#dfel creation
d-ryul-rwnd · 6 years
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I love them all😍
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sunsiac · 6 years
Fantasy [DangerousFellows]
pairing: zion x reader
game: DangerousFellows (#DFel_creation) 
word count: 3.7k
basic summary: i got to the normal ending first, but after completing zion’s ending, i was pretty heartbroken that the rest of the guys didn't make it out. but, then i discovered that there was this contest, and i figured it would be the perfect opportunity to give everyone their happy ending. [chapter 25 x Zion’s ending] also,, it was actually so hard to morph these two?? like wow, It was actually really complicated at some points. 
note: this is a oneshot for the #DFel_creation contest, and doesn’t have anything to do with my usual feed. requests will be back after this is uploaded. this also follows most of the 25th chapter, with my own written parts scattered in.
“I think we’re all set,”
After arguing about the possibilities of the safe zone for quite a while, we had finally seemed to come to an agreement. I could tell that everyone was eager for this opportunity, for the chance of surviving. And I mean, so was I. The image of going back to living a normal life with everyone seemed like a fantasy, but I knew I couldn't get too far ahead of myself. 
There was still the chance of running into zombies on our way there. Plus, I still couldn’t help but be suspicious of Lawrence. What Sue had said to me still stuck sharply in my mind, and everything Lawrence had since done to try to convince us to stay wasn’t helping his case much, either. 
Harry nodded, agreeing with Lawrence. “Uh-huh. Good job, you guys,”
What Harry had said brought my attention back to everyone else. They all looked relieved, and I was glad that at least everyone else didn’t have any worries putting them down. 
“Let’s all set out before sunrise,” Lawrence suggested. “How about we all spend the night in the auditorium?” 
I didn’t see why not.
“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Eugene nodded, voicing my thoughts before I could.  
Hailey still seemed slightly nervous about everything, though, not giving more than a soft agreement. 
Soon, Zion finished everyone’s side conversations with a muffled clap, getting the room’s attention. “Then let’s wrap up and go. We need to get some sleep before the big day tomorrow,”
Lawrence picked up the map we’d been huddled around from the table in front of him and folded it into a small rectangle, sticking it in his pocket. I couldn’t make out his expression, but it still sent a weird feeling to my gut, nonetheless.
Ah, I seriously don’t know what to do.
My thoughts were racing until I felt a hand land softly on my shoulder. Then my attention was brought to Zion, who was looking down at me, slightly concerned.
“Worried about tomorrow, ___?”
I shook my head, disregarding his question with a faint smile as I lied, “I’m fine,”
He obviously didn’t believe me, but he didn’t try to push any further. 
“Just get packing then, and don’t bother yourself too much.” He told me, picking up on my uncertainty anyway as he added faintly, “I’ll be beside you the whole night,”
I gave him a grateful smile. 
As we stood there, everyone else took Lawrence's action as a sign to get moving, each person leaving to go to their individual rooms to pack up their stuff. And I was moving to leave as well after Zion had bid me goodbye, until I noticed that Lawrence still hadn’t moved from his spot by the table.
Even amidst everything, I still felt sort of bad for Lawrence. I was sticking all of my suspicions on him when I didn’t even know if he had anything to with the disappearances for sure in the first place. Maybe Sue had been wrong. Maybe he has his own reasons for not wanting to go to the safe zone. 
“I want you to know, that if something happens to me, it has something to do with Lawrence.”
I bit my lip. 
“Lawrence?” I piped up quietly before I could decide against it. His attention turned towards me, and his eyes widened slightly, as if he hadn't realised I was still there.
“Oh, ___” He smiled softly and let out a faint sigh. “Is something wrong?”
I won’t ever know what to believe unless I try to find out for myself.
“Do you think we’ll all make it to the safe zone?” I asked quietly, watching his eyes soften. I asked this partly because I was still worried about it, but also because I wanted to see his reaction to it.
“I think so,” He gave me a tight smile, as if he was holding something back. “Why? Are you scared?”
“No, It’s just,” I shook my head, avoiding his eyes as I said, “I wanna be with everyone in the end, you know?”
He gave me a small smile, warmth flooding his eyes as he nodded. “I know. Hopefully, we will be,”
It must have hurt to lie to me like that.
Everyone was busy packing their things. We divide up the food in the storage, and place the finishing touches on our belongings that we’re taking with us. Although no one’s sure of anything, we’re still a little excited about moving to a new place. 
“Is everybody all packed up?”
Lawrence asked this as he stands in front of everyone, getting simultaneous nods. 
“There’s nothing much to pack, really-” Eugene shrugs.
“I’m finished but it feels like I forgot something,” 
“I’m sure you have everything you need, Hailey,” Lawrence smiles at Hailey, then he turns to me and his eyes meet with mine. 
“Are you good to go?” He asked. 
I smile faintly. We haven’t talked nearly this much since the day we were out. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the way he struck the man to death-
But, maybe that was just an accident. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Even if I can’t justify my suspicion towards him, everyone makes mistakes. 
Only when he started to say something again did I realise that I never answered. 
“___, do you need more time to pack or something?”
“...No, I’m good. All packed,”
He smiled. “I knew you were all set. Let me know if you need any help,”
“Okay, thanks,” I nodded. 
He turns around and then walks away, sending a chill down my spine. It made me uncomfortable seeing him walk out like that. But, I couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch him disappear. As for now, I didn’t have much to do otherwise. So, I decided to try and talk to Zion. 
Zion catches me off guard by calling my name first. How did he know I wanted to talk to him? 
“Are you all ready for tomorrow?”
I smiled and nodded. “Yup, I’m all set. You?”
“I finished packing way before you did. I just really hope that there’s enough food in the safe zone, though,”
I couldn’t help a small sigh. “I’m not really counting on that, but I’m sure whatever they have there is much better than what we have here. The food, the place–– just everything,”
Zion grins. “And, ___, before I forget, you do know you still owe me big time, right?”
I gave him a sheepish smile. “Geez-”
“Don’t you think about giving up before you pay me back! I’ll make sure to protect you so we both get our time’s worth,”
“And when we get to the safe zone, you’d better get to the food first. Don’t forget to stash some meat for me as well, okay?”
I smiled, grateful that he was still able to make me laugh, even now. 
“Oh, Zion...” I sighed. “I’ll be just as thankful to even make it there,”
“I hope there will be more things to be thankful for than that,” He says, smiling as he messes up my hair with his hand. “..So don’t you get hurt, okay?”
“And get some sleep, too,” He said, taking a few steps backwards. 
“But it’s not even dark yet,” I said, looking out the window to the setting sun.
He just shook his head, disregarding my statement. “I’m going to bed now. So come around soon, because I’ll be waiting!”
I smiled as he turned around and walked away, my heart thumping wildly at his reference to earlier.
“I’ll be beside you the whole night.”
I guess he really meant it.
On the way to auditorium later, I pass through the second floor. It’s where we spend most of our time in this building. I don’t know why I suddenly feel sentimental. It’s probably because it’s our last night here. 
But I can’t let my sentiments steer my focus. 
It’s getting dark and I have to be on alert. But, I didn’t know if anyone was in their classroom still, and I didn’t want to bother them if they were. So, I just decided to go down to the first floor alone. 
Thankfully, Harry had told me about a safe route to get to the auditorium earlier, so I didn’t think I had to worry much about running into any zombies for now. It was one thing less to worry about, at least. 
“Go down the back staircase and through that hall straight down to the auditorium. There’s only one exit there, and it’s by the main hall. So, you shouldn’t have to worry about zombies from there,”
The auditorium was a big room, filled with wrap around cheap movie-theater style chairs all facing a stage. And on the stage, was everyone that had come down already. 
Ethan and Eugene looked up when I came up the steps on the side of the stage, sending me a quiet greeting as they went back to playing with what looked like a stage prop. Harry was also there, but he was almost already half asleep, so I didn’t bother him.
Zion on the other hand, who I had been looking for, was true to his word and was fast asleep under some thick blankets a few feet away. I found my spot next to him, settling down on the wood floor as quietly as I could. 
With nothing else to do, I decide to lie down as well and organise my thoughts. Lots of things have happened since I came here. But, I’m just glad I met these guys.
I feel more determined to live. 
My eyes wander over to Zion, who's still asleep next to me. And, I can’t help a smile. 
thank you.
My last night in the school passes peacefully thanks to Zion. Had he not been there, who knows how my night would have gone. And the next morning, we’re finally all ready to set off to the safe zone. 
“Is everyone ready?” Lawrence asks, looking over the tired crowd.
“Let’s move,”
Zion looks back at the auditorium as we’re leaving, turning to me and admitting, “It feel a little weird to leave the school,”
“Then why don’t you stay and live here by yourself?” Eugene suggests, earning a scoff from Zion.
“Shut up!” 
Harry looks back at the pair and shushes them. “Shh, let’s keep it down, you guys,”
We all walk down the hallway towards the staircase in silence. I hope we can all make it to the gate safely, at least. And, there hasn’t been any signs of zombies for far, which is also good, but I don’t want to jinx myself. 
I follow the guys quietly, and just then, music starts to blare.
A musical melody. I recognize it almost immediately as the school bell. 
Zion looks up at the speakers on the ceiling and furrows his eyebrows. “What–– what is that?”
“There’s no power in the building. How is this even possible?” I ask, my mind racing for answers until I finally found one. My heart dropped in my chest.
He had dipped out from the group some time ago, but I assumed that he had just gone back to his classroom to get something. He must have gone to the broadcasting room instead, to do this.
but, why?
The bell was only getting louder. And, then the zombies started appearing. The sounds of footsteps only got closer, the groans and growling chilling everyone to the bone. 
“Oh my gosh!’ Hailey screamed at the impending creatures that lurked outside the windows and the doors. And, for a moment, everyone was at a loss for what to do.
Then the windows and doors began to break open, and in a flash, the hallway flood with zombies. All the while, the music is just getting louder.
“Run!” Harry yells, pushing everyone back.
And this time, nobody argues with him. We keep running. We run until we’re out of breath, but things only start to look more hopeless then.
I start to pray –– to help us all out of this misery, and to keep us together until the very end. 
Zion breaks me out of my thoughts, yelling, “Come on, you guys! Run!”
Hailey looked terrified, stuttering, “Wh –– where?”
We’re all in panic. None of us ever suspected that we would have to face them in here. Though there may be the occasional spotting of one or two lurking outside, there has never been any signs of immediate threats from them. 
That’s how safe this place has been.
A zombie slightly quicker than the rest begins to walk towards Hailey, causing the girl to freeze and stare aimlessly at the monster. Unable to move, she screams as the creature grabs at her arm.
“Hailey!” I yell, my voice almost cracking with surprise. I go to take a step forward until someone holds me back by grabbing my arm. 
Quickly, I turn around and see Zion gritting his teeth.
“Zion!’ I whisper, giving him a wide-eyed look as I try to get my arm free. But he just grits his teeth harder as he watches behind me. And suddenly, I hear another grunt, but it wasn’t zombie-like this time.
I turn my head to look back, and Ethan stands there, his bat in his hand and the zombie that had been grabbing at Hailey laying decapitated on the floor. 
“Don’t try anything, ___, we’re this close,” He warns me harshly, letting out an irritated sigh as he quickly tightens his grip on my arm.
I turn around, and now Ethan and Harry are both fending off the zombies. Ethan with his bat, and Harry with a stray wooden plank. It’s working well for now, but as more of them keep flooding in, we all realise that this won’t work for much for much longer. 
“Let’s run!” Ethan yells, a desperate look on his face as he slams the hilt of his bat into a zombie’s chest. We all quickly glance at each other and simultaneously decide that the zombies have lessened in number enough for everyone to run.
Ethan and Harry are the first to run, gathering everyone in front of them and helping by pushing them along. But I can’t help but look back, feeling woozy at the sight of all the zombies chasing us. 
And Zion must have felt it, because he pulled at my arm so that I was running stably again.
“Come on! You gotta stay focused!”
I feel tears prick the back of my eyes, but I nod, focusing on trying to run. But the zombies all seem to be coming from nowhere, and suddenly, I feel slammed with fear.
please, please let everyone make it out. 
Zion peeks over his shoulder one last time as we round the corner to the doors, cursing. “Dammit! There’s too many of them!”
“Stop!” I snapped, surprising him as we all neared the doors. “We’re gonna make it!”
I say this, but I don’t know if it’s true. The music is still playing, and the zombies just seem to keep coming. But I don’t want to give up hope just yet. 
“That’s it!” Harry encouraged me with a smile as we finally got to the doors, all of us using all of our strength to push them open. Then, all we can do is run as fast as we can to the gate. 
The zombies try to follow us out, but with the numerous steps outside the door, most of them can’t make it down without falling. That gave us enough time to all get past the gate and jam it shut using the board Harry had been using. 
Once we did, everyone stopped. We were all heaving for breath and sputtering out relieved words, all while glancing back at the zombies loitering around by the doors of the school. Most of them had dialed back by now, though some of them were still walking around as if wondering where we had gone.
“Look’s like there’s no zombies here,” Ethan says, taking a quick glance around as he still tries to catch his breath. 
In the quiet, even over our heavy breathing, we can still hear the growling moans of the undead. 
“I can’t believe they did this to us. God, if I ever even see another zombie I’m gonna kick its ass!” “Calm down, Eugene,” Harry sighs.
“I can’t believe this happened,” Zion says, looking at the school with furrowed brows. “How did this happen anyway? Doesn’t the school have no power? How did the bell go off?”
My lips parted, and I considered telling them what I thought. But, then I noticed Ethan, still glancing silently back at the school. I know he’s going to ask, but I can’t interrupt in time to avoid it.
“Where’s Lawrence?” He asks, getting everyone’s attention. I couldn’t help it as I let out a soft sigh and shut my eyes. 
I decide that I don’t want to tell them. I feel too guilty, and I don’t want to put that on them. They’ve handled enough. 
But, I notice Harry quickly catch my eye. Then, we have a brief exchange of looks that make my heart drop. 
He knows.
‘I’m suspicious of someone, but, ___, I don’t want to be. Suspicion breaks people apart.’
“He was probably caught up. There’s nothing we can do now,” Harry says. Everyone is quiet at that, and Harry just sends me a silent nod. 
“Let’s go. There’s no telling when the zombies will notice us again,” I say, trying to break the silence. 
When I get no response, my brows furrow. “Please, don’t you guys get it? You remember what Lawrence always said?”
No response.
“We need to all try our best to survive,” I say, quoting the man directly. “Please, he didn’t want all of us to die! He wanted us to live!”
No response. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m devastated. But–– just standing here in sorrow is not gonna bring him back,”
Lawrence may have betrayed us, but whether they knew that or not, he was still a leader to all of us. He helped us all in our worst times, and I still had to acknowledge that part of him. 
“___..” Zion trails off, but I don’t give him a chance to finish. 
“Come on. The safe zone isn’t far from here,” I say.
From that, everyone starts to pick themselves up. 
“Let’s go. This isn’t over yet.”
Zion grabs my hand, and the warmth of his hand is felt in mine. Then, we start off in the opposite direction of the school.  
The school building is getting further away in my sight. And eventually, we all stop hearing the zombies.
Hailey is pretty relieved at this, but I’m happy we’ve finally gotten past at least one obstacle. So with that in mind, we all continue to the safe zone. We walk without breaks, occasionally running with random sounds through the city, and we do it until our lugs burn. But the pain doesn't stop us. 
In about an hour, we’re finally close to the safe zone. 
“Hang on, we’re almost there,” Zion says to me, noticing that I’m slightly out of breath.
“I’m okay––”
I grip his hand even tighter as everyone continues walking around us, oblivious. I tell myself repeatedly, that I’ll never let go. But then, I think I might have to. 
Ahead of us, is the first group of zombies we’ve encountered since leaving the school. At this point, everyone’s tired. We’re all done, and I doubt even Ethan has the strength to fight anymore. 
There are zombies ahead, looking at us with their milky, diseased, eyes. 
“Oh, shoot! Not now––!” Harry says, voicing all of our thoughts as we stop. No one says anything, just staring at them as they make their way towards us. I feel utterly hopeless again.
But, Zion wastes no time in stepping in front of me, doing what I assume is trying to protect me.
“No, Zion!” I whisper, fear flooding me once again. 
“...You all run while I stall them, okay?” He says, getting everyone’s attention. But, when no one says anything, he repeats himself, “Run!”
Harry takes a few steps back, looking back at the zombies in fear. “But, Zion––”
“I said just go!” He snaps.
But I shake my head before anyone else can say anything. “No, no, no. I won’t let you do that. Never!” 
“There’s no other way.”
“Stop trying to play hero, Zion, “ I insisted, feeling tears again. “We can all make it, just, please! We’re so close!”
“You gotta live,” He told me, putting his hands on my shoulders. I looked around. At this point, everyone had decided to believe Zion for the fear of their own safety and were numerous steps behind us. 
“Zion..” I trailed off, tears finally pricking my eyes.
“Sorry I was never really nice to you. But –– I never meant for it to be that way,” He assured me, giving me a small smile. 
I didn’t know what to say.
“I think –– I didn’t wanna let my feelings show ––”
Zion holds my hand tight, and at that point, the zombies have finally caught up. I finally understood why everyone was so far away. I just didn’t know why Zion had to stay. 
“Run!” He shouts.
As they finally began to near us, he pushes me back. 
oh gosh.. please, somebody help us
As I barely pull myself back up, a shot rings through the air. I stumble back in surprise, unsure where the noise has come from. More sudden gunshots are heard, and the bullets pierce straight through the zombies’ heads. 
I’m in Zion’s arms before I know it. 
“Dammit, what was that?” He whispers, out of breath as he grips me tighter. 
We both look around as the other hesitantly come back over, smiles on their faces that reassured at least me. 
“Six survivors confirmed. We’ll check for infections before admitting them into the safe zone.”
Could he be from the safe zone? I’m filled with relief when I spot his uniform. 
I start off hesitantly, “Are we..?”
“Yes,” Zion sighs. “We’re here. It’s the safe zone. I’m glad you stuck it out and made it here,”
He wraps his arms around me even tighter. I feel like I could stay like this forever until I feel a tap on my shoulder. Begrudgingly, I separate from Zion to see Harry, smiling his usual friendly smile. 
Finally, I’m here. And now, I’ll be able to live out my fantasy.
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naamyul · 6 years
Birthday Madness
It was a special time for the Fellows with everyone keeping updated on the calendar. But what everyone failed to notice was that it was special someones Birthday.
I guess that's not on them she never told anyone about it. So when they did find out about it some were more surprised then supportive. But non the less still helped "decorate" the school. and this is where it begins..
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random-septic-art · 6 years
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This is my entry for #DFel_creation event happening.
Please do not repost!!!!!!!
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Hellooo Fawns!
A fluff piece is in the works for the DFel creations event! This will be my first fanfic as well! I’m nervous and excited at the same time!!! Be on the lookout 😉
x Mod Bambi
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