#devi mahatmya
barbieinloveblog · 6 months
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talonabraxas · 17 hours
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Maha Kali ॐ By you this universe is borne, by you this world is created. By you il is protected, O Devi. By you it is consumed at the end.
You who are eternally the form of the whole world, at the time of creation you are the form of the creative force, at the time of preservation you are the form of the protective power, and at the time of the dissolution of the world you are the form of the destructive power.
You are the Supreme Knowledge . as well as ignorance, intellect and contemplation --Devi-Mahatmya
Kali is one of the many forms of Shakti.
Maha Kaali is the fiercest of all goddesses of Hinduism. The word Kali has its roots in the Sanskrit word “Kaal”, which means time. And nothing escapes from time.
Goddess Kali is sometimes referred as the goddess of death. But actually Kali brings the death of the ego.
“Om Krim Kali”
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santoschristos · 17 hours
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Maha Kali ॐ
By you this universe is borne, by you this world is created. By you il is protected, O Devi. By you it is consumed at the end.
You who are eternally the form of the whole world, at the time of creation you are the form of the creative force, at the time of preservation you are the form of the protective power, and at the time of the dissolution of the world you are the form of the destructive power.
You are the Supreme Knowledge . as well as ignorance, intellect and contemplation
Kali is one of the many forms of Shakti.
Maha Kaali is the fiercest of all goddesses of Hinduism. The word Kali has its roots in the Sanskrit word “Kaal”, which means time. And nothing escapes from time.
Goddess Kali is sometimes referred as the goddess of death. But actually Kali brings the death of the ego.
'Om Sri Maha Kalikayai Namah'.
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monellise · 1 year
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Seu nome científico é Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. É conhecida popularmente como "mimo de vênus".
Elemento: água
Astro regente: Vênus
Gênero: feminino
Divindade: Kali, Ganesha
Propriedade medicinal: Tem efeito diurético, ajuda na diminuição do colesterol e da pressão arterial e é anticarcinogênico (auxilia na prevenção do câncer). Além disso, é rico em vitamina C e antioxidantes, podendo ajudar na digestão.
Correspondências mágicas: Atrair amor, afrodisíaco, aumentar a energia sexual, sedução/desejo, concentração, foco.
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Propriedades amorosas: Por ser relacionada à Vênus, a flor de hibisco é dita por auxiliar na atração do amor, em forma de incensos ou sachês. Além disso, hibiscos são usados em grinaldas em alguns lugares do mundo.
Propriedades afrodisíaca: Segundo Scott Cunningham, "as flores de hibisco são preparadas em um forte chá vermelho, que é ingerido por seus poderes indutores de luxúria".
Propriedades de concentração: A flor do hibisco é conhecida também por trabalhar o chakra básico, ou seja, auxilia a pessoa a ser mais "pé no chão", realista e centrada.
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O hibisco é muito relacionado à deusa hindu Kali: uma de suas variações, a branca ou amarela com o centro vermelho, é chamada de "olho de Kali"; e a variação do hibisco mais comum, ou seja, a flor completamente vermelha representa a língua de Kali.
"Após matar o demônio Daruka, Kali bebeu seu sangue. O sangue a deixou louca por mais sangue. Ela deu a volta ao mundo matando aleatoriamente. Os deuses imploraram a Shiva para detê-la. Então este assumiu a forma de um belo homem¹ e se colocou no caminho de Kali. Assim que Kali pisou nele, ela mostrou² a língua de vergonha³. Ela ficou envergonhada ao saber que sua sede de sangue a impediu de ver e reconhecer seu próprio marido." Mito retirado de "Devi Mahatmya", texto filosófico hindu.
No Havaí e na região da Polinésia, é muito utilizado para enfeitar ambientes e na recepção de turistas, pois acredita-se que tem o poder de promover o "espírito de Aloha", uma maneira de viver e tratar a nós mesmos e aos demais com profundo amor e respeito. 
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[em construção]
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³ Apesar deste mito apresentar a língua de Kali como uma expressão de vergonha, há outros mitos que a mostram como uma arma letal e voraz, capaz de matar qualquer um em seu caminho.
Fontes: "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" de Scott Cunningham, "Handbook of Medicinal Herbs" de James A. Duke, Unirio, Hoovu, The Times of India.
¹ ² Há muitas variações desse mito: em algumas delas, Shiva tomou a forma de um bebê, ou até mesmo um tronco de árvore. Outras variações apontam que a reação de Kali não foi mostrar a língua, e sim mordê-la.
³ Apesar deste mito apresentar a língua de Kali como uma expressão de vergonha, há outros mitos que a mostram como uma arma letal e voraz, capaz de matar qualquer um em seu caminho.
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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Predictions - Bhakti Devi Bhakti personified tells Narada muni that after travelling through several places in India, she reached Vrindavana. Then she declares her resolution of leaving from Vrindavana to go to foreign countries: idam sthanam parityajya videsam gamyate maya Translation Leaving this place, I will go abroad. Ref: Bhagavata Mahatmya in the Uttara Khanda (194.57) of the Padma Purana https://youtube.com/c/HearSrilaPrabhupada https://www.bhagavad-gita.us/famous-reflections-on-the-bhagavad-gita/ #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CiW7Rb9gan4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"In Hindu scripture Devi Mahatmya, Chamunda emerged as Chandika Jayasundara from an eyebrow of goddess Kaushiki, a goddess created from "sheath" of Durga and was assigned the task of eliminating the demons Chanda and Munda, generals of demon kings Shumbha-Nishumbha. She fought a fierce battle with the demons, ultimately killing them.
According to a later episode of the Devi Mahatmya, Durga created Matrikas from herself and with their help slaughtered the demon army of Shumbha-Nisumha. In this version, Kali is described as a Matrika who sucked all the blood of the demon Raktabīja, from whose blood drop rose another demon. Kali is given the epithet Chamunda in the text. Thus, the Devi Mahatmya identifies Chamunda with Kali.
In the Varaha Purana, the story of Raktabija is retold, but here each of Matrikas appears from the body of another Matrika. Chamunda appears from the foot of the lion-headed goddess Narasimhi. Here, Chamunda is considered a representation of the vice of tale-telling (pasunya). The Varaha Purana text clearly mentions two separate goddesses Chamunda and Kali, unlike Devi Mahatmya.
According to another legend, Chamunda appeared from the frown of the benign goddess Parvati to kill demons Chanda and Munda. Here, Chamunda is viewed as a form of Parvati.
The Matsya Purana tells a different story of Chamunda's origins. She with other matrikas was created by Shiva to help him kill the demon Andhakasura, who has an ability - like Raktabīja - to generate from his dripping blood. Chamunda with the other matrikas drinks the blood of the demon ultimately helping Shiva kill him. Ratnakara, in his text Haravijaya, also describes this feat of Chamunda, but solely credits Chamunda, not the other matrikas of sipping the blood of Andhaka. Having drunk the blood, Chamunda's complexion changed to blood-red. The text further says that Chamunda does a dance of destruction, playing a musical instrument whose shaft is Mount Meru, the string is the cosmic snake Shesha and gourd is the crescent moon. She plays the instrument during the deluge that drowns the world."
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saifbd2047 · 3 days
Dewi Hindu
Maat adalah personifikasi kebenaran, kebenaran, realitas, keaslian, kejujuran dan kebenaran. Dia juga merupakan esensi Tuhan dan Ciptaan.
Dia menemani Ra di Barque-Nya ketika Dia pertama kali muncul ke alam semesta. Maat adalah prinsip keteraturan – dasar dari segala sesuatu.
Maat mencakup ajaran Karma dan Reinkarnasi. Memahami prinsip-prinsip ini membebaskan seseorang dari siklus penderitaan dan kesakitan dalam kehidupan manusia.
Chinnamasta Devi
Chinnamasta Devi, juga dikenal sebagai Chhinnamastika dan Prachanda Chandika adalah salah satu dari sepuluh Mahavidya (dewi misterius) dari tradisi esoterik Tantra. Dia adalah aspek ganas dari Bunda Ilahi. Dia digambarkan telanjang dan meminum darah yang mengalir dari kepalanya yang terpenggal.
Dia selalu digambarkan menginjak-injak Kamdev dan Rati. Ini melambangkan kekuatan untuk menekan hasrat seksual. Dia menyerap dan menyublimkan semua suka, duka, harapan dan kekecewaan hidup. Hal ini dia lakukan tanpa melupakan hakikat keilahiannya. Dia adalah simbol kepahlawanan dan pengendalian diri spiritual. Dia adalah perwujudan energi spiritual dan kebangkitan kundalini.
Durga adalah Dewi pejuang yang tak kenal takut dan tak terkalahkan yang menghancurkan kejahatan dan merupakan pelindung semuanya. Dia sering terlihat menunggangi singa dan memegang banyak senjata. Dia adalah tokoh sentral Shaktisme, sebuah aliran sesat Hindu yang berpusat pada dewi.
Devi Mahatmya menyatakan bahwa Durga adalah pelindung dharma (kebenaran dan tatanan kosmis). Dia mengambil bentuk yang berbeda untuk menjaga keseimbangan ini.
Tidak seperti kebanyakan dewa, dia bukanlah gadis remaja – dia diciptakan sebagai kekuatan. Kecantikannya tidak menggoda, melainkan memikat. Trishulnya adalah simbol melampaui tiga guna atau kualitas: tamas (ketumpulan dan kelembaman), rajas, dan sattva (kemurnian, cahaya, harmoni, dan kecerdasan). Kombinasi ini membuatnya mampu melawan apapun yang ditemuinya.
Dewi Saraswati adalah perwujudan ilmu dan kebijaksanaan. Dia dikenal dengan banyak nama dan julukan, masing-masing menonjolkan aspek keilahiannya. Bharati menekankan hubungannya dengan kefasihan dan ucapan, Vidya menekankan perannya sebagai pemberi pengetahuan, Sharada menyoroti hubungannya dengan musim gugur dan pematangan kecerdasan, dan Brahmi menunjuk pada kebersamaannya dengan Dewa Brahma.
Dia digambarkan dengan veena-nya, alat musik. Dia adalah guru para Gandharva, musisi surgawi yang menciptakan lagu-lagu yang mempesona.
Dalam narasi mitologi, dia memiliki kemampuan untuk menaklukkan binatang buas menakutkan yang diciptakan oleh mata ketiga Dewa Siwa, sehingga mencegah kehancuran global.
Ganesha adalah salah satu dewa yang paling dihormati dalam agama Hindu. Kualitas dan simbolismenya yang unik menjadikannya sosok tercinta yang melampaui batas budaya dan agama.
Bentuk gabungan Ganesha, dengan tubuh manusia dan kepala gajah, melambangkan kesatuan dan keselarasan unsur-unsur yang tampak kontras. Gadingnya yang patah menunjukkan bahwa kita harus menerima dualitas kehidupan dan menemukan kegembiraan baik dalam tantangan maupun berkah.
Ia sering digambarkan dengan tali dan tongkat di tangannya, simbol kekuatan untuk menangkap dan mengendalikan keinginan negatif. Ia juga digambarkan mengendarai seekor tikus, yang melambangkan kerendahan hati dan kemampuan mengendalikan ego. Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan kunjungi matahitam login
Wisnu adalah salah satu dari tiga dewa yang membentuk trinitas suci agama Hindu bersama dengan Brahma dan Siwa. Dia dianggap sebagai pemelihara dan penjaga ketertiban, dan dia turun ke bumi dalam berbagai inkarnasi (avatar) untuk melawan iblis dan menjaga keharmonisan kosmis.
Wisnu digambarkan dalam wujud babi hutan atau singa dan juga sebagai ikan berkepala banyak Matsya. Yang terakhir mewakili permohonan orang bijak Manu agar seekor ikan tidak tumbuh terlalu besar untuk dimakan monster. Teratai di tangan Wisnu melambangkan kekasihnya, Lakshmi. Dialah yang mengaktifkan kekuatan kreatif Wisnu.
Dewa Siwa, yang dikenal sebagai Adiyogi atau Ardhanarishvara, mewakili keseimbangan yang berlawanan. Ia sering ditampilkan dalam pose yoga, atau digambarkan sebagai dewa meditasi dan asketisme. Siwa seringkali berkulit putih (dari bhasma atau abu pembakaran yang menutupi tubuhnya), dengan tenggorokan biru (melambangkan racun yang muncul selama pengadukan lautan kosmik), dan dia memakai simpul rambut kusut, tengkorak menghiasi tubuhnya. leher (salah satu dari lima kepala Brahma yang dipotong Siwa) dan kalung ular.
Ia juga kadang-kadang ditampilkan berkeliaran di tempat kremasi, mengolesi tubuhnya dengan abu dan menari di dalam api. Dia dikaitkan dengan Lingga – simbol falus batu yang dihormati di kuil Hindu.
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visualpoett · 3 months
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The Victory of Kālī, from a Devi Mahatmya series. Punjab Hills, India ~ ca.1780
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reachlovenheal · 6 months
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Durga Pooja
Festivals / By lovenheal
In Hindu mythology and tradition, there are various scriptures, texts, and shlokas (sacred verses) that are associated with the worship and mythology of Ma Durga. Some of the significant texts and shlokas include:
Durga Saptashati (Devi Mahatmya): Durga Saptashati is a revered text that narrates the stories of the goddess Durga, her battles with various demons, and her ultimate victory. It is a part of the Markandeya Purana and is often recited during Navratri. This text consists of 700 shlokas (verses) and is a primary scripture dedicated to Ma Durga.
Chandi Path: Chandi Path is a recitation of the Durga Saptashati and is considered a powerful way to invoke the blessings and protection of Ma Durga. It is often recited during Navratri and other Durga-related rituals.
Durga Stuti: Durga Stuti is a collection of shlokas and verses that praise and invoke the blessings of Ma Durga. There are various versions of Durga Stuti available, and they are recited by devotees to seek the goddess’s protection and grace.
Durga Chalisa: The Durga Chalisa is a devotional song consisting of 40 verses that extol the virtues and attributes of Ma Durga. It is recited with devotion to seek her blessings.
Aparajita Stotram: Aparajita Stotram is a hymn dedicated to Ma Durga that is believed to be highly effective for protection, victory, and overcoming obstacles. It is recited with the intent of seeking Ma Durga’s support in challenging situations.
Durga Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram: This is a hymn consisting of 108 names of Durga Ma, each name representing one of her divine qualities and aspects. Devotees recite this stotram to invoke the goddess’s blessings and grace.
Durga Kavach: Durga Kavach is a protective mantra and shloka that is believed to form a protective shield around the person reciting it. It is often used for personal protection and spiritual defense.
Durga Gayatri Mantra: The Durga Gayatri Mantra is a powerful mantra that is recited to seek the blessings of Ma Durga and invoke her divine qualities.
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trimbakeshwar-purohit · 7 months
Understanding the Spiritual Significance of Navchandi Yagna Havan
Navchandi Yagna Havan is an intricate, unusual and infrequent puja that is performed during Navratri. The puja is performed for a believer to free him from all kinds of suffering. As it is said that there are only two gods who respond immediately to the wishes of the devotees and they are Lord Chandi and Lord Ganesh. 
Through this puja, Durga Saptashati is worshipped and strong votive rites are performed. Moreover, all the nine incarnations of the Goddess Durga are being worshipped throughout. By performing the Navchandi puja, one can expect to be bestowed with health, wealth, food, prosperity, fame, success, strength and more. Simply put, by performing this puja one can expect to remove all negative impacts from their lives.
What is the Spiritual Significance of the Navchandi Yagna Havan?
Nav Chandi Puja is frequently compared to the Puja that brought the universe into existence. It is said that there is no end. The puja is considered to be an approach to awakening the power where the new moon is worshipped. The force that is required for the universe to function is called Nav Chandi and is both visibly as well as invisibly called Yogamaya. 
Furthermore, the Yogamaya is very much required for Lord Krishna to carry out his Leela. When talking about the Nav chandi katha, it is closely intertwined with the incarnation of Goddess Durga who is known to protect one from demons of arrogance and darkness. She is even known to slay Mahishashura. When the Navchandi Yagna Havan takes place, all the nine forms of this chief goddess are worshipped and indicate the attainment of victory.
 How Does Navchandi Yagna Havan Puja Help?
The puja holds great significance where one may find their wishes to come true and get rid of different types of suffering. As the Navchandi yagna havan is performed, it comes with several other benefits including 
It removes all obstacles 
Helps one to get salvation 
Promote a tranquil, strong and healthy environment
Helps one to fulfill all their desires 
Ensures a healthy and long life 
Good fortunes are brought and a man feels cheerful right after. 
Removes all ill effects of planets
A Person can expect no harm from their foes because of this puja
All the difficult moments are expected to change into good
Purity of mind, body and soul can be expected 
Allows one to defeat the hurdles in life
It helps one to gain fame 
Receive blessings from Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, New Planet, and New Durga 
What is the Nav Chandi Mantra?
The Nav Chandi Mantra that is performed is called the Navakshari. It is a mantra that is known to be nine-lettered and has its origins coming from Atharvashirsha Upanishad which is further known as Devi Upanishad. 
Most of the time, it is also known as Navarna Mantra. Other than the Sri Vidya Mantras, this is one of the main mantras used in Shakti worship. This mantra is typically chanted in conjunction with the Devi Mahatmya who is known to reside in Mahakal.
Which is the Best Time to Perform the Navchandi Puja?
You can perform the Navchandi puja anytime. However, to get better results and experience changes in life faster, there are auspicious days when you can choose to perform the puja. 
These days include the Navratri festival, Ashtami, Navami and Chaturdashi. Also, you can perform them on Fridays as they are considered to be great. In addition to this, you can ask the priest to give you an auspicious day after checking out your horoscope, yoga and tithi.
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seemabhatnagar · 8 months
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Broken Bond: A Family Torn Apart
The #morals are taking a continuous downturn and am sure when you read you all will also not only feel #ashamed for the# ghastly #incident but will also be sad where the morals of the society is going. This is a case where the victim is a 11 year 09 months old girl child and has been subjected to a heinous crime of #rape by none else but her own #father. The little girl approached the Hon’ble High Court of Gujrat through her mother #seeking #termination of her #pregnancy.
XYZ v. State of Gujrat Special Criminal Application No.11637/2023 Before High Court of Gujrat Criminal Application allowed on 06.09.2023 by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Samir J Dave J This Criminal Application is filed by a little girl aged 11 years and few months through her mother before Hon'ble Gujrat High Court seeking permission for Medical Termination of Pregnancy. The High Court immediately allowed the petition with directions to the medical officer and police inspector of the Area and compensation. But the pain and anguish is deeply felt by the Court and it has its reflection in the observation made by the court.
Observation of the Court
1. There is no #higherinsult to a woman than trying to# touch her #dignity. 2. It is expected that the respondent-authorities (Medical Officer & Police Inspector) concerned would take necessary care, sensitivity and caution so that the procedure of medical termination of pregnancy of the victim girl could be undertaken smoothly keeping in mind the age as well as mental and physical health of the victim girl. 3. One of the best ways to understand the spirit of a civilization is to study the history about the position and status of women in it. 4. The earliest materials found by archaeological excavations dating back to ancient India suggests about the worship of goddesses. “Durga Saptashati”, also known as “Devi Mahatmya”, is one of the earliest extant complete manuscripts from the Hindu traditions, which describes #reverence and #worship of the #feminine aspect of #God. 5. The text is believed to be both a culmination of centuries of Indian ideas about the divine feminine as well as a foundation for the literature and spirituality focused on the feminine transcendence in centuries that followed.
1. This Court deems it appropriate to order medical termination of pregnancy of the victim herein at the earliest possible time considering the medical report of the victim and the provisions of the #MedicalTerminationofPregnancyAct.
Directions issued by the Court
1. Respondent Police Inspector, Dediyapada Police Station & Medical Officer & Medical Superintendent, S.S.G. Hospital, Vadodara is directed to take necessary steps for undertaking the procedure of medical termination of pregnancy of the applicant-victim girl at the earliest possible time and in any case, within a period of one week from 06.09.2023. 2. State is directed to pay an amount of Rs.2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lacs fifty thousand only) by way of compensation to the applicant-victim within a period of Two Months from 06.09.2023. 3. Out of the said amount of compensation, the concerned Department of the State Government shall pay Rs.50,000/- to the victim / her mother in the capacity of guardian, at this stage and the remaining amount of Rs.2,00,000/- shall be kept in Fixed Deposit Receipt with any nationalized Bank in the name of the victim and the concerned District Collector of the District is appointed as the guardian of the minor apropos the said FDR until the victim attains the age of 21 years. 4. The annual interest accruing on such FDR shall be paid to the victim on regular basis until she attains the age of 21 years. 5. The above order of compensation will not preclude the trial Court concerned from awarding further compensation to the victim under section 357 of the Cr.P.C. independent of the present proceeding. Seema Bhatnagar
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aidharma · 11 months
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chatgpt, what tantric texts describe gayatri devi? █ Text response in screenshot reads:
In the realm of Tantra, there are several texts that mention or discuss Gayatri Devi. It's important to note that Tantra encompasses a diverse range of texts and practices, and different traditions within Tantra may have varying perspectives on Gayatri Devi. Here are a few examples of tantric texts that mention or describe Gayatri Devi:
"Devi Mahatmya" (also known as "Durga Saptashati" or "Chandi Path"): This text, part of the Markandeya Purana, is a revered scripture in Tantra. It describes the exploits of various goddesses, including Durga, and their manifestations. Gayatri Devi is sometimes mentioned in the context of the goddesses and their attributes.
"Kularnava Tantra": This tantra text is dedicated to the worship of the Divine Mother and provides detailed instructions on various aspects of tantric practice. While it doesn't focus specifically on Gayatri Devi, it discusses the importance of mantra and the use of specific mantras, including the Gayatri Mantra, as a part of tantric rituals.
"Yogini Tantra": This tantra text is primarily concerned with the worship of yoginis, who are considered to be aspects or forms of the Divine Feminine. It mentions various goddesses, and Gayatri Devi is occasionally included among them.
"Tantraraja Tantra": This tantra text is a compendium of various tantric practices and rituals. It includes references to different deities and mantras, and while Gayatri Devi might not be extensively discussed, references to the Gayatri Mantra itself can be found within this text.
It's important to note that Tantra is a vast and complex system, and the references to Gayatri Devi may vary among different tantric texts, lineages, and practices. These examples should give you an idea of some texts where Gayatri Devi may be mentioned or discussed within the tantric context.
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michellelelly · 1 year
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{REPOST @ugrybadandcool} "Por Ti Devi, este universo é gerado e nosso mundo criado, Por Ti Devi, ele é protegido e no fim do tempo consumido, Pois Tu és a força criadora, escudo protetor e o poder destruidor, Que segue a inexorável passagem do tempo." Devi Mahatmya, texto religiosos hindus 400-600 a.C. https://www.instagram.com/p/CryuA-GvePQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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