#deputy dewey riley
issdisgrace · 1 year
Dewey Riley is a malewife and a phenomenal one at that. He's literally so baby girl, I can't get over it.
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crying-on-the-six · 11 months
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Gale + Dewey of Scream.
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homocidalcrocodile · 3 months
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ok i did a whole lineup
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cunt-dracula0 · 1 year
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pairing; billy loomis x fem!reader
summary; what if your biggest betrayal was by someone you’d held the hand of for so many years? billy loomis was supposed to be a pleasant never ending dream, not a soon to be distant memory turned into your one, true nightmare. (reader is replacing the role of sidney)
author’s note: HI. (i was half asleep whilst writing this and found it in my drafts. fuck knows where i was going with it. after reading it, i’m gonna guess it’s something about the whole ‘betrayal’ thing and the reader not knowing the darker truth behind billy’s motive if he is actually the killer? little does she know lmao. but anyway, take this whilst i go finish some requests and write other content. more reqs are open as always. even when i’m busy, i like writing requests here and there. or i’ll leave them for a bit and come back to em! enjoy this fic that i honestly don’t know why my half asleep self wrote💀)
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A shiver ran down your spine as flashbacks of hearing about the deaths of Casey Becker and Steve Orth came creeping back into your head. Had the killer intended for you to be next? Or were you just another random teen fit into this psycho’s cruel joke.
Everything was happening all too fast. Yes, you were now sat in Woodsboro police station after being taken in for your own safety. But did you truly feel safe?
“Y/n?” A voice called out.
You quickly snapped out of your unpleasant thoughts, looking up to see Deputy Riley standing over you, holding out a small cup of water.
“Thanks, Dewey.” You whispered with a weak smile, accepting the water and placing it down beside you.
Dewey let out a small sigh as he put a hand on your shoulder. “Try not to overthink things, hm? We’ll have this all sorted out soon enough.”
You ran a hand through your hair, wincing at the sickly feeling you had in the pit of your stomach. You’d been incredibly nauseous ever since you arrived at the station. No wonder. You were probably still in shock after the events of tonight.
“Y/n, please. If you stress you’ll just make yourself even more shaken up than you clearly already are. Do you want me to get the nurse to check you over again?” Dewey asked.
“No, it’s alright. I’ll be fine.”
Dewey gave you a small pat on the back as he cleared his throat, slowly beginning to walk away.
“I’ll take you and Tatum home soon, kay?” He said, turning around one last time before heading back over to Sheriff Burk.
You resumed to wandering back into deep thought. Yeah, you were shaken up from the whole ‘killer’ part of tonight, but that wasn’t what hurt most.
His name was beginning to feel like a distant memory, waiting for you to finally let go of.
‘Expect the unexpected,’ Most would say. But had you really imagined the one whom you thought you could trust the most would dare to hurt you?
After fighting for your life as the suspected killer tried to make it come to a brutal and bloody ending, Billy came out of nowhere, sneakily checking up on you every night as he had done for the past two years.
His timing was off. Way, WAY too off.
But the minute that damn phone fell out his pocket, you felt your heart stop immediately.
One hour ago, 34 Elm Street:
He was after you.
He was after YOU.
You yelped as Woodboro’s newly, anonymous killer made his move on you. He viciously kicked you to the floor with his large black boots, ready to gut you any second now.
Struggling, you desperately tried to pick yourself up, but it was no use. The killer grabbed a fistful of your hair, bashing your head against the laminate.
All you could think about was your upcoming cruel ending. How you were not going to see the ones you loved ever so dearly again. Tatum would never get to have late night movie sleepovers with you, Stu wouldn’t be able to make you giggle with his constant cheesiness, Randy and his little sister couldn’t ever see that bright smile of yours again whenever you’d go over to their house, and Billy, oh, Billy..
Your Billy.
You’d never get the chance to hear that soft voice of his ever again, almost as light as feathers themselves. The feeling of his undying love would soon be nothing. All the blissful memories you once shared were about to be over. Forever.
Finally, the monster behind the mask raised his sharp blade above you, ready to finish you off once and for all.
You quickly pushed him off you, sending the killer flying to the wall. Adrenaline had began to kick in. You couldn’t just be so defenceless and let him end you like that! You HAD to see your loved ones again. And you made sure this fucker wouldn’t prevent you from doing that anytime soon.
Quickly scrambling to the front door, you rattled the chain only to find it locked. Fuck. He could easily get back up in time whilst you tried to fix the lock. It wasn’t worth it.
Without hesitation, the killer got back up once again, launching himself at you. You ducked under him as he had clumsily managed to get his Buck 120 knife stuck in the door.
You headed for the stairs but knew he was hot on your heels. It didn’t take long for you to reach your bedroom, running over to the phone beside your bed desperately trying to dial 911.
“Shit!” You cursed. That bastard was still on the other end of the line.
Your only option was to contact them through the shitty computer you’d had for years now. The thing was slow, but you hoped it would be fast enough for you to alarm the police in time.
You whipped your head around only to see that the masked murderer was.. gone?
Before you could even stop and think for a moment, Billy rushed up to your window, climbing into the room. Oh dear god, it was like your prayers had finally been answered.
“Billy!” You breathed deeply, rushing towards him as if you were a small, frightened animal looking for your mother.
“I heard screaming,” Billy panicked. “The door’s locked. You all right?”
He watched you struggle to breathe properly out of pure fear. Fast, uneasy breaths. You clung to him, not letting go. Your sharp nails digging into his back. Not that he was bothered, that is.
“The killer’s here. He’s in the house! He’s in the house, he’s got a knife!” You cried, breathing in Billy’s cologne and masculine scent.
“He’s gone.” Billy said with a faint whisper, shushing you as you whimpered in his ear. “He’s gone, it’s alright.”
You were safe. You were in Billy’s arms for crying out loud! Everything was going to be fine.
A crash was heard as something had fallen out of your lover’s pocket, heading straight to the floor. You slowly turned your head around, staring directly at the item that had fell.
The phone.
You felt your throat close as it gave you that sickening, nauseating tingle you’d always hated. Your heartbeat became slower and slower. All you could do was stay in Billy’s arms, frozen out of fear before realisation truly hit.
Billy could feel the difference in your bodily functions, and cocked his head as you looked at him in horror, backing away.
“What?” He asked, his tone concerned.
You stared at your lover with pure disgust. Watching as he grew more and more confused. Your mind and mouth did not respond to his series of questions, demanding to know what was wrong and why you were looking at him with such terror.
Everything appeared to soon be ignored as you were only focused on one thing and one thing only.
Your heart rate finally picked back up again, causing you to run out of the room. Billy followed behind, but you didn’t care. It wasn’t now until he realised you weren’t just running away, you were running away from HIM.
“Whoa, whoa, wait, wait! Wait, Y/n, wait!” Billy yelled, now full on going after you to get his answer.
You managed to get halfway down the stairs before he stopped chasing you, you could hear him screaming for you at the top of the staircase, leaning heavily onto the banister.
“Wait, wait, wait, WAIT! What’s going on?”
Your heart was in your throat whilst you could not believe what was happening right now. Too much, too soon.
“Y/n, come back!” He shrieked.
Now, Woodsboro Police Station:
Tears welled up in your eyes as those dark memories of tonight replayed, ones that would never quite leave your head.
“Y/n!” The same voice from your flashback called.
You looked up, slightly wincing at who you saw through the window of Sheriff Burk’s office.
Billy stared intensely at you from afar through the glass, his eyes filled with nothing but anger and never ending thoughts of confusion.
Yet, something else hid behind those eyes. A dark type of mystery you weren’t ready to know yet.
It was as if your lover felt the same feeling of betrayal you were experiencing yourself. But not betrayal because you’d suspected it was him trying to kill you, something else that was far different. Something worse.
I mean, you hadn’t did anything, right? It was Billy who had made himself look as guilty as he did. Far too suspicious for anyone to believe for the time being. Yet, his aura practically told you he showed no signs of guilt..
You began to sweat nervously as he continued to stare. What if, it truly had nothing to do with Billy? Had timing been your saviour tonight? Was he innocent enough to prove he had only arrived to your house to see you again?
A darker truth lay untold for now. The feeling of betrayal was mutual, but something else just told one a devious message about the other.
Something was coming.
Something, bad.
Something that in reality, was already here..
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neverscreens · 8 months
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— SCREAM, (1996).
Part One, 474 Screencaps.
Part Two, 474 Screencaps.
All in GALLERY. Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Tell Me All About It | Dewey Riley x gn!reader
anonymous asked: Hi! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if I could request “You’re an idiot… and I’ve always loved that” with Dewey Riley? Maybe with like the reader confesses their feeling to him after being so obvious about them and Dewey never noticed it? I hope you have a good day/night! ^^
summary: it's not easy to try and drop hints about how you feel when Dewey doesn't pick up a single one.
tws: none
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Snuggled down on the sofa, you and Dewey were quite content as you watched a horror film about an urban legend that said that after watching a video tape, the viewer would die; he was pressed into your side, just shy of pressing his face against the side of your neck as he whimpered and flinched at the film.
It made you smile, you couldn't deny it, wrapping your arm around his shoulders and humming softly; he had seen horror films before, and had even gone with you to watch The Town That Dreaded Sundown when it had played at the drive through a while back, but this one was different. It unsettled him and made him nervous, jumpy even.
Certainly it was the cutest you had ever seen him. But there were other things on your mind, and if you were honest, you didn't entirely focus on the film itself. Your head was swimming with dozens upon dozens of thoughts, and every time Dewey pressed himself that little bit more into your body, you couldn't help but to get slightly lost in them; you weren't sure if he ever even noticed.
The blatant flirtatious comments, the fact that you only ever invited him out with you and no one else, the valentine's cards, the fact that you told him that you would marry him in a heartbeat if he asked - he didn't seem to take any notice of a single thing, and quite frankly, you were starting to wonder if he ever actually would.
You waited, though, until Dewey managed to push you over in a vain attempt to escape the film, burying his face against the side of your neck as he held onto you tightly; you couldn't stop yourself, laughing as you wrapped your arms around him tightly, manoeuvring him so that the tip of your nose was just and just touching his.
It wasn't like you had not been close before, intimate even. You grew up together, you were inseparable from the day that his mother introduced him to you when you were just toddlers; physical intimacy was just the natural way that things were, had been for years and years. An arm slung over the shoulders. Resting your legs on his thighs. Cuddling throughout the night, especially when you stayed over at his house. Kisses and hugs practically constantly. You and Dewey had always, always been so close, even before you had begun to drop hints as to what you really thought about him.
Sure, some of the guys down at the station teased him for it, and he would be reduced to a stuttering and blushing mess; it wasn't like he didn't have the biggest crush on you. He had done since secondary school, and he could remember the day as clearly now as if it had only happened hours ago; sitting in the history classroom after school to get some homework done.
You were working hard, writing page after page on the first world war; you were scruffy, shirt untucked and tie halfway undone, and Dewey had never thought that he had ever seen someone so good looking. You had ink stains on your fingers from the leaky pen you had been using, but somehow managed to keep it from the pages. But then you had spared him a look, your cold and determined glare softening, and a smile coming to your lips; it was at that moment that Dewey realised he loved you, and every day since, he had realised it again and again and again.
You sighed, pulling Dewey back to reality as he blushed and started to splutter out an apology, but when he caught you looking at his lips, he swallowed hard, and let out a shaky breath; your hand trailed up to his hair, grabbing the soft dark locks as you smiled and tugged it softly. He planted his arms either side of your head, steadying himself as he brought his hand to your cheek, and softly ran the pad of his thumb against your skin. You were so warm, he couldn't help the gentle whimper that came from the back of his throat.
"Oh, Dewey," you breathed out, and the way that you said the silly nickname made his head spin. "Dewey, Dewey, Dewey."
He could have listened to you say his name like that for years and years, melting against you as he licked his lips and hummed so softly, under his breath; you were so warm, your skin was so soft and you looked so good in the low light. Voices and screams rang from the television, but he couldn't look up, knowing that all he wanted was you. All he wanted was to be with you.
"I, uh, I'm-"
"Shut up," you whispered, grinning as you dared to kiss him so harshly.
Dewey couldn't stop it, couldn't fight back the whimper that escaped his throat before he came to his senses and kissed you back eagerly; he was clumsy, a little unfocussed thanks to the burning excitement in the pit of his stomach. But he wouldn't have had it any other way, as even a clumsy and unfocussed kiss was better than none at all, and he knew he was doing something right when you let go of his hair and splayed your fingers at the back of his head to keep him close. He knew he did something right, at least.
Even if it wasn't perfect, you still had a grin on your lips when he pulled away, gently tracing his bottom lip as you allowed him to straddle your waist. You couldn't stop yourself, holding onto his hips as you let out a harsh sigh to try and catch a little bit of extra breath; you felt dizzy, and fuzzy, like you had just gotten absolutely wonderful news. Winning the lottery.
"I love you."
Dewey grinned, raising his brows as his blush turned an even deeper shade of pink and coated his nose, ears, and cheeks. "More than a friend?"
"Yes," you laughed softly. "You're an idiot... I've always loved that about you."
"Yeah," you gave his hips a soft squeeze. "I love you, Dewey... I can't believe you didn't pick up on any of the hints that I'd dropped."
"You did?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.
But you only laughed, so hard that you pressed your face against his body and allowed the vibrations to go right through him. "I love you, I'll tell you all about it later."
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
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The ✨Scream Queens✨: ☠️💔🔪
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
❝  i wish i could get rid of my scars.  they’re just reminders of everything i want to forget.  ❞(Emma Riley at her father Dewey)
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Dewey looked at his daughter, well - the daughter he adopted but he still considered Emma as his own. “How come you’re saying that Em?” He asked with great concern while understanding his best about his daughter's situation, “Has anyone said anything nasty to you?” There was anger in his tone once he realized why she had been acting the way she was. 
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moongoddessjess · 2 years
Thinkin about Dewey Riley a little extra today <3
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Okay but imagine Chris Hackett with facial hair! Lie I would have 100% been wrecked if he looked like this.
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Side note: I’m still very upset about what happened to Dewey.
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lexyscross · 1 year
Stab IX better sling pussy so hard because way too many people died all because Stab 8 apparently “sucked balls.” 😭
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dragofelid · 1 year
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I'm about to watch Scream 6 and I had to draw my favourite character in the franchise
I love Dewey so Much
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It’s been a year and I still haven’t processed the fact that dewey is literally dead
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fallendoctor · 1 year
been experiencing severe scream brainrot and kinda really missing my baby boy dewey
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some-film-guy · 1 year
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“Scream” (1996)
Directed By Wes Craven
Dimension Films
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Joaquin Phoenix turned down the role of Billy Loomis.
The janitor in the Freddy Krueger sweater is named Fred, and is a cameo by Wes Craven.
The MPAA wanted to remove the shot of Casey Becker being stabbed seen in the beginning of the film, but Wes Craven lied, and claimed that it was the only take that was filmed, so it stayed in.
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