#he needs to open his own dental clinic
fazcinatingblog · 1 year
i've always said that daisy would make a great dentist
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 months
🦷 for…literally anyone. Go crazy with this
CW: BBU, some mouth whumpiness although the whump is emotional, medical whump
"Okay, here we go. Now, I'm going to insert this into your mouth, and you're going to bite down, as evenly as you can, and hold it until I say. Got it?"
Oskar looks at the little plastic tray in Arvid's hand as though the spongy, grayish thing inside of it is something alive that might bite him at any second. "Why?"
"I want to make a mold of your teeth."
Oskar shifts rapidly backwards in the exam chair in Arvid's 'medical room', also known as the half of his basement space he doesn't sleep in. One wrist brushes against the open leather buckles that can be used to restrain patients and he flinches violently away from it, face going suddenly white except for two red spots in his cheeks. "But-"
Arvid closes his eyes, taking a breath. "Oskar. Just do it."
Oskar shakes his head, curling his knees up to his chest and sliding his arms around his legs. His mouth opens and closes a few times on a word that never seems to quite make its way out. "I-... I don't want to," He whispers, hiding the bottom half of his face behind his knees, only his dark eyes showing, staring, hurt, at Arvid. "I don't want to do that. Please, Arvid, I-I don't, I don't want to-"
"Oskar," Arvid says, keeping his voice calm only with difficulty. This is irritating. "
Oskar's eyes drop and he stares down at the stirrups that hang off the end on long metal poles, where patients can slide their feet and hold their legs open. If possible, he blanches even further, and Arvid fights down his annoyance at the delay. "I have Samael coming in in like half an hour for bloodwork, we need to get this done before she gets here."
Oskar curls himself up even more tightly, closing his eyes and giving his head one more weak shake. "Please," He whispers. "I don't want to."
"Oskar. It is just to get a teeth mold! This is completely normal!" He thinks. Actually, Arvid doesn't have much of a comparison for normal, but it's normal for the work he does, anyway. He has molds of the mouths of all of the archangels and most of the other employees of the organization, too. He has molds of his own teeth, damn it. "I'm tired of you wasting my time with this, so just... fucking do as I say. You're my pet, aren't you?"
Oskar's breaths are coming shallowly, and he doesn't open his eyes. "Yes," He whispers. "I am." One of his hands moves to touch the collar around his neck, as if reminding himself. "I, I am yours."
"Right. So just. So just do the thing, so we can get it done and I can go back to doing my actual job before Samael shows up and wonders why nothing's ready for her..." He trails off as he hears a strange noise, like a clicking, and tilts his head. His eyes trail downward, until he realizes... it's the chair rattling in place.
Oskar is shaking so hard the exam chair is shaking, too.
"... hey." Arvid looks down at the molding clay in the dental tray - it'll dry out and be more or less useless if this takes much longer - and then, with a sigh, he sets it back down on the little metal rolling table and reaches out, putting one hand on either side of Oskar's face. "Talk to me. What's wrong with this? The tray, the... the chair? Is that it?"
Oskar hesitates, then opens his eyes again, looking up at Arvid without raising his chin. "... both."
"Okay... uh. What the fuck is wrong with them?" The chair is... just a chair. Arvid had gotten it at an insanely low price some years back during a private estate sale he decided not to look too closely into - but Oskar is clearly terrified of the damn thing. He's not even restrained - Arvid only uses those when one of the archangels is violent or hallucinating.
"Clinic c-chair." Oskar's teeth click together from his trembling. His eyes are glimmering in the lights with tears that haven't fallen yet. "The, the mold for a-... a gag, I don't... I don't want to have a gag here, Arvid. I don't-... I don't want to-"
"What? It's-... it's not for a gag."
Oskar swallows hard, licking at his lips. "It's... not?"
"No... no. Jesus Christ, Oskar, it's for if you get hurt and lose a tooth or something, so we can get you a good screw-in tooth and shit. I was thinking the other day about how you've ended up going out on fieldwork with me twice, plus you've been climbing the tree in the yard, and just in case, we should have shit ready to go for your records. That's all."
Oskar glances sidelong at the little plastic tray, then back at him. His lips press into a thin line, the skin paling at the pressure, before he tries to talk again. "I don't... want anything in m-my mouth, Arvid. Please-... I, I can't. Please, please don't make me. Please."
Arvid inhales. He knows if he checks his phone that time is running out, Samael's going to walk in any fucking second. "Oskar. We are going to do this and we are going to do this now. Open your fucking mouth. I am ordering you, as your owner, to open your mouth."
The look of open, honest pain and fear on Oskar's face sends a twist of some strange unpleasant chill through Arvid's chest, but he at least slowly nods and - jaw trembling - opens his mouth wide for Arvid to slide in the tray, then bites gently down. Sounds come, unbidden, from his throat - muffled whines that he doesn't even seem fully conscious of. Arvid can all but see his pulse racing in the spot just under his jaw. His eyes lock on Arvid's face and stay there.
"Good boy," Arvid soothes. Usually praise is a one-way ticket to fixing Oskar's bad moods, but this time it just seems to bounce right off him. The tears finally fall, running in clear trails over his cheekbones. Arvid wipes them away with his thumb and Oskar flinches, minutely, never quite pulling away. "It's all right. It's all right. Just a few more seconds..."
He takes the little handle on the tray, murmurs for Oskar to open carefully and slowly, and pulls it out to set it aside and get the next one ready for the bottom teeth. Oskar's trembling never stops, the chair rattling lightly, the pet's fingers dug into the padding until his knuckles are pure white.
Arvid finishes the second tray, and as soon as he removes it and says a soft all done, you were very good, Oskar uncurls, bolts off the chair, and races past the curtain that separates the two halves of Arvid's life. His feet slap on the concrete floor and Arvid watches him go, sighing.
He hears Oskar climb into the bed, the gentle squeak of the springs in the mattress as he buries himself under blankets and probably curls right back up into the little ball likes that. Muffled sobs are just barely audible, and Arvid's teeth itch to go ask him to stop that shit, it's annoying and he has shit to do today, he can't waste his time comforting Oskar's every fear.
But... he caused the fear.
Arvid hesitates, feeling that strange unpleasant twist again.
It's guilt.
He inhales, looking over at the curtain. "Oskar..." He trails off. He should just... go over there and apologize, hold him for a while, let him talk about it or something. It'd be the kind thing to do, and Oskar is the best thing he has in his life these days.
There's a harsh, loud sniff. "Yes?" Oskar's voice is thick and heavy with his tears.
"Listen, I just-" The door to the basement opens and Samael, a woman who seems created entirely in shades of black and slightly less black, steps inside. Arvid swallows the rest of his sentence.
The sounds of Oskar's fear stop - muffled even more thoroughly as he must hear Samael enter, too.
"Am I early?" Sam asks, eyebrows raising. The piercing in one glints in the flat white light of the exam side of the room. "Where's your little creature, isn't he around you all the time these days?"
"He's... busy," Arvid says. "Just give me a second to get the vials ready for you."
"Busy? Doing what?" Sam hops up onto the exam table, even swinging her legs a little. She's maybe five foot three on a good day, but Arvid knows damn well she can snap necks with her thighs alone and is one of the best in the business. "What do pets even do?"
Arvid ignores her. He walks over to peek around the curtain, faintly smiling as he sees the very Oskar-shaped lump on the bed, a hint of his hair showing on the pillow.
"We'll talk about it later," He says, pitching his voice low. "Okay?"
There's a rustle as Oskar shifts around under the blankets he's hidden himself in. He peeks out, just a bit of hair and pale forehead and huge eyes. "Yes, sir," He says, voice weak.
Arvid sighs. Oh, good. He's sir again. Great.
Sometimes, this shit is harder than he thought it would be.
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amsgrey · 1 year
synopsis: You have to go to the dentist so your brothers look after you.
Requested: Yes
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Anyone who liked going to the dentist was out of their mind. Dentists themselves? the most terrifying people on the planet. Will and Jay always thought your fear of the dentists was somewhat amusing, especially when you were younger and you lobby pathetic insults at them for taking you. You had grown out of the insults and tantrums but still hated the dentists.
You hadn't even made it a year since your last 'check-up' when your jaw started aching. You brushed it off for a while, it wasn't bothering you enough that you cared to dwell on it. After another week you complained to Will about how you must have been clenching your teeth at night or something. Will had told you to try to keep on top of it and the pain would go away.
Now, another few weeks later, Will dragged you to the dentist to get to the bottom of it once and for all. You had complained and dragged your feet but knew it was inevitable. Will was amused by your reluctance but didn't make you feel pressured. He picked you up early from school one day, took you to the dental office and hung around with you through the whole thing.
You were sitting in the waiting room, twisting your hands trying not to work yourself into a panic. Will glanced over, noticing your wide-eyed glances and panicked movements.
He nudged you with his elbow lightly, "Doing okay there squirt?"
Will was unconvinced, he grabbed your hand and unwound your fingers. Giving you his hand to fiddle with as opposed to destroying your own.
When the assistant called your name and ushered you into the dentist's room. You grabbed Will's hand, holding it tightly as he led you to the room. It didn't matter how old you got, you always needed support from the dentist's office.
When Jay got home that night he was welcomed by you sulking on the couch and a very amused Will. He hesitated at the living room threshold, trying to decipher what was wrong before he spoke.
"Take it the dentists didn't go well?"
Will looked at you, waiting for you to answer.
You crossed your arms over your chest and pouted for dramatic effect, "I have to get my wisdom teeth out." You grumbled.
Jay frowned, "Isn't that a good thing?"
You scoffed, "No. It means I have to go back."
Jay and Will shared a look. Jay gently placed a hand on your shoulder, trying to hold in his laugh at your pout while being supportive.
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On the day of the procedure, you were downright terrified. Will and Jay both came with you to keep your nerves at bay while you headed to the dentist. The whole drive you couldn't keep still, bouncing your leg or twisting your fingers. Will and Jay tried to be supportive but couldn't say much to help. Will keep reminding you to breathe, occasionally tapping your arm to ground you back to reality.
Your dentist was always nice and calm, they always made sure you felt safe even if you were terrified. They let Will stay with you until you were under enough sedation, seeming he could follow surgical procedures. He soothed your hair off your face the whole time and calmly talked to you until you were out. It gave you a little relief, calming the nerves of the unknown just a little more.
You couldn't think about anything until you were being led out of the clinic, Will holding you up while Jay unlocked the car.
"Is done?" You drawled, trying to speak over the gauze in your mouth.
"All over," Jay promised, holding the door open and attempting to usher you in. You were so exhausted and dizzy that you almost fell straight into the car, only being stopped by Will as he laughed and supported your weight.
Once Jay and Will managed to get you home, they set you up on the couch while they prepared some soup.
You groaned and complained, "Where yoou gooo?"
Jay chuckled, walking around the couch, "We're making your food,"
"Ice cream?"
"Soup," Jay responded.
You screwed up your face, making a dramatic gagging noise. Jay immediately laughed, trying to tell you not to be so melodramatic while you just gagged over him.
Jay and Will finally got you to settle down by agreeing to watch a movie with you, you were squished between them with a blanket over your shoulders and warm soup in your hands. Jay flicked through the options until you spotted a movie from your childhood, ordering your brother to put it on.
You only made it halfway through before you fell asleep, your head resting on Will's chest as he hugged you and held your blanket around you. Jay had tucked another blanket around your legs, laughing at how Will was effectively stuck where he was until you woke up.
"You'll be there until the morning," Jay laughed, moving slightly and getting to his feet.
You stirred, reaching out for him and gripping his wrist, "Stay," You drawled. Jay couldn't say no to your sleepy eyes, sitting back down and letting you throw your legs over his and get comfortable again.
"We'll both be here until morning," Will laughed, watching you sleep peacefully curled up with your big brothers.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Lmaoo the convos between me (poor) and the dental assistants (also poor) are too funny.
Me saying hi cheerfully to the dental assistant: good morning!🥰
Him, who never talks to anyone nicely: oh good morning, Dr Snow (he ain't remember anyone else by name)! How are you on this fine day? Is everything alright? Are any of the (Karen type) patients bothering you? Do you need me to handle them?🥰🥰🥰
Me: no, thank you🥰
Him: you're welcome, Dr snow!
My supervisor: wtf
Me, greets supervisor: hello!
Supervisor: get to work. Call me only if the patient is on the verge of death.
Me, nods: thank you!
Dental assistant: supervisor is so nice! He's an amazing doctor!
Me: yes, he is.
Him: he makes a lot of money at his private clinic *proceeds to tell me the amount*
Me: o-oh wow. So where is that clinic?
Him: it's uptown! Oh and where do you live, Dr snow?
Me: *gives a vague idea of my address and it ends up being real close to the supervisor's clinic in uptown*
Him: so... is your father a business man/doctor/any job that would basically mean that dad is a millionaire.
Me: no, dude. I'm like poor😅
Him: oh stop it! No, you're not!🥰
Me: no, but i am fr.
Him: you don't look like it.
Me, standing in front of him with a hunched back after I worked all day on the patients, mascara smearing and sweat on my forehead: ya sure?
Basically, he thinks that as soon as I graduate medschool, I'm gonna use "daddy's money" to open up my own private clinic and hire him as my dental assistant. That's why he's so nice to me.
Me? I'm only nice to him and the other clinic staff because I want them to help me find a job at someone's clinic, maybe as a referral and hopefully, when I do open up my clinic with my own money, I can hire them on a discounted rate😭😭😭
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pomefiorella · 1 year
"At Your Service!"
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── Summary✧: You're late for your dental appointment and trying to get to Night Raven Dental Clinic but you'll have to call a taxi to take you there. ── Next Part✧: To be made. ── Warnings✧: Crackfic, small mentions of car accidents, just in case you are uncomfortable with that (though, MC and Vil don't get hurt) ── Characters✧: Gender-neutral MC/Reader, Housewarden gang (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, and Malleus), Ortho ── A/N✧: Shoutout to my friend, Saturn (@vhstapesss), for helping me out with making this! I had a lot of fun writing this out! And yeah, probably will turn this into a series. ── Word Count✧: 2.9k words
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Oh god. You're late.
You find yourself bursting out from the front door, your bag slung over your shoulder. You don't have the time to say 'goodbye' to Grim, despite that you can hear his protests outside. You haven't fed him but it shouldn't take too long with your dental appointment- You're planning on buying some cans of tuna for him once you're done, as an apology to him.
You may be dumb enough to not set in an alarm, causing you to sleep in but luckily, you decided to call a taxi to pick you up to take you to Night Raven Dental Clinic beforehand. You let out a sigh of relief once you see a car driving near your house. Shouldn't be that difficult to get to the dental clinic, right?
At first, he seems courteous with how he opens the door for you to enter the vehicle and how he asks for your destination. You find it a bit amusing how he needs cinder blocks to step on the pedals and needs to straighten up his posture whenever he tries to look at the road. Nonetheless, Riddle looks like a gentleman.. and that quickly turned into a 180 once you both see someone speeding all of the sudden during the ride. You swear to the Great Seven- You have never seen the worst road rage ever in your life this bad before.
Riddle's face is as red as his hair and there was steam coming out from his ears. As soon as his window rolled out, he would shout profanities at the driver.
(Headcanon that Riddle is British- Don't @ me)
The window rolls back up. Riddle then soon calms himself down.
"Ahem- Apologies for that, Mx."
What's worse is that he sees this a few times from other drivers and whenever it does, you were clutching your bag. It feels horrifying sitting next to him with how purely angry he sounded. Once you get to your destination, you immediately give him the money before running toward the dental clinic. That itself is.. a traumatizing experience.
There was nothing more but deafening silence once you entered the taxi. He gave you only short replies like an "okay" or "mhm" when asking about your destination. Whenever you try to spark up a conversation after that, the only response you would get from Leona is a glare, yet it could almost kill you by how annoyed he looks. You simply gave up after trying just once.
He would lean his chair back and take a nap whenever he saw that he was stuck in traffic or even with just a red light. The silence in the car is now accompanied by loud snores from your driver and I do hope that you wouldn't mind that cause:
It's REALLY loud. (He does that thing where he chokes on his own saliva mid-snoring and goes back to it again, probably like your dad.)
It happens frequently. Leona is just trying to find an excuse to take a snoozer.
Sometimes, a car behind would honk loudly when the other vehicles in front of you start moving, causing Leona to wake up from his sleep. He would grumble with a displeased look on his face and start driving again. Other than that, he's actually an okay driver! Just intimidating. You gave him the money when you reached the dental clinic and went on your way to get inside there. Make sure not to be too loud when you are taking his services again.
Looks can be deceiving, they say.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with Azul right when you first see him. He was like any normal taxi driver; asking you where you want to go, shooting out some questions here and there while on the road, like "Do you have a dental appointment, Mx. ?", and answering some questions himself that are given by you. He seems calm and professional when conversing with him.
Everything was normal.. not until you finally reached your destination and were about to take out some cash to give to the man. Your jaw dropped when he says the total money needed to be paid.
"..F-five hundred thousand thaumarks?!"
Azul only replied with a nod, a friendly smile still plastered on his face. You were blinking rapidly, not believing what you just heard. That smile that you thought was genuine at first starts distorting in your mind, now only seeing one with sinister intentions behind it. This guy isn't just your ordinary taxi driver.. he's trying to rob you in broad daylight! It's only a single taxi drive and yet, this costs THAT much?!
You could only sigh and comply with him, giving Azul the exact total that needed to be given. Once the payment was made, he chuckled at your expression, as if mocking you for being so dense for choosing him as your driver, even when his tone didn't sound so malicious. You get yourself out of the car and you can see him waving goodbye.
"So long! A pleasure to ride with you, Mx. ! I hope that you can take my services again!"
Azul soon drives off from your view.
..Yeah. Never again, with now your wallet feeling much lighter.
When you ordered a taxi driver, you didn't mean also ordering the sweetest guy you have ever met!
Kalim was ecstatic when he sees you and starts asking you questions other than a simple "Where do you want to go?". You have to tell him that you still need to go to the dental clinic to get to your appointment. He doesn't seem so bothered by it and starts driving, still chattering away with the conversation he's holding up with you.
The problem is that however, he would get himself into the wrong location, commonly being distracted by talking with you.
"Here it is, Mx. !! It's your destination!"
Kalim exclaimed with a proud grin.
"Um.. Kalim, we're not at the Night Raven Dental Clinic- we're at the beach."
"..Woops- My bad then! Oh well, wanna get some ice cream? :D"
You couldn't get yourself to be mad at him. Not only because he told you that this is his first day on the job but he was clearly trying his best and trying to make up by showering you with gifts and spending time with you. He was in a jovial mood overall and you don't want to ruin that.
At last, after going to the wrong locations a few times and hanging around, you arrived in front of the dental clinic. Paying the driver with the money, you get out of the car as you and Kalim bid your farewells to each other.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)! Let's hang out again soon!!"
You may have gotten yourself extra hours late for your appointment but hey, at least you have a new friend now in your contacts list and some presents with you!
Oh the Great Seven, you didn't expect that you would encounter such a gorgeous driver.
He can see that your eyes were looking at him up and down, in awe of the sight of himself. He knew that you were admiring his beauty — as one should. However, Vil grimaced when he sees you resting your arm on top of the clutch of the car so casually. You earned a small scolding from your driver, telling you not to touch anything during the ride. It becomes evident that he wants his car to be spotless, inside and out.
There wasn't a speck of dust or any stains or imprints in the vehicle; none at all. Everything is in its place and prim and proper as ever. You tried your best to try to not touch anything, only allowing yourself to put your grubby hands on your bag that sits on your lap instead. Vil would peek in a few times to see what were you doing as he was driving, glad that you obeyed his order. He would question your outfit and since you came out of your house in such a hurry, he makes some comments about it. Vil notices some things that you didn't realize until now, like how you were wearing mismatched socks and makes a big deal out of it. At least he was nice enough to give you some fashion advice and tips though.
Other than that, both of you wouldn't speak to one other, the sound of classical music that's from the radio drowning the silence. Every time the car would have to be put to a stop due to traffic or red light, Vil would check himself in the rear-view mirror, to see if he looks as fair as ever and if his makeup isn't ruined in some way.
However, when that happened a couple of times, Vil has already taken out his makeup pouch from the compartment that was in front of you. It was only to fix his eyeliner and nothing more.
Then, out of nowhere, a car behind you bumped into Vil's car.
It was a minor bump and luckily for both of you, you're not injured. Regardless of that, it definitely leaves a shock on your face. You faced Vil, checking to make sure he was alright.
"..A-are you okay?-"
Oh, with that look on his face, he isn't alright. His eyeliner is now ruined; a faulty line is now visible on the right side of his cheek. Vil clenched his teeth, gripping the eyeliner rather tightly that his knuckles turned white. He doesn't need a mirror to know that his makeup is ruined and his car has a small dent behind it.
"..Be right back."
Your driver steps out of the car and as soon as he shuts the door behind him, you can hear him starting to scream at the other driver who has bumped into the car by accident. Vil was pointing a finger at them, not only telling them that their driving was so careless but also accusing them of trying to hurt him. The poor driver was already sobbing, begging for his forgiveness and yet, he gave them a cold shoulder. It is then agreed upon (or rather, threatened by Vil) that the driver will send him the money so that he could repair the dent in his car.
Then, Vil comes right back inside and says nothing, proceeding to drive off as if nothing happened a minute ago. You didn't dare to say anything, not wanting to risk the chance of getting DESTROYED by him, just like he did with the crying driver not too long ago. It was all quiet once more and you were at ease once you realized that you made it to your destination, quicker than you thought it would be. You gave the money to him and went outside of the car as carefully as possible, not wanting to leave a smudge of your handprints.
He sure is quite the gem to admire but you seriously do not want to defy his rules and demands, if you were to take his services again.
Idia (& Ortho)
Looking at the car for the first time, it's a peculiar sight.
Simply put, the vehicle is much different from any other cars you have seen when you are taking a taxi. The car in front of you is straight up from a Twisted Wonderland equivalent to Hotwheels. It's mostly coated with white, has some mechanical knick-knacks that look like it's for decorations, and blue flames come out on top of the car's roof. Oh, you weren't too surprised by it — you did have a cat-looking beast in your house that calls you his 'henchhuman' all the time, and the car does remind you a little of him.
Wasting no time, you went over and entered the car to find your driver. Idia makes no effort to avoid eye contact with you, focusing on his thumbs that are on the steering wheel instead. You were unsure if he had even noticed that you were here now and you were about to say something when another voice perked up.
"Hello, Mx. ! Where would you like to go?"
That voice is from the car itself.
So, as it turns out, after giving out your destination, the car's name is Ortho. Idia, with the help of Ortho's help, explains to you that they're both siblings when you took notice of the younger brother calling him "big brother". Strange but you decided not to question them further. Besides that, being inside the car is pretty comforting with how the car talks to you like a young kid would (saying that out loud could get you confused looks on people but you did find Ortho adorable) for the first few minutes. There was such a big contrast between the two brothers but you don't really mind, finding him to be timid.
That is until you realized that the path you're taking is unfamiliar to you. You shoot a nervous glance at the driver, his eyes now on the GPS that's between the both of you.
"Where are we?-"
"..This- this is the quickest route to get to that dental clinic..-"
You soon realized that the car starts entering a forest?! You grabbed the hanger that's next to you and hold onto it tight. With a bumpy road ahead, the car starts shaking aggressively and you couldn't help but let out yelps, surprised as you see Idia dodging through the crowds of trees in the wooded area.
"Trust me."
"It's going to be alright, Mx. ! We know what we're doing!"
Ortho, also acting as the GPS, reassured you. Looks like Idia's efforts at playing Mario Kart do pay off. Out of genuine fear, you were closing your eyes, holding your bag tightly to your stomach. This was it. This is where you are going to die as you will probably crash onto a tree or-
"..You c-can open your eyes now."
You slowly open them and you can feel that the car has come to a stop but.. you're still alive! You look out the window to see that you're outside of the forest. You let out a huge sigh, thankful that it was over.
"We still need to go through the river.."
"What- We're not there yet?!"
Throughout the entire ride, you were closing your eyes entirely shut, not wanting to see your potential cause of death right in front of you. It was a whole rollercoaster, of course. And yet, after 10 minutes, you have already reached your destination surprisingly. You had to admit that was effective with how much time would be wasted if you were to take on a normal route but it still scared you shitless either way.
You say your farewells to both of the brothers, and the car honks at you happily as you went inside the dental clinic.
(Ortho: "Kachow, big brother!")
Instead of a car, you met yourself with a tall man with horns on his head, carrying a rope in front of your house.
You were certainly puzzled, as you're expecting a vehicle but not this. Malleus simply waved at you, making you approach closer to him.
"Good morning, Mx. . Do you have any luggage with you? Just tie this rope around me."
"Um.. what? What for-"
"It's for the luggage to tether it to my dragon form, so that it doesn't fall, Mx."
Oh. The "dragon form" part sounds vague but that alone probably explains it.
"Ah, like a pack mule?"
"..Yes, I suppose that's accurate."
As per Malleus's instructions, you tied the long rope around him loosely, with your luggage also tied next to him as well (this only happens if you bring something like a suitcase for some reason). While you were doing that, you asked him a question that's stuck in your mind — "Why not use a car instead of doing all of this?"
Other than the car being not so friendly with his abnormally tall height, he does have a car before. But, just as he was about to use it one day to work on his job, it exploded cause apparently, he started the car in the wrong way. You have no idea how that's possible but that happened. The next thing you knew when you finished tying the man up, he was gone; a dragon now replacing him from his original spot. The creature huffed out smoke before lowering down to your level so that you can climb on top of it. Once you're done, the dragon began flapping its wings before slowly ascending to the skies.
You hold onto the neck of the dragon, making sure that you wouldn't fall off. Looking below, you see Night Raven City beneath you, everything is as small as ants. If you are scared of heights, too bad. The entire trip will take place up in the sky, however, Malleus will make sure to be careful, and if you request for him to fly just a bit closer to the ground, he will oblige.
You would then, soon enough, arrive in front of Night Raven Dental Clinic. You hopped off from the dragon and as soon as you did, poof! The dragon turned into Malleus! He gave you a grateful smile, thanking you for taking his services after you gave him the money. Afterward, he gave you back your stuff and retrieves back his rope in a neat circle, before changing to his dragon form again and flying off.
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voraciousvore · 7 months
The Half-Blood Giant (11/51)
Chapter 11: Eren
Eren was glad to have a day off. She urgently needed it. Work was stressful, despite the improvements made when she returned. She was finally picking up the pieces of her broken life and putting them back together, but progress was slow. 
She accepted her job back at the dental clinic, as a dental hygienist. She had to acclimate first, practicing climbing into the mouth of her lovely fiancé Joey, before she gained the courage to try on anybody else. Even so, her first day back she had a panic attack and had to go home early. Being in the same environment where she had been kidnapped triggered a negative response. 
Despite the setback, Eren soldiered on. She was a strong woman, and she was determined. She didn’t want to stay holed up in her apartment, afraid of the world, for the rest of her pitiful existence. Dr. Larson, her boss, was understanding, fortunately. He felt guilty for pushing her in the past, especially since he blamed himself for putting her in danger. He was careful to check on her frequently, let her work at her own pace, and only matched her with trusted clients whom she had worked on before. He allowed her to take breaks as needed and didn’t overbook her. She was never left alone in the clinic, where she would be vulnerable. 
Eren wasn’t back to full time yet. She worked half-days, so she wouldn’t get too overwhelmed. She grew stronger by the day as she settled into a routine. Slowly, she was healing from her traumas. Whenever she was out of the house, she was always careful to wear her smartwatch, so she wouldn’t be caught helpless in a bad situation. Today, though, she was at home, safely locked up in her apartment. She felt secure in her own domicile, even though her protector Joey was at work. 
Their shared apartment was small for a giant like Joey, but capacious for a tiny human like Eren. She felt as if she was relaxing in the lap of luxury in a big mansion, sitting on the gigantic couch and leaning into a pillow that towered above her. Being so much smaller than everything around her could be inconvenient, but it had its perks too. She sank into the cushion with satisfaction while she watched a movie on her laptop, enjoying the serenity of a day off. 
The peace was interrupted when the air crackled loudly with sparks. Eren looked up from her laptop screen in disbelief as blue electricity tore the fabric of reality, not comprehending what she was witnessing. She was even more startled when a giant whom she had never seen before fell through the gaping hole into her living room and smacked his head on the side of the coffee table, collapsing on the carpet with a tremendous thump. Eren squeaked and jumped to her feet with surprise. 
The giant man didn’t move. He lay motionless on the floor, blood dripping from his forehead. Eren hesitated, not sure what to do. She examined the strange man from her perch on the couch. He was dressed oddly, in a vest, a shirt with billowing sleeves, embroidered tan pants, and chunky boots. Eren fancied he would blend right in at a Renaissance fair. Her curiosity outweighed her fear, so she clambered down the rope ladder on the side of the couch to reach the floor. She crept across the carpet to the man’s colossal face. His head injury didn’t look too bad, but Eren couldn’t be certain. He was passed out, after all. 
Eren reached down to her wrist to call for help, when she realized she wasn’t wearing her watch. She wasn’t in the habit of wearing it when she was in the safety of her own home. Now that she was alone with a stranger, however, she felt uneasy. She hadn’t anticipated a random giant materializing out of nowhere into her living room. 
The giant groaned and shifted, his eyes flickering open. Eren froze up when she saw his irises, so big and close in front of her. They were a resplendent green, like the eyes of a noble beast, glinting with an intense predatory hunger. They were reminiscent of the same green eyes that haunted her nightmares, belonging to that terrifying monster named Trent, the eyes that followed her everywhere in the deepest, darkest recesses of her worst fears. Eren went white as a sheet as those gigantic orbs that eclipsed her vision focused in on her, the black pupils dilating. The giant’s nose twitched as he scented her, and his lips separated. 
Eren fled in terror. The giant might be friendly, for all she knew, but the sight awakened horrendous memories within her, memories of a drooling maw full of square white teeth, a red tongue, swimming in grumbling guts, torture and pain. Eren couldn’t handle it. She panicked. 
Chester, still groggy, saw the movement of tiny prey and reacted instinctively. His arm shot out like a projectile from a catapult, and he easily snatched up the tiny human in front of him. She squealed in fright and battled his fingers, but he was too strong. Chester groaned, rubbing the bloody gash on his forehead as he sat up. 
“What is this place? Where am I? Who are you?” he asked the woman in his hand. Eren was too frightened to answer. She tried to bite his finger, but was unable to break through his thick skin with her teeth. Chester regarded her with interest, turning her over in his hand as if she were nothing more than a little doll.  
His stomach growled, and Eren stiffened at the noise, staring up at him with wide eyes. Chester placed his free hand on his belly, noting how empty it felt. At Jackie’s behest, he had skipped breakfast, against his better judgement. He looked over at the small human ensnared in his fist, brought her closer to his face, and breathed in through his nose, inhaling her scent. If she tasted as good as she smelled, she would be quite a delectable treat. He licked his lips as his mouth began to water. 
He glanced around him. He appeared to be in someone’s living room, scaled for a giant. Nobody was nearby; he confirmed with his nose. Another giant male must live here, but he wasn’t present. If he ate this human, here and now, nobody would know. Chester opened his mouth with longing, his tongue dancing in its dripping chamber, the little human inches away. He was sorely tempted. 
Eren whimpered and pulled away from his open maw as his breath ruffled her hair. Chester closed his mouth and swallowed a flood of saliva. He had to control himself. “Um... do you have any food here?” he asked the little woman in his hand, urgency in his tone. She nodded frantically. 
“Th-th-there's leftover p-p-pizza in the fridge,” she stuttered, shaking. She could barely utter any words at all. Chester surged over to the kitchen, making Eren lose her balance in his fist, and opened the fridge door. As promised, there was a box with half a pepperoni pizza inside. Chester took the whole box and returned to the living room. He sat down on the couch and set the pizza box on the coffee table, as if he were a guest and not an intruder, oblivious to social mores. He placed Eren on the coffee table and helped himself to the pizza, shoveling a whole slice into his mouth. 
Eren watched with trepidation. Luckily, her watch was on the coffee table nearby, and she gradually edged toward it, hoping the giant wouldn’t notice. Even though he was bolting down pizza slices, she noticed he kept his eye on her the whole time, making sure she wouldn’t run away. Eren knew better than to think she could outrun a giant, especially since she would have to climb down the height of the table to get away. She sat down and gripped the watch in her hands, sending Joey an emergency text. Chester had no idea what she was doing, since smartwatches didn’t exist in his realm. Joey responded immediately, and Eren quietly sighed in relief. She just had to stall until he got here to rescue her. 
Chester, as usual, was struggling to rein in his temptation. Where was Jackie when he needed her? He wasn’t sure, but he knew filling his belly was priority. He hardly chewed the pizza at all, swallowing it in great big bites. Eren was disturbed as she watched the spectacle of gluttony before her. Joey was an impressive eater, but he wasn’t as bad as this giant. She had no doubt that this huge man wanted to eat her, and had almost forced her into his mouth just like he was clogging his mouth full of pizza now. She was tense. 
Chester gulped down another slice and focused in on the miniature lady on the coffee table. She was huddled up and shaking. He smacked his lips. The pizza was serviceable, but it failed to satisfy in the same way as a human. Her scent suggested a meaty flavor, like steak. He imagined her sliding down his throat and flailing in his belly. His stomach grumbled again. 
“Hey, uh… if you’re willing, feel free to hop onto that pizza slice right there,” Chester remarked with a roguish wink and a toothy smile. Without awareness of his actions, he was leaning closer over Eren. He licked pizza sauce off his lip. Maybe she’d be willing to at least let him taste her. If she lived with another giant, as was obviously the case, he was sure she’d understand. 
“W-what?” Eren responded with confusion. What the giant was suggesting was so preposterous, Eren thought she had misunderstood. 
“I won’t swallow you or anything,” Chester assured her. “Just let me hold you in my mouth and taste you. I’ll eat the pizza around you, but I won’t chew you up or ingest you. Just for flavor.” 
“Are you out of your fucking mind?!” Eren shouted. Chester’s face twitched and Eren covered her mouth with her hand. She turned to run, but the swift movement activated Chester’s hunting instinct and he reflexively reached out and pinched the back of her shirt between his fingers. 
“LET GO OF ME!!” Eren screamed at the top of her lungs. Chester, mortified by what he had just done, released her immediately, bringing his hand back into his lap. 
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,” he apologized and shoved another pizza slice in his face. He slumped his shoulders and averted his gaze completely from her, his face red as a cherry. 
Eren stared at him, baffled by his behavior. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” she asked with exasperation. This giant was different than any other giant she had met. Other man-eating giants had no shame and didn’t give her a choice. If she had been dealing with Trent, he would have swallowed her a long time ago. This giant, on the other hand, seemed almost ashamed of himself, yet he appeared to have no concept of personal space or boundaries. She didn’t understand his behavior. 
“I’m sorry,” Chester repeated through a substantial mouthful of pizza, burying his face in his hands. “I-I have strong cravings to eat humans. It’s so humiliating, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m trying so hard to keep it under control.” 
Eren’s expression softened a bit at his confession. She could plainly see he was telling the truth. “It’s fine,” she said quietly. “Just don’t you dare eat me!” She backed up a step, raising her arms defensively. She hoped Joey would be here soon. She didn’t think the giant was malicious, per say, but he seemed to have poor self-control. She didn’t trust him at all. 
Chester shook his head, still hiding his face. “I won’t,” he promised. He didn’t sound too confident though. He peeked through his fingers at Eren. “Doesn’t your giant friend whom you live with ever want to eat you?” 
Eren gaped up at him, nonplussed by the question. Joey had never eaten her on purpose, or signaled to her any desire to do so. Just then, Joey’s voice resounded through the door. “Hang on, Eren!” he yelled. “I’m coming!” He jammed the key in the lock and fumbled to open the door. 
“I’m in here, Joey!” Eren called back, projecting her squeaky voice as loud as she could. “Don’t worry, I’m okay!” 
“Who’s that?” Chester asked, looking up. 
“Oh, he’s my fiancé,” Eren explained. “He’s a giant. And a cop. He’s very protective of me.” 
Chapter 12
Chapter 1
12 notes · View notes
Silly Lily Chronicles!
['Cuz it's not romantic, I swear! I'm not gasping for air!]
A series of small moments in the office and farther on; from Boris and Kamal's lives pre-Habitat starting from the first time they shook one another's hands.
If they only knew how much they'd influence each other in the coming years in "Forsooth", the musty two-story clinic just down the street...
In their small town of hilltops: Columba Hills, Wyoming.
Originally posted on AO3, circa 2022
Volume 1: Prologue (2023 Revision)
Holy cow! I think I've got one here
Now just what I am supposed to do?
I've got a number of irrational fears...
That I'd like to share with you-u-u~
First, there's rules about old goats like me Hanging around with dudes like you
But I do like you and another one:
You say 'like' too much....
['Cuz it's not romantic, I swear! I'm not gasping for air!]
Volume 1: Prologue
A series of small moments in the office and farther on; from Boris and Kamal's lives pre-Habitat starting from the first time they shook one another's hands.
If they only knew how much they'd influence each other in the coming years in "Forsooth", the musty two-story clinic just down the street...
In their small town of hilltops: Columba Hills, Wyoming.
Originally posted on AO3
Holy cow! I think I've got one here
Now just what am I supposed to do?
I've got a number of irrational fears...
That I'd like to share with you-u-u~
First, there's rules about old goats like me
Hanging around with dudes like you
But I do like you and another one:
You say 'like' too much....
October 13, 1988. Bora Residence.
He was late!!
Good gravy, of course he was! You know, for the ONE THING he was studying at least 8 or 10 years at medical school to go to?! He couldn't even remember he was so late! Honestly, man! He'd be late to his own funeral! Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Kamal practically fell out of bed this morning once he opened his eyes to how high the sun was! Did he forget to set the alarm!?!? He went to bed at 11, it wasn't even that late! 8:30 on the alarm clock was burned in his mind as his throat went all cold turning the knob and booking it out the door.
What was he even doing yesterday evening? Surely it wasn't more important than setting his alarm!
He paced around feverishly to look for his hairbrush. Should he brush his teeth? Probably. Ugh, but not before breakfast, he needs SOMETHING or he'll pass out!
...Oh don't tell him he just passed out already!
No, he actually just tripped over a closed comic book in bursting out of his bedroom door. More specifically, his Doremon manga. Then it came to him. He was rereading this issue again yesterday.
That silly little kid's comic book he kept reading...just to feel some sort of release in the amount of mental preparation in becoming a real doctor. A dentist. Was he ready for this? Considering how much he wasn't aware of the real world? He could hear his old man and ma getting on his case now to "act his age".
He was hugging his knees again. Agh, he was so totally getting ahead of himself. The day hasn't even started yet. Breathe in....breathe out.
Just take a granola, your ritalin, drink a CRAP ton of water and apply your citrusy jasmine scented deodorant.
Geez, he hoped his boss wouldn't be strict. His deodorant only did so much, even while having an asian benefit of genetically not very pungent pits. Wait. How well does that hold up, though?
Was it all a myth? Or is it because he's thin in particular?
Well...not like your family HAS really stinky pits to start with. That he knows of.
(...Okay, enough with that kind of B.O. talk. You're so weird, Kamal. Stop it. This is why you're lonely.)
Either way....the same couldn't be said for his breath. Ew.
GOD, his breath. DO NOT greet your new boss at the dental clinic with bad breath. Golly.
The chocolate in the granola wasn't coffee but it'll do. He downed it as fast as he could.
Maybe it was for the best, not mixing his adhd meds with excessive caffeine. His brain was already wired enough. Shortly after he brushed his teeth. It would be the last time he'd be just brushing his own pearly whites.
Alright...teal polo shirt...unfortunately baggy pants he couldn't stop himself grabbing last minute...transformers watch...magenta accented sneakers....cartoonish rabbit printed lanyard...
He peered over to his brand new couch. Hippity the beanie buddy sat there cutely, with his pleading beaded eyes.
"Kamal, you still have your doll? I-I mean, I guess I'm a little surprised you like 'em still, yanno.
Considering how you've changed, all your changes."
Ignoring that memorized, somewhat backhanded judgment from his mother, he stuffed his soft little friend in his jacket pocket.
Ugh. What does she know?
He imagined a triumphant giggle coming from Hippity since Kamal couldn't bring himself to leave him there. Hippity was good moral support. Just for today, he said. Just for luck.
Maybe it'd be okay.
Today's the first day of the rest of his life. If it's too hard in this weird world to feel like smiling, then the least he could do to help is make sure they had healthy teeth, eh?
8:58. Forsooth Dentistry Clinic.
Just in time. He carefully swung his car door closed. God, there was so much traffic! It was ridiculous! 
Well, no use in complaining. He did manage to make it. He took out Hippity and hugged him for luck, quickly stashing him in his pocket before anyone saw.
Sigh. Sometimes he truly wished to live a domesticated rabbit's life. When given the right care, they just don't have a care in the world. He liked cats too, but bunnies really got him. No one could replace his childhood bunny, Hopscotch...
But this paycheck could help him out. He could get either/or. Anything to fill the void in the house....oh geez. Daydreaming, Bora. You're doing it again.
He eyed his childish-looking watch. It just flipped from 8:59 to 9:00. Yikes, go inside already.
Behind the door, with a bell jingling on it, was a young purple and redheaded woman as the receptionist. She was typing away at her desk, filing papers.
Kamal let the receptionist know he was here all too awkwardly.
Ack, er, Hi! I'm here!
Re: Hi there! First day, right?
K: H..Hah, yeah! I'm not late am I?
Re: Oh, no trouble. You should be okay.
K: Cool, cool...
Internally Kamal wanted to burst out crying. But he spared her of witnessing that uncomfortable scene.
Re: Name, please?
K: Wha?
Re: Er, your name, doc? I gotta know who's assistant you are, heh!
K: OH. Yes, Doctor Kamal Bora.
Re: Ah. How d'ya spell the first name?
K: K-a-m-a-l?
Re: Kay...lemme see here....
Kamal stood there for an awkward amount of seconds....
Re: Ah, sorry for that! Here's your boss!
She handed him a paper over the counter.
Re: You're assigned to Doctor Habit. I heard that one's a bit of an oddball, but he's a hard worker.
Oh. Great. He got the weird one.
K: You don't say?
Re: Ah, but I wouldn't worry too much. Other people just call him strange just because he's rather blunt about things.
Oh, GREAT, he got the strict one?
Re: But like I said, no worries. People spread stuff 'round here too much. G'luck, newbie! Get ready to shake a leg! Or...like, a hand. The paper should say what office he's in. Shouldn't be too far from here.
K: Ah, I gotcha. Thank you much.
The receptionist waved.
Going by the paper he found his locker and got his doctor's coat on. It was chilly throughout the clinic so he didn't think to take off his jacket.
The clinic seemed a lot more casual than it first let on when he applied here.  Well...I can't let my guard down yet. Gotta try to wow my new boss, I guess. He heard a lot of test drilling down the hall. He hoped it wasn't going to be too overwhelming an hour later when it opened at 10 AM.
This looked to be the station. He was intimidated by the pressure of a first impression; so he masked his fear with his professional persona, greeting his new boss and extending an arm once he was through the door. He didn't really pay attention to where his new boss was, and had his eyes closed upon greeting. Oh gosh.
K: Hey, Doctor Habit right? Pleased to meet'cha. I'm your new assistant, starting today. Dr. Bora.
A rather deep voice with a thick foreign accent (Swedish? French?) that he couldn't pinpoint responded.
Ha: Hullo. I am he. 
Dr. Habit looked over his shoulder to see someone not even close to 6 foot at the door. Oddly enough, they had a longer hairstyle like he did. With their eyes closed and a hand extended. He wasn't sure what to make of it other than it seemed to be a handshake invitation. Usually he was to initiate it, as their new boss. 
They had either come overprepared, or heard the rumors about him and didn't want to look him in the eye. He scowled a bit at the thought, but still was to accept the handshake. He already knew they'd be put off by him either way. Like the other ones that had asked to be re-assigned...he was used to this by now.
Ha: That I was told. Pleased to meet you as well.
As Habit walked over, his heels making a clopping sound; Kamal was prepared to make eye contact. Look him right in the eye and make sure he knows he'll knock his socks off! And not for the life of him slip up or stutter!!
But then he looked up and---
K: Yeah, good to meet y--!
You see, a normal person would just say like "Whoa you're tall" to a man like Habit. But when people think tall they think like...6"5, usually.
They don't usually have SEVEN FOOT FOUR INCHES in mind because that's rather uncommon. And that was Doctor Habit.
With waist length auburn curly hair tied back in a large ponytail; a pea green visage, a rosy nose and bright vermillion eyes he stood out even more. He also seemed to have a patterned lanyard that Kamal wasn't so focused on right now. Could he see right through the mask he put on? He couldn't think normal. His bright golden sepia eyes were shot open in disbelief. But not because he was off put by him, no, far from that.
It was far more embarrassing than that.
(t-tall? TaLL? TALL?? TAALLL???)
Maybe it was because Kamal was kind of half awake and his meds hadn't kicked in yet....but nobody told him he'd be working with some kinda ADONIS?? Was it just him or was Doctor Habit SUPER beautiful??? Was that the word?? CHRIST HELP HIM. WHY WAS HIS FACE WARM.
Oh good lord was he blushing a little? Crap, what was happening. This was a disaster already. He hadn't even been here for an hour. Don't crush on the first man you see, dammit!! DEFINITELY NOT YOUR BOSS!!
[Kamal was kind of just frozen there. His olive toned face flushed rosy, staring up at him wordlessly. Mouth agape.]
Every time. Every single time. I'm so exhausted. Habit was quickly uncomfortable as 10 seconds went by. Habit huffed curtly and that snapped Kamal out of his apparent staggered trance.
K: S-Sorry!? I just u-um....didn't expect---
Habit abruptly interrupted Kamal to shake his hand and get it over with. His hand was at least the size of Kamal's face. And it sure was warmer than it looked. Kamal stayed on that thought a little too much as he spoke.
Ha: Ya, ya. I'm abnormally tall, I wear heels, eyeliner, et she-ra....e-et cetera! Whutever. Look, I'm sure it was a rough drive here and we could both use some coffee. So let's do that, ya?
The impatient type, huh? That's what the receptionist meant he supposed. 
Usually Kamal despises putting up with this kind of behavior from anyone, be it minimal to overbearing. But what Dr. Habit responded with sounded sympathetic in nature.
K:...Sure? I...I didn't mean to rude, boss....Mind me.
Ha:...No, no. That was on me. Most don't expect someone taller than the average doorframe, so. (Sigh)
Let's have some coffee and begin today's prep work, yes?
Kamal nodded back at him slowly. Still a lot of mixed emotions internally. Why was he so awkward?
It did confuse Habit why this Dr. Bora person was rather rosy in the face.
His previous assistants didn't react like this. Sometimes they'd jump up in fear. All of his previous assistants were under a decade younger than him. Perhaps this one was closer to his age?
Habit knew he couldn't afford having another assistant ask to relocate or be re-assigned. It might impact his job.
It kind of annoyed him honestly. Add it to list of things....
Ha: So...what I'm going to ask is outside of today's training.
K: Huh?
Ha: Your name, Kamal...is it a masculine or feminine one? Or is it neither?
K: My...what?
Ha: Sorry, I meant...er...what's the word....'pronouns'. Yes. I want to make sure I don't misgender you. The clinic doesn't care, but I believe the distinction is severely overlooked. 
Wait, really? Was he also....?
K: Well, er...thank you for asking! He and Him for me. Also happen to be a guy, yeah. Kamal's a somewhat neutral name where my folks are from, now that you mention it. You?
Kamal didn't expect this either. Habit wanted to bend the rules for his employee's sake?
Ha: Same as you actually.
K: A-Ah, like the receptionist said?
Ha: Oh...yes.
...Let's get you that coffee, hm?
Did...Habit grin a little a him? Kamal caught a glimpse of it, but it happened. 
(He also thought it was really charming.)
Was it 'cuz he caught on to the coding so fast? Maybe he wasn't as weird as his reputation upheld. Maybe he was...nice!
9:30 AM. 
The minutes had gone by... and boy he sure felt weird again. Kamal had sworn he'd seen this Dr. Habit fellow from somewhere. I mean he did live in town, but like....did they go to the same med school? Now that he thought about it...he recalled bumping into a rather tall gentleman with long curly hair a few times in the halls.
He always apologized but the figure kept on walking with no response. That person in question always seemed glum and low energy. He'd never really heard them speak...maybe because he forgot what they sounded like. They always stood out to him.
Being the sap he is, Kamal tried to reach out them once, slipping a note in their locker last year on Valentine's. No, i-it wasn't romantic or anything! No, no! I mean...not to say he didn't like the mysterious types. [Aughh, but it wasn't like that! He didn't even KNOW the guy.] He just wanted them know that he could be their friend.
He wrote: "Hey there, person I wish I knew! If you ever want a friend my name is Kamal Bora! Reach out to me if you want! I think your style is super hip and like...don't let anyone tell you otherwise, y'know! This time of year can get pretty lonely so, us social outcasts should stick together right? Of course, no pressure. Just know I'm around town. Sincerely, Kamal. :]"
He never really thought it'd go anywhere. He just wanted to try to make a friend.
But the weird thing was.... you'd think he wouldn't even get a response; yet the next day that he went to his locker...there was this intricate colored pencil drawing of a yellow rose on a small slip of paper. Was it from the tall stranger? He couldn't know for sure...but he did remember doodling a bit on that letter too. Was it a response? The piece wasn't even signed, but...oh, the anomalies just kept piling up. He'd likely never know who gave that to him. But he kept that yellow rose drawing on his post board at home...still waiting for that person to give him a response in person.
"So the light fixture is a bit broken. Repairs are coming tomorrow but it'll be a doozy to work with. Honestly I don't know why they can't just let us use a spare room but...such is life, I suppose."
Oh god, he spaced out. Again! How much did he miss...! He was still working on the small latte that was offered to him. He knew he couldn't handle it, good lord....It was already bad that Habit's accent was thick. Hearing it more, he now believed it was russian.
...Was he russian?
K: UhH? Oh! Oh no?! That's bad. Sorry to hear! That will make things weird.
Ha: Luckily, I'm prepared for "slappy-dashed" things such as this!
He was?
Dr. Habit proceeds to unearth FOUR flashlights from his white coat pockets. Where did he even....How??
Ha: This world wouldn't survive without people prepared for the worst! So that's what I did, to save us the trouble. We'll take turns holding the flashlights while the other works on the patient's teeth, ya?
K: U-Uh! Yeah! Sure, boss??
Ha: We can't work on the patient and hold the flashlight at the same time, rite? So it only makes sense.
[Just smile and nod Kamal....I mean...yeah it does make enough sense?]
But Kamal was SO confused.
Okay, was this what they meant by odd? As in...pretty intense? This man was just giving him a wave of emotions. He didn't know whether to think he was intense or um?? Charismatic?
...And kinda really super cute?? At the same time?? Kamal, jesus, get a hold of yourself!! This is just another stupid meaningless crush!
Ha: Okay...well. Did you remember all that, Dr. Bora?
SHOOT. Should he lie??
K: U-Uh. UH....
Ha: It's fine if you didn't. It'll make sense in practice, yes. They had me remember the hard stuff for you.
K: I guess so. You're...eheh. The boss. Literally. I mean, yes...I remember what to do, of course. Ahah.
Habit blinks at him blankly. Then...
Ha: Heh. Funny joke. You're a fun one. Come over to this station.
Kamal couldn't help a grin at the compliment.
Yes, I've got to totally wow him in anyway possible. Really show him how talented I am. That I'm not just a dork from down the street.
But suddenly, Kamal heard a PLOP against the marble floor as he kept walking. It was resounding to him...it sounded like a stuffed animal?
Ha: Hm? Ah...what's...that?
Ha: No, but look...is that a bunny rabbit doll? 
Habit paced over to it slowly, pondering the owner. 
Ha: Did a patient leave this one behind, or...
Kamal quickly ran back over to the doll, startling Habit as he scooped Hippity back up and attempted to stuffed him back in the inner pocket.
Ha: WH--My goodness, why did you...?
Habit caught sight of his employee's face. Kamal's face was completely red. Was he misty eyed? He looked so ashamed...Why? Habit began to genuinely worry.
K: He...um. Hippity's...he's my bunny. Sorry, this is so unprofessional! Ugh! Don't laugh, okay?! I won't bring him tomorrow, I-I just! Ngh!
No...no...god. He was crying. Right in front of his boss. On the first goddamn DAY.
Weeping while holding his silly little childhood beanie buddy. He probably looked so pathetic right now....
But to his surprise...Habit's tone completely changed.
Ha: Y-You...don't have to embarrassed about this. Don't be sorry.
K: W...Wha?
Ha: Never be sorry for what you cherish, okay? D-Don't let anyone tell you so! Your little Hippity looks very well cared for.
K: I....Thank you?
Habit was looking right at him, genuinely, with not a hint of gruffness in his exterior.
[Was this guy...really just a big softie too?]
This kind of sentimentality was very important to Habit, he learned just now.
Somehow...this helped Kamal recall something, too. He found his train of thought again. He usually can. But this morning has done a number to his stress alone.
About time, really. I guess this coffee's good for something.
He lost sight of his long term goal, why he craved independence in the first place.
And his parents have been nothing but supportive in the long run.
But of course they've had their slip-ups. A LOT. Progress is slow, but gradual.
In truth...His mother, she's actually very considerate of him most of the time. The first person he willingly came out to as trans.
He always unwillingly recalled what she opened with when he was packing up all of his things, when he moved out just a few weeks ago. 
"All his changes" meant a guy was strange or a pansy for liking dolls. Right? Is that what you were getting at, mom?
Don't you remember? She caught herself. Corrected herself. As she should've.
At least she did that!
"I guess I'm a little surprised you like 'em still, yanno. Considering how you've changed, all your changes."
"Wh--MOM! Why the hell would you SAY that??? Seriously?! It's my room, I can keep what ever 'GIRLY' things I want! Ugh! And you call me judgmental?!"
"Ah!? Oh no! Putra, sorry...! I didn't..."
"Didn't WHAT?! Think about what you said! I've had this weird little rabbit doll for like, what, 21 YEARS and this is when you decide to make me insecure about it?!"
"(Huff) Kamal. Listen to me. You know that isn't what I intended. Please let me finish..."
"UGH. Ma, that really smarts you know. I already struggle with my masculinity. Considering it's still pretty much invisible even with my changed voice. What, like am I supposed to pretend my sentiments aren't still attached to the identity that was enforced on me before I could even walk??
Like, I can barely use the needles as is---I...I don't need more insecurity. You and dad are the only ones who KNOW. DON'T make me feel awkward around you guys, too."
"...O-Oh dear, I didn’t realize I struck a nerve so badly. I didn't mean to upset you! No, I...devatas...Sorry. It's just, you know...I'm not you. I can't read your mind. But I'm always here for you. You are my son, my child. I support you no matter what. I made that promise before you were even an idea, you know.
...I lost interest in my dollies, I gave them to your cousins a long while ago.
I mean, if you like them, that's fine! Ignore me, putra.
Me bein' a tomboy shouldn't reflect on you. You are a strong individual at heart, my son. And I'm sorry. This is the beginning of your career. Your own altruism."
A strong individual at heart....how did something so important get forgotten so quickly?
Am I really that scatterbrained?
....No, you know that's just the ADHD. You're not "scatter-brained". You are a person, not an untouchable "god".
Mom reminded you of that more times than you could count.
She raised you, ACTUALLY raised you. She gives a damn about you all the time.
Maybe that's why this silly little stuffed bunny holds this much emotional weight. The tears finally caught up to you.
Christ, man.
She nurtured your curiosity and identity, She let you shave half your head in high school and ironically you were the only one who regretted the decision. You thought she just didn't care that day. She's always too insistent and absent-minded when it's time to be busy with stuff like packing and moving.
It did hurt a little. But she cared to correct herself. When it's so normal for an asian family to kick out their queer children. Because that was their one burning "imperfection".
But she actually loves you. Your parents DO care, even in the midst of their ridiculous doting and eggshell walking. Don't they?
"Kamal, I hope you know I love you no matter what. I raised you to know exactly what you want, when it really counts. I'll back off when you need me to, okay? You know how I've been. I never want to be the one to make you feel like garbage. That would mean I've failed you.
So...case in point. You do you, little rabbit."
Heh heh.~
Jayasri Nadella-Bora. She brought you into this world to be happy, ultimately. Right?
This is the same woman who conditioned you with her progressive influence in the first place, as a cisgender woman. She cares too much, and lets her concern consume her at times. Even now, she's still learning.
She fights for your cause everyday, not only as a mom. As a civil rights activist.
[And dad, well, he's okay too. Most times. Not that he isn't a good guy, but he's a real weenie.
He always lets mom do the talking. Meeting your mother was the smartest thing he's ever done. He married mom, so he has to have an actual soul within his body.
He's really ignorant, but you know Mom and Dad love each other more than the earth itself. And....you were a "happy surprise".]
So...can it be more obvious?)
Maybe you're forgetful, too. You aren't invincible or perfect. You are a dentist. You broke down crying in front of your boss.
What's even happening today? Is this humbling?
Or are you humble as is?
Ha: Really, though. Bring anything you need to work as long as it doesn't get in the way, of course. I'm letting you do that, okay?
The overwhelmed blush on Kamal wore down into a soft, calm glow.
K: Uh...heh! Okay..well.
Thank you, doc. You better not regret it, cuz, um...
Ha: Anything if it'll help you feel more productive, right?~ Eheh.
So he wasn't imagining things. Dr. Habit really smiled at him. He was smiling right now!
(This guy had to be as big a sap as him, right? Like...)
K: Sure, ha. Okay. Thanks.
Geez...how was emotionally connecting with this guy so fast?
Ha: Would you mind telling me about your lanyard? That has littol bnuuy rabbits on it too. Do you like bnuuys a lot?
K: Uh...you mean...'bun-knees'? Pff...Y-Yes, I do?
Ha: Hah, yes. Bnuuys.
K: Bunnies?
Ha: Bew-nais.
K: Bunnies.
Ha: Boonui? :-D
K:...Now you're just doing this on purpose, doc.
Ha: Maybe so! But it is fun, no? 
K: Psh, okay. Well I mostly picked it because I liked the design but I ALSO happen to like bunnies a whole lot. They're two different things, heh.
Ha: But...doesn't that sort of mean same thing?
K: Not necessarily! >:P
Why does yours have those yellow flowers all over it, eh? Did you just pick it out cuz it's nice-looking?
But suddenly, Habit went quiet.
Did...Kamal bring up something iffy?
K: I...I wasn't teasing you about it, sorry. I-It's a pretty lanyard! I'm just confused. Did....people laugh at you for liking flowers? I mean 'cuz....some did laugh at me before for bringing Hippity once. And that was middle school.
Habit's gentle tone was now sorrowful as well.
Ha: Indirectly....you could say so.
K: Oh? Well. Y'know. It's like you said, boss. Anyone who makes fun of you for being a nerd is just a freeloader or something, right?
Ha:...Maybe so...
Okaaay, maybe it was time to change the subject.
K: Hey, Dr. Habit? Did we....happen to go to the same med school?
Ha: In the exact same area? Well, I went to Geewhiz.
K: No joke?! I went there too!
Ha: Goodness, really?
K: I could've sworn I'd seen you somewhere! Ack...Do you remember me bumping into you at all?
Ha: Eh...I bump into a lot of people shorter than me, so. Though I also thought your voice sounded familiar. 
K: Well I ask because...on my last year... coincidentally February 14th, ahem; I slid a note into someone's locker. Asking to be their friend. And they looked an awful lot like you! But I can't be too sure. (sigh) I mean...I never even knew their name.  
The realization hit Habit like a truck.
Ha:...K-Kamal Bora?! That was...YOU?! You're HIM???
K: Y-Yeah! It was, man! Oh my god, this is nuts, dude! Does that mean...did you draw that picture of a yellow rose and put in my locker?!
Habit's hands were clasped together. Kamal saw clear as day he was brilliantly flushed in the face. How come? Did it really mean that much to him? He was so smiley!
Ha: W-Well I...didn't know how else to respond to that kind note from someone I didn't even know...so I asked around and, erm. Well...I like drawing. And I saw you drew little rabbits on your note, too.
K: P-Pff, really? I did?
Ha: Hm-hm, yes. That's how I knew it was you.
K: Wowzers! Ehehe...
Ha: Hee...My english writing is no good, so...I poured my thoughts into a little rose drawing. And put it in your locker. I-I didn't know what else to say, eheh...umm.
...Did you like it?
K: Like it? Duuude! I've never seen such a realistically drawn rose! I loved it! I like the pink shading to the yellow you added to it, too!
I still have it on my billboard at home!
Ha: W-wow. I'm...so...ticklish pink, honestly! I..awhaha!
K: Huh? Say again?
Habit had a big sappy smile on, still closed up. As his rosiness in his cheeks tinged that grin, he started twirling his auburn curls a little.
Ha: I'm just....really habby you liked it. I was too chicken to even write my name on it....I, aha. Just wanted to give the drawing to you.
K: Oh, but how come?
Ha: I wasn't really ready to give you my name yet...I've only recently had it changed. And some sources still have me recorded as whoever the other Habit was in the question....
K: Ah...I hear ya. Well...what is your name, doc?
Ha: During business hours, I'm just "Dr. Habit". But to you, Mr. Kamal...I'm Boris. Alright? : - >
K: Mm-hm! Then well...Boris?
Ha: Ya?
"Could I be your friend then?"
"Yes. I'd love to."
Kamal had definitely wowed Boris that morning.
In a chance meeting he never even thought possible.
This would be the start of something exceedingly precious to both in the coming years.
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turtleations · 10 months
Pink Couldy Sky, Chapter 06 – Crossroads (Summarized) - Part 2
Chapter 00 - 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Part 1, Part 2 Chapter 05 Chapter 06 Part 1
The story returns to the end of the eighties, the early nineties. After a year of not touching his guitar, REM tentatively started playing again and became part of a newly formed band called “AMIT”, playing covers of artists like Rush or Van Halen. However, he saw his musical activities as only a hobby. His focus for the future remined on becoming a dentist.
Still, since it was in these days that he bought the equipment needed to record his own songs at home, it seems that he was not quite ready the completely throw music away after all. Only, he had no concrete aim for it. Deep inside he still thought, no, he was certain that one day the time would come when he wanted to earnestly do music again.
Here, he wants to talk about the members of AMIT a little, who were his moral support then and still are his very close friends and band mates. Back then, all of them were students of dental medicine, and the name of the band was just the initials of their names being lined up. Today, they are all practicing dentists, and a weird, self-proclaimed “wedding-party band”.
The “A” in AMIT stood for Araki, REM’s family name. “M” was their drummer Mikami, “I” bassist Ishikawa, and “T” the other guitarist Takamichi. At first, REM tentatively doubled as a vocalist, but eventually they were joined by a vocalist called Nakamaru, who was a dental student as well back then and by now has opened a dental clinic in his hometown of Hiroshima. REM still has email exchanges with him. The other members all work in the neighborhood of Yokosuka and often come to the new SAVER TIGER’s lives.
Forming the band had been the idea of Takamichi, thanks to whom REM once again became active in a band. Doing some casual music, he found, wasn’t so bad…
And through AMIT’s activities, REM could stay in shape, musically. 
During those day, REM continued to be in contact with hide. Being guitarist of an established band, hide spend a lot of time aboard, to the point of setting up residence in Los Angeles.
“X” had an extremely successful live at Budoukan, soon changed their name to “X JAPAN”, and started aiming for an international market.
Still, hide often called across the world from L.A., laughing and saying that once he was back in Japan, they should go drinking on Dobuita together! And when they did drink on Dobuita, they did so until morning. Afterwards, rather than staying at his parent’s house in Yokosuka, hide always returned to his place in Tokyo. When he was drinking, hide was cheerful and happily talked about the ideas he came up with.
“I want to get an elephant on stage, how would I do that?” Stuff like that. It was typical for hide; he was like a surprise box of ideas.
He didn’t really talk about himself.
Even though REM had given up his music dreams, hide always listened attentively and seriously when he did talk about music, or gave a status-update. If REM, for example, talked about a new guitar he had gotten, or a live he had seen, or a live he had given, or if he went to Tokyo to drink… hide always seemed to share the happiness or the regrets from REM’s trivial stories.
It was in those days that REM and hide had their first and last fight ever.
In that year, REM was to finally become a dentist. To graduate from university, he was desperate to break through the barrier called “final exams”. During that phase, hide called REM a few times to invite him for drinks, but REM always declined to focus on his studies until the exams were over.
Becoming a dentist was the goal he had been working for to the point of giving up music for it. To the detriment of his music friends, starting with hide. And then the day of the exams that he had been learning for so fervently came, and it did not go well.
On the day the exams ended, REM got a call from hide who had been genuinely worrying about REM’s success. But REM was feeling down because the exams went badly. And on top of that, he had been informed, once they were over, that his mother was in the hospital.
Her condition wasn’t good, but REM’s father, who was a doctor after all, assured him that it would be okay, so REM figured it couldn’t be that bad. Still, he worried.
With all of that piling up, he was half-hearted about meeting with hide that day. All the same, since he got so enthusiastically invited, they met for drinks in Yokosuka after all. They met at “Parkside X” and then moved on to their usual place, “Buffalo” on Dobuita Street.
Yet, however much he drank, REM couldn’t get drunk that day. He still wasn’t over the shock of learning that his mother had been hospitalized without him knowing about it, or the shock of failing such an important exam. He wasn’t able to ban those things from his mind and his mood was dark. He couldn’t help himself.
Eventually, trying to cheer him up, hide said, “Let’s go to my office in Tokyo after this! I’ll show you around.” And, “After passing your finals, you’re going to start working. The first floor of my office building is empty. You can open a dental office there!”
Hide talked about this idea with bright eyes and child-like enthusiasm.
His proposal wasn’t just about the dental office. He wanted REM the musician by his side.
REM thinks that around this time, beyond being X’s guitarist, hide was thinking about starting solo activities. Bit by bit, he had begun to write songs and lyrics for that purpose.
He wished for REM to support him in that. To help with the creative process, to play the guitar. If possible, he wanted them to write songs together again. That was hide’s proposal.
“Because I am at a critical state right now, I really wish you’d come to the office with me today.”
However, that night, REM just couldn’t crawl up from the deep pool of darkness in his heart.
“…I can’t go.”
“Let’s go, right now, okay?”
“No, I can’t.”
“All the more reason to go!”
In that manner, they went on and on.
Looking back, REM thinks that hide had been really serious about it.
And REM was in the worst mental condition he had ever experienced. He honestly couldn’t help himself.
Hide’s proposal had made him happy. That hide had expressed to him how genuinely important REM was to him, that he was so serious about this. But fact is that REM just wasn’t in the mood to go to Tokyo just then. And so, he continued to decline.
It continued like this, back and forth, for about an hour. Then hide suddenly stood, yelled, “Why can’t you fucking go! And I waited for you all this time!” and ran from the building.
When he heard the words “I waited for you,” REM jumped up as well, feeling like someone had slapped the back of his head. Frantic, he ran after hide, but it was too late. Hide was nowhere to be seen. REM searched for him until he was dripping with sweat, but he couldn’t find him anywhere.
The moon was barely there, the night was pitch black. It was like hide’s retreating form had melted into the darkness and been swallowed by the Yokosuka night.
When REM returned to his apartment after giving up his search, he got a call from hide’s mother.
“What happened? Did you have a fight?”
After hide ran off, he had ended up at his parents’ place, and he was so violently upset that his mother became worried enough to call REM.
The next day, hide was the one calling him, asking, “Did I say something last night?”
Deep in his heart, REM felt a pang of gratitude at hide’s thoughtful kindness. Clearly, he remembered everything that had happened. But REM thought that it was out of consideration for him that hide pretended to have forgotten.
Thinking about it now, REM comes to the conclusion that up until that point, hide must have been convinced that REM would eventually return to the music world. He had been waiting for the time when the two of them could make music together again. And what he had really been saying that night was, “REM, come back already!”
Contrary to his expectations, REM actually passed his exams. To celebrate, he once again went out for drinks with hide. Only this time, hide did not say a single word about inviting him.
Now that he was calmer, REM had been able to consider hide’s proposal and started to think that practicing as a dentist close to hide in Tokyo wouldn’t be so bad. Except that, when hide had needed him, REM hadn’t been with him at all. When REM thought about how desperately hide had asked for him only to be turned down, he couldn’t say anything.
It had been a night full of regrets. Even now, he sometimes thinks that. The slight differences in human hearts, leading to misunderstandings…
 It was a moment that contained an eternity. A crossroad of destiny.
Not long after, REM undertook the state exam for his profession. The event took place in Tokyo on two consecutive days and REM stayed in the city overnight.
At the end of the first day, REM called his parents’ home to inquire about his mother’s condition, and his older sister brightly told him not to worry. Momentarily assured, REM attended the exam the following day, which he finished without any problems.
After finishing, all the students returned to Yokosuka by bus together so they could hand in the self-scoring for the exam before returning home. On the bus, REM used his cell phone to once again call his parents’ number, overcome by a strange uneasiness. Again, his sister picked up the phone. This time, she was different from the night before. This time, she was crying.
“Mom is in critical condition. She’s lost consciousness. Until your exams were over, she didn’t want us to tell you about it, that’s why I couldn’t say anything last night. I’m sorry…”
REM ended up being the only one to not submit his self-score that day. In a stupor, he went straight to Haneda Airport. But when he arrived, the last plane to Shikoku had already left. With no other choice, he camped outside the airport, not getting a moment of sleep, and got on the first flight the next morning.
Once he arrived on Shikoku, he rushed to the hospital his mother was in, but it was already too late. His mother was unconscious and kept alive only by a ventilator. Thirty minutes after REM made it there, silently and as if drifting to sleep, she passed away.
Half a year earlier, his father had examined her and known that there was no saving her anymore. The tumors in her body had grown out of control. And she was already in a condition where surgery was no longer an option. All REM’s father could do as a surgeon was choose his wife’s medication and make sure that she could spend her remaining days as peacefully as possible.
That his mother would be the first to go came as an unexpected shock not only to REM but to his father as well. Because the one who had wandered the line between life and death twice before because of cancer had not been his wife, but him.
The first time had been more than twenty years before his wife’s death. Diagnosed with rectal cancer, REM’s father underwent major surgery and was given a 50 % chance of survival. What had helped him in his miraculous recovery was the selfless care of his wife.
The second time had been a year before REM’s mother had so suddenly left them. Once again, REM’s father faced a cancer diagnosis. This time it was lung cancer, and while surgery was possible, the attending physician informed him that his chance of survival was only about 30 %.
Once again, his wife gave him marvelous care. The surgery was a splendid success. But after-effects remained.
It had been hard for REM to see his strong-willed father lie unresisting in a hospital bed, breathing through a tube in a hole in his throat. But thanks to the devoted care of his wife who looked after him tirelessly and ignored her own needs, he managed to make another miraculous recovery.
Looking back, the tumors must have already been growing in REM’s mother’s body. And if they had been discovered then, there should have been at least a little chance to save her.
But it seems that during the care for her husband and his rehabilitation, she didn’t have the time to take care of herself or listen to her body’s signals.
When his life slowly returned to normal after half a year of fighting his illness, REM’s father noticed that there was something wrong with his wife’s condition. He then discovered the cancer in her body, but by that point it was already too late.
Half a year later, as if trading places with her husband, REM’s mother left the world because of that cancer. Strangely, it was lung cancer she had suffered from, just as her husband had before.
Holding vigil over his wife’s body, hunched over and talking to no one, REM’s father murmured, “It feels like your mother has been carrying all the misfortune…”
At this time, REM didn’t worry about his state exam at all. Even though he did not do the self-score, he had been convinced the moment he finished that he had passed. At the same time, he did not feel happy about it. The shock of his mother’s death had left a large hole in his heart.
So it was without emotion that he received the confirmation of his success.
All this happened in the hot summer of 1993. REM hadn’t given any thought as to what to do after his graduation. He wasn’t able to. The sense of loss affected him beyond all expectations.
In the end, he stayed in college. He started working for a former teacher of his, Professor Arakawa, who had been one of the few teachers during his student days who had shown him understanding and encouragement. He was worried about REM who was so shaken by the loss of his irreplaceable mother just at the time of his graduation, and told him the following: “Let’s work together. Get back on your feet. Then you will also be able to play your beloved music again.” And he invited REM to the General Medine Department that he was a part of.
It was not just Professor Arakawa. The bandmates from his college band DOPPEL GANGER and the guys from AMIT called him just about every day to cheer him up. The warmth of many friends melted his frozen heart, and he was eventually able to choose a path for his future.
At this point, hide spend most of his time in L.A. and only occasionally came back to Japan. But when he did, he always went out for drinks with REM.
REM still regretted that he had done nothing when hide had needed him the most. He kept hearing hide’s voice from that night, calling out to him.
Therefore, to REM, hide and him were only drinking buddies now, if good ones. Drinking with hide was all REM felt he could do. It was all he was good for. That’s what he kept thinking deep inside.
Then, one night, hide showed up at REM’s apartment with some ten-odd people in tow. REM had moved to a new place after starting to work at the university. Hide, who had been drinking at Dobuita, marched there with his group of people, some of them foreigners whom REM didn’t know at all. It was quite the uproar and must have been annoying for the neighbors, but for REM and hide, it was finally a good night again.
At the end of the night, REM took hide home, and on the way, he told him, “That time, I was very happy that I was so important to you. It’s just that I was dealing with some private problems… I’m sorry.”
Then, hide said, “…it’s okay. I absolutely want to play with members of SAVER’s successive generations on a solo album. So, keep playing the guitar every day. Because when the time comes, I’m asking you…”
He stopped talking. REM looked over to see what was wrong and saw that he was crying.
After he stopped crying, hide said to REM, “It’s all good. Because from now on, we can do anything.”
Suddenly, the vision of REM, who was driving the car, turned cloudy.
It wasn’t raining.
Chapter 07
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kaeyazuha · 2 years
With all the albedo dentist prompts, I thought I’d write a fanfic for you!
Albedo worked relentlessly, his hand darting against the frail paper with a quill, whilst the other hand remained propped below the lower half quadrant of his jaw.
It would be an understatement to say that he was experiencing dental pain. One of his molars throbbed and ached with a lingering sensation of a stabbing pain. For someone with quite a high threshold for pain, his tooth aching was surely affecting him.
Albedo was certainly meticulous about his dental hygiene. He despised feeling dirtied, especially his teeth. But for some unknown reason, he occasionally experienced severe toothaches.
“Mr. Albedo.. Are you alright..? It’s quite late, you should really obtain at least a bit of rest..”
Sucrose meekly peaked her head throat the exposed crack in the doorframe. Albedo, given the fact that he was in indescribable dental pain, shot her a cold glare that nearly melted her in a matter of seconds.
“I am fine. Please allow me to tend to my own matters.”
He spoke harshly, shutting down her suggestion immediately. He wasn’t in the mood for her lecturing, though in reality, she was only worried for him and his well-being. In all honesty, she was cognizant of the reason Albedo was acting this way. The red tint slathered across his left cheek, and his hand beneath his jaw was a tell-tale sign that he had a toothache.
“Mr. Albedo.. Have you made an appointment..?”
She asked, obviously privy to the reason for his irritable behavior. The blonde sighed, nodding his head.
“I have a dental appointment in thirty minutes.”
He admitted. Sucrose nodded her head with the intent to show she understood before retracting her head. Albedo was not anticipating his appointment.
He needed to gather his things and begin driving, which he in fact did. He begrudgingly began to drive towards his destination, the dental clinic, without error. He was an excellent driver, after all.
Upon his arrival, he was immediately brought in to one of the exam rooms and instructed to take a seat on the dental chair. He complied, anxiously gripping the leather armrests of the chair as the dentist snapped a pit of medical gloves onto their hands.
“I heard that somebody has a toothache. Mind opening nice and wide for me?”
The dentist attempted to humor Albedo, but he was not having it in the least. He only cooperated, opening his mouth to a certain degree before his chair was angled back and the beam of light was fixed to direct towards his mouth.
Once the dentist began to scrape around a bit at his teeth with a metal probe and a dental mirror, he couldn’t help but squirm at the odd feeling of having your teeth prodded at. He was fine.. Until that one particular molar was tapped at with a gentle force. He immediately winced, letting out a small groan in response.
“Ah- I see, your first molar. That’s a pretty severe cavity you’ve got there, I can tell that you will require a crown on that tooth.”
Albedo sighed, nodding in compliance. It was t long before a few x-rays were taken and the anesthesia and numbing was administered to him.
He couldn’t quite feel the drilling. All there was happened to be some pressure.
Once the procedure was over with, he felt at the newly repaired molar with his tongue. It felt.. Odd.
Once home, he was in a truly bitter mood, avoiding others to take the time for himself. Since the anesthesia had worn off, his tooth was a bit sore, but much better compared to earlier.
ANON???!! I LOVED THIS OMG ILY ILY THANK YOU FOR THIS i could picture albedo death glaring the dentist akjgsjhg
okay so i can't guarantee the tags will work because they hate me, but i'll try anyway bc people should see this <3
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midwaydentallab · 1 year
How Dental Labs Help Dentists Succeed in Their Careers?
Dental labs are the reason behind the success and survival of several dentists. These excellent labs help dentists with laboratory excellence & make it easier for them to deliver better treatments. For instance, if dentists need invisible aligners curated specially for a patient, they ask dental labs to provide the same. This way, dental labs help dentists to deliver well-fitted aligners. Here's an incident that will help you understand how these dental labs help dentists succeed & survive in their careers. A Passionate Dentist: Simon completed his education and was eager to open his dental clinic at the soonest. He felt positive as he rented a space and started delivering dental services. But little did he know that his clinic was going to suffer badly. A few concerns led Simon's dental clinic to downfall. Reasons Behind This: More Focus on Ambiance: Simon worked at different clinics before deciding to open his own dental clinic. According to him, people went to the dental clinic with a better ambiance compared to those with not an up-to-mark ambiance. Well, this was a misconception from the beginning. Being a dentist, Simon failed to figure out the right way to attract patients and retain them. Poor Patient Retention Rate: The main reason behind Simon's failure was the poor retention rate. It was due to insufficient treatments and services at the clinic. For instance, Simon was unable to perform removable denture implants due to a lack of resources. These reasons were a big problem for Simon. A Solution to Rely on: From the beginning, Simon should have focused on delivering the maximum & the most efficient treatments to the patients. It could have made a big difference. Even if he had insufficient equipment, staff, etc., he could have looked for a better solution. For instance, relying on a dental lab would have been better. Dental labs would have helped him deliver several treatments. And if it was possible, he could have improved the patient retention rate, and his clinic would have worked perfectly fine. By now, his clinic could have become a popular one. About Midway Dental Laboratory: If you also want to deliver commendable dental services, take help from Midway Dental Laboratory. This dental lab can help you with dental prosthetics, clear aligners, dental implant prosthetics, and more. So, make sure to stay connected with Midway Dental Laboratory to deliver the best to the patients. You can find more at https://midway-dentallab.com/ Original Source: https://bityl.co/IzBP
0 notes
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abingtoncenter22 · 2 years
Scranton Pennsylvannia Endodontics Root Canals Costs, Dental Endodontics Root Canals Pa Pricing
The objective of pulp therapy in Pediatric Dentistry is to take care of the vitality of the affected tooth . Permanent teeth begin appearing around age 6, starting with the first molars and decrease central incisors. At the age of eight, you can typically expect the bottom four primary tooth and the highest four main teeth to be gone and permanent teeth to have taken their place.
Our goal is to help guide you on your journey in the path of optimum health by providing you with the know how to make informed selections for you and your family. Inside your tooth, beneath the white enamel and a tough layer called dentin, is a soft tissue called pulp. This tissue accommodates blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, which help develop the foundation of your tooth during its development. A absolutely developed tooth can survive with out the pulp as a result of the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it. During his dental coaching at Temple University, he was in a place to reap the advantages of various outreach opportunities to assist serve underprivileged communities all through the Philadelphia space.
The clinic provides implants, enamel whitening, veneers and fillings among different oral care services. Dr. Sampat has traveled to Nepal to offer volunteer dental take care of these in need, and he uses this expertise to appreciate the significance of a healthy root canal scranton pa and exquisite smile. Cazes family dentistry is really wonderful and I would highly suggest their services! My sister had a dental emergency and I reached out to them on Facebook and they responded in a short time.
Without them, sure dental conditions can and shall be missed. Read more about tips on how to forestall dental emergencies throughout recreational activities and sports with mouth guards. Keep the jaw from moving and take your baby root canal scranton pa to the closest hospital emergency room. Call 911 immediately or take your baby to the closest hospital emergency room. Our office is centrally located just a few hundred yards from the Drinker St. exit off I-81 in Dunmore.
The pediatric dentist has an extra two to three years of specialized coaching after dental school, and is dedicated to the oral well being of kids from infancy through the teenage years. The very younger, pre-teens, and teenagers all need completely different approaches in dealing with their habits, guiding their dental progress and growth, and serving to them avoid future dental issues. The pediatric dentist is best certified to fulfill these wants. The dental follow of Elizabeth A. Joseph, DMD opened in 2007 and serves people and families throughout the Wilkes-Barre space in Pennsylvania. From the start, Dr. Joseph and our group have been committed to offering patients with compassionate, modern dental care. It is our priority that will help you and your family members achieve and preserve wholesome smiles for a lifetime.
When you call the office, inform the receptionist that you want to make an appointment. The flaw with this brief was that the whole thing of this argument was positioned outdoors the argument section of her appeals courtroom transient. The rules require a party filing an enchantment to divide every argument into its own section and provides each its personal heading. Carol’s appellate transient fell badly in need of the rules, so the court concluded that she had waived her arguments and upheld the ruling for the dentist. I'm transgender and so they needed to be corrected a quantity of instances to name me the correct name and on my last visit which was today not a single particular person within the constructing stated my name even once.
The overall aim of endodontists is to help individuals retain their natural teeth with preventive care and endodontic surgery. Root canals, or endodontic therapy, are probably to get a bad rep amongst sufferers who have heard that they are extraordinarily painful. With today’s technology and developments, root canals aren't any extra painful than getting a filling.
Then what happens is, as the tooth stays within the mouth, the bacteria eat up all the soft tissue that’s in these millions of lateral canals. And when all of that tissue is eaten up, then the micro organism anticipate meals to come to them through the patient’s food plan. They eat the food that comes to them via the patient’s diet, and then root canal scranton pa they do what we all do. It’s the piss and poop that builds up within the root canal tooth that seeps out of the tooth and makes the patient sick. Dr. Joellen Drosinski delivers state-of-the-art dental care, utilizing cutting edge know-how. With the help of a whole staff, Dr. Joellen focuses on individual remedy and preventive care, with a goal of your healthy smile in thoughts.
They are a really educated staff & they care about there sufferers. Just use the web contact form to schedule a session. Porcelain Fused to Metal.Crowns manufactured from porcelain fused to metal provides you the good factor about a pure surface color and the energy of a metal substructure. However, they do require the removing of extra tooth structure than other crown types.
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breatheeasy808 · 2 years
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
One thing I learned from briefly being in the Boy Scouts of America when I was in early high school was to always be prepared. Of course, day to day circumstances can require a different set of items to be fully equipped and prepared to handle whatever might come your way, whether spontaneous or otherwise. I also sometimes find myself in situations where I wish I had brought a specific item that I own, regretting that I decided to forego it for the day—what is the point of owning the object if you did not bring it when you needed it the most? That being said, I find usually myself prepared for 80% of everyday situations given my routine and schedule when I am on the go. What I bring in my bags—shoulder bag, tote bag, small sling bag—also differs from my EDC (every day carry).
On any given day, my EDC and the contents of my bag are as follows:
Hydroflask—Always have to stay hydrated wherever I go.
Daily transplant medications—Since I have to take a small truckload of medications multiple times a day, both with and without food, I bring my daily supply with me whenever I leave the house to not miss a dose.
Film camera—Although I bring out the camera mostly to intentionally photograph more out of the ordinary occasions with friends in memorable, aesthetic, and unfamiliar parts of town, I still like having the camera on hand if something unusual catches my eye when I am randomly out in public, such as a beautiful vintage car, some exquisite architecture, or a sidewalk story that is just waiting to be photographed. I also carry an extra roll of film if I happen to be low on shots on the one that is currently loaded into the camera.
Pocket knife—My father gifted me a Ken Onion knife that he received from one of his tactical-minded dental patients, and there is a sense of security and utility I have whenever I carry it with me. I am fortunate that I have not had to resort to using it under any scenarios of imminent danger so far, so it is usually relegated to cutting open cardboard boxes, slicing fruit on a hike, or cutting stray threads from my clothes. Even if I do not need it for most daily errands, it is better to have it and not need it, than to somehow need it and not have it.
Music-listening device—Could be headphones, earbuds, or my portable speaker depending on the day. Music is essential when I am on the go, and it is never a bad idea to have the option of turning on some jams either in private or for a group of people at a moment's notice.
Hand sanitizer—Even before covid paranoia swept the world, I liked to carry a small container of hand sanitizer, especially useful prior to and after eating any messy foods.
Band-aid—I do not carry a full first aid kit but a bandage can be a multi-faceted object to cover the small hole in my neck from my trach-tube if I do not want to draw attention to it in public, or to bandage a small to medium sized emergency wound.
Beer coozie—These small, lightweight insulating beverage sleeves not only prevent your fingers from getting cold while drinking an icy beverage but also prevent your beverage from prematurely cooling down from the heat of your hand.
Face mask—I normally do not like to wear masks when I am out and about, but there are situations when I have no choice, usually for any type of hospital visit for labs, clinic appointments, or various medical procedures.
Watch—One essential for my EDC is an appropriate time piece. I wear a casual everyday watch with a canvas NATO strap that goes with most outfits, a sports-watch for any athletic and outdoor activities, and a brown leather dress watch when I really want to dress up. Watches are a more put-together way to check the time without always having to drag out your phone from your pocket, which could be deemed inefficient and unprofessional in some contexts. Plus it is one accessory or piece of masculine jewelry that can instantly upgrade any outfit when paired with the right apparel.
Sunglasses—I feel naked without a good pair of shades in my EDC rotation, especially while driving around during the day. Like my watches, I have a pair of everyday sunglasses and one that are more optimized for casual outfits and outdoor activities.
Wallet, Phone, Keys—Self-explanatory.
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voraciousvore · 7 months
In the Belly of the Giant (4/39)
Chapter 4
Eren suited up in her custom-made, rubbery one-piece outfit for work, and prepped all her dental tools, cleaning them to a polished shine and lining them up on the giant tray. She couldn’t help but think they looked like bizarre, sadistic torture implements, due to their grotesque size. The clinic she worked at had made several adjustments to accommodate for a human working there, including supplying her with her own miniature sink and shower for sanitizing her work gear and a platform on a robotic arm she could maneuver like a boom lift. 
The investment in specialty equipment was worth it to the clinic, because Eren always had a full roster of patients. She had an especially gentle and precise touch, and cleaned more thoroughly than most of her larger equivalents simply by virtue of the fact she could get into every small corner of a giant’s mouth with ease. Besides the fact that she was well-suited for her job, the clinic advertised the services of a human as a novel experience. Sometimes Eren acquired new clients simply because they were curious about humans, and needed their teeth cleaned anyways. Overall, she brought a lot of new clients to the business. 
Unfortunately for Eren, she also had her share of clients who were a bit strange, who were perhaps a bit too enthusiastic about having her climb into their mouths. Eating humans was illegal, and considered unethical, of course, but that didn’t mean that giants never got the urge or the hunger. Eren had learned this lesson the hard way. She noticed that some giants would get excited while she was within their open maws, would feel her miniscule body with their tongues, would salivate excessively. Such encounters made her exceedingly uncomfortable, but she wasn’t seriously concerned about getting eaten. She was surrounded by her giant coworkers, in a public space, after all. Nobody would be crazy enough to attempt such a stunt when they could be easily caught. At least, Eren hoped not. 
Even so, Eren always wore her smartwatch, in case of emergency. She could make calls for help, if she needed to, and the tracker shared her location with both her boyfriend and her father. She had never needed to use it, but she always felt safer knowing she had a crutch to lean on in the worst-case scenario. She didn’t like exposing the fancy gadget to the saliva and grime of her profession, but it was worth it for her own protection and independence. 
Other than the occasional creepy customer, Eren loved her job. She liked working with her hands and helping people. Sure, she had to get dirty often, and every once in a while she’d have to deal with some pretty gross, rotten teeth, and awful instances of halitosis that made her gag. Yet, she found the work fulfilling, especially when giants thanked her with a flashy, clean, minty-fresh smile, tiled with glimmering white teeth.  
She had kind and supportive coworkers too, for the most part. No human haters on the staff. The only giant who gave her trouble was her boss, Dr. Larson. He was a plump old man with thinning white hair and a red face who always smelled like toothpaste. He was always berating Eren for not moving fast enough, not seeing enough patients. Perhaps he was correct, to some extent, but Eren disliked rushing through her teeth cleanings. She took pride in her work and prized quality over quantity. Her boss didn’t care, as long as he could cram more giants onto the schedule. More patients, more money. 
Eren called in her next patient for the day. He was one of her new patients, so she hadn’t seen him before. Like all giants, he was massive, broad and tall, and dwarfed her in size as he sat down in the dentist’s chair. She was relieved to see his teeth looked to be in good condition. 
“Hello there, Mr...uh… Maples,” Eren greeted the giant, glancing over at the open chart on the desk. “What brings you in today? Any cavities or tooth pain?” 
“Nope, just a routine cleaning,” the giant answered in a booming, sonorous voice. “One of my friends recommended you, so I thought I’d give your services a try.” He smiled politely. 
“Wonderful! Alright then, go ahead and swish this mouthwash around for about thirty seconds for me, if you would,” Eren requested, pushing an oversized paper cup that was taller than her towards the giant. The mouthwash was in a big bottle on the counter, too big for Eren to lift, so her patients had to pour it themselves. While it wasn’t standard procedure to have the client rinse out his mouth first thing, Eren found it made her job a lot fresher when it was time for her to go inside. The giant complied and used the mouthwash, spitting the remnants back into the cup when he was finished. 
“Now I need you to lean forward, put your chin in the chinrest here, and open wide,” Eren instructed. Unlike a normal dentist visit, where the patient would lean back, Eren preferred her patient to be upright, so she wouldn’t have to fight gravity and risk sliding back into his gullet and getting accidentally swallowed. As the giant followed her instructions, she raised her little platform with her tools up to his enormous gaping mouth. 
Once she hung a suction drainage tube from the edge of his lower lip to suck out excess saliva, she clicked on her headlamp for light and grabbed her scraping tool, a fearsome hook that looked like a sickle in her hand. She hesitated before climbing into the gigantic, fleshy red cavern yawning before her. As always, she felt a nagging, persistent thrill of fear, with the uncomfortable knowledge that it wasn’t natural for a being as small (and appetizing) as her to willingly enter the mouth of a colossal giant that could swallow her whole. 
To distract from her nervousness, she shined her light into the humid darkness to examine the giant’s teeth. His teeth, rising out of the pink flesh like giant white blocks, looked relatively clean, but she did observe some crevasses between the incisors and along the gum line with plaque that would require her attention. She failed to spy any signs of gingivitis or cavities. As she scrutinized his molars further back, she felt gusts of warm breath on her skin, emanating from the entrance to his throat deep inside. At least his breath smelled like mint thanks to the mouthwash. 
She prepared herself mentally, then lifted her leg over his prodigious lower lip and stepped into the wet darkness of his mouth. The giant's jaws twitched slightly upon her entry as he felt the ticklish sensation of her tiny limbs crossing the threshold of his lips and teeth. She settled into a crouching position on his fat, squishy tongue and started scraping the plaque and tartar out of the front row of teeth. 
The giant held still, holding his mouth open wide, as Eren scraped around his incisors, in between each tooth and along the gums. She moved on to his canines, then his bicuspids, and finally his molars. She was careful not to step too far back along his tongue, lest she slide into the void below, and especially cognizant not to brush against his uvula, to prevent stimulating a gag reflex. She had made that mistake before, once, and had learned her lesson in spades. Soon enough, both the top and bottom rows were scratched clean. 
Eren stuck the hook into her belt and unfurled a long string of floss, working around the entire wall of teeth a second time. A pool of saliva was beginning to form around her feet, but she ignored it and sloshed her boots across the slippery tongue to the other side of his mouth, flossing the giant teeth as she traveled. As she walked, she dodged drips of slobber coming from the roof of his mouth. Once she was done, she exited the giant’s mouth, climbing over the incisors and bottom lip back out into the light. She temporarily removed the suction hose from his lip and squirted enough water in his mouth to fill a bathtub. 
“Swish that around for me, please,” she said to the giant, who followed her directions, washing out stray bits of plaque and debris and expelling them with the contaminated water into the paper cup. “Open up again, if you would.” She entered his open jaws again, this time to polish his teeth with an electric-powered brush and a gritty paste. Now that she was in the groove of her work, her residual anxiety had dissipated. She was in her element, enjoying the manual labor of her job and the process of making the giant’s mouth clean. 
Belong long, her work was done. She stood on the giant’s tongue, closer to his throat, hands on her hips, and surveyed the curved walls of teeth from the inside one last time for anything she may have missed. As many times as she had done this same exercise, it was still a surreal feeling to be standing, unafraid, in a giant mouth surrounded by the living, breathing flesh of a much larger person. Pushing this thought aside, she climbed over the teeth and lips, back out to freedom. She had her giant patient rinse out his mouth one more time to complete the visit. 
“Your teeth are looking very healthy, Mr. Maples. However, your gums did bleed a little when I flossed them. You might want to floss more often,” Eren said. This last bit of advice went to almost all of her clients. 
“Ah, yes. I’ll be more conscientious of that,” the giant replied, his ears reddening slightly. He flashed his huge teeth in a smile, and Eren couldn’t help but admire her handiwork. “Thank you. That was… an interesting experience. But my teeth feel great, cleaner than they’ve ever been. Thanks again.” The giant stood up to his full, incredible height, gave Eren a wave of his hand, and lumbered out. 
Eren maneuvered her adjustable platform over to the countertop and began the process of cleaning and sanitizing all her equipment before her next patient came in. She stripped off her protective suit, scrubbed it down thoroughly with strong chemicals, and hung it up to let the moisture drip off. Now that she wasn’t covered in drool, she went over to the patient’s chart and scribbled some notes for the next visit. 
As she walked back over to the human-sized sink to begin cleaning her dental tools, she felt the earthquakes of giant footsteps travel towards her until she was shrouded in shadow. She gazed up to find her giant boss towering over her. His fat belly was protruding over the edge of the counter and he had his giant hands planted on either side of her as he leaned over her with a sullen glare. 
“Can I help you with something?” Eren asked, trying and failing to keep the sassiness out of her tone. She mentally prepared herself for a volley of verbal abuse. 
“You’re moving too slow,” Dr. Larson complained. “Your next patient is already here, and has been waiting past the start of his appointment time.” 
“Maybe that wouldn’t be a problem if we didn’t have our patients scheduled back-to-back so closely,” Eren retorted, with some venom. This issue had been a point of contention between her and the dentist for a while. 
“Just hurry up,” Dr. Larson spat back. “If you take too long with your next client, and the appointment bleeds over into your lunch break, I’m not going to extend your break. You’ll have to work through lunch.” 
“Fine,” Eren snapped. It’s not like she had much of a say in the matter. “Whatever. At least give me five minutes to finish cleaning my tools before you send him in.” Dr. Larson glowered down at her, but thankfully left without any further harassment. 
“Bastard,” Eren mumbled to herself. Her good mood from a job well done had quickly soured. She rushed to scrub down all her tools with soap and suit herself back up in preparation for the next job. In her haste, she forgot to strap her smartwatch, which she took off to clean, back onto her wrist. 
Chapter 5
Chapter 1
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Purchasing Guide For Cat Kennels - 5 Top Tips
clean house with cats
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Groom your cat often to keep its coat healthy, soft, and shiny. Although it is particularly crucial to brush long-haired cats to avoid their hair from matting, even short-haired felines need to be groomed to get rid of as much loose hair as possible. When felines groom themselves, they ingest a lot of hair, which frequently leads to hairballs. It will also mean less hair on your cushions. If you have a cat shelter in your location, they would probably be your best resource for locating totally free feline health care. You can just provide a call and ask if they know of a service such as this that is offered in your area. Possibilities they will, and that they will likewise use them themselves. Feline shelters require help and support any method that they can get it, and they will frequently look for out the totally free resources to make the most of while they are real estate all of the stray cats that nobody desires. However, Tiny was going nowhere near that smallcarrier and I understood that going through airport security was going to be near-impossible. We may get her out of the carrier in the airport, however cat care clinic we were never ever going to have the ability to get her back in. In addition, we had actuallylackedbuddies to ask to embrace the last 2kittycats. Cleaning up teeth is crucial. Try your finest to brush her teeth with cat tooth paste or utilize medicated dental wipes. More choices: offer oral deals with, oral toys, perhaps try the mouth sprays or the drops for the water to assist her gums and teeth be as healthy as possible. The vet can do a comprehensive teeth cleaning, too, however it includes anesthesia. Another thing you can do to increase range and assistance keep your cat's tidy teeth is to present meat and fish snacks-the very same ones that you eat. If you had chicken, fish, shrimp, tuna fish, or pork for supper, give your feline a bit to cheer up the diet. I havebegunoffering senior cat care my felines the gristle at the end of the bones to help clean their teeth. Chicken skins or a larger piece of chicken also makes them use their teeth as they were planned. Try to find tears in your screens and protect them. Cats prefer the windowsill to remain cool, particularly during warmer months. A loose or incorrectly fastened screen might fall or rip further. Usage safety screens on all open windows and make certain they are set up properly. Truly, it is a super owner's manual which details virtually every element of cat care and feline ownership in genuine information. It gives fantastic recommendations on how to play with your cat, video games he will react and delight in to. That includes interactive play and likewise games you can develop for him to play on his own, even outdoors. Never ever let your cat drive your automobile. Okay, as you are familiar with me much better, you will understand that injecting humor every when in a while is necessary to me.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
“That’s right, open your mouth, darlin’.”
CW: Trauma response, brief flashback to minor whump and a creepy, intimate whumper, dental visit/mouth whump but not really
"Okay, lean back for me, sweetheart." The dental hygienist smiles down at him, her lips perfectly painted in a bright, cheerful red that makes her already-sparkling teeth seem even whiter. Her hair is short in the back but longer in front and Chris watches the sway of the tendrils towards the front as they hang close to his face. "I'm just going to do a little lookie-loo in here to check for any visible issues, all right?" Chris swallows, hard. His fingers grip tight to the armrests on either side of the padded dental chair. It feels too much like other chairs he's been strapped down to, but there's no stirrups to force his feet into here, and there aren't any buckles or straps at all. "Oh-okay," He breathes, shaky. "I know you've got sensitivities, and trust me, we'll be nice and careful. Our instruments are quiet, too, most people barely hear the drill. There we go..." Her hands have plastic gloves on them and they smell like the clinic at the Facility, sterile and clean. Chris's heart is thrumming, barely contained by his skin. He swallows, nods, and tries to do what she wants. "That's right. There we go... just open your mouth for me, darlin'."
Chris freezes in places, eyes wide and unfocused, but he obeys Sir's order and opens his mouth wide. His body is cold, he's a block of ice, he's a good boy, he's going to do exactly what he's told to do because then it won't hurt.
Maybe it won't hurt.
Sometimes it doesn't hurt.
He whimpers, just barely, and flinches back from the sound of his own fear.
It's only then that the hygienist pauses and looks him over. "Are you all right, darlin'?"
Are you quite all right? Sir whispers, hand on the back of his neck. Do you need to relearn that lesson about your mouth, Baldur?
"No! I-I mean, um. No, I'm, I'm okay, I'm fine, I-"
He catches himself, just barely, before he can say I'll be good.
"I'm, I'm fine." He smiles at her, nervous and scared and eager to please, and she smiles back, not reading the panic like Nat would, like Jake would. She doesn't see it.
He opens his mouth for her to press fingers inside.
He's so good, he's so so good.
He doesn't even cry until he's out in the car.
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