tumbl4christ · 2 years
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#satan #devilisaliar #hide #see https://www.instagram.com/p/ClglCoLuFR5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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taiyejeremiah · 7 months
How God healed my right arm was shocking🤔🤔🥳🥳
#rightarm #arm #leftarm #righthand #lefthand #hand #body #healing #Godshealing #mannawater #prayerwater #anointingoil #anointing #prayer #physicalissue #spiritualissue #violenttakethitbyforce #devilisaliar #faith #blessingindisguise #cantcutplantain #food #cantcook #shocking #shockingmiracles #miracles #Godsmiracle #doctor #abonikibalm #biofreeze
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josiahhotwire · 4 years
🔴WE IN A DARK TIME... BUT GOD🙏🏾 IS GOOD THE DEVIL IS LIAR🗣 snippet from a new joint in the Archive speaking on the times ahead of the times💯 what’s Funny is IG WOULDNT LET POST FULL VIDEO IN IGTV🤔 SO I GOTTA GIVE YALL SNIPPETS IN PARTS😤🤣⚡️y’all stay woke to what’s going on😳🎧🌍🦠😷🥜☢️👽🥬🔥🔥🔥🔥 #hotwire #quarantine #nyc #stayhome #godisgood #devilisaliar #hiphop #rap #realrap #highvibrations ⚡️ #streetconscious #gvng #bbg #HighLiving #trapkeepaz #staydangerous 🔴 #staywoke 🤟🏾 (at Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-aCGW3pXFS/?igshid=1oh92gvfrxhk3
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troubledontlast1 · 3 years
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Give no place to the devil. #satan It was a liar who got the first garden messed up. Don't let him mess up yours. #thedevil Don't listen to the enemy. The devil came to steal, kill and destroy (see John 10:10). All he offers is death. Instead, if you want to live, listen to the life-giving words of the Word of God. #devil Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.- 1 John 4:1 #thedevilisaliar Satan's most effective strategy is to disguise his thoughts as your own to trap you into doing his will. If you allow these insidious impostors to set up camp in your mind, they can do untold amounts of damage in your life. #thedevilisalie Satan the deceiver can ruin us if he can get us to believe and live a lie. #devilisaliar The devil is a liar. Cast down every thought that is sent to sink you. #satanisaliar 🔥Subscribe to my YouTube channel and podcast,👉🏾"Uplift Past Crossroads"👈🏾🔥 Befriend me on Facebook/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins 🔥Follow👉🏾@troubledontlast 👈🏾IG/Twitter/Snap/TikTok for more🔥 Turn on Post Notification - Like - Comment - Share - Save repost @christian_for__life @childofg0dmax ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ . . Follow my other Instagram accounts: Subscribe to YouTube(in bio)👉🏾@my_daily_bible👈🏾 Subscribe to podcast(in bio)👉🏾@upliftpastcrossroads👈🏾 YouTube👉🏾@upliftwithdrj👈🏾 Fashion👉🏾@glamourmeetsgq👈🏾 . . 👤 Tag a friend who would like this page ⬇️ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #fallenangel #fallenangels #renewyourmind #listentogod #hell #goingtohell #becarefulwhoyoutrust #trustnoone #trustnobody #trustnone #thedevilmademedoit #thedevilinside #demons #demon #demonic #demonicpossession #donotbedeceived #dontbedeceived #dontbedecieved #testthespirits #testeverything #listentothelord #watchwhoyoutrust (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY4MrxdluLM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#lookatgod #provision #devilisaliar #nicetry #JesusNow 💪 💘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPKUc8oi4VJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shortbread29 · 4 years
When I saw this I was in disbelief, but Jesus Christ is HOLYYYYYYYY and does not break his promises or deter from His Word. Please listen to this and heed to this warning especially parents and guardians. And those who practice it!
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blissfullyactive · 4 years
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God is a liar 🤥 I was told that I would never have children!!! However I had these to amazing and handsome young men that became amazing protectors, husbands, fathers and mentors to others! Daniel is also a confident fire knife twirler and Craig is medically retired and an amazing drone pilot and film maker and photographer!!! Thank you oh mighty God for these two amazing men!!! Share a picture of your hero or hero’s!! #goprochallenge #myblessings #myheros #advobliss #blissfullyactive #proudmom #proudmilitarymom #stepintoyourpower #devilisaliar https://www.instagram.com/p/CHg4aswDbkA/?igshid=bdewbn4g1eyx
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areyoumadworld · 4 years
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GOD IS GOOD!!!!!! . . . Cred @praiseyouforever - #regrann #mondaymood#mondaymotivation#myGodisawesome#myprotector#myStrength#myhope#God#Jesus#HolySpirit#Saviour#dailymotivation#dailyinspiration#Jesussaves#workhard#focusonGod#devilisaliar#befocused#becourageous#instamakingadifference#makingadifference#tagafriend#follow https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbTPqWlFNV/?igshid=1dam7iuvrkyrb
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googlefoundme · 4 years
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#Repost @spreading_salvation • • • • • • 🙏🙌🙌❤💕🔥 #power #Godisgood #Jesusalltheway #ChristourSaviour #HolySpirit #salvation #believe #truth #christians #crownoflife #devilisaliar #heavenisforreal #putGodfirst #acceptJesus #hellisstillhot #Bible #lukewarm #sinners #sin https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0tWt3Dv4q/?igshid=34tv003vs25z
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shijumoni · 5 years
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Job 23 14: For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him. எனக்குக் குறித்திருக்கிறதை அவர் நிறைவேற்றுவார்; இப்படிப்பட்டவைகள் இன்னும் அநேகம் அவரிடத்தில் உண்டு. Thank you Jesus 💓 🙏 💐🌿💐🌿💐����💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐💐🌿🌿💐💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿💐🌿🌿💐💐🌿💐 #repent #baptism #fire #religionisalie #seekknowledge #read #study #dontbedeceived #devilisaliar #hosea46 #man #woman #family #holyspirit #life #everlasting #hallelujah #glory #faith #light #freedom #hope #jesuslovesyou #jesuschrist #jesus #salvation #psalms #biblestudy #heavenonearth #peaceful (at Nagercoil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hQ-pgAXo4/?igshid=qq46rb96ixg
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taiyejeremiah · 8 months
Part 2/2: My body broke down last week😳😳😳
#body #hotbody #temperaturehigh #sick #ill #needhealing #tired #exhausted #dizzy #battles #battleinhouse #battleatwork #battlewiththedevil #battlebelongstoGod #bedrest #cantwork #canteat #cantsleep #cantpreach #cantdance #cantwrite #canttalk #devilisaliar #bodybrokedown #backpain #bodypain #timeoffwork #noappetite #restisimportant #Godourhealer
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In Genesis 1 the creation of the world we live in was recorded.  The only living being then was God and the angels.  God was and is a spiritual being with no physical form, but was capable of creating living physical formations including man as His highest creation. During the entire process His method of this creation was verbal.  As a spirit being He had no vocal chords to produce sounds, but the Bible says He said commands and the creation responded to His commands and came into being. These words were spoken in the spiritual realm of God and had an effect.   In John 1:1 we read, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.”  These words refer to Jesus.  Before He became a man in physical form He was in the spirit with the Father.
So words have the power to create and they are spirit.  Jesus said in John 6:63, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life.”  Jesus always spoke words of life because He was a sinless man and had never fallen.  There was no darkness in Him or in His words.  He said that the words He spoke were not of His own initiative, but they came from His Father.  The same was true of His works of miracles of healing.  He did what the Father said to do.  He said we could see the Father by looking at Him.  He did the will of the Father.  If we want to know the will of the Father we should look at Jesus and listen to what He said and watch what He did!
We see the power of words all through the Bible.  The truth of the power of words is what we call a kingdom principle meaning that it is applicable all the way through both the Old and New Testaments.  Many principles are applicable for the Old Covenant or the New Covenant only.  One example of the power of words is in Proverbs 18:21, “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”  Love here means to “have an affection for.”   Wow!  Those are powerful words!  What we say can produce life or death and we will eat the fruit of what we say.  
There are many more examples in the New Testament.  Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no unwholesome (rotten, lifeless) word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.”   In our relationships, in all of our lives, the words which proceed out of our mouths are going to have an effect on us and those who hear or about whom we speak.  We are to watch what we say, only speak for edification for the present need giving grace to the hearer.  That is kindness and compassion for the other person and thoughtfulness in our choice of words.  The basic tenant to follow would be to only speak from the Holy Spirit to others and to pray in the spirit to build up our most holy faith and let God do the talking.
But all too often the words which come out of our mouths are not from the Holy Spirit.  They are from darkness residing in our souls.  That is why we must ask the Holy Spirit to fill us and also receive the gift of the spirit called discernment.  In Matthew 12:34b - 37 we read, “For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.  The good man out of his good treasure brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth what is evil.  And I say to you, that every careless word that men shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgement.  For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.” Jesus spoke these words before He bought our freedom while men were still sinners and had not been redeemed.  After our new creation spiritually the remaining demons in our souls are the ones who will be judged.  But we are told to be sober and vigilant because the devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  1 Peter 5:8.   He devours many by the words of their mouths which are left unbridled and will cause a disastrous harvest in their lives.
James 1:19 tells us, “But let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.”  If we could all do this, the devil would not be able to gain such victory in our lives.  James 3:2-10 talks about how the tongue is like the small rudder of a great ship and may move it in the direction the pilot wishes.  A great forest can be set aflame by such a small fire (tongue).  It can defile the entire body and set on fire the course of our life.  No one can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil and full of deadly poison.  We can bless the Lord and curse man.  Blessing and cursing can come from the same mouth.
What we must realize is that the enemy works through our minds.  That is the battleground and we must be on the alert.  Discerning the thoughts and taking them captive is extremely important.  But taking thoughts captive cannot occur until there is renewal of the mind and the demolishing of strongholds.  Go on the offense and do warfare with the leading of the Holy Spirit as you learn the truth, the knowledge of God.  It is when we renew our minds that we know the will of God.   Our pastor has taught us that thought precedes emotion which dictates action.  We think, we feel, and we do.  If the enemy controls our thoughts and emotions, he pretty much has control of how we act or react.  When the Lord told me that I was living by my emotions (feelings) it was such an awakening to me.  I immediately began to try not being moved by what happened in my everyday life.  I began to understand that the devil was in control of my life, my words, my actions, and I was through letting him run me. Trying to change my behavior doesn’t get rid of the demons.  So I had to alter how I believed and actively take part in the transformation of my soul by involving myself in the warfare.  As I was set free, I could hear the instruction of the Holy Spirit when situations arose and remain unmoved by the goading and lies of the demons.  Then I could take action and drive them out of my soul.  Everything works together.  Our words are either from God or a demon and we will reap the harvest of our words. Tune your ears to the truth. Watch your words.
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Come out tomorrow, Wednesday, March 30, 2022 from 5-8pm to support cancer fighters and survivors at Panera Bread. The address is 1056 East Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, California 92408. It's from 4-8pm. We'll be vending with host @i.e.divas. Support this nonprofit with buying food to support the cause to destroy sickness (colon cancer). 20% of purchases goes towards the fight. We have natural herbal medicines from the Creator that fights, minimizes cancer cells, and helps to prevent cancer. #withAllahcancerloses #devilisaliar #unite #MotherlandOfThings #littlegod #littlegoddess #victory #nevergiveupforgood #brownskin #natural #real #preventionandhealing #Motherlandteasbittersattoteseamoss #dogoodworkwithfaithtowin #eatanddrinktheMostHighmedicines #pray #nopoisonfoodsanddrinks #vegetables #fruits #water #fast #detox #herbaldrinks #exercise #sleepeighthoursaday #stressnever #yogaandmeditate #gotothewilderness #hillsandmountains https://www.instagram.com/p/CbspnmJJdMf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jennsorrow · 5 years
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'A Place for Doubt' I feel Doubt creep in so quietly with a subtle grin Telling me I'm not enough not right whispering I'm not worth the fight It trails its fingers down my spine catching my breath drinking it like fine wine Each sip a bit more of me bleeding me dry of all I hoped to be Doubt bares its teeth its growl deafening as I gasp for air but not even I'm listening Instead I turn into the war holding out my hands telling Doubt to take more I'm too scared to say no to protest so I just feel the break and let go of the rest I hear its howls feel it take my bones I ache from the fear taste the alone ... but who am I to take myself back? Who am I to deny this familiar act? So come, Doubt join your fellows deep in my soul Fear calls to you Rage waits impatiently take your place beside them all and destroy what's left of me all of it all of me w h o l e . . . . . #selflove #success #mindsetcoach #mentalhealth #honestmotherhood #feelhappy #womeninbiz #sweatinspiration #breakupquotes #brokenheart #brokenhearted #alone #fear #anxiety #doubt #stress #devilisaliar #selfconfidence #motivation #positivevibes #selflove #faith #believe #love #poetsofinstagram (at Calabasas, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLBbrdg0mv/?igshid=moxl9tek3ol1
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Who is the devil in real life in your life. Tag him. Share him. Because shared it and i am feeling happier now😈😈😈😈😈. .... . . . . Model=@devil . . . #devil #devilmaycry4 #devilmaycry #devilhorns #devilisaliar #devilz #love #devilish #deville #devilisaparttimer #truth #devilcreamthailand #anime #devilock #devilwearsprada #devilcat #christ #ps4 #holyspirit #deviledeggs #devildriver #jesus #devils #devilledeggs #playstation #devildog #videogameaddict #gaminglife #blackclover #animememes (at हिंदुस्तान मेरी जान) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buyab_2AAp3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10y7202wctydt
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shortbread29 · 4 years
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