ay-journal · 1 year
My Hope for Future
Its not about my entire future life but especially for my romantic life. I and my ex decide together (again) wkwkwkw. So he want me to write some hope for future.
Setelah saya renungkan ternyata kehidupan saya satu tahun bersama mantan adalah salah satu moment yang membahagiakan dan ada banyak hal yang belum tentu bisa saya jalani apabila bersama orang lain, karena tidak semua orang mau untuk menjalani hal yang baru dan diluar dari kebiasaannya. Dan tidak semua orang ingin berkompromi.
Ada beberapa hal yang saya harapkan untuk kedepannya.
Menjadi sosok yang lebih dewasa terutama saat menghadapi permasalahan. Dibanding memilih putus, kami lebih memilih untuk mengambil waktu untuk mendinginkan kepala dan berbincang dengan hari yang lapang setelahnya
Selalu berprogress. Sebagai sesama pencinta belajar, saya terus mengharapkan bahwa kami akan terus berprogress tidak hanya terlena dengan apa yang ada saat ini.
Bisa terus menjalani hari-hari dengan baik seperti sebelumnya. Dan menjalani aktivitas seperti yang sudah-sudah. Seperti sharing mengenai apapun, bertukar pikiran, dan membahas lebih banyak buku.
Camping/naik gunung
Bisa travelling ke seluruh tempat yang kami inginkan
Bersama-sama terus hingga waktu yang tidak ditentukan
Sangat simpel bukan? Tetapi untuk merealisasikannya tentu saja tidak mudah dan butuh keinginan serta usaha dari kami. Stay tuned for our next sweet story
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privatehope · 3 months
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Me encontre por aí, ou melhor, me encontrei bem aqui.
Confesso que de tanto pensar em salvar os outros acabei ficando por aí entre um devaneio e outro.
Olhe bem pra mim, será que alguém consegue ver se realmente ainda estou aqui?
Meus pulmões inflam enquanto meus olhos congelam qualquer expressão de dor ou afeto, por fora eu sou puro concreto. Como será que me mantenho assim?
Respirando sinto o gosto amargo das lágrimas que insistem em ficar presas em mim se misturando com todos os sentimentos que insisto em reprimir para que nem eu mesma possa me encontrar em mim. Pra que diabos eu insisto em ficar assim?
Oi, cê tá olhando bem pra mim?
Sozinha, respirando, tentando entender por onde foi que deixei tantos pedaços de mim, me pergunto se ainda há alguém no mundo que possa me reconhecer assim ou será que eu simplesmente deixei de existir no momento em que esqueci como é amar a mim?
Perguntas, perguntas e mais perguntas de uma mulher que se perdeu de si e se descobriu menina em busca de qualquer coisa que possa apropriar pra si. Perguntas de uma mulher que se quer, mas não sabe mais como permitir sem se ferir. Perguntas de um alguém que sempre se sentiu só sem nunca realmente estar, alguém que agora enfim despiu tudo de si e não sabe mais como se encontrar.
Será que o problema é decidir impor qual o lugar que me sinto a vontade em ocupar ou seria simplesmente o fato de uma mulher que se descobriu menina existir?
Angustiada, sigo refletindo em busca de que alguém possa me reencontrar e me apontar pra mim.
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lovedandlearning · 1 year
God will reveal my purpose.
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sofiaflorina2021 · 1 year
Le Jour Où Moi Aussi J'aurai Quelqu'un Qui M'aime
Ce jour viendra à moi un jour, que ça c'est sûr. Le jour où je n'aurai plus de tout l'âme peine, le jour où moi aussi j'aurai quelqu'un qui m'aime. J'ai toujours cru cela, toujours. Un jour j'aurai une femme qui m'aime sincèrement et je l'aime sincèrement aussi. Cela arrivera certainement plus tard. La Déesse de la Terre me bénit toujours.
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amiwilsonph · 2 years
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Even my hope was shed like leaves as the winter season came to an end and the autumn arrived.
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#MyHope https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwdMZWuQVslNEvZANgf3tqZnfJDwHZs0oYl4g0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rogerrcoyle · 1 year
your light
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Sad again~
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susanrae1973 · 2 years
~The Best Kind Of Friend ~
~The Best Kind Of Friend ~
  The best kind of friend  Is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, Never say a word, and then walk away Feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had. It’s true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it, But it’s also true that we don’t know What we’ve been missing until it arrives.   Giving someone all your love  Is never an assurance that they’ll love…
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moonchimm · 13 days
Arranged Marriage series (Jikook) part 1 :
. Permanent Stain by Polkari Seuta (VeritasEtVita)
. MEANT TO BE by Muno95
. Touch Me (Please?)
. water's rough by adequater
. Drabble: Marry me by AydenJones (zitaostuck)
. Guess Fate Didn't Mess Up by staycute1234
. nouveau riche
. baby, love me hard and hold me tight by MyHope (CutesyMe)
. happier by babysafumochi
. What If Love Is A Myth? By hopensuga
. MAWWIAGE (Marriage) by AceScarlett
Hey guys!! And I am back with the brand new Arranged Marriage or Contract Marriage series part 1 of jikook !!!
In the recommendations, both oneshots and chaptered fics are mentioned.
I hope you like these recommendations!
Please check the tags before reading the fiction.
Happy Reading ❤️💜
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Some more Jikook authors:
MyHope (cutesyme)
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privatehope · 10 months
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Querido, eu te odeio.
Te odeio em detalhes e sinto que deveria te contar.
Eu odeio como seus lábios faíscam ao se conectarem com os meus, mesmo após tanto tempo.
Odeio como seu sorriso espreme seus olhos e faz com que, o que deveria ser uma maçã se forme.
Odeio como seus olhos parecem se iluminar ao encontrar os meus - parecem porque pode ser que essa parte eu esteja a inventar.
Odeio como nossos corpos se conectam como um quebra cabeça milenar que parece que foi ensaiado para sempre se encaixar.
Odeio como e o quanto suas palavras mexem comigo sem saber ao certo até que ponto posso confiar nelas.
Odeio cada gesto de gentileza que me amarra mais a você como um nó sem hora para se desfazer.
Querido, existe tanto que eu odeio em você. As vezes eu queria poder te dizer: a verdade é que preciso me esforçar para não gostar de você.
Dos seus olhos, do seu sorriso, da sua fala mansa, da calmaria, da eletricidade que me percorre - ainda que de uma maneira mais natural quando estou ao seu lado. . .
Eu te odeio porque é difícil não me entregar a você, por isso insisto em dizer: por favor, diga que só quer me comer.
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werebutch · 3 months
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jkjmworks · 1 year
YO THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ONE SHOT. the amount of times i have reread this ... next question
9,759 words
alpha jk, omega jm
happy ending
friends to lovers, but also roommates to lovers
heat sex, no mpreg
i don’t really need to do a spoiler section for this because it’s so short but i’ll still add one so i can give further details
jm is going into heat and jk helps him out 
they both have feelings for each other before this
basically (like the summary) jm is over going through his heat alone and so jealous jk appears.
basically porn with a very slight plot but barely
happy reading my horny babes <3
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jikookao3recs · 2 years
Hello, I hope you're having a good day. Can you please suggest me some Ceo jikook aus, preferably ceo jungkook. Thank you in advance 💜
Hi 🤍 here are some:
Drop Like Confetti by annie_vi
baby, love me hard and hold me tight by MyHope (CutesyMe)
Cycle Of Success by eumorious (I recommend reading part 1 first)
One more night by bubblyjimin
you are all the colors in one by kookminstars
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knucklegagging · 1 year
Fifty Shades of Chestpains is my Soul-Sister
Starting this morning off right (debatable) by triggering the fuck out of myself binge-watching this guy’s groovy channel on youtube (check him out!) Maybe if I’m thin enough, eventually he’ll make a deep dive on me. Lol jk, anonymous land is my sacred place. I would hate for anyone to be able to pin a face to my vent sessions. No one needs to ever know I’m the bitch who’s mom took naked photos of me and w my then-dad taught me how to purge, hand stuffed in my gaping mouth begging to go to bed, not being allowed to sleep in second fucking grade till I “got it all out like a good girl” because I had taken two benadryl instead of one by accident (their own fault, they should have been communicating instead of casually handing me pills to make me drowsy enough to sleep). Without tumblr I have to keep these thoughts inside of me. Tumblr is the only place where you can be honest about what happened and people don’t go “oh honey i’m so sorry that happened to you” *BARFS IN CHEESECAKE* because all of us are just making fucked up jokes trying to process through our own shit and laughing writing out “same” in the comment sections. Y’all are like the fake family I should’ve had. The ones who don’t act like assholes or make me swallow up the truth cuz they’re worried about their own dirty laundry getting dragged in the street if I acknowledge that they’d kick me out just to call the cops on me and pretend they were worried about me being a flight risk so that the cops would get me sectioned in the psych ward. Great job fucktards. From like age ten and up you already had maneuvered enough stupid pawns to get everyone believing I was the crazy one. As though your lies even make sense. Tell me, what child would run away from a healthy house? Wouldn’t the logical conclusion be that the child isn’t safe? It’s a fucking child. And when a kindergartener tells the teacher that mommy ‘s taking photos of them naked, don’t you think that teacher should have done something other than chastise the kid for bringing up inappropriate conversations that ought not be talked about?  I don’t care that she thought it was tasteful. How can a naked child be tasteful? Then she goes and sends the pics to people for Christmas like it’s totally normal to make a tiny child pose completely naked on a bed of scratchy tulle. I remember having to apply lotion every day for over three months to places that shouldn’t have seen tulle. I’m on a tangent of traumatic shit no one should ever need to read, especially this early in the morning. But, I guess my point is that it’s nice that I can be real. It’s nice that people don’t act like my mother was a saint here because she was a beacon of charismatic masking in more than one church.  And as fucked up as shit is, or has been, (these days nothing is wrong which is lovely but I’m still stuck processing the past over and over wondering when it’s going to break me and scared to leave my house because if I die and nothing majorly positive has happened to offset my life, then all myhopes of an eventual balancing scale are total bullshit) well... fuck. At least I have 50Shades of Chestpains (ironically my chestpains have been having fun ww me all morning and won’t seem to budge away) cuz he at least seems to get the complexities enough to try shining a light on all of these situations. And yes, of course it’s triggering, but mostly I think it’s a relief. It’s nice knowing that I’m not alone. It’s nice to have this zen garden of anorexia fuckery where video after video I can see and say “hey! that one sounds like me! I’m not the only one who’s stuck in this!” Like tumblr. I think we really get a bad rep like we’re trying to force each other to get sicker. I wish more people could understand that it’s not the goal, it’s an unpleasant side effect *SOMETIMES* and that the focal point in progress is being able to go “oh fuck thank goodness I’m not the only one. Thank goodness that for once I don’t have to posture. Thank fucking goodness there’s one place left where I’m allowed to be truthful without dumb people with perfect lives saying dumber things with imperfect timing. Tumblr is my butter. It makes me feel a little bit more heavy. A ;little less likely that I’m going to float away. You guys are awesome! xoxo
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