#dha answers
How do you all see about eachother, like as friends, family, lovers, etc?
(sorry I genuinely didnt know how to illustrate this???) Pari: Well, I like most everyone! Most... *She looks at Ra with a glare...* Mostly people who arent pus- Dha: Shut up pari... Anyway, I'm pretty much the same way. No one really bothers me too much. I can deal with everyone just fine. Ollie: I'm friends witheveryone! I love talking to everyone and i'm glad I can be known as mom! Astra: I see everyone as they should. That is all I will say Mu: They're fine I guess...Some can be a lil annoying, but I'm not saying who!! Uni: Well...I know I like someone...The others are Mid to be honest. Oakley: I don't get to talk with everyone a lot, but I'd like to talk to everyone more... CJ and I are close, as we are business partners. CJ: I'm mostly at work, but I like to think everyone likes me as much as I like them! Ra: ...They scare me sometimes...but they try pushing me to do new things. That's a good thing...
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chaoslulled · 3 months
kissing your lover to show you forgive them - levi & erwin
they  are  all  preoccupied  with  the  basement.    more  soldiers  are  streaming  in  by  the  second,  helping  to  heft  up  books    &    other  resources  that  hange's  directing  them  to  to  bring  to  the  surface    &    back  to  base  with  them.    it's  easy  to  sneak  away    ––    he  is  shadows,  he  is  born  to  them.    the  only  one  who  catches  his  eye  as  he  slides  up  the  stairwell  is  hange,    &    even  then  they  say  nothing,  just  turn  back  to  their  work.
there  would  be  no  deterring  him  anyway,  it's  no  use.
nimble  fingers  carefully  set  a  flower  inside  of  a  vase    ––    he's  filled  it  with  a  little  of  his  canteen  water,  but  he  can  see  the  dust    &    dirt  swirling  in  it  when  the  dying  sunlight  streams  through  the  window    &    exposes  it.    still,  it's  the  thought  that  counts  he  thinks,    &    the  flower  probably  feels  right  at  home  in  the  sediment.    he  keeps  his  eyes  on  it  for  a  moment  longer,  anything  to  delay  the  facts  that  he's  going  to  have  to  face,  but  this  is  why  he's  here.    this  is  why  he  is  alone.    this  is  why  hange  hadn't  stopped  him.
"  everything  your  father  said  was  true,  by  the  way.    eren's  father  was  from  across  the  sea    ––    apparently  we're  really  hated  across  there  because  of  some  titan  curse.  "      his  voice  sounds  hollow,  bounces  off  of  the  walls  too  loudly,  too  intrusively.    but  he  pulls  in  a  careful  breath  to  settle  his  shaking  hands,  turns  instead  from  the  window  to  the  body  that's  laid  out  on  the  bed.    it  feels  wrong    ––    there's  no  glimmery  wit,  no  triumphant  come  back    ––    there  is  nothing  but  cold  silence  that  settles  between  his  rib  cage    &    aches.
he's  tied  the  bandages  tighter  than  floch  had,  made  sure  they're  pressed  up  against  his  side  so  that  they  aren't  bulging  out.    it's  the  least  he  can  do,  to  make  him  look  a  little  more  honorable,  make  it  look  like  his  guts  hadn't  spilled  out  thanks  to  a  damn  boulder.    a  sharp  pain  echoing  in  his  temple,  a  failed  order.    a  sharp  breath  in  as  his  fingers  run  along  the  cloak  that  rests  near  his  head    ––    he  had  managed  to  peel  it  off  before  he  had  laid  him  down  properly.
the  wings  of  freedom    ––    what  a  joke.    there  is  nothing  freeing  about  this  moment;      if  anything,  it  feels  like  it  drops  him  back  to  being  nine  in  the  damn  underground,  a  power  awakening  inside  his  veins,    &    kenny  walking  away  from  him.    of  watching  someone  who  he  thought  was  his  father  just….leave  him.    abandon  him.    that's  not  what  this  is,  but  in  its  own  private  hell  sort  of  way,  it  is.    because  erwin  was  the  last  thing  he  had    ––    &    he  understands  now  terms    &    conditions    &    the  cold  reality  that  he  had  been  trying  to  be  spared  from.
neither  of  them  were  ever  going  to  be  that  strong  though.    no,  not  once  they  got  a  taste  of  electricity  in  their  veins.    not  once  they  got  a  taste  of  repentance  that  they  deserved.    
he  lets  out  a  shaking  breath  as  he  kneels  against  dusty  boards  that  creak  underneath  his  weight.    they  haven't  been  used  in  so  long    ––    now  they  will  serve  as  a  tomb.    now  they  will  keep  him  safe  until  he  can  come  back;      he  hopes  that  they'll  keep  his  secrets,  keep  his  biggest  triumph    &    worst  regret  like  a  lover.    he  hopes  that  they  will  welcome  him,  that  they  will  keep  the  elements    &    animals  at  bay.    
fingers  carefully  run  along  a  sleeve    ––    the  scent  of  death  doesn't  cling  to  him,  not  yet.    he  is  all  iron  tang  of  blood    &    gunpowder  from  the  flares.    it's  so  painfully  erwin  that  his  chest  lurches    &    for  a  moment,  he's  unsteady.    he's  done  this  before    ––    so  many  death  calls    &    funeral  pyres,  but  this  time  it's  personal.    this  time,  it  feels  like  he  is  watching  from  afar,  dissociating  but  in  his  own  body  all  at  once.
this  is  worse  than  farlan,  he  thinks.    this  is  worse  than  isabel.    this  is  worse  than  nanaba,  mike,  gelgar,    petra,    &    countless  other  scouts  that  he  has  had  to  sign  in  ink  for.    this  is  personal.    personal  in  a  way  that  levi  hasn't  touched  in  a  long  time.
he  tucks  his  tongue  against  his  cheek  for  a  long  moment,  presses  his  forehead  agains  the  dusty  sheets  that  make  his  nose  twitch.    he  remembers  pressed  up  against  a  solid  body,  eyes  drooping  even  as  erwin  continued  to  read.    he  remembers  not  wanting  to  fall  asleep,  something  tugging  in  his  chest,  a  horrible  nagging.    he  remembers  wine  drunk  kisses  on  top  of  the  roof  top    &    being  told  what  it  means  to  be  loved,  being  told  what  it  means  to  be  treasure  instead  of  cheap.    he  remembers  a  wooden  office    &    defiance  blazing    &    a  hand  that  was  steady      &    unsure  all  in  the  same  swoop.
he  remembers  too  much.    he  feels  too  much.    that's  always  his  downfall.    it's  always  grabbing  him  around  the  throat    &    proving  that  these  wings  that  rest  against  his  back  are  a  lie.
"  you're  an  asshole,  you  know.    leaving  me  here  like  this    ––    with  all  these  brats    &    knowledge    &    don't  get  me  started  on  how  horrendous  hange's  going  to  be  once  they  realize  that  they  have  power.  "      he  swallows  hard,  feels  it  like  a  gunshot.    feels  everything  too  much    ––    can  feel  the  sensitivity  of  the  sheets  against  his  fingers,  the  way  that  he  crumples  them  when  he  speaks    &    has  to  carefully  smooth  them  down  again.    how  he  has  to  breathe  in  deep  through  his  nose  because  he's  shaking    &    his  eyes  are  blurring.  
this  is  his  private  hell.    this  is  his  mourning.    this  is  his  undoing.
"  i'll  kill  him,  erwin.    i  won't….i'll  make  sure  he  pays  for  what  he  did.  "        for  taking  you  from  me.      even  though  levi  had  signed  the  death  certificate.    even  though  he  had  made  his  bed    &    now  he  has  to  lie  in  it.    alone.    
carefully,  he  rises  from  his  knees.    he  grabs  the  cloak  that  rests  near  his  head,  but  pauses    ––    mind  settles  back  to  that  box  in  his  quarters.    the  one  that  still  has  farlan's  cloak    &    a  handful  of  feathers  that  isabel  had  found  when  she  went  outside  the  walls.    mike  had  told  him  once  that  it  was  okay  to  be  selfish.    that  things  meant  more  to  him  than  they  would  to  others.    that  it  was  his  right  to  be  selfish.  
"  i'm  sorry.  "    the  words  are  whispered  out,    &    he  carefully  grabs  the  cloak,  folds  it  neatly  toward  the  end  of  the  bed  this  time.    he  removes  his  own,  swallowing  hard  around  the  way  his  fingers  tremble.    the  titan  blood  on  it  has  steamed    ––    the  only  thing  left  is  just  him.      "  you  gave  me  these  wings  a  long  time  ago.    damned  me  with  them,  really.    &    your  damn  face.    but  they're  yours  now.    i  think  they  might  suit  you  better.  "
he's  careful  as  he  settles  it  around  erwin's  shoulders,  delicate  like  it  might  break    ––    like  he  might  break.
but  he  pauses  again,  swallows  hard.    he  leans  forward,  presses  lips  against  cold  ones    ––    feels  the  cloying  absence  of  wine    &    love    &    desperation.      feels  it  in  the  center  of  his  chest;  tastes  the  salt  that  settles  down  the  curves  of  his  cheeks    &    mars  erwin's  skin.    he  lets  out  a  shaky  breath  as  he  pulls  back,  lip  quivering  as  he  feels  it    ––    feels  the  absence  like  a  palpable  thing.    he  feels  the  shattering  of  every  inch  of  himself,  crystal  dusting  the  floor    &    becoming  one  with  the  particles.  
"  you  owed  me  a  third  one,  you  bastard.    who's  violating  contracts  now?  "      it's  a  sharp  laugh  that  escapes  his  lungs,  a  sucking  in  of  air.    he  settles  himself  back  on  the  floor,  feels  the  trembling  in  his  knees  as  he  tries  to  find  his  way  through  the  haze  in  his  head.    he  feels  lightheaded.    he  feels  wrong.    he  feels  the  starting  of  a  migraine  at  his  temples    &    a  longing  that  twists  him  into  knots  that  he  can't  escape.
"  i  loved  you.    i  love  you.    &    you  left  me  here,  you  little  shit.    what  the  hell  am  i  supposed  to  do  now,  huh?  "      he  leans  his  head  back,  lets  it  thump  on  the  edge  of  the  bed  as  he  stares  up  at  the  ceiling.    at  cob  webs    &    dust    &    tomb.    he  feels  like  he's  slowly  starting  to  become  a  tomb,  too.    feels  like  he's  slowly  starting  to  crumble  like  eroded  rocks.
he  takes  a  few  long  moments,  takes  in  deep  breaths  until  the  spasming  in  his  chest  stops.    until  the  tears  become  sniffles    &    he  can  pull  himself  together.    there  will  be  time  to  grieve,  later.    there  will  be  time  when  he  is  safe,  when  their  cadets  are  safe,  to  mourn.    right  now,  he  has  to  pick  himself  up.    their  mission  isn't  done  yet.    there  is  no  time  to  sit  here    &    snivel.  
he  gets  up  on  shaking  legs,  carefully  pulls  his  own  cloak  up  over  erwin's  face.    hopes  that  it  will  give  him  the  peace  that  he  deserves,  that  he  was  so  desperate  to  achieve.    he  settles  erwin's  cloak  around  his  shoulders    ––    it's  too  big,  nearly  taps  the  bottoms  of  his  boots  as  he  walks.    it'll  need  to  be  washed,  but  for  now  his  nose  nudges  into  it    &    underneath  the  scent  of  battle  is  cologne.  
"  i'll  be  back  for  you.    give  you  a  nice  spot  next  to  mike  so  he  can  annoy  the  shit  out  of  you  even  in  the  afterlife.    i  have  to  protect  them  right  now  though.    i  know  that's  what  you  would  want.    you'd  yell  at  me  because  we're  not  back  behind  the  walls  yet.  "      a  shaky  laugh,  a  quiet  sniffle,  the  burning  of  eyes.    he  hates  everything.    he  hates  himself.
his  hand  rests  on  erwin's  shoulder  for  a  long  moment,  his  eyes  closing  as  he  breathes  out.    he  steadies  himself    ––    puts  on  the  cold  facade  that  they  kids  know  so  well.    they'll  need  it    ––    they  are  just  as  confused  as  he  is,  they  are  mourning  just  as  much.    they  may  have  pushed  back    &    won  shiganshina,  but  it  has  cost  them.    there's  also  the  matter  of  their  world  changing  with  the  news  that  grisha  yeager  has  delivered  from  death.  
he  will  do  what  erwin  would  want  him  to.
"  you've  earned  your  wings,  erwin.    rest  now.  "      he  leans  down,  presses  his  lips  against  the  cloak,  against  fringe  that  rests  beneath.    forehead  presses  to  forehead  for  a  long  moment  until  he  rises,  face  shuttered,    &    heads  toward  the  door.    "  goodbye,  erwin.  "
outside,  he  piles  rocks  up  against  the  door    ––    he  makes  a  tomb.    but  he  won't  let  the  soldier  inside  go  unnamed.    he  cuts  the  wings  off  of  his  jacket    &    wedges  it  between  the  cracks.    a  symbol.    a  warning.    
&    when  he  heads  back  toward  the  torches    &    the  basement,  he  spares  another  look  behind  him,  toward  darkened  house  that  managed  to  survive  among  the  onslaught  of  the  beast  titan's  attack.    his  heart  aches,  but  he  turns  his  face  toward  the  moon.
he'll  come  back.    he'll  come  back    &    bring  erwin  home.    but  for  now,  the  mission  isn't  complete    &    it's  his  job  to  make  sure  that  it  is.    
that  erwin  didn't  die  in  vain.  
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anbubisibuna · 1 year
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crispyjenkins · 8 months
I was rereading Dha Kar'ta, and I was hoping you could clarify for me what Dha's crystal looks like? Obi-Wan says it looks like a bes'kar'ta, but later Quinlan says it's an octagonal pillar, iirc?
haha so!! that’s just me being a dumdum that thought beskar'ta WERE octagonal, more like this
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rather than this
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or rather, my brain said the above was 8 sides not six. so I’ll actually be going in and changing any ox/oct things in dha kar'ta to hex because that's definitely what I meant 🥴
being said, Dha IS a pillar(?)/3D shape rather than flat, so is probably 6-sided but 12+ facetted. was definitely imagining something like an emerald just. y’know. six-ish inches long and two or three inches wide.
thank you for asking for the clarification! would have never caught that fumble of mine, and I am ALWAYS so so happy to answer questions about my works
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 11 months
okay so no one asked (and you know my opinions on reboots/remakes— especially a house of anubis remake 🤮) but i was curious about how a remake could consolidate plot lines into a short Netflix series bc you know a streaming service would never go over like 10-13 episodes… and tbh to make a story like HHA/DHA/HOA work, you need a ton of episodes. HOWEVER, here are some things they could do to cut it down:
(note that this is being drawn from the english version of anubis)
combine nina/eddie/kt into one character. doesn’t matter of this character is male or female. it pulls us in faster as an audience (imo) if our main character (MC) is not a total blank slate like nina is at the top of the show. by having this american character come in with a connection to the school and general world of the story already (aka a father who is the headmaster), it means less time is spent on telling us exposition vs showing us. also if our MC comes in with a secret parent, it adds a second layer to why patricia is as suspicious of them as she is.
another character consolidation option would then be to have fabian not be into the MC, and actually have him be into joy. so while patricia is having her enemies to lovers moment with our MC, fabian perhaps doesn’t approve of her more aggressive method of searching for answers about joy, and teams up with the MC to get answers in a kinder way— motivated by the fact that he is also worried about joy.
revert to the original het huis anubis plot point of the cup of ankh/the grail NOT being broken up into pieces. that way it’s easier to reduce the number of clues necessary to build the cup, and also eliminates the necessity for a chosen one reveal at the end of the season.
cut down on the number of students in the house and/or combine them. it hurts me to say it, but for a show like anubis to fit into less than 15 episodes, the mick and mara subplot has simply got to go. since we’ve already combined nina/eddie/kt, however, we have plenty of familial drama that can take it’s place and actually get more development (especially if there was another season of this adaptation)
i’m sure there’s other stuff i could come up with, but the bottom line is, there’s no way to really cut up the plot of this show in a way that doesn’t completely sacrifice everything that actually makes it good lol. this series simply wasn’t created with a streaming service style in mind and that’s why i’m so against a remake. it would feel hollow. but if anyone else has any ideas about this just for fun, lmk in the tags
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seas-storyarchive · 6 months
Another request. From @minilollypop
Best friend - genderbent au
The whole gang, save for Charlie it seemed, was just.. dumbstruck.
Alastriona, THE Radio Demoness, touch averse queen herself.. was allowing for this well dressed, rose pimp lookin' fuckin' schmuck move her around like she was his toy doll or some shit.
Husk knew better than to touch Alastriona. He'd tried, once, and she used the chain around his neck to pull him away and threatened him with death if he ever tried to touch him again.
Angel had been smacked with her microphone cane.. walker.. thing. All he did was brush up against her arm. And she screamed at him that he was a pervert and- she looked angry and, afraid? Is that it?
He'd learned not to touch Alastriona after that, and even ask her about her day, getting sarcastic answers but that was fine.
Alastriona hated Lucifer. He didn't know why. She was reminded of her father, mostly his attitude.
And she DIDN'T want him to touch her. Ew. No. She'd rather rip off and eat Vox's arm.
But yeah.. this pimp lookin' schmuck was freely hugging her close, her even nuzzling cheeks with this fuck.
Vaggie was stupified at this.
Husk wanted a drink, screw it being 9am.
Angel wanted to make a sex joke, but he knew that it wouldn't end well so he shut up.
Cherri found this.. cute? Would she and Pentious be this cute?
Niffty was happy that Alastriona was happy. And they had a Matching Aesthetic!
Lucifer wasn't impressed. He found this Rory guy to be tacky. Miss Antlers sure had a certain way to pick her men.
"Who the hell is this guy!?" Vaggie snapped, pulling out her spear.
"Oh! Apologies, Vagatha, everyone." Alastriona said, now on her feet, a hand on Rory's shoulders. "This is the most daring, dangerous, overlord in his pocket of the pentagram, Rory!"
Rory moved Alastriona's hand from his shoulders before he bowed to everyone. "Hello, everyone. It is a pleasure."
"Dha fuq is yous and Smiles relationship, Grinny?" Angel asked bluntly.
"Angel!" Charlie snapped at the spider.
"He's my friend." Alastriona said with soft smile, putting her hand back on his shoulders as he put a hand on her waist.
"So are we! But you don't let us freely toss you about like dough for a pizza!" Angel gestured to the nonexistent space between the two cannibals.
"Angel.. she's known him longer. And that's fine." Charlie was trying to calm the situation down.
"I mean.." Husk had to agree, but with whom was unknown. Smart cat.
"He's nice!" Niffty said with a wide grin as she scrambled over and climbed up Alastriona's dress to rest on her shoulder, getting a pat on the head from Rory.
"And you are very sweet." Rory said with a tooth showing smile.
Niffty looked from Rory to Alastriona, "Ma'am, I like this one. He's THE guy for you!"
"Okay~! Um, down you go, darling." Alastriona laughed nervously, color coming to her cheeks, as she plucked Niffty from her shoulder to set her down. "There's a bug!" She pointed to under the couch, good, should keep her busy for.. a minute if that.
"Ooh." Angel now felt safe. "Is that why he's able ta toss yous to and fro, Smiles?" He asked with a confident grin.
Alastriona's eyes became a black void with radio dials, Valentino's ownership of Angel's soul can get fucked, "Angel, I am WARNING you!"
Rory blew air out of his mouth, sounding like sputtering, and everyone imagined him rolling his eyes if he had them. Although, be it at Angel or Alastriona.. that was the mystery.
"Okay guys!" Charlie cut in. "Let's all just.. um.. how about we have a trust building exercise!"
"No." The radio demoness said curtly.
Rory tilted his head. "Trust building? Sounds delightful!" He grinned at Alastriona as she looked at him with betrayal. "We still have time to do something before we head to the theater."
"Picture show." Alastriona looked at her nails.
Rory grinned as he put his hands on her waist - the most noist of zones. "Theater." He tapped his fingers, knowing she would cave.
Alastriona let out a laugh, covering her mouth. "N- no! Stoppit!"
"Make me~" he challenged, as friends do, tapping faster.
Alastriona was laughing louder. "I am - haha - a stronger overlord th- than you!" Was she crying laughing? Aww! So nice. "I- I will eat you in a quiche!"
"Bow-chicka-wow-wow!" Lucifer couldn't stop himself.
"Dayum!" Angel laughed.
Fun time over, Rory stopped the tickling to let his friend keep her dignity, hand still on her waist to keep her up right. Eldritch tendrils sprang out of nowhere to smack Angel and Lucifer. Repeatedly.
"I just think it's sweet that you have a Best Friend!" Charlie said to Alastriona with grin.
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stylezxsilvermoon · 6 months
the secret charm: chapter two: the windowsill where the birds sing
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❝but I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time, honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time,I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined, I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!❞
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❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
The birds chirped through the calm autumn wind, soon to be cascading to warmer climate, I was sure. I strolled through the halls endlessly looking for an answer to a question I hadn't yet asked if that made any sense at all, which I was sure it didn't. But regardless I felt myself feeling that way anyways. A certain type of disturbance drifted through the air drifting rudely through the smell of her iridescent pink perfume as it was sprayed through the air.
My nose cherished the smell as it was all too familiar, I followed it down the hallway like a mouse through a maze. Scents can transform you and transport you to unknown places and even memories you wish had never come about just by catching a whiff of them again. Endlessly hoping I would meet the girl whom the scent had belonged to once I had found the source. Suddenly, I was hit with a sense of nostalgia when I was met with my chamber doors in the castle that held so many memories, the weight carried was massive, difficult to take on at once.
And there, I'd thrown the double doors open I was met with her, Dolly. Princess Dorothea Coleman standing at my bedside, eyes brown with specks of golden dancing within them, within her. She said nothing as her eyes moved with my body. I entered the room, silent as a ghost awaiting enrapture. Her eyes looked as if they were trying to possess me, and I was awaiting enchantment, bearing all my own to her.
I took a breath for as my eyes broke away from her and I peered outside the window as the clouds cast a shadow over the sky as I frowned. Disappointed at the gloomy sky that had presented itself over the castle. I sighed and thought to myself.
Such time had been distorted through trickeries and fabled tales flooded through my mind. Old letters of reverence and abhor, maps and bouts of time and periods long forgotten rushed through me as I tried to sort it all. But most referred to dates in time as AHA or BHA. Long ago, before my father had feuded with the incompetent Lorixian's, before lands were settled and lines were drawn in the sands of times, and later crossed. Many referred to the great war between our two countries, as The Harmonious Alliance War.
Before the bloodshed was just Harmonious Alliance, exactly what it sounded like. But it had been long since then, and it had indefinitely raged on throughout wading waters of decades and centuries. Unlike during harmonious alliance, or DHA, the before time, the calm before the storm. In that time although, Elles and Lorxix were harmonious with one another, hence the name, quite fond if my history serves true.
That was until the most impure of the bunch of Lorixian's laid their dirty boots in soil in which they clearly did not belong, and it had started a war, the HAW. Setting flame to a long raging fire difficult to put out even with the greatest of extinguishers, because that fire grew and grew out of envy and desperate revenge and redemption. Back then, when my father ruled and birthed another war, new betrayal created fresh wounds and even fresher bloodthirsty vengeance was the second war, HAW II.
And that prince of theirs better hope I don't follow in my father's footsteps, because another war between the two of us would surely tear us apart. Limb by limb, vessel by vessel, street by street, and. nerve. by. fucking. nerve. And to do what needs to be done, the changes need to outlive us, grow evergreen and forevermore, run free and run rampant of the tyranny and the chains of anger and pain. But for now, I ran on it, we ran on it, it was our oxygen, our blood, our morphine for the pain.
Burning flames trying to heal old wounds only gets you so far, but that is what continued to rule us, head, and heart.
And now, in 300 AHA (after harmonious alliance); royal courts were roaring with excitement for another member of the Styles' reign to be inaugurated to the higher levels of royal status, King.
Although I am the younger of the heirs to the throne, my older sister princess Gemma had refused the throne... and bestowed it to me. And, since it was tradition in our family for each royal to be crowned at the age of twenty, my crowning would be at the end of the school year at Ethelle charm school.
Standing dauntingly, at nineteen I had already been promised one princess, Dorothea the princess of Dirie. Everything was simple, as my mother had told me... everything had pattern for rhyme or reason. On the day of May 20th, 290 AHA, is the day I'd met Dorothea, then I did not know of her importance, but now today I've known her for half of my life. I looked to her with an intention of passion, but instead my presence was cold, because of the matter of circumstances we'd been put in.
Every heartbeat fell behind in the everlasting clock of time, the regal, prominent aura had faded from within me. And it was replaced by rage and judgement, and I had known exactly who to blame, he tainted my thoughts. Albeit sudden, I felt Dorothea's presence behind me, cool and tranquil like the sea as it steadied me. I turned to her as I'd studied her face, an emotion I'd seen planted on its hundreds of times before, she smiled up at me with a promise of faith as I did the same.
"Harry, my darling, what's wrong?" she inquired quietly, eyes beaming up at me like the light of the summer sun. I peered at her, struggling to find the words that answered her question, finally my lips parted as I spoke to her. "It's that prince of my enemy kingdom, oh I just can't stand it... to think of him going about in the castle knowing the history behind his bloodline. Its treacherous, and I simply don't like it." I admitted with disdain and a bit of a scoff of arrogance as Dorothea glanced at me with worry as she cupped my jaw and looked into my eyes as we communicated without saying anything at all.
"He's still an aristocrat darling, one of us. I don't like it either, he'll be going to our school. So perhaps, you might have to get used to it, he's an ally of my kingdom, so I have no problem with him...although I hate seeing you upset." Dorothea explained, looking at me with reason as I threw the need for reason away quickly and snapped angrily out of her hold and walked over to the over side of the room in a fit of confusion.
"God, you're right... I need a cigarette." I muttered angrily as I walked over to the opposite side of the room, again. Pacing as she waved me off and sat quietly on the loveseat on the right side of the room. I nervously lit my cigarette as I watched the lighter flicker in the palm of my hand. Quietly the flame died as I'd closed the lighter, I pondered to myself that the flame diminishing could mean something... a metaphor for something in the moment. I was burning out.
The pressures of royalty was nothing out of the ordinary for an aristocrat, someone of high royalty such as me. But I'd learned the difficulties only continued to increase throughout the years. Despite that, I knew that it'd be worth it in the end, my public persona was my main concern. As well as the opinion of the public and the high society. To stay at the top of the chain was my only goal, to never lower.
I knew I'd deserved everything I've been given, after all I was of royal blood. High standards were something I'd been held up to since the age of ten, after all I was to expect the unexpected and uphold all of my morals no matter the troubles it would cause.
With no doubt, I'd expected this year at Ethelle charm school to be pivotal and of most importance. And, since the school is located in my homeland, I knew that I'd have to try my very best to retain composure. Especially with that cursed Louis thrown into the mix, as well as many crucial events to be hosted this year.
The final reigning year at Ethelle charm school in it's history was always legendary, there'd be balls each season to celebrate the hardships of a royals job along the way. Along with what everyone was looking forward to at the end of the year, the crowning ceremony... or at least I was. Since the beginning of the existence of Ethelle each royal is crowned at the end of their 4-year term at the legendary school. But this years would be even more special than the rest, since I would be crowned King at the finale of the year, the school hosting a whole separate ceremony in my honor, courtesy of the woman who made it all happen.
My mother, Queen Anne Styles.
Ever since the war, my mother had built the kingdom stronger than it ever was from the ground up, rallying the people's spirits as well as enhancing their knowledge of our power and presence. Through my childhood I had always looked up to her as an example of how to rule our country fearlessly and flawlessly, without any hitches. However, my mother could be quite strict, and some could say, tyrant-like. In that sense, that's what had separated my own morals and wishes from my mothers, not to rule over with dominance, but with a sense of understanding and a type of charming presence I would continue to expertise throughout this year. My plan was flawless, tailored by my mother and fit uniquely to my needs. I would be like no other King that had ruled over the lands of Elles. And with my elaborate plan, failure was out of the equation entirely... I was sure of it.
I drew my cigarette from my mouth as the smoke billowed around the nearby vicinity as I relished the expensive smell of the smoke and its toxins. After a beat, I walked over to the loveseat and sat next to Dorothea without saying a word. Silently I turned to her and offered a hit of my cigarette as she looked to me in the upmost peculiar way, I raised my eyebrow at her behavior as she peered at me with a blank stare in return. Nonetheless, I looked to the large bay window as the rain swam in the pavement below my chamber's window... the droplets beginning to collect at a faster rate as the rain continued as I sighed.
"Dolly darling," I asked, turning to her once again "Tell me, why do I hate the rain so much?" I questioned out of pure curiosity as she played with one of the strands of her close to her face as her eyes searched for an answer out of the multitudes of words she could say. "Well, I don't know quite why... I suppose that's a question for yourself. But perhaps because the rain is gloomy and I know you'd wanted to go out into the garden... there's a such thing as umbrellas, Har." She answered, I smiled at her not because of her words, but the way that she said them. Dorothea was a lady of class and high standard, everything about her simply enchanted me. I enjoyed her company because of the sheer combination of power the two of us had together, and because her eyes reminded me of amber stones glimmering for my enjoyment only.
The power that was bestowed upon me the moment I was born had always surged through me, and I used it to fuel me. Much like the kerosine to a dangerous open flame, the height of the power fueled me, but if it were to get out of control it would all destroy everything we had built. And that was one thing I didn't plan for in advance... for everything to fall apart. Still, I fear that I should consider it soon because this type of ascendancy was a fool's paradise. And on this path, I'd soon be joining the long line of royals before me, to be doomed from the unfortunate bliss of their fortune.
Waves of him washed over me like an everlasting wave of melancholia and charming gazes. His eyes, the most delicate shade of green, encasing anything they landed on with mysterious enrapture. His skin, much like expensive pearly-colored silk that only one chosen could ever dare to touch. His presence itself was sacred, causing me to go absolutely starstruck in the silence of the rain. I was hopeless to his temptation, it was almost as if he was all mighty. His existence was known to all and not unknown to any. Harry Styles was the prince of Elles, and soon to be King.
I was the princess of Direnia and soon to be Queen of both of the lands when we were to be wed, but not by choice. Harry and I were both set in an arranged marriage to promise peace between our two kingdoms. But, by doing that it backfired on their plans to remain separate kingdoms, forcing them together, creating unwilled unity. Riveted by his gaze I might be, I still had my own morals and goals despite us courting to be married one day. I was still a princess of my kingdom, a woman of my word.
However, this year I had hope of advancement along with twists of adventure along the way. Everyone that had attended Ethelle charm school knew two things; Harry and I would be the center of attention, and this year was absolutely pivotal for all of our lives. Every single shadow that was hidden from view would be shot out of the dark with lights and fireworks bright enough to burn the doom and despair out of anything. All had predicted great fortune and new life would come to pass out of the new turn of a decade, as well as a new monarch to reign for the first time in many decades.
It was a marvelous event for all to see, parties, balls and drama to rule out throughout the course of the year. However, there was a downside to the momentous occasion, the pressure of everyone's eyes on your every move, it was daunting. Like a predator stalking out their prey, each morsel of a moment would be devoured if not hidden from the prying eye. The pressure could very well easily exceed the tolerance of even the most highly trained royal. The papers would write some of the most absurd things your eyes could ever see, and all you could ever do was deny.
Though, the real trouble with a royal's life is when they are determined to keep secrets from the public, in my own circumstances it's impossible to keep a secret from citizens of your own country. Its almost if, through hiding it you somehow heighten their suspicions, and the secret is outed with a single word being spoken. Silently, hushed clandestine destinies spread like wildfire, impossible to contain... easy to corrupt.
Still, that was one thing about my kingdom that I'd cherished and welcomed into my state of mind. Familiarity was key, secrets were never kept, and bonds were never broken. Unlike the Styles the Coleman's were, but an ode to Harry as well though he was of their royal blood. The Styles' were spitfires of passion and a ferocious need for power and control that burnt out much too fast. But then, there was something odd and contrasting about Harry's demeanor.
He cherished the flame he was given, he had never let it burn out no matter what, the flame was hidden... and it grew under pressure and testing circumstances. His power was undeniable, emotionally and physically. He was a trained fighter in martial arts and war tactics, as well as a strong emotional will, he could never be bested, no matter what you put him through. And, if you were to mistakenly try, no good would ever come to you, his personality could be described an iron will wrapped in a velvet exterior.
Harry was extremely hard to please, and even more difficult to understand to a fault. His heart was a key to my destiny... and foolishly years ago I thought I had possessed the key... I did not. Though, maybe it'll all change this year, when we are wed and settled... all will be just and still. Like the rain, I'd said to myself happily as Harry and I sat on a park bench in his secret garden grove. Silently we sat hand and hand under an oak tree that partly shielded us from the rain, staring back into the core of the castle away from all the prying eyes. Hidden from sight, only seen by each other and the trees.
Like a magnolia flower, a flame appeared promptly from Harry's lighter as Harry cradled the flame from the light wind as he lit another cigarette, humming satisfyingly when it had been lit and closed the lighter's lid. He looked to me as I gawked at him with awe like I had never seen the light of his grace ever before.
"Want a hit, sugar?" He questioned darkly, smirking at my frame as I focused on the ground and my jewelry to avoid meeting his eyes haphazardly. He shook his head and placed his hand under my chin to raise it to his level of sight, staring at me starstruck. "A lady shouldn't duck her head at the sight of royalty Dorothea, especially a princess." Harry started "you should have a smoke, it'll calm your nerves about tomorrow yeah?" He whispered gently over the trickles of rain, I shrugged my shoulders and straightened my posture with a huff.
Slowly, Harry inhaled the toxins of the cigarette as he leaned in with the intent to kiss me. Undoubtedly sealing our fate with a smoky kiss as my mouth met his, arms wrapped around his neck as he blew the smoke into my mouth. Hesitantly watching it float into the atmosphere as his lips enveloped mine in another kiss. With this, I'd hoped it was a sign for brighter times... and for once, I'd smiled as I kissed him.
"Yeah," I nodded "tomorrow." I gulped slowly as I took the cigarette from his hand with breaking bridges across my body and failing triumphs surged into my soul. I breathed in the toxins as I coughed but somehow, felt comforted with the smell of the smoke. "Dorothea..." Harry's lips pursed as he spoke my name as if I was being caressed by his hands on my skin. "No matter what happens, I love you. Forever." Harry admitted bashfully as his hand laid on top of mine as I looked to his eyes with hope, flooding with joy.
"Harry, I...I- "I had started to say, but I was interrupted by the presence of a new jewel on my hand...my ring finger. "I want you to have it, consider it a pre-wedding gift, love." Harry said delicately, placing the large sapphire ring encased with details of silver and diamonds on my hand. And just then, I knew nothing I could ever say would ever be enough. It was the start of something new, something never foreseen before.... And never to be ever again.
"I love you more darling."
A/N: that was an interesting chapter, how did you guys like the chapter? I think it really shows the background of Harry's life for future chapters, so more of a background chapter, and the details of Dorothea and Harry, and more of their background together.
I'd love to hear your theories about what you thought about the story and what you think of it currently and where do you think it'll continue to go. Some question for you all... what do you think will happen when Dorothea meets Louis? And when the Ethelle charm school year officially starts? Who else will be thrown into the new romantics and drama in the final year...before the real 'adulthood' of royal rule begins!
See you next time my loves! Hope to see you in the next chapter<3
All the love, stylezxsilvermoon
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the secret charm masterlist | larry masterlist | main masterlist
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sweetdreamsjeff · 1 year
Liner Notes for Nusart Fateh Ali Khan's "The Supreme Collection Volume 1"
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Caroline Records is releasing "The Supreme Collection Volume 1" from Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Party on August 26, featuring liner notes written for this collection by Jeff Buckley in 1996.
In his notes, Buckley writes: "The first time I heard the voice of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan was in Harlem, 1990. My roommate and I stood there, blasting it in his room. We were all awash in the thick undulating tide of dark punjabi tabla rhythms, spiked with synchronized handclaps booming from above and below in hard, perfect time. I heard the clarion call of harmoniums dancing the antique melody around like giant, singing wooden spiders. Then, all of a sudden, the rising of one, then ten voices hovering over the tonic like a flock of geese ascending into formation across the sky. Then came the voice of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Part Buddha, part demon, part mad angel... his voice is velvet fire, simply incomparable. Nusrat's blending of classical improvisations to the art of Qawwali, combined with his out and out daredevil style and his sensitivity, outs him in a category all his own, above all others in his field.... For the true Qawwali, all meanings of the music exist simultaneously and there is no need of purpose for religious dogma. There is only the pilgrimage to the light within the heart, which is the home of God. There is only a pure devotion and a fierce virtuosity to grow wings and soar through music. To plant a kiss on the eyes of Allah and then sing His loving gaze back into the hearts of Man."
In the wake of Buckley's recent tragic death by drowning, Caroline has dedicated this collection to his memory.
Nusart Fateh Ali Khan's "The Supreme Collection Volume 1"
"The first time I heard the voice of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan was in Harlem, 1990. My roommate and I stood there, blasting it in his room. We were all awash in the thick undulating tide of dark punjabi tabla rhythyms, spiked with synchronized handclaps booming from above and below in hard, perfect time.
I heard the clarion call of harmoniums dancing the antique melody around like giant, singing wooden spiders. Then all of a sudden, the rising of one, then ten voices hovering over the tonic like a flock of geese ascending into formation across the sky.
Then came the voice of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Part Buddha, part demon, part mad angel...his voice is velvet fire, simply incomparable. Nusrat's blending of classical improvisations to the art of Qawwali, combined with his out and out daredevil style and his sensitivity, outs him in a category all his own, above all others in his field.
His every enunciation went straight into me. I knew not one word of Urdu, and somehow it still hooked me into the story that he weaved with his wordless voice. I remember my senses fully froze in order to feel melody after melody crash upon each other in waves of improvisation; with each line being repeated by the men in the chorus, restated again by the main soloists, and then Nusrat setting the whole bloody thing alflame with his rapid-fire scatting, turning classical Indian Solfeggio (Sa, Re, Gha, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni) into a chaotic/manic birdsong. The phrase burst into a climax somewhere, with Nusrat's upper register painting a melody that made my heart long to fly. The piece went on for fifteen minutes. I ate my heart out. My roommate just looked at me knowingly, muttering, "Nusrat...Fa-teh...A-li...Khaaan," like he had just scored the wine of the century. I felt a rush of adrenaline in my chest, like I was on the edge of a cliff, wondering when I would jump and how well the ocean would catch me: two questions that would never be answered until I experienced the first leap.
That is the sensation and the character of Qawwali music, the music of the Sufis, as best I can describe it.
In between the world of the flesh and the world of the spirit is the void. The Qawwali is the messenger who leaps empty-handed into the abyss and returns carrying messages of love from the Beloved (Allah). These messages have no words, per se, but at the high point of a Qawwali performance, they come in bursts of light into the hearts and minds of the members of the audience. (Of course, by that time the whole house is either hanging from the rafters, or dancing.) This is called Marifat, the inner knowledge, and it is in the aim of the Qawwali tradition to bring the listener into this state: first through the beauty of the poetry and the weight of its meaning; then, eventually, through the Qawwali's use of repetition; repeating the key phrases of the poem until the meaning has melted away to reveal the true form to the listener. I've seen Nusrat and his party repeatedly melt New Yorkers into human beings. At times I've seen him in such a trance while singing that I am sure that the world does not exist for him any longer. The effect it has is gorgeous. These men do not play music, they are music itself.
The texts from which traditional Qawwals are sung come from the works of the great sufi poets: Bulle Shah (1680-1753), Shams Tabrez (d. 1247), Shah Hussain (1538-1599), and the great Sufi poet and scholar, Amir Khusrav (1253-1325), who was the inventor of Qawwali itself. These texts are devotional, of course, meaning poems of worship for Allah (Hamd) and the prophet Muhammad (N'ati-Sharif). There are also love poems (ghazals), where a more secular romantic interplay is happening between man and woman (which I can dig). The Qawwali's, however, see ghazals as a metaphor between Man and the Divine. They don't care about which meaning was derived from where. In the true Sufi way, through their music, any meaning that is needed by the listener is there for the listener to absorb. For the true Qawwali, all meanings of the music exist simutaneously and there is no need of purpose for religious dogma. There is only the pilgrimage to the light within the heart, which is the home of God. There is only a pure devotion and a fierce virtuosity to grow wings and soar through music. To plant a kiss on the eyes of Allah and then sing His loving gaze back home into the hearts of Man."
Source: Jeff Buckley, New York, 1997
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btssavedmylifeblr · 1 year
Hey Bee! Kind of an odd question but do you have a recommendation of what prenatal vitamins you took? My husband and I are finally in a good spot to try conceiving (hoping we wont have too hard of time, i just turned 35 last month ><) but was just wondering if you had one you really liked. I completely understand if this is too weird so no pressure to answer. Hope all is well at the Beehive and everyone is happy and healthy!! :)
Oh man, finding a good prenatal is really challenging. They are so expensive and all the ones that have DHA taste like fish oil. I took the pink stork ones but my whole pregnancy I had to hold my nose when I took them otherwise I would vomit from the fish smell. They seemed to work fine as vitamins, but I’m not sure I would recommend them because of the smell. But I tried some other brands and they all had that problem.
I hope conceiving goes smoothly for you! Our first baby was an IVF baby, so I am quite familiar with what happens if it doesn’t go smoothly. Feel free to send other questions if you want! Good luck!
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tobacconist · 1 year
(constantine is suffering from leprosy and has summoned physicians to his court to cure him)
DOCTOR Mynnav gweles agas dowr i would like to look at your water hag y'n eur na an emprour and in that hour the emperor a'n jevydh gorthyp y'n kas shall have an answer in this case
JUSTUS my a brederis henna i have thought of that y uryn yw otta omma: his urine is here: towl yn dha weder glas throw [it] in thy blue glass
DOCTOR (examining the urine) hoc unirum malorum.... et nimis rubiorum... aha! my a wor yn ta aha! i know well deus omma bacheler jenkyn come here, bachelor jenkyn [his apprentice] mir war-vann, dreva dha vin! look up, raise up thy lip ay, lok up, byscherew tha! aye, look up, beshrew (thee)! anodho na gemmer gloes thereof do not take pain kynth eus ganso sawer poes though there be with it a heavy savour gorr dhodho nes dha frigow put thy nostrils nearer to it hemm yw mater tykkli... this is a tickly matter... lemmyn my a wor, devri now i know, certainly pandra yw an klevesow what are the diseases
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ask-the-cursed-letters · 11 months
To Ra: whatever you do don’t look in your fridge
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Dha: He's been crying in bed for 5 hours. hope you're happy... (she's trying not to laugh tho-)
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ravusnightblossom · 2 years
Well, this seems like a good way to close out the new year. xo
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○  name: Fox  
○  pronouns: She/Her (You can refer to me however you want, though.)
○    preference of communication: It depends, honestly... With some people I prefer Discord, with some it’s other ways. I’m kinda’ introverted communicating with anyone I’m not fairly close to.
○    name of muse(s): Oh man... Let’s see, there’s Ravus Nox Fleuret (this blog,) Lunafreya Nox Fleuret - @lunaedivine, Tate Langdon - @preparing-for-the-noble-war, Ardyn - @an-mallaithe , Margaery Tyrell - @thorned-soul , Chrissy Cunningham - @thechrissycunningham ; and my multi with a whole slew of others - @down-the-fox-den .  My less actives are my OC, Amira Trae - @kindlingthedawn , Dorian Pavus - @fior-dha-fein​ and a couple side blogs. 
○    platforms you’ve used: Uuuuh... Tumbles, Livejournal, Discord, Myspace, ICQ, etc... I’m old.
○    best experience: I found my best friend through Ravus. Seriously, I couldn’t imagine my life without @dragcnlxrd​ in it. We’re two completely different types of people, but it works for us. Ironically, Lysander and Ravus are also polar opposites, but the balance makes it work. I think her and I are the same.  
○    rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: Drama, plain and simple. (I’m leaving Kay’s answer here.)
○    fluff, angst, or smut: I do love some good fluff. There’s so much shit in the world that sometimes it’s comforting to vicariously feel that content. That said, angst is also FUN sometimes. It’s enticing to explore every side of a character. As for smut, I do enjoy writing it from time to time, but it has to be chemistry-based and fall into plot. I don’t really enjoy writing lewd content just to do it. Maybe that’s my asexual arse showing. 
○    plots or memes:  Plots, if I have to choose. I like memes, but just as one-offs to explore interactions. 
○    best time to write: Hmm. Late. Or early, you could say. I’m a night owls, so midnight to 4am ish. I can generally only write when interruptions are at a minimum; no outside noises, no phones ringing, etc. 
○    are you like your muse(s): Well, let’s face it, most anyone who has devoted themselves to a character for an exceptionally long time ends up incorporating a few of their own traits and quirks into their muse. Of course we try to write out their quirks and behaviours, but sometimes it’s nice to add in something we can relate to.  For example, Ravus shares my dislike of sweets, unless it involves fresh fruits (especially strawberries,) something I actually didn’t know was canon until later years. We also both love cats, which interestingly seems to be a fanon takeaway on him.  Ardyn... We both loathe society and social constructs, plus we have many theological beliefs. Lunafreya... We’re both empathetic pushovers with intrigue in holistic well-being. I haven’t really hashed out many other similarities with my other muses, yet. Or, if I did, it would be more an essay than a questionnaire meme. 
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tagged by: @therebekahmikaelson​ (Thank you my dear! ♥)
tagging: If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged if you want to do it! ALL OF YOU.
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anbubisibuna · 2 years
DHA books: Mara telling Magnus what happened at the doctors on the phone:
There are many parts that are different from HHA. After book 2 Part 2 they also decided to put some in the other characters POV. Which I don't mind. If you watched the show first it's not hard to follow. I also only consider DHA canon from book 2 Part 2. Because ALOT of things that are in the previous book didn't even happen in DHA or are so different and it's clear that is was just copy paste from HHA.
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Hastily Mara rushed down the streets. Maybe she will be back on time for the rehearsal! It was really annoying. For a week the have been practicing for the Christmas-Musical, they wanted to peform. Everything was arranged and it was a lot of fun. But today she had to stop the rehearsal because she had this totally annoying doctors appointment! But Magnus and Rosie had insisted. And they took care so sweetly of her the past weeks. Mara held is as her duty to do everything that the two aren't worried anymore.
Again she thought about the Christmas-Musical. She was supposed to play the Angel, who was announcing the birth of Jesu to the shepherds on the field. Luzy, Kaya Nina were the three Wise Ones from the Tomorrowland, Charlotte the Maria, Daniel the Josef, Max was directing with Ms. Engel and Delia was the storyteller. After all it was her idea. Even Victor had a role. He steered the musical background, cause he could play the piano.
Just Magnus was dissatisfied with his role. He had to play with Ferdi the exchange student Ox and Donkey. Ferdi liked that, but Magnus who always considered his dignity found it horrible to walk around in an animal costume.
Mara smiled at the thought of Magnus' disappointed face. Tonight she would surely had to comfort him, but she liked to do that. He deserved that, especially after he always took care of her so sweetly of her during her sickness!
At this moment her phone ringed. When looked at the Display to see who called her smile deepened. It was Magnus.
" And what did the doctor say?", he asked eagerly.
" It was everything like I thought. Everything is alright.", she reassured him.
Magnus breathed a sigh of relief.
" You don't know how glad I am!"
Mara smiled. " And you have no idea how glad I am that you don't have to be so overly worried anymore!"
Magnus was satisfied. " Hey I have to go back to the rehearsal. " he said.
" Are you coming soon?"
" Yeah. I will be there soon." Mara answered. She hung up and put her phone in the bag.
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john1-paul · 2 days
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Anesthesiologist Dubai Prometric exam questions | Rapid Access Guide
This book by Rapid Access Guide Publishers is highly recommended for its extensive collection of updated questions, correct answers, and explanations. It's useful for exams across various Gulf countries such as DHA, MOH, HAAD, NHRA, QCHP, SMLE, OMSB, and KMLE​ (Prometric Exam Books)​​ (MedicalExamBooks)​.
Visit us at www.medicalexambooks.com
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prometricexam · 5 days
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The complete Guide for the Prometric exams in the gulf countries! Updated multiple choice Questions! Correct answers with Explanations! Rapid Access Guide book to pass the Prometric exam in gulf countries! Visit us at www.medicalexambooks.com Buy Hard Copy or Online(Instant Access) DHA -MOH -HAAD (DoH) -DHCC -SMLE – SCHFS– OMSB – QCHP – NHRA – KMLE
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speedythingunknown · 12 days
Prometric Exam Questions And Answers
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