#despite the way their chemistry was hyped before the season
chemical override
Ewan Mitchell x actress!reader
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a/n: i caved and did an actual Ewan fic! Given that the lad is more of a public persona nowadays, I reckon it's fine (?) This is pure self-indulgence for all my Ewan loves. May have a continuation but idk for now, enjoy!!
series masterlist ▪︎ main masterlist
The reader and Ewan are paired for press interviews. Despite barely having any scenes together and only knowing each other in passing on set, the chemistry they share cannot be denied...
Your first round of press takes place in a primped up hotel suite in Paris, thanks to the team at HBO.
You are an up and coming actress, much like some of your costars in the show, but the pressure is heavier on you because you were entering in season two, whereas everyone was already well-acquainted with one another.
Your few scenes were mostly with Jace and Baela, so you grew close to Harry and Bethany.
However, the media team decided to pair you up with Ewan for the day. A little fun initiative was set by the team that a character from the Blacks would be do press with a counterpart from the Greens - hence, yourself and Ewan.
You're nervous as you walk down the hallway, unable to fully pay attention to the instructions your lovely assistant gives you.
She tells you about the different interviewers for the day, bloggers and magazine writers from all over the world. She reminds you that each one will only be for a maximum of 5 minutes, so it shouldn't be too complicated. She smiles and eagerly says, "Take a deep breath, you got this!", as you reach the suite doors.
But in your mind, all you can recall is your first interaction with Ewan, almost a year ago right after the table read. You had nervously blurted out to him that Aemond is your favourite character, after he just asked, "How are you?". He laughed, said thank you, before he was pulled away in conversation by Tom.
You pray to the fictional Westerosi gods that things will fare better today. That you won't get all tongue-tied when those steel blue eyes land on you.
Upon entering the room, the team is quick to fuss over you. Sometimes you forget that you're actually an actress now. A celebrity, some might say. It all feels surreal and you have a inkling it won't ever stop being this way.
Ewan is already seated in front of the camera, and he stands to give you a hug as you finally walk over.
"Hey there, how are you?" he smiles widely, smelling like cigarettes and something muskier as he wraps his arms around you.
Unroll your tongue. Rework your brain. Calm down.
"Hey, Ewan!" you respond. "I'm doing great, happy to see you again."
"Well, I only wish we could have had more time together on set." Ever the gentleman, he gestures for you to take your seat before he does the same. "But next season perhaps? Who knows?"
"Oh, sure." You settle in, pleased by the fact that your chairs are only about a foot apart. "We can both look forward to my character giving Aemond the arse kicking he deserves."
He laughs, eyes glinting with mischief. "Come on now, I was thinking our characters are actually quite compatible, no?"
"Well, I sure wouldn't want to step on Alys' shoes. She'd probably curse my character all the way to Yi Ti."
"Hmm," he hums, biting his lip. You can't help but hear Aemond when he does that. "I say you can always count on Aemond and Vhagar to come to the rescue of a beautiful maiden such as yourself."
Well, you'll be damned. Ewan, while still an introvert of his own sort, is as charming as can be. If he's turning it on to get himself hyped for the press, it's working.
It's definitely working on you, to say the least.
The media manager gives the signal for the first interview to begin, and a reporter walks in, all ready with prepared script in hand.
"Here we go," you mutter, facing forward.
"Good luck," Ewan replies.
You both shake the reporter's hand, and he introduces himself as Jared.
"So guys," Jared begins. "Why don't we start with you telling me a little bit about what we can expect from your characters this season?"
The question is easy, and it doesn't take long for you and Ewan to think it through. Jared asks a few more basic questions, before drawing the attention more to you.
"When you watched season one, did you have a favourite character?" he asks you.
You smile, "Oh, I mean, I have to say - and Ewan already knows this, by the way - that Aemond was my favourite character."
"Was?" Ewan says, feigning shock. "Unacceptable."
"Was... Is... " you shrug, rolling your eyes playfully, earning a laugh from Jared. "I think I might be more a Daemon girl now."
"Oh!" Jared exclaims happily. "Does Matt know about this?"
"I'll be sure to tell him - "
Ewan interjects, shaking his head at you, "There's no need to tell him, because I'll convert her back to Team Aemond in no time, trust me."
"Daemon is awesome, though," you say to him, smiling.
"Sure." Ewan makes a face like that fact doesn't matter. Wasn't he the one who said that Daemon would be the character he would most like to play if not Aemond?
"And Caraxes is my favourite dragon." You share a look with Jared, hoping he would agree.
"Yes!" Jared says. "Caraxes is the best dragon in the show, in my opinion."
"Ah, you're both wrong," Ewan says. "My Vhagar is the oldest and baddest dragon in all of the land."
"My Vhagar, he says," you joke. "Seems like someone still hasn't shed Aemond for this press tour."
"And I never will, darling." His gaze is intense when he turns to you, and you clear your throat to fight the warmth rushing to your cheeks.
"Alright, they're giving me the wrap-up," Jared thankfully breaks the tension. "It was a pleasure talking to you guys, congratulations on the new season!"
One interview down, and your nerves have already considerably subsided. Ewan tapping your arm to start up a conversation once more surely helps in distracting you.
In the best damn way possible.
"How do you think we did? That wasn't too bad, was it?"
"I think we did quite well," you casually offer a high five, but your heart skips a beat when Ewan interlaces your suspended hands for just a moment.
"I'm glad they paired me with you," Ewan says, after releasing your hand. You hold on to the armrests to keep your fingers from twitching.
"I am, too," you admit. "I am a fan of you, after all, but I think you already know that."
He blushes, "Well, that's not a bad thing. I think you're a fantastic actress. I must have seen your first film a good ten times."
"You mean my first and only film," you add humbly. "But thank you."
"Only film for now," he affirms. "No doubt this is only the beginning for you, darling. With your talent and your charisma, I'm sure you have potential scripts piled up already."
"I could say the same for you! Have you seen what your fans say about you online? You're the internet's new boyfriend, Ewan Mitchell."
The media manager announces the next interview, but Ewan follows up with a response for you under his breath, "I have seen some things. But when I have a girlfriend, I'll make sure she won't have to share me at all."
Oh, so apparently he is single. But wait - why is he telling you this?
You don't get to mull over that thought. For the time being, the next interview starts and you make sure you do a good job at what you're paid to do - promoting the series.
Not daydreaming about getting with a costar, for heaven's sake. Stay professional.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You feel lightheaded after finishing the seventh - or had it been the eighth? - interview.
Your assistant delivers a coffee to you during the twenty-minute break. Ewan had stepped out to the balcony to have a smoke, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
He certainly is everything you expected him to be, and so much more. Insightful, cheeky, dedicated. An artist, through and through. He was in the business for all the right reasons, passion and respect for the craft.
If he had any flaws, you weren't privy to them yet. If there are any reasons for you not to be attracted to him, you didn't know what those were yet.
And with every flirtatious remark and pointed smile, you can't deny the hope blooming in you.
"Hey," he reappears, pulling you out of your musings. "I hope you don't mind that I smell of smoke."
No, you didn't, not when it's him.
"Don't worry about it," you reassure him. You tilt your head forward to take a sip of your coffee, but a lock of your hair falls in front of your face. Annoyed, you think to reach for it, but Ewan beats you to it, tucking it back in place.
"There you go, darling," he croons, gesturing for you to proceed in drinking.
"Th-thanks." His eyes don't leave yours as you take a slow sip.
"So," you say, desperate to break the silence, "which interview did you enjoy the most so far?"
"How can I possibly choose? I mean, I really liked the one with ComicSociety, the guy that said our characters have a lot of chemistry and should get together next season. He's right, I already told you!"
"Ohhh, sure, that will go down really well with the Blacks and Greens."
He smirks, "I don't see why not?"
"For one, Aemond is ensnared by Alys, and my character will never give up fighting for Rhaenyra. I just don't see it happening, Ewan."
"Right," he mutters thoughtfully, "there is still Alys in the picture."
"Still in the picture? With the amount of steamy scenes you two have lined up for season three, I'd say she will be Aemond's entire picture in and of herself."
"Hmm," he glances at you once, then looks down. Dare you think it, does he look disappointed?
"But hey," you add lightly, "maybe we can talk to Ryan and he can flip the entire script just for our characters."
"Yeah," his cheeky smile resurfaces, "maybe you can take Alys' place."
Take the place of Alys? Of Alys. Is he insinuating...
"Next round of interviews, guys!" The media manager announces to the room.
"Here we go again, darling," Ewan squeezes your hand once, before putting on his professional face once more.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
By the end of it all, not even caffeine can perk you up. You were exhausted, you and Ewan having finished four full hours of press.
Your assistant comes to your aid, ready to direct you back to your own hotel room.
"This has been such a pleasure, Ewan, really." You stand, this time initiating the hug.
He squeezes you gently, humming in your ear. When you pull apart, he says, "I honestly wouldn't mind trudging through hours and hours of press with you."
That's sweet of him. You're too tired to mask the warmth that rises to your cheeks. "And I feel the same. Today couldn't have gone any better."
"Truly, and listen, maybe we could - "
"Ewan!" The manager approaches. "I'm so sorry to rush with this, but we need to film just a quick soundbite with you for Aemond. Just two to three questions for the Max Tiktok account?"
"Oh, okay - " Ewan is reluctant to turn away from you.
"Perfect! If you could just stand there by the windows please..." The manager already has him by the arm, directing where he has to go.
"We have to go," your assistant says. "Still have to prep for tomorrow."
"I'll see you soon, Ewan!" you call out to him. "Thanks again."
He gives a half-hearted wave, dejected as he watches you walk out of the room.
"That wasn't too bad," you share with your assistant as you enter the elevators. "Not bad at all, actually."
"Oh, you did so well," she compliments. "It definitely helps with the press that you and Mr. Mitchell have such insane natural chemistry."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
In the calm of your hotel room, you get ready for bed.
Just when you're about to finish with your nightly routine, your phone rings from your bedside table. You're quick to rush over, thinking it could be your assistant or your manager, with an urgent update about work.
But no - it's an unknown number. A UK number, as it appears.
Confused, you click answer anyway, putting it to your ear with a tentative, "Hello, who is this?"
"Hi, darling."
"Yeah, uhm, I hope I didn't disturb you - "
"Not at all," your answer comes out in a rushed breath.
"I also hope you don't mind that I got my assistant to ask your assistant to give me your number? It's what I wanted to ask you before you left today."
"Oh." You feel fully awake now, by some miracle, butterflies finding home in your stomach. "I don't mind. I... I should have given you my number, anyway. I have most of the cast's, in case I need to get a hold of you guys."
"Hmm, right," he says from the other end. You hear him calmly breathing, the sound strangely comforting, and wonder if he can hear the same from you.
He says, "I just wanted to keep hearing your voice. Didn't get enough of it today," and your heart just about stops.
"Oh. Okay," is all you are able to respond with.
"What are you doing?"
"Just... just getting ready for bed." Phone pressed to your ear, you shuffle around the room, putting some things back in place.
He says nothing for a few seconds, but you still hear his breathing, and some shuffling in the background. It occurs to you that he might just be as nervous as you are now.
"Listen," he finally says, "do you want to hear my pitch to Ryan about why our characters should get together next season?"
A genuine laugh escapes you. He sure is persistent. Playful, sure, but you're definitely willing to play along.
"Let's hear it."
"First," he says, "you have to renounce Daemon as your favourite character - "
"Not a chance."
" - and swear your love for Aemond."
"Keep dreaming."
He laughs, and you can only picture the corners of his eyes crinkling.
"Aww darling," he teases, "don't you love me?"
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💌 part two - part three
The OGs will know that the final line is a nod to my first ever Aemond fic! 🖤
Did this slightly delay my series works? Yes, yes it did. Do I regret it? For Ewan frickin Mitchell, I would never ~
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mymanyfandomramblings · 3 months
what are your fave finn centric episodes?
just asking for a friend :]
ooh, my favourite eps for Finn, I'll try to do one for each season, plus some honourable mentions...
Ballad--sure he's an idiot but good gravy, he's a charming idiot. The karate in the bathroom, I'll Stand By You (my beloved) and the utter sincerity in You're Having My Baby despite the fact it was a Bad Move. Also, he jumps in to defend Quinn from her parents and stands up for her, which is pretty sweet. Besides, it's the beginning of Furt, which is very important.
My suggestion for Season Two episodes, is always going to The Sue Sylvester Shuffle--best episode of the show fr fr, and has Finn showing some admirable leadership.
Heart--the only season 3 episode where Finn is in focus without putting him through the wringer--we get some excellent Finn/Rachel interactions, plus The Dads. Also that scene during Love Shack where he pops up with the massive grin.
Dynamic Duets--the beginning of Teacher! Finn, and he's so cute in this episode. Besides, he's really good with Ryder and Jake. (also I love the newbies and this is a good ep for them)
Preggers--Finn crying makes me sad, but Cory's acting in this scene is incredible. Also, early Furt, my beloved
Sectionals--THE ACTING! In the confrontation scene. It's truly brilliant. Also the beginning of Finn's leadership skills
Grilled Cheesus--most episodes where I'm hyping Cory's acting, it's usually ones where he's making me cry, but in this case, I'm hyping the utter earnestness he shows in approaching the wildest material. Like, Finn believing that Jesus is in his sandwich is incredibly stupid, but Cory's acting makes me fully believe that this is something that could happen in Finn's reality. Besides, it's hilarious.
Duets--not a great episode for Finn on his own (he's not great with Sam and Kurt), but it's called the best episode for Finchel for a reason. The chemistry, acting and humour is off the charts for both.
The Rocky Horror Glee Show--Finn is my favourite part of this episode.
Silly Love Songs--he's being a tool in this episode, but it's so fun to watch
Born This Way--he's very out of focus here, but he gets I've Gotta Be Me, and the goofy smile on his face before he breaks Rachel's nose is everything
Rumours--always a top-tier episode for everyone, and it has a lot of Finn/Quinn--they're such a toxic couple, but they're fascinating together.
Yes/No--it's hard to watch in the light of Cory's death, but a very good episode for Finn, and the acting is so moving
Nationals--Paradise By The Dashboard Light. Enough Said.
That's all I can think of for now
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thecarelessvoice · 7 days
My new hyperfixation is Lee Do Hyun (not surprised bcuz exhuma 😞👌👌🥵)
So it was a given that i'd checked out his other works, and now I'll give each of his dramas that I've seen my personal rating ^^
- 18 again - 7/10 ~ watched this one with my mom, immediately knew it was based on 17 again with zac Efron (god I'm old TT), had great laughs and tons of funs, i knew kim haneul and yoon sang hyun from before, he was super cute and his acting was solid.
- death's game - 10/10 ~ very good plot, his episode was also very good, amazing setting and also seo in guk??? God he broke my heart in this
- the glory - 1000/10 ~ I CANNOT EXPRESS IT WITH MY WORDS HOW MUCH GOOD THIS ONE WAS!!!! I honestly had heard its name but i was busy at the time the hype for it was going on (I'm not a big kdrama watcher) anyways started watching it and IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!! like not only he was great in it but the other??? Song hye kyu and lim jiyeon!!! My goddesses!!! They slayed every scene!! Tbh everyone were fantastic in it. Like I see myself to go back and rewatch it.
- melancholia - 4/10 ~ I'm not sure how to put it but this one was just not for me, again he did a good job on it, i liked some of the characters like the professor and si wan, it did get slightly more talorable by episode 8 but... i just didn't really connected to it. I kinda hate student- teacher romantic love and the chemistry between the leads were a bit off and honestly i would've liked it better if they'd decided to ditch the romance plot and make it platonic. (I liked the found family trope)
- the good bad mother - 8.5/10 ~ this mf reaally went all in!!! Like he really did it all for this drama. Loved a lot of scenes, him and the twins were so cute, him and mi-joo? Chef's kiss!! Amazing chemistry ❤️❤️❤️ but i just hated the mother's character and it's cruel of me but i was kinda glad for her ending, also too much heartbreak and frustrating scenes.
-sweet home- watched all the seaons and boy we had another umbrella academy/game of thrones plot fuckery 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Season 1 - 10000/10 ~ i loved every-single-episode!! Fantastic actings, very very good plot, enjoyable characters, good soundtracks. His character??? One of his bests!!! Which is awesome cuz from what i know season one was from his earlier works. His chemistry between lee si yeong and song kang??? My goddddd
Season 2 - 3/10 despite knowing that he was not in it i watched it anyway cuz i'd ended up immersed with the whole thing not just his character(same with glory ig) and it was... yeah not good at all, i think the problem was the gap between the seasons (probably covid 19 was the factor) but yeah they had all this time to work on it but they just blew it
Season 3 - 5/10 bittersweet and very very rushed ending, so many unanswered questions and honestly i felt empty after i finished it. But he was super hot and again his chemistry with song kang and min si is top tier. (I'm thinking of reading the manhwa to heal my soul cuz I've heard it was way more better and different)
I haven't watched youth of may and i probably won't cuz it was unfortunately heavily spoiled for me so I'll put it away for now, also for some reason i ended up watching a lot of tik tok edits of it XD. (Aaand I'm kind of tired of romance dramas)
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silvertsundere · 3 months
Silver Talks AniManga (23/06/24)
no BA finale this week cause there won't be (good) subs for at least a day or 2 so may as well just put it on next week's post gonna be a p chill week since most shows are over now but the week after we start the summer season so that'll be nice
green - new series/new to me blue - finale/completed
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The Idolmaster Shiny Colours Ep12 (Finale)
I love imas, like a lot, so this was very disappointing for me. The Million Live anime being CG was already bad enough but when we learned this was gonna be too it was even worse cause it showed bamco is going all in on shitty cg anime instead of traditional animation. ML wasn't terrible, to be fair, so it gave me some hope for this but it was way worse than ML. It's also very unfortunate that it aired on the same season as Girls Band Cry which singlehandedly made me respect CG anime so it looks extra extra bad in comparison
Other than the fact that it was CG how was the rest of it? It was alright, even in this it was weaker than other seasons. It had the usual structure of having an episode dedicated to each of the units so you get to know them and the such and big group episodes. That was my favourite part of the anime, seeing the different units interact with each other which doesn't happen much in the game. There weren't like any emotional payoff scenes like we usually get tho Also is it just me or did L'Antica get a lot less screentime than the rest? They got their own episode like the others but after that it felt like they got relegated to just showing up every now and then so the other girls could be like "wow they're so cool", which they are but cmon now. The music was good ofc, it's imas after all. Last 2 episodes were pretty disappointing tho. Despite how good the songs are, having your finale be mostly playing 2 full 4+ minute songs, and the penultimate episode being playing each unit's song (short ver) with reused coreography just isn't great. It did a good enough job simulating the concert feeling but it also made it feel like the anime ended episodes ago and this was just an extra treat
Anyway that's enough yapping from me. TL;DR is that I'm very disappointed and it coulda been a lot better if bamco wasn't cheaping out so hard but what can you do Before S1 even aired they had already announced S2, and last week (? recently) they announced it'll come fall this year so that's nice. It'll be the same quality so not getting my hopes up but looking forward to seeing the girls from noctchill and straylight in action too
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Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night Ep12 (Finale)
I talked about it in the post for ep 1 but it's funny how I almost didn't watch the show despite being hype for it when it was announced. It turned out very good tho, thank you dogakobo The synopsis for it not being very clear and it being on hidive lead to not that many people watching but it's well worth. It's a story about a group of creative girls (in different areas) coming together and making music while helping each other with their insecurities and hang ups
My only complaints with the show are the yuri baiting they did like 3 times, I'm used to it by now but cmon, and how two charas didn't get the comeuppance for their actions but that's just how life is sometimes. Other than that it was all good, the story and message overall were nice, all the main 4 got to have their own little arcs and growth, the music was great, as you'd hope from a show about music and the visuals had that dogakobo polish I've come to expect from them. Oh also, I think this was the first time takahashi rie and itou miku did a show together and it was great, I already love them individually but they had really good chemistry in this
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Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi Ch1
well that was something huh Before release, with the promotional material they put out, they never mentioned once that this was gonna be a comedy series so imagine my surprise when I saw that it was. They really made it look like it was gonna be another edgy exorcist series especially with a mc that looks like that but nope. It's basically OPM but he's an exorcist instead Also, it's super weird for them to start 2 exorcist comedy series back to back like this right? I mean they're different types, youkais and demons, but it's still very weird I think Anyway, I don't think this series will live long tho. While the art is good, having yet another exorcist and yet another comedy series isn't gonna cut it. Plus the other one is a shorter page count so it's easier to have around. Hopefully they get another shot cause, again, the art is pretty good
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Akane-banashi Ch115
we still don't know the results but that was an INCREDIBLE performance, like I even got goosebumps. akane usually does this but I really liked how they connected the story that was being told with the storyteller's own story, it felt even more effective than usual in this case. I'm sure he'll pass the test, there's no way he won't (right...?) but we'll see for sure next week
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thegoddessprose · 1 year
Tag Game
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @caesarflickermans (Thank you for giving me something to do for today :p)
Three Ships
I'm also honestly "meh" about a lot of ships lately but surely I could pull a few out.
I guess I'll stay on theme the lovely person who tagged me and list an OC/Canon... Not only that, but my own Plutarch/OC ship:
Plutarch/Chiasa: This was not a planned ship, like at all, I even thought of it as crack in the very beginning because these two seemed so different without any deep dives, but now it's a comfort ship for me. I guess because it is centered around them giving one another hope (For her, that there are people brave enough to fight against the status quo and for him, that there are still a handful of people who are good without an ulterior motive), and that they are each other's safe space in a hellish time. It develops over a fairly short time, but at the risk of sounding cliché, they ended up being what the other lacked and needed in life. I do have an AU where she's actually part of the rebels, and thus they're together for a longer time, but I'll stick to the main story in a nutshell, otherwise we'd be here all day.
Now for some others:
Bensler: I love a good ride-or-die, and Benson and Stabler were it for the first 12 seasons of Law & Order SVU. I loved their relationship, I loved their chemistry, I loved how comfortable they could be with each other, what they were willing to do for one another, like, get someone like that. I was devastated when he left the show, and honestly, it hadn't really been the same since then. I was so hyped when I heard he was coming back, and that they were going to cross paths again. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of Organized Crime, and killing off Kathy was unnecessary (Like, there were a bunch of ways it could have opened... And they could have just been split up, it's happened before), but it was amazing to see Olivia and Elliot back in the same circle and I'm very excited to see if they get together for real. (I'm behind, don't spoil me)
Hayffie: Honestly, I can't really explain this one. Maybe it was their chemistry in the movies? Or maybe it's the dynamic in general that's interesting to me? Or how hilarious Katniss's reaction to them would be? I don't know, I just like these two together. I guess a few things need to be acknowledged, like Effie's line of work literally being to escort innocent kids to a death match and her being okay with it for who knows how long, but it's hard for to vilify her for it for the same reason it's hard to vilify a good amount of Capitolites; this is all they knew, having propaganda thrown at them left and right, and most were kept unaware about what the Districts were really like. The more Effie learned, it seemed the more she turned to the rebels' side, so in my eyes, maybe it could work, whether it's right after Mockingjay or even a few years ahead.
First Ever Ship
I'd have to say Kataang. This was before I knew what shipping was or even the word for it. I think back then, I just thought it was cute, they meshed together pretty well, and not much else.
The first ship I really got into after finding out what it was had to be TamaHaru. I loved the way they snarked at each other, I loved how they genuinely cared about one another despite poking at each other. It was funny how Tamaki had all this wonder surrounding Haruhi's "commoner" life, and Haruhi growing to like a few things about the bizarre world of rich people. I love how they form a genuine relationship despite their clashing backgrounds and personalities and bring out the best in each other; her bringing him back down to earth for a bit, and him teaching her there's a life outside of the grind and she's allowed to have a joie de vivre. Hell, I love them so much, I have an OC/OC pair that's pretty similar to them.
Last Song
Nowadays/Hot Honey Rag by Renee Zellweger
Last Movie
At the time of this writing, I literally just finished watching Chicago
Currently Reading
Katheryn Howard: The Scandalous Queen by Alison Weir. I wouldn't give it points for historical accuracy, but I like a lot of content relating to the six wives and all around just the way these books are written. I also like how Katheryn is portrayed as naive rather than oversexualized like she seems to be everywhere else... There more than likely was some truth to that, at least.
Currently Watching
Ghosts (CBS). I don't really have the energy for a lot of heavy stuff right now, so I decided to start something a little more lighthearted. I have seen the BBC version, which I enjoyed. I wondered how this would go, what kind of ghosts there would be since the US is a much younger country, and I wasn't disappointed. There are a few things I like better, such as deeper lore on how being a ghost works, the husband not being completely useless, and overall a little bit more character growth. Overall, it's a nice show if you want to laugh and like the idea of historical figures discovering the modern world.
Currently Consuming
I had some chips (Or crisps for the Europeans) a little bit ago, will start dinner in a bit.
Currently Craving
Happiness, at the very least some hype. If we're talking food, seasoned fries and a chocolate shake from Red Robin. The one nearby closed a while ago... Maybe that's why I want it so bad.
Tagging: Whoever wants to do this because most of the people I want to tag have already been tagged :p
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mskatesharma · 2 years
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My Favorite 2021 Dramas
Run On
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A kooky drama filled with kooky people. I swear these characters would do and say the strangest things sometimes but it all made sense in their world. This show was everything Record of Youth seemed like it was trying to be. I loved the banter, the relationships, and the representation (gay and ace, though of course I wish there was a little more story and depth with both, but baby steps). I'm looking forward to what the writer might put out next.
Mad For Each Other
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I only watched this because I really love Jung Woo (who hasn't done a drama in 84 years) and Oh Yeon Seo, but it was actually pretty good! The first few eps were kind of shaky but after that... interesting leads with great chemistry, interesting side characters (including a trans character that was portrayed pretty well). The last episode was a little overdramatic and I didn't really care for the police side plot, but other than that, it's short, sweet, and funny. I think most people slept on this, but I think it's one of this year's gems.
Light On Me
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Could anything be more cute or more adorable? The leads are all so sweet. Found myself saying "poor baby" multiple times. Love that the love triangle doesn't overtake friendship. Ultimately the cutest story about first loves.
The Devil Judge
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This show was a wild ride. OTT and super theatrical and a perfect vehicle for Jisung. I loved all the drama and despite Gaon being ridiculously frustrating at times the bromance was *chef's kiss*. I don't care what anyone says Jisung was making Yohan exude all the gay vibes.
Lost/Human Disqualification
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I'm really surprised I liked this show so much. People were likening it to My Mister before it came out so I thought I wouldn't like it, but after watching, I'd personally say it's more in the same vein as Secret Love Affair. It gave off the same vibes with the music and the characters to me. The funniest thing about this show is there's not a lot of drama. There's not a lot of high energy or any "woah something big just happened and this is gonna change everything" moments. Instead it's filled with slow moments of unhappy people living their lives. I found it very relatable. I only wish it had a few more episodes to flesh out a few more conversations I would have liked to have seen.
Yumi's Cells
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I think it's been a while since I enjoyed a drama so much early on. I didn't expect to like this one at all. I thought it would be too fluffy, with the cartoons. But I was sold on the second episode. Most of the show is so cute, funny, and sweet, but ultimately I feel like the show is more than it's fluff. It's a great depiction of a realistic relationship. It shows how two people can be so great together but let their own flaws and insecurities get in the way. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do in the next season and seeing how Yumi grows.
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The way I wasn't going to watch this, given that I just don't like all the zombie stuff. It's boring to me and it's always the same. But I kept hearing it get hyped up so I tried it and ended up enjoying it. Despite not always loving the leads (way too) sympathetic tendacies, I loved their chemistry and they're a badass couple. Gotta say the standout for me though, was definitely Tae seok. The man was unapologetically capping zombies left and right but still very much loved his wife. I love that he was a no nonsense character with a soft spot for a select few. The mans got swagger.
The Kings Affection
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You want me to watch a sageuk? This is how you do it. More focus on the romance and just enough politics for me. This had all the gender bender tropes I loved- lots of role reversals and "gay" stuff. The main couple was so dramatic with their break ups every other episode but I was personally living for that drama. My only real complaints are that it could have been shorter and now I just want a bl exactly like this.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 years
My Top 20 Anime of 2020
So in terms of my personal life, 2020 was the absolute worst year I’ve ever been through by a large margin even before COVID-19 destroyed the world and so many other major events piled on to just bum me out even further. But yo anime went kinda hard, even despite several delayed productions. Enough good shows existed this year and I’m into the alliteration of “Top 20 of 2020” so I decided this should be a top 20 instead of a top 10. Sometimes the resoution of these photos is shit, deal with it. Anyway yeah, let’s get going.
20. Akudama Drive
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This show is cool as fuck and hype to watch, Swindler based, it’s really impressive how well this show managed to maintain its pace and energy throughout 12 episodes, even in spite of the occasional misstep it still felt really consistent.
19. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou
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Once again prefacing this with I’ve never seen other Higurashi things, but this series is pretty enjoyable when it’s being a slice of life and really enjoyable when it’s being a horror thriller. I’ve seen some statement about the next half of the show being some “answers arc” so that sounds like it could make this a way more satisfying watch, looking forward to it.
18. Adachi to Shimamura
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I’m just a yuri cuck and this show is a really pretty slice of life yuri show.
17. Munou na Nana
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Not always super interesting and lowkey the ugliest show on this list but Kyoya + Nana and especially Nana + Michiru are very top tier character dynamics.
16. Deca-dence
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Sorta just a fun and exciting watch with really great visuals tbh, also Tomori Kusonoki based as fuck.
15. Mewkledreamy
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I like magical girls.
14. Healin’ Good Precure
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See above, but there are more magical girls.
13. Somali and the Forest Spirit
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We did get good traveller shows this year pog.
12. BanG Dream! 3rd Season
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Not as good as s2’s second half but s2’s first half dragged that season down so s3 is better overall. RAS are the best band to ever exist.
11. Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai?: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
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God remember when I was sitting there denouncing the first season because it was just sorta inconsistent and boring a lot of the time? Yeah s2 doesn’t really have that issue, so the show’s just actually funny and entertaining and Ishigami gets some pog character moments too. Coolio.
10. Dorohedoro
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Funniest anime I’ve ever seen? Maybe.
9. Princess Connect! Re:Dive
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At its weakest when it’s not focused on its main 4 but those main 4 are all the most endearing fucks ever, I can’t believe I like a male MC in a gacha girl anime.
8. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
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Disappointing in some ways, namely just character writing and how the plot was paced out, but I still like the structure a lot and the audiovisuals are so fucking strong that this show’s just always gonna be real fun for me as a Madoka simp.
7. Maoujou de Oyasumi
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Honestly can’t believe this show stayed as good as it did, but it did, so I loved it. Inori Minase’s best vocal performance.
6. Taiso Samurai
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How in the hell did the gymnastics family dramady show turn out to be one of my favourites of the year.
5. D4DJ: First Mix
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It’s so fucking charming and cute and the animation is so expressive and I love Muni and this show’s not over so maybe the finale cocks it all up but tbh I have faith we’re gonna be in for a good time as we have been for the first 9 episode.
4. Eizouken ni wa Te wo Nasu da!
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My thoughts on this show soured throughout the year as I tried to remember just how much I loved everything about it yet my mind barely moved past episode like 4 or something, and honestly maybe this position would move down quite a bit on a rewatch, but fuckin, show’s still visually splendid as hell, characters are dummy endearing and have amazing chemistry, this show still made me cry most episodes just from excitement, it’s a good time.
3. Koisuru Asteroid
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This show gets dismissed by so many people as just another mediocre Kirara show but it’s not! It’s fucking really amazing! It pays a lot of attention to its character writing and actually sets up on and follows through with a narrative that has themes and lets the girls grow and develop and it’s really fucking good! Give it a fucking chance!
2. Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
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Oh wow I put the Love Live thing in the top 2? What a shocker. Basically though Niji was able to quell all the fears I had for the show and blow me away in just about every element, I loved close enough to every episode.
1. Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Bloom
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I loved every episode as opposed to close enough to every episode lol. I’ve said this before but this show physically hurt me to watch it because my face muscles would get so tired from smiling ear to ear for entire episodes. Literally posted my Season in Review for Fall like 3 days ago and that put Gochiusa as Anime of the Season over Love Live so there’s further explanation in there if you care pog.
Movie of the Year – Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul
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Bondrewd is the literal best anime villain ever.
Girl of the Year – Setsuna Yuki
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Don’t be surprised.
Boy of the Year – Bondrewd the Novel, Sovereign of Dawn
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Remember 2 sentences ago where I called him the literal best anime villain ever. Yeah scratch out “anime”, this dude’s just the best villain ever.
Yeah we’re done now.
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ozzo-the-wozzo · 4 years
I haven’t brought myself to watch the finale yet, I need to be ready, but I do want to give my love for Ducktales after being absent yesterday
In summer 2017, I was getting ready to go into high school. Middle school was hell, and so while I was excited for this fresh start at a new school, I didn’t know if I was ready for all this new change. Star VS had come back with Battle for Mewni but there were no new episodes announced yet. Miraculous was also on hiatus, but I did have one show to look forward too. A while back I heard that Ducktales was getting a reboot, and I had been following any and all news on it, despite being too young to remember the original, for quite some time, hyped to see some disney ducks and LOVING the animation and premise. 
August of 2017, I hauled my sister on the couch, looked up the tv guide to find a good time to watch the episode since it was going to be showing for 24 hours that day, checked tumblr to see if there was a fandom while also trying to avoid spoilers, and finally whooped with joy as it started.
Right off the bat, we had to try and turn on tv captions for my sister since she had trouble understanding Donald, and I found that HILARIOUS given the gag that he cant be understood. After getting the captions on and THEY didn’t understand him either, I instead tried to translate whenever he spoke. Needless to say, our first viewing was a bit chaotic, but the episode still exceeded my expectations in EVERY way. I was absolutely floored and so was my sister, and we left Disney channel on for the rest of the day to watch the episode over and over again. I had a new favorite show. 
The triplets chemistry was awesome, Webby was adorably badass, scrooge was the most ICONIC character i’ve seen anywhere, Launchpad was a sweetie, but then of course, of COURSE there was Donald. The way DT17 played into the single dad trope with him, his comedic timing, my sister not being to understand him, and everything else made me fall in love with this character all over again, more than before. I always have trouble choosing a favorite anything, and Ducktales in particular makes it hard to choose a favorite character from such an amazing list, but I knew right from his first moment on screen that he was going to be my favorite. 
The excitement of seeing the DT17 fandom grow was immense, since I was there since day 1. On my first vacation outside of the continent, I isolated myself to watch The Last Crash of the Sun Chaser and CRIED. I remember screaming with joy at Fenton’s character and the amazing hispanic rep he provided for me and my family, yelling about “boys?!” after the season 1 finale, getting super excited at Frank answering my ask and liking my post about flan in Ducktales, since I was actually INTERACTING with a creator of my favorite show.
In all honesty, remembering all of this  makes me feel like crap for tuning out the show the past month or two, but I really couldn’t bare to stay in love with it like I was before with the end so near and me not having much time to prepare. I still watched every new episode that aired, of course, but sharing my feelings in posts, scrolling through the tag, REALLY sticking with my devotion to this show... felt way too painful. But, despite my attempts, I still love it as much as I did on day one, and I know that won’t make watching the finale any easier.
After my sister watches the few season 3 episodes she missed, we’re going to wait and watch the finale the same way we watched the first episode; on a Saturday morning, eating a bowl of cereal. But this time, instead of entering high school, i’ll be graduating it. I’ll be in a new living room in a new house. Instead of being in a toxic friend group, i’ll be in the greatest group of friends anyone could ask for.  My sister understands Donald crystal clear. And, instead of saying hello to Ducktales 2017, we’ll be saying goodbye.
So long Ducktales. You don’t know how much i’ll miss you.
And, of course, thank you @suspendersofdisbelief and the rest of the DT17 crew for an amazing 4 years of my life.
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rakkiankh · 3 years
Millenium World breakdown! I'm going to be heavily comparing it to the manga since unlike all the previous arcs I've covered, it was actually in the source material.
Mahad and Mana have been vastly improved on from the manga, especially Mana. Turning them into Atem's childhood friends made a world of a difference when it comes to both stakes for the arc and getting the point across that Atem was his own person with people who loved him. Personally I would of liked if they'd gone a little farther in that department so that the next arc would make more sense for Atem deciding to move on, but its a vast improvement from the reason the manga gave so I'll gladly take it.
Thief King Bakura was by far the most entertaining character for the first two thirds of the arc.
Removing Yami Bakura just running around Egypt at the same time as TKB by doing the Honda Takeover definitely helped make the arc slightly more coherent.
Mana and Mahad weren't the only ones expanded on. Almost all the priests were improved upon in the anime. Isis and Shada each got some good moments, and even if their personalities weren't really expanded past the cookie cutter loyal default, at least they got to both do things no one else got to do. The only two exceptions are Set (which I cover later) and Karim, who only has 'I remembered he existed this time' as an improvement over his manga version.
Set and Kisara's thing doesn't come off as creepy and forced as it did in the manga. They definitely needed to have some chemistry between the two to be any sort of believable, but adding the flashbacks of them saving each other in their childhood and him being against the underground fight is a vast improvement over the what-the-fuck decision kt made of having their only positive interaction being he isn't racist, immediately followed by him kidnapping her, locking her in a dungeon, forcing her into underground fights, and then having her decide she's willing to give up her life to be his eternal servant. Yes the manga was That Bad.
The anime made the the Set vs Atem fight take place before the Zorc fight instead of after, which really helped the flow of the story and fixed a major manga plot hole.
So I already made a post about how Set and Atem's relationship was hinted at for 3 seasons only for them to not have a single bit of history between them ever shared, and any dialogue they have is just blind loyalty from Set's part. This isn't the only problem I have with Set's portrayal though.
The Set vs. Atem fight also go shafted, and while the manga did still keep the fight that again, was hyped for three seasons, as a 'he's mind controlled thats why they're fighting' fight, at least they had an actual fight. I blinked watching the anime and it was over. And when they finally had a chance for him to step up to the plate and be important they shoved him out of the way and gave that role to Kaiba. And they expect us to think Set is the logical choice to lead Egypt when Shada got to do more for the plot than he did.
Aknadin felt forced in the manga but even with more screentime they managed to make him worse in the anime. He's very whiny.
There were several times where the main characters we are suppose to be rooting for defended massacreing Kul Elna by stating 'it's okay because everyone in that village was evil' qnd that is just so wrong on so many levels.
On the same note they also decided to defend Aknamkanon's actions despite the fact he definitely should of held some responsibility for ordering the massacre of an entire village that included the murder of innocents and children. I know they might of felt they should cut down on any nuance for their child audience to understand but this is not the kind of thing that should be cut down that way.
Bobasa was nothing but a fat joke for 99 percent of his screentime and it was incredibly painful to watch.
Even with the improvements to Kisara she still barely had any character. I understood characters like Shada and Isis being a bit flat, but considering Kisara is such a big deal she barely gets to do anything
Zorc's design is so fucking stupid. Not counting it for or against the arc though because they still managed make him able to be taken seriously... in close up shots
How much of TKB is TKB? Between Zorc and the angry spirits of Kul Elna possessing him, how much of it is actually him. Especially with the scene of when Yami Bakura leaves his body and he doesn't know what's happening before he turns to sand... I feel like regardless of if he was completely innocent or he was aware of what was going on to some extent that this opens up some interesting ways his character could be taken in aus where he's given a second chance.
Final Verdict:
In some ways Millenium World is my favorite arc. It has all my favorite characters in it, Ancient Egypt was the civilization young me latched onto when I was younger, and it's what led me into looking into this series to begin with.
Which is why it absolutely infuriates me that it has some great potential that got absolutely shafted in every single version.
I'm giving this arc the same verdict as DOMA: it sucks and should of been rewritten.
DOMA is still worse than this arc though.
Next up is the ceremonial duel! Not looking forward to this.
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battlekidx2 · 4 years
Kipo Season 3 Thoughts and Review
Okay so I just finished binge watching Kipo season 3 and wow that was a ride. They really did save the best for last. I thought the second season was an improvement on the first and I think the third season outdid the second. There was just so much to love. It didn’t fix every problem I had with the first few seasons but it did a really good job at covering as many as it could. The conclusions that the show reached for its world and the individual characters was almost all satisfying across the board. Honestly I feel everyone should watch it and form their own opinion. 
It is a bit cheesy and very optimistic, but I think it’s the kind everyone could use right now. Kipo is a show filled with wonder and possibility and it’s exactly what I needed and I feel a lot of people could use considering everything. It deserves the hype it gets. Now to get into spoilers. Since it just dropped they’ll be under the cut.
Kipo season 3 was fantastic. I know I just said that up above, but I feel like only saying it once is an injustice. I want to start off with the characters since they’re what kept me coming back to the show. Without further ado here we go.
I think I’ll start off with the titular character, Kipo. I will say she was the character I had the most problems with coming out of the first two seasons, but that’s mostly because of how pronounced her role is so the issues I had were more at the forefront than for anyone else. They didn’t really fix my problems, but I felt they did a fairly good job addressing them. I found her to be a much more compelling lead this season. There was a lot more internal struggle with what she should do than any other season and her optimism was mostly very endearing and needed within the show and with everything that’s been going on in life. They had Kipo become frustrated, make mistakes, almost give up hope, and it felt earned when she came to the conclusion to give everyone a shot. I will say her optimism felt a bit much when she was directing it at Emilia, especially after it was revealed that Emilia killed her own brother to prevent human and mute cohabitation. But her final decision to free Emilia from the mute body was understandable and wholly Kipo, so I liked it. 
Now I want to talk about a duo I really wanted to interact and have screen time this season and was so pleased that they did: Wolf and Scarlemagne. I love both of these characters and thought they would have such great chemistry because of the similarities of their backstories. Both were betrayed by those they thought of as family and left to survive on their own in the mute eat mute world that the surface was. Their interactions this season just proved that I was right to be excited for it. Scarlemagne and Wolf somehow brought out the best in each other (and the worst but that was only for a little bit). It was nice to see them nudge each other in the right direction towards the end and come to have faith in Kipo’s vision for a better future despite their troubled past. That final talk they had before returning to prahm reflecting on their lives and how Kipo changed them was really heartfelt and just the quiet moment before the storm I needed.  “Things could have been so different if I’d stopped hating all humans for the mistakes of a few” and Wolf did the exact same thing with mutes. This line summed up their arcs, individual tragedy, and point of understanding and connection between them. It made the conclusions to their individual arcs that much more powerful. Wolf ends up getting the family that she never thought she could have after the wolves and Scarlemagne sacrifices himself to save his sister, Kipo. His death scene was so heartbreaking. He died in Lio, Song, and Kipo’s arms having gotten the chance to have his family one last time. And finally truly becoming Hugo once again. I don’t know if the found family trope has ever hit me as hard as it did with these two characters (it may be I’m just emotional since I just finished the season less than an hour ago). (as a Scarlemagne stan I do wish he had been able to live out the rest of his life with the Oak family though)
Side note: the king hugo leitmotif playing when Hugo died was so sad and perfect. 
I have a lot of thoughts for Wolf and Scarlemagne after this season. I don’t know which is my favorite character; they are both pretty phenomenal. Wolf was the mvp of season 1 and Scarlemagne was the mvp of season 2. I don’t know if anyone was surprised that Scarlemagne got redeemed this season. I know I wasn’t, but I found how they went about his redemption to be really interesting. It felt like a progression. I wish more time had been spent on it, but I felt that with the screen time it did have they did a good job. I felt his change of heart and with that conversation with Wolf I really did think he had fully come to regret his actions, acknowledge his flaws and wrongdoings, and resolved to do better. With Wolf she has been holding onto the past for so long that she doesn’t know how to let it go. The pain of her first family betraying her hasn’t gone away because she got a new one and has come to (mostly) reconcile her prejudice against mutes. It just became more muted and easier to ignore. Having her confront the wolf, Margot, who’s betrayal hurt her the most, was the first step towards being able to fully let go. Her finally shedding the wolf skin was the final step for her to unburden herself with the past pain and prejudice and putting on the purple and silver cloak for prahm was her letting herself be the hopeful child she was on the inside that Kipo had brought out (albeit still keeping some of the gruffness that she had before). I just love these two characters.
Benson was great this season. I felt they knew what to do with him to a better degree than in the first and second seasons. The story of how he first met Dave was unexpectedly heartwarming and highlights their importance to the series which I felt was a bit too understated in the first two seasons. (Dave was actually useful this season!) I was shocked that the history of Dave and his eventual meeting with Benson was such a unique and great commentary on the idea that violence only begets more violence. That talking things out, like he and Benson did, was what ended the centuries long conflict and ensured that they survived instead of taking each other out like everyone else before them did. It shows the pointlessness and destruction of cyclical violence in a way that many shows have failed to capture. Even much more serious shows that you would think would have less censorship to work around and thus be able to explain better. So often in shows they try to preach that violence isn’t the answer but so many cartoons fail to back up that lesson within their story. Kipo does back it up and more in this last season.
Going back to Benson. They let him play off of a lot of new characters and made him feel a lot more like family within the group. This is best shown when he and Dave tag along with Wolf and Margot to look after Wolf. They aren’t the best bodyguards but they clearly deeply care about Wolf and want her to be happy and supported. His romance with Troy was sweet and I really liked his Prahmposal and when Lio gave him advice on how to prahmpose (I really like dad Lio this season). Benson is just such a fun character and I’m glad a lot of the things I said I would like the show to do with him ended up coming true.
Emilia made for a good obstacle for the main characters to overcome. She wasn’t that interesting of a character though. I liked what they were going for with her in their attempts, I believe, to show the intergenerational aspect of prejudice through her and her father. I did think some things felt off with her. I just didn’t buy that Kipo should try to give her so many chances. When Song revealed what she did to her brother that sealed the deal and made Kipo saying she has to believe Emilia could change ring hollow to me as a story beat. Her belief in others had mostly worked out in her favor so far in the show, but Emilia was given no moment or slight glimpse to give the audience any indication she could change which makes it hard to feel invested in this plot point. I liked that they made Emilia hold her ground and never change because you can’t change everyone’s minds and to change Emilia’s mind Emilia would have to accept that killing her brother, who she loved, was wrong and that just isn’t a step I think she could make. I also think it’s important to show that not everyone can change. In a perfect world that could happen but the world isn’t perfect. I think Emilia was the perfect villain to show that. I still wasn’t a big fan of her character but I think she served her purpose in the show well.
I will say I’m a bit conflicted about this because, while I would like to see more sympathetic villains who don’t get redeemed, I also think that with the racism angle that the show was going for making Emilia unsympathetic worked well. She’s just a xenophobic person who is adamant about staying set in her ways regardless of the reality before her. This does have basis in reality, unfortunately. So I do like it for that. I’m really glad they didn’t give her a mutes killed my brother/family tragic backstory to “justify” her racism. Her racism is at no point justified which I appreciate. 
The plot of the third season had a big task in front of it. It needed to wrap up the world’s conflict, 2 centuries of mute human conflict, in 10 episodes. Which I was very iffy on whether or not it would be capable of doing. This show had 2 great seasons but the amount of stuff it had to wrap up had me a bit nervous. Those nerves were unfounded though. The third season actually came to a very satisfying conclusion for the world and I bought that the characters we saw were able to bring the conflict to a peaceful end (or as peaceful as it could be). There were a few things I was a bit disappointed in. Two things to be exact, the lack of the use of Song after the episode “Song remix” and the complete disappearance of the vaccine plot point. 
Song and Lio were supposed to create a vaccine to the cure. They even stole all the pieces they needed to make it and then it was never brought up again. I would have been fine with even just a line saying they were still working on it near the end or that they found it wasn’t possible, but it just isn’t brought up after they steal the supplies. It didn’t negatively impact the finale to me, it just felt weird considering they made such a big deal about it earlier in the season. I felt Song deserved more of a role after “song remix” because she had missed so much of her daughter’s life and her daughter seems to have adopted two siblings. It felt like a missed opportunity for family bonding between the group especially since Benson and Wolf have never (to our knowledge) had a loving mom. I love this show’s use of the found family trope so I really wanted to see this. Though Wolf cheering with Kipo saying “Go mom” was a highlight and adorable.
I really loved this show. Dreamworks may be my favorite animation company. They’ve done such a good job with their cartoons as of late and they’ve had a good track record with their recent cartoons with sticking the landing. Not all but most. Kipo is a show I will definitely return to from time to time. It’s just so optimistic and sometimes I think everyone can use the optimism and wonder that Kipo brings to the table. I’m sad to see this show go, it came and went within the same year, but it went out spectacularly. It was strong from start to finish. I had some qualms here and there but they never once deterred me from enjoying the show. I really think this show deserves more attention and praise than it gets. I hope more people decide to watch it because it deserves it.
side note: I love how they finally incorporated the age of wonderbeasts part of the title in the finale.
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amillioninprizes · 4 years
A Tale of Two P.I.s: How Stumptown Succeeded Where Veronica Mars Failed
A hardboiled female private eye with a drinking problem, a litany of temporary sexual partners, and trauma resulting from her romantic soulmate dying in an explosion that’s partially her fault solves mysteries.
This could describe either the freshman ABC show Stumptown, starring Cobie Smulders as military veteran Dex Parios, or Rob Thomas’s intended vision for an adult Veronica Mars in the wake of the recent S4 that aired on Hulu. Many VM fans turned to the former after the supreme disappointment that was S4 in order to get their kickass lady detective fix; a common refrain that I’ve seen is that Stumptown is the show that adult Veronica Mars should have been. Notably, Stumptown was recently renewed for a second season, while Hulu has declined to order more seasons of Veronica Mars. Now that the pain of VM S4 is less fresh, I recently watched the first season of Stumptown to see if it was worth the hype. Here are the reasons why I think that Stumptown has been renewed for a second season while Veronica Mars has, much like Susan Knight, been left dead in the water:
Dex is a competent detective
Like, I shouldn’t even have to say this, but: if you’re going to make a show about a private investigator, that character should be able to crack cases. Rather infamously, Veronica did not solve any mysteries in VM S4: Keith solved the bomber mystery, Logan solved the congressman blackmail mystery, and Vinnie solved the missing ring mystery. Veronica just kind of floated around being a mean party girl.
Meanwhile Dex, despite being less experienced as a detective, uses her smarts and background as a military interrogator to solve the mystery of the week. She notably utilizes disguises and undercover work, two former features of Veronica’s investigating that were missing in S4. The show also makes a decent attempt to portray the realities of her having to obtain a license to be a PI and work legally, including an internship and dealing with consumer complaints. Contrast this with the proposed future seasons of VM as a traveling detective--something that would be nigh impossible giving licensing requirements.
I think the contrast between the two’s abilities can best be seen in their opening scenes of the season: Dex, at the casino, is able to suss out a married dude hitting on her pretty quickly, comprehensively listing his tells. Meanwhile, Veronica’s first scene in S4 has her randomly smashing a client’s belongings to find hidden cameras and then unprofessionally overcharging her. If that’s how she treats clients, it’s no wonder that Mars Investigations is financially struggling at the beginning of S4.
Stumptown also does a better job than VM S4 of showing why the protagonist chooses to be a detective. For Dex, it gives her stability and a sense of purpose that had been lacking since her return from Afghanistan. On the other hand, Veronica is shown to be somewhat dissatisfied with her life in S4, but it’s never explicitly addressed why; it’s also not examined why she remains in Neptune as a detective when she could use her Ivy League law degree at any time and live anywhere, especially when she appears to no longer have a talent for being a detective. Logan briefly broaches the subject in one scene, but it’s dropped just like every other VM plot thread.
Dex is a marshmallow
As has been covered extensively elsewhere (including the pages of this very blog), probably the largest issue that people had with S4 of Veronica Mars outside of Logan’s death was Veronica’s characterization. Rob Thomas said in interviews that he told the writers this season to write Veronica like a porcupine; the end result was a portrayal that dialed all of Veronica’s negative traits to 11, added new ones, and completely removed the softer aspects of her character that made her such a compelling and complex protagonist. There was an attempt to give Veronica an emotional connection to the bomber mystery via the character Matty, but for most viewers it didn’t resonate due the flat affect of both actresses and poor writing. It was hard to feel like Matty was a sympathetic underdog when she had a wealthy mother ready to whisk her away to Paris for Spring Break. Veronica also doesn’t appear to have retained her former drive for justice; she mostly seems interested in collecting a paycheck (and if that’s the case I again ask why she isn’t using her Columbia law degree). She also weaponizes her white womanhood against a Latino teenager. What a great role model!
Contrast this with the also outwardly caustic Dex, who initially IS only in it for the paycheck. First off, even that’s somewhat noble in that she needs to take care of her adult brother with Down’s syndrome. Yet she quickly finds her sense of justice overcoming her desire to make bank. We see this early in the season when she turns against the PI she is shadowing in order to help a young mother obtain custody of her child from her wealthy, abusive ex-husband. This is also seen when she brokers a deal to protect the privacy of the biological child of a political candidate she’s been hired to find dirt on.
Dex also relies heavily on her support system--namely her brother Ansel, best friend Gray, food truck purveyor Tookie, and even police detective Hoffman. She resists her brother moving out because she’d be lonely without him, and her entire found family are instrumental in helping her with her cases. This isn’t necessarily different from Veronica per se, although Veronica treated her loved ones cruelly in S4. Additionally, Rob Thomas wanted to continue the show without them, despite how heavily Veronica relied on them both to help her with cases as well as emotionally.
Stumptown also shows that even if Dex hasn’t fully processed her trauma, she is capable of growing. She makes nice with her high school enemy after clearing her daughter of suspected drug dealing. Contrast this with Veronica, who punched her high school nemesis at her high school reunion (and for the five millionth time, no one wanted to see that) and was shown to have regressed as an adult to be more immature at age 35 than she was at 17. That didn’t make her seem more cool or noir, just sad.
Also, Dex actually manages to brush her hair. (But srsly I need to know how they get her hair to do that great wavy thing).
Dex’s trauma is thoughtfully addressed
As a corollary to the above point: there was obviously Something Wrong with Veronica in S4, but the show didn’t bother to explain what had transpired between the end of the second book and S4 to explain her seeming personality transplant; as a fellow fan has said, the show pretended to deal with her trauma but glossed over it in reality. For example, in addition to depicting her as being depressed and cruel to her loved ones, she is shown drinking heavily and doing drugs, both of which are out of character for her. Yet the show seems to glamorize it; none of her loved ones express any concern about this behavior and there are no references made to her alcoholic mother, whose actions negatively affected her growing up to the extent that Veronica had previously expressed wanting to avoid becoming like her. But despite the fact that she was obviously struggling with something, Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell stated that they needed to kill Logan because Veronica was somehow not traumatized enough. Apparently, putting Logan’s ring on her finger just magically erased her previous issues (unrealistic and harmful messaging to trauma survivors), and he needed to die because women can only be interesting if they’re damaged (misogynistic). Adding insult to injury was Rob Thomas’s assertion that Logan’s memory wouldn’t play much of a part of the show going forward because it would be too depressing and he needed Veronica to not be consumed with thoughts of him while engaging in “strange sex”, whatever that means. Yeah Rob, it would def be realistic for Veronica to just get over the fact that her husband and love of her life died of a bomb due to her oversight in a year and then continue on her merry way without any support from her loved ones!
Stumptown, however, explicitly connects Dex’s self destructive behavior with her past trauma: in the very first episode Dex is shown frantically texting contacts for a sexual hookup in the midst of a PTSD episode. The most powerful scene of the entire season in my opinion is one where, after experiencing a flashback to her time as an interrogator in Afghanistan, she goes on a bender at home and trashes her house to the soundtrack of Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain.” (As an aside, I would also like to point out that Stumptown deftly portrays the trauma and grey morality associated with military service, which could have been an amazing (and noir!) storyline for naval intelligence officer Logan in future seasons of VM if Rob Thomas wasn’t such a dimwit).
Additionally, the death of her not quite-fiancé Benny hangs over her, even though the event took place twelve years prior to the start of the series. Even before Benny is introduced onscreen in flashbacks in the penultimate episode of S1, the show does a good job of portraying just how much he and their relationship meant to Dex. The season culminates in Dex finding out that his death in an explosion in Afghanistan was not in fact her fault, as she had previously assumed. Interestingly, the show’s writers considered revealing that Benny had faked his death, but the head writer later stated in an interview that doing so would invalidate the trauma Dex had experienced for 12 years and would ultimately be cruel. While on a shallow level I wouldn’t have minded them bringing Benny back since the actor who played him was super attractive and had great chemistry with Cobie Smulders, the decision the writers made instead makes more sense for the world they have built and is far more thoughtful: it allows Dex to obtain a sense of closure and growth while respecting her grief.
Women over the age of 35 aren’t Satan
A criticism of VM since it originally aired is that the show generally portrays female characters, especially mothers and other women over a certain age, in a negative light (and Rob Thomas has been defensive about it just as long). The books partially rectified this by introducing the characters of Petra Landros, the former model turned owner of the Neptune Grand, and Marcia Langdon, the new Balboa County sheriff with a murky past. Marcia was brought back for S4, but considerably dumbed down and less complex than in the books (and there’s definitely something to be said that the first time a BIPOC woman is shown in a position of power on screen in VM that her character is diminished).
Stumptown, on the other hand, has two women as older female mentors/nemeses in positions of power: Sue Lynn, the matriarch of the local Native American tribe, and Lieutenant Cosgrove of the Portland PD. Both have complicated relationships with Dex: Sue Lynn ended Dex’s relationship with Benny, her son, yet repeatedly seeks her out for help with matters on the reservation. Lieutenant Cosgrove often finds herself at odds with Dex while the latter is attempting to solve a case, though she also encourages her to legally obtain her PI license. It shouldn’t be revolutionary to have complex older female characters as supporting cast on a female-centered show in 2020, but after 15 years of misogyny from VM it certainly feels refreshing.
Where Stumptown falls short
All of this is not to say that Stumptown is flawless. Despite my praise for including older female characters above, the show is still pretty dude heavy, especially Dex’s inner circle. The mysteries of the week are of fairly average quality, and several were reminiscent of some seen in VM’s original run--the season even ends with a “Who’s at the door?” gambit. I also didn’t love the storyline where Grey’s girlfriend gets Dex drunk and tricks her into thinking they had slept together in order to drive Grey and Dex apart--that felt like something out of the mind of Rob Thomas. It also bears mentioning that in the context of current events the generally positive portrayal of the police department and Dex’s close relationship with them should bear more scrutiny. And while the show is well done overall, it never quite reaches the emotional resonance of original flavor VM (but then, neither did VM S4).
Despite those quibbles, I think it’s a good show overall. I felt like as the season progressed the creative team figured out what worked and the cast seemed to gel together. I love the classic rock soundtrack (another area where VM S4 failed, given that it abandoned VM’s signature indie soundtrack for generic pop music), which in conjunction with Dex’s wardrobe gives the show a fun retro feel. By the end of the season I was firmly won over, and I look forward to S2. Hopefully the writers of Stumptown paid attention to the backlash to VM S4 as a lesson in what not to do going forward.
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yeah-oh-shit · 5 years
Sherlock S5/Dracula Meta
I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. I’ve never written any fan theories or meta before (although I have so many), so please bear with me. I know my theory is going to sound a little out there, but I here it is: I think BBC Dracula is actually Sherlock S5, or else that it is somehow going to lead directly into it without warning. 
Warning: this is going to be a long piece. I’m going to break this down as follows, because there are many different pieces of evidence to examine: 
TFP, the story and the episode
Gothic Horror, HOB, Dracula
Vision, Timing, 20/20
The Final Problem
The first one is a fan theory I read probably 6-9 months ago that sadly I can’t find anymore (if you know who this person is, please please comment so I can give credit!). Basically this person was talking about how the naming of the episodes typically has some tie to what occurs in the original story by that same name, but how TFP has nothing AT ALL to do with the original story. In the original story, Sherlock goes face to face with Moriarty, and we are all lead to believe that both he and Moriarty die over the Richenbach falls. In all reality, ACD had meant to kill off Sherlock in this story, and stopped writing Sherlock Holmes stories for ten years before bringing him back in “The Empty House,” due to the public outrage and demand for more stories. So, the logic follows that maybe the one thing that they have in common is that they are both pitted as the end to Sherlock Holmes (in the story, he is dead; in the show we are given [force fed] an ending, it's made to seem like the final piece). The author of this theory also pointed out the show runners in this way are comparing ending the series with TFP (no canon Johnlock) to ending the show with Sherlock dead. We are left with a straight-washed version of John and Sherlock, with Mary’s voice controlling the narrative and that narrative being: It Doesn’t Matter Who You Are. The chemistry between John and Sherlock has been more or less completely lost throughout S4, and so we are left with this empty, dead-feeling version of them that doesn’t feel true to the characters we know and love. Even casuals thought S4 sucked.. this is why. They metaphorically killed them/killed the show.
Before S4 aired, Mofftiss had said that if they pulled off what they had planned, it would be the biggest thing in television. Well, what we got in TFP doesn’t really fit that at all, does it? What could they be referring to: A secret sister? Not really that epic. Even if we find out that most of S4 didn’t take place (either EMP theory or some other way of explaining it) that isn’t really a new trope. The audience discovering that they have actually been seeing things that are inside the main character’s head the entire time has been done over and over (Sixth Sense, A Beautiful Mind come to mind off hand). So what could this huge, history making move be? The argument that the meta I read previously made was that the show will come back (from the dead) unexpectedly, with no warning. That it will be a revival and in that revival, we will get canon Johnlock. I can’t remember if OP explicitly theorized that Dracula is actually Sherlock S5, but I think so. 
Now, I was with this theory from the beginning.. there is just something that feels possible to me, despite the fact that it sounds far fetched. Dracula seems like a weird, random thing to do when Sherlock, Moftiss’s mutual obsession, isn’t finished. (Also creating an escape room to keep up hype is odd if the show is over, but I digress.) I just don’t believe Moftiss’s constant claims that they couldn’t get everyone together to film S5 because of schedules, that they wanted to take a break, that they don’t know if they will do more (when Moffatt has talked about wanting a 5 season arc before, not to mention John Yorke). And then there’s the fact that we know they have filmed scenes that we have never seen (Niagara Falls anyone?). All this evidence that S5 is definitely coming, combined with the fact that we haven’t heard anything about it but have heard about Dracula, sort of fell into place for me. Despite me being willing to buy into it, this theory still seemed a little far fetched. But wait, there’s more!
Victorian Gothic Literature, HOB, Dracula
A lot of people have been talking about how gay Dracula is going to be, and citing evidence of the connections between Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde (Dracula was written directly after his trial and Dracula is read as having characteristics of Wilde) as evidence. This, along with the extremely homoerotic last clip of the trailer, certain parts of the text that read as queer coded (I haven’t read Dracula, so I don’t know much but have seen some things floating around that seem v gay to me), and what we know about queer coding in Victorian gothic literature in general, all make a convincing argument. Gatiss actually recently confirmed (more or less) that Dracula will be bisexual in the upcoming series. And while I’m all about gay vampires (I am a huge vampire fan, seriously I love Vampire Diaries and True Blood and was one of “those girls” during the middle school Twilight craze), there is something about Dracula being Moftiss’s first cannon gay show that feels both disappointing and incongruous.
I want to bring up the All Ghost Stories are Gay Stories meta by heimishtheidealhusband. Now, this meta was written in 2015, in anticipation of TAB. Its great and you should definitely check it out if you haven’t/don’t remember it. The part I am most interested in is actually the reading of HOB, which I will get to in a bit. The takeaways from the first bit of the meta are that monsters and ghosts (to a different extent) are representations of queer desire in Victorian gothic literature. I’m summarizing drastically here, but as queer desire was obviously unacceptable in Victorian times, writers would obfuscate it by creating an “other,” a monster or ghost, that represented the queer or “inverted” desire and also demonstrated the fear and horror that society had for homosexuality. So the monster becomes the representation of homosexuality (homosexual acts or desires) that is pursuing the protagonists. Oftentimes, the protagonists were originally obsessed with the monsters or the concept of them, before actually confronting them, but are terrified and frightened when it actually occurs (think Dr. Jeckyll or Frankenstein). This meta also specifically talks about Dracula and vampires as the most queerly coded of the Victorian monsters: “Think about your vampire tropes: Dracula sneaks into your bedroom at night, lusting after your bodily fluids. The victim, meanwhile, is paralyzed with fear, but also excitement. (Oh hi phobic enchantment, I see you there!) The tension mounts until there’s a climactic penetration of fangs into flesh. And lots of sucking. Then think about the fact that the one doing the penetrating and the one being penetrated can be - and often are - both male.” 
This all seems to bode great for our queer reading of the new BBC Dracula, yay! Vampires are clearly queer coded, and making it explicit makes sense and seems like a no-brainer. But I think it’s important to point out the ways in which this is also potentially (and likely) problematic. In Victorian times, there weren’t really many other options for portraying homosexuality. This is part of what makes what these writers did so brilliant - they were unable to show these desires as normal and healthy, because it was too dangerous and society didn’t see them that way (hence the use of the word “inverts” for homosexuals). Using the horror genre allowed them much more freedom to explore homosexuality, identity, and societal reactions to it, but also obfuscated the difference between reactions to homosexuality and the thing itself. In some of the stories, like Frankenstein, the monsters are actually misunderstood. Frankenstein’s monster only turns evil after experiencing society’s horrified reaction to it. However, in a modern context, I wonder about the message it sends to remake a Victorian story in a modern time and make the monster queer.
To flush this out a bit, I think it would be helpful to take a look at how Moftiss (and particularly Mark Gatiss) have played with this Victorian monster trope already, in Sherlock. Which brings us to HOB. heimishistheidealhusband points out that ACD’s original story “The Hound of the Baskervilles” would definitely fit into the scope of Victorian gothic literature, and their meta “All Ghost Stories are Gay Stories” does a particularly good job of breaking this episode down with the lens of Victorian gothic literature and queer coding. I am going to quote this reading here, and also also want to touch on the reading of this episode by Rebekah of TJLC Explained.
Here is what heimishtheidealhusband has to say about this episode: “Here’s why BBC Sherlock’s treatment of Hound is particularly beautiful. The creature – the hound – is our queer monster. In ACD’s Hound, the hound was indeed physically altered – he was painted in phosphorous to give him a hellish, glowing appearance. And the hound was actually the one to do the killing. In BBC’s Hound, there’s “the hound” – the monster that everyone is afraid of which is actually imaginary, and “the dog” – the real thing that actually exists. In other words, in this version, the “queer creature” in the horror story has been de-monstered. Homospectrality is being flipped on his head – rather than separating the man from the queer, they’re separating the queer from the monster. Because the dog isn’t inherently evil, it’s just the poison in the air that everyone is breathing that makes them fear it, and see a monster instead of an innocent dog. So in this treatment, if the dog/hound represents queerness, heteronormativity becomes a poisonous element in the air we all breathe.” 
This is why it is so important that Hounds is plural (as opposed to the original story “The Hound of the Baskervilles”). They are emphasizing the differentiation between the two dogs, the differentiation between the monster and the queer. Rebakah of TJLC Explained also points out that despite all the conspiracy theories, there is actually no monster inside Baskerville, but rather a rabbit that glows “like a fairy,” (let’s all take a moment to remember the skipping dance and sing-song voice Ben does in this scene, in case it wasn’t obviously queerly coded enough). It’s hard to imagine a less-threatening animal than a glowing bunny. 
Mark Gatiss has been very open about his love for horror and the gothic. He has studied the gothic writer M.R. James, and was involved with the BBC documentary about James that explored his “repressed sexuality.” He clearly loves and respects the genre, and is familiar with queer readings of Victorian gothic lit. In HOB, he chose to engage with the genre in a modern context, and to separate the monster from the queer. In doing so, he points out the inaccuracy and harm that coupling queerness with monstrosity generates. With this in mind, the choice to make Dracula feels like a step backwards, especially when you bear in mind that Gatiss has actually said that he isn’t really interested in gothic horror anymore. In an interview with Shadows at the Door in 2017, Gatiss stated: “I used to think nothing could exist without waistcoats and bubbling test tubes and now I’m actually more interested in modern horror; the gothic but in a modern context. I don’t think it has to be about the old and obviously I still love it but it doesn’t have to be about candelabra and castles. You can get the same feeling from modern methods, and in a way that is more frightening.”
All this isn’t to say that gothic horror or vampire stories isn’t still interesting and worthwhile as a concept, or that a canonically queer Dracula wouldn’t/couldn’t be badass. (I for one would love a Vampire Diaries remake wherein Damon’s character is a woman, but I’m off topic..). It doesn’t even mean that there can’t still be something complex or provoking in this representation for a modern audience. But it also feels dangerously close to repeating the queer coded (or even plainly queer) villain that we have all seen a hundred times from horror films and Disney movies. At best, still doesn’t seem particularly new or exciting, and at worst it could reinforce frankly problematic and dangerous stereotypes.
I am now going to analyze the actual trailer for BBC Dracula that was released a few weeks ago, because it is going to help me to illustrate this point. One thing that struck me most when watching it was just how horrific it really is. The 45 second long trailer includes: a fly that crawls into an eye, a bloody fingernail being ripped off, a blood covered hand, something that appears to be being birthed, a scary, old-looking Dracula with a bloody tongue, and bloody flesh that is being carved. There are at least 3 instances of mouths: the fangs at the very beginning, the mouth with bloody tongue, and the frame after the gunshot of a mouth that looks desiccated like a zombie, that only flashes for a split second. All in all, it’s not only scary, it’s quite disgusting. The three bloody or otherwise monstrous mouths that we see relate most strongly to the covert sexual tones of Victorian gothic literature (and also remind me of Moriarty’s oral fixation in TAB). These are some of the most disturbing of the images. While the intro fangs are pretty mild, the clip of Dracula’s frightening face and bloody tongue (which is followed immediately by the bloody flesh being carved) and the decayed mouth are both quite gruesome. If we apply the metaphors that we know from Sherlock, they are making some pretty damning connections. The mouths in-and-of-themselves could be read in a sexual way, but then there is the added fact that the decayed mouth appears directly after a gunshot, which we know has been tied to dicks/gay sex in Sherlock (and generally). The bloody flesh being carved on a table also recalls the food/sex metaphor in Sherlock, specifically reminding me of how disgusting the meal scene is in John’s wedding to Mary. Food and eating can be really disgusting, and this trailer makes a point to show us that. When we connect this back to the sex metaphor again, and give it a queer lens, we are once again being metaphorically told that queer sex is disgusting and horrific. 
Whether or not Moftiss are purposefully making these metaphorical statements, they definitely went out of their way to make this variation of Dracula particularly scary, horrifying, and gruesome. It’s always possible that they are just hyping up the goriness in order to get audiences excited. It’s also possible that they are highlighting the disgustingness of Dracula’s monstrosity as a means of engaging with the public perception of homosexuality or that they will complicate the narrative in some other way. But even if we give them the benefit of the doubt here and assume they aren’t trying to paint queerness in a bad light, this highlighting of the disgusting nature of Dracula’s monstrosity doesn’t seem to push forward any kind of unique, modern narrative. We have seen this, this is exactly what Victorian gothic literature is all about. They needed to explore homosexuality through its repression, to make it monstrous, because they lived in a time when there were few alternative ways to explore it (except for maybe the example of our sweet “bohemian” boys - check out this meta from artemisastarte to learn more about bohemianism and queerness in Sherlock Holmes). But in our modern day, is this really that exciting? Is this the kind of queer representation we want and deserve in 2019 (soon to be 2020)? To me, the answer is no, especially in light of the incredible and complex work they have done in Sherlock toward building a queer love story that is normalized, and completely removed from any conflation with monstrosity. 
The fact that Dracula is tied so heavily to Sherlock makes this distinction even greater. Gatiss said that they got the idea for Dracula from a still image of Benedict Cumberbatch on the set of Sherlock with his collar up. Supposedly it reminded them of Dracula and the BBC asked them if they wanted to make it. In an interview, when asked about Dracula in relationship to Sherlock, Gatiss called it a “stablemate” of Sherlock Holmes. I’m not really sure how we are supposed to take this, and he doesn’t explain at all (of course), but that would mean that they are in some way similar or connected. I think he doesn’t just mean that they both come from him and Moffatt, as that is rather obvious and was acknowledged in the question itself. Both shows are not only created by Moftiss, but written in the same format, produced by Sue Virtue, and shot at Hartwood Studios. They also really emphasize the connection to Sherlock in the trailer (which isn’t surprising because advertising), and also in the new Netflix description, which states only: “From the makers of ‘Sherlock,’ Claes Bang stars as Dracula in this brand-new miniseries inspired by Bram Stoker’s classic novel.” There isn’t even a background image, only a weird gray distortion on a black background.
Furthermore, there are also elements from Sherlock that point to Dracula, either directly or indirectly. In S4, when John is supposedly texting “E.” He asks “Night Owl?” and the response he gets is “Vampire.” It feels odd and out of place to mention vampires in this offhand way, as we have never really seen anything like this on the show. To be fair, a lot of S4 feels this way, but I believe that it is actually chock-full of symbolic meaning and that almost everything that we see that feels wrong or untrue to the show has a deeper meaning. What, then, is the purpose that this plays? Additionally, in the escape room (Spoiler alert for The Game is Now), there is a television in the first room (Molly’s lab) that is playing what is set to look like British news. In the newsreel at the bottom, they included the announcement that Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffatt are making BBC’s Dracula. Once again, this feels a little throwaway, or could be explained away as advertising (although the escape room is so fast-paced that having any time at all to look at the television, let alone read it, when it wasn’t explicitly part of the puzzles would seem rare). Once again, there is a subliminal connection made between these two shows that I would argue is purposeful. 
The decision to make a gothic show that so completely plays on this horror trope, and then to tie it both explicitly and implicitly to the show that they have already done, which has a very different messaging around the gothic as it relates to conceptions of homosexuality, seems odd. In and of itself, a Gothic exploration of queerness is possible, but feels limited by its very nature. Gothic horror through a queer lens is about queerness and otherness being equated to and embodied by monstrosity. Dracula’s trailer seems to clearly be playing up this monstrousness. I want to reiterate that I don’t think making something like Dracula gay couldn’t be cool or interesting for what it is, or that there isn’t a way to engage with the gothic without it being problematic. But in comparison to what they are doing with Sherlock, it feels unimpressive. And in light of HOB, Dracula seems to go directly against the argument that Gatiss makes so beautifully, that queerness is harmless and very distinct from monstrosity, despite what the fog of homophobia might depict. To build up this narrative in Sherlock, then cut into the middle of it with something that is explicitly connected to it but symbolically making an opposite assertion feels counter-intuitive.
Vision, Timing, 20/20
Even with all this evidence, I don’t know that I would really believe they would go through the trouble to do all of this if not for the timing. Dracula is set to come out “soon,” but people have been speculating for this winter. That would make it the end of 2019 or beginning of 2020. Now I’m going to explain a little bit about my reading of HLV, which happens to coincide nicely with The Game is Now, and ultimately this theory as a whole. 
Something that caught my eye in HLV is how much glass there is in its first scene. We open on a shot of CAM’s glasses sitting on the table. We are below them, looking up through glass (although we see later that the table is actually wood). Next we get a shot of lady Elizabeth Smallwood, reflected through glass so as to show her in double (which is particularly interesting given that she is repeatedly called Lady Alicia Smallwood, both by CAM in the text that flashes on the screen during his analysis of her later this episode, and in the S4 scene where she leaves Mycroft her card). Next we see the entire interviewing committee through glass walls (it continues but you get the picture). We are introduced to the concept of lenses, looking through them, and at times the distorted image created by them. 
CAM owns a newspaper, and he controls people through rumors: it doesn’t matter what the truth is, it matters what people believe (what they see). (This sounds a lot like Mary in S4 to me). So we are introduced again (after TRF) to the concept of fact vs. fiction, truth vs. lie, and this time with the addition of lenses. What lens you view something through matters, has a bearing on how you read something, how clearly you see it (sounds kind of like the fog in HOB). By the end of HLV, we have been removed from the narrative enough, we can’t see completely clearly. We don’t know what has happened during the time between John and Sherlock’s confrontation with Mary and the scene at Christmas. We don’t see if Sherlock and John are on the same page or what Sherlock is planning. 
This episode leads into TAB, followed by S4 fuckiness. In S4, there are many things that feel “off” but one of the biggest is that John and Sherlock are distant the entire time. In the beginning we get the indication that John is missing Sherlock, but then we see Sherlock acting as if he is closer to Mary than John, inviting her on cases in his place. She gets inserted between them completely, becomes part of the gang. After Mary’s “death” John blames Sherlock (in a feat of logic that is truly baffling) and we have them at their most distant in TLD. And then, they come back together again in TFP, but the warmth and closeness is missing.
This season makes it clear that Moftiss were writing in all the little things that made their dynamic romantic and their chemistry so clear. They were able to take that out, and they did so with intention. It is if we are seeing the show through a lens: through the lens of straight-washing, the lens or perspective that Mary (John’s wife, the symbol of a straight John Watson, a platonic John and Sherlock) narrates for us so thoroughly at the end of the series. (Also side note, this straight-washed version of the show also fits into the 5 part John Yorke structure with part 4 being the height of the antithesis or the “worst part” - I learned about York from garkgatiss’s meta). The heart of the show is John and Sherlock’s dynamic. This dynamic is clearly intimate and romantic and has been in every iteration of Sherlock Holmes since the original stories, despite never being explicitly canon. S4 really follows through on Moriarty’s promise. The heart of Sherlock Holmes is gone, missing, burned out. 
Then we have the escape room [mild spoilers]. The entrance is Doyle’s Opticians; its filled with glasses. (Side note there was definitely a wall displaying glasses that were arranged by color to look like a rainbow). Once again we have the theme of lenses. Being in an optometry office, it’s interesting because the focus is obviously on correct vision. 20/20 vision. Vision is “right” when it’s 2020. (This wasn’t my realization, but someone else went to the escape room as well and wrote about it). So now, we have this idea of being able to see correctly tied to the number 2020. To the YEAR 2020. This is also interesting because one of the signs in Doyle’s Opticians read “You were told but you didn’t listen: coming soon.” Just another indication that we will be getting more (Sherlock) soon. 
Now, finally, we come to what I see as some of the most convincing evidence about Sherlock S5 coming in 2020. It has to do with copyright laws. 
In England, all of ACD’s stories are in the public domain. However, in the US, this isn’t so. US Copyright laws are different from the UK, so the last of the stories won’t actually enter the public domain until 2023. American copyright duration is 95 years from the date of publication. This is important because the Arthur Conan Doyle Estate is extremely protective of how Sherlock Holmes is portrayed in the media. It turns out that despite the fact that most of the stories are already in the public domain, BBC, CBS, and Warner Brothers have all gotten licenses from the Estate in order to make their shows/films. In 2014, the ACD Estate lost a lawsuit in which they were trying to argue that the characters are “complex” and that any use of the character (at all) was still valid under copyright laws (as not every story had entered the public domain) and therefore in need of a license from them. While some of the later stories are still under copyright, they lost the lawsuit and it was ruled that the character (as written in the earlier stories) is in the public domain. They sued Miramax for its production Mr. Holmes, which portrays an elderly Holmes, arguing that it drew from the later stories and therefore violated copyright. Miramax ended up settling to avoid litigation. The Estate is known for being litigious and basically doing its best to stay gatekeeper, hoard ownership, and generally extort money out of anyone who creates anything having to do with Sherlock Holmes. While the BBC has paid them for licenses before, I’m not sure how this clearly conservative group would feel about making Johnlock canon. Even if its not legally in their power to prevent it from happening, it doesn’t sound like that has stopped them in the past from suing basically anyone that has tried to create Sherlock Holmes material without their consent, and if that material in any way seems to come from the later stories, then they might have a case. 
Which brings us to the Three Garridebs. Moftiss have said in the past that this is one of their favorite stories due to it being the story where Holmes shows his depth of feeling for Watson. As stated by Watson himself, “It was worth a wound–it was worth many wounds–to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask” Generally speaking, the fandom has posited that a Johnlock reveal may happen in a “Three Garridebs” moment. And do you happen to know the story that directly precedes the Three Garridebs? The Sussex Vampire. A story in which Holmes investigates a supposed vampire only to discover a loving mother who is attempting to save her infant child by sucking poison out from his wound. Kind of sounds familiar huh? A perceived monster, who is in fact nothing dangerous at all. Who in this case is the exact opposite of monstrous, is actually loving and gentle (like the real dog that is tellingly tied to sentiment, or Bluebell the glowing rabbit).
Both the Sussex Vampire and the Three Garridebs are part of The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes, the last collection of stories. They were both published in 1924, meaning that both their copyrights run out in 2019. It will really only be possible for Moftiss to use material from the Three Garridebs for a queer storyline starting in 2020. And if we assume that this is their plan all along, that they have even potentially set it up in S4 (looking at you John Watson getting shot by “Eurus”), they have HAD TO WAIT until now. But they won’t need to wait any longer, starting in January. 
Oh and by the way, here is an interview Martin gave recently in which he tells a story about how he had to literally give up the Hobbit because he was CONTRACTED to Sherlock S2 and they wouldn’t move filming on that. (Thankfully Peter Jackson moved filming around for him, so we still have him as Bilbo). So I would imagine that if S2 was contracted, and they were planning on making a 5 series show all along, that they are probably contracted for all of it. Which means all those claims that its just too difficult to get everyone together for filming are just another means of throwing us off the trail. 
If they have been waiting for this copyright to expire, but also unable to tell us that that is why they are waiting, it also makes sense why they have stretched it out so much. It's even possible that they didn’t realize how horrible the ACD Estate was going to be when they first started filming, and had to adjust/drag it out so that they could finally do what they want to do, what they have been planning for from the beginning.
So there you have it: the ending of The Final Problem, an analysis of HOB, Dracula, and Victorian gothic lit, and finally the symbolism of lenses, correct vision, and copyright issues all leading up to 2020. I think S5 of Sherlock is coming. I’ve been feeling it, sensing something for the last few months. I think we can all feel it. And it might just be sooner than we thought.
Thank you so much to my love @canonicallybisexualjohnwatson who co-developed this theory with me, edited this, helped me with the links, and was also the one to introduce me to Sherlock/TJLC, subsequently changing my life. i love you b.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
The NAB Honors Lucy & Miltie
April 10, 1988
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On April 10, 1988, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) initiated Lucille Ball and Milton Berle into their Broadcasting Hall of Fame. The awards were announced at the Annual NAB Convention. Ironically, the ceremony was not broadcast or recorded. Although the Award had been bestowed since 1977, Lucy and Uncle Miltie were the first television broadcasters to be so honored. Previously, the recipients were all radio broadcasters, although fittingly, the first award went to CBS Chairman William Paley, along with Lucy’s pals Bob Hope and Jack Benny, for their radio programs.  
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Two weeks earlier, Ball and Berle were photographed together at the March 28,1988 Friar's Club Roast honoring Liza Minnelli's Lifetime Achievement in Entertainment, held at the Century Plaza Hotel. (Photo by Vinnie Zuffante / Getty Images)
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After Ball’s passing in 1989, he said he and Lucy had dated casually in the 30's, when she was a Goldwyn Girl and he was doing stand-up on the comedy circuits. Later, Miss Ball and Mr. Berle's wife, Ruth, became close friends. After viewing footage of their work together, Berle said of Miss Ball: "I was amazed... at the rapport we had. You could tell we liked each other personally. A lot of it was ad libbed."
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A 1952 regional TV Guide touted the fall return of Ball and Berle’s TV offerings. 
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The following year, the new National TV Guide put Lucy and Berle on the totem pole of TV icons. Both Berle and Ball hold their sponsors products: she, Philip Morris cigarettes, and he a Texaco gas pump. 
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Although Lucille Ball guest starred on Berle’s Show “Texaco Star Theatre” in 1948, Berle was off sick, replaced by Walter O'Keefe filled in for an ailing Milton Berle. Berle’s absence delays the first meeting of superstars-to-be Ball and Berle until 1950, when he hosted...
“Show of the Year: Cerebral Palsy Telethon” ~ June 10, 1950
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(Photo, left to right: Gabby Hayes, Roger Clipp, UCP Poster Child, Jane Pickens, and Dennis James.) The telethon was broadcast live from New York City with remotes from Philadelphia. Lucy and Desi were in New York City on their ‘vaudeville tour’ designed to try-out material for “I Love Lucy” and prove to the network and sponsors that they had good chemistry together. 
After this chance encounter, Berle and Ball went their separate ways building a TV empire: He for NBC, she on CBS. It was more than a decade until the two TV stars performed together in...
“Milton Berle Hides Out at The Ricardos” (LDCH E11) ~ September 25, 1959
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This was one of the last episodes of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” with Berle essentially playing himself, promoting his new book “Earthquake” and, of course, dressing up as Mildred. 
In return, as was common at the time, Lucy and Desi did a show for Milton Berle on NBC....
“Sunday Showcase: The Lucy-Desi Milton Berle Special” ~ November 1, 1959
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Lucy and Desi play the Ricardos (although no mention of Little Ricky or the Mertzes), filmed at the Rancho Mirage Casino Hotel in Las Vegas. 
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In between the two specials was a televised all-star tribute to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt on her Diamond Jubilee. Both Lucy and Milton were on the dais, as were many more celebrities. A similar program was aired the following year with Lucy in attendance, Milton Berle was not involved.
Six years went by before their next collaboration, this time on “The Lucy Show” with...
“Lucy Saves Milton Berle” (TLS S4;E12) ~ December 6, 1965
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Milton Berle disguises himself as a drunk to do research for a role. He tells Lucy Carmichael that he is Milton Berle’s twin brother and Lucy vows to get even with Berle for neglecting his brother.
“The Milton Berle Show” (S1;E1) ~ September 9, 1966
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Lucille Ball helps Milton Berle kick off his new variety show filmed at the Hollywood Palace. Despite much hype, this new ABC-TV show lasted just seven episodes.
“Lucy and John Wayne” (TLS S5;E10) ~ November 21, 1966
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While Lucy is waiting for Wayne in the studio commissary, Milton Berle makes a silent cameo; nothing more than a walk-through, to great audience reaction. 
In his final appearance on “The Lucy Show,” Berle brings along his real-life wife (and Lucille Ball’s friend) Ruth Cosgrove...
“Lucy Meets the Berles” (TLS S6;E1) ~ September 11, 1967
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To earn extra money, Lucy Carmichael takes a job working as Milton Berle’s secretary. When she hears overhears Berle rehearsing a love scene with actress Ruta Lee, she jumps to the conclusion that he is being unfaithful to his wife!
“The Ed Sullivan Show” (S23;E1) ~ September 20, 1970
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Ed Sullivan hosts the ‘Georgie Awards’ for Entertainer of the Year, from Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas. Berle and Ball are on hand to present awards. Lucy gets to present one to her ‘kid’ Carol Burnett. 
“The 23rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards” ~ May 9, 1971
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Broadcast on NBC from the Pantages Theatre, hosted by Johnny Carson. Lucille Ball is not nominated, despite the fact that there were only three nominees in her category. Gale Gordon lost to Edward Asner (”The Mary Tyler Moore Show”) and the “Here’s Lucy” writers were nominated for “Lucy Meets the Burtons” (HL S3;E1) but lost to “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” Lucy attended the Awards with her husband Gary, her daughter Lucie, and her son-in-law Phil Vandervoort. 
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Milton Berle was also in attendance, photographed here with Jimmy Durante. 
“Zenith Presents: A Salute to Television’s 25th Anniversary” ~ September 10, 1972
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This was a 90-minute special on ABC TV taped August 9 to August 12 in Los Angeles. It featured clips from show’s from television’s past. The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences is also 25 years old and honors a select group of people who have made an impact, had popularity, proved longevity, and demonstrated substance. Ball and Berle are both recognized with a silver medallion on a plaque.
During the last season of “Here’s Lucy,” Berle makes a guest appearance...
“Milton Berle Is the Life of the Party” (HL S6;E19) ~ February 11, 1974
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Lucy Carter’s parties are a bore, so she calls a telethon to make a very low bid on Milton Berle to attend her next soiree.
“The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Lucille Ball” ~ February 7, 1975
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When Lucille Ball is roasted, Berle is there to turn the spit!  
Milton Berle: “Lucille Ball has emerged as the sex symbol for men who no longer care.” 
“The Annual Friars Club Tribute Presents a Salute to Gene Kelly” ~ January 5, 1976
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Lucille Ball and Milton Berle joined Cyd Charisse, Janet Leigh, and Frank Sinatra for “The Friars Club Presents a Salute to Gene Kelly” on NBC. Also in attendance was Natalie Wood and fellow Hollywood hoofer, Fred Astaire.
“NBC: The First 50 Years - A Closer Look” ~ November 26, 1976
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A four and a half hour extravaganza that naturally featured Milton Berle, but somehow also included CBS star Lucille Ball, four years before she would make the leap to the peacock network.
“CBS Salutes Lucy: The First 25 Years” ~ November 28, 1976
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Milton Berle stands in front of the iconic Brown Derby restaurant to introduce a clip from “Hollywood at Last!” (ILL S4;E16) starring William Holden. The building was razed four years later. 
“The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Danny Thomas” (S4;E2) ~ December 15, 1976
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Back at Dino’s Vegas rotisserie, it is now Ball and Berle turning the spit on Danny Thomas. 
“A Tribute to Mr. Television, Milton Berle” ~ March 26, 1978
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One good tribute deserves another. Lucille Ball joins the cavalcade of stars honoring Uncle Miltie. 
“The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Jimmy Stewart” (May 10, 1978)
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Meanwhile, back at the roast pit. Lucy and Milton fling affectionate barbs at their pal Jimmy Stewart. 
“Sinatra: The First 40 Years” ~ January 30, 1980
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Lucy and Miltie are just two of the many honoring ‘Old Blue Eyes’. 
“Bob Hope’s 30th Anniversary Television Special” ~ January 18, 1981
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A retrospect of Hope’s first 30 years on TV. Celebrating with Hope are Lucille Ball, Milton Berle, and many, many others. 
“Bob Hope’s Women I Love - Beautiful But Funny” ~ February 28, 1982
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A look back at the women Hope has worked with over the years. More than 60 of Bob’s co-stars are presented in studio segments, as well as television and film excerpts. Since Berle is the only other male in the credits, I’m banking that Mildred, not Milton, showed up! 
“The Television Academy Hall of Fame” ~ March 4, 1984
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Lucille Ball and Milton Berle are among the first group inducted into the Television Hall of Fame, along with Barbara Walters, David Sarnoff, William Paley, Norman Lear, and Edward R. Murrow.
“Bob Hope’s Unrehearsed Antics of the Stars” ~  September 28, 1984
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Lucille Ball tells Bob Hope - with a fair amount of embellishment for comedic effect - about her audition for the role of Scarlet O’Hara in the 1939 film Gone With The Wind. Milton Berle is also along to share some bloopers with Hope. 
“Bob Hopes Buys NBC?” ~ September 17, 1985
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Lucille Ball and Milton Berle have cameo appearances in this Bob Hope special. The premise has Bob staging a telethon to buy NBC, his adopted network, in an hour-long variety special of music, dance, and comedy.  Lucy and Berle met on a telethon in 1950 and it was also the premise of his 1974 “Here’s Lucy” appearance. 
“The 38th Primetime Emmy Awards”  ~ September 21, 1986
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Lucy and Milton are presenters in an evening that was memorable for honoring her friend and co-star Red Skelton.
“AFI Life Achievement Award: A Salute to Jack Lemmon” ~ March 10, 1988
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The AFI gives its 1988 Life Achievement Award to Jack Lemmon. The audience is full of celebrity friends, including including Milton Berle and Lucille Ball.
“Happy Birthday, Bob: 50 Stars Salute Your 50 Years at NBC” ~ May 16, 1988
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Singing an original song, this marks Lucille Ball’s last “performance” on television before her death. Berle is also on the show to salute Hope. 
“The Princess Grace Foundation Special Gala Tribute to Cary Grant” ~ October 19, 1988
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Cary Grant died in 1986. Due to his close friendship with Princess Grace and her family the proceeds from the evening benefit the foundation named in her honor. Milton Berle is there and Lucille Ball attends with her husband, Gary Morton.  This was the last time that Lucille Ball and Milton Berle were seen on the same program before her death in April 1989. 
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In 1989, the NAB Hall of Fame for television inducted Ernie Kovacs (posthumously) and Sid Caesar, both of whom had been guest stars on Lucy’s programs. 
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ewoodx · 4 years
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[GREGG SULKIN , MALE , HE/HIS ] do you hear [PHENOMENAL BY EMINEM ] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ ETHAN WOOD] . they are a [ TWENTY TWO ] year old [PROFESSIONAL SOCCER PLAYER ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [TWENTY TWO YEARS ] . they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ KOOK] , but really , I heard it’s because they can be [ ILL TEMPERED  & DEMANDING ] . if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [PROTECTIVE & ENERGETIC] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [ SIGNATURE SMIRK, PRETTY BOY CHARM & RIPPLING PECTORALS]
Hello lovelies! I’m Ally && this is the updated bio for Ethan Wood, your favorite arrogant, frat star with a hot temper && a secret heart of gold..I promise ;) Shoot me a message if you’re interested in plotting.
Full name;  Ethan Alexander Wood
Age; 22
School; UNC
Birthday; August 19th
Height; 5’11 but he’ll tell you he’s 6ft
Parents; Olivier and Daphne Wood
Siblings; two brothers: Julian (older) & Damian (younger)
Occupation; Striker for Inter Miami CF 
Location; the eight, OBX and Miami during the soccer season
Sign; Leo
(+) ; protective & energetic.
(-) ; ill-tempered & demanding
Sexuality; heterosexual
Pogue or Kook; Kook
Character Inspiration;  zach siler (she’s all that) chuck bass (gossip girl), mickey milkovich (shameless), damon salvatore (vampire diaries) tim riggins (friday night lights) asher adams (all american) billy hope (southpaw) joe kingman (the game plan) maui (moana)
Ethan Wood was born and raised to do one thing and one thing only: play soccer. Being the middle child of legendary University of North Carolina starting forward Olivier Wood and renowned athleisure wear designer Daphne Wood, there was only one path for this budding young soccer prodigy. And it was to follow in daddy’s footsteps donning the prestigious Carolina blue and white of his father’s alma mater. 
His childhood was pleasant, raised on his family’s estate in the coveted Eight and filled with family getaways and father/son trips to UNC/Wake Forest rivalry matches. Matches that he hoped to one day play in. Young Ethan was a natural talent and he picked up the game rather quickly, spending every free moment practicing in the yard or scribbling down strategies. He wanted nothing more than to make his father proud and carry on his legacy. 
Ethan was sent to one of the finest private schools on the island that money could buy. Of course, he wasn’t there for his grades and what he lacked in brains, his skills on the field made up for. He made varsity soccer his freshman year and then went on to become captain during his senior year, reveling in all the perks that came with being a star athlete: parties, hookups, popularity. As Ethan’s athletic abilities along with his ego continued to grow, so did his competitive edge, arrogance, and hot temper which is known for getting him into trouble on and off the pitch. He’s no stranger to an alcohol induced bawl and struggles to keep his temper under control. 
It’s no secret that in the OBX money talks and Mr. Wood had deep pockets. A library donation and a legacy later, Ethan finally realized his dream and secured a spot on his beloved UNC soccer team. His temper being the reason for the trouble in the first place. It didn’t take long for him to become the frat star worthy of his reputation. Sure, he had to overcome those pesky freshman years, team hazing, and locker room banter, even spending the half a season on the bench for his hot headed temper. Nonetheless, he managed to make a name for himself even if slightly tarnished.
Fresh off his college graduation, Ethan returned to the Outer Banks with his sights set on playing professional soccer in the upcoming season. Before entering the real world in the fall, he joined the show for one last hurrah and boy did he get what he signed up for. The summer was filled with all sorts of shenanigans, parties, booze, and hook-ups. 
Ethan rounded out the first season of OBX rather unscathed, save for a secret hook-up and an unlikely friendship that he formed with a pogue. He gained some notoriety from the show and it was a perfect launch for his new life in the public eye.  
Ethan started footy training in the fall after the reality show ended, and he currently plays for Inter Miami CF, a team owned by David Beckham himself. He took up residence in Miami for the soccer season (come visit him !!  or come to one of his matches) and traveled the country with his team becoming the soccer star he always wanted to be. His rookie season was one for the books, and if you thought his ego couldn’t get any bigger, check again. 
In his off time, Ethan maintained his growing popularity by making appearances at all the Miami hot spots and keeping up a rather impressive social media presence, constantly posting his fitness routines and workouts in addition to his nights out. This earned him a reputation off the pitch, and his name managed to find its way into the local papers and magazines. He did his best to keep in touch with his friends from the show despite his busy schedule, and even visited the OBX whenever he could. 
With his first professional soccer season in the books, Ethan couldn’t resist returning to the reality show for another summer, much to his PR team’s dismay who are working to clean up with reputation, not add to it. 
Ethan got into his fair share of Pogues vs Kooks scuffles back in high school. Nights filled with stupid boyish banter, booze, and blows. He likes to think he’s above all the rivalry now— playing pro ball and all—  but sometimes he still struggles to truly let go of the past and be the bigger person. He’s an athlete though and though, and rivalries are all just a part of the game. 
the rival; To say Ethan is competitive is the understatement of the century and he and this person have a rivalry for the ages. The two don’t like each other and this person never fails to get under Ethan’s skin. It could have even started back in school and carried over to now. Perhaps the reason Ethan had some trouble getting into UNC for soccer? Bonus points if they have to put all their differences aside and work together at some point for a common goal. [OPEN]
the hook-ups; Ethan really isn’t the type to stick around after a hook-up and is usually out before the sun comes up, never wanting to get attached. If anyone wants to give him a much deserved slap upside the head, let me know! [OPEN]
let’s make ‘em jealous; There’s no denying that Ethan and this person have chemistry. They are super flirty and all over each other, but in reality it’s all a rouse. They aren’t really into one another and are merely using each other to stir up some drama, cause a scene, and make the ones that really do catch their eyes jealous.  [OPEN]
the real bros; for those looking for a second muse, Ethan has two brothers xD. Julian and Damian (names can totally change!) He has one older brother who rejected the athlete/UNC/kook life leaving Ethan with the pressure to fill daddy’s soccer boots. They had a fall out and their relationship is shaky at best. Ethan also has a baby bro who he is definitely closer with. They get on rather typically through harmless banter and school boy shenanigans. He also has an innate protectiveness over him because he is older. [OPEN]
the tutor; Ethan isn’t the brightest bulb and only maintained good enough grades to stay on the soccer team. Though he was never the easiest student, Ethan has a great deal of respect for this person and appreciates all the work they put into him. Not to mention, is their BIGGEST hype-man if he ever runs into them outside his coursework. [CLOSED]
the workout partner; being a professional athlete means that Ethan is very into keeping in shape, even when he’s hungover. This could go two ways:1.) These two bonded over their love of the gym and they push each other to bring out the most of one another. It could even be a bit of rivalry, too! 2.) Ethan took this person under their wing (a trainer of sorts) and is helping them work out and keep healthy during the show. [CLOSED]
the almost maybe;  Ethan isn’t really into the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing, a big supporter of the motto: no strings, just sex. But this one girl somehow managed to wiggle her way into his GASP, heart. To say it scares the shit out of Ethan is more than just an understatement and even though sparks flew Ethan isn’t sure he’s ready to give up his soccer star lifestyle for her just yet. This could be a new relationship that manifests on the show or one from the past that he is forced to revisit now that they are sharing a summer house together. [CLOSED]
the role model; Ethan didn’t really have many positive role models to look up to growing up, mainly just his father and his toxic masculinity. This person helps Ethan balance all that out and helps him deal with all those pesky emotions he was taught to keep suppressed inside in order to “be a man.” This person also keeps him in check and isn’t afraid to give him a much needed smack to the upside of the head when necessary [CLOSED]
Totally open to anything !! && would love to get Ethan into some more drama this season xD Basically building him up, so I can take him down. Whoops! 
Shoot me a message if you’re interested in plotting.
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pseudonymsobriquet · 4 years
Tag Meme!
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag some people.
Thanks for tagging me, @boostthatgold and @ninja-crybaby~! Sorry it took me so long to finally do... (>~<)
Carole and Tuesday
One Punch Man
Parasyte: The Maxim
Fullmetal Alchemist
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Who is your favourite character in 2? Its very close between Genos and Saitama, but I think Genos wins by a hair (no pun intended). The borg is so emotional and loving and I just wanna give him a hug.
Who is your least favourite character in 1? Oh Cybelle, definitely. She’s a horrible person. Which is a damn shame since her song “La Ballade” is an absolute bop.
What is your favourite episode of 4? Episode 54, “Beyond the Inferno”. [SPOILERS AHEAD] Riza seeing through Envy’s disguise with ease, Roy confronting Hughes killer, a discussion on how hatred only breeds hatred and what makes someone human. The sympathy and pity you feel for Envy... there are so many great moments in this one episode and it’s one that I always remember to this day despite not having seen the series in at least four years. 
What’s your favourite season of 5? It only has one season, so I guess it’s season one by default lol. It was one hell of a ride for sure. Lots of interesting discussions and horrifying reveals, and does a great job at a “genre sike” by being relatively family friendly until episode three where everything gets turned upside down and you realise it’s a psychological horror despite the cute art style.
Who is your favourite couple in 3? Shinji and Murano were the only official couple in the show, but I definitely didn’t ship it. Kinda felt like you could take Murano completely out of the story and everything still would have been the same. Honestly, Shinji and Kana had better chemistry, but Kana needed to work on some of her stuff before that could happen. A relationship with Shinji and Hideo could have been interesting, too.
Who is your favourite couple in 2? I’m a huge fan of Saitama and Genos as a couple! They both help each other to work on their issues and become a better person. Genos helped bring Saitama out of his depression and to be more emotive, and open up to people, eventually leading to a happier more enjoyable life and him gaining a network of friends to rely on. Saitama in turn helped Genos to overcome his uncontrollable rage and to think more before acting so he doesn’t end up hurt as much. Also he taught him to focus on things other than revenge (though that may have lead to a bit of an obsession with Saitama himself lol). Every domestic interaction between the two seems natural and effortless, and if one is hurt the other goes wild which is an A+ trope that I just love lmao. I could write a damn essay on why these two are perfect for each other honestly. 
What is your favourite episode of 1? The last episode! It’s the end of a series, but the start of something great for all the characters. Also the Miraculous Seven Minutes was absolutely phenomenal and I’m so glad I watched it in the show before I listened. I also cried like four times during that seven minutes because of what it meant to the characters, and I don’t often cry at things! So this show making me cry four times in seven minutes is a feat of its own! Watch Carole & Tuesday folks, you won’t regret it. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll wanna bop along with the characters during every song.
What is your favourite episode of 5? Ooft, Episode 6, “This Just Can’t Be Right”. The absolute bombshell that was dropped towards the end was just horrifying in every way and I honestly didn’t see it coming. I think this was the point that both the characters and the audience realised exactly what a horrifying ordeal being a magical girl really was. Episode 8, “I was Stupid... So Stupid” is a very close second, and gives us another bombshell reveal I didn’t see coming that ramped up the horror even more. I won’t give any spoilers on these episodes tho ‘cause it’s one of those “it’s better if you experience it yourself” moments. What I will say is that Madoka Magica is a psychological horror at its heart, don’t let the cutesy art style fool you. 
What is your favourite season of 2? Season 1 by a long shot. I’ve personally seen the entirety of season 1 at least six times over, whereas I watched Season two once as it released. I enjoyed the second season and would love a third season to release, but season one was superior in every way. Maybe it’s because I feel like less happened in season two? Or that there was more focus on human interaction and relationships in the first? Or perhaps it’s because I really saw myself in season one Saitama? Whatever the reason, I could still happily watch season one like six more times.
How long have you watched 1? Carole & Tuesday only released last year, but I started watching when there were only three episodes out subbed! From there I kept watching it weekly as it released, and I’m so glad I decided to watch it because it quickly became one of my fave animes of all time. 
How did you become interested in 3? I first heard about Parasyte when I was about sixteen? I’m sure I saw it on a list of great horror manga while I was looking for something new to read. I actually read quite far in but never finished because I had to study for exams then lost my place and just never went back. Then this year, a full nine years later, I saw the anime was on Netflix and I remembered just how much I’d loved reading what I did of it, so I started and finished it in three days lol. Turns out I wasn’t far from the end when I’d lost my place all those years ago. It brought back nostalgia of something I loved as a teen and I loved how well animated it was (even though it can look a little silly at times). I’d definitely recommend Parasyte to anyone interested in horror anme and manga.
Who is your favourite actor in 4? Edward Elric’s Japanese voice actress Romi Park was my fave. She has The Range. When she voices Ed, I honestly believe every emotion, every performance she gives. From a scared child to a hero saving the world, she does an amazing job. 
Which do you prefer: 1, 2, or 5? It’s gonna be a close one between Carole & Tuesday and One Punch Man, that’s for sure. One Punch Man was an anime where I saw myself in the main character and his journey through depression and not knowing what to do in life, and Carole & Tuesday made me feel emotions I haven’t felt in a very long time and stressed the importance of music and friendship. Although, considering I have the Carole & Tuesday songs on a playlist and know every word to them all, and the impact that the series finale (and the series as a whole) had on me, I’m going to have to say Carole & Tuesday win this round because of just how much it meant to me. 
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Oh man, I’d wanna be Olivier. The strength, the confidence, the pizazz... I think Olivier is everything I wanna be lmao. 
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Parasyte and Fullmetal Alchemist? Hell yeah, I’d love to see that crossover. Maybe the parasites in that world could be a type of homunculous or something? They both had the same idea of infiltrating the government for their own personal gain too.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? Gus and Flora would make a great couple, I could definitely see them getting together after the series ends. Carole and Tuesday would be great too, though they work just as well as friends.
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Tricky, but I’d have to go with Parasyte. There were a lot of interesting moments and discussions in the series that pulled me in, like “what is humanity?” and “what makes someone human?” and “at what point is someone no longer human?” and “is it possible for humans and parasites to coexist?” Madoka Magica was a great series, had some great moments and asked some equally as interesting questions, but I think Parasyte pulled it off better in the end.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? Oooohhhh, that’s a tough one... One Punch Man or Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood... I just listened yo all the songs from both to try make up my mind and I’m still a bit lost, so let’s go by “what’s more memorable/makes me feel some kind of emotion?” FMA: “Again” by Yui and “Shunkan Sentimental” by Scandal are the only ones that seem familiar and that I can remember when they aren’t in front of me. I know I’ve heard them all (I watched the entire series) but to say it probably has more music, I actually remember very little of it. OPM on the other hand... I know most of the words to “The Hero” by JAM Project and it makes me feel so hyped up. “Apostle of Silence” by JAM Project in the second season is just as rad and memorable. Both of the ending themes are beautiful and emotional. And the first ending theme seems to be about Genos wishing Saitama would come home safe, while the season two’s ending is sung by Saitama’s voice actor and seems to be a reply to the first season’s ending theme? Absolutely gay and iconic, 10/10. Wow, OPM hands down has the best music then I guess lmao.  I tag anyone who sees this that wants to do it~! Have fun, guys~! <3 
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