#destiny fam
3gremlins · 3 months
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congrats, bungie, this is by far the most disturbing hallway "duct" system you've ever made my guardian crawl through
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chimeetsworld · 1 month
my twin seen my pics from the trip to asia, bro started begging me to make a tiktok…i REBUKE the spirit of tiktok and any form of brainrot in my life. IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
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cappurrccino · 6 months
gaslight (savathûn)
gatekeep (oryx)
girlboss (xivu arath)
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firemandeanbuck · 2 years
Endless is a family of Gods, ney, they are BEYOND gods. Powerful and all capable. They live behind their fortified walls, where each of them has a palace of their own, connect by the common castle where they share affairs and work together. Like flower's petals.
Hob was raised on the legend of the Knights of Endless, the only mortals allowed freely in the palace, blessed with immortality by the Eldest Daughter, Death. He always imagined to be one of them. Destiny doesn't acquire one, Death is too busy, Dream is too broody, Destrutction is nowhere to he found, Delirium is too insane, only Despair and Desire have their knights, which they make sure to rub in everyone's face, ESPECIALLY Dream.
One day, Death and Dream were out, walking like Kings among the peasants. They made a bet, if Death makes a mortal immortal, and if they survived 3 centuries, they will have to be allowed into Dream's Realm.
3 centuries later, Hob stood in front of the Dreaming, brought there by Death.
Grudgingly, Dream permits the man. But keeps him away from himself and many parts of the palace. It's a sacred place for Dream. The human can't possibly understand.
Soon, he finds himself falling for him. The way he looks with wonder in his eyes awe struck by the Dreaming, he had adjusted well with his Dreams, Jess and Mathew approve of him. He asks and explores, fearless- sometimes reckless even.
He taught Dream alot, humility and love, above all. The amazement at which he looks at life with inspires Dream so much more than words can say. He questions Dream and his desicions, he advices and corrects.
Yet, he himself learns, he is not perfect, he makes mistakes and trips more often than not. But he never stays down, he always gets up and face the consequences and tries to correct it.
For the first time in over 300,000 years, Dream dares to Hope. Hope to love and cherish this man.
Dream leads to a room in his palace. On he had never showed or even mentioned. It was a glass room, with too many mirrors. A sword floats still in the middle of it. It's black and sharply edged. It's elegant and an incredibly powered piece of prefection.
Hob doesn't dare to touch it. He believes it he does, he will break it. But the sword itself responds to Hob, it's rightful owner. He is strong and graceful, long-lasting and well-versed in Dreams moods and his language.
Dream let himself to be at the mercy of this man whatever he wants. He knows he is safe with him, he spent 200 years with him, trying to stay away but was inevitably attracted to him. He was safe, when he goes to bed with Hob, he knows nothing in the world can harm him. Those arms protect him like no other
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I love the contrast of how stupidly powerful MK's monkey form is, and how utterly powerless it's very existence leaves him to get the one thing he really wants right now: lighthearted low-stakes time with his fam.
The Narrative be like, sorry friend, this might be the ONE thing which Incredible Cosmic Power will Not help you with, the opposite actually, but you're gonna have it anyways
Destiny is literally so mean to MK all the time. He is SO tired of being responsible for the fate of the world, and yet
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gsunny6 · 2 years
Different kh trios/squads and passing around seasonal colds like:
Sorikai: Got sick because getting Sora and/or Kairi to not cuddle Riku is a herculean feat.
Wayfinder Fam: They do take precautions as they were taught by Eraqus before, but taking care of a sick person is a risk in an of itself. Even if Chirithy has offered to take care of it because, being a corporeal magical dream guardian, he is not afflicted by most diseases that affect organic creatures, and also its at least a little bit part of his job discription.
Sea-Salt Nerds: Usually the kids get it from school and then Lea and/or Isa get it from the kids. They absolutely do not blame Hayner for giving it to Roxas in the first place (liars).
RG Team(s): Job hazard. Also having your medical industry cut down to like 1 person for 10 years probably didn't help.
Daybreak Squad: That one party brought something back, and now everyone has it, including the union leaders, eventually.
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ethaneldritch · 1 year
I just finished Defiance for the first time and I was NOT ready-
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the guy they have voicing apollo in these trailers sounds like he’s about to ask me to a game of golf
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Don't mind me still being out here screaming about how Eramis treats Eido gently and with respect and warns her away from the path that she and Misraaks walked even if she herself holds a lot of disdain for Misraaks and their rivalry makes Eido her enemy. Like yeah I know she threatened to rip her apart if she got in her way but that's honestly just buisness, the fact that she actually shows some level of respect for Eido and speaks softly to her compared to those she truely believes to be her enemies still shows us a lot about her character- that the mother and lover she used to be is still in there, she just is too buried by her pain and her trauma to ever think that she'll find a way out of it
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badgertablet · 1 year
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I think a really funny story would be if a past version of the doctor met a future version of the doctor and tries to take them on as a companion and the future doctor just goes along with it and pretends to be a companion for a bit
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I see the Destiny community is getting introduced to boilerplate fanart policy today.
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cappurrccino · 2 years
it occurs to me... i haven't seen an osmium sibling poll yet... so...
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awokennerd · 1 year
I am a big tea drinker (currently my favorite is a pomegranate oolong) and I get emails for a tea blog one of my favorite tea brands has. For pride month, they did a post about ways you can celebrate and one of their ideas was to have a ✨queer tea party! ✨
I told my boyfriend about this and immediately he was like, "you're gonna draw all the gay characters in destiny having a tea party now."
It's a bit too much effort when I'm going through one of my non-drawing phases, but this will probably happen at some point. Featuring: Saint, Osiris, Ikora, Chalco, Bubo, and Tripore (he's not queer, but he's totally a great ally). At least these six would tots be there (I also imagine they just get together sometimes for dinners and such cause warlock gang), but there are too many queer characters in Destiny (and too many characters who I think are queer, like Ikora, Chalco, and Eris).
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thisismenow3 · 1 year
Life is always half work and half luck
Any kind of progressivism in my beliefs has so much to do with the flukes of fate in my upbringing. I wanted to be better but would I have found the way as a religious kid if I didn’t have a very left leaning fransican priest running Bible study and masses? If the other half of my church experience wasn’t in a historically black church would I be able to believe as I do or would I just see religion and faith as only a poisoned apple? It def seems like in most white churches in America Catholic or otherwise this kind of can be the case. But not having my father in my life to much things up, and the people I had in churches and school and martial arts, being these exceptional people both men and women… being born and raised in the south but my mom and the family that claims me being from the north. Being Christian but not Protestant in the Bible Belt. Could I be the leftist I’ve become as an adult just through my desire to be better and find the righteous way? Hard work always has to be there, but luck rules so much as the beginning and end of what’s possible. Making your own luck is often just a euphemism for power or being diligent in your hard work as you wait for luck to finally come in. I hope I can not only raise people to be better than myself, I hope I can be part of the luck for other boys and even men, for white people, for believers in pushing toward the truly righteous. We should always keep pushing up that hill
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