thefugitivesaint · 4 months
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Pierre Detouche, 'Le voile étoilé' (The Starry Veil), ''The Tatler'', Vol. 86, #1114, 1922 Source
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
Lisa from BMG blink twice if you know we’re in 2023
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konyvboritok · 5 months
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twafordizzy · 11 months
Louis-Ferdinand Céline: 'Ik ben hypergevoelig'
bron beeld: rts.ch Casse-pipe (Kanonnevoer) is een fragment van een omvangrijke roman. Dit boek, door Céline bedoeld als vervolg op zijn tweede roman Moord op krediet (1936), is bij de bevrijding van Frankrijk in 1944 verloren gegaan; Céline was door zijn weinig gelukkige houding tijdens de nazi-periode gedwongen uit te wijken naar Denemarken, en de verzetsmensen die op Bijltjesdag zijn woning…
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ayunakirk · 1 year
Learning Russian using stupid memes with Yuna
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"Vagina? No, thank you. The only place I can go in is depression."
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"Go on a date with you? No, thank you. I keep those lips for the sweet kiss of Death"
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"I've been told that you like funny people. Well, then we're on our way. After all, my whole life is one big joke."
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"I'm not one of those people who wasting their time sleeping. At night I'm detouching (A play on words, it means "to come off to the fullest", but coupled with the continuation of the sentence "detachment from reality.") from reality, I go deep into my most horrible thoughts and panic, choking with horror, and then I cry until I cut myself off from moral and physical exhaustion."
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"brain farting is over"
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kari-go · 7 months
Hello. 3 things;
1. I absolutly agree, a fox don't necesely has a tail. And while I love Rena's designe, I feel she still needs one... I don't want to be too pushy, so sorry, if I'm, but how about either emphasize her hair, somewhat how Lady lion does, make it BIG
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Or giving her a veil tail... It's see trough, so doesn't really mixes the designe up, but simbolises how faries/kwamies and spirits leaves a trail behind, plus would really fit with thhis designe (left) of Rena's legins (even if you changed it since).also represents the foxes' illusive nature, and shows a "flash", referring Alya as a riportel... Also it called a mist... Also-also, I can imagine she detouches it to bound her enemy, dissalearing in chaos... Like a fox
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2. You mentioned a Fox!Chris, but... I tried find it, but no succes, did you posted him, and if yes, could you help find him, please?😅
3. To anwser a previous question of yours to my ask, I found the Rena rouge concepts here;
(safe page, at least I had no problem with it, not virus link😇)
I think they are offical, I could be wrong....🦊
I'm not doing anything with Rena at this point, I'm satisfied with her. I really like the veil though and want to include it somewhere, it's cool.
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I also thought I posted him before but apparently not?
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not-goldy · 9 months
Ngl I hate people blurring out the other soliders faces. So many times we get leaked pics or videos everyone else is afforded basic privacy and the tannies are expected to be on display and then one time everyone gets posted and we play where's Waldo with jikook people jump in to hide everyone else's face instead of posting as is. They're all supposed to be equals right now either faces are allowed to be seen or not but these dual expectations blow me
Sigh. I welcome your thoughts and do feel free to share your frustrations and worries with me. It beats the "Jimin is strong and can handle anything tone deaf outta touch squad over there."
Apparently, "Jimin is so strong it's okay for anyone to violate his privacy cos he can handle it. He has a black belt, he's rich, he can protect himself you know💀
his brain is made of vibranium membranes what's a little privacy violation gonna do to him
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Feeling gaslighted yet? Welcome to my life on these streets.
Tae must have been late on his wakadan taxes cos dude was low on vibranium the day he threatened to shoot poison needles at reporters who violated his privacy💀
Jungkook reporting those stalkers is crazy cos dude has enough muscles that only rivals that of Kangoroos- you'd think a guy like that would let a little privacy violation pass🥴
It's the dehumanizing that goes with that for me.
They are protecting those other people because they are civilians who have not signed away their right to be respected and treated as human beings. Something about them being civilians reminds them of their own sense of humanity.
However idols can be so- rich, so pampered, so privileged, so objectified, so commodified, so commercialized to feel human let alone be thought of as human in our subconsciousness.
It's why its easy to tear into them and call it review, constructive criticism, when we detouch them as idols we fail to remember they are people's sons, brothers, partners, friend, mentor- worse? They won't fire back. They won't fight for themselves tear into them right back, defend themselves because their station in life requires utta resignation of their personhood.
Why won't they block out their faces? Because THEY KNOW they can get sued for publishing their images without authorization, they can be held directly accountable but not these famous folks. They don't deserve a right to privacy because they have perpetually given those rights away as idols.
This level of dehumanizing of idols has become so normalized in internet spaces we don't even blink or think twice before participating in it.
Somehow we've come to the conclusion that being a public figure means giving up your basic fundamental human rights and that not only is it okay to consume them in ways that violates them, that somehow hyper scrutinizing their very existence, bringing them apart so recklessly and putting them back upside down is okay and all part of their work hazard.
That somehow fame is proof of their consent to be placed on a pedestal so out of realm of human possibilities because that's the only way we can adore them is if they are over and beyond us- beyond human beyond the stratosphere.
I've been trying to protect my own mental health by detouching from certain conversations around these boys because it cuts too close to home. And I don't want to hear she's projecting her queer traumas onto them as if breach of privacy, the blatant micro aggressions, dehumanization isn't a universal struggle- why do i gotta queer to know how that feels? Why can't I just be a fucking human being who relates to another human being?
Imagine a few of us expressing concerns over some of these mental torment they have to endure in there through no fault of theirs only for people to tell you in the face, these men are stronger than they look, they are not victims, they are not damsels in distress- WELL THEY ARE NOT ROBOTS EITHER SO WHICH IS IT?
As if we need people's permission to express concerns, as if there's a threshold of pain these boys, Jimin, is expected to endure before its okay to worry for them and only then would it be okay to worry for their mental health, breach of his privacy and other gazillion bs they are bound experience in there- the hyper masculinty, the toxic masculinty- these boys, Jimin, have gone through so much to discover himself, to break away from toxic gender ideologies, to be okay with who he is, to accept himself and all that is going to chip away at MS and these nutheads are out here telling us he's strong he can handle it. They lack context, can't even comprehend context or nuance IT'S EXHAUSTING.
It's the worst form of bigotry, policing, dismissiveness, anti intellectuallism packed as alternative view points, I've ever encountered in my life. They metamorphorizing, shape-shifting to hide who they truly are at their core.
If I hear anyone jubilate over an untwinked Jimin or untwinked anyone in BTS I WILL GO OFF.
And yes I'm sensitive about this, I've ever had a melt down over the fandom cheering because JM muscled up, I won't have a meltdown this time- I WILL BLOW THIS WHOLE THING TO THE GROUND WATCH ME.
But yea, go off Anon. Get things off your chest💀
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b1uejean · 2 years
I know people think that acting detouched makes you more desirable.... hell no be clingy as you wish
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reginadeinisseni · 10 months
Nous sommes tous des assassins (1952) Bande Annonce VF [HD]
Un soldato, ottuso e ignorante, sopravvissuto alla seconda guerra mondiale, continua a uccidere una volta finita la guerra. Quando provoca la morte di una guardia, viene condannato alla ghigliottina. Il suo difensore farà emergere durante il processo le responsabilità sociali dei suoi comportamenti devianti.
Note Cayatte, giornalista e avvocato, al 13° film affronta il suo tema prediletto: il film è un appassionata requisitoria contro la pena di morte. Alle volte un po' didascalico, ma nel complesso un'opera avvincente. Scritto dal regista con Charles Spaak. Premio speciale della giuria a Cannes.
Siamo tutti assassini (Nous sommes tous des assassins) è un film del 1952 diretto da André Cayatte, vincitore del Premio Speciale della Giuria al 5º Festival di Cannes.[1
Titolo originale Nous sommes tous des assassins Paese di produzione Francia, Italia Anno 1952 Durata 115 min Dati tecnici B/N Genere drammatico Regia André Cayatte Soggetto André Cayatte, Charles Spaak Sceneggiatura André Cayatte, Charles Spaak Fotografia Jean Bourgoin Montaggio Paul Cayatte Musiche Raymond Legrand Scenografia Jacques Colombier Interpreti e personaggi Marcel Mouloudji: René Le Guen Raymond Pellegrin: Gino Bollini Claude Laydu: Philippe Arnaud Louis Seigner: abate Roussard Georges Poujouly: Michel Le Guen Louis Arbessier: avvocato del tribunale dei minori René Blancard: Albert Pichon Amedeo Nazzari: dottor Detouche (versione italiana) Jean-Pierre Grenier: dottor Detouche (versione francese) Yvonne Sanson: Yvonne Le Guen (versione italiana) Jacqueline Pierreux: Yvonne Le Guen (versione francese) Antoine Balpêtré: dottor Albert Dutoit Léonce Corne: capitano Girard Henri Crémieux: avvocato di Bauchet Jean Daurand: Girard, l'uomo della cabina telefonica Yvonne de Bray: prima cenciaiola Lise Berthier: seconda cenciaiola Guy Decomble: un ispettore Monette Dinay: la ragazza di Charles Julien Verdier: Bauchet Yvette Etiévant: moglie di Bauchet Juliette Faber: Francine Saulnier Paul Faivre: Biribi Anouk Ferjac: Agnès Paul Frankeur: Léon, capo delle guardie Renée Gardès: madre di Le Guen Jérôme Goulven: Noblet Elisabeth Hardy: madre della bambina François Joux: Saulnier Alinda Kristensen: donna svedese Charles Lemontier: procuratore Roland Lesaffre: detenuto barbiere Liliane Maigné: Rachele Daniel Mendaille: carceriere capo Eliane Monceau: amica di Dutoit Jacques Morel: Charles Jean-Paul Moulinot: direttore della Santé Lucien Nat: avvocato dell'accusa Line Noro: Louise Arnaud, madre di Philippe Marcel Pérès: Malingré André Reybaz: padre Simon Alexandre Rignault: gendarme Solange Sicard: madre di Agnès Sylvie: Laetitia Bollini, madre di Gino Georges Tabet: la pianista Jean-Marc Tennberg: Fredo André Valmy: il piccolo Louis François Vibert: madre di Mousset Henri Vilbert: signor Arnaud
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arifulhaquesuman · 1 year
তৌফিক ইলাহীর বাসায় কখনও বিদ্যুৎ যায়না! #loadshedding #corruption #bnc
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godblooded · 4 years
you’re just wishing this could happen anytime besides how but now is the time this is happening and it’s happening now and how’s the time it’s happening it’s happening now and now’s the—
the gasp you make presses your hands against your mouth in a tight, watery sob. you’d just slipped to the side of the guest house, and tried to be quiet. just think about it like having to hide from a murderer, you think. just think about it like you have to shut up. it’s not even too cold out.
hard gasps. those are rough. and your hands are numb. they’re completely without feeling. your fingertips. your brain’s so foggy. you’re going to have to apologize because this is weird, it’s weird, you know this is weird—
you think you hear the front door open and theo step outside. it hasn’t occurred to you that a freak out is even weirder when you’re having it practically sobbing and crouched against somebody’s house. but the fat, awful tears slip between your fingers and everything tastes like salt. you should’ve just gotten in your car and got... out. and it would’ve been weirdest (you would’ve barfed from all the guilt) but it would’ve been better than being caught.
being caught is the shittiest.
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
But where is the praise? He’s just getting roasted left and right💀. But also one thing i hate about celebrities is that they cry for privacy but at the same time are kissing on a busy street. During holivia he was all about having a private life while parading all over london, italy and la and the same with louis with plastering his “kid’s” face all over the internet and doc. And I was just taking to my friend who grew up in japan pda is apparently looked down on.
The praise is not coming from gp. They don’t care what we think. If they cared of what us, fans or gp, think, they would have stopped way before Holivia. The praise comes from Industry people. The one who delivers money and awards. Harry is such a good boy, the best boy, he seems to be okay with whatever. That’s the praise. When you behave and producers and directors say “he’s such a nice guy, so talented from his age” which you can decide to believe or not, it depends on who says it lmao
Celebrities are full of shit. They ask for privacy but the moment their ig accounts start losing engagement they pretend to post a picture and delete it. They pretend their iCloud was hacked and they hire paps for the yacht pics. They put their 7 years old kid in their documentary that will be distributed in cinemas worldwide and people will say it’s to protect him lmao celebs are detouched from real life I fear
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sagaiisms · 4 years
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               ❝ don’t tell your father i told you this , ❞ she says , turning and glancing away from the blueprint momentarily to look at her middle child. ❝ but i think you got all your rhythm from me. i used to dance ,  in school. it helped me a lot. ❞ an activity that involved not touching people ,  that she had to concentrate on: it did wonders. maybe it’s something theo would want to do in the future. olivia knows she will wholeheartedly support her ... even if it means being around entitled parents who think their children are the next best thing. ❝ what’s that song i keep hearing you listen to? it’s catchy. almost makes me want to dance myself. ❞ when was the last time she and the kids just heard a good song together and danced to it? she can’t even remember.
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 ( @detouch​ ).
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burnselfs · 4 years
@detouch​​    —    “ can i shoot an arrow? ”  ( to steven ) 
𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙤  𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨  𝙝𝙖𝙨  𝙨𝙪𝙘𝙝  𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚  𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨,  𝙗𝙪𝙩  𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨  𝙝𝙖𝙨  𝙜𝙤𝙩  𝙩𝙤  𝙗𝙚  𝙩𝙝𝙚  𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩.   steve’s eyes widen.  this fair was aunt janet’s idea  —  a fun time outdoors for all of them that’ll still be educational  —  but she won’t like this idea of theodora’s. 
“  𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲  𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴  𝘁𝗼  𝗴𝗲𝘁  𝗺𝗲  𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼  𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲,  ”    he answers, but he doesn’t say no.    “  𝗯𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝘀,  𝘆𝗼𝘂  𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁  𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻  𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄  𝗵𝗼𝘄  𝘁𝗼  𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁,  𝗮𝗻𝗱  𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀  𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗱  𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿  𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗯𝗹𝘆  𝗶𝘀𝗻’𝘁  𝘁𝗵𝗲  𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲  𝘁𝗼  𝘁𝗿𝘆  𝗮𝗻𝗱  𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻.  ”    steve crosses his arms, leaning against the fence rails beside his sister.  all this makes him think about shakespeare, and that always makes him think of his mom.  luke, nellie, and shirley seem to be having a good time, but here they are, steve and theo, sitting out. 
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“  𝘄𝗵𝘆  𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁  𝘄𝗲  𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁  𝗴𝗲𝘁  𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲  𝗼𝗳  𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲  𝗴𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘁  𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘆  𝗹𝗲𝗴𝘀  𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱?  ”    he offers in compromise. 
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wellward · 4 years
@detouch​ sent: “i’m just kind of a germophobe.”
        Mary’s hovering hand retracts. “I quite understand.”
        It feels like rejection, of a kind, but then, she can imagine how terrible it is to be someone leery of... Contamination, is that it? And to have someone hovering over you, fussing and patting and fluffing like an old lady over her bichon frise. She smooths down her sweater instead and moves a step away from Theo, giving her space.
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        “Thank you for being... Forthright with me, Dr. Crain.” She means it. “Let me see. I was going to ask if you knew where there might be a... Hardware store, I suppose, in this area? I don’t know it very well.” She sighs. "I have--a bit of a project I’m working on. I’m looking for handles. Drawer handles.”
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wanlidas-archive · 5 years
“something strange happened here.”
a body is buried underneath beautifully planted flowers,  something she has worked to hide from everyone  (  even herself,  despite it being seemingly impossible.  )  she’s smart,  she thinks on her feet,  but she doesn’t often think about the broad picture.  this is the place her children play  ----  a place that is supposed to ignite the feeling of freedom,  youth.  not a place that should be haunted,  not a place they could never recover from.  but she justifies it to herself,  tells herself it’s better that her children play in a garden that hides a dead body rather than have to visit her in jail.  and that’s enough to keep her going,  to keep her feigning a smile that doesn’t really belong across features.  
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❝  oh,  strange?  ❞  there’s a light expression on her features,  one that works as a mask for paranoia yet looks natural anyway,  something she has used as a weapon for sometime now  (  the person she used to be,  who she’s trying to get away from  -----  now becoming a tool for her own advances  and her lies.  )  ❝  if you mean,  crying children with skinned knees and the occasional pesky army of ants,  sure,  strange might be the word for it,  ❞  she notes,  soft laughter falling from her lips as hair bounces with the shake of her head.  ❝  ----  how do you mean?  ❞  she asks,  despite afraid she may not want an answer.
    ↺ @detouch​
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