excali8ur · 3 months
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Why did I do this
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asylumdream · 4 months
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Drawing project of my Hero Rosario (Nicknames Rosy or Ari) for every 10 levels I gain in Dragonfable-
Closeups and story under the cut
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Rosario was from a poorer hunting family, just trying to get by. One winter was particularly harsh, and being the youngest mouth to feed… They saw the writing on the wall, and fled. Deciding that at least their memories of their family wouldn't get tainted. If they ran away themself there was a chance they wouldn't have been abandoned. They got spotted and picked up by a Guardian who had happened to be wandering about, and from that moment on was a kid of Falconreach through and through. They were thoroughly obssesed with books, burying themself in any they could get their hands on. They would spend days locked away in the library at the gaurdian tower pooring over history books, tactics books, magic books… they loved it. Their dayly routine was to wake up, go early to Cysero to beg him for any books he would sell them for their measly 3 coin weekly alownce (and some days he would have one he'd be willing to give up in exchange for a favor or two) then help serve breakfast in the messhall. After that they would jump head first back into their studies until they had to be guided away from their books for dinner. Then they would read until lights out. When they were old enough to venture outside the wall without supervision they would make the treck to warlic's tent to beg books off of him, and anyone else who'd be willing to spare some litterature for them. They became quite the shut in, so bad that they had no friends their age nor did they ever go outside save for the early monring. Their caretaker had had enough of it, and forced them to join the heros of falcon reach to 'Put all that brian power of yours to good use lad! You love your magicks so much? well learn to cast a spell out there!". And so kicked out they were, to face the wide open world of lore.
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between doing random chores for the knights of the Pentaganol Knights and stealing the egg back from Drakath they are keen to keep up their studies…. But find that this whole 'adventureing' thing is kind of fun actually! Twilly isnt half bad company and will listen to them ramble on and on about magic theory without interupting them.
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Their dragon egg has hatched! to their awe and amazment, an adorable little baby is introduced to the world. they name the dragon 'Sweetpea' after the flowers it enjoys burning to a crisp while it sneezes. And with Sweetpea born Rosario is off to the races, spesifically the race against Sepulchure to secure the elemental orbs and prevent his usage of them. They've heard of the orbs before and know the history and Awesome Power they hold- and though Rosario can't fathom why Sepulchure wants them it can't be for anything good.
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With Sweetpea at their heal Rosario goes to convince anyone with any access to the orbs to help them keep the orbs safe- The Sandsea was horrible, they were picking sand out of there armor for weeks, but at least zhoom is a reasonable person with a respectable work ethic. Then he offers to teach them to become a ranger- To Teach Them??? Say no more. Rosario has always been a quick study, and having been banned from their library for the foreseeable future the next best thing is to get taught in the real world. At every opportunity then on they try and learn all that they can, trying to find this paladin they've heard of… And it turns out that paladin shares their love of clever puns and wordplay! Useing light magic to kill undead while learning the ways of a paladin (and necromancer, and deathknight) is a dream for them, and Artix makes surprisingly good company! He isn't patient enough for their lectures on the mechanics of magics, but at least he's polite to nod along. They find they dont mind it too much.
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Being a veracious learner, is it any wonder they took to soulweaving like a duck to water? No mater their misgivings about Tomix's… Friend… They are honored to be taught a whole new skill they've never even Heard of before. Not to mention… It's fun being the one teasing instead of the one being teased for once- and Tomix is a bit of an easy target. The whole endeavor, as stressful as managing greed was, was a much needed break after the…. water orb….
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Things were good! They had secured the orbs and backtracked to learn the ways of the Pirate and Ninja! things were looking up! Then Sepulchure got the orbs anyways. Fine! Sure! They'll deal with it! So they do. And it's great! the world is saved and they can rest! Not ten days later fire imps attack Falconreach with refugees pooring in from portals and Warlic is nowhere to be found but Fine! Sure! They'll deal with it! So they do. The spell that this Jaania was under… it is as facinating as it is terrifying to them, and they greet the girl who was broken out- a spite fire, but they feel a kindered spirit in her. They want to pull her aside and explain everything that's happened so far, give her the complete information they know they'd crave in her position- but then the professor is ushering them all to a grand battle without so much as a 'how do you do'. Wargoth by Rosario's observation seems to create mana when casting, rather then destroy it. So if they can provoke him to cast fast enough, they are sure they could burn him out, the only problem is the massive amount of free floating mana that would create- it would wipe out half the planet for sure. But they've not researched magicks their whole life for nothing, they know of and even collect the seeds of a spicies of plant that rapidly absorbs mana when it grows, if they can just- But no, the professor has a Better Idea. Fine! Sure! They'll deal with it. They sure hope their old caretaker is proud of how accommodating and understanding they are being. And they defeat Wargoth, with much collateral damage and close calls- but at least Warlic is back together and now they can focus on the Important Things of rebuilding after Sepulchure and this damage- as well as meeting with and learning from the people who fled from Wargoth's advancments. Sweetpea is safe and sound and all is-…
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vitorsans · 1 year
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To start, I want to apologize for using these tags for whatever I got to say, but I just felt the need to share. So, let's begin: Actually I should say that I don't know how to draw - and I mean it, my skills barely extend past stick figures, so I'm sorry for the overly-bad sketch. Ok now I can continue I've been trying to get into the DF fandom since I started playing it - and that's been nearly two years now. But I'll be honest, it's been a real struggle. Maybe it's the whole 'niche' thing, or perhaps the problem lies squarely with me, but, uh, either way, I still want to become a part of the fandom. So… I finally mustered the courage to give it a try here on Tumblr. I've seen some nice people here, and I'm really hoping that I can, somehow, finally join the fandom. If you're reading this, I thank you for paying attention to me.
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crouton-knight · 1 year
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[comm] Novartazy, New Spirit of Wrath
Novartazy fusion spirit. This one I can tag with impunity! A commission for someone who prefers to remain anonymous. The characters fused belong to Nova, Arty, and Lazy_Dragonlord on Falcon's Nest. Should I open fusion or even regular ES commissions like this in the future?
Posted using PostyBirb
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rexcaliburechoes · 2 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: DragonFable (Video Game)
Relationship: Aegis | Valor & Hero (DragonFable)
Characters: Hero (DragonFable), Aegis | Valor (DragonFable), Gaelan (DragonFable), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Gift Giving, Friendship, Fluff, Short One Shot, Slice of Life, hero is the named oc... but like. you can imagine your own hero here
Summary: It's that time of year again- that time where you give gifts to those who are closest to you! Hero thought they got something for everyone close to them in their life... but wait a minute... who else are they missing?
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ask-the-nine-links · 11 months
Hey Warriors! Did you know that other anons have made art of you guys in costumes due to a little holiday we call Halloween?(I have no idea if you guys celebrate it.) This one is my absolute favorite one of you Warriors!
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You rock that outfit better than it’s original owner. (@dfanart is the creator of this fanart. They created this a few years ago. I love their LU art)
Warriors: I hate the person that wore that outfit but I look absolutely STUNNING.
Legend: I don't know whether to puke from seeing your ugly mug in a outfit like or be jealous that you look halfway decent in it.
Warriors: I can see if someone could make it for both of us!
Legend: Change the neckline and lower the on the dress, then I'll consider it.
Wild: Wait, wait! Can I have one too?
Warriors: If I find someone willing to make three, then yeah.
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luimagines · 3 months
Ok so, I'm watching the game grumps play the Zelda CDI games, and holy crap they are terrible.
But what I'm thinking, is if CDI Link shows up out of fucking no where. And because he's basically a bootleg version of Legend, my first thought is that Legend immediately just wants him dead.
And what would the others think about CDi Link, I really want to know
oh no- XD
I don't know much about him other than the "So that means I get a kiss right?"
And I was so done with him.
But this reminds me of a comic drawn either by liccy or dfanart where CDI Link and the cartoon one showed up and Legend instantly hated them. Hyrule wanted to give them a chance until one of them mentioned sneaking into the princess's room and Hyrule went straight into kill mode. XD
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Was looking through which blogs I follow and I got all sad because a whole ton of them say stuff like "last updated: two years ago"
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needfantasticstories · 7 months
Skip’s Febuwhump 2024
(Inspired by artwork from @dfanart)
Chapter 12: Try, Try Again
Hyrule and Legend try to help Time save the others from a terrible fate. Trigger Warnings at the end
TW: Major Character Death (temporary), Canon-typical Violence, desecrating dead bodies
Febuwhump Day 12: semi-conscious 
[Continued from Day 11: Time Loop]
Nine travelers walked on the gently winding road nestled in a deep green valley. Trees crowned the steep hills, and thin grass clung to the slopes.
Hyrule looked at the travelers ahead. To his relief, Sky froze and grabbed the young smith beside him.
“Wait! Everyone, we have to go back! Follow Time!” 
“What?” Four protested. 
“NOW!” Sky bellowed and nearly shoved the smaller hero towards the back of their line. 
The other travelers hesitated only a heartbeat. Twilight turned first, grabbing Wild’s arm as he ran. Legend and Hyrule stood aside to let them pass, ushering them on. When Sky came running, the last in their line, he joined them as they broke off the trail. The trio raced through the trees lining the road and reached the steep slope. 
“Where are you going?” Warrior shouted after them.
“Later! Just GO!” The thunder in Sky’s voice left no room for debate. 
And with a frown, Warrior did. 
Hyrule drew his magic up and shaped the spell. Weightlessness and a warm tickle rippled through him, and he relished the joy of it. Small once more, he soared up the hillside as Sky and Legend followed on foot. 
Hyrule found the assassin right away. No longer hiding amid the trees, the purple-clad old man prowled behind the bushes along the hilltop. tracking the retreating heroes.
“No no no no! Dammit all!” the wizard muttered as he hunched over to stay hidden from the travelers’ view. From here, Time and Warrior’s armor glittered in the dappled light. The conjurer had yet to notice the other two heroes scrambling near due to the bushes lining the hilltop. 
He clutched the ornate spellbook in one hand and the skirts of his amethyst robes in another. 
Legend reached the top, turned his eyes on Hyrule, and then grimaced as he spied the old assassin. Sky clambered up behind, and Legend took his hand and pointed. Sky readied his blade, but Legend held him back, and took something out of his pouch. He must have said something, because Sky held onto Legend’s shoulder as the veteran held up a gold medallion. 
 An earthquake rumbled in the hilltop. Hyrule felt the air shift and rock slightly back and forth as the earth below him shivered. 
The elderly mage stumbled and fell into the flimsy bushes. The book tumbled out of his hands and into the leafy loam.
Hyrule dove for it, ready to transform.
“Rulie!” Sky cried out.
The warning came too late as the Wizard’s knobby fingers curled around him. The fist closed tight, squeezing the air from his lungs. Cracking accompanied blinding pain in his arms and ribs. 
A nasal, raspy voice boomed like hideous drum beats rippling through him. “Damn fairies, always after my magic!” The man tossed Hyrule, not looking twice at what lay inside the soft pink glow.
Hyrule barely grasped with darkening vision that he was falling. He slammed into a leaf and slid down, then slammed into another and another until his broken body sprawled at unnatural, agonizing angles on the ground. The man scooped up the book, agonizingly loud, and shouted out the spell of consuming as he pounded away. Hyrule wanted to scream, to warn them, but he could not.  
Instead, Legend and Sky thundered past him.
Hyrule wanted to cover his ears against the screams, the agony of Legend and Sky’s dying. The fog rushed by him just overhead, kept up by the piles of leaves surrounding him. 
He lay there a long time, his limbs burning and aching, barely able to breath. He couldn’t move more than his neck.
A bark startled him. Then came a growl. Then a heartrending whine. He’d found them. Twilight had seen. 
“No!” Twilight cried, and his knees hit the ground with an audible thump. “They can’t be!” the rancher whispered, and horror weighed heavy in his voice.  
“Twi!” Hyrule called out feebly. “Twilight!” 
The wolf was back, sniffing. The huge black nose filled his vision. It smelled awful, but he’d never been so happy to see it. A shimmer of black, and calloused hands scooped him up and closed him in. Then, they were bouncing, running down the hill, and every motion made Hyrule gasp in pain, though the rancher tried to be gentle. 
When at last the hands opened, Time peered down at him, surrounded by everyone except Sky and Legend.
“What happened?” Time’s voice trembled. Twilight sniffed, and it was clear on the others’ faces. 
Still, Hyrule knew that of all of them, Time to know what happened. “H… he…saw…us. Cru…crushed…me.”
“Sky and Legend were… they’re both dead,” Twilight confirmed. 
“Time, what do we do?” Demanded Four. 
Time looked at the hill. “Hyrule, are you ready to try again?”
Hyrule nodded. 
“Time, what are you talking about?” Warrior asked.
Time ignored the others. He reached down and scooped Hyrule up, wincing as Hyrule gasped in pain, the motion burning every broken bone. TIme placed him on his shoulder, and began to play a tune. Hyrule sighed in relief as the magic whisked them away.
Hyrule walked on the road beside Legend. Time came running up behind them. 
“Hyrule, what happened? What did you boys see?” Time pointed to a hill nearby, the one where he’d found the wizard.
Legend listened, but confusion colored his intent expression. 
Hyrule rushed to explain. They’d have little time already. “The wizard chased after the group when you ran. I was reckless, and let him catch me, but not this time! Legend used a medallion to cause an earthquake. I think if we—”
“Everyone, go back! Follow Time!” Sky screamed from the front of the group.
“What?” Four protested. 
“DO IT! NOW!” Sky bellowed and nearly shoved the smaller hero towards the back of their line. 
The others hesitated only a heartbeat. Twilight turned first, grabbing Wild’s arm as he ran. Warrior guided Wind to run in front of him, and looked back to see if he could find the danger.
Hyrule called to Time and Legend. “I have an idea!”
“Good! Now go.” And Time waved the other heroes to follow him.
Hyrule led the way in his fairy form once more as Sky brushed off Warrior and joined Legend who chased after Hyrule. Halfway up the hill, Hyrule stopped, and explained the plan.
They continued up the hill. Just before the top and still hidden by the bush, they followed Hyrule’s glow as he tracked the magician. 
“I see him!” Legend grumbled, and drew his sword. The blade gleamed a brilliant red-orange tinged with gold. He Gripped her in both hands and swung in a full circle aimed at the scurrying sorcerer. A sharp slice of wind soared from the blade’s tip and into the man's back. He shouted, fell forward, crashing into the bushes.
Hyrule flew higher to see where the wizard fell. The book lay on the ground several body lengths away. The assassin groaned, lurched forward on hands and knees, and crawled pathetically forward to reach it. 
Hyrule zipped down and buzzed around the man’s head, then flew over his shoulder, distracting him from the sight of Legend running up.  
A streak of red tunic and brown pegasus boots, Legend snatched the book from the sorcerer’s reach and shoved it into his pouch. He drew his sword and fire rod, ready.  
“NO!” the wizard screamed and scrambled to his feet. But Sky was already on him from behind. He raised the silver blade and slammed it down over the conjurer’s outstretched arm. 
With shocking agility, the magician dodged the swipe that had seemed sure to cleave through his shoulder. He spun, and a glowing red staff appeared in his hand. He backed away and aimed it at Sky, then Legend. 
Sky drew his shield. “Who are you? Why are you trying to kill us?”
“Lord Ganon will not be foiled,” He sneered, and shot a blast of electricity from the staff. Sky dodged it easily. 
“Ganon seems to have a hard time staying alive, let alone stopping us.” Sky shot back. 
Hyrule flew around behind the enchanter, as yet unnoticed. He wanted to keep it that way. 
A fiery blast erupted from the staff, and Sky’s ducked behind his shield. The grass around him caught fire, and the knight retreated a few steps. 
“You think your blade is any match to my power? What arrogance.” The sorcerer leered, lifting his staff once more. 
Hyrule transformed, and slammed his sword onto the wizard’s staff. The wood cracked with electricity and icy bursts at the broken ends.
The sorcerer, undeterred, shifted the broken and sputtering ends toward Legend and Sky.
Sky matched him, raising Fi high. 
Thunder reverberated in the hills.
The air crackled with lightning gathering on the tip of the blade and dancing down her sides. She glowed as Sky cliced Fi down. The electric white beam slammed into the magician’s chest. 
He staggered, and whirled around to Hyrule. “You! That fairy!” He screeched as realization struck him. The magician grinned and thrust his hands at Hyrule, who felt the blow like from a hinox's club. He staggered back. but kept his feet. A knobby hand closed over his throat, and the world once again was slipping from him.
Hyrule ignored the shouts of his brothers, and with a grin, he snapped. 
Blinding light flashed in the air, inverting the colors of the world. For a second time, thunder reverberated over the hills: deeper, louder, closer. 
When the light cleared, the wizard lay in the grass. Or rather, what little remained of him in the smoking pile. 
Sky sheathed his blade. “No one was lost,” he said, then collapsed on the grass and dropped his head into his hands. 
“No one was lost,” Hyrule confirmed. He kicked the cursed bones and ashes for the sake of Aurora and the multiple deaths of his brothers, and sat down heavily not far from Sky. 
Legend sat at Hyrule's side and leaned on him, panting a little but smiling like Wild over a cooking pot. The veteran spat at the remains, put an arm around Hyrule, and laughed viciously, “we lived, bitch!” he cackled. 
Sky and Hyrule caught his infectious laugh, and by the time they finished laughing, Hyrule’s stomach cramped. 
Hyrule grabbed the halves of the staff and twirled them, then held out the polished, unbroken ends to Legend. “Think your friend Ravio could make use of that?”
“Sure. He’ll only pay half of whatever it’s worth, but I think he can fix it for a profit” he chuckled, his laughter slowing at last and taking the pieces into his pouch. “You two catch up when you can. I’ll go share the good news with Time.” And Legend was off in a flash down the hill, disappearing into the trees surrounding the road. 
Rain began to fall on the two heroes as they carefully found a path down the steep hill, but they didn’t mind, knowing that just ahead, their brothers still walked the winding road, waiting for the pair to join them. 
(@littlelightfish your tags made me so excited to finish this I made it today’s prompt! Thank you thank you thank you!)
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saturnaous · 4 months
oughhhhh.... should i take the fanwork of fanwork prompt for day 7........ and if so what should i fanwork............. there are so many i would want to.................... but i'm shy. EXPLODES
REAL fOR THAT honestly I haven't shifted around in the edling work to uggest anything sadly </3 maybe you can make dfanart of a fic perhaps. that could be neat
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excali8ur · 3 months
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Last-second Art Fight references
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asylumdream · 3 months
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Ansewers for memerization:
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vitorsans · 3 months
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I think you might remember me from a while ago, I posted a rough draft just like this one, twas supposed to be my OC and a, stuck-up as always, Nythera. In that post I basically said I had some seriou social problems and wanted to get into the DF fandom but couldn't really, so I even tried drawing, even though that's DEFINITELY not one of my strenghts so I could try and get more into it. I actually received some really nice messages welcoming me into the fandom, that actually made me really happy, though my head is something else- I couldn't help but feel like I was just bothering, even thought that might (I hope) not be the case. I was even thinking of trying to post some writings about my OC or something here later. Either way, I would like to thank you for those welcoming messages. This is my take two at trying to fit into this fandom, sorry for the long text and sorry for the... rant. Well, there's a remake of that draft, this one looks better, IMO, I shall finish it one day. Drawing is hard... but it can be fun! Thanks for the attention!
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crouton-knight · 2 years
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@redrowantree said Secundus looks like a Wojak face so I nearly died to bring this into the world.
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rexcaliburechoes · 2 years
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so uh. the malureous saga, huh.
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
18: Give three author recommendations
@zarvasace created the Disability AU, which is one of my favorite things of all time. Also everything Mina writes is incredible
I also really like aquaticflames on AO3. I don't know if they have a tumblr. They aren't super active rn but their old LU fics are excellent
19: Give 5 fic recommendations
I've been following along with I went where the crow flies on AO3 and it's incredible!!! It's a Wild meets the chain fic, but Wild got out of the shrine 5 years too early. It's incredible and so fun to follow along with
Fanboy by cereme on AO3 is an incredible fic. It's Time-centric and also has a lot of good Time & Four stuff. I love it
My Heart's Forsaken Me by @sister-dear is one of my all time favorite Time fics. I love it a looooooot. Time picks up Four's sword and is split into different timeline versions
Heart of Gold by @zartophski is soooooooo good. It's a Time and Malon fluff fic, which is one my favorite things
Operation: Sunny Skies also by @zartophski is such a fun read! The chain helps Sky with a VERY big event :D
20: Recommend 5 of my own fics
AUTHENTICITY!! It's my favorite thing I've written. It's an autistic Wild AU and it's primarily hurt/comfort and fluff. It's quite fun :D
I just posted Delirium yesterday and I was blown away by the response. I was proud of it so I'm glad the internet liked it too! It's a Sky and Wild centric, Wild whump fic with some comfort at the end.
Sentiment is one of my favorite things I've written. Time and Warriors get into an argument but then get to hug bc neither of them know how to deal with feelings very well
Euphoria is another good one! I made everyone trans
I'll also go with my fic that got the smallest response on AO3. It's Obligatory Winter Episode based on fanart by dfanart and it's very cute and sweet.
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