had called out when she closed the door behind her. “Are y’alright?” Harry’s accent was a few paces behind her. She felt embarrassed so she didn’t turn around. She nodded.
“Yeah. Just a scrape. Want to go home and take a nap in the AC.”
“Can’t argue with y’there,” he chuckled.
She smirked; glad he couldn’t see her. “You don’t have to wear a suit all the time,” she told him. “It’s a thousand degrees out. You’ll die of a heat stroke before you can protect me.”
He seemed to ignore her joke, but she was still a bit genuinely concerned he would overheat. “How was your exam?” He asked.
She turned finally and looked at him. He stopped short, still a few steps behind her. They probably looked odd beneath the shaded trees. Both dressed not for a summer day. Harry looked threatening, surprisingly. He didn’t when she saw him in her apartment or even when he walked her home at eleven last night. He looked like a regular guy even if he was overdressed in a half suit. She noted the gun in its holster on his hip and she wondered how good of a shot he was. Not because she thought he would be bad or because she thought he would ever need to shoot it in her presence but because she was genuinely curious about him. She still had her backpack on of course. Her knee bent slightly with a tear in her pants. Quite the pair.
His glasses were still covering his eyes, hiding probably the most assured way to understand what he was thinking. But despite all she thought about the DSS, Harry was nice. Even if it had only been the inside of 24 hours.
It was shame she was a bitch to her security detail.
“Uh...easy,” she said. “A lot of my friends complain about studying and it sucks, but obviously it was worth it,” she shrugged. “I only struggled with one long response question, and I knew that I would going into it,” she explained.
“S’good, m’happy for you,” a little smile twinged at his lips and he sounded so genuine. It surprised her. Like he was really taking an interest in her.
But then she remembered this was his job and he probably couldn’t give two shits about her or exam. She tilted her head and scanned the man before her as if that negative thought would reveal itself. Of course, it didn’t. The glasses were hiding his true emotions. She would have to figure out Harry later. It was too hot, even in the shade.
Silently she turned on her heel looking at the air-conditioned oasis of that SUV. Harry opened the door for her, something she was not used to before closing her neatly and safely inside. Once Harry opened his door she asked her question. “Can we get coffee?” She asked.
“My treat,” she smirked.
“I thought you wanted a nap?”
“Yeah, but I have to work later and if you drink coffee before a nap, the coffee will kick in right when you wake up.”
He tilted his head at her before he pulled into the road. “Didn’t know y’have a job.”
“It’s remote,” she shrugged.
“So coffee?”
“If that’s what you want, love.”
Harry drove in silence to the closest coffee shop he could find, and she got out of the car quickly before stopping at the driver’s window. “Can I get you anything?” She asked kindly.
“Uh...an iced tea would be nice,” he said curiously.
She was not the bitch everyone made her out to be. “Sure,” she said and rushed inside. Harry kept the window rolled down and could see her perfectly through the window. It took no more than ten minutes, and she was back at the car handing him iced tea through his open window before she got into the car. Harry wasn’t really sure what to make of her. But he was sure that he liked her. She was funny. In her own sort of way. He watched her sip her drink as she settled back into the car.
It would be fun.
Protecting her.
“I could send you a picture if you’d like to stare at me longer,” she blinked in excess at him. Fluttering her pretty eyelashes as her quick witted tone pierced his thoughts.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
Protection tag list: @youcouldstartacult
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dreaamerwrites · 2 years
rating: PG couple: cho guesung x female reader request: "can i ask you to imagine cho gue sung if he gets jealous because of one of the other players?" tags: jealousy, cake, kangin shenanigans, making out in a hotel hallway lol note: reader has had a crush on guesung for a long time. she was starting to wonder if her feelings might be reciprocated while they were apart during the Qatar World Cup, but during a welcome back party for our KNT boys, guesung begins to act very, very strange. /
You realize something is wrong immediately.
You can’t quite put your finger on how you know. He’s standing on the other side of the room, several feet of carpet, appetizers, and rowdy footballers stretching out in the space between you two. Seungho is laughing at his side. Jinsu must’ve cracked a joke, because Guesung appears to be laughing too now. But…
But you can tell something is wrong.
Maybe it’s that tight set to his jaw. (You can see it clench and unclench, an unhappy habit you know he’s been trying to break for months now, per his dentist’s orders.) Or maybe it’s his arms, crossed over his chest. He’s standing broad; feet apart, shoulders squared. He looks half-ready to fight or bolt – and yet, still, he continues to laugh between Jinsu and Seungho. As if everything is fine, as if nothing’s wrong.
His eyes briefly flicker over. They meet yours. You frown at him, trying to ask and convey:
What’s wrong?
Guesung’s expression does not change as he looks away yet again.
“Noona, did you taste this yet?!”
Suddenly a fork comes in line with your vision.
You look to your left, startled. Kangin had been chatting animatedly by your side for the last few minutes but, with Guesung looking so off, you hadn’t been able to pay much attention to the boy. The Mallorca boy smiles down at you with a broad, earnest smile, all teeth and dimples, and you immediately soften.
“No, not yet,” you reply, leaning forward to take the bite of cake he offers to you. It tastes of blueberries and whipped cream. “Are you guys even allowed to eat stuff like this?”
“Of course,” Kangin’s grin grows even wider, a truly impossible feat. “It’s Day 1 of our vacation. I deserve this today. Isn’t it good?!”
The sweetness clings to you, both from the cake and the boy.
“Yes,” you laugh, shaking your head. “It’s very good.”
Pleased, Kangin moves to take another bite for himself now. He’s settled close to you, as he had been for the last hour…
(I’ve missed you, noona! he had exclaimed, as soon as he had found you waiting in the hotel suite, still adding the last finishing touches to the makeshift welcome party you and the rest of the Seoul-based staff had thrown together.
The day had been a hectic one – their flights delayed, the airport erupting into chaos, countless fans lining up outside the hotel where the team had intended to touch base before all going their separate ways. You had been a mess then, hair still up in a sloppy bun, a pile of knotted streamers in your hands. Kangin had nearly tackled you down with a hug regardless.
You should’ve come with us, he had whined, arms still tight around your waist. Qatar wasn’t the same without you!
Over his shoulder, at that moment, you had seen Guesung walk in, face gaunt, eyes tired. He had stopped briefly when he saw the spectacle before him – Kangin hugging you in a wild bear hug, walking you backwards and nearly knocking over a bowl of confetti in the process – before shaking his head and making his way immediately towards the bar cart.)
That had been one hour ago.
And now, Kangin is still pressed into your side, curled up beside you on one of the hotel suite loveseats – and Guesung…
Well, Guesung has still not even come to say hello.
You’re trying very hard not to take it personally. It isn't as if you have any claim on Guesung. He isn't even your boyfriend, after all. You're close of course. You're close with all of them really. But… but Guesung had been different. Had felt different.
Especially over the last few weeks, throughout the World Cup campaign. You two had been talking more than ever. Constant phone calls, constant texts. You had spoken to him more over the last few weeks while he was in Qatar than you had ever before.
(And when he’d fall asleep, mid-sentence, mumbling to you over the phone about just wanting to do well, to make everyone happy, to make you feel proud of him… well, was it wrong for your heart to have flipped at the promise? Was it wrong to start to wonder if, for the first time in years, that perhaps your feelings weren’t so one-sided after all?)
You did well, Guesung. I missed you. I’m proud of you, Guesung. I missed you.
You had had so many things to tell him in-person and yet, now, you can’t even find the courage to approach him from across this very hotel room.
Was it possible for someone to feel far away, even while in the same room? How had he managed to feel even closer, when he had been oceans away before?
“You wanna know a secret, noona?” Kangin suddenly asks.
He’s pressed to your side, radiating a comforting kind of heat that briefly distracts you from how strange Guesung has been all evening.
You force yourself into a brief, small smile before turning to look at Kangin again. He has a small smudge of whipped cream on his Cupid’s bow. He looks as soft, kind, and sweet as ever. A boy, enjoying his cake, just happy to be here at all.
“Sure,” you can’t help but laugh, reaching over to wipe the cream from his lips with your thumb, endeared. He blushes sheepishly at the action, licking at his lips afterwards. This time, you press your shoulder into his instead, laughing teasingly. “What’s the secret, kid?”
This gets him back on track.
Momentarily forgetting his sheepishness, Kangin straightens up, sitting broad in the loveseat with you, shoulder firm against yours. He gives you an owlish, knowing look.
“I’ve been conducting an experiment,” he says, very matter-of-factly.
You raise a brow, licking the icing off your thumb. Kangin doesn’t bat an eye.
“You see, when we were at the airport, some of the hyungs were all making fun of… someone,” he raises a brow right back at you, all swagger now, as if he wasn’t just caught with frosting on his lip. “They all knew you’d be here, waiting for us when we got back, ya’know.”
You’re not quite sure where this is going.
“They were making fun of him, saying that… that someone would probably be soOOOooOo happy to see you,” Kangin hums, clearly pleased with himself. “He tried to deny it the whole trip. Said it wasn’t a big deal. Said he just wanted to see you just like everyone else. Said it wasn’t like that.”
Wasn’t like that. Suddenly your heart is caught in your throat.
“Kangin,” your smile falters.
Kangin’s expression transforms from faux swagger to warm encouragement in a split second. He sets his cake down onto the coffee table and, hands free now, shifts even closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“I needed to call bullshit,” he smiles warmly, no malice lacing his words whatsoever. Just pure kindness and laughter. He radiates so much softness that you can’t even admonish him for swearing. “I wanted to make them acknowledge that: nope, this is exactly like that.”
Kangin squeezes your shoulder firmly, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Noona, you deserve someone who will be honest about their feelings. You deserve someone who will be proud to have you in their life and who will fight to keep you always.”
(Just want you to be proud of me, Guesung had murmured sleepily on the fourth night.
His voice had sounded far away on the phone. You had pressed the receiver closer to your ear. You could catch what he said next just barely. It came so soft and sleep found him so quickly after that you wondered if you had dreamt it all.
Just want you to want me too, he had whispered. Just want you.)
“So I started wondering, ya’know. If this guy can’t even be brave enough to tell his friends that he likes you, then will he ever be brave enough to deserve you?” Kangin continues, this time more flippantly than before. His gaze flickers over to the side of your head but he holds you still, does not let you look away. “So I needed to run a little experiment.”
Suddenly Guesung is standing before you.
This time, Kangin lets you look up, look away. Lets you look up into Guesung’s face, to find his expression pinched and unhappy, his big hand brushing Kangin’s off of your shoulder with focused intent.
Guesung grabs your arm and lifts you up and off the couch.
“We’re going,” Guesung grits out. “Now.”
“Guess I know my answer now,” Kangin laughs loudly, a full-bodied laugh. You can see he has some whipped cream still left on his chin, too, that you hadn’t noticed before.
You glance between the young boy and Guesung in confusion – but Guesung doesn’t give you a chance to squeak out another question.
He leaves behind a laughing Kangin and pulls you further and further away, his hand firm on your arm, fingers pressing into your skin as he pulls you through the crowd of people, his steps so wide that you nearly trip over your own feet to keep up with him.
Heungmin is laughing now, just as loudly, and you can see Jinsu and Seungho doubled over in the corner.
Guesung does not spare anyone a second glance.
He does not even spare you a glance until you’re out, finally, standing in the hotel hallway, the suite room slamming closed behind you. Your back hits the wall.
“I’m – what – what’s going on – ” you sputter, Guesung’s hand still tight around your arm. “Guesung, you’re hurting me.”
He drops his hand immediately, as if burned. Still, he does not look at you. He stares down at his hand instead. His chest is heaving and his expression has morphed from frustrated anger to one of disbelief, as he stares down at his palm. He clenches it closed into a fist, his knuckles white.
Just want you to want me too.
“Sorry, I’m – I’m sorry,” Guesung is muttering now, voice low and gravelly. Thick with something uncomfortable. “I shouldn't have – sorry, I grabbed you. I shouldn’t have – ”
You can hear the party even through the thick hotel room door that separates you from the rowdy footballers. You can almost hear Kangin laughing, still.
Be brave, he’d probably tell you.
Be brave, he’d probably tell the both of you in this hallway.
Slowly, you raise your hand to cover Guesung’s closed fist. His hand is so big, compared to yours, that you can barely cover half of it. You raise your other as well. Cradling his fist in both of your hands, you smooth your thumbs over his clenched knuckles. You can feel him shiver at the touch and finally, finally… you buck up the courage to look up.
To look at him.
Guesung stares down at you, towering over you with his height. He blocks out the hotel light behind him, still breathing heavily, shoulders shaking, and, for once, all you can see is him. The hotel room, the laughter, the party: everything fades away. There is only you, and there is only him.
The silence is deafening.
His mouth is pressed into a thin line. His expression is still unreadable, guarded and unhappy, but the beauty mark just below his eye is so endearing that you can’t help but soften, despite yourself.
For the first time that evening, you think you may finally understand what was wrong all along.
I miss you, his eyes seem to scream. I missed you!
You let go of his hand to reach up to cradle his face carefully instead.
“It’s okay,” you whisper into the silence of the hotel hallway. “Don’t be sorry.”
Be brave!
“I missed you too,” you admit quietly.
The change in his expression comes so swiftly that you can barely register it before he crushes you against him. He presses your face into his broad chest and wraps his muscled arms around you tightly, desperately. He holds you so close that your own chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. His breath is warm and harsh against your ear, a faint whine of unhappiness rising up when you wiggle in his arms, trying to free your own arms so that you can wrap them around him. Only when your arms circle his waist does he finally let out a ragged, relieved sigh.
Still, he does not let you go.
“I hated it. All of it,” he mutters into your hair. “Everything in there. I'm sorry. I hated that Kangin was the first one you saw. I hated that he was with you all night. I hated that we didn’t speak and that you didn’t look at me and that you were looking at him and –”
He’s rambling now, all nonsense and tight breaths.
You smooth your hand down his back. Follow the curve and dip of his spine. Rub soothing circles into the base. He seems to melt into you at the touch, though he’s careful not to rest his weight onto you.
You don’t think you’d mind it, really. You tug him closer, still.
“I didn’t know,” you whisper back quietly. “I’m sorry too.”
This stops the rambling.
Guesung seems to go still in your arms. And then, unwillingly, reluctantly, he slowly pulls back. His hands are locked behind your back so neither of you can go very far, but he pulls back just enough to get a better look at your face. You’re not sure what you look like. Your hair feels like a mess, from being pressed up against him just now, and you’re sure you’re flushed as well – but…
But Guesung looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
And, damn, if he isn't the most beautiful thing you've ever seen as well.
His mouth is red and his cheeks are flushed. He stares down at you with such intensity that you want to squirm under his gaze, but still he holds you in place. You swallow. His hair has come loose, the pomade softening, and a few strands fall into his forehead. You want to push them back. You want to hold him closer. You want him to…
“You didn’t know?” Guesung asks softly, breaking your train of thought.
You shake your head slowly. He licks his lips. Watches you watch him too.
“You didn’t know that I’ve missed you like hell for the last few months? You didn’t know that the first person I wanted to see after our Portugal match... was you?”
Guesung’s gaze never leaves yours.
This time, you do shiver.
“You wanted to see me first?” you reply shakily, a slight tremor in your voice.
Guesung sweeps one hand up from your waist to the side of your neck. Normally he runs cold, you know, but today he is warm, skin hot against yours. His thumb smooths over the slope of your jaw, the touch purposeful and tender.
“I always want to see you first,” he replies, just as shakily, his voice giving him away.
You cannot hear Kangin laughing anymore. You do not hear anything but the sound of Guesung’s soft voice and your own heart thumping loudly in your chest. It’s time to be brave now.
“Good,” you reply.
You tilt your face up to Guesung. And then, staring into his eyes, you lift yourself up onto your tippy toes, rest your hands on his shoulders, and lean up and into him.
When your lips find his, the first kiss is unbearably soft.
A barely there brush of your lips at first – but then there's a second, and then a third.
By the fourth, Guesung is hungry as he pushes you back further against the wall, one leg slotting between yours, his big hand cupping your cheek to tilt your mouth up and open for him even more.
“Missed you,” you murmur between kisses, his tongue catching your bottom lip. You shiver when his other hand stops at the small of your back, thumb sweeping across the stretch of skin there that appears as your shift lifts just slightly. “So proud of you. ‘M so proud of you. Wanted to tell you all night.”
He shakes in your arms at this, holding you closer, his thigh warm between your legs.
“Proud of me?” he mumbles back, pressing another kiss at the corner of your mouth, nose brushing against yours. “Missed me?”
You nod, dizzy now, breathless as he kisses you in earnest. Your hand finds its way into his hair and you give the strands a light tug, pulling him back slightly. When he tilts back, you can see him clearly now. Mouth wet, pink with your lip balm, his hair even more mussed than before. He’s heaving now, chest rising and falling with each desperate breath.
You can taste that cake still – blueberries and whipped cream clinging to the backs of your teeth – but you can taste Guesung too, you think. You lick your lips.
He seems to melt at the sight.
He sags against you, pressed firmly against you, wedging you between his thighs and the cool wall behind you.
“Did you really?” he leans closer, pressing his forehead to yours.
For someone who just kissed you as if their life depended on it, a flash of uncertainty shines in his eyes.
Oh, Guesung…
You decide to be brave enough for the both of you.
“I did. I’m so proud of you. And I missed you so much,” you answer steadily. Your hand in his hair is gentle. You brush the strands back slowly, carefully. Breathe in his cologne and let yourself get dizzy with it. “Wanted you. So much.”
Guesung looks dizzy himself.
He nudges his nose against yours. You’re sure the position must be uncomfortable for him, towering so high above you but leaning down so that he can reach you, like this. He does not seem to care. The uncertainty in his eyes seems to be fading now.
“Really? You wanted – want me?” he clears his throat. Presses himself closer to you, all heat between your legs, shuddering when your fingers card through his hair, nails grazing the nape of his neck. He tries to laugh shakily. “Even more than Kangin?”
The joke catches you so off guard that you let out a helpless, breathless laugh.
“Is that really a question?” you ask, looking down at the predicament you two are in briefly before looking back up at Guesung. Do you see this right now? is what you should really be asking. Instead, you decide to humor him. “Of course more than Kangin. More than anyone else. Always. I wouldn’t be out here kissing Kangin like this!”
This seems to appease him.
He crowds against you even closer, nuzzling your nose with his, sneaking a quick kiss to your cheek.
“Good,” he murmurs. “Only kiss me like this. Only want me. I know I only want you.”
You know there will be lengthy conversations after this. You know the two of you will need to discuss your feelings properly – will need to iron this out and speak like adults, rather than kiss-drunk kids who want only to be wrapped up in each other’s arms. You know that that will all come...
But for now, you let yourself have this.
Be brave.
“Only want you,” you promise, voice soft. Reassuring. Guesung is warm and solid in your arms.
He is everything you could ask for at that moment.
He is everything you could ask for always.
“I promise.”
Bonus cut:
Several minutes later, after a few more lengthy, hungry kisses:
Guesung fixes his hair, ruffling the strands between his fingers, as he gazes at you thoughtfully. You raise a brow at him, as you readjust your shirt, trying to tuck it back in from where he had pulled it loose.
“What is it?”
He purses his lips, a curious look in his eyes.
“You tasted like… blueberries. Do you always taste like berries?”
You pause.
And then, schooling your expression into the most neutral one you can manage, you sniff: “Did you get to try the cake we got for you guys? It’s blueberries and cream. …Kangin fed me some. Didn’t you see – ”
(Really, you both had tried to straighten yourselves out in vain. What was even the point of trying to straighten out your shirt again?)
You yelp when Guesung reels you back in, big hands immediately grabbing onto your hips as he pulls you closer, staring at your mouth with intent, chasing you for another kiss.
“I’ll kiss it away. Gonna kiss you til you taste like me instead,” he growls roughly, mouth open and wet against yours.
You can only laugh into the kiss in agreement.
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ladylovesalatte · 2 years
listen, I understand the angst-potential of Kagehina losing contact during Brazil arc, but you know as well as I do that Kageyama 'volleyball is my life and Hinata = someone better' Tobio and Hinata 'definition of velcro friend' Shouyou after spending 3 years attached at the hip would never let that happen
I would bet real money they talked at least once a week and Kags' phone consistently received texts such as "Saw this cow and thought of you" or "Look at this meat bun! I'll buy some for you when you come." At first it takes Kageyama some time to get used to texting, but slowly Hinata starts getting stuff like "Went to the dentist today. No cavities." and "My evening meal. I bet I'm winning at eating vegetables, dumbass"
I don't care how busy they get, there's absolutely no way these two competitive volleyball idiots (in love) could go more than one week without screaming at each other
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Calling Suguru Geto “BabyGirl” (Black Fem Reader)
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He just doesn’t get you..he really doesn’t you are the one person to constantly keep him on his toes.
Out of all the people he has managed to read you still remain an unfinished case, you were unhinged like his best friend and always coming up with new ways to annoy your boyfriend, but he still loved you all the same.
“Y/n…” Suguru caught you at your rarest form: relaxed and on the couch reading. You were actually feeling so relaxed because you were on some medication from leaving the dentist so you were a bit more calmer than usual and Geto knew he had to take advantage of this and talk to you.
He sat at the other side of the couch, lifting your legs on top of his lap, and rubbed your thigh. “You feeling okay?”
“Never better, babygirlllll…” Geto squinted his eyes at you, he doesn’t remember when you started calling him that, but it always made his eye twitch. He wasn’t sure if he hated it or loved it considering you always had a cute crooked smile after saying it as if you were trying not to laugh. He sighed, “Why do you call me that?”
You nearly flinched at his question. He almost sounded annoyed and in all honesty you never wanted to make it awkward with you calling him the silly nickname. You’re eyes were the only thing peaking from out of your book look at him and he never broke eye contact. His hair was in a wet messy bun, coming straight out the shower, the cut short sleeved shirt he was wearing was a bit damp and the side of his body was exposed to show some of his tattoos, before you answered you just kept staring at him…and his features were so….
“Pretty.” You muttered, Geto cocked his eyebrow in confusion at you still rubbing your thigh. “You’re so pretty Suguru…and you have such good qualities about you…everything you do is like..so pretty…..you’re just…so…”
“Yes pretty!”
You had the cutest smile to him, he could swear that he sees you wagging your imaginary tail being so satisfied with your answer hoping he was too.
He turned his head down and then to his right not facing you to not expose his reddening face. You thought he was pretty? Geto always carried himself well and though he never cared that much about his looks or even how he acted hearing you make such a cute compliment really warmed him.
“Well…” Suguru sighed heavily and took your book gaining him a “Hey!” From you. He opened your legs and plopped his whole body weight on top of you so now your noses are so close they touch. “If I’m baby girl…then I’ll be it…but just know you’ll always be—-“
“YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY BABBYYY DODODO UH DODODODOOD UH YEAAAHHHH!” You randomly busted out singing ruining the entire moment making Geto laugh in defeat. Well…at least he got an answer out of you.
Out of HIS baby girl.
A/N: ngl I firmly believe Geto would date a very unhinged, ADHD, weird, nerdy, idk…kinda girl…like a very chaotic good girl. Lowkey keeps him sane.
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Good Morning Coffee – Seth Avett
Steve just couldn’t get a break, could he?
This customer was ridiculous, truly. They were gonna run out of sugar at the rate he was going, and they were a coffee shop. They ordered enough sugar to supply a whole neighborhood’s worth of sugar.
It was like each week he changed his order just so, adding a touch more or “oh yes please add whipped cream to that” (as if they hadn’t learned the first time that he absolutely needed whipped cream, even that one time he got a black coffee. Which, to be fair, made it not a black coffee).
Steve got the impression he was a funny guy, for all Robin laughed and laughed each time he came to the window. He made Steve wish they were the kind of coffee shop to ask for people’s names, or wish, for just a fleeting second once or twice a day, that he could hear well enough to actually take orders through the headset. And, damn him, this guy only came in during the morning rush and only through the drive thru. Steve didn’t really know anything about him, besides a guess at outrageous dentist bills and a glimpse or two of dark, curly hair piled in a  high bun.
So Steve just made this man’s coffee around eight o’clock every morning, and wondered.
- - -
“Steve, you’re squinting.”
“Shut up Robin, I’m fine.”
“Have you taken your meds yet?”
Steve turned his back to her, eyes focused on the screen. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Robin cross her arms.
“Steve, my beautiful friend. Take your medication.”
“Rob, really, I’m ok—”
Steve turned around with a smile, launching into his spiel before he’d even fully turned around. And when he did, the words died in his mouth.
“Hello welcome to Groovy Gary’s—”
Dark curly hair. Silver rings. It was the sugar guy. He was. Wow. He was something else. He had tattoos, his outfit all black, piercings and bracelets and and and—
Reboot, Harrington, stop staring.
Too chipper, Steve. Robin smothered a laugh from where she was covering the window, and Steve wanted to melt into the sticky floor.
“Hey there.” A shit-eating grin spread across his face and Steve was only sort of annoyed by it.
“How can I help you?”
Act natural Harrington, act natural.  He tried to lean against the counter and put his hand directly into the cup of stopper sticks. Sugar-guy saw. Shit he definitely saw. Steve cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows.
“I was coming in for a coffee.”
Steve bit the inside of his cheek to keep from rolling his eyes.
“A coffee? I don’t know, we might be low, I’ll have to ask Robin if we have any in stock.”
A shit-eating grin.
“You remember my order?”
“How do you know it’s me making it?”
Sugar-guy glances around behind the counter. It’s only Steve and Robin, as it’s almost always only Steve and Robin. Except on—
“Except on Thursdays. That grumpy guy makes mine on Thursdays.”
Steve laughs.
“He hates me.” His voice is full of despair, and Steve laughs again.
“Wow, what are you gonna do? You’re not every baristas favorite customer.”
“Am I your favorite customer?”
Steve pretends to think, tapping his finger against his chin.
“Well man, you never get the same thing in a row, but your variations are definitely interesting.”
“You know my variations?”
Sugar-guy is looking at Steve up through his lashes, hair pulled across his mouth, barely hiding the grin.
“Do you only eat sugar?”
Another laugh.
“Hey, I order black coffee sometimes.”
“Dude, you order it with whipped cream. That’s not black coffee.”
A car horn blares outside the drive-thru window. Robin comes up on Steve’s right.
“Sorry to interrupt, but Steve, it’s Mrs. Click. She’s spitting mad already, which I don’t how that’s possible because it looks like she just rolled out of bed. They wrong side of the bed, maybe.”
“Oh Jesus, ok.” He turns to sugar-guy.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I never got your order.”
“Oh, nothing for me today. Got something for you.”
Steve tilts his head and automatically takes the things Eddie holds over the counter. With a wink Steve barely catches, sugar-guy’s walking out the door. Steve looks down at the…napkin? The folded napkin. He unfolds it.
Eddie Munson 432-9090
Steve doesn’t stop smiling all day.
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abbysbasement · 1 year
—short thoughts
• A honey girl, always keeps a summer tan, usually from working out on the quad all day. Practically glowing all of the time and the girls are insane about it.
• Sorry, the braid is dead. Only ever really wears it on the rugby field, and when she’s walking around campus, her hair is usually down, or up in a bun and held back with a sweatband. Whatever mental image you’re conjuring in your mind, it’s correct. Even that one.
• Her father is the country’s premier neurosurgeon, and he’s donated a lot of money to Jackson University. A library there, a faculty building there, even refurbishing the rugby field for the season. He practically gives a blank check each year, and because of this, consequences don’t really exist for Abs and she gets away with any and everything. The reason why she has an air fryer in her dorm and the RAs pretend like they don’t see it.
• Proud community strap. Was notorious freshman year for having a rotating cycle of girlfriends and side pieces. ‘Those are not healthy coping mechanisms, Abby.’ Her therapist says, but is there really any better way to ease your mind that slipping deep into a warm body, tight and soft and wet? No, probably not.
• Has the prettiest smile, smiles with her eyes, always so charming with plump, kissable lips. Has perfect teeth, never missed a dentist appointment and gets check ups religiously. Had braces in the 10th grade and when she had her first kiss with a girl she cut her lip and it bled all down her mouth. She probably fainted idk.
• Girl himbo (I know what I said.) butch himbo? Butchbo? Actually super smart and well read, majoring in animal science to become a vet tech. Spends a lot of her time in the school library, when she’s not on the field, or at a party, or in a stranger’s bed. Or in her own bed, nursing a hangover, whatever’s more common.
• Still roommates with Manny since freshman year. Originally she got set up with Leah, who then of course wanted to room with her boyfriend, who was conveniently dorming with Manny. A little form-filling here, some schmoozing there, a little ‘my dad owns this school’ over yonder and it was a match made in heaven. Nobody has a deeper, more intimate connection than a butch lesbian and her boy best friend.
• Terribly afraid of needles. She can’t pinpoint specifically what she has against them but they inspire the same nausea in her that heights do, so when she can she steers clear of them. In a turn of drunken, reckless events, Manny convinced her to get her ears pierced, because pretty girls love stud earrings, obviously. By the time the piercer did one ear, Manny had to carry her out of the parlor because she had COMPLETELY passed out.
• Between classes and practice, she forgot to clean her piercing and her ear got infected. She had two large-scale mental breakdowns; the first when she woke up leaking and burning from her ear, which had already sucked the metal halfway into the flesh, and the second, when her dumbass roommate said, “it’s okay, man. I have pliers, I can pull it out for you and then you’re good as new.” She almost threw up.
• The great piercing debacle of ‘21 ended in her calling up her dad, bawling, because she didn’t know what to do, Manny sitting on the couch listening to her freak the fuck out in the bathroom. “This is what happens when you put foreign objects into your body, Abs.” He chided, as *another* needle was plunged into her skin —local anesthetic— before he sliced open her earlobe with a scalpel.
• The proud driver of a cherry-red enclosed Jeep Wrangler, fully paid off by her dad as a highschool graduation gift, an upgrade from the white Audi she got as a 16th birthday present. She gets it rewrapped every six months —the ice blue was real popular with the ROTC girls, the olive green got the environmental club girls out of their panties, the red and black is a pretty good catch-all— (school colours, by the way!)
• Gets her car detailed once every two weeks, the back seat has those mud mats laid down. they’re not for mud.
• Retired horse girl, ALMOST got a pony for her fourteenth birthday! Then, shit happened… and she didn’t get the pony for her fourteenth birthday.
• Loves revenge and power plays, actually! It’s her specialty at this point😚 Got into some medium-tier beef with some dickhead on campus, and somehow his mouth got ahead of him and ended with her being branded as the town’s bulldyke. Interestingly enough, the day didn’t end in Anderson-typical violence. Instead, as one does, she trailed him home one day, borrowing Nora’s black sedan for recon. Just for field research, obviously!
• In the interest of honesty, Abs was definitely planning on stealing the wheels off of his car, or putting bleach in his gas tank, —sugar is a myth, just so you know— until she saw the most beautiful creature strolling out of the house and into a white SUV. Then, her plan changed for absolute scorched-earth total destruction, to an excruciating slow-burn.
• The next week, while shopping at the grocery store which she totally didn’t drive 30 minutes out of her way to go to, she had her first meet cute, coincidentally, with a gorgeous 40-something that just so happened to be some asshole’s mom.
• Before she knew it, she was fucking her on every surface in her house, —artfully furnished, great feng-shui— the kitchen, the bathroom, her marital bed, the couch, essentially the full tour, until they got to her son’s bedroom. Kept a mental note, and when she excused herself to the bathroom she probably erased all of the little shit’s PlayStation saves, too.
• When you start fucking a guy’s mom, it changes you. Your wardrobe especially. Including an arsenal of completely coincidental, just for fun slogan tees, with hits like “I ❤️ HOT MOMS!” “PROMOTED TO DADDY” and a personal favourite, “MAN, I LOVE FISHING!”
* And of course, she comes back to campus fresh off of a 3 hour stint of eating out a woman twice her age, to greet her new best friend with a smile and a, “Hey, your mom makes a good apple fritter! Dessert was fuckin’ greaaat, too! Practically finger lickin’ :)”
* CEO of revenge, comedically evil.
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princess-leaorgana · 5 months
What Tieflings Do Chptr 5
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Summary: After the takedown of The Absolute, Zelphie finds her city in need of more help and her home destroyed. She won't stop helping, but who can help her?
Rolan x Tav (Zelphie; ~30y.o AFAB, Sorcerer, Tiefling, not really described physically on purpose <3)
Author's Note: I fucking love tielfings. Along with this being a budding romance/smut/fluff/word vomit fanfiction, it's also my case study in DnD 5e tieflings, how they act, what sets them apart from humans and devils and elves. That being said, I have a few artistic liberties in here as well where I couldn't find a straight answer, if you'll amuse me.
Warnings - Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3, smut and way too much domestic fluff. WAY TOO MUCH. Have your dentist on fucking speed dial, I can't reign her in boys. Genuinely, if you don't like self-serving fluff, you're going to hate this and me. Love you, you little biscottis.
Chapter One Two Three Four
Rolan was not a sound sleeper. He tossed and turned in his sleep and Zelphie wasn’t much better. She stole his pillow sometime in the middle of the night. Rolan was very early to rise, Zelphie wasn’t so much. It wasn’t nice for her to wake up alone that morning and she groaned and stretched. She sat up with a yawn, looking around.
‘Rolan?’ She called, hoping that he was maybe just in the washroom, but she heard nothing. She frowned and looked at her bedside table. Her frown disappeared instantly. A glass and pitcher of water, a little note and a black water lily had been placed there. She grinned to herself and picked up the pretty flower, her favorite, just as she had told him last night. This was a lovely way to wake up. She reached for the note and laid back on her pillow.
My sleeping darling,
Waking up next to you in the morning, the dawn’s warm glow on your rosy skin, it made it very hard to pull myself from bed. With every fiber of my being, I did, for I have a lot to do today, and the sooner it is all done, the sooner I can return to our privacy. I will be having my normal breakfast with Lia and Cal and I will inform them of our new found adoration for each other. I don’t believe I can face them without telling them the full truth, you’ll have to forgive me, but we never keep things from each other. When you wake, please take your time, bathe, drink your tea, play with little Lajy, have your breakfast, move whatever items you’d like of yours into this room. 
I’ll consider all of what I own to be yours. If it would bring you joy, you may have it. 
I will be attending the shop when you are ready, but please, come as you would like. If you would like. I would like you to.
Zelphie had never received a cute little letter from a partner before. Not like this one. She bit her lip and looked around the room. Lajy had made his way up on the bed and was snoozing by her feet. She reached over and picked the kitten up. He lazily snuggled on her chest and neck and Zelphie drank a glass of water. After the drinking and physical activities last night, she would do very well to hydrate.
Once she was a little more awake, she got ready for the morning, having to, unfortunately, go across the hall to grab some clothing for the day. She would help down in the shop, dressing nicely for customers. And maybe for Rolan. A purple wrap dress and black slippers it was. Plus one little accessory. She wore her hair in a bun and placed the black lily on the side of it. She preened a little more, and her and Lajy walked down to the kitchen for breakfast. No elementals were to be found, but someone was. Cal. He was cooking. Zelphie went bright red, knowing it was very likely Cal knew about last night by now. She cleared her throat and Cal turned around. His eyes widened when he saw Zelphie.
‘Well well well,’ he said and leaned on the counter he was working at, crossing his arms. ‘Couldn’t just be set with a room in a wizard’s tower, had to give its master a ride for his money, hm?’ He asked playfully, but Zelphie would have rather been executed. Cal laughed at her and shook his head. ‘I mean FINALLY Zelphie. The two of you, ever since Last Light Inn, Lia and I have been making bets on when you two would finally get over your stubbornness and you know…’ he said and bobbed his head. Zelphie frowned, this was just as torturous as she thought it would be.
‘How does everyone know?’ She asked and he laughed. He pointed at her middle.
‘Your tail, his tail. Both of you go full primitive when you see each other, it’s-‘ he stopped when he looked at the ground. ‘Is that a cat?’ He asked and Zelphie looked down at Lajy. He was sniffing around the kitchen.
‘Yes, Lajy, I found him yesterday,’ she said and Cal laughed.
‘Anything else? Had a romp with my brother, adopt a cat and name it love, wedding bells next? Or am I going to be an uncle?’ He teased and Zelphie scoffed.
‘Please don’t,’ she whined a little and walked over to pour herself some coffee.
‘Come on, give me a little something, do you know how many people Rolan used to bring back home to meet us?’ He asked and Zelphie glanced at him. She would very much like to know the answer to that question. ‘Not exactly many. I think three,’ he said and Zelphie went back to her coffee. ‘So, I never got to experience teasing him over it like all brothers usually do, I’ll stop, I promise. Well. Teasing you,’ he said and went back to cooking. He was baking a pie of some sort.
‘Don’t tease him too much, though…oh I do like him grumpy,’ she said and sipped her coffee.
‘I knew you were my favorite,’ Cal said and laughed.
‘But if you are nice to your brother…I’ll have Astarion over for tea later tonight. If you…would like that,’ she said and Cal froze and glanced at her.
‘You…you would?’ He asked and she giggled, nodding.
‘I think he likes you,’ she said and opened the ice box and found a few cubes of beef for Lajy to eat. She fixed him a bowl of water and beef and set it on the floor. The kitten ran right over and began to devour the meat. ‘I’m going to the shop, how angry is Lia at me?’ She asked and Cal wrinkled his nose.
‘You will receive a lecture, but she’s not angry. Just, protective,’ he warned her and Zelphie nodded.
‘Thank you for the warning,’ she said and walked out of the kitchen with her coffee to use the portal to Sorcerer’s Sundries. She’d like to get the fight with Lia over and done with. Cal always softened blows, he would never warn her that Lia was actually angry at her. He was a pacifist and never saw the bad side of anything or anyone.
The store was busy, it was morning and that was the busiest it ever was. Rolan was leaning his hand against the large counter in the middle of the shop, talking with a woman who was dressed very finely. Zelphie walked over to the pair, but her arm was caught instead and she was pulled away.
‘No no, you are coming with me.’ Lia had seen her before anyone else did. Zelphie obeyed and followed Lia to the back of the shop, knowing a scolding was on its way.
‘Lia, please, I haven’t even finished my coffee,’ Zelphie told her, begging for her to have some mercy. Lia held up a quick hand.
‘First and foremost, between a powerful wizard and a world saving sorcerer, one of the two of you could be decent enough to know a spell that will silence your bedrooms from the rest of the tower,’ she said and Zelphie almost passed out.
‘You could hear us?’ She asked and Lia nodded. Zelphie placed her hand over her face, now refusing to look at Lia.
‘Secondly, promise me you won’t hurt him,’ she continued and Zelphie froze. After a second she lowered her hand. Lia was staring at her. ‘If you hurt him, Zelphie, I promise you I will hurt you back,’ she said and Zelphie nodded.
‘You don’t need to threaten me, I would never hurt him. I love him,’ she said and glanced back over at the counter. Rolan was still talking with that woman. ‘I know a lot of people have hurt him and taken advantage of him, I know it’s your job to protect him, but I’m not a threat, Lia, I promise you that,’ she said and looked back at her friend. Lia’s face softened a bit and she nodded.
‘Well, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, I’m happy,’ she said and Zelphie smiled a little. ‘I know this sounds silly after what I just said, but…I know you’ll be good to him, you’ll be patient with him. He needs someone like you,’ she said and Zelphie’s smile only grew.
‘Thank you, Lia, that means a lot,’ she said and Lia walked closer and hugged her.
‘Just don’t be too gross in front of Cal and me, or the customers,’ she said and Zelphie laughed.
‘How gross is too gross?’ She asked and Lia laughed, nudging her.
‘Come on, you didn’t meet Satah yesterday, come and meet Rolan’s new apprentice,’ she said and nodded at the counter. Zelphie followed Lia to the counter, her heart beating a little harder than normal. Rolan was still talking but caught Lia and Zelphie in his eyeline and grinned up at them.
‘Ah! And here is the rest of my family, Satah. You met Cal and Lia yesterday, this is Zelphie,’ Rolan said and Zelphie nervously smiled at the woman. Beautiful elf with hazelnut skin and long braids. Satah turned and smiled, holding out her hand to greet Zelphie.
‘Goodness! What a big family you have, it’s wonderful to meet another one of Rolan’s sisters,’ she said and Lia snorted a laugh. Zelphie froze a little, though why the hells Rolan introduced her as family was beyond her.
‘Oh, I’m sorry, no, Zelphie isn’t my sister, she’s my wife,’ he said, though that was absolutely not correct and Zelphie could only hear a faint ringing. Twelve hours ago, they hadn’t even kissed. Now they are married. What was happening to her? Was she awake?
‘Oh! Oh, I’m sorry, of course! Master Rolan told me about you yesterday, I didn’t know you were married, ha! Oh that’s so sweet, well, it’s lovely to meet you all the same,’ she said and Zelphie nodded.
‘Lovely to meet you as well, Satah. Rolan is very particular when it comes to everything in his life, so naturally, you must be incredibly talented to make it through him,’ Zelphie managed and let go of the woman’s hand.
‘Satah, let me show you the basement really quickly, I’m sure Rolan’s been talking your ear off and you should get a tour first,’ Lia said, taking Satah’s arm to give Rolan and Zelphie some privacy after that insane moment. Satah and Lia left and Zelphie looked up at Rolan who was just smiling at her.
‘Your wife?’ She asked and Rolan frowned a little.
‘Yes, uhm….I-uhm…I didn’t know what else to call you,’ he fumbled and cleared his throat. ‘I’ll clear it up, I promise. I’m sorry,’ he said and Zelphie’s heart melted a little.
‘Don’t apologize, just warn me before we get married,’ she told him and he stifled a little chuckle. ‘I’d like to dress better,’ she added and he laughed.
‘You look very nice this morning,’ he said politely and she grinned.
‘You’ve seen me in better,’ she told him, a little flirt and he went bright red.
‘Hush hush, not in front of the customers,’ he told her with a grin.
‘Why not? Aren’t married couples supposed to flirt a little?’ She teased him and he hushed her again, getting a little visibly annoyed, sending her into a giggle fit. ‘Alright, alright, get back to work, Master Rolan,’ she said and turned away from him to find someone to help on the floor. Luckily for both of them the store was very busy. Cal showed up to help as best he could. He had done a great job of memorizing how the store was stocked. He would ask a million questions a day, but once either Zelphie or Rolan or even Satah specified what the customer wanted, he knew exactly where to go looking.
‘So, Lia told me you are the reason for the ending of the apocalypse.’ Zelphie was showing Satah around as the place slowed down a little. Zelphie figured she would get to know the woman a little more. She did seem very nice and very knowledgeable.
‘Me and a lot of other people,’ Zelphie corrected her and Satah laughed.
‘She also warned me you were humble to a fault. I think she’s right,’ she said and Zelphie smirked. ‘Still, not even your powerful husband was by your side, he was here, wasn’t he manning the towers? I would have been terrified  if I didn’t have my wife by my side during that,’ she said and there were about four things Zelphie wanted to ask there, but she settled on one.
‘You’re married?’ She asked and Satah nodded.
‘Yes, with two little ones as well, Gemma always says, one for her, one for me. Both boys,’ she said and Zelphie grinned.
‘That’s lovely,’ she said and Satah nodded.
‘Most lovely that I still have all of them,’ she said and placed a hand on Zelphie’s shoulder, a very kind touch. ‘Thank you for saving them,’ she said and Zelphie’s eyes widened. No matter how many people thanked her as she went through her day, it still shocked her and made her freeze.
‘I’m really happy you still have them,’ she said and nodded. ‘Not a lot of people can say the same, I’m afraid,’ she said and Satah nodded, letting her hand down.
‘I know I’m very lucky, thank you all the same,’ she said and Zelphie nodded.
‘It’s…I’m happy that I could have helped them,’ she settled on. A moment passed between her and Satah and she sighed. ‘I’m sorry if this is strange, but Rolan introduced me as his wife, I’m…I’m not his wife,’ she said and Satah’s green eyes widened.
‘Oh?’ She asked and Zelphie laughed a little.
‘I don’t…know why he said that. We uhm, we just started to see each other romantically, even though we have known each other for a while, and he just…likes his own privacy. I think referring to me as his lover or something like that would have made him feel strange. Though, I would beg that calling me his spouse has made things much more strange,’ she explained and Satah laughed a little.
‘I’m sorry if that was awkward for you this morning, then,’ she said and Zelphie grinned.
‘The entire last six months have been awkward for me, that wasn’t really anything.’ The day continued, everyone took turns showing Satah around and just before dinner, she left and the shop closed for the evening.
‘Zelphie, you got a package today,’ Cal called as he was tidying the front counter.
‘Oh?’ Zelphie looked up as her mage hand put some books away on a high shelf. She walked over and saw a large package. She inspected it and smiled. ‘Oh! Well, what on earth did he send me?’ She wondered out loud. The package came from Waterdeep, and she only knew one person from there. She opened the letter and grinned.
Dearest Zelphie,
It has only been a few days, but it feels like all that we have lived through together was a lifetime ago, now that I’m back home. I have heard from a little birdie who will remain nameless that you have moved to Ramazith’s Tower and I am delighted to hear that news. Take advantage of your luxury. A wizard’s tower is homey and comforting, but it is a place of academic achievement and you will only get better by reading and watching Rolan as your teacher as he helps you really hone in on your magical talents. Please warn him not to teach you anything involving electricity, I would be remiss if I didn’t warn him what you’re capable of. My tunic still has that singe from our last lesson.
Please have Rolan accept these back, I feel awfully guilty that I still have them, as I meant to give them back before I left North. They are one of a kinds and I will admit they are hard to hand back over, but that knowledge should be shared, and I have already used them. I know Rolan will put them to better use and more responsible a man than never was.
Please keep in touch, Zelphie. I was very very glad for that short, bleak moment in my life, to call you a friend.
-Gale Dekarios
Zelphie smiled through the note and placed it on the counter. She opened the package and laughed. Three books, all glowing with a purple protection spell on them. 
‘Rolan!’ She called happily and Rolan came over from the back counter. ‘Rolan! Gale sent these, they were in the shop before, oh my goodness, I can’t believe he sent them back,’ she said and handed him one. Once she touched one, the spell disappeared. Rolan raised an eyebrow, reading the binding.
‘The Annals of Karsus?’ He asked and looked at her. ‘This was here?’ He asked and Zelphie nodded.
‘Yes, keep that locked away, further than where it was originally,’ she warned him. Cal looked into the box and pulled out a second book and hissed and dropped it. The book had bitten him.
‘What in the hells?’ He asked and Zelphie giggled, picking up the book and handing it to Rolan, the spell also fading as she did.
‘Don’t touch the magic books, Cal,’ she told him and pulled out the last one. This one had not come from the shop, but it might as well have stayed with the second book, The Necromancy of Thay. Rolan frowned when he was handed that particular book, as would anyone that had to look at that ugly thing.
‘Well, he has my thanks, if I were an intelligent person, I might have these burned, but I’ll keep these safe,’ he said and Zelphie grinned at him. She handed him the letter to read, very happy that the two might now connect.
‘That book looks evil,’ Lia said, looking at the necromancy book.
‘It is,’ Zelphie warned her and looked up at Rolan. ‘Profane knowledge, but knowledge, nonetheless,’ she said and Rolan nodded.
‘I’ll put it under the cannons,’ he said and Zelphie smirked.
The four finished cleaning up the shop and went home. After a bit of an awkward dinner, Lia stole the family’s new kitten and Cal followed her. Lia had told Cal about Rolan’s earlier slip up, calling Zelphie his wife and he would not allow that subject to go. Sibling teasing would never be something anyone could age out of, apparently. As they left, Rolan looked at Zelphie and sighed.
‘So,’ he began and played with his wine goblet a little. ‘Uhm,’ he continued and Zelphie giggled a little at him.
‘Yes?’ She asked him and he clicked his tongue.
‘I’m sorry, I don’t know exactly how to navigate this. Behaving and being civil all day for show after a night of…not behaving,’ he said and Zelphie grinned.
‘You think all of that was behaving?’ She asked and he frowned, making her laugh. ‘I’m sorry, but if Cal can tease you, I’m entitled to a little. I did tell Satah the truth, just so you know. I couldn’t help it, she started to tell me about her family and I felt as though I should tell her that we aren’t there ourselves, it felt natural to tell her,’ she explained and he nodded.
‘I am very sorry, I genuinely thought that was the most intelligent route. But it’s no matter, I don’t think I’ll be keeping her, to be honest,’ he said and Zelphie frowned.
‘Why not?’
‘She lied, she’s not a wizard, she’s a cleric of Mystra,’ he explained and sipped his wine.
‘Well, maybe she can’t be your apprentice, but wouldn’t you want to keep her around? A cleric of Mystra would be a good asset,’ she told him and he shook his head.
‘Ramazith’s Tower will no longer hold siege to people who lie for their own benefit. You are right, if she had told me about herself honestly the first time, I would have still hired her, but she lied. She lied to get what she wanted, and I don’t believe I can tolerate anyone else lying to me,’ he went on and Zelphie frowned.
‘Give her a second chance?’ She asked and Rolan sighed.
‘I will think about it,’ he answered and Zelphie nodded, knowing that was the best she could get.
‘Though, I’m glad. I can still be your apprentice, if you’ll still have me,’ she said and a smile grew on Rolan’s face.
‘If I’ll still have you? Oh, the understatement of the century, my dear,’ he said and she grinned at him.
The couple left for Rolan’s study. It was a strange room, dummies for targets, ritual circles on the floor, a static feeling of the Weave all around the room. There weren’t so many books here, making it seem very out of place for the tower. This was where Rolan studied spells and would teach Zelphie when he had the patience. Zelphie was not exactly a good student. Days of teaching her basic illusionary tricks had proven that to him. She was too nervous to perform properly and would be distracted by those nerves. But he would do it, he would make a wizard out of his little sorcerer.
‘Alright, feet about shoulders’ length apart,’ he said and watched her. ‘Toes straight out,’ he said and walked around her as she fixed her posture. She watched him and he kept checking her. ‘Don’t look at me,’ he told her and she looked forward. It was hard to follow his direction of ‘pretend he wasn’t here’ and also take direction from him. He walked closer to her and plucked the lily from her bun, handing it to her. ‘Look at it, memorize it,’ he told her and she held the flower delicately in her hand. A black lily, her favorite flower. That would make this easier. She memorized the deep color, the little spots, the pollinator, the stem, all of it. Even how it weighed in her hand. ‘Do you have it?’ He asked softly and she nodded. Rolan snapped his hands and the lily fizzled in a static purple cloud and she gasped. The lily she had been wearing all day hadn’t been real. It was Rolan’s magic, how powerful was he? ‘Close your eyes, find harmony, and repeat the somatic component when you are focused,’ he said softly.
Zelphie took in a deep breath, picturing the flower in her mind. The black, spotted petals, the green stem, the orange pollinators. She found peace in the moment, remembering waking up to see the flower, hoping that joy and memory would serve her well. She muttered the incantation and she felt something tickle her fingers. She opened her eyes and Rolan shouted a happy cry.
‘Zelphie!’ He shouted and grabbed her shoulders happily. ‘Look at that! Ha!’ He cheered happily. ‘She can be taught! With the help of a professional of course,’ he said, he was so happy, but Zelphie frowned when she saw what she had created. Six black leaves. Was it an improvement? Yes. But she had hoped with his excitement for perfection. Or at least a flower.
‘Rolan, this isn’t anything,’ she said and the leaves fizzled away. Rolan shook his head.
‘No! You are brilliant!’ He took her face in his hands and kissed her squarely.  That shocked her, this behavior wasn’t very like him, but he was happy. ‘This is much better than you zapping me,’ he said. Yes, he was very happy indeed. She smiled at him and nodded. ‘I’m so proud of you,’ he continued and her smile grew instantly. Her tail thumped happily against the floor.
‘You are?’ She asked, feeling like she was melting in his hands.
‘Of course I am! That is a terrific improvement, you made organic material, my darling you are brilliant,’ he said and kissed her forehead. She laughed happily, very happy for his joy, it was contagious. He was proud of her, oh there was nothing better for her. The joy in his eyes, the yellow glow buried by his happy smiling cheeks.
‘Can we try again?’ She asked and he nodded happily.
The couple worked very hard for the next few hours until Zelphie was getting delusional. No lily was summoned that evening, but she did at one point summon a sunflower. It faded quickly, and Zelphie was a little upset that she couldn’t play with it, but she was very happy. Rolan was beside himself with joy and rang for tea.
‘You, oh you, you will get quite the treat, oh what shall we do to celebrate your victory?’ He asked her and sat on a little chaise and she followed, sitting down close to him. Her tail curled up behind him.
‘Oh, I can think of something,’ she told him softly and he chuckled, leaning close to her.
‘Mmm, that will be my reward for my wonderful teaching, you deserve your own treat,’ he purred and she got a shiver up her spine. ‘Something sweet for you, hm? What would my darling like?’ He asked, brushing a stray hair from her face. She laughed at him, he was being very sweet.
‘What? Like a cake?’ She asked and he shrugged.
‘If that is what you would like,’ he said and leaned over, pouring them some tea. Zelphie thought about it for a moment, feeling a little silly. Like a child being treated after a chore well done.
‘Could I ask for something even more childish than that?’ She asked and he laughed, handing her her cup.
‘You can ask for whatever you’d like,’ he told her and leaned back on the chaise, ready for her request.
‘Tonight…before we sleep…oh, well, uhm,’ she laughed and shook her head. ‘Could we sleep together again tonight?’ She asked and he smirked.
‘Is that what you want? That’s not a treat my darling, that’s a given,’ he told her. She smiled and shook her head.
‘No, I was just hoping you would be open to it, sharing your bed again, I don’t want to be clingy,’ she told him and he laughed. He pulled at her tail that was coiled around him. ‘Sorry,’ she said with a smile and he shook his head.
‘You aren’t going to apologize for that, oh Zelphie, no. No, darling, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea of how I’m feeling. I’m very happy, I want you to be with me as much as possible. Honestly, I can’t get enough of you,’ he told her and grinned. She felt sillier than she had just a moment ago. ‘I wrote you that note this morning, and I meant it. My bed is no longer mine, it’s ours. If you want to have your privacy, you still have your room, I’m not taking that from you, but if you want to sleep beside me tonight and tomorrow and the next day and the next, I’m very happy with that,’ he told her and she sipped her tea, her heart spinning.
‘I’m not used to all of this,’ she said and he smirked. ‘I just…’ she sighed and shrugged. ‘Never been loved so much,’ she said and he shook his head.
‘I don’t believe that, that can’t be right,’ he said and she shook her head.
‘No one has ever treated me like you treat me, Rolan. Nothing like this, and I’m afraid it’ll be over soon,’ she said and his face softened a little.
‘Why would it be over?’ He asked and she shrugged.
‘When you get tired of me,’ she said and he scowled.
‘Zelphie, if you are going to think like that, you’re going to be miserable. You think that I don’t fear that as well?’ He asked and she frowned and sipped her tea again, a little nervous about this conversation. ‘Life may happen, but I’m not just having fun with you here. I care about you very very much. If I ever give you cause to doubt that, tell me, for I’m misrepresenting myself,’ he told her and she nodded. ‘And until you tell me to stop, I’m going to show you just how much you mean to me every single day,’ he said and she opened her mouth to protest, but he held up his hand. ‘We will start with you telling me how you would like to be rewarded for your hard work tonight,’ he continued and sipped his tea. She just looked at him for a moment, happy. That was it, happy, content, safe.
‘I was hoping before we sleep you could..maybe read to me,’ she suggested and his eyebrows shot up. ‘I uhm, saw the book on your nightstand and I felt bad that you didn’t have time to read last night. And Rolan…I really love your voice,’ she said and he went deep red at that compliment. ‘It’s so soft and low…I don’t know, I just think it would be a nice way to fall asleep,’ she said and he nodded.
‘Then you will have it,’ he told her simply and sipped his tea.
‘And what would you like for your efforts?’ She asked and he chuckled.
‘You know exactly what I’d like,’ he said softly and Zelphie giggled.
‘That’s not fair, I was going to give you that anyway,’ she told him and he grinned.
‘That’s all that I desire,’ he told her simply. Their tea was finished very quickly after that.
The couple walked to Rolan’s bedroom and outside the door, scratching to get in was Lajy. Zelphie scooped him up and gave the little kitten kisses and rubs. Rolan led her inside and Zelphie placed Lajy on the sofa. The kitten hopped down to run around the room and explore. Rolan walked around to change and Lajy took to chasing Rolan’s tail. That made Rolan laugh, which Zelphie was very happy for.
‘I should have done what you suggested and brought my clothes in here,’ she said and Rolan looked up at her and he undressed.
‘Only do what you are comfortable with,’ he told her, reassuring her that his suggestion was permission, not a request.
‘I think it will be easier, maybe not all of my clothing, but at least a few nightgowns,’ she said and sat in the bed. Rolan smiled and thumbed through his wardrobe and picked up a white shirt. He walked over to her and placed it on the bed next to her.
‘Maybe not as flattering, but maybe this will do for tonight,’ he told her. She ran her fingers over the shirt and smiled. Wearing his shirt to bed was certainly a nice thought. As she looked at the shirt, Rolan looked at her. He reached out and played with a loose lock of hair that had fallen from her bun earlier. ‘I liked the lily in your hair today, it was very pretty,’ he told her and she smiled at him.
‘Thank you for making it for me…that…was incredibly thoughtful,’ she said and bit her bottom lip. He smiled, a little pride on his lips. ‘One thing to go and have one fetched, it’s another thing entirely that you made it for me,’ she continued and he nodded and laughed.
‘Don’t expect all your gifts to be manufactured by magic. Or some of them will surely disappear,’ he told her, running his fingers from her hair down her face.
‘All of my gifts?’ She asked him and he grinned. ‘Oh, no no, no gifts. I’ve been given enough,’ she told him and he laughed.
‘That request is denied,’ he told her. She wrinkled her nose at him. Along with everything else, Zelphie was not easy to accept gifts. Rolan should be used to that by now. ‘Request,’ he repeated and lowered his face to hers. ‘Denied.’ He kissed her sweetly, stroking her chin with his thumb. She kissed him back happily, thumping from her tail on the bed could be heard. She placed a hand on the leather belt that kept his robes fashioned to him. She untied the strings and once the belt hit the floor, Rolan quickly shuffled the thick fabric off on his shoulders. He stood in a wrap shirt and trousers and Zelphie leaned back in the bed to get a little look at him. The disconnect of the kiss made Rolan stand up straight and place his hands on his hips. ‘What?’ He asked as she continued to stare at him.
‘Turn around,’ she said and twirled her finger in the air. He raised an eyebrow but after a beat he sighed and did as she asked. She took one more moment to look at his back. He had such a strong figure, not the usual when looking at the body of a wizard. His broad shoulders sloped delicately to his strong waist. She pulled on the strings of his trousers, just above his tail. His tail wrapped around her calf and she grinned. She loved when he did that, whether he meant to or it was instinct. She liked being wanted, being claimed by him. He pulled down his pants, Zelphie gave his taught little backside a pinch. He yelped and turned around and she laughed. ‘I’m sorry, you’ve got a very cute bum,’ she told him and he shook his head.
‘That’s the second word you’ve used on me that I don’t like,’ he said with a playful smile. ‘Silly? Cute? Me? No, no absolutely not,’ he told her and she laughed. He unwrapped his shirt and she got off the bed, undressing herself.
‘Go sit on the bed,’ she told him, untying her dress. He did as he was told, stark naked and just watched her. She glanced at him when she heard his tail thump on the bed just as hers did earlier. That made her heartbeat hard. Once she was down to nothing, she walked over to him and knelt down. ‘Now, a treat for my very hardworking and patient professor,’ she said, holding his cock gently in her hand. He moaned lightly and she kissed his inner thighs, stroking him very gently as his erection grew. After the initial shock, his hands found her hair, untying her bun to let her hair down. He ran his fingers through it. She kissed and licked the ridges of his thighs, they were terribly tight. She would give him a massage later. 
‘My beauty, nothing compares to you,’ he whispered as he whimpered a little. She licked up his length and he sighed out a very happy purr, stroking her hair. ‘This…this is worth everything I’ve ever gone through,’ he continued and she looked up at him with big eyes and he smiled. ‘I love you, I treasure you,’ he spoke before she took him in her mouth. That was the sort of praise Zelphie wanted to hear. A compliment on her magic was nice, but hearing Rolan talk to her like that as she was doing everything she could to please him was just blissful. She wanted to make him selfishly happy. She wanted to be of use, she wanted to be a positive light for him. Never a burden, she didn’t want presents and accolades. She wanted to make him happy. He hissed a little and laughed, watching her. She slowly bobbed up and down, sucking in as she went up, twirling her tongue around the head of his cock. ‘The most wonderful person I have ever met, the most beautiful woman any have ever laid eyes on and she’s on her knees in front of me, lips on my…cock,’ he said, clearly not comfortable with that language. He shuddered another moan and leaned back in his elbow and watched her, his hand in her hair.
Zelphie moved a little quicker, adding her hand to the base and he free hand stroked and cupped his balls. If he was going to keep praising her like that, he should expect her to over perform. She wanted him to be selfish that night. Was she ready for sex, to be touched? Of course, but he deserved to just be taken care of, to be worshiped. She was very happy hearing his swear and moan and whine under her touch and tongue. She watched his face and his chest rise, and his eyes never left her face. Timidly, he grabbed one of her horns and applied a little pressure, asking for permission. She cooed in response, so she never stopped her task, but gave him permission to move her. He knew what he liked, she wanted him to show her.
‘How deep can you…?’ He asked, pushing her head down, her mouth taking more of him and stopped at her hand. She breathed through her nose as he kept her steady. ‘Move your hand, my love, just one deep one,’ he asked softly and she took in another deep breath, removed her hands and moved further down. She gagged lightly and stopped moving. He groaned in pleasure and pulled her up. ‘Oh very good, that’s my girl,’ he said and she went down again, just before that gag. ‘Oh fuck, fuck Zelphie, you’ll make quick work of me,’ he panted. That only encouraged her. She kept going, pushing the feeling in the back of her throat away by closing her eyes and focusing on her breathing. She wanted Rolan to lose control, to feel the bliss of an orgasm so quickly. Up and down, breathing through her nose, listening to his cries, she placed her free hand on his chest, bracing herself. ‘Darling, I’m-I’m going…’ he warned her and she added her hand back, determined to make this moment perfect for him. He cried out again and she could taste him. She swallowed his salty and sour cum quickly and lapped up the rest like a cat. ‘Oh…gods dammit Zelphie,’ he said and laid back on the bed, panting. She giggled and kissed his pulsing cock happily, very proud of herself. He leaned up after a little breathing break and looked at her. Her tail was curled up, mischievous and proud, as was her face. She had on a wicked little smile and he shook his head. What was he thinking? He looked dazed. ‘You know exactly how to unravel me,’ he said and she giggled again.
‘Are you happy?’ She asked and he laughed loudly.
‘To quote you from last night, that is a terrible word for how I am feeling, but yes, I am happy,’ he told her and reached down his hand to stroke her face. ‘Off your knees, my love, come up with me,’ he told her and she got up, her knees cracking a little. He pulled her into his lap and grinned up at her. He placed a hand on her back, the other on her backside. ‘Surely, that kind of behavior deserves a little something,’ he told her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. With a strength she didn’t understand, he scooted up further on the bed, taking her with him. He laid back and she wiggled in his lap. ‘Uh uh, no, that is sensitive, you’ve sucked the life out of me,’ he told her and she howled with a laugh. ‘But I still have other parts of me you can find use in,’ he whispered, rubbing her thighs. His thumb ran over a little bite marked on her thigh that he had left on her last night, his little brand. He glanced at it and then looked back up at her. ‘Scoot up,’ he ordered and patted her bottom. She moved up his torso and received another little pat. She moved once more and got another pat. She laughed.
‘Where am I going?’ She asked and he grinned at her, not responding, but just patted her backside again. She scooted up to his chest and she got another pat. ‘Rolan!’ She squeaked when she got one last pat. ‘I’m going to suffocate you,’ she told him with a laugh.
‘I’d like for you to try,’ he said and patted her backside a little more firmly. She stared down at him. ‘Come come, I want to taste you,’ he said, his voice and tone perfectly pleasant considering what he was suggesting. ‘Don’t make me beg,’ he said, swatting her backside. She squealed and then bit her lip, looking down at him.
‘Are you sure?’ She asked and he nodded.
‘I insist, come come, be greedy,’ he said and she wiggled a little, not sure if what he was suggesting was entirely safe for him. How would he breathe? She moved a little and he was able to hook his arms under her thighs and finally push her over his face. She hovered delicately and he took out a nice deep breath. Her body shivered from his hot breath and she felt his arm constricting, pulling her further down. Finally, down not even an inch and she felt his tongue. He wasn’t going slow and she moaned, feeling his greedy tongue already lapping at her clit.
‘Oh my gods, Rolan,’ she breathed and she felt him laughing against her. Her back arched as she got used to this position. Rolan’s very skilled tongue made quick work of her. It was enough for her to be in this position, sitting just above his face. She looked down, his face pressed between her thighs, she watched him, his strong brow bone furrowed in concentration, his eyes closed. He was devastating to watch. She cursed and rocked her hips against him and his arms pulled her down. His tongue was pressed hard against her and she almost doubled over. Damn him, damn him for being so selfless. She leaned over, not able to keep herself upright. ‘Oh! Oh!’ She cried and moaned. She sat back up, knowing full well he would not be able to breathe with her on him like that. His hands moved from her thighs to her backside, helping her grind against him. 
His nails dug into the skin of her backside and she whimpered. She placed a hand over her mouth to keep quiet. His tongue made quick work on her clit, she felt herself dripped and could hear him lapping her juices. He moaned against her and her hips twitched. He laughed against her and she twitched again. He was making quick work of her. She looked down at him and his yellow eyes flashed up at her, a hungry stare. That was it.
‘I’m cumming, I’m going to cum,’ she whimpered and his tongue moved from her clit to her opening quickly, allowing her to properly ride out her orgasm. ‘Oh fuck,’ she whispered and she heard Rolan laugh, muffled of course. Her hips bucked as the pulsating orgasm rang from her spine to her hips and thighs.
She got right off of him and he sat up in his elbows, wiping his face with the back of his hand. He was a mess. His face was deep red, covered in her juices, his hair was undone, but he looked incredibly happy.
‘Are you alright? Did I squish you?’ She asked and he laughed again.
‘I’m on cloud nine,’ he said and sat up, kissing her deeply. She could taste herself on his lips. ‘You are wonderful, so beautiful the way you sing for me,’ he said and kissed her again, leaning her back in the bed. He pressed his nose to hers, she laid back on their pillows. ‘I love you,’ he whispered and she made eye contact with him through loving and lustful eyes.
‘I love you more,’ she whispered back and leaned up to kiss him again. The couple laid with each other, just kissing, touching. Zelphie had hoped he might get hard one last time, but just kisses and touches for now. She would survive. He calmed down a little and rolled over, sighing out and Zelphie scooted close to him, kissing his shoulder. He leaned over and grabbed his book and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.
‘Are you sure you’d like to hear me read this?’ He asked and she laughed, nodding. His hand found her hair and he began to lightly pet it. Her damned horns got in the way of a proper cuddle, but she curled up against him as best she could. In a low, soft register, Rolan began to read from his book, a chapter on the anatomy of a displacer beast. She wasn’t the biggest fan of an anatomy lesson, but with Rolan’s fingers stroking her hair and his beautifully deep voice and slow breathing, Zelphie was put to peace very quickly. She rubbed tiny circles on his chest and Rolan stopped reading once he felt her stop and grow heavy. He looked down at her and placed his book on the side table mindlessly. He repositioned himself to be on his side, as he liked to. He almost lost an eye when Zelphie rolled over to her other side. He wrapped an arm around her hips and even though light helped him sleep, he fell asleep quickly with his face buried in her hair.
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theficpusher · 5 months
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Finger My Mouth by LouisThiccSexyGlitteryAss | E | 1515 Louis' dentist (and childhood crush) rides him on the orthodontic chair.
A+ Patient by YesIsAWorld | G | 1882 Harry hated everything about the dentist—the antiseptic smell and the bright light in his face and the disappointment in himself and the suction thingy that kept his mouth too dry. But the thing he hated the most was how in love with his dentist he was.
Working With Mouths. by kotabear24 | M | 2075 But, basically, Louis goes to a new dentist...who is Harry Styles.
The gas had a delayed effect(it's just the dentist's office) by AxWorldxAway | nr | 3832 "Got a bit of a laugh, eavesdropping in on my very personal conversation with myself, eh?" Louis pulled the straightest face he could, acting as stern as he could, and he almost pulled it off. That is, until he saw the way the boy paled dramatically and his eyes widened comically. He burst out laughing a second after the boy began rushing out a hasty apology. He couldn't stop laughing, doubling over from his place perched in the chair. The other boy began chuckling slightly along with him. Louis knew it wasn't that funny, but he had to keep his spirits high somehow; he was sitting in a dentist office after all. (Louis cracks his tooth and is forced to take a trip to the dentist. Harry just happens to be the attractive dental assistant to Louis' eccentric dentist.)
Brace Yourself by Kaname | nr | 4056 "Standing in the doorway, wearing the most garish pair of banana scrubs that Louis had ever had the misfortune of seeing, was the most bloody gorgeous man he'd ever laid his eyes on. His hair was twisted into a messy bun of shiny, perfect curls; his thick lips curled up into a playful smile while a set of sparkling green eyes read through his folder. 'Hope you’ve not had trouble "filling" the time before the appointment, then,” the hygienist mused, smirking down at the file in his hands. His muscular forearms were blissfully exposed, a white undershirt rolled up to the elbows while a set of long, elegant fingers flipped leisurely through Louis’ x-rays. “Not that I mean to "drill" you about what you do with your free time, but it would be awfully "root" not to ask.'" (Louis is a whiny arsehat who hates the dentist, and Harry is a hygientist with a pocket full of dental puns and a thing for petite men in poof-hats.)
always tell the truth by anditsonlyforthebrave | nr | 5027 Harry is Louis' dentist and getting a wisdom tooth removed shouldn't be the end of the world.
Tantrums and Toothaches by sagegreenharry | nr | 5159 Louis and Harry's daughters always loved their dentist appointments with Louis. While Harry was off to the side doing his deep breathing, the girls would be laughing in the chair with Louis as he cleaned their teeth. So, this time when Harry gets the text from Louis to bring himself and the girls to his office, and Eva turns pale as a ghost, Harry knows something must be up.
Beautiful smile by HESLWTLJPNJHZJM | G | 5297 Louis takes Doris to her dentist appointment where Harry just so happens to be the dentist. Shocker, I know.
You smile all the time ('cause how can you not show it?) by thebreadvan | E | 9500 Harry’s eyes unwillingly slip up to the doctor, scanning his features and the focused crinkle between his brows. His jaw looks sharp, especially when he clenches it, pearly teeth biting into his bottom lip. Harry admires the stubble growing on his cheeks, and the impressive cut of his cheekbones, and – the blush blooming from his cheeks down to his neck. Harry blinks away, hoping he hasn’t been caught staring or made the man uncomfortable, but Dr. Tomlinson clears his throat and his leg starts bouncing beside Harry’s chair. Harry looks up again, and finds his face twisted into an undecipherable grimace. “Uhm,” Dr. Tomlinson stammers, “Could you hold your tongue still for me?” Harry stops breathing when he realises. He is licking Dr. Tomlinson’s fingers. <<>><<>><<>> Or, Harry never liked dentists, until now.
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weepingfoxfury · 3 months
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The man on the radio is, as ever, chomping his way through all manner of gifts, both sweet and savoury. Texts aplenty being read out and apparently Barry in Oman says its 39 degrees there. Weatherwise here it's time to get the deckchairs out ... don't delay ... and don't blink. The traffic lady talks of Kill Moon Cross again ... says trains are delayed on the such and such a line due to an incident ... then leaves the studio accompanied by Nick Drake ... "If today were not an endless highway, if tonight were not a crooked trail ..."
Today's groaner: did you hear about the man who worked in a bakery and fell onto a bun? ... he was on a roll ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
Can't resist a pretty Geranium. Any colour will do. Lost count of how many years the ones on the windowsill have sat there, and how many cuttings I've taken and given to friends. Anything that can survive my neglectful approach to plant care is more than welcome. Always think of The Dormouse and the Doctor by A A Milne and the Delphiniums blue and Geraniums red each time I walk past the plants. Must get some Delphiniums.
Coffee going down nicely. Keeping it warm and not so hot after my dental trip yesterday. The dentist had a nost unusual name. He did a good job and the Latin music was great. Not sure about the shaking though. Nervous ... or too much coffee ... or maybe not enough. I didn't like to ask ...
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bl-bracket · 5 months
7, 9 and 12 for the BL ask game! 💙!
7. Top 5 BL
oh gosh this so hard. In no particular order then:
The Sign. It's everything to me. I love shows that have buckwild premises. A show about detectives who are reincarnated mythical creatures and the main guy has visions of the future for some reason? I know some people felt like they focused too much on the other aspects of the show (like the detective stuff) but I honestly loved it and did not mind that it did that.
Word of Honor. It's my comfort show tbh. I got really into wuxia/xianxia after watching The Untamed but this is the one I have enjoyed the most. I love characters who are kinda evil. and like neither Wen Kexing or Zhou Zishu really go through a redemption arc but more of a domestication and retirement arc respectively.
My School President. In my humble opinion, this is like the quintessential teen romance drama of all time. It hit every metric for me and I love it so much. One of those dramas I wished I had growing up because it would have completely changed the directory of my baby queer journey if I had it. (23.5 is shaping up to be the wlw equivalent for me in this tbh. I wish the show came out in its current form in like 2016)
Manner of Death. Another just overall solid show that hits every bit for me. Iconic for how it like changed the course of the genre. It's only flaw in not going full acab at the end with Inspector M not quitting the police after seeing how corrupt it is (and also it's kinda mid take on abortion, but I'm not familiar enough with the general opinion on that in Thai culture in 2020, so I think Bun taking an even neutral stance on it was probably a big step?), but I can forgive it for how vehemently Bun remained acab despite being just a regular doctor.
My Tooth Your Love. Bai Lang is just like me fr fr. I know some people weren't a fan of the dentist setting but honestly, I don't really mind that. Bai Lang's struggles with his trauma felt so real to me and like I could really connect to it. This was my first Taiwanese BL and it was a great one for me to start with. It's only problem was trying to pair all the spares without enough time to do so, but I don't think that it subtracted anything from the main story.
9. Currently Watching
So I've been quite busy lately and haven't had a lot of time to watch stuff, but I did recently start watching The Spirealm, which I have been enjoying, even though I had to take a bit of a break, I'm planning on getting back into watching it in the next week or two! Not a BL, but I'm also watching 23.5! I'm a little behind because of being busy, but I'm also going to catch up on that one. I have several other dramas that I've only seen part of and will hopefully pick back up again soon, but these are the two I feel like I'm most focused on finishing up (unless I suddenly get a desire to watch another one of the dramas and end up bingeing it but we'll see)
12. Most rewatched BL
answered that here!
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