#dgm timeline
arimiaromage · 1 year
I made a rough d.gray-man timeline for the Earl/Allen/Mana shenanigans and some people found it useful so I'll throw it here too. should be, like, 90% accurate at least until more chapters come out lol.
spoilers up to ch 247
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- Adam/original Earl meets Catarina in Edinstown, disappears sometime later, and Mana & Nea are "born"
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- Catarina raises Mana & Nea
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- Nea meets past!Allen, Mana & Nea meet Cross Marian and the Noah clan, Nea awakens as a Noah (but doesn't have Noah memories)
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- Nea gains Adam's memories*, makes past!Allen his pianist/partner in crime who controls the ark
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- Nea kills the Noah, Catarina is heavily injured possibly by Mana/the Earl
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- Mana becomes the Earl, kills Nea in front of Road & Cross, regains control as Nea tells him to find "Allen", at some point during this past!Allen asks Nea to let him hide Nea's memories
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- Mana goes... somewhere... and is himself for a brief time but the Earl takes over again
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- several years pass (around 28ish years) as Mana is the Earl and Cross searches for "Allen"
- Allen is sold to the circus as an infant
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- Mana wakes up one day as himself—amnesiac of the past 28ish years up to when he was with Nea—and in Edinstown he joins the circus to find Nea
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- Mana & Allen find each other but Apochryphos messes things up, Earl tries to take over Mana again, Cross tries to kill Allen, Mana & Allen flee the circus after Allen's innocence breaks Mana's memories
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- 3 years later Mana ""dies"", Allen supposedly calls the Earl, and Cross finds Allen, somehow in this time Mana returns to being the Earl
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- 3 more years later Allen is sent to the Black Order, i.e. the beginning of the manga
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*we don't know when Nea gained Adam's memories but he had them after death so I think it's mostly safe to say he had them while he was alive, as it was probably a cause to him killing the Noah
**in the circus flashbacks in chapter 233 Cross says that "Allen became Nea's host 35 years ago" but at this point in time it was around 28ish years ago, as it's 35 in present day. I think this is a typo but feel free to make theories around it lol
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seedling-lotus · 1 year
the timeline for dgm is literally going to drive me up a wall
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if you're wondering how the DGM theorizing with my sister is going
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a timeline on a whiteboard has also gotten involved
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rukakaru-u · 2 months
DGM 252 thoughts/questions
Finally, we met briefly Past Lavi and Allen. I suspected that the Jr was named Lavi since Hoshino said that Lavi will be back just not in a way that we might expect lol So, yay, I'm happy~
So abaut P!Lavi/past Jr:
We still don't know much about him, but P!Lavi has a casual demeanor (and appearance) that is reminiscent of current Lavi. Since "Lavi" is a role and the name of a record, they might act similarly because that's what the persona calls for. "Lavi" has to be a certain way when recording the holy war. But it also seems like that P!Lavi is the way he is, because it is closer to his true nature, or being/playing Lavi is the easiest for him out of all aliases.
Staying on the topic of Bookmen clan customs: If a Jr is chosen/destined to have this role, why choose people who have the potential to get attached? Is this part of their journey? Their final challenge? It is funny that both Lavis got attached to specifically "Allen" (even if for P!Lavi it was Nea first). What is the connection between the two Lavis and how much Bookman knew about the truth/manipulated the outcome?
About Pasta:
So he used to be a soldier... While dying, it looks like he is wearing a typical 19th-century military uniform. Was he fighting against other people? How long was he in the military? (Was it his choice?) Did he kill people? Did he regret it? Allen is against killing, but Red isn't necessary if he is cornered (tormented enough). Pasta is closer to (a healthier) Red personality-wise, but it is hard to tell right now.
Nea's deal:
So Pasta was dying and a supernatural entity appeared out of nowhere, and he made a deal with him. This means that it doesn't matter which body or timeline he is in, if, in a desperate situation, Allen will make a promise or a contract with any version of the Earl (devil). Maybe it is important that it happened 3 times, and it birthed 3 different Allens. (The twist may be that Allen even knew the OG Earl in one of his past lives lol). Why Allen though? Nea doesn't trust easy, he can't allow himself. Did one of their other versions *actually* meet even before that? Did he sense something else in Pasta? Did he want to make a deal with him for a long time and wait until he could corner Pasta? Did Pasta's pain signal him somehow, like the Earl knows who is grieving? Did Nea approach many other people until he found the one? It might be that Pasta's wish was the dealmaker. Probably it was a selfless one, that would be very on-brand for Allen.
Nea considers Pasta his dear friend, despite their (so far) brief history... I like the idea that Nea just gets attached easily to people that he finds sympathetic, or Allen going along impacted him greatly. But I might love it more if it was only a onesided friendship this whole time and he is that delusional about what it meant to Pasta lmao It was a love at first sight for him, but for Pasta it was more transactional. (Probably not though)
Anyway, is Nea making Pasta his host similar to the way the Earl creates Akuma? Souls have names, and something is alive after you name it. It is possible that Pasta's name wasn't Allen, and it is something Nea gave him after the contract.
About Apo
Apo is at it again. Hoshino just uses him to be blamed for every misfortune in Allen's life. It is fun that CC meant to eat Pasta, but now Allen is such a peculiar accomodator. What makes Allen so special, that Apo had a change of heart? Is it because he has 2 entities inside him that are trying to kill him, and he is still standing? It is him having strong emotions that the innocence can feed on?
As usual more questions than answers ❤️
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onomatopagu-et-cie · 1 year
Some other theories and observations, part 2
First impressions after re-reading DGM Some theories and observations, part 3 Notes on Link, part 1 & part 2
Have a nice week!! The end of summer is right around the corner and it’s still melting me…
▶ Bookmen’s « lineage »
Why was Lavi given 49 aliases/names when Bookman has none (at least, none that we know so far)? Does the name mark the apprenticeship? How does this even work? We know there are many Bookmen or sympathizers (just like Neah, actually) in DGM’s universe and they help each other when it’s needed, but we know so little about them!
Out of all the groups in the story, be it families or clans, the Bookmen are the only ones that the story specifically qualifies as a blood relationship, unlike the others. At the beginning of volume 13, Road uses ‘chisuji/血筋’ (lineage, blood relationship, descent ; the kanji for blood, 血, is a component of the word) to define the Bookmen:
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The rest of the cast is defined with a clanic/familial notion that doesn’t specifically require a blood relationship:
➔ The Noahs are defined with ‘ichizoku’/一族 (family, relatives, household: ‘zoku’/族 is the kanji for tribe, clan, band, family). ➔ The Luberrier are also described by Lavi in the manga with 一族, but also with ‘ke’/家 (house, family), just like the Chang (I couldn’t find it for the Epstein, but it might also be ‘ke’), and ‘kazoku’/家族 (family, and as ichizoku, 族 is one of its components). ➔ When Luberrier qualifies Hevlaska’s crime against her own family/tribe (it’s highly probable she is a Luberrier herself), he uses ‘douzoku’/同族 and ‘ichizoku’.
The Bookmen stand out with this sole occurrence. I wonder what this really means, because the Bookmen were introduced as a group definitely not related by blood, formed through apprenticeship. And if I’m not mistaken, Hoshino even hinted at the importance of the Bookmen ties in one of her recent ig posts… ? It might even have a connexion to Lavi’s concealed eye, who knows!
▶ « Lavi »
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In ch119, Lavi and Bookman have been associated with wheat or barley, overly present in the Campbell mansion landscape.
If Hoshino really pushes the wordplay between multiple languages, « spring » also refers to the coil or screw/helical shape in english, which is interesting since the recent chapters focus on the helix magic explained by……. Past!Allen!
(Lavi could also be a reference to 'la vie' which means 'the life' in French /jk idek at this point haha)
▶ past!Allen
(I’m thinking about that ‘past!Allen was a Bookman’ theory again haha)
Somehow after transplanting Neah’s memories in him, past!Allen became in the former’s eyes « a crazy puppet », as he said in volume 21. past!Allen was someone whose affiliation to the Innocence was beyond imaginable to Neah: once Neah learns his present self wishes to be an exorcist he deems him as his enemy. This is very poor reasoning, but the only characters revealed to have ‘sided’ with the Noah in the manga are Bookmen until the present war broke out or some time before. We also know Bookman lost one (or more) successor(s) before Lavi thanks to Sheril’s threats (« you don’t want to lose another successor again, right? »).
And the « again » is accentuated in the original version (the panels on the left):
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When Tyki reports to Sheril what happened and Bookman overhears it, it’s as though he had prior knowledge from an unidentified source of what would trigger the history they were meant to record as Bookmen (the panels on the upper right). « An Innocence called Apocryphos… The departure of Allen Walker… » sounds as though he’s listing off ‘early signs’ finally announcing an important event is about to occur.
Could it be that someone/something had foreseen this? Or had already experienced this before them in another timeline or world? In addition to the ‘other world’ the Noah once lived in according to Cross, dream!Bookman insisting on the fact Bookmen live outside of the world (in ch119, the last panel on the bottom right), Allen and Lenalee’s dreams and the constant imagery of the world being nothing but a stage actors play on, it’s tempting to think there’s a timeline distortion/alternate universe or whatever plot line going on in this story.
It’s also interesting to note that for an unknown reason, Wisely interrupted Bookman’s questioning and refused to reveal whatever he read in his mind (eg. Road’s relationship to Neah), as Tyki reveals it in ch225:
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▶ « Howard Link »
Compared to the third generation exorcists, who began as Crows just like Link, why is Link the only Crow to have a last name? If I’m not mistaken, Hoshino doesn’t use the Japanese naming order (family then given name) eg. Allen Walker, Cross Marian. So Link’s first name would be Howard.
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In Link’s flashback in volume 21, Tewaku called him « Lin-niisama » (could this hold some significance in the manga later on?):
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Was his first name Lin? I don’t believe Tewaku would call him by his last name as a child. If it’s the case, why would they swap his first and last name later? Or were the Crows ordered to call each other by their last names, since the flashback seems to happen when they became Crows? Is Link’s first name important somehow?
Before becoming a Crow, was his name Lin, not Link? Or was it just an affectionate nickname given by Tewaku? Where did Howard come from?
Or did they have no name at all or no name they could remember, like Red?
I was always under the impression that Link was his first name for some reason, I was a little silly haha
Aside from Tewaku, the only moment the third generations interacted with Link was when Goushi accidentally hurt Allen. Unlike Link, who calls them by their name, Goushi here mentions Link by his full name and title in quotation marks: « Inspector Howard Link ».
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I don’t really know what to make of it. The formality would be pretty normal as their functions as Crows call for it, but it still seems weird to me as the 3rd generations call each other by their name.
Perhaps some distance gradually came to form between Link and them (eg. their training as Crows that seems really harsh and impersonal, or the influence of the Akuma cells)? (It also could be that Goushi was visually impaired, and recognized Link by his voice!)
Also when Tewaku cries for help, she asks for Madarao, Tokusa, Goushi and Kiredori but not Link.
▶ Artificial Exorcists Arc parallels
The artificial exorcists were, in retrospect, pseudo-Noahs created by the hands of humanity: they were given great regenerative abilities and a predestined role, to become exorcists in this war. The Order forced on them previous existences from which they would gain the ability to synchronize. But the memories of their previous lives threatened to overwhelm them, affecting their mind and senses, the Order would then deem them as ‘failures’. With the third generation, they intended to perpetuate these abilities for generations but Alma’s hatred was too deeply rooted.
There are also visual parallels between Kanda, Alma, Mana and Red/Neah:
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Allen’s current situation also parallels Kanda’s past anguish with unknown memories flooding his head and the fact that both Alma and Mana were alive was hidden to them.
▶ Influence exerted through hands (TW: child abuse and domestic violence)
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(Now I’m expecting a flashback from Link’s pov of the operation to instill Crow’s ability to cast magic with this kind of hand imagery, it would be interesting)
The hand is also accentuated in two other pages when Apocryphos attempts to merge with Allen:
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There were also these panels in volume 27 (my stomach churned when I searched them again for this post)… The last two panels fill me with pure disgust, I turned these pages really fast because that was too much.
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Hands can convey many messages and symbols like that in the way they’re framed, the ones above are drawn by Hoshino in a way that inspires horror and abuse.
In DGM, sometimes they’re a symbol of connection (eg. Allen and Suman, Johnny and Allen), sometimes a symbol of influence, control and violence.
Violence was also represented in other ways:
-> In Lenalee's past:
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When Lenalee remembers her past, the Order and the Crow’s uniform is a symbol of her suffering: the personnel’s faces are obscured, contrasting with their outfits.
It’s the same when she remembers the experiments that forced victims into Fallen Ones. Their hand grasping the boy as well as the boy’s waving her are also highlighted. The profusion of the scientists and executives’s comments and orders, represented by bubbles gradually taking all the place, desensitized and disconnected to the cruelty of the experiments we see depicted behind it.
Luberrier’s figure in the page on the right is the only face with distinctive features she remembers, concentrating her fears.
(And ironically, Lenalee’s Dark Boots feel very heavy and could be a symbol of all her fears and hatred shackling her: they empower her but at the same time weigh her down emotionally. Her scene with the head nurse giving her her boots destroyed me ;;;;;;;;;;;;;)
In the Destruction of the Black Order arc, the ghost even forgot her name, but the memory of the experiments along with (supposedly) a Luberrier dragging her by force remain.
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Luberrier and Link’s introduction in the manga also represent them with their teeth highlighted:
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-> The experiments on Kanda and Alma were often visually associated to the Innocence and the Crow’s silhouettes. When Kanda and Alma are chased by Crows, the focus is on their hands: they emerge from the dark to cast binding spells. Just like Lenalee remembers Luberrier, Kanda remembers the horror of the experiment with Sirlins Epstein baring menacing teeth.
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-> The cage which is also mentioned in the Lost Fragment of Snow novel:
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I said it in a previous post, but the manga My Hero Academia also does it and it’s gutting. Hands are represented as vectors of both violence and sympathy/love.
Three character arcs illustrate this poignantly: Eri and Overhaul, Tomura and All For One (he literally embodies this image as it’s part of his character design and powers), and the Todoroki family and Endeavor.
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white-shadow25 · 1 year
I have a question for y'all
I really really really reeeeeeally want to write a Tyki fanfiction and I have two ideas. So, what would you be more willing to read? An isekai => Dgm reader finds themselves in this world and tries to survive by manipulating data to the earl as necessary and slowly building a relationship with Tyki.
Ooor the other one (the one I have first honestly), I think I never really get to say this but the "Moments" saga was supposed to be a part of a fic. A young woman is found by Tyki's human friends and starts living with them. Lots of found family, also a slow-burn romance, a timeline when being a girl that wants to go to college is not so easy, and a bit of inaccuracy of historical events.
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zarinthelwrites · 1 month
Hiiiii!! Prev anon back again, thanks so much for the quick reply! Sorry for the bother but I've a few more questions considering this is one of my favourite fics in the Dgm fandom, don't answer if it's too annoying 😅. I always found Reever an interesting choice to be reunited with kanda first, even though I really like his character, why him? It seems the fic is also building up to kanda pulling the rest of his loved ones back to his side, I'm curious how this will relate to plot 👀 since Unohana was being so mysterious I don't think it'll keep being as quick as the first time. Finally, since I haven't ventured into the bleach fandom yet, is this fic set anywhere surfing it's plot? Or after? Do I get to look forward to Kanda's reactions to plot events?
Thanks so much again for writing this fic and answering me so quickly XD as a side note I also adore your ffxiv fics too, keep up the good work!
Reever's there because I like him and but I believe also he's there for bleach related plot reasons-- I wanted a doctor around so someone could join the 12th division. plus I had a good concept for what his bleach weapon set/abilities would be
the fic is set at least 60 years before bleach's main plot kicks off, but many of the problems that ichigo Would face in the main timeline are already very present in Kanda's time.
thanks for reading my ffxiv fics!
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ihateyukanda · 1 year
PSA: Activity on this acc and on the DGS side will be Extremely erratic (as in. Like. Looooong periods of inactivity and then sudden bursts of intense posting) and there will be spam rbs watch out
Be sure to mute or unfollow if you don't want excessive amounts of DGM all over your timeline! You're not obligated to follow me just because we're friends!
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🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆 absolutely !!
((SWEETHEART ALERT. GOD YOU ARE SO CUTE! Your posts reminding us to take care of ourselves makes me smile everytime, and have even reminded me too! Also that you've checked in on me just because is..so telling of your character and personality? You truly are wonderful!! I really adore your passion in writing, and enjoy seeing your threads along my timeline. Also please talk to me about D Gray Man!? I saw Bookman and Deak under your muses and!!! JGIOBGKF DGM is my favorite series ok-- ◉‿◉
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embossross · 2 years
Hello Ross, I absolutely love your writing 😭 FHMTH and your bonten universe fics have been my main source of serotonin the past few months. Absolutely no rush at all- but do you think chapter 10 will still come out this week? Thank you for everything you do 😭 Also side note- who would win in a fight? DOTGITM Rindou? Or FHMTH Shuji? 😂
that is such an incredible compliment thank you so much!! wishing you all the serotonin because we deserve it!
and...i failed. i'm so sorry 😢 basically, i still have 9k to edit and got sick, which threw me off. i'm also applying for jobs, which is keeping me away from writing as much. i'll get this chapter out next week for sure but this sickness really pushed my timeline. Again.
now, who would win between those two versions of rindou and hanma?!?!? that is a fascinating question. i think DGM Rindou is probably a better fighter. he's big into mma, trains constantly. but hanma fights SO DIRTY.
the only two scenarios where these two would fight is a) an informal sparring session at the gym, where hanma would probably do something completely illegal and lose on default but also technically beat rindou's ass or b) a serious, we're trying to kill each other fight, where rindou would just shoot hanma dead so...🤷 i guess it depends.
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looniecartooni · 3 years
Possible D Gray Man timeline
So as many DGM fans know, there is no direct timeline known for D Gray Man. And with what we know, DGM may not even take place in the time period its set to be in. But- one tumblr user (I forgot who they were- I am so sorry) suggested that in chapter 220, it looked like Katerina’s clothes were from the 1870′s, but that would skew the whole timeline of when DGM is said to take place. After a person on one of the DGM Discord servers (vergelapada) asked what year the Earl may have split, I did a little fashion research and discovered Katerina’s clothes would have most likely been from the 1840′s. And given how most Victorian era media takes place in 1895 and D Gray Man is said to be “an alternate late 19th century”, I think I have a clearer idea of what years everything might have taken place. I may be off by a year, but now that you know the method to my madness, let’s dive in.
Aprox. 5115 BCE (if DGM takes place in the 1800′s)- The first 3 days of darkness occurs, and the Pillar destroys the world as well as the Noah becoming born.
Approx. 1395- Lala is made a doll
Approx. 1795- After “discovering” Innocence, the Black Order is founded. Heveslaska is made the keeper of loose innocence by her family, the Lvellie family
1807- Bookman is born (Aug 5th)
1843 or 1844- Mana and Nea are “born”
Late 1840′s- Mana is sick for a month, yet recovers 
1860 and/or 1861- Nea destroys the previous Noah family and Mana becomes the Earl, thus destroying Nea in the process. Past!Allen agrees to become his host.
1861 or 1862- Sheril Kamelot is possibly born (Jan 20th)
1866- The original Kanda and Alma are destroyed by Akuma. Komui born June 13th
1867- Arystar Krory III is born
1869- Tyki Mikk is possibly born (Dec 25th)
1870- Miranda Lotto is born (Jan 1)
1877- Lavi is possibly born (Aug 10)
1879- Lenalee is also born (Feb 20th)
1880- “Allen Walker” was “born” (?) 
1883- Lavi becomes Bookman’s Apprentice
Approx. 1885- Mana reawakens and becomes a clown to look for his brother Nea. He meets a 6-year-old Allen aka Red on Christmas Eve and adopts him the next day. This was also the year Lenalee was taken away from Komui to the Order
1886- Alma Karma is “born” (Dec 6th)
1887- Yuu Kanda is born (June 6th)
Later in 1887- Komui becomes head of the European Branch Order and both Kanda and Lenalee become friends
1888 or 1889- Cross takes in Allen and begins training him
1892- Skin Boric awakens as a Noah
1893- Lavi joins the Order
1895- Allen becomes an exorcist and the story begins
1896 or 1897- Allen runs away from the order as the 14th aka Nea begins to take over his body
Note: I added a couple character birthdays I thought might be useful or worth mentioning on the timelines because A- they were important to the story and B- because they may be important for theories or coming up with a better timeline. Hope this was useful to someone. I spent all morning on this. If there is anything I need to add or change, please let me know nicely. Thank you.
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deadangelo · 4 years
not to be an anime stan on main (or literally anywhere) but i’m heartbroken atm 
my roommate and i started watching d gray man before college shut down and we’ve continued it over the phone and we JUST watched the episode where yu kanda fucking DIES and i???????? i’m BROKEN.... idk why i’m even crying but its not FAIR HE WAS MY FAVORITE
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ellcrys · 4 years
well, i finished watching what’s free of dgm on hulu. second half is only available on funimation so i guess it’s time to get that funimation subscription.
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dgrayland · 5 years
Finally! Finally! Finally, we’re starting to go into canon timeline. It took 3 years and I can’t believe that I even got this far. Hope that you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it :) 
The air grew bitter, cold biting and trepidation skittering up her spine. The stench that was once a mere whiff was now stronger. She took another step forward, something disturbing crunched under her feet. She squints under the moonlight spotting broken glass and shattered metal. “This don’t look good.” Her gaze wandered across the pile of rubble to the signs of tattered tanned like material scattered about. She had seen these before; They belonged to the Finders…except there were no finders, only their remains.   
It was time for her to get out of there. Backing away, the ground beneath her feet echoes hollow and rumbles. She gasps as everything happens in a flash. The ground cracked and she found herself falling. Claws pulled free from her shoulders and she scrambles to get a hold of anything but there was nothing but crumbling bricks slipping form her fingers.   
As she fall, many sounds echoed against her ears. There were voices below and cackles that reverberated deep in the walls and inside her chest. She had heard those voices before, heart hammering at the sounds of battle happening beneath.   
“Kanda!” A voice cried out.   
“What the-” 
A shriek filled the air and the two boys stared shell shocked and dumbfounded as the girl appeared out of nowhere headed straight for the ground. The cloaked stranger slammed disgracefully to the ground. The fall knocked the air out her but she quickly moved, away from the rubble heading right at her and she could already imagined herself being crushed. She hissed, rolling over uneven pieces that dug into her back and she could imagine having bruises for days.   
“Ow, ow, ow…for heaven’s sake.” She breathlessly wheezed out, pushing herself into an upright sitting position. The bird glided down landing on top of the pile of rubble that would’ve crushed her and stared, unimpressed. She groaned not appreciating the sentiment, “You try landing on your feet from something that came out of nowhere like that.” It still gave her the judging look.   
Gushing sand filled her ears. It was growing nearer and nearer. She tensed, hands reaching to the insides of her cloak as a shadow rose over her. She glanced up and found herself staring at the horrifying face of a grotesque creature made entirely of gushing sand. It pulled a grin like a demented jester staring down at her with the face of death. She sighed, “Great.”   
“Another human? How fun, die!” The akuma rushed towards her.   
“Lady!” Allen called out, reaching out to her but it was too late, the sand slipping past the claws of his Innocence. 
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lovelypup25 · 5 years
Fatherly AU: Meet the Kids
Finally decided to flesh out and give characters for this AU I’ve created. When I headcanoned Allen to have a BIG family, I meant it. Let’s meet the children! (All in birth/adopted Order)
Alan & Jun Walker
Firstborn and Identical Twins. 
Alan (Named After his father): 
is the jokester and technically the Oldest (”By a few seconds!”). 
Easily scared and startled. 
Unsurprisingly Athletic.
Wants to be seen as the Stereotypical Calm and Mature one. IS NOT. 
Petty and Competitive as hell. 
Strangers think “What a well behaved kid”. Alan: “I’m sorry, are you talking about that Drama Queen???”. 
Two left feet. 
Sneaky boi. 
Goes into the Ark to play the piano. Pesters his Dad about the 14th melody all the time, because he wants to play it too!
Both are musically inclined. Alan seems to have inherited Allen’s singing. Jun got a passion for Piano. 
Loves to trick people with a “Who’s, who game” and creep out random people for fun. 
Xia Walker
The FIRST daughter
Daddy's Lil Angel (later changed to Princess).
Spoiled ROTTEN
More toys and stuff than an old Toy’s R Us rip 
Was a little angel as a baby and would follow her older brothers all the time. Now she blackmails them every chance she gets. “What happened to the baby sister I once knew??”
Blackmails Jun the most.
“It would be a SHAME if Dad knew you kept sneaking in here [Ark]. If only there was a way to keep it from him.”
“What do you want?”
“€20 in regular installments for my silence”
Secret weapon: Bambi Eyes
Cunning and deceptive. 
Stubborn like her father. 
Sweet to younger siblings. 
"I want it, I got it"
Unashamed confidence and recklessness. 
William Walker
They didn’t figure this out until he was like 4.
Chillest one of the whole family
Easily flustered and 2nd place Cry baby
Extremely curious = gets him involved with his older siblings shit all the time
Loves Nature. Especially bugs (much to Alan and Xia’s disdain) 
A perfect afternoon to him is to be outside chilling under a tree with a book and reading about insects
Pet Spider? 
Henry Dorian - Walker
First adopted (age 11) along with little sister, Alice (age 8)
Rough personality.
Sailor’s mouth 97% of the time
Had a huge hatred for the other children for a while until he warmed up to them.
Doesn’t like the twins at all though. “Creepy bastards”
Hangs out with William and Alice mostly
Respects Allen and doesn’t really call him Dad until later on. 
“This is my...F-F-F...Fa..Father” 
Stiffly calls him “Father” at first.
The most Mature one. Because he had to be, yikes
Helps Allen out the most and acts more like a servant than a Son at times
Gotta repay my debt 
Allen struggles to get him to act more like a kid but understands/empathizes as to the reasons behind his maturity. 
“Don’t be wasteful”
Alice Dorian - Walker
Baby Girl
Lost without Henry 1/2 of the time
Extremely Shy with a stammer that makes her insecure
As such: Henry does all the talking for her
Will eventually learn to be independent without him
Passionate about Animals. 
Loves her new found family
The First adopted child to change her last name to Walker
Anastasia (Anya) Walker
Accidental (Yikes this is a big household)
Last of the biological Babies
The naive and optimistic one 
Stubborn nature as well, but with a heart of gold. 
Literally made of rainbows, sunshine, and Love
The Real Angel™
Obsessed with Baking and sewing
Very patient
Has a knack for Dancing 
Lin Mei (Mei Lin)
Adopted at age 3
Wholesome and pure
Looks up to all her new siblings. Admires Jun the most (Tricked by the boy’s calm act Lol)
The True Calm one. 
Grows up to be elegant and bright.
Sly wit 
TERRIFIED of bugs and other creepy crawlies = No hanging out with William all too much
So MANY. Do I slightly regret thinking Allen would want a big family? No. The bigger, the more shenanigans. Total count: 4 girls and 4 boys. I was going to add 2 more, but 8 is MORE than enough. Besides Victorian Era families were mostly big. Because many kids still died at or after birth SHH!
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lunanier · 5 years
Hi I really love your kandads au and i love how you draw ren too she's such a sweet heart. Also in the kandads au how did kanda find out he was pregnant with ren and also how did he react after he found out too? Sorry if it's the wrong time to ask questions you don't have to answer them if you don't want to I understand if you can't answer them right now, you can have as much time as you want and I hope your day is going good and happy too. Have a awesome and fantastic day bye.
no worries i love talking about ren! right now i have been in a creative tizzy so i have a lot of timelines for ren. But i guess in the most fleshed out version she is planned and kanda has her at 25.i have these specific character sheets made but i need to finish the last one before i want to post lol. but there are some instances where she is unplanned and her dad is different. but ren generally always looks like a mini kanda 
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